Gifts of the gods in dragon knight. Dragon Knight game review - secrets and tips. Dragons are waiting for you

Several types corresponding to the main characteristics of the character:

  • HP - increases the maximum amount of health
  • Phys.A. - increases physical attack
  • Phys.Z. - increases physical protection
  • Magician A. - increases magic attack
  • Mage Z. - increases magical protection
  • Crete - increases the chance of a critical strike
  • A. Crete - lowers the chance to receive a critical hit
  • Block - increases the chance to block an enemy attack and reduce incoming damage
  • Breakdown - increases the chance to bypass the opponent's block

Installation slots open in the Dragon Knigh browser game gradually, depending on the increase in the character's experience, so distribute the parameters that in this moment more useful to you.


Astrals are mined in several ways, each of which provides the opportunity to get a different quality: green, blue, purple, gold and red

  • Capture for gold.
  • Improved grip. Unlocks upon reaching VIP3. In the presence of an astral sign for free or for 100 baliens. Only purple and gold are mined.
  • Shop purchase or event pickup.

The higher the quality, the greater the increase in parameters the character gets. During the spreading process, the correct distribution system is required. , you need to remember about the types of attacks of the heroes. It makes no sense to put an increase in physical attack on recruits attacking with magic. For example, Priestess, Reaper, Swordsman, Witch. You will not get an increase, but you will occupy the slot.


You can improve the astrals by combining them, while the level increases. It is very useful to reach high levels, because at the same time you can get bonuses if you have made an enchantment. The bonuses are shown in the screenshot.

To do this, you will need engraving crystals. Enchanting the first one costs 50 crystals, each subsequent one increases the cost by 50.

I propose to figure out how to correctly distribute the astrals of experience in the Dragon Knight game. Each of them gives a different amount of experience points, depending on the quality. At any time you can see the missing amount to increase the level and how much the absorption will give. It is simple to distribute the astrals of experience correctly, we make sure that when absorbed, the necessary amount of experience is added, which does not greatly exceed the threshold for level growth.

Extra astrals can be disassembled into parts, which are exchanged for the ones you need at the moment, this is especially true at high levels.

Hero Development Basics

Many pump the level, completely forgetting about the development of the hero himself and his recruits, although in dragonknight, attack, HP and other characteristics are of great importance. Therefore, do not rush to the level! There are tons of options to improve performance.

To increase the combat characteristics there are:

, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Pass daily to collect resources:

Feed , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , ,

Events, by game time:

Testing, Wild Robberies and the Battlefield are individual events where you can get the resources you need to improve.

Visiting the Invaders, Space and Guild Battles is important for the entire guild, the better the cumulative result of visiting the event, the more resources its participants receive.

For balens:

Now let's take a quick look at everything.

Firstly, I would like to note that the whole game is a team game, so you join the guild. Available to you for daily collection and passing: Devil, Daily chest, Guild Quests and (if open) Mythical creature.

Devil. As soon as the devil is defeated, someone from your guild, you get a significant increase in attack, which means the chances of clearing the level significantly increase for the entire guild, in the lower right corner it is shown to what level the buff will go (increase in attack). You can get from experience fruits and minerals to a decent amount of gold.

Guild quests. Before you can complete them, you must collect 5 stars of the assignment. To do this, go to the "Open star enhancement interface" lower left corner,

at the bottom is the invitation button, it is sent to the guild chat. Let's not forget that others also need your help in raising stars, this can be done both in the same tab and in the chat in the left corner.

As soon as the task has gained 5 stars, you can complete it and get a new one through the guild tab.

We do not get a lot of experience, resources and individual contribution

Mythical creature.Every day, once a day, it needs to be fed, it costs 80K gold and 10 historical contribution.

As soon as the satiety scale is full, the head of the guild, until 00:00 game time, will be able to summon a mythical creature for battle. There will be 10 attempts to defeat him, for which he returns gold in the black and historical contribution. Additional rewards will also come, depending on your place in damage.

What is the historical contribution for? Firstly, so that your guild would raise the level and could open up new opportunities for you! Namely, increase the level of skills that can be activated for your individual contribution and gold (for two days), increase the level of a mythical creature, so that the profit after the victory would increase and new goods in guild shop, where goods for raising characteristics (parts of a black dragon, crystals of life, etc.) are purchased for your individual historical contribution.

