Sea figure freeze rules. The sea is worried once. Catch and guess

Outdoor games for children 3-5 years old.

1. "My jolly jingle ball"

Inventory: ball of average diameter by the number of players.

Purpose of the game: reinforce the forward throw of the ball.

Players line up on one side of the court with the ball in their hands. Children pronounce the text in chorus and slightly bend their knees to the beat of the words:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where did you gallop

Red, blue, blue

Can't keep up with you!

With the last words, the children throw the ball forward and run after it. Having caught up with the ball, they lift it up.

!!! Throw the ball with two hands from behind the head, you cannot throw the ball ahead of time, players who threw the ball further are marked.

2. "Frogs and Heron"

Inventory: gymnastic bench.

Purpose of the game: strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Players - "frogs" stand on a dais on one side of the site, the driver - "heron" stands in a nest on the other side of the site on one leg. By command"Frogs - to the swamp!"frogs jump from the dais, jump over the "swamp" in a squatand "croak". By command"Heron!" the frogs run away into the house, and the heron catches up with them and spots them.

!!! Jump, landing gently from toes to heels.

3. "Penguins and the Bear"

Inventory: stuffed bags by the number of players.

Purpose of the game: strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Players - "penguins" are in the "house" on one side of the site, the driver - "bear" is on the opposite side.

By command "Penguins, let's go for a walk!"children jump around the playground holding the bag with their knees. By command"Bear!" take the bags in hand and run into the house. The bear catches up and spots the penguins.

!!! You can jump from the bags in your hands.

4. "Chicks and an eagle"

Inventory: multi-colored rings according to the number of players.

Purpose of the game: improve spatial and visual orientation.

Players - "chicks" are freely located on the site in "nests" - rings, the driver - "eagle" is located aside from the players. By command"Chicks, flew for a walk!"chicks fly out of their houses, run around the site, "flap their wings." By command"Eagle!" hiding in their nests, and the eagle tries to catch up and stain them.

!!! While running, do not step on the nests, hide only in your nest.

5. "Kittens and puppies"

Inventory: gymnastic bench.

Purpose of the game: to fix climbing on the gymnastic ladder.

There are 2 subgroups of players - "kittens" and "puppies". Kittens climb "on a tree" - on a gymnastic ladder, puppies sit in a "booth" - for a gymnastic bench on the opposite side of the site facing the kittens. By command"Kittens, let's go for a walk!"kittens climb down the stairs and run around the site. At this time, the puppies pretend to be asleep. By command"Puppies!" kittens run away the house, and the puppies step over the bench, move around on their knees behind the kittens and "bark". The game is repeated 2 times, then the subgroups change roles.

!!! Puppies do not stain kittens, but only scare them.

6. "Forest animals"

Inventory: 10-12 pins.

Purpose of the game: improve coordination skills and dexterity.

Skittles - "trees" are placed in a free order on the site. Players - "animals" run scattered through the "forest", run around the trees and try not to touch them. At the end of the game, children are marked who did not hit the pins.

!!! Running exercises alternate with walking.

7. "Bees"

Inventory: 4-5 large diameter hoops.

Purpose of the game: improve the accuracy of orientation in space.

The hoop - "hives" are located in a free order on the site. Players - "bees" occupy hives for 4-5 people. By command« Bees, flew for honey! "children scatter around the playground, imitating the flapping of "wings" with their hands. By command"Into the hives!" run to their houses. The game is repeated 3-4 times, the bees are marked, which gathered in their house faster than others.

8. "Helicopters"

Inventory: multi-colored rings according to the number of players, 2 ribbons 30-40 cm long for each player.

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the scattering run, to develop attention and speed.

On the site in a free order are rings - "airfields". Children - "helicopters" with ribbons in their hands occupy any airfield. By command"Helicopters, let's start the motors!"the squatters make rotational movements with their arms over their heads, imitating the movement of a propeller. By command"Fly!" run scattered around the hall, spreading their arms to the sides. By command"Landing!" "Land" on their airfields. The game is repeated 3-4 times, the most attentive helicopters are marked.

!!! Do not collide, land on their airfields.

9. "Find your match"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up attentiveness and organization.

Players on the court line up in pairs facing each other. By command"We ran away!" children run scattered around the playground, and on command"Find your match!"find their mate and hold hands.

!!! Couples who quickly found each other are noted.

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: increase the activity of the auditory analyzer.

Players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with closed eyes... Children walk in a circle holding hands and say:

We played a little

And now we have stood in a circle,

Guess the riddle

The teacher chooses one of the players who pronounces any word, trying to make sure that his voice is not recognized by the driver. The driver opens his eyes and guesses the name of the person who voiced. If the driver did not recognize the voice, then the driver who submitted it is chosen.

!!! You can pronounce not only words, but also imitate the sounds of animals.

11. "Trace in trail"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

Children form a column behind the teacher, who walks through the snow, leaving clear traces behind. Children walk in the footsteps of the teacher, trying not to go beyond their boundaries.

!!! During the game, the teacher changes the width of the steps and the direction of movement.

12. "Bump is a pebble"

Inventory: cone, pebble.

Purpose of the game: to learn to turn around in a column, to educate attention.

Children walk in a column one by one. The guide holds a pine cone in his hands, and the one at the end of the column holds a pebble. By command"Pebble" players turn in a circle and step in the opposite direction, on command"Cone" walk behind the guide again. If the column walks behind the guide and the command is given"Cone" , then you need to continue driving without turning.

!!! During the game, you can change the guiding and closing the column to another player.

13. "Thrush"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: foster friendly and companionable relationships.

Children are built in pairs facing each other, speak words and, in accordance with the text, point to themselves and to a partner.

I am a blackbird - you are a blackbird

I have a nose - you have a nose

I have sweet - you have sweet (lips)

I have smooth - you have smooth (cheeks),

I am your friend and you are my friend.

With the last words, the children hug, then change in pairs, and the game continues.

!!! Children choose their partner on their own.

14. "Hear the signal"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

Players walk in a column one at a time. For quick strikes to the tambourine (claps or musical accompaniment) perform walking with short mincing steps, for slow strikes - wide free steps.

!!! The game can be modified to run randomly or walk in pairs.

15. "Entertainers"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to shape creativity.

The players line up in a circle, hold hands, in the center of the circle is the driver. Children go in circles and say:

At a steady pace, one after another

We go step by step

Stand still!

They stop.

Together, let's do it like this!

The driver shows any movement, and the children repeat it. Then a new driver is selected.

Outdoor games for children 4-6 years old.

1. "Motorcyclists"

Inventory: balls of average diameter according to the number of children, 3 flags.

