CARD GAME UNO RULES. "UNO". Rules of the game. Map "Take four" and investigation

UNO is a miniature compact game for the company from two people. It can be played from the seven-year-old, at home and on the road. The game is quite popular, more than 140 million copies sold worldwide.

UNO - the game Desktop, which is played using special cards. The game goes fast, has simple rules. The number of players varies from two or more. The deck contains cards with numbers and different colors + a few special cards with tasks that should be executed. After distributing cards, each tries to reset them as quickly as possible. Perfect for parties and drinking sites with friends, for games on the road.

Rules of the game in Uno

Purpose of the game Uan

As quickly as possible to reset your cards and earn more points, leaving the opponents in the hands of more cards.

Video game Uan

How many cards in the game uno

In the deck of cards 108. Of these:

  • 76 digital cards;
  • 24 active cards (three types of cards, every four colors two pieces);
  • 8 black active cards (two types of four pieces each).


Digital cards - Rate from 0 to 9, different colors.

Active cards:

Black active:

Uno Reviews game

Mini Uno Cosmostars

The miniature cards of UNO can be cut out of the non-commercial boxes and cosmostars. There you can also find the rules of the game.

Where to print unwan cards

The rules of the game are simple, the company will be able to study them within fifteen minutes or during the game. UNO will be a pleasant pastime in the circle of friends, will not give the degradation of your logic and the smelter and will help you have a nice time in the company.

The goal of the game. The first - the player should get rid of all his cards first. Second - it is important to dial the maximum number of points (usually 500). As soon as one of the participants pick out 500 points, the glasses are reset, and the game begins again. How many cards uno in the deck? If short, then 108.

Rules game short

Before the game, the dealer is selected. It mixes everything and distributes to each player for 7 cards. The essence of the game: For example, there was a blue card from above. You must put a blue card on it. But sometimes you need to pay attention not only to the color, but also on the number or on the word (for example, WILD).

How many cards uno in the deck

Total in the deck of UNO 108 cards (112 together with empty maps). In a set of 4 cards of green, yellow, blue and red colors. There are rooms - from 0 to 9 (only 76 cards, two cards on color). +. additional maps - "Wild", "skip the move", "turn back" and "Take the cards (also 2 cards for each color).

UNO - American card game. The name is translated from Italian and Spanish as "one". The game was patented in 1971 by Merlov Robbins, and today the right to this trademark belongs to Mattel.

Number of players: from 2 to 10. It is best to 6-8 players.

Time game: from 20 minutes.

A task: First throw off your cards. This tour ends on this and there is a counting of points for the cards remaining in the hands.

Therefore, perhaps there are differences between the official rules and names and presented here. How many friendly relations ended with 4? For ordinary people, this innocent card game can be dangerous adventure. But some insignificant games play even more risky versions. We love to put a friendship with every card that falls into the table. In addition, some rules can be mitigated or simply ignored in the name of generalized chaos. Rule 1: Ordinary Court, players must wait for their turn to discard the map that has the same number, symbol or color, as the map on the table.

Definition of the winner or loser

You can count the glasses in two ways - as you like more.

  • The player who was the first to get rid of his cards is charged the amount of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. Wins the one who scores 500 points from the results of several tours. This option stimulates precisely to win the tour, that is, the first to throw off your cards.
  • Players recorded points, counted on their hands on their hands (a player who first got rid of his cards gets zero glasses). And so in every round. The losers are the one who, according to the results of several tours, will drop out 200 points, the rest of the winners. This option stimulates rather throw off the most "expensive" cards.

Varieties of cards and their number

Total in the deck of 108 cards.

If you have a card, exactly the same as on the casting cake, you can queue and "cut the table" by throwing the card before others. This means that the next game is the one who comes to you. On the Big Table your incision can skip a turn on 3 or 4 people, depending on where you are sitting.

But what if the time player and the "cutter" play at the same time? Two cards cannot simultaneously take the same place. It is a letter that first touches the top of the dropping pie. This rule is valid for any color card. Not for special black cards.

Digital cards

"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" of four colors.

Cards "0" for one of each color. All other numbers in double quantities. Total: 4 scratch + (9 digits × 4 colors × 2 pieces) \u003d 76 cards.

Punishment for a person who last falls out is to buy two mound cards. Play the top five and download your cards without fanfare. Watch how despair grows in the eyes of other players, as each of them understands what is happening. Rule 3: Zero and Silence Act Letter with a number zero does not affect the overall. Anyone who says laughs or gives any vocalization, should buy two cake cards for each violation. Insult a friend. In the source group, which has developed these rules, is the guy named Bernard.

  • "Power";
  • "+2 cards";
  • "Change direction."

Each card with a picture of 4 colors in double quantity. Total: 3 pictures × 4 colors × 2 pieces \u003d 24 cards;

Black active cards

  • "Change color";
  • "Change color and +4 cards."

4 cards of each type. Total: 2 varieties × 4 pieces \u003d 8 cards.

These and others we chose Bernard as one of the rules. Right: at home, people scold Bernard. This can be anything from a joking nickname to an embarrassing reminder of his past. The problem is that not all people have Bernard, and we can not always count on it in the game. Thus, the rule now covers all players.

