Outdoor game "Hippos", or Rest in a sanatorium. Synopsis of sports entertainment "Outdoor outdoor games for preschoolers in the summer at the preschool educational institution. Begemotik runs

Scorch the player by doing a predetermined number of different steps.

You will need at least three people to play, but it is better if there are 4-5 players. It is best to play outside. Suitable for preschoolers from six years old and children of primary school age.

The game promotes the development of eyes and coordination.

Game rules Hippos fled

  1. A circle with a diameter of about three meters is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. After that, the center of the circle is marked, and the circle itself is divided into sectors, there should be the same number of participants, or more. Sectors are numbered.
  2. Among the players, the driver is selected by a counting rhyme. He stands in the center of the circle, closes his eyes and begins to read a poem: The hippos fled, And they pressed the button, Pip-stop! Another option is simply: "Let's go, let's go, let's go, stop! During the rhyme, the players run inside a circle around the driver, and after the word" stop! "They stop and freeze.
  3. The driver calls the number of any of the sectors. The player standing in this sector runs away.
  4. The driver waits for a while, after which he commands: "Stop!" The runner stops, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess the distance to the player using different steps. Variants of steps: "giant", "midget", "camel" and others (see the game "Shtander-stop").
  5. After the driver has announced his version of the number of steps to the player, he begins to perform these steps, and everyone else monitors the correctness of the execution.
  6. When the driver has made the declared number of steps, he tries to touch the player with his hand. If he succeeds, he wins, and the reckless player becomes the driver.

Svetlana Bolshakova

In June, my granddaughters spent three weeks on the Karelian Isthmus in the children's sanatoriums"Bonfire". Sanatorium located on the territory of the dacha of Admiral S. O. Makarov. The admiral's house, built in the style of Finnish romanticism at the beginning of the 20th century, looks good. The caretaker lives in it sanatorium.

My searches for information about Makarov's dacha on the Internet yielded few results. There is a dacha, but there are no documents that this is the admiral's dacha. Although on the house itself there is a sign "Admiral Makarov's dacha". And in sanatoriums you can see photos of this cottage.

But Admiral Makarov is a famous and legendary person. A cruiser and an icebreaker were named after him, and the State University of the Sea and River Fleet bears his name.

The very place where it is located sanatorium, beautiful. Pines all around, clean air

Hoping for a warm summer, we took light things. A week later, warm clothes were brought in, but Masha nevertheless fell ill and lay in the isolation ward for more than a week with a high fever. Two weeks later, we adults were invited to a concert. I was pleasantly surprised by the concert prepared by the employees sanatorium... Children danced, sang, showed a scene

My train came a little late, so I didn't get to the Car show. But Masha did a lot of handicrafts. She had a wonderful teacher, Svetlana Nikolaevna, very similar to our mother, Svetlana Davaeva. Here are the Craft Machines

Topiary, a small tree of happiness, the pot is a half of the Kinder surprise capsule, filled with plasticine and wrapped in corrugated cardboard


Two magnets and a snowflake - quilling

Despite a cold, Masha brought two diplomas.

I came to them on Saturdays and during the week. One day the girls asked me if I know the game " Hippo". I have not even heard of such a game. Everything was told to me, shown, and at home on walks I even participated in this game.

As you understood the preface is over, now about the game. A small circle is drawn on the sand, the leader will stand in it, then a larger circle, sectors are drawn from it and a number is written in each

Participants run in a circle. Presenter says words:

"Hippos were running, ran, ran

And they pressed the button. Stop!"

(The word "ran" can be repeated many times to make the participants run longer). Children stop leading with closed eyes speaks, For example: "Are there four?" If there is, then the player number 4 runs away, and the leader counts to four and shouts "Stop!" The runaway stops. The presenter measures the distance to the escaped person with his eyes, says how many steps he will take to shower the player. And it can name different Steps: giants, simple, midget. For example, speaks: "Five giant steps" or "Ten Lilliputian steps", etc. If the presenter calls few steps, does not reach the player and cannot reach with his hand, or calls too many steps and, counting the steps, passes the participant, but cannot resent him, then he again becomes the leader.

