Interesting dating games for kids. Methodical development of "games for acquaintance with preschoolers". Psychological exercises for personal training

Target. Teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships, choose rhyming words.

Course of the lesson

The teacher draws the attention of children to the sheets of paper and "pucks" (counters) lying in front of each of them.

“Have you forgotten the game of hockey? - the teacher is interested. And he clarifies: - Impact and where could the puck end up?

He listens to the answers of children, prompts the direction of flight of the puck, for example: "The puck is flying over the gate, to the left of them."

The teacher calls the child, who wants to report from the hockey field (the child answers from the place). Then another child comments on the hockey players' training. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher, standing behind the backs of the children, observes who moves the puck on a piece of paper in order to later work out with some of the children individually.

“Today I will not treat you to coffee, as we will play the game 'Tell me a word' ('Pick a rhyme'), - says the educator. - The very famous poetess Elena Blaginina wrote sly poems. Listen to them carefully. "

The teacher reads a poem by E. Blaginina "There is still a game ...":

It's snowing in the yard
Holiday is coming soon ...
- New Year.

The needles glow softly
The coniferous spirit comes from ...
- Christmas trees!

The branches rustle weakly
The beads are bright ...
- They shine.

("Or maybe they sparkle? They hiss?")

And toys swing -
Flags, stars ...
- Crackers!

("Not cuckoos? Not frogs? And, of course, not ears?")

Threads of variegated tinsel
Bells ...
- Balls!

("Balls or Gifts?")

Fragile fish figures,
Birds, skiers ...
- Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and red nose,
Under the branches Grandfather ...
- Freezing!


Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic: "I dreamed ..." Didactic game "Pick a rhyme"

Target. Teach children to participate in a group conversation, helping them to build meaningful statements.

Course of the lesson

“Today we will again learn to speak correctly,” the teacher begins. - Let's talk with you about new year holiday... All people, adults and children, were waiting for the New Year: gifts, guests, travel, beautiful Christmas trees. Tell us what you dreamed about before the New Year and how you spent your New Year holidays. "

The teacher listens to the child's story, makes the necessary corrections, asks clarifying questions. Then he assesses the answer, noting its consistency, expressiveness (unusual comparisons, emotionality).

Calls 2-3 more guys.

He tries to listen to the stories of those children who spent the New Year holidays in different ways.

It is also advisable to listen to a child experiencing all sorts of difficulties in mastering their native language. But this child must be prepared in advance and, together with the children, rejoice at his success.

In order to add variety to the conversation, to please children, you can conduct a didactic game "Pick a rhyme" using the following works:

The puppy looked through the window:
- What does ... (cat) enjoy?

- Everyones go here, look!
- Looks evil at the cat ... (mouse).

- Maybe it's enough, mouse, to be angry?
- Chirped ... (tit).

Said nothing
Sleeping under the bed ... (dog).

E. Lavrentieva "Pick a rhyme"

* * *
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and ... (face).

My dear children!
I beg you very, very much:
Wash cleaner, wash more often -
I'm dirty ... (I can't stand it).

Yu Tuvim. "A letter to all children on one very important matter", trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkov

On the merry
On green
Horizon Islands,
According to scientists,
Everybody walks ... (on their heads).
Over the mountains
On a scooter
Ride there
Gobies ... (in tomato)!
And one learned cat
Even drives ... (helicopter).

J. Bezheva. "On the Horizon Islands", trans. from Polish B. Zakhoder

Lesson 2. Reading S. Georgiev's story "I saved Santa Claus"

Target. To acquaint children with a new work of art, to help them understand why this is a story, and not a fairy tale.

Preliminary work. Having replenished the corner of the book with new collections of works, the teacher invites children to find fairy tales, stories, poems. Children can be divided into three groups. The first group will select fairy tales, the second - stories, the third - poetry. Groups of children will work in turn, and each subsequent group can look at the books of the previous (previous) group (s) to determine if they have got the works that they want to select.

Course of the lesson

The teacher evaluates the work of children (their diligence and conscientiousness). Then he looks over the first pile of books. It is more expedient to start with collections of poetry. Children often refer to the tales of A. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky as verses. The teacher finds out whether this is legitimate, and to which group of works this or that book still belongs.

“This is a fairy tale in verse,” the teacher explains.

The next group of children proves that the books they have chosen are fairy tales (stories).

Assessing the knowledge and intelligence of children, the teacher reads to them the story of S. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus" (see Appendix). Then he asks if they liked the new work, and that it is a fairy tale or a story.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 3"


Didactic games


Prepared by:

L.V. Kezik

Game "Rhymes"

We played rhymes - we picked up the words.

Let's play with you now.

Show the picture and tell the word-

What we will take with us.

I will say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potatoes),

I keep my shirt, you see ... (insect),

I took the basket, you bought ... (painting).

I see a ram grazing on the field

And a little boy carries - ... (drum),

An ant is crawling along the path with a reed,

And after him flies ... (sparrow).

Concerts on "Bis" are given to us by a violinist,

Children are amused in the circus ... (Circus performer),

In the spring rooks arrive from the south,

All children are treated by our ... (doctors).

The game "Kind elephant"

There lived a kind elephant

He wrote stories.

I wrote good books,

And he handed them out to his friends.

He loved to play rhymes

So as not to be bored with friends.

Here is a picture, here ... (basket, car, etc.),

Here is a chamomile, here ... (insect, piece of paper),

Here is my house, here is yours ... (volume, catfish),

Here is the cannon, here it is ... (front sight, drying, mug),

Here's a donut, but ... (book, mouse, cover),

Here is a neighbor, and here ... (lunch, clarinet, vinaigrette).

So that we do not get bored either,

We will select rhymes.

