Games for the development of communicative identity skills. Games developing communicative abilities in children.docx - games for the development of communicative abilities in children of senior preschool age. Game "all together"

Hunt for tigers
Purpose: Development of communicative skills.
Age: from 4 years
The number of playing: at least 4 people.
Required devices: Little toy (Tiger).
Game Description: Children get up in a circle, driven out to the wall, considers loud to 10. While the leading believes, the children pass to each other toy. When the host finishes count, the child who has a toy, closes the tiger with his palms and pulls his hands forward. The rest of the children do the same. The leading should find a tiger. If he guess, then he gets the one who had a toy.
You can practice children in the ability to restrain emotions, do not extend them outwardly. It is quite difficult for preschoolers.
Purpose: development of observation and communicative skills.
Age: from 4 years
Number of playing: group of children.
Game description: Selects the presenter. It becomes in the center, the children are surrounded by a semicircle. The presenter can show any movements playing must repeat them. If the child is mistaken, he leaves. The victorious child becomes the lead.
Comment: It is necessary to remind children that they are the "mirror" of the lead, that is, they must perform the movements of the same hand (foot) as he.
Pass the ball
Purpose. Remove excess motor activity.
In a circle, sitting on the chairs or standing, playing trying to give the ball as quickly as possible, without dropping it. You can throw the ball as much as possible to throw the ball or pass it, turning his back in the circle and removing your hands behind your back. Complicate an exercise can be offered to children to play with closed eyes Or simultaneously with several balls.
Purpose. Develop an arbitrary attention, speed of the reaction, generate the skill to manage your body and execute instructions.
All playing go in a circle, holding hands. According to the leading signal (the sound of the bell, rattles, cotton with hands, some word) stop, clap four times in your hands, rotate and go to the other side. Who did not have time to complete the task, dropping out of the game. The game can be done to the music or under the group song. In this case, children should clap his hands, having heard a certain (stipulated in advance) the word song.
Purpose: Development of communication skills, ability to ask, removing corporal clamps.
Age: from 4
Number of playing: 6-8 people.
Required devices: toys.
Game description: Children become a circle, toys are folded into the center. Lead Pronounces: "Touch to (eyes, wheels, right legs, tail, etc.)." Who did not find the necessary subject, leads.
Comment: Toys should be less than children. If children have communicative skills are poorly developed, conflicts can develop at the initial stages of the game. But in the future, with systematic conversations and discussing problematic situations with moral content with the inclusion of this and similar games, children will learn to share, find a common language
Objective: Development of interest in peers, auditory perception.
Age: 3-4 years.
Number of playing: 5-6 people.
Game description: One child is standing back to all the rest, he lost in the forest. Someone from the children shouts to him: "AU!" - And the "lost" must guess who his called.
Comment: The game indirectly stimulates the interest of children to each other through gaming Rule. This game is well used in the process of dating children with each other. A child standing back to all the rest, it is easier to overcome the barrier in communication, overcome the alarm when you meet.
Who bit a mosquito?
Objective: to promote the development of mutual understanding between children.
Children sit in a circle. The presenter passes along the outside of the circle, strokes children on the backs, and one of them is imperceptible from others quietly pinch - "biting a mosquito." The child whom "bitten a mosquito" must strain the back and shoulders. The rest carefully look at each other and guess, "who bit the mosquito."
Two toys - swam in places
Purpose: Development of motor agility, attention, coordination of movements, cooperation. Game description: Children become a circle, and leading simultaneously throws toys to two players, which should quickly change in places.
Comment: The game is carried out at a fairly high pace to increase its intensity and complexity. Especially since children preschool age It is still quite difficult to perform actions of varying orientation (as in this game - to catch a toy, to see someone who got the second and change the places with him).
Inflate, bubble
Purpose: Development of feelings of cohesion, development of attention.
Game description: Children stand in a circle very closely - this is a "blurred bubble". Then they inflate it: they blow in cams, put one on the other, as in a dull. After each exhalation, take a step - "bubble" increases, making a few breaths, everyone is taken by arms and go in a circle, saying:
Find out, bubble, blow big, stay so, but do not be sick!
It turns out a big circle. Then the educator (or someone from the children chosen by the lead) says: "Claw!" - "Bubble" bursts, all run down to the center ("bubble" blossomed) or scatter around the room (bubbles scattered).
Listen to the command
Purpose. Develop attention, arbitrary behavior.
Sounds calm, but not too slow music. Children go in the column with each other. Suddenly, the music stops. Everyone stops, listen to the command of the master (for example: "Put the right hand on a neighbor's shoulder") and immediately perform it. Then the music sounds again, and everyone continues to walk. Teams are given only to performing calm movements. The game is performed until the group is able to listen well, and perform the task.
The game will help the educator to change the rhythm of the actions of the accepted guys, and children - calm and easily switch to another, more relaxed activity.
Affectionate name
Objective: to develop the ability to come into contact, render peer.
Children stand in a circle, transmit each other a relay (flower, "magic wand"). At the same time, they call each other in gentle name (for example, Tanya, Alyonushka, Dimuly, etc.) The educator draws the attention of children to affectionate intonation.
Objective: Teach children to be open to work with others, obey the overall rhythm of movements.
Children answer the sounds of the leading echo. For example, on the cotton tutor, the group members respond by friendly cotton. The lead can serve other signals: a series of cotton in a certain rhythm, tapping on the table, wall, knees, patch, etc. The exercise can be performed in a subgroup (4-5 people) or with the whole group of children. When performing small subgroups, one subgroup estimates the coherence of the actions of another.
Get up to whom you will see
Objective: Education of the senses of the partner (communication through the view).
The move: the presenter looks at one of the children. The child, catching his eyes, gets up. After that, they offer him to sit down.
Who came to visit us?
The goal of the game: Teach children to switch their attention to themselves on others, take the role and act in accordance with it.
Age: from 3 years
The course of the game. At the beginning of the game, the lead explains to children that they will meet guests now. The task of children is to guess who came to visit them. From among children, the lead chooses players, each of which gives a certain task - to portray the animal. You can do this through gestures, facial expressions, oracle. (A player depicting a dog, can "wave a tail" - waving behind the hand and bark, etc.). Players depicting animals overlook the spectators to take turns. Spectators should guess who exactly came to visit them, friendly to meet every guest and squeeze it nearby.
Name yourself
Objective: to learn to represent yourself a team of peers.
Age: from 3 years
The move: the child is offered to imagine himself, calling her name as he likes more, as they call at home or as he would like to be called in a group.
Purpose: develop the ability to express your thoughts accurately and concise
Age: from 4 years
One child - "Seller", other children - "buyers". On the counter "Store" decomposed various subjects. The buyer does not show the subject that wants to buy, but describes it or tells it, for which he can come in handy, which can be done from it.
The seller must understand which item needs to be needed.
Whose subject?
The goal of the game: Teach children to take attention to other people.
Age: from 4 years.
The course of the game: the teacher prepares a few items belonging to different children in advance. Children cover their eyes. The teacher waits for a while, giving the opportunity to children calm down and focus, then proposes to open his eyes and shows the item belonging to one of the children. Children must remember who owns this thing. The owner of the subject should not suggest. The game can participate such objects like hairpin, icon, etc.
Call gently
Objective: to educate the benevolent attitude of children to each other.
Age: from 3 years old: the child is offered to throw the ball or give the toy to any peer (optional), gently calling it by name.
All the opposite
Purpose of the game: Teach children to determine the actions opposed in meaning.
Age: from 4 years.
Game stroke: With the help of readers, choose a leading. Children get into a circle, hands on a belt, driving becoming in the center of the circle. The leading makes arbitrary movements and calls them, the rest of the children perform opposite actions. For example, watering ups up and says: "Hands up", all children lowered their hands on the seams. The child who made a mistake becomes leading. If all children perform actions correctly, after a while, a new way is chosen by reading.
Pines, Christmas trees, Pencheny
The goal of the game: Develop attentiveness, the ability to manage your behavior.
Age: from 4 years.
The course of the game: the children get up in a circle, holding hands. The teacher is located in the center of the circle. Sounds a harsh music, children move in a circle. According to the Team "Pine", "Christmas trees" or "Pohenka", children must stop and depict the named item: "Pines" - raising his hands high up, "Christmas trees" - spreading their hands to the sides, "penets" - squatting. The wrong players leave the game or get a penalty point. Then the game continues.
Figure on the back
Purpose: develop skin sensitivity and ability to distinguish a tactile image.
Children are divided into pairs. One child gets the first one, the other is behind him. Player standing behind, draws an index finger on the back of a partner image (house, sunshine, tree, ladder, flower, boat, snowman, etc.). A partner must determine what is drawn. Then children change places. " Rod "
Purpose: help children get into contact, make an emotionally significant choice.
Children are random to pairs. Couples are located each other, holding hands and lifting closed hands up. The one who did not have enough couples passes under close-up and choose a partner. The new couple becomes rear, and the liberated participant of the game enters the rod and looking for a couple

Each adult knows how important the ability to correctly communicate and interact with other people. Despite the fact that the desire for communication is laid in man from birth, not everyone knows how to build a relationship with others. Psychologists prove that communication needs to be studied since childhood, while the family is assigned an important role. What can parents make to properly teach their child communicative skills? To help family education, undoubtedly comes game activitywhich is primary in preschool age. In this case, among all the games you need to allocate communication games for children, because it is with their help the ability to communicate.

What are the difficulties of communication in preschool age?

