How to play deberes game rules. Rules of the game in Debers. Brief call names

The game uses a block of 32 cards - a standard deck without six. The party in the debers is played between 2, 3 or 4 participants, and in the latter case it is possible to play a couple or only for yourself. The goal of the game is for the party to collect the right points: 301, 501 or 1001. Having pressed the online deberester is determined randomly.

Distribution of cards

If 2 or 3 players participate in the online debress party, then 6 cards are rented, and the upper map of the remaining deck is put on the front side up. When playing in four, players receive 4 cards, and the inverted card goes to passing either by playing - depending on the settings. Then clockwise trading circles.

Trade in the game

During the first round of trading, participants (ranging from the next to the left of the passing) can order the game "on the first visor" - the masters of an inverted card - or save. In the case of a steamer, the choice is provided and passing. If the deberes giving the game will also leave, the game goes to the second round.

At the beginning of the second circle, the player to the left of the passing has the right to choose as a trump card any suit, excluding the inverted card. He can also save again. Every participant of the party makes his choice, including the disberester who comes into online.

Beginning of the game

As soon as trade is over, players get three more cards - in the hands of each it turns out to be 9 (when playing 4 - to 8) cards. Then the bottom card and the decks are placed face up. The owner of the first trump card also remains in sight.

Before the first move, any participant of the game can:

  • Change the trump seven (if she is in hand) on the first inverted trump card.
  • Remember the cards if there are 13 and less points on hand (the option is only available when playing 4 players in the "For yourself" mode).

Application combinations

Combinations in the game Debers online

Name Pocket View (example) Note
20 points Three maps in a row one suit
(half a ruble)
50 points Four maps in a row one suit
20 points Lady and king (trump)
Afterbirth 10 points - It is where the last bribe
100 points Six Cards in a row one suit
Victory Seven connotation cards on the ace

According to the final fiction rules, there is always a terrta older, and a player who has gathered him, can count glasses for him, even if the opponent has 3 ternts (they will not be considered).

As for the combination of Bella, it does not participate in trade. Bella does not affect the adaptation ad and terrta - the player can declare these combinations as well as Bella. At the same time, the party participant makes the move from the lady or the king. In online deberes, the glasses for Bella is counted by the player, even if he did not take a bribe for a lady or king. But to avoid the fine "ski", any bribe is needed, even the "dummy" - 0 points.

Priority combinations

It happens that the opponents in their hands turn out to be the same combinations. The senior is a combination of more advantages. In August online, priority combinations are determined according to the selected settings:

  • "In the course" - in priority, the player's combination, which is closer to the passing side, or at the most passing;
  • "According to suit" - in priority, a combination of trumps; If both combinations turned out to be trumps, then not one of them will not be the winning;
  • "On the following" - in priority, the player's combination that took the last bribe. If the last one did not take, both combinations are not winning.

Game process

In the game online debers, the first move remains who plays. The second movement map must coincide with the first one. If a necessary suit No, be sure to beat the trump card, otherwise - reset any card. The bribe gets the participant who put the most eldest card on the table or the most eldest trump card. This participant makes the following course. The online debockets game lasts throughout the 9th (8 times when playing 4) bribes. For the last bribe ("last") award is issued - 10 points.

Counting glasses

First consider combinations, penis, trumps and nine. Then the cost of all cards is calculated (excluding the trumps and nine, which are already counted). If playing in the debools turned out to be more points than the opponents, the number of points recorded by them. If less than someone from the participants, playing glasses takes the player with the maximum number of points.

If at the end of the surcharge, the playing and opponent turned out to be the same number of points, the "hanging byte" situation arises, and the opponent records himself only his glasses, and the glasses of the playing remain not counted until the next surrender. They go to the one who will win in the next dress of the online online. If the situation repeats, the glasses, "hanging" from the first pass, are given to the player, the second is frozen to the new delivery.

Definition of the winner

The participant is defeated, which is gaining the right amount of points. If this happens from two players, the victory in the debool gets an opponent with a lot of. With an equal number of points, another surrender is played.

Cost card

In the deb earrice, the cost of the carts of trump and non-referred masters differs.


In online deb earrice, fines are used, which lead to removal of glasses.

Game Debers It is a card game based on bribes. The game can participate from 2 to 4 people. It is accepted that the game is designed for 2 players, but due to the fact that the game began to play at a non-commercial level - there were options for playing 3 and 4 players.

