The rules of the goat 6 spades game. How to play goat cards to win? How to beat your opponent's cards


For the game "Goat" use a deck of 36 cards, you will need cards from six to aces. If you have a deck of 54 cards, then set aside the extra deuces, threes, fours, and fives. You don't need cards with a jester and poker.

Two or more people can participate in the game, if a large company of players consists of an even number, then it is possible to split into 2 teams and play "pair on pair" or "three on three". When playing two teams, players are seated at the table alternately from each team.

Shuffle the cards thoroughly and deal clockwise to each player one at a time, and so on several times, so that in the end each player has 4 cards. Open a trump card by randomly sectioning the deck and showing one card. Return this card to the deck, it should not "glow" on the game table as in the game "Fool". All players need to remember the trump suit.

In the game "Goat", the rule is that the player who dealt the cards moves. The exception is the trump hammer, that is, when you have 4 trump cards in your hand. You have the right to move with several cards that are of the same suit. The more suited cards you have, the less chance your opponent has to beat your run.

You can beat the opponent's card with the highest card of the same suit or a trump card. Keep in mind that in this game, ten is older than the king. If the enemy made a move from several cards, you need to cover all cards. When you do not beat at least one of his cards, you will have to discard that amount playing cards from which the competitor entered. Be sure to fold cards face down. In this game, you cannot beat by choice, that is, if the enemy entered with 3 suited cards, and you do not beat one of them, then your fate is to throw off 3 cards.

Each move, the players take turns in the direction of the clockwise movement - first the dealer, then the one sitting on his left hand decides to hit or fold, then they wait for the next player's action, and so on until the first player. The one who interrupted all the cards takes the broken and discarded cards, the same person makes the next move. If all players have thrown off their cards, then the same player makes a move again.

If you fold cards to your opponent, try to "present" him with the least amount of points. Remember that cards from six to nine are 0 points, jack is 2, queen is 3, king is 4, ten is 10 and ace is 11 points. Try not to throw off the trump suit, it may still be useful to you. If you play as a team, you need to throw off your friend the maximum number of points only when your move is the last one or you are sure that your opponent on your left will not interrupt the cards.

Goat threesome

A more risky and gambling option. The constant trump card is ladies, volts and tambourines. The dealer gives to remove the deck and deals for three, 10 cards each, two for the buy-in. Who has the best deal, starting from the left of the dealer clockwise, (in his opinion) takes the buy, discards two cards he does not need in the bito (himself) and plays against two. If he wins, then on the other two 2 points are recorded in the case of a set of opponents from 31 to 60 points (points). If the opponents scored from 0 to 31, they get 4 points. When the player takes all the tricks, they get 6 points. If no one takes the buy-in, they play “for less”. The player to the left of the dealer walks first. The open top card of the buy-in shows the suit or trump card, and determines whether he can enter from the trump card or by suit. The second buy-in card opens at the end of the round and the buy-in is taken by the one who takes the last trick. Didn't take anything or scored from 0 to 31 - zero points, from 31 to 60 - two points, for 60 - four points, for 90 - six points, for all tricks - "GOAT". The game continues until one of the players scores twelve points - he is "GOAT".

Goat four

Played by four, a pair for a pair. The players in pairs must sit opposite each other, across the player of the pair of opponents. They play with a deck from Seven to Ace, and four 6s play the role of a kind of scoreboard that counts the so-called "pairs". Each pair receives two sixes, which are placed on the table one on top of the other, face to face. This represents zero points. The goal of the game is to move the scoreboard 6 "pairs" faster than the opponent: in this case, the win is counted. “Pair” is one line of two suit designations on the body of the 6.

When the pair gets the first two points, the top six is ​​shifted so that "two eyes" open one row of the bottom six. To show four points, “four eyes” are opened - the top six is ​​shifted by two lines. With six points, the top six turns over face up and lies exactly on the second six, then the actions are repeated. At twelve points, the game ends with a win.

The players deal cards in turn, strictly clockwise. There are several ways to deal, they are described below, in the section "Dealing and Types of Praise". The merit of cards: Ace - 11; Ten - 10; King - 4; Lady - 3; Jack - 2. The rest of the cards - 0.

