How to kill the boss in The Surge. All Weapons and Equipment The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the augmented - Hyde. Floor - Loading Compartment

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 57
Stroy strength: high
Attack speed: Low

Energy Getting: + 70%

Production method:

Falls from the first boss P.A.X. Only in the event that the boss never falls on the battle with its own missiles. Just save the distance during the rocket volley and go away from rockets. To "drop" the boss, during the launch of Bate on the foot on which it stands. But first you need to knock off the shields on his legs. They are knocked off from ordinary shots and relatively quickly.

Weapon feature:

The displayed power field on the blade and a special attack when retarding PCM.

"Throttle" May Beetle "B.2.0

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 24
Stroy force: low
Attack speed: high
Owning Effect Weapon: High
Energy Getting: + 5%

Production method:

During the battle with the "May Zhuk", it is necessary to cut off all the limbs. The task is not difficult, just highlight the legs on SCM and Beach. It is very convenient to cut off those limbs, ktotry "Beetle" stuck in the floor after strong hit. By the way, at the end there should be an ONDA that does not cut off the leg, which does not stand out through SCM, everything is fine, it is not a bug, you will still get weapons.

Weapon feature:

All attacms have been added damage from fire with a chance to set fire to the enemy.

"Prut-gunstar" in 2.0

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 62
Stroy force: average
Attack speed: average
Owning Effect Weapon: High
Obtaining energy: + 25%

Production method:

During the battle with the Boss "Greater Sistr", it is necessary in the second phase of the battle to leave the minimum of 2 burners on the assembly platform and then immediately attack the kernel.
Just destroy 2 burners on the left or on the right row and go to attack the kernel. The vacant place can be rejected as a place to retreat.

Weapon feature:

Adding damage from fire to all attacks with a chance to install the enemy.

"MG Judge" B.2.0

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 106
Stroy strength: high
Attack speed: Low

Getting Energy: + 55%

Production method:

Cut off the right hand of the fourth boss "Black Cherberry".

Weapon feature:

If there are 10 power units, it is possible to release a power wave by pressing PCM.

"Structural claws" and "chameleon"

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 83
Stroy force: average
Attack speed: high
Effect of possession of weapons: very high
Getting energy: + 20%

Production method:

Cut off the right hand of the humanoid form of the final boss

Feature weapons

Definitely best weapon In the game in terms of damage in a second.
Probably the best weapon in the game as a whole.
Commedized combat mechanics Acceptance of one-handed weapons and weapons with double fastening.

In addition, I would like to mention the best one-handed weapon: "chameleon"

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 131
Stroy force: average
Attack speed: high
Effect of possession of weapons: very high
Getting energy: + 20%

Production method:

IMPORTANT: The main way to get this sword blocks the possibility of obtaining "structural claws".
1) The main way: kill the humanoid shape of the final boss branches his head or craving the torso.
2) Kill the final boss, get "structural claws" as described above. Start a new game +. In this mode, the player in some places will meet special "zombies", you will learn them on a variety of equipment (sometimes from different sets armor) and arms. As far as I understand, "chameleon" can appear with absolutely by chance. So everything depends on the luck only.
But there is a way to smear:
IN new game+, in the first chapter in the location "Main Assembly Line", there is one such "zombie". Find him and look at him for the weapon. If this is not "chameleon", then let's kill your character and repeat this process until the opponent is not equipped with "chameleon". Theoretically, such a scheme should work with the rest of such opponents.
IMPORTANT: These zombies are not resting after you kill them and are very strong, so you need to kill them bangs the right hand from the first time.

Feature weapons

Increased damage and attack speed among all one-handed weapons.

We just started to pass the game, but are already ready to give a couple of tips on how to defeat the first boss - P.A.x in The Surge, as well as share secrets about the victory over the second boss - LU-74 Firebug. Meet our first guide by the game The. Surge!