That is: if you are one by one, warn and insult a friend at the table. The one who does not comply with the rule buys two cards as soon as the violation notices another player. "Pear, but what if it is in the law of silence?". Be inventive: Use the gesture language to insult your friend.

"Cost" of cards

  • Digital cards - at par 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 points.
  • Active cards ("skipping passage", "direction shift", "+2 cards") - 20 points.
  • Black active cards ("Change of color", "Change of color and +4 cards") - 50 points.

Distribution of cards

At the beginning of the game, everyone is heard from 7 cards (in dark, naturally). The last map is laid out with a face-up facepit. The card can only be digital. Cards with pictures and black cards on the role of the first card are not suitable. If necessary, the following card is laid out from the deck, and the "unsuitable" card is placed in a deck.

Rule 5: The game does not end when you fall. Then you finally dropped our last map. Well, a small friend, now the game begins. That is: you have to go through the entire game table, not being forced to buy more cards. At this point, the golden rule comes into fashion: whenever someone is going to win, all other players can combine moves and strategies to force this person to buy cards. So far, no one uses "stolen" cards from mound, any agreement between the remaining players is really.

In other words, the entire table begins to play against you. "Is it worth combining the game 2 until you get a guy?". Obviously, as long as people have enough cards for this. "Is it worth playing 4, even if you have a discarding card?". It stands under any circumstances, but he has its own risks.

The game

The game begins clockwise. The first player goes after the distributor (distributed each tour changes, usually clockwise). During his stroke, the player has the right to post one map on the central card for the following rules:

  • or the card must be the same color;
  • or the card must have the same digit or the same picture (be active card);
  • or be a black active card.

With absence suitable cards The player takes one card from the deck (in dark). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can post the map on the central card, if not satisfying - the player leaves the card itself, says "PAS" and moves to the next player.

Is it worth someone to play the "five", and this guy has no way to put cards on the table, because he is no longer on his hands? Did you call dangerous that five in this game? Now you get a scheme. And it turns the process in the victory in the test of nerves capable of shaking the most solid emotional connections. You can be sure that these additional rules will bring you much more pleasure for your game. And, probably, much less friends. Do you have the rules at home?

Stakeholders can access the game in several ways. Remember that the name cannot be played on the social network page using only tools to interact with friends. Click "Send to Mobile" to enable download game on mobile device. Stakeholders can also purchase a game through a virtual store on their own device.

The game continues until someone from the players will throw off all the cards. After that, points counting on the cards remaining in the hands ("Cost" of cards was described slightly higher).

Description of maps

Digital cards

Just numbers.

Note. In order to be able to distinguish maps with numbers "6" and "9", they are made with underscore from the bottom.

The goal is to notify information about the game between you and your friends. Click the icon social networkTo synchronize the data. The game uses the same system that is used in the physical version of the card game, but with some differentiated functions. Must be announced by the winner of the match by the user, who first eliminates its cards. Players must rely on the last map of the table to make their move, being mandatory to lower the card of the same color or quantity equal to the time.

There are functions that offer turns in matches. Cards with symbol 2 require you to buy two cards from the deck from the following users. The same thing happens with the option 4. Already a four-color chart in the cake format can be used at any time. The option changes the color of the last stroke and allows the user to choose the desired color. You can still change the playback order using a card with two arrows.

Active cards (cards with pictures)


The next player misses his move.

The player can "be saved" from the action of this card only posing exactly the same card (the same color, the same picture), that is, by performing the "stroke interception" (described below in special rules).

During matches, the participants have a green border. The visual function works as a meter, limiting the time of the players' reasoning and demanding that the games will be accelerated. In addition to conventional functions, this version also allows the player to create problems. If a player uses a card that requires that the next user makes purchases, it is possible to poll action. The task is to try to figure out whether the player will have another map of the requested color.

If the problem is correct, the card function is canceled, and it is required that the user who downloaded the card must be purchased. But if the problem is incorrect, the applicant must buy up to six cards. Do not forget to click it when you stay with one card on the table. The final result is calculated in accordance with the number of remaining cards among users.

"+2 cards"

The next player takes two cards from the deck (in the dark) and skips its turn.

The player can "be saved" from this card by posting his card "+2 card" of any color. The actions of the "+2 cards" cards are not summed up, and the last player on which the chain ended, takes from the deck just two cards and skips his move.

Icon with shopping basket design at the top of the display provides access to the store. Those who wish can acquire many items to customize and enrich their experience. To purchase new card templates, players must access the "Playing Maps" tab and get special effects, players must enter the last option: "Effect Package". The game gives visual capabilities to configure.

The game uses two types of currency: gold and silver coins. Gold coins should be used to participate in matches, and silver coins - to improve and satisfactory configuration. Some are extremely criticized, but they indulge in different. The dealer distributes 7 cards to each player, puts the remaining maps face down to the center of the table and returns one.

"Change direction"

The direction of the stroke is changing to the opposite. For example, if it was clockwise, after laying out the "Direction Change" card, it will be counterclockwise.

