Competition from which you can drink vodka. Card games for a drunken company. Competition for an adult company "12 glasses on the table"

It happens that you turn off during a violent drunkenness, and the next morning you wake up with an inscription on your forehead "Kolyanich is a fool" and a Hitler mustache painted under your nose. The most offensive thing is that you were drinking alone yesterday ... After such cases, one has to admit that libation is already an exercise in itself valuable. And yet, since ancient times, humanity has been trying to turn this generally simple process into something more. So, apparently, alcoholic competitions appeared.

The first written mention of intoxicating merrymaking can be found already in Plato's "Feast". An ancient Greek feast had to fill a cup with wine, drain it, slap it on the bottom and pass the vessel to a neighbor. Since then, the roster of alcohol games has grown enormously and the rules have become more complex. However, not to such an extent that a drunk person does not understand them.

Well, rushed?


Game for attention or quick wits
A game of luck
Endurance game
or agility

Just fooling around

Mowing speed



Strong alcohol
Everything that has degrees
01 Sea battle

paper and two pens.

Divide into two teams and prepare according to the standard field for sea ​​battle... Using your imagination (a fairly well-known free program that can be downloaded from any brain), set the rules for yourself. Agree on the number of ships; decide what the miss is equal to (in grams or sips), how much the crew members, who have sunk the ship, should drink, and so on. The very same strategy of the game does not differ from the classic non-alcoholic version.

02 This is a breakthrough!

What do you need besides the snack: napkin, coin, cigarette.

Cover the glass with a napkin and place a coin on it. Light up a cigarette. Players now take turns to pierce the paper with the smoldering tip of a cigarette. The one after whose puncture the coin will finally break through the napkin and sink to the bottom must drink a glass. So be it, he need not swallow a coin.

03 Drug lord

What do you need besides the snack: deck of cards .

Leave as many cards from the deck as there are players at the table, you will not need the rest. Dignity and suit do not matter, however, two main cards must be assigned in advance. One (say, an ace) will be the Drug Lord, the other (say, the king) will become a Policeman.

Deal the cards. The one who got the king is obliged to admit it out loud. Now he is a Policeman, and he has to find the drug lord with an ace. The rest should remain silent for now. The drug lord, meanwhile, has to secretly wink at one of the players, and that, in turn, needs to react by shouting: "I'm in business!" Now it's the Policeman's turn. He has to name the alleged drug lord. If he guesses right, the drug lord drinks the penalty box and the one to whom the businessman underworld winked (if there was such a contract). If the accusation of the Police Officer is wrong, the penalty goes to him. And the drug lord meanwhile winks at his new accomplice ...

04 Cocktail "Tear of the platypus"

What do you need besides the snack: coin .

The first player pours into a glass as much as he wants and what he wants from any bottle on the table. The resulting mixture (even if it's only ten grams of vodka) is called the "Platypus Tear" cocktail. Then the player flips a coin and, while it spins in the air, predicts whether it will fall heads or tails. If the guess is correct, the player passes the glass to the next participant. He, too, refills something in the glass according to his perverse taste and tosses a coin. The unhappy man, who could not guess which side the coin will fall on, drinks a cocktail. Then everything starts over.

05 Skillful hands

What do you need besides the snack: at least two more drinking buddies.

Sitting at the table, the players take each other's arms and put their palms on the table. As a result, everyone faces the left hand of the neighbor on the right, the right hand of the neighbor on the left, and Olivier (where without him!). Now you can start playing. Someone shouts "Left!" (or "Right!") and slaps the table with his left palm. This is a signal to launch a “wave” of claps clockwise (or counterclockwise). Accordingly, the next clap, continuing the wave, should be made by the person sitting to the left after one from the first, hitting the table with his right palm. Then the player sitting on the left next to the first must hit with his left, and so on. Penalties are awarded for any errors that arise. Hit out of order, missed a clap, smashed the TV with a stool ...

06 Accustomed to the throat

What do you need besides the snack: paper and pen.

Ideally, this game should start with the very first sip of beer that you and your friends order at the bar. But, on the other hand, in order not to spoil the pleasure of savoring the foamy drink, prudent people prefer to start the competition no earlier than the last pair of glasses, before leaving. So, this is the essence of a friendly match. You need to drink beer in fewer sips. The loser is supposed to pay for the drink and harbor a grudge against the stupid game.

07 Expanding

What do you need besides the snack: saucer.

A saucer (or, say, an empty glass) is placed in the center of the table, on which all those present put their fingers on it. On the count of three, everyone either removes or leaves a finger on the saucer. Penalty is due to that part of drinking companions (and sometimes it is only one person, Igorek), which remained in the minority.

