Where is Kasparov now and what does he do. Garry Kasparov: biography, personal life, wives, children, titles, awards, best games and photos of a chess player. Personal life of Garry Kasparov

A family:

Born on April 13, 1963 in Baku in the family of an engineer. Mother Clara Shagenovna- Armenian (native of Nagorno-Karabakh), father Kim Moiseevich Weinstein- Jew, died in 1970 from sarcoma.

Until the age of 8, he bore his father's surname - Weinstein. In 1981, Klara Shagenovna left her job (she was an automation specialist, scientific secretary at a research institute) to devote herself entirely to her son's career. I even received a salary from the sports committee on a par with professional coaches. And soon became the main confidant son, who accompanied him everywhere. The coaches finally became hired personnel.

Three marriages. First wife Maria Arapova- a graduate of the philology department of Moscow State University. Maria in 1992 gave birth to Harry's daughter Pauline. The second wife is a student of the Faculty of Economics Yulia Vovk... This marriage of Kasparov lasted nine years and a son Vadim was born in it (1996), and after the divorce, the chess player married for the third time - to a socialite Daria Tarasova, who in 2006 bore him a daughter, Aida, and in 2015, a son, Nikolos.

Biography before politics:

At the age of 4, Harry learned to read, loved geography and history. At the age of 7, he dreamed of becoming a doctor in order to save his terminally ill father. He began to study chess at the age of six in the chess circle of the Baku House of Pioneers. At the age of 9, he fulfilled the norm of the 1st category, at the age of 10 - a candidate for master of sports. Since 1973 he studied at a chess school Mikhail Botvinnik.

In 1975 he won the "Baku Cup" among adults. Winner of the USSR Youth Championships 1976 and 1977. Since 1978 - Master of Sports, since 1979 - International Master. Played for the team "Spartacus".

In 1980 Garry Kasparov received three gold medals - for excellent graduation from school, winning the world championship among young men, and also for participating in the USSR national team at the World Chess Olympiad. After three convincing victories at international tournaments in Yugoslavia(Banja Luka, 1979, Bugojno, 1982, Niksic, 1983) Yugoslav newspapers, noting the rich imagination and speed of calculating the options, called it "a computer with a soul."

As part of the USSR national team, he became the winner Olympiad 1980, 1982 and 1986, and as part of the Russian national team - 1992. Since 1980 he has been an international grandmaster. In the preliminary matches for the title of world champion, he won against Alexander Belyavsky and Viktor Korchnoi (1983), and in the final match of the candidates - against Vasily Smyslov (1984).

On October 19, 1984, his confrontation began with Anatoly Karpov, which kept the chess world in suspense for more than 10 years. Their first match in Moscow lasted 159 days (up to 6 wins), which after 48 games remained unfinished for the first time in chess history. Losing 0: 5, Kasparov seemed doomed to lose the match, but managed to resist and brought the score to 3: 5 with 40 draws.

Six months later, in September 1985, their new match took place in Moscow, in which Kasparov won with a score of 13:11 and at the age of 22 became the 13th world champion - the youngest in the history of chess. In 1986 he won the rematch 12.5: 11.5 in Leningrad. In 1987 in Seville, their match ended in a draw, which allowed him to retain the title of world champion; in 1990 (New York - Lyon), he won the world championship match against Karpov with a score of 12.5: 11.5.

In total, Kasparov played 144 games with Karpov in five matches (he won 21, lost 19, 104 ended in a draw).

In 1986, Kasparov graduated from the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Harry was one of the initiators of the founding PCA (Professional Chess Association), under the auspices of which the next world championship matches were held in 1993 in London with Nigel Short (12.5: 7.5) and 1995 in New York with Viswanathan Anand (10.5: 7.5). In 2000 in London Kasparov lost Vladimir Borisovich Kramnik (6,5:8,5).

In 1987, Kasparov initiated the creation of a counterbalance FIDE International Grand Masters Association (GMA) and was elected its first president. In 1988-1990, he tried to deprive FIDE of the right to host matches for the men's world championship and to restrict its rights in general. In this campaign, he was not supported by the GMA and left its governing bodies.

In 1989 he was elected president USSR Chess Union, which in 1991 was transformed into the International Chess Union.

In 1993, Kasparov and Candidates' match winner Nigel Short announced their intention to host a world championship match outside of FIDE. In response, FIDE appointed an alternative match for the world title with the participation of Jan Timman and Anatoly Karpov.

The fights between Kasparov and the "electronic chess player", a powerful computer program, aroused great interest in the world. "Deep blue"... Kasparov was one of the first athletes to compete under the Russian flag (1990).

In 1999, he played a unique game against the rest of the world, which lasted 124 days on the Internet. More than 3 million chess fans from 75 countries of the world played against Kasparov, which became an absolute Internet record. The game ended with the victory of the world champion in a deep queen's endgame.

Was awarded the chess "Oscar" - a prize awarded International Chess Press Association in 1982, 1983, 1985-1989. Awarded Order of the Red Banner of Labor... He managed to turn chess into an exciting show, making this game no less emotional than hockey or football.

Garry Kasparov has achieved great success in business, proof of this - "Order of the Eagle", founded by Russian entrepreneurs and a victory in the "Business man - a formula for success" competition.

In 1990 he became one of the co-founders of the radio station "Echo of Moscow", for a long time owned a large block of its shares, which in the mid-1990s lost to Vladimir Gusinsky.

Continuing the best traditions of world champions, Garry Kasparov pays much attention to social and literary activities in the field of chess; organizes and supports children's chess schools in Russia, Spain, France, England, Germany, USA, Israel; promotes the maximum use of modern computer technology and television in the interests of popularizing chess in the world; defends the idea of ​​professionalizing chess in the interests of its progress as a sport, science and art.

Propagandist of historical theories Fomenko (a complete revision of the entire chronology of human history; professional historians and linguists recognize this theory as the fruit of ignorance and megalomania of its creators).

Political biography:

In 1984 Kasparov joined the CPSU, was elected a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan.

In 1990 he left the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During the consideration by the Constitutional Court of the issue of the constitutionality of decrees Yeltsin banning the activities of the CPSU, demanded that the CPSU be recognized as a criminal organization and stated that he joined it for career reasons.

In the spring of 1990 he took an active part in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR). He became a member of the Free Democratic faction of the DPR (after the 1st Congress of the DPR in December 1990, this faction was transformed into the Liberal faction).

In January 1991 he was elected chairman of the Moscow organization of the DPR (replacing Valentin Poluektov).

I got from the leader of the Democratic Party of Russia Travkin to agree to join the party on January 13, 1991 "Democratic Russia"(DR), was delegated from the DR to the DR Council of Representatives and, on an individual basis, was elected to the DR Coordinating Council.

He was one of the co-owners and president of the joint-stock company "Information and Publishing Association" Democratic Russia ", which published the newspaper" Democratic Russia ". At the II Congress of the DPR in April 1991, having failed to achieve the adoption of his draft Party Program, he left it and announced the creation of" Liberal Union "(LS).

In June 1993, he took part in the creation of the pre-election bloc of reformist forces "Russia's Choice".

In September 1993, he fully supported the Decree Boris Yeltsin about the dissolution of parliament and new elections, saying that this is how you can open the way to the establishment of true democracy in the country.

In December 1993, at the parliamentary elections, he supported the "Russia's Choice" bloc, took part in the election campaign.

At the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 1996, he was the confidant of the candidate for the President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin.

In the spring of 1997, he supported the initiative of the general Alexander Lebed on the creation of the union "Third Force" and the Russian People's Republican Party, became its financial advisor.

On January 19, 2004, the Committee "2008: Free Choice" was created, the main goal of which was declared to be opposition to the regime of the president's personal power. In September 2004, shortly after the hostage-taking in Beslan, he published in The wall street journal See the article "Putin Must Leave."

In December 2004, he acted as one of the organizers of the All-Russian Civil Congress (ARC), on December 12, 2004 became a member of its founders and the "Action Committee", was elected one of the four co-chairs of the ARC (along with, Georgy Satarov and Alexandrov Auzan).

March 10, 2005, immediately after winning the chess tournament in Linares, announced the end of his sports career:

“In chess I have done everything I could, even more. Now I intend to use my intellect and strategic thinking in Russian politics. This is not a departure, but a transition. I am moving into an area where I can positively apply my potential. I believe that now the country is moving in the wrong direction, so we need to help Russia, help Russian citizens make the country comfortable, fair and free ... I will do my best to resist the dictatorship of Putin. It is very difficult to play for a country whose power is anti-democratic. And this problem I will decide together with those who are dear and not indifferent to Russia ".

On April 6, 2005, Kasparov came up with an initiative to create a special public Fund for Assistance to Victims of Terrorist Attacks of Putin's Russia and made a first installment of $ 25,000.

On May 16, 2005, he took part in a rally in front of the building of the Meshchansky court among his supporters during the announcement of the verdict in the case. The police, pushing the protesters away from the courthouse, tried to detain him, but Kasparov's security did not allow him to do so.

On May 18, 2005, at a public meeting in Novosibirsk, he announced the creation of a United Civil Front capable of "dismantling the Putin regime." According to Kasparov, the main task of the front will be "to create a free political platform where normal elections can be held in 2008."

May 30, 2005 at "Novaya Gazeta" was published "Manifesto of the united civil front", which was signed by several politicians, including Kasparov. It, in particular, said:

"Our country is ruled by a regime that contradicts the interests of both Russia as a whole and practically all of its citizens ... Today, it is already clear to many that the further rule of Vladimir Putin will ultimately inevitably lead to the complete degradation of our state and to its speedy collapse ... It is no coincidence that we called the new organization a “front.” We are not just in opposition to the regime of Vladimir Putin, we, in principle, do not recognize the current regime as legitimate".

“The verdict puts a bold line under the whole stage of Putin’s rule. Kremlin officials have shown that they are ready to do anything to stay at the helm, and that no legal transfer of power in Russia as a result of democratic elections and within the framework of the constitution will take place. Now the Putin regime is left with to take the last step on the way to a bright Turkmen-Belarusian future - to use armed force against popular demonstrations ... ".

On November 15, 2005, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered United Civil Front(OGF) as an interregional public association.

In January 2006, he offered to support a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the by-election to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the Medvedkovsky constituency in Moscow Elena Lukyanova as a single candidate from the opposition.

On February 25, 2006, at the first UGF conference, he suggested that all opposition forces adopt the "single candidate program" in which he identified two directions: the return of the state's internal debt, primarily various contributions of the population, and "the issue of responsibility of today's leaders for the fact that happening in the country. "

"We must include such a word as 'lustration' in our lexicon. And when the government changes, some category of high-ranking officials who are at the forefront of the fight against the law - this category should be legally deprived of the right to hold public office for a certain period of time." ...

In March 2006 he signed with and Georgy Satarov an appeal by the Action Committee of the All-Russian Civil Congress to the parliaments of the G7 countries, which stated that "the disastrous and threatening state of affairs in Russia has developed with the tacit consent and with the obvious connivance of the governments of the leading world powers, which, paying due attention to the threats to democracy and the violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens in different parts the globe, show an amazing indifference to what is happening today in Russia, in which it is bad and scary to live. "

On July 11-12, 2006, a conference was held in Moscow "Other Russia" prepared by the leadership of the VGK headed by Kasparov, and Satarov... The conference delegates signed a joint declaration in which they declared the need to restore democratic institutions and create a "permanent meeting operating in the regime of regular consultations", and also supported the proposal to develop a program of national accord.

In the fall of 2006 "Other Russia" from a consulting "round table" on the basis of the All-Russian Civil Congress, it has actually been transformed into a radical opposition right-left political coalition; in November 2006, a permanent Political Conference was established "Another Russia", which included Kasparov (from the OGF), (RNDS), (NBP), (RPR) and Victor Anpilov(Party "Labor Russia").

Organized by the "Other Russia" "marches of dissent" Also participating are regional organizations (in particular, Moscow and St. Petersburg) of the radical democratic "Defense" and the Stalinist "Vanguard of Red Youth" (AKM).

Continues to advocate for the creation of a broad non-ideological opposition coalition. However, attempts to attract to the "Other Russia" and were not crowned with success; in March 2007 left the Political Conference of the Other Russia V. Anpilov, in the summer of 2007 he left "Other Russia".

