How many aces in a deck of 52 cards. Poker cards (Plastic coating). Accurate card divination

Each poker game consists of several elements: players, table, chips and cards. Instead of players, you can use soulless but smart bots. Any surface is suitable as a table, and any items that are available in sufficient quantities, up to stones picked up on the road, will act as chips. One thing remains unchanged - the cards. Not a single party will take place without them.

And all because initially poker is a card game. In this article, we will look at this component from all sides, tell you how many cards are in a poker deck, what changes there are, and so on.

How many cards are in a poker deck

In total, there are three most popular and common decks used in most games.

  1. 36 - popular in the CIS countries for games like "Fool", "Drunken" and so on. Consists of sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings and aces of four suits: spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds.
  2. 52 - the most common in the world, including used for playing poker. Twos, threes, fours and fives are added to those listed above.
  3. 54 - used in casinos and some less popular games. Two jokers are added to the previous deck - red and black. Their use is governed by the rules of the game itself.

There are other more exotic combinations of cards, but they are used incredibly rarely, so it doesn’t even make sense to talk about them.

Features of the number of cards in a poker deck

If you play online poker all the time, then, in fact, you are only faced with symbols for poker.

Modern poker rooms even use the practice of the change function appearance. So, they can be similar to real ones or be as clear as possible: for example, do not contain drawings, but only symbols. It is also a common practice to color them in four colors instead of the standard two, and since the suits play an important role, it often helps to notice the unnoticeable at first glance in the midst of a hand.

If you are playing real poker, then you can know a little more about how many cards should be in poker and their features.

So, if the majority of freely sold ones are paper or laminated, then the real ones used in the casino are made entirely of plastic. And there is even an explanation for this.

Such cards, firstly, can last much longer than usual, and secondly, they are more difficult to use for cheating. It is more difficult to leave marks, and if this happened, then it will not be difficult to notice them.

Plus, the plastic ones are much easier to shuffle for the dealer, which is incredibly important to ensure fairness.

Designations of cards in a standard deck

Finally, let's talk about how to understand the standard ones that are used in poker. The main thing to remember is that there are Russian decks that can differ markedly from those used in foreign casinos or online poker rooms.

Everything is clear with suits and numbers, they are universal. And here the differences begin

Sometimes, instead of ten, you can see the abbreviation "T". For Russian-speaking players, its value will not cause doubts. Ace, and only.

In fact, this is a ten, which in English language is called "Ten" and is abbreviated as the first letter.

  • J - Jack (Jack);
  • Q - Queen (Lady);
  • K - King (King);
  • A - Ace (Ace).

Most of all misunderstandings appear due to the use of ace and tens.


The most common number of cards in a poker deck is 52. There are separate variations when a 36-card reduction is used. There are no numbers from two to five in it. Poker in this case becomes more dynamic, and the position of the combinations relative to each other changes, which must be taken into account.

Finally, in some forms, especially those used in casinos and slot machines, a 54-card poker deck is used, to which two jokers are also added. It is better to find out about the rules by which you can use them before the distribution begins. They are either generally universal, or perform their functions, starting from color.


Card decks are complete and abbreviated. Separate plastic and satin (high quality paper).

full deck

full deck consists of 54 cards: aces, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens, jacks, queens, kings and two jokers.

Full deck suitable for everyone card games.

Reduced deck

The reduced deck has 36 cards. The minimum card is a six. There are no jokers in the short deck.

The reduced deck is suitable for most card games.

Standard deck options

A standard deck consists of 54 cards:

  • 52 main cards are characterized by one of four suits(two colors) and one of 13 virtues.
  • 2 special cards, the so-called jokers, usually distinguished by their pattern.

Card deck:

  • 54 cards (maximum deck, starts from Aces to Joker)
  • 52 cards (deck, starts from deuces to ace),
  • 48 cards (deck, starts from threes to ace),
  • 44 cards (medium deck, starts from fours to ace),
  • 40 cards (deck, starts from fives to ace),
  • 36 cards (deck, starts from sixes to ace),
  • 32 cards (minimum deck, starts from sevens to ace).

a deck of 24 cards is used to play a thousand

Other types of decks

V different countries use different decks. The most famous:

  • Standard deck


Names of suits (only the first indicated is literary):

  • ♠ - spades (guilt, blame)
  • ♣ - clubs (crosses, crosses, acorns, fat)
  • - worms (worms, fats, love)
  • ♦ - tambourines (tambourines, tambourines, calls).

The cards of spades and clubs are called black, and the cards of hearts and diamonds are called red.

