Endless summer time passing. Walkthrough Everlasting Summer. Endless Summer, almost spoiler-free help

Night was approaching. Outside the window, the rain rustled, singing in heavy drops the mournful anthem of autumn. The mood was at the level of the Mariana Trench and was ready to set new depth records. It was so bad that even videos of funny cats didn't help anymore. The last stronghold of hope was Steam (well, in addition to booze), which previously saved the mood from melancholy more than once, providing access to endless game worlds but never before has an impressive list of games looked so drab and meaningless. And now, when it seemed that despondency could not be overcome, the gaze suddenly collided with the inscription Everlasting Summer... A thought flashed through my head: "Summer ... sounds great ..." Man is an amazing creature. When it's summer outside, he complains about the heat. When winter - complains about the cold. And only devoid of these hateful natural extremes, he realizes that summer and warmth, winter and cold - that's where happiness is actually hidden ... The cursor reached for the shortcut. Double click with the mouse. Ladybug on a green leaf, and a road going off into the distance. The journey to the Owlet Camp has begun ...

Brief information

I think you already realized that this review will not be entirely ordinary. The fact is that, unlike all other reviews on the site, it is not about anime, but a visual novel. I'll say right away - until recently, I did not play visual novels. At all. There were several objective reasons for this. First, visual novels in my mind associated with low-grade dating simulators, in which you choose a two-dimensional girl from the harem and, through simple manipulations, win her heart. Simple, boring and pointless. I didn’t want to waste the time of my tempestuous youth at all (although who am I deceiving ...).

Of course, I knew about the existence of such titans of visual novels as Fate or Steins; Gate, but the prospect of falling out of the course of life, plunging into the passage of the novel for a couple of months, seemed to me not the most attractive. Second, visual novels repulsed me with an abundance of text... No, I love reading, but I always prefer a paper book to an e-book. And finally, thirdly, visual novels never been famous for interactivity, while I really appreciate this quality in games. Watching a soap movie is, of course, good, but personally, it is much more pleasant for me to influence the development of events myself and feel that all the power and responsibility for the hero's actions are in my hands. But be that as it may, I decided to give Endless Summer a chance. And he made the right decision.

Endless summer - visual novel developed by a domestic team Erogame project, and released on December 21, 2013 under the label Soviet Games... The game was released on Steam on November 19, 2014. The beginning of development is considered to be May 2008, so the project can be considered a relative long-term construction. However, it is not surprising, because this novel was not originally planned as a commercial or advertising project and was made solely on the enthusiasm of the people of the iichan imageboard. The game uses the free open source Ren'Py engine that allows you to run the game on Windows, Linux, iOS and Android platforms.

Everlasting Summer tells the story of an ordinary reclusive hikikomori Semyon, who drags out his miserable existence in a dirty, godforsaken apartment somewhere in the Russian outback. Having abandoned his studies at the university, he lives, interrupted by occasional part-time jobs, in order to somehow earn his own food. Semyon spends most of his time in front of a flickering monitor screen, talking to anonymous people on image boards. But one day, on a cold winter evening, Semyon decides to go to a reunion. Having jumped into the approaching bus number 410, he thought about the meaning of life, and, in the end, fell asleep. And I woke up ... in the Soviet pioneer camp "Owlet". Somehow miraculously, the guy moved not only in space, but also in time, and now he has to find answers to many questions, among which the main one stands apart: "What the hell is going on here, and how do I get back?"

You ask: "Why did you choose Endless Summer among the endless variety of visual novels?" It's simple. This visual novel has long been heard, but I still did not dare to play it because of the extremely skeptical attitude towards the games of domestic production, especially from the people of imageboards (no offense). Not the least role in the rejection was played by the fact that the game is distributed completely free of charge, and the thought sat in my head that, they say, you won’t get anything good in our world for free. However, the positive feedback from a friend of mine who was always critical of games, as well as listening to the excellent soundtrack, made me rethink my attitude towards Everlasting Summer.


I'm sure most of you have a superficial understanding of what visual novels are, but I'll tell you just in case. I think the description would be best: "Interactive book with visual and sound range" ... Most of the information in visual novels is conveyed through text, while characters appear in the background, backgrounds change and music plays. You see the world through the eyes of the protagonist. From time to time, a choice appears in front of the player with several possible options for action. The more such choices and forks in history, the more interactive game process... In some visual novels, there are practically no such forks. What can they be? Suppose the hero is in danger and you can choose to fight or run away. Or, for example, whether the main character should go to a disco, or look for possible ways to escape from the camp. Of course, the choice made in the future will affect the course of the development of the story, and, accordingly, the ending, of which there are several in visual novels - both bad and good.

In terms of gameplay, Everlasting Summer is no different from most visual novels. You have to read large volumes of text in order to unravel the secrets of the "Owlet" camp. The plot is divided into seven days, in each of which the player will have to make several important decisions that affect the ending. The level of interactivity in Everlasting Summer is quite high - a lot of decisions have to be made, at least compared to other visual novels. As a person who has received all possible endings, I can say with confidence that most of the forks in Everlasting Summer are logical, and you can at least roughly guess what this or that choice will affect. Although, of course, there are also controversial points, like an apple and keys. Whoever played will understand what I mean. Separately, I would like to note the ability to rewind the text that has already been read by you, and stop rewinding at the moments that the player did not reach before. It is very convenient for repeated passes, when you get bored of reading the same text for the hundredth time.

The protagonist of Everlasting Summer is a quiet, reclusive life in a filthy apartment. His image is based on the stereotypical idea of ​​a typical visitor to imageboards: he is a simple, intelligent, but withdrawn and cynical guy, content with his lonely life, but deep down he wants to change something. Semyon's character is his main strength and weakness. Force, because the main target audience of Everlasting Summer originally consisted of the guests of the imageboards, and it was enough for the players to simply associate themselves with the main character. It's always more interesting to watch a hero like yourself, isn't it? Weakness, because from the point of view of an ordinary person, Semyon can hardly be called a role model. Many of his decisions as the visual novel progresses make him feel disgust and dislike for the main character, because he begins to behave extremely stupid, illogical and cowardly. Sometimes I felt ashamed of his actions, and the worst thing is that I practically could not influence his behavior in any way. This is especially noticeable in the bad endings of Alice and Slavi, where he behaves like a schmuck.