Teachers of children's institutions constantly remind parents that today in communication with the surrounding world there are many problems. This is caused by different reasons: the advent of the Internet and all sorts of gadgets, replacing sometimes communication not only with peers, but also with loved ones. In addition, parents themselves do not communicate enough with their babies, few of them can boast that in the family it is customary to discuss any events, peacefully resolve conflicts, listen to the opinion of children. All this adversely affects the communicative development of preschoolers and causes serious anxiety from specialists. A preschooler who is poorly communicating with peers or does not know how to communicate in general, not interesting for others, grows closed, with reduced self-esteem, high anxiety and even aggressive behavior. Therefore, for parents, all means for teaching kids Azam communication will be good, but a special role is given to the communicative game.

Features of communication games

Correspondence games are called such games that are aimed at developing communicative skills in children. Pedagogues are selected by the age and psychological features of preschoolers, set up that the child can reveal and show himself. Communicative games for children imply joint actions of participants, their mutual understanding, cooperation, positive attitude towards all players, the formation of communication skills,. Such joint Games good also the fact that children are as a result positive emotions, the immediate joy that is the basis for the development of cheerfulness, optimism, activity in solving life tasks, the desire to come to the aid of others.

What difficulty may face parents when conducting communicative games? It is necessary to take into account that this kind of game is difficult to carry out individually, mostly they are massive, intended for several participants. Therefore, as a rule, communication games are becoming family and can easily fit into the overall leisure. Adults must take part in them to give the opportunity to learn how to contact not only with loved ones, but also with foreign people. For individual training it is useful to use game exercises that differ in short and concise action. Communicative games can be organized at home, at the cottage, while walking, on holidays and family celebrations.

Games for the development of communicative abilities

Important: If parents have difficulty choosing a particular communicative game for a child, you must be able to consult with a psychologist or a kindergarten caregiver who visits the preschooler. Experts will be able to tell in detail about the relationship in the group, about the skill of the kid to contact with peers, its ability to express feelings and emotions. They will help parents to meet the most available games And exercises for communication.

Moving games for communication

In principle, all kinds of games help in learning the kids communicative skills. But the movable, since they can be reached:

  • express their emotions, bring the accumulated energy;
  • unobtrusively join the team of peers;
  • penetrate the spirit of competition, subordination to the rules leading;
  • coordinate your actions with the actions of peers.

Can be chosen for communicative actions like vintage funFor example, "the sea is worried ...", "confusion", "river" and modern, for example, "fun starts", "find yourself a couple", "Catshy", dance movements for the music. What is important, moving fun is available even to the kids of two to three years.

1. "confusion"

Old entertainment in which preschoolers of different ages can take part. The main rule is to perform as many contacts as possible, so the participants must be "confused" well. Using any counting, the leading is selected. They may be an adult, and a senior preschooler. Then leading turns away, and players holding hands, make a variety of confusing movements. For example, you can overpower through the lifted arms, to break on the hands of other guys, scroll by snake. The more confusing actions, the more interesting the game goes. Walking dislifts the "tangle", not extinguishing the hands of the players. In this game it is important to interact together.

2. "River"

Just like the previous fun, the game in the "streams" is well familiar to many, often organized during the holidays. However, in addition to the entertainment task, another meaning carries in itself: it develops the ability to understand the partner in the game, to act more simplified in the group. Rules are simple, accessible to all kids, starting in 3 years. Adults and children are also played. Participants make up the pairs, take hands, highly raise them up and form a kind of corridor. Then the presenter comes along the improvised corridor and, breaking the pair, is a new one. The player remaining alone forms a new pair. As an option, the entertainment can be diversified: Each couple is alternately under the hallway and gets up ahead of everyone. The couple wins, which at the end of the music turned out to be the first, so the pace of the game is fast. Be sure to mention the guys who acted simultaneously.

3. Dance Movements

As a mobile game can be organized with reoxoites, a dance for music in the form of the simplest movements: take up hands, sit down, peck down, pat in your hands, etc. The adult helps each participant to pick up a couple and offers the dance guys. The pairs are then changed by partners. Typically, children like movements under favorite melodies, for example, "Little ducklings". In kindergarten, teachers often offer reoxoites this dance with the simplest movements. Parents can also take advantage of them during leisure, family holidays, an escape child to delve into and coordinate their actions with the actions of other participants.

Creative Communication Games

Well helps to reveal and express their emotions, as well as understand the emotional attitude of another person, creative games for the development of communicative abilities from preschoolers. These include fun with elements of pantomime, for example, by the type "where we were, we will not say, and what they did - show!"

4. "Where we were, we do not say, but what they did - show!"

You can play from 3 years old, encourage you to convey your emotional attitude and understand the emotions of another person, to negotiate about actions. The meaning of the entertainment is that children agree on the depicted event, and the leading should guess the conceived, played with the help of facial expressions and action gestures, for example:

  • Children assemble mushrooms in the forest, berries (leaning, rubbing, put in an imaginary basket).
  • The guys eat a delicious ice cream, which quickly melts and flows on hand (gestures show the kules, lick, on the face of pleasure).
  • The child washed in the morning, doing charging, dresses to go to kindergarten (imitation of actions).

5. "Magic Mirror"

Develops the ability to understand and express emotions, overcome shyness. You can play in different versions:

  • individually - an adult shows a variety of emotional states (joy, sadness, anger), and the child repeats;
  • in the group - the presenter shows one emotion, and the participants - the opposite one (sadness - joy, laughter - tears).

6. "We go along the path of good mood"

You can play this game to create a positive attitude and removal of negative mood with a small group of children or two (adult and child). A bright track of colored rings or carved quadraticles is laid out. Adult offers reoxoites to remember and call good word Happy cases from their lives, such as a tourist hike with parents (interesting!), Riding a pony (fun!), A trip to the sea (great!), An interesting excursion to the candy factory (delicious!). Then go through the improvised track and, coming to each fragment, they utter good words.

7. "Box of good actions"

Useful at home to put such a box for maintaining friendly relationship To each other, creating a positive emotional attitude in the family, the development of the ability to notice and appreciate the positive acts committed by other people. Each of the participants, imitating movements, folds the good acts of others around the people: friends, parents, brothers and sisters, acquaintances. For example, the child says: "Papa helped a neighbor to fix the door lock"; "Natasha's sister, along with Mom baked a delicious pie"; "Misha taught me to ride a bike."

8. "What a figure"

The game is unusual, but very useful for the formation of communicative skills, as it helps to overcome shyness, the psychological barrier in communication, develops the ability to understand the people around. For the game you need a group of participants consisting of children and adults. Participants are divided into pairs: adult and child. The meaning is that one player draws a finger on the back of another image, for example, a bird, a snake, a ball. The second - facial expressions and gestures transmits this image, and other participants must guess. As a complicated game option: Suggest varying partners in pairs. The same couple wins, which was able to portray the conceived most accuracy.

Verbal games and exercises for communication

The verbal games are carrying the great potential of education from the feeding of communicative skills, as speech communication is the most understandable and affordable type of communication for children. With the help of speech expressions, children can show their attitude towards the actions of others, express attention and empathize to another, to easily join the dialogue. This type of game is more accessible by the kids of senior preschool age.

9. "Rose glasses"

The game is designed for children from 5 years, aims to raise a positive attitude towards others, the ability to see as much as possible as possible, improving the self-assessment of their own comrades. You can play in a family circle or on a home celebration, when several children are going. You can prepare improvised pink glasses and tell children, which means this expression (look through pink glasses - not to notice the shortcomings, negative aspects of life). Each player, putting glasses, tries to call the positive qualities of other participants.

10. "Let's talk to each other compliments"

Increases self-esteem, develops a positive attitude towards others. Good such actions will be during the celebration of birthdays, family celebrations. To maintain interest, you can use the option with the ball. It begins an adult who throws the ball to any player with a compliment, for example: "Natasha kind, she regretted the kitten, fed him with milk" or "Andryusha caring, he always helps mom to convey the bags from the store." When children digest what a compliment is, actions can be diversified, for example, alternately move the ball to each other with compliments. The game should take place in a calm pace to give time to think about the compliment.

11. "Find me"

A rather unusual game of the type "Zhmurok", which is gaining increasing popularity among families. With its help, a positive emotional attitude is created, a closer contact of children and parents is established. The rules of the game are simple, but interesting: players are distributed to two teams - children and adults. Watering alternately becomes each of the parents. The eyes tie their eyes, and on the team "Once - two - three - look!" He tries to find his child among other players. To create the greatest interest and confuse the leading, you can offer the guys to swap, jackets. If children are large enough, you can also offer them a role to find your parent.

In addition to games, in domestic training used gaming exercises that will be useful to families raising one child:

  • "From a smile will become all light: please the homemade most beautiful smile, what you just can show."
  • "How to do it right if you want to get into interesting gamewhich other children play.
  • "What a gift to your friend you will find in the magic store."
  • "Try to make sure the princess is nemeyan."

Important:no need to wait until the rate will independently learn to communicate with the world around. The situation may not be the best way. Parents should with the help of simple games and exercises themselves to learn to communicate with their child and teach their child to correctly build relationships with the surrounding world.

Vedasheva Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Sazhneva Isabella Valerievna, Educators
Komi Republic, Ukhhta,

Purpose: shares accumulated experience with teachers who are introducing socio-game technology. Tasks: Show a variety of games that help the child build a positive communication with peers - the division of games in groups will help teachers to develop interpersonal communication skills: overcoming closetness, familiarity with human emotions, the development of the child's attention to itself, awareness of the relationship inside the family.

