Rules of the game Jungle in Russian. Board game "Wild Jungle". Duel in Pampasa

For those who read at least one article on anthropology, not a secret: the main thing in this life is to grab the Totem on time. Then you can - depending on the laws taken in your tribe - to announce yourself with the president, to get the biggest banana or get rid of unnecessary cards, throwing them back to the enemy, and thus get closer to the desired victory. The main thing - in the rush of Azart not lose the last loophole dressing ...

Law of the jungle

At the "entrance to the jungle", each player receives his pile of cards (the deck is divided between all participants), after which the players in their turns open up the top card and put it next to their deck - so that the opportunity to see the open symbol has been. Look carefully on the image that appears. There are no other such among open cards? The move goes to the next. Noticed similarity? Now the most interesting will begin.

Duel in Pampasa

If two or more players at the top of the open deck were the same symbols, time to grab the totem - mysterious wooden thing, installed in the middle of the table. We managed to do this, can with a calm soul transfer your open deck with slower players. And here you will use all the dexterity, all the speed of the reaction and the chain of the fingers, given to us inheritance from the monkeys: after all, to convey the unnecessary deck to its neighbor - the only way to win in these harsh rainforests.

From monkey to Einstein

Of course, if the game Jungle Speed \u200b\u200bwas limited only to this - it would be possible to defeat it in it, simply practiced a good one to grab all sorts of different items. But the wild jungle passed for their visitors several very strange cards and several additional rules. Therefore, the participants of the game will have to use not only the opposed first finger, providing a lightning and strong grabbing, but also by the opportunities of the intellect that evolution provided them.

Jungle is called!

Whatever the environmentalists say, the jungle will show a very welcoming zone - this game is able to accommodate tourists from 2 to 15 people. Recommended by the manufacturers of children over 6 years old, it is really designed as a developing game - a developing, of course, first of all the reaction rate. However, anthropology scientists report that much more older comrades seek in Wild Jungle - in order to indulge in a truly shamanic practitioners: it is uncomfortable to laugh, rolling up their neighbor and perform ritual winning dances over the deck of defeated opponent.

The game is exactly useful:

  • In a children's holiday, whose participants need to have a pretty fun, and at the same time it is thoroughly tired;
  • On youth party, where everyone is looking for rapid and cheerful entertainment;
  • At a meeting of the Department of Anthropology, where the high-tone theorists have long been time to join a terribly funny practice.

Live one day under the laws of the jungle - grab totems and become the main thing in your tribe. Only an excellent reaction and purposefulness will help you to go to the pedestal, leaving all the losers.

The game is not for nothing that the wild jungle is called: first around quietly, and then the screams rise and the stormy movement begins, as if the whole tribe runs on the hunt.

The set in a short time became popular in Europe and America, which led her to our edges. Russia, such fun, also accounted for in spirit and now takes top places in Hit parades.

About the game

Table game "Wild Jungle Jungle Speed" develops attentive care, reaction, perfection, analytical mindset and simply gives a good mood. The entertainment is considered to be one of the easiest according to the rules, and fascinating in the world. The game was created for large companies, because to participate in it can from 2 to 15 people who are waiting for the crazy as Maya Indians, fun.

The set is suitable for adults and children. In the process of the game, children will be able to understand what totems like tribes live in wild jungle and learn how to quickly find a faithful card to break out the leaders. How to survive in dense forests populated by huge animals? This will tell the desktop game "Jungle."

According to ancient legend in the wild jungle, Totakhvatau tribe lived. It was more than three thousand years ago. And the sign of the leader in that people was not transferred from the father to his son, but by means of a totem. As soon as it came to change the leader, all Tatauhatians gathered in a circle and distributed eucalyptus leaves to everyone to compete. In the center they set their totem.

Then, by the team in the old leader, everyone rushed to compare the leaves to understand who had the honor to compete for the title. Unfortunately, all the leaves were terribly similar to each other, and therefore the choice of a new leader was not rarely transfered into a real slaughter.

So many years continued until the last of the people Totalwatau did not dare to tell the world about the method of choosing the head of the tribe. Then, many of the foreigners accepted such a competition for an interesting competitive entertainment that you now see in stores in the form of the desktop game "Wild Jungle Jungle Speed".

The competition, once served as a tool for choosing a leader, has now become an entertainment in which even children can feel like real inhabitants of rainforest.


To defeat in the place where the jungle dictates their rules, the player needs to get rid of all the cards. On the way to victory, participants must respond quickly, because only one totem's omission, and until now the leading player will gain new cards, instead of throwing old.

