Upcoming releases. Sherry Birkin - Resident Evil character: description, biography Dr. Birkin resident evil

Age: 12 (for 1998)
Weight:?? Kg
Growth:??? cm
Hair color: Fair-haired
Blood type: O
Appears in series:
Resident evil 2
Resident Evil: DC
Resident Evil: ORC
Resident evil 6
Lisa Yamanaka (RE2)
Laura Bailey (RE: DC)
Eden Riegel (ORC, RE6)

Main biography

The only daughter of William Birkin, the lead developer of the G-virus. Sherri is not very talkative and does not willingly show her emotions, perhaps this is due to the fact that her parents have never openly demonstrated their love for her. After the virus was leaked in Raccoon City, Sherri called her mother, Annette, and told her to go to the police station. Annette thought it was the safest place, but she was wrong. The girl had to escape from the hordes of zombies.

To the aid of a lonely and defenseless Sherry, Claire Redfield came to the city in search of her older brother. The girl did not immediately trust Claire, she was seized with horror and practically inactive. It took her a while to take a closer look at the girl and start acting together. Their search for a way to escape was interfered with by the monster chasing Sherri. It was the Tyrant of mass production, programmed by Umbrella to search for the G-virus. Unbeknownst to Sherri, her father hid a sample of the virus in a locket around her neck. That is why all attempts to simply run away from the monster were useless.

Sherri's well-being was not only cared for by Claire, but also by her mother. The woman controlled herself because she hoped that her daughter could be saved with the help of the vaccine. Sherri had a very high fever and it seemed that the virus would overcome her, but the girl became much better after Claire injected her with the vaccine. When Sherri left Raccoon City, she found herself under the protection of the US government. Sherri is safe, and she is the only one in the world that has immunity against the G-virus.

Derek Simmons took custody of her, and although Claire was a civilian, he never prevented her from meeting little Sherry. She was endlessly tested, did examinations, and her entire adolescence flew by. After the death of Albert Wesker, in exchange for freedom, she was offered to work for the US government as an agent. To which Sherri did not hesitate and agreed.

year 2012. Sherry was assigned to find and deliver to the United States Jake Muller, whose blood contains antibodies to the K-virus. However, Sherri herself was no longer an ordinary girl: under the influence of the remnants of the G-virus, she got hold of regeneration, which also affected her appearance - at her 26 she looked great 18. While trying to leave Edonia, she and Jake were captured by NeoUmbrella and delivered to their laboratory in China. So another six months passed.

year 2013. Sherri and Jake managed to escape from the laboratory and contact its immediate supervisor, and concurrently and guardian, Derek Simmons. In parallel, they took the results of all the studies that were carried out with them there. In the city, Sherry met Leon, who told her the whole truth about Simmons, the K-virus and the bioterrorism attack on Tall Oaks. She could not help but believe Leon, but doubts still remained in her. This discussion was interrupted by Ustanak, a new BOO developed by NeoUmbrella to get Jake back. Everyone got to the meeting point in their own way. Sherri soon realized that Leon's words were true. Fleeing from Simmons, she and Jake fell into the hands of NeoUmbrella again.

This time, they were pulled out of captivity by Chris Redfield, and they ended up at the NeoUmbrella underwater research station. Just the same Ustanak prevented them from leaving it, and after a fierce battle, the monster was destroyed. They took the high-speed elevator out of the exploding complex. So the world got blood for the vaccine, and Sherri got a valuable life experience and a true friend (friend?), Jake Muller.

Jack Krauser
Albert Wesker
Aida Wong
Claire Redfield

William Birkin

Date of Birth: 1962 year
Family status: wife - Annette Birkin, wedding date not known.
Children: daughter - Sherry Birkin, was born in 1986.
Growth: data are inconsistent
Weight: data are inconsistent
Blood type: 0
Hair color: bright
Eye color: blue

There is no information from what year William worked for Umbrella Corporation. However, at the age of 16 in 1978, he, along with Albert Wesker, was already assigned as one of the chief research engineers at the Arklay Research Complex, located in the Arkley Mountains, near the city of Raccoon City. William is one of the youngest and most talented scientists ever to work at Umbrella. All 20 years since his appointment at Arkley, he has devoted himself to research activities in the development of biological weapons. William belongs to the class of scientists for whom their work becomes their whole life. From a young age and throughout his years at Umbrella, he has a sincere and almost fanatical passion for research. William is very smart; he's a perfectionist, a little vain. He is ready with incredible persistence to complete the work entrusted to him to the end by any means, despite the difficulties, but does not tolerate the appearance of competitors. He must remain the best and the only one in his field. However, completely and completely absorbed in work, he does not ask questions about the purposes of development, methods of their use. He doesn't care why Spencer needs advances in biological weapons, or how he is going to dispose of them. He, as a true scientist, is more interested in the process and the result of research, but not in the result from his practical side. And like many people of science, he does not see the border between good and evil. He was not embarrassed by cruel experiments on people. His discoveries will turn out to be good or evil - it does not matter. The only thing that matters is that he created something new, which no one had ever succeeded in before him. In his work for the corporation, William is in a sense completely disinterested - he is not interested in personal gain, income from development. All he needs is recognition among equals in the scientific industry. Alas, more down-to-earth and practical people often use talented scientists and developers like William (of any field of activity), their enthusiasm and sincere desire to work in order to appropriate all their achievements to themselves, and, in turn, leave them with nothing ...