Here is the leader taking giant steps towards the escaped player.

The granddaughters enthusiastically talk about the girl who has such an accurate eye that she was never wrong.

It seemed to me that a game will be difficult for preschoolers, but we already played at home in the yard, not immediately, but children 6-7 years old quickly understood and played with pleasure.

This is how I learned a new "folk" game, the rules of which can be either simplified or complicated depending on the age of the participants.

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Creativity is something that attracts both adults and children, but we have different fears associated with it and there are some doubts. If at home we are afraid for the cleanliness of walls, floors and other household utensils, then on the street this problem does not arise and there are a lot of opportunities for creativity.

Let's not forget that creativity is not just fine art (paints, pencils, crayons). Creativity is also composing poetry, inventing melodies, projecting some interesting images: observing the clouds and fantasizing - what kind of cloud is this floating. All this can be attributed to creativity. And when we talk about creativity with children, then let's remember about such creativity.

Possible difficulties

What difficulties can arise on the street in terms of creativity?

The most a big problem- This where, how and how to draw and how to choose a place.

And many have a problem - opinion of others... This problem is very close to me, because our approach and children's walks are different from other walks for children with their mothers. I would be very happy to watch how mothers play with children and draw on the street, invent together with them, but the reality is that such mothers are in the minority. Due to the fact that our walks are interesting, children always gather around us, who are happy to play with us, but the parents remain on the sidelines.

There is no way to solve this problem. If you like what you do, then do it and come what may. Perhaps you will have some kind of embarrassment, and I understand this better than anyone else. When all the mothers are sitting on the bench, and you are playing with the children, you feel some kind of isolation. But children's smiles, laughter and joy - all this more than compensate for the feeling of isolation.

If you want to do something fun and interesting with children, then you still do it. Don't show off to other people, just walk with your kids.

Children's laughter will be a great reward for you, besides, you will always find like-minded people who are close to your views. If you have nephews and nieces, that is, children who have grown up, then this is a very good option.

For example, I appreciated that playing with children of different ages is very interesting and correct: older children have the opportunity to guide the younger ones, and the younger ones have the opportunity to copy and learn something from the older ones. If you have the opportunity to play with older children, then be sure to do it. Invite your close friends to support you.

For example, tell them, “Today is our flower day. Come all in hats with flowers. " It is very simple to make a hat: you need a strip of paper and you can stick any flower on it. “We play, for example, at a remote stadium. Everybody come. " And the walk will be more fun, and you will be more interested in the fact that you have such support.

What can you take with you?

Now let's talk about what you can take with you for creativity on the street.

It can be anything: paints, felt-tip pens, crayons, wax crayons, PVA glue, colored paper. Next, I will give examples of how all this can be used. At the same time, your opportunities increase, although of course there is no opportunity to wash your hands (there is only wet wipes or bottled water).

I suggest you play the game "Visiting the Flower Fairy".

For the game, we need a chamomile of a sufficiently large diameter, on the sheets of which we need to write tasks. You can play with one baby or several. But of course, the more kids there are, the more interest and fun. You can even take unfamiliar children into the game: we do it regularly, so that unfamiliar children are included in our game. You can invite them yourself, when you see that they are interested in it, when they start looking, come closer.

Rules of the game. You can act as a flower fairy. Prepare little surprises. It doesn't have to be something expensive: stickers, kinder surprises, thin books - fairy tales or coloring pages for 10. When there are unannounced gifts with surprises, it is always very pleasant for children. Prepare surprises, chamomile. Maybe you will prepare a flower mantle for yourself or just a hat with a flower. And play a game about flowers and herbs.

