How to complete the game corsairs to each his own. Corsairs to each his own. "Burden of the Gascon. Continuation", as well as "The Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

It is believed that this game is one of the most difficult in the series. Even the level of "Young" requires a fair amount of skill and super-frequent saves from the player. Difficulties begin from the very first minutes. They are often purely financial in nature. And it all starts with the fact that the main character, Charles de Maure, comes to Martinique, to the town of Saint-Pierre, in order to find his brother. This can be done in two ways. The first way involves asking the governor for help. The ruler of the island will refuse to talk with de Maure and instead will hand him over to custody, where he will languish until the visit of the governor-general of the French colonies in the Caribbean archipelago Philippe de Poissy. We draw your attention to the fact that after de Moore's arrest all money and valuables will be confiscated, therefore, in order not to stay aground, everything must be well hidden. For example, in the oven in the Le François settlement.

The second option for passing the mission involves contacting the Abbot Benoit in the church, who will help de Maure find a companion who will take him to his brother. With a companion or after being arrested, it is necessary to walk alone to the underground base of the Order of Malta. It is here that the brother of our hero Michel will be located, who will tell about his troubles and ask him to return a million pesos to de Poinsy. To do this, he will first have to visit Guadeloupe and find there a man named Fry, who will lend our character with money. Lugger is already waiting for de Mora at the shipyard, so all that remains for him is to recruit a team and set sail.

Arriving at the harbor, de Maur learns that he needs to pay another 17,000 pesos to rent a boat. To earn this money, go through a few of the quests that come up. If you chose the first option for the passage of "Corsairs: To Each His Own", contact the Governor of the Maltese. He will help equip your character for the trip. Nida, we give a list of quests that will help raise money for the ship.

Quest "In short supply". The task is to bring a bottle of European wine to the guard in the port. Wine can be bought at any stall for 700 pesos. You can resell it to the guard for 1000 pesos. You can also hand over this careless guard to the head of the fort, after which the quest will automatically close.

Quest "The Stolen Jewel". The task is to sell the found jewelry. To do this, leave the city and turn left, find the corpse and search it. Find beautiful earrings and take them to the shopkeeper, governor, or loan shark. Each of them will offer their own price.

Quest "Warehouse worker". The task is to find the missing employee of the store owner. The search for Gralam Lavoie should be in Le François. After he refuses to return to the store, talk to the owner again and get a new task - to find and hire an employee to replace Lavoie. You should also look for him in Le François. As an assistant, a bartender can be hired, who promises to convene candidates for a review and asks for 1000 pesos for this. Depending on what kind of employee you find, your reward can be 3,000, 4,000 or 5,000 pesos.

Quest "Rum for the bartender". You can get this quest from the innkeeper. He will ask you to smuggle him elite rum from Jamaica. Be sure to write down the password that the tavern owner will give you, as it does not appear in the quest log. To complete this task, you need to find the "Ghost" lugger in the Lamentin beach area, talk to a member of its crew, say the password and wait for the rum to be shipped to your launch.

Quest "Call Girl". The task is to bring a call girl Lutiss to a stranger who you will meet on the street. The reward for completing the mission is 6,000 pesos. To complete it, you need to go to a brothel and talk to its owner. She will ask you why you need Lutiss. Depending on what you answer, calling the girl will cost you 2500 - 3000 pesos.

Quest "Cannibals". It is fashionable to take this task from the head of the port department. To fulfill it, it is necessary to save the daughter of a certain Prosper Trubala from the Indians who kidnapped her. To complete this mission, you will need to follow Trubala to the cave and destroy all the Indians. The reward for freeing the girl is 5,000 pesos, 15 doubloons. It is advisable not to sell doubloons, as they may be useful to you in the future game.

After collecting 17,000 pesos, head back to the shipyard to charter the ship. Once the rent is settled, start hiring a team. It is best to look for sailors in the tavern. Here, with the help of the tavern owner, you will find one decommissioned sailor, who offers to take on board himself and his comrades (40 people in total). In order to pay them an advance, you will need 8000 pesos (that is, 200 pesos for a person). After hiring a crew, you need to purchase provisions and a minimum of medicines on the ship. Now you just need to find a navigator. In the tavern this time you have nothing to look for, so go to look for the right person in the port. The most suitable option would be a certain Folke Delluk, who is in a debt prison. It can be redeemed from there for your own money (only 10,450 pesos) or by agreeing with the moneylender to complete the "Spanish Engineer" quest. The main task in this mission is to free them from the captivity of the pirates of the Spanish engineer. To do this, you should go to the Bay of Le Maren in the evening, taking with you a pistol from the moneylender. It is best to return back a little after midnight, when there will be no soldiers at the gate. After you have solved the issue with the moneylender in one of these ways, go to the debt prison and release the navigator. Then another unpleasant, but easily resolvable incident with a pirate awaits you, and that's it - you can set sail and head for Guadeloupe.

