Heroes evolved secrets. Heroes Evolved Android Promo Codes and Strategy Game. Heroes Evolved cheats for Android and iOS

At the end of July, R2 Games celebrated five million downloads of their latest hit. I think this is a good reason to join the community of players and get to know Heroes Evolved. What is it, do you need MOBA games on smartphones and is it worth spending your time on this project at all - we figure it out together.

When Gosha Kopiev (our native editor) asked me to write a partner article about Heroes Evolved, I rolled my eyes. Mobile game? Nigga, please. And a MOBA too? I hate this genre with all my heart. Therefore, I was sure that I would have to play with strength.

I understand perfectly well that the same ones changed the world of video games and brought a lot of money into the industry. I am aware that these are great games. But I hate them. I hate to write about them and read the news about these games, hear my friends talk about latest update client. "Kura", "aegis", "stick" - even the local terminology turns me inside out. This is all very subjective, of course, but any genre should be presented at different depths: hardcore, casual, and for me personally, something in between. This is exactly the middle.

Celebration video released to celebrate the game's five million downloads.

The gameplay of Heroes Evolved is not a revolution or a divine revelation - everything is exactly the same as in the big MOBAs. Classic card, towers and creeps. The essence of each session remains traditional - to smash enemy towers, eventually destroying the main building at the respawn point of the opposing team.

Urine creeps, protect your towers, go to mid - classic, no surprises. I tried to learn Dota 2 while working as an editor for the esports section at Sports.ru, but it didn't take me long - I was just sick of the game. But lying on the couch with a smartphone in hand, all the gameplay mechanics seemed to me quite fun and pleasant.

There are 45 heroes in Heroes Evolved - 14 of them are available from the very beginning, the rest can only be unlocked for money.

It is clear that free-to-play, all the cases, but only 14 characters ... The developers were clearly greedy. However, as a result, for me personally, this turned out to be a plus - I did not have to spend hours studying the characteristics of one and a half hundred abilities, figuring out who is best to play against whom.

Introducing heroes and gameplay.

The servers of the game are divided by region, so you don't have to play with Koreans (this is not racism, it's just that if you've played multiplayer games with Asians once, then you obviously won't want to experience such humiliation anymore). There are plenty of players, you register for a match instantly, you don't need to wait for anyone.

In general, it seemed to me that Heroes Evolved is a kind of light MOBA, where all the complicating ballast in the form of endless hero settings is dropped from the game. The threshold for entering the same Dota 2 is quite high - the first time you will not understand anything there, you need to google guides and ask experienced comrades for advice. In Heroes Evolved, my team won in the very first match, and I took the first line of the rating! Cybersport, bitch! However, later I didn't have such dizzying successes. Take a look at my stats in the screenshots below (I have a weird nickname from numbers).

Heroes Evolves doesn't have a permanent annoying voice chat. Big MOBAs like League of Legends have already proven that communication between teammates can be based on text chat and specialized signals (although Riot Games recently gave up and added voice chat to LoL). But I am glad that he is not here - my mother remained unharmed, no one examined my playing skills, and no one called me the sea sign of the zodiac. However, if you do not hear psychopaths, this does not mean that they are not in the game ... I finished another map, went to the main menu and found messages in a PM:

There is an ill-fated donate in the game, but I still don't understand why it might be needed - at least at the initial stages of the game. In the second match I became MVP - I got the status best player(in your face!). But I didn't buy anything and the developers didn't give me any free bonuses... And the game itself rewards you with tons of goodies for daily matches, so there is absolutely no need to part with money.

If there is a desire to unlock all the heroes at once, then it probably makes sense to throw the dough.

Of the obvious drawbacks that caught my eye: very often the animation lags seriously. In every second battle, my hero did not move smoothly across the map, but twitched hysterically in convulsions while walking. This is seriously annoying considering the overall art design is pretty pretty.

The game is also available on PC, but it looks like perfect entertainment on mobile devices... I haven't played on PC for a year (since the moment I bought the console), and then there's MOBA ... I can't imagine myself hunched over in my office chair in front of the keyboard while playing. And on a smartphone - yes, for a sweet soul, give me two. Sessions in Heroes Evolved last an average of 10-15 minutes, which is ideal for a break from work, on the road, or for one trip to the bathroom. No, I'm serious, nothing funny!