(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)

Game "Gifts"

Monkey's Birthday,

Everyone brings congratulations:

The cockerel brought her a cannon,

And the horse - ... (clapperboard, rattle, pinwheel etc.).

White bear - chocolate

And Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade etc.)

Game "We play - we select rhymes"

Monkey and cuckoo, cock and cat

We decided to play rhymes with the kids a little:

The monkey suggested: teddy bear, ... (then the children choose pictures).

The cuckoo echoed: the coil, ...

The cat also purred: palm, ...

The cock crowed: a sack,….

Assignment: Pick up rhymes. Children are offered pictures: teddy bear,

bump, crumpet, boy, coil, rattle, pillow,

feeder, palm, potatoes, accordion, midge, bag, pot,

strap, vershok. They choose a picture and substitute

word to poem.


    A mouse rustled in the pantry,

Under the pine tree lay - ... (cone).

    Garik lives in our house,

He has blue ... (ball) .

    Our capricious Masha,

In her plate…(porridge).

    There is an old house in the village,

We got caught on the net- ... (som).

    The library took a volume

In winter, the guys sculpt- ... (com).

    Mice are very fond of cheese,

Good cheese has a lot-… (holes).

    The wind was blowing very hard

Was standing everywhere scary... (hum).

    A ram lives with a farmer,

Running in the desert - ...(monitor lizard).

    Mom washed the floor clean

Dad was waiting: when…(Goal).

    A bundle fell on the deck

Because there was-…(pitching).

    A daughter is writing a letter to her mother,

At the end of the story stands-…(point).

    The tailor chose red silk

Means, knows in fashion... (sense).

    They played in KVN for a day,

The audience liked everyone-… (jokes).

    There was a nut on the shore

She dragged the fish away - ... (seagull).

    The porridge is smoking in a bowl,

With tea worth-…(Cup).

    It was very bad in a fairy tale,

Until appeared-…(miracle).

    A boy is crying very loudly

He hurt with glass... (finger).

    An onion has grown in the garden

May crawled in the garden ...(bug).

    There was not enough honey for the bear,

The bee showed…(the sting).

    In the raspberry tree a bear grumbled,

Next to him is a stream... (gurgled).

    Arkady slept lightly at night,

Afraid of the dark… (Creepy).

    The athlete put on his jacket,

In his hands he holds ... (racket).

    The kids are waiting for the holidays

Summer red... (goes).

    The oldest in the group is Venya,

He has a boyfriend-…(Zhenya).

    Bunch of green parsley

The gluttonous ate... (bug).

    Baba screamed loudly

Frightened her - ...(toad ).

    In fairy tales they love a feast,

Everyone in the world needs…(peace).

    They make concrete at the construction site

The metro will require-… (token).

    I bought a fashionable Klim vest,

Acquired to the theater…(ticket).

    There lived a boy Zhora,

He has a little sister…(Laura).

    Tanya-baby is the most boastful,

On her hat - ...(brooch).

    The old leopard dreamed of the stars.

He wanted to fly away to…(Mars).

    Lost Seryozha fant,

Girls tied…(bow).

    A can fell from the table

Now Sveta is in pain... (rank).

    Vasya was on duty in the classroom,

The floors are clean with a rag... (washed).

    There was an old dog in the world

He served well... (carried).

    Gave Rem a pipe

And the sentry... (booth).

    Ilya has beautiful hair,

And pleasant, sonorous…(voice).

    The leader issued a victory cry,

Do not hinder him…(rain).

    You can't take someone else's

And of course you can't… (Lie).

    To give your hair a gloss

We need ... (wax).

    Yaga did not fit the crown,

Took her away…(Crow).

    The picture was painted by the creator,

Depicted on it…(Castle).

    The nightingale is inaudible trill,

Drowns it out ...(drill).

    I had a wonderful dream

What did I go to…(Don).

    The dark night has come

Falls asleep mine…(daughter).

    Beautiful cat paws

Fluffy Shoe…(slippers).

    Vitya did not take a satchel to school,

I've been practicing there all day…(dance).

    A ship came to a distant port,

Carries a sailor to a friend…(cake).

    The soldier does not need a sled

He will study... (tanks).

    The case happened once

Flipped the copper... (pelvis).

    Grandfather loves tobacco,

And the granddaughter-… (zucchini).

    Exotic mango fruit.

Unfamiliar dance ... (tango).

    There are bushes in the yard

They are very much… (Thick).

    There is a slide near the house -

Icy on her…(crust).

    Someone dug a large grotto

It turned out to be…(mole).

    A gander lives in the poultry house,

Running in the forest ... (hare).

    Glasha danced the polka

She sang a song loudly ... (Key ).

    Grandfather went to chop wood,

And granny is a bow… (Weed).

    I cut the boxer with a blow to the eyebrow,

And immediately ran…(blood).

    Brought a ship of athletes to the port,

They went to…(court)

    There is a crumb on the table

Fed the birds... (Proshka).

    The roses ran away from the flower bed,

Very prickly... (roses).

    In the morning dew fell

Come out to the meadow ... (scythe).

    There were horses at the races,

Rolled in the children's park…(pony).

    The cat licked all the sour cream,

He wiped it with his paw…(mouth).

    There was a donut on the table-

Smell caught... (mouse).

    A ball has been gathered in the kingdom of fairy tales -

There were both old and... (small).

    The big boss needs a folder

And, of course, in winter, be sure…(a cap).

    If kids are walking in the park,

No need to break by the bushes... (branches).

    Pussy warms her face in the sun.

"Whiskas" is filled with delicious…(a bowl).

    Natasha baked a cupcake,

Ours loves them very much... (Rex).

    The clown took off his funny cap

Planted by grandfather in a fairy tale... (turnip).

    There is a school desk in the back row,

A pen, a textbook and…(map).

    We'll put on a mask for the carnival

A soldier will wear... (helmet).