Hero. In the hero tab, you can improve the hero with the help of certain materials that can be obtained in the dungeon, from running tasks and in the exchanger for minerals of a certain level. You can improve recruits to purple, with the help of experience fruits and gold. To upgrade to orange, you will need one more highly pumped recruit. To upgrade to Red Recruit, you need Orange Recruit, Purple Recruit maximum level and from 50 recruit spirits that drop out in the hall of heroes. Improvement increases stats. You can also fire unnecessary recruits. When a recruit is dismissed, the souls of recruits will drop out, which can be exchanged for a purple recruit of the first level (saving materials when improving it) in the hero's altar.

Recruits. They can be hired for gold, for souls (which drop out of the hall of heroes, after level 100) or win at the hero's altar for call signs... To open each recruit for recruitment, you need a certain amount prestige(which is earned at the battlefield and arena events). The prestige table at the top shows how much prestige is needed for each recruit.

There are 3 types of recruit: recruit with physical. attack - high-strength defense (defensive), magic recruits - help (support) and attack (DD)

It is better to put in operation:

Guardian, Lord, Son of a Supreme Deity

Beauty Queen, Priestess, Banshee, Ice witch, Princess, shaman

Winged Archer, Reaper, Swordsman, King of the Gods, Flame Goddess, Angel

The rest of the recruits can be pumped for support

Equipment. In all tabs, you can get an increase in characteristics. Equipment and scrolls for its improvement can be obtained in the dungeon, from running tasks and in the exchanger for minerals of a certain level. You only need to improve equipment in sets, so first you should make sure that there are enough scrolls, crystalloids (the required level) and ancient shards.

1 set Sword, Helmet, Armor and Boots. Collected sets, not only on the hero, but also on recruits, give points initial rage.

2 set Bracers and Ring. Two sets of one level of improvement is a set that gives an increase to HP.

You can enchant equipment for gold, it is recommended to enchant to the level of a hero or recruit. You can no longer synthesize equipment in sets. Synthesis requires dragon blood, crystalloids and ancient shards of a certain level. The synthesis of equipment gives an increase to the characteristics until its improvement is improved. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, it is not necessary to do it, and the resources can be sold.

Equipment is sharpened using equipment enhancement stones. It is recommended to sharpen first of all: for the galvanic hero - sword, bracelet, boots; defensive recruit - boots, a sword bracelet; attacking and supporting recruit - sword, ring, boots.

You can clean equipment after it is enchanted up to level 100, using crystals and locks for cleaning equipment.

Heme. Gems are used to improve the characteristics of equipment. It should be remembered that nat. attack for the main character and the defending recruit, and the magician. attack for support and DD of recruits, the rest of the gems are suitable for everyone. It is advisable to arrange gems evenly, starting with the main character, and then on recruits. For example, HP gems and block start with a defending recruit, crit and anti-block with an attacking recruit. Gems can be engraved in the Gems Spiritual Engraving tab, for this you need a certain amount of Gems Soul Crystals. Spiritual engraving of gems will bring an additional effect from gems from level 6 and above, depending on the level of engraving.

Mount. It gives an increase to characteristics in PvP battles, Invaders, Guild Clash events and on the Battlefield. You can train it both for gold and for training whips. In the tab improve for crystals for improving the mount, we raise the characteristics of the mount. Since all the characteristics of the mounts that you have are added, it is best to improve them evenly, in order to save crystals, since they are purchased either for points or at events. You can choose any mount, it will not affect the characteristics and development. Through the button viewing the mount, but before you can summon another mount, you must release the activated one (it will not disappear, it can be summoned again).

Group. In the group we put up recruits and change their formation. When replacing recruits, you need to be careful, take into account the level of recruits and pumping equipment, so it is better to click on the icons of the recruits you want to replace. In the support tab, we put recruits to raise the characteristics. Attacking recruits will add more attack, and defenders more health. Support can be pumped, thereby increasing the growth of characteristics, with the help of sapphires starting from level 1, and you can get them from certain events.

Wedding. The cost is 100 balena + 45 balena honeymoon trip, rings are not necessary to buy. After the conclusion of the union, the wedding gives not small increases to characteristics... By pumping wedding ring for wedding stones in the wedding ring tab, the level of the ring rises and new stages with a large number of characteristics open. By cleaning the wedding ring with the cleaning lock and cleaning stones in the ghost ring tab, you can change the characteristics that each stage of the ring gives. If a good characteristic with a high level fell out, then a lock is hung on it and cleaning continues until the desired parameters fall out, the right level... As well as the tab "Intimacy", where by clicking on the hearts we raise the characteristics that the union gives. Intimacy can be obtained by hosting parties, they cost from 48 baliens. You can do it once a day and do not forget to distribute sweets on them, to those who congratulate you, balens are not removed for this, both partners should distribute sweets. And do not forget to attend such events yourself in order to get a lot useful resources for your development.