On account of William, the improvement of the T-virus, numerous developments based on it, including the "Tyrant" project. The pinnacle of Dr. Birkin's research activities is the creation of the G-virus, whose capabilities are many times greater than those of the T-virus. William's research on the G-virus took 10 years, from its discovery in 1988 to its final completion in 1998. He was extremely proud of his discovery and treasured it. However, Umbrella's leadership became aware of William's intentions (which appeared not without the participation of his friend Albert) to leave the campaign along with their developments. It was an excellent excuse and a chance to deprive William of his brainchild, not to owe him anything. Umbrella did just that. In September 1998, she dispatched a Umbrella Special Forces Unit to retrieve the G- sample from Dr. Birkin (who had worked from about 1992-94 in a separate, specially built underground research facility on the outskirts of Raccoon City). virus. However, one of the squad members inadvertently opened fire and mortally wounded William. Who managed to put an ampoule with the G-virus in the pocket of his dressing gown before the ill-wishers appeared. Realizing that he was mortally wounded, William, in desperation, injected himself with a G-virus capable of restoring cell function. The mutation was not long in coming. Having gained superhuman strength and endurance, William got even with his killers, but in the process, a suitcase with viruses stolen by people from the U.S.F.U. was damaged, and there was a leak of T and G-viruses in the city sewer, through which Umbrella's squad entered the plant; the rats living here also contributed to the spread of the virus. Despite the tragic consequences of a not purely conducted operation to obtain a sample of the G-virus, the corporation nevertheless got hold of this development, as one of the squad members managed to escape death from William's clutches and get out of the city.

By injecting himself with the virus, William saved his life, but almost completely lost his mind. Birkin's wife, Annette, who worked with him, did not leave the city after the incident at the plant and did not take their common daughter, Sherry, with her. Considering that the G-virus is transmitted from carrier to carrier by the introduction of an embryo, the mutated William set out to do exactly this with his own daughter - to make her like himself. However, through the efforts of Claire Redfield, who made the vaccine for Sherry, and Leon Kennedy, Dr. William Birkin, who had gone through several stages of mutation and finally lost his human form, was killed on September 29, 1998.

Rebecca Chambers

Special detachment S.T.A.R.S., subdivision "Bravo".

The youngest and most inexperienced member of the S.T.A.R.S. team, a field doctor barely joining the service. We meet her in Resident Evil 1 - as one of the minor characters as well as Resident Evil Zero (a prequel to original game) - as the main character.

July 23, 1998, the "Bravo" team of the special squad "S.T.A.R.S." (Special Tactics And Rescue Service), in which Rebecca was enrolled, will be sent to investigate a series of murders that took place in the Arklay Mountains - in the vicinity of Raccoon City. While combing the forest, the Bravo team stumbles upon an overturned military police van containing the bodies of two dead officers. According to the documents found, the car was transporting a criminal, a former military man, accused of the mass execution of 23 people. The team will decide to split up to expand the search area. Rebecca Chambers, following orders, stumbles upon an express train that has stopped in the middle of the forest, teeming with the walking dead- and from this moment her misfortune will begin.

Billy Cohen

Rebecca's partner in Resident Evil Zero. Billy is the same criminal charged with the murder of 23 people and sentenced to death. Shortly before the events of the game, the police van carrying Cohen crashed in a forest on the outskirts of Raccoon City. The guards were killed, and Billy miraculously managed to escape.

By coincidence, Rebecca and Billy will meet on a train teeming with evil creatures. They will have to act as a team to extricate themselves from the mess they both got into.

Chris Redfield

Later - an operative of the international organization Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA).

Chris - the main character Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil Code: Veronica and Resident Evil 5.

Chris is a former military man who served in the ranks of the US Air Force. In the first Resident, he becomes Jill Valentine's companion.

After a disillusionment with military service and a return to civilian life, Chris moved from city to city until one day he met Barry Burton. Barry immediately noticed Chris' abilities and, given his solid military experience, recruited him into the newly formed S.T.A.R.S., after which they ended up in one of his units - in Raccoon City, under the command of Captain Albert Wesker. On July 24, 1998, the Alpha team goes in search of the missing Bravo team.

Together with Jill and Rebecca Chambers, they will investigate the Spencer mansion (the scene of the first "Resident"), where they will uncover the Umbrella conspiracy, but in the future, the case will be put on hold, and Chris will be forced to leave the police service. After that, he will be enrolled in the ranks of the BSAA.