The beginning of the passage of the game:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of the passage of the quest "Rum for the Bartender":

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of the passage of the quest "Cannibals":

(watch from the 3rd minute).

Hello everyone, you are on the fantasy and science fiction blog! Sometimes there are releases here that are not related to science fiction, but this is not the case. In these "Corsairs" there is enough devilry. In all senses.

The game turned out to be made on the engine of the previous corsairs, that is, the same bearded year. Even then, everything was squeezed out of him that his senile powers were capable of, so the picture could not boast of anything new. Perhaps some screensavers, character models and icons were redrawn. A couple more videos were added.

However, I am comfortable enough to play like that.

So the game. We do not have a choice of character, you can play only one - a Frenchman named Charles de Maure. Next, we select the parameters, focusing on fencing, handling heavy weapons, pistols and muskets, or trade and public speaking. In my opinion, it is better to choose one of the first two options. I settled on rapiers and swords.

Attention! Never set the difficulty higher than Level 2! All but the most avid nerds, play on Minimum Difficulty. Masochists who are confident in their God-chosenness can choose the second difficulty. In different versions of the game, this is either the Boatswain, or the Courageous privatier.

The game is insanely difficult, and if you felt confident on the "Captain" difficulty in "City of Lost Ships", then set the difficulty here to minimum and set all possible perks in the menu next to it.

If you played on the "Admiral", and you were more or less tolerant, then you can risk setting the second difficulty.

If you choose a higher difficulty level, you will quit the game after a few hours, cursing the developers and the whole world. I'm serious.

No, you will swear and yell in any case, even on minimal difficulty, but then at least there will be a chance that you will not quit the game, but will go online for tips and manuals.

Important! This game must be played exclusively with a detailed manual! This is due not only to the prohibitive complexity of the game, but also to bugs - not knowing at what point the catch is, you will not have a chance to avoid a fatal bug. I will give a link to one of these at the end of the article.

Okay, difficulty is selected, everything is set, let's go!

I did this: Z - shot, Q - active key of action, C - power strike and parry (instead of a wheel). It's pretty convenient to play this way.

First impressions

They are great. We are introduced to the game in detail, led a little by the handle, talking about buildings and game possibilities. It seems that the game is also designed for new players unfamiliar with the previous parts of the franchise. Don't fall for this impression!

The first difficulty is that over the past time I have quite forgotten the controls in battle, but here no one is in a hurry to explain which keys to press. Therefore, in order to understand the types of punches, feints and parries, go either to YouTube or to thematic sites. For those familiar with the early parts, I will briefly explain the innovations:

1) A new parameter for melee weapons is balance. It is very important, and is closely related to two factors: the type of weapon (rapiers, sabers or broadswords), weight, type of blow.

For a rapier, 0.0 is the ideal balance. In this case, lunges (by default, right mouse button) inflict maximum damage. Slashing and power strikes are not for light weapons.

Sabers perform well with a balance closer to 1.0. They can both chop and stab, and carry out power strikes. The problem is that the saber does not do any of this perfectly. In Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships, the saber was my most convenient weapon. Here they are kind of stupid. I do not advise.

Broadswords and axes. The balance is closer to 2.0. Chopping and power strikes. It hurts, but consumes great amount endurance.

It was not possible to find out how weight affects damage. Most likely, the same as balance - the more weight, the more damage the slashing weapon has. In this case, it is best to choose rapiers as light as possible.

2) Pistols can now explode when fired. It happened to me with Stroyev and Duel pistols. Repeaters, muskets and shotguns did not explode.

3) New types of charges: in addition to bullets, there are shot, harpoons and nails. There is also a hand mortar with grenades.

New is good, but there is a big but. The shot hits only one target, thereby completely devaluing itself. I have a Gunshot shot shot at the crowd (although if you believe thematic forums, this should not be), but the damage there is ridiculous.

Removed the "berserk" skill, which is white in the previous part. On the one hand, that's right - the thing was absolutely cheating, turning any duel into nonsense, but I somehow got used to it. Yes, and the local quest duels with her would not have torn one place so much.

First quests

The first serious problems you will have in Guadeloupe is when you need to go to Fadeus.

Important! Yes, these problems will be the first only if you play by manual. Otherwise, you will be stuck in Martinique. Play only by manual!

I still don't understand how Fadey's quests work. If you take them in the wrong order, then you will easily break some scripts, and he will not give you the order that your brother was talking about.

If you have the patience to cope with all this, then you have to choose a side - the quest "The Dutch Gambit".

