What develops the board game business. Creation of board games as a business. How to make money in the production and sale of board games

  • Which franchise to choose

In recent years, board games are gaining popularity again: they are often chosen as a gift, the Board game can be great with family and friends

Step-by-step opening of a board games store

The benefits of board games are that they develop the child: his logic, fine motor skills, attentiveness, reaction, visual memory and other qualities. In addition, board games are useful as family communication - they take the child away from the computer and allow them to fully communicate with their parents for several hours a day.

From a business point of view, board game stores are not very common. The thing is that the consumer is not aware of the variety and types of board games. Nevertheless, there is a need for desktop entertainment. The profitability of such a business is achieved through a bright assortment and competent sellers.

The fact that there is simply no competition in this area is in favor of opening a board games store. V large cities you can hardly find 2-3 shops, what can we say about medium and small towns with a population of 100-500 thousand people.

The key when starting a business is the right location. Here, such indicators are important as: remoteness from the city center - the closer, the better (a residential area is not the best solution), and the traffic of a retail outlet - for example, the first floor of a shopping center.

The next important step is to create an assortment of goods. It is enough for a small island department of 20-25m2 to purchase 40-50 types of board games. The most popular games, the ones that you definitely need to have with a margin, are the mafia, the jackal: treasure island, imaginarium and monopoly (classics of the genre). At the same time, one should not forget about the ratings of board games, regularly replenishing the shop windows with new products. game world... The average price level in the store is 1,500 rubles, the margin is from 30 to 200%.

How much money does it take to open a board games store

  • Commercial equipment (racks, showcases, etc.) - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of the first batch of goods - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur, opening a current account - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • Deposit for rent for 1 month. - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising and promotion - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • Website development - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses - from 20 thousand rubles.

TOTAL ~ from 200 thousand rubles.

The uniqueness of the board games store is that it does not sell a product - it sells a mood. As the owner of the Tula board games store (OOO Igrotek) jokes: “Our client is children aged 0 to 99 years old”. More seriously, the main customer of the store is children from 3 years old and adults up to 35 years old. It is important that the assortment of toys sold meets the needs of absolutely the entire target audience. There is really one problem. Many clients have a vague idea of ​​board games (other than classic chess and dominoes). Therefore, the main task of store sellers is to clearly explain the essence of the game, to make the customer interested in the product.

According to the experience of Igrotek LLC, the main method of promoting a store is a live demonstration of games. It is difficult for a person to understand why he pays 2-3 thousand rubles, simply holding a colored box in his hands and listening to the description of a sales assistant. Another thing is when a buyer personally tested two or three games that he liked and was eager to buy one of them.

Another way of promoting the store helps well - organizing and holding regular tournaments in board games in some popular cafe or club.

In the heyday of online commerce, the presence of a store's own website is a big plus. It is not necessary for the site to sell more than the real department. The main thing is that it contains a detailed description of the games, rules, recommendations for age groups, useful tips and articles. This will undoubtedly increase the status of the store, and will contribute to the growth of sales.

Which franchise to choose

For aspiring entrepreneurs, there is the option of starting a franchise business. For example, you can conclude an agreement with the federal retail chain Mosigra. This chain has 72 stores in 49 cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The conditions for joining the franchise network are as follows: a lump-sum contribution - 80 thousand rubles, total investments in business - from 600 thousand rubles, business payback - up to 12 months.

Step-by-step plan for opening a board games store

  1. Choose a crowded place of trade. For example, a shopping center.
  2. Pick up an assortment of board games, covering interesting different age groups.
  3. Execute documents and register with government agencies.
  4. Run an advertising campaign aimed at popularizing the store: organizing tournaments, interesting narratives about board games.

How much can you earn by opening a board games store

To determine the pricing policy of your business, you need to analyze the prices of competitors. At the first stages of development, the margin should be slightly lower. You can also order board games in bulk directly from manufacturers. Simple actions will help the store pay off within 4-6 months. You can rate each board game from 30% to 200%: it depends on the demand for the product.

How to choose hardware for a board games store

For normal operation of the store, at the first stage, you will need racks and shelves for placing goods. In the center of the hall it is worth placing a table for advertising campaigns and tournaments. The store should look neat and interestingly designed.

What OKVED to indicate when organizing a store

When organizing a board games store, it is worth using OKVED:

  • 65 - Retail and wholesale of board games;
  • 91 - trading board games by mail or through the Internet.

What documents are needed to open

To organize a store, registration of an individual entrepreneur is required. Any Russian citizen who has reached the age of 18 and who is not an employee of government services can register. Documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Copy of passport, birth certificate.
  3. Receipt for payment of the state fee.

Which taxation system to choose

There are 3 optimal taxation options for a board game store:

  • A single tax on imputed income.
  • Patent taxation system.
  • Simplified taxation system.

When opening a board games store with an area of ​​no more than 50 sq. m experts advise using the PSN: there is no need to submit declarations, a mandatory payment is made once a year.

Surprising as it may sound, the board game business is a very promising line of work in the entertainment industry. The fashion of spending time at the classic "Monopoly" or the more modern "Munchkin" captivated children and adults. Such a pastime allows you to combine leisure time with the development of analytical thinking and creativity. Selling ready-made and producing your own board games can be a source of stable profit, provided that the organizer approaches it wisely.

