Which figure moves only diagonally. How chess pieces move: in pictures for children. The previous information about the horse is a drop in the ocean of what you need to know about him. You will learn about everything else by enrolling in our school

Artyom's secret dream is to walk. Unfortunately, the Clouds Charitable Foundation cannot fulfill this New Year's wish of a boy diagnosed with cerebral palsy. But giving him the opportunity to do what he loves is quite realistic. Now Artyom's whole life is in chess.

Charitable Foundation "Oblaka" announces a collection for the purchase of an electronic chessboard - so that under the Christmas tree, 15-year-old Artem, like many children, will also have a New Year's surprise.

The amount of the fee is 37,900 rubles. To date, thanks to sympathetic and caring people, 28 thousand have been collected in a fairly short period of time. Only 9,900 rubles left.

When you see Artyom's smile for the first time, it's absolutely impossible not to fall in love with it. His kind and radiant eyes simply attract. You look at the boy and you feel incredible warmth, you literally physically feel the purity of his heart. Artem is an unusual teenager. He is only 15 years old and confined to a wheelchair. According to doctors, forever.

Sometimes fate determines for us the path on this earth that we cannot change. But how to explain this to a future man who so wants to walk, run, live a full, rich life? Like an ordinary person...

Artem stopped by Oblaka on his way to therapeutic gymnastics. The car could not be parked on the side of the street where the fund's office is located. Artyom cannot walk on his own, and it was impossible to force him to get out of the car through a slippery road. Moving in such conditions is difficult, even somewhat scary. And so it happened that the acquaintance of the employees of the charitable foundation with the wonderful Artem, who won over three years of participation in various chess tournaments already 7 medals, held right in the car.

To the question: "What is your most cherished dream?" Artyom answered so confidently, as if waking him up in the middle of the night, he would say the same thing without hesitation: "Only one thing - to walk."

Artem believes that if he continues to do strength exercises at the Patriot club, then his back will get stronger, his fingers will become obedient, and he will be able not only to play chess more calmly, but also to write letters, compositions and type texts on the keyboard.

When Artyom was 9 years old, his grandmother Galina Mikhailovna sat down beside him on the edge of the bed and put the chessboard on her knees. “Now we will play chess with you,” she said in a peremptory tone, and in just a few months Artyom not only learned to play chess, but also began to beat his grandmother.

Artyom clearly remembers that day, when his hands first tried to grab a chess piece. How much effort he had to make to tame the spasticity of his hands and skillfully move the pieces around the chessboard.

While Artyom was telling the foundation about his passion and dreams, his mother was remembering the moment of Artyom's birth and what happened after. Artem was not born easily. The birth was very difficult, and for the first 6 hours Artem could not breathe on his own. In these very first and important six hours of his life in our world, the most terrible thing happened to him - a cerebral hemorrhage, which chained him to bed and made him a hostage of a stroller.

Natasha and Vyacheslav (Artem's parents - ed.) decided not to give up. They fought for his life and for his intellect from the very first days. There were no opportunities for expensive treatment, but the father took the most complex construction projects for finishing and grabbed any job to pay for his son's treatment.

And now Vyacheslav disappears for days at work so that Artem has the opportunity to attend additional sections, circles and clubs. Artyom's day is scheduled by the minute, and this does not allow him to lose heart. All these activities, meeting people, studying at school and constant trips to tournaments seem to help him feel that he is the same as all his peers.

Artyom has almost everything that a teenager with cerebral palsy can dream of in life: next to him are loving mom and dad, two little brothers and his own house, which was built by dad's hands. Only sometimes there is not enough money for simple things. Because the father is trying to give everything for Artyom so that his rehabilitation is not interrupted even for a single day. Parents also believe that Artem will be able to walk. Some day.

In the meantime, with your support, the Cloud Foundation can make Artyom's secret wish come true. He thought of it after he first saw real electronic chess in the Belaya Ladya chess club. Previously, he only read about them and saw them on TV. And now he had a chance to touch them and play with them.

Electronic chess is not just a tablet with the arrangement of pieces. This is a DGT electronic chessboard with pieces. With its help, you can broadcast to the Internet in real time all the moves made on the board, as well as the readings of the chess clock (supports the DGT 3000 chess clock). Additional boards can be connected to the board (up to 12 pieces). All games that will be played on all boards can be broadcast online. Parts are automatically saved and can then be exported to PGN format. It is possible to analyze every move made. It is these boards that are used in all chess tournaments, including the World Chess Championship. All the outstanding chess players of our time played on exactly the same board, such as Carlsen, Karjakin, Anand, Kramnik, Topalov, Aronian, Morozevich, Gelfand, Svidler, Ivanchuk.