Rules Games in Debers

The game uses a block of 32 cards (from 7 to the ace). The goal of the game is to recruit the fastest of the opponent 501 (small party) or 1001 points (Big Party) for a certain number of games in the party. Each card has its cost.

Maps of unintelligible suit:

  • Valet - 2 Pts.
  • Lady - 3 Pts.
  • King - 4 Pts.
  • 10 - 10 Pts.
  • Ace - 11 Pts.
  • 7,8,9 - 0 Pts.
  • Visor's cards:

  • Lady - 3 Pts.
  • King - 4 Pts.
  • 10 - 10 Pts.
  • Ace - 11 Pts.
  • 9 - 14 Pts.
  • Valet - 20 Pts.
  • 7,8 - 0 Pts.
  • An important role in the game is the presence of combinations in hand:

  • Tierce
  • Debers (Berts)
  • Balla
  • Some rules use other combinations:

  • Tierce(Three cards of one suit in a row) - 20 Pts.
  • Half a ruble (Five cards of one suit in a row) - 50 Pts.
  • Debers(7 trump cards of one suit in a row) - if there is on hand, the player will automatically won a party.
  • Balla(trump lady and king) - 20 Pts.
  • Terr, Debers, Filnicate can only be announced throughout the first two bribes. If the enemy has a combination of older, then your combinations are annulled. Older Combination of the one, which has a tower above, plus any combination with trump cards is higher than anything is not trump. That combination is counted in a common account - you need to take at least one bribe. Combinations are announced by senior map. For example: "I have a trump TERS, a tower - roller", that is, on the hands of nine, ten, currency and all the trumps. The procedure for declaring combinations is quite sustained. At first, the player says that he has a combination in his hands (for example, TERTS), another player either says that he would have highlighted his combination (if it does not have any one) or asks the tower to compose with his. But if he has the above combination than the terrte - then simply shows his. With the equality of the combinations of older, the owner of which first highlighted.

    Players are distributed 6 three cards at the beginning of the game. The rest of the deck is put in the middle of the table, and under it the top card from the deck (down shirt). This is a trump card. Next, the player is sitting first to the left of the distribution, says whether he plays a visor. If not playing, then the next one is asked. And so two circles to the last player (who handed out the cards). The latter is obliged to play if he is played with obligation. If without obligation, the cards throw a deck, they are touching and still. In the second round, the player can play any suit besides the trump card. After determining, the game continues to distribute three more cards each. The trump card becomes the suit in which they play. A person who has a trump seven in his arms can change it on the trump card that is under the deck. Playing starts drawing bribes, putting one of the cards on the table. The rest are put either in the suit of either a trump card (if not in the suit), or another card (if there is no trump card or in the suit). He takes the one who has a map above points, only any trump card is higher than any unique, and if not in the suit and both are not trumps, then he takes the one who came first. After graduating from the draw, points are calculated, including 10 eyes for the last bribe, so called the last.

    Points of parties are summed up, and the player wins the first to gain the maximum number of soles. If the player did not take a single point - he has an electron. KHO in the game and minus one hundred eyes from the general account. If the player who played in the suit lost - he has a byte. Three bytes and minus 100 eyes. Any fraud or malfunctions are punished with certain fines. The presence of an excess card on the hands, their shortage, false ads and the course of an inappropriate card - punishable by byte.

    Debers for money

    Often, the debers are played for interest. But at the commercial level debers for money. There are two options for money. One of them is based on a common bet on the game. The one who wins the game for the results of the playd games - he won. Another option is based on the difference in glasses after each batch. In this case, each point is estimated before the game. And the difference in the won glasses and the loser is paid by losers in the form of money. Also negotiate certain conditions. For example, if the difference in glasses is more than half of the maximum of the game - then the sum doubles, etc.

    In this section of our site you can play for free online online right now, and without registration - for this, click "Log in Guest." Play through the Internet with your friend, familiar man, colleagues at work or with unknown, but real and live players from all over the planet! Also you can absolutely free to download debers on your computer - all the necessary links just below the text.

    At the moment, two versions are available to the game in the card game "Debers" with live players in the system - "For friends" and "Public Game". To play with your friends or familiar people, you will need to create a private table and install the password that will need to inform the opponent. In the case of a public game, you will play with an unfamiliar opponent with which you can talk in the chat during the game.