Making board games is a very creative and analytical process at the same time. Each classic game has its own story of creation. For example, classic "Monopoly" invented by one man Charles Darrow in the USA during the Great Depression. He personally made and sold 5,000 sets for a new entertainment, the goal of which is to build his own business empire and the survival of other players from the market.

Other legendary game with a more confusing plot and more probabilities - Dungeons & Dragons or "Dungeons of Dragons". It was created in the 1970s by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. The authors were inspired by another board game, adding fantastic creatures and magic. A younger, but no less famous detective story with quests and battles with monsters Arkham Horror created by Richard Launis, based on the worlds from the stories of the mystical Howard Lovecraft.

Board games are interesting for adults and children, they develop analytical thinking and creativity

From these examples, it follows that plot development can be inspired by reality, fiction, and even another game. The author creates a virtual world with his own laws, sets the rules and invites others to dive into it. Of course, this is a creative process, but it can still be distinguished characteristic stages:

  • plot development and rules;
  • creation of a material base (cards, cards, schemes, cubes, tokens);
  • testing;
  • revision;
  • mass circulation.

Game development as a business

It is safe to say that the production of board games is far from being for everyone. But if you feel the potential to perform such a complex of work, proceed with confidence - there will be connoisseurs and demand. When designing a script and a set of cards, don't expect to get rich instantly. The creators did not become very rich people in a short time, even if their work met with a massive response (as was the case with "Monopoly").

It will take several months or even several years to create a complex game. The author needs not only to come up with a plot, but also to work out the maximum number of possible scenarios so that the action does not come to a standstill. Creative thought alone is not enough. It is necessary to predict in what ways events can develop, how players can act, how the plot ends, is there a winner, etc.

What can be the source of board game development:

  1. Existing board game. For example, the classic "Monopoly" is transferred to new countries, cities, even to a new reality, or the rules are completely reversed ("Antimonopoly"). This option is attractive because the most difficult part of the work has already been done by the creators, and the developer only has to change the design, entourage and material base.
  2. Popular books and films. Simple "adventure games" and quests in the worlds of famous universes will meet with a response from their fans.
  3. Imitation of phenomena and situations from real life... Quests for survival in extreme conditions, solving practical problems can perform both cognitive and entertaining functions.

If you are planning to make money, it is better to create a board game on a computer by contacting an artist or designer. With its help it will turn out to create beautiful cards, tokens and other inventory. The author's memorable design will become a component of success, because it will give players aesthetic pleasure.

Home Game Development

It is quite difficult to make money in this way. It is quite possible that you will be interested in how to create a board game at home for personal use, without commercial plans. The rules are about the same: come up with a plot, prepare inventory and try to play. The easiest way is to draw classic "adventure games" at home: the player rolls a dice and makes moves according to the dropped number. At each stop, he must perform some action: buy something, sell something, defeat someone.

Such quests can be informative and educational for children. For example, at each stop, the child learns a new fact or tries a new action. The plot is limited only by the imagination of the creators. You can make a card, tokens together with your children - this will bring no less joy than the process itself.

The production of board games includes not only script development, but also colorful printing of cards, tokens, booklets

Board games store opening

Consider drawing up a rough business plan for a board games store. This is another faster and more reliable way to make money from this hobby. It can take years to create your own game, and tens of thousands of rubles to develop and print the material base. Making a profit by selling other people's works will be much faster.

It is more profitable to open an online store. The demand for this category of product is not so high as to cover the rental of even a small space on a monthly basis.

This is a special product that is of interest to a very limited number of customers. Stimulating demand through advertising will only work marginally.

From this point of view, investing 15–20 thousand rubles at a time in an online store is safer than renting a retail outlet for a month for the same money. You can do the maintenance of the site yourself, and store the boxes with games for sale at home. This approach is perfect for the first months of work. Selling via the Internet does not limit the number of buyers to residents of one city, but brings the entrepreneur immediately to the all-Russian level of trade.

Costs for opening an online store:

  • website creation - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of several categories of goods in several copies - from 30 thousand rubles.
  • professional photo session for the assortment - 5 thousand rubles;
  • promotion of the site and accounts in social networks- at the request of the entrepreneur.

An alternative to selling board games is opening a club for players

Another option to make money without independent development and sales is to create your own club. This is a place where people come to play their favorite nut games with like-minded people or to get acquainted with new leisure options. The demand for this format of recreation also cannot be called massive, so the business is very risky.

Club opening costs:

  • rental of premises - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • repair, interior decoration, furniture - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of games - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - at the request of the entrepreneur.

It is advisable to combine this type of work with a traditional and online store: the total revenue will be higher. However, the costs will rise to 200-300 thousand rubles. The business is not distinguished by high profitability, so a good result will be to recoup the investment in 1.5–2 years of work.


The creation and sale of board games is a specific business with a small target audience. Buyers are not limited to families with children. Many adults are discovering this kind of leisure time. But there are not many of them to make this business sector profitable. Get started with an online store and resale popular games, because developing your own work will take at least a year.

Despite the prevailing opinion that board games have given way to computer and online games in the range of entertainment, their popularity is still great. Checkers and chess, loto and backgammon, dominoes and cards, "Monopoly" and "Twister" - who does not know and has not played these games?

