What is the efficiency and how to increase it. How to raise the efficiency in "tanks"? Check your efficiency in Tanks. What is kpp

How to raise the percentage of victories and efficiency in World of Tanks?The topic is very important and relevant to many players who would like to know how to do it. Now we will talk about the basics. What you need to accurately start raising the percentage of victories and efficiency.

The most important thing is that you will need this desire to defeat, the desire to develop, think in battle and benefit your allies. You will also need a good statistics initial, which will mean that you generally know the basics of the game and play well. Look at your statistics if you have less than 48% of victories and less than 900 efficiency, you still think about the percentage of victories. You need to read guides, learn some tricks and tactics of playing different cards and a different type technique. If you have good statistics and you are generally overflowing with the desire to develop and raise the percentage of victories and efficiency. What do you need? Solo You can never have a big percentage of victories. Of course there are exceptions, but these are very rare cases. So to achieve the goal you will need a platoon. At the same time, the platoon should be from such people who want to raise the percentage of victories with you. Friends who are obsessed with this idea. Even with not very good statistics having 2-3 such people in a platoon, you will definitely make a high percentage of victories! Of course not immediately, but over time you will learn to play together, you will win and all reach!

You probably ask: "What now can not play solo?" No, of course, you still can do it, though most of the battle you should spend a platoon. Playing solo remember - your percentage of victories for a session or six battles should not fall below the critical mark (your total percent of victories). If a total percentage of 50, and for the session, 30, you yourself understand the next to play it does not make sense. You need to stop or change the technique, look for a platoon. It is impossible to continue to merge. But how to be if you have no well-playing friends and do not even have assumptions where they take these? Now we will talk about this in detail. You need to find such people by creating a company. If you write a cap correctly - you can choose the necessary people. We advise you to choose junior or secondary, depending on the beginning you or not. If you just started playing, you know the foundations, but you still know how to play at all levels - choose from these two leagues. Then over time it will be possible to go to champion or absolute. And so, we make a hat, write a platoon and level of tanks, while we need the same level in all players without light tanks that usually throws high. Indicate the percentage of victories on the tank or the general you are looking for. For example, if you have 50% overall, you need to take people from 50% + with about the same efficiency as yours. You can write a damage on a tank, see this feature with the help of a Fashion Olemener (if you do not use XVM - we advise it to put it). It is impossible to demand from players much more than you have. Look look like you players with the desire to bend, win, play in the team and increase the efficiency.

What World Of Tank Tanks is better to choose to play in a platoon?

Many players swing one specific branch of technology, pump up to level 10 and immediately begin to swamp out another branch. Thus, it is unlikely to be a high percentage of victories. Constantly playing in stock technician, you are unlikely to find a good platoon playing the same stock technique. Your effectiveness seriously falls and the percentage of victories too. You, of course you can pump new techniqueBut if you are still seriously configured to increase your statistics, you need to choose a certain level, tank and constantly playing it on it. You will learn the tank thoroughly, understand all its good and bad sides, pump the crew, put all the equipment. Thus, completely understanding in one machine, you can start bending. The tank at one time should be good.

What tank to choose for such a game?

Already a long time ago there was a certain opinion about each tank, many tanks are considered nagibators, others are not very. Remember, every opinion is subjective. Think in your own way. The same tank in different hands can kill everything that moves, or dying in the first minute the battle does not break any goal. From the sixth levels, we advise you to take Hellcat, Kvass. At 7, you can choose from T29, IP2. From 10 levels E-4, Object268. In general, select the tank that you like, in which you get to play best. Voice comrades should also play good technique with all modules and equipment, in no case is the stock! The crew must be top. So you get maximum effect From the platoon, falling on stock players who simply pump the next branch. To play in a platoon, you should choose tanks similar to the style of the game - all on medium, PT-SAU or heavy. It will be easy to interact with each other in battle. It is also worth noting that the tanks of 7.8,9 levels are very often falling at the bottom of the list. It is very sad. Choose the tanks of the 6th level, or the 10th. Premium cars of the 8th level and below (Valentine, T-27, etc.) are well suited. What if you do not have a premium account and premium techniques, you should pay attention to the 5.6 level tanks because of their good farm abilities, you will not leave the minus for silver. It is also worth noting the server on which, according to many players, the percentage of victories - we advise you with 5.6 and 7 server for playing in a platoon.

