Why did the FPS start dropping in tanks? What is FPS. Mods to increase the FPS in the game

FPS (Frames Per Second) means the number of frames your computer displays per second. The higher this figure - the smoother your gameplay will look - there will be no lags and slowdowns.

Wot can be played normally starting from an FPS value of 30 frames per second.

1. Go to the graphics settings in the game and try to reduce everything to the maximum.
Yes, the quality of graphics will decrease, individual effects will disappear, it will be a little unaccustomed to look at a clumsy and poorly drawn world, but your tank will deal with opponents without brakes and glitches.

3. Enter in the line that appears
"bcdedit / set increaseuserva* "(replace the asterisk with the volume random access memory to be used for applications.
It is recommended to use 75% from all of your RAM on your computer.
For example, if you have 4 GB of RAM on your PC, then instead of the asterisk, enter the value 3072, for 2 GB, enter 1792).

We have 4GB of RAM on our PC.
We have registered the value at 3072 MB. This will improve the performance of the game.

4. Restart your computer and start WoT - World of tanks .

5. When you want to reset the memory usage values ​​to zero, write in the cmd-term " bcdedit / deletevalue increaseuserva"(without quotes) and press Input.

World of tanks- a multiplayer computer toy that, over several years of its existence, has conquered many human hearts, not indifferent to the military tank battles... It is at least stupid to talk about what this project is like, since you yourself know, since you are interested in the answer to the question regarding how to increase FPS in World of Tanks! This is what will be discussed, down with meaningless ranting ...

  1. Set Wot is better just on the same disk where the software is installed, this will allow in-game processes to interact with each other faster, as a result of which there will be fewer lags.
  2. Before starting the game, be sure to switch the antivirus software v Game Mode if it is supported, otherwise it is better to turn it off altogether for a while.
  3. The first step is to take care of turning off all third-party programs that are running at the time of launching the game - be it Skype or a browser. Thus, a certain amount of RAM will be freed, due to which the FPS will increase (how much depends on the memory absorbed by the disabled programs).
  4. If you plan to play from a laptop, do not forget that most of these units have two video cards, and therefore before starting the game you need to make sure that World of Tanks has a high priority of performance (you can do this in the corresponding section "Control Panel").
  5. It's not a secret for anybody that various modifications are widely used by tankers. So, it will be better if there are fewer such installed mods. Their complete utilization will significantly increase FPS in WoT.

Additional methods to increase FPS in WOT

If the above tips did not work for you, or if you want to further increase the playability, then it is recommended to do the following:
  1. Update the video adapter driver. This can be done using a specific section in the "PC / laptop control panel".
  2. Decrease the settings for in-game graphical interpretations. To carry out this action can be directly in the game menu.
  3. Clean your PC. If a lot of unnecessary programs and files have accumulated on your computer, they need to be cleaned. The desired is accomplished using the CCleaner utility, which must first be installed.
  4. Disable unnecessary features. Shadows, grass, tracks from caterpillars - all this, of course, is good, but at the same time it negatively affects the number of displayed frames per second. So it's best to chop them off.
  5. Upgrade your computer. This option is the most reasonable if you want to maximize increase FPS in World of Tanks... First of all, you should pay attention to the expansion of the RAM and video memory.

Taking into account the above tips and methods, you can easily increase the FPS in the game to the desired level. Well, if the desired result is not achieved, then the only way fix the situation - buy a new (more powerful) PC / laptop, and it is better to take it so that its parameters go with a margin, since updates are constantly being released under WOT, and thus the game becomes more demanding on the system!

Millions play, and every year their number increases. Powerful computer for comfortable game not everyone has graphics at maximum settings. What to do? How to raise FPS in World of Tanks? There is a solution.

If low FPS on a weak PC or laptop forces you to play with wild lags, then this article is for you. Our detailed instructions will help remove lags and raise the FPS in tanks to optimal values. But first, the materiel.