    The mouse saw a crust-

Dragged her into... (mink).

    Arthur began to cut the log,

I hurt myself ... (knee).

    A drop fell from the sky

Not afraid of her…(heron).

    Faith's cut failed,

Now stands in the magazine…(troika).

    Mila made a salad

I washed my ... (robe).

    The cold is very terrible for a hare,

But even worse…(hunger).

    Gleb bought sour cream,

Bought by Vasily…(bread).

    Slowing down the course of time,

The old one is leaving us…(year).

    Hops bloom magnificently in the spring,

Sits on it…(bumblebee).

    That the guys start fights

Do not believe it! It's simple- ... (lies).

    A puppy was running in the meadow,

Weaved Lena for him…(wreath).

    There lived a giant

And he had…(pelican).

    For a soldier, this is strictly the norm:

Always ironed…(the form).

    Arseny took a remote control in his hands,

He wanted to see... (cartoon).

    The border guards have a checkpoint

Under their protection…(bridge).

    Daddy calls Ira:

" My daughter -…(honey) ".

    Fedya loves fat very much,

Everything to him, poor man,…(few).

    Love the pussy series

Buy at Trek"… (Discs).

    Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,

Then paints brightly…(lips).

    A cloud floated across the sky

Splashing in the river ... (pike).

    The baker bakes bread for us,

Dispenses medicine-… (doctor).

    There is sand on the river bank

And around is... (woods).

    The boat did not reach its goal

He ran into... (stranded).

    Petya washed his hands with soap,

All germs quickly... (washed away).

    There was a cat sitting on the window

And meowed... (a little).

    The kids were running and jumping

And in the evening everything… (Tired).

    Look here - a steam locomotive,

He's trailers... (took you).

    On a big green branch

Sitting belochkin... (kids).

"Word is rhyme"

Ask your child to help you write short rhymes. Say the words of the couplet, shutting down on the last word. The last word-rhyme is selected together with the baby (he needs to offer a choice of 2 words).

Where are you in a hurry, Marina? Into the forest, where ripe ...

The rhyme offers a choice of the names of the berries: "raspberry" and "blueberry". If the child finds it difficult to make a choice, then the adult pronounces a couplet first with a non-rhyming word, and then with a rhyming word, inviting the child to choose the one that sounds better. When the word rhyme is selected, the child repeats the rhyme on his own: “Where are you in a hurry, Marina? Into the forest, where there are ripe raspberries. "

Examples of couplets:

    We bought a cat , For the holiday (Bow, boots)

    I sewed a shirt for the bear. I will sew him (Jacket, pants)

    We will wash now I need soap, I need (Powder, basin)

    At my sister Long ... (Pigtails, ponytails)

    On a marsh hummock have grown ... (Berries, mushrooms)

    We visited the forest We saw there ... (Bear, fox)

    Sat by the window , Gray ... (Kitty, doggy)

    I have a heavy load I'm bringing home ... (Apples, watermelon)

    Bayu, bainki, don't cry, I will buy you ... (Pie, roll)

    Presented to the bear , Birthday (Typewriter, books)

    Tears are pouring from Oksanka, hers are broken (Skis, sleds)

    The dog brought the goat a bouquet - Nourishing will be her ... (Dinner lunch)

    A fly bit the kitty And the kitty hurts ... (Paw, ear)

"Pick a rhyme without pictures"

Kitty - (hippo - tummy)

house - (scrap, lump, catfish, tom)

cabbage - (empty, mongoose)

toy - (Parsley, cracker, cannon, reel)

hare - (barrel, fox)

weasel - (helmet, mask, eyes)

Educator: Now let's try to compose a poem:

Joint composition of a poem (the teacher pronounces the quatrain, the children select an ending for it).

This is how we wrote poetry,

Rhymes were selected in chorus.

There is a gray cat on the window

Washes with his tongue ...(tummy).

The house is visible from their window,

Paint the walls in the house… (volume).

The cat has a toy

Wooden ...(coil).

The cat loves my affection,

He closes his eyes ...(eyes).

We composed it all-

This is how we are ...(poets).

Educator: Guys, where else can you find rhyme, besides poems?

Answers and assumptions of children: (in riddles, counting rhymes, ...)

Educator: Yes you are right:

in riddles:

I walk in a fluffy fur coat

I live in a dense forest.

In the woods on an old oak tree

I gnaw nuts.

in counting rooms:

Tady - glad - tynka-

Where is our pig?

Tady - glad - talk

They ate the pig ... (wolves).

Tady - glad - tynkoy

You would be their club.

Tady - glad - tutki

The wolf is bad ... (jokes).

Tady - glad - tyshka,

Come out, coward!

in teasers:


Bass drum!

Who will make friends with you -

That red cockroach.

A set of game tasks and exercises from the series

"Pick a rhyme"

    The child is asked to repeat similar words, first 2, and then 3 in the named order:

Poppy - tank - so hank - roller - flow

Tok - knock - so loaf - bud - concrete

Bull - buck - side booth - pipe - duck

Ladies - house - smoke thread - cotton wool - branch

Lump - house - gnome cage - whip - film

    Of the four words clearly pronounced by an adult, the child should name the one that is different from the rest:

Ditch - ditch - cocoa - ditch

Lump - lump - cat - lump

Duckling - duckling - duckling - kitten

Booth - letter - booth - booth

Screw - screw - bandage - screw

Minute - Coin - Minute - Minute

Buffet - buffet - bouquet - buffet

Dudka - booth - booth - booth

    Out of every four words, the child must choose a word that is not similar in sound composition to the other 3:

Poppy - so - buck - banana

Catfish - lump - turkey - house

Lemon - wagon - cat - bud

Poppy - tank - broom - cancer

Scoop - Gnome - Wreath - Roller

Heel - fleece - lemon - tub

Branch - sofa - cage - mesh

Skating rink - house - skein - stream

    The adult, without haste, clearly pronounces three words, and then asks the child to determine which of the named three words the 4th is more like:

Poppy - house - branch (Words for comparison: mesh, lump, tank, label, cage)

Scoop - carriage - gnome (house, lemon, skating rink, can, scrap, catfish, corral, skein)

Gate - house - skating rink (snail, gnome, shawl, leaf, lump)

    An adult reads 2 lines of poetry, highlighting the last word in the initial line with his voice. The child must choose one word out of three proposed, achieving rhyme in the verse.

