Riesen 3 Titan Lords Big Ship. Task: sharpened metal

The main thing that we will need to do at the moment is to solve all the problems of the natives-shamans.

Quest Poultry Sapiens In our case, we decided to fulfill the first thing. We run up to the place marked with a cross, and take off the parrot to the top. There you will need to disrupt the grass tea and open the stone door. It is necessary to do this at the expense of a dyski-puzzle drive, such as such which they often met in Skyrim. The left-left keys rotate the discs, and the up-down keys are chosen. Inside there will be a chest, as well as the blade of the shadows. Not really good swordBut if you just started playing, then this is exactly what you need. In the chest will lie amulet crystal needle. You can try, if you like it.

Plant tea attracts canning. Now you will need to run between Buzom and Harry. Harry Tell me about the found corpse of Douglas, and he will tell you that the buzz need to bring three eggs of flax. We produce them, take a buzz and he begins to drive rum. To Harry also need to come and report. After the rum is expected, you need to distribute the bottles to all the surrounding pirates and report in front of the buzz, then everyone will come to the fire, the fight will take place and will start. Win Buz and finally perform all your pirate affairs. By the way. Harry will need to bring a young nurse. Tound will agree to go only at night, consider it when you negotiate with it.

Now we carry out a long quest called Sweet Revenge. The case will have to have with prisoner by name Slim. It is better to reclaim the shaman for him mercy. To do this, prove Shaman that not all pirates are bad.

Next, we will have to reflect between the shaman of the sirut, the sorcerer and sorcerer of the shadow, which is right there. She will ask to bring three things for a scepter. These things need to take from the killed unique animals of the black panther type. The quest is easy.

Now go down the steps and talk to the native Makoto. Before that, we had to talk to the sorcerer of the shadow, which was near Ishila, go to the hut Makoto and bring the sorcerer from there a bunch of hair to get a voodoo doll. Activate a doll on Makoto and begin to execute a quest for persuading. The trouble is that when we run for this native, the map will not be available to us, so I immediately remember all the points that we will need to visit, and we will need to visit all merchants, commemoratefully talking to the leader. In the finals, we must convince the leader that not all pirates are bad. You need to do it while in the skin of Makoto.

Be sure to just run around the island, in a number of places, in the bushes there will be trees with all kinds of good. If Karl ask you to bring a ring, then learn to train the monkeys is not necessary, you can get around the other side of the cave and take off as a parrot.

If you go to the side of big gates, then go to the right along the wall, kill spiders, work through the bushes and open the chest. There will be a very good bone musket. If it is modified, then its damage will be 70.

We start with viewing a short entrance roller, immediately after which we enter into battle with the enemies that attacked our ship, in parallel passing training. To jump over the blocked motion of the board, press the "space". Further, twice press W, immediately after which we take a weapon by pressing SCM, attacking minion by pressing the LKM and parry his blows by pressing PCM. Having passed on the deck on the deck on the gun blocking to us further and to go further on the shooting of the gun on the barrels with gunpowder by pressing E.

After killing one more minion, we look at how our character jumps over to the next ship where we continue to fight with enemies. With a little later, the shadows that appeared as the caution, since his attacks cannot be parry, so we bounce aside using a gun, and attacking the enemy only when he finishes a series of its attacks and, if necessary, restore health with Roma. Further, looking at the next short roller, we find out that it was just a dream.

Waking up in my cabin first thing we perform the task "pick up the objects from the chest", for this we select the key from the chest from the table in the center of the room, the chest itself will be left of the door leading. Having taking all things from the chest press I to equip the character, thus completing the task "ready for landing on the island." After that, we leave from the captain's cabin.

When viewing video passing game Risen 3: Titan Lords To switch between the rollers, we use the "Playlist" tab and if the video helped you do not forget to put likes :) ...

Chapter 1: Ancient Temple

On the bank of Patty, we go to perform the task "Treasure Hunt", to do this by opening the map Select the Magazine tab and click to the mark in the form of a cross on the map which will indicate the place of execution of the task. As a result, we pass along the path killing on the road a couple of giant rats and padals (do not forget to pull the weapon with SCM) flow to the Pirate's corpse near the stream. I search the body, do not forget to remove before this weapon, among other things, we will get the task of the "treasure of the dead pirate", for its execution we return to the path and we pass up to the development of which we will have to fight with the "Dragon Kusaka" thus taking another side The task "kill a dangerous predator". Kusaka will stand next to the entrance to a small temple to get inside you need to shoot the lever to the right of the door, there you will find a chest and book, just next to the temple you can inspect another Pirate's corpse. By setting the "diet of a predator". As a result, returned to the fork we pass along the path to the left after reaching the place where the treasure of the dead pirate was hidden. To dig up the treasure with a shovel standing nearby and with its help digging a plot of land marked by a cross.

Returning to the fork near the small temple, we pass this time along the path to the right to the RVA through which just does not move. In order to get to the other side, you need to make a bridge, or rather, to have a healthy rotten tree. Moving further to the ruins where it will have to fight with a gorilla and several clawed monkeys, it is also worth viewing the dilapidated tasks in the district, they can find a lot of interesting things in them, for example, a powerful "Fire Rain" spell. As a result, passing through the ruins to the temple where there are three pirates in front of the fire with which we need to be divided by performing the task of "pirates in the ancient temple". Talking with Patty We are going to look for a workaround into the temple, since the recovery bridge leads to the central entrance is removed.

Moving along the path on the right as a result, going to the top of the rugs, we climb go to the top where we go into a small building. After killing a couple of giant rats, we pass along the corridor to the troupe of the dead pirate of which we will perform the task of the "dead pirate in the ancient temple." Next, we move up the steps and then left along the corridor, painting with rats and collecting everything valuable. As a result, coming to the room with a mask lying on the floor, picking up a mask in the "button" on the wall thus putting driving the recovery bridge and having met Patty again. Having passed to the main hall of the ancient temple fight there with a pair of warriors after which inspected the premises will find the corpse of Captain Rowling.

Speaking with Patty Before leaving the temple, you can go along the corridor on the right hitting the room with a sarcophagus that protects another warrior, as well as next to the sarcophagus there will be a spider egg from which a healthy spider will attack us. As a result, shining the room and inspected the sarcophagus return back to the main hall of the temple. On the road in the corridor, the floor fails and if you do not have time to press the gap in the lower room on time. To get out of there, activate the lever in one of the corners of the room. It turns out in this way in the main hall come out of the temple into the street, after a short cat-scene on the bridge will have to fight with a couple of hellish hounds by following the task of "creatures from hell", after which we go to the cave From which the hounds got out.

Having passed the cave to the portal from which the demon will appear and kill our character, on this passage of the game Risen 3 will be completed :), joke of course. Looking at the roller with the funeral of the main character, see how three weeks later some shaman resurrect. Speaking with your Savior distribution Glory's glasses to improve the features (skills) of the character, besides, we learn that our hero can look into the underworld ( new regime Vision), for this, just press the Q button. It will remain to leave this damn island of Sitting on the boat on the shore or wander around the surroundings while collecting all sorts of objects and painting with different creatures.

Chapter 2: New Comraders


Speaking with the bonx and receiving several buildings from him I get up for the steering wheel of the ship and choose the location in which we want to move, for example, to Takarigua. Before landing ashore, we once again we talk with a bonx by receiving a few more tasks after which we approach the boat and planted on the beach.

Tasks: Hand ass and blood

On the beach we will meet the character named Jack from which we will get the task: "Hang ass" and "News from Puerto Sakarino." After performing the first task, Jack will be available to the store, so it will start with it. Our task climb to the Lighthouse by the caretaker of which is Jack and drive from there a couple of soldiers of the Inquisition named Tanner and Httbi. But before going to the lighthouse, go along the shore to the left of the place where it costs Jack there you will find a Chapen character, from him you will get the task of "bloodstand", traces will lead to the cave under the beacon, but we will not go there yet. First of all climb on the lighthouse. To deal with the soldiers in the sowing on it.

Near the Lighthouse, we first communicate with a soldier named Tanner, as a result, having entered into a duel, and after winning a victory, send it to the beach. Next, we communicate with the Httbi, at the end of the conversation, the task "Thief" at the end of the conversation, for its execution we go into the building of the lighthouse and inspect the room, there you can find the Diary of Holtbi, as well as a treasure map. Talking from the Httbi again to find out that the diary is not enough and you need to get stolen things for this, for this you need to go down to the cave under the lighthouse, there we will go on the cruel lindworm of which we asked to kill Peipen, and find the things of Peipen and the things hidden Holtbi.

Now you can return to Pipenne to complete the task of "bloodstand" and on the lighthouse to Holtbi to complete the task "Thief". Speaking from the Httbi we send it to guarding the mangrove trees, after which we return to the beach and talking to the jack with Jack end the task of "Handle's ass". After Jack returns to the lighthouse, it will be available to the store in which you can sell everything you do not need or buy something useful on the like bullets and bars. Also, now you can walk to the place where the treasure is buried the map of which we found on the lighthouse, in addition, in the room, you can sleep on the bed (during the first sleep, our character will fall into hell).

Task: Dangerous Shadows

Now we go to Puerto Sakarico, but on the road will perform several tasks, moving up the map after moving through the bridge we turn right, there we will be able to detect a deserter named Severin and get the task of "dangerous shadows" from it, we need to fulfill To move behind Severin across the gorge and kill and kill the formidable minions, all of them should be destroyed 10 pieces. It is advisable not to die and not to kill Severin, as well as in the gorge you can find a couple of locked chests and teleport-stone. Having threw the gorge from enemies to the cave-skull, for one one you can destroy all the extinction and there, in addition, at the end of the cave there will be a portal, it will not work with him at this stage of the game, you can find a couple of chests in the cave. To complete the task, talk again with Severin.

