Blank form on four prefs without authorization. Programs for playing prefers. Number of players and distribution of places on the game field

The "Preference" card game originated in the thirties of the XIX century. First of all, in the game it is important to be able to play, because luck will not help here, despite the fact that the game goes for money. Only skill will achieve heights in this game of aristocrats. The name of the preference comes from the French Preference, which means "superiority".

  1. Deck of game cards
  2. Bribe in the game
  3. Types of Games in Preference
  4. Places for players
  5. Proper distribution of cards
  6. Trade (auction)
  7. Order prices
  8. Mizer
  9. Spasching
  10. The cost of games

Deck of game cards

In the deft of 32 cards, respectively, 8 each suit. Maste is located on seniority, respectively: worms, tambourines, trees, peaks. In each suit there are ace, king, lady, currency, ten, nine, eight, seven. There are cards with couples. At the beginning of the game, a trump card is appointed, it is considered older than the rest of the masters. For the convenience of recording, suites, as well as the names of the cards have designations.

  • H denotes worms
  • B denotes a tambourine
  • T denotes Treft,
  • N denotes peaks.

Card names:

  • T denotes ace
  • D denotes a lady
  • In denotes battles.

The digital value of the card is written according to the digit.

Bribe in the game

The essence of the preference is a game with the help of bribes. According to the rules Assign the first one who takes a bribe and will record the number of points. Next follows the move, this is the first card placed on the table. If the move was, for example, worms, then the remaining players also put cards of worm suit. The trump card is laid out only if there is no card necessary suit. If the trump card is not, then you can put any other card. This is usually the middle value map. When all players put cards, then the most eldest of these cards both for seniority and on the vision, takes the resulting bribe. In Preference, the game goes to take a bribe, and not to take a bribe.

Types of Games in Preference

In Russian preference, as in other types of preference, games are divided into three types. In the first game (for bribes), you make a quantity that you will take, and also order a trump card either if you want to play without a trump card. In the second game (meager) you need to try not to take bribes at all. The same at the third game (sprinkling). There are types of games in which you need to take from six to ten bribes for the game. Each player needs to correctly evaluate the chances and play the game ordered by him. Therefore, when distributing, it is important to be able to choose a draw, which during the scenario will bring the largest points. Games that each participant should play are called a poet.

Places for players

Begin the bullet preference with a draw of seats. For this, all players pull out of the deck on the same map. Taught junior first Chooses a place. The rest are seeded clockwise by increasing their cards. If two of the elongated cards were the same in dignity, then solves the seniority of the table. Ace is a younger map of all. If comes new player, then he is recorded middle battle and mountain glasses. The arrival itself occupies the place to the left of the passing, after which he begins to pass himself.

Proper distribution of cards

There are existence in the preference your special rules for distribution of cards.

Lettering is determined by the seniority of the card, just like when drawing places. Maps are always distributed clockwise. Having tauso a deck, finished, he puts it in front of the player to the right, thereby offering him to remove the deck and shifting the cards. Having done this, the player returns a deck to the passing, which begins to distribute. If during this card for some reason turned over, the deck is redesamed again. We also eat the decks on the table. If the rules of the eating and distribution are violated, the process is repeated. If the player, to the right of the passing, he left before removing, he can replace his player sitting next.

For the number of cards on hands is responsible for player. If the quantity does not match the correct, then at the end of the game the player gets a fine. In case the cards were less than the fine, the maximum possible plus. In this regard, before the game, you need to check the number of cards and report inconsistencies. In this case, the cards can be rented either to downt the missing card. Any losses in the interest of players compensates for having. All mapping claims are considered only before the game began.

Watch the bunch is prohibited. For this violation imposes a fine of 5 points in the mountain. In the case of when the player, saw a bunch before the start of the game, he deeces the right to participate in the auction, and when playing a springs, the first two bribes began to be prescribed from the map known to him by him. If the player accidentally took a bunch, he mixes his cards. After that, the rating pulls away from him any two. It is forbidden to show your cards to other players and look at others.

Trade (auction)

After distribution begins trade or auction. The player who committed the biggest bet gets a bite and starts the game itself. Trade starts the player who is left of the passing. It is called the first hand. Then follow the second and third hands.

In trade, participants are obliged to say how many bribes will be able to take, if a bonus is taken and what a trump card will be prescribed. The auction begins with six bribes. Players say that they will take six cards of each suit starting with the youngest - peak, the first stage of six without a trump card ends. If there is no winning, the auction continues for seven bribes and so on. The player who won the auction takes the bite and plays the price voiced or more expensive.

In Preference, there is a rule: Trade comes strictly along the price stairs, not jumping through the steps. This rule guarantees that the players will have an idea of \u200b\u200bstrong masters of each other. Another rule concerns meather. It is possible to order it only at the first time. The player who has already begun bargaining cannot call meger.

Players who do not want or cannot continue the bidding, pass. If, after the named application, the rest of the players saved, the winner is obliged to start preference. If everything was saved, then they play the springs, that is, everyone seeks to take the smallest number of bribes. Open a bite can only winning in trade. This player takes a bite and starts the game.

If the first and second hand made a pass, then the third gets the right pick upBut at the same time undertakes to take any price other than meather. If the player looked into the bunch before the end of the auction, he loses the right to participate in trade. If it turned out that the other players were damaged, then they are compensation due to the intruder. In the event that someone did not have time to make a bet, and the bite was discovered, then he did not reach the bid.

If the bite was opened with two players who did not make bets, then all the cards open. Then the players suggest how long they could play, after which they record it with a wasty pan. For example: the player could play nine worms, and the other is six tambourines, then 52 Vista is written to Nine, plus 7 wist differences. If it happened that the player took a bunch before the end of the bidding, but a player who did not participate in them remained, then the second has the right to shock the maps of the requested bite, after which they pull two to the bunch from there.

Latch playing only pretending. In this case, if the bribes are not interrupted by seven, they go at a double price. But if after the seven again ordered a ditch, then the rates are interrupted by eight, the points are considered four thousand. Possible a version of the trade "times a ditch". Interrupted by the usual application, after which they trade at a price. A player who won a luminous, a bite does not show anyone.

It is necessary to take into account that when playing dutch, the price doubles. While the game dumped no one took the bite, you can change the price, in addition, mizere can be declared. But at the same time, the bite is discovered, and the double rate disappears. There is meger dummy. With her, the council is taken by anyone without showing, that is, they catch a meager dummy. Such a game can be killed only by a nine-line batch or a deciduous volumetric.