So how to play to win more often in a platoon?

First, play extremely gently. Do not think that since you need to put pressure on a platoon all the time, attack. At the beginning of the battle, take the defensive position and wait for the enemy's actions. You probably noticed that the stars play extremely gently, they are not in a hurry anywhere and often sit in a deaf defense. And this is not just like that. The error price may be too high. You will eat somewhere, and you simply differ on scrap metal. So think 500 times before going somewhere. If you are confident in your abilities, you know what and how to do - the flag in your hands. Well, if not, better wait. No one drives forward, coordinate their actions with the platoon, negotiate. The perfect option when everyone has a microphone in a platoon. So much easier, faster and more convenient. Many players really count on luck and say "Oh, lucky to me, the statists and now they hold down" or, on the contrary, "why it is not lucky why the percentage of victories is so low." In the World of Tanks, it is not worth counting on good luck, everything depends on you and from the great Belarusian random! Try to drag yourself and in a platoon. Three people from Top seriously affect the outcome of the battle. Even if you are down, do everything for victory and then you will win. The main thing is not to be dug, be configured to a good result! Analyze every loss, your strategy, equipment, survival.

And how to raise the efficiency in World of Tanks?

You just need to play well, apply a lot of damage in battle, kill tanks. Also, the CPD is affected by the capture of the base, the gripping of the capture, the enemy light and much more. Please benefit the team and you will have a high efficiency. The most influence on the efficiency has caused damage and frags. Take the technique, on which you feel well and destroy many tanks for the fight. On the blind tanks of the efficiency of the efficiency, because you basically do not shine anyone and shoot someone else's light. Best tank for enhance the efficiency - drum. For a game on such a tank, you need a high skill.

If you take into account all of the above, you will find a platoon, take your favorite tank and pump it completely, examine the game strategy on it on different cards - you will easily increase the efficiency and percentage of victories in World of Tanks! The main thing is not to give up, improve your level of the game, work in a team, improve the game interface for yourself (put useful modes).

Tired of the fuss and chronic lack of time, the most active of us try to apply modern methods of time management. And they are always the same in the same way: the articles are read and well for themselves to draw plates, fix the duration of each telephone conversation, etc. And after a while notice that the process of such "optimization" takes more time than the work itself. Plus the complex "Apparently I am completely a fool if I can't work." Without panic! It is necessary to just find "gather" from the famous techniques your picture of time as puzzles. And the parts of the designer are the techniques. So that everything is necessary to see the picture, in the language of the business they say "What prospects?". And let's start with the arrangement of priorities, because the picture of my personal time begins to develop. Select 3-5 receptions that you personally understand and cause sympathy, and go ahead!

We put priorities

I will not open the Secret, if I quote the principle of strategic management: "From a successful future, to a successful present." And let's start - do not be surprised - from drawing. Take a piece of clean paper, pencil and draw your plans for the next 6-12 months.

You think that your life is impossible to portray on one piece of paper? To argue the immense, use the mental card method (MIND MAP). This is a way to record thoughts in the form keywords or images, in one space (paper sheet). The mental card is a similarity block diagram: the kernel (the main idea) with various branches.

What is good method? Easy, practical, visual, it is useful in the moments when chaos reigns in your head, and you need to systematize the areas of work, and create links between them. In addition, as you know, drawings and symbols are stirred more and easier than words. So cover all your business on one sheet is easy enough. Moreover, drawing, you take off part of the psychological tension.

Well, and finish it all the picture called "Matrix of Time".

Eisencura Time Matrix in S.Kovi Treatment

IMPORTANT I.. Activity

1. Crisis.

2. Emergency problems.

3. Projects on the verge of breakdown.

II.. Activity

1. Prevention, balance maintenance

2. Establishing strong relationships.

3. Search for new features.

4. Planning, rest.


1. Interference - for example, calls.

2. Correspondence, different messages.

3. Meetings.

4. Nearest events.

5. Popular classes.

IV.. Activity

1. Trifles, take a lot of time.

2. Correspondence.

3. Calls.

4. Prostwalk visits.

5. Celebrated pastime.

Keep in mind if you write down all things in Square 1 (urgent and important), then this is a direct path to abrasions, stress and diseases in the very near future. How to determine priority? In military medicine, all the wounded are divided into three groups: those who die in any case, regardless of their assistance; Those who will survive in any case and those who survive only if they receive timely medical care.
On the same principle, divide all your projects.

