Stalker call of pripyat how to complete the mission scat. Passage "Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Unknown signal source

In general, the meaning of this progression is to go quickly without unnecessary additional tasks, although without some additional tasks you will not complete the main ones, so let's get started:

"Scat 5" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-5 helicopter

Passage: One of the first story quests. Everything is simple here, we need to get to the helicopter, which is located inside the "Swamp" anomaly and search it. I think no one will have any special difficulties. The passage to the Anomaly is free, the main thing is not to run into hungry dogs or someone else.

After searching the helicopter, it turns out that all the electronics inside are burned out and now you need to find the cause of the burned out electronics. We'll find the reason by completing another quest, so we're done with that for now.

Tips: In anomaly, use a bolt to pave the road. You will find some provisions in a box near the helicopter.

"Scat 2" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-2 helicopter

Passage: So we searched Skat-5, we run further, to the second helicopter, To the very edge of the map to the South-West, right next to the "Iron Forest" anomaly. A poltergeist is flying near our target, so we move slowly, as it reacts to the movements of the GG. We kill the poltergeist and we can search the Helicopter. Another screensaver on the engine, in which Degtyarev (GG), discovers that the crew of this helicopter died in the air, but on the on-board computer it was possible to find maps of the terrain between Zaton and Jupiter.

Tips: We search the nearby corpses of the military, collect cartridges, etc. If the poltergeist noticed you, it will throw objects, hide behind corners and various shelters.

Location Maps: Find Those Interested

Description: Find someone who will be interested in the maps you find

Terms of issue: Found and inspected the Skat-2 helicopter

Reward: Discount on the transition between locations

Passage: We go to the dry cargo ship "Skadovsk", we speak with a stalker named Pilot, we suggest that he take the cards. He copies them to himself on the PDA. Now we know that there is a short way between the Yanov station and Skadovsk. They gave away maps of the area and got the opportunity to cheaply move between locations.

"Scat 3" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-3 helicopter

Passage: You just can't go to the third helicopter, so we'll go to Stalker Noah, who lives in his "ark", just south of the port cranes. In his ship, he keeps a tamed dog Lassie. We talk to him, ask about helicopters and agree that he will take us to the Plateau. We appear on a burnt-out farm, around is full of "Zharka" anomalies, follow which road Noah is on, then follow him. Don't forget about the bolts! We reach the edge, push off and jump into the "Teleport". (Attention - accelerate well, otherwise you will have to jump again) We teleport near the "Circus" anomaly, and go to the Plateau. There is a lair of snorks near the target, so it's better to destroy them first, before they did it with us). After that, we go to inspect the helicopter.

Skat-3. We receive information that both engines failed in flight, and in the on-board computer we find a map with marks of evacuation points "B2", "B28", "B205"

Tips: Being in the frying anomaly for a long time will severely damage your suit

Evacuation sites: Check point "B2"

Description: Evacuation points were marked on the map found by one of the helicopters. You should check if the military has appeared there.

Terms of issue: Skat-3 examined

Evacuation sites: Check point "B205"

Description: Evacuation points were marked in a map found by one of the helicopters. You should check if the military has appeared there.

Passage: We are heading to the Volkhov air defense system at the location of the Neighborhood of Jupiter. There are a lot of zombies in that area, so it's better to take a shotgun or other effective weapon. We go into the building, in one of the rooms we find on the table a note from Sokolov with the following content: "An old sheet with the schedule of posts; four numbers are visible on it below:" 1421 ".

On top of the old notes it is written in marker: “Lieutenant V. Sokolov. In connection with the helicopter crash, I proceeded to the B205 evacuation point. Within two days, the evacuation did not take place, further stay at the point is associated with an unjustified risk. I decided to leave the point and proceed to the mobile laboratory of the scientific expedition. The laboratory is located northeast of the evacuation point. "" The code 1421 will still come in handy, we go down to the basement, to the closed door, enter the code. (Although in fact we do not need to enter the code). Below there will be a flock of jerboas, and there will be a large room fight with Burrer. Try to dodge the objects that he throws, as well as hide behind large boxes. Then climb the stairs upward and find yourself in a room closed from the inside with a small arsenal. There is also a rocket launcher and two shells to it. The task is completed, remains search point B28.

Investigate the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter

Passage: Location of the Neighborhood of Jupiter. We go to the helipad. The passage is closed by a minefield. But you can get to the helicopter along the fence. (Or, as I did, we see a cemented path, we go along it bypassing the dark places in the screenshot, they can be seen at least clumsily, but highlighted for those who did not understand)

We approach, examine, take away the Black box and carry it to Azot on Yanov. He says that it may take about three o'clock, and the money will be a decent amount. So, we wait three hours, we come to Azot. We give him three thousand and listen to the received audio recording, which says that in the event of an accident, everyone should go to the B28 evacuation point.

Investigate the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter

Passage: We go into the building of the plant through the southern gate, along the underground corridors we find ourselves in a hall with a destroyed roof. It will be difficult not to notice the fallen helicopter. We examine, but we do not recognize anything particularly valuable.

The way to Pripyat

Description: According to the records from the "black box" of one of the helicopters, the military should have gathered at the "B28" evacuation point. It is located in Pripyat: so, in any case, the maps found in another helicopter say. We'll have to look for an opportunity to get there - you need to talk about it with the guide.

Quest issues: Pilot

Terms of issue: Found and decoded the black box of the Skat-4 helicopter

Passage: The conductor does not know the road to Pripyat, and sends us for documents to the Jupiter plant. We go into the territory of the plant through the main entrance, turn right and go into the administrative building. In the room on the third floor, we find a folder with an order. The documents found in the administrative department say about the evacuation of the industrial complex from the territory of the plant. Information about this should be sought in the laboratory building. There, on the third floor, there is a corridor-passage to another building, after which we turn left and find it on a shelf notebook sheet, in which we are talking about a certain product number 62. According to the records from the laboratory department, the delivery department was supposed to carry out the evacuation. We need to check this place. We leave the building and move further from the entrance. In the next building, on the ground floor, there will be a sheet with the supplies of this very product. Now we go to the repair shop. We go around the main building and go through the southern gate, go down into the small underground corridors and we leave to the main building. There will be two Chernobyl dogs. On the table we find another document, which says that you need to go to the first section of the department, where we find evidence that the underground path to Pripyat exists. The shop of chemical compounds should have information about the conservation of the Pripyat-1 underground overpass with the help of some kind of gas. Therefore, we return in the same way as we went to the repair shop. Those who are not yet tired of running around an abandoned factory in search of a document go further. The entrance to the underground overpass is located behind the transport lock. You need to check this place, and look there for any information about the overpass. Finally, when we have collected all the documents, we go to the technician Azot on Yanov, where he will tell us about the underground passage to Pripyat.

Tips: Before leaving the factory, go to the third floor of the administrative building in order to get some more documents. They carry purely administrative information, but they are guarded by mercenaries, whose leader on the PDA has some interesting information... Take all the documents found to the leader of the Dolgovtsy, you can get the "Information Merchant" achievement. But take administrative information to the camp of scientists. For it you will be paid 7000 _ medicines, and for the PDA of Black 2500.

Pripyat-1 _ Check point "B28"

Description: You need to get to Pripyat

Quest issues: Pilot, Zulus, Azot

Terms of issue: Completed the quest Path to Pripyat

Passage: First you need to get a suit with closed system breathing. The most convenient and fastest option is to buy it from a Hawaiian on Janow. Nitrogen could open the lock of the Pripyat-1 overpass, but he refuses to go to the territory of the Jupiter plant without protection and recommends taking a couple of soldiers with him to the overpass. The Zulu has already joined the squad. He offers to send new fighters to him. The more you completed the quests, the more characters you can take with you.

The Zulu says it takes at least three people to hike. With the total, I got a maximum of 5 people: Vano, Tramp, Lieutenant Sokolov, Zulus, Azot. In the dialogue with Zulus, there is also a branch where it is said about Noah, but if you come to him on Zaton, he will not have a dialogue associated with a trip to Pripyat. Perhaps the patch will fix it. Let's start assembling the team. Every stalker will need a suit with a closed breathing system. First, let's go to Vano, although it makes no difference who to take first. We need to borrow 5000 for a suit, after which we take it to the Zulus. The Tramp has no problems with the suit, since he still has old suit monolith.

But Lieutenant Sokolov does not have a suit and will have to ask Ozersky. But as always, you won't get anything just like that. You need to complete the task and bring the scientists a sample of the anomalous plant at the edge of the quarry. When you bring it, you can go to the Zulus.

By the way, if before that you have completed all the tasks of scientists, then you will be assigned the rank - "Discoverer", and when you bring all three to Zulus, then another achievement awaits you - "Leader." When everyone is assembled, Nitrogen opens the door to the Jupiter subway Next, the most important thing is to make sure that no one from your team dies. You will remember this passage underground for a long time. All the way to the big hall, snorks will attack. Use the grenade launcher and use both weapon slots. Next, you will need to turn on the power to the door. We climb up the stairs to the transformer, turn on the power. Monoliths will run out from the side of the containers. Power is on, but the door is still locked. You need to go to the Control Room.

When we enter on opposite sides of the hall, two snipers appear, and several more monoliths are walking from the side we came from. We press on the lever, and we go to the opened door. Then we go along the corridor, shooting tushcans, zombies and snorks. It is impossible to get lost. We reach the stairs that lead to the ventilation hatch upstairs, and here we are in Pripyat. After loading the location, we watch a small video on the engine, after which we appear in front of Kowalski.

Unknown weapon

Description: Find the weapon with which the Monolithians shot down a helicopter with the military.

