Puzzle games for children 12 13 years old. Logic games for girls

Description of the game

Bright, addicting game, developing for 11 12 years old, clings from the first minute. It will help you understand physics, as well as develop logical thinking. This time you have to help the little bugs return the light to their magical forest.

Characters and their meaning in the game

  • The ladybug is a strong insect that will carry a variety of weights. Her task is to clear the way for other insects. It is necessary to hold down the left mouse button, attaching the bug to the obstacle. Then direct in which direction the ladybug will fly. The main goal is not only to remove obstacles, but also to preserve crystal ball... The number of ladybirds is displayed in the upper left corner.
  • Fireflies - will fly to the bright ball at the first call. They will raise this ray of light, carry it to the place. There is a timer in the upper right corner. It is activated only when the glowing insects begin their flight.

Tip: sometimes you have to use two ladybugs to drag heavy objects. Place one and hold down Ctrl. Then the first insect will not fly away immediately, but will wait for the second strong insect.

There are 25 levels in the game. There is interesting addition Is the presence of awards for achievements. You can see them in the main menu by clicking the Achievements button.

Primary school considers the development of children's thinking as a priority area of ​​education, and in order to educational process gave the greatest effect, without solving additional logical problems, you can not do. In order for the child to reach for knowledge with interest, the developers computer games created a series of unique puzzles, a fresh collection of which is presented in the catalog of the Quicksave portal.

Logic tests are the best way for self-development

Boys and girls have an excellent opportunity to significantly improve their academic performance, keeping their inquisitive mind in good shape, without exerting extra efforts for this. The genre of entertaining logical online games for teenagers is popular among young gamers who prefer high-quality, useful intellectual content.

The main features of such educational flash games:

  • Thinking activity at the age of 10 is undergoing changes. All exercises are aimed at a smooth transition from visual-figurative thinking to conceptual and verbal-logical thinking. The student takes the first steps in building the internal connections of objects, gets acquainted with abstract concepts;
  • Competent load distribution. Despite the level of intelligence and the acquired skills, every little gambler will be able to find fun for himself, starting from his own abilities. The gradual increase in the complexity of the tasks allows in the end to hope for a positive result;
  • Attractive graphics. An abundance of colorful objects, well-drawn characters and other colorful accessories unloads the atmosphere and adds a fun touch.

Tighten your gyrus with pleasure

Interactive puzzles can be full of unexpected solutions, so special care should be taken. You can train for free with friends and determine which of you is the smartest, with computer entertainment without registration from Quicksave from the category:, etc.

Make the most of modern computer technologies, and then the educational school curriculum will seem like a mere trifle to you. An excellent selection of educational toys for children 9-11 years old allows even the most demanding and capricious kids to find fun to their liking.

Learning letters: Knightly act. A game for girls and girls! Learning letters: Knightly act - Cool game for our little girlfriends (and not only) of developmental and educational orientation, in Russian. In a fabulous online country, in a beautiful castle, there lives an unusual princess who loves bouquets of letters. The princess is so pretty that every prince considers it an honor to bring her a bouquet of fragrant letters. But not every prince succeeds. Because the letters for the bouquet must be obtained from the Labyrinth of Dexterity and Knowledge ”. However, there was a hero in love who vowed to commit a chivalrous act for the princess. Girls, let's help the young knight fulfill his promise - to deliver a bouquet of all 33 letters in existence. To control the game, you need the up / down / right / left arrow keys. To be in the game, click on the knight, and then press the right arrow key. Good luck!

Learn letters: Knightly act

Learn to count to 20. Game for girls and girls! Learning to count to 20 - a cool educational, educational game counting rhyme for our smallest girlfriends (and not only), fulfilling the count to 20. Children, to make it easier for you to master the counting, the authors of the game tried to make this lesson interesting. Look closely at the game screen. There you will see numbers up to 20. Each number is two: one black, the other colored. Use the mouse to drag a colored number onto the same black number. In this case, you will hear a voice calling this number. Thus, while having fun, you girls, you will receive double information about each number, which will greatly facilitate your memorization of the numbers.

Crumbs count animals (up to 5). A game for girls and girls! Crumbs count animals (counting up to 5) - a cool educational, educational game counting rhyme for our smallest girlfriends (and not only), working out the count from 1 to 5. Children, to make it more interesting for you to study the science of counting, your helpers in this game will be cats, dogs, mice, butterflies, bunnies, birds, etc. Look at the game screen. There you will see 4 frames in which animals are drawn. Count them and click on the frame in which their number corresponds to the figure shown among these frames. Good luck!

