Indian board game Lila. Lila game is my experience. Feeling after the game

In fact, there is only one the game, a game in which each of us is an actor acting. This game - Lila, universal Space Energy game, Divine Game inherent in Nature Higher "I". This aspect is obliged to its existence the entire phenomenal world - the world of names and forms. Lila - This is life itself, the energy that manifests itself in the myriad of thoughts, feelings and events passing before the eyes of the person.

The essence of the player is enclosed in his ability to take its role and play. This entity can enter any role, but as soon as the player enters the game, he begins to identify himself with the role adopted and forgets about its true nature. He forgets about the essence of the game, and now its movements are determined playing bonecorresponding to karma .

There are times when sunlight suddenly lights the entire picture of the waves and flows, which make up the river flow, in the same way and the pure light of consciousness snatches from darkness the structure of the player's life role. At these points, nature and the course of vital energy goes to the fore and exemptions. The player rises over attachment to his role and begins to see his life as part of a greater whole.

The purpose of this game is to help players to free themselves from identification and become the "best" players. This game is reflected in the microcosm other, larger games. The content of seventy two squares of the game board field is the result of hundreds and thousands of years of self-knowledge, which makes up the heart of Indian tradition. Moving from the square to the square, as it expands its understanding of the game, the player becomes more clearly aware of the structure of his own existence. He sees that each state is temporary, and his attachment weakens. The complete awareness of the transient nature of any position destroys identification, and the player goes to the free journey, learning more and more about the miracle of existence.

As in other games, there is a goal here. Since the essence of the player is the ability to identify, its only chance to "win" is to come to identifying with its source - the cosmic consciousness, the essence of pure being, staying outside space and time that does not know the boundaries, eternal and unchanged, absolute and inclusive, not having Neither qualities or form, nor name. The game ends when the player becomes himself, the essence of the game. Such is Lila .

The wise men who discovered this game used it to understand their own state at the moment. Watching your movement from the plan to plan, they could see which snakes lead them to fall and which arrows lead them determined by the playing bone karmareflecting the level of the evolution of players. They consciously watched the picture created by their movements on the board. Passing through the game again and again, they carefully watched their reactions when they fell into a number of or another. Watching your inner space, they developed a state of non-abundance. At the same time, the structure of the game allowed them deeper and deeper to penetrate the divine principles and knowledge underlying the game. It was the study of the Scriptures and the study of their "I", connected in one process. The uniqueness of Lila is concluded - Self-knowledge games.

The game "Lila", which has more than two thousand years old, has remained a "secret knowledge", protected and gentle-transmitted from generation to generation in India in the families of Brahmin. Now and we have the opportunity to touch the sacrament, which was still available only to a narrow circle of dedicated ...

Lila translated from Sanskrit - "Life Game" ...

We come to this life, we are born, we investigate ourselves, we plan goals, we get results ... And it does not always happen to what we expect what we want to achieve, and it happens that we are not at all where we want to be ... Sometimes you have to make a lot efforts to get the desired, and in this process we suddenly realize that we wanted not at all ...

How to understand, realize that in fact we need to have planned our soul for us, and what is it - this short and joyful way for the realization of the conceived? ... What rakes we are with an amazing regularity that our habits and beliefs make us change The direction and again be disappointed in the selected ... How to understand how true our desires are, what do we really want and what can help us get from point A in point B the shortest way? ...

So, we formulate the intention and begin to know the way to achieve it. The game consists of eight levels - plans of being, on the game field 72 cells, each of which contains in itself important information. You throw a cube and start your movement. During the game, your character will move along the game board, where the arrows and snakes connect the cells of different levels. The arrows will take you to the upper levels, and snakes - return to the beginning, at the bottom. Each move is a small discovery and awareness: how I go to my goal, what bothers me and that it helps, what kind of familiar stereotypes, the patterns of thinking and behavior lead me to the result or lead from it, where and what I stumbling on what I will buy And what slows me ... and maybe it's time to try to change the intention itself, expand your borders and see other possibilities? ..

Remember that you are the Creator, and everything that happens to you is your creation! .. So let's do it consciously, recognizing your mistakes, fears and restrictions, taking with humor what is happening ... and thank yourself for all the experiences acquired on life Understanding that gratitude to yourself is an important component of success!

Life is a game, but who knows the rules? .. Do you want to figure it out? .. The game Lila is waiting for you!

Participation in the game by appointment, you must apply for email - [Email Protected]

There are different ways to listen to yourself, it is better to understand yourself, and the esoteric game Lila, the game of self-knowledge, one of these ways.

There are such indefinite states in life when you are lost, doubt, you can not decide in what direction you move on or whether you are doing something right. Continue or stop. Maintain confidence in what is, or therefore doubts and arise that your goals are not quite correct and you need to change them or adjust.