Reward: Gauss Cannon, Yellow Keycard

Passage: Together with captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We take places in the building and wait for the three monoliths to go to the center of the courtyard. We quickly remove them, go to search the bodies. At this moment, the rest of the Monoliths, who ambushed us, begin to attack. Our goal is to Kill the Monolith, on the edge of the roof of a five-story building, who is standing with a Gauss cannon. After all the Fanatics are dead, we take away the secret weapon and return to Kowalski. But the sample of the Gauss cannon is damaged, you need to find a mechanic who would fix it. We leave for Cardan on Zaton. When we tell him about product number 62, he is cut down and it’s tedious to wait until he comes to himself :)

During the dialogue, we learn that Cardan used to work at the Jupiter plant, with this particular product. For repairs, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the Iron Forest anomaly, there will be a coded door in the building next to it. This is where the key card comes in handy. We go down to the test shop, in the corridor there will be about 5 zombie stalkers, we go down even lower, we find ourselves in a hall with a huge shield installed on the rails. Personally, it was in this place that I first met a pseudo-giant. It is quite clumsy, but it is very difficult to pierce it with bullets. Stock up on armor-piercing, shotgun, and underbarrel grenade launcher charges. But it's better if you take something heavier.

We go up the stairs, then along the upper pipe we climb through the hole into ventilation shaft(remember the old iconic Freeman) and climb into the second hall. The necessary documents will lie on the table, and next to it is a sample product number 62. We receive a yellow key card from Laboratory X8. Now you need to get out and return to Cardan on Skadovsk. We return the documents, wait for him to get out of trouble, and at the same time repair the gausska. You can sleep at this time. We get up, take away weapons and documentation and go to Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.

Tips: You will find AK ammo on the shelves in the test room.

Missing reconnaissance group

Description: A reconnaissance group sent by Kowalski disappeared after a strange communication. You need to find them and find out what happened.

Quest issued by: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski

Issuance conditions: Strange radio signal received.

Passage: We go to the target: slightly west of the hostel in Pripyat. In the clearing we find the dead bodies of the group.

Cluster "Monolith"

Description: It is necessary to destroy all the "monoliths" who have settled in the building. Their clusters pose a threat to the military camp.

Quest issued by: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski

Passage: We meet with Vano and Sokolov (if they reached Pripyat) near the "Friendship of Peoples" monument and set off to clean up the "Books" store. We go inside, in a closed room the monoliths will sit in a trance and talk to the monolith through a strange structure. We quickly kill the fanatics until they wake up and examine the structure.

Tips: After all, bring Vano and Sokolov to the base alive.

The missing sentry

Description: One of the military has disappeared from his post, you need to find him and find out the reason for the disappearance.

Quest issued by: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski

Terms of issue: Found a missing reconnaissance group

Passage: On the map we have a mark where you need to go, so we head to the grocery store. before reaching the desired place, we hear shouts and shots. The sentry shoots someone. We approach him and he kills himself in a panic ..... After a few seconds we discover the reason - the controller took him by the brains. We kill the controller and contact Kowalski by radio.

Tips: One or two shots from the Gauss Cannon are enough to kill the controller.

One shot

Reward: SVD _ cartridges

Passage: Passing by Garik, he will tell you about the Mercenaries, whom he led to Pripyat, and how they wanted to kill him. We go to Kowalski, tell about the Mercenaries, and all the information you received earlier. And here we have a choice of 2 actions:

1) Remove the leader of the mercenaries, then they will be disorganized and no longer a problem. But then we will not know who the customer was. I suggest choosing the second option

2) Remove both the customer and the mercenaries. Kirilov takes us to the point, we are given SVD and cartridges, although I preferred to use a Gauss. We are waiting for everyone to gather in front of the entrance. The main targets: the leader of the mercenaries "Jackal" and the customer "Serbin" in the costume of environmentalists. We remove two targets. You can kill the rest if you have time before they run away.

We go to the corpses, we search Serbin, we take away the Red key-card from the Laboratory X8. After that, we return to Kowalski and report the situation.

Tips: It is better to complete the quest during the day or with a weapon that has an installed NVD.

Laboratory х8

Description: The information found indicates the central laboratory under the index X8. There may be information about secret experiments carried out on the territory of the Zone.

Terms of issue: Documents found in the shop with product number 62

Passage: We are heading to the KBO Jubilee. We take as many cartridges, first-aid kits, etc. in advance. The mission will not be easy. On the first floor we approach the elevator, it is de-energized, you need to turn on the generator. We go up the stairs. There are 26 living creatures on the indicator. In the course of moving to the upper floor, we kill crowds of zombies and monoliths. On the fifth floor, near the elevator door, you will find the PDA of the mercenary Barchuk, which says that the generator is located on the sixth service floor. We start the generator, climb into the elevator and go down to the laboratory x8.

We go down, we open the door with the help of the access card. Immediately, on the right, there will be a closed door with an inscription forbidden for unauthorized persons. This is where you need the red key card. You open the door, inside is an arsenal of weapons and medicines. We go into the classroom, on the way of the electrical anomaly, we go down the stairs, on the table is a blue notebook with notes about the experiment. We take and return to the entrance. We go to the dining room, on the way you will meet two snorks - do not be alarmed, it is still early.

We go up the stairs one flight, we go into the dining room. The crying of a child is heard. In the men's room on the right you will find Burer, who lacks companionship and cries from loneliness. During the fun, do not forget to keep an eye on the stamina, otherwise you will find yourself unarmed. At the end of the room you will find research papers. We return to the entrance again and go down to the laboratory. But we do not turn down to the left, but go up the right stairs. There will be a poltergeist who has been assiduously bothering us all this time, and there will also be an RP-74 machine gun. Now we go down to the laboratory. Next to the model of the rainbow suppressor of aggression on the shelf, you will find another document. Total 3.

Carefully, there will be jerboas that can easily drive you into subtle anomalies. In the room with two large tanks on the control panel there will be a transfer order, and a little further - anabiotic that allows you to survive the release. Now we go down, go into the right elevator shaft and go upstairs when we see open doors on the floor we jump over there. There will be three Burers in the hall. I don’t know what you’ll do with them if you don’t have a gauss gun. Because if you are, then you are here for a long time). Well, when you kill them, you take the two remaining documents. And two more anabiotics.

Now, as we arrived here, we return - by elevator. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Until you kill the controller, you will not leave. Once you get out, run to Kovalenko's laundry for a one-to-one conversation. In total, you should have 6 documents from the x8 laboratory with you.

Tips: On the roof of the KBO Jubilee, you can find two snowflake artifacts (although others are possible).

Radio interference

Description: Find and destroy the source of interference.

Quest issues: Kowalski

Terms of issue: Passed laboratory х8

Passage: We go to the courtyard just south of the school, we search the corpse of a soldier, we take explosives with a timer. After that, we contact Kowalski by radio, Lieutenant Colonel says that they found the exact place of the signal - it comes from kindergarten... We are heading there, we set explosives on the door and quickly move away to a safe distance.

After the explosion, we can already get inside. We rise to the second floor and go to the west wing. There will be a poltergeist. As we get to the west wing, we will see the installation, this is the source of interference. We get the task to destroy it. we throw there a few F1 grenades.

After the destruction, we hear some kind of knocking sound coming from below. You need to check the source of the sound. We open the refrigerator and find the missing soldier there, after that we go to talk with Kowalski.

Unknown _ Squad "Skat": Find out the reason for the fall of the helicopters

Description: Kirilov detected a strange signal near the base. You need to check the signal source.

Quest issues: Kowalski

Conditions for issuing: Completed quest Radio interference

Passage: We go to the signal, south of the hostel. We arrive at the place, the signal starts to move - we run after it. It turns out that the signal was coming from underground. Now you need to return to base. As soon as we are on the spot, we watch a video on the engine: a shooter comes to us, tells the general situation, as well as about the reasons for the fall of the helicopters.


Description: The final mission to evacuate the convoy outside the Zone

Quest issued by: Head of the SBU

Conditions of issue: The cause of the helicopter crash is known

Passage: You need to wait out the release. At this time, you can talk to the Shooter, give him the documents (if you have collected them). After the release, you will contact the command and receive a mission to evacuate the composition. There is time until the next blowout.

First, you need to talk to Kowalski. Command is interested in the information that Strelok knows, so on the way to the helicopters, we should cover him. Further we move through the city, teeming with enemies to the monument of Prometheus - the point of evacuation "B28". Make sure that key characters are not killed.

First, you will come across zombies on the road, then mutants, and near the cinema there is a whole roundup of Monolithians. On the way, you will still need to bring the medic to his senses, it seems that the controller covered him pretty well ... We are getting to the monument and we need to hold out at the helicopters. Crowds of monoliths are running at us, snipers are shooting from the rooftops. But we waited until the helicopter took off. And here we have a choice: to stay in the game in freeplay mode, or fly away with the military and watch the ending of the game, I stayed and finished it for a long time Additional tasks, at any time you can end the game by going to the conductor and select the desired request, this function appears when all the main actions are completed and the game is completed, but decided to stay ...

This walkthrough will only cover the main plot part games. But for sure you will have to complete at least some of the additional tasks. In any case, you decide for yourself whether to complete additional tasks or not. I would like to add that by opening your PDA at any moment (key "P"), you can choose one of the tasks received. After pressing the appropriate key, the goal of the task will be shown on the mini-map, which will greatly facilitate your task of following to the destination and completing the quest.

Having traveled a long way to the crash site of the helicopter, you will see that its remains are located on a hill. You don't know how to get to this plateau.

"Skat-3" on the South Plateau (not accessible).