When laying out several "Change of Direction" cards (this may also occur when the "interception of the stroke") of their actions are summed up. For example, two cards "Change of Directions" do not have any impact - the move continues in the same direction that before, three cards "Change of Direction" change the direction of travel to the opposite, etc.

Special cards, all spice game.

Card 2: It has the exact color and can only be played on this color, and the next player, if he does not have 2 or 4 cards, must dial 2 cards and go through its turn. Card 4: Can be placed on any card, the following card draws 4 cards and turns its turn if you do not have the same card. To do this, declare a new color.

The card "goes in turn": the next player does not play. Card changes meaning: the game is canceled. The remaining players count the remaining maps: normal cards cost their numerical value, special cards - 20 points, and Joker - 4. My opinion: Why imagine this game that everyone knows what you are saying?

Black active cards

"Change color"

Allows you to change the current color player (on any, including the current color). The following player must put any map of the specified color. In order to lay out a "color change" map, the player does not require any special conditions, unlike the next card "Change color and +4 cards".

In addition, you must count the glasses between each game and stop when worst player Reaching 500 points. The goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards as soon as possible. A player who first has no cards in his hand, is the winner of the round. At the beginning of the game, the dealer distributes 7 cards to everyone, puts the remaining stack to the center of the table and then returns the first person. This returned card will serve as the starting point.

In turn, each player, starting with the right to the right of the dealer, should put the card on the table, which has the same color or the same number or character as the card that is now on the top of the dealer. Piles of cards are already laid. If, in turn, the player cannot put any of his cards, he must pull one of the stack of stack. If the card that he just painted is reproduced, he may immediately postpone it, otherwise his turn will end, and it will play the next player.

"Change color and +4 cards"

Can be laid out by a player only in his turn and only if the player (1) does not have a current color (and the current digit / active cards / black active card "color change" can be present - it does not matter the main absence of current color). Simultaneously with the laid out of this card, it is necessary to order a color (maybe any, including the current color). The next player (2) takes four cards from the deck (in dark) and skips the move.

If he forgot to do it, and someone points out to him, then he must dial 4 penalty cards. When a player puts this card, the next player turns in turn, and the player should play until the next player. If you play two, a player who placed the card, can immediately replay.

When the player puts this card, the direction of the game changes to the opposite. If you played clockwise, you will now play in the opposite direction until the other card is inverted playing. When playing two players, the player who played on this map can immediately reproduce.

Player 2 can "escape" from the action of this card only by posting the "+2 card" card of the new ordered color (then everything goes as usual with the standard action of the "+2 card" card).

Check for honesty. If the player 2, on which the action "Change color and +4 card" is directed, suspects that he is deceived and at the player 1, having posted this card, actually there is a current color, he may ask for a player 1 his cards. If suspicions are justified, the player 1 takes his card "Change of color and +4 cards" to himself, takes four cards from the deck (in dark), passes the move (in fact on the player 1 passed the action of the "Change color and +4 card" card). If the suspicions were in vain, the player 2 takes the four cards from the deck from the deck, as well as two more cards for distrust and misses the move.

When 2 cards are played, the next player must make two cards in the deck before they can play. This card can be played at any time and allows the player to choose which color should play the next player. This card can be posted at any time and requires the player to follow the card, drew 4 cards before he can play. The player who placed it can also choose the following color to play.

When the player succeeds in getting rid of all his cards, every player who still has cards in his hands must count his glasses. The winner is the one who has a smallest number of points after a certain number of runs or after the loser has reached a certain limit. Here is the value of each card at points.

The rule is politeness. The game continues only after the player sorts his new four cards and will say "ready."

Rule "Uno!"

The player must warn that he has one card left and maybe he will soon finish the game. After laying out the penultimate card (until he went to her yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (That in Italian means "one"). If the player does not do, "good friends" (or one friend) can notice this and remind "UNO!". Friends should have time to do this from the moment of vacationing the player with its penultimate card before the start of the next player (laying out the card or pull the card from the deck). For the forgetfulness, the player, who did not tell the "Uno!" In time, takes two cards from the deck (in dark).

Note. Players do not have the right to hide the number of cards in the hand (that is, to collect a heaven or hide under the table). Friends should always be aware to help the forgetful player.


With a large number of errors, flashes, fluff, inattention can be introduced extra rule - With any erroneously laid out map, false cry, etc. The player takes two cards from the deck (in dark).

Special rules (add-ons to basic rules)

These rules are not mandatory and can be introduced additionally, if the standard rules proved not enough.

Interception of stroke

The player can go out of turn if he has exactly the same card that lies the top in the deck. Exactly the same map - this means simultaneous compliance with the two conditions:

  • The same color.
  • The same figure, or the same picture, or a black map "Change of color".

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the "Change of color and +4 card" card - it is laid out only in your turn.

Note. The interception of the stroke does not work at the beginning of the game when the first map of the deck is posted on the center. At the beginning of the game, the right of the course has only a player after the distribution.

Laying two identical cards

If the player has two identical cards, the player in his turn can postpone the first of the same cards and immediately perform the "stroke interception" exactly the same card.

But two identical cards can not be laid at once with one movement of the hand, only alternately: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a map in his turn, without giving the player to perform the "stroke interception".