The main feature of the characters in Everlasting Summer is that their prototypes are mascots, popular in the vastness of domestic image boards, as well as heroes of Soviet films. For example, the basis Lena lay down Sad-chan with Ychan, Alice- Dvach-chan with Dvach, Olga Dmitrievna- Mod-chan from Ychan, and Electronics... you won't believe - Electronic. Are the characters original? More likely no than yes. Are they interesting? Rather yes than no. If desired, each character of the Endless Summer can be brought whole line claims ranging from strange behavior to lack of character development, but I will not. Just because I liked the characters... Yes, they could have been made better, but that doesn't change the fact that I was really interested in watching their stories. Despite the primary simplicity and superficiality, each heroine is endowed with a zest that makes you feel sympathy for her (well, except for Zhenya, she's gone). Particularly good luck Ulyanka- an excellent character, energizing. Character Lena also turned out to be an unexpected surprise - however, you can't tell right away whether it was pleasant or not ...


The plot is one of the main reasons to play Everlasting Summer... Already during the first passage, it becomes clear that the situation in the Sovenok camp is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and that this is not a simple dating simulator, the whole variety of which depends on the set of girls with whom you can sleep (and they are here, by the way , a lot). The player has a reason to replay the game many times, trying different combinations of solutions, because with each new passage you will discover more and more new details from the life of the camp. And, most interestingly, the replayings are logically based on the plot! In Everlasting Summer, I want to return to unravel all the secrets. For me personally, it is difficult to find more pleasure than gradually, like a complex puzzle, piece by piece to collect the intricate story together. And attentiveness during the passage pays off: for example, after a couple of passages, I guessed that ...

there is a hidden character in the game. I guessed it thanks to a few details. First, according to the episode where Semyon collects the ingredients for the cake. Secondly, the episode with an apple that came out of nowhere. Thirdly, strange dreams in which Semyon is sitting in a bunker under bombardment. But the most obvious were two points: this is the silhouette of an unknown character with cat ears on the bus next to the driver at the beginning of the game, when all the heroines are shown to you; and the image of the cat girl when you exit the game. Since I do not believe in such coincidences, I assumed that this particular girl is the hidden character, the ending of which opens after passing all the other endings. Well, I was right.

Everlasting Summer has thirteen endings: two for Lena, two for Alice, two for Ulyany, two for Glory, two for, one for, and two endings that open only after receiving the rest of the endings. In the next section, I will not give any instructions for the passage - there are a lot of such instructions, for example. I will just comment on my feelings from each ending without spoilers.

Lena, bad ending- was my very first ending. Why did I choose Lena on my first playthrough? The logic was simple: Slavia was too banal and straightforward; Alice - at first glance it is clear that she is a tsundere - a type that I do not really respect; Ulyana - somehow I don't want to be jailed for seducing minors; Miku is cute, but no more. Lena seemed to be the most adequate and simple option. Well, first impressions are deceiving. Lena's bad ending is by far the strongest emotionally. It was this ending that served as an impetus for the desire to get the rest of the endings.

Lena, good ending- perhaps the most non-canon ending of all. This is the only ending that I got disappointed.

Alice, bad ending- the second ending I received. The second, because after the first passage, I already roughly understood how to get it. After a bad ending with Lena, Alice's ending didn't seem so bad. Although the behavior of the protagonist on the last day of the camp pissed me off. Here it is - the scourge of visual novels. Not always you can make the character behave the way you would like. Semyon creates heresy, and you have to watch it from the outside, because you can no longer influence what is happening in the endings.

Alice, good ending- practically does not differ from a bad ending, except that Semyon does not behave like a moron.

Semyon, bad and good endings- the third and fourth endings I received, which, according to the logic of things, should have been the first. From the point of view of obtaining new information and answering questions, these endings are the most informative... After all, it is in the endings of Semyon that they tell you what situation you got into the main character, and that everything is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance.

Glory, bad ending- a pleasant storyline with a pleasant heroine. A story about a perfect girl who is tired of being perfect. From the point of view of qualitative philosophical reasoning, Slavi's story turned out to be the strongest. The first ending, which was relatively difficult to obtain.

Glory, good ending- there is practically no difference with a bad ending. True, the degree of understatement in it is felt weaker.

Ulyana, bad ending- the endings with Ulyana immediately became my favorites. If only because there is no vulgarity in them - only concentrated sweetness and kindness. Ulyana's story looks like an improved version of Slavina: the same bubbling energy of life and striving for the future, only kinder and more straightforward.

Ulyana, good ending- and again there is practically no difference with a bad ending.

Miku's ending- shows a different point of view on the events unfolding in the camp. After repeatedly trying to get good endings from other heroines, Miku's story felt like a gulp. fresh air... One problem is that to start Miku's root, you have to be a very lucky person, since it is almost impossible to predict the order of actions. V a certain moment I ran out of patience (and I tried for a really long time), and I asked for help from my friend, who suggested how to start the root. But I still didn't use the guides! :)

Hidden endings... Endings that supposedly have to answer all the questions. Endings that should act as a kind of bonus for loyal fans. Endings that in reality leave more questions than answers. Personally, I was a little disappointed. No, well, seriously - after completing the game more than a dozen times, the player deserves clear answers to his questions. But in return, he gets a hundred vague hints, which can be interpreted in different ways. Against the background of the above, I was especially amused by the following monologue, slipping in one of the hidden endings:

"Probably, this is the most terrible punishment for a person - wanting to understand something, but not being able, wanting to change something, but not being able, striving for something, but not being able to achieve" .

I wanted to understand what was happening, but did not get this opportunity. I wanted to change my ignorance, but in return I got a bunch of new questions. I strove for understanding, but the holes in the plot prevented me from reaching it. With each new playthrough in the visual novel, the atmosphere of mystery is more and more forced. You are already in anticipation: "Now I will go through the game to the last endings, and everything will fall into place." , to which the story shows you the middle finger. Here are some of the questions that I haven't been able to find answers to on my own:

1). Why the hell did Shurik go crazy in the dungeon? Because of Yulia?

2). Who is the "higher" Semyon, who is behind all this?

3). Who is Julia?

4). What kind of thunder and lightning were there when the "evil" Semyon appeared?

5). What does the city that appeared behind the camp have to do with it?

6). Why did Semyon have dreams about a bomb shelter, in which he was supposed to be with Yulia?

7). What does an apple have to do with it?

eight). How can the choice of the key and the apple affect the beginning of the root with Yulia and Miku? Kaaaaaaak?

nine). Why does Julia think that other Semeny would not talk to her, and would not understand her, and with this she suddenly started talking? Apple again?

And you don’t need to write to me that, they say, I’m stupid, and therefore did not understand the brilliant idea of ​​the scriptwriters. I'm sure you can find answers to the above questions somewhere on the forums. But why should I look for them there? Why can't I get answers by carefully reading the monologues and dialogues after repeated playthroughs of the game? It is one thing to leave open some philosophical questions, and quite another to keep silent about the fundamental moments of the story, which the player encounters over and over again in the process of passing.