Investigate the crash site "Skat-5"

Mark this place on the map, move to it. The helicopter will be located in the middle of a swamp with several anomalies. It is best to go down to the helicopter from the side opposite to the road.

Safe route to Skat-5.

When you are next to him, walk in a circle until the screen prompts you to press the "F" key to inspect the helicopter. Press this key.

Investigate the crash site "Skat-2"

Move to the indicated point. The helicopter will be located in the middle of the power plant. A phantom is raging here, throwing at you various subjects... Quickly run up to the helicopter and inspect it in the same way as the previous one. You will find maps of the area that someone might be interested in.

Investigate the crash site "Skat-1"

Select this task in your PDA (press the "P" key), follow the marker on the mini-map. You will find yourself on a barge. In order to go inside, you will need to hide a weapon. To do this, double-click on the "1", "2" or other key. Having entered inside, at the table in the center of the bar, find the conductor. During the dialogue with him, you can offer maps of the area found in the Skat-2 helicopter. For this, he will provide you with a substantial discount. Say that you want to get to the Yanov station. The transition will cost you 1000 coins (if you do not give the cards, then this fee will be at least 2000).

After talking with the guide and the technician, leave the building and follow to the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter. And here is a minefield everywhere:

Safe route to Skat-1.

To overcome the minefield, we advise you to move along the mesh fence on the right side, periodically moving away from it closer to the center. Save more often, reload and use this method to take a safe route without a single mine. After reaching the helicopter, you will find the "Black Box".

Investigate the crash site "Skat-4"

Mark the task on your map, and then move to the indicated point. You need to get to the territory of an abandoned factory. Move between the two buildings, turn right. All this time, the yellow marker should remain on your right side. Next, you will need to find the entrance to the workshop. There will be a pit inside the workshop on the right side. Go down there, follow the corridors and climb the stairs above. Go through the room in which documents are on the control panel. You can study them, or you can just walk by. Get to the helicopter, kill the dogs and examine the Skat-4.

Take the Black Box from the Skat-1 helicopter to the techie

Return back to the Yanov station the same way. Talk to the techie you talked to when you first entered the station. Give that "Black Box". He will say that it will take a little time to decipher it, and it will cost a lot. If you want to earn extra money and save on decryption, you can find parts for a techie and tools (optional) at an abandoned chemical plant.

Find out how to get to the South Plateau, where the Skat-3 helicopter fell

At the bars at the Yanov station or inside the barge on the Zaton, chat with the stalkers and ask if they know anything about the fallen helicopters. One of the stalkers will say that information on how to get to the South Plateau can be obtained from Noah. Return to Zaton, go to the barge where Noah sat down. When opening the doors, be careful, as Noah will immediately shoot at you (these are his "precautions"). Hide the weapon, approach it and ask about the fallen helicopters. When Noah offers to go to the Plateau, agree.

Once there, watch how Noah moves, follow the same path and jump down. The anomaly will take you to the South Plateau.

Investigate the crash site "Skat-3"

Go to the helicopter and examine it. You will learn about three points of evacuation, which, in fact, have to be checked.

Check evacuation point "B2"

Go to the Skadovsk station on the barge and talk to Boroda. Ask if the military has appeared here. "Deaf as in a tank!"

Wait until the Black Box is decrypted

With the help of the guide, return to the Yanov station, go to Azot and ask if he deciphered the records in the Black Box. If you have not completed the task of finding parts and tools for Nitrogen, then he will "stick" the price of 3000 rubles. If you complete at least one task and find spare parts inside the nearest abandoned building, then the price will already be 1800 rubles. Decide for yourself. Having deciphered the message, you will make sure that there is only one evacuation point - "B28". Another mission to inspect the third escape point will be automatically canceled.

The way to Pripyat

You need to get to Pripyat, because it is there that the B28 evacuation point is located. This can be done through the Jupiter plant. Follow there, as shown by the marker on the minimap. Follow the same path as you went to the Skat-4 helicopter. Approach the crashed aircraft and pay attention to the doorway on the right side of it.

How to find a transport route to Pripyat.

Move through this opening and get to the desired room. Examine the work log on the control panel. Find out the location of the generator and the transport route.

In order to open the transport route, you need to start the generator. Go downstairs, there is a truck on the left side. Behind him is a second truck. Follow the side of it and get over the barricades. Move to the building marked on the minimap, go inside and go up to the second floor. Here on the shelves at the indicated point is another magazine, which describes the start of the generator.

Return back to Azot at the Yanov station, report that you have found documents that say about the underground route to Pripyat. He will prompt a man named Zulus, who will happily go to Pripyat. Exit the station, go to the adjacent building, hide the weapon and go inside. Go upstairs and talk to the Zulu about everything. During the conversation, you find out that the hike requires a detachment of at least three people, as well as suits with a closed breathing system. In the dialog box, you can tell the Zulus the names of those who could go to Pripyat. The options offered depend on which additional quests you completed and which stalkers you helped. In any case, Noah from Zaton would be one of the options.

As for our passage of the game "Stalker Call of Pripyat", then we will go to Pripyat in a team with Vano. Vano is a lonely stalker, standing at a table inside the Yanov station in the main hall, opposite the window with the merchant. In order for Vano to agree to go to Pripyat, he needs help. Vano will give you 5,000 rubles. They need to be returned to the bandits from whom he borrowed them. Vano himself is afraid to do this, because he is sure that the bandits will demand more money. Go there, return the money to the bandits in the amount of 7000 rubles (interest will be required), or destroy everyone. If you kill everyone, then when you turn in the quest, Vano will leave you money. After that, talk to Vano about going to Pripyat. He will agree, but will say that he needs to redeem his suit with a closed breathing system. It is required to give him 5,000 rubles.

If you have money, that's great. If there is no money, then you can quickly complete the task of Uncle Yar, who is sitting in the next room. Together with him you will go inside the destroyed building, from which you will need to shoot the mercenaries. So, give Wano the money and let him know it's time to go to the Zulus. Talk to Zulu. Now you can go to Pripyat as soon as you get yourself a suit with a closed breathing system. On the other hand, you can recruit a few more people to the team.

Now about the costume. You can buy a Seva overalls. It costs 35-38 thousand rubles from a merchant on Yanovo. If you go to Zaton and order it from a guy named Nimble, who is on the third tier of the barge, then such a jumpsuit will cost you 30 thousand rubles. In this case, you will need to give a deposit of 6,000 rubles and wait a few days. On the second tier there is a merchant Sych, who offers the same Seva overalls for 28,000 rubles. At the same time, there is no need to wait! Taking the overalls, return to the Zulus and inform that it is time to go to Pripyat.

Underground passage to Pripyat

So, move along with the team through the dungeon, kill mutants. To open the doors, you need to click on the indicated panels. Soon you will run into a locked door. You need to feed it. Step back a little and you will see a tower on the left side. Go upstairs and turn on the generator. Go downstairs. Bandits appear. You can kill them, or you can proceed to another point, while your comrades distract enemies. But be prepared for the bandits to kill Wano and Zulus. Go to the indicated place, there is an entrance to the inside of the building. Enter there, go up the stairs and pull the lever on the control panel. Return to the door, which is now open. Get to the end of the tunnel by killing opponents. Take your time, kill everyone gradually.

Unknown weapon

Arriving in Pripyat and watching the video, go to the captain and talk to him. Agree to go for surgery. Kill the first enemies when it turns out that you are ambushed. Kill all opponents. The main goal is the leader of the Monolith, standing on the roof and shooting from an unknown weapon. See the screenshot below.

Kill the leader of the Monolith and obtain an unknown weapon.

Search the corpses and find a weapon with a scope, if there is none. Kill the leader, enter the building from where the Monolithians ran out, and climb the stairs to the second floor. Take away dropped weapon... Return to Colonel Kowalski and report everything. Try to leave the room. You will be stopped by a cut-scene.

Missing reconnaissance group

By the way, a stalker named Garik came from Jupiter, who can now lead you back. It turns out that you do not have to waste time hiking from one location to another. Follow to the control point, you will see that the group of soldiers was killed by the Monoliths. Move to the indicated place and wait for the arrival of help from two military (if those with whom you came to Pripyat are alive, then they will arrive). Go inside the building "House of Books" and kill the enemies. Move along the corridors, open the door and kill everyone around the strange structure. Watch the cut-scene.

Unknown Weapon: Get Information

Next, you need to find a technician who would deal with the found weapon. You can search for yourself, or you can immediately go to Cardan, which is on Skadovsk (Zaton location). Talk to him (technician on the second floor of the barge). If he suddenly gets drunk, then just sleep. You will receive the laboratory key.

Product No. 62

Move to the lower left corner of the Zaton map. The point to follow is marked on the minimap. Enter the small building and head down the stairs. Open the door using the same key you received from Cardan. Follow one floor below, clean it from infected enemies, and then move down the other stairs. You will find yourself in a workshop with rails and a monster. You can climb the steps a little higher and shoot the monster out of everything you have. Grenades will be effective in the fight against him. And so even the most powerful weapon will require 9-10 rounds (or even more).

Having defeated the enemy, which, by the way, you can not kill at all, you need to climb those same metal steps, and from there move even higher up the fire escape. Climb over the upper bridges to another wall, move to the side control point... Don't go down the stairs, but jump into the ventilation shaft. Climb to the end of the shaft and take the documentation you were looking for from the dashboard.

Return to Pripyat and talk to Colonel Kovalsky. Get a new mission related to the missing scout.

The missing sentry

Follow the indicated point to the grocery store where the sentry was. You will see a soldier shooting himself, after which the controller will immediately appear. Killing him is easy enough. The main thing is to periodically hide from him so that you are not in his line of sight. Try to shoot in the head.