What is FPS

FPS – English abbreviation which stands for Frames Per Second... It stands for number of frames per second... The larger, the smoother and more realistic the picture looks on the screen. Modern computers are capable of producing hundreds and thousands of FPS even at maximum settings. But the owners of old PC models are doomed to constant struggle with lags.

What does FPS WOT depend on?

The performance of games, including World of Tanks, directly depends on the power of the computer. Each detail is responsible for performing its own range of tasks. To understand how to increase FPS in World of Tanks, it is worth finding out what resources the system lacks for normal operation.

RAM (random access memory)

RAM stores the data of all running programs, including the operating system itself. Its volume indicates how much information the device can work with at the same time. For example, a weak laptop usually has 2 GB of RAM. Part of it is reserved for system needs, so only 1.7 GB is actually available. At the same time, about 1 GB more are taken away by Windows 10 processes. 700 MB remain. To play World of Tanks with a normal frame rate at minimum settings, you need at least 2 GB free random access memory. This is due to the fact that in the game huge maps and lots of 3D objects that need to be stored somewhere.

CPU (processor)

The processor is responsible for processing information right now, in real time. It transports data between RAM and the motherboard - the main part of a computer. How quickly he does it is called processor frequency and is measured in Gigahertz (GHz or GHz). For example, the Inter Core i5 processor has 4 cores, each with a frequency of 3.2 GHz. This is enough for a comfortable game in WOT with 30-60 FPS.

The problem of a weak processor is most relevant when dynamics begins on the screen: shots, explosions, destruction of objects, fast movement, and the like. At such moments, you can notice a serious drop in FPS due to the inability of a weak CPU to cope with a huge amount of data overnight. The minimum processor parameters with which World of Tanks can be launched are 2 cores, 2 GHz each .

GPU (video card)

The video card is responsible for everything related to graphics: 3D rendering of the scene (maps), detailing game models, particle system (effects of explosions and shots), drawing water and shadows, lighting, drawing vegetation (in particular trees, bushes and their foliage), transparency of objects, etc. The video card has its own graphics processor , cooler (fan for cooling) and video memory ... It works in the same way as a CPU with RAM: the processor transfers data between the video memory and the motherboard, and the cooler monitors the temperature so that the GPU does not burn out from overheating.

The greatest load on the video card is created by:

  • Shadows, especially dynamic (moving),
  • Mirror surfaces,
  • Glare and lighting effects,
  • High resolution textures,
  • Shaders (grass movement, water physics, footprints in the sand, etc.),
  • Vsync and triple buffering (stabilizes but reduces frame rate).

Having already disabled all this in the settings, you can force the PC to produce 30-50 FPS more, unless, of course, the problem is in the video card. The minimum amount of video memory for playing WOT is 512 MB.

Important! When choosing a video card for WOT, you should give preference to Nvidia models. For the most part, they are more productive than AMD products, as well as more flexible in customization and more affordable financially.

What FPS should be in WOT

Normal FPS in WOT is 30 and above. With this number of frames per second, you can play quite normally. With a high FPS (60-120 and more), tank battles become especially enjoyable, but not everyone can enjoy such fun. If the FPS falls below 30, you should prepare for periodic freezes, freezes, twitching pictures and other annoying consequences. Sound familiar?

Why is FPS slowing down in World of Tanks

First of all, FPS depends on the power of the device where the game is running. We have already found out what affects it:

  • The number of processor cores and their frequency,
  • The amount of RAM and the speed of working with it,
  • The amount of video memory and the speed of the video card,
  • Hard disk speed and amount of occupied space,
  • Component temperature,
  • General state of the system,
  • Much more.

Based on this, the first step is to check if your PC matches system requirements World of Tanks.

Minimum (~ 30 FPS)

  • Processor: 2 cores at 2 GHz or better
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • Video card: 256 MB
  • Free disk space: ~ 25 GB
  • Processor: 4 cores at 3 GHz
  • RAM: from 4 GB
  • Video card: 2 GB or higher
  • Free disk space: ~ 36 GB

If a computer or laptop is so weak that it does not even reach the minimum, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to squeeze more than 10-20 FPS out of it. Better not force your calculator and pay attention to others, including. Minimum Requirements met, and FPS is the bottom? Move on.