It is best to choose a place where there are more flowers - a park, a stadium, a forest. On the street we can make from natural material, from plasticine. You can make different shapes using twigs, cones, flowers. In the photo below you can see how a dragonfly is made (4 wings from twigs), or butterflies from flowers, or curls from dandelions.

We take a dandelion, divide its stalk into 4 strips and dip it into the water, while the dandelion begins to curl. It's very cool and the kid likes it. Such curly women turn out. You can make, for example, a girl by inventing a dress for her from leaves.

Creativity with paints

Prepare a spray bottle at home. I suggest you take a sheet outside, pour paint mixed with water into a spray bottle, and spray the sheet or whatman paper. This is a very exciting experience. My daughter sprayed first with one color, then with another, you can see the results in the photo.

I used wallpaper because I couldn't find a white sheet at our place. But it would be more interesting, I think, if we had a white sheet. You can draw some outlines and paint over in this way. But still, it’s probably more interesting to do it in free form. The only thing that needs to be established is the rule that it is forbidden to splash colored water into people.

The next game is texture guessing. You take wax crayons and pieces of paper with you. And all the objects that come across on the way, you put under the piece of paper and shade. At the same time, you get different patterns, textures of materials. We shaded bricks, sawn timber, tree bark, benches. Then you can ask the kid to guess what he shaded earlier. We did it with crayons to make it more interesting, but in fact it is better to have one tone.

And it is better not to use wax crayons, since they themselves give such a slightly peculiar wax texture. Best of all, a simple pencil will convey the texture of a tree or object.

The next creative game is prints of herbs and leaves... You can put prints right on the street: we take paint, color the leaves and put the prints. We made dandelion, clover and plantain. Complete unfamiliar herbs can be made.

Then at home we make a photo album with these herbs with small rhymes or make a separate collage. If there are a lot of herbs, then this can be a full-fledged book about herbs. If you don’t know the herb, then you can look for it in a special reference book.

Application... You can also do it outside. If you take PVA glue, cardboard or paper with you, then drawing any drawings, the baby can sprinkle them with sweat with sand or colored sand.

Markers... What can you do with felt-tip pens? You can paint on pebbles. These can be ladybugs, beetles, turtles. You can also paint on stones with gouache. It is best to do this on pebbles because they are large and smooth.

Herbarium of grass and leaves... You can do it right outside. You will need PVA glue and a cardboard box. Why do you need a box? In it, you cut holes on the sides and glue the inside with grass.

As a result, you get such an interesting box, you glue it all over and you can look at the light. You can insert a lamp there and watch how beautifully your herbarium and your flowers shine through. It's very interesting, you get a magic box. And its peculiarity is that if you glued with PVA glue, then the flowers retain their color and shape for a very long time.

Creativity, as I said at the beginning, is not necessarily drawing or modeling. Try to arrange with the kids concert on request... We play artists. Each one in turn comes out and recites a verse. It can be a verse that we already know, or the actual composition. You can set a condition - for example, tell about flowers, about summer, a short funny story.

You can just observe the shapes of the clouds... You can play like this. Someone thinks: "I see a bear in the sky," and the rest are looking for this bear. “And I see ice cream in the sky,” and the others are looking for the hidden ice cream.

Chalk games in the yard

And now I will tell you how you can play with a child in the yard with chalk.

Now let's move on to ourselves playing with chalk.