In other languages

English names of cards and suits

  • Clubs - clubs
  • Diamonds - diamonds
  • Hearts - hearts
  • Peaks - spades


  • "B" = "J" - Jack
  • "D" = "Q" - Queen
  • "K" = "K" - King
  • "T" = "A" - Ace

Cards under ten are named by numerical designation (two, three, .. ten), as well as by nicknames: two - "deuce", three - "trey".

French names of cards and suits

  • Clubs - trefles
  • Tambourines - carreaux
  • Hearts - cœurs
  • Peaks - piques


  • "B" \u003d "V" - Valet
  • "D" \u003d "D" - Dame
  • "K" = "R" - Roi
  • "T" = "A" - As

Polish names of cards and suits

  • Clubs - trefl, żołądź [trefl, zhondzh]
  • Tambourines - karo, dzwonek [karo, dzwonek]
  • Hearts - czerwień, kier [cherven, ker]
  • Peaks - pik, wino [peak, wine]


  • "B" \u003d "J" - walet, Jopek [jack, jopek]
  • "D" \u003d "Q" - dama [lady]
  • "K" \u003d "K" - król [krul]
  • "T" \u003d "A" - As [ac]


All Maps

  • Numeric ( foxes) (9): two (notation 2 ), three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
  • Pictures, Broadway cards ( figures or oneers, from English. honor - honor) (3): jack (designation V or J- English. Jack), lady (designation D or Q- English. Queen), king (notation TO or K- English. King), ace (notation T or A- English. Ace).

The accepted order (seniority, sequence) of cards: ace (the lowest card), two, three, ..., king, joker. In many games, the ace is the highest card. In some games, the seniority of the cards is different. For example, in the German deck and the Italo-Spanish deck, ladies are completely absent, their place is taken by "high jacks" or horsemen. In the card game "Small Tarots" there is a deck that is, in fact, a complete set of the Small Arcana Tarot, but with a European designation of suits. Almost every year, new decks of cards appear on the market, differing in small details from the classic ones, both in the number of honors and in the suit designation, the number of suits can also be different. The shape of the cards themselves can also be very diverse: no one will be surprised by round and oval playing cards! The shape is most often just close to symmetrical, from an equilateral triangle to an amoeba.

high cards

high cards
ill. Name Description and meaning
1 Joker The jester is depicted on the card - color or black and white. The most strong card in the deck.
2 Ace The card shows one suit symbol and two letters "T"
3 King (playing) card
  • King of Hearts - depicted in a red robe, with a sword and a symbol of royalty in his hand
  • King of Diamonds - depicted in a turban and Arabic attire. Holding a scepter with a crescent
  • King of Spades - depicted in a red robe and a Chinese crown. Holds a scepter in his hands.
  • The Cross King is depicted wearing a blue robe and holding a scepter.
4 Lady Each of the ladies is depicted in a red dress and shawl. They have a flower in their hands, and a crown is put on their heads.
5 Jack Each of the jacks is wearing a shirt and a hat. They hold halberds in their hands.


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See what a "Deck of Playing Cards" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Playing Card Museum. Coordinates: 59°52′57.32″ s. sh. 29°54′39.44″ E  / 59.882589° N sh ... Wikipedia

    Main article: Tarot cards Cards of a typical tarot deck ... Wikipedia

    DECK, decks, for women. 1. Short thick log, log stump. || The same as adaptation to various industries and economic purposes (special). Deck for leather business. The deck is part of a carpentry workbench. Ceiling deck above the door. 2.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    1. DECK, s; well. 1. Short thick log; thick trunk of a fallen tree. Only rotten decks remained instead of the forest. Stop lying like k. 2. A stump of such a log, adapted for what l. needs. Chop the meat on the deck. Chopping wood for ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    KOLODA, s, wives. 1. Short thick log. Oak k. 2. A kind of wooden trough with a hollowed out middle. Drinking place 3. transl. About a fat, clumsy person (simple neod.). Through a stump a deck (to bring down) (colloquial) to do something. somehow... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Playing cards are rectangular sheets of cardboard or thin plastic used for playing card games. A complete set of playing cards to play is called a deck of cards. The cards are also used for tricks and divination. On one side of the map (open), ... ... Wikipedia

    deck- DECK, s, f. A set of playing cards. ◘ A poet who describes a deck of cards better than another tree is not always superior to his opponent. K.F. Ryleev. Letter to A.S. Pushkin, 1825. ◘ Seriously, indifferently // The obedient villain exchanged the decks //… ... Card terminology and 19th century jargon

    deck- I s; well. see also deck 1) Short thick log; thick trunk of a fallen tree. Only rotten decks remained instead of the forest. Stop lying like a colo / yes. 2) A stump of such a log, adapted for what l. needs. Chop meat on a deck. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    deck- A DECK, s, f A collection of playing cards, their complete set. He (Talman) quickly, with general laughter, took out two new decks of cards from his pocket and cracked them open one after another (Kupr.) ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    I Short thick log. II well. 1. A log with a hollowed out middle, used as a trough, chute, beehive, boat, etc. 2. A tub hollowed out of wood. III. Complete set of playing cards. IV m. and f. 1. unfold reduced Fat clumsy ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Fortune telling on a deck of 52 cards