The Dragon. In the dragon's lair, we collect the parts of the dragon that fall from the Squad Tower After all the parts of one dragon are collected, it can be awakened, for this you need the spirit of the dragon, which also drops out of the Squad Tower. As the dragon is awakened, it can be improved in the improvement tab for crystals of life and for sources of life. And also to improve the soul of the dragon, in order to also increase the characteristics, for this we simply poke the balls around the dragon. If you have awakened several dragons, then it is better to pump them evenly. The characteristics of the dragon affect only the main character and in certain events, an icon appears in the upper left corner. After 90 lvl, it will be possible to activate the dragon's vein through the dragon's blood tab. The dragon's vein also needs to be developed, everyday after 00:00 game time, 10 free attempts to level up the vein appear.

Spiritual weapon. Adds characteristics of attack and HP. You can get it by going through the Guild Dungeon, every day, after 14:00 game time, attempts are updated. At the first level of the PG, the weapon itself is assembled, on the subsequent ones, scrolls to improve it are randomly dropped. Improve holy weapon, with the help of schemes, you need sets, namely, 3 attacks and 3 HP at once, so make sure that there are enough materials. So, in order to increase the characteristics, a spiritual weapon can be sharpened for fire crystals.

Runes. With the help of runes, we increase the characteristics of spiritual weapons, and, accordingly, the main character and recruits. There are 3 types of runes: physical. attack for the main character and the defending recruit, magician. attack for support and DD for recruits and HP for everyone. Runes should be placed evenly, starting with the main character. Spiritual Rune Engraving enhances the effects of level 6 and higher runes, depending on its level. It is produced using a certain amount of crystals of rune engraving.

Astro. Astrals increase the characteristics by analogy with gems and runes, i.e. you need to place them keeping in mind the type of attack. Astrals come in 5 colors: green when absorbed gives 10 experience, blue when absorbed gives 20 experience, purple when absorbed gives 1000 experience when disassembled gives 10 points, yellow when disassembled 100 points and red astral, but it is very rare.

Astrals can be obtained both for gold and for astral signs, which can be used after receiving VIP 3. To pump astrals, unnecessary astrals can either be absorbed into the necessary ones, or disassembled (purple and yellow) in order to purchase an astral with the desired characteristic. Astrals can also be enchanted (engraved), for this you need crystals of astral engraving, as well as in gems and runes, engraving gives an increase in astral characteristics from level 6, depending on the level of engraving.

Holy weapon. The holy weapon can be obtained in the constellation realm, which opens from lvl 100. The holy weapon adds specifications, which can be selected by using the crystal of purification of spiritual weapons and locks of spiritual weapons, in order to secure the desired characteristics. The holy weapon is divided according to the colors of blue from the first levels, purple from 30-40 levels, yellow from 45-50 levels and orange from events. Each type of holy weapon can be obtained on different floors, which will open after obtaining a certain lvl character. A holy weapon can be sharpened using a stone for improving a holy weapon, if you sharpened a blue weapon, and then you got purple, then it can either be inlaid or sold and the improvement stones will return to your inventory. Another way of pumping is to use Runes for holy weapons, not forgetting about the type of attack of the character and recruits, on the same principle as with gems, astrals, etc.

Goddess. Before invoking the goddess, you must everyday save up astroligy points, in the astrology tab. One ordinary astrology costs 10K gold and gives 20 points, an advanced one is done for balens and also adds 20 astrology points. There are 3 goddesses that can be activated upon reaching a certain level of the character and astrology points, and there are 5 goddesses, to activate which you additionally need to buy a goddess key. After activating the goddess, you can start pumping her level through the level increase tab in order to increase the characteristics. When the level rises, there is a chance that a tear of the goddess will fall (they are necessary for inlay, that is, the transfer of experience to a new goddess) and a feather of the goddess (an additional attempt to increase the level, which are best used with 3, 4 or 5 times the experience gained) Each summoned goddess necessary everyday pray that for love to activate additional increases to the characteristics (you can activate additional characteristics at once to all open goddesses). Goddess stars are raised using the goddess crystal. If the goddess's star is not successfully promoted, the desire increases, that is, the chance to successfully raise the star next time. As soon as the goddess receives 4 stars, you can activate the soul in the cleansing of the soul tab, which will give an additional increase in characteristics. To do this, you must acquire the seal of the soul of the goddess.