  • You can trace different objects with chalk.- buckets, molds, arms, legs. Children love it very much when they outline their palms. Then you can paint over these drawings. You can search along the contours, which shape was circled, which hand - right or left.
  • You can trace the shadow of objects... Let's say there is a fungus in the sandbox, a shadow falls from it on the asphalt path. You can circle it, and after a while you can see how the shadow has moved. You can circle it again. And thus see how the shadow moves. You can trace the shadow today and the next day and see how it changes from day to day. This is already an experiment. You can also trace your own shadow. Ask the child to stand in some position and circle his shadow. Then ask him to change the pose and circle it.
  • You can not only draw with chalk, but also write... Our daughter wrote for the first time with chalk on the asphalt. She began to write before she read. I myself wrote to her a lot, and she watched me. You can also provoke interest in the child in this way. On the street, you can sign anything you want: a car, a house, a bench, a staircase, a fungus, a tree. On the asphalt, of course. You do not need to write on the machine.
  • You can draw a track with chalk... For kids, this will be the simplest path along which they will walk on their own or carry a car on a string, a stroller, or maybe
  • another toy. For older children, you can make more than one path, but a whole maze, intersections. You can make some obstacles on these paths, for example, as if there was a bridge or a tree was growing in the middle of the road. Have the children jump or step over obstacles as if they were giants.

  • You can draw a whole city on a road with intersections, traffic lights, zebras, road signs... You can walk along such paths by yourself, carry the car with you. You can make the traffic light yourself. Cut out a circle, on one side it is red, on the other it is green. And to put someone at the crossroads, at the pedestrian crossing to show traffic signals.
  • At home we played this game with balls of different colors (red, yellow, green). I showed the ball: if it is red and yellow color, my daughter stood still, and if I showed a green ball, she would run from one end of the room to the other. You can also play with chalk. Draw a road, a pedestrian crossing on it. You will show a ball or cardboard boxes, maybe molds of different colors, and the child will need to orient himself and cross the road at the right moment.

    Thus, you will get an active game, and at the same time you will teach your child the rules of the road.

  • You can draw flowers on the road with chalk, and tell the child: "Imagine that you are a butterfly that flies from one flower to another." Or draw water lilies and say that he is a frog. Then he will jump from one water lily to another. With flowers, I like the option better, because they can be drawn in different colors. They can also be numbered and ask the child to fly, for example, to a flower with the number 3.
  • Flowers can, if you know how, draw different ones - a chamomile, a rose, a bell. Thus, also to learn the names of colors, to repeat. You can draw not flowers, but different geometric shapes, make them in different colors, number, thus, also geometric figures learn.

    In general, you can draw anything you want - brands of cars, houses are multi-storey, you can draw a tree and a flower and fly from tree to flower. Animals are different - bunnies, bears, dogs, so that the child runs from one animal to another.

  • For next game will need balls or pebbles... Draw a target and ask your child to hit it. For older children, you can make the game more difficult. Divide the circle by
  • several sectors or draw a square, you can even number the cells and ask the child to get into a particular sector.

  • We also played a game with my daughter at home, but not with chalk, but with hoops. One time we used a basin, and the other made a fence out of sofa cushions.
  • So, draw a larger circle with chalk. One person is in the circle, and another is outside. For example, you are in the center of the circle, and the child is behind the circle. And we need balls. We used sewn cloth balls because they don't roll well. And if you use rubber balls, they will fly very far away, and you will have to run after them a lot. You can use just crumpled paper, make a few more lumps.

    Purpose of the game... The person who stands behind the circle must throw all the balls that he has in the circle so that there is not one left outside. And the one who is in the circle, on the contrary, must throw all the balls out of the circle. The winner is the one who completes his task faster. The game turns out to be very fun. My daughter and I played it for a very long time and laughed.

    Plastic bottle caps can be used instead of crumpled paper if you have a lot of them. Molds can also be used, but they can break.

    More games

  • We also played a game in childhood, it is called "The hippos were running".
  • The presenter turns away and says: “The hippos fled and pressed the buttons. Stop". At this time, those children who are behind him run from circle to circle. When the host says stop, everyone stops. Then the presenter, not seeing who is standing where, names a number. The person standing in the circle with this number runs away, and the leader again says: "Stop." The leader, without looking at where the person is standing, guesses how many steps it takes to reach him. Turns and must reach the person and touch him. If he gets it, then they change places, if he doesn't get it, then he continues to drive.