There are two ways to play Everlasting Summer. In the first case, you stupidly open the walkthrough guide and quickly get all the endings. The second method consists in thoroughly and independently passing the game without guides. Purely out of principle, I did not use guides.... I love to play through intricate games in which you need to pay attention to various little things, and using guides in this case kills all the fun of passing. Therefore, I promised that I would open all the endings myself, no matter how difficult it was. I can say with confidence that the efforts were justified. When you go through a visual novel without prompting, each new phrase or scene is taken not for granted, but as a well-deserved reward, which is great. This is the only way, in my opinion, to get the most out of Everlasting Summer.

Text and dialogues

I think it's not a secret for anyone that there are a lot of text and dialogues in visual novels, and the success of the game largely depends on their quality. The text component of Everlasting Summer before the first launch caused me the greatest fears, since I did not believe at all that people from iichan were able to write competent text with a decent level of Russian. The image of a person who came from an imageboard was more likely associated with illiterate Internet trolls, juggling memes, than with serious people capable of writing high-quality text. I was wrong. The quality of the monologues and dialogues at Everlasting Summer is really high. Firstly, no matter how I read it, I could not find significant errors in it. Secondly, I was struck by the level of thoughts embedded in the text. If desired, the player will be able to draw for himself many interesting ideas during the passage, which will be pleasant to reflect on at his leisure. It was especially pleasant to see a high-quality everyday philosophy, which will be close and understandable to everyone. For example, here is one of the many examples of Semyon's useful thoughts:

“Sometimes it happens - you want to leave somewhere from your usual places. At least for a short while, at least for a couple of hours. I used to do this often - rode around unfamiliar areas or even neighboring cities. New places and new landscapes soothe my soul and allow me to understand that the world is not limited to the four walls of an apartment, the road to college or work. And if so, then there are people in it who live better or worse. This means that my average problems are not as tragic as they seem ... "


The visual component of Everlasting Summer can be divided into three parts: background images, character sprites, and footage dedicated to important story events. Background images are a success - any can be set as a desktop background. They were created by Arseny Chebynkin, whose works are well known outside the anime community. With character sprites, things are also going well, although sometimes the emotions of a particular heroine do not coincide with the text, and the appearance of the heroines could be more original - some of them differ exclusively in hair color and chest size. The third component of the novel, namely, images dedicated to important plot events, for the most part terrified by low quality... Just look at the rich range of colors in the image below. How much do you need to love brown in order to decorate everything around with it? Or the scene where the unfortunate Slavia clearly suffers from squint ...


The creation of musical accompaniment the composer was engaged Sergey Eybog and group Between August And December and, damn it, they did their job one hundred percent. This is one of those rare soundtracks that you can play and listen to all day, concentrating on your business. Delightful instrumental and electronic compositions by Sergey Eybog, magnificent rock performed by Between August And December - two components, in the combination of which perfect harmony is felt. Background music does the job of conveying the mood and creating a tense or comedic atmosphere. In particular, I would like to note the tracks Let’s Be Friends(Lena's main topic), A Promise From Distant Days and Eat Some Troubles!(the main theme of Ulyana). Of course, the rest of the tracks turned out great too, but I remember the listed ones the best. Over two hours of first-class music.


Characters - 7.0. Girls for all colors and tastes. Among the heroines, there are interesting and unexpected types. The protagonist is sometimes frustrating and acts like a jerk.

Plot - 9.0. Even with small holes, the plot is still exciting and intriguing. The story of Ulyana was especially successful.

Music - 10.0. Divine music that you can listen to all day long. The duo of acoustics and electronics is doing amazing things.

Drawing - 7.5. Awesome background images and nice character sprites. From time to time, frames appear in which either the characters suffer from squint, the artist was too lazy to switch from color to color when painting over, then the emotions of the heroines do not coincide with the expected ones.

Text and Dialogues - 9.0. I was amazed to see such well-written texts with an abundance of interesting thoughts and philosophical discourses.


In conclusion, I want to note once again: Everlasting Summer is distributed completely free of charge - just download the game via Steam. Try to comprehend it. We live in a time when even the poorest games go through Steam Greenlight and sell for a lot of money. When projects like No Man's Sky cost over two thousand rubles. When copyright holders lose their heads at the thought that someone will use their product for free. Now think about it - you have the opportunity absolutely free install the official version of the game, capable of pulling into their networks for several tens of hours. Guys from the studio Soviet Games wanted as many people as possible to familiarize themselves with their creation. They made the game for the players... In modern realities, such an approach seems strange and incredible, but it is precisely such love and dedication that makes me believe that humanity is not completely rotten, and a bright future awaits us ... I'm not saying that everyone will like Everlasting Summer - after all, the genre visual novels have a fairly narrow audience and can alienate a potential player with an abundance of text and low interactivity. But even with all its flaws, Endless Summer is worthy of being given a chance. Just try it and I don't think you will be disappointed.


Rudean, special for site

P. S. Soviet Games just recently raised money on Kickstarter to create a new visual novel Love, Money, Rock 'n' Roll. The demo is available now. Let's see what they end up with. Hope my ten bucks don't go to waste and they create something worthwhile :)

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Everlasting Summer Visual Novel Review was last modified: September 9th, 2018 by Rudean

Alice is a girl of medium height with bright red hair tied in two short tails. At first, the main character is characterized as a hooligan, because of her love to pin people up with various methods and unwillingness to follow the rules of the camp. But, outside of this image, Alice is kind, fearful and naive, as well as shy and inexperienced in love.

Alice is a person who will not mess with anyone she meets, since she has firm principles regarding people. Therefore, it is hard enough to get her favor.

Loves playing the guitar, but has never been seen playing in public. Loves swimming. She gets very annoyed when someone calls her "TwoChe".

Full description

Kid. She grew up in not the easiest conditions. The character is firm, sometimes hot-tempered. An avid debater. He will not reach for a word in his pocket and can easily dissolve his hands. At the same time, he does not abandon his own people, he stands behind his friends and values ​​friendship above all. Dvach-chan smokes, but no one knows about it except the USSR-chan. She always does it alone, and at such moments all her inner fragility is exposed. Sometimes, at night, her bunk is empty. Zodiac sign: scorpio

She will accept only a person who is not inferior to her in anything. Brave, loyal, loyal, slightly reckless. And most importantly - who loves her for who she is! Then Dvach-chan will become yours, and believe me, you will never be bored with her.

In everything he has an active position, which often contradicts generally accepted orders, in actions he is guided only by his own opinion. He doesn’t like big companies, preferring to be in a small circle of trusted “friends”. Do not mind hooliganism to maintain your authority. Ignores all camp rules and despises funny contests... At the same time, there is no such sport in which she does not occupy one of the leading positions. Hates routine (You have a better chance of seeing an American sub near the dock than a two-chan with a broomstick sweeping camp grounds). She may completely unexpectedly show sympathy and tenderness, but this does not mean that you have won her favor. The next day, most likely, you will see the usual impudent dvach-chan, and you very much doubt whether you dreamed all this.


