The best artillery in the world of tanks. Selecting the artillery branch in World of Tanks. American artillery branch

Hello dear tanker, today we will consider the best Self-Propelled Artillery Installations

As everyone knows, artillery is a rather dangerous class in the game and, in skillful hands, can inflict huge losses on the enemy's team. The list was compiled by comparing the main characteristics for SPGs, necessary for competent support of allies and causing considerable damage to the enemy team - this is the SPG's ability to survive (camouflage, dynamics) and to support the team with fire (damage, splash, firing accuracy and rate of fire). So, let's get down to the review ...

Level II - T57. Good armor and good rate of fire allow you to easily destroy small and nimble LTs. And coupled with the small dimensions of the ACS, it has excellent camouflage performance.

Among the pluses:
● large ammunition load for 40 rounds;
● high speed, you can take cover and roll after each shot, as well as excellent maneuverability (not so easy to spin);
● the heaviest tank of the second tier, which, combined with good dynamics, allows you to successfully ram the enemy;
good overview 320 meters;
● excellent frontal booking, excellent accuracy.

Among the cons:
● small alpha damage;
● open wheelhouse, crew members are easily incapacitated, although, taking into account our LVL, they would rather have time to destroy us than to cripple the crew.

M7 Priest. III level we have the M7, which has a significantly increased DPM and projectile flight range compared to the previous ACS. He is also good, unusual for artillery, booking. Noteworthy is the fact that most players shoot at NLD, and the NLD of this vehicle has armor, taking into account the slope in the region of 120-130 mm.

Among the pluses:
● good dynamics, allowing you to quickly change positions;
● a lethal weapon with good accuracy and rate of fire;
● surprisingly good NLD armor;
● good angles horizontal guidance(from -12 to +26);
● ammunition consisting of 69 shells, which we will not be able to spend until the end of the battle, even if we start firing left and right until the end of the battle;

Among the cons:
● thanks to the open wheelhouse, we are very vulnerable to high-explosive shells;
● not the best penetration by land mines, but at 3-5 level there are not so many "thick" tanks, therefore, there are no special problems.

Sturmpanzer II... German Tier IV SPG famous for its comfort of play and excellent visibility. It is also important to note the low profile of the vehicle, which increases its camouflage and makes it more difficult for enemies to hit it, but it also has disadvantages, including a small number of shells in the ammunition load, which is compensated by the good accuracy of the gun, thanks to which literally every shell, with proper information will reach its goal.

Among the pluses:
● excellent weapon with excellent accuracy, rate of fire and high power;
● the best penetration among SPGs at the level, which makes it easier for us to destroy enemy heavy forces;
● good masking performance due to low profile;
● good dynamics;

Among the cons:
● small UGN;
● low range of the gun (the projectile flies about 500 meters).

Tier V - Grille. Second in power, but not in versatility level 5 car... Differs in excellent damage, good dynamics and demand in medium companies. Can destroy without problems enemy tank up to level 6, however, the main disadvantage for us is the small aiming angles, which do not contribute to the fight against light tanks.

Among the pluses:
● a gun that sends any tank up to level 4-5 into the hangar with one hit and inflicts huge damage on level 6 tanks, if you manage to hit a direct fire with a cumulative projectile, that shot, as it should be, is often critical for a level 6 tank;
● the trajectory of the projectile is hinged, therefore, most of the hits will be on the roof of the tank, where it has the thinnest armor;
● excellent radio station (an important module for artillery);

Among the cons:
● poor aiming angles do not allow you to effectively hit nimble enemies at close range;
● sufficiently long recharge time.

FV304... Imba Tier VI, a sand beater and just a good self-propelled gun. If she is not able to inflict enough damage to an enemy tank, she will perform a psychological attack on "Hurray!" By criticizing modules every 10 seconds and dealing 60-100 damage to monsters such as the 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, you will certainly destroy it. Morally.

Among the pluses:
● speed, it's just worth noting that it is faster than most LT in the game;
● a rapid-fire cannon with a good hinged trajectory of the projectile, even behind cover the enemy cannot escape from the hail of shells flying at him;
● small dimensions give an excellent plus to camouflage;
● large ammunition load;
● excellent horizontal guidance angles.

Among the cons:
● low range of the projectile.

G.W. Panther - Tier VII. Having a Panther base, this car has excellent dynamics, anti-aircraft gun with huge aiming angles and good rate of fire. When playing on this ACS, it should be remembered that our shells fly far from a hinged trajectory, therefore we will not be able to freely throw the shells over the shelters. However, a flat flight of the projectile will give it a faster arrival before the enemy tank.

