Tasks aimed at developing attention. Lesson on developing the cognitive abilities of preschoolers Forms of activities held outside of class

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • Development of attention, memory, thinking.
  • Preparing the hand for mastering writing.

Task 1. Warm up

Answer the questions as quickly as possible:

  • days in a week?
  • toes?
  • hind and front legs of a duck?
  • seasons?
  • winter months?
  • Snow White's dwarfs?
  • human eyes and eyebrows?
  • corners of the table, and if one was sawed off, how many were left?

Task 2. To complete the task you will need subject pictures.

a) Name the objects in one word:

  • goat, horse, cow, sheep (animals);
  • kettle, plate, pan, glass (dishes);
  • maple, birch, poplar, willow (trees).

b) Find an extra item and explain why it is extra:

  • table, wardrobe, door, chair;
  • spruce, oak, pine, stump;
  • catfish, perch, pike, frog.

Task 3. Look carefully and draw the missing figures in the empty squares.

Task 4. Find the differences in the pictures.

Physical education lesson: Game “Flies, doesn’t fly.”

Attention! Now we will find out who can fly and who cannot. I will ask, and you answer immediately, without pause. If I name someone or something that can fly, for example, a dragonfly, answer “Flies” - and show how it does it, spreading its arms to the sides like wings. If I ask you: “Does the pig fly?” - be silent and do not raise your hands.

  • Does the eagle fly?
  • Does a sparrow fly?
  • Does a cow fly?
  • Does the snake fly?
  • Does the kite fly?
  • Does the helicopter fly?

Task 5. Who is carrying what?

Task 6. Look carefully, remember and draw (cherries).

Task 7. Logic problem.

The flower does not grow under the tree.
No fungus grows under a birch tree,
What grows under the tree
and what's under the birch tree?

Task 8. Draw straight lines along the dotted lines from left to right.

For preschoolers, the teacher needs to:
- With create conditions that would encourage children to engage in independent cognitive activity;
— when organizing interaction involve the child in the process cognitive search;
diversify techniques supply of educational information.

The most effective way to solve these problems is creative tasks and games. They are the ones who help preschoolers relax. In this case, children are not afraid to make mistakes, since there are no right or wrong answers, all answers and judgments are accepted on an equal basis, without being criticized. A child in such a situation freely fantasizes, and the process of learning gives him joy and pleasure.

Game "Why did this happen?"
1. The boy came in torn trousers. Why did this happen?
2. All the electric lamps in the house suddenly went out. Why did this happen?
3. The river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding meadows. Why did this happen?

Game “Resolving the Contradiction”:
The teacher finds examples of such situations both in everyday life and in literary works.
1. A new doll (ball, book, game, etc.) was brought into the group. What should I do? How to act so that everyone is happy?
2. The mouse ate a magic pill and became invisible. How to make a cat see a mouse?
3. “Pussy crying in the hallway
She has great grief
Evil people poor pussy
They don’t let you steal sausages.”
How can a pussy get sausages?

Creative questions and tasks:
— Guess the word that is encrypted with pictures. (By first sound, by last sound).
— Solve a crossword puzzle, a rebus.
- “Let’s play rhyme.”
- “Magic transformations” (heat - ...ar, dot - ...points). What has the heat become? What has the point become?
- How are grasshoppers and frogs similar? Frog and grass? Frog and parsley?
— What is the difference between birch and pine? The Wolf and the Sparrow?
- Identify the extra words: elephant, birch, bear, fox, tiger.
After such tasks, the teacher asks: why do you think so? Prove it! This encourages children to reason, justify their opinions, and form logical thinking.

Cognitive cycle tasks:
- Why does the stream run?
— What animals have stripes?
— Could an elephant live in the mountains? Why not?
-Where are the clouds going?
— Where does the snow melt faster: in the forest or in the clearing?

Speech development and literacy tasks:
- Replace the letter and you will get new words: Nina - Zina - Tina - Lina ..., bun - beam - squirrel ...
—What is the difference between a whale and a cat? ...
- Rearrange the letters in the word orange to get the name of the dog breed, etc.
- Find the hidden word in the words.
- Change the word according to stress (flour - flour).
- Choose a rhyme for the word and write a couplet with this word, etc.

Math assignments:
— Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds, answer quickly...
- Trace with one stroke, without repeating a single line. (Any geometric figure or many in one is offered).
— What numbers are hidden in the pictures?
- Continue the series by increasing speed or vice versa: pedestrian, train...