Collection. For the passage of the dungeon, dragon pearls, sets of cards drop out. Cards give an increase to characteristics, in order by color, you can improve and enhance them with the help of fragments of cards that fall out when breaking unnecessary cards.

Daily wellness. Every day for entering the game, you can get a seal when you enter this tab or when you buy 100 baliens and 1000. If there is enough, seals can be exchanged for prizes.

Daily events or events. They take place every day at a specific time.

Earnest request keep track of the time and attend events, first of all it is important for you! And before you create a squad in the squad tower or the guild dungeon, you need to convince that you will have time to pass before the start of the events. DON'T FAIL OTHER GAMES.

13:00-13:15; 14:05-14:30; 15:59-16:30; 19:05-19:30; 20:00-20:30; 20:39-21:00; 21:10-21:45.

Search for treasures. 15 pickaxes are given daily, one pickaxe is spent on cleaning one location, may drop experience fruits, sapphires, pickaxes and more options (additionally open 3 locations) With a certain sequence of passing locations , keys drop out. Depending on how many keys fell out, you can turn the tape measure, where the whips fall mount training and sapphires.

Heroic Trial. 3 attempts are given daily. Depending on the level, a new difficulty opens, where you can get materials of the next level ( gold, minerals, crystalloids, ancient shards and dragon blood). The fewer rounds are spent on clearing, the more resources you can get. 2 waves of mobs and a wave with a boss alternately enter the battle, there are 5 bosses in total. If you manage to kill a boss in 3 rounds, you go directly to the next boss, saving rounds.

Dungeon. Every day 20 attempts are given, 2 attempts for each boss. Passing one star, two stars and three stars, gives the opportunity to open one prize, two, three, respectively. After one passage of the boss, you can shoot with a blitz every 15 minutes. When you get a certain level, the next chapters of the dungeon will open, where resources of the next level will drop out. You can get it equipment (scrolls of improvement), minerals, gold and chaos boxes.

Crypt. Stamina is required to pass. In the crypt you can get experience, experience fruits and crystalloids. When certain requirements are met, the following levels of the crypt are opened, where, accordingly, gifts for passing will increase.

Arena. Every day there are 15 attempts to fight in the arena, where the battle is between the players on the server. In addition to gold, one point is given for a defeat, and 2 points for a victory. Points can be exchanged for prestige and minerals. Attempts can be purchased for sapphires. The arena is divided into groups: beginner, bronze, silver, gold, platinum and brilliant. The higher you are in the group in which you are fighting, the more gold you get. The amount of gold is also affected by victory or defeat.

Guild dungeon. Every day, after 14:00, 3 free attempts are given to pass. In the guild dungeon, you can create a detachment of up to 3 people from the guild, for passing.

Earnest request, DO NOT FORGET TO DISSOLVE THE Squad, for this you need not just go out! and click exclude on every player in the squad! If the detachment is not disbanded, no one else will be able to call the player for help. Therefore, if for some reason you forgot to disband the squad, you can return, apply for captaincy and after about a minute exclude the player from the squad.

Also, if you invite a player to pass a level that is not as open as possible, and he has attempts, make sure that he has a checkmark! In order not to burn attempts at the wrong level that he needs.

GHG drops spiritual weapons from the first chapter and scrolls to improve them in subsequent ones, fireballs, gold and wine experience. You can also attack the elite once a day, for this a detachment is not created. For passing the elite dungeons are given fireballs, gold and wine experience and minerals.

If all the necessary scrolls are collected, if possible, go through the last open level of the dungeon guild in order to open the next one as soon as possible.

Squad tower. Every day 2 attempts are given to pass the BO. New tower levels are unlocked by the entire server. The higher the level of the squad tower, the stronger the monsters with which you will need to fight. In order to start, you need to assemble a team of 3 people. 30 floors in total, each has 2 waves of mobs and one boss wave. If you pass the boss in 3 rounds, then the rounds for passing the mobs on the next floor are not wasted. The fewer rounds are spent, the higher the prizes will be. You can get it gold, dragon spirit, wedding stones, depending on the level of the tower of the dragon part or resources to improve the dragon, dragon blood, crystalloids, ancient shards.

