What is where when in the Dow preparatory group. Intellectual quiz "What? Where? When?" in the senior group. Task from parents

On the table in a circle envelopes with questions, in the center - Yula with an arrow. The team consists of six players. On the discussion of the issue is given one minute. Replies captain. The game goes to six points.

The event is designed for children 3-4 classes.


The story has reached this day about how the English sailor sent his mother valuable for those times a gift - overseas drink. Mother invited guests to a refined dish. She welded the whole product in a bowl, merged unnecessary, in her opinion, brown bitter water, laid down a thick thickening and, providing her sour cream, filed to the table.

This drink is known since ancient times. For the first time he began to drink in China. Later he became a popular drink in many countries, but at first grow and cook it could not be everywhere.

What kind of drink are we talking about? (About tea.)

It is known that stars are different: old and young, large and small, cold and hot. And the color of the stars is also different. It depends on the temperature of the star. If the star is very hot, then the color is white or a little bluish. If the star is cold like our sun, then the color is yellow or orange. And there are cold stars at all. What color do they have? (Red)

Now cars are mainly working on gasoline. But the very first thing in the history of the car was refueling not gasoline! I went to such a car slowly and drove only one passenger. The driver was called the "driver", which means "Power" or "Kochegar". What was the first in the history of the car? (On firewood.)

At all times, the children loved to play. In hide and seek, for example, our grandmothers also played as we, and grandfathers played in the "grandmas" (game with bones), and in football, but not a rubber, jumping ball, and heavy rag. And our ancestors played with "Liveruli". Of which they just did not "live"! From clay, from long potatoes, made of painted chips, wrapped in a candy paper, made of rolled cloth. And how are they called "Live" in our time? (Doll)

This animal does not know how to run like other four-legged. It rides big jumps on two long hind legs, and short front paws are pressed to the chest. The big tail helps him keep the balance in the jump, so that, landing, do not fall, do not push the nose. Summates the animal to relax or eat, again the tail in case - the animal is based on it. And if the wild dogs Dingo attack, he will be able to smear them so much that they will have to. Run to the tail and hit the back leg.

Who owns this wonderful tail? (Kangaroo)

There is a legend on how she lived in the Nymph Forest. She was very chatty. I didn't like the gods, and they were deprived of her gift to speech. But not quite, and so that the nymph can only repeat the endings of others, overheard in the woods forest.

It so happened that the nymph meets a very beautiful young man. From love for him, she began to lose weight and eventually turned into invisible. Since then, the nymph-invisible, wanting to remind the world about himself, repeats in the forest overhearding other people's words. Name the name of this nymph. (Echo)

Blitz.(For thinking of each question is given 20 seconds.)

Cruel entertainment of people in which animals are dying. (Hunting)

The rapid offensive of troops. (Attack)

Working, which is all the time anything colors. (Painter)

This Russian people's holiday celebrate June 24th. In the old days, during the holiday, they were sang, danced, drove dances, wreaths from flowers were put on his head. The main event of the holiday is the night searches of the Fern flowers. It was believed that the one who would find him would be rich and happy. This holiday also opened the bathing season.

Remember the name of the holiday. (Holiday Ivan Kupala)

Black box. (Guess what lies in the black box.)

Buck Yermilka on the back of the head.

He does not cry, just hides the leg. (Nail)

Until that, this means of movement did not appear with the air of the tire, people had to suffer, for which they nicknamed His Kostrinas. Another name of this vehicle is a spider, since he had a huge metal wheel with a multitude of thin shiny spice, which was very reminded.

And what is the name he now? (Bicycle)

Superblits. (One player remains. To think about every question, it is given for 10 seconds.)

Armed forces of the country. (Army)

Little Fire Particle, Gunning into the Air. (Spark)

Rear part of the boat. (Stern)

. "Caput" - so-called this vegetable ancient Romans. They spoke Latin and lived on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, from where he got to us, to Russia. "Caput" means "head". Vegetable really reminds her head. He fell in love with residents of Russian land. Salting him on the gardens, the peasants sentenced: "Do not be a Necklast - be a pusa; Do not be empty - be thick; Do not be old - be young; Do not be small - be great. "

Name this vegetable. (Cabbage)

Intelligent game "What? Where? When?"

Form of holding: Club of experts

Location: Assembly Hall

Children's age: 8 - 13 years

Number of participants: 3 teams of 5 people

Time spending: June, with to

Duration:45 minutes

Topic: Nature of Russia

Purpose: Activation of the cognitive activity of the child.


  1. the formation of the guys a partnership;
  2. develop friendly relations in the children's and adult team associated with a common cause;
  3. apply the knowledge gained earlier in non-standard conditions;
  4. expansion of the horizons of schoolchildren;
  5. stress love for your Fatherland.

Equipment: media projector, pOWERPOINT presentation, screen,microphones, musical instruments, cassettes, discs with songs and music; Photo and video equipment.

Accessories: Game Field with sectors, envelopes with tasks, scoreboard, clock, gong, black box and its contents, acknowledged rider's checker or turntable (inside tennis balls with numbers and violin keys), prizes (sweets, 15 people diplomas) , sheets of paper, handles, pencils

Design: toy owls, poster, game program, invitation cards, the hall is decorated with posters (children's and purchased) with the name of the game, on the game, balls; Map of Russia, slogans, colored envelopes.

On the scene is the table for the lead. Behind the lead is the scoreboard for the game account.

Music design:

  1. music from television transmission
  2. children's rooms for filling Pause (Titonik, singers, dancers ...)
  3. voices of animals
  4. I, you, he, she is together a whole country! (Sofia Rotau and Children's Choir)

Responsible duty:the guys of the older squad (who makes a black box - in white gloves, in a cylinder / hat), the hall manager, 1-2 children change the scoreboard on stage.