Purpose of the game: fix dribbling with one or two hands.

Players - "motorcyclists" dribble the ball across the court in different directions, hitting it on the floor with one or both hands. The teacher - "traffic controller" stands in the center of the site and holds in his hands 3 flags (green, red and yellow color). When the traffic controller raises the yellow flag, the motorcyclists hit the ball on the floor on the spot, when the red flag - they stop with the ball in their hands, the green flag - continue to move. Motorcyclists who broke the rules are temporarily out of the game.

!!! If children do not know how to dribble, then you can hit the ball on the floor with your hands and catch it in place and in motion.

2. "Hare for hares"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

On opposite sides of the site, 2 lines are drawn, beyond the line - 2 "forests", between them - a "hunting meadow". The players - "bunnies" are in the same forest, and the driver is a "hunting dog" in the clearing. At a signal, the rabbits run across the clearing from one forest to another, and the dog tries to catch up with them and stain them. Captured players are not eliminated from the game.

!!! The dog must not run out of the boundaries of the hunting meadow.

3. "Catch a mosquito"

Inventory: gymnastic stick or rod.

Purpose of the game:

Players - "frogs" are built in a circle, in the center of the circle there is a teacher holding a gymnastic stick or rod with a paper "mosquito" tied to it. The teacher rotates the mosquito above the children's heads, and the children jump, trying to touch it with both hands. The most agile players are marked.

!!! Frogs only jump when a mosquito flies overhead; you should push off with two feet.

4. "Hot spot"

Inventory: 2-3 ribbons per child.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

On one side of the court there is a playing field with players, on the opposite side, parallel lines indicate a "hot spot", in the center of the court there is a driver. At the signal, players need to run across from playing field to a hot place, take one tape and come back. The driver is trying to stain the running children. Captured players are temporarily out of the game. At the signal, the game stops, the remaining players count the ribbons. Children with more ribbons are noted.

!!! Run over from the playing field to a hot place only on command; the driver must not cross the boundaries of the playing field and a hot place; players take several tapes at once.

5. "Catch with the ball"

Inventory: ball of medium diameter.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

The players line up in a circle, the driver - the "catcher" is in the center of the circle with the ball in his hands. Lovishka throws the ball to the opposite player, calling him by name. The player catches the ball and throws it to the catcher. After 3-4 passes, the catcher throws the ball up, the children scatter around the court, and the driver catches up and stains the players, throwing the ball at them. Players who are tainted are temporarily removed from the game. At the signal, the game stops, the tainted players are counted, and a new leader is selected.

!!! Spotting players gently - throwing the ball in the back or at the feet.

6. "Owl"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

Players (bugs, spiders, bees, mice, butterflies) are on the site, the driver - "owl" sits in the nest. With words"The day is coming - everything comes to life!"players move around the court performing imitation actions. With words"Night comes - everything freezes!"children stop and freeze in a motionless position. The owl goes out hunting and takes with it those players who have moved.

!!! The owl cannot watch the same player for a long time.

7. "Ruler"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: foster self-organization.

Players line up in 2-3 lines around the perimeter of the site. On command, they disperse or scatter in different directions, and upon a sound signal they line up in their place. The team that lined up faster and smoother is noted.

!!! Build only in your team, the order in the line does not matter.

8. "Fishermen and Fish"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

Players - "fish" are on the site. A pair of players - drivers, form a "net" (hold hands - one hand is free). At a signal, the fish run around the site, and the fishermen catch up with the fish and join their hands around them. The fish caught in the net joins the fishermen. The game continues until the network is broken or until all players are caught.

!!! You cannot pull the net in different directions.

9. "We are funny guys"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

The players are on one side of the court, the driver stands in the center of the court facing the players. Children say in unison:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - run!

With the last words, the players run across to the opposite side of the site, and the driver tries to stain them.

!!! After two runs, a new driver is selected.

10. "Above the feet from the ground"

Inventory: 1 checkbox.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

Players run around the court in different directions. The teacher puts a flag in the hands of one of the children - this is a driving one. The driver raises the flag up and runs along with everyone. By command"Catch!" children run away and "hide" on any platform (gymnastic wall, bench, horizontal bar). Players who did not have time to "hide" are spotted by the driver with a flag.

!!! Players who are tainted remain in the game. Drivers who have stained more players are noted.

11. "Sly Fox"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

Players line up in a circle in the center of the court. On command, the children close their eyes, and the teacher chooses the driver - the "cunning fox", touching the shoulder of one of the players. The sly fox is silent and does not give himself away. Children open their eyes and ask in chorus three times:"Sly fox, where are you?"... The sly fox jumps in the center of the circle and says:"I'm here!". Children scatter, and the sly fox tries them

catch up and tarnish. The game is repeated 3-4 times. At the end of each game, the caught players are counted and a new driver is chosen.

!!! Captured players are temporarily out of the game.

12. "Sun and Moon"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

On opposite sides of the court, 2 lines are drawn, behind the line - the "house" of the players. Teams "Sun" and "Luna" are built in a line with their backs to each other and facing their "home" in the center of the site at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from one another. The teacher names one or the other team. On signal"Moon!" the players of this team run into the house, and the players of the other team turn around, catch up with them and try to stain them. Then the number of caught players is counted, and the teams return to their place. The dashes are repeated 5-6 times. The team that tarnished more players is celebrated.

!!! Players cannot be stained in the house.

13. "Snake"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to form the consistency of motor actions.

Players (5-6 people) line up in a column one at a time and put their hands on the belt of the one in front. The first player in the column is the "head", the last one is the "tail". At the signal, the head should stain the tail. If the head has stained the tail or the clutch is broken, then the game stops and new drivers are selected.

!!! The head and tail must act in concert; players must not pull on their clothes or push.

14. "To your flags"

Inventory: 3-4 flags of different colors.

Purpose of the game: to form spatial and visual orientation.

Players are divided into 3-4 teams and line up in a circle. In the center of each circle there is a driver with a flag. At the signal, the children scatter around the playground, and on command"To your flags!"run to the flag of their color and line up in a circle. The team that lined up first is marked and new drivers are selected.

!!! The game is repeated 3-4 times, the drivers change their location.

15. "Hunters and Ducks"

Inventory: 1 ball of medium diameter.

Purpose of the game: educate agility.

Players - "ducks" are on the court. 2 drivers - "hunters", stand on opposite sides of the site facing each other, one of the hunters is holding the ball in his hands. Hunters throw the ball, trying to hit the ducks with it. Ducks run from one side of the court to the other, trying to dodge the ball. Players who are hit by the ball are temporarily out of the game. The game lasts 1.5-2 minutes, then the caught ducks are counted and new drivers are selected.