  • Every time it falls out 0 "All participants convey their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.
  • Every time it falls out 7 ", A player who put" 7 "shares cards with one of the players in his choice.

Uno with accumulation

  • When the player puts the map " +2 cards"The following player can also put the" +2 card "card, and then the third player must take four cards.
  • The same rules apply to the cards " Change color and +4 cards": When one player puts a map" Change color and +4 card ", the next player can also put the card" Change color and +4 cards ", and then the third player must take eight cards. The last of the players who put the next "Change color and +4 card" card, orders the color. If the player laid the "Change of Color and +4 card" card not according to the rules and "caught", the usual rules apply, but the amount of the fine increases depending on the number of cards used.
  • Playing can put cards +2 cards" or " Change color and +4 cards"As long as they do not end. For example, if 4 players in a row put the "+2 cards" cards, the next player (which does not have a "+2 card" card) should take eight cards.
  • A player can put in one move only one "+2 card" or "color change and +4 card" card, even if he has several such cards on his hands.

Silent Two "s

Every time someone lays out " 2 ", Everyone must save silence until the turn returns to the same person who posted this twice. The one who broke silence - takes two cards in hand, immediately after that silence is considered interrupted.

There is a slight improvement of this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when "2" is laid out, and then it happens at all that everyone is forgotten - who actually put it and when you can start talking. Therefore, the role of twos can take on black cards. Each time the player lay out a black map (simple or +4) and orders the color, everyone must save silence until this ordered color is changed, or while someone does not break silence and will not take two penalty cards . Cough, laughter, shouts "Uno!" And challenging the "+4" card is not considered a violation of silence.

Card exchange

Player putting " 5 "Maybe (at will) change one card with any player. And each of the changing chooses which card to give.

"Lazy" points counting

The winner and the loser are calculated at every round game. Winner One who first threw off his cards is considered - and he begins the move in the next round. Rosigrash It is believed to be the one who has the cards for the maximum number of points remained - it gives cards for the next round.

Pros of such a calculation:

  • do not need a paper knob to count the amount for each player for each round;
  • points for the remaining cards are considered only those who have a lot of them clearly;
  • you can interrupt after each tour, without waiting for the amount of points from someone to achieve a certain mark.

Uno in the center

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "UNO!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players should have time to put their hands on top of the hands of the "UNO!". The latter takes 2 cards.

Change color in a circle

When laying out black cards (" Change color"And" Change color and +4 cards") Change color occurs automatically to that color, which is drawn on these cards as follows in a circle after the current one. For example, the game goes clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out black cardThe current color becomes blue. Or, for example, the game comes counterclockwise, the current color is yellow. After laying out a black card, green becomes current color.


Spare dyeing cards (which in the deck 4 pieces) can be assigned the value " +10 cards", Respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The stand in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and in them with a high probability, "+2", "+4" or the same "+10" turns out. This person has already forces another to take a lot of cards, and so in a circle. However, finish the game in such conditions is almost unrealistic.


Map " Change direction»The desired color returns back the action of active cards and even the black card" Change color and +4 cards "! For example, a player (1) put the "+2 card" card, another player (2) by the "Change of Direction" card returns the action of the "+2 card" card on 1 player and already one must take 2 cards (or "escape" some in the way).

Until the last

After 1 player scores all the cards, the game does not end, but continues to the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and loses the last player. And when two players remain at the end of the game, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, with the "pass" and "+ 2 card" cards walk twice, three times, etc.).

UNO in 7 rounds

After some player got rid of his original 7 cards, the game is suspended, he takes in hand from a deck of 6 new cards and continues the game. The next time, when he ended the cards, he dials 5 cards in hand, etc. And so until it takes only one card and does not get rid of her.

Reset zero

If, when calculating points, the player remains the only map " 0 "The cost of it is not zero glasses, but 50. This creates additional difficulties to the owners of zero cards at the end of the game.

For the game Uno H2O: "+1" and "+2"

Rule for the game, based on the game 101. Rule "+1" and "+2" (For Uno H2O deck, where there is "+1 card" and "color change and +2 cards"). If the player puts the last "+1" card, then 20 points are taken from the total account, if the "color change and +2 card" is taken away from the account, 40 points are taken away from the account.

Rules of the game in the card board game UNO Ultra(Uno Ultra.) Other Nazania Games: pharaoh game, game 101 (one hundred one) game, game Mao, game Czech fool, etc.
    Number of players in the game UNO: 2-10
    Batch duration: from 15 minutes
    Completeness of the rules: minimum
    Number of cards in the deck: 104 cards.

The goal of the game Ultra: first throw off your cards. This party ends and goes the points (play up to 500 or 200 points) for the cards remaining in the hands.