Chris's worst enemy will be Albert Wesker, a former captain of the Alpha Squad, who secretly worked for Umbrella. Redfield will face Wesker face to face in Resident Evil Code: Veronica, but by this time Wesker will no longer be an ordinary person, and Chris will not be able to cope with him. The final showdown between Chris and Wesker will take place in Resident Evil 5.

Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)

Chris, years after the Raccoon City incident, is mature and experienced in fighting the undead.

Chris and his partner Shiva - Resident Evil 5.

Captain Josh Stone

BSAA, a division of Delta

We meet this guy in Resident Evil 5. During the execution of a combat mission, his unit was completely destroyed, and Josh joined Chris and Shiva's team to help them get on the trail of Albert Wesker.

Shiva Alomar

BSAA, operational agent.

Chris Redfield's partner in Resident Evil 5. According to legend, this black young lady spent all her childhood in the African jungle as part of a partisan detachment, that is, she grew up and was brought up with weapons in her hands. Then she was recruited into the BSAA, where she received training under the leadership of Captain Stone. Together with Chris, she will go through a real hell, but she will show herself as a loyal and devoted fighting friend.

Jill Valentine

Special detachment S.T.A.R.S., division "Alpha".

Hereinafter - BSAA operational agent

Chris's partner in the first "Resident". Perhaps it is Jill who is the main female character in all game series, all major events revolve around her.

In Resident Evil 3, Jill will be left all alone in the zombie-infested Raccoon City. Detachment S.T.A.R.S. by this time, through the efforts of "Umbrella" will completely disintegrate, and "Umbrella" will declare a real hunt for Jill in order to destroy her as a dangerous witness with information capable of destroying the corporation. Jill will have to twist and it won't be easy.

During the Raccoon City incident, Jill will be infected with the virus. She will be rescued by Umbrella's mercenary Carlos Oliveiro.

After getting out of the city, she will find Chris and join him in the fight against Wesker and his organization. The idea of ​​ending Umbrella once and for all will become almost the meaning of life for her.

However, Wesker will soon capture Jill, clear her mind and use her to kill Chris Redfield.

Chris's relationship with Jill is ambiguous - I believe they have feelings that go beyond friendship.

Jill in Resident Evil 3 (Escape from Raccoon City)

This is how she will become in Resident Evil 5

Jill in BSAA suit

But this is how we will see her in the upcoming Resident Evil Revelation - but, unfortunately, only for owners of the latest portable console from Nintendo :(

Barry Burton

Special detachment S.T.A.R.S., division "Alpha".

Barry Burton is a former S.W.A.T. fighter who is well versed in weapons, even obsessed with it. Since, together with Wesker, Barry organized the creation of the S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City, it can be assumed that he trusted, supported and respected the captain. Barry was the first to know that Captain Wesker works for Umbrella and intends to use the S.T.A.R.S. as experimental rats in their experiment.

When Team Alpha sets out to find Team Bravo, missing in the Arklay Mountains, and finds themselves in a trap prepared for them, Captain Wesker will need someone's help, and Barry is best suited for this role - he is easily blackmailed by the threat of violence against his family. Jill and Chris trust him so that Barry can convince them to do exactly what Wesker wants. This will be a forced betrayal, which will torment him very much. In the end, Barry will still go against Umbrella - although he will know that he is putting his family in mortal danger.

When the surviving S.T.A.R.S. fighters, other than Jill, leave Raccoon City, Barry will return by helicopter and rescue Jill Valentine and the mercenary U.B.C.S. from the city. Carlos Oliveiro.

Leon S. Kennedy - Becomes a friend of Barry Burton after the events in Raccoon City. The surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. join a government organization to stop the monstrous Umbrella experiments.

Leon S. Kennedy

RPD - Raccoon City Police Department.

Further - a government agent.

My favorite character :) We meet him in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4.

Leon in Resident Evil 2 is a rookie arriving at his first duty station. In 1998, after completing his studies at the Police Academy, he was sent to the city in the Midwestern United States - Raccoon. We learn of him as a rookie police officer who arrives in town on his first day of duty, looking forward to his future career at the local police department (RPD), however, the disaster that happened shortly before his arrival makes its own adjustments. He was so lucky - he spent exactly one night in the RPD service. However, the impressions of this night spent in Raccoon City will last for a lifetime.

A person with a heightened sense of duty and justice. A significant drawback is excessive gullibility and weakness for the opposite sex. It will come out sideways to him more than once.

Leon learns that the catastrophe in the city - the work of the international corporation "Umbrella". After exploring her hidden science center on the outskirts of the city (the entrance to which was located directly under the police station), Leon will find a lot of information about the monstrous experiments of the corporation that were associated with the development of biological weapons.

In Raccoon City, Leon will meet Chris Redfield's sister, Claire. They will become partners. And here, for the first time, he will face Aida Wong, a professional mercenary working for Wesker.

After collecting a lot of important information, Leon and Claire will escape from the Umbrella research facility. Determined to deal with Umbrella for the death of so many people, the heroes will be divided.

Six years later, from July 1998, Leon will be given a job in the US Secret Service, which reports directly to the President.

