Guide: tips for passing Last Day on Earth: Survival. Review of Last Day on Earth: Survival. Survival game Last day game review

new game in the genre of Survival ("Survival") for Android and iOS from the Russian development studio "Kefir!". The project is still not out of the beta test stage, but the number of players is already in the hundreds of thousands. Especially for new recruits and those who have been in business for a long time, but are still not aware of some of the features of the game, we have prepared this material.


  • To change the name of the character in the equipment menu, you need to click on the blue icon above the hunger and thirst indicators.
  • At the very beginning of the game, after making a backpack, go to the Alpha bunker. The corpse lying at the beginning of the location has a map to enter it, and in the bunker itself you can easily take useful equipment.
  • Save energy when returning from a sortie. It is most convenient to play in the mode: running to the farm (extermination of opponents), having fun and stuffing our backpack, walking home - nothing will happen on the way, which means that the game can be curtailed by doing other things.
  • Do not let the character sit idle - he may simply die of hunger and thirst, which will not happen if the game is closed. In the inactive state, nothing happens.
  • Do not try to dodge the construction of dwellings and crafting (creating items) in general - without this, you cannot survive in the game.


  • If possible, place two campfires, two smelters, and two beds - this will allow you to cook food, process rocks / scrap metal and grow carrots in half the time.
  • Be sure to make a radio and meet with the merchant more often, sometimes for almost nothing (boards, stones, metal) you can buy useful weapons from him.

  • Improve the floor for specific workbenches and furniture - for some reason you need a floor of the second and third level, and some buildings even need bare ground (the floor is improved in the build mode by clicking on the desired square and the up arrow, the icon with a cross - to remove ).
  • Walls are improved and demolished similar to the floor. It is worth strengthening them only if you plan to meet hordes of zombies.
  • The zombie horde, advancing to the base every day, destroys only the walls, without touching anything else. However, if you leave the game 10-15 minutes before they appear, and return after another 10 minutes, only one wall will be demolished. It is worth meeting the zombie horde only with a large supply of bandages and weapons, although it makes little sense to tinker with them. Benefit - only experience and modest loot (loot from the body of the murdered).
  • Fencing the area of ​​your home with stakes, it is worth placing them in at least two rows, since they do not detain zombies, but only injure.

  • Place as many boxes in the house as you need to store all the unknown items, including smartphones, flashlights, flash drives, watches, and so on. Many items can only be used upon reaching high levels.
  • The best way not to get confused in a lot of boxes is to place them near the production site and store the appropriate items there (food closer to the fire, iron to the smelters, and ropes and leather near the dryer).


  • An ax with a pickaxe is not only a tool, but also a weapon - in difficult times you can take them in your hands and beat the enemy much faster than with your fists. Although you can arm them in peacetime, thereby freeing up a slot in your inventory for something more useful.

  • Before going into battle, check the condition of your equipment. If its resource is close to the end, it will be very prudent to take a replacement with you. Of course, in green locations, you can hope for luck and undress someone along the way, but in orange or red, this hope can cost you your entire supply of first-aid kits or your life.
  • Always keep food, bandages or a first-aid kit ready - all this can be placed in the equipment slot under the backpack, then in the exploration mode, a special button for quick use of the selected item will appear above the attack button.
  • Shoes are often more useful than other clothes, as they significantly increase the speed of movement, allowing you to carry your feet away from runners and other evil spirits.

  • The crouch button (bottom right) allows you to become less visible to zombies and forest animals. In this mode, movement speed is reduced, but you can sneak up from behind and inflict triple damage in one hit (damage depends on the weapon in your hand).
  • Lure zombies out of the crowd by the piece. It is only necessary to slowly creep up to the group until one of them, or even two, rushes in your direction - we run back, wait for them and bring down.

  • In locations of the red level, when entering, you should wait - after some time, toxic zombies will come running to you. It is better to wait and kill them right at the entrance, than then they will run over when fighting other ghouls.
  • After death, you can take things from your own corpse only if you died in your home location. Accordingly, in other zones, be always ready to lose everything irrevocably.

