Download mod on Skyrim smart NPS. NPC and monsters for Skyrim download. We resurreate the NPS when there is no corpse

Several blurred. One of the key differences is in the way capture their soul : Souls NPC can not be caught in the usual stone souls ; only in Black stone shower or Black star Azura .
All characters in the game are grouped into Classes Despite the fact that they cannot be selected for their character player.

Nandime characters

Named NPC. Is most characters in the Skyrim game. All of them are listed on the People page and have their own names.
Some named characters are important - (Orig.Sential) And therefore unnecessary. When such characters are attacked, they do not die, but they fall on their knees or fall unconscious, and their health indicator becomes equal to zero. After a while they rise, and their life parameters are again becoming maximum. Most characters can be killed, even if they are quested.

Dead characters

Special categories of characters

  • Satellites - (orig. Followers)
  • Important characters - (Orig.Sential)
  • Protected characters - (orig .Protected)

General characters

There are also many general NPCMost of which are generated randomly. If such a character is dying for some reason, then it replaces the other.
Friendly characters are:

  • Faces - (Orig.couriers)
  • Peasants - (Orig.Farmer)
  • Hunters - (Orig.hunter)
  • Imperial messengers - (Orig.imperial Courier)
  • Imperial soldiers - (Orig.imperial Soldier)
  • Fishermen - (Orig.Fishermen)
  • Boxes - (orig.peddler)
  • Burry Brothers Faces - (Orig.StormCloak Couriers)
  • Soldiers Brothers Buri - (Orig.StormCloak Soldiers)
  • Gentlemen - (Orig.noble)
  • Guardian - (Orig.Guards)
  • Talmitsa - (Orig.Thalmor)
  • Personal Samparra - (Orig.vigilants of Stenderrr)

Characters of the opponent:

  • Obsessed - (orig .afflicted)
  • Bandits - (Orig.bandits)
  • Dormora - (Orig.Dremora)
  • Falmers servants - (Orig.Falmer Servant)
  • Rubble - (Orig.Forsworn)
  • Hired thugs - (Orig.hired Thug)
  • Bosyaki - (Orig.Lowlife)
  • Warriors Magi - (orig .Spellsword)
  • Tramps - (Orig.Vagrant)
  • Vampires - (Orig.Vampire)
  • Sorcerers - (orig.warlock)
  • Vervolphs - (orig.werewolv)
  • Witches - (orig.witch)

Other different humanoid-like enemies (such as Falmers, Dragon Priests, Lodge) are not NPC, because They do not have a black soul.

Character Character (NPC)

The behavior of the characters in the game is managed by several specific indicators.


There are four degrees of aggressiveness:

  • 0 : Non-aggressive (unaggressive)
  • 1 : Aggressive (aggressive)
  • 2 : Very aggressive (Very Aggressive)
  • 3 : Frenzied)


There are five degrees of confidence:

  • 0 : Cowardly (Cowardly)
  • 1 : Caution (Cautious)
  • 2 : Normal (Average)
  • 3 : Brave (Brave)
  • 4 : Foolhardy


Moral determines whether NPC will make various crimes, and determines whether the NPC will agree to fulfill criminal instructions of the player being his companion. There are four possible values \u200b\u200bfor morality:

  • 0 : ANY CRIME). NPC is ready to perform any requested crime.
  • 1 : Violence against enemies (Violence Against Enemies). NPC is ready for violence against enemies, as well as property crimes. NPC does not want to attack innocent people.
  • 2 : Property Crime Once (Property Crime ONLY). The only crimes that NPC will commit are crimes against property (for example, theft).
  • 3 : Law-abiding (no crime). NPC will not commit any crimes. But he will not convey on you (with the exception of crimes against him, such as theft theft belonging to the satellite).


  • After performing one or more quests from NPC, they will often welcome you, saying:
    - "You were me good friend, it means that....." Or another similar phrase with their recognition in love for you. Sometimes, this means that you can continue to offer to marry or marry this character.
  • Unused characters - (Orig.Uunused NPCS)- A list of all characters that have not been implemented in the final version of the game.