Drawing tasks:
- What could this become? (Any line, geometric figure, or just a spot is offered).
- “Magic glasses” - draw a picture in one shape, for example in the shape of a heart. Children draw “heart” houses, clouds, flowers, the sun, etc.
- “Who hid?” - the teacher draws parts of any animal or object, asks them to think (who (what) is this?) and complete the drawing.
- “Draw an image in a drawing.” (The image of any character is offered).
- “Express your mood, the mood of mom, dad in the drawing...”

Design tasks:
- What can be done from this and how? (We offer waste material: jars, boxes, plastic bottles, wire, etc. or natural material, including vegetables: potatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc.)

Questions about formation healthy image life:
- Why is it useful to comb your hair?
— If you don’t wash your hands, what kind of trouble awaits you?
— Why can’t you use someone else’s comb or toothbrush?

Surprise games in which you need not only to find the answer, but also to justify it:
— Which animals are characterized by these properties: curious, like...; wise as...; strong as...; cunning as...; faithful as...?
- Name the common characteristics of an apple and a pear, a birch and a spruce, a cat and a dog, a bird and a person.
— What is the difference between autumn and spring, a chair from a table, a fork from a spoon, a boletus from a russula?
- What do the words have in common: month and moon, bunch and brush, courage and courage?
— How are they similar: grass and a frog, a frog and a hare, a parachute and an umbrella, pepper and mustard, a vacuum cleaner and a mop?

All the listed games, questions and tasks help develop cognitive abilities and creativity children preschool age.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

The manual is a collection of tasks for working with children on the eve of entering school. The tasks presented in this collection are so exciting that the child will not have to be forced to study. Completing these tasks will not only help the future first-grader develop memory, attention, perception, thinking, form correct speech, and improve graphic skills, but will also provide the necessary basic level knowledge, skills and abilities that will help him in the future to study well and easily at school. The manual is intended for classes with children 5-6 years old and is addressed to educators preparatory groups preschool institutions, pre-gymnasium teachers, parents, as well as everyone who is interested in successfully preparing a child for admission to 1st grade.

Three months before school. Development tasks cognitive abilities(5-6 years old). Kholodova O.A.

Description of the textbook

1. Your first name, patronymic and last name.
2. Your age (date and year of birth).
3. Your home address.
4. Country and city in which he lives.
5. Last name, first name, patronymic of parents, their profession.
6. Seasons (sequence, months, main signs of each season).
7. Part of the day (sequence, main features of each time of day).
8. Domestic animals, their cubs, habits.
9. Wild animals of our forests, hot countries, the North, their cubs, habits.
10. Wintering and migratory birds.
11. Transport land, underground, water, underwater, air.
12. Distinguish between clothes, shoes and hats.
13. Distinguish between vegetables, fruits and berries.
14. Freely navigate on a sheet of paper (right - left side, top - bottom).
15. Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric figures: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval.
16. Freely count from 1 to 10 and back.
17. Perform counting operations within 10 (±, 1, 2).
18. Distinguish between vowels and consonants.
19. Divide words into syllables using claps, steps, and so on.
20. Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like “poppy”,
“house”, “oaks”, “sleigh”, “wasps”.
21. Know and be able to tell Russian folk tales.
22. Know poems for children by heart.
23. Be able to fully and consistently retell the story you listened to.
24. Be able to compose (invent) a story based on a picture, based on a series of pictures.
25. Use a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler, draw geometric shapes, animals, people, various items based on geometric shapes, carefully paint over, shade with a pencil, without going beyond the contours of objects.
26. Good use of scissors (cut strips, squares, circles, rectangles)
nicknames, triangles, cut out an object along the contour).
27. Be able to complete a task according to a model.
28. Be able to listen carefully, without distractions (20-30 minutes).
29. Remember and name 6-10 objects, pictures, words.
30. Maintain good posture while sitting.
From the author
Being ready for school today does not mean being able to read, write and count.
To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.
L.A. Vengsr. A. L. Vemger
Admission to school - important point in a child's life. Ahead new life, new friends, new, sometimes very serious challenges. How can you help your child adapt to school faster and develop an interest in learning?
You want your child to study well, but at the same time be cheerful, cheerful and healthy. - help him. Good preschool preparation is the key to excellent school performance.
Helping you prepare for school is the main goal of this manual.
Using the systematic approach adopted in the manual, it is possible to quickly and effectively develop in a preschooler such qualities as memory, attention, logical thinking, imagination, creative and spatial thinking, resourcefulness and intelligence.
This manual offers various tasks that will teach children:
- listen, observe,
- remember and process received information;
- determine different and identical properties of objects;
- recognize objects by given characteristics; describe objects;
- compare objects with each other;
— determine the sequence of events;
- navigate in space;
- generalize;
- classify;
- work according to the model;
- act in accordance with the accepted intention;
- develop dexterity and mobility of the hand.
The manual contains 36 lessons that can be conducted either once a week from September to May (as a special course on the development of cognitive abilities of a preschooler), or 3 times a week from January to April (as preparation for a psychological and pedagogical interview when enrolling in 1st grade ), or 3 times a week from June to September (in order to develop children's skills, develop new skills, and increase the level of readiness for school). Working with a child on benefits should be dynamic, but not tiring, lasting no more than 30 minutes.
In the manual, the tasks follow each other in a certain order.
ANSWER determines the child’s ability to quickly answer questions, assesses the level of general knowledge and outlook.
PERFORMANCE will help assess the level of development of attention, memory, understand how developed the child’s logic and abstract thinking are, and determine the level of the child’s vocabulary.
DRAWING is aimed at developing motor skills, as well as the ability to perceive material by ear, reflect what is heard graphically, and determines the child’s readiness to write from dictation.
Recommendations for working with these manuals are given on the back cover.
I wish you success in preparing your child for such an important, difficult, but wonderful and interesting period in life - to study at school!
Play, try, dare and believe in yourself and your child’s capabilities!
1. What do schoolchildren do on September 1?
2. Why do children need to go to school?
3. When is your birthday? What time of year is this?
4. How does an old person differ from a young person?
5. What kind of person is called a friend?
1. Color the fruits that grow on the trees. Emphasize the vegetables. Count and tell me how many items there are in total? What number is lemon? What object is drawn between the carrot and the pear? Name the fourth object from left to right.
2. Remember what should be where. Put things in their places by drawing arrows.
3. Find a pattern in each line that is different from the others. Cross it out.
4. Look carefully at the pictures. Find and mark 3 differences.
5. Connect the dots according to the pattern.
6. Complete the started pattern.
Name it in one word.
1. Mom, dad, brother, aunt, grandmother.
2. Circle, square, triangle, oval.
3. Skirt, trousers, shorts, shirt, dress.
4. Doll, matryoshka, soldiers, cubes.
5. Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Kyiv.
1. Color or circle the odd one out and explain your choice.
2. Watching only with your eyes, find out which butterfly flew out of the net?
)3. Draw for each item what is missing.

Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (5-6 years).

Games for the development of cognitive processes in children of senior preschool age.

Shchipitsina Marina Ivanovna, educational psychologist, MBDOU "Savinsky" kindergarten", Savino village, Perm region, Karagay district.
Description of material: I bring to your attention games for the development of cognitive processes in children of senior preschool age. As a rule, successful education of children in primary school depends on the level of development of cognitive processes. The material will be useful to parents and teachers and will help prepare children for school.
The successful education of children in primary school depends on the level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, speech, attention, memory, etc.), creatively solving various problems.
Preschool age is a period when the baby's main activity is play. In a game, it is easier to assimilate knowledge, skills, abilities, with the help of a game situation it is easier to attract the child’s attention, he remembers the material better, so try to choose tasks that are entertaining in nature.
Remember that at this age the duration of the lesson should not exceed 25 - 30 minutes. Avoid overtiring your baby. I offer you several games that will help develop children’s cognitive processes:

Game "An Extra Word"
Goal: development of thinking
Instructions: I will name 4 words, three of which can be combined, but one word does not fit them, it is superfluous.
For example:
1. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.
2. Russia, Poland, Moscow, Japan.
3. Dove, crow, bird, magpie.
4. Monday, Friday, May, Wednesday.
5. Sveta, Katya, Maltsev, Oleg.

Exercise “Semantic series”
Goal: development of thinking
Instructions: I will tell you three words, and you guess what the fourth will be.
1. nest bird, dog -…
2. jacket-fabric, boots-…
3. horse-foal, cow-…
4. book cover, house -…
5. dog - puppy, person -...
6. porridge-spoon, meat-...
7. boat-water, train-…
8. hollow squirrel, human -...
9. flower-stem, tree-…
10. window-sill, wardrobe - ...
11. birch leaves, pine - ...
12. sun-light, night-...
13. fur coat-button, boot -…

Game “Continue the list of words”
Goal: development of cognitive processes (attention, thinking, speech).
Instructions: continue the list of words and name the group with one word.

Russia, Poland... - doctor, teacher...
- Sveta, Natasha... - Volga, Kama...
- boots, shoes... - birch, poplar...
- tit, dove... - hare, bear...
- tulip, carnation... - skates, skis...
- March, January... - nest, hole...
- blue, red... - raspberry, currant
- one, two... - Venus, Jupiter...
- rain, hail... - sneakers, shoes...
- sour cream, kefir... - cupcake, cake...
- minute, second... - brave, brave...
- shovel, rake... - chair, chair...
- cubes, pyramid... - tape recorder, iron...
- car, bus... - skirt, trousers...
- apple, pear... - cucumber, carrot...
- chicken, goose... - cow, sheep...