Task: Soldier named Vasco

To find a soldier WASCO very simply, he will stand on the road leading in Puerto Sakarico and as well as Severin will be a deserter. He will ask us to bring a bag from the watchtower with things that he left running away from the shadows. Before going to the tower, it is worth seeing the chest standing near the fire, and making it rising along the path leading to the watchdog destroying all enemies on the way. Clearing the territory around the tower go inside and inspect the premises, except for the things of Vasco there you can find the corpse of the governor di Fuego and a locked chest, and if you climb the site on the stairs on the right side of the tower, you will find another teleport-stone. As a result, returned to Vasco give it things and ask him about the corpse in the tower.

Task: News from Puerto Sakarico

And so after having completed communication with Vasco, we go to Puerto Sakarico, for this we climb the path to the watchtower and pass on the way to the left. In very settlement We communicate with everyone who wants to talk to us, to begin with, it will be a couple of soldiers: José is a working chef in the local kitchen and Rodriguez standing on the street nearby. After a conversation with this, two you will get access to stores, as well as you can improve some skills and traine new professions (the main thing is to have enough money). In addition, it is worth going to a local teleport and activate it inserting there one of the teleport-stone found earlier. Speaking with all and characters in the city, you can return to the lighthouse to the Jack by completing the task in this way.

Task: Rodriguez problem

After a conversation with Rodriguez, you can get the task of the "Rodriguez problem", but before it goes on his execution, look at the box next to the workbench, there you will find a broken sword (whose fragment braided the body of the killed governor). Then we pass to the house of the commandant Sebastiano (the largest building in the city), but just so there is not going there, Rokfort will stop us at the entrance and to go inside you need to call him a significant reason, for example, the murder of the governor of Di Fuego, he also needs to ask questions about deserters and killing the governor. As a result, penetrating inside, we communicate with the commandant of Sebastiano, asking him about the death of the governor of Di Fuego and saying that he was killed by the Klydanant, but for the accusation there will be few. Having finished the conversation quickly climb the second floor, until there who did not go there and take from the table in the center of the room "Order of the transfer", after which we return to Rodriguez to complete the task "Rodriguez problem".

Task: send mooring

This task is taken from the cook Osorio from Puerto Sakarico, who soldiers were kicked out of the city and now it lives in the burnt plantation to the east of the city, next to the place of fulfillment of the task "Treasure in the jungle of Takarigua". After talking with Osorio, we get a task and the opportunity to trade with him. To fulfill the task, we return to Puerto Sakarico go to the shore in which we go to the left to the end of the beach, then we enhance the cliff to the rock. Sended to the shore and having interrupted there all hostile livelies pass to the slope of the mountain from which Liana hangs (on the way, found a locked chest and the book "Lyubniki" beginning task "Blue Feather"), according to Liana, our character will start to get to the vertex We will have to take advantage of several Lians. Once at the top we speak with the character living there by the name of Hok, responding as you like to his stupid questions we climb on the top of the mountain, it is possible to do it on a canopy over a blank bed. At the top you will find a wallet stolen at Osorio and a locked chest. Once again, talking to the halter and dissuade him to jump from the cliff we get +2 to the soul and return to Osorio to complete the task, to save time on returning can be turned into a parrot :).

Tasks: to betray the tema and death by deserters

Taking the purpose of the Death of Deserters from the commandant and bring the temple to Vasco and Severin where they left them by completing the task of the "soldiers named Vasco" and "Dangerous Shadows", if you don't want to kill them, you can agree with them, and returning to the commandant to satisfy About their fate. As for the temper, it can be found on the beach if you go through the beach right from Puerto Sakarico, you can also talk to him to take it with you, and the commandant saying that Horace left the island. As a result, repaying before the commandant we will get gold, glory and +1 to the soul.

Task: Corpse Di Fuego

To fulfill this task, you need to go to Puerto Sakarico, find a broken sword to talk to everyone who can either tell about the governor of Di Fuego. As a result, the questions will all say that you need to talk with night guardians, so you have to wait until the night. Talking with all the night guards to find out that the governor left the city together with the commandant and they went toward the old sentier tower. Next, it will be necessary to get into the office of the commandant, from where we already crawled the document to perform the task "Rodriguez problem", this time you need to open the chest standing in the corner, in it we will find an order about the execution of the temper canceled by the governor, in a compartment with the sword wreck found This is enough to blame the commandant and finish the task.

Task: Shadow Lord Of Madness

This task is taken from Tanner of which we won a duel, you can find it on the beach where at the beginning of the chapter our character landed from the ship. To fulfill the task, we go to mangrove thickets, there we will need to find and kill the owner of the shadows of madness. Destroy this opponent is the easiest way to use pistols or muskets, keeping from it at a distance (it will be easier to dodge his attacks). Returning to the Tanner you will receive for the fulfillment of the task 250 gold, and with the troupe of the owner of the shadows, get a raw black heart that will be useful to you in the future.

Task: Target

Before leaving acute, you can still make a couple of tasks, one of which will be "target." To perform this task, it is necessary to climb the roof of the building in which the Commander is located, for example, turning into a parrot or by Liana on the back of the building. The target can be found on the right corner of the roof, next to the hole in the tile.

Task: Refuge Bons

Talking with a bons about a black heart that got in the task of the "Lord of Madness Shadows", among other things you can get another black heart. Bons will give you the key from the chest in which he hid one more heart, you could see this chest when they performed the task of "dangerous shadows", and now the key was found from it.

Task: Experiments with black magic

To fulfill this task, the first thing you need to find shaman, and for this we need to go to the island of Kila. Looking around on the beach Go to the settlement of the natives, having met on the road Aborighen named Borbor, the poor fellow suffers from a strong hangover and you need to bring it to the settlement of the natives, the task "unexpected effect", well, and since we will take it on the way for this simple task, that's just On the Borb Road, you will need to customize or wait until it rests. In addition, near the waterfall, we will meet the tough on behalf of Azali, she will give our character to the task of the "sign of friendship" and if you don't want to spend money on the "purchase" of friendship Azali, this task can be performed in a pirate camp, a little later.

Returning to the camp of the natives talking there with the character named Sirut, the leader and the Supreme Shaman Kila. From the conversation with the sirut, we learn about the chants and that she is the most powerful shaman on the island, as well as that she went to the Forbidden Earth. In addition, we learn from Sirut as you can clean the black hearts, for this we will need apart from the heart itself, the totem of innocence. After bringing the Totem Sirut will be able to clear the heart, after it can be eaten by increasing the character's health. So now we need to find a totem, there are two ways, for the first you need to find a virgin and ...), but this option is rejecting our character. So we use the second option, namely, we are looking for the bones of an innocent monkey, you can get them like from young monkeys, and bought from merchants.

Task: Ancient sign

After talking with the suritate and get the tasks of the "Kiss of the Dead Man" and "on the Trop of War" we pass to the nuddle named Shada standing nearby. Talking to her agree to help in the manufacture of the sign of the ancients, namely the Scepter, for this we need to find four ingredients: a spider's strong foot, shimmering pearl, jade symbol and heart of a strong panther. First of all, we go around the stone signs placed around the camp of the natives and read the inscriptions on them, after which the map will be noted on the map where the necessary ingredients can be detected.

Jade symbol

Among other things, the scepter will need a healthy piece of jade, it can be found in the cave in the northeast of the island. You can penetrate the cave from the sea.

Sign of power

Another ingredient for the scepter will be the heart of Panther, you can find the pantry near one of the altars, north of the village of the natives. First of all, we go down on the suspended bridges down, on the way, having met the hunter named Tadashi and talk to him two additional tasks "Big White Hunter" and "Hunt for the Panther", in the first of them you need to prove that you are worthy of learning from Tadashi killing a couple of local animals, namely alligator and wartwork. Well, the task of "Hunting on the Panther" coincides with the "Madrix of Force", so that killing a strong pantry will carry out both tasks.

Oco Providnya

Also, for the scepter of the ancestors, you will need a transfusion pearl, it can be found in one of the shells on the eastern shore of the island. Just collect sinks on the beach and open them until you find the desired subject.

Leg Pauka.

The fourth object for the scepter will be a spider leg, you can get it in one of the spike caves next to the pirates camp.

By collecting all the necessary ingredients, we return to the camp of the natives and talk to the shadow, receiving gold and glory for the fulfillment of the task. Thus, by creating a scepter of ancestors, we return to the sirut, the latter will need to be prepared for the ceremony, so you have to wait to switch your attention to other tasks.

Lair Pirates at Kila

It's time to visit the camp of the pirates, unless of course you didn't do it before. Arriving in place is worth talking with all the inhabitants of the camp taking their tasks, as well as by activating the teleport and learning about the fate of the sister of our character by the name of Petty, which will eventually find on a small island to the north. Speaking with Pirate Colby agree to fight with him in a duel and if I agree to him, he will buy silver dishes from us, as well as we get the task of "Table Silver".

Tasks: Friendship sign and conflict due to water sources

Talking in the lair of Pirates with Buddy I find out that the local doctor named Cunningham has a valuable golden bowl, which can serve as a sign of friendship for a native named Azali living near the waterfall. Also, Buddy can study the ability to the Monkey Trainer for the task "Martushkin Labor". You can buy a bowl or steal, if you don't want to spend money, you will need to get into the locked warehouse of pirates that is located in the cracked ship thrown to the shore. You can get to the warehouse through the hatch in the roof, well, and to get to the roof of the warehouse, it is the deck of a broken ship by jumping on it from the canopies near the ship, well, or then fly up turning into a parrot). By hiding or buying a gold cup, we return to Azali and give her a bowl after taking the task of the "Friendship Sign", while it was worth saying that it was trapped as honest, now you can return to Buddy and talk to him to finish the task "Conflict because of water sources" .

Task: See, darkness is close

Speaking with a pirate by Hawking, we pass to him to the cave of spiders, in the dialogues during the stops, choose a replica without lies. As a result, you will be able to perform the task for which you get additional glory, and maybe something else if the "eloquence" parameter is enough.