Earnest request, open chat com when passing BO. and answer there! Because you often need to change formation or change skills, and it is most convenient to do it there!

Also don't leave the tower after the start or invite the players who are on the auto-prigloss in the BO, if you are not going to or are not sure that you can go through the tower to the end! Because the players remain on the last completed floor and no one will be able to call them for help anymore!

The kingdom of the constellations. One free constellation attempt is given daily. After passing the maximum level, the next day, you can do a blitz. Then you can try to go through the next level by pressing the challenge. You can get it gold, wine of experience, crystal of purification of spiritual weapons and holy weapons... After passing a certain level in the city, an improved holy weapon will drop out. After obtaining a certain level of the protagonist, new cities will open, where new types of holy weapons will drop out.

Hall of Heroes. Gives 5 free passes every day. After a successful clearing, a completed boss, you can go through a blitz (raid). In the hall of heroes gold, wine of experience, soul or spirit of a recruit. With the required number of souls, you can summon certain recruits, and the spirit of the recruit is necessary for the recruit to evolve into red.

Also, for example, after passing the king of the gods, you can save his soul, hire and fire. After that, on the fallen souls it will be possible in the altar of heroes, in the exchange tab, to immediately receive a purple lord or a banshee of the first level.

Daily tasks. When completing daily quests, you can get stamina, guild contributions and sapphires.

A dungeon of unbreakable connection. If you are married, there will be 2 free passes every day. It is better to go with a couple, the less time you spend on cleaning, the more prizes you will receive.

You will need to collect all the traps and go through all the monsters, after which the boss will be unlocked in the right corner. Therefore, it is advised to collect only monsters and traps, if desired, along the way, you can open chests and collect buffs (CD reduction).

It is also better to walk no earlier than 15 seconds. because randomly 10 seconds of the move can be added or reduced. If your turn time exceeds 30 sec. you will not be able to go further until the counter is zero. The dungeon is divided into the levels of your main character, so if you are level 100 and your partner is level 99, then you can only go through locations up to the hundredth levels.

You can get it gold, roses, experience wine, minerals and wedding stones.

Roses can be given to both the spouse and other players (by clicking on the player's nickname, choose to give roses), they give intimacy, both to you and to the one to whom you sent them. Periodically, there is an event for women and men, during which it is most rational to use the accumulated roses.

Dragon Ball. 2 free attempts are given daily. The event is a mine game of Zuma, i.e. shooting balls of different colors, shoot down from two balls of the same color. The less time and shots are spent, the more points are given. If after passing the first level, you have gained at least 1200 points, you can go to the second level. And you can also get prizes as a reward. For the passage you can get: transformation cards, lovers' set, sapphires, mount training whips and PRIZE BALLETS. In the collection tab, you can get additional rewards when collecting certain transformation cards before last day months (from the first day of the month, the cards collected before this will not be counted).

Transformation maps when used, they give an increase to characteristics for 12 hours, you can simultaneously activate up to 5 cards. The use of transformation maps does not affect the collection of the collection.

Cross-server event... The cross-sulfur event is a battle between teams of 3 people. In order to participate in the event, you must either join an existing team or create your own. The cross-server runs every day from 10: 00-13: 00, from 15: 00-18: 00 and from 22: 00-00: 00. The battle can be started when all team members enter the event. To receive a reward, you need to fight at least 5 battles per day. For carrying out at least 5 battles daily, depending on your group and rank, you get fame and merit points. Fame points can be exchanged for useful resources, the list is updated every day after 00:00. Merit points can be exchanged for an order, which gives an increase to characteristics... For a victory at least 2 times a week, a weekly reward will be sent to the mail - merit points and minerals... Minerals are needed to increase the characteristics of the order.

Vip. Of course, VIP gives great advantages in pumping the main character and recruits. In addition to various privileges, which can be viewed in (more about privileges), VIP status makes it possible to receive additional resources in the tab. When buying the next VIP status, you can open a VIP kit with a lot of useful resources for real balens, which will then return as prize balens. Also, for real balens, you can scroll the balens roulette to increase their number, but already the prize money.

Current events. Starting from the first VIP, players receive additional gifts for completing a variety of different tasks, both personally and jointly on the server. As soon as some condition is met, the icon starts to be highlighted.

Pet. Can only be purchased for balena in the store. The white dragon is purchased for the main character. A blue dragon for magical recruits. A black dragon for a defending recruit. For the pet training whistles, we increase the characteristics of the pets, so that there would be a large increase in the characteristics, it acts as a random success. You can raise a pet only for balens, and a success rate also works.