On September 30, 2007, the campaign began to nominate Kasparov as a candidate for the presidency of Russia in the March 2008 elections "Another Russia": coalition congress elected Kasparov as single candidate. In November, he was sentenced to five days in prison for participating in an unsanctioned march. Kasparov's arrest was condemned by the non-governmental Amnesty International, who recognized Kasparov as a prisoner of conscience and called for his release. On December 13, Kasparov announced his withdrawal from his candidacy because he did not hold the voter meeting necessary to nominate an independent candidate.

January 17, 2008 two co-chairs of the Supreme Command - head Moscow Helsinki Group Lyudmila Alekseeva and the president Indem Foundation Georgy Satarov- resigned, explaining their departure by disagreements with the third co-chair, Garry Kasparov.

April 5, 2008 participated in the conference "New Agenda for the Democratic Movement" in St. Petersburg. At the conference, it was decided to create a coordination group of 12 people for the preparation of the congress of the democratic forces of Russia, scheduled for autumn 2008 ( G.Kasparov, , , Vladimir Bukovsky, Maxim Reznik, co-chairman of the youth, executive director of the UGF Denis Bilunov, member of the UGF Bureau Alexander Ryklin, director of the museum. Sakharova Yuri Samodurov, economist Vladimir Milov, leader of the movement "For Human Rights", head of the Samara Igor Ermolenko; July 29, 2008 joined the group Andrey Illarionov).

On June 28-29, 2008, at the Extraordinary V Congress of the All-Russian Civil Congress, he was elected its co-chairman.

In 2008, he became one of the founders and a member of the Federal Bureau of the United Democratic Movement, became a member of the Bureau of the Federal Political Council of the movement.

On March 10, 2010, Kasparov signed an appeal from the Russian opposition "Putin must go"... In the process of preparing the appeal, Kasparov was a member of the author's group and coordinated the text with other signatories. In the spring and summer of 2010, there was an active collection of signatures under the appeal, meetings of the organizers with the signatories took place. In autumn and winter, rallies were held in Moscow for the resignation of Putin, at which Kasparov also spoke.

In the fall of 2011, he advocated a boycott of the State Duma elections, spoke at mass rallies in Moscow in December 2011 and 2012.

On August 17, 2012 Kasparov was detained at the Khamovnichesky court on the day of the verdict in the case groups Pussy Riot... According to law enforcement agencies, during the arrest, Kasparov bit a police ensign. According to Kasparov himself, this statement is false, and the police, on the contrary, beat him during the arrest. On August 24, the magistrate's court acquitted Kasparov, who was accused of insubordination to police officers.

October 22, 2012 at the elections of the Coordination Council of the opposition on the civil list took third place, gaining 33 thousand votes, losing to and.

On April 7, 2013, at the fourth congress, it was announced that Kasparov would not run for his political council, although he would remain a member of the movement. He himself explained the decision by his disagreement with becoming an "appendage of the party" and participation in "actions that work to legitimize the existing government," such as elections.

In June 2013, Kasparov announced that he had no plans to return to Russia from abroad and would continue to fight "Kremlin criminals" on the international arena. Several politicians criticized Kasparov's decision; and accused Kasparov of cowardice.

On February 27, 2014 Kasparov received Croatian citizenship, where he is a member of the chess club of the city of Vukovar.

In March 2014 Kasparov.ru website became one of four resources that were blocked by Roskomnadzor at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office and without a court decision. According to the position of the prosecutor's office, they contained "calls for illegal activities and participation in mass events held in violation of the established order."

In an interview with Gordon, he said that "A trip to Russia is a one-way ticket for me. If I'm lucky, there will be house arrest.".

On July 6, 2015, the ex-world chess champion had a son, Nicholas. "My wife Dasha and I are pleased to announce that our son Nicholas was born on July 6th. Mom and baby are happy and healthy. Thanks for the good wishes."- Kasparov said on his Twitter page.

From Daria Tarasova Harry had a daughter, Aida, in 2006.

September 5, 2015 in an interview Fox business stated that the president Vladimir Putin together with the Iranian leadership, it seeks to wreak havoc in the Middle East.

“I am sure that he will focus on provoking chaos in the Middle East. We have just received reports that the Russian military is heading to Syria, that they are establishing their presence there. I am sure that the alliance of Russia and Iran is trying to seize control of region ".

According to him, the Russian president "very good chances to ignite the whole Middle East" ostensibly in order to cope with the economic situation in Russia.

September 18, 2015 Kasparov in an interview with the Canadian La Presse Canadienne declared that after his death in Russia there was no longer the opposition as such, only a few elements.

“As the opposition, we missed our chance in December 2011. On December 24, 120 thousand people gathered on Sakharov Avenue, the government was in a panic. Medvedev was still president, and we should have taken the chance to stay there! - Kasparov states with regret. - We had to create an analog "maidan" in Ukraine. But we held a few demonstrations and returned home. "

Scandals, gossip:

When it comes to Kasparov's personal life, the first thing they call his romance with Marina Neyelova... Harry was 16 years younger than the actress, but managed to win her heart. Their relationship in the mid-80s lasted for about two years, but the question of marriage did not arise. Klara Shagenovna, Kasparov's mother, convinced him that for the sake of a career he must break with his beloved. When their meetings ended, it turned out that Neelova was pregnant. Harry's mother Klara Shagenovna made an official statement in the press: "This is not our child" and persuaded her son: "If you want to marry an actress, it is better to marry at once in a whole factory hostel." Valentin Gaft publicly stated that "Kasparov is not worthy to be received in a decent house." The actress herself did not say a word, but simply gave birth to a charming girl, Nick.

Kasparov's first wife was Maria Arapova- a graduate of the philological faculty of Moscow State University, whom Garry Kimovich took care of for three whole years. Maria worked as a translator and her pleasant manners and excellent education impressed Kasparov's mother, Klara Shagenovna, whose opinion has always meant a lot to her son. Three years after their marriage, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Pauline. The birth took place in a hospital in Finland, where the parents of Kasparov's wife worked. But a year after the birth of her daughter, the family broke up. As they say, the grandmaster's mother played an important role in this. When the question arose about improving living conditions, Maria expressed a desire to leave with her mother-in-law, which she could not forgive.

This led to the fact that the personal life of Garry Kasparov was overshadowed for a long time by a difficult divorce proceedings related to the financial claims of his ex-wife, who demanded an increase in payments for the maintenance of her daughter and her share in the acquired property.

"I am not a supporter or instigator of divorce, - told Maria Arapova in an interview. - I am bitter and hurt. On the contrary, I tried to talk to him, but he does not want to return to us ... They put pressure on me. In particular, if I do not agree to its terms, I will be deprived of my credit card. And, by the way, we have already hurried to put the threat into execution. I feel that he is fighting with us as with his chess players or political opponents. But this is just a woman with your own child. I was disappointed in Harry. God will judge him. "

In the end, they were divorced, and the ex-wife and daughter were sent to America, where Kasparov bought them an expensive apartment. A few years after the divorce, a new love knocked on the personal life of Garry Kasparov - for an eighteen-year-old student of the Faculty of Economics Julia Vovk... The chess player met this beautiful girl in Riga at a banquet held as part of the Mikhail Tal memorial. Soon they got married, and Garry Kasparov after a while became a father again. This marriage of Kasparov lasted nine years, the wife gave her husband a son, Vadim.

It seemed that after a new marriage, the champion's life stabilized, family harmony began ... But at the end of 2004, Harry began to increasingly notice in the society students of the University of St. Petersburg Trade Unions and superstars Dasha Tarasova... The girl is twenty years younger than Kasparov. Harry visited different countries with her, including America, and bought an apartment in the northern capital - before, Dasha lived outside the city, and now she has moved to the center. It is known that it was practiced in Washington under a program supported by the American government. The money earned was enough to open his own store in the city on the Neva. The girl is well known in St. Petersburg. Her face and extensive interviews adorned the almost full-length of a thick glossy magazine published in St. Petersburg.

According to rumors, Harry bought housing for his second wife, Julia (do not drive her out into the street). Then he sent his son to rest in Turkey, and he flew to St. Petersburg, where he registered a marriage with Dasha. By the way, at the beginning of 2005, at one of Kasparov's press conferences, where he was accompanied by Dasha, she was asked an immodest question: "Where are you Harry?" “I’m his wife,” the girl replied with dignity. Then she was a little hasty, but now it seems that such an answer is just right. The couple had a daughter, Aida.

Scandals accompanied other aspects of the champion's life. So, in 2003, the Israeli Bank "First International Bank of Israel" accused former world chess champion Garry Kasparov of violating the terms of a $ 1.6 million loan to Kasparov Chess Online Inc. in September 2000. The bank, headquartered in Tel Aviv, accused Kasparov of shutting down the company's website and discontinuing business, while one of the conditions of the loan was to keep the site operating. Thus, according to the bank, Garry Kasparov hinders the company's profitability.

The bank announced that it is referring the case to a Delaware County court. Now financiers are asking to prohibit the closure of the website, to prohibit Garry Kasparov from opening a website that could become a competitor to the existing one, and also demand the return of unintentional damage and legal costs, ABC reports.

Another scandal erupted at the chess supertournament in Linares, which ended with the victory of the Hungarian chess player Peter Leko... During the festive closing ceremony, the results of the journalistic vote for the best game in the tournament were announced. The journalist fraternity, headed by the famous Spanish chess columnist Leoncho Garcia, awarded the "beauty prize" to 15-year-old Teimur Radjabov for his victory over Kasparov. Garry Kimovich could not bear such an insult. Having lost only for a second the power of speech, he jumped to the microphone and attacked the journalists who made such an "amateurish decision", as well as the organizers who "contributed to this disgrace." Accusing everyone present of malicious intrigues, Kasparov said that he was leaving and would never return, after which he really left the hall where the ceremony was held.

In October 2014, Kasparov published an article on his website of the same name titled "Khodorkovsky and Navalny ignore the opposition's primary task." Earlier, an opposition blogger and ex-head of Yukos expressed the opinion that Crimea has de facto finally passed under Russian jurisdiction, and this must be recognized as an objective reality.

In his article, opposition leader Kasparov accused former associates of fighting the current President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the "verbal balancing act" around the issue of the annexation of the Crimea to Russia.

September 8, 2015 committee FIDE on ethics found the world champion Garry Kasparov guilty of violating the moral code of the federation.

Chess players from South Africa, Romania, Dominican Republic, Belgium and Nepal, of which the Ethics Commission is composed, concluded that he offered or tried to offer a bribe to influence the outcome of the election for the presidency FIDE than violated clause 2.1 of the organization's moral code.

Last year, the 13th world champion tried to remove the permanent Kirsana Ilyumzhinova from the post of FIDE President, but in the midst of the election campaign The new York times published an article that was deadly for Kasparov. The newspaper noted that the FIDE General Secretary, a Singaporean Ignatius Leong unexpectedly jumped over to Kasparov's camp, and found a sensational explanation for this. The publication published a contract under which Leong pledged to provide Garry Kasparov with more than 10 votes in the elections and received half a million dollars from his fund. Kasparov then lost the election, and became president again Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

Leader of the United Civil Front (UGF), co-chairman of the All-Russian Civil Congress (VGK), former world chess champion.

Born April 13, 1963 in Baku in the family of an engineer. Mother Klara Shagenovna is an Armenian (a native of Nagorno-Karabakh), father Kim Moiseevich Weinstein is a Jew (died in 1970).

In 1986 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​with a degree in English. Until the age of 8, he bore his father's surname - Weinstein.

He started playing chess at the age of 6. As a child, he studied in the chess club of the Baku House of Pioneers. At the age of 9, he fulfilled the norm of the 1st category, at the age of 10 - a candidate for master of sports. Since 1973 he studied at the chess school of Mikhail Botvinnik. In 1975 he won the "Baku Cup" among adults. Winner of the USSR Youth Championships 1976 and 1977. Since 1978 - Master of Sports, since 1979 - International Master. He played for the Spartak team. At the age of 16, he made his debut at the international tournament in Banja Luka, where he took 1st place. Participant of three USSR championships: in 1978 he took 9th place, in 1979 he shared 3-4 places with Yuri Balashov, in 1981 - 1-2 places with Lev Psakhis.

As part of the USSR national team, he won the 1980, 1982 and 1986 Olympics, and as part of the Russian national team - 1992. Since 1980 he has been an international grandmaster. In the preliminary matches for the title of world champion, he won against Alexander Belyavsky and Viktor Korchnoi (1983), and in the final match of the candidates - against Vasily Smyslov (1984).