Task: Veduned Buz

Another character standing in the lair of pirates will be a buzz that we go to Harry to find out where the ingredients requested the buzz. As a result, it turns out that the buzz needs three sparse eggs, which are very poisonous and why they are not entirely clear to him. There is a way to check why the buzz of the spider eggs, without causing anyone any harm, you can slip three eggs of fires that very much like me, but completely harmless. The nesting places are in the south-west of the Logov pirates. We return three eggs in the lair of the pirates and again we speak Harry after which we find a buzz and give him eggs. Buz is going to use eggs in the preparation of Roma, to then poison all. We need to wait a bit until the rum will be prepared, you can go to sleep, it will go, to make mushrooms or perform any other tasks, for example, the Sapirens bird that gives Dr. Cunningham. In the end, returned to the buzz, we get a "poisoned" rum after which we go through the camps and we distribute this rum to other pirates inviting them to the fire. Having gathered at the fire of all who would not refuse, say again with Buz, after which we will need to fight him, and won and won and once again talking to the Buz Complete this task.

Tasks: on the trop of war and the human victim

Also, from the conversation with the shadow, we learn how to avoid war between pirates and natives, for this you need to convince the leader's sirut, that's just it does not listen to us. But there is another way and it is for him a shadow you need the hair of the native Makoto, you can find him in the hut of Bahaty on her beds. Returning to the shadow we give her hair Macoto receiving a Voodoo Doll Macoto. Now you need to approach Makoto and with the help of the doll subordinate it. Next will play from the face of Makoto, we speak again with the shadow, and then with the surgeon from the conversation with which it will become clear that you need to bring Sirut arguments against the war with Guco three other residents of the village of Natives. So run around the village and speak with all the natives, so we can find three who do not want war and listen to their arguments. The three naughty you need Bahachi thinking that spiders are more dangerous than pirates, shadow who believes that the natives will lose a lot of people in the war with pirates and Camil who believes that the ancestors will help only those who are able to stand up for themselves. Listing three arguments, we will force the sirut to change their mind thus following the task "on the track of the war." Now you can return to your own body and once again talk to the sirut asking him not to kill the captured pirate by the name Slim letting him get it for it +3 to the soul. Now it will remain to talk with Slim by taking the task "Human Victim".

Task: Kiss a dead man

To perform this task, it is necessary to pre-collect the ancestors Scepter by completing the task of the "Sign of Power", giving the sirut of the Scepter to appeal to him a little later by giving the leader time to prepare for the ritual. As a result, talking again with the sirut report that we want to become Voodoo pirates (after the completion of the ritual, you will not be able to join another fraction, so it is worth pre-maintaining the game in order not to replay everything again). At the end of the ritual, Voodoo magic can be trained and new skills in Sirut and Shada.

Task: Payout

The native named Izil will ask you to take the food to the native of the Barack guarding the gate to the Forbidden Valley. After performing this task again, talking with the barrack. Find out what the food was poisoned, agreeing to help the barrack we receive an amulet from him and we go to Ilil to report that Barack died. Next, we follow Ilink to the place marked with a cross, there again, talking to the traitor to kill him, after which we return to the barrack.

Task: Forbidden fruit

Harry from the Logov of Pirates will ask to find him a young and beautiful nunching, for this business will come up with the Name of Miji, maybe she has already asked you to help her move to the lair Pirates (Task: Seven times fattelling), so we go to the camp of the natives and talk there with Miamiti. For escape, it will be necessary to wait for the night, and when it comes time to Miamiti, and lead it in the lair trying not to come across the eyes to other natives. When I get to the arch near the Miimiti waterfall, you get up, so if you want to task the residue of the path will have to drag it on the hands of having received +1 to the soul. In the pirates camp, again, talking to Harry. We go to look for the flowers for him that he wants to give Miiti (Quest: a romantic gift) to find out where to look for a plant. Talk to the canningham. After a conversation with the doctor, we will go to the specified coordinates, taking the flower back to the pirates and again we speak Harry gives him a flower and thus performing the task "forbidden fruit."

Tasks: Large ship and alliance with pirates

Talking to pirates in the lair will be able to complete the task "Find Petti", however that the sister of our character joins the team to get the ship more, the same condition will put a pirate named Saddek whose name can also be taken to the team. If you are on Kila Island, you can return your old ship that stands near the shore, not far from Pirate Logova. Having hitting the ship with Jake who after our death became captain to return the ship to prove to the team that you will handle the charges of the captain, you can do this, for example, by following the task "Kiss of the Deadman" and becoming a Voodoo Pirate. After that, the pirate ship at Kiel will again go to your command. Now you can get to the team Sadddec and Petty.

Task: Lost Treasure

Talking with a cramfish standing near the entrance to the village of Natives, you can get the task of the "lost treasure", for its execution the first thing we go to search for hooks to the camp of the pirates. From conversations with pirates, namely, from Colby, Harry, Cunningham will understand what you need to talk to Buddy. At the beginning, Buddy will deny everything, but as a result, it is recognized where the statue of the native Divine is hidden and will suggest to bring it to him, the task of the "indecent sentence". It will stay to place and dig a statue there where we performed the task of the "big white hunter", then return it to the choice of Camil and get + 2 to the soul or Buddy and get money.

Task: Mole

Talking in the lair of pirates with the digging of our character will take the loss of memory, after that, talking to the canningham go to the village of Natives and talking with the shadow. After talking, we will need to find a redhead, for this we go to Takarigua, but before that we study the shadow of the skill "Creating spells", it will need to create a voodoo doll. Arriving on Takarigua first, we communicate with the red, he will inform us that the stolen secrets of Voodoo Rocofor passed. Next, you can talk to Rocca, although this conversation will not lead to anything. Our task is to supply it in the potion of oblivion, and for this you will have to smell a little, we are talking about management with the help of a voodoo doll by a soldier José working in the kitchen. First of all, you need to talk to José to take a block of hair from him, after which we go to any ancient stone And create a Voodoo José doll there. Returning to the cook Take control over him and pass to the rocophore to treat it with wine. The case is made Roquefort will forget all the secrets of Voodoo and now you need to deal with the red. The potion of oblivion of the editors will not want to drink not with what the situation is, so returning to his appearance once again we speak with him offering it to disappear or attack him.

When viewing

Task: Vintage Pest

A very simple task, the desired subject improves an alchemy for 10, you will find in the southern beach of Kila's island, you can get to the beach. You can go to the caves to enter which is located near the Logova Pirates.

Task: Martyshkin Labor

Having encountered north of the village of Natives, a strange creature named Pamir, who calls himself Gnume. Take to help him in returning the earrings that a monkey stole him. First we pass behind the dwarf face look like a turtle, as a result, being near a small cave in which neither the gnome is not our character will not be able to fly, and to continue the task you need to find a person who will teach us to tame a monkey, it will be a pirate named Buddy. Having studied the ability to train the monkeys, you will get your own monkey, now you can turn to the dwarf pampir and driving a monkey to crawl through a small hole to find a couple of bananas on the other side, a little gold coins and a stolen earring. Returning the Pamir earring to execute this task.

Task: attack in the Great Seas

And so captain large ship After executing the specification of the same name, we go on it to the next island, for example, Antigua. When leaving the sea to our ship, a healthy sea monster will attack, as it is not difficult to guess, our task is to destroy the monster. To combat the monster, use on-board and nasal guns, press the Q buttons for the left side and E for the right to make a sight shot. Hold PCM. It is also worth staying at a distance from the sea monster and do not crash into the rocks.

Task: Spies on Kiel

Saying to Patty on board your ship, we ask her to overcome after which we get the task of "Women's Chairs" by search pirate treasures. The first to choose Patty will be Pirate Colby from Kila's island. Reaching Pirate Logov, together with Patty, we communicate with Colby, by the end of the conversation Patty will draw information about the hidden treasures of Captain Rowling. Will go to the crabist from which we started passage of the game Risen 3: Titan Lords And dig buried in the specified place the chest.

Task: Open the wide gate

In order to go to the Forbidden Valley, you will need to open the wide gate, or rather make it so that they are opened by the native of the Barack standing near the gate. To do this, you need to talk to the barrack, that's just the desired dialogue will appear after you perform the task of the "powerful spell" task and talk after that with Druid Eldrick. Only after that you will be able to perform the task "Ancient Knowledge", the Barack will open you the wide gate and you can get into the Forbidden Valley at Keele and, among other things, to complete such tasks as the "Morgan treasure" and "Treasure Captain Finch".

Task: Consequences

The task is taken from the native of the Barack of the speaker's broad gates to the Forbidden Valley, he will ask you to deal with the nurse-natives of which they poisoned their poison spiders. You can find hunters near the entrance to the ancient temple in the north of the Forbidden Valley, before fighting it is worth talking to the natives, you may be able to convince them to leave the forbidden valley with the help of "eloquence" or "intimidation", but if not, it will remain to kill them all receiving -2 to the soul. Whatever it was to complete the task, you need to return with a report to the barrack.

Task: Headache

During the fulfillment of quests on the island of Kila, the character named Mad or Mad, it needs to be left to the temple in the Forbidden Valley and after the broad gates will be open, you can easily do it. Without forgetting to activate the portal to the left of the temple go inside, destroying all the extremes encountered on the way. Our task is to bring Mad to the place marked on the map of the cross, a small hall in which he will remain looking for a treasure, and you will get 400 glory and +3 to the soul. In addition, immediately after entering the temple on the left, the corridor will be a small room with a sarcophagus in which you will find a jade statue, it will come in handy for us for further passage of the main plot of the game.