Ulyana is a roommate, best (and only) friend in the camp. Together they carried out many tricks. For Alice, she is like a younger sister who needs to be taken care of.

Slava - the relationship with her in the novel is not disclosed, but Alice probably dislikes Slava for her "correctness"

Lena is a longtime acquaintance to whom Alice has been holding a grudge since childhood for constantly taking away the attention of others from her. In the camp they try not to pay attention to each other, but everything changes when a common love interest appears in their life - Semyon.

Miku - shares Alice's love for music, they communicated (in Ulyana's route).

Semyon - was able to interest Alice with his behavior, after which she began to show peculiar signs of attention, and eventually fell in love. But love for a certain time remained unrequited.

Interesting Facts

1. Initially, Alice had to look a little different - her tails had to be larger and similar to lightning - thus she copied Dach-chan's design. But overseas players did not understand the reference, and instead nicknamed her "Pikachu-girl", in honor of the fact that her ponytails resembled the tail of the Pokémon Pikachu. The artists were not satisfied with such a reaction, and they made adjustments to the design.

2.In old version plot Dvach-chan was an orphan, and grew up in an orphanage. She also smoked, drank and was generally more defiant. In the final version, it was decided to remove it.

3. Alice is the only girl who does not look at the main character in the opening video.

Scriptwriter's comment

Alice - to her in general, everyone and everything is deeply ** y. She once had some feelings, but she had long forgotten about them. Nobody needs her - she thinks so, because all around there are more beautiful-cute-pliable chan than she. And she has her own principles. She no longer remembers which ones, but she cannot live differently. She needs a person who will not look at the outer husk (only gg can understand this and change her character as a whole), who will be able to understand these very principles that she herself had forgotten.

Getting a good ending

The rest of the choices are not important
1. Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Do nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing.

5. Take keys / Do not touch.

6. Praise the book / Say nothing.

7. Map: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch.

8. Go for cards with Slava / Go alone.

9. Argue with Alice.

10. Win the tournament.

11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. It is worth going to see.

14. Okay, I'll come.

15. Run away / Stay and help Ulyanka get out.

16. Come up with another excuse.

17. Elections on the map don't matter.

18. I think it would look great on you / Just like that.

19. I suppose you ate the stolen sweets? / Poisoned in the dining room?

20. Ask what it is / Don't ask.

21. Give Alice the coal.

22. Eat an apple / Don't eat.

23. Went with Alice.

24. Elections on the map do not matter.

25. Go with Lena / Go with Slava.

26. Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of the girls.

27. Do nothing.

28. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about.

Story and endings (!!! WARNING SPOILER !!!)

Alice is one of the main heroines of the novel, and has a root with two endings - good and bad, depending on the player's choice. Having fallen in love with Semyon, she is complex due to the fact that, in her opinion, Lena has already taken him, and the hero himself simply does not like Alice. Therefore, she does not let him know about her feelings until an accidental coincidence, in which he overheard them with Lena, an argument on this topic, and found out everything himself. In a good ending, Semyon and Alisa decide to get to the regional center on foot and walk until nightfall. At a halt, they quarrel, but the quarrel itself ends with Semyon's confession of love to Alice. V real life Semyon regrets the separation from Alice and begins to take guitar lessons, makes his own band and plays at concerts. At one of the performances, he meets a girl who is very similar to Alice.

This section explains how to get all the possible endings in the game. And also what determines getting good and bad endings.

In total, the characters have two endings (except Miku and Yulia): good and bad. What you get depends on the points you score. Points are awarded as you progress through the game, depending on whether in favor of which of the characters did you choose the answer option in the dialogue.

For example, on the first day, when Semyon comes to the gates of the "Owenka" and meets Slava, they offer a choice: Answer her or not. It is immediately clear that if we answer the girl, then we will get one point in her favor.

If there are 9 or more points, the ending will be good.
If there are less than 9 points, the ending will be bad.

Below will be painted the choices in the dialogues to get one or another ending, as well as the points received for each answer.

Glory (good and bad ending)

Good ending


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Don't answer her / Reply to Slava. (+1)
  • Try to take away the cutlet / Do not try to take away the cutlet.
  • Take keys / Do not touch.
  • Praise the book / Say nothing.

Day 2.

  • Map: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch. (after the first checkpoint)
  • Go alone / Go for cards with Slava. (+1)
  • Argue with Alice / Don't argue with Alice. (+1) (The result in the tournament is not important).
  • After the game, go to the parking lot. (+1)

Day 3.

  • OK, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening ...
  • Worth going to see / Who cares? We must continue to look for answers. (Without this, Slava cannot be helped to clean up the square).
  • Cleaning with Slava in the square. (+1)
  • Escape. (+1) / Stay and help Ulyanka get out.

Day 4.

  • Map: house number 17. (The second choice is not important.)
  • I think it would look great on you / Just like that.
  • I suppose you ate the stolen sweets? / Poisoned in the dining room?
  • Ask what it is / Not ask. (+1). (If you ask, you will not be able to go with her in search of Shurik)
  • Give Alice coal / Don't give.
  • Eat an apple / Don't eat.
  • Go with Slava.

Day 5.

  • Okay / No, you know, I still have things to do ...
  • Go with Lena / Go with Slava. (+1)
  • Yes i tried / This is all thanks to the help of the girls. (+1)
  • The choices on the map are not important.
  • Try to grab the book from Alice / Be careful.
  • Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about / Do nothing, just sit (Otherwise, you cannot find Slava).
  • Try to find Slava. (Critical choice for Slavi. The ending depends on it).

Day 6.

  • Yes, I just wanted to eat / I want to take food for Slavi. (+1)
  • I have nothing to make excuses for. (+1) / I have nothing to justify to you

Bad ending

We do all the same, but change the answers in the last one, 6 days:

  • Yes, I just wanted to eat/ I want to take food for Slavi
  • I have nothing to justify / I have nothing to justify to you

Lena (good and bad ending)

Good ending


Day 1.

  • Do not reply / Reply
  • Run after him / Do nothing
  • Try to take away the cutlet / Do not try to take away the cutlet
  • Take keys / Do not touch
  • Praise the book (+1)/ Say nothing

Day 2.

  • Maps: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch
  • Do not argue with Alice (+1)/ Argue with Alice
  • Lose to Lena (+1)
  • After losing, go to the sports field

Day 3.

  • Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena (+1)/ Ok, wait a minute
  • Ok I'll come (+1)/ You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening
  • Worth going to see / Who cares? We must continue to look for answers.
  • I think I'll help the guys build giant robots.
  • Run away / Stay and help Ulyanka get out.