Get support

At such moments, you want to get support from the outside. In my youth, I looked at the ceiling or wallpaper with a picture and considered the figures - loves not loved, it will not work out, it will not come true. But over time, an understanding came that there are more serious ways to appreciate their prospects, but also to determine their condition, from which, in fact, these prospects depend entirely, and change it in the way you needed. And this now I created my own, who also perfectly serve this goal, but at first there was a game Lila. For almost 20 years I have been using it, and in different periods of life, she helped me make decisions and find the right answers.

This is a description of the game in the manual attached to it. And now I will share my own experience in using the game Lila.

Lila game - a brief description of the rules

Getting Started with her, as in all such practices, it is important to make a request. It is useless and meaningless to start the game, not knowing what answers do you want to get, although if in the process of the game I realized that I put the question wrong, it can be changed.

The game lila can be played alone. As a figurine for yourself, which you will move on the board, you need to take some personal thing you constantly use. It so happened that I use hygienic lipstick for this - really personal, the desired thing, which is always with me, well, and the form is comfortable to use in the game.

To start the game, you need to throw out the "six". The game may not let - if the "six" does not fall 15 times, then it is impossible to play. You can not play the game more than once a day. The game can be finished, only reaching the square "Space Consciousness" - until it happens, you need to continue to play, even if it is already tired and want to quit everything.

If you comply with all the rules, the game gives a lot in terms of awareness of your condition, thoughts, mood. Only at first glance it may seem that the rules in it are too strict and not necessarily, but in reality all the existing frameworks encourage to felt in themselves the fact that it makes you walk in a circle without reaching the desired result, and understand what you need Make it to change it.

It's not just a game

In general, the game is really mystical, and everything in it, as in life, is no coincidence. Passing it, you get to the same squares once again (each of them is given detailed description In the manual and each corresponds to a certain state of spiritual development with its capabilities and restrictions), rising by the same arrows, omitted by the same snakes, attract noise when there are doubts about success, and very quickly achieve the ultimate goal when the condition Your light, balanced when you know what, as and why, when you are willing to trust life and yourself and believe that everything will work out.

I had happy states when I completed the game in several moves. And the opposite happened and on the contrary, I passed a circle behind the circle, the circle behind the circle, and could not reach the end point. And it was always due to my internal state.

But the game not only diagnoses this state - if it does not fit the goals, you already have to change it during the game to complete it. And you play, throw a cube, you walk on the board and listen in yourself - what is the reason? Not enough energy? Or, on the contrary, too much self-confidence? Or purpose not that? Or isn't the attitude? It is necessary to be easier to relax or, on the contrary, make more effort to be more persistent? Or maybe fears hinder? Or is missing love and adoption?

It is always amazing and incredible, but when you find the right condition, you apply it to yourself, firstly, the realization immediately comes to you, and that's what it is that, and secondly, you immediately end the game.

Lila game - Self-knowledge game

One thing I want to say - the game Leela is definitely not entertainment, not some solitaire. Taking care of her, you need to be prepared to do a certain job. And this is understandable - because no one for us can say what to do, and to decide, sometimes you have to search, and it is necessary to acquire something and in any case you have to make certain efforts. You should not wait that someone more than us will tell us everything about us - this, of course, will not.

But on the other hand, the Lila game brings considerable satisfaction and again helps to get to the essence of his problem and understand what helps to solve it. And that she is unusually good.

Do not get tired of watching this magic that is going on in your eyes. Just as you can pull out the same as possible

1. Birth ( dzhanma)

Birth serves as an entrance to a karmic game. The karma is determined by the number of points that dropped on the abandoned bone, and the identity of the player is presented on the field with any symbol that moves from the square to the square in accordance with its lot. Before birth, man is out of the game. Taking the birth, it becomes subject to the laws of karma. This world is a country of karma.

The desire leads the player to take on the burden of karma. If a person has no desire to play, he will not do this. However, the game is concluded in the very nature of consciousness. At the beginning of the game there was no, but consciousness in accordance with its nature could not stay still, without the game. And therefore ... "Let there be a light!" Maybe there will be a game! And the absolute from one turned into a variety. Entering the game, the player repeats the original process of creation, when the absolute awakened from inaction and began space gamein which each of us is a microcosm. Having decided to play, the player must submit the rules of the game (Dharma) and karmic lot.

The player can enter the game only after he will be able to throw the six. Five elements of creation (ether, air, fire, water and earth) are connected to the sixth - player's consciousness. The six begins the movement of the player's symbol. Each birth opens new gameAnd the purpose of each game is the same cosmic consciousness. There are no other directions, goals, motivations in this game. The game exists in order to complete the cycle. The key is the birth. It opens the doors to the game, and the player begins his endless journey, traveling to completeness.

Unit is the root of all creation. Like all odd numbers, it belongs to the Sun family. The unit has a special attitude towards the Sun, since it was the birth of our planet. The unit symbolizes an independent identity, an independent decision, an independent life, the search for something new, extraordinary, original.