Collecting resources:

  • After clearing the map, the routine collection of resources can be given to the automatic mode (button at the bottom left). And in order not to collect everything in a row - you can use the "split" button to fill all the free slots of the inventory with the necessary materials. Automation will only have to increase their number, without improvising with the assortment.
  • Do not overuse throwing away - when filling up your backpack, something can be hidden in the corpse of a killed zombie or wolf, picking up as you empty inventory slots. For example, having unloaded, you can chop down even more trees, and then return and change the ax that has become unnecessary for the logs hidden in the body of the killed logs and take home at least 20 pieces more.

  • You should not recycle all resources at the first opportunity. It may turn out that something simple and ridiculous is lacking for the desired craft - it would be a shame to go to the collection for the sake of this.
  • It is better to cook meat and carrots over a fire, but it is necessary to use berries wisely: raw they restore health better, and in the form of a decoction on a fire, they quench hunger and thirst.

  • It is better not to throw away empty bottles and cans, the former can be filled with water using the Water Collector at the base, and the latter are necessary to create a spiked hammer, stretch marks and some other items.
  • It is not necessary to constantly carry water with you - you can always get drunk before going into battle, immediately leave an empty bottle to fill in the Water Collector and free up a slot in your inventory. As a last resort, if you get thirsty on a hike, you can hold out on berries. Likewise with food, you can always get by with raw meat.

  • Check your mail every day (the coin icon to the left of the craft) - the developers send you Beans in sauce and Water. And in the case when you often die, there may be weapons.

Last Day on Earth: important to know:

  • At the time of this writing, the online mode in the game has not yet been launched. All players trying to kill you when they meet are bots. You cannot meet other players.

  • All three neighbors are the same, but with different nicknames. One of them can make good money.
  • Parcels from the sky and crashed planes mainly appear when the energy is reduced to 50 and below.
  • There is no code for the computer inside the bunker in the game yet, it will appear in the future with one of the updates.

  • A motorcycle (chopper), an all-terrain vehicle, a truck and a clan tower cannot be made yet - some parts for them are not in the game yet.
  • Also, it is not possible to assemble a lot of machines and weapons - the components necessary for them are located across the river, where you cannot reach without transport.
  • It is also impossible to repair things yet, so save powerful weapons for really dangerous locations.

  • Before exiting beta and fully launching the game with online mode, developers can partially reset the progress of players. What exactly will disappear and what will remain is still unknown. You can find out about this and much more in the official VK-community, where developers publish data on updates and upcoming changes.

Oh yes, if you kill the Thug — does not count without a screenshot =)

The butterfly effect is a scientific term for a property of chaotic systems. A minor impact in one place can be disastrous in another. A butterfly flaps its wings, and an avalanche descends on the neighboring continent. A game Last day of June is about exactly what the consequences of random events are and, most importantly, how to avoid these consequences.

On a warm summer day, a happy couple is resting by the river. Around the breathtaking beauty of nature, the sun sets on the horizon, and lovers in each other (after years marriage), the husband and wife are overwhelmed with happiness. An hour later, their car will leave the wet road at high speed and tragedy will happen. The husband will lose his wife, and he will become disabled in a wheelchair. Our task is to turn back time and prevent this from happening.

Everything I said above is a plot, it is described in the announcement of the game and noted in the trailer. Telling about the development of the plot, and it is beautiful, in this case will be the most brutal spoiler. So let's start with graphics and game mechanics.

I went on a PC, and my old laptop squeezed out its historical maximum. In the settings, there is no fine calibration of graphics, we choose between HD and Full HD, and that's it. What was predictable already in the announcements: Last Day of June is rendered simply fantastic, there are no complaints about the visual component. Caring watercolor landscapes, every blade of grass swaying in the wind, reflections of the sun in everything that can reflect them.

We play as four characters, switching between them. The boy, the son of the protagonist, loves to play pranks. The neighbor just loves the main character. A neighbor with a gun loves to shoot birds. And grandfather constantly grumbles and threatens with a cane. Switching itself is not done "on the fly" - you have to work out a piece of the plot, bringing it to a certain point. Then you can move on to another character, pulling up events to the level where the tragedy can be avoided.

