GTA Liberty City Stories Weapon Map. Passage of GTA Liberty City Stores

As the Liberty City authorities predicted, the free sale of weapons to the population will only lead to greater criminalization of society and chaos on the city streets. But did you convince citizens who whipped on self-defense? And now there were those times when the most serious weapon withdrawn from the population was a pistol. Now even the old women with the slightest danger strives a palp tree from a shotgun or throw a grenade! What we can talk about mafia gangs that are constantly fighting not only with the police, but also with competing groups. In the best traditions of GTA in the game more than 30 different species Weapons that can be stuck, bruit, cut, shoot, set fire or blow up the enemy. There is everything from screwdrivers to anti-tank grenade launches and huge helicopter machine guns. If you have enough money, then all this magnificence without problems can be reached in the black market.

As well as in GTA III Special icons "Rampage" are crushed around the city, this is T.N. "Exchange", the meaning of the task is very simple: you are given, any kind of weapon and you need to kill several representatives of one of the gangster groups. But this is what, and how do you like this task: as soon as you get a goalkeeper hockey mask, a terrible - a crowd of scumbags will begin in exactly the same masks will be chasing you with chainsaws (hello Manhunt.!) Trying to cut you into small pieces. But do not hurry to faint, because you also have a magnificent chainsaw! We still see who whom! This task is called "Slash TV".

Before proceeding with the review of weapons in GTA: LCS., Pay attention to the most important element of the gameplay: aiming system.

Aiming system

How many players say, weak place Very many games from a third party on PSP is a aiming system. Sometimes it happens very difficult to accurately aim in the enemy, and even a virtual chamber all the time pulls out the wrong side, the precious seconds are lost and now you are already killed - the enemy turned out to be faster. Creators GTA: LCS. All these features of the platform took into account, and created a very convenient aiming system.

When you click the right button (R) The sight will immediately be moved to the target nearest to you, and not on an innocent passerby, but on a row with a machine gun trying to practice in shooting, he chose the target of our main character in vain - Tony, oh in vain. If the enemies are somewhat, moving the joystick, you can choose the most convenient victim for you and start shooting from it.

Naturally, you can shoot not only by living people, but also on gas tanks of cars, on tires, and indeed around why you want! To do this, you need a button R. Pull out weapons and slightly pressing the joystick, all the "free goal" mode is involved. For an even more accurate aiming in free mode, you can click on the left button (L)To slow down the movement and, accordingly, make it easier to targeting the target.

Shooting out vehicle also will not cause special difficulties, for this you need to click on the left (L) or right (R) The button so that Tony opened the shooting to the left or right. For the greatest convenience there is an alternative way: the same actions can be performed by tilting the joystick to the left or right.

Overview of weapons


Of course, with the help of the camera it is impossible to kill anyone, but harm to hurt your cheap is easily. It is enough just to take a picture of the subject at the time of classes in some more interesting with the girls of non-heavy behavior and on political career Citizen can put a fat cross.


This tool needed in the farm can serve good weapon. The screwdriver does not cause suspicions, and it is easy to hide it in clothes, and at the right moment deftly snatch and plug the opponent to death!

Hockey stick

The real men play hockey, and the coward, as you know, does not play hockey. Because it knows what to get a good sports club in Campolu! The new kind Sports: Hockey on the asphalt, who is cursed more people, he won! The stick allows you to get an opponent at a high distance, and if there is nothing more serious, serve good service.


It serves to cut the passes in the jungle and is naturally great for the melee, a sort of analogue of Cossack checkers. Favorite weapons among Colombian gangsters and triads. And with a machete, you can cut the sausage ...


But this is already cold weapons more serious, once for the first time brought from distant Japan very loved by American "samurai". It is not so easy to manage with a rod that it seems, but, adapting it is possible to be very easy to divide with the enemy, while at the same time at some distance and thereby configure yourself from the attacks of the enemy, even if it is armed with chainsaw.

Circular benzaw

The sound of working chainsaws is very difficult to confuse with something else. If you hear this sound in the forest, then there is nothing terrible in it, that's just it is a pity that some particularly irrequisite citizens are overwhelmingly completely young trees, thereby exacerbating the already difficult ecological situation. As there on the poster it is written: "Take care of nature, your mother!". But if you hear the sound of chainsaws in the city, then be careful - it's not good. Chainsaw is a very powerful melee weapon, it makes it possible to send any gangster to the upper tundra in a few seconds.


An ordinary gun, has an average shooting range and slaughter power. But still, in contrast to cold weapons, it allows you to calm the enemies much faster. The stylish design of this weapon looks very good in the game.

The revolver and that says it all. Huge slaughter force and shooting range will serve good service during serious disassembly. One shot is one corpse, here is such an arithmetic.

Mini SMG.

Very famous for us in the previous series GTA. The type of ultrasound machines. The average rapidity and capacity of the closure, but the ease and mobility is used for a quick shooting of small groups of opponents. It is known that the special forces of Liberty City are armed with this kind of weapons, and they guys are serious.