When someone becomes a player, unity awareness is lost in the excitement of the game. In this change of consciousness, the whole charm of the act of the game is. One turns into a lot to play the cosmic game, in hide and seek with yourself. To meet your ego, the player begins the game, taking her rules, and follows these rules until the end of the game.

Unity - reality, multiplicity - illusion. The illusion of multiplicity is created hiding the reality of the force of a single (higher consciousness). This force is called Maya Shakti or just maye.. It is she who creates the illusion of a separate "I", "My", "you" and "yours", which gives rise to ignorance in the individual consciousness. Those who understand this call such a state of AviDi (A - "No", Vija - "Knowledge"; ignorance, or lack of knowledge, about its nature). Nebye penetrates into the consciousness of a person through the mind, and Yoga, in turn, is a method of stopping the work of the mind (this is one of the main goals of yoga). Stopping the internal dialogue, yogi can go beyond the limits of the mind and realize its true nature lying outside the illusion of "I" and "My". The world of names and forms is mayan. Mayan - This is a scene and scenery in which the player plays the tragic comedation of his life as a microcosm. Mayan - This is the game itself, offering the player to go through many different situations, each of which carries the keys to understanding its true nature.

The illusion can be seen at any level. The human body itself is not an independent unity of existence, it consists of a huge number of different cells. It is the individual ego (ahamkara) that creates individual units of existence, but this is in itself Maya (illusion). The ego cannot function crazy, the mind can also not work without sense organs. Thus, it is possible to fully deny from the feeling "I" and "My" only with full control of the work of the mind. It is to this state that those who do yoga are striving. When it is achieved, the illusory awareness of itself as a separate independent being stops. Direct experience of reality in a state of Samadhi gives a person a different look at the work of Maya-Shakti; Now he sees the drama of human being and the world around him as the manifestations of the Divine Game, Yayla.

Maya-Shakti is the driving force of the evolution of the world of phenomena, which is carried out due to the weave and interaction of the three Gong: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

Space consciousness becomes an individual consciousness thanks to his own maye.. In the tradition of Hinduism, you can meet a variety of descriptions of Maya in many contexts, but still it is impossible to describe all of its manifestations - it is also infinite as the Space Consciousness itself.

All you need to make a player is to realize that he is a player and that the feeling experienced by them is an illusion. All perceptions obtained by a player from the outside world exist within it in the form of signals entering the senses, and are illusion. Modern science, which by its methods is trying to explore the nature of reality, confirms this position. Both in modern science and in ancient knowledge it is believed that there is one primary substance to which all different forms of matter can be reduced. The existence of all phenomena is nothing more than one of the many manifestations of the same major unit. All elements are various forms of this uniform substance. The difference in the experience of different people is explained by the transformation and all sorts of combinations of matter atoms, in the form of which this primary substance exists. This diversity in unity is an illusion and is due to the work of Maya of the highest consciousness. A person is born to take part in this game in order to understand how the principles of the subtle world work in the world dense. And its goal is unity, stopping duality.

Two carries the quality of duality, that is, illusions. This number turns out when the unit repeats itself. Two is an illusion, since both components of its opposites are present in one. This is an internal and external world, unmanifested and manifested, Shiva and Shakti, male and female start, sun and moon, dense world and thin, Absolute and Maya, noumen and phenomenon. Thus, two is the number of Maya. Two - even number and, as all even numbers, enters the lunar family. It is especially strongly connected with the moon and lunar energy.

3. Anger ( krodha)

To understand the nature of anger, it is significantly important to understand the nature of the ego. Ego - It is what identifies itself as "I". A person in the process of its development passes through the sequence of identification. After birth, the child first begins to feel like a separate being when he understands his derivation of mother. Then there is a identification with other family members, he takes their behaviors and form of thinking as their own. Then the child binds himself with peers of the same sex as he. Then he is looking for his identity among representatives of the opposite sex. The journey ends when the ego eventually identifies itself with the Absolute and merges with cosmic consciousness.

In the process of identification, the intellect also storing information obtained during development is also involved - the value judgments obtained from those with whom this person identified itself are especially important (for example, from parents). True inner "I" knows that inside it contains all reality. However, the identification of itself "I" will exclude those aspects of reality, which are considered evil those with whom this "I" relates to himself.

Anger is an emotional-chemical reaction that arises when the ego faces any of the aspects of his personality, which was rejected as evil. A collision with this negative aspect is experienced as a threat to existence. In fact, a threat arises only for identifying a person with a particular assessment of what is happening. In this case, the ego is projected by a rejected aspect of the personality on where this aspect is manifested, and directs its energy to remove an undesirable aspect. Such is the nature of anger.

Anger is a manifestation of scattering, weakness. This cell serves as the tail of the egoism snake. Anger sends the player's energy down, which leads it to the level of the first chakra. When the ego is bother, we feel angry. Anger is uncertainty, the main problem of the first chakra.