Among the pluses:
● excellent dynamics, which allows us to quickly escape at our level when there are signs of danger or to ambush an enemy CT that is encroaching on our base;
● good rate of fire of the gun, which is very useful against fast Frenchmen;
● the presence of a tower, thanks to which we can aim at the enemy's tank without fierce scatter;
● with proper skill, it can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy team.

Among the cons
● low damage and dispersion of fragments, which will not allow hitting heavy tanks like "Tapka" without any problems.

Tier VIII - M40 / M43. A very vigorous SPG with a rather powerful gun, good dynamics thanks to the Sherman base and small dimensions. The machine is also unique for its huge UGN. In close combat, he does not feel so bad in comparison with his classmates.

Among the pluses:
● a good concealment factor is available to us due to the relatively small dimensions and the absence of a muzzle brake;
● good dynamics inherited from the base of the M4 tank;
● a powerful weapon capable of sending almost any level 7 tank and most of the French cardboard tanks up to level 9 into the hangar with one shot;
● aiming angles of 18 degrees in each direction will provide us with "pursuit" of the target without jerking, as well as provide a comfortable game.

Among the cons:
● open wheelhouse will not save against an enemy land mine;
● a slightly slower rate of fire and more spread when moving with the body than that of classmates.

M53 / M55... American Tier IX SPGs, which has excellent aiming angles due to the presence of the turret, a fairly accurate weapon and good dynamics.

Among the pluses:
● excellent dynamics will allow you to quickly leave the position upon the arrival of an enemy CT or LT, or prevent us from being whirled around if we were caught by surprise;
● tower, thanks to it we have 29gr. horizontal guidance angles;
● a good weapon with fairly good parameters of damage, accuracy and rate of fire.

Among the cons:
● poor visibility at 350 meters;
● shed dimensions, due to which we have almost no camouflage.

G.W. E 100 - X level. It has an excellent weapon, screens, good booking, for which, however, it pays with poor dynamics. Although, thanks to the poor agility, we have a weak dispersion in motion, which is an additional coin in the piggy bank of this car.

Among the pluses:
● thick screens and good armor can save even from a closely exploded shell of an enemy self-propelled gun;
● a balanced gun with a hinged projectile flight path will allow us to throw our projectile behind cover;
● smooth chassis, when turning it, our sight gets lost slightly;
● huge ammunition;
● the largest number of HP among all artillery.

Among the cons:
● huge dimensions, due to which it is very easy to "light up" us;
● poor mobility (which has its own advantages described above).

This concludes our review and, as a result, I would like to note that all of the above is the opinion of the author, Yours and the opinions of other players may differ significantly from this review. Thank you all for your attention and successful battles!

I'll make a reservation right away - there are no most best tanks, branches of pumping, positions on the map, safe tactics. But I know how to help you. Having extensive experience playing World of Tanks, I guess that a newbie who is not very long in the game and is trying to choose which technique to start with can ask a similar question. Therefore, I would recommend a branch that is comfortable to play on, there is no strong bias of some parameters to the detriment of others, there are no cars that you want to pass faster and forget about them (the so-called "cacti"). And since you decided to upgrade a tank destroyer, you need these tanks to perform purely the role of tank destroyers in battle - mainly an ambush tank with a gun of high armor penetration and high one-time damage (the so-called "alpha strike").

1) French branch Tank destroyers are not for beginners.

In general, the first 4 tanks of the branch can cope with the role of tank destroyers quite tolerably; weak mobility can be distinguished from the shortcomings. But the cars of the 6th and 7th level are checkpoints. The ARL V39 has an imprecise weapon, the AMX AC 46 has more disadvantages than advantages.

Tier 8-10 vehicles have good mobility and an accurate weapon. Nevertheless, playing them is very important to feel the battle - French tank destroyers have extremely weak side armor, so if you allow the enemy to go to the flank, you will quickly "run out". Also, all tanks of this branch, except for the Foch 155, have low one-time damage as for a tank destroyer, and the latter, in addition, also has an automatic loader ("drum"), which will complicate the life of a beginner.

2) The turret branch of the USA tank destroyer - is this really a tank destroyer?
The peculiarity of these tanks is that they all do not look like PTs, they have a turret, good armor. Often redundant. Most of these tank destroyers need to be played either as a medium tank or as a heavy tank, depending on the model. The branch is notable for its eccentricity, for a player who wants to try how it is - "PTShit" the branch is of little interest.

3) Reckless branch of the USA tank destroyer - play off right in battle!
This branch is special in that almost all tanks have excellent armor, huge mass and monstrously low mobility. Exotics that few will appreciate.

4) British tank destroyers- good, but not for us.
In general, an interesting branch, replete with comfortable cars, which, due to good booking and high armor penetration, easily forgive mistakes for beginners. A good branch to bend over. But this branch has little in common with tank destroyers, up to level 10 - playing on British tank destroyers requires aggressive contact play, preferably in city maps. It is better not to overuse ambush tactics on this technique.