This kind of ultrasound, known to us as TEC-9.. As remember, this ultrasound was in Weiss City and San Andreas, he was distinguished by quite good characteristics. TUR-9 - relatively cheap firearmsMade from low grade metal.


Where without a good shotgun? It has a wide range of action. Effective when shooting in a crowd. By type, this is a pumping rifle, with whom the patrol police in America drive. Similar to Shotgun.we saw in Vice City. , there he differed not too big slaughter power.

S. P. A. S.

This floor is automatic shotgun - one of the most cruel shotguns on the market. Initially used Komi Omon and the police to prevent the riots and doubt the enraged crowd. It has very high rapidity, and the charge of the boot during a shot to the emphasis is spreading the usual door in the sins, so that only iron loops remain hanging on the door jamb. An extremely dangerous tool in the ongoing mafia wars in Liberty City, the government forbade the use of this weapon, but this disposal of the bandits is not a decree.

Avtomat Kalashnikova

The most popular type of weapons in the world. And such popularity is explained by a very large slaughter power of this automaton. Unpretentious and reliable automatic, what else is needed for a real steep guy?

The changed version of the famous American machine M-16. A little reduced store and dimensions did not affect the accuracy of the shooting and the slaughter power M-4. As before, aiming can be aimed with optics. With the help of M-4, you can easily blow up the car - just get into the benzobak. Cheating: 700-1000 rounds per minute.

Sniper rifle

Weapons for quiet work. Allows you to destroy the enemy at a very long distance. Magnificent optics will make it very accurate to aim in order for sure.


This device sows chaos if you suddenly think of applying it on a lively urban street. Deadly fire destroys everything around, it is recommended to use against a large number of enemies. Well, if the enemies will not be nearby, but you want to have fun just selling a couple of cars and see how firefighters will stew them.

Minigan "Volcano"

Not so much and "mini" as follows from the name. It was originally created for installation on military helicopters, this destructive weapon popularized the film "Predator" ("Predator") in 1987. This trunks rotating under the influence of electricity allow you to cause a very tight line of bullets that destroy everything in their path. For this machine gun will ask very big money, but the minigan is worth it. Very heavy weapon, it is difficult to run with it, in addition, it takes some time on the promotion of the trunks. But this is the most killer weapon in the history of GTA games.

No, to the popular video game genre, this weapon has nothing to do. It is all over the entire anti-tank grenade launcher. It makes sense to talk a lot about it. Just say that with it, it is very easy to knock the annoying police helicopter or a truck with a riot police. It has a comfortable sight.

Total in the game Grand Theft. Auto: Liberty City Stories ( GTA Liberty. City Stories) 100 convolutions (Hidden Package). For every 10 collected coats, you will receive a new award that you can find at home.

10 Sweets - Pistol (Pistol)
20 Sweets - SHOTGUN (Shotgun)
30 Sweets - Body Armour (Body Height)
40 Sweets - SMG (Handmade SMG Machine)
50 Sweets - Python (.357 Colt Python Magnum)
60 coarse - M4 ( assault rifle M4)
70 Sweets - Sniper Rifle (sniper rifle)
80 Sweets - Flamethrower (flamethrower)
90 Sweets - RocketLauncher (Ranker)
100 Sweets - $ 50,000 Awarded (50,000 dollars)