In 1984-1985, the match for the title of world champion was held between Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. Due to imperfect regulations, it became protracted and was interrupted by the International Chess Federation (FIDE) at a time when Kasparov's chances of winning looked preferable. FIDE decided to replay the match under the new rules. This angered Kasparov and sharply worsened his relationship with FIDE President Campomanes.

On November 9, 1985, Kasparov defeated Karpov, becoming the youngest world champion in the history of chess.

In 1984 Kasparov joined the CPSU, was elected a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan. In 1990 he left the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During the consideration by the Constitutional Court of the issue of the constitutionality of Yeltsin's decrees banning the activities of the CPSU, he demanded that the CPSU be recognized as a criminal organization and stated that he joined it for career reasons.

In 1987, Kasparov initiated the creation of the International Grandmasters Association (GMA) in opposition to FIDE and was elected its first president. In 1988-1990, he tried to deprive FIDE of the right to host matches for the men's world championship and to restrict its rights in general. In this campaign, he was not supported by the GMA and left its governing bodies.

In 1993, Kasparov and Candidates' match winner Nigel Short announced their intention to host a world championship match outside of FIDE. In response, FIDE appointed an alternative match for the world title with the participation of Jan Timman and Anatoly Karpov.

In 1990, he became one of the co-founders of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, for a long time owned a large stake in its shares, which he ceded to Vladimir Gusinsky in the mid-1990s. (Kommersant, March 12, 2005)

In the spring of 1990 he took an active part in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR). NP of the Constituent Conference of the DPR in May 1990, together with Arkady Murashev, Mikhail Tolstoy, Marina Salye and others, opposed the concentration of power in the DPR in the hands of Nikolai Travkin, left the founding conference of the party with them, and then became a member of the Free Democratic faction of the DPR ( after the I Congress of the DPR in December 1990, this faction was transformed into the Liberal).

In January 1991 he was elected chairman of the Moscow organization of the DPR (replacing Valentin Poluektov).

Together with the provincial organizations, the party obtained from Travkin consent to the DPR joining the Democratic Russia Movement (DR) on January 13, 1991, was delegated from the DPR to the DR Council of Representatives and, on an individual basis, was elected to the DR Coordinating Council.

He was one of the co-owners and president of the joint-stock company "Information and Publishing Association" Democratic Russia ", which, among other things, published the newspaper" Democratic Russia ", first (№№ 1 and 2) was the organ of the DPR, and then - an independent newspaper that reflected The position of the "radical liberal" wing of the DR Movement In 1991, Kasparov stopped funding the newspaper, which, contrary to his initial expectations, failed to achieve self-sufficiency. As a result, the newspaper soon ceased publication.

At the II Congress of the DPR in April 1991, having failed to achieve the adoption of its draft Party Program, together with Murashev, he left it and announced the creation of the "Liberal Union" (LS).

On June 22-23, 1991, a meeting of the LS took place (it was attended by about 200 people), which, however, did not come to an agreement on the principles of the formation of the new organization. At a press conference on August 9, 1991, Kasparov, together with other public figures and several small political organizations, nevertheless announced the creation of a drug. He signed a declaration on its formation, but organizationally the Union was never formalized.

In June 1992, Kasparov spoke at the Forum of Reform Supporters organized by the DR Movement and called for support for the government of Yegor Gaidar. In an interview in December 1992, he said that the 7th Congress of People's Deputies of Russia had revealed: the Soviets of People's Deputies are the CPSU today.

In March 1993 he declared that "chess has its own red layers, brown layers, democracy."

At the end of 1992, G. Kasparov initiated the exclusion of the Yugoslav national team from the European team championship, stating that his vote against this team was directed against Compomanes (then the head of FIDE).

In June 1993, he took part in the creation of the pre-election bloc of reformist forces "Russia's Choice".

In September 1993, while in London (where his match with Short took place), he fully supported Boris Yeltsin's decree on the dissolution of parliament and new elections, saying that this is how the path to the establishment of true democracy in the country could be opened.

In December 1993, at the parliamentary elections, he supported the Choice of Russia bloc, took part in the bloc's election campaign (trips to Krasnoyarsk and St. Petersburg).

In the mid-1990s, he founded and headed Kasparov-Consulting, a London-based company that advised Western investors and organized charter air cargo transportation. (Kommersant, March 12, 2005)

At the presidential elections in 1996, he was a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin.

In 1996 he became one of the co-founders of the investment fund Russia Growth Fund, in March 1997 he was its manager. In 1998, the fund acquired 35.59% of the shares of the Solikamsk Magnesium Plant, and from 2001 to 2003 was the holder of a controlling stake (50.42%) of its shares, which eventually sold to the Silvinit company. According to Kasparov, he was not actually involved in this business, but only "helped with consultations." (Kommersant, March 12, 2005)

In the spring of 1997, he supported the initiative of General Alexander Lebed to create a union "Third Power" and the Russian People's Republican Party, became his financial advisor. (Kommersant, March 12, 2005)

In an interview with Moskovskiye Novosti (N14, April 6-13, 1997), he stated that he made "contact with Lebed" because "Yeltsin's regime" fulfilled its historical role - to stop the communists and raise a new class, and because "today Lebed is this is the only way out for Russia. " When asked whether he would agree to join Lebed's team as prime minister or first deputy prime minister, he replied that he continues an active chess life and does not intend to join any government.

At the end of 2002, he sharply opposed the introduction of the course "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" in schools: "The most terrible process now is the basis of Orthodox culture in schools. This is the introduction of ideology. We have a rather powerful stratum of people in power who do not care, what to teach in schools, because there was one ideological component. So, we are witnessing an extremely dangerous tendency, which is aimed precisely at the abolition of the constitution. If we talk about the fact that Wahhabism is raising its head, that these extremist tendencies are raising its head, the government is doing everything to help these trends develop, because the introduction of such a subject in schools with a provocative title is not just "History of Religion", but "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" is a rejection. " (atheism.ru/library/Other_61.phtml)

In March 2003, at the closing ceremony of the supertournament in Linares, the results of the journalistic vote for the best game in the tournament were announced. The party in which Teymur Radjabov defeated Kasparov was recognized as such. In response, Kasparov jumped to the microphone and attacked the journalists who made such an amateurish decision, as well as the organizers who contributed to this "disgrace". Then he announced that he would never play in Linares and left the hall. (Sports Today, March 12, 2003)

On January 19, 2004, the Committee "2008: Free Choice" was created, the main purpose of which was declared to be opposition to the regime of the president's personal power. It includes: the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Novaya Gazeta. Monday" Dmitry Muratov, the leader of the Union of Right Forces Boris Nemtsov, the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Moskovskie Novosti" Yevgeny Kiselev, the head of the Open Russia Foundation Irina Yasina, the satirist Viktor Shenderovich, the poet Igor Irteniev and others. Kasparov was elected chairman of the committee. (Interfax, January 19, 2004)

In September 2004, shortly after the hostage-taking in Beslan, he published an article in The Wall Street Journal "Putin must leave," in which, in particular, he wrote: "Another aspect of the Chechen conflict that deserves attention is the relatively weak interest in It would seem that the undeclared war of Christians against Muslims should attract the attention of Al-Jazeera. Despite Mr. Putin's attempts to pin the blame on Al-Qaeda and thus pretend that he is waging the same war as The West, the war in Chechnya is the work of his own hands. "

On October 26, 2004, at a meeting of the 2008 Committee: Free Choice, he said that the democrats have to unite in a "short-term tactical alliance" with people with whom "much separates us," in particular, with the communists: "We are talking about a temporary unification facing the threat of dictatorship. " (Kommersant, October 27, 2004)

In December 2004 he was one of the organizers of the All-Russian Civil Congress (ARC), on December 12, 2004 became a member of its founders and the "Action Committee", was elected one of the four co-chairs of the ARC (along with Lyudmila Alekseeva, Georgy Satarov and Aleksandrov Auzan).

On February 15, 2005, a meeting of the "Free Choice" Committee took place, at which the question of creating a united democratic party was raised. The next day, Kasparov commented on the disagreements in the following way: “Our position with Vladimir Ryzhkov is that the party should be created starting from the regions, and then a congress should be held, and not in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Our opponents insist on the traditional way of creating a party,” that is, establishing it from Moscow. " Therefore, the negotiations within the committee, according to Kasparov, have reached an "organizational impasse", and its meetings "have become like an endless Brazilian TV series." "The process will go on regardless of how the Union of Right Forces and Yabloko behave. If the negotiations reach a dead end and both parties insist on becoming the basis for a new party, the process will go beyond these parties." ("Kommersant", February 17, 2005)

On March 10, 2005, immediately after winning the chess tournament in Linares, he announced the end of his sports career: “In chess I have done everything I could, even more. Now I intend to use my intellect and strategic thinking in Russian politics. This is not leaving. I am moving into an area where I can positively apply my potential ... I believe that the country is now moving in the wrong direction, so we need to help Russia, help Russian citizens make the country comfortable, fair and free ... I I will do my best to resist the dictatorship of Putin. It is very difficult to play for a country whose power is anti-democratic. And I will solve this problem together with those who are dear and not indifferent to Russia. " (Gazeta.ru, March 11, 2005)

On April 6, 2005, he initiated the creation of a special public Fund to help victims of terrorist attacks in Putin's Russia and made a first contribution of $ 25,000. "Terror and war," Kasparov said, "are the cornerstones of the Putin regime." Putin, in his opinion, feels like "in a besieged fortress" and "he needs more and more sacrifices." (Grani.ru, April 6, 2005)

On the same day, he announced that he had begun to create his own political party. "Volodya (Ryzhkov) and I believe that we will not fight any party, but we will create our own project and fight for votes ourselves," Kasparov said after a regular meeting of the 2008 Committee, at which the liberal leaders did not agree to create United Democratic Party. (RIA Novosti, April 6, 2005)

On April 15, 2005, in Moscow, Kasparov met with activists of youth organizations. At the end of the meeting, a certain Burmistrov approached him, took a wooden chessboard out of his backpack and, saying: "Garry Kimovich, you are a great chess player, my idol," asked to sign on the board with a felt-tip pen. Kasparov signed an autograph, in response Burmistrov unexpectedly shouted: "You betrayed great sport and went into dirty politics!" - and, swinging, hit Kasparov on the head with a board. "This Burmistrov was shouting something else, but the chess pieces that were inside the board rattled so much that no one heard anything," said Marina Litvinovich, Kasparova's advisor. In the ensuing confusion Burmistrov tried to strike one more blow, but the students who surrounded Kasparov took the board away from the young man and took the troublemaker out of the hall. (Kommersant, April 18, 2005)

Immediately after the incident, Litvinovich said: “I have no doubt that the pro-presidential movement Nashi is behind the attack on Garry Kasparov. The fact was that in the morning of the same day the leader of the movement Vasily Yakemenko at the Nashi congress named Kasparov (together with Khakamada and Ryzhkov) “an accomplice of the fascists.” Yakemenko categorically denied the accusations. (Kommersant, April 18, 2005)

On May 16, 2005, he took part in a rally in front of the building of the Meshchansky court among supporters of Mikhail Khodorkovsky during the announcement of the verdict in the latter's case. The police, pushing the protesters away from the courthouse, tried to detain him, but Kasparov's security did not allow him to do so. Later Kasparov said that the arrest of several dozen protesters was an "Intimidation Action": "The police received instructions from above - the authorities cannot tolerate any manifestations of civic consciousness." (Gazeta.ru, May 16, 2005)

On May 18, 2005, at a public meeting in Novosibirsk, he announced the creation of a United Civil Front capable of "dismantling the Putin regime." According to Kasparov, the main task of the front will be "to create a free political platform where normal elections can be held in 2008." (Kommersant, May 19, 2005)

On May 30, 2005, Novaya Gazeta published the Manifesto of the United Civil Front, which was signed by several politicians, including Kasparov. It, in particular, said: "Our country is ruled by a regime that runs counter to the interests of both Russia as a whole and practically all of its citizens ... Today, it is already clear to very many that the further rule of Vladimir Putin will ultimately inevitably lead to the complete degradation of our state and its imminent collapse ... It is no coincidence that we called the new organization a “front.” We are not just in opposition to the regime of Vladimir Putin, we, in principle, do not recognize the current regime as legitimate. Vladimir Putin was not originally elected, but an appointed president, who came to power with the help of gross manipulation of public opinion, with the help of the most cynical and bloody technology: the war in Chechnya ... ".