In this game, all the Queens, Jacks and Diamonds are trump cards. Their seniority depends on the suit and on the value of the card. The seniority of the trump cards in descending order: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Spades, Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Clubs, Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, Ten of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, Nine of Diamonds, Eight of Diamonds, Seven of Diamonds. Regular cards go in the same order: Ace, Ten, King, Nine, Eight, Seven.

The game is played like most card games for bribes. One player makes a move, putting a card on the table, the rest clockwise report the card to the suit, if there is no suit, then you can put any card. The highest card takes the trick. If the entry is made from a trump card (one of the cards listed above), then it is considered that the entry was made with a trump card. In this case, the players are obliged to put a trump card in the trick, if there is no trump card, then any card. At the end of the game, the sum of the card values ​​in the tricks of each pair is calculated, and the pair with the highest amount earns points for the game.

The one who sits to the left of the dealer - "boasting", begins to walk. The trump card (the first card in the trick) can only be entered by the pair in which the “boasting” one. In this case, they usually say that the trump cards in the game are this pair. The second pair cannot enter with trump cards, but if there are only trump cards in their hands, then in this case they play with trump cards in a bribe.

When the trick is played, the next move is made by the one who won the last trick.

Kon ends when there are no cards left on hand. After that, the amount of points on the cards is calculated.

The total value of all the cards in the deck is one hundred and twenty points. The pair with the sum of the numerical values ​​of the cards over sixty wins the given round and gets two points and opens two eyes on the sixes, as described above. If the winning pair has more than ninety points, then she gets not two, but four points and opens four eyes. If both pairs have earned exactly sixty points (eggs), then the game is replayed, the deal does not go to the next one on the left, but surrenders to the same person who handed in the last round, and at the end of the game the goat will be with eggs. If a pair of players takes all the tricks and collects a total of 120 points (Lucy), and the other stalemate did not have a single pair of eyes open, then they automatically wins the whole game. However, often, such a victory is simply celebrated, and the game continues normally until twelve points. Moreover, if the other pair had a pair of eyes open or more, then the eyes are closed and the game continues. Even if a pair of players had one bribe of zero points, then four eyes are opened for them, that is, two pairs.

Goat with six

In a goat of six players must sit through one, three by three. They play with a deck of 36 cards, and the points are recorded as sixes also play. The dealer gives the deck to the one on the left to be removed and deals six cards to each, clockwise. Trumps in the game - all queens, jacks, diamonds and their seniority in descending order: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Spades, Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Clubs, Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, Ten of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, Nine tambourine, Eight of tambourine, Seven of tambourine, Six of tambourine. But in this game the Six of Clubs "poker" catches the Lady of Clubs. If the opponents put the Six of Clubs, and you already have a Queen of Clubs in the bribe, or you are forced to put it (there was a trump card, and you have only one Queen of Clubs), then the bet immediately ends, and the team, the player who put beaten by the Queen of clubs, two "pairs" or, in other words, "scoop" are recorded into the account of the game. Therefore, the players try to throw off the Queen of clubs as quickly as possible, if they know that the opponents have Six of clubs, so as not to get caught.

Surrender and types of "praise"

Deal sequentially clockwise, the first dealer is chosen by agreement. In the first round, all cards are dealt clockwise, one card at a time, starting with the one sitting to the left of the dealer.

The first move of the first knight is always made by the one with the ace of diamonds. Before the deal, the dealer must stir the cards and let the person sitting to his left to remove. If the dealer does not allow the deck to be removed, two points are recorded for his team and the game is considered completed - the next one begins to be dealt. If the deck is removed by the wrong player, who should do it, his team is awarded two points and the game is considered completed.

After the deal, if one of the players out of eight cards has only one trump card in their hands, he has the right to hand over this trump card to his partner face-down, and he, in turn, leaves the suit and does not give a trump card in exchange, but they can also not to do. And also, if there are two trump cards and only one of them is spectacled, then you give the one that is spectacled, and without spectacles you call and say that he is not for the trump.

Regular surrender

If the one who was offered to take off - "the boasting one", will simply take off the deck, this means that he will not boast and the usual surrender takes place. The dealer, starting with the player on the left - the "praising" one, deals four cards to each until the deck runs out and each receives eight cards.