2.1 Search Hidden Packages in Portland

Map performed ChumKubis

1. At the beginning, everything is simple. Go to the boat station. Move along the northern road. Next to the barrier you will see a little guard booth. Complete inside.
2. It is preferable to use a boat, then just fall on the beach and take a sweat. It is perfectly seen from the water. But boats are not available in Portland, and you will have to wait until you reach Staunton. Here the boat can be found at the bottom, next to the docks in Newport.
Alternative strategy: you can get climbing ambulance and jump over low fence, therefore, get to the target. After that, go to the metalwoman dump.
Alternative strategy number 2: if you get a motorcycle, you can fly through the fence by performing a jump using a springboard at a construction site. It is only important to start overclocking from the very beginning of a white plate to achieve the desired speed.
3. Use the boat to get to the cliff, which is north of the landfill. (Where to get a boat - see the previous item) Close to the rock, and you will find a sweep in the northeast part of it.
4. Go to the landfill and look for the press for cars. The crust is easy to notice. It is important to jump on a small obstacle to take it.
5. Go to the racing track. Complete can be found under the E1 highway, in the southwestern corner of the highway. It is hidden in a small deepening between two crumbs of embankments.
6. It's easy to find it. The easiest way to get to it is from the landfill. Close the slope of the slope in the east of the landfill. Continue the path in spite of everything. The crust is lying on the grass in a slight recess at the end of the way.
7. This sweeper is on top of a benzocolone canopy. "Sight" sweat. Use the PCJ-600 and start overclocking from the eastern part of the parking for machines, carry at full speed on the wall. It will force a motorcycle to take off with landing on the roof of the canopy where it will be possible to take a sweeping.
Alternative strategy: put an ambulance in such a way that the rear wheels are on the wall of the landfill from the part of the gas station. Ambulance will stand a little higher than usual. Now, if you run on the roof, you can dump the roof of the canopy and get it, so the drill.
Alternative strategy number 2: A broken white car can be used on a dump as a springboard. If it is pretty accelerated strictly in a straight line from the far end of the landfill on PCJ-600, Sanchez or Manchez, cling to pre-S and x to accelerate, then you can fly to the roof of the canopy. And at the same time do not even fall from the motorcycle. At the same time, you need to not forget at the right moment to click on the brake so as not to fly the canopy at all.
8. In a broken car, opposite the parking lot behind the explosives (BOMB Shop).
9. At construction site, in two booths, in the northwestern corner.
10. This cooler is on the roof of the air conditioning, to the right of your Logov's doors in Portland. Pick up ambulance, pour around the roof. Close to the means of an ambulance carrier on the roof and take a pulp.
11. At the top of a rocky arch, behind the mansion Sal. Go around the mansion of SAL "S on the left side of the grass and continue your way by the benches east of the mansion, and further towards the end of the rocky arch, there will be a sweeping.
12. On the rocks, south of the mansion Sal.
13. Outside the lighthouse. You will find yourself in this location in the course of the last mission, and then you can take a sweep. Otherwise, take a boat and swim to the island with a lighthouse. Sit from the northern side of the island and run up the coat. It is approximately halfway to the top from the left side.
14. Go along the ledge, which is looking for the building, to the back of the building, where you can find a slope leading to the site invisible from the road. Here is a sweat.
15. The ability to take this sweat will appear only after the Mission "Blow Up Dolls". When the mission is passed, it will be possible to find on the first floor of a destroyed building.
16. This sweeper is hard. You will have to make a unique jump. Take PCJ-600 and start from the street where there is Ammunation and remnants from Dolls House. Take the south of this street to Alley and take back. At full speed, bent to Doll House. The role of the springboard will play the rest of the building. If everything is completed correctly, you land right on the roof of the building under construction. Jump a bit down and take the overtakes on the lower edge of the roof.
Alternative strategy: There is an opinion that you can take this sweat even before the Mission "Blow Up Dolls". Go across the E1 car track until you find yourself above the construction. You can dare from the track to the angle of the building under construction. Then you just need to go down a little bit down and take the cutter from the plank.
17. This sweeper is in a dead end of the street to the north of Pay-n-spray icons on the map. It can be found behind 2 green garbage containers.
18. In the middle of the western route, in the serving flower bed, strictly to the west of Pay N Spray icons on the map.
19. At the street behind Ammunation. There you can find a small passage leading to a sprouted grass area. Completeness is here.
20. Come on the eastern part, rise by the slope of the slope, the cooler is ahead on the right side, behind the green garbage tanks.
21. MARCO "S Bistro. Rise on the first staircase span, the overtakes are on the left side, behind the tables.
22. Under the E1 paths, on Portland View Station, opposite the cutter number 21. If climbing the slope of the railway station, it is possible to find a drip from the wall, right under the paths.
23. On the street opposite the hospital, around the turn right.
24. In part of the selection, this sweeper is one of the most difficult. You must receive the PCJ-600 and start overclocking with Callahan Bridge, take off at full speed on the stairs leading to the station E1 route in the north. You can fly from a motorcycle in flight, but one way or another should be on the roof where you can take a sweat.
25. For a ledge behind the hospital. Run up the threshing grass slope behind the police station, until you can climb to the ledge. From here, go to the north to take a sweat.
26. Another difficult task requiring PCJ-600. Take a good acceleration and use the springboard, located south of the location of the coat, directing the motorcycle slightly to the right. Your goal is the roof of a not finished building, on the right side of the springboard. Then you should simply jump out from the roof roof to get to the sweeter at the end.
27. Treat the ambulance carriage, jump on it, and with it on containers located on the eastern part of the harbor and go southeast from the snag number 26.
28. Completeness is hidden among the trees in the south-east of the police station.
29. This sweeper is just mined. It is located on a shaped alley, south of the Chinatown sign, if you look around the map.
30. On the roof of the factory for the manufacture of sausages. Cancel on the E1 route (Portland View station is the nearest) and follow in the right direction until you reach the roof, then just jump down and go through the posters to take the cut.
31. This sweeper is located on the roof of the southern building in the harbor (Harbor). Rear to the roof on the stairs on the east side of this building and go through it along its entire length. The cooler is located in the southwestern corner, he is hidden behind the left bias.
32. At the club in the center of the parking lot, next to the entrance to Callahan Bridge.
33. Again will steal ambulance to climb on a wooden booth. With it, it is necessary to climb on the roof where the cooler is.
Alternative strategy: You can, using a motorcycle, jump into the roof by means of a springboard, which is behind the south of the blue building. From here you can get to the roof of the booth, and then to the roof on which you can find a sweeping. On the roof of the blue building you can take a flamethrower, this building is located on the same parking lot as the booth.
34. Jump up onto the most northern ship, designated on the map, and go to his eastern end. Close to the stairs and move forward, holding the left side to get the drill.
35. Go to the bus station in Trenton. Here in the northeast corner you can take a sweat.
36. On the last white beam, separating two road strips on the Callahan Bridge bridge in front of the water. Drive on the bridge and jump onto the wall in the center, then jump into this beam gently.
37. In the same location as the commerce number 24. Start overclocking on PCJ-600 from steps leading up to the station on the E1 highway, towards the southern bridge. You must achieve maximum speed and ride on it (this applies to the whole subsequent description). North from the bridge there is a springboard, which you should call at a small angle (right). If everything is done correctly, you take off and land exactly on the beam (or ..., or without a motorcycle). And even if the speeds are not enough, the motorcycle will hit the beam, and you take it out of the seats and take it on the beam anyway.
Alternative strategy: If you run up on the right side of the Callahan Bridge bridge, until you reach the beams, on which the sweeping is hidden, you can simply jump onto it and take a sweep.
Note! It is believed that the first strategy is much easier to implement on Sanchez, as it is much better controlled at high speed.
38. Head in the south-eastern corner of the Portland Harbor harbor, there you will find a sweater hidden between the two southern trailers.
39. Between 2 green tanks in the eastern part of the southernmost building at Atlantic Quays.
40. At the end of the western pier on the Atlantic Quays pier. Be careful not to fall into the water.