Day 4.

  • The choices on the map are not important.
  • It seems to me that it would look great on you (+1) (If you keep silent, you won't be able to go with her in search of Shurik) / Yes, just like that
  • Give Alice coal / Don't give her coal.
  • Eat an apple / Don't eat.
  • Go with Lena (+1)
  • Say that I went with Lena / Say that I walked alone. (+ 1)

Day 5.

  • The choices on the map are not important.
  • Go with Lena (+2)/ Go with Slava
  • Try to grab the book from Alice / Be careful.
  • Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about (Critical choice for Lena. The ending depends on it)/ Do nothing, just sit

Day 6.

  • Keep out / Help Alice (+1)

Bad ending

Day 1.

  • Praise the book / Say nothing

Day 6.

  • Keep out/ Help Alice

Alice (good and bad ending)

Good ending


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Don't answer her / answer
  • Run after him / Do nothing (+1)
  • Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing
  • Take keys / Do not touch
  • Praise the book / Say nothing

Day 2.

  • Map: Go for lunch / Don't go for lunch
  • Go for cards with Slava / Go alone
  • Do not argue with Alice / Argue with Alice (+2)
  • Win a tournament (+2)

Day 3.

  • Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute
  • OK, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening
  • Worth going to see (+1)/ Who cares? We must continue to search for answers
  • Agree to meet Alice instead of dancing (+1)/ No, sorry
  • Escape / Stay and help Uliana get out
  • Go to Alice
  • Tell that I was with Alice / Come up with another excuse (+1)

Day 4.

  • Choose a boat station (Alice locks Seeds in her house), the second choice is not important
  • I suppose you ate the stolen sweets? / Poisoned in the dining room?
  • Ask what it is / Don't ask
  • Give Alice coal (+1) (If you don't give Alice coal, you won't be able to go with her to find Shurik)/ Don't give her coal
  • Eat an apple / Don't eat
  • Go with Alice

Day 5.

  • Map choices don't matter
  • Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the girls' help
  • Try to grab the book from Alice / Be careful (+1)
  • Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about (Critical choice for Alice. The ending depends on it)/ Do nothing, just sit

Bad ending

We do the same thing, but change the selection in 1 and 5 days:

Day 1.

  • Run after him/To do nothing

Day 5.

  • Try to snatch the book from Alice/ Be careful

Ulyana (good and bad ending)

Good ending


  • Yes, I'll go with you / No, I'll stay here

Day 1.

  • Do not reply to her / Reply
  • Run after him / Do nothing
  • Do not try to take away the cutlet / Try to take away the cutlet (+1)
  • Take keys / Do not touch
  • Praise the book / Nothing

Day 2.

  • Map: Go for lunch (+1)
  • Go for cards with Slava / Go alone
  • Argue with Alice
  • To lose to Ulyana at cards (to Ulyana, and not just to lose). After defeat, go to the stage (+1)

Day 3.

  • Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute
  • OK, I'll come / You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her in the evening
  • Worth going to see / Who cares? We must continue to search for answers
  • Okay, I'll help the sports club (+1)
  • Escape / Stay and help Ulyana to get out (+1)

Day 4.

  • Map choices don't matter
  • I think it would look great on you / Just like that
  • I suppose you ate the stolen sweets? / Poisoned in the dining room? (+1) (If you talk about stolen candies, you won't be able to go with her to find Shurik)
  • Ask what it is / Don't ask
  • Don't give her coal / give her coal
  • Eat / Do not eat (apple in the infirmary)
  • Go with Ulyana

Day 5.

  • Select circles on the map, then refuse to get the wire (+1)
  • Go with Lena / Go with Slava
  • Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the girls' help
  • Try to snatch the book from Alice / Be careful
  • Do nothing, just sit (You cannot go to Ulyana without this)/ Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about
  • Go to Ulyana

Day 6.

  • Grab her hand roughly / Try to stop with words (+1)

Day 7.

  • That's all she is! / All this is my fault ... (+2) (The answer "It's all her" leads to a bad ending)

Bad ending

We do the same thing, but change the selection in 1 and 6 days:

Day 1.

  • Try to take away the cutlet/ Do not try to take away the cutlet

Day 6.

  • Roughly grab her hand/ Try to stop with words
  • That's all she is!/ It's all my fault ...

Semyon (good and bad ending)

The simplest endings. To get them, do not try to get close to anyone for five days.

Day 5.

  • On the evening of the fifth day, you need to select the option "Do nothing, just sit" twice

Good ending

  • don't go for a voice

Bad ending

  • follow the voice


Attention: This root becomes available if you have completed the game at least once with any ending.


Yes, I'll go with you / No i will stay here

Day 1.

Take the keys/ Do not take

Day 2.

Go for cards with Slava / Go for cards alone

Day 4.

  • On the map, go to the bus stop.
  • Go with Miku/ Don't walk with Miku
  • Eat an Apple / Do not eat
  • Go alone

Ruth with Miku (Masha) has only one ending.

Julia (SEAD)

Harem ending

We do everything the same as in the root with Yulia (SEAD) but change the choice in 5 days:

  • Go ahead/ To turn back

Endless Summer is a controversial game that appeared in 2013. In Steam it became available only a year later. It is a rendered novel that has the characteristics of Japanese erotic games, although this point is controversial.


The game "Endless Summer", the passage of which is already available to all users, was not even originally conceived as a commercial project for which money could be taken. It was created by a group of enthusiasts who settled on Ychan's image board.

The guys started their activities in 2008, and the basis for their project was the developments of Project.Namae, which ended before it began. In addition to the fact that the game is available on PC, thanks to the free Ren'Py engine, it can also be run on operating systems Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, or Android.

Of course, we can say that "Endless Summer" is a kind of plagiarism that was previously implemented in Katawa Shoujo. The latter was also developed by activists from the image board, had the same engine and narrated about five heroines.


We are talking about a young man who gets on a bus in winter and comes to an unknown camp in summer. Of course, Semyon is frightened and in a state of shock, but he, like any hero, begins to live according to the rules proposed by the developers.

The essence of his time travel is to understand himself, to understand what he wants from life, to get answers to many questions. Also, learn to relate to the opposite sex. Since this is a game with elements of eroticism, Steam cut out all such scenes, but for those who are 18, a patch is available that reveals all the adult details.


Those who decided to plunge into the passage of the game "Endless Summer" must know that there are 13 endings in total in the game. This is due to the fact that Semyon can work with six girls, and if he chooses loneliness, then he will also have two endings.

This visual novel will bring many surprises, especially everything will depend on the player's choice. Some of the completion options may not just surprise, but completely shock. Therefore, further spoilers await you.