Order prices

After the end of the trade, the winner takes a bona. After that, he lays two unnecessary cards to the side, without showing them to other players, after which he starts to play. This player is called playing. It has the right to increase the price planned to play. If the player for some reason interrupts the game or the number of his cards is not ten, then it is punishable by Remiz, that is, a fine, without two on the claimed game.

After ordering price, the demolition does not change. And after the first move, they do not look. For violation of this, the rule is punished in one bribe. Even if the player played how much I ordered, it is considered to be a fine - without one. In the case when it is taken more than you need, then a fine one is smaller. If a player refuses a bona, then punishment in the form of a specified number of points in the mountain is possible.

If a bribe is played in a bona, then he immediately records the award as a bribe on his game.


Player, woning trade, starts game. If you wish, he can report that he wants the game above ordered, after which it begins to take bribes with a trump card or without that. If Mizere's game is ordered, then the player who ordered her, in fact, gives an obligation not to take a single bribe. The winning trading on Mizier player reveals a council card, after which any two cards are removed, but they do not show them anyone. If the course belongs to playing, then it must make this move before opponents open their cards. But in the case of strokes, they open cards before the first turn.

When Meizer Trumps does not exist, but the seniority of the cards is observed, and the move goes to the player who took the bribe. Playing Mizere, it is allowed to record alignment, but with other games it is prohibited.


The spreading is played at three passes. With it you need try to take bribes at a minimum. Before starting the screening, all participants decide where it will be recorded - uphill or in Vist. Each bribe in all types of preferences is estimated in a certain number of points in the mountain. So, if for some reason the player did not take a bribe, then he was recorded with one bribe. Playing, which took the smallest amount of bribes, writes the agreed amount of vista on the other players.

If no bribe was taken to playing, then he is written one point. When the game ends, then the same amount of bribes are written off. When there is no vision, but in the absence of suit, players can carry any card. If there are four players in the springs, the game begins with the opening of the first type map, and the older card takes the bribe. The second move is made from the bite. The third move makes the player who is left of the passing. In the classic preference, the springs play the players to make a number of bombs.

The cost of games

Different types of preferences have different Prices for Games.

The pool is recorded and taken when playing prices. At the same time, the records must be observed certain rules Culting points. If, when playing players scored more points than you can write down, the other glasses will be recorded in other games or write out of other wists. In general, the final score of the game is determined in the plates played. The biggest amount gained by playing wists in the preference is victory.

These are the fundamental rules of the game in the famous preference. It should also be noted that to determine the winner You can use or the number of splash won, or the number of bribes on all springs. After all, the difference in vistas is considered. At the end of the preference, points in cash equivalent always occurs. After all, the preferences usually play for money. This game is essentially created for the game for money. After all, without real risk, the preference was not preference.

The preference game appeared in the fourth decade of the XIX century, and from that time to play cards studied from the earliest years. After some time, this occupation has become very popular in the environment of amateurs of gambling and commercial entertainment. The ability to play the preference is to play, here the luck is not particularly important, although they play for money. Only due to their own skills you can achieve good results in this aristocratic game. The name is the preference from the French word Preference. It is translated - "preference, advantage, superiority." Previously, this word was called older masta cards. Such a term was present in others card gamesoh. In Wasta, the trump card was so called, for example.

Nowadays the preference has not lost its popularity. In 1996, the Code was adopted.

In it, general provisions were stipulated, the principles and rules of the game are described. Nowadays, tournaments in which can take part different players. In the era of the development of computer technologies, there are many simulators, playing which you can hone your skills. When playing in the virtual preference map, the computer distributes as when ordinary. Therefore, on simulators train in order to further become professional player And the nazube learned the rules. Nowadays, the game did not lose the positions that she occupied in the era of dawn its popularity. Now the same as before, the companies are going in the evening to paint the bullet, try happiness in this very logical and gambling. Many play the preference for money.

Code Preferens

The preference federation wrote a code in order to properly determine the game procedure at all stages. Among his main tasks is the protection of the rights of each individual player, maintaining equal chances of winning and losing all participants. It describes how to play, what is compensation even with a random violation of the rules of the game, and it is always adequate. The Code teaches to fully support adopted rules and not to go on the iota from their observance. If the player in negligence or inattention broke the law, then it should be ready to adopt the case provided for this violation. As you can see, a very serious occupation is a game of preference. Rules should be observed strictly. The code written and adopted in the game is intended for punishment for forced violations of the rules and conditions of the game.

As a result of different rules adopted in various territories, it was necessary to create a single law that would regulate the game among participants from different countries. In order to develop uniform fair rules and a single terminology that would exclude the ambiguity in explaining the concepts, and the code was written. Also, this document is intended to reduce disputes arising constantly during the game when there are no uniform agreements. In the future, it is planned to organize the League of Preference. The provisions of the Code is a kind of higher justice, which is based on Roman law. Participants need to know exactly how to play preference. The rules should be assimilated. Only in this case will be a fair and efficient game. Every year the number of people willing to learn how to play preferences. The rules of the game for beginners have tried to register in the Code as clearer.

Deck for the game

Card games: Rules and concepts begin with decks. The preference deck has 32 cards - 8 each suit. According to seniority, suites are located like this: worms, tambourines, trees, peaks. This seniority is important when trading and ordering a contract (games). Each suit consists of: ace, king, lady, currency, a dozen, nine, eight, seven. When playing in the preference, the cards are distributed in two. At the beginning of the game, any of the masters can be appointed trumps. The trump card is always considered older than any other suit. When recording, each of the masters has its own designation. Worms - @, E - tambourine, & - Trephists and є - peaks. Card names also have reductions: a lady, for example, D, currency - j and so on. The digital value is written in the number. When ordering the game in the first place they write the amount, and on the second - the trumping suit. For example, [Email Protected]


The principle of fun includes the game with the help of bribes. This fun is known as a sports preference. With the help of the rules assign those who should take a bribe and write down some points. Start the game from the stroke. The move is the first card on the table. After entering the worms, for example, other players are put on the card of the card of the worm suit.