Task: Lost in the Forbidden Valley

And so coming into the Forbidden Valley, it is necessary to find a wandering word in it by the name of the Chanie and ask her for help in holding the root of the Spirit, before Chani agrees to find us to find her missing war named Damak. For his search, we go to a small island in the West, you can climb to the island in the trunks of huge fallen trees. Reaching the place marked with a cross on the map and having interrupted around all the monsters, including two marsh golems, we examine the terrain, finding a pair of corpses, one of which will belong to the Damak, after which you can return with the report to the chants.

Task: Talk to Oracle

In addition to the search for Damaki, Châi will ask us to talk to Oracle, or rather with a huge spider named Margolot of the nest of which is located in the depths of the temple located in the north of the Forbidden Valley. Reaching the temple go inside and inspect a small room on the left along the corridor, there in the sarcophagus you will find a jade statue. Next, reaching the room where we left Mada when performing the task " Headache", Find in the far left corner a pedestal for which I install the jade statue by opening the door to the left of the pedestal. Having passed through the open door we turn left and climb up the steps. Next, it turns out again to the left of the corridor to the ladder leading down. Before moving down the stairs, take the second jade statue, and descending down the steps we will find yourself in a small room where the lever will open the door to the central place of the temple and the pedestal to be installed to establish the second jade statue.

Having discovered another secret door moving forward along the corridor before the development, if you go to the left, finding the broken door to penetrate for which you can with the help of a trained monkey (if you have it). In the room outside the door you can find a priest's mask and an ancient knowledge, turning on the fork to the right and passing into a small room, fall under the floor, where they will meet one with the Oracle of Margolot. Before talking to a spider, you need to encourage her in battle, so as soon as you go to your feet, start to attack the giant pahecheu using all the skills and spells, until it flooded the whole cave with your offspring, just during the battle, try not to give a margold . As a result, won the victory you can talk to the oracle after taking the task in this way.

Task: Losening

On the West Bank of the island of Kila, you can detect the lost pirate by the name of the crayon, which will ask you to bring it out of the forbidden valley, to perform this task it will be enough to take it and moves with the crawl to teleport from a wide gate.

Tasks: Crystal portal at Kiel and Lord of Disorders Shadows

For his help, Margolot will ask you to deal with the lord of the shadows of discord, and for one and destroy the crystal portal at Kiel. To fulfill this task, it is not necessary to go far, just go through the cave to the north. There in a small hall you will find the crystal portal and the lord of the shadow of discord. By destroying the mistress and guarding his minions, destroy the portal and return to the Margolot, do not forget to take a raw black heart from the master, as well as activate the teleport located in this cave. Talking with a giant spider report that we destroyed the owner of the shadows, as well as asking help in conducting the root of the spirit, thus taking the "right place" task.

Task: Patty Chani will join

As a result, returned to the Chanie and reporting about the conversation with Oracle and the death of Damaki, it will remain the last task of "Oracle Soldiers", namely, kill five soldiers Oracle in the Forbidden Valley, their location will be indicated by crosses on the map.


Saying to Antigua and landing on the first of whom we will meet Ramon, Guardian, defender of magic and a servant of higher magicians from Tarani. Speaking with him we will get a couple of small tasks: "Carry Ramon to the port city" and "hellish hounds near the port", for their implementation you need to get to the port town and kill two hellish hounds on the way. Reaching the port city is the first thing worthwhile to activate the teleport, to the right of the entrance to the city. In the same city, I spoke once again with Ramon and getting the task "Guard Ramon" we go to Admiral Alvarez with a report.

Task: House in Porto

Talking with Alvarez, we get the task of the murder of hellish hounds in the port city, to perform it, you need to kill all the hounds in the specified places. Namely, Emma, \u200b\u200bin the market and in front of the blacksmith, in the warehouse of Flynna, on the Square of the Bloody Oath and the West Bank. Surely some of the races you have already killed when they traveled to the port city of Antigua, it will stay and kill the rest, by doing the task of the "Killer of Donovan" on the road, after which it is returning to Admiral Alvarez.

Task: Emma Hell Mix

East of the port, on the shore you can find a woman named Emma that will give us a task to collect ingredients for its medicine. We will need to find rotten mushrooms and moldy bones. Mushrooms grow there where the task is given, but for the bones will have to go to the graveyard north of the port

Task: Dreaming of shadows in the jungle

Having met in the port of Antigua Hunter on the demons named Edward, agree to help him kill five demonic warriors, just follow the Edward in the jungle by destroying all the enemies of which we will meet on the way. After you do this task, Edward will be able to join your team if of course you want it.

Tasks: Magic crystals in stock and lost inheritance

Looking at the warehouse you can find and free the Flynna there, in gratitude from it we will get the task of "magical crystals in stock". To pick up the crystals, climb on the third floor of the warehouse, you can do it on the stairs from the street. Also, Flynna can perform the task "Lost inheritance", which is taken from the pirate named Quinn on the island of Kila, in the end, Flynna and Quinna, you can get two swallows of the sword that you can collect in one whole sword "disseminating flesh" if you have a blacksmith craft.

Task: Ramon Guard

To fulfill this task, you will need to find three crystals, the first of them you can elapse from Alvares, the rest can be found for example in the port warehouse, examining the warehouse on all three floors (the task "magic crystals in stock"). We give Ramona crystals and get a reward.

Task: Refuge Romanova

Another task from the quest "Women's Chara", this time the case will happen on Antigua, having met with Patty in the tavern and talk the coordinates of another Pirate Treasure, this time the captain on the name of Romanov. To fulfill the task, you will need to go from the port of Antigua to the northern part of the island, there you will need a manual monkey, the same as in the martyshkin job task (you can get this skill with Pratdy Pirate on Kila's Island). As a result, coming to the specified place and having interrupted all enemies on the way, we use a monkey to get into a small hole in the rock, you will find a hidden chest with the treasure of Captain Romanova (will stand behind a bush).

Task: Pirate Problems

Having encountered to the north of the city of Griffith sitting at the fire and talking to him, you can take on the fulfillment of the next secondary task on the island of Antigua. We will need to return to the Griffith of his things that he laid or he selected. We will need to find three items: decent clothes in Flynna warehouse, his sword in the house has one of the bulk and his wallet at Bartende Spencer in the tavern, a wallet can be tried to steal, buy or score if you are planted with eloquence.

Tasks: Broken Cyrass and Glass Sword

The task of the "broken kirase" can be obtained on the shore of Takarigua, and the "broken sword" on the island of Kila, a broken pirate ship. Both of them are performed on Antigua, kiraça you will find the chest in the marked place of the north of the port - it will give you +10 to non-permitability, and the glass sword under the pier - it will give you +5 to your neighbor.

Task: Experiment

Another task that we need to fulfill to complete the quest "Become a Voodoo Master". Arriving on Antigua we communicate there with Emma, \u200b\u200bwhich you could already meet performing the task of the "hellish mixture of Emma". This time it will be discussed about Voodoo, Emma will ask to help her with the revival of the dead man. First of all, we need to get two things late, one must belong to him, the second must be associated with death. The dead man on which we wake the experiment will be the former grave filmmer, and in order to get the things we need to have to take control of the body of the Pansel working in the local forge, and for this we need to create a doll Voodoo Pansel.

To create a doll, we communicate with the wife of the Blacksmith Grace, she can get Pansel's prehets, from which we will make a voodoo doll (the altar for creating a doll can be found in the house of Emma). Having created a doll and capturing with its help the body of Pansiel speak again with Emma, \u200b\u200bshe will tell us where to look for the right things, namely in the tavern. Talking with the master of the tavern to find out that the old shovel of the graveman will be suitable for the rite, which you can find at the cemetery next to the city pre-talking with Grace. The second item will be a Fred hat, you can get it in Poppy also standing in the tavern.

And so by collecting all the necessary things again we talk to Emma giving her a shovel and the hat after which we let go of the body of Pansiel and return to Emma (to do it at night). Next, we pass for Emma in the cemetery and see how she revives the grave named Fred, as a result, receiving a broken necromancer blessing from Emma, \u200b\u200bwe return with him to Quiet and talk to Shadin, after that she will be able to teach us a "necromancy" spell.

Task: Sea Fight with Morgan

After the Bons (or another member of our team) reports that the ship of Captain Morgan was seen nearby, you will get the task of the "Sea Fight with Morgan". Going to the sea you will have to enter into battle with this very Morgan, at the beginning of the battle we descend on the deck and kill the opponent of the bomb that has flown on our ship after which we throw a bomb overboard, before the bomb will explode from us will be 60 seconds. For the second bomb, two enemy pirates will be pulled, you also need to deal with them in 60 seconds, and the third bomb will be protected by three opponents, so you have to try to eliminate them in 60 seconds, I advise you to use the skills or spells beat in the area. After it will deeper all three bombs, our character will move to an enemy ship, following a few pirates on the deck, come into battle with the captain Morgan himself, after the victory over which the task will be completed, this will be completed and the task "Alliance with Pirates with Labers", and You will receive fame and set of Captain Morgan consisting of four things.


Upon arrival at Kalador, it is worth talking to members of his crew, Patty will say what will be waiting for you near the local tavern. Well, with me for the company it is worth getting a hunter for demons named Edward. After disembarking on the shore, we will meet a fisherman named Angus (Angeus), our first task will "go beyond Angeus in a fishing village." And upon arrival, it will be possible to compete with a fisherman in throwing knives.

Task: Seafood

Speaking in the fishing village in Glen, we will get the task of "seafood", a very simple task you need to go to the shore in the specified place and kill two curious varanov and two no less curious Tritons. To complete the task, we speak again with Glen, this time the award can be selected, take gold, fish or refuse to receive + to the soul. In addition, inspected the building in the fishing village, you can find the book "Modern Pirates" After reading the task of the "Treasure of Captain Finch" and "Pirate Flag".