I passed for the Dutch - there are tricky restrictions on the level, reputation and skills. The Dutch are unpretentious to this.

To play for England, you must be: positive reputation, level below a certain value (it looks like it differs in different versions, I had less than 12).

Secret organization: negative reputation, pumped all weapons to a certain level (about 30+).

Difficulties await you here. Time-limited missions, mind-boggling duels, and more. But if you played the previous parts, you can master it all.

And I will move in the cherry on the cake.

Quests that break the player

This joy is called “ Pirate saga". It's global, must-have and story-driven interesting quest... Made by consummate sadists.

The first difficulty - you will need to save one girl - Rumba, aka Helen - for 16 calendar days... This will be at the very beginning of the quest line. And if you fail this salvation, then fill up the whole line.

The first difficulty is that there is not a word about deadlines in the task log.

The second difficulty is that even with a fair wind, you will not have time to swim to Antigua in time. No way.

What to do? Go out to battle map, and swim along it, periodically going out on global map to check the direction.

How do you like this game design?

There are still many complications in the "Pirate Saga", but I will turn to the next extravaganza of absurdity:

Two naval battles in a row. First, you have to cope with a corvette and a frigate on a polacre (a ship of the 3rd class). And then, on the same floor, board a heavy frigate. And it's just hard, even on the second difficulty.

Then you can still break the scripts to hell in many places, if you go through the quests in the wrong order, and much more fun.


Because of the really interesting story company, I can't dare to call the game bad. I got a huge amount of pleasure from her. Yes, it was a somewhat perverse pleasure, especially until I thought of digging into the manual, but still.

Large, variable and interesting storyline. This is awesome, and for that the developers have a lot of respect.

A good partner is Mary Casper. But if you do not play according to the manual, in life you will not guess what to do so that she joined your team. You may not even meet her. Despite the fact that the location of the Isle of Justice is not that big. But confusing ...

Reworked the characteristics of ships. Now corvettes are useless troughs. Otherwise, the rebalance is good.


If you are good at game series, then you should arm yourself with a manual and detailed walkthrough, and play "Corsairs: To Each His Own".

If you are more or less fumbling in the Corsairs, then you can try your luck on minimal difficulty. Again with a manual and walkthrough. But be prepared to suffer.

If you have not played Corsairs before, then starting to "Each his own" - the idea is worse than you can imagine. "Town lost ships"At one time named the most difficult game series, and "To each his own" - it is 5 times more difficult ...

It’s always like that: a good story doesn’t want to get along with a good game design. Almost always you have to choose one thing, especially in more or less independent projects like this one.

Play is at your own peril and risk. I will go through the game to the end. Now I brought 3 church relics to the inquisitor, and took a long pause - to calm my nerves.

Walkthrough I used: Start Walkthrough. on the same site there are detailed manuals for later quests.

See you soon!

By the way, "The Witcher: Blood and Wine" announced better RPG 2016 🙂 Yeah, addon. I have on the site who have not played or have not seen all the endings - I recommend that you familiarize yourself. There are also links to 2 other articles on the world of The Witcher.

Today we are going to talk about a game with an amazing story. Created by a team of Black Mark Studio fans, it piqued the interest of the official distributor of this series of games. So a full-fledged version of the continuation of the epic - "The Corsairs: To Each His Own", was published.

Lots of Easter eggs, updated flotilla improvement system. It also became possible for the protagonist to create things and ammunition. In addition, the world has become more open, and the plot is less linear.

Beginning, or Where to get a million

In this game you play the role of the French aristocrat Charles de Maure. Your father asked you to find your missing son, your brother, in the Caribbean.
So, after you got off the ship in Saint Pierre, Martinique, you have two options for further development of the plot at your disposal. The variety is the beauty of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own". Quests can be done in a variety of ways.

First, you go to the authorities. For a beginner, it is more correct, but there are some tricks here. Things will need to be hidden, and the weapon will need to be replaced with a harpoon. The stash can be made in the box that stands to the right of the fort gate.

Why such a turn? It's very simple - then you will be arrested and all your things taken away. The governor-general of the island himself will come to the prison with a proposal. He frees you, and you pay off your brother's debts. The amount is impressive, a million pesos, after all. Here help would be useful, but in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" cheats are rare.

After agreeing, you go to the quartermaster, who will give out a basic set of armor and weapons. If at the beginning you hid things in the chest, further development will be easier. We just go to the brother in the dungeon.

The second path of development of the plot will suit more experienced people familiar with the game "Corsairs 2: To Each His Own".