Configuring World of Tanks to increase FPS

First of all, with a low FPS, you need to turn down the graphics settings in the game itself. The lion's share of system resources is taken up by unnecessary special effects, shadows, ultra-realistic textures, and more. If you are here, then this is clearly not for your bucket. Feel free to turn it off!

Open the window World settings of Tanks.

  • Turn on full screen mode... V windowed mode FPS often jumps in WOT.
  • Decrease your screen resolution... The smaller it is, the easier it will be for the computer to display information. The 1366x768 resolution is quite enough for a comfortable game, but this is not the limit.
  • Disable shadows... Shadows load the graphics card a lot. If you have a weak PC, you will get almost 2x the performance boost just by turning them off.
  • Disable vertical sync... Vertical sync makes the picture smooth, eliminating freezes and twitching, but reduces FPS. Disable it and get + 5-10 frames per second.
  • Disable triple buffering... This parameter is only meaningful when vertical sync is enabled. Make sure it is disabled in the game settings.
  • Disable anti-aliasing... Anti-aliasing improves the visual component of the World of Tanks, but decreases FPS nicely on weak devices.
  • Disable all special effects... Get rid of all particle effects (steam, smoke, fire, etc.) that can affect the FPS.
  • Reduce the quality of terrain and vegetation... All this is an extra waste of system resources, which is permissible only on powerful PCs.
  • Disable grass in sniper mode... It affects not only FPS, but also game process interfering with shooting from time to time.
  • Lower your graphics settings to the minimum... Set the minimum texture resolution. This will reduce the load on the graphics card.
  • Lower the resolution of the 3D render... This parameter affects the depth of the 3D scene and changes the resolution of its objects. The smaller it is, the more performance gain you will get.
  • Reduce draw distance... The smaller the field of view, the faster the computer will process the data, which means that the FPS will be significantly higher.

Disable everything you can and check the frame rate. Of course, after completing all these actions, the picture on the screen will still be the same ... But what to do? This is the price for performance. Move on.

How to raise FPS in World of Tanks: setting up and cleaning your computer

A small increase in performance in World of Tanks can be obtained by optimizing the computer. Let's see what we can do to raise or stabilize FPS a little.

Clean up junk files from your PC

This is a basic measure that you need to do regularly, whether you are playing games or not. A special utility CCleaner will help you with this, which can be downloaded for free on the official website at the link.

  1. Start CCleaner
  2. Go to the "Cleaning" section
  3. Click the Analyze button and wait for the scan to complete
  4. Click "Clean" to remove junk files

Registry fix

The registry stores data that allows the system to work properly with applications. Errors in the registry almost always lead to a loss of performance. The same CCleaner program will help to eliminate them.

  1. Start CCleaner
  2. Go to the "Registry" section
  3. Click "Search for problems" and wait for the scan to complete
  4. Click "Fix Selected ..."
  5. In the window that appears, indicate whether you need a backup
  6. In the next window, click "Fix Selected"

Transferring the game from the C: /

If your World of Tanks is installed on the local drive C: / (on the same virtual drive with operating system PC), transfer it to a file virtual disk (for example, D: / or E: /). Try not to install anything extra and bulky on the C: / drive, as this will make your computer run slower than usual.

  1. Remove World of Tanks
  2. Reinstall World of Tanks on a different local drive

Just moving the game folder will not work. This will introduce registry errors and performance will get worse.

Defragment your hard drive

If you do not take care of the railway for a long time and install a lot different games and programs, files of one application may be scattered across different sectors of the hard drive, which makes it more difficult for the computer to process them. Defragmentation moves these data closer together. Hence the performance gain.