ID for console teams

All characters in the game have two different FormIDs, which can be used in conjunction with console commands: Baseid and Refid. Most console commands will take only one of two types of ID: Baseid is commonly used in cases where you want to create a new copy of the object, while Refid is usually used in cases where you want to interact with an existing copy of the object.
Although this difference in the use of Refid / BaseID concerns all objects in the game, ONOO is especially important for all unique characters. Most game scripts use refid (which is associated with EditorID) to control unique characters. This means that if you use the PlaceAtme command to call a new copy (with the new RefID) for, for example,

Or if it is dead:

If you prefer to move your character to NPC, use:

  • player.moveto.

"Ladies and gentlemen! After hitting this page, you witnessed the early release of the fashion" Living NPS "!" Why an early one? ", - You ask. And because the vocal base of the fashion is still incomplete (that is, not all voices are voiced). However , Gradually, it will be replenished, so watch the updates of the Fashion. Pleasant Gempleya :) "

We all remember that in Tes 4 Oblivion and Tes 3 Morrowind, the NPC stick could come together and make a small conversation, asking "How are you?" Or told the fascinating history (about muds, for example). In Skyrime, such a function is present, but the originrana is quite primitive: certain NPS can only lead
certain dialogues (for example, Nazim can only ask from Isolde, how often it has to be in the market); And when these dialogues are still repeated several times, it turns out some kind of absurdity. We decided to make life in the "dead" world of Skyrima, giving the opportunity of Skyrim's characters to communicate with each other on a different topics! The mod affects all Skyrim (the dialogs will be played everywhere where there is an NPC). Fashion itself is a background: it is not aimed at the fact that you sat and listen to every dialogue (although no one forbids you), but to eliminate the injection silence in thick (and not very) inhabited locations, improve the overall game atmosphere and actually On the "revival" residents of the northern province of Tamriel. Mechanics Fashion is based on reproducing in random order of individual mini-scenes in which the NPS communicate on various topics depending on the dialogue. The mod applies to almost all NPS provinces (excluding various episode characters).

What dialogues are present in fashion at the moment:
1) Guard and Citizen
2) Standard Dialogues
3) group dialogues
4) Rumors
5) two guards
6) maid and adequate taverns
7) Seller and Buyer
8) acquaintance of the NPS (successful)
9) acquaintance of the NPS (unsuccessful)
10) hostile dialogs
11) Friendly Dialogues

A) For those who have never installed any of the versions of the Fashion: throw files from the RandomNDIALOGUE.SP archive folder to the DATA game folder, and then activate the mod in the launcher.

B) For those who have one of the versions of the fashion:
1) Disable modes in the launcher
2) Go to the game and create clean sav
3) Delete the following files and folders: randomndialogue.esp and randomndialogue.esp, which is located on the way Skyrim / Data / Sound / Voice / Randomndialogue.esp
4) Throw to the Data folder files from the new archive (Scripts, Sound RandomNDialogue.SP).
5) Activate the mod in the launcher
6) Play!

C) when updating the voice base:
1) Delete the folder: randomndialogue.esp, which is located on the way Skyrim / Data / Sound / Voice / Randomndialogue.esp
2) Install the RandomNDialogue.Sp folder on the way Skyrim / Data / Sound / Voice / Randomndialogue.SP from the archive

- Skyrim
- Skyrim SE

P.S. With this early release, I want to attract the team of people engaged in Voice of modifications for Skyrim.

The NPC and Monsters Fashion Category for Skyrim occupies a special place in the Pantheon of Mod Arrangement. Characters, opponents, satellites and other NPCs are that the player first draws attention to and what he always sees in front of the game, so the NPC modifications and monsters are a great set, and most of them rightfully occupies the first lines in the top The most popular modes for Skyrim. The category of NPC addons and monsters includes modifications that change the original models, behavior and all associated with NPC, characters and opponents in Skyrim. It can be alteration of clothing textures citizens, voice comments NPC, changing the proportions and skeletons of models, quests, satellites and a lot more, a lot of things. It works, some modes relate to the category NPC and monsters only casually, changing the original models and patterns of characters. For example, it concerns almost all quest addons and modifications of satellites for Dovakina.