Whispers at night in my EARLING, Fairy tales are different ...(feather bed , pillow , shirt)

Oh, guys, believe, DO NOT - She ran away from me ...(cat, a door , wall )

The door said: “My DEAR! Don't open me ... "(shoulder, knee , foot )

Even the TABLE got dirty, Late in the evening ...(escaped , gone , galloped away)

Two chanterelles, two SISTERS, Found somewhere ...(matches , brush, knife)

The BRIDGE was empty, And they left ...(buses , trams , taxi)

The mouse spoke to the MOUSE: - How I love ...(cheese, meat , books )

The faithful PYOS got into the car, In his ink ...(paw, neck , nose )

On the weekend, we went SOMEWHERE, Mom, Dad and ...(kids , guys , kids)

Katya Lena asks to GIVE, Paints, pencil, ...(pen , notebook , book)

    The adult asks the child to choose a word in rhyme:

I dropped the briefcase from my hands, So big on a branch ... (beetle)

A nimble bear walked through the forest, fell on him ... (bump)

There are evil beasts in the forest here, Do not lock the night ... (doors)

Hush, Tanya, don't cry, Will not drown in the river ... (ball)

One evening, two mice, They took away from Petya ... (books)

Vlad will not climb on a spruce, In his hands ... (briefcase)

"I'm not used to working!" - Answers ... (truck)

We collected cornflowers, On our heads ... (wreaths)

The dog brought a bouquet to the goat, Nourishing will be for her ... (lunch)

Wind, wind, you are mighty, You drive flocks ... (clouds)

Don't tremble, Seryozhka, This is our ... (cat)

    An adult reads a poem. The child must choose from words that are similar in sound composition, the one needed in accordance with this definition of the concept.

I'll give you a task - to put everything in its place:

What did we roll in winter? ... What was built with you? ...

Did you get hooked in the river? ... Maybe everything, even if it is small in stature?

(Words for the production:HOUSE, COM, GNOM, SOM)

I'll give you another problem - to put everything in its place:

Here is a print on the sheet - ... Turns green on the window ...

The volleyball court hangs ... The canary sits in it - ...


I will give the task again - to put everything in its place:

What did the playful cat stole? ... Does mommy weave for children? ...

Is it descending from the mountains, flowing? … What kind of slippery, even ice?


    The child should repeat two words and determine if they sound similar:

candy wrapper - bow, lift - banana, semolina - can, cabin - fountain, screw - bandage, cat - midge, cereal - milk, scythe - carpet.

    The child must determine which of the two pairs of words sounds fluent:

stick - herring and stick - jump rope; mouse is a bump and mouse is a cat; gnome - house and gnome - I will; sailor - Cossack and sailor - Marina; swing - lemonade and swing - carousel.

    The child is offered to listen to the rhyme, find the "wrong" word in it and replace it with a similar sound composition and suitable in meaning:

It is no coincidence that my sister has two pigtails with candy wrappers (bows).

The Dog Watchdog is not at all stupid, But he does not want a fish tooth (soup).

The granddaughter was scared, crying - She was bitten by her hand (Bug).


An adult names a word, and a child must choose as many consonant words as possible for this word: a stove - a river, a candle, a heart, a lamb, a porch, a ring; bird - titmouse, match, sign, pigtail ...

    Rhyme is an assistant. The child is explained that rhyme can be an assistant, you can guess from it, for example. What animal are we talking about:

Instead of wool, needles all over the place, The enemy of mice is prickly ...(HEDGEHOG)

The beast wears a horn on its nose, And it is called ...(RHINOCEROS)

Among the beasts he is reputed to be a king, He is called fearless ... (LION)

A log floats on the river, Oh, and it is furious!

Those who got into the river, the Nose will bite off ...(CROCODILE)

Can swim all day, In icy water ...(SEAL)

He knows a lot about sheep, Ferocious gray ...(WOLF)

He's lucky on himself, Own house ...(SNAIL)

    Rhyme is a deceiver. The child is told that rhyme can be a deceiver: one word is conceived, but rhyme suggests something completely different.

What the master says, He will calmly repeat.

Oh yes voice, oh yes hearing! What a clever girl ...(parrot)

Honey with raspberries is a delicious dish for ...(bear)

I dig a hole day and night, I don't know the sun at all,

You will not find my eyes, And my name is ...(mole)

On two legs from all the chases, The swift-footed will rush away ...(Hare)

    They explain to the child that in order to get a rhyme, both words must be changed:

Ax, ball. Axes are balls.

Bank, tank. Banks are tanks.

Flag, iron. Checkbox - iron.

Boy, hat. The little boy is a hat.


Guessing them is incomparably easier than veiled folk riddles. After all, the right word just asks for the tongue. But the benefits of such word games huge. They not only awaken fantasy and imagination, but help to get the first ideas about rhyme. Do not rush to prompt, let the little one find the answer himself.