How to defeat the first boss in The Surge - P.A.X

P.A.X is the first boss in the game that to win - always stay on the side of it and attack the leg to fill the orange stripe from above. After filling it in P.a.x will shoot rockets, at this moment will be stood next to it, and they will fall into it. Then spend the attack on its weak point (2 in front and 1 rear).

This scheme must be repeated twice, there will be no more revelations from the boss. In more detail on this video:

How to defeat the beetle - LU-74 Firebug, the second boss in the game The Surge

This boss has 2 forms. The first is when it is in a crab-like state. To defeat it in this rack, you will need to attack his legs after his jump and fall from the sky. After falling, run to it, perform 1 attack (1 - no more !!).

After you weakened the legs, the boss will fall on the ground. Attack his fallen leg until it breaks. Continue to repeat this scheme to a small animation with an explosion.

After this roller, the beetle will turn into a second form, flying around the combat zone. He will try to pull you up to himself or rotate with her own hands, in these moments you need to stay as far as possible! Attack at the time of its recharge, take 1-2 impact and step back. In more detail on this video:

Boss in The Surge is enough. Last time we talked about how to defeat the giant beetle and the very first monster P.a.x. Today, Game2Day will try to cope at once with three bosses in a row. Ready? Go!

First Boss - Big Sister

In battle with a big sister, you will have to go through two main stages and one final, which will differ dramatically from the previous ones. So make sure it is stuck with a large number of healing injections.

As soon as you go down to the arena, Big Sister will wake up, pulls the tentacles and raise your head. At the first stage, the key to success is evasion. Listen to the sound of the charging weapon, the boss will cook for the shot of his laser.

As soon as the monster's hand pulls out in the lunge, dodge, Bate a couple of times and move away. Wait for the next attack. As soon as you break the boss (bossich?) Both limbs, the fight goes to the next stage. We go ahead through the open gate towards fate ...

In the second phase of the Big Sister battle, will continue to try to squeeze you with a laser, and there will be four auxiliary hands on the arena. Destroy the first on the left, it is easiest. Remember that the limb on the opposite side of the Arena will try to grab you, so placing the camera in such a way that you can follow both threats. And do not forget about the sounds of the laser beam. With each cropped limb to cope with the boss becomes easier. In the end, the fight turns into 2D, where the player is under a giant monster head. It will periodically try to crush you, so shy away and apply shock until the head is on the same level with the character. A big evil sister also gets damage when trying to protect the tentacles surrounding the head.

You can attack the base of the neck when the head is in the air. Disclaimed in a red belt center. Be patient: the last stage of battle is quite simple, but not worth losing attention.

Second Boss - Black Cerberus

Black Cerber - a rather complicated opponent. In addition to standard strikes and attacks, it can cause previous bosses with whom you have already encountered. Let you do not deceive the outstanding appearance of Cerber: a lot of surprises awaits ahead. At the first stage, it is recommended to use weapons capable of damping by quick series.

Fit the slow attacks of Cherberry and immediately counteract in response. As soon as the health scale drops to 25%, the boss will discard your character and retreat from the arena. From the doorway, you will fall out the old acquaintance - P.A.X. Focus on the attack of his legs and constantly fill out an orange strip at the top of the screen. Speake the boss of the limbs and disperse from the head that fell on you.

As soon as you apply the last blow, P.a.x will fall, and Cerber will return. Attacks will remain the same, but a very unpleasant bonus will be added to the damage. So keep away from the monster when he lowers weapons to the floor. Move around, avoid combo attacks at all costs and try to apply your own blows.

Third Boss - Rogue Process

The fifth final boss in The Surge combines speed with an incredible point of impact. The monstrously differing from all other enemies in the game, google appears in the arena and grief to the player who is not fast enough! For victory you will need the fastest weapon to apply the maximum number of blows in those rare moments when you have a chance.