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Games for the development of communicative abilities and socialization of preschoolers.

Of all the developing pedagogical technologies that we use the Group in the paper every day last yearsThe priority is a socio-game priority, since this technology develops a child in communicating with peers, implying freedom of action, the freedom to choose and freedom of thought of the child. This technology focuses us on the search for methods for such communication with children, in which "Forcedilovka" is inferior to the place of passion. The purpose of using socio-game technologies in our group is the organization of its own activity in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. From this purpose, the following tasks are followed by us in adequate age forms of working with children:

Formation of friendly communicative interaction skills using grammatically properly connected speech;

Development of full-fledged interpersonal communication skills, helps understand itself;

Development of the interaction of a child child, a child-adult child, a parent-child to ensure spiritual well-being;

Development of the ability of elementary self-control of speech statement and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with the surrounding, removal of fear and clamp before activities;

Creation of conditions for the development of personal qualities and the ability of all subjects of an open educational space.

We, as educators, you just need to have a new look at the child, as a subject (and not an object) of education, as a partner in joint activities. When working, we try to use games and exercises that promote the development of basic skills in children to communicate, which will be useful to them in real communication and will help to pass a difficult path of trouble-free interaction with others. We divided these games into several directions:

"I and my body" are aimed at overcoming closetness, passivity, stiffness of children, as well as motor relations. This is important, since only a physically freely sensory child is calm and psychologically protected.

"I and my language" - aimed at the development of not only speech communication, but also other means: language of gestures, facial expressions and pantomimics.

"I and my emotions" are aimed at acquaintance with the emotions of man, awareness of their emotions, as well as to recognize the emotional reactions of other people and the development of the ability to adequately express their emotions.

"I and I" - aimed at the development of the child's attention to himself, his feelings, experiences.

"I and others" are aimed at the development of skills of joint activities, feelings of community, understanding the individual characteristics of other people, the formation of a careful, friendly attitude towards people and to each other.

"I and my family" are aimed at the awareness of relations inside the family, the formation of a warm attitude towards its members, awareness of themselves as a full-fledged, and beloved by other family members.

We bring to your attention a list of games that will help you develop individually psychological features in the child and ensure the effectiveness of its communication and compatibility with other children.

I and my body.

1 "confusion"

Game for several children. They get up in a circle, close the eyes and, stretching the hands forward, converge in the center. With his right hand, everyone takes the hand of any other child, the left left for someone to take it. After that, everyone opens eyes. The adult helps children in order for one hand only one child took. Thus, confusion is formed. The task of children is to wonder, not letting go. In this game, it is good to use merry, invigorating music.

2 "Bear".

The child turned into a little bear. He lies in Berorga. Blooming the cold wind and stumbled in Berloga. Fear frozen. He squeezed into a little tangle - heats. It became hot - the bear was turned around and buried.

3 "Pump and Ball"

The game can be held in the group and individually. One of the participants becomes the pump, the other balls. First, the balls are standing by shouting with all the body, on semicooched legs. The case is tilted forward, the head is lowered. When the "pump" begins to inflate the balls, accompanying his actions with sound, children start straightening, pissing cheeks and raise hands. Balls pound. The presenter pulls the pump hose from the balls. Children are published with the power of the "sh-sh-sh-sh" sound, returning to its original position. If children are somewhat, they are optional at will, in which one will be a pump, another ball, then they change roles. The game is aimed at awareness of the senses of tension and relaxation.

4 "White Bears".

Game group. Conventionally denotes the berroda, in which white bears will live. Two children take hands - this is bears. With the words "Bears go hunting!" They run, trying to surround and catch other participants in the game. Then the bears lay down to sleep and go hunt again. The game continues until one unrealized child remains.

This game also contributes to the removal of muscle tension, stimulating the activity and development of joint action skills. It is good to use masks depicting polar bears.

5 "Image Hiking"

The child is invited to portray the gaits of various people and animals, such as a gait, like a deep old man, like small childlike a clown in a circus, as a lion, like an elephant, like kitten, etc. Options for gaitting a child can come up with himself.

b) Another version of this game is possible when other children are trying to guess who wanted to portray.

Exercises are designed to withdraw the voltage, emotional liberty of children.

6 "kittens"

Children listen to the poem of the "kittens", show the Mimician of the mistress angry, compressed; Coming, freezing, and then sleeping kittens. Then the scene is played. Possible sharing roles. Before playing, children discuss this poem.

It is desirable that short-live music sounded before holding these games and exercises. It is important that the mood of music coincides with the character of exercises. Musical accompaniment contributes to creating and maintaining an emotional background.

7 Exercise for the prevention of scoliosis "Vicky"

(sample or conjugate)

1 Raise your hands up and tighten with strength - you are a screw.

2 Move into the floor, and now dismider. Feel what mobile and flexible spinner you have.

3 Lower your hands.

It takes 3-5 times.

8 Exercise for the prevention of violation of the "springs"

Eyes paint the springs from top to bottom, then from below-up 3-5 times (the chin is fixed by hand, the head is absolutely fixed).

9 Exercise for the prevention of scoliosis "bladeing"

1 Raise your hands slowly upwards.

2 Restart how the blade is stretched to towards solar heat.

3 Share like a bladder in the wind, from side to side, and now - back-back.

4 Slowly lower your hands through the parties down.

10 Exercise on the coordination of movements and the balance of "Ts."

1 will stretch up, palms are closed.

2 Showing the housing forward-back, while maintaining the balance.

3 lift on the socks and reappear back and forth, as a small tree in the wind.

11 Exercise for training the vestibular apparatus "Seagull"

1 Make a deep slow breath through the nose.

2 Raise your hands to the shoulder level. Hold your breath.

3 Pretty my right leg. Close your eyes and try to keep balance.

4 Make a slow exhalation through the nose, lower your hands through the parties down, become on both legs and open your eyes.

5 Again, deeply slowly breathe through the nose, raising your hands to the side to the shoulder level, hold your breath, close your eyes and wait for the left foot.

6 Do not open the eye, slowly with force exhale through the nose. Lower your hands down and become on both legs.

7 Open your eyes.

12 Exercise for the prevention of violation of vision "Draw triangles"

Fix your chin with your hands. Head is stationary.

Draw through three triangles clockwise and three against.

I and my tongue.

1Bested "How can you communicate without words."

Discuss with children with what funds they can communicate with other people. Probably, they will immediately call speech. Ask, as you can explain how to explain with a person, as with the help of a gesture, facial expressions to pass your emotional state. Is it possible to learn what I thought that the writer, an artist or composer felt, reading or listening to their works. Try to guess the mood of the author, reading some book or listening to music.

2 "foreigner"

A foreigner came to visit, who does not know Russian, and you do not know the language on which he says. Offer the child to chat with him, show him your room. His toys, invite lunch, naturally, all this without words.

3 "Through the glass"

Children are invited to say anything to each other with gestures, presenting that they are distant from each other with glass, through which sounds do not penetrate. You can suggest a topic for talking about a child, for example, "you forgot to wear a hat, and on the street it is very cold," or "Bring me a glass of water, I want to drink", etc., or the child himself will think of his message. After the game, it is necessary to find out how accurately and correct the children understood each other and discuss what children felt when transferring messages, they could easily.

The game is aimed at developing the ability to transfer thoughts and feelings with the help of facial expressions and expressive movements.

4 "Image of a fairy tale"

2 teams (or 2 children) play. One team thinks some kind of famous fairy tale or cartoon and trying to portray it without words. And the other group should guess what kind of fairy tale and who depicts whom. The task can be complicated by the fact that with the help of facial expressions and pantomimics, to depict not only heroes, but also things that they belong.

In this game, you can first agree on a joint fairy tale show, and then coordinate your actions with each other without words.

5 "Tell poems without words."

Adult reads children any poem. Children gives a task to convey the content of the poem with the help of facial expressions and pantomime.

6 "spoiled phone".

This speech game For several participants. Children sit in one line. The first child thinks words. The task is to pass this word on the chain as quickly as possible, speaking with a whisper in the ear of each other. At the end of the game, the first and last participants pronounce the first version of the word and what I heard the last. Children compare how much the meaning of the word has changed. You can trace the changes that happened when the word is transferred, for this every child reports that he heard him. This game is aimed at understanding the importance of proper competent speech to communicate with the interlocutor.

7 conversation "Why need speech"

After the games were held, it is useful to talk with a child about how important it is to communicate with other people, how important it is to speak correctly. It is advisable to discuss with the child the importance of gestures and facial expressions for expressive speech. You can talk about those people who say too much (chatter), and too little (silent), for what we need to talk if we can listen to another, how easy it is to wander the word.

When conducting games and exercises with the child, it is necessary to show him that the 2 language of the body "(Mimica, gestures) do not always coincide with what we say words. For example, speaking something good something good, a person may involuntarily compress his fists, i.e. Subconsciously express aggression towards his interlocutor.

After the game, it is advisable to discuss her content, find out what happened, whether the child had any difficulties in fulfilling the tasks that he felt and what at this moment I wanted, why there were conflict situations in the game (if they were).

8 "Zoo"

Distribution of wild and domestic animals. Exercise in generalization and exclusion. Fastening the names of cubs of animals.

Tasks: Consider pictures and name animals and their cubs. Determine which of these animals is superfluous in the zoo. Why? (Extra pictures are cleaned) Remember the remaining wild animals.

9 "Whose, whose, whose"

Recalling wild animals, education according to the sample of attractive adjectives.