Talent. Talent adds beneficial effect, for example, the archer's talent card reduces damage by 8 percent, you can put them on both the main character and recruits. With certain combinations, additional effects are added. To open the second and third cells, you need to buy the keys to unlock the talent card. A talent card can be improved, for this you need a certain number of talent cards and a certain number of astrals, which can be obtained by dismantling unnecessary cards.

Wings. In order for the wings to add characteristics, they must be activated in the tab on the left. After they can be pumped by raising their characteristics, with the help of the wing plumage patch. If there are several pairs of wings, then it is better to pump them evenly. Also, 4 pairs of wings add an additional breakdown effect, and 8 pairs of wings add a breakdown effect. Also, the wings can be raised in stages, using the pneuma of the soul of the wings.

Fashion. Another tab for raising the characteristics. In the mod tab, you can pump wings and purchased suits. First you need to activate the purchased items. In fashion, you can upgrade stars for the essence of fashion and improve for the soul of fashion. As with raising stars, and when improving, it acts randomly, in case of failure, life points are accumulated to increase the chance on the next attempt. When buying a suit, it should be borne in mind that a complete set will give an additional increase to HP.

Build. The build gives an increase in characteristics not only to you, but also after pumping to level 1, an increase to your own clan. Swing only for real baleni. To activate the spirit of war, you need to get 10 stars with the help of a pearl of a warlike spirit, after which souls are pierced using the quintessence of a warlike spirit. To activate the pentagram of souls, with the help of a pearl of a warlike spirit, you need to open 10 levels, after which souls are pierced using the elixir of a warlike spirit. Both for the spirit of war and for the pentagram of souls it acts randomly.

Talent cards. You can get from temporary events, cross-events and participation in the competition card shards or neofrita of a certain goddess. Each goddess adds its own effect to characteristics. To activate a goddess card, you need 100 shards or neophytes of each goddess. Talent cards can be placed both for the main character and for recruits.

Do not hesitate to ask if you don’t know something, or ask for help, for this there is a chat

Good day to all!

Mostly developers of browser games do not dare to deviate from the canons and do something unusual.

If they do this, then the project is either successful or fails miserably.

Looks like the game Dragon Knight online the first is shining, since the project began to gain momentum, first in the East, and now in our country. And deservedly so.

At first, you might think that the browser game is not special at all.

Yes, anime style beautiful graphics, everything is in the spirit familiar to us. But if you look closely, you will understand that there are many peculiarities here.

Let's find out about them, and also I will reveal to you the secrets of the game.

In this article, you will learn:


At the very beginning of the passage Dragon games Knight Online should pay special attention to the choice of a pet, as well as mercenary recruits.

After all, they will become your faithful assistants during an exciting journey. Moreover, this browser-based RPG has enough adventures.

If we draw a parallel to the similarities, then the browser is somewhat reminiscent of our beloved Demon Slayer, although they have significant differences.

Secrets of the passage

Moving on to the fun part. You will learn how to play Dragon Knight Online successfully. So, we shake secrets.

  1. Upgrade your mercenary recruits for experience cards, wine or fruits. You will get experience cards when you go to the Crypt or in the dungeons.
  2. A character in the game improves only for experience. Experience also needs to be earned, this can be done by going to the Crypt upon reaching the twenty-sixth level.
  3. You can always fire unnecessary recruits through the control panel. If the mercenary was not pumped to the end (not purple), you will receive experience fruits. For a pumped fired mercenary you will get a soul, it can be used to hire another new recruit.
  4. There is no rush to fire mercenary recruits. After all, each recruit improves the other.
  5. Where to upgrade recruits? This can be done in the hero's sacred altar. Also here you will improve the skills of the character. You can get to the hero's altar only by spending ten summoning signs and 2000 baliens.

How to make money in the game Dragon Knight Online

In the browser, the game currency is gold. You can get it in many ways, for this there are various possibilities.

Sufficient amount game currency you get if you spend sapphires or balens through alchemy. This method can be used twice a day, if you do not use donate.

It is done like this: open the "open the seal of the alchemist" in the menu, agree to pay for two balen or sapphires.

After you use the seal, invite assistants (no more than four). Thus, you can collect a fairly impressive amount of gold to your account.

You can also help others with alchemy and earn currency at the same time. Help can be given twenty times a day.

The next way is to take part in game inventories. They are held daily. So you will not only earn gold, but also improve recruits.