    Among other things, you will have the opportunity to chat with other players, make new interesting dating, get prizes, gifts and all kinds of bonuses!

    We wish you have a good game! Put likes, share a link in social networks and invite your friends, then playing even more interesting!

    Information about free game DeBERTS online

    32 cards are used to play in Debers, there are no six six. Play can from two to four players. Moreover, when four people play, the rules provide for two options - a couple of couple or the game only for themselves. The game is made by one distribution and continues to 301, 501 and 1001 points. The winner is the player who is the first to type the required number of points. The rules of the game are simple, after their brief study can play anyone who wants ..

    Card game "Debers" provides for the determination of the first time by the choice of lot. All participants, according to the queue take on one map from the top of the deck. The player who got the Ace is passing. He must shuffle a deck and give it to remove the player sitting on him on the right side.

    During the distribution via the Internet, each player receives six cards - twice three. The top map of the deck falls onto the roof of the face up is a trump card. The player who left from the passing must declare whether he played by this trump card. In case of refusal of the first, the following in a circle says his word and so to passing. When playing with live players who said "PAS", a player who left from passing, declares a new trump card or refuses to continue the game. In the event of his failure, the right to appoint a trump card goes further in a circle. With the situation that has developed with people, when the players refused to continue the game with this trump card, the cards are collected and distributed again.

    After the trump card is approved, the next distribution of three cards is performed. If you have a trump seven from one of the players, he is entitled to exchange it on the card, lying open in the center of the table. When drawing a bribe, the first player must put one card on the table, the rest are put or in the suit, or a trump card, or any other, if there is no first two. The player whose card has the highest value, takes the rest.

    At the end of the game, the points are calculated, in which the winner is a player who has taken the stated glasses. On our website, anyone can play without registration, for this you can log in through one of the popular social networks.

    Debers - Card game that appeared in Russia in the 70s of the XX century. Quite quickly gained widespread and highly popular with experienced players.

    Debers "in the Moscow Rules"

    Debers "according to Kharkov Regulations."

    The difference in the rules is one - of two combinations with an equal length, starting with equal ones, the trump card is not given any advantage: the eldest is considered the one that was announced earlier (belongs to the player whose stroke). Those. If there is terr from the trumping ace, according to the Kharkov rules, you can ask about the growth of the terrte-declared partner, and according to the Moscow rules it is impossible to do this, because the terrte is from a visor terrta older than any of the possible ternts.

    Select the number of players:

    3 players
    When playing 3 players, ordering the game, you need to score more points than both of the mixes in the amount. If less, bail is considered, the leafings write down the glasses in half.
    If Baid is not, your glasses are written to each curl.
    The ads of the mixtures are addressed if they have a senior. Playing, to record your ad, you need to kill declarations of stoves.
    When writing results, if it turns out that the agreed number of points scored two or three players, the player who took the last bribe is considered.

    Game traffic:

    The debers use a block of 32 cards. 4 MASTA 8 cards each - from the ace before the seven.

    The party in Debers is played to 501 (301) points and consists of several surrenders, each pass can be divided into 4 stages:

    1. Distribution of cards, destination of the trump card, pressing cards
    2. Announcement of combinations
    3. Raffle
    4. Counting results

    Distribution of cards

    The rating distributes 3 cards at a time, just six each (the last one). The top card in the remaining part of the deck remains and determines the one of the "first trump card".

    Cost and seniority of cards
    AUT - 11.
    King - 4.
    Lady - 3.
    Valts - 2 / Covenant (Valley) - 20
    Dozen - 10.
    9 - 0/9 (trump) - 14
    8 - 0
    7 - 0

    Purpose of Trumpy

    Playing in turn (rating - last) order the game on the first visor with the word "play" or say "pass". After the first statement, "I play" the game is considered ordered, and the player who said is considered to be playing. Playing need to score more points than his opponent called the beast.
    If no one ordered the game on the first trump card, players can declare a vision in the same sequence to another suit. If both again said "PAS" - relief. The passing goes to the next player.

    Arriving card

    When one of the players ordered the game (according to the first visor or in another suit), the compensation of one circle of 3 cards. It turns out each player for 9 cards on hand. The lower card opens and put on top of the remaining deck - "on the cutter"

    For what glasses are accrued

    Points are accrued for the amount of bribe points and declared card combinations. For the last bribe, the player receives 10 points.