The most famous mods of category NPC and Monsters:

  • Interesting NPCS. - New NPC in cities with their history and comments. They always have something to tell, and you - what to listen.
  • Amazing Follower Tweaks. - Twitters of the satellite system, allowing to change equipment, the number and behavior of your satellites.
  • Inconsequential Npcs. - New NPC with additional quests and history.
  • Windsong Character Overhaul. - Alteration of textures and texture cards of characters and NPC.
  • Racemenu. - Modification of the ~ Showracemenu command for the best character generator.
  • Ultimate Follower Overhaul - Alteration of satellites with a wide possibility of settings.
  • ALTERNATE START - LIVE ANOTHER LIFEalternative start For each Dovakina.

The main purpose of this fashion is to improve significantly. artificial Intelligence Friendly NPCs, in order to start responding and act as real people, thereby improving the immersion into the atmosphere of the game. The mod strongly reworked the intellect of nescripts, which are in the "standard state" and "combat condition". The "alarm state" remained untouched.

  • Standard condition - NPC does not know about the presence of an enemy
  • Martial condition - NPC discovered the enemy
  • Alarm state - NPC knows about the presence of the enemy, but did not find it

Combat state

This is the first mod that the NPC intelligence is so much when they are in battle.

Survival instinct

Almost all the characters in Skyrim will be able to evaluate the danger and react to the threats properly. For example, if you attacked NPC and he understands that he has no chance to win in a fight - it will run into a safe place.

To determine if the NPC is the chances of winning 4 parameters:

  • NPC level
  • Health of the NPC
  • Phys. and magician. Protection of the NPC.
  • Rival level

A safe place is chosen randomly and the number of such places depends on the size of the city in which the NPC lives. Such places can be: the house of the NPC, the temple, the castle of the Yarla, Mine, barracks, etc.

Fundamental rules

  • If the NPC is subjected to an enemy attack, the level of which is 10+ more, then it will run away
  • If the health of the NPC is lower than a certain value, it will run away. Threshold: 50, 40, 30 and 20% - depends on the NPC equipment, if it is heavy armor and shield - then it will only run away when 20% of health is achieved.


  • If the NPC is your satellite - it will not use my survival instinct
  • Only friendly NPCs and neutral (residents of cities) will use the survival instinct
  • The NPC is able to estimate the level of danger even from opponents that were added by other plugins
  • NPCs that have been added by other plugins will also use survival instinct

Special rules

On top of the basic rules there are special, which depend on the identity of the NPC and their social rank. These rules have priority over the main.

Civilians: The NPC from this category will never try to strike back when attacking. If they attacked them, they will try to warn the guards. The NPC falls into this category if it responds. Rules:

  • Max. Level less than 10.
  • Has no armor
  • Unarmed (Dagger is not considered)

Strategists: The NPC from this category will begin a tactical retreat for several sec., After they lose half of health. During the retreat, they will try to cure themselves and update their protective spells. After they finished recovery, they will return to continue the fight. The NPC corresponds to this category. Requirements:

  • It is a member of the Winterhold Board
  • Number of mana more than 63

Careful: The NPC from this category will run away if they are attacked by the "unusual" opponents, even if they have a higher level. Also, these characters will run away from the privatons whose level is more than 5+ (instead of 10). Examples of "unusual creatures": dragon, giant, giant spider, mammoth. Caution is considered the NPC corresponding to the cl. Requirements:

  • Member of the thieves guild
  • Member of the Dark Brotherhood
  • Wears fabric and do not know the protective spells

Fearful: The NPC from this category will never leave the battle, regardless of the force of the enemy. Fearless is considered the NPC that meets one of the cl. Requirements:

  • Resurrected
  • Under the action of rabies spells
  • Member of the guild of cathers
  • Member of the Imperial Legion
  • Member of the brothers storm

Caudisians Traders: Unlike other Skyrim NPC, the kazhiti merchants will remain outside the city when they decide to escape. If they are near the city, they will hide inside watchdog towers in urban walls or mines. If they try to escape while they are on the way to the next item of trade, they will run in his direction.

Sleeping agents: Among the residents of Skyrim will also be vampires / renounced if they did not attack the dragonborn and their time did not come - they will look like ordinary citizens.