Only in the absence of a map of such a suit you can lay out a trump card. Of course, if there is neither one, nor a trump card, then you can put any card. Usually, if the game is coming Ascending, then give a map of a small meaning. Players take turns on the table of the card, and the most eldest over the seniority and the trump card takes the whole bribe. In the preference, unlike a thousand, the game goes like to take a bribe, and, on the contrary, do not take a bribe. It's like the ladies' preference - I want to do not want.

Types of games

Games are divided into three types. This separation exists in different types Preference. Russian Preference is no exception. In the first game, the bribes should be fed up the quantity that should take, while you order a trump card or play without a trump card. With meser, we must try not to take a single bribe. And at the third game, the springs, everyone needs to try not to take bribes. There are games at which you need to take 6, 7, 8 or 9-10 bribes for the game. Everyone with his game needs, correctly appreciating the chances, play the ordered game. When distributing, the ability to choose such a draw, which, with this scenario, will bring more points. All games that must be played by the participant are called a poet.

Places of players

Bullet Preference begins drawing places. It happens like this: everyone pulls out of the deck on the map, and the one who pulled the younger, and chooses the place first. The remaining ascending seed clockwise. If the two cards pulled the same cards, they distinguish to the seniority of the table. Ace is considered younger of all.

If three is played, and the fourth comes, then it is written with glasses medium between the bullet and the mountain. The newcomer takes place on the left hand from the surrender and starts to pass.

Distribution of cards

The preference card game has its own characteristics when distributing cards. The first will hand out the cards one who will win, just as places played. Distribute cards clockwise. A player who first begins to shuffle, finished, puts the card to the right player on the right and offers him to remove and shift the cards. Any of the players may ask to shock cards. Having done this, he returns cards to passing. After the player on the right will remove the card, the one who gives up, continues to distribute. If during the distribution of the card turned over, then they need to shift them. We take the decks must not be done in hand, but on the table, so that when you remove the cards, no less than four remains on the table. If you violate the rules of the reservoir and distribution, you must repeat the procedure again. If a player who has to shoot, he endured, he can take it to be sitting on the right of him. When the distribution is carried out with errors, then the cards are relocated in a new way until everything goes without disorders. For how many cards in the hands, everyone is responsible for himself, and at the end of the game, if necessary, everyone reaps the fruit of the fine. Therefore, it should be as soon as the inconsistency noticed, talking about it before the game. If the inconsistency of the number of cards is revealed before the start, then you can recount cards, but you can dormit the player's missing map. The main thing is that the rights of the third player who do not participate in the distribution are not infrigious. In any case, if there are losses in interest, then compensates for them to gone. And if the player began the game with the number of cards less than necessary, it will be punished with a fine in the form of the maximum possible plus. Claims regarding delivery are considered before the start of the game. When the player sees a bunch before the start of the game, he has no right to participate in trade. And if the springs is played, then it must pick up the first two bribes that begin with the move from the map of the famous bunch. In a situation where someone mistakenly took a bite, the guilty mixes his cards and gives a passing to pull any two. Watching the bite is prohibited before the start of the game, even passing. Penalty for violation - 5 points in the mountain. It is impossible to show your cards to opponents, just like to look in other people's. Before the start of trafficking, everyone is obliged to check the number of their cards and agree that there are no complaints about the distribution. After the start of trafficking, the inconsistency in the number of cards is written as a fine no longer, but by someone who has a non-margin.


Immediately for the distribution there is a game of the game, like trade (or auction). The one who will make the highest rate takes a bite and starts the game. The first starts trading sitting on the left hand from the distribution. This is called the first hand.

Then (clockwise) - the second hand and third. If convenient, then you can call the players on the sides of the world - north, west, south, east. Participants are traded, following the rule: everyone says, how much can take bribes, if a bunch takes, a trump card will prescribe and start the game. Competition for the right to play first begins with a promise to take six bribes. At first they say that they will take six peaks, six treph, six tambourine and, finally, six worms, and completes the first stage six without a trump card. Then it begins the same, but already for seven bribes. When everything, except for one, was saved in trade, the player who won the auction takes the bite and can play the price that he spoke, or any other, which is more expensive than the one with which he won the auction. Only Mizere can not be appointed after the end of the bargaining, it should be traded immediately. There is a rule: it is necessary to bargain strictly following the price stairs, you can not jump over the steps. It exists in order for the playing to have the concept of whether someone has a strong suit. Mizere can only be ordered at the first time. If the player has already begun a bidder and did not name Mizer, he loses the right to order Mizer in the game. All who do not want to continue trade or cannot - pass. If the application is named, and the rest saved, then the wider should start the game, the rate should play, there is no refund. When everything was saved during the trade, then the springs play - everyone tries to take as few bribes as possible. The bite can be opened only to someone who won in trade. He takes a bite, announces the final price, which may not be lower than the trade declared, and starts the game. If first first, and then the second hand saved, then the third hand has the right to pick up a bunch without trading and undertakes to take the price of any, except for meather in the game. When a player looks into a bunch before the end of the trading, he has no right to take on participation in trade. And if at the same time, damage to others is damaged, then compensation relies (at the expense of the violator) to all players. If the bite is open to universal ferris, and someone did not make bets, then the bite gets to someone who did not make another bet. If the bite was discovered, and the rates did not make two of the players, then everyone opens the cards and suggest how many who could play prices, and then write it with a vest. For example, someone could play nine worms, and someone is six tambourines: 52 Vista for ninter and 7 wist differences from their benefit. In situations where the player took a bunch before the end of trafficking, and the player remained, who was not yet traded, the latter can move the cards of the consecration and pull out any two in the bake. Side can only be played by prior arrangement. When playing the pass, if no one interrupted the seven game, the bribes are considered at a double price. If after seven games again ordered a ditch, then they are interrupted by eight, and the glasses are considered fourly. It is possible to trade - once dust. Interrupted the most ordinary application and then traded at the price. You can open cards and then bargain along the stairs. If the player won when the game is dumped, he does not show anyone a bona. If the game is ordered, then everyone is obliged to be vastovna, but in other games Vista is normal. When playing dummy, the price of any game doubles. Before the player takes a bunch, when playing dump, you can change the price and declare memer. Of course, then the bite opens and disappears a double rate. There is still such a game like mezer luminous. Interrupted such a game only a ninter batch of a luminous or ten adapter. With such a game, the bite takes place without showing, they catch such a meager dummy, in other words, those who are settled do not open their cards.