How to make money in the production and sale of board games

And there are thousands, even tens of thousands of lesser known, but no less exciting board games that help to have fun and interesting time, as in big company, and in a narrow circle. In the West, there has even been a wave of revival of this type of leisure, accompanied by the massive creation of fan clubs and movements to support and popularize board games. We have also recently seen a tendency of growing interest in this type of entertainment. An additional impetus was given by the government decision to close the casino and deprive poker of the status of a sports game.

The main advantage of board games is their availability, compactness and relatively low prices (about 0.5-1.5 thousand rubles - one game). The colorfully designed design, in the development of which recognized professionals participate, gives board games a special flavor, makes them pay attention not only to children, but also to adults. There is a desire to become the owner of such a tempting thing, and the hand involuntarily reaches for the wallet ...

And here an enterprising businessman immediately has a question: "Why not turn someone's desire into his own source of income?" Indeed, the business of selling board games is a profitable business and, as experience shows, it quickly pays for itself.

The most important thing is to arouse the interest of a potential buyer in a particular game. There are several ways here, which ultimately boil down to the main goal - the acquisition of a product that interests you. The least risky and cheaper to start is by creating an online store. Create a website where you can post a selected assortment of board games in a colorful and accessible form. There is no need to chase quantity. Start by selecting games that have stood the test of time and popular new titles that can be easily tracked on the Internet. 30-40 positions for the first time "enough with the head." Take care of a detailed description of the game with high-quality photo accompaniment of the content (playing field, chips, cards, etc.). Stop at the nuances: age category, time and place of the game, the number of players. The fewer questions a potential client has, the more likely it is to purchase a product. It will add buyers a timely announcement of new products, website advertising and a well-thought-out system of discounts (for example, free shipping or a cumulative system). For the efficiency of commodity circulation, it is desirable that at least 2-3 copies of the products presented on the site be available. Product rotation is optimized over time. The most popular goods, which should be purchased in larger quantities, and unclaimed ones, which should be abandoned, will be determined.

But an online store may not be enough for successful business promotion. It's one thing to see a game, and quite another to play it. And it doesn't matter how old you are - 3 or 73. Marketers have verified that a person who has played a game and enjoyed it becomes a buyer 1.4 times more often than a person who is theoretically familiar with the game. Consequently, there is a need for places to get acquainted with the games live and even for regular game battles. Renting sites on the territory of shopping centers, cinemas and other places where people gather will help solve this problem. And in a cafe, you can book a number of tables for a certain day, for example, with an agreed condition of the minimum order for each visitor in a reasonable amount. There are many ways to gather a "quorum" for such a meeting. These are announcements on Internet resources and in the local press, calls to friends and acquaintances, distribution of business cards and invitations. The result of the meeting may be a prize in the form of a set of the game, certain bonuses upon its purchase, etc. A well-spent leisure time, "recorded" by a photo report on the site, will become the subject of conversation among friends of acquaintances and acquaintances of friends. Perhaps the most effective advertising enters the "battle" - word of mouth, which will bring new clients to the next meeting.

Now let's estimate the starting capital. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will cost 2-3 thousand rubles, website development - 10-15 thousand, advertising and business cards - from 3 thousand, the initial batch of games - from 30 to 50 thousand. Total 50-70 thousand rubles. Not much. With a skillful policy, you can recoup the costs in 3-4 months. The range of markups on games can range from 30 to 200% depending on demand. After studying the assortment and prices of competitors, try to keep within the lower markup on the product at the first stage.

Live communication, the opportunity to spend time among close and dear people - this is what we are so lacking in modern world... And believe me, board games have not yet said their last word. The demand for them will definitely grow - marketing specialists are sure of this.

Prepared by editors: "Business GiD"

Club "RichClub", Novosibirsk

25.04.2010 12:18

The RichClub was created with the goal of giving everyone the opportunity to develop their financial thinking by playing Cashflow. We are glad to new people who are not indifferent to their future and who do not want to stop there.

Creation and production of board games at home

Quotes by Robert Kiyosaki

23.07.2009 08:02

A selection of quotes and thoughts Roberta Kiyosaki for those who have read his books, as well as for those who want to read, but cannot find free time. Repeat and be successful.

Intellectual board games club Unicorn (Moscow)

12.02.2009 08:25

Replenishment of the section of board games clubs. The Moscow Unicorn Club invites everyone to play popular board games every day and completely free of charge.

Business games lovers club in Minsk

29.01.2009 10:02

Minsk club of fans of business games and financial simulators Cashflow.by - « Cash flow"Is the most dynamically developing Cashflow-organization in Belarus. Participants in the organization of business seminars, trainings and trainings in state educational institutions.

Every Saturday and Sunday, educational games are held using business simulators: Cash Flow, Pyramid of Success, Key to Wealth, Financial Carousel, etc.

First All-Russian Conference: "Increasing Financial Literacy of the Population in Russia: Challenges and Prospects"

17.11.2008 11:14

The conference will take place on December 9, 2008 in Moscow. The main goal of the conference is to develop a dialogue between the state, financial institutions, the media and civil society on education of the population in the field of personal finance, acquaintance with Russian and international experience in improving financial literacy, as well as developing a joint strategy for the activities of all stakeholders.

Screen version of the board game "Monopoly".

12.11.2008 16:32

Ridley Scott has been officially confirmed to direct the adaptation of Hasbro's acclaimed board game Monopoly, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

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Popular board games and books

Cash flow

Price: 1820 rub.
The board game Monopoly has won the hearts of millions of people around the world. Probably, there is no such person who during his life would not have the idea of ​​buying a desktop Monopoly.