It is simply vital for Artem for the simple reason that you can play this board from a prone position. When Artyom plays regular chess, after 30 minutes of sitting in a tense back position, Artyom's muscles cramp. Yes, and it is very difficult for a boy to keep his back straight. When Artyom's mother and his aunt, when applying to the foundation, said that this is not the most important thing in life and they understand this, and it is unlikely that Oblaka will take up helping them, the employees of the charity foundation could not stand aside.

How hard it is to compare two completely different destinies at the same time in our world. Here is a baby who is healthy and can walk, run and talk, play, misbehave and draw. But he has no home, no father, and no proper breakfast.

And here is the teenager Artem, who cannot walk, run, and who has no healthy teenagers among his friends, but only special children like him. He found meaning in life - chess, and became a real champion in his category. He has happy family, let it be simple, ordinary, but they are always next to him. And he dreams of chess.

Comparison is excruciatingly painful and difficult. After all, the wishes of these two completely different children are equivalent for the foundation.

And the foundation decided to help Artyom and become his friends. After all, he will have real tournaments ahead of him. And the team of "Oblakov" really wants to take part and develop his talent. Help the boy become a real champion.

The magic of the New Year is unique, which means that already today, by making every effort and uniting, caring people will be able to raise the necessary balance of funds to buy real electronic chess for Artem.

The DGT electronic chessboard with pieces costs 37,900 rubles and must be ordered from Moscow. The "Oblaka" foundation takes care of the transportation costs and invites everyone who believes in New Year's miracles and believes in the brave Artyom to make a donation and help fulfill the wish of an amazing teenager from the city of Barnaul.

Details for the transfer with the message: "To Artyom the champion!"

  • donation through the website: www.fondoblaka.com/pozhertvovat
  • through Sberbank-online No. 4276020427762163, registered to Jamilya Alibulatovna S. (fund director);
  • by the phone number linked to your Sberbank card: +79609612442, Semenenko D.A.;
  • send an SMS to the short number 3434 with the Cloud code word 300 (the amount after the space can be from 50 rubles).
  • In each of the ways to donate, it is important to include the name of the family you choose to help. Here is the message: "To Artyom the Champion!".

    Many beginners are concerned about various questions about how the pieces move - this is the basis of all movements and moves. This is where learning begins. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

    In total, there are 6 pawn, rook (or round), bishop (also called an officer), knight, queen (otherwise queen) and king. They all walk differently. There are also subtleties in movement, depending on the game situation. So, let's talk about each separately.


    How do they walk from the second row? Pawns are the most numerous (there are 8 of them), but also the weakest characters. They can only move forward and only one cell. They can no longer go back. These figures beat a little differently - moving diagonally. The only time a pawn can jump 2 squares forward is at the very beginning of the battle, making its first move.

    On the other hand, a pawn that reaches the opposite edge of the board can be promoted to any other piece. Most often, chess players opt for the queen because of its versatility, but if the game situation requires it, a "private" can become an officer, a rook, and a knight.


    Let's move on to the first row. How do chess pieces move hidden behind pawns? The tour walks in a straight line, both horizontally and vertically. The number of cells that she can step over is unlimited. She can also stop at any point. Reverse movement is not allowed. But the rook cannot jump over other pieces. She strikes along the way: she goes in a straight line, destroys her opponent and takes his place. All this without deviating from its line of motion.

    There is a special move - castling. Only the king and the tour that have not made a move can take part in it. If one or both of them have already moved across the field, then castling cannot take place. The essence of this movement is that the king is shifted by 2 cells to the round, and she is rearranged for the king. This is the only case when 2 pieces are involved at once within one move.


    Let's continue learning chess. How do pieces move that even people far from the game have heard of? The movement of the horse is similar to the letter "G". He jumps over 2 squares and stands on the third, perpendicular to the previous movement. The step can be taken both vertically and horizontally. The horse can also turn in any direction. Therefore, this figure, standing in the center of the field, has 8 options for movement. As a result of the move, the knight always ends up on the field of the opposite color.

    Another advantage of the knight is that it can jump over other pieces, including enemy ones, without eating them. Without consequences for himself, he attacks the queen, rook or bishop, because they move in a completely different way and will not be able to overtake the cunning one. To beat, the knight must take the place of the attacked piece. Otherwise, he will simply jump over it.

    an officer

    How do chess pieces move if they are bishops? Diagonally. Each player has a "white" and a "black" bishop. This name is given because of the initial color of the field on which the piece stands. It is impossible to change it. The officer cannot jump over other pieces. Otherwise, its movements are not limited: in any diagonal direction for any number of cells. To eat an enemy figure standing in the way of an officer, you need to put him in her place.