Tasks: on the blade of a knife and a letter for Harry

Talking in a fishing village with another character named Kilian, you can get the tasks "on the blade of a knife" for its implementation we will need rum and patience to listen to the drunk story of Kiliana and "Letter for Harry" to fulfill this task you need to go to the island of Kila And give a letter there with a pirate named Harry.

Task: Edward Family Story

Previously, I will talk to the demone hunter by Edward, we get a task from him, for its execution you need to help the demons hunter find the house of his ancestors on Kalador. Just pass along with Edward, on the map marked on the map, destroying all opponents on their way. IN specific moment To fulfill this quest, we will have to follow Edward. In addition, the demons hunter can handle the powder of the soul that we will find in the underworld.

Tasks: Long hike and citadel hunters on demons

Talking in the fishing village with neuto, you can take the task of the "Long Trek", for its fulfillment, just go behind the hunter on demons, it will not bring us to the Citadel. In addition, neuta can be handed over ten rise, if you have them. Reaching the Citadel and fulfilling the same task "Citadel hunters on demons", do not forget to activate the teleport to the right of the entrance to the fortress. And entering the citadel and talking to the Hunter named Drake, you can perform the task of the "Educor Noor of Edward", for this you need to ask Drake to write a record about Dreilee background, in the end you will get a new task "place marked with a cross". In addition, in the store of the Connor, you can find the book of the strength of the crystals by reading which we get the task "Sunny Crystal". It is also worth talking to the Connor himself we will get and immediately performing several "impracticable" tasks.

Tasks: message for Wilson and Wedding Ring

In addition, forge, among other things, you can meet the Blacksmith Wilson who asked to transfer Grace with Antigua. In response, the blacksmith will ask to convey Grace wedding ringSo finishing the conversation again go to Antigua. Also, Wilson can study a blacksmithing business and hand over to him surplus iron.

Task: Giant Danger

The passage of this task is similar to what we had to do in the quest "Attack in the Great Seas" with the only difference that the sea monster will shoot so that they are kept at a distance observing the distance and trying not to fall under green balls that we release the monster in our ship The rest is all the same.

Task: sharpened metal

This task is taken from the Blacksmith Wilson to the Citadel, he will ask us to find his apprentice missing in the cave in the north. But to begin with, it is worth looking around the neighborhood of a local tavern and chat there with a woman named Ivette. Among all other things, Ivette will be able to get a precious amulet elapping, staring or bothering it, it will be useful to us in the task "Hannah and Ghosts". Also, we can learn from Ivette that the blacksmiths of the blacksmith went to the old Iron mine in the north west, there in the end we will find the body of the apprentice Alvito. It is also worth activating teleport at the tavern if you have not yet done so.

Task: Demons Hunters

Among other things, Druid Eldrick will ask us to find surviving hunters on demons and bring them back to the citadel, their location will be marked on the map. In turn, the hunters before returning to the Citadel will give us their tasks by completing them all will fulfill and the main task of "demons" hunters received from Erdrick. Also, Druid will teach us to destroy the crystal portals, so we can perform the task "crystals eternal".

Read the dead

The task of the hunter on the demons named Syril found it can be found in the northern part of the location, for its implementation, we need to go through the direction of the demons to the demons with the corpses of the demons, having interrupted all the evil on the road. After you collect five personal things. Return to Syril to complete the task, in the end the hunter will return to the Citadel.

Real farmer

Another hunter for demons named Fenn, it can be found near the abandoned farm as well as in the north of the island, he will instruct us to find the maid of the dead farmers. You can find the maid to the north of the farm at the end of a small gorge. Having found a girl in the specified place named Ion and talking to her to take it into a safe place, namely the tavern, for this, quickly use the teleport near the tavern if it is open with you. After bringing the Ion to the tavern will return to the farm to Fenna with a report, after which he will go to the Citadel.

Curse of fathers and the price of life

Another hunter for demons named Winter you will find in the west of the island sitting by the fire near the ruins of the old castle. After the conversation, together with Winter, we go to fight the lord of the cowardice shadows sowing in the ruins of the old fortress. Also at the entrance to the fortress you can activate the teleport and meet the character named Idriko, you can participate with it in the experiment by completing the task of the "price of life", for this, it is enough to kill all the bodyguards and slaves of El Razakh, after which the El Razakh is.

The night Watch

This quest is taken at the Demon's Hunter named Mason standing near the tavern, for his implementation, followed by Mason by the overlooking the neighborhood of Kalador killing Mighton of the Underworld and other animals. As a result, having interrupted all enemies return to the tavern and we get a reward, after which Mason will return to the citadel.

Damn love

This task is taken from the hunter on the demons named Porter as well as the previous character it can be found near the tavern. Porter Ask to return to the cemetery stolen from there Medallion, which he gave a woman named Ivette. The very medallion that you could already pick up in Ivette if we talked to her, in general, in some other way we return the medallion on the cemetery thus given this task. Now you can return to the Citadel yourself, to talk there with Eldrick, thus taking the task of the "demons hunters".

Tasks: nor in the warehouse, nor in the way and the situation with bones

On the second floor of the Citadel, you can find a hunter for demons named Berk, talking to him not to hear anything except Words of the sea and Beeerk, but get this task. To fulfill it, we first go to the seashore in the southern part of the island, there we will find a skeleton by the name of Berk's phenomenon. Talking with a skeleton to find out that Berk managed to relocate his spirit in the skeleton and now he needs our help to return to his body. Taking the bowl of Berk with them, we return back to the citadel, here we will need to ask for the hunters for demons about the magical formula Berk. The necessary information will provide a drake, he will say that he saw a piece of paper from the horse in his hands. So we go to the bench towards the Connor and buy a formula for 300 gold, as well as the option, you can talk about the formula with Henrik. Giving a formula of the phenomenon of Berk to find it to complete the task and get a reward.

Tasks: Case of honor and strong drinks

Having met Petty's Taverns and talk to her to perform the task "Empty caspan on Kalador" having previously received another quest. To fulfill it, you need to go to the tavern and talk to the merchant named Kramer, in a conversation you can exhaust gold from him or fight him, although in my best will take money. Also in the tavern you can perform the task of "strong drinks", for this you need to play with the bartender Trevis in "who will drink more." During the game, you need to grab the bottle standing on the table drinking them in the way and do it faster than the opponent.

Task: Legal Heir

The task is taken by the person named Ernesto, he will ask to find his candlestick stolen by earlier goblines. The place where you can find goblins are beyond the gate at the Lavova River. The gate unlocks from the inside, so you have to get around them along the shore of the lava river or by moving through a small slope to the right of the gate. After interrupting all the goblins and elemental, we take the candlestick and refer it to Ernesto by completing the task in this way.

Task: Hunting with broomah

How can I understand from the name, this quest is taken at the hunter for the name of the armor of which you can meet when you will open teleports on Kalador (next to the teleport at the iron forests), it is enough to follow the hunter and kill animals on which it hunts, namely three Cunning Dragons-Kusak.

Task: Ancient Knowledge

Talking to the Citadel with Druid named Eldrick, you can perform the task "twice cheaper," having received another quest in reigning, in order to fulfill it you will need to find the old grimar in the ruins of the castle in the west of the location, the task "Book of Spells", detect the book Altar in one of the old castle towers. Returning to the Citadel and talking to Eldrick again, we will finish this task.

Chapter 3: Luxury Rite

Once again, talking to Eldrick, learn where the spell you need is located, which is a soul to the body of our character (in ruins behind the lava river), as well as for the spell, we will need three powerful sorcerer. Such sorcerers will be Herdrik, Magician Zechariah and Voodoo Voodoo Chani, all of them you need to persuade joining the rite.

Task: Magic Network

To move through the lavva river, you first need to activate all portals on Calador and collect all teleport stones. The right places will be marked on the map, so just bypass them collecting stones and activating portals. After you finish, go back to the Citadel and again talk to Eldrick After completing the task. Next, Eldrik teleports our character and himself to the eastern shore of the lava river.

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Task: Mighty Spell

After you go across the Lava River and overcome all the evil on the company of other hunters on demons, talk again with Eldrick. Next, we go to look for the most powerful spell, for this we go south to the destroyed castle. Penetrating inside and having interrupted all enemies on the first floor to find the altar from which you can pick up the "Book of Nekromanta", it is with her that you need to return to Eldrik. After talking with Eldrick again and, among other things, we inform him that they found a powerful spell.

Tasks: Master of the shadows of confusion and crystal portal at Kaladore

In the process of a conversation with Druid, we say that they are ready to kill the master of shadows of the confusion, after which we go for the rest of the hunters and helping them to clear the way to the lord of the shadows. Reaching the right place and won the sideline of the shadows, they are unforgettable to collect things from the corpse, namely the scene of shadows and a raw black heart. Next, talking to Eldrick, we go to destroy the local crystal portal, for this we pass on the cave skull killing all the evil on the road and in the end destroying the portal from hell at the end of the cave (we can now be able to). Selling from the cave again we speak with the Eldrik.

Tasks: Crystal Portals

After Druid Eldrick on Kalador will teach you to destroy the crystal portals, go on locations (Antigua, Takarigua, crab bank and keel) in search of this portals and their subsequent destruction.

Task: Ceadora Coronation Sword Restoration

Task from the Weapon tab, you need to find two parts of the coronation sword on Kalador. The blade you can find in the ruins of the castle in the West after you defeat the masses of the cowardice in the task of the "curse of fathers" there, and the knife of the coronation sword can be found in the ruins of the fortress behind the Lavova River, where you were looking for a powerful spell. The sheaths will be located on the altar located in one of the towers to get there will have to turn into a parrot and fly up. After receiving both parts of the sword, it will be possible to renovate it in the Citadel Citadel preliminarily examining the blacksmithing business at the local blacksmith.