The mechanics of the game and the rules are quite simple - you need to become a monopolist by purchasing real estate, hotels and railways... Naturally, only one player can be a monopoly, so the struggle for a monopoly has made the board game so exciting and exciting for 70 years.

Read more about "Board Game Monopoly"

Production and sale of board games

There have always been enough paradoxes in our life. Despite the rapid development of computer technology, board games remain popular today. This is also evidenced by statistics, the annual growth of the market for these goods averages 17%. For entrepreneurs in Europe and the United States, the question of how to open a small business, ideas for it are also always relevant. Those who put into production and sale of such goods have already won today. This market is just developing on the territory of the CIS.

Experts have calculated that last year board games were sold in Russia for $ 70 million, and in Ukraine - for $ 15 million. Of the total world sales, 60% of entertainment goods are in the United States and Germany. A few years ago, on the shelves of domestic stores, one could find either simple and boring walkers, or expensive imported ones. table sets, which were not translated into Russian, and therefore were not popular.

Today the situation has changed, and companies have appeared on the Russian market that produce board games based on their own developments or under a license from foreign partners. Despite this, there is no competition between the manufacturers of this product, and the market is far from saturated with this product.

Production technology

The production process of the board game, which is the basis of the idea for the development of a small business, can be divided into several stages.

The first stage is the most responsible, since the success of the future product depends on its results. First, they develop the concept of a board game. To do this, determine the audience to which it will be targeted: children, adults, boys or girls.

How to start a board game business

Is being developed story line, the gameplay itself, the goal that players need to achieve.

The initial stage includes a testing procedure. The game will be tested on acquaintances, friends, in kindergartens, schools. The process is scrupulously monitored to identify all the inconveniences and difficulties of users.

The second stage is the final external design of the product. It is carried out on the basis of a pilot specimen. Approved appearance fields, chips, cards, packaging and other attributes.

This step also includes calculating the cost of the product. Usually, its value is inversely proportional to the number of items in the circulation. A novice entrepreneur can start by releasing a batch of 2-2.5 thousand copies. For developed production, a circulation of 5-6 thousand pieces is considered optimal.

The third stage is finding a contractor to print game elements. The modern printing market in the country is quite developed, and there is someone to choose an artist from. The contractor must be a professional in his field, have wide-profile printing and punching machines. It is important that the entrepreneur has the ability to control the technological process, demand the correction of defects, if such occur through the fault of the contractor. Many enterprises today order the execution of printing services, for example, in China. Their cost price, even taking into account the transportation, is cheaper, but there is no way to control the quality of the order. At the initial stage of production development, it is still better to cooperate with domestic contractors. The same situation with the manufacture of all other elements for the game.


production cost

The cost of one set depends on a number of factors, and it is difficult to calculate exact figures without any specifics. On the example of well-known manufacturers, some figures can be stated. Bonko Games needed a budget of $ 22 thousand to release the first two thousand copies of the new game, Arial spent $ 50 thousand on 19 thousand copies, and Fantasy World spent $ 30 thousand on the release of the Berserker game. money was spent on the registration of intellectual property. Retail prices for the products of the above companies ranged from $ 2.7 to $ 15.

Sales and advertising

First shipments are usually offered to toy stores, bookstores, and large department stores. It is there that fans of board games most often buy them. Further, the sales network must be developed depending on the age and gender of users. This area can also represent a small business. Ideas - Board game trading is quite competitive.

Entrepreneurs working in the board game market claim that the first dozens of copies are being bought up by users who are engaged by competitors. Negative reviews that appear after the release of a new product are not always objective. Real criticism can only be perceived a few weeks after the start of sales. You cannot leave her unattended. Given the positive and negative reviews, the product needs to be improved, thereby creating a good reputation for your company.

For stable sales, the sales network must have at least 200 points. On the day of entering the retail network, you can arrange a presentation of a new product, tell in an artistic form about a fascinating world into which the game process will transfer players.

It is worth paying attention to the idea, which consists in a free presentation of new items in cafes, game libraries, children's development centers. There people can try to play, and then, if they like, purchase it. In the same place, in the future, it is possible to hold tournaments, the benefits of which will be mutual for the manufacturer of the product and the owner of the institution.

An entrepreneur should not forget about such an indispensable tool today as Internet commerce. Creating your own website and online store should be, if not the first step in product promotion, then be sure to be present in your plans.

In April 2017, the DISCOVERY Research Group marketing agency completed a study of the board games market in Russia.

The board game market is experiencing an extraordinary rise today. Over the past four years, sales of board games have been increasing annually by 25-40%, thousands of new titles are released every year, top games sold in millions of copies. According to DISCOVERY Research Group, the size of the board games market in Russia in 2015 amounted to about 7.6 billion rubles. All leading players show average sales growth of 20%. In 2016, the volume of the board games market in Russia amounted to about RUB 9.1 billion.

In 2016, the first place in the main nomination of the Spiel des Jahres 2016 (Game of the Year) award went to the game CodeNames (Code Names) of the Czech developer Vladi Chvatila. Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King won the nomination "Expert Game of the Year" (Kennerspiel des Jahres). My First Stone Age was recognized as the winner of the Kinderspiel des Jahres (Children's Game of the Year) award.