One shot

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you return to the laundry after a previous assignment. Here Garik will speak to you, and you will learn the story of two mercenaries. We warn you for the reason that there is an option to go directly to the X8 laboratory, but after that an error may appear: Colonel Kovalsky will refuse to talk to you at all (there will be no active key to start a conversation).

So, after talking with Garik, go to the colonel and report on the story you heard. Make a choice, kill one enemy or try to deal with all at once. There is nothing unusual about the assignment.

Laboratory X8

Enter the indicated building and, very importantly, go to the elevator doors. The task will be updated to the status "It is necessary to turn on the generator". To do this, go upstairs, changing flights of stairs where the steps break off. On the top floor, find the room above the elevator shaft and start the generator. You will be hindered by enemies placed on each floor - infected, monoliths, etc. When the generator is started, go back down to the first floor, enter the opened elevator and press the "F" button. You will be taken to laboratory X8.

Go down and open the door. From here you can go in different directions, but you need to go to the passage in front that leads down. Keep to the left and find another flight of stairs. Follow below, go along the corridor and find yourself in a spacious hall where you can go down to the "pool". Do so, and on one of the tables with a computer, find the first folder with documents.

First document.

Attention! You will be asked to leave the complex, or continue to search for documents. Ignore this trick, as you need to find ALL the documents!

There is a doorway next to the corridor through which you came here. Go there (there is still a huge balloon in this room). If there is a balloon, then you are moving in the right direction. Go down the steps below, along one of the walls there is a cabinet with shelves. Walk past him and take the second folder with documents from the dashboard.

Second document.

Return to the door you opened after taking the elevator down. Stand with your back to the front door and turn to the right. After going down one of the steps, go up the steps in the far right corner. You will find yourself in a spacious hall on the second floor. Find the third folder with documents on one of the pedestals.

Third document.

The enemy will also appear here - kill him or run away. Three folders with documents were found, but the same number still needs to be found. Go back to the room where you found the second folder (the balloon is located). You need to go to the next room and climb into the elevator shaft, where there is a staircase. Climb two levels higher and you will see an open elevator door. Jump from a distance into this opening, you will find yourself on the floor. There will be three burers here. It is best to kill them with a knife, coming close. Remember that conventional rifles and machine guns are ineffective against them. There will be one folder with documents in this room, but do not rush to leave. Climb the stairs to another room and on the table you will find the fifth folder with documents.

It remains to find the last folder. Return to the elevator shaft, go upstairs and jump into the cabin through the opening at the top. Exit into the corridor, go to the front door to the laboratory. Stand with your back to this door, go left, open the door leading to the classroom (see picture):

The last document.

Go downstairs, quickly grab the blue folder from the table and leave the laboratory. Go back to the colonel and talk to him. Get a new assignment.

Radio interference

Move to the indicated point and search the corpse of the reconnaissance group commander. Take away the explosives with the timer. You will be contacted by the colonel, from whom you will learn that the source of radio interference is located in the kindergarten. Go in his direction, the door is marked with a yellow marker, on which you need to install explosives with a timer. Do so and then run back. After the explosion, go inside, move to the right wing of the garden, using several flights of stairs. As a result, on the second tier, you will find a strange structure, similar to the one you saw in the House of Books building. Destroy it by throwing a grenade or firing multiple bursts. Through the hole in the floor where this structure stood, go down to the tier below and open the green freezer. You will free the doctor and automatically find yourself in the laundry. Talk to Kowalski.

Unknown signal source

Move to the indicated point, wait until you are ordered to go to another place. Run to the courtyard of the hostel, then return to the base and watch the cut-scene.


Wait out the blowout, resupply, and order Kowalski to gather soldiers. Make your way to the helicopters, hold positions until they arrive and decide for yourself whether to complete the game or continue its passage in free mode.

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Passing storyline S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

"Scat 5" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-5 helicopter
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: --
Reward: --
Passage: One of the first story quests. Everything is simple here, we need to get to the helicopter, which is located inside the "Swamp" anomaly and search it. I don't think there will be any special difficulties. The passage to the Anomaly is free, the main thing is not to run into hungry dogs or someone else. After searching the helicopter, it turns out that all the electronics inside are burned out and now you need to find the cause of the burned out electronics. We'll find the reason by completing another quest, so we're done with that for now.
Advice: Use the bolt in the anomaly to pave the road. You will find some provisions in a box near the helicopter."Scat 2" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-2 helicopter
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: --
Reward: --
Passage: So we searched Skat-5, we run further, to the second helicopter, To the very edge of the map to the South-West, right next to the "Iron Forest" anomaly. A poltergeist is flying near our target, so we move slowly, as it reacts to the movements of the GG. We kill the poltergeist and we can search the Helicopter. Another screensaver on the engine, in which Degtyarev (GG), discovers that the crew of this helicopter died in the air, but on the on-board computer it was possible to find maps of the terrain between Zaton and Jupiter. Advice:We search the nearby corpses of the military, collect cartridges, etc. If the poltergeist noticed you, it will throw objects, hide behind corners and various shelters.

Location Maps: Find Those Interested

Description: Find someone who is interested in the maps you found
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: Found and inspected the Skat-2 helicopter
Reward: Discount for moving between locations
Passage: We go to the Skadovsk dry-cargo ship, talk to a stalker named Pilot, suggest that he take the cards. He copies them to himself on the PDA. Now we know that there is a short way between the Yanov station and Skadovsk. They gave away maps of the area and got the opportunity to cheaply move between locations. Advice: --

"Scat 3" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-3 helicopter The quest issues: --Terms of issue: --Reward: Passage: It is not easy to get to the third helicopter, so we will go to Stalker Noah, who lives in his "ark", just south of the port cranes. In his ship, he keeps a tamed dog Lassie. We talk to him, ask about helicopters and agree to let him take us to the Plateau. We appear on a burnt-out farm, around is full of "Zharka" anomalies, follow which road Noah is on, then follow him. Don't forget about the bolts! We reach the edge, push off and jump into the "Teleport". (Attention - accelerate well, otherwise you will have to jump again) We teleport near the "Circus" anomaly, and go to the Plateau. There is a lair of snorks near the target, so it's better to destroy them first, before they did it with us). After that, we go to inspect the Skat-3 helicopter. We receive information that both engines failed in flight, and in the on-board computer we find a map with marks of evacuation points "B2", "B28", "B205" Advice: Long stay in the Frying anomaly will severely damage your suit.

Evacuation sites: Check point "B2"

The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: Skat-3 examined
Reward: --
Passage: We return to Skadovsk, talk to Boroda, who refutes the information about the appearance of the military here.

Evacuation sites: Check point "B205"

Description: Evacuation points were marked on the map found by one of the helicopters. You should check if the military has appeared there.
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: --
Reward: --
Passage: We are heading to the Volkhoa air defense missile system at the location of the Neighborhood of Jupiter. There are a lot of zombies in that area, so it's better to take a shotgun or other effective weapon. We go into the building, in one of the rooms we find on the table a note from Sokolov with the following content: "An old sheet with the schedule of posts; four numbers are visible on it below:" 1421 ". with a helicopter crash I proceeded to the evacuation point B205. Within two days the evacuation did not take place, further stay at the point is associated with an unjustified risk. I decided to leave the point and proceed to the mobile laboratory of the scientific expedition. The laboratory is located northeast of the evacuation point. " The code 1421 will still be useful to us, we go down to the basement, to the closed door, enter the code. (although in fact we do not need to enter the code). Below there will be a flock of jerboas, and the big room will have a fight with Burrer. Try to dodge the objects that he throws, as well as hide behind large boxes. Then climb up the stairs and find yourself in a room closed from the inside with a small arsenal. There is also a rocket launcher and two shells to it. The task is completed, it remains to search point B28.

Investigate the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: --
Reward: --
Passage: Location of the Neighborhood of Jupiter. We go to the helipad. The passage is closed by a minefield. But the helicopter can be reached along the fence. We approach, examine, take away the Black box and carry it to Azot on Yanov. He says that it can take about three hours to decrypt, and the money will be a decent amount. So, we wait three hours, we come to Azot. We give him three thousand and listen to the received audio recording, which says that in the event of an accident, everyone should go to the B28 evacuation point.

Investigate the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: --
Reward: --
Passage: We go into the building of the plant through the southern gate, along the underground corridors we find ourselves in a hall with a destroyed roof. It will be difficult not to notice the fallen helicopter. We examine, but we do not recognize anything particularly valuable.

The way to Pripyat

Description: According to the records from the "black box" of one of the helicopters, the military should have gathered at the B28 evacuation point. It is located in Pripyat: so, in any case, the maps found in another helicopter say. We'll have to look for an opportunity to get there - you need to talk about it with the guide.
The quest issues: Pilot
Terms of issue: Found and decoded the black box of the Skat-4 helicopter
Passage: The guide does not know the way to Pripyat, and sends us to the Jupiter plant for documents. We go to the territory of the plant through the central entrance, turn right and go into the administrative building. In the room on the third floor, we find a folder with an order. The documents found in the administrative department say about the evacuation of the industrial complex from the territory of the plant. Information about this should be sought in the laboratory building. There, on the third floor, there is a corridor-passage to another building, after which we turn to the left and find a notebook sheet on the shelf, in which we are talking about a certain product No. 62. According to the records from the laboratory department, the delivery department was supposed to carry out the evacuation. We need to check this place. We leave the building and move further from the entrance. In the next copus on the ground floor there will be a sheet with the supplies of this very product. Now we go to the repair shop. We go around the main building and go through the southern gate, go down into small underground corridors and go out into the main building. There will be two Chernobyl dogs. On the table we find another document, which says that you need to go to the first section, where we find evidence that an underground path to Pripyat exists. The shop of chemical compounds should have information about the conservation of the Pripyat-1 underground overpass with the help of some kind of gas. Therefore, we return in the same way as we went to the repair shop. Those who are not yet tired of running around the abandoned factory in search of a document go further. The entrance to the underground overpass is located behind the transport lock. You need to check this place, and look there for any information about the overpass. Finally, when we have collected all the documents, we go to the technician Azot on Yanov, where he will tell us about the underground passage to Pripyat.
Advice: Before leaving the factory, go to the third floor of the administrative building in order to take more documents. They carry purely administrative information, but they are guarded by mercenaries, whose leader on the PDA has some interesting information. Take all the documents you find to the leader of the Dolgovtsy, you can get the "Information Merchant" achievement. But take administrative information to the camp of scientists. You will be paid 7000 + medicines for it, and 2500 for Black's PDA.