08 Torque

What do you need besides the snack: coin.

Here's another simple game that will help you pass the time while waiting for the drunkenness to come. The first player spins a coin on the table and says the name of one of those sitting next to him. The named should, without stopping the coin, click it with his finger to give it additional spinning energy, and call the name of the next player. If at the same time the coin stops or flies off the table, the culprit is entitled to a penalty. For the sake of greater excitement, you can install additional rules... For example, if a coin that has stopped spinning comes up heads, then it is supposed to drink two free throws.

09 Water is everywhere

What do you need besides the snack:a set of identical dishes.

Hitchcock would love this suspense game. The players fill all the glasses with water, except for the one in which the vodka is poured, and mix them thoroughly. Then everyone takes a glass (without lifting it to the nose, so as not to smell the contents), and everyone drinks on command. If desired, you can increase the nervousness of the game, periodically increasing the number of glasses of vodka (or, conversely, completely excluding).

10 Coarse Nut

What do you need besides the snack: salted peanuts.

Even if none of your friends likes salty nuts, order them for beer anyway. At the same time, drop a nut into your glasses at the same time. If you haven't been given peanuts made from soybeans, the nuts will immediately drown. But don't be in a hurry to mourn them. Very soon, gas bubbles will stick around the peanuts and lift them to the surface. The loser whose nut is the last to emerge must pay for the rest.

11 I have never ...

What do you need besides the snack: nothing .

Another game for a motley company. This fun will help guests who see each other for the first time to get to know each other better and not feel constrained, otherwise, you know, the whole swing party is down the drain. Anyone starts the game. He says keywords: “I never…” and then adds something like “… haven't seen the movie“ Skirmish ”. After this recognition, everyone who has seen this film (in our editorial office, by the way, there are still no such ones) immediately drink. Then the next guest takes the floor, who says: "I have never ... refused to drink." After that, even the hardened teetotalers have to drink a penalty kick to the hooting.

12 Russian beer roulette

What do you need besides the snack:a lot of canned beer and a willingness to swagger.

Before each stage of drinking, one of the cans of beer is shaken well (best done by your epileptic comrade) to turn into a bomb. After shaking, the charged can is mixed with the rest. Who do you think will get it?

13 Tier

What do you need besides the snack: coin.

On the table, piles are placed in a circle according to the number of participants in the game and one pile in the center. Each stack is assigned to a specific player. A coin is placed on the edge of the table. Purpose of the game: by flipping a coin with a click, get it into one of the piles. Details: if the coin thrower hits his own pile, everyone drinks in the penalty box; if he misses, only he drinks; if it gets into someone else's pile, the owner of the pile drinks; if it hits the center stack, everyone drinks. Well, except for Igor. He has an ulcer.

14 Words for the evening

For any adult party alcoholic drinks are present. They can be consumed different ways... For example, pulling a cocktail for a pleasant conversation or drinking vodka for a bet. But it's much more fun to drink when drinks become a prize. Look for the most interesting alcohol contests below.

"Choose a stack"

Alcohol contests are not about getting drunk quickly, but about making the drinking process fun. Therefore, you should always ensure that guests are able to play games that will reward alcohol. Those persons who are in a state of imbalance should be disqualified in time. For such people, the games should end in a timely manner, so that later no one will begin to sort things out with anyone or measure strength. Taking into account all these facts, you can conduct a competition.

How to do it? The preparatory process will be like this. You should take 10 glasses, pour water in 8 of them and vodka in two. Then place 5 glasses on different parts of the table. Each set should contain one glass of vodka. There are two players participating in the competition. The volunteers stand up to the prepared set and take turns drinking the glasses. The first person to find vodka wins. It is necessary to determine the alcohol-containing drink by eye. Do not sniff glasses or dip your fingers in them.

"I never..."

This fun game may take the form of a knockout competition. What is the essence of an interesting way of drinking alcoholic beverages? Alcohol is poured for each participant. The first volunteer starts the match. The persona says, which she never did. You need to start with something simple. For example, the phrase may sound like this: "I have never sat behind the wheel of a car." Those who were driving the car, clink glasses and drink, the rest drop out. The move moves on to the next player, and now he comes up with something he never did. Honest stories must be told. So people will be able not only to have an interesting time, but also to get to know their companions even better. Don't tell any overly specific stories. There are few people who have ever stroked a tiger or a bear. But there are many people who stood under the waterfall, dived from a steep mountain or sat in pairs according to mathematical analysis.