Speaking about the game "Endless Summer", the passage of all endings should start with the main character. The gamer goes out to them only when all relationships with girls have failed. It is believed that it is easiest to get to this root. Semyon just needs to go with the flow, ignore any interactions with the heroes.

It is worth saying that on this path he meets a certain mythical Pioneer who taunts him, sneers at him all the time. He is also a Semen, but from a different reality. He ended up in the "Owlet" camp for only 7 days, but they got stuck, and now he has to live here forever.

Later it turns out that the same thing happens to our Semyon, but every time on the first day he loses his memory, so he does not remember that he lives the same life all the time. On the 7th day, when Semyon goes to the bus to leave the camp, a mysterious voice calls out to him from the forest.

Here the player will have two options for the development of the plot. Or he ignores it and returns to his reality, although a surprise awaits the player anyway. Or he goes to the forest, and there he loses consciousness, and the gamer sees end credits... According to the scriptwriter, it is at this moment that Semyon becomes a Pioneer.


It makes no sense to describe what the heroine is. It is only worth saying that at the beginning of the story, Alice is supposedly the friend of Lena, another girl in the camp. But she, with a rather inflated conceit, believes that Semyon will choose her. But after a night spent together, Alice and Semyon remain in the camp together.

The guys decide to leave it and get to the regional center on foot. On the way, they have a conflict, and here the player also has a choice. Or he confesses his feelings to Alice, and everything ends well: he returns to his reality, but later meets a girl who looks like Alice. Or he is silent about his feelings and returns home lonely.


The game "Endless Summer", the passage of which will bring a lot of surprises, also prepared two endings with Lena. This story is perhaps the most dramatic and confusing. Lena is always jealous of the guy for Alice. The last conflict leads to the fact that the girl beats her rival. Semyon has an incomprehensible dream, but after the end of the shift, he leaves with everyone. Lena finishes her studies, he works and they have children. Here the player will not be able to fully understand what happened after all, but this ending is good, unlike the other option.

If for the whole game the main character did not pay enough attention to Lena, then after a series of events they decide to leave together, Semyon is waiting for the girl, but due to the fact that she does not come for a long time, he goes after her and finds her dead. It turns out that Lena opened her veins. Semyon goes to the bus, falls asleep, and wakes up already at home, can not stand it and does the same.


Glory was also able to turn the head of the protagonist. At the end of the player change, two endings await again. In a good ending, Semyon still confesses his feelings to Slava, he says that he came from another time, but she does not believe him. Yet they get on the bus together and fall asleep. When Semyon wakes up at home, he later meets Slava on the street and everything is fine.

The bad ending to this story isn't all that tragic. Semyon says nothing to Slava about his time travel. They get on the bus, but already in his own world, the young man does not meet Glory.

True path

Further, the game "Endless Summer", the passage of which is very atmospheric, brings us to the girl Ulyana. She is the standard of decency here. She never hints at a guy and is generally far from an adult relationship. Nevertheless, she enchants the Seeds. If he supports her to the end, they get on the bus together, and in his own world, the guy is recovering at the institute, studies well and, of course, meets Ulyana.

If at one moment he spits on the girl, after her house arrest he leaves to go about his business, then she remains in the camp, and the guy himself leaves for home. Although he is still recovering at the institute, he does not meet Ulyana.


As mentioned earlier, it is not known what the passage will lead to in the game "Endless Summer". Mika is the heroine of the game, with whom one of the variations of the ending is associated, which does not make any sense at all. The essence of this story: a dream within a dream. Sometimes it seems that the writers have confused everything so much that they themselves can hardly guess what makes sense.

In short, Semyon ends up in a camp, where he is looking for Shurik, falls asleep in the forest and wakes up on a bus, as part of a film crew. Mika, whose name is Masha, was his ex-girlfriend. What she does on the movie bus is hard to understand. The couple goes for a swim, but on their return they find themselves in a real pioneer camp.

Incomprehensible events begin to happen around. Someone was killed, someone hanged himself, zombies are walking somewhere. One way or another, everything later turns out to be a dream, the screenwriter Semyon realizes that he values ​​Mika, and decides to renew the relationship.

Wonders of the puzzle

Julia is an ambiguous character. The player will again have to face the lack of logic of the game developers. Indistinct events begin to occur. Nevertheless, the main character will still have a choice that will lead him either to a good ending or to an alternative one.

If the guy returns to the camp, a series of events will lead to the fact that he will be satisfied with his life, but the scriptwriter of the game still indicates that the hero will settle in an "artificial" world that embodies his ideas of an ideal life.

If he refuses to return to the camp, then this will lead to alternate ending... He will board the bus again, return home. But there before him flashed all the memories that are associated with each heroine. All five girls will visit him, who admit that they were also held hostage in the "time loop". Semyon will remember Yulia and, together with the rest of the girls, will understand this difficult puzzle.

It is believed that this ending is the most correct and true.

Other options

This game has great amount mods and additional scripts. Most require special files to be installed. Among the most popular is “Endless Summer: 7 Days of Summer”. This custom scenario has even more endings. There are also 3 options for prologues, there are 6 routes. In addition, a new heroine appears - Olga.

The next mod is Everlasting Summer: Samantha. This story takes approximately the same amount of time to complete as original game... It tells the story of Samantha Smith, who became the prototype of a real-life American schoolgirl. This mod also received its logical continuation.



Endless summer, help in passing almost without spoilers

A guest Jan 12th, 2014 91,335 Never

    [Endless Summer, almost spoiler-free help, v1.1]

    This document is written as an alternative to the full walkthrough - in order to help someone who does not want to independently try to figure out how the game "works" - namely, does not want to skip the entire plot a hundred times, getting a "bad" ending over and over again, not realizing that is required of him.

    [Recommended patch]

    The 1.1 release, available on the developer blog, is quite playable. There is an almost_official graphics fix for it, which improves many CGs and sprites, but at the same time adds new CGs, the general opinion about which is negative. In addition, the hentai text was cut out in the release, and not quite neatly. The solution to all these problems is the unofficial patch 1.1.3, which restores the hentai text, adds CG fixes and usable new CGs without adding * less * usable ones. Therefore, I recommend everyone to play with this patch.

    [Initial settings]

    In the settings menu:

    * Skip - Seen earlier (With the Ctrl or Tab key, you can skip what has already been read, without fear of missing what has not yet been read)

    * New sprites (if you have installed a fixed graphics or patch)

    * New CG (if you installed a fixed graphics or patch)

    [Turn on hentai]

    Begin new game, and when the story begins, enter the following sequence from the keyboard: [UP] [UP] [DOWN] [DOWN] [LEFT] [RIGHT] [LEFT] [RIGHT] [B] [A]

    The melody should be played (several notes in ascending order) and the achievement should jump out. If it doesn't work, check that you press (B and A are English letters). When it works, save the game to any slot, and play from that save for the first playthrough. If suddenly in the game you see black screens instead of * it is clear what scenes * - just enter the code again, rewind (scroll wheel or arrows on the screen), go back to the scene, and everything should be restored. Don't forget to save.