Pripyat-1 + Check point "B28"

Description: You need to get to Pripyat
The quest issues: Pilot, Zulus, Nitrogen
Terms of issue: Completed the quest Path to Pripyat
Reward: --
Passage: First you need to get a suit with a closed breathing system. The most convenient and fastest option is to buy it from a Hawaiian on Janow. Nitrogen could open the lock of the Pripyat-1 overpass, but he refuses to go to the territory of the Jupiter plant without protection and recommends taking a couple of soldiers with him to the overpass. The Zulu has already joined the squad. He offers to send new fighters to him. The more you completed the quests, the more characters you can take with you. The Zulu says it takes at least three people to hike. With the total, I got a maximum of 5 people: Vano, Tramp, Lieutenant Sokolov, Zulus, Azot. In the dialogue with the Zulus, there is also a branch where it is said about Noah, but if you come to him on Zaton, he will not have a dialogue associated with a trip to Pripyat. Perhaps the patch will fix it. Let's start assembling the team. Every stalker will need a suit with a closed breathing system. First, let's go to Vano, although it makes no difference who to take first. We need to borrow 5000 for a suit, after which we take it to the Zulus. The Tramp has no problems with the suit, as he still has the old monolith suit. But Lieutenant Sokolov does not have a suit and will have to ask Ozersky. But as always, you won't get anything just like that. You need to complete the task and bring the scientists a sample of the anomalous plant at the edge of the quarry. When you bring it, you can go to the Zulus. By the way, if you have completed all the tasks of the scientists, then you will be assigned the rank - "Discoverer", and when you bring all three to Zulus, then another achievement awaits you - "Leader" When everything is assembled, Nitrogen opens the door to Jupiter's subway. Next, the most important thing is to make sure that no one from your team dies. You will remember this passage underground for a long time. All the way to the big hall, snorks will attack. Use the grenade launcher and use both weapon slots. Next, you will need to turn on the power to the door. We climb up the stairs to the transformer, turn on the power. Monoliths will run out from the side of the containers. Power is on, but the door is still locked. We need to go to the Control Room. When we enter on opposite sides of the hall, two snipers appear, and several more Monoliths are walking from the side from which we came. We press on the lever, and we go to the opened door. Then we go along the corridor, shooting tushcans, zombies and snorks. It is impossible to get lost. We reach the stairs that lead to the ventilation hatch upstairs, and here we are in Pripyat. After loading the location, we watch a small video on the engine, after which we appear in front of Kowalski.

Unknown weapon

Description: Find the weapon with which the Monolithians shot down a helicopter with the military.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky.
Terms of issue: --
Reward: Gauss Cannon, Yellow Keycard
Passage: Together with captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We take places in the building and wait for the three monoliths to pass to the center of the courtyard. We quickly remove them, go to search the bodies. At this moment, the rest of the Monoliths, who ambushed us, begin to attack. Our goal is to Kill the Monolith, on the edge of the roof of a five-story building, who is standing with a Gauss cannon. After all the Fanatics are dead, we take away the secret weapon and return to Kowalski. But the sample of the Gauss cannon is damaged, you need to find a mechanic who would fix it. We leave for Cardan on Zaton. When we tell him about product number 62, he is cut down and it’s tedious to wait until he comes to himself :)

During the dialogue, we learn that Cardan used to work at the Jupiter plant, with this particular product. For repairs, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the Iron Forest anomaly, there will be a coded door in the building next to it. This is where the key card comes in handy. We go down to the test shop, in the corridor there will be about 5 zombie stalkers, we go down even lower, we find ourselves in a hall with a huge shield installed on the rails. Personally, it was in this place that I first met a pseudo-giant. It is quite clumsy, but it is very difficult to pierce it with bullets. Stock up on armor-piercing, shotgun, and underbarrel grenade launcher charges. But it's better if you take something heavier.

We go up the stairs, then along the upper pipe we climb through the hole into the ventilation shaft (remember the old iconic Freeman) and climb out into the second hall. The necessary documents will lie on the table, and next to it is a sample product number 62. We receive a yellow key card from Laboratory X8. Now you need to get out and return to Cardan on Skadovsk. We return the documents, wait for him to get out of trouble, and at the same time repair the gausska. You can sleep at this time. We get up, take away weapons and documentation and go to Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.
Advice: In the test room on the shelves you will find cartridges for AK.

Missing reconnaissance group

Description: The reconnaissance group sent by Kowalski disappeared after a strange communication. You need to find them and find out what happened.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski
Terms of issue: Strange radio signal received.
Reward: --
Passage: We go to the target: a little west of the hostel in Pripyat. In the clearing we find the dead bodies of the group.

Cluster "Monolith"

Description: It is necessary to destroy all the "monoliths" who have settled in the building. Their clusters pose a threat to the military camp.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski
Terms of issue:
Passage: We meet with Vano and Sokolov (if they reached Pripyat) near the "Friendship of Peoples" monument and set off to clean up the "Books" store. We go inside, in a closed room the monoliths will sit in a trance and talk to the monolith through a strange structure. We quickly kill the fanatics until they wake up and examine the structure.
Advice: After all, bring Vano and Sokolov to the base alive.

The missing sentry

Description: One of the military has disappeared from his post, you need to find him and find out the reason for the disappearance.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski
Terms of issue: Missing reconnaissance group found
Passage: On the map we have a mark where we need to go, so we head to the grocery store. before reaching the desired place, we hear shouts and shots. The sentry shoots someone. We approach him and he kills himself in a panic ..... After a few seconds we discover the reason - the controller took him by the brains. We kill the controller and contact Kowalski by radio.
Advice: One or two shots from the Gauss cannon are enough to kill the controller.

One shot

The quest issues:
Terms of issue:
Reward: SVD + cartridges
Passage: Passing Garik, he will tell you about the Mercenaries, whom he led to Pripyat, and how they wanted to kill him. We go to Kowalski, tell about the Mercenaries, and all the information you received earlier. And here we have a choice of 2 actions:

1) Remove the leader of the mercenaries, then they will be disorganized and no longer a problem. But then we will not know who the customer was. I suggest choosing the second option

2) Remove both the customer and the mercenaries. Krilov takes us to the point, we are given SVD and cartridges, although I preferred to use a gauss. We are waiting for everyone to gather in front of the entrance. The main targets: the leader of the mercenaries "Jackal" and the customer "Serbin" in the costume of environmentalists. We remove two targets. You can kill the rest if you have time before they run away.

We go to the corpses, we search Serbin, we take away the Red key-card from the Laboratory X8. After that, we return to Kowalski and report the situation.
Advice: It is better to complete the quest during the day or with a weapon that has an installed NVD.

Laboratory х8

Description: The information found points to the central laboratory under the index X8. There may be information about secret experiments carried out on the territory of the Zone.
The quest issues: --
Terms of issue: Found documents in the shop with product number 62
Reward: --
Passage: We are heading to the KBO Jubilee. We take as many cartridges, first-aid kits, etc. in advance. The mission will not be easy. On the first floor we approach the elevator, it is de-energized, you need to turn on the generator. We go up the stairs. There are 26 living creatures on the indicator. In the course of moving to the upper floor, we kill crowds of zombies and monoliths. On the fifth floor, near the elevator door, you will find the PDA of the mercenary Barchuk, which says that the generator is located on the sixth service floor. We start the generator, climb into the elevator and go down to the laboratory x8.

We go down, we open the door with the help of the access card. Immediately, on the right, there will be a closed door with an inscription forbidden for unauthorized persons. This is where you need the red key card. You open the door, inside is an arsenal of weapons and medicines. We go into the classroom, on the way of the electrical anomaly, we go down the stairs, on the table is a blue notebook with notes about the experiment. We take and return to the entrance. We go to the dining room, on the way you will meet two snorks - do not be alarmed, it is still early.

We go up the stairs one flight, we go into the dining room. The crying of a child is heard. In the men's room on the right you will find Burer, who lacks companionship and cries from loneliness. During the fun, do not forget to keep an eye on the stamina, otherwise you will find yourself unarmed. At the end of the room you will find research papers. We return to the entrance again and go down to the laboratory. But we do not turn down to the left, but go up the right stairs. There will be a poltergeist who has been assiduously bothering us all this time, and there will also be an RP-74 machine gun. Now we go down to the laboratory. Next to the model of the rainbow suppressor of aggression on the shelf, you will find another document. Total 3.

Carefully, there will be jerboas that can drive you into inconspicuous anomalies. In the room with two large tanks on the control panel there will be a transfer order, and a little further - anabiotic that allows you to survive the release. Now we go down, go into the right elevator shaft and go upstairs, when we see the open doors on the floor, we jump over there. There will be three Burers in the hall. I don’t know what you’ll do with them if you don’t have a gauss gun. Because if you are, then you are here for a long time). Well, when you kill them, you take the two remaining documents. And two more anabiotics.