Themes traditionally associated with "Eurogames" are strengthening their positions, and topics traditionally associated with "ameritresh" (a hobby of our world, but not ours) are achieving particularly significant results.

The board game industry in Russia is attracting more and more attention from developers and investors. 2008 is considered to be a starting year for the market of network retail of board games. In the period from 2008 to 2011. the market showed almost tenfold growth. Today in Russia you can see a fully developed infrastructure: from the largest giants - such as Hobby World and Mosigra - to the recently created League of Partisan Solutions, which brought together independent creators.

According to DISCOVERY Research Group, the size of the board games market in Russia in 2015 amounted to about 7.6 billion rubles. All leading players show average sales growth of 20%. In 2016, the volume of the board games market in Russia amounted to about RUB 9.1 billion.

For the last 3-4 years, Russian companies have followed the American example of raising funds for board games - crowdfunding (Kickstarter, Boomstarter). Representatives of Hobby World were the first to look towards crowdfunding; they raised funds for the production of Berserk and Hollywood games. The company is actively developing its own platform Crowd Republic. In collaboration with World of Hobby, another player of the Igrokon market has carried out the Septikon game project.

Business Idea - Board Games Store

The Pravilnye Games publishing house began its crowdfunding history with two projects on the domestic Boomstarter platform. These were Evolution. Random mutations "and" For Scotland! " updated version games "I understand yours 2".

In December 2016, CrowdRepublic raised funds for the release of the Russian edition of the main book of rules for the role-playing game Pathfinder. Crowd Games entered the public funding platform Boomstarter with the Russian edition of the game Scythe (Sickle), and the Game Shop with Terraforming Mars (Conquest of Mars). By the end of the year, Pathfinder had already attracted 635 sponsors and raised more than 1.4 million rubles, Scythe - 378 sponsors and almost 2.7 million rubles, Terraforming Mars - 534 sponsors and more than 1 million rubles. The total contribution is almost 6 million rubles!

During the crisis, the consumer's desire to "take the child away from the computer" was supplemented by the desire to save on leisure. Market players unanimously predict further growth in demand for board games.

What do you need to know about a publisher before choosing?

As a rule, the publisher is closely associated with one of the networks or several. For example, all our games receive priority placement in Mosigra (the largest domestic retail chain) and other partner networks. Specify exactly how the marketing of the game will be done - it's easy to publish, but selling a game for several thousand a month is very difficult. Note that in the domestic top sales at the beginning of 2013, 12 out of 20 games were released by us.

How rigorous is the selection?

To begin with, the games are tested.

Current business: making board games

Considering that we are going to invest our funds and team time in the project, only best games of the proposed. We usually watch 150-300 games a year, and release less than a dozen of them.

If my game doesn't work, can I contact another publisher?

Yes, we usually even recommend a suitable option if the project is good, but it seems to us not entirely suitable for our market. Each has its own specifics. We love, for example, working with games that will sell from 500 pieces per month, or with really wonderful smart and complex projects.

Why are only less than a dozen domestic board games released a year?

Because any author competes with localizations. If you can take a ready-made and proven game from the West, where it has already shown its effectiveness, it is more logical to work with it than with something new. Nevertheless, we do our best to support the domestic market and regularly hold events for game authors.

What will Magellan do with my prototype, how will the development of the board game go?

  • 1. You can not send a prototype as the first step, but simply send the rules and materials of the game. After reviewing them (if we like the game), we request a prototype.
  • 2. After the tests, it is possible that recommendations will be given on changing a number of things in the mechanics, setting and rules. We give the vector to you or change it ourselves (by agreement).
  • 3. An agreement is signed.
  • 4. Then the work of the illustrators will begin. Good illustrators, the success of the game largely depends on the quality of the images.
  • 5. Layout of maps, rules and other components.
  • 6. At the same time, the "cover" is being made - the illustration for the box and the text on it. The name of the game is being clarified.
  • 7. Components are then manufactured for each individual specification.
  • 8. When everything is ready, your game is assembled in production.

Here are examples of stories from the publication of our board games:

See the licenses section.

In what form is it better to send a prototype?

It is desirable to be as finished as possible, that is, in the form of a box with components and rules. Cards must be cards (not pieces of paper that cannot be shuffled); if you are writing by hand, write in block letters. The box must be strong and clearly labeled. Everything inside should be as close to reality as possible - for example, it's good to use chips from other games or nuts instead of chips, it's bad - paper markers... The field can be drawn by hand, which is better than attaching a file. Etc.

If it is not possible to send it in the form of a box, then you need a description of the concept (2-3 paragraphs) and the rules of the game, as well as files for creating a prototype. Remember that there is no point in discussing an idea by itself. The test team needs to be able to sit down and play at least once.

The most important thing is what the game is called, who is it for, how many players, how old, how long the game is, what mechanics are used, what the most similar games are already there, what makes your product better.

If I just have an idea for a board game, what should I do?

Assemble the prototype. Better take your time: if you put it together in a hurry, it is quite possible that the game will be rated worse than if you think over the little things and write down the rules clearly and clearly. But don't be late - Perfectionists are the last to arrive. It is better to stop at a certain stage of readiness and listen to the opinion of the publisher than to work in the wrong direction for a year.

Are there any non-disclosure documents being signed?