Hello dear fans of multiplayer battles! In this article, I wanted to talk about one MOBA game called Heroes evolved, or rather about its two variations: the original PC version and its mobile adaptation. But first, a little history.

Open beta testing of the American version of Heroes Evolved began last year. And in early January, this game reached Europe with the release on Steam. Have you heard of her? Not surprising! The game never gained popularity. The servers are still empty and those few fans are forced to play with bots. This MOBA also cannot boast of positive reviews on Steam. Mostly people complain about donation, boring gameplay, lack of players, as well as copying Dota 2 and League of Legends. And one cannot but agree with this.

Personally, I am most bewildered by the current VIP system. "VIP in the mob? Are you serious?" - I thought when I first entered the game. And it looks really absurd. Well, remember those browsers or mobile crafts in which the VIP level grew depending on the amount you spent real money... It's about the same here. As the VIP level rises, you get a lot of additional opportunities, such as unique heroes, reduced cooldown of special abilities (for example, instant resurrection, defense of towers) and others. And if you don’t donate, then your VIP-level will drop sharply. Well, what did you want? If you pay, do it regularly!

I was never intimidated by copying other people's ideas. If the game itself is good, then I can forgive it for some of the borrowings from other games. So, in Heroes Evolved there are plenty of such "interconnections". From LoL "and the developers took the abilities of many heroes, and from Dota 2 - strength, agility and intelligence, which work on the same principle. recent times meme. I have LoL. I have Dota 2.ugh. Heroes Evolved! Sorry ... But again, it could be forgiven if the gameplay itself was fun. And here it seemed to me boring and drawn-out. I would like more dynamics.

And then suddenly it comes out mobile version Heroes Evolved. I have already played on American server and now I started all over again in European, despite the fact that there I was not badly pumped. Looking ahead, I will say that I really liked the mobile version. It is much better than a computer one. And in all respects.

Most importantly, the gameplay has accelerated significantly! The match usually takes 15-20 minutes and you just don't have time to get bored. It really became fun to play! Many aspects have been changed, just for fast gameplay. But everything that was in the PC version remained. For example, the map is smaller, but has the same structure, with the same forest monsters and bosses. There are wards. There are active items. And most importantly, there is a fog of war. Yes, the above is common for computer games, but this is very rare for phones.

There are a little more than 30 heroes so far (versus 75 in the PC version). But the developers plan to regularly migrate everyone else. The abilities of some heroes, although copied from LoL, are interesting to play for them. The characters themselves are drawn very nicely. By the way, everything is in order with the balance. There are heroes who are a little weaker than others, there are those who are a little stronger. But obvious I did not see imb.

The VIP system is also available in the mobile version. But, fortunately, it does not provide any advantages here. One hero and a small weekly reward. That's all!

As the title of this article says, the student has surpassed the teacher! It would seem like a common mobile adaptation of a mediocre game. But having moved to phones, it has become exactly the game that you want to play! So if you are looking for good mob on phones, then here is a great option for you!

One of the addicting strategy toys is Heroes Evolved. First of all, you need to choose the hero you will play. There are 30 types of them in the game. Then, having united in teams of five people, you can go into battles. You need to help your allies as much as possible, because now it depends on you whether everyone will return home alive. If you adore role-playing games, then you just need to go into the game.

In order for your hero to become more and more powerful, you just need to pump his characteristics. Then you will have a chance to make your way to the front ranks of the leaders. Game process very interesting, and if you have played Dota 2, then you will understand it. It will not be difficult to move around the map and at the same time make attacks. In order for your opponent not to get a single chance to win, just pick up the right skills for more powerful blows. The graphics in the game are at a high level, and the special effects will entice you into the game for a long time. For all purchases you will need great amount resources. And with Heroes Evolved cheats for coins, crystals and gems, you don't need to worry about a shortage of them.

  • More than 50 heroes are waiting for you, which can be improved.
  • Many game modes, from which you can choose the one that suits you best.
  • A lot of stress.
  • Friends can not only be invited to the game, but also create clans with them for common battles.
  • The ability to precisely control all the skills and abilities of your hero.
  • Simple controls, colorful graphics.

Hack Pacific Rim for Android and IOS will give you a lot of pleasant impressions not only about the game, but also about our codes. After all, now you can get coins, crystals and jewelry completely free. No need to constantly download mods or buy additional settings. Everything is simple and safe. So any of your devices will always be protected. Do not forget that personal information will also remain personal, you do not need to enter it into the game anymore. For those players who are not yet aware of how to use cheats, there are detailed instructions.

