Folk games and fun. Old Russian Folk Games Grandma Accessory

Recently, a bone was found in which lead was poured. I stood for a long time thinking why this was done, and remembered that I had seen something similar in the movies. Exactly, this is the dice for the game "BABKY". Now I regret that I threw out the find, it is possible that it has historical value. After all, it was found in the steppe, where the soldiers of the Golden Horde lived.

BABKI, an old Russian national game of a sports nature, such as playing in small towns, but instead of "ryukh" or towns, as well as instead of bats, in this game, bones of domestic animals appear (joint from shin to heel). Each player puts a certain number of bucks on the horse outlined on the ground. Then the participants take turns trying to knock out of the horse with a special bat, that is, with the same bone, only specially treated or weighted with lead, as many attendants as possible, which become the prey of a successful player. According to Dahl, this special granny-bit was called punk, cue ball, cue ball, battle granny; cast, lead, if it is filled with lead, a nail, if a nail is driven into it for weight. The game was considered childish, but adults also willingly took part in it. Money was exchanged, they were bought and sold. The grandmothers were especially appreciated, with the help of which the largest number of points was obtained.

It is impossible to say in which region the game appeared for the first time, because in different variations its description can be found in any nation. If, for example, the Russians called it "grandma" or "bitki", then the Kazakhs called it "khan" or "asyk", the Uzbeks called it "ashiki", and others eastern peoples"Alchiki" or "oils".

Asyki is a very widespread national Kazakh game, the rules of which are passed down from generation to generation. When the steppe blossomed and was covered with a juicy green carpet, not only children, but also adults went out on the ground warmed by the spring sun and began their competitions. Each experienced player should have his own bag of asyks or alchiks - this is a knee bone in the joint of rams and sheep. It was specially boiled down and painted with henna, ink or paints. Among the entire set of asyks, there must have been a large alchik called "saka" - the trump card. He played the role of a "khan" or the most important trophy in the game, if the participant is able to win it with the help of his dexterity. Sometimes lead was poured into such a bone for greater stability and penetrating power. And before the khan's and sultan's children, "saka" was even poured with gold. Simple asyks were painted in different colors, and depending on the size and color, they had their own names and different prices, for example, the cheapest - the little “simpletons” never painted, there was also a “asyk-cue ball”

It was a sports game in which the eye developed, dexterity and resourcefulness, strength, endurance and even courage were developed. Asyks were placed in a row. The essence of the game was to deftly throw four asyks from a distance of three or more meters - they must get into the right position or knock out the small dice that were at stake from the circle. There were several positions: chik, beech, tagan, alche and others. And if, for example, asyk got up on the tagan, then the player won, etc., the combinations were different. For example, three tagans and one greedy. Players could throw from their hand, from a bowl, or one by one.

In the game "Khan" there were slightly different rules: the player tossed one asyk, and while he was flying, the participant had to pick up several asyks from the circle, without touching the others, then he took the winnings for himself. If at the same time the player still touched 2-3 asyks, then exactly the same number of his asyks he had to put in a circle, and the game passed to another participant. The game lasted until the asyks ended in the circle. "Khan" is taken last.

The game requires special skill, because it is very difficult to take dice from the circle without touching the rest. The player who won the most asyks was considered the winner.


“O joy of life, child's play!

Never leave the neighbor's yard for a century.

My mother came after me. But even to mom

It happened to play with us in rounders.

What should she, the giantess, do here?

Everyone will get into it with the ball before.

Throwing was thrown, but did not fall.

And they waited for a long time for both of them.

Valentin Berestov

The experience of older generations helps to use traditional species physical education and development. In every district and yard, school, village, it is necessary to create opportunities for development folk species sports. "Russian rounders" is one of them. When practicing Russian rounders, students have a positive dynamics of the state of health and the development of motor qualities. The microclimate in classrooms is improving. Playing rounders is a universal means for the development of motor qualities, health improvement and social adaptation of students.

Lapta is one of the first team games of ancient Russian culture. The first mentions of this game refer to XIV century... Many accessories for rounders were discovered during excavations in Novgorod.

Under Peter I, the game began to be used as a means of physical training for soldiers of the Semyonovsky, Preobrazhensky and Shevardinsky regiments and further for other military units. Even in pre-revolutionary Russia, the game of rounders was used as a means of active leisure for the population of different age groups and as a means of physical education for children, adolescents, boys and girls. Under the commissar of education Podvoisky, Russian rounders were included as a means of physical training in the troops of the Red Army. Official championships in Russian rounders began to be held in Russia in the late 50s and early 60s, then the competition was discontinued for some time.

This game has become widespread throughout the world, although it has undergone some changes.