2.2 Search Hidden Packages in Staunton

Map performed ChumKubis

1. On the boat station. You will see a short road ending with a dead end from the main road leading to boats. Go on the road leading to the parking lot. Here you will find a sweater between the Booth and Trailer, standing next to her.
2. Right opposite the unique springboard in Aspatria, on the western part of the slope. The sweeper is located in the northwest of the stadium.
3. Follow the tunnel on the parking lot at the hospital, behind the blue fence.
4. On the flower bed, which is adjacent to the parking lot at the hospital, and is opposite the Ecoli parking lot.
5. This sweeper is relatively easy to get. Just head to the water, and you will find it on the rocky rock overlooking the surface. It is north of the northernmost creek, in the west of the road.
6. At the parking lot in Ecoli. Come go around the wall, so you will find a sweat.
7. Go down to the Liberty Campus subway station, which is south of the hospital. Continue to descend the stairs and escalator to the level right above the platform. Hold on the left side, and you will find a cooler in the corner opposite to the toilets.
8. In the northeast of Fort Staunton. The building of the south of the northern road itself in Fort Staunton has "Spronplel" (mound). The sweeper is west of him, lies on the ledge behind the sign. You will need to catch an ambulance carriage, climb on it, after which you should jump on the procee to take a sweat.
Alternative strategy: on the east side from the ledge there is a springboard. You can accelerate and dump up to the ledge with it.
9. Go south along the eastern road and stop at the bridge. The sweeper is on the support of the bridge on the right side. Go down on the slope of the grass on the right hand to take the sweeper.
10. Take a boat from the dock zone in Newport and go to the north of the pier. You will see 2 cliffs of various sizes. On the smaller you can see the crust, it is on the right side.
11. Down alley southwest of Fort Staunton signboard on the map. If you go along the mooring tomb from the east, then you need to turn left into the side alley and take a sweep there. It is hidden in the corner, behind the garbage boxes.
12. On the roof of the cafe. It is preferable to use a taxi to jump onto the garbage truck (TRASHMASTER), which will allow you to jump onto the roof and take a sweep. You can find garbage truck parked at the parking lot of the hospital.
13. Rear to the destroyed building to the left of the hole on the road (if you look east) after the mission "Bringing DOWN THE House. "There is a concrete slab that can be used for these purposes. Complete the end of the building, using the break, and take the crop.
14. In the parking lot from the stadium. Complete can be found on the grass in the parking center.
15. Next to the Livnestock (on the south side) south of the pier, north-west of the fire station.
16. Close the slope towards Pay-N-Spray, and continue your way to a dead end. Complete can be found between the trash cubs.
17. Move down the road, which leads to the docks, south of your "house" (SAFE HOUSE). Complete is in the aqueous part of the bridge supports, a little forward and left from the bend of the road.
18. Consider a bridge on the oncoming traffic. Before the first failure of the bridge (before the rising part), you should climb on the side fence. Below you can see the metal "trail". With the highest possible run, jump towards this "trail". Then only go forward and take a sweat. Multiple attempts can leave for the correct jump.
Alternative strategy: You can use a PCJ motorcycle or a motorcycle designed to ride in dirt, in order to overcome the bend that leads up to the lifting bridge. Go from the bridge, next to the angle of the structure, it should allow you to land right in the failure.
Alternative strategy number 2: Close up the bridge to the most enclosing handrails (at the end of the bend). If you are climbing to this point and look down, you will see a cut. From here it is possible to simply snake and take a sweat.
19. Behind the Military Memorial, in the eastern part of Belleville Park. Climb the stairs and take a sweat.
20. You should climb the glass ledge that is looking for the building. This building is south of 2 parallel alley and ammunation. It is recommended to use an ambulance carriage to jump onto a concrete ledger, and it is moved to the glass from it from which the drill can be taken.
Alternative strategy: If you look at the building, where the cooler is located, or rather on its canopy, from the far western end of 2 parallel alley, then you can see a small hollyk that can be used as a springboard. With it, you can get to the awning, from where you should jump over to the canopy and take the sweeper.
21. Use a motorcycle. You must come to the separator between the roads of the road north of the drill. The separator, along the move, will go up and gradually go into the slope, crouched grass. At the top of the slope, you must get to a narrow yard and take a sweat. In case you use the machine, then it can be climbed to the separator in the right place and take a sweat.
22. Move down the road leading along the docks. Before entering the bridge, you will see a red container, on the right side, south of the concrete ledge directed upwards, which leads to the garages. Complete is located on the northern side of the container, at the end of the ledge.
23. Drive the Callahan Bridge bridge from Portland towards Staunton, but only on the left side, instead of the right right. At the Staunton, the crumble lies on the right, next to the hole.
24. On the first flowerbed, after you eat with Callahan Bridge. Move west along the road in the direction from the bridge, until you reach the flower beds and take the drill.
25. South-West corner of the cemetery, next to the fence. The cemetery is located north of the fire station.
26. This sweeper is easy to find. Move up the stairs to the Gun Shop weapon store and jump over a low wall. Go along the path until you reach the sweeper.
27. Follow up the road to the left of the Torrington signboard on the map. Before the expensive leading to the West, leave the car and remove the separator between the two sides of the road. Complete can be found next to the tree.
28. This sweeper is near the casino spotlight. It can be found right behind the casino.
29. In the aisle, next to the gathering from the road and located there a star statue. This is two quarters below icons with a picture of a gun on the map (Phil "s Gun Shop). Complete is at the end of the alley east of the departure from the road.
30. This sweeper is located on a white staircase opposite the building north of Donald Love "s. Judging by the map is a place in Bedford Point, east of two parallel dead alley. Complete is in the eastern part of the northern road somewhere in the middle of the quarter. Climb On a white staircase in front of the building. Cuts hidden behind the column.

