Military tactical game dawn position. Military-tactical game "Zarya. Shooting, tanks, fighting and other features of the military-tactical game "Zarya"

ZARYA is an open, dynamically developing project that includes military-patriotic work, the organization of games, both in Russia and abroad, assistance to veterans, and the acquisition of military-applied knowledge and skills.

ZARYA is not an arbiter in the clarification of complex regional relations.

Objectives of the ZARYA project:

  • A lot of good and different airsoft. In any format. Injury-safe, fire-safe, conscious
  • Providing teams and units - members of the Coordination Council of Commanders with the opportunity to participate in high-quality gameplay with adequate refereeing, organizational control, while providing the necessary services
  • Involvement in the organization and technical support of the games with the help of the relevant state structures, represented by the power ministries and departments, as well as the relevant coordinating state bodies and local self-government bodies (district administrations) and supporting structures (Committees for youth affairs, sports, etc. .)
  • Legalization of airsoft at the local level (voluntary participation of everyone in local sports days, competitions, championships, etc.)
  • Formation of regional airsoft federations, including the maximum number of adequate teams, and a system of self-control and coordination of efforts of local game organizers as well as teams and their associations.
  • Approval of airsoft as a military-applied sport.
  • Conducting regional games ZARYA at the level of Federal Districts, and then - regions, with subsequent participation in 4 annual All-Russian Games.
ZARYA is not intended for:
use as a cover for illegal actions,
as a device for addressing regional sponsors for 1 team (although it will gladly support a group of teams, and better - the regional Organizing Committee "ZARYA")

At the moment, work is underway on general Rules, on the development of the regional network, on the conditions for working with stores in the regions.

The following are admitted to the Coordination Council of Commanders (KSK) of the ZARYA project:

  • the commanders of teams that have played 3 games - on an ongoing basis,
  • or the commanders of the teams that have played two games - as observers.
The venue for monthly meetings (since September 2011) of the Coordination Council of ZARI commanders is Krasnaya square, 1, the meeting place for teams of up to 20 people is Mayakovskaya metro station, Military University.
  1. KSK team commanders: form sides at the games.
  2. The commanders of the KSK teams: have the right to persistently recommend to the head of the Organizing Committee ZARYA the commanders of the parties.
  3. The leaders of the teams of the sides are the primary filter for the exclusion of any teams from games, regardless of membership in other associations and organizations, with the exception of their peers in status. The final decision is made by the Organizers.
  4. Orgs form a list of non-admission to the games ZARYA
  5. Team leaders form blocks (stable game units). The minimum size of a block is 30 fighters, maximum 90 fighters.
  6. The number of teams in a block is from 2x.
  7. The minimum number of fighters in a team is from 8 people.
  8. Regional teams are allowed to participate in the project. After the regional games ZARYA and the formation of the regional KSK, all the components of the project apply to the regions:
    • financial policies (discounts, caps, refunds and replacements);
    • service policy (the minimum mandatory composition of the game support);
    • official policy (admission to the landfill from administrations and landfill owners, agreeing on the timing, etc.);
    • Organizational Control policy, (presence of Orgs with the commanders of the sides, at key facilities, on game vehicles and equipment; resolving disputes on the spot);
    • environmental policy (mandatory cleaning of the landfill and "handing over" it to the coordinating party);
    • policy of using org and commander filters, systems test games, free membership without restrictions;
    • regional supply policy and the possibility of using discounts for all interested teams and participants;
    • Well, the main part of the project: friendliness and a desire to settle conflicts, not create them.
    At least two representatives of the ZARYA Organizing Committee participate in the regional games ZARYA.
  9. Teams interested in joining the ZARYA project:
    • play 3 games without comment
    • play 1 game and 2 test ones
    • or two games and 1 test
  10. The main games of the ZARYA project:
    • summer season opening - May
    • main game of the year - June
    • opening of the winter season - November
    • Winter Championship - January
  11. The team leaders approve the main calendar of events for the year, the attendance of which is recommended for at least 50 percent of the teams in the ZARYA project.
  12. The organizing committee of ZARYA maintains a calendar of events, controls the quality of the games approved in the calendar, and provides possible support for these games with administrative, economic, financial and labor resources.