Quiz program

1. Collect participants.

2. Distribution of commands.

3. Brief rules from the leading / jury.

4. Start.

5. The course of the game.

6. Announcement of results.

7. Award winners.

8. Ending game.

Option A.

It takes the example of a television game What? Where? When is the TV presenter Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov invented in 1975. The essence of the game is to oppose the command of the experts ( game Team Of the six people) team of viewers of experts must be one minute with only their own mind to find an answer to the question sent by the viewer. As a rule, players ask questions, to answer which you can with the help of general knowledge and logic. For each correct answer, the expert team receives one point, in case of an incorrect response, the show team is charged. The game is being done up to six points. If during the announcement of the question of the question of the connoisseably realized the answer to it, he can submit a sign (usually a fist with a bent up with a thumb), after which the captain of the team can tell the leader before the beginning of directly discussing the issue that the answer is ready. If the answer turns out true, in addition to the score in favor of the experts, the team has the opportunity to take an additional minute of discussion. The number of minutes depends on the number of time to the correct response data, and the team can take more than one additional minute in a row.

Quiz has golden Rule: "What is the answer - this is the answer!". Therefore, remember the correctness of the question and its wording.

Option B.

During the game, all teams are sitting in the hall. At the beginning of the game, the presenter once again explains the rules of the game. Rules of the game: The master reads the question and gives one minute to discuss all teams. After a minute, a beep sounds, after which the commands must be given their answers to the master in writing for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, the second beep sounds, after which the responses from the commands are no longer accepted. The presenter quickly browsing the leaflets with the answers of the commands and before he informs the correct answer, it can read, without calling the team that passed this sheet, "original answers". Next, the host pronounces the correct answer, and the results of the first question are made on the scoreboard. If the team answered the question correctly, she gets one score. At the same time, the issue rating is written in brackets - the number of teams that did not answer the question. Next, the game continues and the next question is asked. In the interruptions between questions, you can include music (every period of 5 seconds each). After the host read half of the questions, in order for the teams a little rested, you can enable some musical number (music pause). After the musical pause, the game resumes. The team who won the game (who scores more points) is awarded the medals of the winners, registered diplomas of champions game What? Where? When?, As well as memorable prizes. If two commands scored the same number of points, then the amount of the rating of all questions seems to identify the winner. Which team has more, she won in the game. The losers receive incentive prizes. With a large number of participating teams, it is possible to allocate places (from the first third). Also possible is a special prize of the team for the most original version Answer.

In matters are often used "omens" or "replacement": it is necessary to solve which symbol, word or phrase is missing or replaced. Some issues use distributing material: object, picture or text.

Rules of the game What? Where? When?

Play at the same time several members of the participants play. The lead reads the question. The signal begins a minute of discussion, during which the commands must come up with an answer. In 10 seconds before the expiration of a minute of discussion, a beep sounds. The team records your option in a pre-prepared response form, and at the end of a minute, the captain of the team gives his answer to the lead. After 10 seconds after the expiration of the time settled on the next question, the answers are not accepted.

After the draw of each question, the master reads the answer options and declares the right answer.

Teams who answered correctly to the question get 6 points; The answers are not true or not answered at all - 0 points.

The game goes to a draw 25 questions.

For the game, the team can get a maximum of 150 points and a minimum of 0 points.

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The event organizers invite the audience to take their places in the hall. Teams await their turns a little away. After the announcement of the team is invited to the hall and sit down in three tables near the scene. On the scene screen, media projector.The game table must be put on the middle of the hall, on it - a playing field (a circle, broken into sectors with a wolf). The jury is granted in such a way that you can watch the game in the team and identify not only a strong team, but also a player.On the table laid envelopes with job numbers. The lead is the texts of tasks with the answers.

LEADING: - Hello, dear guests!

 Playing the entrance melody of the game.

LEADING: - We are glad to welcome you in our club "What? Where? When?".

Today will be held command game Between the detachments, where everyone can show their mind, resourcefulness, the logic of thinking. We chosen a difficult topic - the nature of Russia.

Dear Club Members and Spectators! During the game, you must carefully follow the course of the discussion and at the end to choose the best player.

Help us will be a jury. Presentation of jury members.

So, our experts are invited to the club., or commands are invited for the game table

« », « », « »

 Drum fraction, playing music.

Players are listed here with the addition of appropriate epithets (for example, the most observant is the name of the surname!, Etc.)

 playing music.

Host: - And now I will introduce you to the rules of our game! You see the game circle on the table, which is divided into sectors.

Orange - this is the Blitz sector

- Experts must answer 12 questions. For each correct answer, the connoissems are given 1 point.

- 13 Question - Blitz. In this envelope as 4 questions, which should quickly answer experts. If at least one question they will not answer - the point is awarded to the audience.

Tighten the top.  playing music.

Main questions.

1. Portrait of a hero.

Body length 60-90 cm, weight - up to 24 kg, autumn, before hibernation - up to 34 kg. The shape of the massive body is originally. Neck short, almost imperceptible. The legs are short, massive, relying on the ground of the whole feet. On the fingers - long stupid claws adapted to the ruin.

Coarse wool. The color of the back and sides are brown-gray with a silver tint. On the face, two dark stripes stretching from the nose to the ears.

It dwells in deep norahs, which roets on the slopes of sandy hills, forest ravines and beams. Leads a nightlife. It feeds on with mile-like rodents, frogs, lizards, birds and their eggs, insects and their larvae, molluscs, rainworms, mushrooms, berries, nuts and grass. It brings great benefit to agriculture. (Badger).