    Seniority and advantage of combinations

    Combinations of cards on hand:

    Cards on hand cost name
    4 cards of one suit in a row 50 "Berts"
    3 cards of one suit in a row 20 "Terz"
    Mariage Koisny 20 "Bella"

    Of the two combinations, older is considered, that is longer.
    If the sequence in the combination has more four cards, only four are taken into account.
    From the combinations of the same length of the elder, the one is considered that begins with the older card.
    From combinations equal lengthStarting with equal to the dignity of cards, the trump card is considered.
    Of the same in length and seniority of maps of combinations in unique masters, the senior is considered to be the one that was announced earlier.
    The concept of seniority is not applied to the combination of Bella. Bella does not interrupt any combination, as well as Bella does not interrupt any ads.

    Advertisement combinations

    Any combination, except Bell, can be declared a player to the first turn.
    The announcement is made simply, the name of the combination is announced: "Berts" or "Terz".
    If one player has more than one combination, then one combination is first announced - eldest.
    If the partner has not interrupted the announcement of an older combination, a player who declared a combination may additionally declare all the combinations that have it.
    Combinations cannot contain any general card. This means that it is impossible to declare Berz from the ace and terr from the Vnet, because the currencies are considered common map For two combinations, and berts from the ace and terrte from dozens can be declared.
    Cards constituting "Bella" can enter any other combination.
    The combination of "Bella" is declared before any move, while the player has at least one of these 2 cards.

    Rules Rules

    The first comes the opponent of the passing, every next move makes a player who took the previous bribe.
    You can walk only by one card.
    On the suit, the player is obliged to put a suit. If there is no appropriate suit, it is obliged to lay a trump card. If there is neither the appropriate suit, nor a trump card, - any card.
    Trump interrupt necessarily.
    The unique suit is optional to interrupt.
    The card that interrupted by other cards, or not interrupted by other maps, takes a bribe. A player posted this card takes a bribe.
    In the game ordered by the first visor, a player having a trump seven can replace it before the first move on open mapwho determined the one of the first trump card.

    A special case: If the player has a combination of terr from nine trumps in the game ordered by the first visor, the player has a choice: to declare terr or change the seven on the outdoor trump card. In this case, the player can ask: "Does my terz run?". The opponent is obliged to answer whether Terz is going on from the visor nine. After the response, the player has the right, or change the outdoor trump card and smash the terr, or save and declare terr.

    Summing up

    After the end of the draw count points, which scored each of the players: glasses of declared combinations, the sum of all cards in bribes and 10 points for the last bribe.
    In the case when the playing scored points less than the opponent, then all glasses records the wasting. This is called "Bid".
    If the player with the opponent gets the same number of points, the opponent records his glasses, and the playing does not write anything. These glasses will record themselves who will drop more points in the next hand. This is called "hanging baid". After hanging, Bid is distributed.
    If the player announced a combination, but did not take a node bribe, the glasses for announcements are considered independent of the bribes.
    The result of each of the surrenders is summed up to the points gained in the party.
    Talking the one who scored more points.

    End of the party

    The party ends when one of the players scored an agreed amount of points (or more).

    The new party is the first to give the one who won the previous one.

    The game that appeared in Russia only in the 70s of the 20th century and immediately winning popularity in the medium professional players. This game has several options: Moscow Debers, Kharkov Debers, Debers for Two and three players and so on.

    Debers for Moscow Regulations:

    Play two dealers in 32 cards.

    Delivery and paying cards:

    The serve in the first surrender is determined by the lot. Each player relies on six cards. Distribute them three at a time, and to themselves - the latter. The remaining deck is put on the table - this is a coupon. The top card opens - it determines the one of the first trump card.

    The seniority and dignity of the cards in the visor and unique masters differ. In unique suit, the eldest card - Ace (11 points), there is a dozen (10 points), hereinafter - the king, lady and currencies (respectively 4.3 and 2 points), nine, eight and seven do not stand anything. In the visor suit, the eldest card is a currency (20 points), behind him 1 will nine (14 points), hereinafter - ace (11 points) and a dozen (10 points). The king and lady of trumps are standing, respectively, 4 and 3 points, eight and seven do not stand anything.

    Players in turn can on the first visor to order the game. The serve orders the last. You can declare: "Pass!" Or "I play!" As soon as one of the players declares: "I play!", The game is considered ordered. The playing should score points more than his opponent (it is called the beast).