2.3 Search Hidden Packages in Shoreside Vale

Map performed ChumKubis
1. In the tunnel to the left of partitions blocking the side tunnel in the north of Cedar Grove grove.
2. Once in the Dam's zone, take the hill in front and jump from it from the opposite side. Casting is hidden here, behind the containers.
3. Go down on the right side of the structure of the lower zone of dam, north of the road loop.
4. Behind the ridge of the rocks, located to the west of the northern road of the dam area itself.
5. Behind the rocks in the southern part of the road loop, next to the structure of the lower dam. Cuts under the numbers 3 and 5 are in the same zone.
6. This sweeter is next to the second right of the estate in the Cedar Grove grove. It can be found from the left of the house on the grass.
7. Follow the southeast of the mud zone. Cut can be found near the water.
8. Close up on rocky slopes behind Wichita Gardens gardens. This is the north of the road eastern Wichita Gardens. You will not see the sweeper until you close at the top. The cooler is hidden in the recess on the rocks.
9. West from the second steep turn of the road leading down to the Wichita Gardens gardens. Go behind the advertising shields to the corner of the road. Complete is in the water.
10. You can find this sweat south of the double e in the inscription Pike Creek, if you look around the map. It is located between the building wall and the equipment (with a yellow foundation).
11. On the plot bordering the Pay-N-Spray in the southeast corner of the quarter. Come on the northern road, pass by the containers, the cooler is located on the site, surrounded by a steel fence.
12. Use the springboard behind the police department to climb on the roof in the east, then jump on the platform with garages. You will find a sweep in the garage number 2.
13. On the cropped grass, the elevation next to the steps, south of Pay-N-Spray.
14. This sweeper is at the same level (on the map) as the hospital. In the easternmost part of Pike Creek, down the coastline, which leads to the dam.
15. Behind the door in the most southern house in Wichita Gardens. The cooler is behind the door, which next to the Wanted Star (southwest angle).
16. If you go along the eastern road to Wichita Gardens, in the direction of the south, you can find this sweeper at the water edge, it is hidden behind the rock. The map shows that this road is slightly bent towards the southwest, but then again goes strictly south. The cut is to the left of the place of the first bend.
17. Next to the green trash can, which stands at the back wall of the night. This place is located in the southern quarter, east of the hospital, next to the northwestern corner of the building.
18. This cooler is in the quarter located in the East, from the cutter number 17. If you go to the quarter from the west side, you can see the staircase on the roof of the warehouse in the north-western corner of the quarter. Close to the roof. The cooler is located in the north-western corner, next to the bias.
19. On the roof of the building behind the hospital. Park emergency career at the Wall of the Hospital. Close to the car, and with it on the wall. From this wall you can jump over the roof, where in the south-east corner there is a sweater.
20. Behind the advertising shield, next to the track, which leads to a broken bridge. It is in the northeast of the fire station at the airport and the north turn of the road.
21. Hidden among trees in the northern part of the airport. It is about halfway between the airport and the most southern road Pike Creek. This is immediately over "I" in the lettering of Francis in the title of the airport on the map.
22. Go for the bridge and the entrance tunnel, the sweeper is on the grass under the bridge.
23. Use the springboard next to the RC van to jump into the surrounding airport surrounding airport. Then move down to take a sweeper behind the advertising shield. Springboard is located in the southern part of the building, where the fire station is located.
24. Use the PCJ-600 to take a jump, using the stair ramp, the north of the location of the coat. For jump, you must use the staircase, since another springboard capable of providing a jump in a fenced zone where you can take a sweat, just not.
25. It is quite difficult to explain. Do you see a big round building in the center of the airport? Go here. From his northern side, putting his back to the building, you must see the staircase in the left side leading towards the ledge. Use the PCJ-600 to dope from here to the ledge. If you look at south, from this ledge, you can see another slope. It also needs to be used to jump, which will make it possible to be on the ledge, in the far end of which the drill is located.
26. For a sign on the western side of the terminal. It is located in the east of the coat, which was (more precisely) on the wing of the aircraft, at the same level. Use PCJ-600 to jump from the staircase located in the southwest of the ledge. You land on the ledge. Then it remains only to go through the ledge and take a sweat.
27. Use a motorcycle to surpass to the wing of a southwest aircraft. You land on the wing, and will remain just go through it a bit down and take a sweat.
28. For the largest hangar, south-west of 4 hangars in a row along the northern road at the airport.
29. Down, between 2 yellow and white ramps. If you look at the card, it north of the short runway from the west side of the building, which is located on the northern side of the central access strip connecting the two runways.
30. Follow down the slope to the right from the most southern runway. The sweeper is near the water, in the southeast corner of the southern strip.