This method of fortune-telling does not attach any importance to the position ("straight" or "inverted") the cards are in. In addition, the suits in this type of divination acquire a broader interpretation. So, hearts personify love, kindness, they warn of a possible shock if unfavorable cards fell out in the environment. Clubs I testify to authority and prestige, they can to some extent weaken the negative influence of other cards, but nothing more. Diamonds aimed at practical interests, they signal emerging difficulties and indicate unfinished business. Peaks usually interpreted as bad cards, messengers of misfortune, in this divination they can also do a useful service, warning in a timely manner of an approaching danger.

Card meanings:


Worms- denotes the house, the happiness of the hearth, domestic problems; possible changes in the situation and news from friends and relatives.

Clubs- symbolizes success, wealth, fame, predicts a lot of friends who help to achieve success and wealth.

Tambourine- money or a gift. In the neighborhood with some card predicts the receipt of news. The girls are getting married.

Peak- "card of death", brings bad luck to a fortuneteller or one of his friends and relatives. Brings bad news; can mean a quarrel with a friend or loved one.


Worms- an influential person who wants to help, but everything will end in disagreement.

Clubs- a true friend and adviser, a relative of the client. If a man is guessing, this is a generous and lucky rival.

Tambourine- "cool" in business, a dangerous rival in love.

Peak- an ambitious person who can destroy your business and family life. With the corresponding adjacent cards, it can warn a woman about the worthlessness of a person close to her.


Worms- for men, this card prophesies true love, passion; women warns about a rival.

Clubs- for men, this is a wonderful woman, wife or confidant; women - a close friend.

Tambourine- a woman who interferes in men's affairs; dangerous and jealous woman; possibly a breakaway.

Peak- a sign of a cruel and immoral woman who uses women and men for her own purposes. Resorts to the use of a false mask in the form of a friendly, sympathetic and sympathetic friend.


Worms- a close friend, longtime friend or close relative.

Clubs- a friend or girlfriend, a kind and considerate person; a reliable assistant and adviser who appreciates the best features in you.

Tambourine- for women, it usually means bad news that a male friend or relative will bring. Neighboring cards can change the meaning of the prediction and the news will not be too bad, in particular for men.

Peak- a partner or friend who is indifferent to your worries, he is in no hurry to come to your aid.


Worms- this is a very good card, means success, good luck. In addition, it balances the value bad cards and reinforces the meaning of the good.

Clubs- a card that brings happiness and prosperity. Neutralizes the negative influences of other cards; can mean a long journey.

Tambourine- usually talks about money, may indicate an unexpected road, a wedding.

Peak- devalues ​​all neighboring good ones and doubles the strength of bad ones. A very bad card.


Worms- it is called the "card of desires", it promises the fulfillment of all desires and the success of all undertakings, if neighboring cards do not contradict this. If the neighboring cards are bad, the nine indicates that difficulties and obstacles will be overcome.

Clubs- not a very good card, predicts disagreements with friends, shows stubbornness that can do harm.

Tambourine- the money needed to complete a project, trip or adventure. If the neighboring cards are bad, it makes no sense to expect good news about money.

Peak- loss of funds, illness, bad news - everything came together in this card, the most sinister in the entire deck. Even best cards next door can't help.


Worms- a pleasant event that is planned and for which everything is ready. Neighboring cards either confirm this or promise a slight disappointment.

Clubs- passion for money, reaching recklessness; impatience; the willingness to borrow money and immediately put it on the line in order to immediately get more. It can be a project undertaken together with friends.

Tambourine- has several meanings, but in all - courtship, marriage and travel. The prediction can come true at the beginning or at the end of life. Neighboring maps can clarify the dates.

Peak- a warning about unreliable and crafty friends. It will sound in a timely manner and will help prevent a crash and solve problems that have arisen.


Worms- the main meaning of this card is disappointment due to failures in business. A warning about a possible mistake, you can not recklessly trust friends or acquaintances who are somehow involved in your plans.

Clubs- if the adjacent cards are good, you can hope for success and good luck. However, interference or confrontation from members of the opposite sex should be avoided.

Tambourine- a sign of failure, if a person is prone to gambling, loss is foreseen. It is not a good time to start a new enterprise or switch to another field of activity. It is also a warning against unfounded criticism.