"I AM"

Thinking up contests for a bachelorette party with alcohol? Play a simple children's game. It can be incredibly funny if you don't play it soberly. The essence of the competition will be not to laugh. The competition is held as follows. The girls sit in a circle and begin to say "I" in turn. When the game is over, everyone drinks half a glass of champagne. After a few horses, someone will surely laugh. Now this girl is given a funny nickname. Game continues. Everyone says "I", and the laughing girl adds one more word to the "I". For example, it might look like this: "I am a pig." The next girl who laughed also gets a nickname. Over time, a pronoun can have a whole train of funny nicknames. The game is played for a while. Whoever has the smallest tail in 30 minutes won.

"Good wife"

This competition is paired. To conduct it, you need to select several men and women. You can take married couples, or you can just take good heterosexual friends. To be successful with alcohol, people's voices must be familiar to each other. Before starting the game, all participants need to be blindfolded. For this purpose, scarves or shawls are suitable. Men and women from different teams are placed at opposite ends of the room. The girls are given a full glass of vodka and a pickled cucumber in their hands. The lady must bring her glass, focusing on the voice of her partner, who, in turn, must move towards the woman towards her. To make the competition more interesting, the participants need to be promoted before the start of the game in order to bring down their orientation on the terrain. When a man and a woman meet, the lady must drink and feed the man. Representatives of the stronger sex should not use their hands. The winner is the team that will cope with all the assigned tasks faster.

"Friendly system"

Such a competition should be held when all people are drunk. In such a state, the task at hand will seem impossible to many participants. The essence of the competition is as follows. Each participant is given 5-6 glasses of vodka. Pouring whole glasses is not worth it. It will be enough to pour half of the container. The two volunteers sit down opposite each other. Piles are placed in a row in front of them. Each person should have their own structure. The task of the participants is to empty all the containers at speed, and then arrange them in the same even row. Whoever copes with this task won. Participants of such a competition must be taken verified. Drinking people who are not used to strong alcoholic beverages is not worth it. Otherwise, then you will have to bring them to life for a long time.

"Guess Who's Drinking"

To entertain the guests at the wedding, you can run an interesting competition in which you can place bets. You will need 5 volunteers for a fun event. The rest of the spectators should be divided into several teams. If there are few guests, then everyone can make their own bet, and then you won't have to assemble teams. How to run a competition for a wedding with alcohol? Water is poured into four glasses and vodka into one. A straw is placed in each glass. The task of all participants is to drink their drink without a grimace. And the guests' task is to guess who is drinking vodka. You can complicate the task and ask all the participants who drink to make different faces on purpose. Then the competition will be even more interesting. The winner is the one who correctly guesses the person drinking vodka.

"Four Aces"

To carry out this fun competition with alcohol you need cards. All participants sit in a circle and pass the deck from hand to hand, taking turns removing the top card and discarding it in the center. The first person to pull out an ace names any alcoholic beverage. The second person, who removes the ace, says how much to drink. The third person who is lucky enough to take off the ace tells the position in which to drink. And the fourth person fulfills the wishes of all the previous ones. Before the game, you need to shuffle the cards well so that no one has any doubts about the honesty of the competition.

"Drink and cool"

Don't have time to play sports? If you prefer meeting friends over going to the gym, your figure will not thank you. But you can combine business with pleasure. And specific contests with alcohol for a noisy company will help you with this. One of them will be like this. You will need volunteers, hoops, and glasses of beer or cocktail. The competition begins with the fact that each of the participants begins to spin the hoop. You can twist it both on the stomach and on the arm or leg. When the process is established, all participants are given a glass of alcohol. The winner in the competition is the one who drinks his drink faster than others. In this case, you need to continue to twist the hoop and not drop it. Whoever drops the hoop is eliminated. The most athletic alcohol drinkers win.

Alcohol Relay

In childhood, almost all people love relay races. But do not give up your favorite activity if you have grown up. It can be simply upgraded. One of the competitions for adults with alcohol will be the relay race. Preparation for the competition will look like this. Take two chairs and place a bottle of wine on them. And a glass. Divide the participants into two teams. At the signal, the first volunteers should run to their chair, open the bottle and pour a glass. Wine should be brought to your team and given to the competitor preparing for the start to drink. He, in turn, runs with a glass to the bottle, pours alcohol and carries the third participant in the relay. The team that drinks a bottle of wine faster than the other wins.

"Who is last"

Not only the relay can be upgraded to adult company... One of the birthday contests with alcohol can be everyone's favorite chair fun. But in the case of adult participants, the rules are slightly modified. People stand around the table. One glass of vodka is placed on the table less than the volunteers standing around. The music turns on, and the participants of the competition begin to run around the table. When the music stops, whoever has time should grab a glass and drink it. Whoever did not get a glass is eliminated. The glasses are filled with a new portion of vodka, and one of the empty containers is removed. Thus, the glass on the table should always be one less than the participants in the competition. The music starts again, the participants run, and the melody stops. The game is played until one of the players wins.