    Hentai is now included in the game, however the hentai text itself is cut out in the release! Therefore, if you want to read hentai (without patch 1.1.3), you will have to be perverted ... Did you think it would be easy? =)

    Go to https://github.com/yakui-lover/eroge-dopil/blob/master/1.0_ver/ and open the file for the day the hentai takes place. In most cases it will be "Day 6" - the file day6.rpy, but maybe in another - watch yourself (if "Day ..." - then your epilogue.rpy file). In the file, look for some characteristic text that is found in the dialogues of the characters before the hentai, and then scroll down and enjoy.

    [Game logic]

    In the course of the game, the player gains conditional "points" of a good attitude towards him from the side of various characters. If there are enough points (more than 6), then on the fifth day it will be possible to make a choice in favor of the character, and as a result, at the end of the game, an ending with this character will be obtained - good or bad, depending on whether more than 9 are scored by the end of the game. points or not. It should be noted that sometimes the choice is obvious, sometimes it is understandable based on basic knowledge of psychology and / or the character of the character, and sometimes you just need to guess (save to help you).

    The player can influence the development of events in two ways - by choosing from the list when such is offered (for example, "answer / keep silent") or by choosing where to go on the map. The choice can either simply provide an opportunity to earn point (s) with a specific girl, and no longer influence anything else (say a compliment or remain silent), or provide a plot fork (if you go to listen to what is happening on the stage, then you will spend everything there until lunchtime, and therefore will not be able to help one of the clubs). In addition, earning points from one of the girls can automatically lead to a loss of points from the other. Therefore, it is better to choose one character at the beginning of the game and try to spend time with him, dodging everyone else.

    All the events of the game are constant and not random - that is, everything that happens depends entirely on the player's choice. The only thing that changes from passage to passage is that after opening some endings, others become available (see below) and the ability to skip the game of cards.

    [Endings Logic]

    There are four "typical" endings in the game - Lena, Alisa, Slavia, Ulyana. To get them, you need to earn points, and they have two versions - good and bad. Logically, you always first get on the bad one, and then you have to look for where you had to make another choice in order to get on the good one. If you first hit the good one, the bad one is not much different for everyone except Lena.

    After completing any ending, the opportunity opens up to get the (only) ending with Miku, and after passing all five possible good endings and the ending, Miku has the opportunity to completely complete the game - with two variants of the ending, where everything (again) depends only on the choice at the very end. These two special storylines do not require a set of points, but specific choices in specific situations, so either try to guess for yourself how to get them, or read the walkthrough at the very bottom of the document.

    [Plot branching]

    Here, outright spoilers (albeit minimized) already begin, so I recommend reading the text under a specific day only when you get to a specific day (and a specific event). I will describe only non-obvious situations: when you need to guess which location to go to, or what choice to make in order to meet the desired character or get the opportunity to earn points with him.

    [Day 2] [Walk-Around]

    If you go to the dining room (while this option is still available), there will be a meeting with Ulyana.

    [Day 2] [Playing Cards]

    Although they say that the rules are the same as in poker, there are bugs - for example, two pair are considered higher than three, straight (order) does not work.

    After at least once passed the training, you can skip it. After at least once a tournament (with any result) has passed, it can be skipped with all possible results arising from this (for example, if you reached the final, but did not win yet, then there will be a choice - to lose immediately, to reach semi-finals and lose the semi-finals, or reach the finals and lose in the finals, and if you won, then all options will be available, including and win the final).

    If you can't win - save!

    * Glory: Go with her for cards, Lose to anyone, Go to the bus stop

    * Lena: Do not argue with Alice, Lose to Lena, Go to the football field

    * Ulyana: Lose to her, Go to the stage

    * Alice: Argue with her, Win against her

  1. When offered to "go to see" or "look for answers", the first gives the opportunity to meet with Alice, the second - with Ulyana or Slava (in the subsequent choice "who to help").

    When they offer to help get away or escape, this is again a choice between Ulyana and Slavey.

  2. The choice with whom to go is important only for Lena, because opens up the possibility of returning to get a point with her. For the rest of the characters, the campaign itself does not add points, however, the search along with each character will (significantly) differ, so you should go with the one whose ending you want to get, at least for a change. If the girl you want to go with does not go with you, then you offended her in the infirmary.

  3. After returning from the forest, the choice to go to the building of the circles will give the opportunity to get a point with Ulyana.

    [Miku Storyline]

  4. Key choices (nothing else):

    First day: Get the keys

    Second day: Go for cards alone

    Fourth day: When searching in the camp, go to the stop, Agree, Do not touch the apple, Go in search of one

    If everything is done correctly, then it will be obvious. If not, either somewhere you made a mistake with the elections, or play the game for the first time (no endings have been received yet)

    [Storyline * final *]

  5. Key choices (basically opposite choices for Miku):

    Prologue: Yes, I will follow you

    First day: Don't take keys

    Third day: Refuse to help Lena, Search for answers, Help cybernetics

    Fourth day: Eat an apple, Go in search of one

    If everything was done correctly, then you will meet someone in the mine who was not there before. If, besides Shurik, there is no one in the mine, either somewhere they made a mistake with the elections, or they have not yet received all the good endings.

    In the end there will be a choice whether to go to town (ending with all the girls) or not (ending * it will be obvious to you with whom *). We can say that it is your choice of how the game really ends, because the two endings contradict each other a little, and end the game's plot in different ways.

    [Full walkthrough]

    If you can't guess what choices you need to make in order to get good ending then here are the links to full walkthrough... I recommend reading only after you have tried to get the ending on your own at least once ... Otherwise, ruin your pleasure from the game!

    Scheme - https://bubbl.us/?h=1cd5de/3a166b/18CqvKKzd7oZQ

    Text - http: // site / XnXJ6W20

    Thank you all for your attention!