Tasks: Green Flame and Tower of Shadows

This task is taken from Drake in the citadel of the hunters on the demons, for its execution you will need to go across the Lava River and light green fire On the lighthouse standing on the east coast of the island. After moving through the Lava River with the help of teleport, we go to the lighthouse stumbled upon the road to a small farm with several inhabitants. Here we will be able to get two more tasks: "Tower among the shadows" and "pleasant appetite". Moving further, through the swamp, we destroy the enemies occurring there and collect wood for fire on the lighthouse (places where the desired wood is marked with red crosses on the map). When approaching the light, it will be necessary to cope with four watchdogs and two bones of guards thus taking the task "Tower among Shadows". Then climb the tower and light the green fire there. In addition, on the first floor of the beacon, you can find the crankshaft, thus, by taking the task "" Well-lubricated crankshaft ", but it is necessary to simply collect eight crunchy rap to perform the" pleasant appetite "task. As a result, it remains to return to the Citadel and Drake on the performance of the task.

Task: horror of sea depths

Once again, sailing to the open sea will again meet with a huge monster that will attack our ship. The tactic is the former, we try to pass away from the shots of the monster, observing the distance and without crashing into the neighboring islands, among other things, the monster will sometimes attack our ship from under the water. With this, nothing can be done with this, but otherwise we try to avoid getting damage, as well as at the very first we have firing the animal from the guns.


Before disembarking on this island, it is worth talking to Patty to get the next task from the "Women's Charires" series, in addition, it is worth talking to the temper by receiving a couple of tasks "reactor" and "friendly appreciation", as well as take it with you for the company. Having landed to the shore. It is worth talking to the launch of the task of "talking to Baker" and the dwarves of merchants on the shore, as well as the captain of the neighboring ship, he can get the task "Alliance with Magic" and +2 to the soul.

Tasks: Romuld Chest and Port Things

Talking in the port from Patty I get a new task from it and the old key from the trunk Romulda, our task to get into the second one warehouse and opening the chest to pick up everything valuable from it, namely money. To get to the warehouse, you can imperceptibly try to hidely bypass Romulda standing in the entrance to the room or turning into a parrot to fly to the window on the left side of the building (you can also get inside with the help of a monkey, that's just it cannot open a locked chest, but it will be able to pick up everything The rest, for example, under the ladder leading to the second floor, there is only a monkey and crawl). As a result, coming to the chest of Romuld and putting it in chosen from the building and return to the ship, where I taught a series of quests "Women's Chairs" from Patty.

Returning to the shore and this time I spoke with the Romuld converted to us, we will get the task of the "port thighs" from him, for its fulfillment, we will need to wait for the night, for example, go on a bed in an extension to the rock. Waking up at night we go to the place marked on the map, a pile of boxes and barrels to the east. There we arrange an ambush on those who rob at the nights of Romuld, contrary to his concerns, it will be no gnomes working in stock, but goblins-Marauders. By interrupting all thieves, we return to Romuld to complete the task and receive award.

Tasks: Paola hears sounds and cleaner

Next, we go to the exit from the port and speak there with a biker that will lead us to the camp of the magicians. After traveling on the road a couple of small tasks, such as "Taranku excursion" and "Explore the cave" will arrive in the magician camp. Without forgetting, intensifying the teleport at the entrance, we pass to the camp territory and inspect it. One of the secondary tasks in the camp will be "Paola hears the sounds" which is taken from Polala in a small room to the right of the entrance to the camp, to go for its implementation for the building and kill the noisy armor there. Another task "Clever" can be obtained from the wind, for its implementation, we will need to find someone for cleaning in stock. Coming out from the camp territory go down to the lake. In the center of the reservoir there will be a small island where you will find Tokil who will agree to be cleared behind the magicians will learn it to the camp.

Tasks: missing gnome and unfair accusations

Another task in the camp of the magicians can be obtained from Gnum named Abbas, he will ask you to find missing gnome by name Lami. Also, Abbas will ask to find a thief who pulls gold from magicians, it will be one of the tasks that you need to perform in order to "become a wood master." Well, what is the first thing to find lamen, and for this we pass to the well in the center of the camp and jump into it. Once in the cave under the camp inspect, there, among other things, we will be discovered. Speaking with a short one we get crystals from it that should be attributed to Abbas as a farewell gift. Selecting from the cave by means of teleport again we communicate with the Abbas gives him the parcel and told about Lami. As a result, Abbas will ask to return Lami (the task "Gnome in Nore"), so we go down to the well again and try to persuade lamen to climb upstairs, and what would not end with the conversation we return with the report to Abbas.

Task: one succeeded

The following task can be obtained in the village of Mages from Fisherman. And to pass it, you will need to move on the mark until you find a dead girl in the hut. Then help the guy get out of the island, and go to the fisherman again.

Task: Private shop

Then your hero will have to do theft of crystals. Talk to Zakir, and he will send you to Viternio. After talking with this character, go to Zakir to get the key from his chest. By damaging, return the worshi keys. You can do this if you save the guard in a timely manner - talk to the main magician and try to prove to him that there is no need for protection. Just do not forget when you get the desired, give Magu a book that he wanted. Otherwise, your hero can suspicion.

Task: Herbs and tincture

The wizard you find in the basement will ask for several grass bushes. To go through this task, take 5 pieces.

Task: the right to visit

At this stage of the game, you need to fulfill the request of Magnus. When you cope, you will have access to the magicians of the task. And you need to act like this:

1. Come to the mine in the village near the mine to talk with the guard.

2. Lay the main gnome to fulfill the task that he will give you. It is very simple.

3. Clean the crude mine from the unclean.

When finished, go to Magnus with a report.

Task: Lord of Shadows Treason

You need to deal with the lord of the shadows, finding it on the mark. It is easy - the enemy has a very weak guard.

Task: Take to the team of Jaffara

Having found a gnome in the magic camp, talk to him. Then you will be waiting for a conversation with the gnome apprentice, and then - the fight with the cadet in the field of view of the general. When finished, hurry with a report to Magnus. Magnus wants Gnome to be with you in the same team, but this character will come only when you get a lot of large sizes.

Task: Efficiency of magic

If you want, you can, following the advice of your new companion, take the task from the magicians and go through it. But this is not necessary to do.

Task: Gourmet

To pass this stage of the game, find 4 exquisite disassemble. Cheese can be found in the house of Zahari, and everything else is in sight. True, it will be possible to get cheese only after your hero alternately activates all the mechanisms on the territory of the island.

Task: Treasure in the dead lands of Tarani

In the southern part of the city there is a house, inside which the Treasure Island map is hidden. However, in order to get these treasures, you will have to meet with many enemies, to cope with which it will not be easy.

Task: Mushroomnik

Not far from the southern teleport you will meet a man who will ask to bring him mushrooms. Go to the twilight forest and cut five pieces to accomplish this request.

Task: Inquisitor

In the dialogue with the first of your partner, you can see the task, according to which you need, focusing on the label, get to the ship. On board this ship is a fragment of the soul of Mendoza, and there is an opportunity to persuade him to support you in battle.

Task: Destroyed Camp

Quite soon, Walker will arrive in the city of Mages - he can get another quest. To go through this quest, you will have to follow the character and kill as much goblins as possible. Having coped with the task, kill the nasty of enemies. The task will be considered performed.

Task: activate portal

Having found the cave, enter inside. Here you will see a magician who can open the portal - you just need to ask. When the magician finishes, use the portal.

Task: reactor

Ahead of you awaits a fairly serious task. First you need to talk with a magician in the village. Lay three stones for which special holes on the poles are intended. Two of these stones are at Casima, and one more - someone from your satellites. Find out what exactly the satellite is about, using the magazine. After completing the task again, talk to the magician. Starting the mechanism. Next, your hero will talk to Zaharia, but he will refuse to help him. But from this character, you can get a task, according to which you will need to follow it to the mechanism. In the cave, move to the very end, after which you will be shown a video from the world of shadows. Returning to reality, you will sing right at the beginning of the battle. Send all enemies, and then talk to Zacharia again - this time he will give consent to participate in the ritual. Throwing the portal, hurry to the port to give an order to the captain of the ship to move to Antigua.

Task: homeless housing

In the southern port you are met with a homeless. He will ask your hero to clear the cave to make it suitable for living. When you deal with all the colors, you will be assigned award.

Continuing the plot

Now your path will lie to the Citadel at the Kalidore. You need to talk to the local leader in order to get permission from it to use the ship of the Inquisition. The captain of this ship will allow you to take the departure, after which it will be possible to go to search for those who did not want to cooperate with you, while at your disposal there was no big ship.

Sea Boy

At this stage of the passage of the game of your hero, it is waiting for a battle on the water. Start with the fact that shoot the infantry from the gun. Just do not forget to bend so that you do not hurt you. Crawing with 10 enemies, take up the admiral - to cope with him, you need to go to the board. But ahead is another fight - this time with a huge marine creature. Stay from it as far as possible and shoot the side guns often. Next you have to fulfill the ritual - move at Quille to watch the video about him. In the end, you will need to go to Kalidore, where the title will be awarded to your hero.

Last title

First, talk to Drake, and then - with Wilson. Put the armor and climb the ship. Now you will have to go in chase for the traitor. Ahead is waiting for the boss - crystalline titanite. And only after the victory over him, you finally will be able to get to the traitor.

It's time to replenish the fleet. To do this, find Morgan with his ship. At the last moment you will be warned that this character will have to fight. The battle of the barrels will begin. Kill multiple enemies and hurry to barrel. Repeat this action until you find yourself on an enemy ship. Credit with the team is quite difficult, but you still have to kill them before getting to Morgan.

Arriving on Antigua, prepare the report to Admiral. Then you have to enter into battle with all the fleet Crow. Moreover, before going to swimming, it is better to panic and other useful things - in the near future they will need them. Regular sea Boy It will be something to resemble the training that you passed at the beginning of the game. Having won, let go in swimming, and at the end it will be waiting for you another fight with the boss. These are giant fish. And only after to win the next victory, the island of the skull will open. There and swim.