Order prices

After the trade is completed, the winner takes the bite, puts aside, without showing, two unnecessary cards and starts the game. It is called playing and can increase the price that expects to play. If a player does not want to play or the number of cards is not equal to ten, then it is punishable by Remiz (fine) without two on the claimed game. When the price is ordered, it is not allowed to change cards in demolition. After the first turn it is forbidden to watch demolition. In violation of this rule, it is punished in one bribe. And even if played how much I ordered, it is considered a fine - without one.

When it is taken more necessary, then write one less. If the bonus fails, it is possible to prescribe a punishment in the form of a contractual amount of points in the mountain. With serious tournaments, the rule does not work - no one should suffer from inability to put in the bonus of aces. If in the bonape, they gave a playing bribe, then he was recorded by a premium as a bribe on his game. For ace, for example, in a bona, one bribe is written, and two bribes are written for ace and king. Two aces in the bona will cost award in three bribes, and Majaja is just one bribe. But this rule again does not operate in serious rating games. It is impossible to promptly suggest and can not be playing the hints of foreign.


After the trading, the winning player starts the game. He announces, if he wants, the game is hardened and begins to take bribes with a vision or without him. If Mizere's game is ordered, this means that the player who ordered the commitment not to take a single bribe. After someone won in Mizier trade, he reveals a bona card. After that, any two cards are demolished (the demolition is not shown to anyone). In a situation where the move belongs to the player, he makes it before the opponents "lie" (open their cards), and if the stroke should make the stoves - they also open cards before the first turn. There is no visitors in Misere, the seniority of the cards is observed, the move goes to the player last taking a bribe. When playing Mizer, you can write the alignment when, with other games it is prohibited. All these rules help to figure out how to play preference.


Playing at three passes. We must try to take bribes the smallest number. Before the game, participants agree on where the springs will be recorded - in the mountain or in Vist. With different types of preference, each bribe is worth the required number of points in the mountain. If the player did not take a single bribe, then one bribe will be recorded. That which took the smallest number of bribes, writes the amount of vista on other players.

If not taken a single bribe, then only one point is written. After graduating from the game, they are written off as when amnesty, the same amount of bribes in all. When boarding the visor, there is no, carry, if you do not have a suit, you can any map. If you play four, then when you board, the game starts with the opening of the first type map, and the older one takes a bribe. The second move is also made from the bona. And only the third move makes the player who is to the left of the one who distributed. Sparking B. classic game Play to ensure that all players earn some bombing.

The cost of games

Under different types of preferences, there are different prices for games. Prices are recorded in the ball and taken when playing. When recorded, some points of the calculation of points must be followed. If with some game they scored more than you can record for the game, the other points are written to other games or write off from other wists. The final score in the game is determined in the played vistas. The largest amount of vista scored is an objective victory assessment. These are the basic rules of how to play preference. It is also worth saying that you can use to determine the winner and the number of springs won or the number of bribes on all springs. But in the end, the difference in the vistas is considered. In the final of the game, glasses should always be counted in the monetary expression. After all, the preference for money is played without a branch of conscience. This game is for this and created. How to play preference, if you can not risk?

Algorithm for calculating the bullet (according to the "midland")

Theory. Cost of games and Remizov

How to determine the cost in vistas games or remise?

This uses the first fundamental position of the preference.

I. In modern preference, the calculations between the players are made only after the bullet is painted.

By the way, the preference is different, let's say from Black Jack, seki or poker, where the calculation is made after the draw of each distribution.

In the process of the game, three types of conditional units are recorded: Wists, glasses in the pool and glasses in the mountain. Their cost is different and stipulated in the preference convention.

The most common the following ratios between these units: Pool glasses are equal to points in the mountain and each point in the mountain corresponds to 10 vistam. This is the conventions of ordinary, without "sophistication" of the Sochikov, Rostov and classics. And in Leningradka one point in the pool is equal to two points on the mountain. Each point on the mountain - while still 10 wists.

Much less often meet other relations (for example, "Kamchatka").

How do you paint the finished bullet? Consider an example.

Played games. All graphs are filled. In the pool, all together together the amount equal to two more or a little more, depending on which the game is played by the latter. For convenience, take the final digits of players. There are several ways to count, but we only give one, most common. This method is conditionally called "4 Circle". The calculation is carried out in 6 stages. Do not scare! The whole calculation usually takes no more than 3 minutes. How to play a distribution. Not longer.

1. Calculation of the slide (remove bullets on the mountain or alignment of bullets)

After the game is completed to determine the winner, all sections are needed - bullet, slide and wists lead to one unit - Vista. Vista is a finite calculation unit between players. One point in the pool is equal to two points in the mountain, and one point in the mountain is ten vistam.

Having replayed in the pool over fifty takes away from the fifty played. The difference multiplies on two and deducts from his slide. Who underwent to fifty, then the difference between her bullet and fifty he multiplies two and adds to his grief. Multiplication by two is the main difference between Leningradds from other preference species.

1 - beat 28 to 2 \u003d 56, take away, the result - 22 in the mountain;

2 - beat 24 to 2 \u003d 48, a total of a total of 12;

3 - undergo 18 at 2 \u003d 36, add 70 points in the mountain;

4 - undergo 28 to 2 \u003d 56, plus with a mountain and get 132 points.

each records the resulting number for the last entry in its hill and emphasizes.

The amnister in the mountain was the player at number 2. After aligning the bullets, he has the smaller mountain of all equal to 12 points. Everyone deduct from their slides 12, record the resulting number, next to the last (underlined) record and emphasize its double feature. In our example, it will turn out:

1 - 10 points;

2 - 0 points;

3 - 58 points;

4 - 120 points.

We fold amnesty slides:

We divide the number of players, i.e. Four.

188: 4 \u003d 47. This is a "middle hill".

It is already obvious that Amnister won with a slide of +470 wists. The remaining players are subtracted from the middle slide (47), their numbers underlined by a double feature are multiplied by the resulting value to 10 and write the result with a plus or minus, rushing it with the first circle. It is clear that the amount of numbers in the first circles in all players is zero. In our example, it will turn out:

5. Counting wists to each other

Each player considers the difference of vista with each other. If the player has more vista, then the difference is written with a plus, less - with a minus. These three differences each player encourages 3 more circles to highlight numbers and numbers from the total flow. It is clear that the sum of all 12 numbers in these new 12 circles (3 each) is also zero.