    For little kids it can be much easier. You can draw circles, number them. To begin with, you will be the leader. You tell the child: “The hippos ran and pressed the buttons. Stop". The child stops in a circle. You either say yourself which number he stopped at, or ask him to name it if he already knows the numbers.

    Instead of numbers, you can draw whatever you want to repeat and remember the names.

  • We also played the following game in childhood: chalk painted a house(diagram), rooms, then in these rooms they placed doll furniture, determined where the corridors and the balcony would be. You can draw several houses and play with dolls in these houses.
  • The smallest ones, who are one and a half years old, need to first be taught how to handle the ball. Teach roll the ball to each other, throw. Notice how the child throws the ball at you. It can be from top to bottom, or vice versa, from the chest. Watch how he throws, and teach him how to throw in a different way.
  • All this can be accompanied by some kind of game. Do not just roll, but draw a track with chalk so that the child rolls the ball along the track. The task is more difficult for him - so that the ball does not go off the track.
  • You can throw the ball over the crossbar, through a bicycle or a bucket, through a horizontal bar. Just make sure that the ball does not run into anything and does not burst.
  • You can throw the ball into a chalk circle.
  • You can put a bucket and throw it into it.
  • You can fold a slide of stones or twigs. You need to hit the ball into this slide so that it breaks. This game can be played many times. The child breaks, you build again, he throws again, breaks. Children are very fond of breaking. I think your child will love this game.
  • Another ball rolling game. You can throw a ball or roll it up a hill of pebbles and twigs. This is a kind of bowling alley. You can even put in yogurt bottles or toys. The ball must be rolled in such a way as to be knocked down - children's bowling in the yard.
  • You can put another ball and roll one so that it pushes the other and it rolls too. This is already children's billiards in the yard.
  • Well, throwing the ball to each other can be combined with exercises for the development of speech.
  • My daughter played such games with a speech therapist. What is the juice made from? The speech therapist throws a ball to her and says, for example: "Apple". Apples make apple juice. The speech therapist throws her a ball with the word "grapes", the daughter must answer: "grape".
  • Or "Few, many"... You throw a ball to the child and say: "Cat", and he says in response: "There are many cats."
  • You can also play opposites... You throw a ball to the child and say: "White", he must answer you: "Black", "Day" - "Night".
  • A game "Baby Moms"... You call the mother of the animal, and the child must answer what this animal calls the cub.
  • Sakhabutdinova Svetlana Vladimirovna, physical education instructor MBDOU d / s No. 80 "Rechenka", Naberezhnye Chelny

    Age group: senior and preparatory groups for school.


    • developing: development creativity, curiosity, memory, imagination; physical qualities: agility, flexibility, speed when carrying out outdoor games;
    • educational: fostering interest in physical culture and sports through yard games and a fairy tale plot;
    • wellness: strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

    The intended result is: know how to work in a team, observe the rules of the game, have a sufficient outlook of knowledge about summer.

    Activities: motor, play, communicative, cognitive, elementary labor.

    Individual work: to consolidate motor skills in jumping, throwing, running.

    Vocabulary work: words in the UMK: isәnmeses, sau bulygyz, ber, ike, ө h, dүrt, bish, alty, җ ide, sigez, tugyz, un; sary, yashel, kyzyl.

    Preliminary work: script preparation, selection of games, equipment, preliminary conversation about summer phenomena.

    Equipment: colored flags and Balloons to decorate the sports ground; colored crayons; record player; costumes by Carlson and Freken Bock.

    Entertainment progress:

    Leading: Hello children, isnmeses! Today we met to play outdoor outdoor games. When you walk with your parents, tell them and your friends the rules, and you can all play together. Carlson promised to bring us the rules of the game. While he is hurrying to us, tell me what time of year is it? And in Tatar?

    What are the signs of summer? Now try to guess riddles:

    The sun is baking, the linden is blooming.