Anger is a serious obstacle to the way of spiritual growth. Nature anger - fire burning everything. But if anger arises without any personal feelings, is impersonal, then he cleans. Anger is the quality of Rudra, the god of destruction. The anger of the ores is not based on any personal reasons, so it destroys not the rudor itself, and evil that causes disharmony and imbalance. Anger caused by some personal reasons devouring good qualities of personality and leads to a fall. Womanless anger destroys the cause of his cause, evil. Anger is the opposite side of love. We are not angry at those who do not identify themselves. Anger excites the nervous system and fully stops the work of rational thinking at the time until it exists in our system. On the one hand, it cleans the body and is similar to the cleansing with fire, but the price of this is too large: the level of vibration decreases so much that the player has to start the game again from the first row.

Anger can be expressed in two ways - violent and non-violent. When an unfaithful method is taken to express anger, it gives a player with a huge moral force called Satyagrakh (Sathya-Truth; Agraha-Persese, constancy). It becomes possible if the player is able to keep calm even when it really is experiencing anger. In this case, anger becomes impersonal and directed against the evil. It is based on love, love for good, to the truth. Such anger helps spiritual growth and is divine.

Troika concludes quality creative abilities, expression and stability. As a representative of the family of odd numbers, it represents dynamism and positivity, is responsible for creating and maintaining forms. It is associated with a fire element that manifests itself in the form of anger. On the other hand, the same element may manifest itself as a diligence, perseverance. Thus, the characteristics of the number three are strength and determination. Three are the number of Jupiter. Jupiter is about a symbol of courage, courage, strength, power, hard work, energy, knowledge, wisdom and spirituality.

4. Greed ( lobcha)

Due to the sense of separation arising from each born creature, the player begins to strive to satisfy. To perform some kind of function in this world, the player must first ensure the satisfaction of its physical needs. To participate in the game, he must eat, take place for recreation, clothes. Material survival is the main concern for the player located at the level of the first chakra.

When a player mixes his feeling of dissatisfaction and the need for material survival, greed appears. Even having received everything you need for life, he still feels emptiness. All he learned is to maintain its physical existence. Now he begins to use these basic survival skills to take hold of increasingly and more material benefits in the hope of achieving satisfaction. However, the more he acquires, the stronger his thirst for acquisition becomes. His feeling of emptiness reaches the level of panic, its actions are becoming more and more reckless. The legend of Tsar Midas and his "gold touch" is a classic example of the consequences of greed. Such thirst for material well-being is also the main cause of all wars.

Greed occurs from uncertainty, and the uncertainty-inspiration of the wrong identification of your "I". If the player does not believe in God, he does not believe in providence. Greed cell is the tail of the jealousy snake. Greed makes the player to the smaller. He does not understand that greed ultimately turns out to be meaningless. Sooner or later, all material benefits remain behind the threshold: either when we refuse them in our will, or when death comes. However, greed may be a dignity on the path of spiritual growth, if a person becomes greedy to spiritual experience, knowledge and love.

The player falling on the greed field opens the gate of his consciousness for Maya, anger and all the other problems of the first chakra.

The fourth symbol is a square representing four dimensions and four sides of the world. Four symbolizes the element of the Earth. As a representative of the family of even numbers, the Four of the Completeness. The desire for completion on the material plan, communicated to the limit turns into greed. In Vedic Numerology, four controls Rahu, the northern lunar knot, also known as the Head of the Dragon. In Western Numerology, the Uranus is managed by this number.

5. Physical plan ( bHU-Loca)

The region of unmanifested reality is converted to the world of names and forms. The world of names and forms exists in the form of seven different Locks, or levels of being located in an upward order. These Loki serve as stages of the evolution of the consciousness of a separate personality. As its development, a person moves forward in accordance with the changes occurring in its nature. Through these plans, consciousness can realize their true nature.

Each of the Lock, or plans, is a separate area, which is determined by the nature of that matter from which it is created (see Commentary on the field 32, the "equilibrium plan"). Caling in a certain order in the central column, the Loki form a spinal pillar of a playing board. Since the microcosm is arranged in the same way as Macrocosm, Loki are located in the human body along the spine, in chakras, or mental centers. With the evolution of the psyche from one level to another, the development of the person himself occurs.

The physical plan is located at the base of the spine, on the site of the first chakra, and on Earth in the outside world. The name of the BSh Loca translated from Sanskrit means "Earth Plan": BShu - "Earth", while "plan". The land consists of five elements that exist in solid, liquid and gaseous states in the form of radiating, essential and fine-ester matter. All this is the different stages of the existence of matter atoms that have a certain form or having it. In any case, the element of the Earth dominates them and they materialize in the form of land slowly and gradually.

Other plans marked on a playing board are located each in their horizontal row, belong to one of the seven Lok and are special areas located within the main seven plans, just as the city are located in the provinces, the provinces - in countries, and countries - on continents.