On May 31, 2005, he commented on the verdict of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev (9 years in prison): the transfer of power in Russia as a result of democratic elections and within the framework of the constitution will not take place.Now the Putin regime has to make the last step on the way to a bright Turkmen-Belarusian future - to use armed force against popular demonstrations ...

Obviously, the verdict became possible due to the passivity of the Russian society. And above all because of the cowardly position of the Russian elite, which openly indulged the actions of the authorities. High-ranking officials and businessmen hid their heads in the sand in the hope that they would not be noticed. As for a significant part of the Russian intellectual elite, they fell into hysterics, trying to convince themselves and others that the Putin regime is the lesser evil for Russia. Attempts to portray the Yukos affair as an embarrassing misunderstanding rather than a manifestation of the viciousness of Putin's system are in fact part of a propaganda campaign designed to cover up the Kremlin's lawlessness.

The sooner we can dismantle the current Chekist-oligarchic regime, which has elevated lawlessness and corruption to the rank of state policy, and return Russia to the path of democratic development, the fewer unjustly convicted people and cases like the "Yukos case" will be. (Gazeta.ru, June 1, 2005)

On November 15, 2005, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the United Civil Front (UGF) as an interregional public association.

On December 23, 2005, in an interview with Radio Liberty, he announced his readiness to unite with the left in order to change Russia's political course: “Excluding openly extremist groups and views, there is still a very large number of people who criticize the authorities not entirely from our positions. a completely legitimate point of view of the left wing of the political spectrum, and I do not see any problems in uniting with those who criticize the authorities from a more social or socialist position, but at the same time remain within the legal framework. " (Radio Liberty, December 23, 2005)

In January 2006, he offered to support the acting in the by-elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Medvedkovsky. in Moscow, appointed on March 12, 2006, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Elena Lukyanova, as a single candidate from the opposition. (Newspaper, January 12, 2006)

On February 25, 2006, at the first conference, the UGF suggested that all opposition forces adopt the "single candidate program". At the same time, he stressed that this is precisely a single candidate from all opposition forces, and not just from the Democrats. In particular, Kasparov said that in his organization "there are no right and left, but there are those who are in opposition to the authorities." (Interfax, February 25, 2006)

In the "program of a single candidate", he singled out two directions: the return by the state of its internal debt, first of all, various deposits of the population, and also "the question of the responsibility of today's bosses for what is happening in the country." "We must include such a word as 'lustration' in our lexicon. And when the government changes, some category of high-ranking officials who are at the forefront of the fight against the law - this category should be legally deprived of the right to hold public office for a certain period of time." ... (Interfax, February 25, 2006)

KPRF member Yelena Lukyanova, NBP leader Eduard Limonov, State Duma deputy from the Rodina party Andrei Savelyev were guests at the UGF conference.

In early March 2006, together with Lyudmila Alekseeva and Georgy Satarov, he signed an appeal by the Action Committee of the All-Russian Civil Congress to the parliaments of the G7 countries, which said that the "disastrous and threatening state of affairs" in Russia "had developed with tacit consent and with obvious the connivance of the governments of the leading world powers, which, paying due attention to the threats to democracy and the violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens in different parts of the world, show striking indifference to what is happening in Russia today, "in which" it is bad and scary to live. "

On July 11-12, 2006 a conference "The Other Russia" was held in Moscow, prepared by the leadership of the All-Russian State Conservatory headed by Kasparov, Alekseeva and Satarov. The conference delegates signed a joint declaration in which they declared the need to restore democratic institutions and create a "permanent meeting operating in the regime of regular consultations", and also supported Mikhail Kasyanov's proposal to develop a program of national accord (Kommersant, September 5, 2006).

On September 6, 2006, in an interview he said: "The 2008 Committee", in my opinion, actually played an important role in obtaining a negative result. Which in the political and scientific process is also a valuable result. He represented a fairly homogeneous association of liberal human rights forces. But at the same time, it continued to function within the Garden Ring - both geographically and politically. And it became obvious that even within such a negotiating platform, it is impossible to reach any real agreements between representatives of those forces that we usually call "liberal", right- or left-liberal, like Yabloko. And therefore, further functioning became meaningless - all members of the association tacitly agreed with this.

"Other Russia" was built on a fundamentally different basis - it includes completely heterogeneous, one might even say, polar political forces that are not going to unite into one party - due to the absolute impossibility - not only in developing a single platform, but also often converging their positions and views. But at the same time, they are expressing their readiness to find common ground by which it will be possible to solve the problem of political transformations in Russia. That is, we can say that if the democratic forces, discussing 10 issues, agreed on nine, but disagreed on the tenth, and this became a stumbling block, then another algorithm operates in Other Russia: if there is agreement on one point, everyone rejoices, agrees. write down and work on. Although, I must add that, to the surprise of all the participants in this process, there were more points to agree on than we expected. "(Gazeta.ru, September 6, 2006)

From the same interview: “I have traveled a lot around the country over the past year and a half, 26 regions - from Murmansk to Vladivostok, and what I saw, communicating with a variety of people, strengthened my conviction that the activities of the Putin administration are a serious threat to our the future. The Russian economy stagnates, if you subtract the oil and gas complex. The gap between the rich and the wealthy and the rest of society is growing. Most regions are in a catastrophic situation. A system has been created in which corruption is no longer a problem, because it is the system itself. " (Gazeta.ru, September 6, 2006)

In the fall of 2006, the "Other Russia" from the consultation "round table" on the basis of the All-Russian Civil Congress was actually transformed into a radical opposition right-left political coalition; in November 2006, a permanent Political Conference of the Other Russia was created, which included Kasparov (from the UGF), Mikhail Kasyanov (RNDS), Eduard Limonov (NBP), Vladimir Ryzhkov (RPR) and Viktor Anpilov (Labor Russia "). Regional organizations (in particular, Moscow and St. Petersburg) of the radical democratic "Defense" and the Stalinist "Vanguard of Red Youth" (AKM) Sergei Udaltsov also participate in the "March of Dissent" organized by "Other Russia".

Continues to advocate for the creation of a broad non-ideological opposition coalition. However, attempts to attract the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Yabloko to the Other Russia were unsuccessful; in March 2007 V. Anpilov left the “Political meeting of the Other Russia”, in the summer of 2007 M. Kasyanov left the “Other Russia”.

January 17, 2008 two co-chairmen of the Supreme State Committee - head of the Moscow Helsinki Group Lyudmila Alekseeva and President of the Indem Foundation Yuri Samodurov, economist Vladimir Milov, leader of the movement "For Human Rights" Lev Ponomarev, head of Samara "Yabloko" Igor Ermolenko; On July 29, 2008, Andrei Illarionov joined the group).

At the Extraordinary V Congress of the All-Russian Civil Congress, which was held in the Leningrad Region on June 28-29, 2008, he was re-elected as its co-chairman, having received 137 votes out of 155 Petersburg Natalya Evdokimova (93 votes), executive director of "For Human Rights" Lev Ponomarev and director of the Sakharov Museum Yuri Samodurov.

Propagandist of historical theories Fomenko (a complete revision of the entire chronology of human history; professional historians and linguists recognize this theory as the fruit of ignorance and megalomania of its creators).

He was awarded the chess "Oscar" - a prize awarded by the International Association of the Chess Press in 1982, 1983, 1985-1989. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, winner of the "Business man - the formula for success" competition, awarded the Order of the Eagle, established by Russian entrepreneurs.

In 1989 he was elected president of the USSR Chess Union, which in 1991 was transformed into the International Chess Union.

Kasparov Garry Kimovich (04/13/1963) - 13th world chess champion, 11 times recognized as the best chess player in the world, for 13 years leading the FIDE rating. After the end of his sports career, he decided to devote himself to politics, and he always stands on the side of various opposition parties and associations.

“It is in vain that everyone thinks that chess is just a cold calculation, and chess players are soulless robots who are able to calculate a million variations in their heads. In fact, this is a very emotional game. And besides the mind, you also need to be a psychologist in it. Most importantly, chess teaches courage and the ability to take risks. But take risks wisely "


Garry Kasparov was born in the capital of Azerbaijan on April 13, 1963. His surname at birth was Weinstein. His father, Kim Moiseevich, worked as an engineer in the energy sector, and his mother, Klara Shagenovna, was a telemechanics specialist by profession.

Chess talents began to appear in the boy as early as 5 years old. Parents were very fond of solving problems in the newspaper. And one day Harry told his father the right move. After that, Kim Moiseevich decided to send his son to a chess school. First basics " smart game»Kasparov learned in the Baku House of Pioneers. And he was coached at that time by Oleg Privorotsky. Unfortunately, when Harry was only 7 years old, he lost his father. He died of lymphosarcoma.

The change of surname from Weinstein to Kasparov occurred at the initiative of the mother. She thought that it would be easier for the boy to make his way in sports. Still, at that time there was a certain anti-Semitism in the USSR.

Carier start

In 1973, Garry Kasparov was admitted to a school run by former world champion Mikhail Botvinnik. Moreover, the grandmaster himself made sure that the boy was engaged in an individual program. And it immediately gave the result. At the age of 11, Harry defeated a more eminent opponent - grandmaster Yuri Averbakh.

At the age of 13, Kasparov had already become the champion of the USSR, and all the participants in the tournament were several years older than Garry. In the same year, Kasparov defended the honor of the Union at international competitions and won a bronze medal.

In 1978 Kasparov received the title of Master of Sports. And a year later, he made the whole chess world talk about himself. He was only 16 years old when, at the suggestion of Botvinnik, he was enrolled in a tournament in which only grandmasters took part. And Kasparov won a sensational victory without losing to anyone at all. After such a success, Kasparov was personally congratulated by Heydar Aliyev, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU of Azerbaijan.

In 1981, Kasparov won the USSR Professional Championship and became the youngest athlete in the history of the country who succeeded.

Champion path

Kasparov played his first match for the world title in 1984. The rival was Anatoly Karpov. To win, it was necessary to win 6 games. It is interesting that the opponents used to meet in various tournaments. There were only three meetings, and they all ended in a draw.

In that confrontation Kasparov led 4-0, but then the experienced champion changed his tactics and began to play for draws. As a result, Karpov managed to break the score in this confrontation, he became 5-3.

The confrontation between Kasparov and Karpov continued in 1985. Garry Kimovich began with a convincing victory in the first game, but then the reigning champion seized the initiative. Everything came down to the decisive 24th game. In it, Karpov played white and in order to maintain his title, he needed to win. And everything was on his side, but Kasparov managed, playing with black, to turn the tide of the match and snatch victory with a total score of 13-11.

On November 10, 1985, Garry Kasparov became the youngest world champion in the history of chess. At that time he was only 22 years old.

Man versus machine

During his sports career, Garry Kasparov won many more tournaments against the world's most famous grandmasters. But the most interesting thing was his confrontation with the supercomputer. The very first match took place in 1989. It consisted of two parties. His reigning world champion won easily.

“If a computer can beat the best of the best, then it will be able to compose the best music, write the best books. I do not believe in this. And always ready to defend the human race "

The second attempt to beat Kasparov was made by IBM employees in 1996. They invented a computer that calculated about 200 million combinations per second. And Harry lost the first game. But then he managed to pull himself together and won the final victory with a score of 4-2.

Another confrontation between man and computer took place in 2003. The match turned out to be very tense. And although Kasparov won the first game, the final score was 3-3.

Political career

It began with Garry Kasparov back in 1984, when he was admitted to the CPSU and became a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan. In 1990, Kasparov was one of the founders of the Democratic Party of Russia. And in 1993 he was one of the founders of the Choice of Russia bloc.

In the 2000s, Garry Kasparov joined opposition movements. He was a member of the Other Russia coalition, which was conceived as an alternative to the United Russia party. Starting in 2006, Kasparov began to regularly participate in the Moscow "March of Dissent". He is known as one of the most ardent critics of the current government and personally of President Vladimir Putin.

Personal life

Garry Kasparov married three times and has children from each marriage. The first time he went to the registry office was in 1989. His chosen one was Maria Arapova, a guide-translator from the Intourist hotel. They lived together for four years, gave birth to a daughter, Polina, but then separated. Now Maria and Polina live in America.