    The most maneuverable and powerful figure. Moves like a bishop and a rook put together. That is, vertically, horizontally and diagonally to any number of cells and in all directions. It has only one limitation: you cannot jump over pieces. In case of danger, the queen can hide in any direction. If necessary, attack from any point on the board. The queen is the most powerful weapon in the hands of a chess player.


    The most important and requiring constant protection figure. She will complete the study of the question of how pieces move in chess. The king has practically no way to hide, since he can only move 1 square. Of course, he can walk in any direction: diagonally, vertically or horizontally. But it is also quite easy to control it, provided that it is significantly removed. The king eats enemy pieces in the same way as he moves - moving 1 square. That's all that can be said about how the pieces move in chess.

    It is with the king that the end of the game is connected. He is checked out. This means that the most important figure is under attack, and there is nowhere for her to hide: there are opponents all around. There are also no pieces of your own to hide behind. If such a position is created, the game ends. And the one who was checked out is considered the loser.

    Check is a position where the king is under attack, but he can leave or block. It is also possible that the threatening figure can be eaten. The king cannot be left under attack. How they walk chessmen in this case? All actions of the player must be aimed at protecting the king.

    Pat is a very interesting situation in the game. In this case, the king himself is not under attack, he is not in check, but he has nowhere to go: all other cells are controlled by enemy pieces. At the same time, the retinue cannot come to the rescue either. The stalemate counts as a draw, the game ends.

    That's all for the main element in playing chess. As the pieces move, you know, you can start the game.

    December 19, 2018

    The chessboard is an integral part of the table sport process. Its presence provides the possibility of the game itself, and a beautiful appearance gives aesthetic pleasure to the participants. From time immemorial, the playing field was wooden, but with the development of technology and human imagination, the chessboard has gained the new kind and material.

    What should be a chessboard

    Before you draw a chessboard, you should know what it looks like externally. The field consists of 64 two-color cells, the color of which changes sequentially. The cells are arranged in 8 rows, each with 8 cells arranged vertically. The horizontal row is indicated by Latin letters from A to H, and the vertical row - from bottom to top by numbers from 1 to 8. As a rule, the first cell H1 is light in color. The figurines begin their arrangement from it. It must be remembered that cells of the same color in no case can be adjacent to each other.

    What pieces should be in chess

    Like a chessboard, figures should also be drawn with a pencil on a separate sheet of paper. As a rule, they also come in two colors - white and black. The player of each side owns two bishops, two knights, two rooks, one queen, one king and eight pawns. For easier perception of the game, each figure is indicated in the usual way for players:

    How to draw a chessboard on paper

    1. First you need to acquire such necessary tools as:

    • Sheets of paper (to draw necessary elements).
    • Ruler (for drawing accuracy).
    • Pencil (felt pen, pen).
    • Scissors (chess pieces will need to be cut out).
    • Adhesive tape (for gluing two opposite sides of the field and other elements).

    2. First you need to attach 2 sheets of paper to each other as carefully as possible with tape to draw a chessboard. Then cut off the excess part to get a regular square, the middle of which is at the junction of two sheets.

    3. Before drawing a chessboard, make appropriate marks on the resulting square sheet of paper with a pencil. The square should be divided into 64 identical cells. To do this, it is best to mark 9 points on each side of the sheet and connect opposite points lines. All points of one side must be at the same distance from each other. As a result, you should get 64 cells that need to be painted over in accordance with the above rules.

    4. Other sheets of paper will be needed to draw the chess pieces. Like the sheets of a chessboard, each sheet must first be marked with dots at both ends at the same level with a pencil, and then connected. The resulting rectangles will serve as the basis for the figures. Each rectangle should be bent in two places to form 3 equal parts. Both ends of the rectangle should be connected. You will get a triangle, on the edges of which figures should be drawn.

    What will happen

    As a result, in just 30 minutes of simple work, the chessboard and figures will be ready in beautiful design. For a more durable service, you can laminate the board and figures, which will make them even more durable.

    Mammadov Imran December 10, 2018

    During the game, 32 chess pieces interact, but, of course, as the game progresses, their number decreases. Fighting units of several types take part in the battle: these are the main king and queen, paired rooks, knights and bishops, as well as pawns. Now we will figure out how the pieces in chess move in pictures. Material especially for beginners and for children.