The trick of the game is that there are no pronounced climaxes within the plot. The car descends into the ditch at the beginning and continues to descend constantly, while we are catching the very balance, the very speculative butterfly. A flap of wings is enough to ruin people's lives.

The game mechanics are simple: buttons are responsible for movement, and QTE-events are absent in principle, although the game makes hints of them at first. We get to a certain moment where the choice is no longer offered - just press and move on. Another question is that getting to the right moment is sometimes not easy: you have to think about which object to combine with another.

Yes, in fact, this is a quest, despite the fact that we are running around a small location with a third-person view. This is a very simplified quest, but extremely sensible. Here we will not be offered to look for, say, a carrot in order to stick it into the generator for some reason. Each task is close to a life situation, this is a feature of the game. For example, if we see a rope, it means that it will come in handy for its intended purpose, to tie something or tie something to it. This will affect the events of the other character in a serious way when we switch to him.

If events do not develop in the way, that is, we made a mistake in their distribution, time will rewind and the tragedy will repeat itself. We are shown this over and over again, in this sense the game is merciless. Don't like the statement of cruel facts? Replay it, choose the right elements and the story will move on.

What does it look like? On Ori and The Blind Forest, on Journey and, suddenly, on Heavy rain... Longing and resentment for accidentally ruined destinies does not let go until the very end. This is what prompts to delve into the motivation of the heroes, choosing their actions. Be sure to wait for the ending, it's worth it.

In material: Last Day of June

The game Last Day on Earth: Survival struck me to the depths of my soul and I am not exaggerating this now. Usually modern mobile games please only with the presence of a huge variety of donation and advertising, but not adequate gameplay or comfortable control. Here, the developer gave us full freedom, an open game world, a lot of opportunities for work, development, buildings and everything in this direction. It is really interesting to play and there is a feeling of modern computer game, and not a mobile project, which also made me happy. So if you do not have a powerful gaming computer, and you really want to play something serious, then download, use and enjoy your achievements. In this game, there is always something to do with yourself, there are a lot of dangers and opponents who want to destroy your idyll, which means you will need to wave an ax. In general, let me tell you what's what, but for now, put on the download.


The gameplay is quite interesting and on mobile platform I have not seen this yet, although, of course, you have already played this on a computer. We are given a character in the middle game world, naked and barefoot, who must continue to survive on his own. We need to find at least some clothes and a maximum of resources to create something new, then we are engaged in gathering - we select branches, tear the grass and collect berries. In general, we take everything that may come in handy in the future and are actively engaged in crafting - we made a pickaxe and we can hammer in rocks, earning resources for further crafting, we can mine ore, and so on. Having chopped enough wood, we create a house, put different tools inside for processing food, wood or metal, put a shower and stuff like that, equip our home to the maximum. In this regard, the game gives us a huge selection of possibilities.


If I understood correctly, other players can also connect to the server, who will either destroy us and everything that we have built, or will be friends and fight together. So far, I have not met any players and this gaming experience I do not know, but I saw zombies wanting to eat brains out of the blue. There are decent ones here and by killing them you can also get certain resources, so do not run away or hide, especially the zombies on initial stage games die very quickly. You can also hunt for animals around, but it's not so easy - the animals quickly run away.


The game gives you a huge set of opportunities for development - as you level up, you are given new blueprints for crafting. There will be clothes, new accessories for hunting or resource extraction, and all sorts of decorative elements for your home, and necessary items such as a fire or a stove for metal. All this requires your level, which means you need to cut trees without stopping, collect resources, beat zombies, craft, and then your character will be more suitable for survival than beginners. This is an important point - you shouldn't just run around the map and look for other people's buildings in order to destroy them.