One by one

The boasting one may ask to deal one card at a time, starting with himself. This is usually done in the form: "work!".

On a merry

First, one card face down for each player, starting with the "praising" one. Then one card face up. By open cards it is determined whose trick is as if the players put these cards into the trick. Then again, one card face down, one card face up. Moreover, in each round in opened first the player is the player to the left of the dealer or "boasting". After that, the rest of the cards are dealt, starting with the "praising one". As a result, four tricks are distributed even before the game, and the game begins with four cards in each hand. The first move is made not by the “boasting” one, but by the one who got the last trick.


If the "boasting" orders a mirror, then he divides the deck into two parts, removes the upper part and looks at the lower card of the upper part (in the mirror). If this is a trump card, then he takes it for himself. Thus, the next bottom card becomes visible. If this is a trump card, then she again takes it for herself, and so on, until a trump card appears. At this moment, the "boasting" folds the deck back, and the dealer deals it without mixing, starting with the "boasting" equally clockwise. Or, if the "boasting" orders a mirror for everyone, then starting with it, they take turns removing the upper part and doing the same as the previous player.

After that, the “praising one” is dealt the required number of cards up to eight, and all the rest are given eight, and the one who got the bribe walks. It is recommended that, in practice, the player does not look at the taken layer of cards, since in this case he will see the next card remaining during his entry and will have information that it is in the deck. Therefore, the taken shifted layer should be placed on the table and the bottom card should be taken out one by one.

Trump yourself is not a trump card for a bribe

The boasting one draws a card at random from the deck. If this is a trump card, he keeps the card for himself and draws further, otherwise he puts it open on the table. After the "boasting" it is done all clockwise ending with the sender. The cards on the table form a trick, in which the shooter is considered entering. The bribe goes to the winner, and the dealer deals the rest of the cards, starting with the "boasting" so that everyone has the same amount. The first to go is the one who got the bribe.


The same as the previous method, only they do not put the first trump card on a bribe, but keep it for themselves. The dealer lets everyone draw eight cards from the left in a clockwise direction. The "boasting" can also choose that only he is "fishing". In this case, he draws to eight, and everyone else is simply dealt eight cards from left to right clockwise.


When announcing pants, the boasting one receives two cards, one at the bottom and one at the top of the deck. He looks at them, but doesn't show them to anyone else. If trump cards or aces came, he saves them for himself, without making a call and asks for "more". He again receives one card from the top and bottom of the deck, looks again. Eventually, good cards are assigned to the "boasting", and the first card (possibly any of the 2 who came), which is neither an ace nor a trump card, is laid out by them blindly - the first move is made. If the "boasting" is lucky, and he has already collected 8 good cards (all aces and trump cards), he continues to dial to his teammate. In this case, he will know what cards he handed over to his partner, and this will make it difficult for the opposing team to resist him. Only trump cards or aces can be transferred.

The second player, according to the same scheme, eliminates good cards for himself and also makes a move with the first card, which is not a trump card, but he can already beat with an ace. At the same time, he does not see the card from which the first player entered and, if at the next receipt of two cards, both turn out to be neither an ace nor a trump card, he will not know which one to put in order to beat the bribe.

The third and fourth players also act, but they already lay out their card face up on the turn. You can lay out any cards, except for trump cards. After everyone has made a call, the "boasting" card opens. And it is decided who carried out the bribe. The one who took the bribe makes the 2nd move. The rest of the deck of cards is dealt equally between the players.

It is clear that entering from ten means always taking the first trick. But often the first bribe is taken by the seven, since the opponents lay out more strong cards the wrong suit. Opponents cannot be sure when playing "pants" that their partners take fair cards when dealing. If in doubt, you can "open with two pairs": the opponent is forced to open his cards. If it turns out that he has violated the rules, his team is penalized by crediting the loss of two rounds, that is, the position of the sixes scoreboard is shifted by two lines. However, if the suspect, having opened his cards, has shown his innocence, the “two pair” penalty is given to the team of doubters.

Pants double

The "boastful" draws four cards at once - two on the top and two on the bottom of the deck. At the same time, the achievement of a situation so that he gets at least one non-ace and not a trump card is achieved faster, usually on the first try. Otherwise, everything resembles ordinary pants, except that one card is laid in the "dark", and the other in the "open". The call of the second knight belongs to the player who won the trick on the face-down card.