5) The German branch of tank destroyers without a turret is an excellent choice.
One of the first AT branches introduced into the game. Interesting, painfully stinging armored vehicles with high accuracy, armor penetration and damage per minute (DPM). All ATs of this branch are quite comfortable in battle and can significantly influence the course of the battle. The author of the article advises to pump level 8 through Jpanther II, and not through Ferdinand, unless you are a big fan of armored vehicles from the Second World War.

6) German branch of tank destroyers with a turret - it's better to upgrade later.

More precisely, not with a tower, but with a rotating wheelhouse. Reference tank destroyers: good level disguises, amazing damage, armor penetration, to be exact. BUT - high dependence on the player's experience. Once discovered, the PT of this branch immediately turns into a pile of smoldering metal. And all because of the weak, almost bulletproof booking. When these armored vehicles were introduced into the game, one of the lead developers explained that German turret tanks fit into the so-called “glass cannon” concept - a unit that has heavy firepower but high vulnerability. I advise experienced players to play.

7) Soviet second branch of tank destroyers of the USSR - for players with strong willpower.
Abounds in "cacti", it's hard to swing. But at level 10, a very dangerous Ob. 263 is a mobile and armored tank destroyer, ideal for contact combat in a narrow space.

8) The first Soviet branch of tank destroyers of the USSR is the crown of the tank destroyer.
It is this branch that is best downloaded for a beginner, or simply for a player who wants to try playing the tank destroyer class for the first time. Each car of the branch is just perfect for the role of a sniper, who, sitting in the bushes, is ready to tear off the floor of the cabin for an unlucky enemy.
The following cars are of particular interest:

SU-100- Tier 5 tank destroyers with a 122 mm muzzle - hitting a shell of this caliber will upset even a Tier 8 heavy tank.

SU-152- has a missile launcher ML-20, which (if you're lucky) deals damage up to 1138 units per shot - a monster.

When the muzzle of these monsters looks at your tank, you can feel goose bumps on the steel armor, the tracks begin to give way, and the ammo rack gradually gets wet. Few survived after being in the crosshairs of the heroes of this article.

Today we will look at the most powerful weapons in the game, and, of course, the equipment on which they are installed. We will not pay attention to rate of fire, accuracy and armor penetration. Identifying tanks with the maximum one-time damage is our current goal. At each level, from the first to the tenth, we will select the most lethal tank. We will also compile a separate rating of the most powerful SPGs.

1st level

Vickers Medium Mk. I (maximum damage 71-119 units)

The only medium tank on the first level is radically different from its counterparts. The Briton is the most massive and almost the slowest among his classmates. He also has almost no armor ... but what is really there, we can say that armor has Vickers Medium Mk. I not at all. Shoot wherever you want, it's hard not to hit such a big carcass, and it's even harder not to punch it or ricochet it.

But on the other hand, an English tank can set the heat on all opponents in the sandbox with the help of a cannon. QF 6- pdr 8 cwt Mk. II.

There are three types of shells to choose from: two armor-piercing and one high-explosive fragmentation.

It is the landmines that have a record damage of 71-119 units, having only 29 mm of armor penetration, but at the first level this is not a problem. The most armored classmate (MS-1) has only 18 mm on the forehead.

2nd level

Т18 (maximum damage 131-219 units)

Low-tier American tank destroyer T18 does not have a large supply of health points, but it has the thickest frontal armor at the second level and good mobility.

Add a powerful cannon to that 75 mm Howitzer M1 A1 - and you will get a PT, which can brazenly go out to the enemy, inflict huge damage on him, and receive only scratches herself.

As usual, high-explosive shells differ in record damage of 131-219 units. With such power, you can kill an enemy one level higher with one shot, but only on condition that the projectile hits the unprotected part of the hull. If the enemy is facing you, then boldly load the "golden" cumulative ammunition, their damage is slightly less, but the armor penetration is several times better.

ArtillerySturmpanzer I Bison (maximum damage 225-375 units)

This self-propelled gun rightfully takes the place of the "sand" queen. If the enemy team has such artillery, take care of your heads. At first glance, this flimsy machine does not pose a danger, but if a projectile flies from it, it will not seem a little.

The Bizon has only one cannon, so there is no need to choose. HEAT shells are very expensive, you can buy them for 12 gold or 4800 silver coins for one piece, but they are worth it. Due to the huge (for its tier) damage of 225-375 units and excellent armor penetration of 171-285 mm, even heavy tanks of the fifth tier can be severely damaged by one small artillery shell.