6. Final outcome

Each player adds numbers in its 4-circles and receives a total amount of winnings or losing, expressed in vistas. This amount he carries a double circle. It is clear that the algebraic amount of numbers in double circles is zero. It's time to proceed to the calculation! After all, the preference is a commercial game.

Usually the middle slide, as the most interested, counts amnister and announces the digit. In the case of significant discrepancies, it is often recalculated precisely.

But how to determine the cost of a separate game or remise?

This uses the second fundamental position.

II.The preference of the cost of games and Remisov throughout the bullet is constant.

It is understood that the cost, say, the gear game does not depend on the number of distribution in the pool and is the magnitude of constant.

Applying both of these provisions, you can easily determine the cost of any game or remise.

Example 1. Determination of the cost of a gear game.

In the threesome Lenignation for the closure of bullets 20 (the game goes up to 60 in the amount of the three bullets) you need to play 30 harsheriks. Suppose that they all played one player, writing 60 into the bullet. In addition, let's say that, at the end of the bullet, all the players on the mountain were 80 points. The playing chamedics will multiply their "bust" in the pool (40) to 2, will write from the mountain 80 and will have a zero mountain. His partners will result from 40 and their mountains will become 120. The middle mountain 2 * 120/3 \u003d 80 \u003d 800 wists. This is winning from the mountain of playing. But it recorded on 16 wists for each of the 30 heresicians. Total 16 * 30 \u003d 480 wists. Total, playing 30 heresicians will win 800-480 \u003d 320 wists. It means that the cost of one wicked chest stepper is 320/30 \u003d 10.6 vista.

Example 2. The same, but Sochika. There they do not endure on the mountain - there "help." Therefore, it is somewhat easier. In the same pool, you also need to play 30 harsheriks. Playing them will close their bullet and "will help" 40 to the bullet partners - at 400 wists. And 8 * 30 \u003d 240 vista will be recorded on it. In total, he will win 160 wists. So, in the Soakon, the threesome stepper costs 160/30 \u003d 5.3 vista. Exactly twice as fewer than in Leningradka. What, however, was known from the very beginning.

Example 3. The cost of nineteral. Leningradka four.

Sunny acceptor! Included in the four-fold in the pool of up to 2, the played 9 will help 60 vista and the bullet will end. 8 vista will be recorded on it. Total - 52 Vista. So in Leningradka, the nineteak costs 104 Vista.

Example 4. Determination of the cost of the remise. Soakovka in four.

That, let's say, the bullet is over. And all all records are the same. And then another 1 "superplan" hasty is played. Which comes out "without 1. This is a mountain of 2 points. From the mountains will have to distribute to each partner of 5 vista. A total of 15. And the wists recorded the villains 6 and 8. And the rating - another 2. Total 31 wist. It is so much that amounts to loss a chafferness "without 1" in the Outrobe. And in Leningradka - 62 Vista.

Therefore, more smoothly doubled that there were few risks. According to the "gangster" of the St. Petersburg Convention, with the same monetary rate for Vist, all games and Remisses are more expensive than Sochi twice.


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Preference is

The word "Preference" came to the Russian language from French and translated literally as "preference", "advantage". France is considered to be the birthplace of card fun, the peak of its popularity in Russia falls on the 40s - 50s of the 19th century. It was at that time that the preference pushed out the favorite of residents of the leading European state among card entertainment - Vista. Preference Rules are a mixture of the main provisions of the Card Games, which were distributed in the European part of the Eurasian 17th century during its occurrence.

In the same 19th century they were written and received the dissemination of a book where the authors paid particular attention to this entertainment. They tried to clearly explain his rules and reveal some secrets that would allow the reader to count on success. Indeed, in the preference, unlike other card competitions, much depends on the skills and skills of the participant, and not from the dropped cards when distributing. Later, after the 1917 revolution in Russia, this literature turned out to be prohibited and rushed in the archives of libraries, respectively, preference at this time a little lost its popularity.

Types of prefersa

There are several types of the game in question, to a greater or lesser extent different from each other. The most famous among them are: Leningrad, Sochi, Rostov, classic, horse racing. Some preference species have not yet lost their popularity among players, and there are those who are known only to true connoisseurs of the game with in-depth knowledge of its history, species and rules.

Rules of the game in Preference

The rules of the game in the preference will be interesting to people who wish to meet this exciting fun closer.

Deck for the game

The contest is carried out with the help of a deck in which 32 cards (from the seven to the ace). The senior seniority is determined in the following order: peaks, trephies, tambourines, well, the last - Cherry (older suit). One of the masters can be a trump card. In suit, seniority of cards is determined in this way: 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.

Number of players and distribution of places on the game field

According to the basic rules of the preference of players, there may be three - four. Undoubtedly, their number can be increased, but in this embodiment of the events of the party will lose its dynamism. In the case when the three participants, the functions of the fourth partners perform in the queue. The game in which two is involved is called the "hussar preference". In general, it is necessary to remember that some nuances of the game depend on the number of participants.

Special attention in the fun is given to the site of the participant on the field. The fact is that there are happy places, and there is not very. Therefore, their distribution is carried out using a draw. Each player gets on the same map and, depending on the seniority, chooses a place clockwise.

Determination of the serve

As for the choice of the serve, it is determined by distributing the cards until the ace falls. The partner who received the ace is appointed by the grades.

Distribution of cards

Distribution is carried out in two cards until partners are ten cards, and the remaining two go into a bonus, which put before passing. It is for the bunch that will continue to trade and disputes between participating. The serve is a bakery player and does not participate in the draw.

Purpose of the game

The goal is to gain maximum points for the game. The result of the player depends on both the cards coming to him and from its justified actions. There are 3 types of glasses: Power points, Points of Mount and Vista. At the end of the party, a common account is calculated.


As a result of the trade, the following targets are achieved in the preference: the first thing is the type of preference, and subsequently the role of preferences. There are 3 types of development of events:

  • Game on bribes - one of the players takes over the obligation to take a certain amount of bribes, and the rest are trying to prevent him from doing this;
  • Mizer - one of the rivals takes over the obligations not to take a single bribe, the rest prevent him from doing this;
  • Dispasses - the purpose of each opponent - take the minimum bribe.