Now, as we arrived here, we return - by elevator. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Until you kill the controller, you will not leave. Once you get out, run to Kovalenko's laundry for a one-to-one conversation. In total, you should have 6 documents from the x8 laboratory with you.

Advice: On the roof of the KBO Jubilee, you can find two snowflake artifacts. (although others are possible)

Radio interference

Description: Find and eliminate the source of interference.
The quest issues: Kowalski
Terms of issue: Completed laboratory х8
Reward: --
Passage: We go into the two-room just south of the school, we search the corpse of the soldier, we take the explosives with the timer. After that, we get in touch with Kovalsky by radio, the Lieutenant Colonel says that they found the exact place of the signal - it is coming from the kindergarten. We are heading there, we set explosives on the door and quickly move away to a safe distance.

After the explosion, we can already get inside. We rise to the second floor and go to the west wing. There will be a poltergeist. As we get to the west wing, we will see the installation, this is the source of interference. We get the task to destroy it. we throw there a few F1 grenades.

After destruction, we hear some kind of knocking sound coming from below. You need to check the source of the sound. We open the refrigerator and find the missing soldier there, after which we go to speak with Kovalsky

Unknown + Squad "Skat": Find out the reason for the fall of the helicopters

Description: Kirilov detected a strange signal near the base. You need to check the signal source.
The quest issues: Kowalski
Terms of issue: Completed quest Radio Interference
Passage: We go to the signal, south of the hostel. We arrive at the place, the signal starts to move - we run after it. It turns out that the signal was coming from underground. Now you need to return to base. As soon as we are on the spot, we watch a video on the engine: a shooter comes to us, tells the general situation, as well as about the reasons for the fall of the helicopters.


Description: Final mission to evacuate the train outside the Zone
The quest issues: SBU bosses
Terms of issue: The cause of the helicopter crash is known
Passage: It is necessary to wait out the emission. At this time, you can talk to the Shooter, give him the documents (if you have collected them). After the release, you will contact the command and receive a mission to evacuate the composition. There is time until the next blowout.
First, you need to talk to Kowalski. Command is interested in the information that Strelok knows, so on the way to the helicopters, we should cover him. Further we move through the city, teeming with enemies to the monument of Prometheus - the point of evacuation "B28". Make sure that key characters are not killed.

First, you will come across zombies on the road, then mutants, and near the cinema there is a whole roundup of Monolithians. On the way, you will still need to bring the medic to his senses, it seems that the controller covered him pretty well ... We are getting to the monument and we need to hold out at the helicopters. Crowds of monoliths are running at us, snipers are shooting from the rooftops. But we waited until the helicopter took off. And here we have a choice: stay in the game in freeplay mode, or fly away with the military and watch the ending of the game. It is generated depending on the number of completed quests, as well as how you completed them.

Congratulations, the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat Completed. But be sure there is still a lot of interesting things in the Zone!

In another article about computer games You will learn how to pass Stalker: Call of Pripyat. This addicting game It will take you more than one hour of free time, and thanks to our review, you can complete any mission in Stalker - from the first to the last. Forward!

Place of fall Skat 5

One of the very first and, accordingly, the easiest missions, by the example of which you can understand how to complete missions in Stalker. In this quest you need to investigate the crash site of the Scat 5 military helicopter. We reach the helicopter and search it. For those who are not yet very familiar with the game, let's say that "Skat 5" is located inside an anomaly called "Swamp", which is very easy to get through. After searching the helicopter, you will find burnt out electronics. One of the following missions will give you an answer as to why this happened, but for now, move on to the next task. Little tip: search the boxes near the helicopter - there are some useful things there.

Place of fall Skat 2

So, you have just completed the first mission and have taken the first step towards completing Stalker: Call of Pripyat. The second helicopter killed is located near the Iron Forest anomaly. Do not rush to approach the helicopter - first you need to deal with the flying poltergeist. If he throws various objects, do not hesitate to hide behind cover. After the poltergeist is finished, we search the helicopter. Do not hesitate to search the corpses of the military - you can find something on the bodies and in the pockets. Also, don't forget to pick up the ammo. On the helicopter, you must find cards that can be given to an interested person. This person will turn out to be another stalker - the Pilot. Having copied the maps to his device, he will share with you a very valuable thing - now you will receive a discount on the transition between locations.

Place of fall Skat 3

In order to investigate the crash site of this helicopter, you need to talk to another stalker named Noah. After he agrees to take you there with his dog, follow him. In order to jump into the teleporter, accelerate well so as not to jump again. Go to the plateau after teleporting near the "Circus" anomaly. Then destroy the lair of snorks and proceed to inspect the helicopter. Having examined "Skat 3", you will find out that its engines have failed, and you will see the evacuation points on the map in the on-board computer. Now they need to be checked.

Evacuation point B2

After examining the crash sites of the helicopters, we proceed to checking the evacuation points. To go through the mission to inspect the first two evacuation points in Stalker, you will need, basically, some knowledge of the map and some weapons. With the mission to inspect point B2, everything is generally simple. You need to return to the dry cargo ship Skadovsk, where you met with the Pilot, and talk to Boroda. He will answer that there were no soldiers at this point.

Evacuation point B205

To complete this task, it is advisable to take a shotgun, since you will meet a lot of zombies. In the vicinity of Jupiter, go to the Volkhoa air defense system, go into the building and find a note from Lieutenant Sokolov on the table in one of the rooms, in which there will be a code important for further passing the game: 1421. After that, go down to the basement and enter the code in front of the closed door. Below you will find a fight with Burrer. Having defeated him (for this you need to dodge the objects launched by him and hide), climb the stairs to the room and collect the weapon, among which there will be a rocket launcher with shells. Now it remains to search the last evacuation point, but this can only be done once in Pripyat. Before that, we will examine the crash site of the two remaining helicopters.

Place of fall Skat 1

All in the same Environs of Jupiter we find a helipad and make our way to the helicopter along the fence, because there are minefields around. Now you need to examine the black box and take it to the Yanov station, where a man named Azot will decipher the audio recording for 3000. After decrypting the film, it turns out that it will be necessary to inspect the B28 evacuation point, but before that it is necessary to complete the inspection of the last crashed helicopter - Skat 4.

Place of fall Skat 4

The fallen helicopter is located in the factory building - in a hall with a destroyed roof. You will not find anything of value there, but without inspecting the crash site of this helicopter, you will not be able to get to the B28 evacuation point, so this must be done.

The way to Pripyat

Well: we can say that a third of the way, how to get through Stalker: Call of Pripyat, we have completed. Now it remains to find a way to Pripyat and finish our important mission there. After receiving the quest from the Pilot, we go to the Jupiter plant for documents. We find the folder with the order on the third floor of the administrative building. Then we go to the laboratory building along the corridor-passage, find there a notebook sheet and, following the instructions in the entry on the sheet, go to the delivery department, where we find a sheet with the supplies of the product indicated in the entry on the notebook sheet. We go to the repair shop, where we meet two Chernobyl dogs. On the table in the repair shop we find a document that leads us to the first department. There is evidence that there is an underground path to Pripyat, where we need to get to. After you collect all the documents, go again to the Yanov station to the already familiar Azot, who will provide you with information about the underground road.

Evacuation point B28

In order to complete this quest, you need to assemble a team of at least 3 people (preferably more). Therefore, the more missions you have completed before, the better. Also, to complete this quest, you cannot do without a suit with a closed breathing system - radiation, you know. The easiest way to buy it is at the Yanov station from a character named Hawaiian. Now we collect the team. To do this, you need to complete several quests for scientists in order to equip your fighters as needed. And now, finally, everything is assembled, and we go underground.

Snorks will attack from all sides, and then monoliths, zombies and jerboas, so it is advisable to use both weapon slots and, of course, an underbarrel grenade launcher. We turn on the power supply of the door, climbing the stairs to the transformer. However, the door will not open, so go to the control room and press the lever. Next, you need to go through the opened door along the corridor to the stairs that lead to the ventilation hatch in Pripyat. Please note that during the execution of this task you will be attacked by many enemies, so you need not only to remain safe yourself, but also to save your comrades.

Unknown weapon

If you are still alive, then you are well done. It remains to find out about the last missions, how to get through the Stalker. In the new task that Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky will give you, you will need to eliminate the fanatical monoliths and take the Gauss cannon from them. After that, you need to bring this gun to the Skadovsk dry cargo ship to Cardan for repair, which, however, will need additional documentation. He will give you a key card that will need to be used in the already known "Iron Forest". In the test room you will find documents and a sample of product 62. After receiving the yellow key card, return to Cardan, and then again to Kowalski. Further, the lieutenant colonel will ask you to find the missing reconnaissance group, destroy the accumulation of monolithic fanatics and find the missing sentry. After that, you will have access to a mission to destroy the mercenaries, after which you will receive a red key card. It is better to carry out this mission during the day.

Laboratory x8

Well, before passing Stalker: Call of Pripyat, there is very little left. This is a rather difficult mission, at the beginning of which you need to go to the BWC Jubilee. Stock up on lots of weapons and medicine. In the building you need to get to the generator, located on the 6th floor, then start it and go down to the laboratory. At the door with the prohibiting inscription, we activate the red key card, in the classroom we take the blue notebook. At the end of the dining room, take one more documents and find the third document on the shelf in the laboratory. Take the fourth document on the control panel in the room with large tanks. Next, you need to go down to the right elevator shaft, then up and jump over to the room where the elevator doors are open. After killing the enemies (it is better to have a gauss gun with you, it will be almost impossible to survive without it), we take the two remaining documents (6 in total).