Battle style


The defensive style of the battle was received by citizens attributed to the category of warrior. During the contrast with the enemy, they rely on counterattacks. Most of the time, such NPCs will be protected, and as soon as the enemy shakes a little - they will immediately attack.

Sorcerer and thief (archer)

Mages and archers will leave the battle as soon as it is possible. They will try to keep the distance and will not catch up with their opponent.

Standard condition

Human behavior

IN enclosed premisesThe intellect of each NPC was configured in accordance with their personal stories, social rank, personality, etc.

Basic behaviors (for all NPS)

The NPCs will eat 2 and 3 times a day and sleep at least 6 hours a day. Sleep time and food intake varies depending on the specific NPC. Roution examples:

  • Go to bed: from 9 pm and up to 3 am
  • Lifting: from 5 am and up to 9 am

Specific behavior

Depending on the social rank, personality, place of work and relations of the NPC, they will perform unique actions. Here is some of them:

Hunters: They will hunt animals around their city. Time for hunting - Morning, 3 times a week. The time of hunting the NPC will patrol the territory and when the animal is found, it will try to kill him. If he succeeds, he sees the sacrifice. But only the hunter will achieve enough food, he will stop hunting.

Swathers Kinaret: Priests will pray their goddess several times a day. Also they will read prayers along with believers several times a day. When they have free time - they will clean the temple and treat the wounded. Sometimes they will go to the market.

Priests Arkey: Like the previous ones, they will pray several times a day in front of the altar. Also they will clean the temple and follow the graves.

Tramps: Some NPCs will walk through their city / village:

  • Enjoying the view of landscapes
  • What to get to another city or village
  • Collect ingredients for alchemy

Romance: Some pair will periodically meet in non-settlements of the city.

Riders: The NPC will use horses to get to remote cities.

Fehestovors: The NPCs using the sword will train their skills, the cat is one, someone with a mannequin, and someone with a partner.

Servants: The servants will cook food, clean the houses, chop firewood. In the morning to go to the market for products.

Loggers: Will chop firewood, attach them to home and sometimes repair fences

Farmers: Farmers will work daily in the fields. If a farmer has several fields - it will choose a random every day. If he has chickens - it will feed them daily, if there are cows - poop.

Beggars: Most of his time, the beggars will ask alms on the market

Free time

Each NPC has free time and to take themselves at this time - depends on the case:

  • To go shopping
  • Pray in temples
  • To drink in the tavern
  • Relax at home
  • Go to the cemetery

Improved social interaction

Random conversations: To improve social interaction between the NPC, the author restored all the conversations that are in the game files, but for some reason they are not included in the release. For each city / village, the number of unique conversations increased by about 2 times.

A family: At least 1 time a day, members of the same family will meet to have a snack, with the exception of those who live in different cities.

NPC behavior dependence: Some NPC will respond to other NPC actions. For example, if someone will die on some mass event, the surrounding NPC will react to it.

Congratulations NPC: The likelihood that the NPC will join you into the dialogue has been reduced, with the exception of those NPCs, for whom it is part of the work or hobby. In practice, only merchants, beggars and envoys will regularly enter into dialogue with you.

Additional note:

These functions apply to all guards from any city / village and any official DLC.

Weather influence

In Skyrime, the weather is divided into 4 categories:

  • Pleasant
  • Clear
  • Rainy
  • Snowy

NPCs will adapt their activities under current weather

Hide in shelter: If it is raining or snow, the NPC will cease to do their affairs on fresh airIf they cannot continue working under the canopy.

Go home: This feature is designed for various plug-ins by adding new NPCs. In bad weather, they will go to their home.

The NPC with the following professions will not use this feature:

  • Miners
  • Lesorby
  • Blacksmiths
  • Carriers
  • Couriers

Behavior of kestodel

After NPC gives you a quest, he will continue to live (?). Currently, this applies to the following quests:

  • Golden claw
  • All quests from companions
  • Nature miracle


Opening time for stores:

Market: From 6 am to 5 pm (closed during a snowy or rainy weather)

Drunk hunter: From 8 am to midnight.

