Clean experience in World of Tanks. As in World of Tanks to quickly earn experience. Fast ways to gain experience

Good luck to everyone! This topic is dedicated to how to earn experience! But for starters, let's discuss that in general such experience. As in any MMO, experience in World of Tanks is of great importance. Only with the help of experience it is possible to promote up the "tank staircase". For combat experience, the player can explore a tank modules or a technique, which is available for research. Combat experience really get only in battle, killing or highlighting the enemy. However, there are other criteria affecting the total number of experience earned in the battle. As you know, experience in the "world of tanks" is divided into two categories: free and combat.

As for combat experience, it is charged for the following actions in battle:

  1. Damnation enemy tanks - Class of the technique and the level of the enemy are taken into account. For example, for 2000 damage, the Svetle will give much more experience than PT-SAU or Arth, as the main purpose light tank - Do not cause damage to the enemy, and the enemy's position lights. Also important is the level of the enemy, which caused damage. Thus, killing high-level enemies, you will receive more experience than shooting low-level tanks. Additional experience It is also given for the destruction of tanks, but it is better to apply 400 damage than to finish the tank with 5 units of strength.
  2. For the application of critical damage, the enemy also has a peculiar bonus. Arson of the engine or tanks, the Crete of the Boylaying or the Rotary Mechanism of the Tower, the caterpillars and the contusion of the crew members are also taken into account when the experience is accrued.
  3. The primary enemy light (the detection of enemies) goes to the test of experience. Moreover, the detection of SAU gives more experience than behind the lapse of another class of tanks. If the enemies were destroyed, the enemies were destroyed or damaged, then it is a kind of bonus for experience - "damage with your help."
  4. In the last patch, another criterion was introduced, according to which the bonding / drowning of tanks also give additional experience.
  5. The capture of the enemy base or the capture of the "bombed" by experience.
  6. Additional experience is accrued for active martialctions, decent resistance, vitality in battle and received medals. And for the victory of the team in battle gives the most experience: + 50% of the experience of each player.
  7. Many prefer to finish opponents, as the more damage will apply the team, the more experience will receive winning players.

Many users do not know how experience is credited to WOT. They are often mistaken in the fact that the allies can be obtained by experience. On the contrary, for thymkill or damage to union technology with you, some of the earned experience and loans are proportionally applied damage. Also, damage is not charged behind the depths or rickests and for damage. Bonus with lesion or no draw. As a result, if you want a lot of experience at the end of the battle, you must win.

However, the "world of tanks" is protected from cheating experience. For example, if you get out of the battle and do not go before the end, then the experience will eventually be accrued. True, it is only if your tank is not destroyed.

Summing up, it can be said that to obtain the maximum amount of experience, you need to destroy enemies, to fill damage and, most importantly, to win in battle, remaining alive. At the same time, it is desirable to have a premium account, since if it is presented, you can get 50% more experience in every battle, regardless of the outcome of the fight


Determine what you want. Forget that you do not have the right or education. Just labelish - where and who would you like? Right now accept the solution. Even if you are not sure in your choice, you still need to stop on something, otherwise you can doubt for years.

Go to work in the selected sphere. If you know exactly who you want to be, but you are due to lack of experience, ask for practice. Enter someone in the apprentices. If necessary, work, but ask the recommendation. If there is no opportunity to work for free, then just arrange in good company. Even if you are taking a janitor, agree. In solid firms, new directions are opened periodically, people always need. If you prove yourself as a responsible, disciplined employee (if you do not be late for work), you will be given the opportunity to express yourself and get a rise.

We work in one organization for at least a year. First, the year of work is already the experience. Secondly, during this period, try to communicate with the company's employees. Specify more questions. Make friends with the personnel department. Let me understand that you are a young and very promising comrade. Be energetic. Quickly perform your work and look into other departments of the company. Render to people services, help in something. A vacancy will appear - you will remember about you.

Pass trainings and seminars. While you will work and receive the first experience, engage in self-education. Read more books. Go to trainings, get more different certificates. And do not forget to share these news with the personnel department and other employees. Let them know that you do not intend to linger for a long time at a low position.

Get raising. Feel free - ask if you have such an opportunity. What do you need to do for this? Treat the possible options with joy and enthusiasm. Even if it is a slight increase, consider it as another step up.