Applications in the game are carried out clockwise, strictly in turn. The application may sound like the word "Mizer", the word "pass" or the size of the application from the smallest 7 peak to the highest 10 without a trump card is voiced. Each next statement should be more than the previous one. But there is an exception if two participating people remain in the party, then the preference of the "older hand" may not raise an application, but to voice the same, saying the word "here." Seniority decreases clockwise from the distribution. As for the application "Mizer", it may sound from the player only the first, in the case when he has already saved or declared a game of bribes, this application should not be announced. Application "Mizer" is interrupted by applications for 9 or 10 bribes, these bribes, in turn, can be interrupted by the Mizere without a bunch, which is interrupted by "9 without a bake" or "10 without a bake". The participant who announced the application "Mizer", to abandon its drawing is not right in the case when it is not interrupted. The trading wins that partner who forced his application the remaining preferences to say "PAS". In the case when all three participants voiced by the word "PAS", disappears should occur.

Rules for dispensers

Dispasses are a draw in which rivals seek to take the smallest number of bribes. The rules for dispensers are as follows:

  • After the dispersion, the serve does not change, but in a row to pass more than three times it is not right;
  • After each dispensers, the pass passes to a person sitting from passing clockwise;
  • After the breaks, the bargaining begins with the application at least 7;
  • Dispasses can be played without opening and with opening a bona.

Types of vista:

  • Prophty Vista - in the case of a remedica of a mixture, he writes down the full price of an announced game for each short-sized bribe.
  • The semi-invisible Vista is the main provisions are the same as in the responsible Wasta, only the wasting in the mountain writes half the cost of the party.
  • Gentlemannsky Vista - in the case of a single mixture, and the second passing participant, whistles write both - in half, and he writes only for the subrode to the mountain.
  • Zhrap wist is when two beasts are obliged to take no less necessary amount of bribes in a certain batch. Otherwise, the fine is recorded in the mountain.


When drawing B. joint game There is an inspection of applications of partners made during trade. The first makes the partner of the first hand, then the one who took a bribe. Each participating puts one card on the playing field. The first walking by his card determines the suit. Each next in order of his turn must put on this card its own, the same. In the absence of a map of the necessary suit, a trump card is put. If there is no trump card, there is any other. A bribe takes the partner who put the most senior card (or elderly on a suit, or a senior trump card). A bribe of any of the participants can see, but only until the next one is closed. The maximum number of gave bribes is ten. The party can go into the light, in this case any preferenceist has the right to give the Council to the curl. When conjunction in the dark it is strictly prohibited.

Recording results

To record the results, a table is used, drawn in a certain way on the number of players involved in entertainment. It is called "bullet" in the preference. The upper part of the scheme is called "Mountain", the received penalty glasses are made there. The middle is the "Pulka". It is written here for games for bribes or bonuses for 0 bribes during dispensers. At the same time, some kind of figure (for example, 1000) is defined before the draw, and the glasses from the game or take it, or they add them to it. Vista is recorded in the lower part. These are glasses for bribes, produced in vastovania.

Completion of the game

The party ends when performing certain conditions that are determined by partners before the start. These conditions may be as follows:

  • A certain number of points is installed in the pool and each of the participants scored it;
  • The total number of points in the pool was established, and his players scored;
  • Pre-establishment of the time of the party, and it came;
  • The number of distributions is determined, and it has been played;
  • A certain amount of points in the pool is typed, and the mountain glasses are written off in zero.

Games for the Games: 6th - 2, 7th - 4, 8th - 6, 9th - 8, 10rd - 10, Mizere - 10 points.

Points for dispensers: 10rd - 10, Mizere - 10, 1-ry - 1, 2nd - 2, 3rd - 4 points.

Rules of preference classic

The rules of the preference of the classic will help the beginners in the basins of fun. The classic standard preference is different from other types of fireboards (bombs) that increase the cost of the game. She can be kept in the dark. Before the start of the main party, there are several circles of springs. Each player has a small plate consisting of a 2-row. In the upper line, the size of the bribes taken is recorded, and in the bottom - bombs (1,2,3,2,3,2,3,1, etc.), the bomb is a coefficient that is able to increase the cost of the contest. The bomb played by the bomb increases twice as simple, four times - on double and eight times - on triple. If the party is played, the bomb disappears, otherwise it is saved. The cost of the party also increases with the actions of participants in the dark. Even the preference of the classic includes many nuances peculiar to a specific region.

Code Preferens

In 1996, a code was created for this popular card contest. This is a list of the rules of the game under consideration in the preference, as well as recommendations that created by its lovers and connoisseurs. They are used at all major preference tournaments.

The preference card game and the rules of the game and at this time period occupy one of the leading places in the list of popular entertainment of fondant people. Worldwide tournaments are held, attracting an increasing number of participants in their ranks. This entertainment makes thinking, draw up strategies, work out the procedure. But, nevertheless, it is not devoid of kerger and hopes for a good alignment. Naturally, the contest with real rivals creates a certain atmosphere for participants. Live communication, behavior of partners, real emotions add to fun dynamics.

But despite this, computer technologies are developing and enabled connoisseurs of card games, including preferences, play online. Newbies, not yet confident in their own skills, as well as simply wanting to spend time behind a deck of cards can test their strength, fighting with a computer. Well, confident in yourself have the opportunity to spend a party with real preferencers, the benefit of the World Wide Web allows you to do. Yes, perhaps this will not give that spectrum of emotions and sensations, as in the case of a real competition, but, nevertheless, it will save time, will give the opportunity to play both during the day and night, anonymity is also not a small factor for the party.

In our game club, weared the site name, everyone has the opportunity to test themselves in the preference for free. The "Preference Rules" section will help anyone who wants to quickly delve into the main provisions of this card fun and practicing the computer. For this, there is no need to register. In the future, if you expand the desire to play with real people together, threesome, and so on, then, of course, it will be more convenient if you still go to the registration process. Of course, it will take a certain amount of time, but then the registration will bring you a lot of comfort. Moreover, by following this process, each player receives 10,000 Fun. This currency is used only in our playing club, but nevertheless is a good bonus for users.

The developers of our site work a lot so that the time spent on the pages of our club delivered guests a maximum of convenience and pleasures. We will be glad to see you visiting and reading positive feedback.

Preference - a card game related to the category of commercial games in which (as opposed to gaming games) and losing more depend on the player's skill than a blind case.