Heroes Evolved cheats for Android and iOS:

Use cheat to get 600,000 coins - HEvxfe23

Get 6,000 crystals in the game using the codes - HEbsde32

Cheats for 6,000 jewels in the game, free - HE7y6tr5

How to use cheats Heroes Evolved:

The instruction is hidden for your IP >>> please follow.

Of all the existing heroes in the game Heroes evolved only 5 of them are considered to be the best. Which is not so much, given the number of characters available. Five characters stand out in Heroes Evolved: MINERVA, GROM, E-STEIN, ARBORUS, and NOSFERATU.

Top 5 Heroes in Heroes Evolved


WITH complete assembly Chosen correctly, Minerva in Heroes Evolved becomes a very powerful hero, capable of destroying everything in her path. Like all characters in the game, Minerva has 4 abilities, one passive and three active.


Familiar to many players. The peculiarity of puja is the ability to pull the enemy out of the crowd and destroy him. Thanks to the main ability of the hero, you can drag any enemy under the tower and finish him off with the help of memorized combinations. The main thing is to learn how to throw the hook correctly and generally play for the character: use the stinker and the ultimate.

E-STEIN | Einstein

Einstein is a hero of the "Magician" and "Pusher" type. He did not appear in the game right away and he has a unique feature - this is his ultimate "Black Hole". Now he poses a great threat to opponents and can place a huge number of creeps.


A ranged character with powerful abilities. He has four abilities and they are all magical. Arbor can throw a sapling that will chase the enemy and eventually explode, dealing additional damage. It can also deal damage with thrown roots and whirlwind. Great for playing in a well-coordinated team.


Since Heroes Evolved was released in mobile platform, we are waiting for prmo codes from developers. They allow you to unlock characters and are found in all MOBA games... Using codes, each player can receive free gifts in the game. In this promotion you can get the following free characters: Titanus, Tiamat, Cleopatra, Jeanne and Peaches. This is a great beginner's kit, very useful in matches and easy to learn. In order to get the heroes, make sure you are logged into r2games and are a registered user.

Heroes Evolved tips and secrets on Android & iOS:

Cleopatra is very interesting character due to the power of damage, the ability to paralyze the crowd, regeneration and sorcery. As a midlane hero, this hero will help teammates with his skills. With experience, you will learn to identify the moment when you need to let go and focus on CS. This is done in the middle of the battle. Her droni has an Aoe kit good for spamming, but it's hard for her to find food to creep.

Sandclaw is your bread and butter and can do 250 magic damage (+ 60% spell power).

Sand Blasting is your primary crowd control skill. The blast of sand can paralyze all enemies for 1.5 seconds in a radius of 600. Good for intercepting attacks and also for combos. This skill consumes a lot of mana. Also you have to keep this skill for everyone - in combos or ripping deadly spells from the enemy. 10 seconds recharge.

Curse of the sand is your support in laning, capable of handling 300 magic damage (+ 80% spell power), and create 50% damage from any of her abilities, which will be converted to HP. This skill takes 5 seconds to transfer to full strength. 5 second cooldown.

Sand path - Deals 480 damage (+ 100% spell power). In addition to damage, this ability can reduce the cooldown of Sandclaw by 5 seconds. This skill is good for starting to fight for everything in your abilities. 20 seconds recharge.

As for humble beginnings, you can start with the prophet's mark, three potions, 1 mana pill, and the Observer Ward. You can build life boots and temporary crowns. As basic items, you can buy Life Boots, Temporary Crown, Ice Guard, Jade Heart, Thirsty Wand, and Demon Crown. It provides everything you need to maintain, attack, survive, and teamfight.

Strategy and leadership:

Cleopatra gains Spike power when she reaches 6th level, so you need to reach it as quickly as possible. Instead of going to another line, aim for the creep result. This will give you enough experience points to level up Heroes Evolved. If you have your Ultimate, you can chase your opponent.

Cleopatra lacks mobility, so you should analyze the situation before using a combo. When you hook another lane, make sure your allies know you are coming. At the time of the attack, you need to be close to your opponent, but do not forget that it will take you 5 seconds to recover the skill.

In team battles, you don't have to go to the beginning of the fight. This is the main mistake most players make. Relying on their strength, they want to hit the target first. Use the tricks of Heroes Evolved to win the game.