At the prototype stage - no. Authors often fear that the publisher might use the files without their involvement. Note that due to the absence of at least some intelligible protection of game mechanics in Russian legislation, any agreements and documents at this stage can, of course, leave a feeling of security, but in practice they will be legally null and void. Therefore, you can only trust or not trust the publisher. Again, no one will risk their reputation, as well as releasing a game without an author is simply not economically feasible.

What games definitely don't need to be submitted?

  • 1. Copies already famous games... "But I came up with Monopoly, only instead of cells there will be names of rock bands" - this is a bad idea.
  • 2. Games your 14-year-old sister can't figure out. If the rules are 40 pages in small print, and you need to learn to play for several days, it may be worth simplifying. It will be quite difficult to sell this.
  • 3. Games without implementation - that is, something that cannot be prototyped from.
  • 4. Several versions of the same game with minor changes - one prototype is enough.

I already have illustrations. What then?

If they are good, we will publish it with them. But practice shows that it is better to bring a couple of samples of concept art - and then it will be clear before starting work whether an illustrator is suitable.

What's the money? Can you make money by creating a board game?

The author receives from 5 to 10% of royalties from each print run that has gone out of production. If a game costs 1000 rubles on a shelf in a store, then it costs 500 rubles in circulation and about 300 rubles in cost price. You receive deductions from the wholesale price, that is, in our example, from 500 rubles.

What is the average circulation?

The minimum circulation is 1000 pieces, the usual one is 3-5 thousand. We try to work with games that can sell more than 10 thousand pieces a year. Considering that once a game is published brings you income for at least another 3-4 years, you can independently calculate the profit. As a rule, the publication becomes a permanent job for very, very few who are ready to do several projects in a year, but as an addition to the main income, it is quite worthy.

What are the risks of the publisher?

  • - If the game does not enter the market, the publisher will lose development funds and the first print run. You can only make money on the game - and at least receive deductions from the first batch.
  • - If somewhere there is a marriage that causes a rework of the batch (a common occurrence for any publisher), everything will be decided at the expense of the publisher.
  • - If the game is not delivered to the shelves on time and a network penalty is imposed for late payment, this is the publisher's problem, not yours.

Etc. Thus, you are in no way concerned with the traditional risks of publishing and any other things. You just get royalties from each box - it doesn't matter what happened to it financially and how. These deductions remain unchanged, even if incredible adventures happened with the circulation.

What documents will need to be collected?

The main document is the author's agreement, in which you guarantee that you are the author of the game and have all rights to it, and the publisher describes in detail its obligations. In most cases, signing it is sufficient. An author's agreement can be signed both with a resident of the Russian Federation and with a non-resident of our country.

If you use third-party materials in the game, such as illustrations, you must have a transfer of rights from the illustrator or a contract with him. If we do the illustrations, you don't need to think about it.

We take care of the rest. Including certification of the game, for example.

What tests are done?

It is assumed that you send the finished game (by the way, if you have a protocol of at least 20 games, this is good). The game is tested not for balance, for example, but for playability. The tests are held in three stages: first, the developers watch, then experienced players, then, under supervision, random people "from the street". All three stages must be passed. The most important is the third.

What happens if the game doesn't work?

Typically 10% of games are good enough to be published. But less than 2% of board games sent to the publisher are released. The rest are simply put off in case they are needed. We let you know if your game is good but won't be published yet - and we recommend other publishers. In this case, the game is queued for publication. In practice, for Last year we bought two games from such a "queue" of the reserve. The usual queue length is about 30 projects.

How long will the prototype be evaluated?

Usually about a month.

How long will the board game be released?

The cycle is 8-12 months from circulation to appearance on the shelf.

Please note again

Providing information or a prototype for review does not constitute a nondisclosure agreement. But, again, we promise that we will be very careful with your game.

We don't consider ideas - just prototypes. Magellan's consideration and assessment of your ideas does not constitute an admission of the idea's novelty, priority or originality, and does not prejudice the company's right to dispute or implement any existing or future ideas of a similar nature. However, if we consider the mechanics to be promising (but the game in the form of a specific implementation is not suitable for publication), we will tell you about it and suggest improvements.

You represent and warrant that you (or the team you represent) are the sole owners of the information disclosed, or that you have unlimited rights to disclose it. You also confirm that all third parties who may be interested in the disclosed information have been informed about the terms of the agreement and agree to its terms.

No prototype is returned.

We consider it undesirable to consider the project simultaneously with another publisher - in this case, we will wait for a response from another publisher. Please let us know before submitting your project if your project is already pending with another publisher. In the event that we request a prototype of the game from you, we mean that we are the only publisher considering your project, unless you have clearly agreed in advance with us to the contrary.

We can make significant changes to the game, which can lead to changes in the game mechanics, its theme and any other aspect to better adapt the game to the product line. And better sales.

The project may not be suitable for many reasons: we may think that the game is not profitable enough; that we will not be able to imagine a game in in the best possible way; the game may be too similar to something that is already in our development; We didn't like the mechanics of the game and its execution, or for any other reason. We will provide details if something goes wrong.

We do not give feedback on sent games.

Today we will talk about how to sell games on the Internet. Since we will work on the Internet, we will also sell digital copies of games, and these are mainly versions of games for PCs. So, let's begin!

Where to get the goods from?

The first question that an entrepreneur has is where to get digital keys? There are two ways: publishers and Steam.