Consumer goods: from 8 am to 8 pm

Pharmacian: from 8 am to 8 pm

Blacksmith: from 6 am to 6 pm (if it works outdoors), otherwise from 8 am and up to 8 pm

Hayimskr: Instead of annoying you from 5 am to 8 pm, Hayimskr will bother you from 2 pm to 6 pm.


Installation: Place the ESP file from the Main folder in the DATA folder

Patches for compatibility

All patches in the archive with the mod


  • Added support from Hearthfires.
  • Survival instinct now do not use the NPC that may be satellites
  • The NPC raised modes will now use copies of vanilla spells to avoid problems with modes changing vanilla spells
  • Fixed a bunch of errors with navigation NPCs in homes
  • Requainted intelligence of set NPC
  • Fixed a bunch of mistakes
  • Updated compatibility patches updated


  • Peredished Intellect of some NPC
  • Fixed error with menu
  • The function "Basic behavior models" was added for the NPC to: Windhelm, Anga village, Farm Hlaalau, Farm Katli, Farm "Brandy Mug", Alay Wave. This means that the NPC in these places will now sleep at least 6 hours a day. In this regard, the mentioned locations were also added new beds in the house, whatever to sleep.
  • Added new menus to turn on, shutting down and updating Fashion
  • Now you can turn off the influence of weather on Vaitran citizens
  • Updated compatibility patches updated


  • Nothing interesting, some fixes


  • Improved intelligence inhabitants of black broth, Riverwood, Windhelm and Roriksted
  • Improved intelligence of some NPC
  • Fixed bugs with some quests

Version 0.3.

  • Added Lite version of the Fashion (in the archive now comes Full and Lite) Lite version has the entire main functionality full version And fully compatible with any mods.
  • AI when meeting with riders, recycled, riders will no longer stick and teleport from their horses in taverns
  • Extra. Files are now archived to BSA
  • Logo (author Kudix) added to MCM menu


  • The intelligence of riders and their horses is converted. Horses will no longer pursue their riders if they do not use them.
  • Fix "Survival Instinct" which did not use some NPC
  • The functions of the "survival instinct" and "home" were improved
  • Added patch compatibility with Moonpath to ELSWEYR

Version 0.2.8

  • Recycled Intellect of Falkrite Citizens
  • The "Home" function was improved, homeless NPCs will behave more realistic in the tavern
  • Recycled and improved intelligence of citizens: Roriksted, Waitran, Riverwood, Black Ford
  • Improved Bard Intellect: Now if you enter the tavern and there will be a bard - it will start singing, but only in the period from 19 to 23:30
  • Fixed a bug in which the NPC is sometimes incorrectly sat on the bar chairs
  • Improved compatibility
  • Updated compatibility patches updated


Updated CRF compatibility patch

Version 0.2.5.

Perhaps it will help to clean the save, but this is not a fact. If you really want to update, then the surest way is to use new saving.

Performance Optimization:

Now the plugin will not increase the download time

Improve compatibility:

Some functions of the plug-in were implemented differently, as a result, with many mods, it was necessary to use the "correct" download queue in the launcher

Updated compatibility patches with RRR, OCS and CRF

Many small bug fixes

Improved intelligence of citizens in Waitran, Rorixteda and Riverwood


Now the plug-in has its MCM menu in which you can enable it, disable, update, as well as customize some features: for example, turn off the influence of the weather on the behavior of the NPC

Now the plugin will work 100% even if you install it not for new saving. This concerns only the 1st installation, update the plugin on the old preservation is not recommended!

Version 0.2.4

  • Recycled Intelligence of Citizens of Residences in: Black Brod, Farm Lauraies, Failulum sawmill
  • Improved Intelligence of Waitran and Riverwood
  • Improved "Go home" function. Now the character will not go to his city, if it is located far, and on the street there is raining or snow
  • Improved compatibility with other plugins
  • Fixes of some quests
  • Other small fixes

Version 0.2.3.