    How a pawn moves in chess

    The first feature of pawn soldiers is that they cannot move backwards. The second - starting from the second move, the pawn can move only one cell at a time. But the first move is an exception - the player has the right to put a pawn one cell forward and move it two. The pawn captures one square in the diagonal direction and in both directions. Here is the second feature of these small proud figures: they walk according to one principle, and they beat according to another, which makes them different from all the others.

    It would seem that a pawn can hide something else interesting. But a lot can depend on it in the game. After all, having reached the last horizontal (opposite the initial one for this player), this small figure can become anyone, except, of course, the king. You just need to remember that such a "substitution" is considered a full-fledged move.

    Pawns have their own rules. For example, the so-called "taking on the aisle." It implies that if the pawn of another player has crossed the beaten square, it can be captured without hindrance. However, here there is a peculiarity: the rule is valid only on the next move, after a move this advantage can no longer be used.

    How a knight moves in chess

    The horse is known for walking along an unusual trajectory, which, when outlined, resembles the letter "G". That is, he moves two spaces forward and then one space to the side. And so he can move in any direction, which means that in the center of the field he has as many as 8 options for moves, and two - when moving from the corner. Interestingly, only the knight has the right to jump over pieces (both his own and others') during the move. It can be very dangerous for the opponent's pieces, even if it seems to be closed from them. And during the battle, the horse stands on the place where the downed figure was.

    By the way, this feature of the figure has passed into colloquial speech. The phrase "Make a knight's move" means an unusual step, a cunning unexpected plan.

    How an elephant moves in chess

    The elephant is considered a strong figure, it is commensurate with a horse, but it has some features. In some situations it will be stronger, and in some it will be weaker. Like the knight, it belongs to the "light pieces". As for the movements of the bishop on the board, it moves along the diagonals for as many squares as you like.

    In this case, the players are located each with two bishops, which move only along the corresponding color of the cells, white or black.

    How does a rook move in chess

    This piece is similar in gravity to the queen, it moves along the board strictly vertically or horizontally and beats in the same way.

    There is one unusual chess technique associated with the rook, which is called “castling”. It is performed by two figures at once. Its essence lies in the fact that the king suddenly changes its location for the opponent, finding himself in a safer place and under the protection of other pieces. During this operation, the king moves two squares towards the rook, and the rook itself becomes the king. There are several important conditions for such a move:

    • castling is available only to the king and rook that were previously immobile;
    • there should be no obstacles on the line between these figures, the fields should be empty;
    • castling is not done if the king is under attack;
    • the same applies to the squares: the king, of course, cannot go under the check, but there is a snag - the cell that the king "jumps over" must also be clear of the enemy's sights.

    Interestingly, castling can be done in both directions: both to the rook near the queen, and to the one closest to the king.

    The move has one more rule. The king must be the first to leave his seat. The fact is that if the rook goes first, the second player has every right to say that the move has already been completed.

    How the queen moves in chess

    The queen is the strongest character on the chess battlefield, his movement capabilities are impressive. It moves vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, without limiting the number of fields.

    The queen can be used both for attack and for defense, it is the most important. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect the queen, not to jeopardize it without a good reason (professionals sometimes achieve their game goals by this) and not to exchange for a less significant piece. An equivalent exchange will be a queen, or two rooks, or three minor pieces.

    How the king moves in chess

    This is the most important piece around which the game is built, and therefore when a checkmate is announced, the game ends. The king cannot walk under the battle and be under it, he must be constantly protected. His ability to move is rather limited: in any direction, but only on one field. When the number of pieces decreases during the game, the strength of the king is commensurate with another minor piece.

    There are several options for the development of events for the king. The first is check, which means being under attack. The piece must be immediately moved to another place, such a move cannot be postponed for the sake of other strategic movements. On the other hand, it is possible to organize a defense or capture a piece that declared check by another piece or even by the king himself.

    The next stage is checkmate, the end of the game. In this position, the king is already under threat, that is, a check, and he has nowhere to move away, and there is no way to remove these pieces. There is another interesting situation, which is called stalemate. Here the king, although not under check, has no way to move anywhere, since all the nearest cells are also under attack. In such a situation, the result of the game is a draw.

    A win is worth 1 point, a draw is worth 0.5 points, and a loss is worth 0.

    Interesting fact. Some figures have double names. For example, in pre-revolutionary times, the bishop was an officer, the rook was a round, and the queen was called a queen. However, experienced chess players practically do not use these names, they are common among amateurs.