The first way is to find publishers and distributors in your country. If you are into video games, then you yourself can most likely name several publishers. For example, SoftKlab, 1C and others.

The first thing you should do is go to the publisher's official website and find the contact or feedback buttons there. Then write to them and find out the terms of cooperation and the price list.

The terms of cooperation can be very different. Some work only with legal entities and you will have to register as a legal entity, and some sell games only in packages, then you will have to rent a warehouse to unpack the games and photograph the key. You can, of course, use your apartment instead of a warehouse, but be prepared for a heap of boxes that you will constantly stumble over.

The second game you get is Steam. The second method may violate Steam rules. The bottom line is as follows, we buy the game as a gift on sale, send it to our mail, do not follow the link by mail, but simply sell this link to activate the gift.

We do not vouch for this method, as Steam policy is constantly changing and this method can simply be covered up. But, at the time of this writing, you can still buy games in this way.

Only fresh assortment

Try to buy only fresh assortment. This is due to the following.

Developers spend tons of money on their PR campaigns. Commercials for the new Call of Duty and Battlefield are often shown even on TV, which creates a demand for these products. Especially if a game from the series makes a lot of noise, gains high ratings and comes out every few years (like GTA), then the demand will be huge. Therefore, the greater the demand, the more likely it is to grab a tidbit of the sales pie.

The second point why you need to buy only fresh assortment is less obvious. Older games lose value a lot and it will be more difficult for you to compete with other vendors.

Board game production

Often publishers or some other distributor arrange discounts on old products, entrepreneurs buy these games and sell them at a reduced price. At a price that is much lower than Steam or Origin. To start competing with such sellers, you also have to look for cheap purchases, and this is not so easy to do.

Where to sell?

So how do you make money selling games? We already have a product and now we must somehow sell the product. We have two ways: trading platforms, our own online store.

There are the following marketplaces that are suitable for our small business: g2a.com and plati.ru. There is nothing special to explain here, just follow the links and you will understand how these sites work. There are tons of vendors out there, they sell games at different prices, and you have to break into this market and grab your piece of the pie. You don't have to create a website and freeze your head a lot, draw up a product card, set a price tag and you are already a seller.

The second way is your own online store. A very, very difficult path, which is definitely not suitable for beginners. In addition to the costs of purchasing goods, there will be huge costs to create and advertise your store.

If you decide to follow a difficult path, then we recommend that you do not purchase goods at all at first. Create an online store, advertise it and see if customers add something to the cart. If they try to buy something, we display a message stating that this product is not in stock. Thus, you will understand whether they will buy anything at all from you.

How much can you earn?

You can earn a lot. Let's look at the example of a brand new game Resident evil 7. At the time of this writing, this game is a novelty and a hit of sales.

We wrote to one of the publishers to find out his price list. In the price list, we found RE7, it is sold in bulk for 1040r. Go to plati.ru and look at one of the sellers. He sold as many as 557 copies of the game for 1240r.

It turns out the following, 1240-1040 = 200 rubles for one copy of the game, 557 * 200 = 111.400 rubles net profit, excluding various commissions and taxes. And if we imagine that dozens of popular games are released in a year, which people buy, then we can make a tidy sum of money.

An important point

Well, at the end of this article, I would like to draw your attention to a couple of points.

First, how much can you sell a game to buy it? Try to keep your prices as low as possible. Especially at the very beginning, when you do not yet have a reputation for being a good seller.

Second, pay attention to what you are selling and to whom. Russian-language games are cheaper than English-language editions. But a person living in the United States will not be able to activate the Russian version of the game. Therefore, keep an eye on the regions for which the product is designed when you purchase goods.

Mikhail Akulov and Ivan Popov have turned entertainment into a profitable business. Publisher Hobby world, which grew out of their companies, releases more than 1 million games a year and in 2015 brought the founders more than 1 billion rubles. proceeds

HobbyWorld founders Mikhail Akulov and Ivan Popov (left to right) (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

Hobby maze

Odessa resident Alexander Ushan came up with the board game "Find for a Spy" based on his own experience. As a student in the early 2000s, he worked at a sugar factory, and once he had to come instead of the director to sign a major contract. In order not to betray his incompetence, Ushan tried to answer the questions floridly, but at the same time sound confident. This is exactly how the player should behave in the "spy" game he invented so that other players would not figure out him.

In the spring of 2013, Ushan presented the game at the Igrosphere exhibition in Lviv, where it was noticed by Nikolay Pegasov, director of development for the Hobby World board games publishing house. “He immediately said that he liked the game, and the next day we shook hands,” recalls Ushan. In September, "Finding a Spy" was published in a trial run of 2,000 copies in Russia, and in 2014, successful sales began abroad: in the United States alone, in 2015, 80,000 copies of "Finding a Spy" under the name Spyfall were sold. Now the game has been translated into 26 languages, and, according to the company, in 2016 about 200 thousand pre-orders were made for the game. Its author, according to RBC's estimates, could earn at least $ 30 thousand only on royalties from foreign sales.