1 minute to think.

Players: we meet and write down your answer to the leaflets, then pass the lead.

Host: - Dear W natokati, ... reading the answers and calls the right one.

Pickupers: Explain the results of commands on the scoreboard.

2. In the old days in Siberia, there was such a custom - each pendant of the mined metal was shot from the gun. What metal had such a mortem. (Gold).

3. Traces of animals. Slide.

5. Description of the area.

This area is distinguished by a very harsh climate, there are only those plants and animals that endure cold, strong winds. A large fauna is rarely found here. (Tundra).

6. Painting of the artist. Show slide.

Name the trees. Who will call the name of the artist. (Sosnovy Bor. Mast forest in Vyatka province. I.I. Shishkin).

7. This is the king in the kingdom of plants, which enjoys great popularity worldwide. There was a huge number of legends, legends and stories about it. As only with epithets and metaphors, he was not awarded, but his most famous second name is "the root of life." He actually deserved such a name, because it appeared in the tertiary period, survived significant climate change and preserved to our years, carrying useful and valuable properties in himself for a million years.

(Ginseng Siberian).

8. Portrait of a hero. On average, it weighs 1 - 2 kg, but there are 2.5 - 3.5 kg in some reservoirs. In large lakes, the cases of catching and 4.5 -9-kilo-gram copies are often frequent. It can hunt all layers of water, but most often keeps in thickets of aquatic plants on the border with deep-sea areas. In rivers it can be found near underwater shames and pit.

The bloodthirsty predator has a very wide diet, preferring all the same mining more (it is known that it can ducklings under the water). She hunts to any fish. (Pike).

9. Poetic page. What kind of sea writes Dmitry Rumata? (The word black is not read!)

Secrets of the Black Sea

Sea fairy tales and mysteries

Sea black stores!

Aroma legends so sweet,

Magic legends - magnet!

Sea Truth, Revelations,

Sea of \u200b\u200bfiction and secrets,

Sea thousand generations,

Sea hundred thousand countries!

There were Turks, Persians, Greeks,

And Tatar Orda

Made here rags

On posts and cities.

In Caucasian passes,

The river Assa to the sunset

Went checked by goods,

Tehran and Samarkand.

About Casal Song remember

There was a campaign of his

But Argo drove the waves

In the sea - Pont is still Aksinsky!

Land of fabulous colchis,

Amazons Longland coast

Here we could find everything

That the secrets hid from us!

10. Black box. Removes an assistant to music. - Name what is in the box

Yellow resin was used by Greeks as varnish; It was romantically called them by the name of the Zlatovlas of Queen Breniki.

He decorated the crown of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamon, it is one of the very first precious stones. Information about him is already found at Homer in Odyssey (by the way, he is the only one of all specifically called gems). The Roman historian Tacitus reports that it was brought from the country of Germans, "they were traded by Phoenician merchants, calling him Sahal (drops of resin). A number of tribes stone served as money. (Amber. Kaliningrad region).

11. In Taiga and Foreturdra, Siberia grows a tree. His wood is solid, heavy and very durable. To this day preserved wooden tower Yakutskogo, built in the 17th century from this tree. The chewing of this tree is soft and fall out every year. (Larch).

12. What is superfluous?

but) Brown bear, Lynx, Drop, Kaban, Squirrel, Sable, Tetra. (Bustard - dwells in the steppes, and the rest of the animals of forests).

b) lemmings, sands, elk, owl, hareboy, partridge, northern deer. (Elk - Forest animal, other tundra).

c) Mossi, lichens, cloudberries, oak, blueberries. (Oak - Forest plant, and the remaining tundra).

13. Blitz Questions:

Tree - symbol of our homeland? (Birch).

How many legs have a grasshopper? (Six).

Most deep lake in the world (and its depth)? (Baikal, 1637m.)

What animal every winter loses its "headdress"? (Elk. Once a year, in winter, he resets his horns).

Conclusion. Announcement of results.

LEADING: - Dear viewers! Places were distributed as follows:

Third place -

Second place -

First place -

Winner's reward ceremony.

The presentation of diplomas and sweet prize. Stay in place. Choosing a better player.

LEADING: - According to the jury, the best player was ...

Prize team for the most original answer version

 playing music.

LEADING: - Russia, Russia, depreciation, homeland, native land, Fatherland! Everyone has his own, but we all have a single country in which we live. This is Russia! She, as his mother, for all alone. You need to protect it and protect the forests, fields, rivers, animal and vegetable world.

Love Russia!

Thank you all for participating in our game. I declare the end of the game. To new meetings, friends!


Game with spectators.

1. What kind of forest bird is considered a long-liver?(Forest crow. Life expectancy of two hundred years or more.)

2. What kind of fish is the nest?(Som, barley.)

3. The fur of this beast was worn as the sign of the Supreme Power of King, the king, the prince. In the old days in England, it was allowed to wear only members of the royal family. Later, officials were honored. Their rank could be judged by the number of tails of this beast on clothes. This beast lives in Siberia, feeds on rodents, blueberries, lingonberries. He is cleft and strong. (Ermine).

Spare questions.

1. What kind of beast is considered the smallest?(Earthochka. Its growth is 3.5 cm.)

Dispose in advance the task of adults.

Select a team of 5 people, captain, come up with a name. Declare

Game Analysis

We analyze the event, we draw conclusions and make proposals for the improvement of this event.


http://subscribe.ru/group/pozitiv/175184/ amber

Purpose: Form interest in fairy tales
- Form the personal qualities of children: a sense of partnership, responsibility, mutual executions, the ability to work in the team.
- develop curiousness, communicative, coherent speech of children;
- learn to answer questions;
-Shipping interest K. different types activities, creativity.
Equipment: Gaming table, top, questions in envelopes, black box, bageiks, stand with numbers, tablecloth.