For younger guys:

    Oranges and bananas are very fond of ... (monkeys)

    I lost my sock, took it away ... (puppy)

    There is a big fight in the river: two quarreled ... (cancer)

    There are a lot of windows in it. We live in it. This is ... (house)

    I am not afraid of the word "scatter" - I am a forest cat ... (lynx)

    She gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, with a comb on her head. Who is this? ... (cockerel)

    Substituting a barrel for the sun, it lies in the garden ... (zucchini)

    Mom knits a long scarf, because her son - ... (giraffe)

For older guys:

    What is my name, tell me. I often hide in the rye
    Modest wildflower, blue-eyed ... (cornflower)

    "The back is freckled. Oh, how embarrassing!" -
    And blushed ... (ladybug)

    Not prickly, light blue, hung in the bushes ... (frost)

    The berry tastes good, but pick it up and go:
    A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog, that's named ... (blackberry)

    Evil as a she-wolf. It burns like mustard!
    What is this miracle? It's ... (nettles)

    A hedgehog and a ruff in thorns, but you can tell right away:
    Who shivers, he ... (hedgehog), and who ruffles - ... (ruff)

"Riddles-trompe l'oeil"

After the kid is easy to guess the rhyme riddles, offer him something harder. Trompe l'oeil riddles also rhyme, but that's the whole trick. The answer must be chosen not in rhyme, but in meaning. If you say the last word in rhyme, you get ridiculous nonsense. Judge for yourself: the fastest rushing from fear ... I just want to add "turtle", right? Most likely, this is exactly what the baby will say. But can a turtle rush "the fastest"? Of course not. The correct answer is a hare. Such riddles teach the kid to think and be attentive, not to succumb to cunning deception. They also develop a sense of humor.

    From the palm tree down to the palm tree again deftly jumps ... a cow (and no cow, but a monkey)

    Teaches daughters and sons to grunt ... nightingale (pig)

    Who likes to run around the branches? Of course, red ... fox (squirrel)

    The tail is fanned out, with a crown on the head. There is no bird more beautiful than ... a crow (peacock)

    In its warm puddle, a nightingale or an ant (frog) croaked loudly ...

    Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... wolf (of course, bear)

    In winter, a shaggy, club-footed elephant sees a dream in a den ... an elephant (again a bear)

    On the fence in the morning crowed ... a kangaroo (rooster)

    In the thicket, head raised, howls with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)

    A nightmare was heard for a long time over a forest clearing at night:
    hooted, gasped, howled like a wolf and frightened animals ... a mosquito (owl)

    On a pine tree, like a drum, knocked in the forest ... a wild boar or a ram (woodpecker)

    Having overcome all obstacles, the faithful hoof beats ... a lion (horse)

    A woolen ... crocodile (goat) walked along the steep mountain

    You will not find longer than the neck. Will pick any branch ... hedgehog (giraffe)

    Under the moonlight a song to sing sat on a twig ... a bear (nightingale)

    The pachyderm ... hippopotamus (elephant) takes fruit with its trunk

    You put your ear to the flower, and it buzzes, sings
    Diligent ... fly (bee) and collects honey.

    Curled up in a ball - well, touch it! From all sides a prickly ... horse (hedgehog)

    As an elephant (kangaroo) jumped into a bag in the bus salon to my mother's bag ...

    Above the forest of the sun, the ray is extinguished, the king of beasts creeps ... a rooster (lion).

Game "Tell the Word"

Target: exercise of children in changing the verb by gender.

Masha to visit us ... (came).

You and me she ... (found).

Petya to visit us ... (came).

You and me, he is here ... (found).

Happiness is visiting us ... (arrived).

You and me it ... (found).

Target: exercise of children in the coordination of nouns with numbers.

    I have two bananas. Loves to eat their monkey.

    me in a big basket, there are two little raspberries.

    you banana ... (two).

    only carrots ... (one). You have raspberries ... (two). One for you, the other

    to me.

Near the house in the yard

Two friends, girlfriends ... (two).

Well, the sun ... (one).

Shines brightly at our window.

How many rolls are in the basket? ... (two).

    sweets in Zinka's hand?

    ... (two). How many bananas are on the table? …(two).

    bottles of lemonade? ... (two).

Well, how many cookies are there? …(two).

How many jars are there? ... (two).

How many chocolate bars? ... (two).

    in a marmalade box? ... (two).

    cutlets on this platter? ... (two). Books written by a poet? ... (two). How many eyes does Aunt Rosa have? …(two). How many sprigs of mimosa? ... (two)

How many boys do we have? ... (two).

How many girls do you have? ... (two).

How many hares do we have here? ... (two).

    hares we have here? ... (two). How many goats do we have? …(two). How many squirrels do we have? ... (two). And the lambs too? .... (two).

And the sheep too? ... (two).

Well, how many pigs? …(two).

How many kittens are there? …(two).

Target: exercise of children in the correct use of prefixes.

You and I will jump.

Through the hole ... (let's jump over).

On the bench ... (let's jump).

Out of the box ... (let's jump out).

You and I will go

    this building ... (let's enter). And behind the line ... (let's go).

    shoes ... (let's go).

We'll run fast

    behind the house we ... (let's run in). We are to the fence ... (run up).

    from Kolya ... (let's run away).

We brought candy.

Across the table ... (carried).

From the dining room ... (carried out).

And from you ... (carried away).

Target: exercise children in the correct use of endings of names plural nouns number.

Address - (addresses).

Miracle - ... (miracles).

Shore - ... (shores).

Evening -… (evenings).

Train -… (trains).

Wire -… (wires).

Watchman - ... (watchman).

Target: correct use of prepositions.

Here comes the gnome

He entered ... (into the house).

Eyelashes blinked

    he sat down ... (on a chair). Looked around, And the cat ... (under the table). He shouted "Kis-kis!" And the cat ... (on the cornice). The bird was flying here alone ... (by the window).

    she later

Flew in ... (into the house).

Angered the dwarf

He kicked her out ... (from the house).

The gnome went to bed

    he lay down ... (on the bed). Where is his cat?

Asleep next to ... (at the window).