Retake request

If “praise” was not announced in this knight, and one of the players had: - all four nines or the total value of the points of all his cards is 12 points or even less; - four ladies are obliged to declare dry. then he, if he so wishes, can present them and demand a retake of the cards.

After retaking in this horse, "praise" is no longer allowed. If after the retaliation any player has found the above options among his cards, then another retaliation is made. If a retake is announced for the indicated reasons and for the third time, it is not performed, and the team whose player interfered with all three times the card is considered to be the loser of this round (one “pair” is lost) - the opponents' scoreboard moves one row closer to victory. If a player has 5 identical cards, then this is not a re-deal.

Retaliation is possible if, after the distribution, the players of one team do not have queens in their hands, or only lady of diamonds... (Usually, the players ask their partners: "Are there any boobs?" And, having received a negative answer, decide whether to retake or not).

Final game

After the scoreboard of one of the teams moves to the sixth line, it is declared the winner, and the loser is declared "goats". "Goats" climb under the table and "bleat" - this is where the game ends.

If the leader team was already on the fifth line of the sixes scoreboard before the final winning knight, and took more than 89 points in the final knight (the opponents did not reach the “save”), then the losers are declared not just “goats”, but “goats with tails”, which is more shameful.

If there were also “eggs” in the party, then “a goat with eggs and tails”. A complete disgrace to the losers, to which the latter sometimes answer that "the goat must be with eggs, otherwise it is not a goat."


Playing a goat pair for a pair partners cannot talk to each other, in this case they give signs (hints): - winked, it means he beats clubs; - nodded his head to the side, it means that spikes are hitting; - showed the tip of his tongue, which means he beats worms; - showed his fist, it means he has a trump card; - showed a fist with an outstretched thumb up, which means he has a trump ace.

Also, the fingers of the right hand symbolize ladies: - you show your index finger - a lady of clubs; - you show your middle finger - the lady of spades; - you show your ring finger - a lady of hearts; - show the little finger - the lady of the tambourine.

The fingers of the left hand likewise symbolize jacks.

With a combination (for example): - the partner showed his fist and wink - it means he has a dozen clubs; - showed a fist with an extended thumb up and nodded his head to the side - it means he has an ace of spades; - showed his fist and the tip of his tongue - it means he has a dozen worms, etc.

There is an implementation network game in Kozla.

Card game"Goat" is team play, one pair of partners against the other.
The partners of each team sit at opposite sides of the table. A deck is used of 24 cards without 7-ok, 8-ok and 9-ok and is dealt completely, each with 6 cards. The game takes place in several hands. In each hand, the team that took the tricks for the most points, "writes" on the other team. Players of one of the teams "remain the goats" when 12 or more points are "recorded" on them.

A deck of 24 cards is used; consists of aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, sixes, clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds. It is dealt completely clockwise, one card at a time until the deck runs out and each has 6 cards. The peculiarity of the card game "Goat" is unique system trump cards.

Seniority of non-trump cards, descending: ace, ten, king, six.
Trump card seniority, descending:
six clubs,
lady of clubs, lady of spades, lady of hearts, lady of diamonds,
jack of clubs, jack of spades, jack of hearts, jack of diamonds,
ace of clubs, ten clubs, king of clubs.

Points: ace - 11, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, six - 0.

Giveaways and first run

Before the distribution, it is necessary to let the next player move the deck counterclockwise. The team whose player did not allow the deck to move, if noticed, is "written" 4, and a new hand is dealt.

At the beginning of the game, anyone deals, for example, the one who sat down last, but the first call is made by the one to whom the ace of diamonds "came", from this card. Next, they deal and the first run is made clockwise, continuing with the player who had the ace of diamonds. Thus, the second hand is distributed by the one who had the ace of diamonds in the first hand, and the first call is made following him clockwise, the third distribution is distributed by the one who made the first call in the second hand, and the first call is made following him clockwise arrow and so on.

The ace of diamonds here has a symbolic meaning, for the draw of the first run in the first hand.

The only trump card

A player who has received only one trump card can exchange it with a partner for any non-trump card; if the partner does not have a trump card, then - for any trump card. In the first hand, the only trump card is not given.