Crumbs count animals (up to 5)

Children learn to generalize. A game for girls and girls! Children learn to generalize - cool, cognitive game, in Russian, for the smallest audience of users: girls, their brothers, friends and girlfriends. Dear children, look at the playing field. There you will see three groups of objects mixed up - 1) furniture, 2) dishes, 3) clothes. To understand which objects are not in their place and where they should be, analyze the situation you saw: compare the objects that accidentally happened to be together, and, depending on their method of destination, call them generalizing words: 1) this is furniture, 2) this is dishes, 3 ) is clothing. Now, with the help of the mouse, move the objects so that each of them is in a group of objects with the same general name, that is, in the group - 1) furniture, 2) dishes, 3) clothes. Good luck!

Children learn to generalize

Children learn the order of numbers with the beasts of Africa. A game for girls and girls! Children learn the order of numbers with the animals of Africa - an exciting, educational, counting game in Russian, for attention, teaching children the order of counting. Children, the authors of this game don't just want to teach you how to count. Understand the requirements of the game, and you will understand why they complicate this task. The authors also want you to know how to be attentive. And so, start to complete the task. By dragging with the mouse into each square under the animal the desired number, you, therefore, must indicate its serial number. After completing the task, click on the CHECK button. If the task is completed correctly, then Leo will reward you with well-deserved praise. Otherwise, remember what the authors asked you at the beginning of the game. You should have carefully read the assignment. Good luck!

Children learn the order of numbers with the beasts of Africa

Greater, less, or equal ?. A game for girls and girls! Greater, less, or equal? - a cool, cognitive, educational game counting rhyme for children, in Russian, which will teach you how to compare numbers and draw conclusions, denoting them with signs:> (more),

Greater, less, or equal?

Riddles with the Bunny. A game for girls and girls! Riddles with Bunny is a cool game in Russian in which, girls, you have to guess the riddles made by Bunny. Look closely at the playing field. In its center is a riddle. Check out its content. There are pictures-answers around the riddle. Choose the one that will be the correct answer. Click on it with the left mouse button. If the answer is correct, the Bunny will give you a flower with which you can make a wish for yourself. Good luck!

Riddles with Bunny

Children learn colors at the Animal School. A game for girls and girls! Kids learn colors in Animal School - a cool educational game for the smallest audience of users: girls, their brothers, friends and girlfriends. Dear children, you will study colors at the Animal School. Let's face it, this activity will be fun, but responsible, because you will be engaged in hints for animals. Imagine how the animal will be offended if his answer is wrong. And so, listen to the task and try to give the correct answer to it. If your answer is wrong, you will not be able to advance further in the game. Good luck!

Kids learn colors at Animal School

Riddles for kids about insects. A game for girls and girls! Riddles for kids about insects is an exciting, informative, educational game in Russian for our youngest users: girls, their brothers and their friends. Here you will find cool insect riddles. By clicking on the window located in the center of the playing field, and having listened to the task, you will have to give an answer to it in the form of a correctly selected picture. If the answer is correct, the game will suggest you new riddle... Think, remember the insects you saw in the world around you, compare. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Riddles for kids about insects

Learning to count from 1 to 10 with a girl Mitten. A game for girls and girls! Learning to count from 1 to 10 with a girl Mitten - an exciting, cognitive game counting rhyme in Russian, teaching children preschool age the count up to 10. The girl Rukavichki has her own method of playing and learning to count. She shows a picture with a cube depicted on it. There is a number on the cube, and the same number of animals are drawn next to it. The child sees a figure, animals and hears the voice of the Mitten, calling the figure he has seen. This amount of information received makes it much easier for the child to memorize numbers. In addition, at the end of the game, the child can check how much he has mastered the count. To do this, he will need to arrange the cubes with numbers in order. Good luck!