The interim target of each disclosure of the cards is a duel, the identical cards will help players. The only way Win in the duel - grab the totem faster than the enemy. Then and only then, you throw your cards, approaching the long-awaited first place. The game becomes more difficult with each joining player, because to see all the cards of opponents are much easier when there are 5, and not 15.

Maps for the game

Packaging Design and Localization

Board game Jungle Speed \u200b\u200bSale in a small bright box. Such a game is nice to get as a gift. The game about the jungle can be taken with you on holiday or on a trip: besides compact box sizes, the game set includes a comfortable bag for storing cards, cubes and totem.

Because the game is designed for leisure in "wild conditions" to start the definition of the totem you will need only a flat platform so that the totem does not fall and fit into the tribe. If the game turns directly on Earth, do not forget to raise something, because in the jungle there are many not the most pleasant insects. Playing on fresh air, Ensure the lack of wind so that cards designed to bring you to victory, did not scatter all over the terrain. Fighting them for the title of leader much more interesting than collecting them all over the street.


In the game box "Wild Jungle Jungle Speed" You will find:


Number of players

The desktop game "Wild Jungle" can play up to 15 players. Each participant adds the game to the dynamics, because only fifteen people are already competed on the most excellent reaction. In addition, it is difficult to see with someone from 15 players your card coincided, especially since the cards from the decks open quickly, without giving time to meditation. And what if the enemy reacted faster? That's right, he managed to get enough of the Totem first and remained the winner in this duel.

How to play "Wild Jungle Jungle Speed" if 15 players are not recruited in the team? Very simple. Minimum quantity in this set - 2 participants. Even playing together, compete and arrange victory dances in the style of wild Indians will be fun.

The fewer the participants more cards You can take your own decks, which means that the horse will increase. This solution will be convenient if you need to take a whole evening. If there is only 20 minutes in stock, you can remove from the game half of the cards and the time of the "war" will be reduced.

Game process


Desktop "Wild Jungle Jungle Speed" refers to the category of educational games for agility and speed of thinking. The same set is considered to be suitable for all ages from 6 to 99 years, because children and adults will be equally passionate about the struggle for the sacred totem of the people Totakhvatau.

In the process of playing participants, the participants are developing: a quick reaction, the speed of thinking, the hands of the hands (after all, it is important not only to grab the first, but also not to pick up). An analytical warehouse of the mind will help players to see even the smallest differences, not risking to pick up all the cards of the enemy.

The game is accurately useful if

  • Planned children's holidaywhere children should not only have a pretty fun, but and how to get tired. Everyone knows that the tired children are much easier to persuade to go to bed and not ride the room until the morning.
  • Soon the party in adults will take place who like active board games that require a good reaction. Even adult serious men play "Wild Jungle", having arranged winning dances when they managed to grab the totem. Some, especially enthusiastic, even draw on the faces of the combat color, so that everyone knew who thunderstorm jungle.
  • You are going to spend the evening with your family and want a single family member to be bored. A sharpens game will distract from everyday worries and will give a positive attitude.

Totem without taboo

It is necessary to follow the rules of the game "Jungle Jungle Speed" to take a totem without barriers. In some cases, the totem may not be counted, and the cards will not only remain with you, but also added new ones. So that this does not happen, carefully read the rules of the game Totem and do everything to not violate them:

  1. Command the cards only when your queue comes. The move is transmitted clockwise.
  2. Taking a card from your deck, show it first to all players, and then watch themselves.
  3. Grabbing totem, make sure that your cards with the opponent are exactly like each other. Some patterns first seem identical, but upon closer examination, one of them has an excess dash. So there was no right to grab the totem, and all the opponent's cards move to you.
  4. Do not loosen the table so that the sacred totem has fallen. If he falls before someone managed to grab it, all the cards remain among the former owners and the move is transmitted by the following lucky.
  5. Do not drop the totem, in an attempt to quickly catch it. The most shrinking, but not too deft, take away everything open cards His opponent.

Totem and maps

Law of the jungle

To become a full leader of the tribe and introduce their own laws, you need to master the rules of the game Jungle Speed. Tropics - a complex place for survival, in which any violation of laws punishable by losses.

At the beginning of the game, all the cards of "wild jungle" are mixed so that no pairs do not come across every step. The next step is to distribute all 80 square cards equally, as far as possible. Extra cards add up to the center, in an inverted deel, next to which the Great Totakhvatau tribe tag is placed.

It is prohibited to look into the received cards, because the entire selection ceremony of the new leader should be behind the mysterious veil. Even the presenter does not know which cards are taped in decks claiming the title of the tribe.