    The ability to master the game of chess for each beginner manifests itself in different ways, much depends on the mindset, efforts, desires, but the first steps are the same for all beginner chess players. The first step is to learn the rules for arranging the pieces before the game, the next important point is to study the principles of how pieces in chess move on the board. They must be mastered by everyone who wants to start mastering chess. The rules for the movement of pieces have not changed throughout the long history of the game, they are used in all countries.

    King's powers

    Despite the fact that the king is the main piece, without which the game cannot continue, the possibilities of this piece are extremely limited. The entire chess army is obliged to reliably protect it from the encroachments of the enemy.

    In the initial arrangement, the king is located in the center on the horizontal 1 if it is white chess, or on the strip 8 for the black pieces. He stands on a square of a different color. That is, the black king is on a white field, white on black. The figure has no restrictions in the direction of movement. She can move during the game:

    • forward or backward
    • left or right,
    • along all diagonals.

    But the length of the king's move is small, it is only a square. The king has the opportunity to "kill" the enemy, provided that he is on an adjacent field. It should not be in the zone of action of another piece. If the king does not have the opportunity to leave, take cover, the position is called “checkmate”, a defeat is counted.

    Queen move

    Sometimes this figure is called the queen, which is quite consistent with her unlimited possibilities. It is not in vain that the importance of the queen is equal to 9 pawns, it has an excellent opportunity to move freely throughout the board if there are no obstacles. Like the king, the queen has the privilege of being able to move in all directions. Moreover, the figure is able to move to any number of fields, regardless of their color. This is the most powerful, mobile participant in the battle, you can sacrifice this figure only in the most extreme case. It is very difficult to win a game without a queen.

    Elephant rules

    Another name for the figure is "officer". This piece, indeed, as an efficient warrior can perform difficult tasks, defeat an opponent located on the other side of the board. There are several rules for elephants:

    • each player at the beginning of the game has 2 elephants;
    • pieces move only on the fields of their color, on which they are installed before the game;
    • the elephant moves in chess only diagonally to any number of cells;
    • it does not jump over pieces.

    If there are enemy pieces on the diagonal directions available to this officer, he can "eat" them. To do this, the “killed enemy” is removed, an elephant is installed in its place. According to the scale of values, 1 officer replaces three pawns.

    The movement of the knight on the board

    At chess knight the most difficult trajectory, this figure walks along the path in the shape of the letter "L". In order to rearrange it, you need to count three cells horizontally or vertically and one cell to the right or left. The color of the fields for the knight does not matter, in total, a figure standing three cells from the edge or further has eight options for moving. They are chosen depending on the situation on the board. The advantage of the knight is its ability to jump over any piece, their presence is not an obstacle for the knight. If there is an enemy unit at the end of its trajectory, it is removed, it is considered "eaten" (cut down).

    Rook movement

    Some amateur chess players call this piece a round. Players also try to keep it, not to sacrifice a piece without special need. The value of the rook lies in its free movement. It is limited to straight lines. But:

    • the color of the fields does not matter;
    • you can move forward and backward, left and right;
    • the number of cells in one move is not limited;
    • it is possible to use castling.

    The tour does not jump over the pieces, if there is an enemy unit on the way, you can “cut it down”, put the rook on this cell, and remove the captured piece.

    In some cases, to save the king from checkmate, castling can improve the situation. Only the tour can participate in it along with the king. Such an operation can be carried out only if both participants have not yet made a single move in the game. When castling, the king is moved two squares towards the rook, and it is placed near him on the other side. Simultaneous permutation of two pieces in chess is allowed only in castling.

    Rules for pawn moves

    Before the game, eight pawns are placed in a row on the second rank in front of the big pieces. For white chess, this is strip number 2, for black - number 7. These figures are considered insignificant, they are soldiers of the army who perform small tasks, often sacrificing them for more important purposes. However, one should not belittle their role, in some cases pawns can turn the tide of the game.

    The rules for moving pawns are simple, they move only one square forward. The pawn cuts the enemy only diagonally, it cannot “eat” the piece standing in front. There is one more exception. On the first move from the initially lined row, the pawn can be moved forward two squares at once.

    All chess pieces perform two important tasks. They provide protection to the king, preventing "stalemate" and "checkmate", they try to bring down as many opponents as possible.

    The pawn has another important goal - it needs to reach the opposite edge of the board. It is extremely difficult to do this, since on the way she has a lot of chances to be “eaten”. In addition, this piece is often sacrificed to protect more important units. However, if such a task is successfully completed, a miraculous transformation occurs with the pawn, it can become any other piece that the player needs in this moment. In most cases, she is successfully transformed into a powerful queen. But this is not necessary, the player can make a choice in favor of a knight, tour or bishop, if he needs these pieces to win.