    Distribution of cards
    At the beginning of the game, each in the dark will be distributed on 7 cards. The rest of the cards are put up in the "Bakeup" shirt. The upper card from the "Bakeup" deck turns over, put it nearby and becomes the first card of the "Reset" deck.
The game ( Uno Ultra.)
    The game begins "clockwise". The first player goes, next after the distributor. Players lay out one card on the "Reset" deck one of the following rules:
    The card must be the same color.
    The card must have the same figure
    The card can have the same picture (be active card),
    The card can be a black active card (if there is no higher cards mentioned).
    In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the "Bakeup" deck. If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can lay it on the "Reset" deck if the card is not suitable - the player leaves it, says "PAS", and moves to the next player.
Ending games:
    The game continues until someone from the players will throw off all the cards. The player must warn that he had one card, which may soon finish the game. Laying the penultimate card (until he dropped it yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" those. Before the start of the next player. That player who forgot to shout "UNO!", Dropping the penultimate card, takes two cards from the deck of "Bakeup" and continues the game.
    Note 1. Players do not have the right to hide the number of cards in the hand (that is, to collect a height or hide under the table).
Note 2. For the player who has one card left, to say "UNO" any player who wants to help him.

Types of cards. "Miss the move" - The next player misses his move. The player can "escape" from this card only posing exactly the same card (with the same color or with the same picture).

    "Take two" - The next player takes two cards from the deck of "Bakeup" and skips its turn. The player can "be saved" from the action of this card by posting his "Take two" card (color may be any). The actions of the "Take Two" cards are not summed up, and the last player who could not post the "Take two" card, takes two cards from the deck of the "Bakeup" and skips their move.
      "On the contrary" - The direction of the stroke is changing to the opposite. For example, it was "clockwise", after laying a map "On the contrary" - "counterclockwise". When laying out several maps "on the contrary, they are summed up, i.e. Two such cards continue the game in the same direction as before, three cards "on the contrary" change direction to the opposite, etc.
        "Order color" - Allows the player to change the current color (on any, including the current color). The following player must put any map of the specified color. In order to lay out the "Order color" card, the player does not need any special conditionsUnlike the next card - "Order Color and Take Four" ...
          "Order color and take four"- It can only be laid out by a player only in his turn and only if the player does not have a current color (and the current digit / active cards / black active card "Order Color" can be present - this is not important, the main thing is the absence of the current color). That player whose stroke the next should take four cards from the deck and skip the move. The player can "be saved" from the action of this card by posting the "Take two" card of the new ordered color (hereinafter everything goes according to the action scheme of the "Take two" card).
            Note 1. Check for honesty. If the player on whom the action "Order Color and Take Four" is sent, suspects that he is deceived, and the player who has posted this card, in fact there is a current color, he may ask the player who went to show his cards. If suspicions are justified, the player who went to take his card "Order Color and Take Four" back and takes four cards from the "Bakeup" deck, passing the next move. If the suspicions were not substantiated, then the checking player besides four cards from the deck "Bake" takes two more for distrust and misses the move.
              Point counting:
                Digital cards: 0 to 9 points. Number of points: at par.
                Active maps: "Miss the move", "Take two", "On the contrary". The cost of each card is 20 points.
                Black active cards: "Order color", "Order color and take four". The cost of each card is 50 points.
                Note: Calculate the glasses in two ways:
                The player who was the first to get rid of his cards is charged the amount of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. Wins the one who scores 500 points from the results of several tours. This version of the calculation of glasses stimulates all the faster to throw off their cards, thus won the current batch. Each player is charged with glasses calculated by the cards remaining in his hands (a player who first threw off his cards, respectively, gets zero glasses). Such an operation is made at the end of each round. The losers are the one who first will give 200 points. This version of the calculation of glasses motivates the players faster to throw off the most "expensive" cards.

                Modication in the game ULTRA (UNO ULTRA).

                  Game with intervention (the most famous and generally accepted modification).
                      A player can go out of turn if he has exactly (color, digit) the same card that lies the top in the "Reset" deck. Next, the move continues in the current direction, ranging from the player, intercepted the move.
                      Attention! This condition does not apply to the "Order Color and Take Four" card - it can only be put on its move.
                      Note 1. The interception of the stroke is not possible at the beginning of the game, when the first map of the "Reset" deck is laid in the center. At the beginning of the game, the right of the course has only the next player after the distribution.
                      Note 2. If the player has two identical cards, then to its turn can postpone the first of these cards, and then immediately the second one, after performing intervention. That is, two identical cards can not be laid at once in one movement of the hand, only alternately: first one, then the second. Accordingly, the next player has the opportunity to put his card into its own way, no, thereby fulfilling the previous player.
                      Game to the last card.
                        The game continues until someone does not throw all the cards. After that, the points counting on the hands remaining in the hands of the hands.

                        Game with a fine

                          If the player made a mistake and laid out that card, deliberately violated the rules, Zhulnichl, then he takes two cards from the deck of "Bakeup" as a fine.

                        Game "0-7": The classic option with additions: every time "zero" falls, all participants transmit their cards to neighboring players in the direction of movement moves. Every time "seven" falls out, a player who put "seven" is exchanged by cards with any other player in his choice.

                        The game "With Accumulation": The classic version with the additions: when the player puts the "Take two" card, the next player can also put the "Take two" card, and then the third player must take four cards. The same rules apply to the "Order Color and Four" cards: When one player puts the "order color and four" card, the next player can also put the "order color and four" card, and then the third player must take eight kart. The last of the players who put the next "order color and four" card, orders the color. If the player put the "Order and Take Four" card not according to the rules and "caught", the standard rules apply, but the amount of the fine increases depending on the number of cards used. Players can lay out the "Take two" or "order color and take four" until they are running out. For example, if four players in a row laid out the "Take two" cards, the next player who has no card "Take two," should take eight cards. A player can put in one move only one map "Take two" or "Order Color and Take Four", even if he has several such cards in his hands.