The physical plan includes: birth, Maya, anger, greed, illusion, self-conceit (vanity), greed and sensual plan - its right and left side, positive and negative aspects. When the player gets into a physical plan, he falls into the trap his lowest "I". But this is just one of the many stages of the game. Nobody remains all the time in one place, and every throw of the playing dice opens in front of the player new world. On the physical plane, the player is mainly focused on material achievements. Its conventional concerns are money, house, machine, food and physical strength. His entertainment is associated with the body: it can be sports that suggest competition and physical contact. Its fun also often include violence elements. The main achievement is professional skill.

The physical plan is associated with the Earth, Matter and Mother. It is a storage of energy, the place where Kundalini is located - the mental energy that yoga is trying to raise up in seven chakras. If the problems associated with the physical plan are not allowed, the successful passage of other plans becomes impossible. From this plan there is no rising arrows. All players must pass through this plan before they reached "other measurements. Seven snakes lead here from other plans, demonstrating a special important realization of the nature of the dense level of existence.

The number of thin elements is five: ether, air, fire, water and earth. There are so five human action bodies with which he creates his karma, it's hands, legs, mouth, genitals and anus. There are also five senses: ears - for sound, leather - for touch, eyes - La perception of shape and color, tongue feeling of taste and nose-for smell. Five is the number of equilibrium: a unit with two twins around. Planet, managing a number 5, - Mercury. Mercury soft, likes to reflect on high matteries, a scientist and amateur entertainment. Mercury is also associated with business qualities and physical comfort.

6. Confusion ( moha)

My word in Sanskrit means "attachment". This attachment is the reason for the slave dependence, which again and again leads a player for birth and reincarnation in the world of phenomena. The scriptures say that there are four types of obsession, which leads an individual consciousness into a downward stream of energy and are obstacles to spiritual growth. It:

· kama (desire, sensuality)

· krodha (anger, aggression, violence)

· lobcha (greed, dissatisfaction)

· moha (affection, illusion)

If the illusion, Maya is the world of phenomena, then delusion is attachment to the world of phenomena as the only possible manifestation of reality. The misconception buys the mind, making it impossible to comprehend the truth. The misconception is a generation of the lack of real religiosity (religiousness here means not following any code of behavior and morality (ethics), but life in harmony with the laws of the universe). "What should be accepted is Dharma" - says the ancient Sanskrit say. Dharma is nature, the essence, the truth of the existence of the world of phenomena. When the player does not follow the laws of his own nature, which are above all illusions and delusion, he begins to dive into Moss. The only thing to understand is: existence is a game. With awareness of this, the misconception is disappeared as to the fact that the player himself sends his existence. A negative karma disappears with the disappearance of the error.

The error is the first cell on which the player gets after it throws the six necessary to enter the game. Having entered into the game, the player takes its temporary dependence on material realities. After the player is born, it turns out to be related circumstances of space and time. The reality of this moment is understood as the reality of all moments. Changes seem impossible. The player was misleading.

In no matter how he fell here, in the absence of real religiosity on the snake, the player inevitably passes through the field of delusions. If he sees his dharma and admits that the change is not only possible, but also necessary, he is ready to move on. But if he considers his vision of the world full and completed, he will inevitably return here again and again.

The number six consists of a combination of two odd or three even numbers (two three or three twins), that is, from five possible elements. Therefore, it is in perfect equilibrium. Six is \u200b\u200bassociated with ingenuity, creative activity and elegant arts. She is a representative of the lunar family of numbers and is associated with Venus. Venus is the brightest and brilliant of the planets and can be visible to the naked eye in the form of a morning star. In the Hindu Mythology of Venus (Shukra) is a teacher of demons. Those who live in illusions love sensual pleasures, spends energy to meet the desires, serve as victims of anger and greed, they act on the laws of Dharma, they are non-religious and are terrible egoists.

7. Vanity ( mada)

Vanity is self-deception, false pride, the construction of air locks. In Sanskrit, the word Mada, except vanity, means "intoxication". A player is intoxicated with its power, its authentic or imaginary advantages and achievements. When he has any misconceptions to his account, he falls on the Mada network. After entering the game, the player is subject to the influence of Mada-vanity and various false identification. Pride and vanity are two of the most dangerous poisons that we drink, being in a bad environment. Bad company, delustment and greed, is a snake, leading a player to vanity. On this field, the player turns out to be finally confused in the networks of his own games. The poor environment in which it is located is a manifestation of bad desires.

Everyone plays in his own game and himself throws his playing bone. After the bone is broken, there is no choice. The player, without having any desire, will not look for itself a company. But since the desire is the nature of this game, then the company's search becomes inevitable at some point of its development. To strengthen its new identities, the player needs a group of people. Danger appears when the player is passionate about its desires. The model of his behavior is changing radically. All the correct no longer seems to him right, and bad does not seem bad. His desire must be satisfied at any cost, and thus he creates bad karma and turns out to be in bad company, among those who support his misconception. Since a person at this stage of development forms the group of people to which he belongs, the player may stop creating a bad karma, if it starts to look for a good company.