    If, after the announcement of the first trump card, both players were saved, players can declare a different suit in the same order. If both players reside again, then the cards should be rented. The right of delivery goes to the second player. When the game is ordered, the serve feeds another 3 cards at a time. Each player has 9 cards on hand. The bottom card is opened this time. It is put on top of the remaining deck "on the mill".

    Combinations: seniority and dignity:

    Points are accrued on declared combinations of cards and the amount of glasses of all cards in bribes. For the last bribe, 10 points are accrued. The player has the right to declare that he has combinations in front of his first move. The older combination will be on the hands of the Hands, glasses will be charged.

    Combinations may be the following:

    a) "Fifty" - four cards of one suit in a row (50 points); b) "Terz" - three cards of one suit in a row (20 points);
    c) "Bella" - Mariazh Kisnya.

    Of the two combinations of the elder, the one is considered longer. Above the "fifty" ads are not: if you have a combination of five and more cards in your hands, it is also considered four. Of the two combinations of equal length, the advantage has the one that begins with an older card. Of the two combinations of equal length, beginning with the cards of the same dignity, the older trumps. If unique combinations are completely equal, then the one is appreciated, which is declared before: whose stroke, the one and the combination of older.

    The combination of "Bella" occupies a special position: no other combination can be killed. However, Bella itself does not interrupt any ads. For her, glasses are simply accrued. If you have several combinations in your hands, only one combination is declared - the eldest. If on the announcement of your older combination partner is not. Interrupted your ad, you can declare all the other your combinations (those younger than the first announced).

    In the declared combinations there should be no shared card. It is impossible to declare fifty from the ace and terr from the currency (trump), since the currency is a common card for two combinations. Exception of this rule: "Bella". Maps that make up it can enter into another combination. Announcement "Bella" can be made before any move, even if you have only one card from this combination in your hands.

    Some details:

    Suppose both players have in the hands of the attention of the combination. The first announces: "Terz" and puts the card. The second announces: "Fifty" and also makes a move. It is clear that only the older combination "Fifty" is counted. Now let's say that the first player announced "Terz". The second player in the hands also terz. He puts the card on the table and asks:

    "Height?" This means that it should be found out which of two similar combinations older. The first player calls a senior map of his ternts. For example: "From the king." The second, if its combination is older, announces: "From the king of the trump". After that ad, he makes a complete announcement: "Terz from the king of the trumps gave birth to terr from the Bubnovoy Vnet."

    Ask: "Height?" - I don't care what to look into the enemy cards. This is known, the rules are not allowed. Therefore, if the opponent declared terrtes, and you can not be asked to ask. If you even rebuild or automatically, ask in such a situation: "Growth?", Your combination will not be counted, and the partner will record its own.

    If you do not have a combination of the same order that announced by the partner, it is impossible to ask again. Violation of this rule is punishable by a bypass on the maps: the violator gives all his maps to the partner, and he records points to itself. If your partner is the first to announce the combination of your older, you should not call the growth of your ternts. Suffice to say: "Writes" or "comes", or "passes."

    Each partner may require show all the announced combinations. In the case when the first player announces a combination, and you have no combination, you just ask to show the announced combination. The first player can answer this requirement first put the card. On the jargon of the players it sounds like this: "Skin-kill".


    The first comes the opponent of the serve. Then the one who took the last bribe usually goes. It is always one card. You need to answer the card in the suit. No suit - putting the trump card. There is no trump card and no suit - you can put any card. The trump card to interrupt necessarily. But the unique card to interrupt it is not necessary. The map that beat other cards takes a bribe. If the game is ordered on the first visor, and you have a trump seven in your hands, you have the right to replace it with a card that determines the first trump card while surrender.

    Note. If you have terr from the trump-nine on your hands (the card in the visor is the second one's seniority), you will have to (if the game is ordered on the first visor) to solve the question, whether to keep the terr or replace the seven to a larger trump card. In this case, you have the right to ask: "Is my trump card?" The partner is obliged to inform you if your terr passes. After the answer, you can more competently decide whether to change the seven or declare terr. Note: In the deb earrice, the trump nine is so respected that it has the name of Manal (or Menale).

    Point counting:

    The game is being done up to 501 points. Points are calculated after the end of the draw. The amount consists of glasses of declared combinations, the cost of cards in bribes and 10 points for the last bribe. The account starts with ads. Then add the cost of cards to the common account, throwing over one card. A trump currency, already calculated for 20 points, is not considered for the second time and two points do not add for it. When it meets in those considered maps, they say: "I miss."