Blow off the cards

A competition for a company with alcohol can be very simple. It tests the strength of the lungs of the participants. Usually the non-smoker wins, but the smoker may be lucky too. The rules are as follows. You need to put a deck of cards on a bottle of vodka. All players take turns blowing on the deck. Each player counts the number of cards he has deflated. The winner is the one who collects more cards... You can have fun in several horses, or you can stop at one full circle. The winner takes the bottle with the cards on it.

Tongue Twisters

When people drink too much, they begin to gradually lose the ability to connect words. This can be played up in a funny way with a competition for a company with alcohol. For this, tongue twisters should be selected in advance. It is advisable to take something not too popular. For example, ask the players to say "Staffordshire Terrier is zealous and Black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky" or "Sample of Rolls Royce cleaning ladies is not representative." You can use any tongue twisters you like. The main thing is that the presenter himself should be able to pronounce the task quickly and without hesitation. Otherwise, the competition will not be able to take place due to loud laughter from potential participants.


In their youth, many played bottle. Everyone is familiar with the rules of the game. This fun can be slightly modernized and presented as a competition with alcohol. The essence of the game remains. One of the participants pours into a glass any of the alcoholic drinks of his choice in as much as he wants, and then twists the bottle that lies in the middle of the table. The person pointed to the neck drinks a glass and refills it for the next participant. You can negotiate the amount of alcohol in advance, otherwise the competition will end too quickly for some people. The winner is the person who, after the predetermined time, remains the most sober.

"Little table"

For this competition with alcohol, you will need to divide everyone who wants to participate in two teams. Two participants by a general vote or by drawing of lots become tables. People get on all fours, and trays are placed on their backs. These tables are placed at the beginning and at the end of the line. 10 glasses poured with a slide are placed on one of the tables. At the signal, the competition with alcohol begins. Participants pass glasses from one table to another. The players' task is not to spill a drop. The winner is the team that completes the test faster. However, not only speed is taken into account, but also the quality of work. If the winning team has half-empty glasses and the second team has all the containers full, a draw is declared. At the end of the competition, all participants drink a well-deserved reward.

What guests say

It is impossible to determine from the reviews which of the above-mentioned entertainments is the most fun and interesting. Each of the proposed contests is good in its own way. For example, the game " Good wife", as many people note, helps married couples not only have a good time, but also get closer to each other, and the alcoholic relay race," Blow off the card "," Drink and cool "improve not only mood, but also well-being.

Alcohol contests are contests in which adults raise their spirits and the mood of guests with the help of alcohol. These insidious contests will amuse any youth group of students, teenagers, adults and will give you a lot of fun, laughter and intoxicating mood! And since, in our time, no holiday is complete without alcohol, so why not drink with interest!

Contest number 1 "Eliminate the extra"

Competition, similar to the children's game "Eliminate the extra". Because of the festive table, 5-7 people wishing to participate in the competition are invited.

The essence of the competition: The fact that glasses or glasses are placed on the table, however, their number should be one less than the number of participants. In each of the glasses, for example, is poured: sambuca, vodka, wine, absinthe, beer, cognac, liqueur (whatever your heart desires).

The competition itself: And so, at the command of the presenter, music is heard, and the participants begin to run or walk around the table. As soon as the music ends, the contestants need to grab one of the glasses and quickly drink its contents. The participant who lacked a glass is eliminated from the game.

After that, the presenter removes one glass from the table and the glasses are refilled with alcohol, and the game continues again. The most important thing is that there is always 1 glass less on the table than the number of participants. The game will end when one of the 2 participants drinks the last glass. Considering that there is no appetizer in the competition, the final of the competition looks unpredictable and walking around the table can hardly be called such.

Wins: Who is the first to drink, the last glass of alcohol;

Contest No. 2 "Overflowing glass"

The competition can be held right in the field at the festive table.

The essence of the competition: The fact that the guests at the table pass a glass, and everyone who gets a glass in their hands must pour a little of some kind of drink (be it juice, wine, vodka). And when one of the guests finds that the glass is already full to the top, then he must get up, say a toast and drink the contents of the glass.

Note: When pouring alcohol of different strength into a glass, think about the consequences, therefore, when pouring, think - maybe this glass will get to you and it is better to pour the juice!

Competition No. 3 "Vodka Roulette"

The number of people who can participate in the competition is unlimited. The most important thing here is that there is enough "FUEL".