The number seven refers to the Sun family is associated with Saturn and with the principle of darkness. There are seven days of the week, seven notes of the musical series and seven chakras. Seven can be represented as a unit with two odd numbers on both sides (two triggers). Seven is a number that symbolizing the problems of the device. The seven is alone by its nature and is committed to completion.

The seven traditionally communicates with Ketu, the southern moon knot, also known as the tail of the dragon. In modern Indian numerology, the number seven is managed by Varuna, the ladder of water, and in Western Numerology -Naptoon. Seven is the number of writers and artists who, in the absence of development, are in false pride and are known to build air locks and always worry about the future. They do not like to walk with the fault paths and have very specific ideas about religion. They are prone to creating their own religion and conduct life in entertainment.

8. Not greed ( matsara or matsaria)

Vanity gives a player to the fact that he begins to envy everyone. He is so passionate about the illusion of himself as a separate reality that any means of meeting their desires seem fair. In the end, thinking a vain player, I am so better than others that I deserve to have everything that they have. So, in this game, greed is associated with snake envy, since the envy, created by vanity, leads to greed. In the state of greed, the player is experiencing active hatred for other players. It is too good for them, and what they have is also too good for them. Therefore, the player argues, what belongs to them should be mine. He becomes unfriendly and experiences a passionate desire to take possession of the material benefits around him. This feeling is different from greed, where only the material side is visible. Greed is greed in aggregate with envy. As the player is becoming increasingly greedy, its thirst for wealth increases. And all the other problems of the first chakra also begin to torment it.

Eight is a number that is reduced by multiply: 8x1 \u003d 8; 8x2 \u003d 16, 1 + 6 \u003d 7; 8x3 \u003d 24, 2 + 4 \u003d 6; 8x4 \u003d 32, 3 + 2 \u003d 5; 8x5 \u003d 40, 4 + 0 \u003d 4; 8x6 \u003d 48, 8 + 4 \u003d 12, 1 + 2 \u003d 3; 8x7 \u003d 56, 5 + 6 \u003d 11, 1 + 1 \u003d 2; 8x8 \u003d 64, 6 + 4 \u003d 10, 1 + 0 \u003d 1.

When the eight is multiplied by nine, it becomes nine (8x9 \u003d 72, 7 + 2 \u003d 9), and in the next cycle it returns to its original state: 8x10 \u003d 80, 8 + 0 \u003d 8. This phenomenon reminds us of the cyclical nature of the nature of reality in general and human existence in particular. Slim decreases when rudeness increases. And so until the penetration is in the essence of coarse, and then it becomes thin again. Thus, any increment leads to descending, and decreases again leads to ascending. Nothing is never lost. Only the nature of the manifestation changes.

Among the numbers of the lunar family, the eight is an octave, eight measurements, octal Maya, consisting of three Gun and five thin elements. In the eight numerology is associated with Saturn. This is a planet, difficult to understand, associated with ups and downs, fierce struggle. This is an air planet connected to darkness. Its symbol is a silent thinker, immersed in self-observation and possessing materialistic views. People born in the eight, with hobbies are engaged in the accumulation of wealth, prone to unhealthy addictions and vices. However, they are wise and experienced and have a special gift to judge other people.

9. Sensual Plan ( kama Loca)

This is the ninth square of the bottom row. Nine - Completed odd number, closing the first row. This is a staircase leading the player to the second level of consciousness, which begins with cleansing. After the player is born and enters the game, he must go through the sensual plan before he can get to the second level.

Kama means desire - the desire of any kind. People wish the glory, wealth, success, family happiness, position in society. Any desire, aspiration, noble go illegoble goal is Kama. Kama He is the first stage of evolution. If there was no desire, there would be no universe.

So, kama Loca - This is a plan of desire. However, all the desires come from the sensual nature of a person, so this plan is also called the sensual plan. It is directly related to the ignorance, lack of knowledge. Here you can get through the mouth of snakes of ignorance or through a gradual study of the first chakra. The nine is a representative of the family of odd numbers and denotes completion and perfection. It represents power and energy. When multiplying on any other number, it retains its identity and integrity: 9x1 \u003d 9; 9x2 \u003d 18 \u003d 9; 9x3 \u003d 27 \u003d 9; 9x4 \u003d 36 \u003d 9; 9x5 \u003d 45 \u003d 9; 9x6 \u003d 54 \u003d 9; 9x7 \u003d 63 \u003d 9; 9x8 \u003d 72 \u003d 9; 9x9 \u003d 81 \u003d 9; 9x376 \u003d 3384 \u003d 9; 9x280 \u003d 2520 \u003d 9. In the human body there are nine holes through which vital energy, Prana, leaves the body at the time of death: mouth, two nostrils, two eyes, two ear, anus and sexual body. During the day, a person performs 21,600 respiratory cycles (inhales and exhale), and this number can be reduced to 9. The day consists of 1440 minutes, which can also be reduced to 9. The normal duration of dominance of one hemisphere or breathing is preferably through one nostril - about 900 inhale and exhale (60 x 15), which comes down to 9. There are 9 main nerves in the human body. Nine women's deities are worshiped in Hinduism (Nava Durga: Nava - "nine", Durga is the name of the goddess). In the human body there are 72,000 channels called Nadi. They transfer prana, vitality, and their total number is also reduced to 9. There are 9 planets (Navagraha) in the solar system that affect life on Earth. In Numerology, 9 is the number of Mars shining in the sky with bright reddish light.