Level 3

Cruiser Mk. II (maximum damage 278-463 units)

And again the British. This light British tank can boast of maximum damage, which is enough to "one-shot" the enemy one level, or even two higher than itself. In principle, that's all, he has nothing more to brag about. The speed is disgusting, the armor is weak, the reload is so-so, and I generally keep quiet about the accuracy. The projectile flies very slowly, and go figure it out when it will overtake the target, and whether it will overtake it at all. It happens that you are reduced to a standing enemy, fire a volley with anticipation, and watch as your projectile flies over the enemy in a mocking arc.

Despite all this, I personally left the Cruiser Mk. II in its hangar. Do you know why? This is very fan tank! It may be slow, clumsy and oblique, but when you remove all the health points of a high-level enemy with one shot, you become imbued with genuine love for Cruiser Mk. II.

To achieve maximum lethality, you need to install a weapon 3.7- inch Howitzer... This gun is supplied with only two types of ammunition - "gold" cumulative and conventional high-explosive fragmentation. Premium HEAT shells have excellent armor penetration, but land mines do huge damage (if you shoot at weak points), as much as 278-463 units.

ArtilleryLorraine39 L AM

Miniature, dynamic and long-range artillery with a long reload time, but huge damage for its tier. Thanks to the hinged trajectory of the projectile, the small French self-propelled gun is able to reach opponents hiding behind low cover.

Has two weapons in the arsenal: the fourth and fifth levels. Despite the same damage, the "stock" gun takes longer to reload, and the shells from it fly somewhat slowly.

High-explosive fragmentation ammunition has the highest damage of 308-513 units, but against heavy tanks of the fifth and sixth levels it is better to use "golden" HEAT shells.

Have the same damageM 37 andWespe .

4th level

Hetzer (maximum damage 308-513 units)

The German tank destroyer in the "top" configuration brings fear and horror to its opponents. Not only that Hetzer has a low hull, ricochet angles of inclination of armor and good mobility, it also has remarkable damage.

One of his "top" guns 10,5 cm StuH 42 L/28 can fire armor-piercing, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells. Landmines do - 308-513 units of damage, but are suitable only for weakly armored opponents. Against heavy tanks and tank destroyers, it is best to use "golden" cumulatives.

Has the same damageSomua SAu -40 and T40 .

ArtilleryGrille (maximum damage 510-850 units)

The most popular SPG in medium-sized companies and arguably the best artillery at its tier. But do not think that having bought "Grill" you will immediately begin to kill enemies in batches. This car requires a special approach and getting used to. Firstly, it has very poor horizontal aiming angles, which means that if you just slightly shift the scope to the right or left, you will have to wait for full aim again. Fortunately, with the most pumped crew and " reinforced drives tips " Grille converges pretty quickly on the target, so do not shoot offhand, be patient.

Another positive feature of the "Grill" is the good range of the projectile. Unlike the Soviet counterpart, small German artillery in almost any location can send a projectile from one end of the map to the other.

And, of course, the biggest damage at the fourth level (510-850 units), which is more than worth the long recharge. The arsenal has two types of projectiles: high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative. Both types of ammunition have the same damage, but cumulatives penetrate thicker armor, while sacrificing shrapnel damage. Given the lame accuracy of this artillery, choosing the type of shells is not an easy task.

5th level

KV-1(maximum damage 338-563 units)

After the division of the legendary Kv for two tanks ( KV-1 and KV-2) both new vehicles took first places in the 5th and 6th levels of the rating of the most lethal vehicles in World of Tanks.

KV-1 in the "top" configuration it has a well-armored compact turret, which allows it to fire with impunity from behind shelters and folds of terrain.

This tank wide choose guns of the fifth and sixth level, but the maximum damage (338-563 units) is possessed only by the high-explosive 122 mm U-11... Such a gun can be loaded with land mines or cumulative "golden" shells.

High-explosive fragmentation ammunition, despite the large declared damage, will be of little use if you shoot at the strong forehead of tank destroyers and heavy tanks of its level, but light tanks and artillery literally explode almost from the first hit.

Has the same damage SU-85.


The American Tier 5 self-propelled gun is famous for the fact that, in addition to excellent damage, it has remarkable traverse angles and a good rate of fire.

Also M41 can accelerate to 56 km / h, but due to the weak engine, this takes a lot of time.

"Top" weapon 155 mm Gun M1918 M1 can fire two types of high-explosive fragmentation shells - conventional and premium. Both types of ammunition have the same damage (713-1188 units), but the "golden" shells penetrate armor a little better and, when exploded, further scatter their fragments.

Have the same damageHummel andAMX 13 F 3 AM .

6 level


A very dangerous tank in battles on the sixth and seventh levels. Thanks to the gun 152 mm M-10, which was popularly nicknamed "Shaitan-Trumpet", KV-2 can do 683-1138 damage, but only if the HE penetrates armor. If you are opposed by a thick-skinned tank, then it makes sense to try armor-piercing or HEAT shells.