The game is very lively, it was used as entertainment on many holidays. AI Kuprin gave a particularly striking description of this game: “This folk game is one of the most interesting and useful games... In a bast shoe you need resourcefulness, deep breathing, loyalty to your party, attentiveness, resourcefulness, fast running, a good eye, the firmness of a blow of the hand and the eternal confidence that you will not be defeated. There is no place for cowards and lazy people in this game. "

Lapta - Russian folk team play with a ball and a bat. The game is played on a natural site. The goal of the game is to send the ball, thrown by a player of the opposing team, as far as possible by hitting the bat and run alternately to the opposite side and back, not allowing the opponent to “shower” himself with the caught ball. For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team with the most points in the specified time wins. Sports related to bast shoes include baseball, cricket, pesapolo in Finland, oina in Romania and others.

As is known, sport games descended from folk, cultivated in different countries for millennia. Each such game reflects the peculiarities of the character of a particular people, its history; and everyday life. So Russian rounders existed for many centuries as a folk fun game... And only in 1957, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts in the village of Dinskaya Krasnodar Territory The first All-Russian competition in bast shoes was held. In the future, the rules of the game changed, the game became more dynamic, reckless, more interesting.

In 1997, the Interregional Public Organization - the Federation of Russian Lapta of Russia was created, and in 2003 this federation received the status of the All-Russian Public Physical Culture and Sports Organization.

Due to the fact that Russian rounders began to develop rapidly in the country, in the Belgorod region, rounders were included in the program for physical education of students of secondary schools of the republic in the section "People's Games" along with football, volleyball, basketball. And this is not accidental, since the Russian rounders are an effective means of physical education for school-age children, and has wide possibilities of versatile influence on those involved.

The big advantage of rounders in comparison with others game types sport is its economic accessibility, which in modern conditions plays an important role. When carrying out educational and extracurricular activities here, large funds are not required for the purchase of appropriate equipment and inventory. For the game, a flat area of ​​60 to 110 cm in size, a tennis ball and bats are enough.

Play activity in a bast shoe is fraught with great opportunities not only for physical, but also for moral education of a sense of collectivism. Game process ensures the development of the educational potential of the individual, his individuality, creative attitude to activities.

The process of forming knowledge, skills and abilities of the game is inextricably linked with the task of developing the mental and physical abilities of students.

Classes in lapta contribute to the development of basic physical qualities in students.

The most important physical quality for playing rounders is quickness. It depends not only on motor reactions, but also on the speed of thinking and the level of development of moral qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to boldly introduce exercises in running into the lesson classes, etc. To develop strength in the classroom, exercises with medicine balls, weighted bats, as well as squats with weights, throwing balls at a distance are used.

In the lessons of rounders, it is possible to successfully solve educational problems, since in the course of the game, in order to achieve a common victory, students must constantly interact with each other, overcome the resistance of an opponent. This helps to foster friendship, collectivism, initiative, determination, as well as a complex of positive psychological qualities.

The game of rounders is characterized by high emotional uplift and bright entertainment, which greatly facilitates the solution of one of the most important tasks of physical education of schoolchildren: first to instill interest, and then to form the need for physical education.

To plan bast lessons, the teacher must know the content of the entire curriculum in the interconnection of its sections, starting with primary grades... Preparation of students includes: mastering the basics of theoretical knowledge; general physical training, which consists of physical exercises, which become more difficult with each year of study; special training consisting of technical elements of defense and attack when playing rounders, as well as tactics of the game.

Lapta lessons should be structured taking into account the season and climatic conditions, since they mainly involve training in the open air using a natural grass-covered area. The lesson can be organized in sports hall... Mini-lapta will contribute to the physical fitness of students and will allow them to maintain the necessary skills throughout the year.

At the initial stage of teaching (junior grades), general physical fitness includes simple exercises, as the students' readiness grows, they become more complicated.

As preparatory games Various outdoor games can be used to learn how to play rounders: "Balls with a ball" in different variations, "Throwing rounders", "Circular rounders", "Foot rounders", etc.

"Circular rounders"

This is an old game. In the 19th century it was called "Dumb rounders". Described below is the latest variation of this game, which is widespread among middle and high school children. The number of participants is from 6 to 40 people. One ball is required to play (volleyball or a small tennis ball).

Description. On the ground in the air or in the hall, a large circle or rectangle is drawn. The players are divided into two equal teams. According to the draw, one of them is the driving team (it stands in the middle of the circle or rectangle), the other is the field team (it is located behind the circle, rectangle - on both sides). One of the field players is holding the ball. By agreement, you can hide it or show it to the driving players. Field players, on a signal, try to hit the driver with the ball (in any part of the body, except for the head), and those, dodging the ball, catch it. If a player is hit with the ball, then he is out of the game; if the driver catches the ball, he is not considered salted and has the right to help out one of those who left the game. The player he helped out again stands in the middle of the circle. In the course of the game, the number of incoming players either decreases or increases due to the players who are rescued. The game continues for the set time or until all the driving players have been fired. The participants switch roles and play a second time. The losing team is that by the end of the set time there will be fewer players in the "field" or in which all players will be fired.