The essence of the competition: The fact that one of the participants is kicked out of the room (room). At this time, the participants put 3 glasses on the table, glasses can also: vodka is poured into 2 containers to the brim, and ordinary tap water is poured into the third. After that, the person is invited back. His task is to take a glass (glass) without sniffing or looking closely, drink it quickly and immediately drink it with a second.

Note: Place vodka, you can use tykila or gin, the main thing is that it is the same color as the water.

Contest No. 4 "Drink and Snack"

It is better to play the game when all the guests are still sitting at the table. The game requires preparation, so it is best to prepare for it in advance.

The essence of the competition: In the fact that on small pieces of paper it is written what the participant of the competition should drink from. (The phrase written on the leaf begins with the words "DRINK .."). The prepared leaves should be the same as those present at the banquet, and they are put in a separate box so that the guests do not see the inscriptions. In the second box there will be leaves with an inscription beginning with the words: "Bite .." (that is, how the participant in the game should have a snack).

The competition itself: The guests sit at the table and take turns taking out 1 note at a time, first from one and then from the second box. Thus, the players choose for themselves what he or she will drink from and how to eat.

Of course, you can come up with your own options, but we tried and came up with 10 options for notes for the game "Drink and Snack":

Have a drink:

  • From the palm of your hand
  • From the plate
  • From the spout of the teapot
  • Standing on a chair with one foot
  • From the Saucepan
  • From a paper bag
  • Their 3 liter cans
  • From a thimble
  • From the palm of a neighbor
  • From the cover


  • Smell your neighbor's sleeve
  • Drank !? And there will be no snacks J
  • With the words: "You need to drink less"
  • Kiss the neighbor
  • Without touching food with your hands
  • An apple hanging on a string
  • Licking a large spoon
  • Jump on one leg instead of a snack
  • Songs on the lips
  • Choosing a snack with your eyes closed

Competition No. 5 "ASS"

The essence of the competition: The fact that the participants, alternately with increasing volume, say the word "ASS" to each other. That is, the 1st speaks in a whisper, the 2nd is a little louder, the 3rd is even louder, and so on continues in a circle. The winner is the one who utters this word the loudest, that is, after him to others, will not be able to yell / shout it.

Note: If during the game someone enters the room where the game is being held, then he should be told: "Hello, we called you."

Competition No. 6 "Relay"

The essence of the competition: Can participate in the game unlimited quantity human. The participants of the competition are divided into 2 teams (there is no gender difference), the most important thing is that there are the same number of participants in the team.

Both teams line up one after the other. And in front of them, at a distance of 4-5 meters, there are 2 tables, and on them:

  • A bottle of vodka (You can use another alcohol, but the summary will be much more interesting);
  • Glass (glass);
  • A plate with a light snack (for example, orange, lemon);

The competition itself: The 1st person runs - pours vodka into a glass and runs back, at this time the 2nd - drinks and runs back, the 3rd - has a bite, also runs back, and the 4th - does all this: that is, pours, drinks, bites and runs back. So the team that will run out of alcohol in a bottle (decanter) the fastest, they won!

Competition No. 7 "Machine gun"

Competition for the most persistent alcoholics =) One person (volunteer) participates in the competition, 2 people are possible, but then they will compete with each other, who is stronger in alcohol.

The essence of the competition: The fact that the contestant or contestants take their places, take 0.5l canned beer each and make a hole in it with a ballpoint pen. Next, they bring (sieve) the jar to their mouth, open the lid and try to drink the beer to the end (through the hole made).

This competition will beat even the most avid canned beer lovers!

Contest No. 8 "Formula No. 1"

The attributes you need to play: dice 2 pieces, a large cardboard box (or a saucepan), alcohol (at your discretion), "stop" (vodka shot - 1 piece min., Better by the number of players)

The game: And so the "race" begins, which, by agreement, consists of several circles. All "pilots" take turns throwing a zarik (the 1st is determined according to the principle who threw out the most points, and then we play clockwise). After all the "pilots" have thrown the dice once, it is considered that one circle has already been completed.

If dropped out:

2 - "Right stop". The pilot on the right drinks 1 stop.

3 - "Left stop". The pilot on the left drinks 1 stop.

4 - "Right Strip". The pilot on the right takes off one thing.

5 - "Left Strip". The left pilot removes one thing from himself.

6 - "Pit stop". The dice thrower drinks 1 "stop"

7 - "Penalty circle". Once again, the dice is thrown and the "penalized" drinks the number of "stops" - the penalized circles that fell on the dice.

8 - "Departure from the track." The pilot climbs the "boxes" under the table and sits there until his next move.

9 - "Change of tires". All pilots, except for the one who threw, take off one substance at a time.