Cherep Island

Task: Clean warehouses

As soon as you start passing this segment of the game, clean the area in the immediate vicinity of the camp. Watch the Drake on the pier to get a task from him for the extermination of monsters near the warehouse of ammunition. The commander-in-chief is located in the center of the location, from which you can get the same exact quest, only about the four warehouses at once. Perform it.

Task: End of History

In a dream your hero will appear the ghost from which you can get another task. Go to Kilya and there, being at the altar, say what the ghost asked about. When the skeletons and the statuette of the monkey appear, you can return to the island of the skull.

Tasks: Mignon Weapons and Warehouse

It will be necessary at the request of Kane to go to the two towers and help him in battle. Next, Kane will ask you to consistently clean the four minion warehouses. Do it.

Tasks: Resistance Weapons and Dead Zone

Get an order for killing undelivered from the storekeeper. Move the tags to find exactly the number of creatures you need. Then go for the award. The guy who is sitting near the fire, take new Quest. For his passage, climb the hill, find the lord of the demons and kill. Get another reward.

Tasks: Crazy Mag and Immortal Award

When your hero appears on the second mark, he will be charged with freeing the warehouse captured by a crazy magician. You can go through the quest only if the dialogue choice is correct, so it's better to stay in advance to, in case of which, not suffer from your mistake. Move north to find the last label, and think about the way you will kill the immortal spirit. After receiving an invested task, hurry to the camp to take the amulet from the commander, with which you can remove the immortality from the Spirit. Kill the enemy, then take your award from the Indian and head to the commander-in-chief.

Now it's time to pick up your soul. Go to the mountains, find the soul and negotiate with it. After that you will need to find three magicians - without them you will not work.

1. The first will be Zhary. It is tied to the bridge in the southern part of the territory. The guard is weak here, so freeing the magician will not be difficult.

2. Choi you will find in prison - not far from the tower and buildings. Using the lever located on top, open the gate. Climb the broken beam and, using the lever, roll to the left. Minute bridges, activate the lever and go back - where the dead guard is. The grille next to it drops, and you will need to go down, turn left, and then pull the lever. Go back to get through the bridges to get into the tower. Here, click the next lever to open the upper compartment. Move at the level of the last lever to be in the tower located on the bridge. On the left there is a passage that needs to be used to go down and get to the next lever. By clicking on it, go down one level again, and you will see a passage with a rat - you need to kill it to get to the end and find yourself in front of the next lever. With his help, you will release the chants from the dungeon.

3. The latter will be Eldrick. To find it, you need to turn to the east and, seeing the island, climb on the very top of the fortress. On the stairs, go a little down, and you will see the Guardians - won them, you can free the magician.

Now you can reunite with your soul. However, do not relax - the Boss "Embodiment of Death" awaits you ahead. Having won it, you can finish the passage of the game.

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The enemy ship under the leadership of the illusory captain named Crowe charges our ship to the board. Following the prompts, make several movements in all currents, after which you jump over the barrier on the left side and, by passing forward, evade the danger by pressing the button shown. Come on weapons and join the fight with minion. The main thing in battle is to parry the attacks on time and when the enemy moves away, without delay, strikes one-odynechones for others. We go around the mast, shoot from the gun on the powder barrels near the ship cannon and we paint with minion. Together with Patty, by moving on the enemy ship, overcome two more opponents, combining simple and powerful blows. Some times, most of them, ignore parry, will have to shy away. So, during the time of the attacks of the departments of the shadows rolling from the side of Palestine and we do not miss the opportunity to pave a combination of powerful blows. If necessary, we use rum - drink, IMG exciting health. The culmination will be a fight with Crowe and the appearance of a huge water monster, after which an awakening will follow.
Crab trembling

Patty. Koshmary for the main character has become a last phenomenon: for long time, the captain ghost does not give him peace. Patty Boyko Returns us to real world And happily reports that we came to the crab trembling.
We select the key from the table, show them the chest near the bed and get all your ammunition. In the inventory, in the "Equipment" tab, put a steel beard sword in the left desk, and in the wrong pressure - a duel gun. Further share on the list: on the head - a black triangle, on the body - the Body of the Bigner, the Black Pants, on the feet - polished boots. We go to the "Pripa" tab and distribute rum and provisions on the cells of solo use, in order to the times of the "roast" battle, it was impossible to continuously climb into the inventory and be treated with responsible objects. Opening the door, turning to trembled.
We start passing the game Risen 3 ...

Chapter 1. Ancient Sanctuary
Treasure hunting

In the ancient temple, the greatest treasure of the southern seas is hidden. Patty will continuously accompany us and actively help in battle with local fauna. For the dusting of the valits and the performance of tasks is charged "Glory", which is used to improve the demon of the character. Thus, trembled from unequal times, we return to the path and begin to move the island deep into the go.
It seems that we are not united who leads the treasure hunt. Patty will show on a soulless pirate. Killing a couple of pudals, go to another Palestine river and search the body of the pirate, pre-hiding the weapon.
Continuing to perform along the path, take up the slope and we are growing up with a dangerous predator - Dragon-Kusaka. Open the Job Magazine, Get the Active Additional Task "Treasure of a soulless Pirate!" And, focusing on the map, get to the place where I swallowed treasure. We select the shovel located near the broken barrel, throw the chest and take out the great number of gold from it. Returning to the fork, approach a small temple, pull for the lever and go intoward. Gold coins and crystal torch from the chest. We also decleep the book that is lying on the stand at the reverse wall. Running to the right, we get to the Rib and we will have a tree, clinging to his left root.
Having reached the ruins, combat the buildings on the cash of healthy objects and gold. In the final one of them, which is placed under the others, there will be a chest with a fire rain spell. We return to the place where the trail broke out, go to the house and, raised along the stairs, we turn to the right. Patty will remember the Pattie, that on the roof of the building of the buildings to eat something entertaining. Again, we search for the premises and in the most extreme of them we will open the chest with the contents - five spells "Parrot Flight". We return back, we define the spell into the cell of the fastest use and with the support of it we appeal to the parrot. The flight can continue as much as you like, but over time the bird will decrease and the katu resource will be required - the power - for the embroidery kit. Fleasters to the opposite building, interrupt the act of spells and search the chest inside the room. We take rum, gold and golden ring, when wearing increasing some characteristics of the character.
The lord of shadows. Conducts confirmed - Pirates try to find the treasure of an ancient temple. Approaching daylighting, we use the "Fire Rain" spell and, enhancing the fight, we are straightened. Speaking with Patty, we collect wet meat and inscribe it on Greynin. We go down to the river along the path to the right of the bridge and climb on the ledges by pressing the jump button. Having reached the very top, we pass into the sanctuary and we are afraid with two giant rats. We collect throwing daggers, overlook the bones of the pirate and we are moving away. We destroy another rat, we collect throwing daggers and gold. Reaching the button control button, activate it and reiterate with Patty.
We have a fighter of the fighters in the main hall and search the body of the captain of Rowlings, lying in the focus of the room. Rowling was the old friend of Admiral Alvares and, it seems, his spirit all this time led us over the unchanged path. Patty did not bother to report to the admiral that we went to the crab trembling, not wanting to share the abundance of the temple. We go through the move on the left side of the hall. A long corridor will plunge up to the hubber with a sarcophagus. Alternately we are straightening with a fighter and stone spider (if you come to the cocoon in the corner), in more detail using the weapon of a distant fight. From the sarcophagus, we get a ritual potion and the great number of gold. On the return path, the expected collapse of the hollow is happening. By pressing the jump button on time, we will get clinging for the ride. If the dollars fell down, then we collect small gold and a couple of objects and pull the lever in the corner. We return to the main hall, we are chosen from the other side of the temple and fight on the bridge with hellish hounds. Next, we get to the portal inside the cave, from which the owner of the shadows shows and kills us.
Remove from here

Patty still mourned a blood brother buried on a trembling island. Three weeks later, I found us, dug out and raised the pirate voodoo named Bons. He drove that the shadows took half of our Davi and now it will be in the underworld. Without it, soon we will be wrapped in Mignon - the lower legs. Weakened body is a fear of restoring the lost skills. To get together with the forces and returns a different half of Davi to us will be supported by mighty magicians - the internal leaders of the communities, the exile, who settled on the island of Tiranus and the mining of crystals, the true purpose of which it is famous only to them. Having finished the conversation, exacerbate the features of the character accumulated glory.
Looking into the underworld, you can easily show out objects. Than proprietary skill is unlocking, the brighter objects are allocated. I'll talk again with a bonx and ask about those who are in addition to the magicians to make us in return Davi.
Natives - Mighty wood wizards, jammed into a tribe, live on the island of Kila.
Druid Eldrick, depicting the leader of the hunters for demons and owning a special appearance of black magic, residents in Kalador.
Alvarez. Bons will recall that somehow we were in the Pirate Organization, the captain's recommendation of Antigua, headed by Admiral Alvarez, from now on threatened disappearance.
Patty went to Takarigua to the seller's search, which threw it with a treasure map. The meeting is promised to be merry. The only driven bons on Takarigua - Jack Lighthouse Lighthouse.
To study the dangerous islands at first it will be possible in the bones of Bons. The recruitment of crew members, part-time partners, will have to do on their own. Some of the candidates aforementioned are Patty's sister and Jack. The partners are issued by unique abilities and skills. For example, the bon is able to excite health.

We use the boat in order to rise aboard the ship. Then we interact with the steering wheel, we bring the sail and move to Antigua, choosing a corresponding location on the map.
The invincible Armada under the leadership of the Pirate Captain Crowa, which returned from the underworld and made a army from minions, captures all ships on his way. It remains to guess everything, why he depicted to us in a dream and what role he will fight in our further fate.