These activities are aimed at developing patriotism and increasing motivation for military service, propaganda healthy way life, training of pre-conscripts and retraining of reservists, social rehabilitation of servicemen who have gone through "hot spots".
Military tactical training covered more than 50 thousand people from 68 subjects Russian Federation, including students and pupils of the Suvorov and cadet schools, cadets of military educational institutions, which is for them additional classes in combat training. In general, about 130-140 thousand people are involved in military-tactical games of a patriotic orientation throughout the country.

The organizing committee of the military tactical games "Zarya" was created in 2010 with the support of the Main Command of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces by the Club of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia and full holders of the Order of Glory together with DOSAAF of Russia and Rosvoentsentr under the Government of the Russian Federation. The organizing committee is headed by Colonel-General Nikolai Antoshkin, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, chairman of the board of the Heroes Club, Hero of the Soviet Union.
The training military tactical games "Zarya", held at the training grounds of the Ministry of Defense, were presented to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation at the collegium on February 14, 2014 and were highly appreciated. Games "Zarya" in accordance with the regulation of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 210 dated 04.21.2016 are included in the program of the defense department "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020."

The organizing committee sets itself the task of educating young people in qualities that meet public and state interests: moral and psychological readiness to defend the Fatherland, loyalty to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, affirmation in the minds of young people of socially significant patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect to the cultural and historical heritage of Russia, increasing the prestige of the army service.
During the tactical games "Zarya" young people can not only experience the specifics of the military profession, but also get acquainted with modern military equipment, try to put into practice the tactics of special-purpose groups. During the game, a static display of deployed military equipment in the field is organized, the work of engineering troops, sappers, signalmen, their actions in the offensive and defense is demonstrated.

When preparing the script for each game, the organizing committee chooses a real battle. This is not a reconstruction, therefore, the participants are equipped in accordance with the latest military standards of the armies of various states. Each of the participants has equipment and ammunition, like a regular soldier: protective camouflage of different colors (a prerequisite for the external similarity of the players of the same team), body armor, night vision devices, optical sights, unloading devices, hydrators, modern helmets, radio communications, and all kinds of game " weapons "pistols, rifles, machine guns, grenades, grenade launchers and mortars.
The target audience of the military tactical games "Zarya" is represented mainly by men aged 20 to 45, leading an active lifestyle. The female "military" contingent is about 15%. Among the participants in the games, up to 25% of students, about 40% are middle management personnel, about 5% are heads of enterprises and business owners.

Since 2015, a number of military tactical games and training sessions of Zarya have been held in partnership with Race of Heroes. Since 2016, Zarya and the Race of Heroes have been implementing a large-scale military-patriotic project, a series of military tactical events called Battle of Heroes. The project is actively supported by the leadership of the Russian defense department.
The ongoing measures, along with an in-depth study of military registration specialties by the conscript contingent, maintain the combat training of reserve citizens at the proper level, and in the future, if necessary, will form the basis for the territorial self-defense forces.

In December last year, Zarya, in close cooperation with the government of the Moscow region, the Main Directorate for Work with the Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the General Headquarters of the All-Russian military-patriotic public movement Yunarmiya, DOSAAF of Russia, implemented a large-scale military patriotic project "The Way of a Warrior" dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. It was attended by over 400 people from 64 municipalities of the Moscow region.
The Warrior's Path ran through the Congress and Exhibition Center, the Aerospace Forces and the Youth Army sectors, the Partizanskaya Derevnya military-historical complex and the historical reconstruction zone. Young people passed the obstacle course using the firetag game system.