Description of the game.

1 I remembered and called the animal of the child gets the appropriate picture.

2 Then, on behalf of his beast, asks children questions.

"Lisa" (child) asks: Children answer:

Whose tail is my tail? Tail in fox (you0 fox.

Whose ear? Ear in fox fox.

Whose fur coat is? Fur coat in fox fox.

10 Exercise for training the vestibular apparatus and speech breathing "Rocket"

1 Make a deep breath through the nose, slowly climbing the socks - hands through the sides, palms to sick.

2 Hold your breath, stretch with power into the sky, understanding on socks and holding the balance - Preparation of the rocket to the start.

3 Slowly exhale with the open free long sound of Aaaaa --------, lowering the hands through the sides down at the same time dropping to the full foot.

4 Then take a deep breath again through the nose, also stretch and hold your breath, and breathe with force, sharply and briefly.

11 Exercise "Invent the words - signs and words - actions."

Enrichment of the dictionary with signs and actions of natural phenomena on the sample.

Signs: Actions:

(What? What? What?) (What does it do?)

Creek stream

Cool flow

Murmuring jumper

Transparent sparkle

(Forest, sea, birds, rain, leaves, seagulls ...).

1 "Psychological self-portrait"

At one half of the sheet, children depict signs answers to the question "Why can I love me?", On the other half of the sheet "for which you can scold?". Then discuss what can be done in order to scold it was not for. Please note that the options offered the child himself., And you discuss how much they are acceptable.

2 "Who am I?"

Children are trying to call as many answers as possible to the question "Who am I?". To describe itself, characteristics, features, interests and feelings are used, and each sentence starts with the pronouns "I"

For example, "I am a girl.", "I am a person engaged in sports." "I am a good person". The adult ensures that the children try not to repeat what previous guys said, but described exactly themselves.

This game gives children the opportunity to look at yourself as if from different sides, expand ideas about themselves.

3 "Make a story."

The child is invited to make an adult to some topic, or he chooses her himself. Themes may be: "I love when ...", "I worry me ...", 2 When I'm angry ... "," When I feel bad ... "," When I'm offended ... "," I'm afraid ... "and others are important to The child did not give a single answer, and the full, deployed story. Then these stories can be lost, and the narrator itself should be in the lead role. Together with children, you can come up with ways out of these situations and also lose them.

4 "We listen to yourself"

Adult turns to the child: "Let's sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Listen to what happens around and inside yourself. Carefully listen to your feelings ... What do you feel that you want? What did you hear? The child shares his impressions.

This exercise develops a concentration of attention, contributes to their attention to his feelings.

5 "Zoo"

Children turn into animals, in those whom they want. First, everyone is sitting behind chairs (in a cage). Each child depicts his animal, others are guessing whom it depicts. After everyone "learned", the cells open, and the animals are released: jump, run, shout, growl.

6 "Country Kleks"

This exercise can be both individual and group. Before children, a large sheet of paper is put on, on which they must draw blots: color spots of any size and shape. Then the children are invited to try to see in the blots some picture, come up with a fairy tale about what you saw.

7 "How to become yourself"

Beat with children "Rules of good work":

1 Plan everything in advance.

2 Prepare a workplace, tool.

3 I ask the advice from the elders, how best to perform this work.

4 Be accurate, do not hurry

5 If it does not work, do not despair, start first. Remember that "patience and work will be perfect." Do not worry with failures - you will be persistent and hard, you will learn everything.

8 "Draw yourself"

The child is offered by colored pencils to draw himself now and itself in the past. Discuss with him the details of the drawing, what they differ in. Ask the baby that he likes and does not like himself.

This exercise is aimed at the awareness of himself as an individuality, awareness of the various parties. This is useful for determining what has changed in the child compared to the past and what else would like to change.

9 Exercise "Who am I".

Development of dialogic speech.

Drawing up a brief consistent statement of a child about yourself.

1 Answers to questions:

What's your name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

Who do you have in the family?

Who are you for your parents?

Who do you bring grandfather, grandmother?

Who is the oldest in the family?

Who is you all?

2 A short consistent story about yourself responsible for the question: "Who am I?", According to the sample (sample - the story of the educator about himself) or with the help of leading issues.

10 game "What am I?"

Detection and development of adequate self-esteem.

Game description:

1 Children are invited to carefully consider themselves in the mirror.

2 The attention of children is attracted to the peculiarities of their appearance and its emotional assessment:

What are your wonderful eyes!

See what color they are!

What eyebrows, eyelashes!

Pay attention to your smile! How she goes to you!

Please what () you are beautiful ("

3 Answers for children to question what I am? Using as much as possible as possible signs in response.

11 Drawing your mood.


1 Draw what you want, draw the first thing that comes to mind.

2 Select Pencils that you need for this.

3 Most importantly, you find colors that are most suitable for your mood.

4 Remember what beautiful, smart, wonderful, favorite. It is important.

12 Exercise "I am today ..."

Differentiation of emotional states. Calculation of them with brief with verbal sketches.

1 Look at the bun in the pictures (schemes).

What are the kolobka face on them?

On which pictures (schemes) of a kolobka face the most joyful (the saddest, the most frightened, the most evil.)?

Think and tell me that I made a kolobka to make a joyful face (sad, frightened, evil.)

2 Listen to small bunches stories and pick up each of them the corresponding picture scheme.

a) We read a funny story - and we all were very funny.

b) Finally the new year has come1 this is my most beloved holiday. I will go on a funny idea and I will have fun with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

c) the weather spoiled, went raining. I had to stay at home. I sit and look through the wet glass into the street.

d) It rains on the street. I'm sitting at home alone. And the parents do not come in any way.

e) I have a bad tooth hurt, so I did not go for a holiday, but I went to the doctor.

e) I could not fulfill my homework, although I tried very much.

g) I made a beautiful applique, and the children were broken.

h) I was asked complex task. I thought. What if it does not work?

and) I came to the new group. There are so many unfamiliar guys around. How will they take me? Will there be playing with me?

k) Suddenly hit a strong thunder. Thunderstorm began. I am very afraid thunderstorm!

l) I took the car from the baby in the sandbox. He cried.

m) Today I bought ice cream.

13 Exercise - imitation "I am an athlete" on the development of pantomimics.

1 Every child is remembered, without calling the "his" athlete.

2 Then depicts it by imitating its sports actions.

3 The rest of the children guess and call an athlete and its actions.

I and others.

1 "Biography in the photo"

For this exercise you will need several photos. Well, if children themselves bring themselves to themselves, but in this case you need to trace so that every child does not get the picture that he brought himself. Children make up stories about people depicted in photographs. Special attention should be paid to the fact that this man is at the moment and what are the same possible reasons These experiences.

The game is aimed at developing sensitivity to the experiences of another.

2 "Country X"

This exercise provides for the joint drawing of children on a large sheet of paper. Children are offered together to come up with their country, give it a name and draw. Each child draws in the overall picture what he wants. An adult can also participate in the overall drawing.

This exercise makes it possible to participate in a common activity every child, helps to see what place the child takes in the group.

3 "Spread the circle"

This mobile game contributes to greater inclusion of children in the group.

Children stand in a circle, tightly holding hands. One child must break this circle and be inside it.

One of the options for this game is the game "Breaking Chains". Children are divided into two teams and become, holding hands over opposite each other at a distance of 10-15. One team calls a member from another to disperse and break the chain of players. If he succeeded, he takes one of the players of this team in his, if not, it becomes in her.

4 cycle of conversations "Whom we call good (honest, polite, etc.).

With children, some human qualities contributing to effective communication are discussed. Along with the children, the rules of how to develop these qualities in themselves.

a) kindness.

Rules of kindness:

Help weak, small, sick, old ones in trouble;

Forgive mistakes of others;

Not greeding;

Do not envy;

Regret others.

b) honesty.

With the children are discussed by such topics, how is it "difficult to be honest?", "How to keep your word", etc.

Honesty Rules:

Said, do;

Not sure - do not promise;

Mis wrong - admit;

Forgot - ask for forgiveness;

Say what you think;

You can not say the truth - explain why;

Do not give someone else's mystery.

c) politeness.

Politeness Rules:

Politeness - the ability to behave so that others be nice with you;

Be always friendly: Hello when meeting, thanks for the help, leaving - say goodbye;

Do not make you worry about yourself, go - tell me where you go and how much will come back;

Do not capricious, do not torment. Your whim can spoil the mood to others.

5 "Draw the pattern"

For this game, you will need several pairs cut from paper mittens. With different patterns on them. The number of "halves" should be equal to the number of children in the group.

a) Each child is given carved mitten with paper. Each of them has its own shape and pattern. The same "halves" - two; They form a pair. Children walk around the room and are looking for their pair. After that, each couple should, not talking, finish the pattern depicted on the mittens, and each pair is given only one set of pencils or markers.

b) each pair of children give clean mittens. They must negotiate how they will decorate. The presence of one set of pencils is preserved.

After this game, you can arrange a mittens contest, in which the quality and the same patterns on two halves will be assessed.

This game helps to see what kind of relationships between children, which are conflicts, and also they train the ability to carry out joint actions.

6 "guide"

Exercise is performed in pairs. First, the lead drivers driven with a bandage in his eyes, experiencing a sense of leadership and responsibility for his well-being. Then children change roles.

This exercise develops a sense of responsibility for another person, trusting relationships to each other.