The preference game appeared in Russia in the fourth decade of the XIX century. Preference has developed from the main elements of various vintage gamesCommodified in Europe.

The game received its name from the French word Preference, which means "preference", "advantage". In the preceding preferences common in Russia, commercial games (Vista, Lomer, Mediater) "Preferences" was called the older suit, which was preference. For example, in the game "Vista", the preferences were called the suit that opened a trump card in the first surrender. In continuation of the whole Robber (parties, bulbs), the game, played in this suit, was written in doubly (Repair was also considered double). Thus, the name of its game Preference received by the name of the principle of auction trade, for the first time in the history of the card games used in this game in relation to the table.

According to the rules of the game in the preferences play together, threesome or four of them. When playing, the quadrupp not participates in the game. More players are theoretically possible, but it is not desirable, since the game is losing dynamism: when the game, the game does not participate in the game.

Delerancy deft decking decking, seniority of cards and masters

A deft deft deft consists of 32 kPT - eight cars of four texts. In order of seniority, these are the following masters: - Cherry (the most older suit), - tambourine, - Tops, - Peaks (the youngest suit). Starting masters is important when trading and ordering the game (contract).

Each of these masters includes the following cars in a downward order: ace, king, lady, currency, a dozen, nine, eight, seven.

One of the masters may be, according to the rules of the game, is assigned to the trump card. In this case, any card of the trump suit becomes older than any card any other, unintelligible, suit. A traditional hierarchy (seniority) is preserved between the visor's masts.

The order (seniority) of cards never change, regardless of the size of the appointed game (contract) and the ordered trump card. Cards in glasses are not evaluated.

When recording, traditionally denote the younger cards with a sign of a suit and a symbol of dignity, for example, a dozen peak - 10, and senior cards - a sign of the table and capital letter her names (Russian or English), for example, lady worms - d or jack of Diamonds - J. With the designation of the ordered game (contract) in the first place it is the magnitude of the contract, and on the second sign of the table - 7 (seven treph).

Bribe. Rules for posting cards for a bribe when playing

The preference game is based on the principle of bribes. The bribe is a set of cards posted on the table by each of the partners in one circle of the game.

In all types of preference games, the task of participants comes down to take bribes or, on the contrary, do not take bribes.

The rules of the game in the preferences determine who belongs to a bribe and how dialed bribes are being taken into account. The first card laid on the table with the aim of forming a bribe is called progress. The move is distinguished by the first map of the first card, for example, a move in a peak or a move over Trefam.

The first move belongs to the player sitting on the left of the serve, in the future - the player who took the last bribe.

It is always one card.

On the move in the suit, each player is obliged to put the card of the same suit. If there are no cards of this suit, the player is obliged to beat the goatre. And if only he does not have a stroke, neither the trump card, he can put any card.

The map, which beat other cards or not beaten by other maps, takes a bribe. A player who belonged to this card takes a bribe. In other words, the bribe belongs to the player who, with the right draw:

  • put the highest dignity card in the playful suit;
  • put a map of a suit that other players did not respond to the same Mashy nor the trump card;
  • broke the viscosion played by the goat;
  • interrupted the trump card, put in response to the playful suit, a higher trump card;
  • when entering the trump card, put the highest trump card;
  • i went to the trump card and received in response the map of ordinary texts.

Each bribe consists of three cards, one from each player.

Types and cost of games (contracts)

Games are divided into three types: Games for bribes - the player prescribes the minimum amount of bribes, which he undertakes to take with a trump card or without a trump card; Mizer - the player undertakes not to take a single bribe; Spracking - all players seek to take as little bribes as possible.

All possible orders (contracts) of the game in the preference are ranked as soon as possible from the younger to the senior:

Contract Player undertakes to take bribes Contract price
6 (- - -B / k) 6 2
7 (- - -B / K) 7 4
8 (- -b / k) 8 6
Mizer not a single bribe 10
9 (- - -B / K) 9 8
10 (- - -B / K) 10 10

The meaning of the game is to, appreciate its cards, order the best contract and win more than more points.

Rules for recording the results of the game in the preference (bullet, pool)

The whole set of contracts forming an independent game is called a poet. The same name is: a protocol that registers the results of each contract; Part of this protocol, registering only the results of the won contracts (other parts of this protocol are called Mountain and Vista).

Trade Rules in Preference

After all the funds are posted, items through: players compete for the right to take a bunch and appoint a contract. Takes a bunch and appoints the contract with the one who will make the highest appointment in competitive trade.

The first word in trade belongs to the player, sitting on the left of the serve and called the "first hand". Further the right to make an application goes clockwise. The next player is called the "second hand", the third - "third hand". For convenience, it is also customary to call the players by the parties of the world - North (North), South (South), West (West), East (East).

In every queue, only one application is allowed to do - appointment or pass.

The contract is appointed from the calculation of the number of bribes that the player will be able to take if it takes a bunch and assigns a visor at its discretion or a game without a trump card.

You can start trading from appointment at least than six bribes. Stopping his claim to taking a council and order a contract, the player can say "six peak", or "peak", or just "times."

The next player can take part in trading for a bite and say "Six Tref", or "Trefa", or just "two".

Trade in the preference can be imagined as a staircase, the first step of which is 6, the second - 6, the third - 6, the fourth - 6, the fifth - 6 without a trump card, sixth - 7, etc. up to 10 without a trump card. A player who made one of the appointments in the process of trading and taking a bite after that (if both of his partner saved), may appoint the contract to which he was dirty, or any other, which is on an imaginary staircase above that step on which he stopped. The exclusion is a contract Mizer, which can only be ordered immediately. The rule is called "Cabital Mizer".

Appointments in the trade process must be made consistently, not jumping (using the same comparison) through the steps. This rule exists so that the third player to whom to participate in the draw, knew, to what suit was traded by each of the partners. The same purpose serves as a rule on which the player who is on the first hand may not increase the appointment, but to say "here" or "mine." For example, at the first player a strong tambourine. He opens the bid trading "Peaks". The next player will leave, and the third says "Trephs". The first player is better to say "Trephists here", and not say "tambourine": it will give him the opportunity (if the opponent says the "tambourine") to say "tambourines here." If he saves after the enemy tells the "Cherry", the partner will know who has a strong bobban suit. Otherwise (if, instead of "Treft here", "tambourines" will say, and the enemy calls the Cherry, take a bunch and order, for example, 7), it will be incomprehensible, what suit is the first hand - a tambourine or a cinder. Insufficient application is corrected on sufficient.