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If you work for a long time, you can get used to it. Do not fall into such a dangerous condition, do not let yourself fall asleep. To do this, motivate yourself reading good books in success. You will strive up - the ability to quickly or later appear. It happens to everyone.

Helpful advice

Try to work next to a more experienced colleague. Soak all his knowledge and skills. Watch what and how it does. Ask how to learn how to learn.


  • Where you can get solid experience

The first step in the career ladder often makes it difficult that employers are mainly needed by specialists with professional experience. The person who does not have such can get it, just getting a job. Such an enchanted circle. Nevertheless, it is possible to break it, and everything depends on the candidate himself.


If you think very well, some experience can already have: internship, volunteer programs, a manifestation of public activity, a trip to the student building station, frivolous, at first glance, part-time on pocket. The presence of at least something of the listed is already more profitable distinguishes you from even this soul. So you already know, working day, duty terms, responsibility area, have experience in building relationships and management. It turns out, to teach (and it sometimes has to be returned and mated professionals - and not only when a job change or transition to another position) is no longer necessary for anything.

But even if there is no entirely listed yet, it is necessary to ever start. Well, if you know what you want to get (or get) a profession and already know how to do something, with her connected. In this case, it is necessary to try, first of all, to pay attention to the options for employment, which have something or another to the selected sphere. And they can be found not so little, as it seems. In many companies there will be a lot of opportunities for the application of forces, which is simply unprofitable to distract experienced employees, but for a beginner, these routine and low-power (and little paid) classes will become an excellent start. Not the worst option may also be an internship without payment, but bringing the very experience of which prevents earning.

Problems with work and earnings, especially for beginners, in one area or another will often be allowed to solve the huge opportunities that the Internet is in themselves. Many professions allow remote interaction, which makes it possible not to be limited to suggestions within one region, and when knowledge of a foreign language - and the state. Portfolio, according to which the Customer estimates the professional performer at first, you can also complete the studies and the studies and made at leisure for the soul. With the appearance of the first order, it will be more easier.

As a last resort, when the work associated with the selected profession is not in any way, it remains to remember that the tit in his hands is better than a crane in the sky, and focus on those proposals that are real.
For example, in McDonalds, which is probably in every regional center, take everyone. This, of course, not the best way, but not the worst. There are other similar options.
Just when the tit is finally in hand, you should not forget about the desired crane.

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Looking for an employee to a vacant position, each personnel is trying to take into account all the features of the work that the applicant will have to be performed. In some cases, for example, in narrowly specialized activities, special experience is required, without which even the most qualitative theoretical education does not matter. And no matter how tempting did not describe their experience potential employees, you should check the availability of the desired experience and there are several ways for this.


First of all carefully examine the summary of the applicant. Make sure that its education and the specified work experience meets your requirements. Read that he had to exercise in previous places of work.
Call the past direct head of the applicant and ask for a recommendation in terms of experience, if so was not attached to the candidate. So you will get much more accurate information about the potential employee.

If the previous stage of collecting information about the applicant confirmed its compliance with your professional expectations, then invite it to the interview, so that with the help of specific questions to clarify the unexplained moments. Here you can offer a specialist to show your knowledge and prove the worth of your proposal.

During the interview, offer to the position to fulfill the test task, which should be prepared in such a way as to give it the opportunity to maximally demonstrate its extensive knowledge in narrowly social issues. It is very important for the test suggested to perform the test, so ask for a specialist in this area. It may be a future direct supervisor who is also very important to choose the desired employee. In addition, it can also be transferred to the completed test work for evaluation.

Nevertheless, the last point in identifying the experience you need to offer the applicant to work with a trial period. In this case, you will get the opportunity to figure out the professional skills of the candidate, suggesting clear criteria for determining his professionality. To do this, prepare the appropriate job description and conclude an employment contract in the framework of the proposed conditions.

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Helpful advice

Remember that the best way to figure out the experience of the candidate is to appreciate his skills in practice. Therefore, before refusing a candidate because of doubt competence after reading the summary, give him a chance to demonstrate his professionalism, using all four steps before making a final decision.


  • [Hyde] Fast pumping trading from newbie to wizard for a couple

In 2010, the Belarusian company Wargaming released the release of World of Tanks games, which immediately received high popularity among gamers of all countries. Every day the game is visited by more than millions of players from all over the planet. For the first time getting into the game, a person thinks how to make money to buy a new tank?