Stroke Game
Croupier: Hello dear guests, fans and participants of the game!
We are glad to welcome you in our elite club "What? Where? When? "!
Today, fabulous heroes play against the "experts" team.
Allow you to submit to the "Correspondee" command. I will call the name, the name of the connoisseur, and it takes place behind the playing table. ................
(Children to the music occupy places behind the game field - the final of the team is the last.)
Now listen rules of the game:
Respered experts, you see, there is a task with an arrow on the playing table, and envelopes with questions. On each envelope, the photo of who sent a question to the experts. The captain of the team turns the top. Which envelope will show the arrow of the Wolf, that envelope we open and read the question. Replies to the question that expert, near which this envelope lies. If the tip arrow points to the sector where there is no envelope with a question, take the nearest envelope with a question clockwise. Experts must answer all the questions that are in 10 envelopes. For each correct answer, the connoissems are given 1 point. Wins the team that scored more points. Results after each round will be hung on the scoreboard.
Dear experts, you have listened to the rules and, now, it's time to start the game.
1 Round
Let's head the top. The captain of the team turns the top. ( Music).
Playing you ... .. answers the question ......
Caution Question: Who came to the house to three bears, and what is the name of this fairy tale?
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. A girl (Masha) came to the house to three bear in the three bear fairy tale. Account 1: 0 in favor of experts (fabulous heroes). ( ).
2 Round

Caution black box (carrying a black music box).
I am to the Tauride Garden
Jumped over the fence
And she rushes after me
And bites like a wolf.
Caution Question: Who bicked like a wolf's fabulous hero in the "Moydodyr" fairy tale? What is in a black box?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer ( opens the box and gets a washcloth).
Score ......... ... (music - the score is hung on the scoreboard)
3 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Musical question. (Fragment of songs are included).
Attention question: Who sings this song?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
Once again, listen to the song fragment. ( Fragment of songs are included).
I repeat the question: Who sings this song?
Answer banner: ………..
Croupier: And now the correct answer. This song sings vini-fluff.
Score ………..…………..( Music - the score is hung on the scoreboard)
4 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear connoisseurs, you certainly know the fairy tale "Cinderella, or a crystal shoe." Do you know what Cinderella's carriage turned into at midnight?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: What turned Cinderella's coach at midnight?
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Cinderella's carriage at midnight turned into a pumpkin.
Score ………..…………..( Music - the score is hung on the scoreboard).
5 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
His house in winter, in the cold
She blinded ice
But the house stood perfectly in Studu,
In the spring, turned into a puddle.
Lubyana's house built a bunny.
Now, experts, remember
Who did the hare deceived?
And kicked him out of the hut?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. A fox
Score ………..…………..( Music - the score is hung on the scoreboard).
Musical pause.Fizkultminthka is performed.
6 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear connoisseurs, remember the tale "Ryaba". Answer the question: how the mouse broke the testicle?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: How the mouse broke the egg?
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The mouse fled, the tail waved, the testicle fell and crashed.
Score ………..………….. (
Round 7.
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear experts, listen "Mix of fairy tales" i.e. invented fairy tale where there are characters from different fairy tales, and you need to guess from what fairy tales these characters?
"... killed a bun on the track and sees: standing in front of him a hut. I knocked the bunchel and asks: "Tuk, Tuk, Tuk! Who lives in the terme? " "I am a mouse - Narushka, I am a frog - a cuckoo. And who are you?"
So, the question: What fairy tales are these characters?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok".
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).
Round 8.
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear experts, name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which grew in the garden of his grandfather?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which grew in the garden of his grandfather - repka.
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).
9 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear connoisseurs, in what a fairy tale a girl, looking for her brother, turns for help to the stove, apple tree, river with fermented shores.
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the gossi-swans' fairy tale, looking for her brother, drawn for help to the stove, apple tree, river with fermented shores.
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).
10 Round - Blitz
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Question number 1.. Dear connoisseurs, name the fabulous hero who spoke such words in the fairy tale:
Sad on Penoska
Pattrootes pick up
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Answer banner: ……….
Question number 2. Dear experts, name the fabulous hero, who lowered the tail in the hole and sang: "Fish, the fish is big and small."
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Wolf.
Question number 3. Dear connoisseurs, name the fabulous hero, who flew at the stage, lived in a fabulous dark wilderness, in the hut on the couch legs.
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Bear.
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).

Dear connoisseurs, all tasks are made. All questions are answered and the time has come to summarize. .......
The croupier declares the winners to the music
The croupier congratulates the winners.
Dear experts, I wish you to always be friends with fairy tales.

Abstract organized educational activities With children 6-7 years old "Intellectual game" What? Where? When?"