                        Game "Card Exchange": A player who placed the "five" may (at his own desire) change one card with any player. And each of the changing chooses which card to give.

                        Game "Lazy" Counting Points: The winner and the loser are calculated after the end of each tour of the game. The winner is the one who first threw off his cards - he also starts the next round. The losers are considered to be the one who has the cards on the maximum number of points - it gives cards for the next round. Pros of such a calculation: no need to count the amount for each player for each round; Points for the remaining cards are considered only those who have a lot of them clearly; You can finish the game after each tour, without waiting for the amount of points from someone to achieve a certain mark.

                        Game "To Center": The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "UNO!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players should have time to put their hands on top of the hands of the "UNO!". The one who has time to do this is the last takes 2 cards.

                        Game "Colors in a circle": When laying out black cards ("Order Color" and "Order Color and Take Four") automatically shown color on the color that is drawn on these cards next to the circle after the current one. For example, the game goes clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out the black card, blue becomes the current color. Or, for example, the game comes counterclockwise, the current color is yellow. After laying out a black card, green becomes current color.

                        Game "+10": Maps "zero" (which in the deck of 4 pieces can be assigned the value "take 10 cards", respectively, the next player will have to take 10 cards. If a person takes 10 cards, then the "+2", "+4" or even "+10" card will be with a high probability. In this case, this player can force the next player to take a large number of cards, and so in a circle. It is very difficult to finish the game in this case, and it turns into a real farce.

                        Reverse game: The "On the contrary" map of the desired color returns back the action of active cards and even the black card "Order Color and Take Four"! For example, one player put the "Take two" card, and the second player of the "On the contrary" card returns the action of the "Take two" card at the first, and it should already take 2 cards.

                        Game "to the last": After one player drops all the cards, the game does not end, but continues until the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and loses the last player. If there are two players at the end of the game, you can use very sophisticated combinations (for example, using cards "skip the move", "Take two" to walk twice, three times, etc.)

                        Game "In 7 Rounds": After some player got rid of his original 7 cards, the game is suspended, he takes in hand from a deck of 6 new cards and continues the game. The next time, when he ended the cards, he dials 5 cards in his hand ... and so until he takes only one card and does not throw it.

                        Game in 101: Each player gives up five cards. The deck is put on the middle of the table. In the first batch, the first move is going through the chance of the selected player, and then the player who won in the last game. The winner goes from any card. The next player can put a card on it of the same color or the same dignity (active cards at the request of the players may not act). If the player does not have the required card, it is obliged to take cards from the deck until it exes the desired or until the deck will end. If the cards in the deck end, then from the stack open cards The top is removed and left open on the table, the rest turn over and serve a deck again. Wins the one who is the first to get rid of his cards. The rest consider points on the maps remaining in their hands. Loses one who will drop in the amount of more than 101 points.

                        Cheerful game!

Card online game "UNO" (UNO!) Is still considered to be exotic board games. Most do not know how to play and is lost without a description of the values \u200b\u200bof the pictures. Present new version Maps "UNO": with rules in Russian and cool heroes. Enjoy!

Rate the best way to play "Uno" online: with rules in Russian and free game statistics. Thanks to the built-in error protection, you will quickly get lost and understand how to win in "Uno" with a real opponent!


The essence of the game "Uno" - the first to get rid of all the cards before opponents do the same. The winner earns points on the basis of how many cards remained from other players at the end of the round.

At the start of UNO, there are 7 cards to everyone, they need to be laid on the con order. Matching is allowed in terms of number, color or symbol. For example, if the top card is a red seven, you can play with any card "7", or go any red card. The game adds a map from the main deck if there are no corresponding options. If you want to skip the move, press the corresponding button.

The value of UNO cards

Let's start with how many cards in "UNO" the deck - their 108: classic numbered and "special", with special functions:

  • "Reverse" - (sign "R") - changes the direction of the game;
  • "Power transition" (sign "X") - the next player misses its move;
  • "Give two" ("+2") - obliges the next player to take two cards from the main deck;
  • "Uno Savage" (oval, divided into four colors of UNO) - put on the card of any color and allows you to change the current color;
  • "Black Skar" ("+4") - allows not only to change the color of the table, but also obliges the next player to take 4 cards from the deck.

How to win in uno

You can increase your chances of winning attentive game. Keep track of how many cards remained in rivals. If the enemy stayed with one card (UNO), give it to him "skip the move" or "take cards".

The strategy of the game "DICER YUNU" is to change active color to the most numerous in your deck or such that opponents are not. So force them to replenish the number of cards from the deck or skip the move.

As you can see, "Uno" - very fascinating game And not in vain is considered to be the world classics of board games. Like most card games, trains logic, memory and ability to concentrate attention. Liked? Try to play games similar to "Uno": "", "".