10. Cleansing ( tap)

Being at the first level, for some time the player can feel quite safely, but soon he begins to experience a lack of vital energy, it is estimated in negative emotions and sensuality. Loss of energy leads to sensations of internal void and confusion. At this point, his attention is attracted to cleansing. Here the first boards arrow begins, providing the player with the opportunity to immediately overcome all the problems associated with the second chakra. Turning from the level of the first chakra to the cleansing cell, the player gets rid of all the negative aspects of the first first chakras and is transferred to the celestial plan. Cleansing is always accompanied by an increase in the level of vibrations, and energy begins to flow up. This process is due to the change in the work of the senses and actions, as well as the correction of the human lifestyle. The castle of consciousness has five inputs through which enemies (pollution) can penetrate inside and try to overthrow the king. In order for the lock to remain clean, it is necessary to either close these inputs, or carefully monitor what comes from the outside.

The purification of hearing occurs when the strength of hearing from the outside world is distinguished and its direction to the sounds of the inner world. The purification of vision is achieved using the concentration of the view (the eyes are closed) and attention to the "third eye" - a point located between the eyebrows, a little above the nose. The removal of sweet and salty products is achieved by cleansing taste. Cleaning the sense of smell is carried out by closing the nostrils when breathing in breathing at the highest possible time (it helps also develop the habit of breathing deeper and slower). Locking ash in the skin cleans the feeling of touch, making the player indifferent to impulses coming from the sensitive nerve ending of the skin.

Failure to sleep for one or a few days cleans the player from inertia, drowsiness, boredom and ignorance. Saving complete silence over a certain period of time cleans the thinking process. Fasting cleans the body. Overcoming difficulties clears the identity of the player, listening to the reading of sacred scriptures and the corrod-coined poetry cleans his inner "I", the reading of the mantra cleans the nerves, and the concentration and meditation cleans the body and the mind. Abstinence from sex life also serves as one of the methods of purification; This is a difficult, but very effective way to change the usual level of vibrations.

11. Entertainment ( gandharves)

The Scriptures say that Gandharves are musical notes of the Lord. The word Gandharva is translated as "Heavenly Musician". This is one of the eight species of living beings that are not perceived by common vision, but they can and make an apparent form if they wish. They are made of fine matter and live on the astral plan. The life of these creatures is in harmony with divine music and is devoted to the entertainment of gods and other creatures that have reached this plan in the process of evolution. Puranah has many stories with the participation of Gandharvov and Apsear (Nymph). Initially, they are free from the cycle of birth and death, but if their actions are contrary to the terms of this plan of being, oh fall on the ground and are born in human form. However, wherever they are, life is the entertainment of others. The player enters the entertainment area after cleansing. This level is the reflection of the inner joy, the feelings of rhythm and harmony. Entertainment brings a feeling of ease by looking at rest and enjoying the moment. They revive the monotony of everyday life, opening new perspectives and horizons. All works of art serve the products of this condition belonging to the second row of the playing board, which presents various aspects of the vibrations of the second chakra. However, the principle itself exists at all levels. For example, the Lila game serves as entertainment for people as directed to perfection.

Life is based on the principle of entertainment - pleasure benefits. However, such a look at life is achieved only after overcoming the level of the first chakra with its main problem - uncertainty in itself and concern with material well-being. Entertainment is the essence of the Spirit. All this created universe is the game of energies, carried out by Shakti, the maternal principle, the Absolute, God ... What would we choose for the highest player. If this principle would not be concluded in nature Divine Game, one would not have become many. Everything is deeper in the game that serves the entertainment of one, the player makes it the rules to reunite with him at the end.

12. Envy ( irasiya)

Envy is the first snake on the playing board. She joined the player, returning it to the first level to the greed plan and all the other properties of the first chakra. Finding on the cage envy, the player lacks confidence in himself and to overpower his desires, resorts to a strategy characteristic of the first chakra. This snake again and again jams the player, causing it to return down, which serves to purify his thinking during the game.

In the game of life, the energy moves in the distance from the bottom up. The player seeks to leave the lower plans and reach the vertices, turning away from the problems with whom he has to face down. However, such a position contradicts one of the most important principles of the game, since the player must play, harmoniously fulfilling his role both at the top and below, wherever he led him dice Karma.