Projects are divided into:

  1. projects that do not provide significant results, regardless of whether you will be engaged in them (focusing on the first group, you will begin to twist pedals, while important things will remain not done);
  2. projects that will be successful, regardless of whether you will be engaged in them (focusing on the second group, you will spend energy without receiving significant returns);
  3. projects that will give a significant result only if you complete them in a timely manner (if you concentrate on the third group, you will spend time and energy in the best way).

Conclusion: To focus on the most significant actions, you have to forget about the first two groups for a while.
Task sorting practice is very complex, because for this you need to constantly say "no" to those tasks that at the level of instincts may seem to you the right choice. It is like to refuse the wounded, asking for help. However, if you do not master the sort art, then many of the projects you really need will never be implemented.

Special attention is paid by Square No. 2. This is your investment in the future - training, relationships, rest, goal of life. Otherwise, you just take a step to nowhere, solving and distracted by urgent cases that behave brazenly and constantly require attention. And modest important, but not urgent things are humbly waiting for their turn.

If you are filled with Square # 3, look carefully, your actions are based on whose priorities. If this is not important for you, then for whom urgent? Maybe these are requests, instructions of other people? Why do you pay so many times of unimportant affairs?

Square No. 4 often serves a run of Square No. 1. Otherwise, the wave of stresses will cover with his head. After all, it is often square No. 1, like a giant tsunami covers life, and we attach all your strength to get out of this wave. We have been flushed, bars, just to stay afloat. And there is no qualitative improvement in life.

It is in order to realize this and it is worth taking a handle and draw your matrix.

Simple rules Optimization

Proper priorities correctly - this is the main, but not the only work that we need to do. It must be done so that every day of our day is fully used, and each occupation brought a maximum benefit - whether to compile a sales plan or a goat with a child. At the same time, we must take into account the features of our own organism, so as not to bring themselves to exhaustion or stress. To do this, it is necessary to remember and follow the following simple rules.

Rule 1. Observe the balance of periods of work and recreation.

Regular shortage of forces can accumulate unnoticed, then manifest itself suddenly, for a long time, knocking out you in order to sudden diseases and ailments. Therefore, a full-fledged holiday on weekends and vacation is mandatory. Between big deeds make big breaks. For example: 2 hours Work on the project, drawing up a strategy, then a big break - you can drink tea, dine, walk down the street, have lunch. The body needs time to recover. If you work without breaks, your productivity and quality of ideas are reduced.

And small things - calls, answers to letters - unite in groups so that there are no costs for switching actions.

Rule 2. Switch to other activities during the day. The more intellectual, your work is, the easier it should be your switching. Fallen - hesitated, rested without elevator on the 10th floor - excellent! Such is our physiology, and you need to go to armaments: there is nothing better than the walk. It follows from this that the day off on the sofa is not our option. Gym, walk through the park with children or dog. Rollers, skates. Any physical activity. This is also the good prevention of emotional burnout syndrome. We remember about Square No. 2, health belongs exactly.

Rule 3. Catch the Cairos, "Take the time" time. I catch Cairos on a training session in the gym (running in the headphones - I listen to English lessons). If your activity is associated with frequent business trips - generally excellent! Time on the way belongs only to you - you will not distract, and therefore you can do a lot to do. Or just sleep.

Rule 4. Take into account your natural biorhythms. I am a lark, so I plan all important strategic affairs in the morning, and after lunch - meetings and cases that do not require special inclusion. I know that if my brain falls asleep at 22:00 it makes no sense to think about sales strategy at 21:00 - I will spend a lot of strength, and the effectiveness is "minus one".

Rule 5.. If you are seriously occupied by the case, entered the "stream", you can not be distracted. You need to be able to calmly and respect the "no" to all chronophages. Read more about chronophages below.