  • Intellect of Roriksted citizens was completely redone. The author restored 10 random dialogs (which were in the game, but for some reason are disabled) as well as added a couple of new buildings to the city, whatever he was so empty.
  • Imperbs and prisoners Brothers Storm: Now the guard will be sent to Solituda prison. Prisoners will not be able to attack until their hands are connected. If you come to the bump, you will be given a warning and if you do not leave 10 seconds. - The guards will attack you. The same changes affected Talmitsa and prisoners.
  • Imperial reconnaissance / intelligence brothers storms: Bugs were corrected in which they could frozen in place. Now they will be sent to the nearest camp.
  • Now if you attack the courier - it will answer you
  • Intellect of the thieves guild is improved. Now they will make more competent ambushes
  • Now farmers after the attack of the dragon will not just stand in the tavern, but to interact with it
  • Fixed a mistake when some Talmor travelers froze in place. Now they will go to the Talmor Embassy
  • Fixed a bug when some of the Empire travelers froze in place. Now they will go in the nearest city, which belongs to them
  • Travelers Brothers Storms - the same changes

Version 0.2.1

  • From 8 am to 8 pm, the NPC will not lock the doors to their homes. If at this time the NPC comes home and will find you there - he will ask you to leave his home. From 10 pm and up to 8 am, the NPCs will close the doors of their house on the castle.
  • Now you can challenge UTGGD if she is out of taverns
  • Peredished intelligence characters in Waitran
  • Intellect Gaya and Fahrengar, he will change depending on who owns Waitran
  • Improved intelligence of many other NPC
  • Improved compatibility with other mods


  • Endody Papia will no longer return home
  • Fixed a bug in which some NPCs have teleported in a glossy mare
  • Fixed a bug in which some NPC slept
  • Improved Nazima, Alema, Lilith and Genssa intelligence
  • If you are using CRF, then the characters from the previous item will use the CRF intelligence
  • Updated CRF, ELE, ELFX and OCS compatibility patches
  • Improved Metadir Survival Instinct, Falladda and Arniel
  • Removed 2 extra. The guard from the stable of Waitran, which were added earlier
  • During the quest Battle for WeTran characters: Chronhar, Genass, Vigigar, Brill and Sinmir will hide in their homes
  • Many quests for quests with quests


  • Saadadia will no longer say "yes, mom" if her mom is missing nearby
  • Added support for modes modes


  • The owner of Tavern will no longer welcome you if they are sleeping
  • During the storm, Aranya Ienite will remain near the statue of Azura
  • Improved compatibility with the quest "Before the Thunderstorm"
  • Improved compatibility with the quest "Missing"


  • Tilma Tilma Intellect in Quest "C04JorrvaskrCommotion" was improved
  • Improved intelligence and Hildes, now they will not stick
  • During the fulfillment of the quest "Eternal Peace", Hroggar will be fearless if he decides to attack the player
  • During the fulfillment of the quest "Kill Herna", if you start attacking Herr, Hurt will help her husband. If her health falls below 30% - it will pray for mercy.
  • If Alva decides to escape, she will hide in the Movarth's Lair


  • Now the mod is fully compatible with Master Of Disguise - Immersive Disguises for Skyrim
  • Improved compatibility with mods adding new houses near Farm Pilagio
  • Improved Ai Olfin Gray Mair, when brothers storms own Waitran
  • Darthi and Sigrid are now farther from the meeting place Herderur and the move
  • NPC intelligence in Quest "C04Jorrvaskrcommotion" had a lower priority, now it is fixed and there should be no problem

Their Elder scrolls. V: Skyrim. Mod "Live NPC".

" Dear users of this website, a lot of time has passed with last updateSo that you can think that the work on the project is no longer being conducted. But it is not so! Live NPSs throughout this months have been constantly improved and optimized. it the largest update In the history of the existence of fashion! Multiple technical changes, new votes, new types of dialogues (!) And much more was brought to the plugin with this (1.5) patch. This in more detail will tell the list of changes below. Pleasant gemploy! "

We all remember that in Tes 4 Oblivion, the Nepis NPC could come together and start a little conversation, asking "How are you?" Or told the fascinating history (about muds, for example). In Skyrime, such a function is present, but the originrana is quite primitive: certain NPS can only lead
certain dialogues (for example, Nazim can only ask from Isolde, how often it has to be in the market); And when these dialogues are still repeated several times, it turns out some kind of absurdity. We decided to make life in the "dead" world of Skyrima, giving the opportunity of Skyrim's characters to communicate with each other on a different topics! The mod affects all Skyrim (the dialogs will be played everywhere where there is an NPC). Fashion itself is a background: it is not aimed at the fact that you sat and listen to every dialogue (although no one forbids you), but to eliminate the injection silence in thick (and not very) inhabited locations, improve the overall game atmosphere and actually On the "revival" residents of the northern province of Tamriel. Mechanics Fashion is based on reproducing in random order of individual mini-scenes in which the NPS communicate on various topics depending on the dialogue. The mod applies to almost all NPS provinces (excluding various episode characters).