A permanent event in Dragon Knight is the Treasure Hunt, with fifteen search attempts per day.

To search, you need to click "dig" under the selected settlement, on the way to the reward, enter the matchmaker with dragons / monsters. Such battles do not bring significant losses, as they are simple.

Game features

The gameplay of the browser is very similar to the strategic game Elvenar... In both games, you need to be careful when choosing your treasure hunting tactics.

Do not start "digging" under the first city that comes your way.

After all, in the game, attempts are limited. To choose the correct search tactics, go to the menu of the inventory interface.

Be sure to go through an event such as "blessing." It can be done every day. How do I activate it? Click "check in immediately" and you will receive the reward due to you.

This is such an unusual and exciting toy. Want to try Dragon Knight Online? As for me, the browser deserves attention, and it's really worth playing it.

Here you are intriguing story line with its new features, unusual solutions of the developers and addictive gameplay.

Leave your comments on the game, ask questions. I will always be happy to answer or give advice. Significant victories and successful passage to you. Till!

Peace Dragon knight able to hit anyone with an abundance of various missions, many monsters and monsters. But the most important place in it is occupied by dragons.

Our knowledge base will introduce you to many game nuances, using which you will be able to easily overcome the difficulties and obstacles that you will encounter on your way.

What awaits you in Dragon Knight

All game events take place in the vastness of three areas: hostile, neutral and peaceful.

Hostile- a short distance on the map, where danger awaits at every step in the form of various monsters.

Peaceful- on its territory you are in complete safety.

Neutral- the territories of these lands are not subject to either side.

During the passage gameplay you have to: collect equipment, extract wood, gems and ore, as well as engage in magical production and processing of precious metals.

You have to prove your superiority over opponents in the arena.

Where to begin

First you need to make a choice of the race on the side of which you want to fight. In this game project there are four: humans, orcs, elves and night elves. Then, during the passage, you choose a profession and class for him.

The developers provide nice feature- you can independently change the look of your hero by choosing a hairstyle or changing the shape of the head and much more.

It is also worth paying attention to the choice of the alliance, which determines how your storyline will develop. There are two of them: the Free Federation (protection of the enslaved countries) and the Guardian Alliance (riot control).

Your game path begins on the territory of the New Rebus, where you have to complete your first quest. But as soon as you leave the walls of your fortress, at any time you can become the prey of evil mobs, because the danger in this world lurks everywhere. Of course, there were also peaceful mobs here, so you should be extremely careful and attentive in order to be able to recognize the enemy.

Features of the passage

As you progress through the gameplay, you are rewarded with active skills, with the help of which you defeat enemies again. Gradually, you expand and improve your skills.

With the help of wings, astrals, pets, a combination of talent cards and goddesses, it becomes possible to create your own unique style of play, which will allow you to achieve superiority over your opponent.

The ability to become the owner of a petrified dragon. You have a personal pet at your disposal - a fire-breathing dragon, which fulfills all your orders.

To increase the number of points on your game account visit the "Wheel of Fortune" at no extra cost. Here you have every chance to hit the jackpot and win a bunch of baliens.

You can check your luck every day, but the number of free attempts is limited. Their number may increase depending on your VIP level.

Instead of collecting a new set of equipment at levels 20, 40, 60, 80, 120 and 140, you can upgrade your equipment to gold. To do this, you need to get "dragon blood", "ancient shards" and crystalloids with a level corresponding to yours. But you will significantly save other resources. Moreover, with the help of this improvement, an additional gem slot is added.

But if your goal is to top the ratings, as well as capture this world, then you just need the Orange Set. Forget about morality, catch goblins to take away their most valuable soul shards. Take part in events to get artifacts that are inaccessible to most players.

Crypt (Crypt) is one of the most important locations in the game. It is here that precious experience is obtained for the main character. Come here every day until you have enough stamina.

After passing every 20 levels, new floors of the Crypt are opened, of different types of difficulty. To unlock them, you must fulfill certain conditions, for example, improve characters or recruits.

If you clear any floor earlier, you will have access to the passage of this floor in blitz mode, which is very convenient if you are short of time.

Dragons in the game, which choice to make

During the passage of the gameplay, several types of dragons will meet on your way:

Black- the bearer of darkness. Its main weapon is black magic, but it is distinguished by its weakness before holiness. He can handle the shadow without too many problems.

Red- a representative of the fire element. In battle, he is good at both melee and ranged combat. Uses fire magic. His Achilles' heel is ice.