The players of the team, which did not get a single lady, can notice this, and then the next hand is dealt. The first hand is played without queens.

Visits and bribes

The bribe consists of 4 call cards, one from each player. Each player in a clockwise direction must place a card corresponding to the suit of the first card of the call; if the first card is a trump card, then it is a trump card. If the player does not have a proper card, then it is allowed to put any. Whoever has a higher card in the entry takes the bribe. The player who took the bribe starts the next run.

To the team, the player of which, having the proper card, did not put it, if this was noticed, 4 is written, and a new deal is dealt.

Points and records

In each hand, the total number of tricks is 6, for a total of 120 points. On the team that took bribes for a smaller number of points, it is "written" 2 or, if the points are less than 30, then - 4. When the teams score the same number of points, it is "not written" on anyone, but "eggs are played." If the team has taken all the bribes, then everything is "written off" from it. When the team takes all the tricks in the first hand, then the opponents are “written” 12 and they “remain blind”.

A player who has received six clubs can catch an opponent who has received a queen of clubs if he puts her in one run with her. In this case, the opponents are “written” 4 and a new distribution is dealt.


The player can "encrypt" his cards in messages to the partner. For example, "trailer" can mean that the player has more cards of the call suit. In the first distribution, messages are disabled, as "the blind are being played."

End of the game

In each hand, one team can record another. If the record on a team has become 12 or more, then the players of this team "remain goats". When the record is more than 12, the players "remain tailed". If the eggs were played, then the players of the losing team are left with the eggs. When the winning team has a score of 0, the players on the losing team "stay dry." If the team took all the tricks in the first hand, then the opponents are “written” 12 and they “remain blind”.

Majority board games, which is popular in Russia today, borrowed from Europe and the neighboring countries of Asia; The Goat, which came to the USSR back in the 20th century from Germany and in the 80s was very popular, is no exception. Currently, the number of people who know how to play cards in "Goat" has significantly decreased due to the emergence of more interesting varieties card games (for example, the "Uno" and "Svintus" sets are in great demand now). Before playing "Goat" in cards, the rules of which are simple and understandable to everyone, you need to decide what kind of game is suitable for a particular situation (the number of people determines the number of cards used).

The simplest kind of "Goat" assumes that the players have 32 cards, devoid of "sixes" of all suits. A slightly reduced deck is completely dealt to four participants, conventionally divided into two teams, clockwise. Usually the pair is played by people sitting opposite each other. The last, 16th card, should be shown to all participants in the game, since it is her suit that will be the trump card in the game being played (plus, trump cards are all jacks and queens of any suit in the sequence of diamonds-hearts-spades-clubs). Before starting a game, you should make sure that all players remember the denomination of a particular card: for example, an ace will bring the holder 11 points, a king, queen and jack - 4, 3 and 2 points, respectively, and ten - 10 points. The remaining cards are often called "rotten" or "blank" because they do not bring additional points to the participants' piggy bank.

The game process is quite simple: on the first move, absolutely all players must take turns (usually, clockwise) to lay out a card of diamonds suit (in case of its absence, the player undertakes to use the trump card). If the player does not have both a diamonds and a trump card, then any other card is discarded on the table. After all the cards have been laid out on the table, this "bribe" is sent to the "pocket" of the team that scored the most points in total. In some varieties of "Goat" this rule changed, and the bribe goes to the team whose player played the most valuable card. Obviously, if a card played by someone on the table does not match the suit (except for the case when it is a trump card), it is low and has no face value.

The next, second, move must be made by the player who took the bribe in the previous one (this rule applies to further games). And here there are differences between the types of games: for example, in some it is forbidden to use a trump card on the first move of a single game, because the first move can only be made from a simple card. "Trump" can be so prohibited only to the team that took the bribe for himself in the previous game. Actually, the advantage of "Goat" is that, if desired, the rules of the game can be easily changed at the will of the participants in order to make the game process more interesting and intense.

As soon as all the cards have been played, the teams calculate the points according to the following principle: if, after playing all the games, the team scored from 60 to 90 points inclusive, it collects 2 points for the game, if more than 90 - 4. There are certain nuances: for example, if one team constantly took all the bribes, then it automatically receives 5 points (in other types of the game, the other team also burns out all previously scored points). The winner of the set is the team that scored 14 points (or 16, again, it all depends on the type of game). The game is played until a team wins in two sets.

