Where can I find Moraeka? Where to get a lock pick and zhumar in Shadow of the Tomb Raider

While searching for collectibles in the continuation of the adventure, it quickly becomes clear that you can only access the chests with a lockpick. You should also get a zhumar, as it will give you the opportunity to get to some places. The following is a suggested way to get these items.

Where to find a lock pick and a jumar in the new Lara Croft?

Initially, get to the Secret City by completing story quests. This can be done by going through about half of the story. Meet Takiya at Paititi, who will give you a side mission. You will need to help the child take back his cubes.

Then head over head to the southwestern areas of the settlement and look for the character known as Pisco the Dead there. He will give the toys on condition that the heroine communicates with the rest of the hermits. The first four will be marked on the map, the fifth will be displayed last. He is our target.

Before starting a conversation check with him if you have 6100 gold. At the first available opportunity, purchase a zhumar and a master key from him. It is already known that if you complete this quest, the merchant will go to another place. It will be much harder to see him later.

We will try to supplement this guide if we meet this character again. If you have already done this, upload your screenshots in the comments with the location, we will be very grateful to you. Don't forget to put your thumbs up and share the information with your friends.

The pick is a special tool in Shadow of the Tomb raider, with which you can open various locked chests. Unfortunately, Lara Croft will not get it at the very beginning of the game - you will have to get it yourself. In this guide, we'll show you how to do it.

Where can I get a lock pick

You can purchase the lockpick from Moraekah, which can be found in the Secret City of Paititi. It is best to head towards her during the quest called "Dice with the Dead" (Dice with the dead), after receiving orders from Pisco the Dead to find the remaining exiles. Moraeka is just one of the characters to whom you will have to ask a couple of questions. She will not only help you in completing the task, but will also agree to trade with you.

We add that this trader will not stay in one place all the time. After you visit the Eye of the Serpent during one of the main tasks, she will move to the northern area of ​​the Secret City and stand near the northern monolith and farm fields. Moraeka will be standing outside her hut. If you don't want to go looking for her, then buy all the items you need when you first meet her.

Note: You can get the lockpick after passing through several regions, in which you will probably find a lot of locked chests. Therefore, we recommend that you be sure to return to these locations, having a master key in your hands to unlock all the chests.

By the way, the lockpick will cost you 2800 gold. This is a fairly large amount, but, fortunately, Lara Croft only needs one such tool, since it will never break or get lost. With the lockpick in your hands, you can open almost any treasure chest. Having found one, just press the corresponding key, and the heroine will automatically unlock it without any mini-games.

Moraeka is one of the most important NPCs in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. You can buy two of the most important items in the game from her - Lift, as well as Lock pick which are used to reach some inaccessible places in the game, as well as to open treasure chests.

Important note- Moraeka is not marked with a merchant icon on the map... To avoid unnecessary trouble, just buy these two gadgets when you first meet. If you don't have gold, try selling some crafting materials.

Moraeka lives in the Hidden City of Paititi- the most great location in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, which you will fall into as you progress in storyline games.

The easiest way to meet Moraeku is to get a side quest called Dice game with a dead man in the Hidden City. The quest is given by a boy named Takiy in the northern part of the village. You must meet with Pisco the Dead, who will give you the task of finding the other exiles. One of the NPCs you need to talk to about this is Moraeka... Its location is shown in the screenshots above. In addition to promoting the quest, you will also be able to trade with Moraeka.

remember, that Moraeka will not stay in one place for the entire game... She can move after visiting the Eye of the Serpent during story quest... Her other locations are the northern part of the Hidden City, next to the northern monolith and farm fields. Moraeka will be next to her hut - the location is shown above.

A lockpick is another unlockable item (gadget) in Shadow of the tomb raider... With its help, you can hack into the large treasure chests of the Conquistador. Unlike many other games, the lockpick is not a consumable, but is used throughout the entire passage. Lara Croft will not lose it, break it, etc. You will not need to look for a second, third or fourth master key!

You can buy it from a merchant in the secret city of Paititi. The master key will cost 2800 gold coins. To unlock it, you will have to execute side questDice Taki ”.

Description: A homemade lock pick that will allow Lara to open the padlocks on the Conquistador treasure chests.

Quest start: in the center of the Secret City, you can find a boy named Taki, look for him in the center of the red circle. He will tell you about a dead man who stole his dice. Quest markers will appear, just follow them.

After talking with four people, you will unlock the fifth location. This character is a local shaman who is also a merchant. You can buy the required master key from a woman (at the end side quest). Buy it once and you can open all the chests.

By this time, you should have enough gold to purchase it. Otherwise, sell some crafting materials that you won't need in the future. In general, a master key will be needed almost from the very beginning of the game. Even Cozumel has a chest that requires it. You can return there to collect items from a previously inaccessible box.

From the same “granny” for 3300 gold coins you can buy a rope zhumar, which allows you to destroy powerful barriers. There is no other way to destroy them!

Description: Zhumar is a modern rope climbing device. Used to move rope and wire quickly and break down heavy barriers.

An incredibly useful item is the lockpick, since it is it that will allow you to open various chests with valuable things. After the first use, it will not break, on the contrary, it will serve you until the end credits.

Visit the merchant in Paititi to get the lockpick. First you have to complete the special secondary quest "Taki's Dice", which will unlock access to the item. After that, you can purchase it for 2800 currencies.

The quest is taken in the center of Paititi from Taki. Find the red circle, and then talk to the boy. He will inform you about some zombie that stole his dice.

You must now visit four markers to find out the location of the fifth. As a result, you will get to the shaman - a woman who is a merchant and sells the lockpicks you need.

If you don't have enough money to buy, just sell unnecessary crafting materials. Keep in mind that you need to get the master key as early as possible, since the chests that it opens are located even in the first locations.

As for Zhumar, he is on sale in the same place. This device will help you destroy tough obstacles and explore previously closed areas. You will have to spend 3300 currencies on it.

Video: where to find the lockpick at the Zhumar