In addition, future defenders of the Fatherland took part in master classes on the basics of bayonet fighting, assembling and disassembling weapons, demining the territory, providing the first medical care and hand-to-hand combat... They also fired at a shooting range and played a military tactical game using laser equipment. The educational elements of the program were sightseeing tours of the Patriot Park facilities and an exhibition of historical and modern small arms, as well as participation in a quiz on the knowledge of military history.
Since 2016, with the creation on the initiative of the Minister of Defense of Russia, Hero of the Russian Federation, General of the Army S.K. Shoigu of the Yunarmiya movement, the Zarya organizing committee, in close cooperation with the GURLS of the RF Armed Forces and the command of the Western Military District, conducts military tactical activities using laser tag equipment (weapons) that are safe in the game for youth soldiers aged 14 years and older.

In March of this year, ten-day training camps were held on the territory of the Moscow Suvorov Military School with a round-the-clock stay of the Yunarmeys and the Zarya instructors. The final stage of the training camp was the scenario military tactical game at the Alabino training ground.
As a group to imitate a conditional enemy, the Yunarmeys were opposed by the scouts of the 136th separate guards reconnaissance battalion. In "sparring" with experienced fighters, the Yunarmeys practiced complex tactical exercises: raid, ambush, convoy escort, orienteering, reconnaissance, covert movement, etc.

This year, the organizing committee, together with the DOSAAF of Russia and the Race of Heroes, are planning to hold two of the world's largest annual military tactical games "Zarya: Day on Armor". To participate in the games, applications were submitted from teams from Russia and the countries of near and far abroad Israel, France, Switzerland, USA, Brazil, Kazakhstan, etc.
This is not the first such experience of conducting large-scale military tactical games. In 2015, over 4,500 people from more than ten foreign countries arrived at the Alabinsk training ground to take part in the Zarya: Day on Armor event. In the international military-tactical game “Zarya: Day on the Armor. Meeting on the Elbe ”in 2016, more than 4000 participants fought for the victory. The opening ceremony was attended by the head of the Combat Training Directorate of the Western Military District, Major General P. Milyukhin, senior officers of the 1st Guards Tank Army, leaders of the Russian DOSAAF and Patriot Park. Ksenia Shoigu, organizer of the Race of Heroes, wished the participants to conquer new heights of perfection in military tactical training and presented the challenge Cup of the Russian Defense Minister established for the winners.

During the day, in conditions as close as possible to combat, the participants of the game in a dynamic battle on the territory of the Alabino training ground demonstrated not only individual tactical and technical knowledge, but also a well-coordinated teamwork, willpower.
In accordance with the scenario, the participants of the game split into two sides and on armored vehicles went to different points of the training ground in order to plunge headlong into the atmosphere of the battle. To give the game an even more realistic character, army equipment periodically, in accordance with the scenario, fired blank cartridges at a simulated enemy. The sky was constantly plowed by quadrocopters imitating combat aviation.
“Once in the“ combat operations ”zone, you begin to understand that almost everything is real here and the deafening howl of machine guns, and the roar of front-line cannonade, explosions of grenades, clouds of dust and smoke. And each of the players in the units performs one or another specific combat mission", One of the participants of the game shared his impressions.

In extremely unfavorable weather conditions, contributing to full immersion in the atmosphere of a real test, the youth felt the burden of military service, got acquainted with the modern weapons of the Russian army, the interaction of infantry and armored vehicles. The participants of the game were tested for knowledge of tactics, physical endurance, endurance and ability to act in extreme conditions.
The foreign guests said after the end of the event that the great feat of Soviet soldiers who defended the world from Hitler's invasion will forever remain in the grateful memory of the peoples. And that they will always remember the historic handshake on the Elbe, which has become one of the most striking symbols of the fighting brotherhood of peoples different countries who fought together against Nazi tyranny, oppression and aggression.
Games of "Dawn" on such a large-scale site as "Day on the Armor" is a synthesis of different directions in combat training, a unique fusion of recreation of a textbook historical battle and a modern classic combat operation of Russian troops in "hot spots". All games are based not on blindly following one or another combat operation, but on improvisation, which gives complete freedom of combat expression to each of the participating teams. The Zarya events have long become a military creative workshop for thousands of fans of patriotic team events, whose interests are directed towards the improvisational military style.
This year, with the support of the leadership of the RF Ministry of Defense, it is planned to hold a series of massive military tactical games "Zarya" not only in the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the Russian Federation. The schedule of games at the training grounds of the military districts was approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, General of the Army V. Gerasimov. The games will be hosted by the headquarters of the regional offices of the organizing committee, which have been created and are actively working in 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk.