Makarova Natalya Grigorievna, tutor.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten Combined View No. 52", Novomoskovsk Tula region
Work description: I offer you an abstract of organized educational activities with children 6-7 years old "Intellectual game" What? Where? When?" . This material carries in itself pedagogical value for educators of preschool institutions.

purpose: To summarize, systematize, consolidate the knowledge of children in several educational areas: "cognitive development", "speech development", "artistic and aesthetic development", "socio-communicative development", "physical development".
1. To teach senior preschoolers to play educational games; comply with the rules of the game; be restricted; Skillfully answer the questions of the educator and guess the riddles.
2. Fold knowledge of children about mathematical ideas, natural and subject environment; Knowledge of Russian works.
3. Rise and intensify children's dictionary with the words: intelligent game, round, top, sector, hourglass, computer, Internet, ornament.
4. Add to pupils pleasure from intellectual Game.
1. To develop inquisitiveness, communicative qualities, speech activity and mental abilities from senior preschoolers.
2. To form psychic processes in children: memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, imagination, fine motility fingers.
3. Connect children to express the emotional response to the tasks performed (delight, joy, satisfaction, etc.).
1. To bring up interest in intellectual games, creative tasks from senior preschoolers.
2. Form personal qualities of children: a sense of partnership, responsibility, mutual executions, the ability to work in the team.
3. To bring up the love of Russian folklore in children (fairy tales, mysteries, songs); mathematical qualities: hospitality, kindness, mutual assistance, respect, sense of collectivism, etc.
Priority area: cognitive development (FAMP, natural environment, subject environment).
Integration of educational regions:
- speech development (connected speech, the enrichment of the dictionary with new words, communicability in communication);
- social and communicative development (game, labor and moral education);
- physical development (fiz. Minute, moving game-workout);
- Artistic and aesthetic development (musical warm-up-dance, questions about the visual activities, drawing, aesthetics, the design of the hall).

Prior work:
1. For senior preschoolers of cognitive information from children's encyclopedias: "Everything about everything", "Great Animal Encyclopedia", "Great Animal Atlas", " Vegetable world"," Animal Peace "," The Secret Life of Animals. "
2. Angle of riddles.
3. Coloring children of Russians folk fairy tales, View Soviet cartoons.
4. Consider illustrations with the image: fabulous heroes, animals of different belts, medicinal plants, subjects of a folk costume.
5.Bested with preschoolers about moral culture (communication, behavior, attention), assistance to adults at the lesson (labor education).
6.Reading the physical cultural minute, mobile game-workout, musical workout dance.
7.Prove didactic games With children: "find out and name", "Who lives?", Find on the atlas, "" Fourth superfluous "," confusion "," Draw the pattern ".
8.Replading with senior preschoolers of cognitive integrated and integrated classes (OOD), didactic games and conversations for different topics.
9. The formation of cognitive and encyclopedic literature to children of 5-6 years for independent study.
10. The performance of classes (ODO) with children on the pictorial activities (decorative drawing and conversation in the Russian folk costume).
Demonstration material
: Registration of the Music Hall; Tables for participants of the game, leading and jury; Gaming table-circle, divided into 12 sectors with the Blitz and Music Pause sector; a tip with an arrow; Questions in envelopes with numbers; black box with a mirror; Music pause sign - a treble key; Two sets of ties (yellow and red) team members; Identification signs on the tables with the words "experts" and "clever"; identification signs for captains - emblems; Music screensavers for the start of the game, for the moment of rotation of the wolf, for musical pauses; hourglass; the globe; Excerpts of melodies of cartoons Winnie Pooh, Pinocchio, Bremen Musicians, Lion and Turtle, Loveopold Cat, Moidodyr; 2 easel; 2 Watman with the tasks of "Guess the contour" (wild animals of the middle strip, Africa, the Far North); Illustrations of people in traditional Russian costumes with ornament; Video recording with questions for 2 teams, demonstrating through a computer, as if from the Internet; 2 envelopes with split puzzles (mother and stepmother, daisy medicinal); Chocolate medals for a surprise moment, incentive postcards with names: "Expert", "Best Answer", "Well done", "Melnik", "Erudit" and others.
Handout: 2 different sets "Merry pictures" for drawing by memory; cards for mathematics tasks in the form of a house with numbers for each player; 2 sets of kuizher chopsticks, two different sets With images of figures (ostrich, puppy) for lays out of a cueiser sticks by the number of game participants.

Game traffic:

- Good afternoon, dear guests of our kindergarten.
- Welcome to the intellectual game "What? Where? When?". Meet our experts.

(Solemnly sounds a musical screensaver to the game "What, where, when?". Children enter the hall, line up with a semicircle in front of the gaming tables, jury and spectators.)

- Guys, see how many guests came to our intellectual game "What? Where? When?".
- Let's greet our guests (children greet).
Then the presenter presents the players and guests of the jury members.
- And now, greet each other (teams of players utter motto).
1st captain: - Team "Experts".
- Our motto:
Members of the "Experts" team:
We are experts and that means
We are waiting for success and is waiting for luck!
Forward to the victory, our motto!
And who is weaker - beware!
2nd captain: - Team "Melniki".
- Our motto:
Members of the Melnikov team:
We are smart and brave,
And in the case we are skillful.
We will win this time!
Our opponent is not a decree!
Leading: - Thanks to the teams. - And now, guess the riddle:
There is a joy of girlfriend
In the form of a floor - a circle,
On her face she lives
But somewhere suddenly leaves.
That suddenly return
Sadness, longing her afraid? (Smile)

Show this girlfriend on your face. (All children are smiling.)
- And now, listen to the terms of our game.
Before us, a table with 12 sectors, and in the middle - a tip with an arrow. From each team alternately leaves one player and twists the top. All perform the task that the arrow will indicate. The task is given from 1 to 3 minutes, the time is fixed by sand clock. The results of the jury brings at the end of the game, each correctly performed task is estimated at 1 point. And we begin our game, invite the experts to take our places behind the game tables.