In the game there are 2 currencies - this is gold, or as gamers it is called Gold, and silver.

How to earn silver in world of tanks

Silver coins can be made in several ways. Need to analyze during the game, what tanks make the most profit. Most often it is combat vehicles 5 and 6 levels. These include premium tanks purchased for real money. Such cars even in case of loss bring some silver. If necessary fast pumping, It is best to buy several tanks of 5 or 6 levels. An important factor in the game is how you spent the battle. The more infernal is damage, the more gaming silver gives.

Silver can be bought for real money. To do this, in any terminal of payment, it is simply introduced by its login in the world of tanks and the amount of payment. To pay through SMS, on the official website in the "Buy currency" section, select the required amount of money. In the menu that opens, enter the phone number and wait for the answer. You need to answer the received message. Then payment will be made.

Buying a premium account by 50% increases the earned silver in battle. Some players who lack patience to earn independently, resort to hacking the game with the help of cheats downloaded from the Internet. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for the rest, this method is prohibited and severely punished by the administration of the resource.

How to get gold, or gold, in tanks

Get Gold B. game world. Of Tanks is quite difficult. After all, he has many advantages over silver currency. With the help of gold, you can buy a premium account or tanks that will bring more earnings and experience. Get gold coins in several ways:
- Put real money to the account in the game. But, unfortunately, this method is not suitable for everyone. After all, gaming gold is quite expensive.
- Gold can earn when capturing the provinces on global Map. This method also has its own limitations, the newcomer is not for the power.
- Participation in various contests that the World of Tanks Administration is held. See which contests are now, you can on the official website of the game. For the first occupied place, the winners receive not only gaming gold, but also pleasant gifts from the company.
- There are services that make it possible to earn players currency. Such services include coinsup or WASD. They are designed to earn the game currency that can instantly be transferred to the game.

Many players who are just starting to master the world of tanks face problems that on tanks initial level Very difficult to accumulate gaming currency And because of this, you have to spend a bunch of time to at least fill 100 thousand loans.

At the same time, they play no enough that even enter wild minus, because they are faced with rivals for two or three levels above. And if you are also a victim of art, then there is a sad case in general. Another reason for the bad accumulation of experience when you are put with newcomers that behave in the game is much worse in you, it actually debugs in a bad battle result.

One of the best ways to the World of Tanks how to quickly accumulate the experience of buying a premium account for a month, it is inexpensive, but it will pay for you possible victories and increase the coefficient of hitting the enemy technique. Buying recommended if you have reached at least 8 levels of pumping, it is important to maximize the swells of the tank to increase damage and the accuracy of hitting the goals.

The more opponents, the more experience will accumulate

Buying a premium account increases the accumulation of experience and loans several times. In fact, those who believe that spending live money on games - a silly occupation is wrong. Suppose we take the situation that you spend on the game an hour of your time. With a conventional game, you feed ten thousand loans, and several hundred points of experience, with premium, this indicator will grow twice. Premium accommodation is often distributed on new Year holidays, February 23 or on May 9, but they usually last just a few days.

But even during this time, with a positive result, it is possible to accumulate enough experience

Another proven way in World of Tanks How to quickly accumulate experience - it is to buy premium-tanks 8 levels, from options you can choose Soviet T34, kV-5 or German "lion" well-proven combat vehicles for beginners and mid-level players. Thanks to a big ratigue of the effectiveness of the listed tanks, you can score several million loans and a decent amount of experience.

The main rule B. battles WOT.: Destroy as many goals as possible. Discover all vulnerable places if the enemy takes out you, hide in the shelter. The situation when you need to hide from the enemy bullets sometimes helps if you stay alone in the team. It is easiest to go to the base and wait for the enemy when it will be in sight you need to bother it.

You can try to capture an enemy base, but provided if the enemy's forces are weak, or one weak goal remained there.

If you are going to go to a platoon to gain loans or experience, then this is not a good solution, because your team, or a friend can put with strong opponents, then the process of obtaining victory will be very complex.