!!! Throw the ball in the back or at the feet of the players.

16. "The wolf in the moat"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: improve speed-strength abilities.

Players - "goats" are on one side of the court. In the center of the site, parallel lines indicate a "ditch", 70-100 cm wide. The driver, the "wolf", stands in the ditch. At the command of the teacher"The goats are in the field, the wolf is in the ditch!"goats run across to the opposite side, jumping over the moat. The wolf tries to stain the jumping goats. The game is repeated 2 times, then a new driver is selected.

!!! In a jump, push off with one leg; the wolf must not go outside the moat.

17. "Jumping Sparrows"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

A circle is drawn on the site, the players - "sparrows" are built in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver - "crow". Sparrows jump in a circle, jump in a circle, jump out of it. The crow tries to stain the sparrows in the circle. Captured players remain in the game. When the crow catches 3-4 sparrows, a new driver is selected.

!!! The diameter of the circle is 4-6 meters.

18. "Fishing rod"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: improve coordination skills, strengthen leg muscles.

Players - "fishermen" are built in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver - "fisherman" and holds in his hands a "fishing rod" - a rope. The driver rotates the rope in a circle, and the children jump up, trying not to touch it. The player who touched the rope is temporarily eliminated. The game is repeated 2-3 times, the most dexterous fish are marked.

!!! Land softly, don't stomp.

19. "Polar bears"

Inventory: 1 medium hoop.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

Players - "penguins" are on the court, the driver - " polar bear”Stands to the side with a hoop in his hands. At the signal, the penguins scatter, and the "polar bear" tries to catch up with the penguins and throw a hoop over them. Captured penguins are temporarily removed from the game.

!!! Catch the penguins carefully, trying not to hit them with the hoop; the role of a leader can be performed by a teacher.

20. "Mousetrap"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: improve coordination of movements and dexterity.

Players are divided into 2 groups. Some form a circle - a "mousetrap". Others - "mice" - are outside the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap walk in a circle, raising their clasped hands up and say:

Oh, how tired the mice are, their passion is simply divorced.

Everyone has gnawed, everyone has eaten, they are crawling everywhere - that's the attack.

Beware, cheats, we will get to you.

Here we put the mousetraps - we will catch everyone at a time.

In the process of pronouncing words, children - "mice" run into the circle, crawling under the clasped hands of children, and run out of the circle. At the end of the words, the mousetrap closes - the children give up. Those who remain in the circle are considered caught. They stand in a circle - the mousetrap increases.

!!! The most dexterous mice are noted.

21. "Salki in pairs"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness, improve the response to a sound signal.

2 teams participate, which are built in 2 lines at a distance of three steps from one another. Each player chooses a pair for himself. On signal Run! the players of the first rank run away, and the players of the second one catch up and stain their pair. The players then turn around and switch roles.

!!! The distance to the finish line is 8-9 m. Players who have crossed the finish line cannot be spotted.

22. "Hurry to run out"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: develop a quick response to a signal.

Two groups participate, which are built in 2 circles - inner and outer. The inner circle contains a third of the children. The players who formed the outer circle join hands, walk to the right or left, and run at the signal. The players in the center clap rhythmically. By command"Stop!" children in the outer circle stop and raise their clasped hands up. The teacher counts to three. During this time, the players standing in the center must run out of the circle. After counting"Three!" children quickly put their hands down, those who do not have time to run out are considered losers.

!!! When the game is repeated, other players move to the middle.

23. "Cosmonauts"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: educate attention and independence.

Rockets are drawn on the snow or on the ground, in which there are 4-5 circles - these are the places of the astronauts. The players walk in a column one by one around the court and speak.

Fast rockets await us

For walking around the planets.

Whichever one we want, we will fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no place for latecomers!

At the end of the words, the players run across the rocket launcher and take places in any of the rockets. Spaces in rockets are 2-3 less than astronauts. Cosmonauts who did not have enough space are losing.

!!! Take up space in rockets only at the end of words. Players who violate the rules are considered losers.

24. "Burners"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

Players line up in a column of two, holding hands, in front of the column is the driver. Children say in unison:

Burn, burn clear so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky 6 birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three - run!

At the end of the words, the players of the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning of the column - one to the right, the other to the left of it. The driver tries to stain one of the players before he has time to join hands with his pair. If the driver has stained the player, then he becomes with him in a pair in front of the column.

!!! The unpaired player becomes the driver.

25. "Catching butterflies"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to fix the run in pairs.

Players - "butterflies" are on the court. Two pairs of drivers - children with "nets" - are holding hands. By command"Fly!" butterflies scatter across the site. By command"Catch!" the drivers catch butterflies in a butterfly net - they join their hands around the butterfly and take it to the appointed place. By command"Butterflies are resting - sat on a flower!", children squat (rest). By command"Fly!" players scatter again. The game continues until there are 4-5 butterflies left. Then new drivers are selected.

!!! During the game, the drivers must not let go of their hands.

26. "Bears and Bees"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

There are 2 teams involved, one team - "bears", the other - "bees". The bees stand in the "house" - on a dais. At a distance of 3-4 m from the "house of bees" there is a line of the forest - "house of bears". On the opposite side, at a distance of 7-8 m from the house of bees, there is a "meadow". At the signal, the bees fly to the meadow for honey and hum. At this time, the bears climb into the hive and “feast on honey”. On signal"The Bears!" bees fly to their hives and spot ("sting") those bears that did not manage to escape into the forest. Captured bears remain in the game. The game is repeated 2-3 times, then the children change roles. The team that sulls the most bears wins.

!!! When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

27. "Zhmurki"

Inventory: blindfold.

Purpose of the game: to increase the emotional background of classes.

The driver is chosen from among the players - "blind man's buff", he is blindfolded and turned around several times. Children scatter around the playground, and the blind man's buff catches them. If the blind man's buff approaches the boundaries of the site, then he is warned with the word"Fire!" ... Captured players are temporarily out of the game.

!!! Do not run out of the boundaries of the site, remove unnecessary items from the site. If the blind man's buff cannot catch anyone for a long time, then a new driver replaces him.

28. "Fifteen"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

Children - players are on the playground, and the driver is a "tag" aside. By command"Catch!" children scatter, and the tag catches up with them and stains. Captured players are temporarily out of the game. At the signal, the game stops, the number of caught players is counted and a new driver is selected. Drivers who have stained more players are noted.

!!! Drivers are prohibited from pushing and grabbing players with their hands.

29. "Mustache Catfish"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: develop speed and agility.