10 - "Refueling". All pilots, except for the one who threw, drink one “stop” at a time.

11 - Pole position. The pilot is exempt from the 1st future "penalty".

12 - "Schumacher". The pilot puts a "helmet" on his head (a box with a slit or a saucepan cut for the eyes) and drinks only when one of the contestants is drinking. In turn, he continues to throw shouts like an ordinary player, only he drinks twice his penalty. He ceases to be “Schumacher”, only when he again folds “12”, or someone else will take this honorary title from him, throwing out “12”.

The game ends after passing a certain number of circles - this is discussed in advance before the start of the game. The winner of the races is the most sober and the most "equipped" pilot (that is, who has the most clothes left on).

Note: If, during the game, a player's dice fell to the floor from the table, then he is entitled to as many “stops” (penalty circles) as he will roll on the dice again.

Competition No. 9 "Brown Bear - Polar Bear"

The competition is attended by 2 people. All you need for the competition:

  1. 4 liters of Colla (Pepsi);
  2. 2 glasses;
  3. Vodka;

The essence of the competition:
I pour the call into the glasses for the players. It - Brown bear... It will need to be turned white.

The competition itself: And the transformation will take place as follows. Each of the players makes a sip of calls, and the liquid in the glass is supplemented to the same level with vodka. The player takes a sip again, and the missing level is again filled with vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass turns white.

Note: If the players are able to continue playing, then the game is on in reverse order. Gradually the vodka is drunk - and instead the colla is added until the glass is completely brown.
If you do not know your norm and are not confident in your abilities, then you should not participate in the competition !!

The winner of the competition is awarded the prize the next morning after a severe hangover.

Competition No. 10 "Pumps"

The essence of the competition: The host of the competition calls 2 girls from the table and grows up to pick them up from the banquet hall for a partner. The presenter gives the guys an empty beer glass, with which they must go “to the people” and fill the glasses for those who do not mind. At this time, while the guys are running and filling the glasses, the girls are given one large syringe (without a needle). Then the girls will have to pour the contents of the beer glass (by pumping) into their partner's mouth. The couple who does it first - and wins!

We invite you to see the most funny contests at the wedding video:

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Most people, due to their shyness in unfamiliar companies, feel constrained and uncomfortable. Alcohol in moderation helps to overcome this sensation. If the party is taking place at a chess club or at the department of quantum physics - this is your case, try to start the party with a couple of drinking games.

The first player pours into a glass as much as he wants and what he wants from any bottle on the table. The resulting mixture (even if it's only ten grams of vodka) is called a Molotov cocktail. Then the player flips a coin and, while it spins in the air, predicts whether it will fall heads or tails. If the guess is correct, the player passes the glass to the next participant. He, too, refills something in the glass according to his perverse taste and tosses a coin. The unhappy man, who could not guess which side the coin will fall on, drinks a cocktail. Then everything starts over.

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Required: coin, any alcohol

You need to argue with a person that you will drink 2 glasses of any drink (from plain water to beer or vodka) faster than he will drink 2 glasses of the same drink, observing 2 conditions: 1) I cannot touch your glasses, and you cannot you can touch my glasses 2) you have no right to start drinking your 2nd glass before I put my 1st glass on the table.

The trick is that after you finish your first glass you cover a full glass of your opponent with it, and he, as already mentioned in the condition, has no right to touch your glass, so you calmly finish your full glass and win =)

Comments (2) >>

Required: any drink (from plain water to beer or vodka)

Men stand in a circle with their backs to each other. Each is tied to a bottle of beer with a straw sticking out of it at the "below the navel" level. To the music, the ladies (by the number of men) begin to walk around. As soon as the presenter says "PIT-STOP", the ladies run up to their boyfriend and start drinking beer from a straw. Then the music resumes and the ladies continue to walk around the men. Then the next PIT-STOP ... The couple with the fastest end of beer wins.

Comments (5) >>

Required: beer in bottles 0.5 l. by the number of male players, straws, ropes

The game is very simple and perfect for a quick and efficient warm-up for further celebration. Everyone sits in a circle and takes one drink, preferably a lot. The first to start takes one sip. Next clockwise - 2 sips. Further 3, 4, 5, .... Sips are made without taking off the bottle and stopping. Usually at 40, the people are already ready and everyone is feeling good). Above all, don't try to drink ice cold beer! It's very hard:)

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Required: Alcohol

A real checkers board is used for this competition, and glasses are used instead of checkers. On the one hand, vodka is poured into the glasses, and on the other, cognac. Then everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. For a change, you can play giveaway. You can limit the time of the move, you can play a pair for a pair. In some cases, you can pour alcohol with different degrees. It is not recommended to play Chapaev.