I liked the product very much, this is exactly what attracts attention and brings pleasure. Here you can run around the map, gain experience from gathering resources or extracting them on your own, from crafting, battles with opponents. You can build your house, then improve the walls and other details to a stronger level and not worry that someone will break into your home and steal all the resources hidden there. The game gives you the opportunity to freedom, choice and survive so much more interesting. So if you are a fan gameplay and of this genre, then I highly recommend that you give it a try.

Comments and opinions on Last Day on Earth: Survival

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2017 and 2018 surprised the players with interesting projects made in the style of survival. The game belongs to one of these and has attracted the attention of millions of individuals. As in other similar projects, the challenge here is survival. Thanks to this article, you can learn a lot of new things and achieve your cherished goal in a short period of time.

Official trailer:

Collect resources for the first couple of days

As soon as you dive into the gaming universe, a wide range of possibilities opens up before you. There are many different resources for collecting near your home. When collecting or destroying zombies, the player receives a certain amount of experience. Raise your own level, add a certain amount of crafting points, study a variety of recipes and create different things. Thanks to the pickaxe and ax, you can complete some tasks. Chop trees, mine chalk, gain experience and become one of the best in the game universe.

Thanks to these tools, you can collect all the resources provided by the developers. Get some experience, reach a certain level and advance as quickly as possible. The more efforts the player makes, the more opportunities will open up for him.

Create the foundation for your home

Building a house is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. Initially, the floor is poured, after which the walls are added. After the land has been completely cleared, it will be possible to start building buildings. Thanks to pine logs, you can build something incredibly cool and unique. There is a lot of space for the start, and over time it will be possible to expand further. The game provides many opportunities that should definitely attract not only your attention, but also the attention of close friends or just acquaintances.

You need to use crafting points to unlock beds, a fire or small boxes. As far as we know, even a small drawer can store about 12 items. You can't put more there. You need to place them inside the house so that other gamers cannot steal your things. Thanks to the fire, you can cook very tasty food, and you can grow carrots in the garden. Replenish food supplies and be prepared for difficult moments in life that may come at any time.

If the player needs to get more storage space, then you can use the car, which is located next to the same storage. The idea of ​​the developers is very good and you definitely need to pay your own attention to all this.

Get ready to explore

With the increase in their own level, any player must open the Basic Back pack plan. Thanks to him, a unique opportunity opens up - to store about 8 additional items. The density indicator can be used to view the density. Where the density is greater, you can find great amount useful resources and the necessary materials. In addition, there is a chance to stumble upon dangerous enemies, the battle with which can drag on for a certain period of time. Where the density is green, everything is very simple. Try to always stay in green areas until you get some powerful weaponry and a huge amount of serious armor.

Keep track of points of interest

There are times when the army drops some crates of provisions on the ground. There can be a lot of such places on the world map. Players must show their own speed, because after a while the glasses may disappear and it will be extremely difficult to find them again. If you get a chance, then go to the right place and engage in their research. Try to find prey and achieve a good result.

Watch some military bases. They are fixed points of interest. To fully explore them, any player must find a security card. Thanks to her, you can achieve more results. Find such cards from dead players and zombies.

Master fighting skills

Any player must be prepared for numerous dangers. Prepare yourself as best you can and achieve a positive outcome. To move more accurately and more slowly, you need to squat. Thus, it will be extremely difficult to find you. Sneak up to enemies, harm them and destroy them. Kill your opponents instantly.

The safest strategy is to destroy opponents with melee weapons. Watch your mini-map, it can always show useful things. Be extremely careful if you find a red flash in any of the places. She will go towards you. You need to be afraid of the approach of the red dot, because you will have to fight with a dangerous opponent.

Initially, step back and see who you have to fight with. They have certain equipment and they can be equipped in different ways. If the players are poorly equipped, then it will be easy to kill them. But if they have powerful armor, then you will have to make every effort. Look at their weapons and get ready for dangerous battles.

Last Day on Earth - incredible interesting game designed in the style of a quality strategy. The multiplayer mode has attracted millions of people here. As you already know, the walking Dead captured our entire world. Players will have to fight them! It will be extremely difficult to survive. Try to reflect the attacks of gamers and create different weapons to easily destroy numerous opponents.