Leading: 1 Round!
- Attention! Question!
Graphic workout "Merry pictures» ( game of visual perception, memory, fine motor
Players of commands show cards (with 9 images of objects) for 30 seconds. And it is proposed to reproduce them from memory on sheets of paper rates at 9 parts. ( Players 2 teams behind the tables perform the task.)
Leading: 2 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of the Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! The task!
"Guess the melody" (hearing perception game, memory) - It is held sitting behind the game tables.
Melodies sound: Winnie Pooh, Pinocchio, Bremen Musicians, Lionok and Turtle, Cat-Lesopold, Mojdodyr, Flying Ship, Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. Connoisseurs alternately guess from what fairy tale or cartoon melody.
Leading: 3 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Game "confusion" (exercise for attention, perception, memory) - It is held at easels.
On two easels there are posters with a contour image of animals on the principle - overlaying on each other, as it were, the confusion of lines and images is obtained. It is necessary to see the animal, call, allocate too much from this group (for example: all wild animals of the middle strip, and one - the animal of the extreme north or all animals of the southern countries, and one - the middle strip, etc.). Children find and call 8 animals from confusion, and learn which of them is superfluous.
(Players 2 teams are suitable for their easels and perform the task.)
The right answers of children:
1. Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Hare, Elk, Hedgehog, Bear ... Extra Manyshka.
2. Giraffe, Elephant, Lion, Marty, Zebra, Rhino, ... Extra: Polar Bear, Kangaroo.

Leading: 4 round.
(Sounds Music "Rotation of the Wolf", the player rotates the top.)

- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Didactic mathematical game "Sold down residents in houses" (examples for addition and subtraction) - It is held sitting behind the game tables.
Each player is given a card-house with a task. Under the roof of the house - the answer. In the house itself - mathematical examples. It is necessary to add missing numbers in the examples to prevent the amount specified in the card.
Leading: 5 round.
(Music "Veschka rotation" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? ( the player answers: envelope mystery)
Leading: - Guess the fabulous hero on the riddle:
Heals young children.
Treats birds and animals.
Through his glasses looks over
Good doctor ...
Children: Aibolit.
Leading: - True, Dr. Aibolit!
(Lead Puts Music Pause Sign.)
Surprise moment - Dr. Aibolit comes. Conducts with children a healing gymnastics. Physical traffic "Charging".
Leading: 6 round.
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Collect pictures of chopsticks of Cuizer(exercise for attention, perception, development small Motoriki fingers, fixing colors and sizes) - It is held sitting behind the game tables.
(Players 2 teams behind the tables perform the task - lay out of chopsticks of a different color figure of a dog or ostrich).
Leading: - The jury is invited to assess the correctness of the tasks.
(The jury announces the results of the first part of the game.)
Leading: 7 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- Attention! Black box! (.)
(Black box make.)
- Guess what is in a black box? (Children speak alleged answers.)
Leading: - Children, the tip will be a mystery. Guess it.
- Princess, Babu Yagu and Kolobka invited to the Royal Ball.
They went to the hall and saw "it."
Baba Yaga looked and said: - What a sorry!
The princess looked and smiled: - Ah! What a beautiful girl!
And, the bun, looking at "this", said: - I really want the same round. (Mirror)
Leading: 8 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! Musical pause!
Mini - warm-up. (Pantomime - Children under music perform tasks.)
1. You are in your hands an apple, big-pre-established. You are widely opening your mouth and bite an apple. Fu! It is bitter. You take the second apple, bite off. Oh! It is sour. You take the third apple, bite off - sweet. "
2. You will be a vase with flowers. You breathe colors aroma. Oh, what a charm!
3. "Picture sounding items" (all "objects" sounding, which means that the pantomime is needed and "sound"); Motorcycle, plane, clock with cuckoo,
4. Image of the situation from life:
- Parikmaber, who makes a haircut, hairstyle, shaves the beard, braids turns, calculate the hair. -Whovar who bakes pies, cooks soup, cleans potatoes.
5. "Show" gait "(chicken, turkey, goose, penguin.)
- whose pedestrian has shoes.
- Man whose tooth hurts.
-Porks like frogs, kangaroo, monkey, birds.
Makarons are boiled.
-Makarons welded.
Leading: 9 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Blitz - tournament "Merry challenges» ( a verbal educational game of development in preschoolers of auditory attention and logical thinking, fast response) - It is held sitting behind the game tables.
(The host reads the tasks, the commands are responsible alternately..)
1 question. - How many horns in two cows? (four)
2 question. - If the chicken is standing on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will the chicken weigh if it is standing on 2 legs? (as many)
3 question. - On the table lay 3 pears. One of them was cut in half. How many pears on the table? (three)
4 question. - Bride chicken? (Cock)
5Vopros. - Which figure there is no beginning, no end? (a circle)
6 question. - Kindergarten? (Yabeda)
7Vopros. - On one shore ducklings, and on the other - chickens. In the middle of the island. Who will get to the island faster? (ducklings, chickens do not know how to swim)
8 question. - Pale, very poisonous on the way at the mushroom? (toadstool)
9 question. - In the pot at Winnie Poha? (honey)
10 Question. - Boosch for the first, cutlets ....... (On the second).
11 Question. - Running from the ice cream? (hail)
12 Question. - Eugene needles? (needles)
13 Question. - The walls are the purses, each was on the frog. If there were 7 risks, how many frogs would be? (seven).
14 Question. - How many fingers have a glove? (no one).
15 Question. - How much in an empty glass of earthquakes? (none).
16 Question. - Where does chicken go, turning the road? (on the other side of the road).
17 Question. - On the table 3 glasses with juice. Masha drank one glass and put on the table. How many glasses on the table? (three)
18 Question. - Little, sulfur, on an elephant look like? (baby elephant)
19 question. - demolished dodder egg? Which of it will hatch? Chicken or rooster? (duckling)
20 question. - You blinded two snow women and one of them dressed in a fur coat and cap. Which one will melt in the spring faster? (The one that has not surcharged is faster).
21 question. - Who eats acorns? (pig)
22 Question. - Who eats bananas? (a monkey)
23 question. - Who gnaws nuts? (squirrel)
24 question. - Who eats mice? (cat)