Military-tactical games "Zarya" are a kind of exam in military registration specialties. Games allow you to select the most trained and motivated young people for military service. The practice of holding events of the organizing committee "Zarya" shows that in Russia there is a rather significant group of young people of both military age and an older generation who have already completed military service, who, due to their patriotic consciousness and understanding of the complexity of the modern foreign policy situation and tension at the borders of our Homeland is ready to maintain through games his military skills acquired during his military service.
“One of the most important tasks of the activities of the Armed Forces in peacetime is the preparation of a highly qualified reserve. Strategically, this issue is resolved within the framework of the traditional military training of reservists. However, an important role in the process of stock preparation is also played by practical lessons held with those liable for military service during the military-tactical games "Zarya", says the head of the organizing committee Igor Tolstoshein.
Over the past seven years, with the support of the Ministry of Defense, more than 70 military tactical games of a patriotic orientation have been held, dedicated to various periods of the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts. During this time, more than 40 thousand citizens, youth of draft age, reservists, and active military personnel, took part in military tactical games.

“The series of military tactical games“ Zarya ”not only incorporated all the best in the methodology of mass patriotic games, but also transferred it to a modern technological level worthy of the 21st century. This new approach to the preparation of pre-conscription youth has perfectly shown its viability, because many people from all over Russia come to the games hundreds and thousands of kilometers away, not by order, not by compulsion, but on their own initiative. All this shows a great need for such events, where even in game form, but in an environment that is as close as possible to combat, our young people improve their military training skills, learn friendship and mutual assistance, ”says the initiator of the project, chairman of the organizing committee, Colonel-General Nikolai Antoshkin.
In modern conditions, when the problem of professionalization of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is being solved, the role and importance of new methods of training and military-patriotic education of future defenders of the Fatherland are significantly increasing. In order to improve the military-technical skills of young people, taking into account the experience gained, the Zarya organizing committee has prepared a number of proposals for the leadership of the defense department, which could improve the level of work in this direction. First of all, this concerns the widespread propaganda of military tactical games, inviting veterans of the Armed Forces and military operations as mentors, experts and spectators. For greater efficiency and spectacularity of the activities carried out, we proposed additional engineering equipment for the training ground of the 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division, the construction of a stationary tactical camp at the Alabino training ground, which will also be used for training the personnel of the division and the 136th separate guards reconnaissance battalion. It is also proposed to create on the territory of one of the unused military settlements within the boundaries of the Moscow region without attracting budgetary funds of the base city training ground (center) for training and competitions of youth soldiers, reservists and active military personnel.
The President of the Russian Federation, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces V. Putin has formulated his attitude to the military-patriotic education of young people: “Military-patriotic games are still in demand today. They develop team spirit, firm character, and survival skills in the most difficult conditions ... "All this is fully available in the military tactical games" Zarya ".

Victor BRAGIN.
Photo by Alexander MOROZOV

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11.07.2017 (18:42)

The military-tactical game "Zarya" was held in Alabino near Moscow at the ZVO training ground

The next stage of the large-scale military-tactical game "Zarya" took place in Alabino near Moscow on the territory of the 253rd combined-arms training ground of the Western Military District. The event, organized by DOSAAF of Russia and the organizing committee "Zarya", was attended by about 1000 people.

The game involved real military equipment - T-72, MT-LB, Ural tanks, and even an upgraded Mi-8 helicopter, from which the landing force is carried out into the combat zone.

Ordinary students and managers, as well as former military personnel, on their day off specially came to the training ground in order to “fight” with airsoft weapons and training grenades in their hands in conditions as close as possible to combat ones. For the game, 20 pieces of equipment were provided: MT-LB, armored personnel carriers and Urals helped the fighters get to the place of deployment of allies and opponents, and loud blank shots from T-72 tanks and self-propelled howitzers turned the game into a real battlefield.