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Required: Chess board, glasses, alcohol of different colors

The toy seems very simple, but try to do the same in a drunken state !!! The meaning of the game: a set of dominoes is taken, and houses are built (based on pairing, i.e. 2 must be placed vertically, then 2 horizontally). On which player the house collapses, he drinks the penalty ... (beer, vodka, liquor, etc.)

I advise you to start playing after a small drink warming (the house collapses then faster). The more drunk the people are, the more they rush, and the faster the house breaks down. Whoever is completely "ready" is eliminated. You can replace with cards, but then after 30 minutes everything will lie.
P.S. Sometimes the house of the people collapsed on the first!

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Required: Dominoes or cards

A very tough game for the elite. A bottle of vodka and a train schedule are taken. The host announces: "The next station is Lanskaya" (for example). Everyone drinks a glass. Further - "The next station - Udelnaya". Everyone drinks another glass. Gradually, the participants "leave" the route, and the one who goes further wins ...

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Required: A bottle of vodka and a train schedule (metro map)

3-4 men are invited to participate in the relay race 4 to 200. Each participant is presented with 4 faceted glasses: 1st with water, 2nd with milk, 3rd with beer, 4th with vodka (can be replaced with wine). The winner is the one who drank it all first.

June 29, 2017

Holidays are all spent in different ways. Someone in the family circle, and someone in a noisy company of friends or colleagues. Alcohol is a frequent companion of such events.

At the same time, alcoholic products can be at the holiday not only as drinks, but also as props for contests. The main thing to remember is that entertainment should not be of the "Who drinks more" type. Otherwise, guests will quickly start to fail, and you risk being left alone at the table by the end of the holiday.

the site offers some pretty interesting contests that will appeal to an adult audience.

  1. "A connoisseur of intoxicating aromas."

This competition is best held at the beginning of the holiday. It will help relieve possible tension and relax those present.

All you need is a tray, a set of identical glasses, a piece of opaque fabric, an impenetrable blindfold, and several types of alcoholic beverages. Choose alcohol based on what is available on the table or according to the preferences of those present. But it is desirable that the number of drinks is at least 6. For example, you can take vodka, red wine, champagne, cognac, rum and martini.

At the beginning of the evening, the host brings a tray covered with an opaque cloth to the guests and says that 6 glasses with different drinks are hidden under it. He also invites 2-3 volunteers to participate in an unusual tasting. Drinks will need to be tasted not by taste, but by smell. And according to it, determine what kind of alcohol is in each specific glass. For the purity of the competition, the eyes of all participants must be blindfolded.

It is worth noting that all glasses must be the same and numbered. And when serving to different participants, the sequence should change. All answers are recorded by the selected assistant from among the invitees and counted. The person guessing the most alcoholic drinks is the winner.

The competition can be complicated by adding plain water or some non-alcoholic beverage without a pronounced odor to the drinks. This will confuse the participants a little and make them doubt.

If those who have gathered for a long time and have known well, then the competition can be held in a slightly different version. Here you need to determine the type of alcohol by sniffing not the glasses, but the guests who drank these drinks. It is not necessary to blindfold here.

  1. "A nimble waiter"

You will need: glasses (preferably unbreakable), aprons, ropes, skittles, small stools and any other items that can serve as obstacles.

Several people can take part in the competition at the same time. But the optimal amount is three. After the lucky ones are determined, aprons are put on them. It seems that that's all. But what is a waiter without a tray? And the back of the waiter's hand will act as trays. They put a glass of any alcohol on it and say that it must be delivered to the client who is at the end of the room. Participants must, on a signal, walk this path and not spill the contents of the glass. The catch is that along the way they will encounter various obstacles that need to be placed in advance. For this, skittles are set, a rope is pulled, a stool is placed. All this must be crossed, and not just bypassed.

The winner in the competition is determined by the speed of delivery of the order and the completeness of the glass.

  1. "Alcoholic quiz"

At any holiday there is always a place for intellectual competitions... Therefore, an interesting quiz related to alcoholic beverages will be an excellent entertainment for guests.

Questions for her could be like this.

  • Why did the tradition of clinking glasses arise during a feast? (To prevent poisoning. When glasses collided, its contents fell into someone else's glass.).
  • How did Peter I fight drunkenness? (He gave out a medal for drunkenness weighing 7 kg, which could not be removed within a week).
  • What drink did Charles Dickens drink half a liter a day? (Champagne).
  • In which country was champagne invented? (In Great Britain).
  • Is there alcohol in space? (Yes).
  • Which country received the title of the beer state? (Czech).
  • Is it true that Ohio has a law against giving vodka to fish? (Truth).
  • What is Sonoselicaphobia? (This is the fear of empty glasses).