The site is divided by a line into 2 parts - "river" and "bank". Players - "fish" are on one side of the site (in the river), the driver - "catfish" stands in the center of the site on the border of the river and the bank (6-7 m from the fish). Children say in unison:

The catfish does not sleep under the stones,

He wiggles his ears

Fish, fish, do not yawn,

All swim ashore.

After these words, the fish run towards the coast, and the catfish tries to catch up and stain. At the end of the game, the number of caught fish is counted, then the game is repeated with a new driver.

!!! Catfish should not run over the coastline.

30. "Parts of the body"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: develop speed of reaction and quick wits, increase the emotional background of classes.

Players move around the court in different directions (run, jump, walk). At the command of the teacher"Hand-head!" each player quickly finds a partner and puts his hand on his head. The fastest and most attentive couples are marked.

!!! The teacher can come up with different combinations - "hand-hand", "back-back", "hand-nose", etc.

31. "Hare - month"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: develop motor coordination.

The players are on one side of the site, the driver - "rabbit - month" stands in the center of the site facing the players. The children ask in unison, and the hare answers them for a month:

"Hare - month, where have you been?" - "In the woods".

"What have you been doing?" - "Hay mowed".

"Where did you put it?" - "In the barn."

"Who saw?" - "Chur!"

With the word "Chur!" children scatter, and the hare tries to catch up with them and stain them. Captured players are temporarily out of the game.

!!! They run up only on a signal, you can complicate the game and assign not one, but several drivers.

32. "Blizzard"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: foster collectivism and camaraderie.

2 teams participate, which are built in 2 ranks and hold hands. The leaders are at the head of the columns. They lead a chain, run between a snow shaft, a sled, a snowman and other obstacles. The team is marked that did not open hands and did not touch objects.

!!! The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time a new leader is selected.

33. " The Snow Queen»

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

The players are on the court, the driver is the "Snow Queen" away from the players. On command, the players scatter around the site, and the Snow Queen tries to catch up and stain them. The one she touched turns into a "piece of ice" and remains standing still.

!!! When repeating the game, another driver is selected from among the most dexterous players.

34. "Beat the piece of ice"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: educate agility.

Players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with a piece of ice. At the signal, the driver beats the piece of ice with his foot, trying to knock it out of the circle, and the players beat the piece of ice back. The most agile players are marked.

!!! You can only beat off a piece of ice with your feet.

35. "Two Frosts"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

The players are on one side of the court, the drivers - "Two Frosts", in the center of the court, facing the players. Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two daring frosts! "... One says: " I am Frost - red nose ", second - "I am Frost - blue nose!", together: "Well, which of you will dare to set off on a path-path?"... Children say in unison:“We are not afraid of threats and are not afraid us frost! ". After these words, the players run across to the opposite side of the site, and the drivers try to stain them ("freeze"). At the end of the game, the number of “frozen” players is counted and new drivers are selected.

!!! Run across from one side of the court to the other, do not push or interfere with other players.

36. "Don't go up the mountain"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

Players line up in a circle and hold hands, in the center of the circle there is a large snowball - "mountain". At the signal, the children begin to "pull" each other towards the mountain, trying to push their comrade there. The player who touches the coma with his torso or leg is eliminated from the game.

!!! If there are many players, then several snowballs can be placed in the center of the circle.

37. "Kick the ball"

Inventory: 2 balls of medium size.

Purpose of the game: develop orientation in space.

2 players are involved. A ball lies opposite each at a distance of 2-3 m. Players are blindfolded and spun around 2-3 times. After that, they need to go to their ball and kick it. Players who managed to do this are noted.

!!! You can help a player who cannot find his ball.

38. "The sea is worried"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to form creative imagination.

The players stand on the court and say:

The sea is worried - once,

The sea is worried - two,

The sea is worried - three,

The sea figure freeze in place.

Children wave their hands to the beat of the words. With the last words, they stop and freeze, assuming various poses. The most interesting figures are marked.

!!! The figure must be nautical; the game can be made more difficult by asking children to come up with a figure in pairs or in threes.

39. Hot Potatoes

Inventory: 1 medium ball.

Purpose of the game: fix the pass of the ball in a circle.

The players line up in a circle, one of the players is holding the ball in his hands. To music or the sound of a tambourine, children betray the ball to each other in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the player who has the ball in his hands is out of the game. The game continues until there are 2 winning players.

!!! When passing the ball, do not throw the ball; players who drop the ball are eliminated from the game.

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: develop motor memory.

Players line up in a circle, with a teacher in the center of the circle. The teacher performs various movements, indicating which of them is prohibited. Children repeat all movements except the prohibited one. Players who repeat a prohibited move receive penalty points. Players who have not received penalty points are marked.

!!! The forbidden movement should be changed after 4-5 repetitions.

41. "Quiet - Loud"

Inventory: small thing.

Purpose of the game: cultivate determination and perseverance.

Children are built in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with closed eyes. The teacher gives one of the players an item to hide. All children, except for the driver, know who has the object. The driver opens his eyes and tries to identify the child with the object. If the driver approaches the player with an object, then the children clap loudly, when they leave, they clap more quietly.

!!! The game continues until the driver finds the item.

42. "Edible - inedible"

Inventory: ball.

Purpose of the game: to educate intelligence and quickness of reaction.

The players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball in his hands. The driver alternately throws the ball to each player and says any word (tree, apple, table, button, etc.) at the moment of throwing. If the word means an edible concept (candy, milk, porridge, etc.), then the player catches the ball, but if the word means an inedible concept (bank, shoe, spoon, etc.), the player pushes the ball away. Anyone who makes a mistake gets a penalty point. The new driver is chosen among the most attentive players.

!!! If there are many children, then you can introduce two drivers into the game.

43. "Flies - does not fly"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: educate intelligence and attention.

The players walk in the column one at a time, and the teacher names the items. If flying objects are named, for example, an airplane, bird, butterfly, beetle, etc., then the players stop, raise their arms to the sides and swing up and down.

!!! You can build players in a line or in a circle.

44. "Shapes"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: foster creativity.

The players line up in a circle, the driver in the center of the circle. To music or the sound of a tambourine, players walk in a circle in a column, and upon a signal they stop and do not move, assuming various poses. The driver chooses the one whose figure he liked the most, and changes places with him.

!!! The game continues 4-5 times. The most interesting figures are noted.

45. "Locomotive, shock, caterpillar"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to secure movements and lane changes in the clutch.

Players walk in a column one at a time. By command"The locomotive!" put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front and move in grip on the heels; on command"Shock!" rearrange themselves in a circle, holding hands, go to the center and raise their hands up; on command"Caterpillar!" rebuild into a column one at a time, take an emphasis on their knees and move in clutch, putting their hands on the shins of the person in front.