The passage of GTA Liberty City Stories is stretched for a long 69 plot tasks in which our hero kills robs and takes important unuse from one place to another.

Mission 1 (Home Sweet Home)
The main character - Tony Siprani returns to Liberty City and heads to the Salvator. Salvatore was visiting Vinnezo. Tony is asked to take Vinnezo to the port office.

Mission 2 (Slacker)
Vinnezo asks to take one person to the Chinese district so that he agreed to cooperate.

Mission 3 (Dealing Revenge)
Vinnezo gives Tony's task that implies "wet". It is necessary to kill 3 members of Sindakko's gang in the Chinese quarter.

Mission 4 (Snuff)
This time you need to catch the car Hellebean GT, not far from which the phone will lie. This phone will call contact named JD. He will ask to catch the car and repaint it. Upon completion of the work, the missions from JD will be available.

Mission 5 (SMASH AND GRUB)
To complete the mission, you must pick up with the refueling of Harwood Leon and his friends. You will have a chase with a helicopter (3 stars). As soon as the tail behind you is not - take the passengers to Vinnezo.

Mission 6 (Hot Wheels)
Vinnezo asks Tony to take one of his cars into the garage, but as soon as the player gets access to the car, it turns 3 stars along the way. After the car is in the right place call Vinnezo, but Tony will not take the tube, as I realized that it was a stand. To complete the mission, you need to destroy the car in the garbage utilization. Upon completion of the task on the phone, Mom Tony calls and scolds that he has not been visiting her a guest for a long time.

Mission 7 (Bone Voyeur!)
On this mission, Tony helps JD to collect the "harvest" that the whores earned. The only limitation is time.

Mission 8 (Don in 60 Seconds)
JD asks Tony to pick up the salvator from the strip club, but before carrying that home, you should repaint the car.

Mission 9 (A Volatile Situation)
Tony needs to protect the Seint Marks casino from Sindakko. Banda Chinese wishes to minister the building. After Tony will beat the wave of the offensive, you will need to take a truck with a bomb at a safe distance from the casino.

Mission 10 (Blow Up Dolls)
Sindacco deserve a retaliatory blow. Tony must mince the car belonging to the gang and take it to the specified place, after which they blow up there.

Mission 11 (Snappy Dresser)
Mom Tony asks you to trace the owner of a single store and shook all his "entertainment"

Tony wants, to return the respect of the mother, kills in 4 members of the gang of the Triad and destroys their car.

Mission 13 (SUCHO GREASOU)
Tony needs to be defeated in the race, and after eliminating the very old rival.

Mission 14 (Dead Meat)
In this mission, Tony must kill the owner of the store, followed earlier. To do this, you need to get into the port warehouse and an ax to do a dirty work. The mission will not be completed while you are wanted.