7 Exercise on relaxation and concentration of "Dolls"

Perhaps lying on the floor:

1 "Parsley: the whole body is soft, rag, relaxed. The teacher controls how much children could relax (within 15-20 seconds).

2 "Pinocchio": the whole body is stressful, solid, wooden. Teacher controls the execution of the command. (within 10-15 seconds)

3 again "Parsley" - 15-20s.

8 Dialogue on the content of Basni S. Mikhalkov "Two Baran".

Teacher's issues:

1 What do you think, why did the rams with the rams occurred?

2 What qualities killed rams?

4 how. In your opinion, would you follow the branches?

5 What could be the end of the fable, if the rams were not stubborn and lost to each other road?

9 Consider the story "Two Baran".

1 Determine which episode from the fables is painted in the picture.

2 Come up with what other pictures can be drawn to the Basna "Two Baran".

10 game "Mountain Picture"

Processing cooperation and interaction.

Game description:

1 Imagine that we are high in the mountains. Before you, the abyss, through which you need to move.

You will go towards each other (remember the rams).

Need not to fall into the abyss.

Remember that you go on a very narrow path and narrow bridge through the abyss.

2 The abyss of the 2m width, the bridge and the path with a width of 25-30cm, limited to the rope or outlined with chalk.

3 Children are divided into pairs. Moving to meet each other, move through the abyss.

What pair went best? Why?

Activity is evaluated, attention to the partner, mutual assistance, solving problems and the choice of the most suitable, as well as the execution time.

Only helping each other, carefully listening to the partner, refusing stupid stubbornness, you can overcome difficulties!

11 The game "There were two rams" on the balance, compulsion of their strength and control over emotions.

Children in pairs are becoming against each other at a distance of 25-30 cm.

Hands behind his back. The foreheads are in contact. The signal starts to "bode" each other with a slightly pushing movement.

Hold balance without taking foot from the floor.

12 game "Build a house"

Exercise in collaboration and upbringing patience to each other.

Game description:

Children couple sit against each other.

Drinks are associated with the leading hands of each pair.

Flomaster is inserted into related hands.

Knitted hands each pair draws according to the sample "House with a pipe". The teacher draws a sample on the board and pre-examines it with children.

The quality of the drawing is estimated (even, beautiful lodge, the presence of all parts) and the nature of the communication between "couples", patience, the ability to listen to the partner, the culture of communication.

13 Game "Hello!"

Exercise in communication.

Game description:

2 What do we want people when we tell them: "Hello"?

3 How can I say hello?

4 What other words are used?

2 Hello without words:

a) considering pictures schematically depicting greetings;

b) the image without words, how can people greet each other.

Comparison of greetings of greeting people with the expression of their face.

Selection of pictures depicting greetings, schematic images of emotional states.

Drawing suitable for greetings when meeting facial expressions (by choosing children).

14 game-dramatization "House".

(Based on the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Look at the one who does not want anyone"):

a) with change acting person (each child should be in the role of the petitioner);

b) instead of a pencil use various toys.

c) and most importantly - the tone and nature of the dialogue change.

Before starting the game, they are repeated, the following points are specified:

How to ask what you want to get?

What words do you need to pronounce?

What should the one who gives the answer to the request?

What words when performing a request, and what if you refuse?

What if you refused?

Gaming actions.

With the right use of the forms of request and failure, a friendly tone, children get chips.

By the number of scored chips, the winner is determined - the most polite one.

15 Game "Gemini"

The formation of the ability to interact together.

Game description:

1 Consider and memorizing a selected pair of cards.

Analysis of the image from geometric shapes.

2 Distribution of children to couples:

a) one blindfolded;

b) another - his "eyes."

3 Drawing together sitting or standing dog:

Draws a twin baby with tied eyes.

Leading - Baby-"Eyes" - Command: "Right, Left, Down, Left, etc." Or there is a variant of commands without support to the sample (memory).

I and my family

1 "Home Photo Album"

Suggest a child to see home photos. Discuss what people on them are depicted, maybe someone from them does not know the baby. To draw the attention of the child to the fact that these people have the expression of the face that they feel what the mood they have. Suggest a child to come up with some story about these people.

2 game "What does love parents mean".

During the conversation, questions are discussed: "Why is it important to love each other in the family? How to express your love for parents? How to learn not to upset your loved ones? How to behave if they guessed "How to learn to fall the mood of parents?"

3 "Mother's Daughters"

This game is also useful for girls, and for boys both in a diagnostic and developing plan. As you know, children reflect in their surroundings, so, watching this game parents can see the samples of behavior that they demonstrate the child. In addition, the game "Mother's daughter", helps the child feel in the role of parents, realize how it is sometimes difficult to mom and dad with their children. In that game, you can also beat various life situations, such as those offered in the next exercise.

4 Playing situations.

The situation is played in the group of children who play roles and parents, and their own. The following situations can be proposed for playing: "The evening in the family", "If you have two tickets to a movie with whom would you want to go?", "Family holiday", "How to reconcile the quarreered family members", "How to raise mom ( dad) mood. "

Some situations for playing children can offer themselves.

5 game "Pick up a couple"

Correlation of instruments and equipment with the relevant professions of people and family members.

Game description:

1 Calling professions. The pictures are set, the professions of family members are pronounced, then the pictures turn over.

2 Children are guessing outstanding pictures (each child takes a picture led by him).

3 Viewing pictures with the image of guns and warehouses, pronigrating their names, and also for whom and who need them.

4 At the expense of "Once or two to three", children quickly pick up their pictures with the image of the professions paired pictures depicting guns and warehouses.

6 "If it were not"

(on the development of imagination)

1 Children are invited to remember their picture from the game "Pick up a couple", close your eyes and imagine what would happen if this profession disappeared on Earth.

2 stories of family members about what would happen if ...

7 game "Echo"

Exercise in the correlation of athletes and the necessary sports equipment, and equipment, as well as in a quick speech reaction.

An adult family member calls an athlete, and the child-"Echo" sports equipment or equipment necessary athlete.

Skater - Cyclist -

Runcher - skier -

Fencer - car drivers -

Footballer - Htodgist -

Tennis player - Motorcyclist -

Jumper - Parachutist -

Aqualantka - figure skater -

8 Game "Sick Doll"

(on the formation of the ability to provide full assistance to the disease).

Game description:

1 Each child should be in the role of a doctor.

2 It determines the disease of the doll. Selects the necessary items for the treatment of dolls: thermometer, banks, mustard pieces, phonenadoscope, tonomer, medicine, mins, pipette, etc.

3 performs game actions:

a) at first tells what happened to the doll and why;

b) Then provides "patient" necessary assistance, explaining that and why he ("doctor") does.

I and my emotions.

1 "pictograms"

A) For this game, you need a set of pictograms. Pictograms are an image of people people in various emotional states. You will need two sets of cards, one whole, the other sliced.

Children choose a set of patterns, they recognize the mood (emotions) and give the name of each icon (determine which person: cheerful or sad, angry or kind, happy or upset). Then the second one is proposed, only the cut patterns are mixed with each other. Children are invited to help people find and collect their photo.

B) After determining the mood of each icon, children are divided into pairs. Each participant has its own set of pictograms. One participant takes pictogram and, without showing it to another, calls the mood that is depicted on it. The second must find a picture planned by its partner. After that, the two selected pictures are compared. If you fail, you can ask for children to explain why they chose one or another pictogram to determine the mood.

This game is aimed at training the ability to recognize the emotional state of facial expressions.

2 "Mimic gymnastics"

Children are invited to perform a number of exercises for the facial muscles. Short the forehead, raise your eyebrows (surprise). Relax. Save the forehead smooth for one minute. Shoot your eyebrows, frowning (angry). Relax. Fully relax your eyebrows, roll your eyes (but I don't care - indifference). Expand the eyes, mouth open. Hands are compressed in fists, the whole body is intense (fear, horror). Relax. Sleep eyelids, forehead, cheeks (laziness, I want to rise). Expand the nostrils, wrinkle the nose (squeamishness, inhale a pleasant smell). Relax. Squeeze your lips, nice eyes (contempt). Relax. Smile, wink (fun, that's what).

The goal of the game is to study the facial films and related emotional states of a person, training of expressive facial expressions.

3 "Guess - ka!"

Select one leading. Children sit in a row face to him. Behind the backs are transmitted a small ball or another subject. By expression of the face and the posture of the presenter should guess who has a ball. The transfer of the ball stops after the call.

The game is aimed at training attention and the ability to track the condition of a person in facial expressions and pantomime.

4 "Magic Bag"

Before this game must be discussed with children, what the mood is now that he feels maybe he is offended by someone, etc. Then the child is proposed to fold into the magic bag all negative emotions: anger, insult, sadness, etc. This bag, with all the bad things, which is in it, is thrown away. You can suggest throwing out it myself. Well, if an adult will also put his negative emotions in this bag.

You can use another "magic" bag from which the child can take those positive emotions that he wants.

The game is aimed at the awareness of its emotional state and exemption from negative emotions.

5 "Draw emotions with your fingers"

The child is invited to draw their emotions with his fingers. To do this, you need to use jars with gouache paint. You can draw your mood with your fingers.

The game is aimed at expressing the awareness of its emotional state. In this case, it does not matter whether the drawing will be plot. Maybe the child will simply draw some stains, let him try to express himself, his emotions on a sheet of paper.

6 "Music and Emotions"

Listening to the music passage, the children describe the mood of music on the scales: cheerful - sad, satisfied - angry, bold - cowardly, festive - everyday, sincere - alienated, cheerful - tired, calm - agitated, slow - fast, warm - cold, clear - gloomy .