    If the driving player catches the ball, but there is no one to help them out (there are no players who have been eliminated from the game), then he has the right to further leave the first player who has been salted in the circle.

    Field players when throwing the ball are not allowed to go beyond the line of the circle.

    Only hitting the driving player directly is considered salting. If the ball hits the player after bouncing off the ground, floor or any object, then the salting is not counted, and the driver remains in the circle.

    If the ball hits one player, and then bounces to the second, the first is considered to be salted, and the second remains in play.

    Those eliminated from the game re-enter it in accordance with the order of their exit from the game.

"Foot rounders"

... This game is in many ways reminiscent of the usual Russian rounders, but it has an additional element - kicking the ball. This makes the game feel like soccer. As in a regular bast shoe, the players are divided into two teams of 8-9 people: hitting and driving (field). The game is played on a flat area 50-70 m long and 25-30 m wide.

game obsession
... A player of the kicking team with a running start kicks the ball, sending it into the field. All team players take turns hitting the ball, so they must have serial numbers. The player who hit the ball in the field must have time to run from the city line to the house line and come back before he is shocked with the ball. The team in the field tries to intercept the ball. Players can do this with both hand and foot. After holding the ball, they try to get it into the player of the kicking team, who runs across the field. If a kicker manages to reach the home line and return to the back, he scores one point for his team. If a field team player manages to intercept the ball from the air and shower the player making a dash, the teams change fields. The team with the most points wins.

The rules that distinguish the game from ordinary rounders:

    The game uses a soccer ball.

    The hitters do not send the ball into the field with a bat, but with a kick.

    Field players, taking in and passing the ball, have the right to play with their hands, feet, head and shoulder.

    The ball flying over the side lines of the city is considered an out, as in a regular bast shoe.


    Zhukov M.N. Outdoor games: Textbook. for stud. ped. universities. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 160

    Afanasyev, S.P. What to do with children in a country camp. - Kostroma: IMTs "Variant", 1993. - 224 p.

    Bukatov, V.M., Ershova, A.P. I'm going to a lesson: Reader of game teaching techniques: A book for the teacher. - M .: Publishing house "First September", 2000. - 222 p.

    Frishman, I.I. The one who plays wins! - N. Novgorod: Pedagogical technologies, 2001 .-- 106 p.

For the game, you need "grandmothers" (small chocks) - 10 pieces per team of players - and one cue ball - the largest and heaviest "grandmother".

The players are divided into two teams of 3-4 people each and line up on one line. At 3 m from this line, draw another line of the knight, behind which, in a certain order and sequence, place figures of 10 "attendants". Each team tries to knock down the set "grandmas" with fewer cue ball.

By lot, one of the teams starts first. The players of this team, in turn, set by the captain, throw the cue ball at the "bucks". Then another team hits, after which the first one again, and so on. The team that made fewer throws with the cue ball in order to knock down the pieces set from the "heads" wins.

Rules of the game

1. In the game, two figures are successively knocked down: "fence" and "goose" (see figure). When a "fence" figure is knocked down, you can start doing it from either end, successively knocking down the “grandmas” of this figure, but no more than two “grandmothers” with one throw of the cue ball. It is possible to knock down the "goose" figure, starting from the last row of "attendants".

2. If by throwing the cue ball 1 and 2 the “grandmas” are not knocked out in a row, or more than 2 “grandmothers” are knocked down, or some “grandmothers” are displaced, but not knocked down, then the whole figure of 10 “grandmothers” is put back.

3. Downed "grandmothers" are removed from the site.

4. A player who stepped over the throwing line before the cue ball touches the ground loses the right to throw, and all the knocked down "grandmothers" of this figure are put in place.

Based on materials from the book "Active Rest" by N. Gureev (M., "Soviet Sport", 1991)

Favorite folk game, representing different modifications: horse, katoshki, etc., moreover different ways the most B. of the nodules are placed. B., which is beaten, if poured with lead, is called litok or lead ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Fiti miti, manyuhi, petit meti, grannies, pennies, money, beans, bashli, finance, penny, cabbage, money, money, wiles, money, loot, crunches, money, capital, despicable metal Dictionary of Russian synonyms. grandmother see money Dictionary of synonyms ... ... Synonym dictionary

Fun, fun, prank, joke; play. Wed ... Synonym dictionary

In Wiktionary there is an article "grandmother" Babka is an ambiguous term: Contents ... Wikipedia