!!! Do not break the clutches, strictly follow the commands.

46. ​​"Who's Gone"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to educate observation attention.

The players line up in a circle, the driver in the center of the circle. The driver remembers the children and closes his eyes. One player leaves the room. The driver closes his eyes and guesses which of the children has left. If he guesses, then he chooses the driver himself, if not, then the teacher chooses the driver.

!!! Children should not be prompted to the driver.

47. "Get to know a friend"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: increase the activity of sensory systems.

The players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with a blindfold. One of the children approaches the driver, the driver must recognize his companion by touch. The game continues 5-6 times, each time a new driver is selected.

!!! Do not prompt, the most attentive players are marked.

48. "Fish, birds, animals"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: broaden horizons, educate intelligence.

The players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball in his hands. The driver throws the ball alternately to the players and says one of three words"Beast!", "Fish!" or "Bird!" ... The one who catches the ball must quickly name any animal, fish or bird and throw the ball back to the driver. The player who made a mistake or did not answer receives a penalty point.

!!! At the end of the game, children are marked who have not received penalty points.

49. "Silence"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: train static balance.

Players walk in a column and say:

Silence by the pond, water does not sway,

Reeds do not make noise. Go to sleep, kids.

With the last words, the children stop and take any static position. They are in this position until the teacher counts out loud to ten. Players who move or do not keep their balance are considered losers. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

!!! Losing players are temporarily out of the game.

50. "The guys have a strict order"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to teach to find their place in the game, to bring up organization and attention.

Players line up in 3-4 circles in different parts platforms, join hands. On command, they scatter across the site and say:

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places.

Well, trumpet more fun:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

With the last words, the children line up in circles. Circles are marked that lined up quickly and without errors.

!!! You can build in columns or in ranks.

51. "Walk Fast"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: improve the speed of reaction to the signal.

Players are lined up on the start line on one side of the court, on the other side of the court is the driver who stands with his back to the players on the finish line. The driver says loudly:"Walk fast, don't yawn, stop!"... At this time, the players step forward and stop at the last word. The driver quickly looks around, and the player who did not have time to stop takes a step back. Then the driver says the text again, and the children continue to move. The first player to cross the finish line becomes the driver.

!!! You cannot run, walk quickly and rhythmically in accordance with the text.

52. "Change of places"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: foster self-organization.

Players of 2 teams are lined up facing each other on opposite sides of the court. By command"Disperse!" disperse freely around the site, and on command"Change of places!" are lined up on the side of the other team. The team is noted, which built faster and without errors.

!!! The order of the players during the formation can be skipped.

53. "Dreamers"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to form creative imagination.

Players step in a column one at a time, the teacher loudly names any object, animal, plant (boat, wolf, chair, etc.). Children stop and pose, mimicry, gestures try to depict what the teacher called. The most interesting image is noted.

!!! Each player tries to come up with his own figure.

54. "Bumblebee"

Inventory: medium-sized ball.

Purpose of the game: to form the accuracy of motor actions.

Players line up in a circle and sit on the floor with their legs bent crosswise.

One of the players is holding the ball. Children roll the ball on the floor with their hands, trying to "sting" - to hit the feet of another player. The stung player turns his back in a circle and does not take part in the game until the next one is "stung".

!!! Children do not allow themselves to be "stung" by holding the ball in their hands.

55. "Who is attentive"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: educate attention and organization.

Children form a column, walk around the site and perform movements on a signal. One hit to the tambourine - squat, 2 hits - stand on one leg, 3 hits - bounces on two legs in place. The most attentive players are noted.

!!! The teacher gives signals in a different sequence, after each signal the children continue to walk in the column. You can think of other exercises.

56. "Two and Three"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: to fix scattering walking with rebuilding in pairs and triplets on a signal.

Children walk around the playground in different directions. On signal"Two!" form pairs and stand facing each other holding hands. On signal"Three!" form triplets.

!!! Pairs and triplets, who quickly completed the task, are marked.

57. "Goats on the Bridge"

Inventory: gymnastic bench.

Purpose of the game: to train balance, to foster mutual aid and camaraderie.

Players - "goats" are divided into 2 subgroups and are built in columns - one opposite the other. Between them there is a "bridge" - a gymnastic bench. 2 goats from different teams are walking towards each other on the bench. Having met, they disperse, trying not to fall into the "ditch". When the pair has cleared the bench, the next players go. The players help each other to keep their balance. The most friendly couples are celebrated.

!!! Put a mat under the bench.

58. Rolls

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game:

The players line up and lie on the floor on their stomachs, close to each other. At the signal, the extreme player rolls from the abdomen onto the backs of the lying children. The next player follows him. Having reached the end of the column, the players lie on their stomachs. Then the "logs" roll in the opposite direction.

!!! The game lasts 2-3 minutes.

59. Echo

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: rest and relaxation after exercise.

Players accept i.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head.

The teacher speaks short sentences, and the children respond, like an echo, stretching out the last word. For example, the teacher says"Who's there?" and the children answer"Ta-a-am".

!!! The game can include static breathing exercises or sound gymnastics with stretching various sounds and syllables as you exhale.

60. "Free space"

Inventory: not required.

Purpose of the game: bring up quickness and dexterity.

The players line up in a circle, take their starting position - sit with their legs bent crosswise, hands on their knees. 2 adjacent players stand with their backs to each other and, upon a signal, run around the circle in opposite directions. The player who first ran to his place and took the starting position wins.

!!! Do not collide while running.

61. "Who is faster with the ball"

Inventory: 1 ball, 1 arc.

Purpose of the game: develop quickness and dexterity, educate strong-willed qualities.

3 players participate, the formation of children is in a row behind the starting line. Each player holds a ball in his hands. At the signal, children run to their arcs (distance 6-7 m from the starting line), roll the ball under them, crawl under the arc, catch up with the ball, run back and lift the ball up. The player who first crossed the starting line and did not make any mistakes wins.

!!! Crawl under the arch in support on your knees, do not touch the arch with your back.

62. Hit the Target

Inventory: 2-3 racks, rings according to the number of players.

Purpose of the game: train accuracy.

2-3 teams participate, the formation of children - in a column. The players throw the ring onto a rack (distance 1.5 m from the line of throw) and stand at the end of their column. For each ring that hits the rack, the team is awarded points. The team with the most points wins.

!!! Throw the ring with your right hand away from you.

Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old.

1. "Kite and hen"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:improve the speed of reaction, form the coordination of motor actions.