Game "Make the Moves"
The goal is to develop attention.
Instructions: Try to perform the movements correctly: if you hear the name of an animal, jump, if you hear the name of a bird, wave your hands, if you hear the name of a subject for school, sit at the table and put your hands on the table.

Words: ruler, cow, backpack, owl, book, bear, elk, notebook, crow, swallow, pen, fox, dove, wolf, globe, pencil, goat, duck, magpie, pencil case, pig, scissors.

Game "Compare objects"
The goal is to develop attention and thinking.
Instructions: Compare objects with each other. Tell me how they are similar and how they differ.

Boots and socks
- piano and violin
- teapot and plate
- apple and ball
- girl and doll
- clock and thermometer
- board and glass

"Solving Logical Problems"
Goal: development of logical thinking, ability to make inferences.
Instructions: Listen to the problems, think and solve them.
Nine bunnies eat one carrot each. How many carrots does it take to feed all the bunnies?
Two girls played with dolls for two hours. How many hours did each of these girls play?

Lena had four beds of carrots and cabbage in her garden. There were more beds with carrots than with cabbage. How many beds of carrots and how many of cabbage did Lena have in her garden?

The thermometer shows three degrees below zero. How many degrees do these two thermometers show?

Three girls have hair of different lengths. Marina's is longer than Alena's, Alena's is longer than Natasha's. Which girl has the longest hair and which one has the shortest? Show Marina, Alena and Natasha in the picture.

Three brothers - Kolya, Vanya and Tolya - study in different classes. Kolya is older than Vanya, and Vanya is older than Tolya. Which child is the youngest and which is the eldest? Show Kolya, Vanya and Tolya in the picture.

Materials taken from the book by I. Svetlova "Lessons for preschool children. Logic"

Three months before school. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (5-6 years). Kholodova O.A.

M.: 2009 - 80 p.

The manual is a collection of tasks for working with children on the eve of entering school. The tasks presented in this collection are so exciting that the child will not have to be forced to study. Completing these tasks will not only help the future first-grader develop memory, attention, perception, thinking, form correct speech, and improve graphic skills, but will also provide the necessary basic level of knowledge, skills and abilities that will help him in the future study well and easily at school. The manual is intended for classes with children 5-6 years old and is addressed to teachers of preparatory groups of preschool institutions, teachers of secondary schools, parents, as well as everyone who is interested in successfully preparing a child for entry into 1st grade.

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Going to school is an important moment in a child’s life. There is a new life ahead, new friends, new, sometimes very serious challenges. How can you help your child adapt to school faster and develop an interest in learning?
You want your child to study well, and at the same time be cheerful, cheerful and healthy. - help him. Good preschool preparation is the key to excellent school performance.
Helping you prepare for school is the main goal of this manual.
Using the systematic approach adopted in the manual, it is possible to quickly and effectively develop in a preschooler such qualities as memory, attention, logical thinking, imagination, creative and spatial thinking, resourcefulness and intelligence.
This manual offers various tasks that will teach children:
- listen, observe,
- remember and process received information;
- identify different and identical properties of objects;
- recognize objects by given characteristics; describe objects;
- compare objects with each other;
- determine the sequence of events;
- navigate in space;
- generalize;
- classify;
- work according to the model;
- act in accordance with the accepted intention;
- develop dexterity and mobility of the hand.
the manual contains 36 lessons that can be conducted either once a week from September to May (as a special course on the development of the cognitive abilities of a preschooler), or 3 times a week from January to April (as preparation for a psychological and pedagogical interview when enrolling in 1st grade ), or 3 times a week from June to September (in order to develop children's skills, develop new skills, and increase the level of readiness for school). Working with a child on benefits should be dynamic, but not tiring, lasting no more than 30 minutes.
In the manual, the tasks follow each other in a certain order.
ANSWER determines the child’s ability to quickly answer questions, assesses the level of general knowledge and outlook.
PERFORMANCE will help Assess the level of development of attention, memory, understand how developed the child’s logic and abstract thinking are, and determine the level of the child’s vocabulary.
DRAWING is aimed at developing motor skills, as well as the ability to perceive material by ear, reflect what is heard graphically, and determines the child’s readiness to write from dictation.
Recommendations for working with these manuals are given on the back cover.
I wish you success in preparing your child for such an important, difficult, but wonderful and interesting period in life - to study at school!