Focus on the boss case and carefully attack, avoiding powerful attacks from Rogue, which he spends his hands. Block, slightly fast shocks, again a bias. As soon as the health scale drops to 75 percent, the monster will be stunned for a second. At this point, switch to its hand and begins to be rained along it until it falls off. At this moment, your opponent will extract energy from the power chain, so jump on the terminal and recharge it by activating the second stage of the battle.

At the next stage, Rogue will take a humane shape. In this guise, it is even more dangerous, so keeping a monster at a safe distance all the time while he tries to hook you at least one blow from the series. As soon as you see the window after three consecutive routine attacks, we beat once or two, then retreat again.

Use a drone that may be incredibly useful at this stage. His ability to shoot down the boss with legs will help you earn a few precious seconds to start an attack or recover. Stay at a safe distance and be the most concentrated. Then even last Boss Games will not be an obstacle for you!

The battle with the first Boss P.A.X is a completely different type of battle that will make you revise your usual tactics. Thanks to this Surge game guide, you will learn the simplest sample attack for victory over the enemy and getting an excellent new one.

Defeat the first boss

Before entering the arena, where you will fight with P.a.x, you must equip the faster weapons or spend a few upgrades to improve the speed on your main weapons. You can destroy the enemy using a slower, more destructive weapon, it can be more difficult, especially in the first few attempts.

As soon as the battle began, it is better to stay behind the giant's back, than to fight from the front, as it will be easier for him to avoid most attacks from this point.

He will not be able to hit you in general if you find yourself right under it or a little behind to get for P.a.x, run up to him in front and slip forward between his legs, instead of running around it. This will only give him time for re-positioning, hit by a sword or directly kick.

Evasion from attacks

When you are under the enemy or behind, the primary attack that you must fear has an obvious harbinger. P.a.x raises any foot to half a second, before lowering it down for a powerful push, throwing you back.

While you pay attention to your endurance level, you can easily decound back from this main attack. Later in the battle, he will do three push in a row, alternating legs.

The straight punch leg is much faster and harder to avoid it. This requires fast reflexes to evade the left and right side. Be on a check, P.A.x can combine attacks that can quickly kill you. For example, he can knock down the shoes on the ground, and then shock twice with a sword.

P.A.X damage

Now that you know what to avoid, it's time to destroy the robot. Apply two or three blows, then appreciate the attack. You will notice that its health does not fall, but the energy level rises.

After applying a certain number of damage (pay attention to the orange band at the bottom), P.A.x will cross the Maximum Subjugation or Reboot Initialized and launch the rocket in you.

Here you should move as quickly as possible for him so that it damaged himself by the explosion and fell to the land in the flame. This is your real chance to strike.

In this position, you can strike onto its unarround front of the head, which is usually out of reach until P.a.x is worth it.

Rocket is a true way to achieve this position. But if you deliver a sufficient damage to the enemy's legs with ordinary weapons, you will receive the message "Overload Mending in Process" and you can run up and strike the head without using the rocket.

Repeat the process of fast impact, evasion from attacks and use the rocket to push it until it is finally destroyed. You will receive a weapon P.a.x Imperator and the achievement of P.A.X.

"The Surge" - a role-playing action-game developed by the German team Deck 13, one of the creators of "Lords of the Fallen." The place of action is a gloomy world in the style of science fiction. Players take on the role of an ordinary person whose world plunged into chaos due to excessive technological progress. This led to the fact that mankind created by humanity opposed people. The main task of the player is to save the world from these mechanical enemies.

There are many new equipment and cosmetic items. We'll figure it out where to look for all this.

Sets of equipment

For all sets of equipment in The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the AUGMENTED Get the achievement of "with full parade" (SUITED AND BOOTED).

In addition, two versions of each of three new armor sets. The usual version falls from any ordinary opponents (better in later episodes). A rare version falls from bosses. Parts of equipment on bosses appear randomly, but depend on the selected modifiers (the more modifiers, the higher the chance).

Therefore, we'll have to carefully inspect the boss to cut off the desired part. Thus, for achieving it is necessary to collect six sets. We'll have to ponder a little, as you can get only one thing at a time. In the screenshots of the armor, you can consider their differences in order to better know what to hunt.