The soldiers captured or held positions, and those who were hit by the "bullet" honestly raised their hand, put on a red bandage and went to the base to refresh themselves in the field kitchen and rush into battle again after 40 minutes. Judges in orange berets closely watched for honesty and observance of the rules of the game.

“This stage of the game is significant in that it brought together a record number of participants,” said Andrei Golovatyuk, Deputy Chairman of DOSAAF Russia. - Those present here have done right choice- preferred the basics of military training and a healthy lifestyle to idleness and night parties. These guys understand that it is on their shoulders that the duty to defend the Motherland falls. "

The last stage of this year's "Dawn" was dedicated to the Stalingrad strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops, which went down in history under the code name "Uranus".

During the game, young people were able not only to feel the hardships and deprivations of military service, but also to get acquainted with modern military equipment, to try to put into practice the tactics of special-purpose groups.

Retired Colonel Mikhail Kalinkin, head of the military stage of the largest festival of author's songs "Valery Grushin's Platform", inspired the soldiers and their commanders with soulful war songs to the accompaniment of a guitar.

For reference:

The military-tactical game Zarya is a modern analogue of the famous Soviet military-patriotic game Zarnitsa. The main difference between Zarnitsa and Zarya is that the actions of the latter are as close as possible to real combat conditions.

September 9-10, 2017 at the "Alabino" training ground, with the participation of military personnel and military equipment glorified formation - the 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division, the Club of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory and the Organizing Committee of the federal military tactical games "ZARYA", with the unprecedented support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the DOSAAF of Russia and the TV Channel " Zvezda "will hold an exciting and large-scale event for the fall season of 2017 - the annual world's largest 11th International military tactical game" ZARYA: Day on Armor. Spain 1936 ".

The game is dedicated to the events in Spain - the creation of international teams that participated in civil war on the side of the popular front in 1936-1938, and will contribute to the further rapprochement of the peoples of the earth, building up partnership to create a single security space without dividing lines in the interests of peace and prosperity, for the benefit of all mankind.

The event was supported by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation, General of the Army S.K. Shoigu, agreed by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation, General of the Army V.V. Gerasimov. Since 2016, the game has been held for the Cup of the Minister of Defense of Russia.

Teams and participants from Israel, France, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Canada, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Donbass, Estonia, China, Greece, Syria and other countries have registered for the game. Russian participants represent most of the constituent entities of the Federation - teams from Kaliningrad to the Amur Region have submitted applications for the game.

The purpose of the "Day on the Armor" is the patriotic education of the citizens of the Russian Federation, the strengthening of relations with strategic partners of Russia, the development of multilateral relations in order to fulfill the tasks of maintaining peace and security on earth.

In the game, on the basis of OK Zarya's rich experience in organizing military-tactical games and events, the wishes of the participants, who spoke in favor of creating a game with a fundamentally different scenario from all others, with many “surprises” and non-standard tactical struggle between the game sides, were realized , with constantly changing conditions of combat in an extremely realistic environment, contributing to complete immersion in the atmosphere of a real battle.

The plot of the game is not a specific battle, but a mixture of real historical events and fiction in order to adapt modern methods of warfare to the wars and military conflicts that took place in the past.

The choice of this kind of scenario and its development are due to interactive voting huge amount participants of events who have a long tradition of holding games in this format. Past battles have been shifted to modern, not political, but tactical realities with the presence of military equipment, aviation, and more effective small arms. In such a scenario, patriotic, national, religious and other emotional feelings of the participants in the game are not affected.

As a result, during the day the game participants, including teams from different countries of the world, will be able to demonstrate their individual tactical and technical knowledge, well-coordinated teamwork in dynamic battles on the territory of the entire Alabino training ground. In the course of a large-scale patriotic event, young people will feel the brunt of military service, get acquainted in action with the modern weapons of the Russian army.