Chapter 2. New Comraders
Report for Admiral Alvaresa

Let's talk with a bonx and taking that the crystal portals knit the world of shadows and the world of living. Flashing fluid returns returns back. Crystal portals must be lime as if possible, in order to break the flow of the appearance of evil creatures. On the boat, we move to trembled and get to the port city, passing the two hellish hounds. Enemies in the first priority will be thrown at us, however, the entire partner will turn on in the battle, it will be possible to get rid of one of them. Strictly attacking all your target, not interference in the battery of a partner. The longer we hold the shock button, the ejections we apply the damage. Against the hypers, use simple and slightly reinforced blows. Paring is not an eyelid effectively and, if the hero was exhausted with a grip, then a bolko is rid of rolling.
High home with an invalid side - headquarters of the Captain Council of Antigua. Reaching to him, we welcome the admiral, which report has already been released. Let us discuss in detail about what we had to face the crab trembling and the fact that I had happened after the portal detection.
Chaos in Porto.
Crowe. The hounds became the main problem of Antigua. These creatures terrorize the local inhabitants for several weeks. Once who flourishing the port city has become cut off from the world. Someone escaped, and someone stayed, guessing on improving the situation. Alvarez will prompt that the creatures of the underworld saw on the eastern tremor, on a strictly Flynna, in the bazaar before the forge of Grace, on the Square of the Blood Oath and on Western trembling. We make the task the main, in order noticeable on the map. In every point in two or four hounds, because we immediately charge a partner with me. In some cases, the main inhabitants are supported for support. It is enough to communicate with them and offer your support in the extermination of uninvited guests. Do not forget about pumping, buying all sorts of healthy objects from traders and performing side tasks. Careful learning gaming Mira It will make it much easier to advance through the main storyline.
Returning to Alvarez, we inform him about the work done and we receive a reward for any stringent point.
Alliance with pirates

Admiral is concerned about the unpunished procession in the southern seas of Captain-Ghost Crowa and therefore it wishes to connect with other guilds to confront the Universal Body. Find comrades and make diplomatic alliances with them waiting for us from the fish of the Captain Council of Antigua. It is curious that the feed Morgan took the will on the ship Captain Slalar and began to rob anyone else. Nevertheless, a powerful ship and a big Morgan team could serve as a good favor.
We continue to go game Risen 3.

Law of visiting

We get to the Mages camp and along the way to the main building, we will meet General Magnus. He will warn that the entrance of the foreign onwards to the Great Chamber, where the magicians are corrupt, iron is prohibited. We will tell about your intentions to fight against the shadows, and then offer support or express the desire to join the ranks of the Guardians. Minions led by the master of shadows of treason defeated the camp on the west tremor. After a short persuasion, the general will tested to check three mines, in which gnomes are engaged in crystals, and get reports from brigadiers.
Make an impression on General Magnus

We walked in one of the mines from the task "Report from Mines", back to Magnus and report on the work done. We get permission to visit the Great Chamber of Mages and inform about this worthwhile downce.

Report from Rudnikov
Erasmus. You can up to the shortest mine, which will be within the camp, and are going with Frinka at the entrance. He will ask to bring bags with mine crystals. We go to the mine and proceedfully moving on it. There are only four bags and all of them are lying on the boxes, so that the wanted problem will not arise.
We go to the second estimate of the mine and enter into a dialogue with Valalary, which will be near the entrance. He, to gently sing, is the "ahow efficiency of the gnomes. We agree to support them. We make an active task "Golden mine". Entering into the mine, turning to the right to the right and get to the main gnome - Faris. He is responsible for all other gnomes and departing to resolve their problems. Let's go down and go to the vegan. Kefkir subtebral he has five crystals - it is necessary to return them. We rise to the slope, one of the ways we take the crystals from Kefkira and return them to Vega. After going down the dollars, let's talk to Banu. It will be covered in bulk because of the hum, emanating from the urgent mine level. We descend there, pass through the arch and we are painting with five voracious stone spiders and one pack. Advanced even distant, we will meet Rami. Accompany him to Pharis, then return to Banu and inform him that the buzz is eliminated. I search for a gnome noide and make sure that it does not care anything. Reggerently return to Pharis and inform him about eliminating the problems of the gnomes. Let's leave the mine, we repeat the Valamir about the work done.

In the third estimation of the mine is going on unmanally bardak. Downtown to the mine, showing the body of the guard. Moving forward, destroy the collections of the colors: five bones, five hellish hounds and two minions. We make it a graveyard, for one accepting the partner of no more than two-three characters. However, it all depends on the level of pumping and licked equipment.
The last fourth mine boils goblins. We are moving around the mine, straightening with the speakers. Rising upstairs, eliminate several termites and run on the ledge. Having finished with the remaining goblines, we return to Magnus and report on all mines. Further, Magnus will send us to the Glome Gadi, which goes into the port in order, in order to tell him about the newly minted mine. Having done this, we return to Magnus again and complete the task.

Risen 3 Titan Lords Description
Computer role-playing game, new project Piranha Bytes, Sicvel Games Risen and Risen 2: Dark Waters. The main character Risen 3 Titan Lords - as always Unnamed, but not the fact that was in Risen and Risen 2 Dark Waters. The new protagonist is the Son of the Pirate of Gregorus "Steel Beard" and the Senior Brother Patty, Hero's companions in Risen 2 Dark Waters. At the very beginning of the game, he, together with his sister Patty, goes to the crab island in search of the temple with treasures, in the temple of his soul absorbs the powerful lord of the shadows, and his body dies on Patty's hands. 3 weeks after the burial, the chief hero returns the shaman-wood bons to life. Now his goal is to regain the lost soul. To do this, you will have to enlist the support of one of the factions in the game, collect the team again, get the ship and pass the world along the way. We offer you 45 hours of video, passing the game, video volume 271 GB, 189 videos for 15 minutes of high quality.
Risen 3 Titan Lords Fractions
There are three rank for each of the three fractions, for the receipt of which the hero is provided with the ability to wear a more powerful set of armor. The first two ranks are obtained by performing certain tasks, the third hero will receive at the beginning of the fourth chapter.
Demon hunters
Dark Warriors of Kalador, who set up the goal to destroy demons and any undead. Since ancient times, there are several clans of hunters, so most often this title is inherited. Inhabit the dilapidated citadel on Kalador. Use Rune Magic. The leader is a former Druid of Eldrick, our familiar from the previous parts. Titles: Scout, Demons Hunter, Dark Warrior.
Warriors accompanying magicians in their expedition on Taustine. Inhabit the northeast of the island. Especially for this were organized 3 mines. The leader of the Guardians is General Magnus, but all the guards are subordinate to the magicians, so the actual leader is the Supreme Magician Zechariah. Titles: Cadet, Guard, General.
Pirates Voodoo
Pirates that entered into an agreement with the natives of the island of Kila. Possess Voodoo magic. The informal leader is the witch of the Cany. The title: Voodoo Pirate, Master Voodoo, Shaman Voodoo.
Risen 3 Titan Lords Magic
There are three types of magic in the game: Magic crystals, Magic Runes and Magic Voodoo. You can learn this or another type of magic after joining a certain fraction. The magic of crystals has the richest set of attacking magic, while in magic runes prevail the character support spells. Magic Voodoo is mainly specialized at curses and weakening the enemy. Each magic type has at least one melee spell, telecision and spell for character healing.
Risen 3 Titan Lords Team List
Bons - Voodoo-pirate, your doctor and the most reliable ally, joins the team at the end of the first chapter, as soon as he resurrects the main character. Heal the character if its health level is low.
Petty is a character familiar to the previous parts of the game, the sister of the main character and the daughter of the steel beard.
Edward - a hunter for demons who follows his heritage.
Horace - Guardian hiding from the inquisition.
Jaffar - Dwarf from the previous part of the game, as before the defeated opponents bope.
Mendoza is the ghost of the infamous inquisitor from the first part.
Saddek - the native, who decided to become a pirate. Gives potions of various vision.
Risen 3 Titan Lords Cheats, cracks, game recordings, Save, tricks, hacking.
Start the Artmoney program if you do not have it, you can download on our portal. In order to have a lot of bullets (any items), you need a minimum 10-15 bullets. Select the Risen 3 Titan Lords in the program. In the game, go to the box, any box that you opened. Then open the box, look at the number of bullets, roll the game and run the first search for an equal number of bullets in your inventory (items). After the search is completed in ArtMoney, open the game (Alt + Tab), and shift one bullet in the box and run the second search (screening) equal to the number of bullets in your inventory (items), many addresses appear, then in Artmoney, click the number of search. slightly fewer addresses, then cut out and so on until 1 address appears, this address is transferred to the right panel and the value in the cell change the value to 999999999, press Enter. We open the game and see in 999999999. To hack money, go to the seller, buying on one product, confirming the "E" key, you do the outlines of the values \u200b\u200buntil you find one value, after that it is changed by 999999999.

Risen 3 Titan Lords How to kill the sea monster

Bons before going into the sea will always warn you about the attack of the monsters, there are three of them in the game. You can figure out the first weaker with the sight (PCM), shoot at a distance from the monster. The second monster is a bit more complicated for the first, in order to win it, you need to use the volley of the on-board guns, the "Q" key on the left, the "E" key, respectively, on the right. The third monster is the most difficult in the game, it is if you can say the most difficult boss. You should spin as much as possible, fasten forward and it will pop up in 90%. Make a volley on board tools, before the monster is trying to dive, it comes out of the water as much as possible. This is the most serious damage, never give battle, even if you have little long life. Stay away from stones, when a collision in stones in the sea, you also get damage.

Risen 3 Titan Lords How to Kill Titan
With the help of a spell that he could only get from the necrolota, Choras caused a stone titanium. I have to defeat it. Pick the shackles and throw in the hands or feet of titanium, in the special zones in titanium when these zones increase as shown in the video. In order to throw the shackles, notice the PKM, then throw LMK. You will need 5 kandal kits to claim ore titanium in the chain.