Leading: 10 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! Competition of captains.
Task "Magic Envelopes" (it is carried out standing behind the game tables.)
In envelopes lies the object of wildlife to guess what - you need to answer the question: have long been noticed that sick animals leave to find some kind of grass, which they recovered. So and man began to look for help from different plants. What are these plants called? (Player Answers: Medicinal, Healing)
Envelopes are given to the captains of the teams.
- And, so, the task "find out the healing grass."
- You need to collect puzzles pictures, learn the grass, call it and briefly talk about the use of grass.
Right answers:
1. Alpans - collected in the summer, it is useful to drink decoction of this grass with a cold and strong cough;
2.Masha (Dosage) or Pharmacy - Flowers are collected in summer, the decoction of the throat with an angina, is used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent in the throat, stomach diseases.
Leading: 11 Round.
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- On what kind of envelope number stopped the top? (the player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Question from the Internet. (The task is held sitting behind the game tables..)
(Cognots are asked questions through the computer head and methodology of kindergarten.)
Question 1: - Why do not white bears eat penguins?
The correct answer: Bears can not hunt penguins, because these animals live far from each other. Bears - on the North Pole in the Arctic, and penguins - on the South Pole in Antarctica.
Leading: - I ask the experts to prove your answer with the globe.
(Children show on Globe: North Pole and Arctic; South Pole and Antarctica.)
Question 2: - Why did the ornaments in the Russian suit were located along the edge of the hem, sleeves, gates?
(The presenter puts on the tables of players pictures with the image of Russian costumes - Tip)
Correct answer: Embroidered ornament is not easy for beauty. The pattern in the ornament goes in a circle. In the old days, people believed that the circle is the symbol of the sun. And the sun gives heat, light, harvest, protects from cold, darkness, diseases, troubles. Therefore, the ornament embroidered in a circle was a guard - protected people from evil, the evil.

Leading: 12 Round!
(Sounds Music "Rotation of a Wolf", the player rotates the top.)
- Attention! Musical pause. ( Musical pause sign.)
Under the song "Shalunshki" of the children's ensemble "Fidget" is held a musical warm-up-dance.
Leading: - The word jury.
(The jury announces the results of the second part of the game. The result is summarized.)

At the end of the intellectual game, the presenter thanks players for participating, viewers and fans for viewing.

Under solemn music, children are awarded chocolate medals and memorable prizes.

Sections: Work with preschoolers

Software content;

1) Deliver Children joy and pleasure from educational games.
2) Support Interest in intellectual activity.
3) Show perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance.
4) Develop Attention, memory, ability to analyze, summarize, draw conclusions.
5) Educate Self-control, ability to prove, smelting and connected speech.

Materials for the lesson:

1) Game field (circle divided into 8 color sectors with white arrows).
2) Large top of an arrow and a small top.
3) Small circles (with the image of fabulous heroes - 8 pieces).
4) Black "Box" (casket).
5) Envelopes - 8 pieces.
6) Cards, with printed issues and answers (7 pcs. + 1 C - Music Pause).
7) Globe, map with materials, lamp.
8) Pictures with animals on magnets (polar bear, penguin, giraffe, kangaroo, zebra, lion).
9) Picture with an image of a gyroscope device. Wheat seeds and wheat spars.
10) illustration of people in traditional Russian costumes with ornament.
11) Tape recorder and cassette with a record of the music work "We dance and sing" (passage).
12) Prizes to the participants of the game:
- Cognitive books for children;
- Cube-Rubik (or any puzzle game)

Preparatory work:

1) reading encyclopedia and viewing illustrations.
2) holding cognitive classes, didactic games and conversations with children.
3) Family visits to artistic and local history museums, exhibitions in the center of folk crafts.
4) Selection of cognitive and encyclopedic literature for children in libraries.
5) Research with children (experiments).
6) amusement with children (decorative drawing and conversations in the Russian folk costume).


On the table game field (circle with 8 color sectors)
On each sector - an envelope with a card question and answer.
A circle with a fabulous hero illustration.
Two sectors are occupied by a black box and a violin key (denoting the musical pause).
In the center gaming field - Tip with an arrow.
Lead - tutor.

  • We are glad to welcome you, expensive participants of the game, viewers and guests! Our game is called "What? Where? When?". Children will show their knowledge and skills in various fields of science, technology and art. The "Experts" team will fight with the team "Fabulous heroes", which have already prepared their cunning questions, difficult tasks and hid them into envelopes on our game field.
  • Ready to play? I ask the team "Cognition" to take its places.

I remind the rules of the game.

  • The first child turns the top, the arrow stops, I get a card with questions from the envelope. We start our game. Music sounds. The lead is spinning the top.

1st question: Why is there day and night?
"Everyone knows that the day is light, and at night dark. The day happens on the part of the globe, which is turned to the sun and illuminates its rays.
You can prove that experience:
(Light lamp, globe - the rotation of the "land" around its axis).
Another half of the globe at this time is turned from the Sun and is in the shade. There night. Earth All the time rotates like a top, just not so fast. Therefore, day and night replace each other. "
Lead (tutor):
- This is the right answer. And the experience proves it.
We continue our game.
- I ask the next player to spin the top.
- Attention, connoisseurs!
The question from the fabulous hero of Emeteli.