Armored vehicles, engineering structures, smoke and pyrotechnic special effects will bring the realism of the battle to the plot of the game. And mutual assistance and clear teamwork will be the fundamental factor in the success of the operation of any of the parties to the conflict. The victory of a team in "Day on Armor" depends on each player. And all together will fight for resources, for intelligence, deceive the enemy, conduct endless maneuvers to turn tactical superiority into strategic. And - to win.

On which side the victory will be this time is not known even to the wisest organizers of the "Day on the Armor" - the conflict of interests of the parties will be resolved in the last minutes of the game and in favor of the one whose military doctrine will ensure superiority over the enemy.

Over the past seven years, the large-scale patriotic project of the Zarya Organizing Committee has become not only super popular, but also socially significant, providing invaluable assistance in the formation of a healthy society, both in our country and in the near and far abroad, serves the cause of peace and security on earth.

Shooting from machine guns and mortars, explosions of grenades and the rolling roar of cannonade over the range, attacks and defense - all this awaits the participants in the military tactical game "Day on Armor". The number of participants is more than 4000 people. The opening of the event will be attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, public veteran and youth patriotic organizations, DOSAAF of Russia, Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

The event starts at 12:00 09.09.2017.

Media accreditation until 12:00 on September 7, 2017

Contacts: Viktor Bragin, Director of Public and Corporate Relations of the Organizing Committee of the military tactical games "ZARYA", t./f .: + 7-495-637-38-60, e-mail -

The military-tactical game Zarya is a modern analogue of the famous Soviet military-patriotic game Zarnitsa. The main difference between Zarnitsa and Zarya is that the actions of the latter are as close as possible to real combat conditions. The game uses real military equipment - tanks T-72, MT-LB, "Urals" and even a modernized Mi-8 helicopter, from which the landing is carried out into the combat zone.

Shooting, tanks, fighting and other features of the military-tactical game "Zarya"

On the territory of the 253rd combined-arms training ground of the Western Military District (Alabinsky military training ground), the next stage of the large-scale military-tactical game "Zarya" took place. The event, organized by DOSAAF of Russia and the Zarya Organizing Committee, was attended by about 1000 people.

Ordinary students and managers, as well as former military personnel, on their day off specially came to the training ground to fight with airsoft weapons and grenades in their hands in conditions as close as possible to combat. For offensive and defensive operations, young people were provided with 20 units of real army equipment: MT-LB, armored personnel carriers and "Urals" helped the fighters get to the location of allies and opponents, and loud blank shots from T-72 tanks and self-propelled howitzers turned the game into a real field battles.

The fighters captured or held positions, and those who were hit by a stray bullet honestly raised their hand, put on a red bandage and went to the base to refresh themselves in the field kitchen and rush into battle again after 40 minutes. Fair judges in orange berets watched closely for honesty and observance of the rules of the game.

The tactical game "Zarya" is a modern analogue of the well-known Soviet game"Zarnitsa". This stage of the game is significant in that it attracted a record number of participants. Those present here made the right choice - they preferred the basics of military training and a healthy lifestyle to idleness and night parties. These guys understand that it is on their shoulders that the duty to defend the Motherland falls, - said Andrey Golovatyuk, Deputy Chairman of DOSAAF Russia.

The last stage of this year's "Dawn" was dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad, or, more precisely, the Stalingrad strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops to encircle and destroy the group of troops of the German fascist invaders. This operation went down in history under the code name "Uranus".

The aim of the game is to develop patriotism and increase motivation to fulfill military duty, promote a healthy lifestyle among young people and social rehabilitation of servicemen who have gone through "hot spots".

During the tactical game "Zarya", young people were able not only to feel the hardships and deprivations of military service, but also to get acquainted with modern military equipment, to try to put into practice the tactics of special-purpose groups.

The reserve colonel, head of the military stage of the largest festival of author's songs "Valery Grushin's Platform" Mikhail Kalinkin inspired the soldiers and their commanders with soulful war songs to the accompaniment of a guitar.