Children are lined up, one at a time in the grip, with their hands on the belt of the players in front. The first player in the column - the "brood hen", the leader - the "kite", is located opposite the players and tries to stain one of the "chickens" behind the hen. The brood hen does not let it pass, moving from side to side, without holding the kite with her hands. The vulture wins if, within a set time (30-40 s), he manages to stain the player or if the chain breaks. The game is repeated with new drivers.

!!! 8-10 people play, players can be divided into 2-3 teams.

2. "Crucian carp and pike"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:

2 groups participate. One group is built in a circle - these are "pebbles", the other - "crucians" that "float" inside the circle. Driver - "pike" is away from the players. By command"Pike!"the driver quickly runs into the circle, and the crucians hide behind the pebbles. The crucian carp that did not have time to hide, the pike stains. Caught crucians are temporarily out of the game. The game is repeated with another pike. At the end of the game, the best driver is awarded.

!!! Crucians should not touch the stones with their hands.

3. "Geese - Swans"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:educate agility and speed.

Children are chosen for the role of "wolf" and "shepherd", the rest of the players are "geese". On one side of the site (in the "house") there are geese, on the opposite side - the "shepherd". On the side is the "lair of the wolf", the rest of the place is "meadow". The shepherd calls the geese to the meadow.

Shepherd:Geese, geese!

Geese:Ha! Ha! Ha!

Shepherd:Do you want to eat?

Geese:Yes! Yes! Yes!

Shepherd:So fly!

Geese:We can not! The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us home!

Shepherd:So fly as you want, only take care of your wings!

Geese run across the meadow home, and the wolf, having run out of the den, tries to catch up with them and stain them.

!!! The captured geese remain in the game, and the shepherd and the wolf are other children.

4. "The third extra"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:cultivate purposefulness and activity.

Players line up face-to-face in a circle in pairs one after another. Drivers - "tag" and "third extra" - are behind the circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other. At the signal, the third extra starts to run away from the tag and stops in front of any pair. The last player in the pair becomes the third superfluous and runs away from the tag. The caught players take a place in the circle and new drivers are selected.

!!! If the tag cannot catch the third superfluous, then the game stops and new drivers are selected.

5. "Hunters and Monkeys"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:to consolidate climbing the gymnastic ladder, to form creative abilities.

2 teams participate. One team - "monkeys", its players climb the gymnastic ladder. The members of the second team - "hunters" are located on the opposite side of the site. A dividing line is drawn between hunters and monkeys. The task of the hunters is to lure the monkeys into a trap. They come up with a movement, come to the dividing line, show this movement to the monkeys and go into their territory. The monkeys climb down the stairs, approach the line and repeat the movement. By command"Catch!"the monkeys run away and climb the stairs, and the hunters try to catch up and stain them. The game is repeated 3-4 times, then the players switch roles.

!!! At the end of each game, the number of captured monkeys that remain in the game is counted.

6. "Between two fires"

Inventory:3-4 balls of medium diameter.

Purpose of the game:to form the accuracy of motor actions.

2 teams participate, one of the teams is divided into 2 groups, each of which stands on opposite sides of the site, the rest of the players are located between them. One group receives 3-4 balls. At the signal, the players roll balls on the floor from one side of the court to the other, and the players in the center try to dodge the balls. Children touched by the ball continue to play and a penalty point is awarded to the team. Then the players switch roles. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

!!! The balls should be rolled on the floor, not thrown.

7. "Wattle"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:foster self-organization.

The players of the two teams line up in 2 ranks on opposite sides of the court and form a "wattle fence" (bending their arms crosswise in front of their chest, hold the opposite hands of their neighbors on the right and left). At the signal, the children lower their hands and scatter around the hall in different directions, and on command"Wattle"are built in their places, forming a wattle fence. The team that builds faster is noted.

!!! The order of the players in the line can be disregarded.

8. "Pike in the river"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:foster mutual aid and camaraderie.

The site is divided into 3 equal parts by two lines. On the sides - "rivers", in the center - "channel". Players - "carp" are in the rivers, and the driver - "pike" - in the channel. By command"Carp, into the river!"crucians run from one river to another, and the pike tries to stain them without going beyond the boundaries of the channel. The caught carp remain in the channel. They join hands and form a circle - a safe place for other crucians, where the pike cannot enter. Now, running through the channel, the crucian carp can run into the circle and run out of it into another river. The game continues until there are 3-4 crucians left. A new driver is selected from among them.

!!! The pike must not go beyond the boundaries of the channel.

9. "Border guards and parachutists"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:foster independence and self-organization.

There are 2 teams participating - "border guards" and "parachutists". Parachutists run across the site in different directions, and the border guards, holding hands, form a chain. The task of the border guards is to catch the parachutists by closing a chain around them. For each caught parachutist, the border guards receive one point. Caught paratroopers remain in the game. At the signal, the teams change roles. The team with the most points wins.

!!! Parachutists must not pull the chain in different directions. They need to negotiate and move in a certain direction; if the chain breaks, the game stops.

10. "Ball up"


Purpose of the game:educate quickness, train accuracy.

Players line up in a circle, the driver is in the center of the circle with the ball in his hands. With words"Ball up!"the driver throws the ball up, and the children run away from him at this time. The driver catches the ball and shouts"Stop!"... Children stop, and the driver, on the spot, throws the ball at the feet of the nearest player. In the event of a well-aimed hit, he remains the leader for one more game. In case of a miss, the game is repeated with a new driver.

!!! If any of the players moves after the command"Stop!", then he must take 3 steps towards the driver.

11. "Needle and thread"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:bring up quickness and dexterity.

Players line up in a circle, hold hands. Leading - "needle" and "thread" are behind the circle. At the signal, the needle starts to run away from the thread, running like a "snake" under the hands of the players standing in a circle. The thread, catching up with the needle, runs in the same direction. If the thread catches up with the needle, or the thread confuses the path of movement behind the needle, then new drivers are chosen. If the thread could not catch up with the needle in 23-30 seconds, then the game stops and new drivers are selected.

!!! If there are many children, then you can make 2-3 circles. Players standing in a circle are not allowed to touch or interfere with the drivers. The thread should follow the same path as the needle.

12. "Catching in pairs"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:to fix the run in pairs.

A pair of catchers, holding hands, catch the players running around the court. A player is considered caught if the catchers have closed their arms around him. When 2 players are caught, they form a new pair of catchers and continue to fish

other players. The caught players form new pairs and also participate in the catch. The game ends when 2 players remain on the court, who are considered the winners.

!!! Catchers are not allowed to grab players with their hands, players are not allowed to run out of the area.

13. "Five steps"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:educate quick wit and quick thinking.

Several players take part in turn. Children need to take 5 steps at a fast pace and for each step, without pauses and stops, pronounce any name (female or male, depending on the task). Players who have completed the task are marked.