Answers to questions can be judged on both correctness and originality. For each answer - one point. Whoever scored more points won.

  1. "Intoxicating poetry"

Another intellectual competition. Invite your guests to be poets and finish incomplete poems in an original way, which, of course, should be about alcoholic beverages.

For example:

New Year's, sparkling,
Colors of delicate golden
They call him "ladies'" -
Delicious and sweet ... (Champagne)

To make it more fun
To make it healthier
Drink from night to morning
………………………… (For example: Vodka in two throats at once).

I did a lot today:
I drank a cup of grog somewhere.
And then a glass of beer:
………………………… (For example: For a good snatch!).

  1. "The Alcoholic Dice Game"

All guests present take part in this entertainment. You can play without leaving the festive table. And there won't be any winners as such.

It only takes two dice and everything on the table.

Sitting at the table, each player must throw dice and, depending on the number of points dropped, complete a certain task.

2 - a glass of alcohol will have to be drunk by a neighbor sitting to the left of the thrower.

3 - a glass of alcohol will have to be drunk by a neighbor sitting to the right of the thrower.

4 - everyone present should drink a glass.

5 - have a snack.

6 - drink a glass of water.

7 - drink a glass of the drink offered by the neighbor on the right.

8 - drink a glass of the drink offered by the neighbor on the left.

9 - transition of the move without drinking alcohol.

10 - say a toast.

11 - everyone present drinks two glasses.

12 - drink 3 glasses of any alcohol.

  1. "Treasure hunter"

You often have to search for treasure in the most unexpected places and resorting to a variety of methods. Invite your guests (preferably men) to be a treasure hunter.

For the competition you will need: 2 not very deep basins, 2 trinkets and a lot of beer.

Two players take part in the competition-competition. In front of each of them, a bowl is placed, which are filled with beer. Further, the participants are shown key rings, and it is announced that this is a treasure that needs to be obtained. After that, the trinkets are immersed in the beer to the very bottom. At the signal, the players must try, hands-free, using only their mouths, to get each of their treasures from the bottom of the pub. No further explanation is required. Players must independently decide which way to go: either to drink a bowl of beer, or to plunge their heads into it completely, pull out the keychain with their teeth.

The winner is the one who copes first. It is best to hold such a competition in the summer somewhere near a reservoir, so that if something happens, you don't get your clothes dirty.

  1. "The Blind Bartender"

The competition is quite interesting and does not require thorough preparation.

To carry it out, you will need: three faceted glasses, a bottle of vodka and a blindfold. In order to save money, vodka can be replaced with plain water. The number of props is indicated for one participant. Accordingly, how many participants - as many sets of props are needed.

2-4 people can participate. All of them are blindfolded and presented with a bottle of vodka. And on the table in front of each one there are 3 glasses. Their task is to distribute the liquid as much as possible across the faceted containers. At the same time, you cannot climb into the glass with your hands, but determine the level only by the sound and weight of the bottle.

The most accurate wins.

  1. "Healing mixture"

This competition is for speed.

You will need: measuring cups, pipettes and glasses of alcohol.

Several applicants can participate in the competition at once. All of them are told that the king is ill and he urgently needs to make medicine. But he can only entrust the manufacture of a healing potion to the fastest pharmacist. Therefore, a competition of pharmacists will now be held to check the speed of their work. To do this, it will be necessary, upon a signal from the glass, to pour the liquid into a measuring cup using a pipette. After one minute, everyone should stop. Whoever fills the glass more than others wins.

  1. "The promoted drink"

This competition can be partially called sports.

For him you will need: glasses, beer, hula hoops (gymnastic hoops).

It is optimal for 2 players to participate. But if there are more applicants, then just do a few rounds. Each participant is awarded a hula hoop and a glass of beer. Their task is to twist the hula navel while drinking beer. Splashing beer is not advisable. All this action lasts for one minute. After that, it is assessed: who drank how much and how much he shed. The winner is the one who spilled the least and drank the most.

  1. "Sherlock Holmes"

This time, you need attentiveness and observation. And besides that, glasses of vodka and one glass of plain water.

Among the guests present, Sherlock Holmes is chosen, who will have to conduct a little investigation. In front of him, 5-6 assistants are lined up in one line, each of whom is given a glass. They are all with vodka, except for one. Nobody knows which glass, which liquid. In turn, the assistants should drink the contents of their glass and try to restrain themselves as much as possible so that it is not clear to whom what has gotten. And Sherlock Holmes should guess by their reaction who got what. If you guessed it, you won. If you didn't guess right, you lost.