Mission 15 (No Son Of Mine)
For the head of Tony announced award. On this mission, mafiosi will arrive by waves, after the destruction of the last influx - the task is fulfilled.

Mission 16 (The Offer)
Salvatore instructs Tony to go to negotiations in the docks. Two gangsters are waiting in the docks that are not too sociable. The goal of the mission is to get out of the port alive.

Mission 17 (Ho Selecta!)
Salvatore asks Tony to take 6 prostitutes to the port, but there is a time limit.

Mission 18 (Frighteners)
Tony should find one person and kill. Search will have to be in one of three cars. Upon completion of the task, a new clothing appears in the house, and the Mission for Maria will be available.

Mission 19 (Rollercoaster Ride)
In this mission, Tony should pretend to the Limousine driver, which is standing near the Head Radio office. The trip should beat the extremely dangerous in order for the object to give the necessary information.

Mission 20 (Shop 'Til You Strop)
Maria wants to rob the store and Tony will help her. After the first unsuccessful attempt, Maria tries to rob the second store. After a successful robbery, you need to take Maria back the lady.

Mission 21 (Taken For a Ride)
Tony should take Maria to negotiate with Sindakko, and after those kidnap the girl - save her. To repent Mary from the gangsters, you need to give the enemy machine until it stops.

Mission 22 (Booby Prize)
Moisya-race on motorcycles. There will be two circles.

Mission 23 (Biker Heat)
Maria asks Tony to kill one of the bikers. In the Chinese quarter, the Congress of Bikers is held, among which is needed. We catch up the target and kill. Upon completion of the mission, Salvatore calls and says Mary should have money.

Mission 24 (Overdose of Trouble)
Here you need to take Maria for this route: the house - cafe - construction - the house is Salvatore.

Mission 25 (Contra-Banned)
Tony goes to a drug meeting for the Salvator, but there they are waiting for the police. It is necessary to catch a jeep, repaint it and take to the garage Salvatore.

Mission 26 (Salvatore's Salvation)
Here Tony needs to save the Salvator. To do this, follow the machine in which there is a linked salvator. He is taken under the press. You need to have time to dump before the salvator will be crushed. After salvation, Salvatore will ask for him to take him home.

Mission 27 (The Gun's of Leone)
In this mission it is necessary to protect the salvator on the approach to the JD office. Junction of justice for Tony will be a sniper rifle.

Mission 28 (Calm Before The Storm)
You need to go to the Salvator mansion. By arrival there will take a helicopter for which you need to trace. Soon the helicopter will be released massifically and will begin to communicate with the triads. After the helicopter takes off, you need to kill all the triads that were present on the transactions.

Mission 29 (The Made Man)
JD asks Tony to take him and his friend to the "ceremony" on the landfill. On the way to your car will attack Sindakko. Upon arrival in place it turns out that there is no one. After, Tony takes a friend JD home. (JD on this mission is dying).

Mission 30 (The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade)
Tony climbs the ship in the port. There are about 20 enemies with chainsaws attack him. After that, their leader appears, which also need to kill. After all this, Salvatore calls and reports big problems.

Mission 31 (Sindacco Sabotage)
Tony protects the red lamp area from Sindakko. There will be about 50 opponents.

Mission 32 (The Trouble With Triads)
Salvador instructs Tony to go to the warehouse. This warehouse undermines the triads. Tony needs to collect all the money and go back to the Salvator.

Mission 33 (Drivin MR Leone)
Here you need to deliver the Salvator to the second island (the tunnel is an unfinished bridge). As soon as the route has been done successfully, Salvatore will say where it needs to carry.

Mission 34 (A Walk In The Park)
Salvatore asks to kill a girl who engages in the park. Note that the lady is guarded well.

Mission 35 (Making Toni)
Tony takes the Salvatore to the city center and will acquire a new contact - Donald.

Tony should help Donald to promote his political company. To do this, you need to ride a campaign minibus through the streets of the city, and after destroying competitors.

Mission 37 (The Morgue Partie Candidate)
For Donald, you need to sink a catatball. The car must be sophisticated before it reaches the police station. Then the acquisition must be driven into the Donald garage.

Mission 38 (Cam-Pain)
Tony must suppress 3 rally in various parts of the city.

Mission 39 (Friggin the Riggin)
Here it is necessary to destroy the warehouse owned by Forelli and two van. To help you need to take flamethrower.

Mission 40 (Love & Bullets)
Tony should protect the limousine from Trowli's thugs, after delivering the car to the specified place.

Mission 41 (Counterfeit Count)
Tony is required to trace the courier and all that he will transmit to its customers need to be selected from them.

Mission 42 (Caught in The ACT)
During the trip, Tony should defend the boat Salvatore from the attackers.

Mission 43 (Search and Rescue)
Salvatore asks Tony to pick up limousine for him, but soon it turns out to be hostage. To fulfill the mission, you need to save the Salvator, while killing about 30 people, and the time to take it home.