The second wife of Kasparov was a young student Yulia Vovk. They stayed together for almost 10 years. There is a common son Vadim.

And finally, Kasparov got married for the third time in 2005. His wife Daria Tarasova. A year later, the couple had a daughter, Aida, and in July 2015, a son, Nikolai, was born.

Great and Terrible, otherwise he was not called in chess world... The thirteenth world champion left the chess Olympus at the height of his glory, and no one dares to say whether he is right.

Garry Kasparov's childhood

A genius was born in Baku, on April 13, 1963, in an intelligent family. Father, Kim Moiseevich Weinstein, as well as mother, Klara Shagenovna Kasparyan, worked in engineering positions. And my grandfather, Moses Weinstein, was not the last composer in Baku.

When exactly young Kasparov mastered ancient game, unknown. History only mentions that at the age of five, unexpectedly for his parents, he suggested to his father the solution to an etude published in the newspaper. Seeing such remarkable abilities in the kid, Garik was sent to the chess section of the Baku Palace of Pioneers. In 1970, dad died of lymphosarcoma in the future grandmaster. The mother completely devoted her life to raising her son.

In the very first year of studying chess, the boy won the 3rd grade. And already in 1972 he took part in an international youth tournament that took place in France. Of course, the family ties of the Kasparov family played an important role here, but the merit of the young prodigy should not be underestimated either.

The first successes and failures of the chess player Garry Kasparov

1973 was the turning point for the genius. This year, the still very young genius went to Vilnius as part of the Azerbaijani national team, where he met his future coach, friend and mentor Alexander Nikitin. It was on his recommendation that the Baku resident entered the world-famous correspondence chess school of Botvinnik. And there he very soon became an assistant to the chess patriarch himself.

Even then, Botvinnik noted the unique analytical abilities of the young talent. And the sixth world champion in such matters has never been wrong.

By the way, Garik became Kasparov, not Weinstein, only in 1974. Then his mother, for the sake of her son's chess career, changed not only his nationality, but also his surname. Since then, the young Jewish chess player has become an Armenian. In the same year, Garry Kimovich for the first time participated in the all-Union tournament between the palaces of pioneers. And already in 1975 he was in the lead in the USSR championship among youths. True, an unsuccessful finish threw him far, to seventh place. But considering the age of the young man and the strong line-up of the tournament, it was a sensation.

In 1976, at the age of 12, a Baku resident won this tournament. Then about him seriously started talking in the highest chess circles of the Land of the Soviets. The country that held the unconditional leadership in the chess world.

Eight-year-old child prodigy vs. Garry Kasparov

In 1978, after much debate, the young CCM was admitted to the tournament with the participation of grandmasters. Garik won the Sokolsky Memorial ahead of schedule. And this despite the fact that 5 rounds before the finish, he had already gained a master's rate. In the same year, the future champion won the qualifying tournament for the country's top league in chess.

In 1979 he won a rather strong international tournament in Banja Luka.

True, he got to this tournament only thanks to the indisputable authority of the patriarch of Soviet chess. Without Botvinnik's recommendations, Garik could have remained unavailable.

At the same tournament, the young master exceeded the norm of an international grandmaster. For such achievements, Heydar Aliyev himself, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, took him under his wing. AND chess genius did not disappoint him. He brought home the bronze medal of the USSR championship, the most powerful tournament in the world in terms of composition.

Garry Kasparov - grandmaster

In 1980, Garik was awarded the title of grandmaster. He is 17 years old, he just graduated from high school with a gold medal. He has many hobbies and thousands of talents. But since it was decided that the grandmaster would connect his life with chess, it was most rational for him to study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute. Where did he go.

Having won matches against Viktor Korchnoi and Vasily Smyslov, in 1984 Garry Kimovich Kasparov became the main contender for the chess crown.

The young talent had victories and not only at the chessboard. 1984 was remembered in the life of a 21-year-old chess player by his acquaintance with 37-year-old Marina Neyolova, who, after a three-year relationship with the champion, had a daughter, Nick. He then did not recognize paternity.

Great confrontation

In the same 1984, a great confrontation between two great chess players began, which dragged on for more than 10 years. An Unlimited duel has begun between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. The first world championship match was never over. By the decision of Florencio Compomanes, after 48 games with the score 5: 3 in favor of the twelfth champion, despite all the protests of the Baku resident, the match was interrupted. It should be noted that, despite the fact that Anatoly Karpov was in the lead with a score of 5: 0, he was never able to build on his success.

It was decided to re-match next year.

Is Garry Kasparov afraid of Russia?

On November 9, 1985, with a score of 13:11, Garry Kimovich Kasparov was declared the 13th chess king. Three more times Anatoly Karpov tried to regain the chess throne, but to no avail. The Great and Terrible was firmly entrenched on the throne of the chess Olympus.

Personal life of Garry Kasparov

1986 year. The studies at the institute are over. And the youngest chess king met Maria Arapova, who at that time was working as a guide-translator. They got married two years later. And three more years later, Garik had a daughter. They called her Polina. But as soon as the young wife wanted to live separately from her mother-in-law, conflicts began. Klara Shagenovna made every effort to break up this marriage. And very soon she achieved her goal.

The divorce proceedings were not easy, and hit the "chess king" well in the pocket. It is worth noting at least the purchase of an apartment for an ex-wife in the United States. And real estate there was very, very expensive.

In 1995, the heart of the Great and Terrible was again wounded by Cupid's arrow. This time the young Yulia Vovk turned out to be the chosen one of the chess idol. An eighteen-year-old student became the legal wife of a genius in 1996, at the same time she gave him a son, Vadim, officially the second child of a chess luminary. The marriage between Garik and Julia lasted 9 years.

Kasparov - politician

At the same time, Kasparov began to gradually transfer the hardships of fighting from the chessboard to the political arena.

In 1990, he left the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and took the most direct part in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia, but in the same year created an internal party faction with Murashov, which in fact split the DPR. Some of the members of which later moved to the "Liberal Union", organized by the Baku citizen in 1991.

In 1993 Garry Kimovich Kasparov left FIDE and organized the PCA, destroying order in the chess world for many years. It was only 20 years later that the consequences of this split were eliminated.

Chess player and information technology

That time was marked by the rapid development of information technology. By creating strong chess programs. It would seem that it is impossible to keep up with the pace of technological progress. But no, Kasparov regularly played matches with an iron brain and opened the most popular and at that time site on the Internet, ClubKasparov.ru.

Garry Kasparov now

The further, the more Kasparov the chess player began to be distracted by Kasparov the politician. He was still the rating favorite, and his playing strength was still terrifying. But with the naked eye it became clear that chess achievements were on the decline.

After his victory in Linares 2005, the Thirteenth World Champion, the winner of dozens of tournaments, a man of the era, the Great and Terrible, announced that he was leaving his professional chess career.

Now the chess player is one of the leaders of the opposition to President Vladimir Putin. He fights in the political arena just like he fought at the chessboard. And yet, history may not remember the politician Kasparov. But the thirteenth world chess champion will remain in the memory of people forever.

Garry Kimovich Kasparov (surname at birth Weinstein). Was born on April 13, 1963 in Baku. Soviet and Russian chess player, 13th world chess champion, chess writer and politician.

International Grandmaster (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1985), Champion of the USSR (1981, 1988), Champion of Russia (2004). Eight-time winner of the World Chess Olympiads: four times as part of the USSR team (1980, 1982, 1986, 1988) and four times as part of the Russian team (1992, 1994, 1996, 2002). Winner of eleven chess "Oscars" (prizes for the best chess player of the year). Kasparov solely topped the FIDE rating from 1985 to 2006 with two short breaks: in 1994 he was excluded from the rating by a FIDE decision in 1993, and in January 1996 Kasparov had the same rating as Vladimir Kramnik. In 1999, Garry Kasparov reached a record rating of 2851 points, which held out for 13.5 years until he was beaten by Magnus Carlsen.

Kasparov became world champion in 1985 by winning. The rivalry between the "two Ks" lasted from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, during which time Karpov and Kasparov played five matches for the world title. In 1993 Kasparov and a new challenger, Nigel Short, left FIDE and played a match under the auspices of a new organization, the PCA. FIDE stripped Kasparov of his title, and until 2006 there were two world champions - according to the FIDE version and according to the "classic" version. In 2000, Kasparov lost the world championship match to Vladimir Kramnik.

In 2005, he announced that he was ending his chess career in order to devote himself to political activity. Participated in a number of opposition movements: he was the chairman of the United Civil Front, one of the co-chairs of the All-Russian Civil Congress, a deputy of the National Assembly Russian Federation... In 2008, he became one of the founders and a member of the Federal Bureau of the United Democratic Movement "Solidarity", but in 2013 he left its governing bodies. In October 2012, he was elected to the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition. In June 2013, he announced his departure from Russia and the continuation of the fight against the "Putin regime" in the international arena. Since 2011, he has chaired the International Council of the Human Rights Defense Fund in New York.

In 2014, he took part in the FIDE presidential elections, losing to the incumbent President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

Garry Kasparov was born in Baku on April 13, 1963, his father Kim Moiseevich Weinstein was an energy engineer by profession, his mother Klara (Aida) Shagenovna Kasparova was an engineer, a specialist in automation and telemechanics. Kasparov is of Jewish descent on the paternal side and Armenian on the maternal side.

Harry's grandfather - Moses Rubinovich Weinstein (1906-1963) - was a famous Baku composer and conductor, head of the musical department of several drama theaters in the city. The whole family on the father's side was musical: the younger brother of his father, Leonid Moiseevich Vainshtein, was also a composer, an honored art worker of Azerbaijan, and his grandmother was a music teacher in secondary school. Cousin Timur Weinstein is a TV producer.

Kasparov's parents were fond of chess and solved chess problems published in the newspaper. Harry followed them often and once suggested a solution; he was five years old. After that, Harry's father taught the game. Harry began his regular chess lessons at the Baku Palace of Pioneers at the age of seven, his first coach was master Oleg Isaakovich Privorotsky. At the same age, he lost his father, who died of lymphosarcoma. After the death of her husband, Klara Shagenovna devoted herself entirely to her son's chess career.

In 1975, when Garry was 12 years old, Klara Kasparova changed his last name from his father's Weinstein to Kasparov. This was done with the consent of relatives to facilitate the future chess career of a young, but already promising chess player, who, she believed, could be hindered by the anti-Semitism that existed in the USSR.

In 1977 Garry Kasparov joined the Komsomol.

At the age of ten, at the youth competitions in Vilnius, Harry met the master Alexander Nikitin, who became his coach for a long time. Until 1976, Nikitin periodically gave advice and written assignments, then they began to constantly work in a team. On his recommendation, in August 1973, Harry came to the chess school of the ex-world champion and was accepted there. Botvinnik made sure that the young chess player studied according to an individual plan, and later received a scholarship.

In 1974 in Moscow, at the tournament of the Pioneers' Palaces (it was a team tournament, in which the children's team of each Palace was headed by a grandmaster who gave simultaneous play to other teams), Harry defeated grandmaster Yuri Averbakh. At the beginning of the next year, Harry took part in the youth championship of the country, playing against opponents 6-7 years older than him. In Leningrad, at the new tournament of the Palaces of Pioneers, in a session against world champion Anatoly Karpov, he achieved an equal position, but made a mistake and lost. In the same tournament, in a session against Viktor Korchnoi, he forced the grandmaster to a draw.

At the beginning of 1976, at the age of twelve, Garry Kasparov won the USSR Youth Chess Championship, most of whose participants were several years older. After that, since Nikitin lived in Moscow, master from Baku Alexander Shakarov became Kasparov's permanent coach. In the same year, at the insistence of the sports committee, Kasparov went to the world championship among cadets (youths under 18), although his coaches objected to this, and shared the third place. In early 1977, Kasparov won the country's youth championship again, this time with a score of 8½ out of 9. At the World Cadet Championships, where the age bracket had already been lowered to 17, Kasparov finished third. Three rounds before the end, he shared the first place with the future winner Youn Arnason, but due to fatigue he drew the remaining games.