Rule 6. Maximum use modern means of communication and communication - in the yard of the XXI century! Iphon, netbook, tablet - You can always answer an email "one hand". All questions that can be solved by e-mail are solved in correspondence. If a business conversation is needed - always Skype, even if you are in one city, not to mention another country. Modern communications methods allow you to collect several people in one virtual negotiation, moreover, you can download a presentation, any document, video, all in one virtual space. This is a serious time saving and resources.

Rule 7. Delegate. Transfer work tasks with your subordinates. Own strategic tasks. Delegate and in the event that you can "buy" this time, for example, to search for air tickets, hire an agent. Do not personally do business, the time to which you can "buy out".

What are chronophages - "time eaters"

Views and features Methods of struggle
Delay. This is a psychological state when a person is looking for and finds the reasons for anything. This is a lack of motivation, fear or fear make a mistake. Laying, often we are waiting that the problem itself will disappear. Yes, sometimes it happens, but when your meditation on the topic: "Decide itself" does not give the result, it means that you are entered into a sequencing cycle, which will be repeated every time in the natural sequence. 1. "burn bridges", cut off the way to retreat. Assign a meeting to the Investor to which you must bring your presentation. You will not remain anything, how to make this very presentation, because you have already promised.

2. The sewage cycle shows that you have a lack of positive motivation. The movement "To ..." does not motivate you. Think what will happen if you do not do it right now - perhaps your case is the movement "from ...", that is, negative motivation. What happens if you immediately proceed to the fulfillment of this work? In school, we did lessons under the fear of getting "Two". Works now.

3. Reduce your daily rituals - coffee, news in Yandex, talk with the secretary. Just coffee - and in battle! Chronofagi, seeing an unstable personality in you, here, how will they appear here: "And, by the way, how much tickets to Vienna, now, the distribution came ..."

4. Distribution of dedlamans - the deadline to which the task must be implemented.

Fuzzy setting of the goal. For example, if a person goes to business negotiations, based on the logic: "I focus on the course of the case," the probability of success of this meeting is sharply reduced. In addition, if a business person does not think about his goal, i.e. It does not build an image of the future result, then, most likely, he will spend his time wasted and besides "dilute" the time of his business partner. Remember, in business, all the impact - target. You can't even take off the phone of the phone "just so" - and suddenly on the side of the wire is an important person, then your goal is to form the first pleasant impression. Take a rule to form an image of the desired result. Proactiveness is an important quality of a successful person. At least mentally - visually. Perfect option: The purpose of the day is the goal of the week - the purpose of the month. Who clearly sees the goal, he will always be able to correctly determine whether he moves there.
Personal inorganization.Awnished "writing desk, as an organized business space of the Cabinet, chaos in the documentation, the exhausting quests of business papers speak others about easementes and irresponsibility. It is well known that order on the table, in the portfolio, prepared business paper before the designated meeting testify to respect for the partner, contribute to the establishment of contact and creating a climate of confidence. 1. Even if you are not a fan shui fan, it is useful to rack the table from time to time. You look, and the useful papers will be found.

2. Form your own "order". Usually the table is littered with creative people, the pedants have such a problem at all. therefore creative person We must come up with your "system of order". At least on the piles decompose important folders and documents on the table.

Telephone calls. Here is the very variant of the time matrix when we confuse "urgency" and "importance". Phone callsUnplanned visitors break out of our desire. This is undoubtedly "urgent" things, but are they important for you? 1. No one has fainted from words: "I am uncomfortable to talk now, I'll call you a little later." Learn to say "no".

2. If it is not possible to avoid visitors, then you need to build a dialogue correctly: "Do you have five minutes, make sure?" Or "Tell me in ten phrases, what is the essence of your problem."

Tightening meeting. People meet for hours, feel stress, conflict, but often nothing is solved. Time is spent, the situation does not improve. A clearly set goal, a detailed agenda, distributed roles of participants and, of course, the desire of participants to work together - these are the components of working time savings at the meeting. Only in this case the hour of the meeting can give a tangible business result and motivate personnel. 1. See the item - "Purpose".

2. Get ready for a meeting in advance. Write the agenda and send to all participants in advance. So that everyone understood what topics to prepare.