This exercise contributes not only to the development of an understanding of the transfer of emotional state, but also the development of figurative thinking.

7 "Draw the mood of music"

After listening and discussing the nature and mood of music, you can invite children to draw it. This contributes to the formation of the ability to express their feelings, impressions through the color, drawing. Before drawing, it is stipulated, which paint (color) corresponds to which mood.

8 "Diary of moods"

Get together with the child "Diary of His Moods" - a common notebook in which you, together with him, celebrate his mood. If it changes during the day, then make several marks. Enter legend, eg:

Cheerful, joyful mood;

A little sad, I want to silend, think about something;

Sad and boring want to cry.

You can come up with the child with your child or expand these.

The mood diary enhances attention to your emotions, mood, gives a realization of its emotional state and the ability to express him in words.

9 "Conversation" Ways to enhance the mood "

Discuss with the child how you can increase my mood yourself. Try to come up with as many such ways as possible (smiling in the mirror, try to laugh, remember something good, make a good deal to another, draw yourself a picture, etc.).

10 Exercises in Pantomimik.

Children without words in turn depict any of the animals (one depicts, the rest are guessing). The building is performed if necessary.

11 game "Mirror"

Exercise in differentiation of emotional states.

Game description:

1 You, children - "Mirror". I will look at the "Mirror". Well, the mirror, tell me which expression on my face:

A) children are called independently without help;

C) with support for suggestions:

I'm glad to see you.

I am sad when the weather is on the street.

I was told a funny story.

I'm terribly afraid of thunderstorms.

I was very angry.

2 "Mirror", not only calls the expression, but also transmits, copies it, depicts feeling.

12 Respiratory Exercises "Draw Squares"

Extraction of emotions by selecting signs by sample.

Olya sad.

Andrey angry.

Anton cheerful, etc.

13 Game "Accidental"

Exercise in elementary analysis of emotions and drawing up proposals with the help of a problematic matter why?

1 Contracting proposals for sample:

Anton cheerful (Anton was very fun), because he was presented with a puppy.

Andrey Angry (angry), because someone pushed him in a puddle.

Olya sad (buried), because she broke the doll. Etc.

2 Fingering such proposals for sample about every child.

3 Answers to the question why? About a kolobkin according to the schemes of emotional states.

Possible causes of emotional states of the kolobok are pre-collectively pronounced.

14 Hearing records of the sounds of the sea surf, the storm, the cry of the cups lying, relaxing, with closed eyes, guessing and taking the heard.

15 Exercise on relaxation and concentration of "dolls"

LED is performed on the floor:

1 "Parsley": the whole body is soft, rag, relaxed. The teacher controls how much children could relax (within 15-20 seconds).

2 "Pinocchio": the whole body is stressful, solid, wooden. The teacher controls the execution of the command (within 10-15 seconds).

3 again - 15-20s. "Parsley".

Games and exercises

on development


skills from preschoolers.

Prepared an educator:


From the mandatory minimum content of the educational program implemented by the preschool educational institution (DOU), communicative competence of preschoolerincludes recognition of emotional experiences and states of others, the ability to express their own emotions verbal and non-verbal methods.

In addition, the child's older preschool age

must master communicative skills. This group

skills make up well-known skills. "


Listen and hear;

perceive and understand (recycle) information;

Description of the game.

Playing sit on the floor or chairs, forming a circle. Teacher says:

You need to ask a question so that the first word of your question begins with one of the letters of the alphabet. We will ask questions in turn. A participant who will betray or forget the sequence of letters in the alphabet, drops out of the game. For example:

B: Banana, what color? Etc.


Equipment: Microphones (by number of couples of participants)

Description of the game.

The teacher shares children to two teams. One team - "Experts", other - "journalists"

Teacher says:

Each "journalist" needs to choose an "expert" and take an interview with him on a familiar topic, for example: the city in which I live "

Please play your roles so that your behavior and speech would be like real journalists and experts. Who will begin first?

The teacher acts as an observer.

Wins a couple, which, according to most children, most successfully played their roles.

The degree of attention to the partner, the culture of communication, artistry is estimated.


Description of the game.

Teacher says:

- Now we will play the game "Pum - Pum - Pum". "PUM - PUM -PUM" - so we will call any mysterious subject.

Then it is chosen by the leading, which comes out the subject. The remaining participants ask him questions.

For example:

- Why did you make this "Pum-Pum - Pum"?

- For what "Pum - Pum -PUM" need?

- This "Pum-Pum-Pum" is big or small?

The leading should answer questions to the full proposal.

The child who first calls the mysterious thing becomes leading, the game is resumed.

Tell me.

Equipment: chips.

Description of the game.

Playing sit on the floor or chairs, forming a circle.

Teacher says:

I will pronounce suggestions, in each of which I will have a voice to allocate the word. Your task is to replace this word to others, according to the word.

Be careful - the sense of the offer should not change.

Examples of proposals:

- Girl hurry to school:

- Mom looks out the window:

- yesterday, the tole was sad;

A child who first gave the right answer, gets a chip. Wins the one who by the end of the game will collect more chips.

Listen and repeat.

Description of the exercise .

With the help of readers, the leading is selected. The teacher utters some kind of phrase, after which it is necessary to transfer to the rest of the participants heard, but in other words.

For example, teacher says:

- I will read you a wonderful story about Murauyeum-broadcaster.

The leading can paraphrase this sentence like this:

The teacher (name-studios) will read us an interesting story about the ant travel.

v Exercise can be complicated using as speech material

small poems, stories, fairy tales. "width \u003d" 192 "height \u003d" 214 "\u003e "width \u003d" 357 "height \u003d" 331 src \u003d "\u003e


Equipment: magnetic board, magnets.

Illustrations for proverbs:

"You can easily pull the fish out of the pond";

"Eggs chicken are not taught";

"Each kulik his swamp praises";

"For two hares, you will not catch one";

"The coward is afraid of his shadow";

Description of the exercise.

One of the children is driven, the rest are "observers" and "advisers". A teacher attachs an illustration to the proverb to the chalkboard. Water is invited to listen to several proverbs, choose the appropriate "signature" to the picture and justify your choice.

"Observers" and "advisers" listened to the answer and express their opinion.

Then the driving changes, the exercise is resumed.

There is a consequence.

Equipment: magnetic board, magnets;

Scene pictures: "New Year's dance", "Hockey", "Salute".

Game description.

With the help of readers, two leading - "detectives"

The remaining participants in the game - "Witnesses". The teacher attaches a storyline to the board so that only "Witnesses" can see it. Then "Witnesses begin to testify" about what is depicted in the picture. Their task - to describe the plot is not directly, but indirectly, using additional information so that the "detectives" do not immediately understand what it is happening. For example, if you are using a "New Year's Horror" picture, children can describe it like this:

- I see smiles on faces.

- I hear laughter and tramp football.

- All holding hands.

- I hear cheerful music.

- I see gifts.

- I feel the smell of a Christmas tree.

If "detectives" decide that they solved the plot, they say: "We have an answer." Representation versions can be put forward three times.

Then the leading changes, the game resumes. "width \u003d" 625 "height \u003d" 312 src \u003d "\u003e div_adblock217"\u003e

Misha sat in Sanki and rushed from the mountain ... (bullet, swirl, so that the spirit captured)

Sanki turned over, and the boy ... (slapped, bought into the snow, flew by Kubarem)

Kole very much wanted to get the slide. He worked ... (Do not bother, without tired, in the sweat of the face).

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§ Dress up, say goodbye, leave;

§ bathe, sunbathe, go barefoot;

§ sowing snowmen, ride on sledding, skiing;

A child who was the first to guess and gave the right answer, gets a chip.

Guess and draw

Equipment: Simple pencils and sheets of paper. (By number of participants)

Description Exercises: Children sit at the table. The teacher makes the riddles. Children must guess them. Then, without calling the fades, draw them.

Examples of riddles:

Under the pine from the track on the back needle

What is among the grass? Long yes baking

There is a leg, but no boots, and he will turn into the ball -

Hat is - No head. There is no head nor legs.

(Mushroom) (hedgehog)

At the end of the drawing begins a discussion.

Children explain how they managed or why it did not work out to solve this or that riddle.

Made action.

Description of the game.

With the help of readers, the leading is selected. He comes out of the room, and the rest of the participants are discussed and huddling, what action he will have to fulfill. For example: Clean your teeth, fitting the floor, look into the mirror, etc.

After discussion, they cause a leading and offer him a hint, for example: "This is what you are doing every morning." He is trying to understand and depict the specified action.

What does it look like.

Description of the game.

The teacher negotiates with children that they will make riddles using only comparisons only to describe the planned subject or creature (the subject can be compared with similar appearance, actions, etc.)

With the help of readings, the leading, which will be guessing riddles. It comes out of the room and does not return until the remaining participants agree on the Word. The leading should guess what word children were conceived.

Then the leading changes, the game is repeated.

I throw you a ball.

Equipment: Ball.

Description of the game.

Children stand in a circle and throw each other ball, called the participant who want to throw him. At the same time, a child throwing the ball says: "I throw you a candy (flower, apple, etc.)

A child who received the ball should answer, making any conclusion, for example: "Thank you, you know, I love sweets."

Why? And therefore!

Equipment: chips.

Description of the game.

The educator leads examples of "tricky" questions. Then the children themselves ask questions such a friend. For example:

Why is a cat often wash?