!!! The game can be made more difficult by asking children to say not names, but, for example, animals, birds, fish, etc.

14. "Who has the ball?"

Inventory:small diameter ball.

Purpose of the game:educate attention and intelligence.

Players line up in a circle, close to each other, hands behind their backs. In the center of the circle is the driver with closed eyes. Players pass the ball in a circle behind their backs. At the signal, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who has the ball. If the driver guesses correctly, then he stands in a circle, and the one who had the ball becomes the driver. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

!!! The player who drops the ball during the pass is temporarily out of the game.

15. "The ball to a neighbor"

Inventory:2 balls of medium size.

Purpose of the game:secure a quick pass of the ball in a circle.

Players line up in a circle at arm's length from each other. Two players on opposite sides of the circle each have a ball. At the signal, the children pass the ball in a circle in one direction, as quickly as possible, trying to ensure that one ball overtakes the other. The player who has 2 balls loses. The game is repeated 4-5 times, after which the players who passed the ball well are marked.

!!! Pass the ball to an adjacent player, do not let anyone pass.

16. "Catch the stick"

Inventory:gymnastic stick.

Purpose of the game:train the speed of reaction to the signal.

The players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver, who holds the gymnastic stick on the floor vertically by the upper end with his hands. The driver calls one of the players by the name, releases the stick, and the named player must catch the stick without letting it fall.

!!! IN middle group the role of the leader is performed by the teacher, the diameter of the circle can be increased.

17. "Vorotz"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:reinforce walking in pairs, foster organization and collectivism.

Players walk across the court in a column of two. By command"Stop!"stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a collar. The first pair turns around, runs under the collar, becomes the last, saying"Ready!". At this signal, children drop their hands and continue walking.

!!! The game can be made more difficult by changing the direction of movement of the column.

18. "Flying Ball"

Inventory:medium-sized ball.

Purpose of the game:fix the throw and catch the ball.

Players line up in a circle, with the driver in the center of the circle. At the signal, the players throw the ball over the center of the circle, and the driver tries to catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If he succeeded, then the driver becomes in a circle, and the player to whom the transfer was performed becomes the driver.

!!! The diameter of the circle is 4-5 m, the ball is thrown with one hand from the shoulder.

19. "Earth or Sky"

Inventory:2 balls of different colors.

Purpose of the game:to educate attention and quick thinking.

Players line up in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with two balls in his hands (red and white). The red ball is the earth, the white one is the sky. The driver throws any ball (red or white) to one of the children in random order. He catches him and, depending on the color of the ball, must name an animal (if the ball is red) or a bird or a flying insect (if the ball is white). Players who make mistakes or think for a long time receive a penalty point. At the end of the game, children who have not received penalty points are marked.

!!! You cannot repeat the names of animals, birds or insects that have already sounded.

20. "Don't yawn!"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:to educate attentiveness and ingenuity.

The players are on the court, the driver is facing them. He names any part of the body and touches it with his hand. For example, says"Ear!"and touches the ear, says"Nose!"- touches the nose, etc. Players must touch the part of the body that the driver calls. Further, the driver begins to confuse the children. For example, says"Neck!", and touches his forehead with his hand. The task of children is not to go astray, whoever makes mistakes is eliminated from the game. The most attentive player becomes the winner.


21. "Do the opposite"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:develop spatial coordination.

The players are on the court, the driver is facing them. He shows the children different movements that they must repeat in reverse. For example, the driver straightens his arms forward - children must take them back, raises their heads up - children lower their heads down, turns in one direction - children to the other, etc. the most attentive players are marked.

!!! the game can be played in different starting positions - standing, sitting, lying down.

22. "Mirror"

Inventory:not required.

Purpose of the game:to educate artistry and expressiveness of movements.

The players are on the court, the driver is facing them. Children are the reflection of the driver in the mirror. The driver "in front of the mirror" performs various imitation actions (combing, straightening clothes, making a face, etc.). Players simultaneously with the driver copy all his actions, trying to accurately convey not only gestures, but also facial expressions.

!!! The role of the driver can be performed by both the teacher and the child.

"With detailed rules of entertainment from the childhood of current dads and moms. Lifehacker chose the most popular ones.

1. Sorcerers

Looks like tag or catch-up. The game is fun, active, and the rules are simple: the sorcerer runs and casts a spell on everyone.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

The driver is chosen by the counting rhyme. For example, something like this:

Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out!
Stop the hem
Look in the field!
The stars are burning
The cranes are screaming.
One, two, do not crow,
Run like fire!

The players stand in a circle and, on command, scatter in all directions. The driver tries to catch up with them and does not just play, but bewitches. The salted man gets up, spreading his arms, and waits for one of his comrades to disenchant him - to touch him on the run. After that, the disenchanted can again run away from the driver.

The game ends when the sorcerer succeeds in enchanting all players.

Usually girls play. If a boy comes across, most likely he is not indifferent to one of the players or just decided to chat.

  • Number of players: from 5 people.
  • Age: 5-12 years old.
  • A place: bench, sofa, meadow.

The driver clutches a ring or any small object in his palms: a pebble, a button. The rest of the players sit in a row and fold their hands in boats. The driver approaches everyone and, as it were, puts a ring into the boat.

In fact, only one gets the ring. And the player who received it should not betray himself. Others need to silently determine who the lucky one is.

Then the driver says: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" The owner of the ring must jump up and run away. Other players need to delay him.

The one who can escape becomes the driver.

3. The quieter you go - the further you will be

Very active play great for large companies.

  • Number of players: from 5 people.
  • Age: 6-11 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

There is not a very long distance between start and finish. All players are at the start. The driver, turning his back to them, is at the finish line.

The participants are getting ready, the driver shouts: “The quieter you go, the further you will be. Stop!" Everyone should stop at the word “stop”.

The winner is the one who manages to reach the finish line and touch the driver.

Game for big company... It is important to be able to fantasize and freeze in a difficult position. The weirder the pose, the more fun.

  • Number of players: from 4 people.
  • Age: from 7 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

The driver says:

The sea is worried - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
Freeze the sea figure in place!

While the driver is talking, everyone is running around and fooling around, and at the word "freeze" they freeze, depicting some figures, not necessarily sea ones.

The driver approaches everyone who is frozen. He tries to make him laugh or in other ways make him move. Whoever moves will lose.

According to other rules, frozen players should come to life and depict a figure in motion when the driver touches them. And he needs to guess who he is shown.

5. Nonsense

Players will have to come up with funny stories, fables. It is not necessary to have the talent of an inventor. It is enough to briefly answer ready-made questions. It's funny anyway.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: from 7 years old.
  • A place: room, gazebo.