Unlike its predecessor, KV-2 has an imposing hull and a massive turret, which means that it is quite difficult to hide on it. Try to avoid open areas and stay close to city buildings, where you can catch enemies in narrow streets. The reason is obvious: this tank has trouble with accuracy, shooting at long-range targets is just a waste of shells. Town buildings also come in handy for retreating on a cooldown that lasts about a quarter of a minute.

Artillery S-51(maximum damage 1388-2313 units)

S-51 or "Pinocchio" is almost always the coveted artillery in champion companies. Although the rate of fire of this SPG is the lowest at the sixth level, but with the "top" gun 203 mm B-4 it deals 1388-2313 damage with land mines on a successful hit.

Compared to your colleague SU-14, this artillery is much more mobile, which allows it to change position in time when there is a threat of detection.

Has the same damage SU-14.

7 level

SU-152(maximum damage 683-1138 units)

At the seventh level, Soviet vehicles retain their leadership in terms of damage. The most powerful weapon SU-152 practically no different from a land mine on a heavy tank KV-2... A gun 152 mm ML-20 also shoots armor-piercing, cumulative and high-explosive shells, which do the most damage to weakly armored targets - 683-1138 units.

Don't forget that with a high-explosive cannon, you sacrifice accuracy and rate of fire. It will not allow you to sit in the bushes and accurately shoot opponents at long distances, the best option is to go to the enemy's rear and, seizing the moment when he will not have time for you, to implement an impressive alpha strike.

ArtilleryGW Tiger (maximum damage 1500-2500 units)

Massive and slow artillery with a long reload time, but with lethal high-explosive fragmentation shells that deal 1500-2500 damage. Even if a land mine does not penetrate armor, any enemy will still feel uncomfortable. Who knows, suddenly next time an armor-piercing projectile will arrive, which, with the favor of the FBG, can swanshot almost any car in the game?

GW Tiger great for team play in a platoon. With such a huge amount of damage, you shouldn't chase the "frags". Leave trifles and "undershoots" to your allies, your primary goal is high-tier heavy tanks and tank destroyers.

Level 8

ISU-152(maximum damage 713-1188 units)

And again the USSR is in the lead. An improved model of the previous tank destroyer, ISU-152, possesses a tier 10 weapon 152 mm BL-10, which can deal 713-1188 units of damage with high-explosive shells. However, it is much more effective to shoot with armor-piercing ones: their damage is slightly lower, but their armor penetration makes it easy to pierce even the toughest enemies of the tenth level. It doesn't make much sense to use "golden" shells with this cannon. And without them, you can easily break through any opponent.

ISU-152 with a "top" cannon has tolerable accuracy, which makes it possible not to burst into the thick of the battle, but to cover allies from a safe distance.

Artillery T92(maximum damage 1688-2813 units)

The most lethal and most useless artillery of the eighth level. Premium high-explosive fragmentation shells inflict 1688-2813 damage and have a huge radius of dispersion of fragments - more than 11 meters.

In all other respects, T92 solid cons.

First, it is a terribly slanting artillery. It would seem that with a huge radius of dispersion of the fragments, special accuracy is not required. Well, the shell landed not on the head of the enemy, but next to him, all the same, the foe will be hooked with shrapnel. And what to do if enemy and allied tanks grappled in the same clearing? In this situation, you can put both those and others, and it is not yet known who will be hooked more, and whether after that the team will be grateful to you.

Besides, T92 takes a very long time to recharge. While reloading is in progress, the enemy will have time not only to fix broken tracks, but also to easily hide from sight.

And finally - another big minus of this artillery. It has no negative angle at all. vertical guidance... Imagine that a light tank breaks through to your base, drives up close to your forehead, and you cannot do anything about it. A gun T92 it simply does not fall below the zero line, which means that tanks with a low silhouette can calmly shoot you point-blank.

9th level

T30(maximum damage 713-1188 units)

Main advantages T30- strong free-spinning turret and maximum damage of 713-1188 units.

Disadvantages include poor hull armor, long reload times and unpredictable accuracy.

High-explosive fragmentation shells inflict the greatest damage, but it is most comfortable to play, of course, with armor-piercing or sub-caliber shells.

In Game T30 can behave like a heavy tank (originally it was). If you are tired of sitting in the bushes, feel free to go to the place of hostilities. The main thing is not to get on the rampage, cover the weak hull and show the enemies only your strong tower.

Have the same damage Object 704 and T95.