Maybe an elephant live without a trunk? And etc.

A child who gave an evidence and plausible answer, gets a chip.

Wins the one who collected more chips by the end of the game.


Equipment: magnetic board, magnets;

pair of pictures:

"Man with a revealed umbrella" and "man with a closed umbrella."

Description of the exercise.

The teacher attaches a couple of pictures to the board (for example: a girl with a balloon - a girl without a balloon) and tells the story:

- Gubed girl balloon. She ran out to the street. But then the wind blew and pulled the ball from the hands of the girl. The ball went on a journey, and the girl won his hand: "Goodbye, the ball. When you get tired of flying, come back! "

Children are invited to tell another story on the same pictures, but "Back -napped", that is, since the last picture.

It happens - it does not happen.

Equipment: Any subject pictures, for example: crocodile, tucca, chicken, moon, etc.

Game description

With the help of readings, a couple of children is selected. One of the pair takes the picture and comes up with anything to her anything. The second participant must prove that it does not happen. The first child contradicts, proving that this can happen.

Options for children dialogs:

- Crocodile flies.

- Crocodile does not fly, he has no wings.

- No flies, it is brought in the plane.

- Tuchka fell to Earth.

- Puff is floating across the sky, it can't fall.

- No, Tuchka fell rain.

Can not be….

Equipment: Chips

Description of the game.

With the help of readers, the leading is selected. It leads some statement, from his point of view, implausible. For example:

Children teach adults.

Canceled the "quiet hour." Etc.

The remaining participants must come up with the conditions under which this statement will become possible. For the right answer, the child gets a chip.

Wins the one who by the end of the game will collect more chips.

But but I ... ..

Equipment: Ball.

Description games.

Participants are in a circle and throw each other ball.

A child who threw the ball tells what - with a phrase about myself, which begins in words: "I am not ...".

A child who received the ball should answer, starting with the words: "But I ...".

For example:

I do not forget to brush my teeth in the evenings.

But I my hands before meals.

What would happen if I ...

Description of the exercise.

Participants are sitting on the floor or on chairs, forming a circle.

The teacher says:

Guys, imagine that you met the fairy and she said that it could turn you into anyone would you wish, but only if you explain your choice.

Options for answering children:

Artist, then would play the role ...

Artist, it would draw ...

if I were an educator, then ...

flower, I would please ....


Equipment: various items (countable sticks, buttons, cubes, geometric figures and etc.); chips.

Game description

The teacher decides to the participants of items and invites them to think and say what kind of figure you can from the proposed items

When some of the children gives an answer, for example: "The car will get out of chopsticks and buttons," then as evidence, he must lay out the figure invented by him.

A child who correctly completed the task gets a chip.

Wins the one who collected more chips by the end of the game.

Games and exercises

on the development of the ability to design.

"Text for another"

(skill speaking yourself)

§ learning children to express their thoughts exactly, briefly, without distortion of meaning;

§ develop the ability to evaluate others from the position of goodwill, given the personal characteristics of the listener;

§ Teach children to establish a "reverse" connection when interacting with each other, as well as with other people.

Artist word.

Description of the exercise

Participants are sitting on chairs or to the floor, forming a circle.

It is chosen by the leading, which draws a verbal portrait of anyone from the group, without calling the name of this child. The rest of the participants should guess what compete.

Then the driving changes, the exercise is resumed.

v Given the level of development of verbal imagination of children,

you can offer them an exercise for associative perception using questions, for example:

what animal look like?

on what plant? etc.


Equipment: Various items, toys, products.

Game description.

With the help of readers, the leading - "Seller" is selected, the rest of the children are "buyers".

On the "Store Counter" there are various "goods". One of the "buyers" without calling the subject, describes it and tells why he needs it, which can be prepared from it, etc.

"Seller" should guess which "product" need "buyer"

Then the leading changes, the game is repeated.

Describe a friend.

Description of the game.

With the help of readings, a couple of children is selected. They get back with each other and take turns describe the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner.

After that, the description is compared with the original and it is concluded how accurately each player was.

Then another pair is selected, the game is resumed.


Equipment: Books, well known to children.

Description games.

With the help of readers, the leading is selected. - "Librarian", other children _ "readers."

One of the "readers" describes the content of the desired book, without calling it. According to his description, the "librarian" should guess what book is we talking about, and "to issue it to the reader"

Snowy kinginbut

Description of the exercise

Participants are sitting on the floor or on chairs, forming a circle.

The teacher asks children to remember the fairy tale "Snow Queen".

Children remember that there was a mirror in this fairy tale, reflected in which, all

good and beautiful turned into bad and ugly. how many

the shatters of this mirror have done, hitting people!

Teacher says:

W. this fairy tale has a continuation: when Kai and Her-yes have grown, they

made magic glasses through which, unlike the mirror,

It was possible to see that good that is in every person.

Children are invited to imagine that magic glasses are put on, look more good, and then tell about it.

The teacher first "puts on glasses" and gives a sample description of children.

At the end of the game, children are trying to tell what difficulties they experienced,

what they felt in the role of considering.


Equipment: pictures with a picture of fabulous characters.


With the help of readings, the leading, which considers the picture, without showing it to children. After that, the leading should describe the image, starting with the words "I want to introduce you to my best friend ..."

The child who was the first guessed, what a fairy-tale character is depicted in the picture, it becomes water, the game is renewed.

Guess who.

Description games.

Everyone gets up in a circle. With the help of readings, the leading - "narrator" is selected in the center of the circle and begins to describe whom - with children: appearance, clothing, character, tendency to one or another classes, etc. The rest of the participants must guess.

The child who first gave the right answer, launches the specified participant in the circle, and together with the "storytellor" holding hands, walk under the song, executed by the rest of the children:

Become, children,

Become a circle,

Become a circle,

Become a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend,

Good, kind friend!

Then guessing becomes a "teller", the game resumes.

Games for the development of communicative skills.

For the development of communicative skills, you can recommend next games. These games are aimed at developing constructive communication skills, the ability to receive joy from communication, the ability to listen and hear another person, the formation of collective skills.

Horovodnaya game "AU!"

purpose. Develop a careful attitude towards each other, help overcome the barrier in communication.

The course of the game. The child stands in a circle blindfolded, he lost in the forest. Children lead a dance, pronouncing the words "Petya (Masha), you are now in the forest, we sing you ay! Well, the eyes open as soon as possible, who called you, find out the peristers. Someone from the children shouts to him: "AU!" - And the "lost" must guess who his called.

Movable game "Take the toy"

Purpose. Develop the skills of communication, the ability to ask.

The course of the game. Children become a circle, toys are folded into the center. The presenter says "Take ... (machine, dolls, pyramid, etc.)." Who did not find the necessary toys - leads.

Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Purpose. Relieve confidence in your abilities.

The course of the game. The child should finish each of the phrases offered by you: "I can ...", "I want ...", "I can ...", "I will get ...". For non-ring children show.

Didactic game "Polite words"

Purpose. Development of respect in communication, habit of enjoying polite words.

The course of the game. The game is held with the ball in a circle. Children throw each other ball, calling polite words. Name only words of greetings (hello, good afternoon, we are glad to see you, we are glad to meet you); thanks (thanks, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); Farewell (goodbye, to a meeting, good night).

Creative game "Mittens"

Purpose. Educating the ability to interact with each other.

Move. For the game you need cut from paper mittens. The number of pairs must correspond to the number of couples of children. Spreads mittens with the same (but not painted) ornament at different places. Children must find their pairs, and with the help of three pencils of different colors, paint the same mittens. Watch how the couples organize collaboration, how to make pencils, how to negotiate. Winners congratulate.

Dramatic game "Gift for All"

Purpose. Develop the ability to be friends right choice, collaborate with peers, the feelings of the team.

The course of the game. Children gives a task: "If you were a wizard and could do wonders, what would you give now to all of us together?" Or "if you had a flowery - a sevenction, whatever desire you guess?". Each child makes one desire, pulling away from the total flower one petal. Fly, fly petal, in the west to the east, north, through the south, come back, making a circle, only touches the land, be, in my opinion, led. Led to ...

At the end, you can spend a competition for the best desire for everyone.

The game-dramatization "What is good and what is bad"

Purpose. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and bad deeds, behavior, the ability to correctly evaluate yourself and others.

The course of the game. The teacher reads the children a poem or story on a given topic, children depict situations with the help of pictures on the table or flannelhemph.

Movable game "Not Naughter of Foot"

Purpose. Learning to show mutual assistance, mutually execution.

The course of the game. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room. On the floor separates the white feature of the swamp. Children give two plates. Both need to go over these dors - bridges on the other side.

Game exercise "Please"

Purpose. Mode the skill of the use of "magic words".

The course of the game. Everybody becomes in a circle. The teacher shows different movements, and the players must repeat them only if it adds the word "please". Who is wrong - dropping out of the game.

Dramatic game "Repka"

Purpose. To bring up in children a sense of mutual assistance, to develop expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, movements.

The course of the game.The teacher tells the fairy tale, the artists, are included in the game along the fairy tale. At the end of the game, you can offer children to tell the dance, arrange a harvest holiday.

Didactic game "did not share a toy"

Purpose. Teach children to safely leave conflict situations, find a compromise solution.

Stroke Game. The teacher reports that Karslon flew to them today and left a lot of toys. The teacher pulls new toys from the bag, they are all different. The teacher offers children to disassemble them, and himself watches them from the side. If the group develops a conflict situation due to toys, the teacher soothes children and suggests to understand everyone together in the situation.