Blue- a representative of the elements of nature. In opposition, he uses the elements of nature, is virtuoso in ranged combat, but with the help of the power of darkness, it is quite simple to defeat him.

Gold- the bearer of the shrine. During the battle, he uses light magic, but is very weak in front of dark magic.

White Dragon- the owner of the elements of ice. His main weapons are ranged combat and ice magic. Vulnerable to the elements of fire.

Bronze- a representative of the elements of darkness. In battle, uses dark magic and is a representative of close combat. The main side used in the attack is dark magic, very weak in front of the power of ice.

To ensure yourself a successful Dragon walkthrough Knight, you need knowledge game nuances and secrets. You can find some of them in our knowledge base.

First steps for beginners

First of all, in this game project you need to choose the gender of your hero and his class affiliation.

The game has two classes: magician and knight. Each of them is endowed with its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general their strength and usefulness are the same. Differences in the style of passing and battles. You have the opportunity to choose a character of one class, and when you open a new server, try the second one. Having summed up both experiments, you will have the opportunity to choose whichever class suits best.

You can come up with a nickname for your character and write it down in the appropriate cell. Also there is a button "hay name", by clicking on which, you get a nickname in a random order. But it is still recommended to come up with a name for your hero yourself.

After you have chosen a character class, have come up with a nickname for him, you are taken to the game screen. On the right side of the screen, you immediately see a list with active tasks. initially this list very small, but in the future you will need to prioritize the tasks, because there can be a considerable number of them. But at the initial stage of the game, you just need to follow the first task to get the first reward and experience for completing it.

The second task will ask you to break an egg to get luxurious prizes. From this egg, you receive prizes that are necessary for character development. Upon completion of this task, your hero gets the next one, upon completion of which it is necessary to proceed to the "lord", where your character gets the second level.

Next, you should again complete quest tasks, and now, finally, she is such a long-awaited first battle. Try to give your opponent a good spank. After defeating your opponent, you get coins with experience.

To open others game events, you will need to carry out several battles and increase the level of your character. Do not be shy in battle, beat all monsters for more fast receipt experience and thus raise the level of the hero.

Upon reaching the fourth level, access to the "online box" function opens, which makes it possible to obtain pleasant bonuses for the time you spend in the game. The longer you are in the game, the more awesome gifts you get.

But you should not stay in one place, there are a lot of interesting things in this world: exploring the world, battles, completing tasks, but the most important thing is the timely collection of rewards. Upon reaching the 9th level, two additional functions are unlocked: "gift set for the first payment" and "mount". It should be said that the gift set disappears immediately after the first account replenishment.


Mount is a playable animal on which your character can travel the world on horseback. For faster overcoming long distances, using the mount is just the thing. But at the same time, do not forget about increasing the levels of your own pet. Thus, you additionally raise the characteristics of the hero himself.

In this game project, there are two types of training for your ward: with the help of gold or baliens. If you do not know what to do, then open the "help" tab and there you will find brief information how many times and at what levels you can pump more, and also faster. Read the tips carefully.

Step by step

When you reach 11th level, you get the opportunity to improve your character's skills. Improvement is carried out gradually, so you need to research all the skills, because from each of them you get some help in the battle. Do not miss the opportunity to look into this menu, because learning a new skill can turn up at the end of any battle or completing a task.

Engage in quests that lead to the acquisition of new knowledge. But upon reaching the 15th level, you will immediately have access to three new functions: "recruit", "hero" and "group". Tab "recruit" is designed to select mercenaries whose help your hero needs in fierce confrontations with opponents. Tab "group" is designed to change the alignment of your combat squad for the battle. It will be better if you change the positions of your assistants from time to time. Using this, you will be able to adapt to different confrontations. In the tab "hero" you can view the entire inventory of the character, his mercenaries and more.

Reaching level 20 again unlocks a whole bunch of new features for you.

  • Inventory- information about what is in the hero's bag.
  • Put on- information about those things that are available so that you can put them on the character.
  • Depositor box- one and good ways get good prizes for the contribution of savings.
  • Balenov Roulette- the savings that you have invested can be scrolled to get more baleni. This is a good opportunity to make money.

We reach new levels, but do not stop there. So you've reached level 25. Here the function of using the new AFK-battle mode becomes available to you, when the battle between the opponents takes place without your participation. If you have no desire to give commands to your fighters during the battle, then turn on this mode and your squad will fight the enemy on their own, applying the skills of the character.