Spirit Animal (Sentinel)

Falls with ordinary opponents. Falls with a boss with a Totem Wolf (Totem Wolf) (its usual armor). Increases damage at every strike of the enemy, but reduces damage at each impact on you.

Westwolf (Sentinel)

Falls only with a totem wolf (Totem Wolf). Increases damage after a successful jump or attack in the jump.

Stealthy Assassin (Goliath)

Falls with ordinary enemies and boss. Undertaker (under its usual armor). Restores health after cutting off the enemy's limbs, allows you to be treated above the maximum health indicator.

Secret Assassin (Goliath)

Falls only with the boss. Undertaker. Converts energy to the stamin and increases the effect of each cancer as it happens.

Angel of Death (Operator)

Falls with ordinary opponents and boss of La Muerte (La Muerte). It makes it possible to urgently restore 25% of health (used only once, but is restored after the use of Honeybank or first aid kit).


Falls only with the Boss of La Muerte. Disables the ability to use the actions restoring health and the stamin, but heals after each successful attack.


For all kinds of weapons "Wild West" in The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the augmented we get the achievement of the "Tools of War).

In addition, three options for each new weapon. Weapons can be knocked out of opponents and bosses or get levels with modifiers. From each boss you can knock out its type of weapons, but it will be random. Increase the chance of loss of the best version of weapons using modifiers. We use shortcases to get to bosses and grindim faster.

  • Pattern 20xx Infantry Rifle - Boss Totem Wolf (Totem Wolf).
  • Pattern 30xx Infantry Rifle - Totem Wolf Boss.
  • Golden Infantry Rifle - Lactose Tolerant modifier.


  • TamahaAc - Totem Wolf Boss (Totem Wolf) and ordinary enemies.
  • TamahaAc DX - Totem Wolf Boss (Totem Wolf).
  • Golden War Axe is the entire upper line of modifiers.


  • RIP (Rest in Pieces) - Boss Coffin (Undertaker) or ordinary enemies.
  • RIP. Special Edition - Boss Coffin (Undertaker).
  • RIGP (REST IN GOLD PIECES) is the whole third line of modifiers.


  • B0-W1E TWIN Blades - Boss La Muerte (La Muerte).
  • B0-W1E TWIN Blades Deluxe Edition - Boss La Muerte (La Muerte).
  • Golden Twin Blades - Arms Race modifier.


  • Grim Ravager - Boss La Muerte (La Muerte), Boss Coffin (Undertaker) and ordinary enemies.
  • Grim Marauder - Boss La Muerte (La Muerte) or the boss. Underpowder (Undertaker).
  • Golden Marauder is a Combo Maker modifier.

Cosmetic subjects

For the receipt of all cosmetic items "Wild West" in The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the augmented get the achievement of "blinking".

Cosmetic items we get for the passage of levels with modifiers. The last part is given for the passage of the ninth episode.

  • Dillon Head Gear - LEECH modifier
  • Cap Horn on the head - Vintage modifier
  • El Capitan on the head - CHRONO-MASTER modifier
  • Conquistador on the head - Modifier Short Fuse
  • Shades of Black on the head - Danger Close modifier
  • Malsum on the head - Epicenter modifier
  • DUKE on the head - modifier POLTERGUYS
  • The Mighty Hawk on the head - Black Belt modifier
  • Duke on Feet - Modifier Energy Dynamo
  • El Capitan on Feet - Modifier Fire and. Brimstone
  • Going Native on Feet - Modifier Cut-and-Go
  • Golden Dillon on the head - two any modifiers
  • Going Feral on the head - three any modifier
  • Smirking Luchador on the head - four any modifiers
  • Lucador's smile (Smiling Luchador) on the head - all modifiers from the bottom row
  • Golden Glasses (Shades of Gold) on the head - Complete Episode 9