In January 1978, Kasparov won the Sokolsky Memorial in Minsk and received the title of Master of Sports in chess. He completed the master's norm five more rounds before the end, and in the last round he won against Anatoly Lutikov - this was Kasparov's first tournament meeting with a grandmaster. At the age of fifteen, Kasparov became Botvinnik's assistant. In July, he took first place in the qualifying tournament in Daugavpils and received the right to debut in the final of the USSR championship. The final took place at the end of the year, Kasparov gained 50% in 17 games, which allowed him not to qualify next year.

In April 1979 Kasparov took part in a tournament in Banja Luka (Yugoslavia). The sixteen-year-old master, who did not have a rating, was admitted to the tournament, fourteen of the sixteen participants of which were grandmasters, at Botvinnik's insistence. As a result, Kasparov sensationally took first place, not losing a single game and securing an overall victory two rounds before the end. Smeikal and Andersson are 2 points behind, Petrosyan is 2½ points behind. In Banja Luka, Kasparov received his first grandmaster point. Having received an international rating for the first time, Kasparov immediately got into the fifteenth place in the rating list.

After returning to Baku, Kasparov was received by the influential politician Heydar Aliyev, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan and a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. From that time on, Aliyev began to patronize Kasparov. At the end of the year, at the 47th USSR Championship, Kasparov started with three victories. Then a decline followed (six draws and three defeats with one win), but a strong finish allowed him to share 3-4 places with 10 points out of 17. Veteran Efim Geller won the tournament.

At a tournament in Baku (spring 1980) Kasparov fulfilled the grandmaster's norm. He took first place, beating Belyavsky by half a point, with whom he passed the tournament without defeat. In the same year, again without losing a single game, he won the World Youth Chess Championship in Dortmund, where Nigel Short became the second medalist. Then Kasparov graduated from high school with a gold medal. At the end of the year, he joined the USSR national team at the Chess Olympiad as the second substitute and showed the third result on his board.

At the beginning of 1981, Kasparov played on the first board of the youth team in the fourth match-tournament of the USSR national teams. He took first place on the board, and both games with the world champion Karpov ended in draws. Later that year, at the Moscow International Tournament, in which Karpov won, Kasparov shared 2-4 places with Smyslov and Polugaevsky. The meeting between Kasparov and Karpov took place in the last round, the rivals quickly agreed to a draw. In December, eighteen-year-old Kasparov shared the title of USSR champion with Lev Psakhis, becoming the youngest USSR chess champion in the country's history. The championship was held in Frunze. Kasparov lost to Psakhis in the second round, and then they took turns leading. Before the last round, Psakhis was half a point ahead, but could not beat Agzamov, while Kasparov outplayed Tukmakov with black.

In September 1982, an interzonal tournament was held in Moscow, from which the first two prize-winners advanced to the candidates' matches. Kasparov covered the distance without defeat (10 out of 13, +7 = 6) and was one and a half points ahead of Belyavsky and two points ahead of Andersson. In November, at the Lucerne Olympics, 19-year-old Kasparov played on board two and scored 8½ points in 11 games. At the same time, in the match against Switzerland, he replaced Karpov in a principled game with black against Korchnoi and won a victory in complications. Even then, Kasparov was considered the favorite of the upcoming Candidates matches. At the beginning of the next year, Kasparov played a quarterfinal match against Belyavsky in Moscow. Kasparov won the second game using the Tarrasch Defense specially prepared for this Candidate Cycle. Belyavsky equalized the score in the fourth game, but Kasparov took the lead in the fifth, and finished the match ahead of schedule with victories in the eighth and ninth. According to the results of 1982, Kasparov won the chess Oscar, largely due to the victory over Korchnoi in Lucerne.

Viktor Korchnoi became Kasparov's rival in the semifinal match, scheduled for August 1983. According to the rules, the opponents had the right to choose the venue for the match from among the cities that provided the necessary conditions and the prize fund, and in disputable cases, the FIDE President had the decisive vote. Korchnoi chose Rotterdam, Kasparov chose Las Palmas, and FIDE President Campomanes chose the third option, Pasadena. The Soviet Chess Federation, under the pretext that there would be no security for the Soviet delegation in the United States, decided that Kasparov would not go to Pasadena, and he was given a loss without a game. Three days later, in the second semi-final in Abu Dhabi, Smyslov's defeat in the match against Ribi was similarly counted. Heydar Aliyev, who was at that time the first deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, helped Kasparov by convincing the country's leadership to give Kasparov an opportunity to play the match. As part of the agreements reached, the Soviet side agreed to pay a large fine and lift the embargo on the performances of Soviet chess players together with Korchnoi. Both matches began in November 1983 in London. Korchnoi won the first game, the next four ended in a draw. In the sixth game, Kasparov took advantage of the opponent's mistake and equalized the position. And starting from the seventh game, Kasparov imposed a Catalan opening for both colors on his opponent, which became a decisive factor. He won the seventh, ninth and eleventh games, ending the match early again (+4 -1 = 6). In the final, Kasparov met with Smyslov, who was exactly three times his senior (Kasparov turned 21 on the last day of the match, Smyslov was 63). Kasparov won 8½: 4½ without losing a single game.

In June 1984, Kasparov played on the second board in the USSR vs. Rest of the World match. Kasparov won his micromatch against Timman +1 = 3.

Garry Kasparov played his first match for the title of world chess champion against world champion Anatoly Karpov. Prior to that, they played three games in different official competitions, which ended in a draw. To win, you had to win 6 games first. Such a regulation was introduced in February 1977 and two matches between Karpov and Korchnoi took place according to it.

The match began on September 10, 1984 in Moscow. After the ninth game, Karpov was leading 4: 0, and in subsequent games Kasparov changed his tactics: he began to play for a draw in each game and forced Karpov to play for a different color against his favorite schemes. A series of seventeen draws followed, but the twenty-seventh game was again won by Karpov, who now had one point left to win the match. Kasparov blew up the score in the thirty-second game. In the forty-first game Karpov was close to winning, but missed it, and Kasparov won the forty-seventh and forty-eighth games. With a score of 5: 3 on February 15, 1985, FIDE President Florencio Campomanes announced at a press conference that the match was terminated, motivating it with the exhaustion of the participants' physical and mental resources, and a second match between the same rivals in 1985. At the same time, both Karpov and Kasparov expressed their readiness to continue the match; Kasparov at the same press conference accused Campomanes that he decided to interrupt the match only when the challenger had a chance to win. Former head of the USSR Goskomsport Chess Department, grandmaster Nikolai Krogius in his memoir “Chess. Game and Life ”indicates that the match was interrupted on the instructions of Heydar Aliyev, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Later Kasparov called February 15, 1985 "the beginning of his political career."

At the next FIDE congress, new rules were approved: matches for the title of world champion were played for most of 24 games, with a score of 12:12 the champion retained the title. In the summer of 1985, Kasparov gave a long interview to the West German magazine Spiegel, in which he accused the USSR Chess Federation of supporting Karpov by any means and anti-Semitism and expressed doubts that a new match would take place. Three weeks before the start of the match, a meeting of the federation was to take place, at which the decision to disqualify Kasparov was planned. Kasparov was saved by the new head of the propaganda department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Alexander Yakovlev, who convinced the country's leadership that the match should take place.

A new match between Karpov and Kasparov began on September 1, 1985 in Moscow. Kasparov won the first game by using a rare continuation in the Nimzowitsch Defense with White. Karpov came out ahead after victories in the fourth and fifth games, the next five ended in a draw. A. Suetin described this segment as “walking on a wire”: Karpov got an advantage, but Kasparov, with an ingenious defense, brought it to nothing. In the eleventh game, Kasparov leveled the score thanks to a gross blunder of his opponent. The turning point was the sixteenth game, in which Kasparov used the gambit variation with black in the Sicilian defense and won a spectacular victory (earlier the same variation was tried in the twelfth game, but then Karpov did not go into complications and the game quickly ended in a draw). Soon Kasparov won another game. The world champion closed the gap to a minimum in the twenty-second game. The penultimate game of the match ended in a draw, and in the last game, in which Karpov, who was playing white, was satisfied only with a victory, which made it possible to level the score and retain the title of champion, Kasparov was stronger in complications. The match ended on November 10, 1985 with a score of 13:11 in favor of the challenger.

At 22 years 6 months and 27 days, Kasparov became the youngest world champion in the history of chess(previously Mikhail Tal won the world championship match against Mikhail Botvinnik in 1960 at the age of 23). Kasparov continues to hold this record. In 2013, Magnus Carlsen became world champion, also under 23, but he was several months older than Kasparov.

In April 1986, a "Kasparov-Botvinnik school" was opened in a rest house in Pestovo near Moscow, which was a renewed Botvinnik school. 13 talented schoolchildren were invited to the first session, including Konstantin Sakaev and Vladimir Akopyan. Later, Vladimir Kramnik, Alexey Shirov, Sergey Tivyakov and other future grandmasters studied at the school. In the same year, Kasparov graduated from the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

In a rematch (London - Leningrad, July - October 1986) Kasparov defended his title of world champion. In this match Kasparov got a comfortable three-point advantage after wins in the 14th and 16th games. The sixteenth game was especially tense and eventful, in which Karpov opposed the attack on his king with an attack on the queenside. Kasparov turned out to be stronger in a game full of mistakes and difficult to analyze. But after that, the champion lost three games in a row and allowed Karpov to level the score. After the third defeat, Kasparov expelled international master Evgeny Vladimirov from the coaching staff, whom he suspected of transferring analyzes to Karpov. The decisive game was the 22nd game, in which Kasparov, recording his move before postponing it, found a forced win. The last two meetings ended in a draw, Kasparov won 12½: 11½.

At the end of the year, Kasparov won the Olympic Games in Dubai as part of the USSR national team. The FIDE congress and the election of the president of the organization were also held there. Kasparov, in tandem with Raymond Keane, has supported Campomanes' opponent, the Brazilian Lucena, over the past year. However, Campomanes secured the support of the majority of the delegates, and Lucena withdrew the candidacy before the vote.

On February 15, 1987, on the initiative of Kasparov, the Association of Grandmasters was created, whose task was to protect the interests of leading chess players and create a counterbalance to FIDE, which pursued a policy of supporting small federations. Kasparov became its president. At the end of the year in Seville, Kasparov again had a match against Karpov, who had previously won the match of the finalist of the candidate cycle Andrei Sokolov. Karpov took the lead twice after the second and fifth games, then Kasparov won two victories, Karpov leveled the score in the sixteenth game. In the penultimate, twenty-third, game Kasparov made a tactical mistake: he sacrificed a rook, but after three moves the sacrifice was refuted. Kasparov needed to win in the last game, and he coped with this task. Contrary to assumptions, he did not escalate, but accumulated a positional advantage. Karpov did not defend in the best way, and Kasparov won the game, retaining the title (12:12).

In the 1988-1989 season, the Association of Grandmasters held the World Cup for the 25 strongest chess players in the world, which consisted of six rounds. Each chess player could play in four tournaments, and the three best results were taken into account. Kasparov took part in tournaments in Belfort, Reykjavik, Barcelona and Skellefteå. He won the first two tournaments, in the other two he shared the first places with Lyuboevich and Karpov, respectively, and eventually took first place in the overall standings, slightly ahead of Karpov. All the strongest Soviet grandmasters took part in the 1988 USSR Championship. Kasparov and Karpov covered the entire distance without defeat and shared the first place, overtaking the closest pursuers - Yusupov and Salov by one and a half points. The regulations provided for a four-game match for the first place, but it did not take place.

In the fall of 1989, Kasparov won the two-round grandmaster tournament in Tilburg by a huge margin. He scored 12 points out of 14 and was 3½ ahead of the second medalist Korchnoi. Thanks to this victory, Kasparov surpassed Fischer's record 1972 rating (2785 points). At the end of the year Kasparov won another tournament in Belgrade with a score of 9½ out of 11 (Timman and Elvest were three points behind), and his rating reached 2811. When Kasparov won the tournament in Linares 1990 with a score of 8 out of 11 (second place was taken by Boris Gelfand, the only defeat to the champion was inflicted by Boris Gulko), the points gained were not enough to maintain the rating.