World of Tanks is a multiplayer game where there is an opportunity to manage various combat vehicles. different countries World. The main resource in the game that affects the development of the account is experience or expand. This resource allows you to buy enhanced parts on the tank, in other words, are key to the player in the process of developing the machine, and goes to the next level. The process of acquiring labor-intensive experience and requires many efforts from the player. This article will consider how to quickly get experience in the game World of Tanks.

Concept - experience inWOT.

Experience is a key resource for the development of a gaming account. It is necessary for sharing technology, the acquisition of combat modules. The game has 4 types of exp on.

Consider each of these species in detail:

  • Combat - the player receives the experience individually. In the process of the game 95 percent of the expiration, obtained in the battle is distributed directly to the tank, which participated in Boe. This allows you to develop the car further on the study branch to purchase modules and go to the next level.
  • Free - can be used to develop any machine or component parts of any tank. The expand of this type is 5 percent of the resource acquired in battle.
  • The experience of crew members is charged after the fight. The crew receives a similar amount of experience as the machine.
  • Combat experience accumulated on premium technique can be translated into free. The ratio is a gold coin to 25 units of experiments.

Having understood with the types of experience, it is necessary to consider the principles on which this resource is charged for the action of the player during the battle.

How to earn

In the exposion game, the player is charged for certain useful actions that he was able to make the team victory:

  • Destruction of an enemy tank.
  • Damage to modules on the enemy tank.
  • Damage crew enemy.
  • Will light up the enemy machine automatically charged 10% of the experience that allies get an attachment machine.
  • Taran enemy.
  • The detection of enemies, at the same time the enemy artillery will be charged with additional 50% of experience.
  • The bonus will be accrued if you manage to push the enemy from the cliff.
  • For the capture of the Baza enemy experience is charged.
  • Protection of its own base during the capture of its enemy allows you to get a significant bonus in battle.
  • The total damage is played by the total amount of damage, which your tank inflicted the enemy in the process of tigers.
  • Using the Account Premium increases the experience gained by 50%.

The combat experience system is read by developers to the slightest parts any action that has had a positive consequence to win the team will be marked when enrolling the final experience.

Fast ways to gain experience

The game developers emphasize that all users play exclusively by the rules, and did not use various illegal programs for pumping their account. Therefore, tips on how to quickly earn experience not particularly and a lot. The level of the game, the survival of the machine in battles, the number of damage caused to you, affect the experience gained. You can conclude that you need to learn, it is extremely effectively to manage a tank, know the perfect terrain landscape Separate cards, understand what is happening at the moment and correctly enjoy the situation.

All these advice in aggregate will allow not only to become an effective team member and a highly professional player, but also to quickly earn experience. However, the amount of experience gained can be slightly increased. Buying a premium account for the game, users automatically earn more experience and money for battles. Recently, the game has appeared the possibility of a faster shaking of the team and tank. Game developers game world Such a concept as a personal reserve. Using a personal reserve will increase the amount of experience gained by 50 or even 100% depending on which resource is used.

In addition, various promotions and bonuses that are able to increase the amount of experience gained at x 5 times are constantly in the game. Daily experience from the first won battle per day is multiplied by x 2.

Free experience

Free experience The importance of the gaming resource, as mentioned above, it depends on the combat experience that the player gets as a result of the battle. You can earn this type of experience both in ordinary free battles and command conversions. There is an opportunity additional receipt Experience that requires material investments. On the elite technique in the process of the game, experience is accumulated, which is impossible to translate to other tanks.

However, there is an opportunity to exchange experience with premium technology. You can only do it for gaming gold. Translation is carried out at the rate of 20 units per one golden coin. This method can be pumped entire separate branches.

Evolutionary crew

The development of the crew will allow you to manage the tank more efficiently, the team members will receive additional skills that will help in battle. Speed \u200b\u200bup the crew pumping can be used by personal reserves or translate the experience gained to premium and elite tanks The development of the skills of crew members.

There is also the possibility initially when buying a new tank completely pump the crew skills. However, this is carried out for gaming gold. The development of skills makes it possible to significantly increase the speed of the work of the tank in the battle. The crew will be able to repair the replacement of the enemy faster, to reload, saving time. Each second is important in the game, so the development of the crew skills will give some kind of other players. Faster crew actions, significantly increase the chances of winning the battle, which in turn will lead to an increase in the experience gained and more fast development Account.

Using tips from the article, you can get more experience, and as a result, the game account will develop much faster.