You will need paper and pencils. The driver thinks over questions, for example: who? with whom? where? when? what they were doing? who's come? what did you say? how did it end?

The driver asks the first question and gives a piece of paper to the player. He silently writes the answer, then wraps the edge with the text and passes the sheet to his neighbor. The driver asks the next question, the second player writes the answer and wraps it up. Etc.

When all the questions are asked and the answers are written, the driver reads the resulting story. Usually funny nonsense comes out: “Duck. With the Prince. At school. In the evening. Photographed. The policeman came. Said: "Whistle everyone upstairs!" It all ended in bruises. "

This is card game... Don't worry, don't gamble! Cards, in fact, develop memory, observation, reaction speed. And you can play.

  • Number of players: any, if only there were enough cards.
  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • A place: gazebo, bench.

All cards are dealt to the players equally and are stacked face down. The players take turns taking out one card from their piles and placing it on the table. Everyone should see the map.

If a king falls, the players salute him. If a lady, everyone says: "Bonjour, madam!" Jack is greeted with the words "Sorry, monsieur!"

What to do with the rest of the cards is determined by the players themselves. For a seven, you can, for example, squat, for a ten - croak, and so on.

The player who makes a mistake or confuses movements and words takes the card for himself. The winner is the one with no cards left. The player who collected the most cards loses.

7. Stander

The most popular game with a ball from the Soviet pioneers of the 50s.

  • Number of players: from 6 people.
  • Age: from 6 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

They choose the driver. He takes the ball and stands in the center. Everyone else is lining up around. The driver throws the ball up and says the name of one of the players.

Everyone scatters, and the one whose name was called must catch the ball and throw it at someone on the spot. Moreover, if the named catches the ball on the fly, then shouts "Shtander!" or "Stop!" - and everyone freezes in place. Then it's easier to hit someone with the ball.

If the ball is caught after it hit the ground, you have to aim at moving targets.

Players need to dodge the ball. Even stopping, you can squat, bend over. Whoever gets hit by the ball is out of the game. In this case, the one named becomes the leading one.

If the player doesn't knock anyone out, the game starts over.

The game was very popular in Soviet times, and most likely appeared in the village.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: from 7 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

Everyone stands in a circle and throws a ball to each other. The ball is Hot potato, which cannot be held in hand for a long time, must be immediately thrown further.

Anyone who does not catch or drops the ball sits down in the center of the circle, squatting. The rest continue to throw the ball, and the seated person tries to catch it without getting up, but only stretching out his arms. If he catches a flying ball, he can leave the circle and continue playing with everyone together.

9. Giant steps

Backyard ball game. Lively, noisy, cheerful. Develops speed of reaction, quick wits, eyes.

  • Number of players: from 4 people.
  • Age: 6-8 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

All players are standing side by side. The driver throws the ball high up and runs away as far as possible. The rest are trying to catch the ball.

The one who catches shouts out: "Stop!" The driver stops. The player with the ball determines by eye the distance to the driver in steps. The steps can be different:

  • Giant - very broad steps.
  • Lilliputian - half-step steps.
  • Ducklings - squatting steps.
  • Umbrellas - jumps with a turn.
  • Bunny - jumping, legs together.

If the player guesses the distance and manages to reach the driver without lying on the ground, he wins and drives the next round.

This is a girly jumping rope game. Boys usually stand nearby and watch, but sometimes they barge in to fool around or please the girls.

  • Number of players: from 3 people.
  • Age: 5-8 years old.
  • A place: spacious.

Players stand in a circle at a distance of an extended rope from the driver standing in the center. Low, almost on the ground, the driver rotates the rope, holding it by one end.

When the rope reaches the player, he jumps over it. And everyone repeats the counting rhyme in chorus:

On the golden porch sat:
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
Doll, ballet dancer,
Imagined, gossip,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who will you be?

If someone did not jump the rope or stepped on it, everyone in chorus calls him the word on which the counting room stopped.

Which ones did you like the most?

A wonderful game for the development of imagination from our childhood, we think everyone at least once played it. This game has several options:

The rules of the game The sea is worried once: Option 1

With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected. He turns away and says:

"The sea is worried once,
the sea is worried two,
the sea is worried three,
sea ​​figure * freeze in place! "

At this time, the players swing and spin, placing their sides in their hands.

At the word "freeze", they freeze in a pose, depicting any object or animal related to the marine theme.

These can be: ship, crab, dolphin, pirate, seagull, etc.

The one who depicts the least similar becomes "driving" and the game starts over.

Game rules Option 2

The beginning is the same as in the first variant, only this time the figure is given by the leader.

He says:

"The sea is worried once,
the sea is worried two,
the sea is worried three,
figure CRAB ** freeze in place! "

After that, the leader chooses the best piece, and the player who showed it becomes the "leader".

* Instead of a sea figure, there can be any other - bird, animal, transport, space, etc.

** Crab selected for example

There are several options for the game.
1) The presenter turns away from the players and pronounces the famous counting rhyme:

  • The sea is worried once
  • The sea is worried two,
  • The sea waves three,
  • Freeze the sea figure in place!

As he speaks, the participants move randomly in any order, depicting the movement of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver stops talking, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure could not be guessed becomes water himself.

2) After pronouncing the count, the players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first of them takes the place of the leader, or drops out of the game (in this case, the player who has held out for the longest becomes the winner).

3) You can use another version of the game, when the presenter examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes best. In this case, the winner is the player who showed his imagination most vividly.

A wonderful game from our childhood, we think everyone has played it at least once.

You can play both on the street and at home, for this game you don't need a lot of space. This game has several options:

Rules of the game The sea is worried once : Option 1

With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected. He turns away and says:

"The sea is worried once,
the sea is worried two,
the sea is worried three,
sea ​​figure * freeze in place! "

At this time, the players swing and spin, placing their sides in their hands.

At the word « freeze» , freeze in a pose, depicting any object or animal related to nautical theme.

These can be: ship, crab, dolphin, pirate, seagull, etc.

Next, the presenter approaches one of the players and touches him « enlivening» figure. The player starts to move, shows his « performance» , so that the presenter knows what kind of figure the player is representing.

The one who depicts the least similar becomes “ driving» and the game starts over.

Game rules Option 2

The beginning is the same as in the first variant, only this time the figure is given by the leader.

He says:

"The sea is worried once,
the sea is worried two,
the sea is worried three,
figure CRAB ** freeze in place! "

After that, the leader chooses the best piece, and the player who showed it becomes "Driving".

* Instead of a sea figure, there can be any other - bird, animal, transport, space, etc.

** Crab is given as an example