Here we, having felt the freedom and expanse of pirate life, keep away from the authorities, and figure it out ourselves. It will be necessary to run around the city, to communicate with residents. We are interested in the fate of our brother. In the process, from one person, you will learn about the abbot. Further, the path lies to the church. Benoit, through a friend, will help you go to your brother in the dungeon.

Let's find out about - oh, God! - a debt of a million pesos, we get the first task. Please note, it is for a while. The bottom line is this. Michel paid a deposit for the ship, but owes another 17,000 pesos. You need to find this amount in three days, otherwise you will get a wreck.
Where can I get the money? Let's figure it out.

Call girl

For this quest you will need to find one senior. He usually loiters in the square near the church. Look for a light-colored camisole and hat. Passage "Corsairs: To Each His Own" open and non-linear. Therefore, the name is generated differently.

The bottom line is what. It is necessary to go to a brothel and agree with its owner about the girl Lyutiss Montagne. She must be brought to this aristocrat after eleven o'clock in the evening. He gives 6 thousand for all expenses, your earnings are the amount saved.
The secret is that you need to save before accepting the quest. When you receive a task, the cost of the girl for the night is randomly generated. It can be from 2500 to 5000 pesos. We load until we get the minimum figure.

When talking with the hostess, choose the option that speaks of the girl's inexperience. It will be possible to pick it up from 23.00 to 00.00. It would be easy to manage and take her to the aristocrat in an hour.

In the meantime, there is some time, we will earn some more money. Remember - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the map of the island is an irreplaceable assistant when completing quests. Do not forget to look into it from time to time.

Warehouse worker

There is a shop near the brothel. Our path lies there. There, the owner will complain about fate and tell about the runaway worker. We agree to find it. One thousand pesos are promised as a reward. And that's just for finding it. According to the orientation, it is located somewhere outside the walls of the city.

Our path lies in the pirate settlement of Le Francois. On the way, by the way, we will complete two more tasks. They are described below.

So, the worker is in or near the tavern. After talking with him, we understand that the owner of the store is a curmudgeon, and Gralam will never return to him.

What can you do. We come back with bad news. The merchant gets upset, but he gives a reward. And besides, it promises more if we help to hire a new employee. The higher the qualifications, the more your earnings. The game does not allow you to relax. What can you do - "Corsairs: To each his own"! The ships will be redeemed soon, remember? So let's work hard.

We run to Le François. Where to look for an employee? At the tavern. He, it turns out, is a small responsive. For just a thousand pesos, it will help with the task, but you need to walk for an hour.
While we are waiting, you can play dice, a possible win will not hurt. After the agreed time, we return to the tavern and see the applicants. And then everything becomes just great. In addition to the fact that the owner will only take 500 pesos for help, the workers also offer you bribes!

We choose the one that gives the bag with amber shards. We will need the jewelry later, and in the city, the store owner will pay us 5,000 pesos for it. But this will be after the interview. Time is money, so we run to the head of the port department. He starts the "Cannibal" quest.

Passing tasks

On the way to the pirate settlement, you can earn some more money. The first task will be "In short supply". Do you remember where you hid things at the beginning of the game? A city guard is standing near this chest. Talk to him. It turns out that he is also French, like you. And his delicate stomach can't stand the local liquor. You will be asked to bring some good wine.

It seems to you that it is difficult to earn money in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the codes would clearly not interfere. All wrong! After this quest, you will forget these thoughts forever!

The income from this assignment is one thousand pesos. The execution time is a day. Simply and easily. Where to get alcohol? Check the chests in the fort. If fortune is not on your side, a bottle of any merchant costs seven hundred pesos.

We carry it after returning from Le François. The guardian of order will wait on the upper platform of the fortress in the evening. But it was not there! This is not a task, but a Klondike! The voracious French are ready to buy another 60 bottles of 1000 pesos each. What to do? Where to rob the carriage?

Don't panic! We go to any merchant and for a thousand coins buy information that there is alcohol in the store. Having gone there, we come across a misunderstanding of the owner. We return to the scammer. And he demands another 2000 for you have to pay. With this sheet, we return to the seller. You can now buy 60 bottles at 500 pesos apiece. But! This is a one-time offer, so free your inventory!

Net income - 27 thousand coins. And the map obtained in the next storyline task of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" will greatly help in the future.

In the city, all the quests available at this level are taken. We leave the gate. But what is it? A corpse lies on the road, and local aborigines run away. Let's rummage through the pockets of the murdered man. 560 pesos for expenses, small change and earrings. Save this decoration, we will need it later, when we return from Le François.

So, we have dealt with the workers in the village (the quest is described above - "Warehouse worker"). It's time to remember the find. We go directly to the Governor-General. You can, of course, ask the price at the merchants, but the price is lower there. De Poissy will give the Cheap Island Map for them. Such a gift will greatly facilitate the passage. "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - a game that is designed specifically to earn money in the spirit of piracy.