Leon is a government agent. This is no longer a policeman, this is a professional exterminator of evil spirits, who has solid experience of work in various countries behind him.

For some time, Leon works in a team with another government agent - Jack Krauser. However, friction arises between them, and Krauser soon disappears somewhere.

Leon's secret gangster costume in Resident Evil 4 :))

Ashley Graham

Who do you think? Daughter of the President of the United States.

In 2002, Leon received information about the death of his comrade-in-arms, Jack Krauser, and 2 years later, someone kidnapped the daughter of the President of the United States, Ashley Graham. Leon is tasked with finding and rescuing Ashley. Following the information received, Leon goes to the Spanish village of Pueblo.

In the investigation of this case, Leon is assisted by communications officer Ingrid Hannigen. Arriving at the place, Leon is confronted with the activities of a mysterious cult, the head of which is Osmund Saddler. Kennedy discovers that Saddler intends to use the president's daughter as a bargaining chip against the American government.

Ashley is a completely helpless creature. Terribly annoying. By his stupidity, he always gets into some kind of trouble. However, it is worth losing it - and the task is failed.

Claire Redfield

And here is the younger sister of Chris Redfield. My favorite female character :) We meet her in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil Code: Veronica.

The charming young lady appeared in Raccoon City at the same time as Leon Kennedy. For a long time she had not received any news about the fate of her brother, who miraculously got out alive from Spencer's mansion, so she decided to visit him. And I ended up in a rather strange place - deserted streets, nowhere are there any signs of life. Going to a roadside cafe, she encountered zombies, from which she was saved by Leon who happened to be nearby. Together with a new acquaintance, they will decide to get to the police station, where it is undoubtedly safer than on the streets, besides, there Claire will be able to find some explanation for the disappearance of Chris.

In the station, Claire will meet a little girl - Sherri Birkin, who is hiding behind the office of Police Chief Brian Irons. The girl will be frightened, a certain monster is hunting for her, which needs a medallion on her neck.

As Sherri becomes infected with the virus, Claire will have to take the girl out of the precinct to the Umbrella research facility. There she will look for antivirus to cure the child. Together with Leon and Sherry, Claire will leave Raccoon City by the underground railroad.

After the incident in Raccoon City, Leon and Sherry will be taken over by the government, while Claire will continue to search for her brother.

In Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Claire is imprisoned on Umbrella's Rockfort Island. There Claire meets Steve Burnside - who once worked for Umbrella with his father, but also imprisoned.

Claire in the movie Resident Evil: Degeneration

Steve Burnside

We meet him in Resident Evil Code: Veronica. Steve Burnside is inmate number 267 of the Umbrella Special Prison on Rockfort Island. People who have committed a crime against the corporation, as well as who in one way or another did not please it, are sent to this prison. Steve's father, who worked for Umbrella, began to steal classified information and wanted to sell it to the highest bidder. However, by order of the corporation, his wife was killed, and he and his son were sent to Rockfort.

After the T-virus is leaked by HCF forces led by Albert Wesker on the island, Steve is able to escape from prison. Here he will meet another prisoner, also released - Claire Redfield.

Steve behaves either as a capricious and stubborn child, or as an overly self-confident and arrogant teenager. From the moment they met Claire, he has been trying to impress her. He directly needs to be shown how cool he is, and that it is he who is aware of the state of affairs on the island and will be able to get out of here; this is especially noticeable in the tone of the conversation and general familiarity. For Claire, who has gone through the nightmare of Raccoon City, this attitude is laughable.

From Rockfort Island, the two of them travel by plane to the Umbrella Antarctic base - the last stronghold of the corporation. There, Steve receives an injection of the T-Veronica virus and turns into a monster.

The end will be sad.

U.B.C.S. - Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service is Umbrella's dedicated countermeasure service for biological contamination.

The nature of U.B.C.S. missions for the most part, it is risky and dangerous, in each operation a rather high mortality rate of members of the unit remains. Presumably U.B.C.S. consists of war criminals and mercenaries from all over the world who have joined the U.B.C.S. as an alternative to capital punishment.

On September 26, 1998, during the T-virus outbreak in Raccoon City, U.B.C.S. teams were dispatched to the city. to support the RPD forces. Most of the fighters died at the very beginning of this mission. Officially, the goal of the mission was to save the civilian population from the epicenter of infection, however, Umbrella's plans were completely different - a biological weapons test (B.O.W.). The only survivor in Raccoon City was Carlos Oliveira, and according to unconfirmed reports, Nikolai Zinoviev.

Resident Evil 3 Intro (1999)

Carlos Oliveiro

Umbrella Corporation, special squad U.B.C.S.

Carlos is a member of the U.B.C.S. Delta Squad, sent to Raccoon City to contain the T-Virus epidemic and rescue civilians. Its origin is unknown. Presumably he is originally from Latin America. Specialized in security and support missions, he also has experience in heavy weapons and is responsible for maintaining the team's weapons.