3. See Item - Dedilan.

4. Hire a moderator or learn how to host the meetings themselves.

5. Select "Human - timer", which will be warned in 5 minutes that the allotted time for the performance ends.

Long expectations (for example, a conventional meeting). To be late for a business meeting, meeting, negotiations, to make business partners wait for themselves - it means to encroach on their time. Expectations can always be used as Cairos - to call a long-time partner, send an email, view the abstracts of the report. Use these precious minute expectations.

What to do to raise your personal CPD in World of Tanks. Good statistics in the game is not very good and simple, but the task is quite feasible.

It is necessary to immediately say that the increase (raising) of the efficiency will take time and this is the most valuable thing than to donate in pursuit of the beautiful "static".

The old account with the number of battles over 20-25 thousand will raise archus post, but you can also.

The essence of the method is that you will have to imagine that you start everything from scratch. Only from the real creation of Twinka, you will have to take those tanks with the statistics for which depressing. Including the tanks sold in the same way to redeem and bring out of the hangar to the "pumping". See what tanks you have the most terrible statistics, you can use the notorious mod "Olenemer".

Projectile additional equipment Maximum tanks with low efficiency, you need from 30 to 300 battles to play as a typical "statist". Of course, it depends on the level and degree of drawdown of the efficiency of the individual units of the technique itself. The effect of pumping indicators on separate tanks, smoothly flows into the growth of common efficiency.

How to pump?

Pretty simple answer. If there is no longer small experience in the game, then you have to suffer insults allies. First of all, we finish the frag of allies. In the literal sense of the word, wait and apply the last blow.

Shot from far. It will not be superfluous to work out the skill of distant fighting, even on heavy and light tanks. It is important to shoot at least 100% damage from your XP. By this, actively learn from fighting from bushes if they did not know how to do this.

Comprehensively we work for frags and get the maximum of "Damaga" for the fight. Do not go to the frontal attacks and keep in remote from the basic clashes. Allies will be scored from a similar game, but without this, the life of the statist does not do.

Command game

Another method, quite effective may be command game. Use the game with a platoon, having a couple of experienced players in friends, you can remove with weak battles very quickly to the desired trap level of the efficiency.

Hello, today I will tell you about how in game WOT. Raise your efficiency. First you need to figure out what the efficiency is? Efficiency - efficiency coefficient. This coefficient includes everything combat efficiency Player from the very first fight. Many have such a problem: there are a lot of fighting and top technicians, and the efficiency is bad. Because of this, such players cannot join a steep clan. Today I will help you with this problem.

The first way: Create new account in World of Tanks. By playing on the old Akka about 10-20k fighting, you learned how to play correctly and competently, but the first 5-10K battles were training. There is half of these fights "Nubovskaya"). Having created a new account, you will play right away from the first fight as a professional. Your efficiency on this account must be no less than 1200-1400. With such an efficiency, you can join good clans with estates. It is enough to sink to the top of technology.

Second way - Bend in the sandbox. If you are roads your native account or lazy to create and start a new account from the beginning, consider this method. All players have a favorite tank from the sandbox, mainly MS-1. But I would not advise you to try to raise status on a 1st level tank, because A large number of players play at the first levels and you will not like you with them. The most optimal option is 2-3 levels. If you know how to play well, you can easily raise the status on the same BT-2, PZ.1C. After all, at 2-3 levels, a huge number of Nube players and do not know how to use tactics and well tank. This needs to be used, pull the battle, stign the medals, frags, which is very valuable for the efficiency.

Third way - Improve individual parameters. This way for me is the most optimal and hope that it will come for you too. First you need to figure out what parameter you have low. Take, for example, damage for the fight. Suppose you have it 550-650 at an average level of 5.5-6. In order to have the efficiency of about 1200-1400, the average damage should be 900-1100. How to raise it? Very simple, for this you need time and lady tank! Select the tank on which you have the biggest damage. Top Fri is best suited. But if you have no such, then the same kvass, IS-3, ISU-152, kV-2 will come down. And so you can with each parameter: the percentage of victories, the middlely killed for the fight, the average experience, etc.

I also want to advise you a universal technique that raises each parameter, and quite quickly: Hellcat, Bat Chat (ST), T-54, SU-152 (Shaytanka), AMX 50-100, IP-3, KV-2 (Shaytanka) , HETZER (strongly affects fragments), Marder, Foch 155, T57 Heavy (Damag will grow instantly). Well, this is perhaps best tanks To raise efficiency.