Mizerebad. The game "Mizer" cannot be ordered by a player who participated in trade in any application. Who wishes to play Mizer must declare this with his first application. If the player managed to make any other application, he loses the right to order Mizer.

A player who does not want to start or continue trade, says "PAS" and deprives the right to order whatever contract, i.e. to participate in further trade.

No application made in the process of trading cannot be taken back. The player who made a meaningful application, after which partners saved, is obliged to take a bunch and order a contract not lower than the trade declared.

If all the players said "PAS", the springs are played, the game in which everyone is trying to take as little bribes as possible.

Igota, who made the highest purpose in the trade process, becomes "Igpeant" or "playing". He takes a bite and orders the contract.

The player who during the negotiation process made the highest appointment (rose to the highest step of the stairs), gets the right to order a contract, and is called playing. He opens a bunch of universal review, takes him himself, and two cards demolish at his discretion, without showing anyone. After demolition, the playing assigns a contract.

The playing is obliged to order the game in any case, even if it does not see the ability to complete the appointment.

The playing is obliged to order a contract not lower than which he reached the trade process.

If the player makes an order contrary to the basic rules (the contract below the appointment made in trade; Mizere after participating in the trade in other applications), partners should indicate him to the inadmissibility of its actions and suggest to make an order in accordance with the rules. If the player does not want to change the order, he is counted by Remiz "without any" in the game, which he reached the trade process.

The refund of the council and the change in the bids in trade is not allowed.

The player who participated in the trade of any meaningful application, except for Mizer, and taking a bite, orders a contract in which he undertakes to take a certain number of bribes at the visor ordered by him or without a trump card. All contracts in which play-playing seeks to take bribes (unlike the Mizere contract and the springs), consider calling games for bribes.

When playing with a goat, one of four masters always becomes a trump card. Any card of the trump card older than any map of another suit. The same hierarchical relations that exist for all stripes are preserved between the visor's masts. The rest of the suit in the trump card is labeled.

All games for bribes are played in case of envious. It does not constitute exceptions and a ten game.

A player who took a bite cannot "surrender without a fight," otherwise, as a recognition, which remained "without everyone,", and should play a frightened game to the end.

Miser drawing rules

The contract in which he ordered to undertakes not to take a single bribe, called Mizer.

Unlike existing in the archaic varieties of a large and small memera, as well as a large and small mistake (Mizer on open cards) All modern varieties of the preference know only one kind of garbage.

If one of the players ordered Mizer, only a nine game can kill this appointment.

In modern varieties of preference, Mizeres is played as follows: Announces Mizeres Player (if no one interrupted his appointment with a nineteral game) opens both types of bona to everyone. Then the bite takes place in the hand, from where two any cards are being taken. The demolition is not shown to anyone. If the move belongs to the playing, it must make it before the opponents "lie" - will open cards. If the first move belongs to the beast, they open the cards to the first turn.

The trumps on the meser does not exist. The seniority of the cards persists, as well as all the basic rules of the preference: it is necessary to give a move on the move in the wash, the move belongs to the player who took the last bribe, etc.

Miser misery can record alignment. This is an exception only to Mizer.

Running Rules (Dispaste)

If all three players did not come to trade (they stated "PAS") then the springs are played, a game in which all players try to take as little bribes as possible.

In various varieties of preference, the results of the springs are recorded in different ways: to the mountain or in the wist record. Players must arrange before the start of the game about what kind they play and how the screening will occur.

In the "Sochik" and "Leningradka" for each bribe, taken on the spraint, the player writes a certain number of points in the mountain. The player who did not take a single bribe writes the cost of one bribe into the ball.

In the "Rostov" type of preference, a player who took the time for the spraint of bribes less than all other participants in the game, writes a denominated amount of vista on their partners for each bribe taken. In the most common option, it is 5 wists for a bribe. A player who did not take a single bribe writes one point in the ball. If the minimum number of bribes scored two players, they write wists on the third half.

If the springs happen several times in a row, then according to the prior arrangement between the players, the price for one bribe may increase from the springs to the springs. This increase in the cost of a bribe on the springs can occur in arithmetic or in geometric progression.

Arithmetic progression involves an increase in value by a certain amount, for example, one point. With such a progression for a bribe on the first springs, they write to the mountain in a unit, on the second - on the tweln, on the third - three points.

Geometric progression involves an increase in the cost of a bribe from the springs to the springs to a certain number of times. With such a progression for a bribe on the first spout, they write to the mountain in a unit, on the second - on the tweln, on the third - four points.

Trumps on the springs do not exist. To give one thing. In the absence of suit, you can carry any card.

Preference Rules for Fixes, Vista Count

After the contract is ordered, the next player next to the player must say whether it undertakes to take a mandatory number of bribes for this game, as a rule, equal difference from subtracting the value of the ordered game from among the 10. If it undertakes, he says "Vist", and if Does not undertake, says "PAS". The player who made the Vista application is called "beast".

For scored bribes, an exempted amount of glasses in the "Vista" column writes.

With Remiza playing a wasting writes additionally consolances for each unailed playing bribe. Consolation usually write all players, including passing.

With Remiza of the Wist, he writes wists for actually scored bribes, and for unsalted - mountain.

Mandatory for labeled bribes:

There is a totality of contractual conditions on the rules of the vista characterized as a hard, called Zhrap wist. With Zhurn Wasta: in the case of a remise of the playing wist, they are written only by the beast, if one of the players told PAS, and the passing writes only for a missiveness; With two stackers, everyone writes for itself - both wists, and Remisa. Characterized for the Sochka. It is the subject of prior arrangement between the players.

There is a combination of the contractual rules of the vista, characterized as soft, called Gentlemen wast. Under the gentleman wasta: in the case of a remise, the playing wists are written in half, if one told Vist, and the other - pass; You can tell Vist on the first hand, and if the second partner saved, to go for a polvist (in turn, the pushing has the right to return Vista); Wisting wistful in Remiza playing does not write; With two stackers, everyone writes for itself - both wists, and Remisa. The overall characteristic of the Gentlemen Wasta game is encouraged to play lightly, it is useful to say the first hand. Characterized for Leningrad. It is the subject of prior arrangement between the players.

Contract Vilatable must take bribes