Learning to count from 1 to 10 with the girl Rukavi

The Adventure of the Kangaroo. A game for girls and girls! Kangaroo's Adventure is a cool game for girls from the category of educational logic games, in Russian. Meet her hero. This cute Kangaroo comes from Australia and his name is Kangaroo. Now the Kangaroo will play hide and seek, and you girls, together with him, will find his hiding friends. To make them easier to find, you will ask the animal bomb for clues. A wise animal bombat will give you a hint, but his advice will be clear to you only after you complete his task about letters and colors. Then you will go to the dog Dingo, who will also give you interesting task to logic about concepts such as: more, less, long, short. Having coped with the task of Dingo, you will meet with a crocodile. Here you will need to demonstrate your talents in the account. An equally interesting meeting awaits you with a snide, for which you will collect balls. And having met with a platypus, you will again show your ability to think logically. Ahead you have another fascinating meeting with an aborigine who loves riddles. Having guessed his riddles, you can meet with the friends of the Kangaroo. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Kangaroo Adventure

The kids are feeding the animals. A game for girls and girls! Kids feed animals - an educational game in Russian for the smallest audience of users. Girls, take a close look at the playing field. There you will see several animals that you have to feed. Before doing this, you need to figure out what food each of the animals uses. Having decided on the answer, you will have to drag the food to the desired animal using the mouse. Even if you act at random, the game will not give you the opportunity to make mistakes. The animal simply will not accept this food. You girls, having played this developing, cognitive game, in search of truth, you will still get to the correct answer, thus replenishing your knowledge box. Good luck!

The kids feed the animals

Understand: where are the vegetables, where are the fruits. A game for girls and girls! Understand: where are the vegetables, where are the fruits - a cool, informative, educational game for our youngest girlfriends, in Russian. Girls, help Piggy figure out the harvest. In order to properly manage the harvest, it must, first of all, be sorted into separate baskets: put only vegetables in one, and only fruits in the other. Start with vegetables. Having coped with this task, get down to fruit. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Understand: where are the vegetables, where are the fruits

Learn about, over ”, on” and, under ”. A game for girls and girls! Learn about, over ”, on” and, under ”- a cool, educational, cognitive game for our little girlfriends about prepositions, over”, on ”and, under”. Now, girls, we will figure out in what cases they can be used. Look at the playing field. A fungus is drawn here. Different characters will appear next to him. In accordance with the assignment, you will need to place them above the fungus, on the fungus and under the fungus. You will have to start the game with a butterfly. The next character in the game will appear only if you dispose of the previous character correctly! Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Learn about, over ”, on” and, under ”

Home, home, home A game for girls and girls! Cheerful online game for girls on the quick wits about an ant that has traveled for a long time and now is in a hurry to go home. The ant felt the approach of cold weather and now all his thoughts are only about the house. And the house is not close and to get there our traveler has to overcome many different obstacles. Perhaps the ant will have enough strength, but you girls will have to solve the puzzles to overcome obstacles. Sometimes it will be very difficult, but your victory will be more significant. Good luck to you. You will succeed! Play for free.

Home, home, home

Sad monkeys looking for hearts. A game for girls and girls! Sad monkeys looking for hearts - cool, multi-level, logic game about the extraordinary adventures of sad monkeys. Monkeys are sad. They have new problems. This time the reason for sadness was the loss of hearts - valentines. Girls, it is clear that without your help the monkeys will not be able to return their loss. Mobilize logic, attention, now you need them like never before. In search of valentines, go from level to level. On your way, look for items that will be useful to you to complete the task. Open doors, cut trees, look under different objects. Valentines can be anywhere. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Sad monkeys looking for hearts

Slitter puzzle. A game for girls and girls! Slitter Puzzle is a multiplayer game for girls with Snakes. At the beginning of the game, girls, you are a little Snake. Move along playing field with the cursor of your mouse, eat food and grow. There will be other Snakes on your way. These are real users playing the same game with you. At this point, you can eat other Snakes that are smaller in size and size. But make no mistake! Before deciding on this, take a good look at the situation. Perhaps it would be wiser to flee. Left-click in front of your Snake and, while safe, crawl out! Good luck!

Slitter puzzle

Dino is big and Dino is small on the hunt. A game for girls and girls! Girls, go hunting with hungry dinosaurs, Dino big and Dino small, and help them get as much meat as possible. Keep in mind that each of the dinosaurs has its own abilities, so it is very important that the heroes work as one friendly team, helping each other when, for example, you need to climb hills, move objects, etc. Be prepared, on the way of the dinosaurs you have to solve a lot of puzzles ... To interact with Dino the big one you need the keys - A, W, S, D. To control Dino the little one - the arrow keys. Good luck!