    Rye ripens when it happens? (summer)

    Walks across the sky

    Painter without brushes.

    Paint brown

    Paints people. (Sun)

    Moved by the flower

    All four petals.

    I wanted to rip it off

    And he fluttered and flew away (butterfly)

    Shine first

    Behind the shine Crackle,

    Behind the crash -

    Shine. (thunderstorm)

    After the rain it happens

    half the sky closes.

    The arc is beautiful, colored

    Appears, then melts. (Rainbow)

    Leading: Well done! Look, a friend flew to us - Carlson.

    Carlson: Hello, friends! In childhood, in the yard with moms and dads, we played various outdoor outdoor games. But many parents grew up and forgot about them. Today I specially flew to you to show and play some of them. And you will tell your parents and all together will play them in a friendly yard. But Freken Bock took the list of games and hid it from me. She will only give it back when we answer her questions in the Tatar language. She wants to test our knowledge of how we learn our native language. Ready? Freken Bok appears: hello! Isyanmesez! Are you ready to answer?

    How will summer be in Tatar? The sun? What color is it? What color is the grass, the sky in summer? How will the ball be in Tatar? Count together to ten. Very well! We were not mistaken anywhere. Worked hard and now you can play (returns the list of games to Carlson).

    Carlson: Well, let's play?

    Leading: We split into three teams and come up with summer names.

    1 team "Sunshine", 2 team "Stars", 3 team "Hot".

    The suns will go to the first station in Karlsson. There they will play the game "Forged chains". Team "Zvezdochki" - to Freken Bok, they will play an active game "Kitty-cat, what sour cream?" Team "Hot" - with the host, where they will play "Hippos fled". Music will play as soon as the music dies down, the game ends, and the fairytale characters and the host guide you to the next station. So until all the teams have played all the games. Go ahead and play outdoor outdoor games!

    1 station. Outdoor game "Forged chains"

    Rules of the game: children are divided into two teams, hold hands and stand in the opposite direction, 15-20 meters from each other. One team amicably addresses the other: Chains, forged chains, uncover us! Another team, also amicably asks: Which of us? The first one selects the child, calling him by name. The chosen one runs and tries to break the clasped hands of the opposing team. If broken, then takes one of the player who released his hand. If he could not disengage his hands, then it remains with the opposing team. The team with the most players left wins.

    2 station. An outdoor game "Cat-cat, what sour cream?"

    Rules of the game: The driver is selected, he stands with his back to the players who are lined up. Children ask him: Kitty-cat, what sour cream? The driver answers, for example red. Which of the guys has a red color on his clothes, he runs away, and the driver tries to grease him. If he caught up, then the one who was rejected becomes the driver, and the catching one gets up to the rest of the children.

    3 station. Outdoor game "Hippos fled"

    Rules of the game: On the asphalt we draw a circle with a diameter of 1 meter, from the circle there are rays (it turns out the sun)... We write numbers from one to 25 between the rays, for example (until all the rays run out)... The leader is chosen, he stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The rest run along the beams and say: "The hippos ran and pressed the button, pip-stop!" They stop. The driver calls any number from one to the number on which the rays end. The child, who turned out to be on the figure that the driver named, runs away, and the driver opens his eyes and catches up with the runner. (for example: they named the number three, the child who stands on the number three runs away)... If caught up, change places. Caught becomes water.

    After all the games - formation.

    Leading: So we played outdoor outdoor games with you. Did you like it? Remember the rules of the game? Now you can teach your parents these games and play together with the whole yard.

    Freken Bock: we really enjoyed playing with you, and the games are so interesting! Thank you Carlson! And for you - a surprise! I have a vacuum cleaner, but it is not simple, but magical and is called a vatrushkosos! For such good and friendly kids, I collected delicious cheesecakes! Help yourself! The vacuum cleaner opens, where baked cheesecakes lie.

    Leading: Ours has come to an end sports festival... Live together and play with your friends! Until next time!