Last quests

In the next two quests, issued by Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski, you will first need to find and then destroy the source of radio interference, and then find out the cause of the helicopter crash. This mission is not particularly difficult: you just need to run after the signal and find out that it is coming out of the ground. The last mission ("Evacuation") is issued by the main command. In this mission you will have to lead your squad to the very point B28 through the crowds of enemies. So we learned how to go through the game Stalker - Call of Pripyat. In the end, you will have a choice: to evacuate or stay in the game in free mode.

This article will describe all the quests. At the moment, not all quests are described here, but the article will be updated daily. Their tasks, descriptions, ways of passing, some screenshots, etc. The information may be incomplete and in some places not entirely accurate, therefore, if you find errors and inaccurate information, or just want to make the article better, then write in this thread:

The quest system has been completely changed, so that the passage will be slightly different from Shadows of Chernobyl and Clear Sky... The walkthrough is divided into a storyline and an additional part, and familiarize yourself with the walkthroughs previous parts you can here:

Stalker Call of Pripyat Storyline Walkthrough

"Scat 5" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-5 helicopter
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue:--
Passage: One of the first story quests. Everything is simple here, we need to get to the helicopter, which is located inside the "Swamp" anomaly and search it. I don't think there will be any special difficulties. The passage to the Anomaly is free, the main thing is not to run into hungry dogs or someone else. After searching the helicopter, it turns out that all the electronics inside are burned out and now you need to find the cause of the burned out electronics. We'll find the reason by completing another quest, so we're done with that for now.
Advice:Use the bolt in the anomaly to pave the road. You will find some provisions in a box near the helicopter.

"Scat 2" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-2 helicopter
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue:--
Passage: So we searched Skat-5, we run further, to the second helicopter, To the very edge of the map to the South-West, right next to the "Iron Forest" anomaly. A poltergeist is flying near our target, so we move slowly, as it reacts to the movements of the GG. We kill the poltergeist and we can search the Helicopter. Another screensaver on the engine, in which Degtyarev (GG), discovers that the crew of this helicopter died in the air, but on the on-board computer it was possible to find maps of the terrain between Zaton and Jupiter. Advice:We search the nearby corpses of the military, collect cartridges, etc. If the poltergeist noticed you, it will throw objects, hide behind corners and various shelters.

Location Maps: Find Those Interested

Description: Find someone who is interested in the maps you found
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue: Found and inspected the Skat-2 helicopter
Reward: Discount for moving between locations
Passage: We go to the Skadovsk dry-cargo ship, talk to a stalker named Pilot, suggest that he take the cards. He copies them to himself on the PDA. Now we know that there is a short way between the Yanov station and Skadovsk. They gave away maps of the area and got the opportunity to cheaply move between locations. Advice:--

"Scat 3" - Investigate the crash site

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-3 helicopter The quest issues:--Terms of issue:--Reward:Passage: It is not easy to get to the third helicopter, so we will go to Stalker Noah, who lives in his "ark", just south of the port cranes. In his ship, he keeps a tamed dog Lassie. We talk to him, ask about helicopters and agree to let him take us to the Plateau. We appear on a burnt-out farm, around is full of "Zharka" anomalies, follow which road Noah is on, then follow him. Don't forget about the bolts! We reach the edge, push off and jump into the "Teleport". (Attention - accelerate well, otherwise you will have to jump again) We teleport near the "Circus" anomaly, and go to the Plateau. There is a lair of snorks near the target, so it's better to destroy them first, before they did it with us). After that, we go to inspect the Skat-3 helicopter. We receive information that both engines failed in flight, and in the on-board computer we find a map with marks of evacuation points "B2", "B28", "B205" Advice:Long stay in the Frying anomaly will severely damage your suit.

Evacuation sites: Check point "B2"

The quest issues:--
Terms of issue: Skat-3 examined
Passage: We return to Skadovsk, talk to Boroda, who refutes the information about the appearance of the military here.

Evacuation sites: Check point "B205"

Description: Evacuation points were marked on the map found by one of the helicopters. You should check if the military has appeared there.
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue:--
Passage: We are heading to the Volkhoa air defense missile system at the location of the Neighborhood of Jupiter. There are a lot of zombies in that area, so it's better to take a shotgun or other effective weapon. We go into the building, in one of the rooms we find on the table a note from Sokolov with the following content: "An old sheet with the schedule of posts; four numbers are visible on it below:" 1421 ". with a helicopter crash I proceeded to the evacuation point B205. Within two days the evacuation did not take place, further stay at the point is associated with an unjustified risk. I decided to leave the point and proceed to the mobile laboratory of the scientific expedition. The laboratory is located northeast of the evacuation point. " The code 1421 will still be useful to us, we go down to the basement, to the closed door, enter the code. (although in fact we do not need to enter the code). Below there will be a flock of jerboas, and the big room will have a fight with Burrer. Try to dodge the objects that he throws, as well as hide behind large boxes. Then climb up the stairs and find yourself in a room closed from the inside with a small arsenal. There is also a rocket launcher and two shells to it. The task is completed, it remains to search point B28.

Walkthrough S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue:--
Passage: Location of the Neighborhood of Jupiter. We go to the helipad. The passage is closed by a minefield. But the helicopter can be reached along the fence. We approach, examine, take away the Black box and carry it to Azot on Yanov. He says that it can take about three hours to decrypt, and the money will be a decent amount. So, we wait three hours, we come to Azot. We give him three thousand and listen to the received audio recording, which says that in the event of an accident, everyone should go to the B28 evacuation point.

Description: Investigate the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue:--
Passage: We go into the building of the plant through the southern gate, along the underground corridors we find ourselves in a hall with a destroyed roof. It will be difficult not to notice the fallen helicopter. We examine, but we do not recognize anything particularly valuable.

The way to Pripyat

Description: According to the records from the "black box" of one of the helicopters, the military should have gathered at the B28 evacuation point. It is located in Pripyat: so, in any case, the maps found in another helicopter say. We'll have to look for an opportunity to get there - you need to talk about it with the guide.
The quest issues: Pilot
Terms of issue: Found and decoded the black box of the Skat-4 helicopter
Passage: The guide does not know the way to Pripyat, and sends us to the Jupiter plant for documents. We go to the territory of the plant through the central entrance, turn right and go into the administrative building. In the room on the third floor, we find a folder with an order. The documents found in the administrative department say about the evacuation of the industrial complex from the territory of the plant. Information about this should be sought in the laboratory building. There, on the third floor, there is a corridor-passage to another building, after which we turn to the left and find a notebook sheet on the shelf, in which we are talking about a certain product No. 62. According to the records from the laboratory department, the delivery department was supposed to carry out the evacuation. We need to check this place. We leave the building and move further from the entrance. In the next copus on the ground floor there will be a sheet with the supplies of this very product. Now we go to the repair shop. We go around the main building and go through the southern gate, go down into small underground corridors and go out into the main building. There will be two Chernobyl dogs. On the table we find another document, which says that you need to go to the first section, where we find evidence that an underground path to Pripyat exists. The shop of chemical compounds should have information about the conservation of the Pripyat-1 underground overpass with the help of some kind of gas. Therefore, we return in the same way as we went to the repair shop. Those who are not yet tired of running around the abandoned factory in search of a document go further. The entrance to the underground overpass is located behind the transport lock. You need to check this place, and look there for any information about the overpass. Finally, when we have collected all the documents, we go to the technician Azot on Yanov, where he will tell us about the underground passage to Pripyat.
Advice:Before leaving the factory, go to the third floor of the administrative building in order to take more documents. They carry purely administrative information, but they are guarded by mercenaries, whose leader on the PDA has some interesting information. Take all the documents you find to the leader of the Dolgovtsy, you can get the "Information Merchant" achievement. But take administrative information to the camp of scientists. You will be paid 7000 + medicines for it, and 2500 for Black's PDA.

Pripyat-1 + Check point "B28"

Description: You need to get to Pripyat
The quest issues: Pilot, Zulus, Nitrogen
Terms of issue: Completed the quest Path to Pripyat

The Zulu says it takes at least three people to hike. With the total, I got a maximum of 5 people: Vano, Tramp, Lieutenant Sokolov, Zulus, Azot. In the dialogue with the Zulus, there is also a branch where it is said about Noah, but if you come to him on Zaton, he will not have a dialogue associated with a trip to Pripyat. Perhaps the patch will fix it. Let's start assembling the team. Every stalker will need a suit with a closed breathing system. First, let's go to Vano, although it makes no difference who to take first. We need to borrow 5000 for a suit, after which we take it to the Zulus. The Tramp has no problems with the suit, as he still has the old monolith suit.

But Lieutenant Sokolov does not have a suit and will have to ask Ozersky. But as always, you won't get anything just like that. You need to complete the task and bring the scientists a sample of the anomalous plant at the edge of the quarry. When you bring it, you can go to the Zulus.

By the way, if before that you have completed all the tasks of the scientists, then you will be assigned the rank - "Discoverer", and when you bring all three to Zulus, then another achievement awaits you - "Leader". When everyone is assembled, Nitrogen opens the door to Jupiter's subway ... Next, the most important thing is to make sure that no one from your team dies. You will remember this passage underground for a long time. All the way to the big hall, snorks will attack. Use the grenade launcher and use both weapon slots. Next, you will need to turn on the power to the door. We climb up the stairs to the transformer, turn on the power. Monoliths will run out from the side of the containers. Power is on, but the door is still locked. You need to go to the Control Room.