What dialogues are present in fashion at the moment:


1) Guard and Citizen
2) Standard Dialogues
3) group dialogues
4) Rumors
5) two guards
6) maid and adequate taverns
7) Seller and Buyer
8) acquaintance of the NPS (successful)
9) acquaintance of the NPS (unsuccessful)
10) hostile dialogs
11) Friendly Dialogues

Dialogues based on gaming replicas:

a) For those who have never installed any of the versions of the Fashion: throw files from the RandomNDIALOGUE.SP archive folder to the DATA game folder, and then activate the mod in the launcher.
b) For those who have one of the versions of the fashion:
1) Disable modes in the launcher
2) Go to the game and create a clean save
3) Delete the following files and folders: randomndialogue.esp and randomndialogue.esp, which is located on the way Skyrim / Data / Sound / Voice / Randomndialogue.esp
4) Throw to the Data folder files from the new archive (Scripts, Sound RandomNDialogue.SP).
5) Activate the mod in the launcher
6) Play!
c) when updating the voice base:
1) Delete the folder: randomndialogue.esp, which is located on the way Skyrim / Data / Sound / Voice / Randomndialogue.esp
2) Install the RandomNDialogue.Sp folder on the way Skyrim / Data / Sound / Voice / Randomndialogue.SP from the archive

Future plans:
1) Replenishment of the Voice Base Fashion
2) improvement of dialogue playback mechanics
3) to fully recycle or improve the playback system of dialogs
Also. !!! The mod goes on a special edition of the game. !!!

- Skyrim
- Skyrim SE

Requirements for voice acting:
1) Quality equipment is not lower than the average (on the appeal to the LAN we will proconsulate)
2) good diction
3) Mature voice ("broken")
4) * preferably * ability to mimic the standard Voices of Skyrima (typical Nordic, Orci, etc.)

Write me in a personal about the candidacy:

What's new in version 1.6 ()