Board game Uno (UNO)

Rules of the game

Full detailed rules of the game in UNO supplied complete with a deck of UNO. They contain basic rules and so-called "home" that can be used at will.

Number of players: from 2 to 10.

Game time: from 20 minutes.

A task: first throw off your cards. This tour ends on this and there is a counting of points for the cards remaining in the hands.

Win. You can count the glasses in two ways - as you like more.

1. The player who was the first to get rid of his cards is charged the amount of points remaining in their hands in all other players. And so in every round. Wins the one who scores 500 points from the results of several tours. This option stimulates precisely to win the tour, that is, the first to throw off your cards.

2. Players recorded points, counted on their hands on their hands (a player who first got rid of his cards gets zero glasses). And so in every round. The losers are considered to be the one who will score 200 points, the rest of the winners :-) This option stimulates rather throw off the most "expensive" cards.

Varieties of cards.

Total in the deck of 108 cards.

Uno digital cards. Cost on nominal - from 0 to 9 points. Each digit of 4-colors. All numbers (except 0) in double quantities.

Active Uno cards: "Miss the move", "Take two", "on the contrary." The cost of each card 20 points. Each image of 4 colors in double quantity.

Black Active Cards Uno: "Order color", "Order color and take four." The cost of each card is 50 points. 4 cards of each type.

Rules of the game Uno.

Distribution of cards

At the beginning of the game, everyone is heard from 7 cards (in dark). The rest of the cards are put with a shirt up - this is a deck of "bite". The upper card from the "Bakeup" deck turns over, put it nearby and becomes the first card of the "Reset" deck.

The game

The game begins "clockwise". The first player goes after the distributor (distributed each tour changes, usually clockwise). During his stroke, the player has the right to post one card on the "Reset" deck for the following rules:

    Or the card must be the same color.

    Or the map must have the same digit, or the same picture (be active card), or be a black active card.

    In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the "Bake" deck (in dark). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can post the map on the "Reset" deck, if not satisfying - the player leaves the card itself, says "PAS" and moves to the next player.

The game continues until someone from the players will throw off all the cards. After that, the points counting on the cards remaining in the hands of the hands (the cost of the cards is given in the section of the type of cards, which won the wins are determined by several tours - the winnings point).

Active Uno cards.

"Miss the move" - The next player misses his move.

Player can "save" From the action of this card, only posing exactly the same card (the same color, the same picture), that is, after performing intervention.

"Take two" - The next player takes two cards from the deck of "bonus" and skips its move.

Player can "save" From the action of this card, laying out your "Take two" card (color maybe any).

The actions of the "Take two" cards are not summed up, and the last player, which ended the "chain" of the layout of the "Take two" cards, takes from the deck of a "bonus" of only two cards and skips its move.

"On the contrary" - The direction of the stroke is changing to the opposite. For example, it was "clockwise", after laying out the "On the contrary" card, it will be "counterclockwise".

When laying out several maps "on the contrary, they are summed up. For example, two cards "on the contrary" do not have any impact - the move continues in the same direction as before, three cards "on the contrary" change the direction of travel to the opposite, etc.

"Order color" - Allows you to change the player the current color (on any, including the current color). The following player must put any map of the specified color. In order to lay out the "Order color" card, the player does not require any special conditions, unlike the next card "Order Color and Take Four" ...

"Order color and take four" - can be laid out by a player only in his turn and only if the player (player 1) does not have a current color (and the current digit / active cards / black active card "Order Color" can be present - this is not important, the main thing Lack of current color). Simultaneously with the laid out of this card, it is necessary to order a color (maybe any, including the current color). The next player (player-2) takes four cards from the deck (in dark) and skips the move.

Player-2 can "save" From the action of this card only by posting the "Take two" card of the new ordered color (hereinafter, everything goes as usual with the standard action of the Map "Take two").

Check for honesty. If the player-2, which is directed to "Order Color and Take Four", suspects that he is deceived and player-1, who posted this card, actually there is a current color, he may ask for a player to present his cards. If suspicions are justified, player-1 takes his card "Order Color and Take Four" back to hand, takes four cards from the "Bakeup" deck (in dark), passes the move (in fact on the player - 1 passed the action of the "Order Color and Take four"). If the suspicions were in vain, the player-2 takes the four cards from the deck of "Bake", as well as two more cards for distrust and misses the move.

The rule of politeness. The game continues only after the player sorts his new four cards and will say "ready."

Rule "Uno!"

The player must warn that he has one card left and maybe he will soon finish the game. After laying out the penultimate card (until he went to her yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (That in Italian means "one"). If the player does not do, "good friends" (or one friend) can notice this and remind "UNO!". Friends should have time to do this from the moment of vacationing the player with its penultimate card before the start of the next player (laying out the card or pull the card from the deck). For the forgetfulness of the player, in time I did not say "UHO!", Takes two cards from the deck "bonus" (in dark).

Note. Players do not have the right to hide the number of cards in the hand (that is, to collect a heaven or hide under the table). Friends should always be aware to help the forgetful player;)


With a large number of errors and inattention, an additional rule can be introduced - with any erroneously laid out map, false cry, etc. The player takes two cards from the deck (in dark).