When we enter on opposite sides of the hall, two snipers appear, and several more monoliths are walking from the side we came from. We press on the lever, and we go to the opened door. Then we go along the corridor, shooting tushcans, zombies and snorks. It is impossible to get lost. We reach the stairs that lead to the ventilation hatch upstairs, and here we are in Pripyat. After loading the location, we watch a small video on the engine, after which we appear in front of Kowalski.

Unknown weapon

Description: Find the weapon with which the Monolithians shot down a helicopter with the military.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky.
Terms of issue:--
Reward: Gauss Cannon, Yellow Keycard
Passage: Together with captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We take places in the building and wait for the three monoliths to pass to the center of the courtyard. We quickly remove them, go to search the bodies. At this moment, the rest of the Monoliths, who ambushed us, begin to attack. Our goal is to Kill the Monolith, on the edge of the roof of a five-story building, who is standing with a Gauss cannon. After all the Fanatics are dead, we take away the secret weapon and return to Kowalski. But the sample of the Gauss cannon is damaged, you need to find a mechanic who would fix it. We leave for Cardan on Zaton. When we tell him about product number 62, he is cut down and it’s tedious to wait until he comes to himself :)

During the dialogue, we learn that Cardan used to work at the Jupiter plant, with this particular product. For repairs, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the Iron Forest anomaly, there will be a coded door in the building next to it. This is where the key card comes in handy. We go down to the test shop, in the corridor there will be about 5 zombie stalkers, we go down even lower, we find ourselves in a hall with a huge shield installed on the rails. Personally, it was in this place that I first met a pseudo-giant. It is quite clumsy, but it is very difficult to pierce it with bullets. Stock up on armor-piercing, shotgun, and underbarrel grenade launcher charges. But it's better if you take something heavier.

We go up the stairs, then along the upper pipe we climb through the hole into the ventilation shaft (remember the old iconic Freeman) and climb out into the second hall. The necessary documents will lie on the table, and next to it is a sample product number 62. We receive a yellow key card from Laboratory X8. Now you need to get out and return to Cardan on Skadovsk. We return the documents, wait for him to get out of trouble, and at the same time repair the gausska. You can sleep at this time. We get up, take away weapons and documentation and go to Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.
Advice:In the test room on the shelves you will find cartridges for AK.

Missing reconnaissance group

Description: The reconnaissance group sent by Kowalski disappeared after a strange communication. You need to find them and find out what happened.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski
Terms of issue: Strange radio signal received.
Passage: We go to the target: a little west of the hostel in Pripyat. In the clearing we find the dead bodies of the group.

Cluster "Monolith"

Description: It is necessary to destroy all the "monoliths" who have settled in the building. Their clusters pose a threat to the military camp.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski
Terms of issue:
Passage: We meet with Vano and Sokolov (if they reached Pripyat) near the "Friendship of Peoples" monument and set off to clean up the "Books" store. We go inside, in a closed room the monoliths will sit in a trance and talk to the monolith through a strange structure. We quickly kill the fanatics until they wake up and examine the structure.
Advice:After all, bring Vano and Sokolov to the base alive.

The missing sentry

Description: One of the military has disappeared from his post, you need to find him and find out the reason for the disappearance.
The quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kowalski
Terms of issue: Missing reconnaissance group found
Passage: On the map we have a mark where we need to go, so we head to the grocery store. before reaching the desired place, we hear shouts and shots. The sentry shoots someone. We approach him and he kills himself in a panic ..... After a few seconds we discover the reason - the controller took him by the brains. We kill the controller and contact Kowalski by radio.
Advice:One or two shots from the Gauss cannon are enough to kill the controller.

One shot

The quest issues:
Terms of issue:
Reward: SVD + cartridges
Passage: Passing Garik, he will tell you about the Mercenaries, whom he led to Pripyat, and how they wanted to kill him. We go to Kowalski, tell about the Mercenaries, and all the information you received earlier. And here we have a choice of 2 actions:

1) Remove the leader of the mercenaries, then they will be disorganized and no longer a problem. But then we will not know who the customer was. I suggest choosing the second option

2) Remove both the customer and the mercenaries. Krilov takes us to the point, we are given SVD and cartridges, although I preferred to use a gauss. We are waiting for everyone to gather in front of the entrance. The main targets: the leader of the mercenaries "Jackal" and the customer "Serbin" in the costume of environmentalists. We remove two targets. You can kill the rest if you have time before they run away.

We go to the corpses, we search Serbin, we take away the Red key-card from the Laboratory X8. After that, we return to Kowalski and report the situation.
Advice:It is better to complete the quest during the day or with a weapon that has an installed NVD.

Stalker Call of Pripyat walkthrough

Laboratory х8

Description: The information found points to the central laboratory under the index X8. There may be information about secret experiments carried out on the territory of the Zone.
The quest issues:--
Terms of issue: Found documents in the shop with product number 62
Passage: We are heading to the KBO Jubilee. We take as many cartridges, first-aid kits, etc. in advance. The mission will not be easy. On the first floor we approach the elevator, it is de-energized, you need to turn on the generator. We go up the stairs. There are 26 living creatures on the indicator. In the course of moving to the upper floor, we kill crowds of zombies and monoliths. On the fifth floor, near the elevator door, you will find the PDA of the mercenary Barchuk, which says that the generator is located on the sixth service floor. We start the generator, climb into the elevator and go down to the laboratory x8.

We go down, we open the door with the help of the access card. Immediately, on the right, there will be a closed door with an inscription forbidden for unauthorized persons. This is where you need the red key card. You open the door, inside is an arsenal of weapons and medicines. We go into the classroom, on the way of the electrical anomaly, we go down the stairs, on the table is a blue notebook with notes about the experiment. We take and return to the entrance. We go to the dining room, on the way you will meet two snorks - do not be alarmed, it is still early.

We go up the stairs one flight, we go into the dining room. The crying of a child is heard. In the men's room on the right you will find Burer, who lacks companionship and cries from loneliness. During the fun, do not forget to keep an eye on the stamina, otherwise you will find yourself unarmed. At the end of the room you will find research papers. We return to the entrance again and go down to the laboratory. But we do not turn down to the left, but go up the right stairs. There will be a poltergeist who has been assiduously bothering us all this time, and there will also be an RP-74 machine gun. Now we go down to the laboratory. Next to the model of the rainbow suppressor of aggression on the shelf, you will find another document. Total 3. (http: //

Carefully, there will be jerboas that can drive you into inconspicuous anomalies. In the room with two large tanks on the control panel there will be a transfer order, and a little further - anabiotic that allows you to survive the release. Now we go down, go into the right elevator shaft and go upstairs, when we see the open doors on the floor, we jump over there. There will be three Burers in the hall. I don’t know what you’ll do with them if you don’t have a gauss gun. Because if you are, then you are here for a long time). Well, when you kill them, you take the two remaining documents. And two more anabiotics.

Now, as we arrived here, we return - by elevator. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Until you kill the controller, you will not leave. Once you get out, run to Kovalenko's laundry for a one-to-one conversation. In total, you should have 6 documents from the x8 laboratory with you.
Advice:On the roof of the KBO Jubilee, you can find two snowflake artifacts. (although others are possible)

Radio interference

Description: Find and eliminate the source of interference.
The quest issues: Kowalski
Terms of issue: Completed laboratory х8
Passage: We go into the two-room just south of the school, we search the corpse of the soldier, we take the explosives with the timer. After that, we get in touch with Kovalsky by radio, the Lieutenant Colonel says that they found the exact place of the signal - it is coming from the kindergarten. We are heading there, we set explosives on the door and quickly move away to a safe distance.

After the explosion, we can already get inside. We rise to the second floor and go to the west wing. There will be a poltergeist. As we get to the west wing, we will see the installation, this is the source of interference. We get the task to destroy it. we throw there a few F1 grenades.

After destruction, we hear some kind of knocking sound coming from below. You need to check the source of the sound. We open the refrigerator and find the missing soldier there, after which we go to speak with Kovalsky

Unknown + Squad "Skat": Find out the reason for the fall of the helicopters

Description: Kirilov detected a strange signal near the base. You need to check the signal source.
The quest issues: Kowalski
Terms of issue: Completed quest Radio Interference
Passage: We go to the signal, south of the hostel. We arrive at the place, the signal starts to move - we run after it. It turns out that the signal was coming from underground. Now you need to return to base. As soon as we are on the spot, we watch a video on the engine: a shooter comes to us, tells the general situation, as well as about the reasons for the fall of the helicopters.


Description: Final mission to evacuate the train outside the Zone
The quest issues: SBU bosses
Terms of issue: The cause of the helicopter crash is known
Passage: It is necessary to wait out the emission. At this time, you can talk to the Shooter, give him the documents (if you have collected them). After the release, you will contact the command and receive a mission to evacuate the composition. There is time until the next blowout.
First, you need to talk to Kowalski. Command is interested in the information that Strelok knows, so on the way to the helicopters, we should cover him. Further we move through the city, teeming with enemies to the monument of Prometheus - the point of evacuation "B28". Make sure that key characters are not killed.

First, you will come across zombies on the road, then mutants, and near the cinema there is a whole roundup of Monolithians. On the way, you will still need to bring the medic to his senses, it seems that the controller covered him pretty well ... We are getting to the monument and we need to hold out at the helicopters. Crowds of monoliths are running at us, snipers are shooting from the rooftops. But we waited until the helicopter took off. And here we have a choice: stay in the game in freeplay mode, or fly away with the military and watch the ending of the game.

It is generated depending on the number of completed quests, as well as how you completed them. Congratulations, the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat Completed. But be sure there is still a lot of interesting things in the Zone!