By nature, probably too arrogant, but simple-minded. During the mission, he meets Jill Valentine and, endangering his life, repeatedly saves the girl. Looks like the guy is fascinated by her. Together with her, he paves the way to the exit from the city through the hordes of the living dead and mutants.

Mikhail Victor(hmm, surname)

Umbrella Corporation, special squad U.B.C.S.

Mikhail is an ex-fighter in the Russian army who lost his job and offered his combat skills to the U.B.C.S. Mikhail will be wounded in a fight with a horde of zombies, in which most of the U.B.C.S.men will be killed by that time.

Mikhail is a brave soldier, with a great sense of responsibility and faith in justice, with all his might he tries to protect and save the surviving soldiers.

Mikhail heroically dies in a skirmish with Nemesis, blowing it up with him with his own grenade.

Michael vs. Nemesis

Nikolay Zinoviev

Umbrella Corporation, special squad U.B.C.S.

Also an ex-soldier of the Russian army, recruited by Umbrella into the ranks of the U.B.C.S. Nikolai is a sergeant in the U.B.C.S. and is also one of the observers sent by Umbrella to Raccoon City to assess B.O.W.

Aida Wong

A mercenary that Leon meets in Raccoon City.

Almost nothing is known about her - who she is, where she is from, what she did before. Mystery woman. It is only known that she works for Wesker - obtains him information and samples of biological weapons.

Aida Wong is a cunning, beautiful, independent, self-aware and very dangerous woman. Aida mercilessly uses people to her advantage, deceiving and throwing them. Aida always works alone - she doesn't trust her partners, and they don't trust her. And only Leon breathes unevenly towards her :)

Aida arrives in the city just at the time when, due to the leak of the T-virus, he was overrun with zombies and monsters. After meeting with Leon, she will have to pretend that she is under the protection of a young police officer, to play only a girl looking for her boyfriend, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion. Upon reaching Umbrella's underground laboratory, Aida will leave Leon unnoticed. Its task is to obtain an experimental sample of the G-virus stored somewhere in the laboratory.

Aida and Leon

Ozwell E. Spencer

Umbrella Corporation

Throughout the games in the Resident Evil series, the formidable figure of Lord Ozwell E. Spencer remained in the shadows. An almost mythical character with immense power, resources and influence, he was behind the discovery of the progenitor virus, the Umbrella Corporation and the development of bioorganic weapons. A true master of behind-the-scenes games, he skillfully hid his face, outlived his brainchild and, until 2006, avoided personal responsibility for his actions. Until now, his biography contains many dark spots.

Albert Wesker

Umbrella Corporation

It is not known from what year Wesker worked for the Umbrella Corporation. However, at the age of 18 in 1978, he, along with William Birkin, was already assigned as one of the chief research engineers at the Arklay Research Complex, located in the Arkley Mountains, near the city of Raccoon City. If Wesker's friend and colleague, William, is a talented scientist, even too seriously passionate about his work, then Albert is a born boss, a leader.

Wesker took part in the development of biological weapons, in particular in the Tyrant project. But it is not known exactly what his activities were. Not being overwhelmed with work, like William, he often wondered about the true intentions of their mysterious "boss" - Spencer, one of the co-owners of the Umbrella Corporation.

Wesker is cold-blooded, cruel, calculating. Perhaps it is difficult to find a more charismatic and level-headed villain than him.

In July 1998, as the leader of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City and at the same time an undercover agent of "Umbrella", he is ordered to destroy both squads of this unit, under pressure from the public, which nevertheless began an investigation into incidents related to the leak of the virus in the Arklay laboratory. The Arklay Laboratory was blown up - no evidence of Umbrella research or biological weapons remains. Captain S.T.A.R.S. Until December 1998, Albert Wesker was considered tragically killed in this incident.

In fact, Wesker injected himself with an unknown virus that remains to this day one of Umbrella's most mysterious and successful developments.

Deleted from the list of the living for almost everyone and, most importantly, for Umbrella, Wesker began his game - collecting virus samples and research results from employees of the corporation. Deprived of the opportunity to act in the open, Albert resorts to the help of Aida Wong, a woman who has long been involved in espionage at Umbrella.

And here is Wesker's transformation in Resident Evil 5. By the time the events of the fifth part began, Wesker had already ceased to be a man. The virus circulating in his blood made him into a superhuman, able to control his body at the molecular level.

James Marcus

Umbrella Corporation

There were three of them: Edward Ashford, James Marcus and Ozwell Spencer - the aristocrats who founded the Umbrella Corporation.

It was with these two people that Marcus led the development in the field of biotechnology for some time, until in the early 60s a group of scientists including James Marcus himself, Edward Ashford and Ozwell Spencer discovered the so-called Progenitor virus, or the Maternal Virus, which put the beginning of the development of biological weapons. At Spencer's insistence, James Marcus co-founded Umbrella Inc. - a pharmaceutical campaign, which should become a cover for their illegal development. However, Marcus, unlike Spencer, who was guided by not entirely clear but full of ambition motives, and Ashford, for whom this additionally emphasized his position in society, was not interested in conspiracy, administration and commercial benefits of their projects. All his energy and all his enthusiasm were directed exclusively towards research, like his future "successor" William Birkin.