Mission 44 (Taking the Peace)
Salvator wants to raise Sindakko on Forelli. For this, Tony should with the help of radio station equipment in the van to control the Sindacco unmanned car and press the people of Forelli. This mission with a time limit.

Tony plays the role of a killer for the Salvator. You need to remove the goal that spends your free time on the boat. The murder plan is: Tony takes a boat, swims at a safe distance and kills a guy with sniper rifle.

Mission 46 (Sayonara Sindaccos)
An unknown policeman asks Tony to take revenge on Sinakko. It is necessary to kill 5 gang members, and on the car to surprise from the rest.

Mission 47 (The Whole 9 Yardies)
Tony should serve as a bait. For this, Tony hijaches Trowli bike and leads the "tail" to the specified place. There is a murder of flexigious bandits.

Mission 48 (Crazy '69')
With the help of Katana, Tony should destroy 20 Foreli minions.

Mission 49 (Night of the Livid Dreads)
Lobo Yight needs help Tony. The mission implies the destruction of 25 opponents.

You need to destroy two trucks. The surest way is to purchase RPG for this mission.

Mission 51 (L.C. Confidential)
The task gives an unknown contact. You will need to pick up the FBI car, go to the meeting and kill the right person. That will be a case with documents that must be delivered to the specified garage.

Mission 52 (The Passion of the Heist)
Tony need to pick up a package with a swing and kill everyone who wants to take away the find. Then the package must be delivered to the specified garage.

Mission 53 (Karmageddon)
Using the car service of fire safety, to arrange in the city of pogrom. The mission is completed as soon as the destruction indicator will be filled with a maximum.

Mission 54 (False Idols)
Tony should destroy the jeep, limousine, the helicopter before they get to the appointed place.

Mission 55 (Love on the Rocks)
Donald asks Tony to "pick up" in the docks of the minibus, followed by security. As soon as the transport turns out to be in your hands - carry it to Donald's garage.

Mission 56 (Rough Justice)
In this mission, Salvatore will sit behind bars. To get to him, you need to wear a lawyer's clothes. Salvatore will ask Tony to arrange a "noise" for trout. You will help you a few people Salvatore.

Mission 57 (Dead Reckoing)
In this mission, Tony kills Paulo Sindakko. For this mission, it is better to purchase RPGs, as Sindacco will float on the boat.

Mission 58 (Shogun Showdown)
Tony must discourage the tank from Yakuji, which in the future it will be necessary to blow up. The easiest way to do is to minister military car In the Garage "8-Ball".

Mission 59 (Panlantic Land Grab)
Tony and Donald ride to the airport to select the case from Averi Carrington (in time of Rabeza Averi dies). After the Case is filled, you need to take Donald to the office.

Mission 60 (Stopp The Press)
You need to press one person to give the necessary pictures. After he tells where Tony needs, it needs to be killed, but the goal will run away on a moped.

Mission 61 (Morgue Partie Resurrection)
Tony helps Donald Go from Liberty City. To do this, you first need to carry Donald at the ambulance to the airport, and after to fit the previously sophisticated catatball.

Mission 62 (More Deadly Than The Male)
Toshiko asks Tony to catch a well guarded boat. During the mission there will be many enemies who pursue the player on the boats.

Mission 63 (CASH CLASH)
Tony should destroy 3 collector cars. For this mission, better advantage of RPG.

Mission 64 (A Date With Death)
Tony takes Toshika in Opera. This mission implies dressing up. First, we carry Toshik to the appointed place, at the end of the representation of the guy Forelli rowed limousine. It will be necessary to kill all the mafia and take Toshik to the office.

Tony should eliminate the Causes. At first, in the specified location, we are looking for a goal, pass 7 people. Casuals surprises on a helicopter in his casino. In the casino, the player is opposed to a dozen of enemies and the Causes himself.

Mission 66 (Bringing the House Down)
Tony should blow up the buildings belonging to Forelli. You need to lay bombs in the subway using min from 8-Ball. Throughout the mission you will be disturbed by Bandits Forelli.

Mission 67 (Love on the Run)
Tony protects the newly arrived Donald from killers. Do not kill Donald and take it back to the airport.

Mission 68 (The ShoreSide Redemption)
Tony should protect the Salvator from Yakuz during transportation from one prison to another.

Mission 69 (The Sicilian Gambit)
Final scene Mission. You need to bring Salvatore to Averi (which is already dead). They killed everyone, the mayor knocked everyone and go to the docks behind the boat. During a trip to the boat will be attacked by Yakuza (about 25 boats and 1 helicopter). Upon arrival at the island of Freedom Tony and Salvatore, Massimo Torini, who intends to be killed by the mayor. As soon as Massimo notices Tony and Salvatore - he sits down in the helicopter and flies. At this moment you need to catch it. For the execution of the final part, RPG will be required.

As you could already guess - the passage of Gta Liberty City Storiz takes a lot of hours of your life.