Level 10

FV215 b (183) (maximum damage 1313-2188 units)

There is nothing worse than meeting face to face with a charged FV215 b (183) ... Even "Muses" hide in their holes from the mention of this tank destroyer, because with one successful salvo the British monster is able to halve its health. Imagine what will happen to the rest of the tanks when a shell hits them from FV215 b (183) ?

"Premium" shells give out crazy damage (1313-2188 units), but if usually land mines have very low armor penetration, then special British HESH land mines penetrate from 206 to 344 mm of armor. The pay off for this is disgusting accuracy and huge reload times.

Generally, FV215b (183) is very different from his classmates not only in damage, but also appearance... This tank destroyer has the shape of a "sneaker", that is, the turret is located at the back of the hull, and in order to carefully look around the corner, you will have to show the enemy all your huge carcass. The so-called "Reverse rhombus" will not help much here, on the sides FV215b (183) only 50 mm of armor.

You need to get used to this PT and learn not only to correctly drive around the corner, but also to roll back in time for a long recharge. Try not to ride alone, it is best to take a thick-skinned and ricochet companion into the platoon who can distract opponents while you recharge.

Insofar as World game of Tanks is far from new, then we will start our article with a detailed analysis of Tier VI, VII and VIII artillery. If you want to know why the constant change of positions is of great importance, whether it would be advisable to fire at the tracers and what differences the art of different factions have.

Art in World of Tanks: the basics of tactics

But first let's figure it out how to play art in World of Tanks.

First you need to understand what a tracer is. This is the flight path of a projectile fired by artillery, which you will see for a few seconds after making a shot. The most noticeable trajectory will be for vehicles with large-caliber guns. Thanks to this, the gamer controlling the art will be able to easily calculate the location of such a combat vehicle.

If you want to survive, then it is advisable to change your position after almost every shot. You can drive forward and backward, or drive diagonally. But there are also certain troubles here. If the artillery is in the forest or near destructible objects, if the howitzer mode is activated, then movement will be difficult.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the guide detailing how to kill with tracers:

If you want to become an ideal tanker, especially love to control art, then be sure to remember every little thing on the ground - broken trees, insurmountable fences, buildings. Before making a shot, pay attention to all this, and immediately plan an escape route so that in no case will hurt anything. To complete such a maneuver, depending on the specific artillery vehicle, it will take about 10-20 seconds.

NOTE. Interestingly, artillery, which has a reload time of more than 20 seconds, does not move at the expense of its rate of fire. Thus, the minimum recharge time is far from what you should be aiming for.

Is it relevant to shoot at the tracer with World of Tanks art?

In the next part of the article, we will try to figure out with you whether it is relevant today to shoot at tracers left by the shells of enemy guns.

If you want to shoot a gunner, then by far the best thing to do is to fire at the tracer. But the fact is that in this case you will only destroy the laziest opponents. But more experienced fighters will change positions every time. Because of this, with such shooting, you will lose a lot of precious things - from time to shells. Moreover, such actions will start to harm your team!

The reason for this is as follows. So, let's say that you have noticed the trajectory of a projectile that has taken off from the enemy art. Most likely, in this case, the artillery vehicle hit the ally and inflicted serious damage on him. If you fail to kill the enemy vehicle, then the projectile fired, as well as the time spent on aiming, were wasted. Imagine repeating your attempts, aiming at the tracers. Artillery continues to attack your allies, changing deployment after each shot. Thus, you do not cause any inconvenience to her, but allow you to destroy your own allies.

Summing up the above, we can safely say: it is beneficial to fire at tracers only when there are no other enemy targets in line of sight.

Every fight will give you certain moments when it is necessary to transfer the shooting from square A to square B as soon as possible. To do this, you will need to fix the guns. Hold RMB, then rotate the body of the artillery itself using the keyboard. In parallel, you need to lead the camera after the sight. Once the body is turned in the desired direction, return the cursor to the crosshair. At first, this method may seem difficult and ineffective to you, but with gaming experience the understanding will come that this is one of the most practical methods of emergency information.

Art in World of Tanks of the sixth level

The most powerful guns are equipped with two self-propelled guns of the sixth level - SU14 and SPG 51. These guns are capable of inflicting 1850 units of average damage. At the same time, it is quite wide and the dispersion of fragments from shells is 6.5 meters.

But such advantages come at a price - the cars have low dynamics and a very long recharge time. The stock of shells is far from ideal. In protracted battles, 12 shells for SU 14 and ACS 51 are nothing. For this reason, these machines are suitable for experienced players who are not used to rushing and take decisions with a cool head.

The last artillery german branch The SPG is the GW Panther combat vehicle. She has decent aiming angles in the horizontal plane, thanks to which her guns control a huge sector of the location. On the other hand, significantly lower damage from guns compared to the same vehicles Soviet army... Again, in comparison with them, the German "tank" has a higher rate of fire and accuracy.