Why are rhymes good? Rhyming, in particular "Tell the Word", is a game. The lexico-grammatical design of speech or the automation of the pronunciation of speech sounds without playing is very boring for a child. A playful rhyme has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children: it arouses keen interest and positive feelings, does not tire with repeated repetition, forms motivation for play exercises, helps to relieve emotional stress, promotes an increase in general and speech activity.


Game "Say a word"

    Option. (Used in the initial stages of acquaintance of children with rhyming.) The child listens carefully to the unfinished rhyme. He tries to achieve

rhyme in a poem, name the last word, choosing it from the three proposed options.

In case of difficulty in choosing the right word an adult reads the couplet in all three versions.


The child listens carefully to the unfinished rhyme. He must, seeking rhyme in a poem, within the meaning of the last word to name without options at once.

Who wears a big horn

Well, of course ... (rhino, bulldog, hippo)


This is how ours sounds ... (drum, accordion, violin)

Round,. sweet taste

Our green one ... (apple, watermelon, kiwi)

There is no more beautiful beauty

Than garden ... (butterflies, flowers, watering cans).

Who sends bow to the elephant?

Well, of course it is ... (dolphin, elephant, squirrel)

Gracefully along the path

Affectionate walks ... (cat, monkey, crocodile)

So many tears and so much anguish

When mom peels ... (potatoes, carrots, onions)

The cow has a child

This is a small ... (calf, pig, hare)

She aspires to heaven

Well, of course it is ... (Butterfly, balloon, bird)

All pins and needles quietly

Sitting under a bush ... (hedgehog, fox, hare)

The kids are having fun

So it has begun ... (quiz, holiday, game)

Wild flower -

Blue ... (cornflower).

Buzzing, interfering with hearing

Annoying ... (fly).

She brings honey to everyone,

That is a worker ... (bee).

At night she shines for everyone -

It's yellow ... (moon).

Tomorrow will be the day again

We will be with you ... (for a walk).

    clouds hello to us Passenger ... (plane). Drops fall on the grass, Walks through the swamp ... (heron). I'm sitting on a bench, Fluttering around ... (butterflies). A peasant digs the ground - This is a long ... (worm).

Repeated perception and reproduction of grammatical forms, which rhyme is most saturated with, contributes to the formation of morphological and syntactic generalizations in children in a short time.



Phonemic rhymes

Phonemic rhyming is a system of training exercises in verse form, which allows you to significantly intensify the child's speech activity, aimed at automating the pronunciation skills of individual sounds, words of speech.

Goals using phonemic rhymes:

    development of higher mental functions: attention, memory, thinking;

    activation of the lexical and grammatical structure of oral speech;

    automation of pronunciation skills of individual sounds, words in speech;

    work on the prosodic side of speech (tempo, rhythm, pauses, breathing, intonation, stress);

    expressing emotions and developing creativity.

Phonetic rhymes can be combined with phonetic rhythms and movements during the pronunciation of syllables, phrases and special couplets, quatrains, to process the pronunciation of certain sounds.


Game "Funny Poems"

Target of these rhymes: carry out speech correction, namely, automation is already delivered sounds, in a form accessible to children - a game.

1st option

The teacher reads poetry to the children. Children repeat the last syllable of the last word of each line three times and clap their hands.

Kids, (ra-ra-ra)

It's time for everyone. (ra-ra-ra)

Everybody goes (ut-ut-ut)

    sing. (yo-yo-yo)

And now (hour-hour-hour) Only an hour. (hour-hour-hour) Beauty. (ta-ta-ta) Purity. (ta-ta-ta)

We went (li-li-li)

    found. (li-li-li) Orange, (in-in-in) Mandarin. (in-in-in) Okay (sho-sho-sho)

    funny. (no-no-no) We came (li-li-li) Brought (li-li-li) Orange, (in-in-in)


Mandarin. (in-in-in)

2nd option

The teacher reads poetry to the children. Children repeat the last syllable of the last word of each line twice and clap their hands.


The brook murmurs, runs, (it-it).

The sun is in a hurry here, (it-it)

Soon the nightingale will sing - (oh-oh)

This spring is coming to us (oh-oh).


We opened the window (but, but).

Summer is red-haired (lo-lo)

The meadow has become multi-colored (ok-ok)

My friend is tanning (ok-ok)


Everything around is white and white. (lo-lo)

A lot of snow covered. (lo-lo)

    I'm walking in felt boots (doo-doo) On the cold ice. (doo-doo)

AUTUMN Leaves are falling, (ki-ki)

All the flowers wither. (ki-ki) Autumn has come to us. (la-la) I brought the rain. (la la)

3rd option

The teacher reads an unfinished rhyme. The child tries, seeking rhyme in the poem, to name the last word, choosing it from the three proposed options. Further, when the children learn the rhyme, one child (at the discretion of the teacher) can read, and the rest can finish the word.

For example, rhymes to automate the sound "Ж"

Target: audio automation "F"

Buzzed and sat on a bitch

Early in the morning in May ... (beetle).

Didn't keep me waiting long

He began to play a song ... (hum).

Carries a dish, forks, a knife

For dinner, a prickly hedgehog.

Teddy bears are waiting at the table

And thorny ... (hedgehog).


Clumsy bear

Doesn't pass by ... (puddles).

Dance on the water, he will spin his

Paw stomps on ... (puddle).

Sitting in a puddle, he eats a pear.

The bear loves a miracle ... (puddle).

Target: audio automation "R"

Met a crab somehow

    croak lake ... (toad). She began to hug the crab, And the crab with its claws ... (squeeze). The toad began to shout here:

“You don’t need toads… (offend)!


    she exercised her pupils using rhymes in the middle and senior groups. V preparatory group I tried to give children the opportunity to become my co-authors. But before inviting the children to participate in the selection of rhymes themselves, I practiced them with the help of the game "Find an extra word by sound."