2nd question: "Why does the white bears do not eat penguins?"
Answer: "Bears can not hunt penguins, as these animals live far from each other. Bears live in the Arctic, and penguins in Antarctica. The main enemies at Penguins are whale, killer and sea leopard (seal).
- I ask the experts to prove your answer from the card.
(The child shows the North Pole and the Arctic on the map, places a white bear magnet figure, then shows the South Pole and Antarctica and attaches a penguin magnet figure).
- This is the correct answer.
(The top spins and the tutor's arrow asks the assistant to make Black box).
- Attention team of experts!

3. Task from an incision: What is in a black box? We listen carefully: in it there is something that can sleep for a long time, sleep until heat, light, water will appear.
Guess what is in the black box?
- Commands team gives three minutes to think.
Answer: "In the black box, we think there are plants seeds, one seed. In winter, the whole earth is covered with snow, cold. And the seeds can sleep long, covered with a snow blanket. But spring will come, the sun will prige, the streams will run away and the seeds will wake up and revive. Seeds of plants will start germinate, because they will have warm and light, and water. "
- A wonderful answer was given experts. Open the black box. Indeed this seed.
- Can the experts give an answer, the seeds of which plant lie in the black box?
(Seeds of wheat).

4 Host:
- Let's turn the top again. The arrow indicates a card that Cipollino prepared us.
- What does the icon mean on the card?
Treble clef!
Chipollino offers teamwork of connoisseurs musical pause.
Music and children perform rhythmic movements.
(Leading thanks the team and proposes to take their places to play).
The top is spinning.
- Attention to players!
The arrow indicates the red sector. Cat in boots prepared for you riddle.

5. Riddle:
"What does not have your own form.
But sicks, it may be
Rises up.
This can be burning, but
Without it, it is impossible to live! "
- Commands team gives 3 min. on thinking.
- Please give the correct answer.
"This is water. Water does not have its own form. It takes the shape of a vessel where it is poured. When it is cold, water freezes, turns into ice. Ice fragment can be coated and even cut down. In winter, snow drops - this is such a frozen water. Snow is well loud. In the summer, when hot water evaporates, rises up and falls rain down. Water can be boiled on a plate for tea, soup. But you need to be careful, boiling water can burn! Water is needed to all: both people and animals, and plants. Without water it is impossible to live!
- Well done experts! You correctly solved the riddle of the cat in boots.
- Please turn the top and the arrow indicates the green sector.
We are met by a fabulous hero - a girl red hat. She prepared for you pictures on which people are depicted in ancient Russian costumes decorated with an ornament.
A red hat sets his question of a team of experts.

6. Review: Why were the ornaments in a Russian suit located along the edge of the hem, sleeves, a gate?
Answer: Embroidered ornament on the collar, the sleeves, the edge of the hem of clothing is not just for beauty. The pattern in the ornament goes in a circle. In the old days, people believed that the circle is a symbol of the sun. And the sun gives heat, light, harvest. Protects from cold, darkness, diseases, troubles. therefore the ornament in a circle was a char - defeated people from evil. That is why the ornament embroidered the gate, sleeves, hem of apparel, belt, hats.
- Difficult question was, but you coped with him and gave the correct answer.
- We continue our game. (The top is spinning. The arrow indicates the yellow sector).
- Attention, experts! Envelope from Pino, and in it the question players.

7. Question; Find the unnecessary word: Giraffe, Kangaroo, Zebra, Lion.
a) it is a kangaroo, because Lives in Australia, and the rest - in Africa;
b) or this lion, because He is a predator, and the rest are herbivores.
(The child shows on the map Australia and Africa - at the request of the lead).
- We had the last sector with the envelope. Guards his fabulous hero - a resistant tin soldier.

8. Task: (Little top without support).
Request to players twist the top again.
Pay attention to the main property of the wolf: while it is spinning, it retains the position in which it was when the top was unwrked.
- ATTENTION Question to experts.
Where do people use the main property of the Wolf?
Answer: "The task property uses people in devices that manage ships, airplanes, even rockets. With the help of a wolf, a gyroscope was invented. It helps the rocket to fly exactly at the specified course, without him you will not bring satellite into space. Gyro helps fight swing by sea courts. The storm holds the ship in equilibrium. Then the passengers are not afraid of sea disease. And the car's car is easier to work, and it means it longer serves. The gyroscope manages the autopilot in the plane. The aircraft will turn to the side of the course, and the top does not want to turn and gives a signal - turns on the motor motor. Earned the engine, turned the steering wheel of the aircraft - and he returned to the right course. That's what it is not a simple toy - the top! ".
Leading: This is the right answer.
- Well done, experts, you managed to answer all the questions, coped with all the tasks. And won in this game.
The team of fabulous heroes awards you by prizes.
Leading; "We all made friends today for our small game. And here the game ends, and friendship continues. "


  1. Encyclopedia "What is? Who it?" (Publisher "Pedagogy", Moscow, 1975)
  2. "Astronomy in pictures" (B. Levin).
  3. Playing as a means of developing cultural and moral values \u200b\u200bof children 6-7 years old "(R.A. Zhukova, Volgograd, 2006)
  4. "Preschooler - about the history and culture of Russia" (G.N. Danilina, Moscow, 2005).
  5. "Suit of Kievan Rus" (Balashov M.E., St. Petersburg, 2002)
  6. Magazine " Pre-school education"(No. 5 for 2006).
  7. "In the Union with Nature" L.I. Grekova (educational and methodological manual, Moscow-Stavropol, 2002).
  8. "Transport: ground, water, air." (Skilizupova O.A., Moscow, 2006)
  9. "Mathematics B. children's garden"(V.P. Novikova, Moscow, 2002).
  10. "Preschoolors about the technique (I.I. Kobitif, Moscow, 1991)