M12 - American artillery vehicle at the sixth level is characterized by high rate of fire and low damage compared to Soviet vehicles, which makes it twinned with the German "Panther" (GW Panther).

Lorraine 155 50

The fastest SPG on the sixth tier is the Lorraine 155 50. The maximum speed is 60 km / h with the fastest acceleration. In some cases, this vehicle is capable of overtaking not only medium, but even light tanks (what can we say about heavy tanks?). It is better to use this combat vehicle in order to constantly change the position on the map, stay hidden from enemies, and instantly choose a different direction of fire. But there are also disadvantages here - the lowest damage for artillery of the sixth level, numbering only 960 units. To destroy armored targets, you have to hit several times.

Art of the seventh level in WoT

At the seventh level, let's pay attention to the "Object 212". This combat vehicle from its predecessors received a 203-mm gun with increased accuracy and rate of fire. Another advantage can be called the fact that during the battle you are unlikely to have time to use up the entire combat set of the ACS. For this reason, the owner of this device will be able to carry other projectiles with him without harming normal shooting.

For example, you can easily take gold high-explosive fragmentation shells with an increased radius of dispersion. With their help, you can easily destroy the enemy hiding behind cover. Due to the armor-piercing shells, which you can also take with you into battle, it will be possible to save your SPG with one accurate shot if you happen to be close to the enemy.

German art GW Tiger took the laurels of the slowest SPG on the seventh level. The minimum turning speed has led to the fact that, getting close, any enemy will twist and twirl you around his finger, and you can't even do anything. No matter how experienced the player who controls the "Tiger" is. But there is also a significant advantage here - arta deals 2000 damage per shot, which is the best indicator within its level. The price paid for this was not only low maneuverability, but also prolonged aiming, poor accuracy compared to the rest of the seventh level self-propelled guns, as well as minimal angles during horizontal guidance.

Gw tiger

The American self-propelled gun M40 43 is the most versatile art. The guns are similar to those on the Soviet Object 212 and inflict the same 1850 HP of damage. The main advantage in comparison with other ACS at the level is the largest aiming angles in the horizontal plane. Arta covers the largest sector! The dynamics are also higher in comparison with the Soviet and German counterparts.

The French art Lorraine 155 51 is practically no different from the SPGs of this nation at other levels. It is still the same dynamic and fast car, with a top speed of 60 km / h, equipped with an 850 horsepower engine with a comparatively low weight of 32 tons. you can hide from them, away from danger. She has the best accuracy at level 7. The best and mixing, but there is a minus - weak damage, equal to 1250 units.

Art in World of Tanks of the eighth level

The eighth level is a real crown for the entire branch of artillery vehicles. In this case, there will be a huge difference between each SPG.

Let's start with the Soviet art "Object 261". This combat vehicle stands out significantly from its predecessors. If they were slow and clumsy, then the "Object 261" has become one of the most best art World of Tanks in terms of dynamics and accuracy in the game within the framework of the eighth level. On the other hand, the damage has decreased - the average is 1700 points. And this is the lowest parameter in the game! But due to the increased accuracy and unsurpassed rate of fire, you can even use armor-piercing shells. This artillery can easily hide from opponents, as well as cover the rear of its ally.

The German art GW TIGR is equipped with exactly the same gun as the GW Tiger P, but with minor modifications. Firstly, its rate of fire has been increased, and secondly, the accuracy and aiming speed have been increased. On the other hand, it is the most immobile variant at the eighth level, so it is rational to use this SPG in battles on global maps or companies, where it will remain under constant protection.

T92 is characterized by the most powerful damage amounting to 2250 units. The maximum dispersion of fragments for high-explosive shells is also - 9 meters for ordinary and 13 meters for gold. Thanks to this, you will be able to destroy opponents hiding behind any obstacles. For such a high firepower, the art paid for a long reload time - 40 seconds, as well as long mixing, which is why there is no possibility of an instant transition from flank to flank.


The French artillery vehicle Bat Chatillon 155 is unique in its kind. She has a drum, the reload time of which exceeds a minute. But for one such reload, you get 4 projectiles, each dealing 1250 damage. The shot time between these projectiles is 5 seconds. This allows you to apply great amount focused fire on enemy targets.

Its turret rotates 360 degrees - the second SPG in the game after SS 26. This ensures quick aiming and control of all flanks. As in the case of other French SPGs, the Bat Chatillon 155 has high maneuverability, which allows it to change positions as quickly as possible during the entire battle.

The best World of Tanks arts at every level

And now let's try to highlight one by one the best art in World of Tanks within each level. But here you need to make a reservation: for an individual gamer, a different ACS may turn out to be the best, since for him, for example, the dynamics of information will be more important than increased damage. We tried to combine everything strengths each art and select for you those SPGs with the highest number of pluses.