    If you scored less partner's glasses, then he records himself and all your glasses. This situation is called "Baid". A variety of Baida: "hanging baid". This provision is formed if the playing scored the number of points equal to the partner. Then the playing glasses does not write down, and the opponent writes. Points of playing as if they hang in the air. They will survive himself who scored more points in the next hand. After the hanging bye, the card drops the wasting.

    If the hanging bajde will repeat twice in a row, partners are reported on solutions. Option A: Play the next time the amount of glasses of both bypass. Option b: Play in the next delivery amount of the first Bida glasses, and the glasses of the second play the surrender following it. If the player made ads, but did not take a single bribe, his ads are not less considered. The result of each pass is added to the total amount of points scored in the party. She scored more points becomes a serve.

    End of the Party:

    When one of the players announces, which scored the set (or more) number of points, the party is considered complete. The player announces this or after any brit bribe (except the last), until the next move is made, or during the recording of the results (before you removed the card before the next surcharge).

    In the case of a set of an agreed amount of points with both players who won the one who took the last bribe. If the conditioned glasses are scored in the latter in a bribe, and at the same time it turned out by Bid, who scored glasses, the player does not have the right to declare the batch ended, since all his glasses will be recorded by a partner.

    Errors and penalties:

    In order to avoid errors in the record, there is a "pencil rule" - the player makes the record, without removing read cards into a deck, and puts a pencil. With an error (prescription of extra glasses), the partner points to it and records its difference. I attributing extra glasses is obliged to write them off. In the deb earrce, there is a motto: "hundreds are corrected." This means that in case of error in hundreds of glasses, an error is simply correcting without any punishment.

    The penalty for renons, for the false announcement and for the excess card on the hands is bye on the maps. It is also punished by replacing the seven of the open first trump card during the game on the second visor (this is only possible in the game on the first visor) and changing the seven card on the cutter. The false announcement of the end of the party is punished by a loss party.

    Kharkov Debers:

    This option has only one difference from Moscow: from two equal combinations, the advantage is not given a trump card, but declared earlier. Terr from the Ace of Trump is not the most senior terret from all possible.

    DeBers up to 301 points:

    The party is played not up to 501 points, and up to 301. You can play both Moscow and Kharkiv options.

    Short Debers:

    The party is played out into one surrender. Wins the one who scores more points. The preliminary contract determines which rules will be played by: Moscow or Kharkov. Short Debers has several options. Short debockets in one surrender without Bida together. Wins the one who scored the greatest points. Who ordered the trump card, does not matter.

    Short debockets in one handout without a Baid threesome. The same, but at three players. Short debockets in one surrender with Baide together. A player who ordered a trump card, in the case of a smaller set of points than his opponent, loses the double bet - "Baid is doubly". Short debools in one surrender with a bid threesome. The one who ordered a trump card, in the event of a win, gets from each of the villages one kosh. In the event of a loss - pays each one kush.

    Short debools in one hand over with the last two. The term "giving" means the offer to surrender. The player who said "Dava", this offers the partner to surrender for one Kush - or play two. The same player has no right to make a sentence twice in a row. If the partner accepts an offer to increase the bid, the right to make the following "Dava" belongs exclusively to him. However, if he suggests even increase the bet, then the right of the next "Dava"? Again turns to the enemy. An increase in the rate can occur in arithmetic (1, 2, 3, 4 ...) or in geometric (1, 2, 4, 8 ...) progression by prior arrangement.

    Deberes with a proposal (withxtanniki):

    At any time after appointing a partner of a trump card, but before overgrown three last cardsThe player can offer the enemy to record 50 points without a game. If the gap in the record reaches 250 points, the party is considered complete. The winnings belongs to the lead in the account.

    Deedts threesome:

    The one who ordered the game must score points more than sticking in sum. Otherwise, a beyde is considered to be written in half. If there is no Baid, each wasting writes its glasses. The ads of the mixes are addressed if the older is running. Playing you need to kill the ads of both beasts, only in this case it can record your ad.

    When hanging, BidE glasses are played out the same way as in De Burce together. With a re-Baid, the following goggles are divided into the following surrender points. When one of the players get an agreed amount of points, the game is considered complete. If, by the time of the results of the results, the agreed number of points scored two or even three partners, the winnings recorded with the last bribe.