However, no one wants to stay below. When the player's vibrations become non-harmonic, he falls under the influence of snakes and falls to the lower plans. All of its movement up and down is determined by the number that it will throw on the bone. When a person falls under the effect of envy, its energy is directed down. By tracking karmic circumstances, he hit the second chakra plan, but really he does not deserve to stay here. In fact, he cannot remain in this regard due to negative vibrationremaining in his personality. At such moments, the player envies those who are able to stay on higher plans without losing equilibrium. Envy and is the negative reaction that leads to a player drop in the level of the first chakra, where he has to realize and work out new elements of its negative karma.

13. Non'tency ( antarkha)

Antarikish is a plan located between the physical plan and heaven (Svarga Loca). Here the player is in a "suspended" condition: neither in heaven, nor on the ground, in fact in nothing.

The insignificance is a state directly associated with an unstable negative intelligence. When the player ceases to realize the purpose of its existence, the feelings of abandonment (existential fear) and the futility fill its consciousness. He does not see any sense in communicating with anyone. And the lack of vitality, accompanied by an acute sense of internal emptiness, makes him rummage, not finding himself places. It is in constant negativity and alarm.

The insignificance is one of the inalienable features of the second chakra and is the cause of instability and anxiety. Everything around loses meaning. The self-defining personality is completely lost, and as a result, the balance of the mental sphere is disturbed. All this is due to the lack of energy necessary for a harmonious stay in this regard. Scattering of vitality towards the objects of feelings is the main problem at the level of the second chakra. The player can get on the cage of insignificance after the first collision with entertainment, sensual plan, self-adhesiveness or greed. If he comes here from the first chakra, he could already experience the joy of cleansing or entertainment, but a small stock of the energy he possessed, it turns out to be wasted too quickly. And now he is confused. The goals that he put in front of himself before, still here, but he does not see any sense in them. He does not see the meaning of anything.

However, the condition of insignificant is not forever. As soon as the player begins to replenish its energy resources, it turns out to be ready to continue the game by the time it comes to throw a bone.

14. Astral Plan ( bhwar Loca)

Bhwar Loca is a plan following the physical and closely associated with it, but consisting of a thinner of the matter. In the description of the BHU-Lake (the fifth square in the first row), we already explained that there are seven main plans, or Lock, reflecting the state of being or degree of development of

The hero of my today's review is very unusual table game called Lila. Sometimes it is called a transformational game or prediction game. If you are a little tired of familiar activists, monopolies and hats, read on.

I will say right away: I do not fond of esotericism and in general by nature rather a skeptic (although, probably, some of my soul believes in miracles). Just love board games. And when friends offered to gather and play Lila, thought - why not?

Previously decided to read the description of the game to understand what I came across. I learned from him that Lila is an ancient Indian game, which is predicted by the future and are looking for answers to their questions. Also in the rules it was said that it will take a personal thing for the game.which will perform the role of chips. It is important that the player felt a connection with this thing.

I chose your favorite earrings - according to the principle that I wear it almost every day, and, it means that she accurately keeps my energy. Already after the game, I remembered that in these earrings it was when I got into a serious accident on a motorcycle in September of this year and a miraculously was almost never suffered. In general, if you believe that things have energy, then these earrings are really strong.

Also for play it is necessary to formulate some kind of question or request., on which Lila will give an answer. What such a long preface will become understandable in the recall process.

So, actually about the game. We gathered 10 people + presenter - our common friend who was playing Lila more than once and led her. He led the process.

We have placed their amulete chips on the game field. In order to join the game, it was necessary that a number 6 fell on the cube. I threw the first and - about a miracle - immediately threw the six!

The first cell to which you get is called birth. And then you follow your way gaming fieldwhere each cell has its meaning. The task is to reach the cell 68 - cosmic consciousness. In the process there are cells with the so-called arrows that promote you forward and snakes that throw back. So, not so simple.

In theory, cards with texts should be attached to the game - descriptions of the meaning of cells - but the leading did not bring them. We read their values \u200b\u200bfrom the Internet.

Descriptions are quite complex and abstract, interpret them can be different. Something it reminds divination by books. Examples of cells: "Birth", "Envy", "Vanity", "compassion", "happiness".

Of the 10 people who gathered on the game, only three were able to join it (one of them - I). The rest did not work out to throw the six to start the game. I wonder what exactly we wanted to play in Lila, the rest came just for the sake of the company. Accident? I do not know. According to the lead, the attitude to the game is very important. If a person is not configured, most likely, he will not enter the game.

As a result, I reached the finish line first, literally for several moves. The presenter was very surprised, saying that he sees hardly for the first time.

No, I do not brag, I even had a little sorry that my path was so easy and fast. I wanted to understand what my obstacles are on the way to conceived to successfully overcome them!

Then one on one talked to the lead, asked him why my way was so fast. His opinion was this: the execution of the conceived there is no obstacles, except for those that I myself came up with myself. All roads are open.

True or not - time will show. As long as the week has passed since the game.

The review turned out to be abstract and slightly philosophical - but, in fact, this is exactly the game Lila.

  • People, enthusiastic self-knowledge, all sorts of fortune telling.
  • Lovers of leisure games "Thick."
  • Well, just curious.