Dino big and Dino small on the hunt

Dora saves her friend Boot. A game for girls and girls! Dora saves her friend Boot is a cool game for girls to test their wits. In this game, Dora has to get to her friend Boot. Girls, help Dora shoot the cannon so that the balls of her enemies burst, but the Boot's ball remains intact. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Dora saves her friend Boot

Balance building 2. Game for girls and girls! Building Balance 2 is a cool, multi-level game of wits in which, taking advantage of the proposed building material, you need to build a building. When constructing a building, it is necessary to lay its parts so that the balance of the building allows it to stay in this state for a certain time. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Building balance 2

Bee school. A game for girls and girls! Girls, welcome to bee school. Today you will attend a math lesson. Just keep in mind, now the life of the queen bee and her guards will depend on how you cope with the math task. Read the question carefully and choose the correct answer. Your correct answer will provide the bees with reliable protection in the form of a burning core that will fly at their offenders. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Bee school

Shopkins. Search for objects in Shopville. A game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to go to the town where our good friends live - Popett Shopkins, Jessicake Shopkins and Bublaysha Shopkins. The cuties have lost some items and you girls need to find them. What you need to look for is shown at the bottom of the game screen. You are given a certain time to search for hidden objects. At each level, you have the right to make three mistakes. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Shopkins. Hidden objects in Shopville

Shopkins. Capricious fruits. A game for girls and girls! A decent harvest has grown on the farm of the Shopkins cuties. The fruit was harvested on time. But here's the trouble! The fruits collected in boxes suddenly rebelled. Everyone wants to crush each other. Girls, we need to put things in order! There is only one way out: come up with a way to make sure that not a single whole fruit remains at each level. For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Shopkins. Capricious fruits

Shopkins at the farm. A game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will visit the farm of Popett Shopkins, Jessicake Shopkins and Bublaysha Shopkins. The cuties have grown a crop and it is urgent to collect it. There is only one way to do this. To do this, you need to play a game, three in a row ”. Girls, make chains of three or more from the same types of vegetables. These chains will disappear. Do not forget that a certain time is allotted to complete the level. And yet, if you see a vegetable with a sickle on it, try to take advantage of this situation, as this will provide you with a very effective move. Good luck! Play with your mouse. Shopkins Games

Shopkins at the farm

Elsa Cowboy number 1. Game for girls and girls! Elsa and Kristoff are playing hide and seek. Kristoff, trying to hide from Elsa, ran into the cowboy room. But when Elsa entered, she did not find Kristoff there. Kristoff disappeared inside the room. He fell into a trap. And now, girls, you must help Cowboy # 1, Princess Elsa, to save Kristoff. To do this, together with Elsa, you need to find all the necessary hidden objects. And when all the objects are found, you will have the opportunity with the help of two objects, a cloth and a knife, to find the key to open them to Kristoff. If during the game you have difficulties, you can use the help button, HINT ”. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Elsa Cowboy number # 1

Police. Rescue of hostages. A game for girls and girls! Police. Hostage Rescue is a cool, multi-level logic game for two in which, girls, you have to play as police officers. Your task: to catch the bandits and free the hostages held by them. To control your heroes you will need: for the 1st player - keys A, W, S, D; for the 2nd player - keys J, K, I, L. Good luck!

Police. Rescuing hostages

Winnie the Pooh's honey dream. A game for girls and girls! Winnie the Pooh sleeps in his bed and suddenly through sleep he smells the magic scent of honey. The smell was so good that the bear rushed after him right in his sleep, trying to get to the honey. But along the way, Vinnie got stuck in a maze. And now, girls, you need to help the bear to get to the honey. Just proceed with caution! There are many dangers in the sleepy realm. It is worth taking at least one wrong step and Vinnie is gone. Use the mouse to move Vinnie through the maze. Click her in front of the bear and he will follow her. Good luck!

Winnie the Pooh's honey dream

Barbie in a dream house: six differences. A game for girls and girls! Girls, in front of you are cartoon frames, Barbie in the dream house. " At first glance, it will seem that they are exactly the same, but there are differences in them. There are six of them. Girls, find them. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Barbie in the Dream House: Six Differences

Find the key to the lock. A game for girls and girls! Find the key to the lock is a cool game in Russian that promotes the development of logical thinking in children. The meaning of the game: having carefully considered the shape of the keyhole, you need to choose the right key for this lock. Good luck! Play: with the mouse.

Find the key to the lock

Where, whose mom. A game for girls and girls! Where, whose Mom is a cool game in Russian that promotes the development of logical thinking in children. The meaning of the game: you need to swap the bottom cards so that under each adult animal there is his baby. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Where, whose mom

Questions for the kids around the house. A game for girls and girls! Questions for children around the house is a cool game in Russian that helps children develop logical thinking. The meaning of the game: you need to listen carefully to the question and choose the correct answer to it. Good luck! Play: with the mouse.