Before the beginning of the competition, all those present should worship the Holy Tommu and ask his favor in this difficult battle. Starting from the player, the distribution card, all participants in turn turn over one map. Do it so that the card see the tribesmen first, and only then you. The inverted map goes to the discharge decks near the closed deck.

In fact, the rite of coup clip can be carried out with only one hand. It is worth only to grab a card with two hands, and you immediately get a fine.

Maps and Totem.

Duel in Pampasa

Duel will begin as soon as two players stretch two identical cards. Now the race starts: who will grab the first totem, he will come out by the winner of the battle. A player whose reaction turned out to be slower, takes all the maps of the winning participant to himself, thereby pulling away her way to the desired victory. The game has special cards, thanks to which more than 2 people can participate in the duel.

If the Totem fell during the struggle and it is not possible to determine whose wines, all the cards open by players are placed in a central deck near Totema.

Blocked cards put up shirt. If more than two people participated in the duel, the winner decides himself how to distribute cards among opponents.

From monkey to Einstein

To win the reaction to the "Dzhangl Aid" the game will not work - here it will be necessary to include the brain-given by nature. It is necessary to clearly consider images and make sure one hundred percentage, before grabbing the totem.

Otherwise, you do not get rid of the card and get new ones. In addition, it is worth considering special cards and not to strone the resulting moment "free" duel. Of course, there is a chance to lose and get new cards, but the risk is justified: you can suddenly approach victory.

Totem and maps

Jungle is called

The description of the "jungle" can alert, but it is not necessary to be afraid: playing only one con, all participants will remember and understand understandable rules Jungle Speed \u200b\u200bgames. To be prepared for the call of the jungle and become the leader of the Totukhvatau tribe, remember what to do if a special card fell. Do not miss your chance.

Arrows outside. If this card appears in the game, all players must immediately open the top card with its closed deck. While the coincidence of two or more cards, a duel begins. If no one stretched similar cards, the move continues the player who stretched a special card, and opens a new card.

Arrows inside. When this card appears, a competition for the reaction rate is declared, because all players must pounce on a totem. The fastest and dexterous player wins and distributes open cards at its discretion. Do not forget that it is forbidden to drop the totem! The winner of the general duel removes his open cards to the center gaming field Dzhangl.

Colored arrows. This card means that there are now duels provoke not the same characters, but the cards of the same color. If two or more players cards are one coloring, they begin to fight for a totem.

Sometimes there are situations in the game when it is not entirely clear exactly how players should act. Especially for such moments in the Rules is considered to be carried out at such cases.

  • When digging cards on the team "Arrows out" fell the same action. In this case, the effect is repeated.
  • If the players have fallen out at the "arrows inside" the players fell out, the totem managed to grab his participant, he decides: the loss is counted by the second participant or open cards are played by the rules of special.
  • When several duels are opened at once, the priority is considered to be the participant of which a sacred totem.
  • In case the player remains only one card and it turns out "arrows outside", then during the general battle, he needs to win the Totem. If it was not possible to potential winner, the tribesmen give him their opened cards.
  • "Arrow inside" is considered victorious for participants with one card, because stretching such an action, the player is considered the official winner and the carrier of the leader of the Totukhvatau tribe.
  • "Colored arrows" delay the long-awaited winnings, because if only one remains in the assortment, all open cards are discarding the unbelieving player.

Cards with arrows

The winner in the battle for the right to become the head of the tribe is the player who managed to be the first to get rid of all cards in his decks, including open.

In the wild jungle you will have to rely on the severity of feelings, attentiveness, observation and reaction rate, because these qualities provide survival in such hard conditions.

Cold head and solid hand are two things you need to save in this game. Do you think it's easy when all this is accompanied by the attacks of hysterical laughter?

In the game Wild Jungle, two main elements - a wooden totem, which is set in the middle of the table, followed by up to 15 people (and even this is not the limit), and cards, divided between all participants.

The purpose of each player is the first to get rid of their cards. In the process of the game, participants in turn open on one map. As soon as two of them, the top cards will coincide, their task is to first grab the totem and shout "Hurray!" (Last - optional). After all, the loser takes all the open winner cards. You understand, dynamic with such a game - above the head.

But not everything is so simple. On some reflexes will not leave. For example, there are cards similar, but ... a little different. And if you do not turn your head on time (and it is necessary to do it constantly and quickly), it is likely that you are the first to have a totem and take all open cards to the joy of the rest of the players. Do not want to be this unfortunate poor parent? Be careful!

Of course, these rules are not limited, but let the rest be a pleasant surprise.