On this, my material ends, good luck on the battlefields!

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WORLD OF TANKS - world gamewhich conquered the hearts of millions of players. Only in it we can not only see how the tanks of the 1930-1950s behave, but also to feel their power on themselves! The game collected a huge number of players around the world, united them in the team and set the task - to prove to everyone that you are the best tank in history!


But let's take away from all loud words and move on to real being. WOT is a multiplayer game built on the basis of a competitive (cybersport) system. This means that each player will have their own rating that demonstrates the level of his professionalism. In this game, this is a complex characteristic, and dynamic, so in order to calculate it, use special services. But we will talk about how to increase the efficiency in World of Tanks. For this we will need to start to disassemble it to the components.

The composition of the rating

In order to earn a good reputation in the game, you need to know how to increase the efficiency in World of Tanks. Accordingly, it is necessary to know from which it consists (over what characteristics it is necessary to work). First of all, the number of battles is taken into account. What they are more, the less sensitive your percentage of efficiency To changes (the more fights, the hardest to change its meaning to any of the parties). It is not focusing here, because the number of battles is not the most important factor.

Middle experience

If you do not know how to raise this characteristic, as the average experience for the fight is one of the most important. What it is more - the better. Everyone know how to lower this meaning, and how many do you know how to increase? The efficiency in Wot almost most of all depends on the average experience for the fight. To raise the value, it is necessary to pay attention to every little thing, but most of all - the fulfillment of your role. After all, there are a very different tanks: some are perfectly holding enemy shots and pushing the defense, others are very weak in the attack, but they are perfectly defended at the expense of their powerful and accurate guns. Understanding your role is one of the basics of raising average experience for the fight. Try to "not merge" so that this feature does not spoil and not build the hero (they live here little, as a rule).


The percentage of victories is the second characteristic in the game, which should be considered if you think about how to raise the efficiency in WOT. The story is the same as with average experience for the fight - the better, the more. And here it is worth showing a connection with the number of battles. For example, if you played 20 fights, then the outcome of each of them will seriously affect the changes of this percent, and if you, let's say, played 2000 battles, then 1 fight will decide little (but this does not mean that it has become less important! ). Many players only on this characteristic and judge. There are two options to raise the value: fight on the tanks of the 2-4 level and a stubborn game. The fact is that it is easier to play on small-level tanks (and there are many newcomers there), so that there is a chance of the chances where more.

Destruction / Damage (Middle Battle)

Further, the average number of tanks that you destroy for the fight, as well as the damage that you apply are taken into account. Well, if this value is more than two. Want to fill it? Three options: take artillery (on it it is pretty simple and safe) and try to finish, take PT-SAU (a huge damage to help you) or take those tanks that were recognized as the best in this business Lowe and so on.). The goal is simple - either finish, or play a protective strategy, which means that we take the tanks that are good in defense. As a rule, these tanks also have the best guns, so there will be no problems with damage too. It is strictly forbidden to attack you (fraught with rapid destruction of our tank)!

Detected for the fight (average for the fight)

Suitable only active light tanks. Take a quick LT a couple of times and a lot of "shine" with your team. Went more than 5 tanks? You are well done, consider that the value was raised very well!

Capture / Defense Base (secondary for battle)

Where without grabbing glasses and defense points on how to increase the efficiency in World of Tanks? It should be noted right here: to increase both and immediately will not come out. Or take heavy tank And put yourself in capturing the enemy base, or play for PT or artillery to protect your own.

Middle level of tanks

This value only has an effect on the final percentage of the efficiency (smoothes all previous values \u200b\u200bdepending on the levels of tanks), so it is not particularly treated. So it will be clogging to 10 with a long game.


For raising efficiency The most important values \u200b\u200bare the percentage of victories destroyed by tanks and damage caused. Basically they will play a key role. If you want to raise them (like their efficiency) - play from your role. Two simple options: take low-level tanks and fill the percentage of victories (irrelevant, if you have a lot of level 10 tanks, because otherwise the value of damage will fall significantly) or to constantly take an ART-SAU (artillery) or PT-SAU to apply huge Number of damage and destruction enemy tanks. We hope that the article answered the question of how to increase the efficiency in World of Tanks.