  • List of changes in Fashion version 1.6
  • Technical:
  • 1) now among the servants will only women
  • 2) You can purchase the goods from the panel dealers (contact the "suspicious types" in the cities)
  • 3) the number of possible replicas for the guard in the dialogue with the suspected increased
  • Base of votes. The following voices were added:
  • 1) Female Caidzhy
  • 2) Danmer Male
  • 3) Argonian Male
  • List of changes in Fashion version 1.5
  • Technical:
  • 1) Only those NPSs that have standard game types of voice can participate in dialogues (this was done so that the NPCs do not stand in silently n-period of time)
  • 2) Children do not lead a dialogue type "friendly" with parents
  • 3) dialogs like "dating" reproduce less
  • 4) Dialogues like "Rumors" are reproduced less
  • 5) Dialogues of the "friendly" type, "standard", "group" reproduce more often
  • 6) partners do not participate in all types of dialogs
  • 7) Now the soldiers of the BB or empire do not use replicas in friendly conversations:
  • - Oh ... And here I recently came to me. They said, they say, they stole something recently, perhaps, I know something ...
  • - Ladushka ... I decided to practice a little in shooting. He began very long ago, and regret that she threw.
  • 8) Replica "Listen, how free time will appear, it will be necessary to run into the tavern, and do not even try to refuse, I treat it!" Do not reproduce in the dialogues between the characters that are in the tavern.
  • 9) A woman can now say a replica "I would like to go around the market and buy something ... as you can - be sure to bring me out, and let's go!" Men in friendly dialogues.
  • 10) Beggars do not participate in "friendly" dialogues
  • 11) Replica "And come on as: how will the time be, feeding a column. We will put two fees and let's see who more firewood is disturbing, but what do you say?" It can not only be said to men, but also to women (this was done to increase the number of possible answers)
  • 12) Data dating dialogs have only a negative outcome if their initiator is beggar.
  • 13) The dialogue between the beggar and ordinary resident always has a negative outcome.
  • 14) 6 new types of dialogues based on replicas from the game are created!
  • * Dialogue between the guard and suspect
  • * Dialogue between the drug dealer and a resident of the city (in the cities will now appear on 2 dials of the skirt and lunar sugar - a rift exception: there are 3 of them, who and you can buy something interesting).
  • * Dialogue between a resident and drug dealer (that is, a resident itself comes to a suspicious type and asks him a product, instead of the situation in the previous dialogue, when the dealer himself approached people and offered them a drug).
  • * Dialogue between the beggar and resident (this is a compilation of all game dialogs where the beggars are involved. It shows itself well in conjunction with mods for an increase in the population in cities. Example: Populated Cities)
  • * Dialogue between the drunk and the innkeeper (now 2 drunkards will appear in the taverns, which will move along the tavern using a special animation)
  • Details of the essence of dialogs do not open up not to spoil interest. Install the mod and find out about everything in more detail :)
  • Vote:
  • * Approximately 70% of the votes are announced in general.
  • * Male is voiced about 60%, women's - 90%.
  • Very rude (Male - Igor Kulikov:; examples of heroes using this voice: Sinmir, Commander Kai, Brignolf. Female - Besting:; examples of heroes using the characters This voice: maids in Taverns, Miol Lioness, Eil Hunter)
  • Standard (Male - Andrew Mirny:; examples of heroes using this vote: Beletor, Bolly, Sorrek Vinni. Female - Besting:; examples of heroes using this Voice: maids in Taverns, Greta, Sadia)
  • Young (Male - Nikita Metelkov:; examples of heroes using this voice: Sigurd, Aerin, Anoryat. Female - Elena Polozenko:; examples of heroes using this Voice: Isolde, Vseks, Hawk)
  • High and unpleasant for rumor (Male - Nicodemus Mogilyansky:; examples of heroes using this voice: Nazim, Klepp, Sabjorn. Female - Anna Kowalski:; examples Heroes using this vote: Jail, maid in Tavern, Frabby)
  • Argonian (Female - Sofia Pototskaya, examples of heroes using this voice: all Argonian Skyrima. Male - Egor Stashkevich:; examples of heroes using this voice: all Argonian Skyrima)
  • High I. Forest elf (Male - Kuoshi_zetzy:; examples of heroes using this voice: All Talmitsa and high elves. Female - Veda, her official page like Dubbera:, page VK:; Examples of heroes using this voice: NIRI, TARY, NIRANIE.)
  • Kaizhvsky (female - Bestiya:; examples of heroes using this voice: Women Caudgitis Skyrim)
  • Dark Elf (Female - Besting:; examples of heroes using this voice: Gianssa, Isyrilet, Eneza Sadri. Male - Sergey Dobrynya:; examples of heroes using heroes using This voice: Atis, Rulge Drart, Ravam Tellei)
  • Orca (Male - Nikanor Ernesteovich:; examples of heroes using this voice: all orcs Skyrima. Female - Bestiya:; Examples of heroes using this voice : all orcs skyrim)
  • Man-drunka (not voiced)
  • An old man (female - Bestiya:; examples of heroes using this vote: All the elderly Skyrima)
  • Guardian (female - Bestiya:; examples of heroes using this voice: Holdda, Miol Lioness, Eyla Hunting; Male - Igor Kulikov:; examples of heroes using heroes This voice: Sinmir, Commander Kai, Brignolf; Yaroslav Bugakov -; examples of heroes using this voice: city guards)
  • Gangster (not voiced)
  • I plan to actively support the "sound" part of the fashion, introducing the missing voices by waves. I will explain what it means. A wave is a certain date when I plan to add several new votes. Each wave is announced in advance.
  • The next wave will be - soon!
  • It will be the last sound wave, which means possible the final release of the fashion.
  • Voices that will be added: senile men's (had to be transferred to this wave), the Kaidzhitsky male, voice of the drunkard, a gangster voice.