Home Rules.

Uno game with intervention.

The same rules as in ordinary game UNO, with the following adds.

The player can go out of turn if he has exactly the same map that lies the top in the "Reset" deck. Exactly the same map - this means simultaneous compliance with the two conditions:

    The same color.

    The same digit / the same picture / Black "order color" card.

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the "Order Color and Take Four" card - it is laid out only in your turn.

Note. The interception of the course does not work at the beginning of the game when the first map of the "Reset" deck is posted on the center. At the beginning of the game, the right of the course has only a player after the distribution.

Uno game. Laying two identical cards.

If the player has two identical cards (see above two mandatory conditions), a player in its turn can lay the first of the same cards and immediately fulfill the intervention of exactly the same card. That is, two identical cards can not be laid at once with one movement of the hand, only alternately: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a map in his turn, without giving the player to perform "intervention".

Uno Seven-Zero game.

    Each time "Zero" falls, all participants transmit their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.

    Every time "seven" falls out, a player who put "seven" is exchanged by cards with one of the players in his choice.

Uno game with accumulation.

The same rules as in the usual game of UNO, with the following additions:

    When the player puts the "Take two" card, the next player can also put a "Take two" card, and then the third player must take four cards.

    The same rules apply to "Order Color and Take Four" cards: When one player puts the "Order Color and Four" card, the next player can also put a "order color and four" card, and then the third player must take eight kart. The last of the players who put the next "order color and four" card, orders the color. If the player put the "Order and Take Four" card not according to the rules and "caught", the usual rules apply, but the amount of the fine increases depending on the number of cards used.

    Playing can lay the "Take two" or "order color and take four" until they are running out. For example, if 4 players in a row put the "Take two" cards, the next player (who has no card "Take two") should take eight cards.

    A player can put in one move only one map "Take two" or "Order Color and Take Four", even if he has several such cards in his hands.

Uno Silent Two "S.

Rule told Gryzlov Denis.

Each time someone lays down a twice, everyone must keep silence until the turn returns to the same person who posted this twice. The one who broke silence - takes two cards in hand, immediately after that silence is considered interrupted.

We have greatly improved this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when "Two" is laid out, and then it happens that everyone is forgotten - who put it actually and when you can start talking. Therefore, black cards play the role of twos. Each time the player lay out a black map (simple or +4) and orders the color, everyone must save silence until this ordered color is changed, or while someone does not break silence and will not take two penalty cards . Cough, laughter, shouts "Uno!" And challenging the "+4" card is not considered a violation of silence.

The UNO "Card Exchange" game.

Rule told Ivan (Zelenograd).

A player who placed the "five" may (at his own desire) change one card with any player. And each of the changing chooses which card to give.

Uno: "Lazy" points counting points.

The rule told Ilyukha.

The winner and the loser are calculated at every round game. The winner is the one who first threw off his cards - and he begins the move in the next round. The losers are considered to be the one who has the cards on the maximum number of points - it gives cards for the next round. Pluses of such a calculation: do not need a paper knob to count the amount for each player for each round; Points for the remaining cards are considered only those who have a lot of them clearly; You can interrupt after each tour, without waiting for the amount of points from someone to achieve a certain mark.

Uno game in the center!

Rule told Alexey (Moscow).

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "UNO!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players should have time to put their hands on top of the hands of the "UNO!". The latter takes 2 cards.

Uno "Colors in Circle"

Rule told Denis (Volgograd).

When laying out black cards ("Order Color" and "Order Color and Take Four") a color change occurs automatically to the color that is drawn on these cards next in a circle after the current one. For example, the game goes clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out the black card, blue becomes the current color. Or, for example, the game comes counterclockwise, the current color is yellow. After laying out a black card, the green color becomes akin.

Uno "+10" game

The rule was told Alexander (Moscow).

Spare dyeing cards (which in the deck 4 pieces) can be assigned the value "take 10 cards", respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The stand in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and in them with a high probability, "+2", "+4" or the same "+10" turns out. This person has already forces another to take a lot of cards, and so in a circle. Finish the game in such conditions is almost unreal :))

Uno Reverse game

The "On the contrary" map of the desired color returns back the action of active cards and even the black card "Order Color and Take Four"! For example, player 1 put the "Take two" card, the player 2 "on the contrary" returns the action of the "Take two" card to 1 player and already should take 2 cards (or "escape" in some way).

Uno to the last game

Rule told Andrei (St. Petersburg).

After 1 player scores all the cards, the game does not end, but continues to the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and loses the last player. And when two players remain at the end of the game, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, with the help of cards "skip the move", "Take two" walk twice, three times, ...)

Uno Game in 7 Rounds

Rule told Dmitry (Kazakhstan).

After some player got rid of his original 7 cards, the game is suspended, he takes in hand from a deck of 6 new cards and continues the game. The next time, when the cards end, he is gaining 5 cards in his hand ... and so until he comes only with one card and does not get rid of her.

Uno "Reset Zero" game

Rule told KZTCH.

If, when calculating points, the player in his hands remained the only "zero" card, then its value is not zero glasses, but 50. This creates additional difficulties to the owners of zero cards at the end of the game;)