Through experiments on various living organisms, including humans, James advanced in the development of the T-virus. For a long time, the main achievements in the field of creating biological weapons belonged to Marcus, and Spencer, most likely, was not afraid of competition from the scientist who performed the main work. But feeling the reluctance of Marcus to remain in the shadow of the head of Umbrella and the unwillingness to share his inventions with the corporation, in the late 80s Spencer decides to eliminate the doctor. There is quite a good replacement for him - William Birkin, who is still more loyal and will only happily take the place of Marcus, for the young scientist has always wanted to be the first in his field. In 1988, by order of Spencer, Dr. James Marcus was shot by people from the Umbrella special forces in his own laboratory during another experiment. The perpetrators of the murder were none other than William Birkin and Albert Wesker - the only ones Marcus trusted. The doctor's body was drowned.

But then 10 years have passed, and Marcus returned. Alive and healthy, and in addition rejuvenated. How could this happen? This secret will be revealed to us by Resident Evil Zero.

William Birkin

Umbrella Corporation

This man is directly responsible for the 1998 Raccoon City tragedy.

On account of William, the improvement of the T-virus, numerous developments based on it, including the "Tyrant" project. The pinnacle of Dr. Birkin's research activities is the creation of the G-virus, whose capabilities are many times greater than those of the T-virus. It took William 10 years to research the G virus, from its discovery in 1988 to its final completion in 1998. He was extremely proud of his discovery and treasured it. However, the leadership of Umbrella became aware of William's intentions (which appeared not without the participation of his friend Albert) to leave the campaign along with their developments. It was a great excuse and a chance to deprive William of his brainchild, not to owe him anything. Umbrella did just that.

In September 1998, she dispatched a Umbrella Special Forces Unit to retrieve Sample G from Dr. Birkin (who had worked from about 1992-94 in a separate, specially built underground research facility on the outskirts of Raccoon City). -virus. William received a shot at point blank range. Realizing that he was mortally wounded, William, in desperation, injected himself with a G-virus capable of restoring cell function. The mutation was not long in coming. Having gained superhuman strength and endurance, William got even with his killers, but in the process, a suitcase with viruses stolen by people from the U.S.F.U. was damaged, and there was a leak of T and G-viruses in the city sewers, through which the Umbrella squad entered the plant.

The changes that took place in Birkin's body were irreversible.

The first form

Second form

Third form

Fourth form

Fifth form. Nothing human. A bubbling, gelatinous mass with an enormous mouth studded with spiked teeth. Unknown fucking shit - to put it another way.

There is even a video :) Prepare sanitary bags.

Sherri Birkin

Daughter of William Birkin. The most touching character in the game. The mutated daddy will become her nightmare, he will relentlessly pursue her.

As a result, Sherri will meet Claire Redfield and her fear will go away.

Annette Birkin

The wife of the unfortunate doctor Birkin, who became a victim of his own creation.

By injecting himself with the virus, William saved his life, but almost completely lost his mind. Birkin's wife, Annette, who worked with him, did not leave the city after the incident in the laboratory and did not take their common daughter, Sherri, with her. She stayed in the lab to preserve her husband's work. Given that the G-virus is transmitted from carrier to carrier by the introduction of an embryo, the mutated William set out to do exactly this with his own daughter - to make her like himself. With Annette's help, the heroes of Resident Evil 2 will be able to make a vaccine for Sherry, and the girl will be saved. Annette will soon be killed by her own husband.


Hunk is a member of the Umbrella Special Forces (U.S.F.U). Strong, hardy, executive and cold-blooded, he owes his skills to the military training base of Rockfort Island.

As a member of Squad Alpha during the biological disaster in Raccoon, Hunk receives a secret order from Umbrella's Paris Headquarters to infiltrate the sewers into an underground research facility, locate the creator of the G-Virus, William Birkin, and remove a sample of the virus. The operation did not go so smoothly ...

Somehow, Hunk will survive the revenge of a scientist who turns into a monster.

The further fate of Hunk after the events of RE-UC (collapse of Umbrella) is unknown.

Osmund Saddler

Founder and leader of a religious sect that thrives on the outskirts of the Spanish village of Pueblo, the setting for Resident Evil 4.

Saddler wants neither more nor less - but to compete with the American military-political machine. For this, he kidnaps the daughter of the President of the United States. Bioterrorism in synthesis with religious teachings is its way of gaining power and influence in the world.

Saddler's transformation. Here is such an unknown fucking garbage.

Louis Cera

A mysterious Spaniard whom the protagonist meets during the mission in Resident Evil 4. Together with Leon, they try to survive in the terrible events that are happening around. Posing as a local police officer, Luis is nonetheless reluctant to share information about his identity.

Bitores Mendez

Headman of the Pueblo village where Leon arrives. A tall and scary-looking man who is extremely unfriendly towards an intruder. He is one of the confidants of Lord Saddler.