At the end of 1990, in New York and Lyon, in the fifth match against Karpov, who won the Candidates' cycle, Kasparov defended his title again. At the start of the match, there was a scandal: Kasparov played not under the Soviet flag, but under the white-blue-red Russian one. Karpov's delegation protested, and after four games both flags were removed. In the segment from 16 to 20, Kasparov won three games with one defeat, and after draws in the next two games Kasparov scored a twelfth point, which made it possible to secure the preservation of the title ahead of schedule. The result of the match is 12½: 11½ in favor of the champion. As the winner, Kasparov received a check for $ 1.7 million and a diamond trophy valued at $ 600,000 - the largest prize money in the history of world championships. Shortly before this match, Kasparov parted ways with his longtime coach A. Nikitin.

1991 began with a tournament in Linares, where Kasparov was outstripped by Vasily Ivanchuk, who won a head-to-head match against the champion. In Amsterdam Kasparov shared 3-4 places, and Salov won. Then Kasparov won the double round robin tournament in Tilburg with a score of 10 out of 14; second prize-winner Short was one and a half points behind. At the end of the year Kasparov shared 2-3 places with Gelfand at the tournament in Reggio Emilia. The first place was taken by Viswanathan Anand, for whom this victory was a breakthrough into the chess elite. Linares of 1992 became a victorious one for Kasparov, he did not lose a single game and scored 10 out of 13, two points more than Ivanchuk and Timman, who won prizes. In the same year, a tournament was held in Dortmund, where Kasparov shared first place with Ivanchuk. He scored 6 out of 9 and lost two games at once - to Kamsky and Huebner. Linares of 1993 Kasparov won again with a score of 10 out of 13, while winning a bright victory over Karpov with black in 27 moves.

In February 1992, the first congress of the Russian Chess Federation took place. Kasparov nominated Arkady Murashov, the head of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate and Kasparov's associate in the Democratic Party of Russia, for the presidency. Murashov won, and Karpov, due to a conflict with Kasparov around the elections, refused to play for the Russian national team at the 1992 Olympics (the Russian national team won there thanks to the very productive play of Kasparov and the young Vladimir Kramnik). A year later, new presidential elections were held, at which Yevgeny Bebchuk, supported by Karpov, was elected instead of Murashov.

Disagreeing with the policy pursued by FIDE, on February 27, 1993, Kasparov and Nigel Short, who won the Candidates Cycle, announced that they would play their match without the participation of FIDE and under the auspices of a new body - the Professional Chess Association (PCA). FIDE stripped Garry Kasparov of the title of world chess champion and excluded him from its rating lists.

Kasparov and Short were reinstated in the rating only the next year, before that the PCA had managed to issue its own rating, which was headed by Kasparov. Simultaneously with the Kasparov - Short match, the FIDE World Championship match between Karpov and the finalist of the Candidates Cycle Timman took place. The match between Kasparov and Short was played for the majority of 24 games. Kasparov immediately took the lead 3½: ½ and finished the match ahead of schedule after the 20th game (+6 -1 = 13). Subsequently, Kasparov said that breaking with FIDE in 1993 was the biggest mistake in his chess career.

At the 1994 supertournament of the XVIII category in Linares Kasparov shared the second place with Shirov, and the first place was taken by Karpov, who collected 11 out of 13 points and was 2½ points ahead. This tournament is considered one of the strongest in the history of chess, and Karpov's performance is one of the most impressive tournament victories of all time. The tournament was also notable for the incident involving Kasparov and 17-year-old Judit Polgar. Kasparov made a knight move, saw a possible response from White and moved his piece to another square. The camera recorded that before that he had torn his hand off the knight for 1/4 of a second, so according to the rules Kasparov could no longer change the course, but the game continued. In August, Kasparov won a two-round tournament in Novgorod, and in September - a tournament in Zurich, and at the finish of the tournament he defeated two direct competitors - Shirov and Yusupov. In April 1995, the first of the three stages of the PSA Super-Classic series of tournaments took place - the Tal Memorial in Riga. The decisive game for determining the winner was the game between Kasparov and Anand, who were soon to have a world championship match. Kasparov used Evans' gambit, rarely seen at the highest level, and won on move 25. The second tournament of the series was held in Novgorod in a little over a month. Kasparov is one point ahead of Short, Ivanchuk, Elvest and Topalov.

In the fall of 1995, Kasparov won the world championship match against Viswanathan Anand at the World Trade Center in New York. The first eight games ended in a draw, Anand won the ninth, but in the next five games Kasparov won four wins. The match ended early again - after the eighteenth game. Kasparov explained the result as follows: “He was prepared very well, personally for me. Anand's coaches took into account all my habits, preferences and peculiarities, the openings that I play, and so on, and so on, but they did not take into account the individual characteristics of Anand himself. They imposed on Vichy a manner of playing which was unusual for him. " At the end of the year, in the last Super-Classic tournament in Horgen, Kasparov came fifth with 5 points out of 10 and won only one game. The first and second places were shared by Ivanchuk, who inflicted the only defeat on Kasparov, and Kramnik.

In January 1996, PCA's primary sponsor Intel announced that it would not renew its sponsorship agreement with PCA. Kasparov said the reason for this was Kasparov's desire to play a match against the Deep Blue computer, developed by IBM, a competitor to Intel. Soon the PCA ceased to exist.

In 1996, Kasparov won the first ever XXI category tournament in Las Palmas, with a record average rating of participants (2756.6). In this tournament, Anand, Ivanchuk, Karpov, Kasparov, Kramnik and Topalov played in two rounds. Kasparov won one victory over Topalov, Karpov and Ivanchuk and drew the rest of the games, eventually beating Anand, who finished second, by a point. The first tournament with a higher average rating of participants took place in 2009 (Tal Memorial in Moscow). The next year Kasparov won in Linares, while winning personal meetings against all participants who took places from second to sixth, and lost to Ivanchuk and Novgorod, and also shared first place in Tilburg with Kramnik and Svidler.

In 1998, Kasparov and the newly formed World Chess Council, led by Linares tournament organizer Luis Rentero, scheduled a title match. The challenger was supposed to decide on the match between Anand and Kramnik, but Anand refused, as he was bound by obligations not to play in the candidate cycles not under the auspices of FIDE, so he was replaced by Shirov. Shirov unexpectedly won 5½: 3½ and got the right to the match with Kasparov, which was scheduled for the fall of the same year. However, due to financial problems of the sponsor - Rentero - the match did not take place.

For 18 months in 1999 and 2000, Kasparov won six consecutive super tournaments of at least 18th category each. In early 1999, Kasparov won the annual tournament in Wijk aan Zee (10 out of 13 with one defeat to I. Sokolov; Anand scored 9½, Kramnik - 8). Then he won in Linares with a score of +7 −0 = 7, while winning five wins with black. Kramnik and Anand are 2½ points behind. In May, a tournament was held in Sarajevo, in which Anand and Kramnik did not take part. Kasparov scored 7 out of 9 (no defeat), 2-3 places were shared by Bareev and Shirov (6 each). In the July 1999 FIDE rating list, Kasparov achieved a record rating of 2851. The following year, he won another tournament each in Wijk aan Zee, Linares and Sarajevo. In Sarajevo, Kasparov's main rival was Shirov, but he lost in the penultimate round to Movsesyan, whom Kasparov himself defeated in the last round.

In the fall of 2000, Kasparov lost the match to Kramnik and lost the title of world chess champion. Before the match, the opponents had an equal score of personal meetings (three wins and seventeen draws), but Kasparov was considered the favorite due to his vast match experience and a series of victories in tournaments in 1999-2000. The match, organized by Braingames, was played for the majority of 16 games and thus became the shortest world championship match in the post-war period. Kramnik outplayed his opponent in the second and tenth games with White, and the rest of the meetings ended in a draw. This match was also the first since 1921 when a challenger won a dry run. An important component of Kramnik's success was the regular use of the Berlin variation of the Spanish game for black, with which he neutralized Kasparov's white color in several games; before that no one had systematically used the Berlin version in top-level competitions.

During 2001, Kasparov won three tournaments in a row. The first competition in the rank of ex-world champion for him was the tournament in Wijk aan Zee. Kasparov scored 9 out of 13 and bypassed Anand by half a point, Kramnik shared 3-4 places. Kasparov then won the annual Linares tournament (7½ out of 10) and the Astana tournament. In Astana, before the last round, Kasparov was half a point behind Kramnik, but was able to win the decisive meeting, having won the first victory over Kramnik since 1997. The next year Kasparov won again in Linares (8 out of 12, 1.5 points ahead of the new FIDE World Champion Ruslan Ponomarev).

In September 2002, Kasparov, as a member of the Russian national team, took part in the match-tournament "Russian national team against the world team". He played ten games, winning one and losing three. As a result, the world team won with a score of 52:48, and Kasparov showed his worst result in his life in team competitions. In October-November of the same year, Kasparov played his last Olympiad in Bled, in which Russia again took first place. On the first board he scored 7½ points out of 9, this result corresponded to the rating of 2933, and according to this indicator Kasparov's performance was absolutely the best at the Olympiad.

Linares of 2003 was unsuccessful, Kasparov shared 3-4 places with Anand. In the second round, Kasparov lost a winning position in a game with fifteen-year-old Teimour Radjabov. When it was announced at the closing ceremony that this game was recognized as the most beautiful in the tournament, Kasparov publicly stated that he regards this choice as a public insult and humiliation. In 2004, Kasparov played for the first time in the Russian Chess Championship. In the 57th championship of the country, ten strongest chess players played, with the exception of Kramnik and Karpov. Kasparov won with a score of +5 −0 = 5 and was one and a half points ahead of Grischuk.

Kasparov announced his retirement from his sports career on March 10, 2005 at a press conference at the end of the super tournament in Linares. In it, Kasparov scored an equal number of points with Topalov, from whom he suffered the only defeat in the last round, but by additional indicators (the number of victories in black) he was declared the winner. Kasparov explained his decision by a lack of motivation - he achieved everything in chess - and by the fact that he was never given the opportunity to fight for the world title again after being defeated by Kramnik (in particular, the match against FIDE world champion Ponomarev did not take place). Kasparov also said that he plans to participate in blitz tournaments and other demonstration events in the future, and will make work on books and participation in Russian politics his main priorities.

In September 2009, Kasparov and Karpov played a 12-game rapid and blitz match in Valencia. Kasparov won with a score of 9: 3. At the same time it became known that since March of the same year Kasparov worked as a personal trainer for the Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Carlsen, who at that time, at the age of 18, was ranked fourth in the world ranking. Kasparov and Carlsen met several times a year for training sessions. The joint work ended in March 2010, by which time Carlsen topped the rating list. Carlsen later clarified that he became responsible for his career decisions, but would continue to maintain contact with Kasparov.

In the fall of the same 2010, Kasparov supported Karpov, who ran for FIDE President. However, the current president, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, won the election. In 2014, Kasparov, running for Croatia, himself became Ilyumzhinov's rival in the next elections. He built the campaign around criticizing FIDE as "a corrupt organization and Ilyumzhinov as an ally of Putin's dictatorial regime." In turn, Ilyumzhinov accused Kasparov of trying to buy delegates' votes: as a result of the leak, a draft agreement between Kasparov and a member of his team, FIDE Secretary General Ignatius Leong, was made available to the public, according to which Leong was supposed to ensure that Asian delegates vote for Kasparov for a fee. Ilyumzhinov won the election with a score of 110: 61.

Kasparov against the computer:

Garry Kasparov's matches against chess programs aroused great interest. In 1989, Deep Thought, a chess program running on the hardware of a Sun-4 computer, achieved significant success. For the first time in history, the program beat the international grandmaster (Bent Larsen) in an official tournament.

On October 22, 1989, Garry Kasparov's two blitz-game Deep Thought took place in New York. The world champion won them easily. The second meeting, in which Kasparov won in a spectacular combinational style, was especially indicative. After the match, Kasparov said: "If a computer can beat the best of the best in chess, it will mean that the computer is able to compose the best music, write the best books. I can't believe it. If a computer is created with a rating of 2800, that is, equal to mine, I I will consider it my duty to challenge him to a match to protect the human race. ".

In 1996, IBM representatives offered Garry Kasparov to play a match against their chess program "Deep Blue" with a prize fund of $ 500 thousand. "Deep Blue" is a supercomputer based on the RS6000 system, consisting of 32 nodes, each of which consisted of 512 processors, hardware-optimized for a chess program. The performance of the Deep Blue corresponded to 11.38 GFLOPS, and the computer could estimate up to 200 million positions per second. Kasparov's first match against chess computer took place in February 1996, and the man won it with a score of 4: 2, but at the same time lost the first game. This was the first time in history that a computer had won a game against a world champion.