Side; pl. Zharg. Money. Drive in, drive in b. ◊ Beat off (your) grandmothers. Return nested l. money; recoup the costs. * * * BABKI BABKI, an old Russian national game of a sports nature, such as playing in small towns, only instead of "ryukh" or ... encyclopedic Dictionary

dibs- BABKI, side, mn A game in which other dice of the same kind are knocked out of a circle, placed in a certain order. On the outskirts of a distant Siberian village, loud children from the early morning are cut into heads (Shuksh.) ... Explanatory dictionary Russian nouns

dibs- ok, pl; BA / BKA, and, f. Suprasobial joint of the leg in animals. To the right they drove the gnarled beauty Frou Frou, who, as if on springs, stepped over on her elastic and rather long grandmothers. // Lev Tolstoy. Anna Karenina // * BUTTERFLY, ◘ ... ... Dictionary of Forgotten and Difficult Words from the Works of Russian Literature of the 18th-19th Centuries

Knucklebones- popular. in antiquity, playing with astragals (grandmas) ... Ancient world... encyclopedic Dictionary

Knucklebones- a game with astragals (grandmas), popular in antiquity; was especially popular with women ... Dictionary of antiquity


  • Vitezslav Nezval. Lyrics,. The collection of the Czech poet includes lyric poems from the books: "Little Rose Garden", "The Game of Grandma", "Five Fingers", "Glass Cloak", "Return Ticket", "Fifty-two Bitter Ballads ...

Do you know where the expression came from? I'll tell you ...
Cattle bones are found on almost any rural plowing area, and this is not surprising. But sometimes an unremarkable bone generates a clear metallic signal from the search device, which you would not expect from it at all. Most likely, this means that under the coil of the detector there is a so-called "grandma", or rather, a cue ball filled with lead for old game, whose roots go back to Ancient Egypt.

The game of grandmothers is similar to the game of small towns: the players put their grandmothers on the line - individually or in various combinations, and in turn knock them down with a cue ball from a certain distance. There are many varieties and variations of the rules of the game of grandma. In Russia, cow bones were traditionally used for the game, and to get the cue ball, a nail was hammered into them or poured with lead.

The game of grandma in the village, 1890.

Here is one of the options for the game, according to the book by I. Pankeev "Russian Holidays and Games" (1999):
Players place out of the blue on the jack on the cue ball. Then the conditional distance is determined - the horses. Lots are drawn to whom to beat first and to whom after. To do this, the players throw up grandmothers with special tricks - lining. If the grandmother, who has fallen to the ground, lies on her right side, then it will be a plock - the eldest in the game; if he lies on his back, then there will be a burn - the second in the game; if the grandmother lies on her left side, then it will be prone, younger than everyone. Players, getting on the line, beat with cue ball on seniority. If the grandmothers who are at stake are knocked down, then they are considered their winnings. When they hit everything, then each goes over to his own cue ball and shoots from the place where his cue ball lies; whose next lies, he first begins to beat, and the rest finish the game at the distance of their cue balls.

It is interesting that in the same book such variants of the game as "On the wall (wall)" and "Kudachok (shaking)" are mentioned. I remember these games well, only in my school years, instead of dice, we played with coins - a full-fledged Soviet trifle. It was a very gambling money game that was played in secret from teachers and parents. In addition to the "wall" and "shake" there was another similar game - "Mongol" (when a column of coins was thrown from the palm of the hand to the back of the hand, sometimes "on the fist" and "with an interception"), but it hardly has anything to do to the game of grandmother.

A group of peasant boys. Knucklebones. Photographer W. Carrick. 1860s

The game of grandmothers in the old days was so popular that painters depicted it on their canvases. Also known is the poem by A.S. Pushkin "On the statue of the grandmother playing":
The young man stepped three times, bent down, hand on his knee
He leaned boldly, another raised a well-aimed bone.
So I took aim ... away! sound out, curious people,
Part way apart; do not interfere with the Russian daring game.

V.E. Makovsky "The Game of Grandma" (1870).

Probably, in our time, it is unlikely to meet in the village playing grandmas. At least I have never met such, and have not heard anything about it. But in the open spaces of LJ, one person recalls how he played this game several decades ago, and not even in the village, but in the city. True, as cue balls, they used not bones filled with lead, but "tiles" - "metal figs ... from banal pieces of reinforcement to hand-polished flat" chibyshes ".

A.I. Korzukhin "The Game of Grandma" (2nd half of the 19th century).

Although the game of dough has practically disappeared as folk entertainment, the memory of her remained in Russian dictionaries. The expressions "knock the money" and "knock the money" did not come from the slang "money-money", but go back to the described game. The origin of the word "grandmother" in the sense of "money" is vague: some produce it from women (attendants) on large imperial banknotes :), others - from the old name of the method of stacking sheaves. It turns out that two different etymological lines have just successfully converged in the expressions "knocking the grandmother" and "knocking the grandmother".

Original taken from metalchemist in Babki

Do you know where the expression "knock the money" came from? I'll tell you ...