Bitores's transformation in a fight with Leon

Ramon Salazar

He appears everywhere with his two henchmen - to the left and to the right of him. Their names are appropriate - Left Hand and Right Hand :)

Salazar before transforming into HEX.

Jack Krauser

Government agent

Later - Wesker's henchman and action movie Los Illuminados

Krauser was a government agent who met Leon Kennedy, presumably during his Secret Service training. It's not entirely clear if these two were good friends, or even vice versa; and although Krauser calls Leon "comrade," his tone is somewhat ironic.

Krauser's transformation during the fight with Leon.

Krauser and Leon

Ricardo Irving

Wesker's henchman in Resident Evil 5. Somewhat reminiscent of Salazar, the same silly subject. A black market trader who supplies Wesker with biological materials for his research.

Irving's black market deals have not escaped the attention of the BSAA. Chris Redfield and Shiva expect to reach Wesker through Irving.

When Irving's tail is pinned, he mutates into some unknown fucking shit.

This shit can even swim.

Excella Gion

Tricell Pharmaceutical Company

In Resident Evil 5, Wesker's business partner, an eccentric lady who heads the African department of the pharmaceutical corporation Tricell, under whose cover Wesker works. She expects Wesker to build a wondrous new world, with the help of viral weapons, clearing the planet of excess population, and she believes that she will take a place at the right hand of the ruler of the new world, which Wesker himself plans to become.

She allowed Wesker to involve herself in an adventure with biological weapons, because she seriously considers Albert to be almost a god, but she, unlike Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, has no idea that her new god needs only performers who can be got rid of. when they are no longer needed.

Excella and Wesker

As a result, Excella will turn into a giant ouroboros.

Alfred Ashford

Umbrella Corporation

The main reptile in Resident Evil Code: Veronica.

The son of one of the leaders of "Umbrella" - Alexander Ashford. Twin brother of Alexia Ashford.

Alfred, one might say, turned out to be a "by-product" of Alexander Ashford's experiment on the birth of a genius child. Outwardly very similar to his sister, he was much inferior to her in terms of intelligence. If Alexia is restrained and does not give vent to emotions, she lives by reason, and not by feelings, then Alfred is very impulsive, unbalanced and does not know how to control his emotions.

After the disappearance of his father and the departure of Alexia in 1983, Alfred became the head of the Ashford House. He also took over the post of Alexander at Umbrella. However, nowhere is there any mention of him personally engaging in or directing research in the field of biological weapons. Apparently, he received some kind of military education, which affected his love for weapons and his decision to build a military base on Rockfort Island.

Alexia Ashford

Umbrella Corporation

Twin sister of Alfred Ashford.

Alexia is undisputedly the youngest and most brilliant scientist ever to work at Umbrella and served as Principal Investigator.

For two years of work, Alexia has achieved significant success in research, thus practically completing the project started by her grandfather. She discovered remnants of an ancient virus in the genes of the queen ant and, using the Progenitor virus and the T-virus, created a virus known as the T-Veronica. Alexia found the ant and anthill ecosystem ideal for herself. An anthill, where there is one queen, who is surrounded by dedicated, but easily replaceable, workers and soldiers, she considered a kind of model of the world, especially in relation to herself.

Very soon, Alexia figured out how to bring T-Veronica to perfection. For this, the mutation of the object must proceed very slowly, over a long time and under the influence of low temperature. Then the virus carrier will not only not lose consciousness, but will also be fully compatible with the virus and gain unprecedented power.

Alexia deliberately injected herself with the virus and plunged into cryosleep for 15 years, which corresponds to the incubation period of T-Veronica.

Fifteen years later, Alexia awoke in December 1998. She has not lost her human appearance and control over herself, as expected. But just at this time, Albert Wesker arrives at the base in Antarctica for the T-Veronica, the only specimen of which is in Alexia's body. But the arrogant beauty is not going to so easily share her strength with someone. Alexia mutates at will in order to be able to fight back Wesker.

Being in human form, she cannot reveal the full potential of the power that Veronica has endowed her with. Of course, a charming woman turns into an Unknown Fucking Fuck :)

"Resident Evil" has long been a proper name, denoting the most best games in the genre Survival Horror... A chilling plot, well-thought-out characters and no less frightening graphics - all this is an invariable component of the Resident Evil franchise, each part of which becomes the most anticipated among "gamers" around the world.


The action of the second part of the game develops 2 months after the last events in the Arklay Mountains. A scientist from the Umbrella Corporation, William Birkin, modified the T-virus while at this moment in a secret laboratory located in the sensational city of Raccoon City. Umbrella needed a terrifying new non-cellular infectious agent, strain G, so a Special Forces squad was sent after him. However, an incident occurred between Birkin and the armed soldiers, as a result of which both samples of the virus ended up in a sewer network near the laboratory. The rats instantly spread G and T infections around the area. Thus, a new infection of the whole world began.