The tropics, the starving local population, the sleek European aristocrats ... It turns out that the head of the port is looking for an assistant to his friend. Prospero's daughter was stolen. Poor father used most of his property to buy a musket and is already outside the city walls. We'll run after the money promised by the owner of the store, now - to save the girl!

We find Truval near the well. From his story, we understand that abductions have become more frequent, and this is being wielded by the cannibal Indians. They get food, so to speak.

In this task, we will not only enrich ourselves financially, but also gain a lot of experience, if there is a desire. Only if fencing is not pumped, it will be bad. In the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" cheats are aimed specifically at this area.

The bottom line is what. The father will tell you how to proceed. If you do so, complete the quest quickly. If you yourself destroy all the Indians, without his help, you will get a lot of experience.

In the cave we find a daughter and another hostage. We accompany them to the city and receive a reward. And this is neither more nor less - 8 thousand pesos, 35 doubloons and a good amulet.
In principle, the minimum of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" has been completed. The ships can already be redeemed. Just count, there should be more than 17 thousand in your pocket. However, we need more officers, a team, ammunition. In addition, the whole day is in stock.

How to have a fun night

What to do in the tavern, waiting for the morning? Do not sleep!
There are several entertainment options to choose from - gambling, duel, "divorce" of the waitress. But first things first.

So bones and cards. A lot will have to be saved here. How to win? Just. We always start with the maximum bet - 1000 coins. We bargain until the opponent agrees. For example, let's play 800 pesos. You win. Better to save. If he wins, and then begins to drain his bank to you, we rejoice and earn money.
The main thing is not to win very often, otherwise they will call you a sharper and stop inviting you to the table.

When everyone is broke, you can still make money. Blame someone for cheating. Or drink to the quarrel. Duels are won easily, and the dead drop good things and a lot of gold, if you're lucky.

The third fun has to do with the waitress. You need to flirt with her until she invites you to spend time with her. We order a room from the owner of the tavern and wait. Instead of the girl, an accomplice appears, eager to rob us. Kills easily. The beauty of this assignment is that the waitress seems to have a lot of thugs. And from each you can get things and money. Without such pranks, the passage will be boring. "Corsairs: To Each His Own" allows you to experience riotous life to the fullest.

Rum for the bartender

Morning. The owner has enriched himself on your room rental "for an hour", so he is kind. When asked about the assignment, you receive an offer to smuggle the cargo.
It is important to remember the password when receiving the job! He will not be recorded anywhere, and without him the quest cannot be completed. There are several options, but the most common: "the bay is ready for disembarkation" or "old Thomas was waiting for a beer." We repeat: you may have a different one. We'll have to write it down.

So, at seven o'clock in the evening we go to the pier, sit down on the longboat and quickly move to the right of the pier. If the wind is fair, it will be easier, if not, we go in zigzags.
Destination - ship "Ghost" near Lamentin beach. When the boat from the launch approaches it, you will need to write a password in the dialog box. Do you remember him?

We receive the contraband cargo and quickly move to the Bay of Le Francois. There you pass the ship with alcohol to the people of the owner of the tavern, and you yourself go to it on foot. You get 5000 pesos, a couple of bottles of rum and a gift.

Spanish engineer

We bought the ship. Where to get the team? That's right, in the tavern. After much questioning and persuasion, the bartender gives a tip. There is one sailor written off ashore.
We meet, we answer the meticulous interrogation. He agrees to go to you, but only with his entire team. Not bad! 40 sailors at once for 8,000 pesos.

But where to get a navigator? The tavern keeper doesn't know. We run to the port. Kind people say there is one. Sitting in jail for debts.

We go to the usurer. You will have to overpay 11,000 pesos. Or maybe there is another option? There is. It is necessary to free his friend from captivity. Easily!

Freebie - this is the basis of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own"! Quests are complemented by gifts. Hide your pistol before meeting the moneylender. He will give you a new one, with cartridges!

At half past eleven in the night we go to the beach, we beat off the Spaniard from the pirates. The secret is that the first robber you meet must be killed first, right after the conversation. The rest is easy to put. But the saved one will attack you. We beat him until we surrender.
Now comes the tricky part. At night, patrols roam the city, so you need to not get caught. We are saved in front of the city.

After completing the assignment, we get and, therefore, the navigator.
We buy food for the ship. Collect as many charges for cannons - buckshot and knippels. At the exit from the bay will attack

It's easy to get rid of it. We lower all the sails. Immediately we destroy all the rigging with knippers, and after that we destroy the maximum command with buckshot. We board and rob. You can't take it for yourself.