RAW Paste Data

[Endless Summer, assistance in passing almost without spoilers, v1.1] This document is written as an alternative to the full walkthrough - in order to help those who do not want to try to figure out how the game is "arranged" on their own - namely, does not want to waste the whole plot, over and over again getting a "bad" ending, not understanding what is required of him. [Recommended patch] The 1.1 release available on the developer blog is quite playable. There is an almost_official graphics fix for it, which improves many CGs and sprites, but at the same time adds new CGs, the general opinion about which is negative. In addition, the hentai text was cut out in the release, and not quite neatly. The solution to all these problems is the unofficial patch 1.1.3, which restores the hentai text, adds CG fixes and usable new CGs without adding * less * usable ones. Therefore, I recommend everyone to play with this particular patch .. com / 39396400 [Initial settings] In the settings menu: * Skip - Seen earlier (With the Ctrl or Tab key you can skip what has already been read, without fear of skipping the unread one) * New sprites (if installed a graphics fix or patch) * New CHs (if you installed a graphics fix or patch) [Turn on hentai] Start a new game, and when the story begins, enter the following sequence from the keyboard: [UP] [UP] [DOWN] [DOWN] [LEFT] [RIGHT] [LEFT] [RIGHT] [B] [A] The melody should be played (several notes in ascending order) and the achievement should jump out. If it doesn't work, check that you press (B and A are English letters). When it works, save the game to any slot, and play from that save for the first playthrough. If suddenly in the game you see black screens instead of * it is clear what scenes * - just enter the code again, rewind (scroll wheel or arrows on the screen), go back to the scene, and everything should be restored. Don't forget to save. Hentai is now included in the game, but the hentai text itself in the release is cut! Therefore, if you want to read hentai (without patch 1.1.3), you will have to be perverted ... Did you think it would be easy? =) Go to https://github.com/yakui-lover/eroge-dopil/blob/master/1.0_ver/ and open the file for the day the hentai takes place. In most cases it will be "Day 6" - the file day6.rpy, but maybe on another - watch yourself (if "Day ..." - then your epilogue.rpy file). In the file, look for some characteristic text that is found in the dialogues of the characters before the hentai, and then scroll down and enjoy. [Game logic] During the game, the player gains conditional "points" of good attitude towards him from various characters. If there are enough points (more than 6), then on the fifth day it will be possible to make a choice in favor of the character, and as a result, at the end of the game, an ending with this character will be obtained - good or bad, depending on whether more than 9 are scored by the end of the game. points or not. It should be noted that sometimes the choice is obvious, sometimes it is understandable based on basic knowledge of psychology and / or the character of the character, and sometimes you just need to guess (save to help you). The player can influence the development of events in two ways - by choosing from the list when such is offered (for example, "answer / keep silent") or by choosing where to go on the map. The choice can either simply provide an opportunity to earn point (s) with a specific girl, and no longer influence anything else (say a compliment or remain silent), or provide a plot fork (if you go to listen to what is happening on the stage, then you will spend everything there until lunchtime, and therefore will not be able to help one of the clubs). In addition, earning points from one of the girls can automatically lead to a loss of points from the other. Therefore, it is better to choose one character at the beginning of the game and try to spend time with him, dodging everyone else. All the events of the game are constant and not random - that is, everything that happens depends entirely on the player's choice. The only thing that changes from passage to passage is that after opening some endings, others become available (see below) and the ability to skip the game of cards. [Endings Logic] There are four "typical" endings in the game - Lena, Alisa, Slavia, Ulyana. To get them you need to earn points, and they have two versions - good and bad. Logically, you always first get on the bad one, and then you have to look for where you had to make another choice in order to get on the good one. If you first hit the good one, the bad one is not much different for everyone except Lena. Also, if in the end Semyon did not "get close" to anyone in particular, then there is a fifth ending - Semyon, also with two versions, although everything here depends only on the choice at the very end. After completing any ending, the opportunity opens up to get the (only) ending with Miku, and after passing all five possible good endings and the ending, Miku has the opportunity to completely complete the game - with two variants of the ending, where everything (again) depends only on the choice at the very end. These two special storylines do not require scoring, but specific choices in specific situations, so either try to figure out how to get them, or read the walkthrough at the very bottom of the document. [Plot branching] Outright spoilers (albeit minimized) already begin here, so I recommend reading the text under a specific day only when you get to a specific day (and a specific event). I will only describe non-obvious situations: when you need to guess which location to go to, or what choice to make in order to meet the desired character or get the opportunity to earn points with him. [Day 2] [Bypass list] If you go to the dining room (while this option is still available), there will be a meeting with Ulyana. [Day 2] [Playing cards] Although they say that the rules are like in poker, there are bugs - for example, two pair are considered higher than three, straight (order) does not work. After at least once passed the training, you can skip it. After at least one tournament has passed (with any result), you can skip it with all possible results arising from this (for example, if you reached the final, but did not win yet, then there will be a choice - to lose immediately, to reach semi-finals and lose the semi-finals, or reach the finals and lose in the finals, and if you won, then all options will be available, including and win the final). If you fail to win - save! Also, there is a branch here - depending on how the tournament goes and where Semyon will go after it ends. Here's what you need to do to get the maximum points with a particular girl: * Glory: Go with her for cards, Lose to anyone, Go to the bus stop * Lena: Do not argue with Alice, Lose to Lena, Go to the football field * Ulyana: Lose to her , Go to the stage * Alice: Argue with her, Win from her [Day 3] When asked to "go to see" or "look for answers", the first gives the opportunity to meet with Alice, the second - with Ulyana or Slavya (in the subsequent choice of "who to help "). When they offer to help get away or escape, this is again a choice between Ulyana and Slavey. [Day 4] The choice with whom to go is important only for Lena, because opens up the possibility of returning to get a point with her. For the rest of the characters, the campaign itself does not add points, however, the search along with each character will (significantly) differ, so you should go with the one whose ending you want to get, at least for a change. If the girl you want to go with does not go with you, then you offended her in the infirmary. [Day 5] After returning from the forest, choosing to go to the circle building will give you the opportunity to get a point with Ulyana. [Miku Storyline] SPOILER! Key choices (it doesn't matter): Prologue: No, I'll stay here First day: Get the keys Second day: Go for the cards alone Fourth day: When searching in the camp, go to a stop, Agree, Don't touch the apple, Go in search of one If did everything right, it will be obvious. If not - either somewhere you made a mistake with the choice, or play the game for the first time (no endings have been received yet) [Storyline * final *] SPOILER! Key choices (basically the opposite of Miku's choices): Prologue: Yes, I'll follow you Day one: Don't take keys Third day: Refuse to help Lena, Look for answers, Help cyberneticians Day four: Eat an apple, Go in search of one If you've done everything right, then you will meet someone in the mine who was not there before. If, besides Shurik, there is no one in the mine, either somewhere they made a mistake with the elections, or they have not yet received all the good endings. In the end there will be a choice whether to go to town (ending with all the girls) or not (ending * it will be obvious to you with whom *). We can say that it is your choice of how the game really ends, because the two endings contradict each other a little, and end the game's plot in different ways. [Full walkthrough] If you can't guess what choices you need to make to get a good ending, here are the links to the full walkthrough. I recommend reading only after you have tried to get the ending on your own at least once ... Otherwise, ruin your pleasure from the game! Scheme - https://bubbl.us/ ?!