Varieties of the game, as mentioned above, imply the use of more cards in the game, however, the rules of the "Goat" become more complicated. So, if the number of potential players significantly exceeds four, then poker deck, which has 90 cards excluding "Jokers". In this case, the jack and ten also become trump cards, and the face value of the cards changes as follows: the ace brings the holder 15 points, the king, queen and jack - 8, 7 and 6 points, and the ten - all the same 10 points. Sometimes 5 points are also assigned to the "nine" and 4 to the "eight". Obviously, in this case, the lower threshold for gaining 2 points by one team rises to 75 points, and the upper one - up to 100.

As noted above, you can play "Goat" alone, in this case, the bribe will be awarded to only one player, as well as the points scored for the game. Usually the game played between non-grouped participants is more intense and tense, since the opponents are often on a par in terms of the number of points scored. It should always be remembered that if too small cards came to someone's hands (their nominal total value is less than 13-14 points), then it is imperative that all cards should be re-shuffled and re-distributed to the participants.

Obviously, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of how to play "Goat" in cards correctly, since when forming the technique of playing the game it is important to start from one or another variety. So, there are only general recommendations, the essence of which boils down to the need to determine the strategy of the opponents: for example, if someone holds the high cards, they can be quickly lured away from him by frequently playing simple cards.

Goat is a common and quite addicting card game. It is known that it was invented in the 20th century in Germany. Over time, this entertainment has practically not changed in its idea and structure. The goat is relatively lighter than the well-known fool. How to play goat?

Goat rules for 4 cards

To play the goat, you need a deck of 36 cards. You will need cards from six to aces. If a deck of 54 cards is used, then you need to remove the deuces, threes, fours and fives. Cards with the image of poker and the jester will be superfluous.

How many people are in the game


Cards are dealt clockwise 1 pc. As a result, each player should have 4 pieces. The trump card is opened by the method of randomly dividing the deck and choosing the first card that comes across. It must be returned to the deck so that it does not open up on the gaming table. All players remember the trump suit.

How to walk

The player who dealt the cards goes first. An exception is if you have a bribe of 4 trump cards (trump hammer). You can move with several suited cards. The more the same suits, the less chances the opponent has to beat the entry. Each subsequent move is carried out alternately in the direction of movement of the clock hand.

How to beat your opponent's cards

You can beat the opponent's move in the goat game with a trump card or the highest card of the same suit. The most important is the cross seven. Next comes the lady of the cross, the queen of spades, the queen of hearts and the queen of diamonds. They are followed by jacks, respectively by suit. In decreasing order of importance, there are the remaining cross cards - ace, ten, king, nine and eight. Each overlaps simple suits. When entering the "simpleton", the ace is the main one in terms of seniority.

If a competitor made a move with several cards, you need to beat them all. Otherwise, you will have to reset the number from which the opponent entered.

Throw off playing cards face down. Try to give the least amount of points. Save your trump suit - it will still come in handy.

After each release, the players take one card from the deck in turn. Each should again have 4 pieces. If you have only 1–2 trump cards in your set, then you can transfer them to your partner, remaining empty.

Goat rules for 15 cards

First of all, sixes are removed from the deck. The deck is shuffled and halved. Each player collects 15 playing cards. The remaining top one becomes a trump card.

You can play the goat together, but four of them are better.... The ace goes to the player who dealt the cards, or to the one who took them last.

Each person writes down 12 points for himself. A participant who scores more than 60 points has the right to deduct 2 points from other players (from the distributor - 1). If after each round you received exactly 12 points from the rest of the players, then you won.

but this version of the game has a special feature - jacks. The jack of the cross can beat all cards, including trump cards. Jack of spades covers all spades and trump cards, except for the cross jack. The jack of hearts wins the trump cards and Jack of Diamonds... The latter can only be a trump card.

Remember that keeping tens and aces is extremely important to win. Discard low or blank cards to your competitor.

Cost of cards in points

After the game of the goat is played, the analysis of the won cards is carried out. The following notation will help you calculate the points.