"Corsairs: To Each His Own". "Dutch gambit"

The second part of the epic is associated with the West India Company. Here you will have to master the entire archipelago. At this stage, you can already have several ships and a slightly more pumped team.

During the second part, you will visit Guadeloupe, Cuba, Maracaibo and other places. The advice is this. Quests for the destruction of pirates will often come across, or they will meet while sailing. Always attack several times with knippers, and then constantly with buckshot. Then board. Only such tactics will allow you to constantly win and get rich quickly.

When you complete the storyline, the reward will delight you. Awesome ship and a great experienced officer. Further there will be the last part- "Corsairs 3. To each his own."

Pirate saga

Hooray! A million pesos have accumulated! We ransom the brother. But it’s not that simple. The Governor-General took the money, but does not want to release the prisoner. Like, you still need to help him become the head. Well, a task! Go against all the pirates at once!
Compared to this, the second part of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "The Dutch Gambit" - is just child's play!

But it is not all that bad. There are helpers here as well. Especially if you know the secrets. When you find yourself in Cartagena (it is advisable to raise and find a pirate in the city. He has a very good sword... Have you already learned how to fight a duel?
To capture Tortuga, you need powerful connections. Further, the path lies to Zechariah, to Cuba. He will send us to look for the cartographer. This is how the next branch of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "The Island of Justice" begins.

After the task "Shadows of the Past" we will get the Morgan Flamberge, which has no equal in all the Caribbean.

At the end of the line, you will kill Levasseur, report on the change of power on Tortuga de Poissy, and free your brother. The reward is a frigate with a crew and a French marque patent.
But this is not the end of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own"! The gambit was played out well. Now we are racing to defend Saint-Pierre, our brother's former prison. After all, now our hero is a French officer!

Do you want to become invincible right away? Or is it easy to complete all tasks? We'll cover tricks and bugs.

So, in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" codes are not widespread, but a lot of "raw" moments.

For example, when you capture an enemy ship, you can combine his team with yours. To do this, hold down the "shift" button. It may not work the first time, but the next ship will reward you with an endless team. It's time to bomb the forts!
By the way, about this. When the entire passage behind us, "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is not over. This is just the beginning. No quests. Absolute freedom. We recruit officers with pumped pistols and fencing in taverns, and then using the F2 button we put them in our squad. And among the pirates you will not be equal!


Passage "To each his own" (quests). Passage of game "Corsairs: To Each His Own"

18 October 2014

"Corsairs" is one of the few domestically produced games that has gained worldwide fame. Many players appreciated the idea and how well-crafted the adventures they faced. However, it is worth noting separately last game series, called "To Each His Own" - is a kind of culmination, a collection of all the good that was in previous parts, and placing it within one. The result is a very interesting project that will allow you to try yourself in the role of a gallant pirate who needs to surf the seas and oceans, complete tasks, fight both on land and on water. And it all happens in open world, that is, no one binds you to a specific plot - you can sail to any part of the world at any given moment. You can make money by trading, you can pirate and rob ships - no one restricts you, so you can do what you see fit. Well, life here is incredibly busy. Unfortunately, you will not be able to guide you through it - you will have to learn everything on your own, but the quests that you can get during your journey can be described.

There are also add-ons in the game, such as "Corsairs: To Each His Own Kaleuche", the passage of which is not necessary to consider, since not everyone may want to purchase DLC. The same goes for other add-ons as well. DLCs ​​such as "Corsairs: To Each His Own - Gwick" will not be considered here, the passage will only concern base game, so there is no need to search for quests added to the game by downloadable content.

Rum for the Bartender, Call Girl and Return the Priest Saint-Pierre's Manuscripts

The first quests that you come across in game world are unlikely to present any difficulties for you. You do not need anything supernatural, special weapons or unusual ships, so you can safely take on them. The passage of "To Each His Own" can take you tens, even hundreds of hours, because life here goes unhurriedly, and if you want to enjoy it, you can take your time. But if you take on a quest like Rum for the Bartender, you are bringing yourself closer to completing the game. So, in this quest you will have to meet real ghosts who will travel on an equally real ship. And it is from them that you will need to pick up the rum. To do this, first find out the password that you will need to tell the captain of the ghost ship, and then meet with the ghosts themselves. By giving the password, you will verify your identity and receive a rum to be delivered to the bartender.

The passage of "To Each His Own" may be different - it depends on the essence of the quest: in some cases you will have to get down to business instantly, and in some you may not be in a hurry. For example, as in the "Call Girl" quest, where you will need to order a special woman of easy virtue for one high-ranking person. You will need to find out information about the desired girl from the pimp, and you will understand that it will be possible to pick her up only within an hour, from eleven to twelve in the evening. But then on any day, so you can not rush.