Movable game "Dancers and Musicians"

Purpose.Teach children to use common things to give way to each other, express sympathy to another child.

The course of the game.The game is carried out under musical accompaniment. Taking a doll, the teacher shows how you can dance with it. Then, he pisses 3-4 children, offers everyone to choose a doll. Children with dolls get around the teacher and with him they perform dance movements. During the performance of "dancers", the rest of the participants sink and fulfill the role of musicians (they play on their cams, like on his twins, or depict the game on the harmonica). After dancing, they pass their dolls, those who have not yet danced, expressing his sympathy with a certain child.

Creative game "Country of politeness"

purpose. Teach children is appropriate, depending on the situation and the addressee, consult polite words of greetings. Learn common culture of behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards each other.

The course of the game. The teacher proposes to go to the country of courtesy. First you need to remember polite words. Next, the teacher reads verse. V. Solowkina "Hello", children answer questions set in the poem.

Creative game "Who is who here?"

Purpose. Learning gesticulation and facial expressions, transmit the most character features of a fairy tale character

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to play small performances according to famous fairy tales, depicting heroes with means of fairy and gestures.

The game-drain "Good word treats, and thin cripples"

Purpose. To give children a concept that the word can affect the feelings and behavior of people.

The course of the game. The teacher asks children if they know that with the help of the word you can work wonders. The word can offend, disappear, laugh a person. When a person is sad, offended, it is very difficult for him to cope with a bad mood, and it can be comforted with a good word. The teacher reads a poem, and then gestures and facial expressions show it, children repeat for teachers.

Games - Situation

target. To develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningful to express their thoughts using facial expressions and pantomimics.

The course of the game. Children are invited to play a number of situations

1. Two girls quarreled -them.

2. You really want to play the same toy as one of the guys your group - ask him.

3. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make up with him.

4. Children play, one child has no toys - share with him.

5. The child crying - soothing it.

6. You can not tie a lace on the boot - ask you to help you.

Game - MY DAY Diagnosed

Purpose. Develop the ability to see and understand yourself and others, the external and inner world.

The course of the game. Reading verse. "My day". Conversation about read. Suggest children to tell how you behave that you can do on your own, you can select the desired pictures or draw.

Scene-role game "Pinocchio and children"

Purpose. Teach children to evaluate their behavior and the behavior of others, to use polite words when communicating.

The course of the game. The group includes Pinocchio. Hello. They say that they would like to see how the guys live. Children show their gaming corners, toys, etc. Pinocchio offers to play all together, are the children know how to play together. Pinocchio makes riddles to children. Children guess. Repeat the rules of polite communication.

Imitation game "Monkey"

Purpose. Develop the ability to imitate facial expressions and gestures.

The course of the game. The teacher offers one of the children to become a monkey, the rest of the children to repeat all his movements: a monkey walks - everyone walks, the monkey raise his hand - and children too.

Scene-role game "Small helpers"

purpose. Acquire children to help at home, learn joint activities and communicate.

The course of the game. Pedagogue reads a poem. At the right time, by his signal, each of the children shows how he can do his job.

"Toy store"

Purpose. The game teaches children to describe the subject, finding its essential signs, recognize the subject of the description, enshrines the skills of communication in public places.

Didactic material - toys.

The course of the game. Children sit down in a semicircle in front of the table and a shelf with toys. Pedagogue, turning to them, says:

We have a store! Look at how many beautiful toys in it! You can buy them, but to buy a toy, you need to perform one condition: not to call it, but it is impossible to look at the toy. According to your description, the Seller recognizes it and sell you.

The seller is chosen by a short count. The first buy a toy teacher, showing how to execute the rules of the game:

Hello! I want to buy you toy. She is a round, rubber, knows how to jump, they love to play children.

The seller serves the ball to the buyer.

Thank you, what a beautiful ball! - says the teacher and sits on the chair, holding the ball in his hands. The seller calls the name of any of the players. He fits and describes the toy he chose to purchase: And please sell such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, she has a long beautiful tail, narrow face and cunning eyes. The seller serves a fox toy. The buyer thanks and sits in place. The game continues until all children buy toys. The role of the seller can perform several guys in turn.


Purpose. Develop communicative skills, intensify children.

The game is held in a circle. Participants choose the leading - he takes his chair for a circle. It turns out that chairs are one less than playing. Next, the lead says: "We are changing in places those who have ... (blonde hair, clock, etc.)." After that, having a named feature quickly get up and change in places, and the lead tries to take free space. The participant of the game remaining without a chair becomes leading.

"Bridge of Friendship"

The instructor asks for children to form couples, come up with and show some bridge (with the help of hands, feet, torso). For example, in touching the heads or palms. Then he asks who of the children would like to build a bridge in three, four of them, etc., until those who wish are. Ends the exercise that everything is taken by arms, raise them up, depicting the "Bridge of Friendship".

"Pass the ball"

Purpose. Remove excess motor activity.

In a circle, sitting on the chairs or standing, playing trying to give the ball as quickly as possible, without dropping it. You can throw the ball as much as possible to throw the ball or pass it, turning his back in the circle and removing your hands behind your back. You can complicate the exercise by offering children to play with eyes closed or simultaneously with several balls.

"Listen to the team"

Purpose. Develop attention, arbitrary behavior.

Sounds calm, but not too slow music. Children go in the column with each other. Suddenly, the music stops. Everyone stops, listen to the command of the master (for example: "Put the right hand on a neighbor's shoulder") and immediately perform it. Then the music sounds again, and everyone continues to walk. Teams are given only to performing calm movements. The game is performed until the group is able to listen well, and perform the task. The game will help the educator to change the rhythm of the actions of the accepted guys, and children - calm and easily switch to another, more relaxed activity.

"Damaged movement"

Purpose. Learn games with clear rules that are organized, disciplined, rally, develop the speed of the reaction and cause emotional lifting. They are facing the lead. To music with the beginning of each clock, they repeat the movements that show the lead. Then the movement is selected that cannot be performed. He who breaks this ban is out of the game. Instead of showing the movement, you can call out loud numbers. Participants of the game repeat the choir all the numbers, except for one forbidden, for example, figures 5. When children are heard, they will have to slap in their hands (or work on the spot).

"Listen to cotton"

Purpose. Training attention and control of motor activity. All go in a circle or move around the room in the free direction. When the lead slaughter in his hands once, children must stop and take a stork pose (stand on one leg, hands to the sides) or any friend's posture. If the leading slamming twice, playing should take a pose of a frog (sit down, heels together, socks and knees on the sides, hands between feet feet on the floor). Three cotton players renew walking.

"Let's say hello"

Purpose. Remove muscle tension, develop the skill to switch attention.

Children in the lead signal begin chaotic moving around the room and greet with everyone who meets on their ways (perhaps any of the children will want to say hello to those who usually do not pay attention to him). It is necessary to heartily: one cotton - greet hands; Two - greet shoulders; Three cotton - greet the backs. A variety of tactful sensations associated with this game will give the child to feel their body, remove muscle tension. The change of partners in the game helps to get rid of the sensation of alienation. For the completeness of tactile sensations, it is desirable to introduce a ban on the conversations during this game.


Children sit in a circle. Each participant says to a neighbor on the right (or left) the phrase, which begins with the words: "I like in you ...". Exercise helps the child see their positive sides And feel that he accepts other children.


The band members get up each other, holding the waist ahead of standing. According to the instructor, the "Sorrykozheka" instructor begins to move forward, then quits, jumps on one leg, crawls between obstacles, etc. The main task of the participants is not to break the chain and save the "Sorry Troop".


Children are divided into pairs and the instructor teammate quickly greet each other. different parts Body: right hand with right hand, nose with nose, heel with heel, back with back, ear with ear, etc. Children can change several partners.

"Palm in the palm"

Children are divided into pairs, press the palms to each other and thus moving around the room in which you can install various obstacles. Each couple should overcome them without disconnecting the palms.

"Magic wand"

The game is carried out in a circle. The presenter requests to call the days of the week in order. The child is given a wand and task: "Call starting from the environment."

"Boarding Sloves"

Purpose. Clarify why different parts of the body are needed.

The presenter begins the proposal, children finish.

"We are doing your head? (Thought!)

We do the ears? (We listen!)

Eyes ..., nose ..., mouth ..., arms ...

Fingers ..., legs ... ", etc.

"One - a lot"

Purpose. Secure the ability of children to call parts of the body in a plural.

Host: "I have one, you (a lot)

I have a hand, you have (hands),

I have a leg, you have (legs),

I have a shoulder, you have (shoulders),

I have a nose, you have (noses),

I have hair, you (hair),

I have a finger, you have (fingers) ", etc.

"Find a couple"

Purpose. The game develops the speed of the reaction, attention, the ability to keep information in memory and correctly perform tasks. Playing become pairwise in a circle, the presenter is in his middle. According to the team leading "face to face", players in each pair turn face to each other. According to the team "Back to back" - become back to each other. By team "Change in pairs" - everyone is looking for another partner. At this time, the presenter tries to get up with someone in a couple. The one who will stay without a pair becomes the lead.

"Here we built a circle,

Turn the time suddenly.

And how do you say: "Skok, Skok, Skok!"

Says one child, then driving his eyes and guess who said words. If you guess, then the one who said becomes leading.

"Guess the word"

The game is held with the ball, which aroused each other. The lead calls the first syllable, the child must continue: "ka (-love), car

(Sofel), Ches (-nock). "