For example, if a given rhyme ends with the syllable "ko", "ok", "zhu" or "zha", then you can suggest the following words to the children.


Game: "An extra word in sound."

Target: development of phonemic hearing.

It is recommended first to exercise children using easy options, then difficult ones.

Light options:

High, deep, milk, good;

Flower, moth, teremok, hippo;

I hold, I sit, I am friends, I want;

Watchman, hedgehog, snake, needle.

Difficult options:

High, deep, good, milk;

Flower, moth, hippo, teremok;

I want, I hold, I am friends;

Watchman, hedgehog, needle, snake.


Further, I name the syllables for which the children composed rhymes.


For example, the given syllable is "-ko".

Ko-ko-ko, deep in our river;

Ko-ko-ko, in the morning we drink milk;

Ko-ko-ko, the sun is shining high.

For example, the given syllable is "-ok".

Ok-ok-ok, the bun is rolling towards us;

Ok-ok-ok, we have a flower at home;

Ok-ok-ok, there is a teremok in the field;

Ok-ok-ok, there is a moth flying.

For example, the given syllable is "-ju".

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I hold flowers in my hands;

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I look out the window;

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I won't tell you a secret;

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I'll show you my drawing.

For example, the given syllable is "-ja".

Ms. Ms. Ms., I found a hedgehog in the forest;

Ms. Ms. Ms., we are not afraid of the snake;

Ms. Ms. Ms., watchmen walk at night;

Ms. Ms. Ms., I would have a sweet cake.


The game "It happens - it does not happen"

Children stand or sit in a circle. The presenter names a situation and throws a ball to the child. The child must catch the ball in the event that the named situation happens, and if not, then the ball does not need to be caught.


    The cat is cooking porridge.

    Dad went to work.

    The train flies across the sky.

    The man is building a nest.

    The dog is hungry.

    The postman brought a letter.

    The bunny went to school.

    Salted apple.

    The hippopotamus climbed a tree.

    Rubber cap.

    The house went for a walk.

    Glass shoes.

    Cones have grown on the birch.

    The wolf roams the forest.

    The wolf is sitting on a tree.

    A cup is boiled in a saucepan.

    The cat walks on the roof.

    The dog walks on the roof.

    The boat floats across the sky.

    The girl draws a house.

    The house draws a girl.

    The sun shines at night.

    There is snow in the winter.

    Thunder rumbles in winter.

    The fish sings songs.

    The cow chews the grass.

    The boy wags his tail.

    The tail runs after the dog.

    The cat runs after the mouse.

    The rooster plays the violin.

    The wind shakes the trees.

    The trees are dancing in a circle.

    Writers write books.

    A builder is building a house.

    The laces go behind the shoes.

    Mom is preparing dinner.

    The bird sings songs.

    The driver drives a trolleybus.

    The water is hot.

Game "Rhymes" Additives.

We played rhymes - we picked up the words.

Let's play with you now.

Show the picture and tell the word-

What we will take with us.

I will say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potatoes),

I keep my shirt, you see ... (insect),

I took the basket, you bought ... (painting).

I see a ram grazing on the field

And a little boy carries - ... (drum),

An ant is crawling along the path with a reed,

And after him flies ... (sparrow).

Concerts on "Bis" are given to us by a violinist,

Children are amused in the circus ... (Circus performer),

In the spring rooks arrive from the south,

All children are treated by our ... (doctors).

Game "Kind Elephant".

There lived a kind elephant

He wrote stories.

I wrote good books,

And he handed them out to his friends.

He loved to play rhymes

So as not to be bored with friends.

Here is a picture, here ... (basket, car, etc.),

Here is a chamomile, here ... (insect, piece of paper),

Here is my house, here is yours ... (volume, catfish),

Here is the cannon, here it is ... (front sight, drying, mug),

Here's a donut, but ... (book, mouse, cover),

Here is a neighbor, and here ... (lunch, clarinet, vinaigrette).

So that we do not get bored either,

We will select rhymes.

(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)

Game "Gifts".

Monkey's Birthday,

Everyone brings congratulations:

The cockerel brought her a cannon,

And the horse - ... (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc.).

White bear - chocolate

And Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)

The game "We play - we select rhymes."

Monkey and cuckoo, cock and cat

We decided to play rhymes with the kids a little:

The cuckoo echoed: the coil, ...

The cat also purred: palm, ...

The cock crowed: a sack,….

Assignment: Pick up rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, bump, donut, boy, coil, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, thrshok, strap, vershok. They choose a picture and substitute the word for the poem.

  1. "Superfluous word" ... You pronounce the words and ask the child to name a word that is not like the others: poppy, bak, so, banana; catfish, lump, turkey, house; lemon, wagon, cat, bud; poppy, tank, broom, cancer; scoop, gnome, wreath, roller; heel, fleece, lemon, tub; branch, sofa, cage, mesh; roller, skein, house, stream, etc.
  2. "Come up with a word"... The child is called a word and instructed to come up with words that sound similar (mouse-bowl, bear, lid, bump, donut, chip; goat-scythe, wasp, fox, etc.).

The game. There are 6 pictures in the envelope. You need to decompose them in pairs to get rhymes. Children are called. Then the child turns away and remembers, repeats his rhymes.

The game. A speech therapist presents pictures to children, they, in turn, explain what each picture means (python, loaf, bud, concrete, peony, can). Then the speech therapist explains each word and the children call it. Then the children choose a picture and lay out a word outline. Find the same pattern. There is no pair for the word peony.

The game. Pick a rhyme from a pantomime. A speech therapist names a word, for example, “love”, and a child depicts a similar word “litter”. The rest of the children guess a similar word by showing.

The game. Selection of words by description. Beautiful is contagious.