But the quest "Return the manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre" must be done as soon as possible, but it is not difficult. You just need to deliver the manuscripts from one church to another, but you will have to prove that your thoughts are not dirty.

"Warehouse Worker", "Stolen Jewel" and "Cannibals"

The passage "To each his own" will periodically surprise you, as you will be offered to complete rather unusual tasks. For example, "Warehouse Worker" is a two-part quest. It will be given to you by the seller in the store, who lost a valuable employee - an employee from the warehouse. You have to find him. It is clear that there is no time limit, but you can immediately head into the jungle and find a pirate village, in one of the shops of which the missing employee will work. He won't want to come back, so go back and give the merchant the news. This will end the first part, but you can immediately start the second. The merchant needs a replacement, and you will find it in the pirate town. After paying a certain amount, agree to conduct a screening of candidates, and if you take a nap, then when you wake up, you will see three pirates in the tavern who have expressed a desire to get a job. Choose one of them, which and send to the city. The next time you go there, the merchant will say that you brought in a great employee. For which he will generously reward you.

But there are also less convoluted quests in the game, such as "The Stolen Jewel". As you wander through the jungle, a scene will unfold in front of you - two natives will run away in an unknown direction. You can chase after them, but it will do nothing - the passage of "To Each His Own" requires a deeper approach. Better go to where they fled from, and there will be a corpse. Examine it - you will find earrings. They can be quite expensive to sell, but are they worth it? Again, think about what will be best for you, and ask the residents to whom these jewelry may belong. It turns out that these are earrings stolen from the wife of the governor, who will generously reward you for finding.

If you want to fight, then you need to take the "Cannibals" quest - it can be found from one of the inhabitants of the post near the city. He will tell you that his friend is going alone to rescue his daughter from the clutches of the aborigines. Join him and go to the cannibals' hideout - there you will have to fight, but when you cope, it turns out that your partner's daughter is alive. And you will also find another hostage who can also be rescued. As a result, you will be rewarded by both the partner and the rescued hostage.

"Burden of the Gascon" - story quest

After completing these tasks, it will become available to you story quest"Burden of the Gascon", which you can complete, but it will take quite a long time. So get ready for it and get started. Your goal is to buy a ship, assemble a team and go to Guadeloupe. In the project "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the passage of quests that are not related to storyline will periodically help you progress to the finals. Naturally, there is no need to rush to this, but you should still understand that the game has a logical end, which you must come to in the end. After purchasing the ship, you will need to go to the tavern, where you can assemble a team at a time - there is one sailor who is ready to offer you as many as forty pairs of hands, but only if you take everyone at once and fulfill his conditions. They are quite simple - you need to have a suitable atmosphere, food and medicine on the ship. You can buy a little bit of everything just to meet the requirements, but that's not all. You need a navigator, and he is in custody, because he owes a large sum of money to the moneylender. Go to him and find out what you can do to give this amount. Immediately you will receive side quest"Spanish Engineer", as you have to rescue a fellow moneylender kidnapped by pirates. At first you can try to persuade the latter to give the engineer, but as a result they will still have to be killed - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the passage of quests often comes down to this. Then you will swipe hand-to-hand combat with the Spaniard himself, who never wants to believe that you have come to save him. Defeat him and take him into the city, but avoid the guards. When you bring the engineer to the usurer, the latter will give you receipts that the debt has been repaid - you need to take them to the prison so that the navigator will be released, and the Guadeloupe quest will be activated.

Guadeloupe, Caribbean Mores and Dishonest Competitor

This is one of the most difficult quests, here you will find danger around every corner. Passing it may require you to be very dexterous and dexterous in handling both your character and the ship on which you will sail. You need to sail to Guadeloupe, where the multi-level mission will begin. First, you will need to talk to one person who will direct you further. There you will learn about a collection of sabers stolen by the Indians, which you need to return, but you will not find it without the help of a native who was imprisoned. It can be bought for a lot of money, but there is nothing to do - you can only argue with the commandant and bring down the price a little. After freeing the Indian, you can equip the expedition, but at the same time you will still need to do one job, which will give the quest " Caribbean customs". Again, danger awaits you around every corner, the passage is unlikely to seem easy. As part of this task, you will need to first deliver a load of cannons, sailing past the enemy port, then get important information, hiring a beggar for this, and then completely intercept the enemy ship with a cargo of gunpowder. It won't be easy, so get serious. Well, the next quest is, basically, running around with errands. " A dishonest competitor"As a result, it turns out that a smuggler interferes with the local merchant. Make an appointment and give him a warm welcome - it is not necessary to kill him, since he will pay a decent amount for his life."