  1. Open "My Computer"
  2. Right click on the local disk with the game
  3. Go to the "Service" tab
  4. In the subsection "Optimization and defragmentation" select "Optimize"
  5. Select the required local disk in the list and click "Analyze"
  6. Wait for the analysis to complete and click "Optimize", if necessary

The instructions are current for Windows 10. For other operating systems, the procedure may differ.

Update your graphics card drivers

Find and download latest versions drivers can be found on the official website of the manufacturer of your video card - AMD or Nvidia. Newer driver versions optimize the video accelerator. The FPS will be slightly higher and the graphics are slightly better.

Disable any unnecessary background programs

Close all unnecessary programs: Skype, Telegram, web browsers, Steam, etc. If you have Windows 10, in the Task Manager go to the "Autostart" tab and disable there all unnecessary applications that start with the OS.

Increase the priority of the process

In the list of processes in the task manager, find World of Tanks, right-click and set the priority to "High". From this point on, the system will give the game as much of the available resources as possible, sacrificing the performance of other running programs (for example, Explorer).

Disable Windows visual effects

If things are really bad, do the following.

  1. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".
  2. In the window that opens, click "Advanced system settings"
  3. In the window that appears, go to the "Advanced" tab
  4. In the subsection "Performance", click the "Options" button
  5. Next, select "Provide Best Performance" and save your changes.

Now your Windows will run a little faster, but it will look a little worse, and the window animations will disappear altogether.

What else can be done

  1. Remove all unnecessary programs and files... The less data there is on the disk, the faster it works.
  2. Install WOT on SSD... When you launch the game from an external hard drive, it will run much faster, which will entail an increase in FPS.
  3. Hardware overclocking of components... The processor, RAM and video card can be overclocked. Indicators of "iron" will improve, but the amount of heat generated will also increase. This should be done by a person who clearly understands all the risks and has practical experience.

Programs and mods

FPS in WOT can also be raised using special programs and game modifications. Below is the most popular software on this topic.

  1. CCleaner. We have already met with this utility above. The program can clean PC from garbage, fix registry errors and remove unnecessary applications.
  2. Razer Cortex (updated Razer Game Booster). The program was created specifically for gamers. When launching games, Razer Cortex will free up the maximum amount of system resources for them. Performance increase on weak PCs - from +10 to +30 FPS. Also, the program can take screenshots, record video, stream, perform defragmentation and much more. More details on the developer's website.
  3. WOT Tweaker. This small program is specially designed for the World of Tanks. With its help, you can change the game beyond recognition by disabling all unnecessary special effects - clouds, explosions, smoke, fire, and more. The increase in FPS on weak PCs will be noticeable. Read more on the developer forum.

In addition to programs, there are fashion with compressed textures World of Tanks. This reduces the load on the graphics card and improves performance.

What to do if all else fails

I was once in your shoes trying to play WOT on a dual-core laptop. I didn't succeed, but I was not particularly upset - there are still a lot of different tank games... So, if you were unable to increase the FPS in the World of Tanks, I suggest the following options.

  1. Try to play... At the minimum settings, the lags are much less here. In addition, the game offers atypical mechanics and variety military equipment including planes and ships. Read more in our review.
  2. Rating: 4.8 - 12 votes

Many people are interested in how to increase fps in World of Tanks. The performance directly depends on this parameter, because even the most skillful player will hardly be able to accurately shoot at jumping and disappearing enemies. In this article, you will see a personal example of raising FPS in World of Tanks on an average non-gaming laptop.

What is FPS in tanks

Before directly considering the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks, let us analyze what this indicator is responsible for and what factors affect it.

FPS is the number of frames played by the system per second. The optimal indicator is kept at the level of 60-80 frames. You can play comfortably at 40 fps, but at lower rates, lags and freezes begin. Let's take a look at what factors affect performance.

  • The power of the "iron". RAM and video card are especially important.
  • System load. The number of simultaneously open programs.
  • In-game settings. How the game is set up.

Now that we "know the enemy by sight", let's look at how to increase the FPS in World of Tanks.