Peak- a sad card; avoid quarrels with anyone, do not insist on your own. It is desirable to stop disputes and dangerous discussions until better times.


Worms- a warning that loved ones are going to abuse your generosity. Persons who condone this weakness want to take advantage of your weakness.

Clubs- a happy card, it burns about the affairs that you do together with friends. The time has come to turn to them for advice and get money.

Tambourine- the card means an early marriage, which ends in complete disappointment; a threat to happiness in remarriage, which should be informed (or refuted) by neighboring cards.

Peak- fruitless dreams and plans. However, one should not lose hope, diligence can turn failure into success.


Worms- indecision is the enemy in business and personal life. Neighboring cards may indicate the desirability of changing the situation in order to get away from accumulated problems.

Clubs- indicates an upcoming marriage or strengthening of ties with a very wealthy partner, in the second case, prosperity is expected for both. The reliability of this prediction must be checked by neighboring cards.

Tambourine- good luck and prosperity, happiness in married life. Long lasting relationship with friends.

Peak- a tendency to alarmism, weakness of self-confidence, however, good neighboring cards, if they fell out, guarantee a happy marriage and success, despite all the bad omens.


Worms- means a man or woman who has remained single for reasons of a personal nature or because of some kind of defect. However, the favorable environment of the cards may promise a late marriage.

Clubs- dishonest or unreliable friends can bring misfortune, endanger or material loss. To clarify the forecast, you need to check with neighboring maps and outline ways to save or get out of a dangerous situation.

Tambourine- a sign of quarrels with friends or family members. It is necessary to remember old friends and renew relations with them. Interference in the affairs of relatives and overly caring friends should not be allowed.

Peaks- jealousy, illness or financial troubles will upset business and personal life. The exit can be prompted by neighboring cards.


Worms- an unfavorable sign that predicts impulsive, ill-considered decisions and actions. You need to show maximum restraint.

Clubs- a card promising several marriages can mean a period of long courtship or engagement, which will be most quickly terminated and followed by a marriage with a completely different person.

Tambourine- problems are expected in married life, which can lead to divorce or separation. Disputes and disagreements in business are possible, which will end in litigation.

Peak- unhappiness and deep disappointment in love or marriage. It is necessary to be distracted in order to forget failures.


Worms- wealth and high position, for which there was no hope. If the adjacent cards are unfavorable, this suggests that due to minor obstacles, success will come a little later.

Clubs- the card warns that all efforts to achieve the goal will have to be done alone, since no one wants to help, so there is no point in asking for help from anyone.

Tambourine- a love affair can end in marriage, unless, of course, other cards object. If the marriage does not take place, the infatuation will interfere with the implementation of other plans that could lead to success.

Peak- "card of death", also means separation and change. It may portend parting with a loved one, loss or travel. In the latter case, neighboring cards can clarify the nature of the change.

Interpretation of card combinations

Presence ace of hearts speaks of the imminent receipt of big money.

Ace of clubs in combination with any cards symbolizes strong friendship, and gives nobility to cards of a "love" character.

Ace of hearts combined with eight of clubs warns of a big scandal over a trifle.

Two of clubs and three of diamonds- harbingers of the fulfillment of the most daring desires.

Five of hearts combined with nine of spades indicates an obstacle in obtaining money.

Hearts five, six and seven means an unexpected gift.

Combination of five of spades and eight of diamonds speaks of the possible receipt of a modest sum of money.

Hearts seven and nine of diamonds warn of short-term prosperity.

Ace of Hearts and Ten of Hearts indicate obstacles that need to be overcome as soon as possible.

Ace of Hearts and King of Clubs represent the help of an influential person.

Queen of Hearts and Jack of Diamonds warn of ambiguity.


This method of divination with a deck of 52 cards is quite simple.

As always, the deck is carefully shuffled, then the deck is removed and fifteen cards are dealt. They are laid out in rows from top to bottom like this: one, two, three, four, five cards.

That, in fact, is all. Interpretation starts from the top of the pyramid.

One important point: a special place in the layout is middle map in the middle (third) row. This is the so-called central map. In the case when there is a hitch in the interpretation, the central card is considered as an additional positive or negative factor for a more complete reading of the pyramid.

This method of divination, in addition to being extremely simple, gives excellent opportunities to the fortuneteller to compare the connections between different cards, giving preference to one of them. When interpreting the alignment, one must carefully listen to one's intuition, which plays a very important role and without which one simply cannot do in fortune-telling.

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Who Invented Playing Cards? No scientist can answer this question. Nevertheless, this invention has firmly entered our lives and this type of leisure is not inferior to leadership positions even with the advent of modern computer toys. And this is not at all surprising, because a deck of playing cards is excitement, fun, and lively communication!

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