"Burden of the Gascon. Continuation", as well as "The Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

The passage of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" moves forward, and this is signaled to you by the fact that you can continue the quest "Burden of the Gascon". But first try to get the quest "Girl in the Jungle" - for this you only need to travel through the jungle until you see how the girl runs away from three men. She will ask you for help, saying that her father wants to marry her off to one person, and she loves a completely different person. In any case, inform the men that you yourself will deliver the girl to her father, and then decide whether to let her go and do a good deed, or take her to her father and receive a reward. After that, you can take on the "Burden of the Gascon". To do this, you need to return to Martinique and talk to your friend Michel, who is imprisoned. He will offer you several options for the development of events, which will start the quest "The Path of the Dutch West India Company". The passage of the" Corsairs: To Each His Own "game branches out here, as Michelle offers you three different options for achieving your goal. The first is to join the West India Company, the second is to join the ranks of the English army, and the third is membership in a secret organization ...

"Dutch Gambit", different options for passing

It will be very difficult to describe the passage in detail here, since it branches and can go in a variety of ways. This is one of the most interesting parts game "Corsairs: To Each His Own". Passage " Dutch Gambit", the quest, which will lead you to the goal that interests you and Michel, will take quite a long time. You will need to carry out a large number of assignments, deal with dangerous opponents and carry out difficult orders. You can even say that in some places you will have to look under every stone. passing this chain of quests may well require this.Whatever path you choose, the result will still be the only one - you will complete all the tasks and collect enough money to free Michel.

Million for Michel, The Pirate Saga and Shark Hunt

Check if you have a million - after all, that is how much is needed for Michelle to be free. Of course, the amount is simply huge, and it will be terribly sorry to part with it, but it's still yours best friend... And most importantly, this is a key character in the game's plot, so don't be stingy. However, in the part "Corsairs 3: To Each His Own" the passage is not so simple that this is all limited. It turns out that there is not enough money to buy out Michel - you need to fulfill what he promised, but did not do. To find out what is at stake, talk to Michel himself, find out terrible secret- you are faced with something impossible. Your goal is to capture the island of Tortuga and overthrow the local government! But the island has its own full-fledged fleet, how can you cope with this? Then you will find out that among the pirates there are those who are not satisfied with the government on the island either.

It's time to move on to the Pirate Saga quest. In it you have to find all the influential pirates who will be ready to join forces with you to storm Tortuga. But one, the most important pirate, you will be missing - the legendary Shark. You will have to spend quite a lot of time, but, alas, all your attempts will be in vain - the Shark disappeared without leaving a trace. But in the quest "Pirates: To Each His Own" the passage simply cannot come to a standstill, so you just need to be distracted by other things.

The Return of the Baron, Isle of Justice, and Immersion

From this point on, real miracles will begin in the game. You will need to find a shaman who makes special medallions that allow you to open access to the mysterious island of justice. Naturally, you will need to complete quite a few errands and wait a couple of months before the medallions are ready, but it's really worth it. Only then will you be able to continue driving in the game "Corsairs". Each passage of the "Island of Justice" may seem difficult, since this is a turning point in the game. Indeed, on this incredible island, you will nevertheless find the Shark, and he will agree to join you, but for this you will need a ship, which, unfortunately, does not exist. And this whole quest will revolve around trying to get a ship for the Shark.

As for the "Immersion" quest, here the wonders will continue. The passage of the game "To Each His Own" will take a completely unusual twist - you have to go down under the water to find the ancient Mayan city there. Such unexpected plot delights await you in this wonderful game.

The denouement is close ...

So, the passage of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is approaching its logical conclusion. You just have to complete a number of side and story quests to free Michel, capture the island of Tortuga, and also see many other wonders associated with the Maya. The time spent playing this game is by no means boring, and the project is not too long - you decide how long you will play. You can go exclusively through the quests of the storyline, or you can carry out all side assignments and travel around the world. Naturally, this passage does not cover the passage of "Corsairs: To Each His Own" ships, sabers, guns, ammunition and many other aspects that do not directly relate to the plot itself. You have to study this on your own, and you are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure from the process.

The final

As a result, everything will come down to the search for an ancient relic - a Mayan mask. And, unfortunately, not only will you be looking for her - your "millionth" brother Michelle will also want riches, betraying you and practically killing you. But here you can get revenge. First, you will have to fight the Indians, and then Michel himself, who is the main boss in the game. With each passing minute, everything will become more difficult, since you will already be fighting with everyone at once, including your brother. Well, everything will end, of course, with your victory - if you have a real artifact in your hands, then you will need to finish off Michel, and then the final video will start. But the game does not end there - you get the opportunity to further surf the oceans - pirate, trade, live, and, of course, go through those quests that you did not have time to before.

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