How to set up your computer

Step one. Disable all unnecessary programs

The first step is to clear the RAM. To do this, just close all active tabs. Usually it is a browser and skype, you can turn off the antivirus, playing tanks it is impossible to pick up malware, but the memory will be freed up decently.

Alternatively, you can disable background processes in the task manager. It is invoked by pressing the ctrl + alt + delete keys at the same time. In it, you can close everything, opposite which there is no Windows mark.

Step two. Update video card drivers.

One of the reasons for the low FPS in World of Tanks is outdated software. You can update drivers directly through Windows, this is done in two steps:

  1. Launch Device Manager and select "Video Adapters"
  1. Open the action menu by right-clicking on the video card. In it, click "Update driver".

The system itself will find the necessary data on the Internet.

Step three. Settings inside the game.

FPS increase in World of Tanks is available in game client... The fact is that the game does not quite correctly assess the capabilities of the system, which is why the performance drops dramatically. Here's a good example:

The system advises me such graphics

First you need to change the screen resolution. The main thing is to keep the aspect ratio (in my case 16: 9)

Then you need to go to advanced settings and change whole line settings.

Render resolution cannot be changed. The picture quality deteriorates to almost unplayable state.

Let's see how much work with the settings helped.

It can be seen that, although the quality of the graphics has dropped, the way to increase the FPS in WoT works with a bang.

Even on the most weak computers this method will significantly increase the number of frames per second. However, there are also extreme ways to improve performance.

Programs and mods to increase FPS

The software for game optimization started coming out from the early versions. At first, some small improvements were released. For example . Then, noticing the demand for such a function, the programmers united into one team and announced WoT Tweaker. WoT Tweaker is a program for increasing FPS in World of Tanks. It allows you to comprehensively disable visual effects... You can download () for free and without registration on our website. There is also a universal program Leatrix Latency Fix.

An alternative way is to install a modpack with optimized tank textures. The modpack is called. The fact that it is dedicated to the anime series does not matter, but what is important is that the author of the modpack has reworked the wargaming textures and optimized them. There is a lot of modpack, but the game can be run even on video cards with 128 MB of RAM. Try it!

How to increase fps in World of Tanks using WoT Tweaker

  1. from our website.
  2. Run the mod and turn off the effects. Multicore processing is marked in red. A function that is not yet fully finalized. It provides improved performance, but is not always stable.

Do you know alternative ways to increase FPS in WoT? Did you find a solution to the problem on the website? Leave your feedback and share your impressions in the comments.

Passion like I love solving riddle problems that IT-her-life throws up. This time, trouble happened in my favorite toy World of Tanks, where I'm trying to become an extra-nerd. The game has long caused complaints from players in terms of performance, since competent multithreading has not yet been implemented so that multi-core processors begin to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying thanks developers of the game, that in the last patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only painted the game with new sounds, but also works on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on the overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should increase slightly, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but drop in fps in WoT after a while.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that expand in Python standard client games. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as "fps reducers":

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, reindeer meter)
  • mod Angles horizontal guidance(UGN)
  • mod reflecting latency to Wargaming.net servers directly in battle.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from the famous professional player and the author of modpack ProTanki - I knew about the serious impact of bad Internet (high latency in the delivery of network packets) on FPS. Many do not understand how it can be connected network and graphics card... The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames for you into the buffer and imagine a situation when due to long delays, information comes from the server that your tank or tanks of allies / enemies are not at this point, but at another, the so-called "teleportation effect". The video card is "forced" to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that the bad Internet adds work to it.

But logically, the bad Internet not-at-my-home should keep low fps throughout the battle. And the problem with enviable constancy looked exactly like a drop in fps, after a couple of minutes of battle. I started looking at which settings are of a dynamic nature. I will not torment you, the setting is called dynamic change of 3D rendering. I also set the 3D rendering parameter to a comfortable 95%, which made it possible to disappear small details and seriously simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will facilitate the work of the video card. Truncated! Drawdowns from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared as horrible dream... Stay random, VasiliscCom goes into battle!