At the second level, we give preference to T57

On the advantages, we will allocate a large supply of shells for one battle (40 pieces), high maneuverability, which allows you to change the deployment after one shot (also preventing your enemy if he is going to spin the T57), huge dimensions that allow you to ram enemies, the aiming angle is 320 m, powerful frontal armor, high accuracy.

Of course, there are drawbacks, but there are fewer of them - low alpha damage, as well as the presence of an open cabin, because of which your enemies can easily incapacitate the crew members. But if we consider that we are talking about the second level, then, rather, this arty will be destroyed faster than the crew is dismantled.

At the third level, let's highlight the World of Tanks M7 Priest art


  • High dynamics and maneuverability - you can change deployment as quickly as possible, while remaining safe from counter-shots.
  • A powerful weapon with decent accuracy and high rate of fire.
  • Excellent NLD armor.
  • The horizontal guidance angle is in the range from "-12" to "+26".
  • The ammunition load includes 69 rounds. Enough for any, the most protracted battle. You can shoot mercilessly and without hesitation.


  • Vulnerability to high-explosive shells, since the wheelhouse is open here.
  • Low probability of penetration with high-explosive fragmentation shells. On the other hand, this is offset by the lack of "fat" tanks at the first levels.

At the fourth level, select Sturmpanzer II


  • Increased accuracy of the gun, good rate of fire, enormous power.
  • Among all Tier 4 self-propelled guns, the maximum penetration rate - this speeds up the destruction of thick tanks.
  • The dynamics are above average.
  • Decent camouflage due to the small profile.

Sturmpanzer II


  • Low UGN.
  • Weak range - no more than 500 meters.

At the fifth level, select Grille


  • If the enemy tank is not higher than 4-5 levels, then using the guns of this SPG you will send any enemy to rest for the first successful hit.
  • In addition, the guns of this SPG inflict tremendous damage to Tier 6 tanks. But if you manage to strike with a cumulative projectile, then you will surely send a tier six tank home.
  • Since the projectiles fly along a hinged trajectory, you can hit enemy targets by hitting their roof. But this is where the lowest armor is located!
  • This SPG has an excellent radio station. This module for art is perhaps one of the most important!


  • Due to the small aiming angles, you will not be able to hit fast targets located near the art.
  • Long recharge time.

At the sixth level, select FV304

As they say, this is a real IMBA at the sixth level!


  • This SPG is more dynamic, maneuverable and faster than many light tanks in the game!
  • The gun has a high rate of fire and shoots along a hinged trajectory. Thus, opponents located in cover will not be able to escape from your shots.
  • Due to its small size, it is easy to hide from opponents on this art.
  • Ammunition will be enough for the longest battles.
  • Large horizontal guidance angle.


  • The shells fly over relatively short distances.

At the seventh level, let's highlight the World of Tanks G.W. Panther


  • Excellent dynamics, allowing the arte to hide from pursuers as quickly as possible or even set up an ambush for medium tanks.
  • High rate of fire, which is an advantage in combat with fast French vehicles.
  • A tower that allows you to aim at any enemy.

G.W. Panther


  • Weak damage.
  • Low dispersion of fragments, because of what to attack heavy tanks type "sneaker" in most cases is meaningless.

At the eighth level, select M40 / M43


  • Small size, lack of a muzzle brake, which is why the SPG is one of the most disguised tanks in the game.
  • High dynamics, which the art got from the M4 tank.
  • A high-power gun that sends Tier 7 tanks into the hangar with one shot, as well as most French vehicles up to Level 9.
  • The aiming angle is 18 degrees. You can pursue a target without dashing. Comfort when playing for this SPG is guaranteed!


  • The presence of an open cabin.
  • Lower rate of fire and higher dispersion when moving the hull compared to the rest of the eighth level arts.

At the ninth level, select M53 / M55


  • High dynamics, allowing you to hide not only from medium, but also from light tanks.
  • Due to the presence of the tower, the aiming angle is 29 degrees.
  • An excellent weapon with high damage, unsurpassed accuracy and good rate of fire.


  • The view is only 350 meters.
  • Large sizes, which is why masking is minimal.

At the tenth level, select G.W. E 100


  • Thick armor along the entire perimeter saves even from shots of enemy art.
  • The weapon is as balanced as possible. The flight path is hinged, thanks to which you throw projectiles behind cover.
  • Smooth chassis to reduce spread when driving.
  • A large supply of shells for one battle.
  • High HP for all cars.

G.W. E 100


  • Large overall dimensions, which is why it is quite simple to highlight the art.
  • Low maneuverability, which has its advantages - read about the smooth chassis above.