Now I want to tell about another interesting collective gamecalled Jungle Speed. She is very cheerful and interesting, and at the same time develops attentiveness, reaction and awareness. The goal is to get rid of their cards faster. Rules are simple. Everyone hesitates the same number of cards, and each participant in turn opens its card, but not on himself, but from himself, so that he was the first to see her, but all at the same time. Some cards are very similar to each other, but nevertheless different, and when two participants will have the same cards, they must quickly grab the totem. Guys take it with one hand, the girls are two, because They have less forces. No wonder the game is called Jungle Speed, here in fact you need to act as in the wild jungle - faster grabbing the totem and if necessary, to take it from another person by anything. That person, in whose hands in the end, remained a totem, gives his cards to someone who could not hold the totem, and he folds them and his open cards down under his not open cards. The move once begins the one who the latter took the card.
The one who was wrong takes all open cards for each participant and those that lie under a totem. The error is considered if the playing will seem that the same cards fell out and it will take a totem, and in fact they are different and just look like. Or if someone accidentally drops the totem.

There are 3 special cards in Dzhangl AIDS.

The first - arrows inward. When this card falls out, you need to take all time to take the totem. Who can succeed, he adds his open cards under the totem.

The second - arrows out. When this card appears, the participants consider up to 3rd and at the same time open on one map. Here you need to quickly see, do you have the same card with someone, and if there is, it is quick to quack the totem, as mentioned above.

And the third special card is colored arrows. It means that now one con is playing in colors. Those. If usually participants are focused on the same card patterns, regardless of color, then after falling out this card, one side game goes in colors, which means that those participants who have had the cards of the same colors quickly take the totem. Figures can be anything, the main one is the same color. As soon as played in colors, the game continues as usual - in drawings.

Highly cheerful game! So much laughter and emotions! According to the rules, the game goes quickly, it is allowed to slow down to slow down when learning the game. I love such games, which, in addition to positive, carry the development of attentiveness. We love to sit down our raw food company on the veranda, play Dzhangl AIDS and laugh!

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Board game Wild Jungle (Jungle Speed) One of the most sought-after and popular games In Europe, where she came from and from us.

it perfect game For those who have already converts the drilling and hally gallium, but at the same time the set is still complicated.

The game includes a wooden totem and 80 cards.

Before starting the game, the totem is put in the center of the table, and the cards are distributed to all participants equally.

In the course of the game, the participants open their cards alternately and as soon as two players have the pictures on cards (you need to follow only the coinciding symbol, the color may be different, which makes even more confusion in the game) - there is a duel. Between the two players begins the battle of speed. You need to grab the totem faster than the opponent if you succeed, then you give all your open cards. And the loser takes these cards, as well as all open cards that lie under a totem (if such are at that time)
Wins, respectively, one who is faster than everyone get rid of their cards.

Example when there is a duel

But not everything is as simple as it seems to come.

First, it is very difficult not to enter into a duel if you first noticed the coincidence of cards. Only those players, between which a duel - who have two identical symbols opened with a totem.

Secondly, if someone grabbed the totem by mistake, as a fine, he should pick up all open cards from the table (playing with young children, we skip this point of rules)

If the totem falls and is incomprehensible by whose fault, all open cards are placed in the table center.

Thirdly, there are special cards in the game:

Arrows outside
In this case, all players simultaneously open on one of their map from the deck lying in front of them, and if there are two identical cards, a duel begins between two players. If there are no coincidences, the player who opened a special card continues the game and opens another one. The game continues in the usual rhythm

Arrows inside
In this case, you need to grab all all the totem. All players participate in this battle. The one who succeeds to, throws all its open cards to the center of the table under the tote.

Colored arrows
This is probably the most tangled moment of the game. As soon as this special card is open, the duels arise not because of the same symbols, but because of the same color of open cards

For example,

Follow the color!

The effect of this card (that is, the duels are renewed due to the same characters) ends after:
- Falls Totema
- New Special Map Open
- The beginning of the duel (because of the color)

The attached rules also described how to play threesome or together.

Thanks to this dynamic mechanism of this board game, it is incomprehensible to the very end, who will become lucky.

By the way, the Totem will have to pull everything if cards with special images fall out, as described in the rules.

Error with the game Wild Jungle Children's. The above-mentioned drums and hally gallium are still more likely focused on children, the same game is perfectly "will go" adult company. In addition, it has expansion - Additional 80 cards!

Wild Jungle game is performed in excellent style - all elements of the game - the deck of cards and a wooden totem are in a compact bag that you can take with you in any place.

You can order the game