Academy of educational games. For children from one to 7 years old Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Pick up a rhyme

Pick up a rhyme

Ask your child to help you write short rhymes. Say the words of the couplet, shutting down on the last word. The last word-rhyme is selected together with the baby (he needs to offer a choice of 2 words).

Where are you in a hurry, Marina?

Into the forest, where ripe ...

The rhyme offers a choice of the names of the berries: "raspberry" and "blueberry". If the child finds it difficult to make a choice, then the adult pronounces a couplet first with a non-rhyming word, and then with a rhyming word, inviting the child to choose the one that sounds better. When the word rhyme is selected, the child repeats the rhyme on his own: “Where are you in a hurry, Marina? Into the forest, where there are ripe raspberries. "

Examples of couplets:

We bought a cat

For the holiday ...(Bow, boots)

I sewed a shirt for the bear.

I will sew for him ...(Jacket, pants)

We will wash now

You need soap, you need ...(Powder, basin)

At my sister

Long ...(Pigtails, ponytails)

On a marsh hummock

Grew up ...(Berries, mushrooms)

We visited the forest

We saw there ...(Bear, fox)

Sat by the window

Gray ...(Kitty, doggy)

I have a heavy load

I'm bringing home ...(Apples, watermelon)

Bayu, bainki, don't cry,

I will buy you ...(Pie, roll)

Presented to the bear

By Birthday ...(Typewriter, books)

Oksanka's tears are pouring down:

She's broken ...(Skis, sleds)

The dog brought the goat a bouquet -

Nourishing will be her ...(Dinner lunch)

A fly bit the kitty

And the kitty hurts ...(Paw, ear)

The game activates attention, develops speech hearing, teaches the child to choose rhymes.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Encyclopedia of Methods early development the author Rapoport Anna

Pick up the cap Slowly unscrew the caps and caps from different sized bottles and cans. Show your child how the lids are fitted and screwed on. Then shuffle the lids and arrange the bottles and cans on the table. Encourage your child to find the caps for each

From the book Academy of educational games. For children from 1 to 7 years old the author Olga Novikovskaya

Match the shape Prepare three balls, three cubes, three bricks, three prisms of the same color. Spread all of these items out of the way on the table. Show your child how to select only cubes from among the objects. At the same time, say: “This is a cube. And here's another cube. And the same cube ”.

From the author's book

Pick a lid Prepare three or four small boxes of different shapes and sizes with removable lids, for example, square, round, rectangular, triangular, oval, heart-shaped ... Place the boxes on the table and remove the lids from them. Offer the child again

Anastasia Medvedkova
Dating games

This selection will allow the teacher get to know the students, introduce children to each other.

Dating games

The players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the seats remains free. The one who stands to the right of the empty seat says loudly "And I'm going!" and goes to it. Next (that is, the one who is now standing to the right of the free space) says loudly "Me too!" and goes to it, the next one says "And I am a hare!" and also takes place on the right. The next one, passing, says "And I am with ...", and calls someone from those standing in the circle. The task of the one who was named is to run over to an empty seat.

In this game, you can add a driver who will wedge himself into an empty space when someone thinks too long.

The players form two circles, one in the other, with an equal number of people. The circles rotate in different directions under the words:

My shaggy gray dog

Sits by the window

My shaggy gray dog

Looks at me

B - I - N - G - O

Bingo call him.

Oh, what a meeting!

Word "B - I - N - G - O" pronounced separately, letter by letter, and for each letter those in the outer circle clap the hands of those in the inner circle. For each letter - the hands of a new person. The last letter is drawn out (surprised - joyfully) and last phrase ("Oh what a meeting") the couple says together, hugging and introducing themselves, each other by name. This continues until everything is get to know.

In three words

Tell about yourself in three words.

Everything is clear here: everyone sitting in a circle names any 3 words that, in his opinion, characterize him most fully.

Fun tasks

“Listen, do it laugh,

Remember the names "

with these words, the leader gives the task to the children.

Sasha took Marin's hands and danced.

Lena sang a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

Lesha took Tan's left hand and jumped.

Race lights run to the body, etc.

All children stand in a circle. The leader is standing inside the circle. Children jump on one leg in a circle in one direction, and the leader inside the circle in the other direction, and at the same time condemns:

"Rides, rides sparrow-bey-bey,

Gathers all your zey-zey friends

Many, many different us-us-us,

Come out. (Lenochka) now is the hour. "

The named children enter the circle, take the leader by the hand and the game is repeated until the names of all the children are named.

Target games- get as much information as possible about the guys.

Stroke games: drawn (determined) border, the counselor proposes to go to one side for those who are united by some common sign.

The counselor sets simple criteria for unification, for example, you can go to the other side of the border themes:

who loves ice cream;

who has a dog at home (cat);

who likes to watch cartoons, etc.

At the same time, during games, counselor can to find out:

who loves to sing;

who loves to dance;

who is how old;

who is the first time in the camp.

and many others useful information by asking these questions interspersed with the simple ones written above.

Girls boys

The boys sit on one bench and the girls on the other. Boys call any girl names. If girls have these names, they get up and tell a little about themselves. Then the girls call any names of the boys. This happens until the names of all the children are named.

The letter is written on a piece of paper in a column "I AM"... A certain time is given, and each participant must write 10 qualities inherent in him. For example: I am honest, I am strong, etc. After that, everyone walks chaotically, get to know and show each other what they wrote. At the end, you can ask who remembered what.

Mother of three

Each participant writes information about himself in 3-5 phrases on small pieces of paper. Then the leaves are collected and distributed in random order. The task is to find the author. For example, the following may be written on a piece of paper "A mother of three children, a violin game, a green-eyed brunette".

Get to know me

Each of the participants draws his own portrait. Then all the portraits are hung or laid out in the center of the room and the group must find out who is in the portraits.

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