IBM in the second match offered a prize pool of $ 1.1 million, of which $ 700 thousand were to go to the winner. A six-game duel with normal time control (120 minutes for 40 moves) took place in May 1997. As a result, for the first time in history, the world champion lost to the computer with a score of 2½: 3½.

The supercomputer was located in a separate room, at the board opposite Kasparov sat the representative of the IBM team Feng Xiong Xu, who was at the origin of the project. All communication with "Deep Blue" Feng-Xiong Xu carried out through a special monitor. Theoretically, a specially invited chess player could be located between the monitor in the game room and the supercomputer and influence the course of the game.

In the second game of the 1997 match, Kasparov, having found himself in a difficult situation, sacrificed a pawn. Deep Blue pondered the 37th move for 15 minutes, although he usually spent 3 minutes thinking over the move, and rejected the sacrifice by playing Be4. After White's 45th move, Kasparov resigned. Post-match analysis showed that black could force a draw with a perpetual check due to White's inaccurate last move. However, Kasparov was mistaken, believing that the electronic opponent, who played the rest of the game almost flawlessly, calculated everything accurately. In the sixth and last game, Kasparov overlooked or deliberately allowed the well-known theory of sacrificing a piece for the initiative, but when Deep Blue accepted it, he defended poorly and admitted defeat already on the 19th move.

After the match Kasparov demanded to provide a log file of the game. Details of how the program "thought" were not provided, and Kasparov accused IBM of fraud. According to Kasparov, in several cases a computer could be helped by a person, since the program played with differences, periodically choosing moves that were not typical for computers.

In January 2003, Kasparov played a match against the Deep Junior chess program. The match consisted of 6 games at standard time control. The prize fund of the duel was $ 1 million. The strongest, at that time, program for personal computers ran under the Windows Server 2000 operating system and 8 Intel Xeon 1.6 GHz processors. Kasparov, using the "anti-computer" strategy, won the first game and had a significant advantage in the second, but drew it. In the third game, he made a gross mistake and resigned on move 34. In the remaining games Kasparov was careful and reduced them to quick draws. The result of the match is 3: 3.

In November 2003, Kasparov played against Fritz X3D (a version of Deep Fritz with a three-dimensional interface). According to the conditions of the match, a person had to play in special 3D glasses. Deep Fritz ran on a computer with 4 Intel Xeon processors. A year before that, the same program had played a draw in a duel with Vladimir Kramnik, similar to the rules. The meeting took place in New York. In a match of 4 games with one victory, one defeat and two draws, an equal result of 2: 2 was achieved. It is interesting to note that in the fourth game, Deep Fritz unexpectedly offered a queen sacrifice, but the grandmaster rejected the sacrifice and calmly brought the game to a drawn position. Kasparov received $ 175,000 and a gold statuette as a result of the fight.

Deep Junior and Deep Fritz are commercial programs with an estimate rate of 3-4 million positions per second (2003). Copies of the programs were given to Kasparov before the match for analysis. The computer with the program was located directly in the game room. Kasparov did not express any suspicions of fraud. Summing up the match with "Deep Junior" Kasparov shared the idea that in a few years a person will no longer have any chances in a confrontation with chess programs.

Garry Kasparov's political activities:

Kasparov was a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the Azerbaijan SSR. At the beginning of 1984, Kasparov was admitted to the CPSU: on the instructions of Heydar Aliyev - without passing a one-year candidate's experience, as evidenced by the head of the Chess Department of the USSR State Sports Committee N.V. Krogius. Later in an interview, Kasparov said that the Soviet contender for the title of world champion had a choice between joining the party and emigrating.

During the Armenian pogrom in Baku in 1990, Kasparov moved his family to Moscow. Later, he accused the Soviet leadership and the KGB of the USSR for the pogrom. In the same year, Kasparov left the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

In 1990, Kasparov also participated in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia (DPR). Kasparov was elected one of the deputy chairmen of Nikolai Travkin. Soon after the creation of the DPR, Kasparov, together with Arkady Murashov, founded the Free Democratic Faction, which was the inner-party opposition. In April 1991, a month after the DPR was registered with the RSFSR Ministry of Justice, the Free Democratic faction, including Kasparov, announced its withdrawal from the party. This happened after the II Congress of the DPR adopted not the program developed by Kasparov and Murashov, but an alternative version. In 1991, Kasparov began cooperation with the Wall Street Journal, which continues to this day; Kasparov regularly publishes articles on Russian politics in this newspaper.

In 1991, Kasparov received the Keeper of the Flame award from the US Center for Security Policy, which recognizes citizens for their public work to promote democratic values ​​and respect for human rights. Later, in early 2007, political opponents claimed that Kasparov was on the advisory council of the Center for Security Policy, citing a list of its members published on the organization's website. In response, Kasparov stated that he had never been a member of the council and that his name was probably included there by mistake, along with other honorary members of the Center for Security Policy. As early as April 2007, Kasparov's name was absent from the list of members.

In June 1993, Kasparov took part in the creation of the election bloc “Russia's Choice”.

In the 1996 presidential election, Kasparov supported the incumbent president, viewing him as an alternative to the return of the communists to power. Kasparov was his confidant for campaigning. The following year, Kasparov was a financial advisor, with whom he parted ways after the latter's decision to run for governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

After being elected president of Russia, Kasparov initially considered him a “young pragmatic leader” who could contribute to the establishment of democracy in Russia, but soon became disillusioned with him.

In 2004, Kasparov founded the 2008: Free Choice Committee and became its chairman, and also became a co-chairman of the organizing committee of the All-Russian Civil Congress Russia for Democracy, Against Dictatorship (VGK), along with a member of the human rights movement Lyudmila Alekseeva and former adviser to Yeltsin Georgy Satarov. Announcing his retirement from his sports career on May 10, 2005, Kasparov, already known as a critic of Vladimir Putin and a potential contender for the 2008 presidential elections, declared participation in Russian politics as a new life goal.

In 2005, he headed the United Civil Front, created by him, during the same period the activities of the 2008 Committee came to naught. In 2006, under the auspices of the Supreme Command, a conference was held in Moscow at which the creation of the Other Russia coalition was announced. The coalition was supposed to unite representatives of the opposition of various political persuasions, who agreed on the need to oppose the policies of Vladimir Putin and United Russia and to redistribute power from the president to parliament and regions.

Since 2006, Kasparov has been one of the organizers of the “Marches of Dissent” held by the Other Russia.

On September 30, 2007, a campaign to nominate Kasparov for the presidency of Russia in the March 2008 elections by the "Other Russia" began: the coalition congress elected Kasparov as a single candidate. In November, he was sentenced to five days in prison for participating in an unsanctioned march. The arrest of Kasparov was condemned by the non-governmental organization Amnesty International, which recognized Kasparov as a prisoner of conscience and called for his release. On December 13, Kasparov announced his withdrawal from his candidacy because he did not hold the voter meeting necessary to nominate an independent candidate. According to Kasparov’s representatives, all the landlords whom Kasparov’s representatives approached refused to provide premises for such a congress. At the same time, polls showed that support for Kasparov in Russia was low and he had no chance of winning these elections. Some of the members of the Supreme Command considered that Kasparov's activities violate the principle of apoliticality of the Congress, and proposed to dissociate from Kasparov, to which the Supreme Command did not go. In the fall of 2007, Alekseeva and Satarov, who by that time were in opposition to Kasparov, asked him to leave the Supreme Command, and on January 14, 2008, they again asked him to leave. Since Kasparov did not respond to requests to leave the VGK both times, as a result, on January 17, Satarov, together with Lyudmila Alekseeva, left the VGK themselves.

In 2008, Kasparov became one of the founders of the opposition united democratic movement Solidarity. In December 2008, at the founding congress of the movement, he was elected a member of the federal political council "Solidarity" and became a member of the Bureau of the federal political council of the movement. Kasparov was considered one of the leaders of the opposition to the existing political regime, while in Russia his political activities remained unreported in the mainstream media and did not enjoy widespread support.

In mid-2010, a conflict broke out within Solidarity. First, a member of its political council, S. Zhavoronkov, was expelled from the movement, and then, including because of disagreements with Kasparov, Vladimir Milov announced his withdrawal from the organization.

On March 10, 2010, Kasparov signed an appeal by the Russian opposition "Putin must leave." In the process of preparing the appeal, Kasparov was a member of the author's group and coordinated the text with other signatories. In the spring and summer of 2010, there was an active collection of signatures under the appeal, meetings of the organizers with the signatories took place. In autumn and winter, rallies were held in Moscow for the resignation of Putin, at which Kasparov also spoke.

In the fall of 2011, Kasparov called for a boycott of the State Duma elections. In October 2011, at the “Last Autumn” civil forum, a debate was held between representatives of three positions on the attitude to the elections: Garry Kasparov (boycott), Boris Nemtsov (spoiling ballots), (voting for any other party). Based on the results of the debate, the public gave preference to Navalny. Kasparov spoke at mass rallies in Moscow in December 2011 and 2012.

On August 17, 2012, Kasparov was detained at the Khamovnichesky court on the day of the sentencing in the case of the Pussy Riot group. According to law enforcement agencies, during the arrest, Kasparov bit a police ensign. According to Kasparov himself, this statement is false, and the police, on the contrary, beat him during the arrest. On August 24, the magistrate's court acquitted Kasparov, who was accused of insubordination to police officers.

On October 22, 2012, at the elections to the Coordination Council of the opposition on the general civil list, he took third place, gaining 33 thousand votes, losing to A. Navalny and D. Bykov.

On April 7, 2013, at the fourth congress of Solidarity, it was announced that Kasparov would not run for his political council, although he would remain a member of the movement. He himself explained the decision by disagreeing with the transformation of "Solidarity" into "an appendage of the RPR-PARNAS party" and participation in "actions that work to legitimize the existing government", such as elections.

In June 2013, Kasparov announced that he had no plans to return to Russia from abroad and would continue to fight the "Kremlin criminals" on the international arena. According to Kasparov, he was expecting a summons to the investigating authorities in connection with his activities on organizing a seminar for opposition activists in Lithuania and promoting the Magnitsky Act, and was afraid that a criminal case would be opened and that he would not be allowed to leave the place. A travel ban would have prevented him from earning money by lecturing and running his foundations. Kasparov also said that he chairs the We Choose committee in support of fair elections in Iran. A privately-funded committee monitors a concurrent election involving 20 candidates suspended from campaigning. “I have been doing this for the last few months together with Leonid Volkov. The improved system of Democracy-2 is used - it is a virtual platform with the help of which elections in CSR were held. I am the informal organizer of the process, which began back in February. And Volkov is working on this directly with the Iranians. "

In March 2014, the website kasparov.ru became one of four resources that were blocked by Roskomnadzor at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and without a court decision. According to the position of the prosecutor's office, they contained "calls for illegal activities and participation in mass events held in violation of the established order." On August 6, 2014, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow confirmed the legality of the blocking of the site.

In 2014, Kasparov condemned the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Russia's actions in connection with the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, and called on Western leaders to increase pressure on Putin. Kasparov considers Crimea to be the territory of Ukraine. On December 6, 2014, on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kasparov gave a simultaneous game to the Ukrainian military and volunteers in Kiev in support of the Ukrainian army.

Personal life of Garry Kasparov:

Kasparov was married three times and has a child from each marriage.

In 1989, he married Maria Arapova, a graduate of the Philology Department of Moscow State University and Intourist guide-translator, whom he had met three years earlier. In 1992, daughter Polina was born, in 1993 the couple separated. Later, Maria and her daughter moved to the United States.

In 1996, Kasparov married an 18-year-old economics student, Yulia Vovk. At the end of the same year, their son Vadim was born. In 2005, the marriage broke up.

In 2005, Kasparov married Daria Tarasova from St. Petersburg. In 2006, their daughter Aida was born.

In 1984-1986 Kasparov had an affair with the actress. Some sources call Kasparov the father of Nika Neyolova's daughter (born in 1987). In the book "Child of Change" Kasparov denied this statement, later in an interview he did not give a definite answer. Neyolova never made public comments.

Kasparov owns real estate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, New York and New Jersey.

In February 2014, Kasparov received Croatian citizenship, where he has a house in the seaside resort town of Makarska. In 2013, Kasparov applied for Latvian citizenship, but was refused.