At the same time, a secondary plot develops in the game Resident Evil 2, according to which Leon Scott Kennedy arrives in Raccoon City. The young man has just started working in the police department. Together with him arrives and who hopes to find her (missing after the first part of the game) brother - Chris.

Resident Evil Game: Characters

The main characters of the game:

  • Ada Wong - Hired by Umbrella Corporation, working undercover. She quickly rubbed into the credibility of Kennedy. At the end of the game, the girl dies, but reappears in Part 4 of The Resident. As it turns out, she was saved
  • Leon Kennedy - new employee Raccoon City Police Department. Hiding from the virus, he walks out into the parking lot, where he meets a mysterious woman named Ada Wong.
  • Hunk is the commander of the special forces of the Umbrella Corporation.
  • Annette Birkin is the wife of the scientist who created the deadly virus and all its modifications. Dies at the hands of a spouse.
  • William Birkin is the developer of both viruses. At the beginning of the game, the soldiers of the Hank's squad shoot at him, but he injects himself with serum, mutates and turns into a monster with unprecedented strength. After that, he becomes the main negative character in the game.
  • Sherri Birkin is the young daughter of Annette and William. One of the samples of the new virus is hidden in its pendant. The girl is rescued by Leon and Claire, and they all leave the city together.

In addition, there are other Resident Evil characters in the game who take secondary roles and die pretty quickly.

The most interesting thing is to find out the biography of the scientist's daughter, as she is one of the most mysterious characters in the franchise.

early years

Sherri Birkin grew up in a family of scientists who worked for the Umbrella Corporation. Since her parents were constantly missing at work, the girl was often left alone, but this did not diminish her love for Annette and William. In 1991, the entire Sherri family moved to a new laboratory facility located underground in Raccoon City. There, her parents begin developing a new, improved G virus.

Sherri in Raccoon City

In the new city, the girl's life is not developing in the best way. In 1998, her father completes work on a new biological weapon. At this moment, a special forces detachment is sent to the city, which is ordered to kill the scientist and take the virus. Sherri's father Birkin wanted to take his family and hide as far as possible, but he fails to do this, and he is killed. Annette manages to escape and tell Sherri to hide at the police station. After listening to her mother, the girl goes to the police department, however, there she meets Claire.

As it turns out later, William did not die, as he managed to inject himself with a large dose of the virus, which turned him into a terrible mutant. The transformed hero destroys the entire Hunk squad in the heat of hatred for everything around him and goes in search of his daughter.


When the girl breaks up with Claire for a while, a distraught William finds Sherri Birkin and injects her with a deadly virus. However, he does not suspect that he will have a completely different influence on the baby. Instead of dying, she subdues the infection and does not allow her to control her mind.

After that, Redfield again finds the baby, who suffers from severe pain in the abdomen. Deciding to find an antidote, Claire goes to a secret laboratory and meets there with Annette, who gives her instructions on how to make an antidote. After that, the girl's mother dies at the hands of a distraught and mutated husband.

Claire creates a vaccine and injects it into the girl, but she is still infected with a virus that does not manifest itself in any way. After that, they meet with Leon. On the way from the laboratory, the heroes have to fight with William. Sherry, Claire and Kennedy decide to blow up a research station, as a result of which the mutated scientist dies, and the heroes manage to escape from the city.

After they left Raccoon City, Redfield leaves his new friends to continue his search for his brother. Sherri and Leon are found by one of the patrol helicopters, who pick them up.

Subsequent events

After a while, Leon was offered a job as a secret agent of the United States. Sherri decides to be placed in an isolation ward, as the authorities fear her abilities obtained from the G-virus.

After that, the girl is forced to live in captivity for many years. Later, the American government decides to use its potential for its own purposes. She is offered to be released if she agrees to become an agent. Sherri has no choice but to accept the offer.

Return of Sherry in the 6th part of the game

The character Sherry Birkin was so fond of the fans of "Resident Evil" that they decided to return the girl in one of the subsequent parts of Resident Evil. According to the plot, she has already grown up and became the best agent of the US secret department. In 2013, she was entrusted with a responsible task in Eastern Europe... There she must protect a mercenary named Jake Miller. As it turns out later, his blood contains an antigen that is able to resist the latest viruses. At this moment, Sherri realizes that she will never run away from fate.

Features of the game

Resident Evil has the ability to choose between Normal and Hard modes. Each of them has its own characteristics. You can also choose one of two scenarios and play either Claire or Kennedy. Thanks to this, the user gets the maximum experience and can fully immerse himself in the events unfolding in "Resident Evil".

The game has a large selection of a wide variety of weapons. If the game is played on behalf of Claire, then it will be possible to shoot from a crossbow. For those who like more serious units, it is recommended to play as Leon, since he has a shotgun in his arsenal. In addition, according to the plot, Kennedy meets Ada Wong, so you can feel like a secret agent. If you play for Claire, then while accompanying Sherry, you will be able to play on behalf of the daughter of the scientist who created the most dangerous virus on the planet. He will be the most terrible boss in the game. The mutated William will meet in the game in the final battle.