Ushan is one of several Russian authors whose games were discovered, adapted and published by Hobby World, founded in 2010 on the basis of two companies - Smart by Mikhail Akulov and Ilya Karpinsky and Fantasy World by Ivan Popov and Maxim Istomin. The history of Hobby World goes back to the early 2000s, when Akulov and Karpinsky opened the Labyrinth board games club in Moscow on Polyanka, and with it the Smart publishing house for the production of board games. “At that time, practically nothing was produced on the market, except for clones of Monopoly and walkers“ roll the dice, move the chip, ”Akulov recalls. The partners decided to occupy an empty niche.

In 2003, at the Akulov club, he met Ivan Popov and Maxim Istomin, who came to demonstrate their game "Berserker". A year later, the club had to be closed due to losses. Akulov continued to produce board games, and Popov and Istomin's Fantasy World continued to produce collectible card games (CCG): in addition to their own Berserker, they began to release the role-playing board game Wizards of the Coasts in Russia. Over time, the two companies began to compete. “It became cramped for us in our niches, we began to climb into the territory of the KKI, and they began to make board games. At some point we got the idea that it is better to combine our assets than to compete senselessly: everyone tried to increase the market share in which he did not really understand, ”Akulov recalls. “We had essentially different markets, and the more we started to intersect, the more obvious the idea of ​​merging seemed, ”recalls Ivan Popov.

It was Popov who in 2010 initiated the merger of the two companies. In the merged company, the shareholders divided the shares equally. It took almost three years to connect all business processes, but the effect was already evident in the first year: “The merger of assets gave us a very good boost - our revenue grew by 60-70% during the year,” says Akulov.

Now the company is registered on the Cypriot offshore "Hobby World Limited", among the co-owners - Mikhail Akulov, Ivan Popov and other shareholders (their names Akulov and Popov do not disclose). Employees of the publishing house own small options.

Hobby World by the numbers

More 1 million games published by Hobby World in 2015

From RUB 290 before 9 thousand rubles the price of Hobby World games varies, the average check per box is RUB 900-1300

More RUB 1 billion made up the revenue of Hobby World in 2015

From 4% the author of the game receives royalties from each box sold

$ 10-15 thousand it is worth developing a board game

Before 100% the profitability of the most successful games

About 7 billion rubles amounted to the volume of the Russian market of board games in 2015

More 50 thous. titles of board games released in the world

Source: company data, Discovery Research Group

To the west

Hobby World works in three directions: it buys licenses for Western games and adapts them for the Russian market; buys, modifies and releases original games Russian authors; sells licenses for the release of Russian games abroad.

The first direction Akulov began to develop back in 2002, when his company Smart bought a license from the German publishing house Franckh-Kosmos Verlags for Die game Siedler von Catan and began to produce it on the Russian market under the name "Colonizers". “It was a breakthrough for the industry: strangers came to the exhibition, got acquainted with one of the leading companies in the gaming industry and received the right not only to buy boxes translated abroad, but a license to release this game in Russia themselves,” Akulov recalls.

According to Akulov, Western companies were reluctant to give out licenses for the Russian market: it was more profitable for them to produce everything in one place and sell ready-made boxes. Akulov and Popov, despite the difficulties with quality, were more profitable from local production: it made it possible to reduce the selling price by 25-50%. In addition, the sale of boxes is not so profitable for the seller, says Dmitry Kibkalo, founder of the Mosigra company. If we are talking about a foreign brand, the percentage of deductions in favor of its owner reaches 8-10%, and their total amount can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars, Akulov says.

The selection criteria for games are simple. “The game has to be unique - not a mixture of existing engines, but a one-of-a-kind mechanism. And Mikhail and I should like it, ”says Ivan Popov. In this case, the game should be wrapped in a beautiful shell and be adapted to the market. “For example, the very famous game“ Carcassonne ”was conceived at one time as a game about a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but now it is more like a puzzle about collecting a castle, which is sold in millions of copies around the world,” he gives an example. But despite the experience and numerous tests, the game may fail. “For example, one of the games that are in the top 3 US sales, King of Tokyo, sells very poorly in Russia,” Akulov gives an example. - And the game "Load and Carry", on the contrary, has been withdrawn from sales all over the world, but it is very different in our country and in Brazil. "

The production department is engaged in the search for authors in Hobby World, which is then taken to finalizing the games. While a Western game can be adapted and released in a month, in the case of authoring games, the revision process sometimes takes more than a year. Authors receive royalties ranging from 4% on each box sold. Upon signing the contract, the publishing house pays them an advance in the amount of royalties for half the minimum circulation (about 2-3 thousand copies), and then the authors receive a percentage of sales every six months. Only professional authors who have several games published in thousands of copies manage to fully support themselves at the expense of royalties - for most developers, this is a hobby that brings additional income. According to Akulov, the company does not buy the entire rights to the game. “We are interested in the author making money with us as well. If the game sells in large numbers, he will be interested in improving the game and releasing add-ons, ”he says.

There is also a third way - the sale of Russian licenses to the West. While there are about ten games that are actively sold in Western markets, Hobby World has about ten games, including Find for a Spy, Viceroy, World of Tanks: Rush licensed by Wargaming. In 2015, the company released about 150 thousand copies of its games in Western markets (in Russia - 1 million), in 2016 it expects to sell more than 300 thousand. prices, then in the case of Western wholesale companies, the discount on the game can be up to 60%.


When buying a license for Western games, Akulov and Popov produce most of the components in Russia, except for plastic ones - they are usually purchased in the West. “Plastic production is quite expensive, and it is more profitable to use it when Western companies collect worldwide circulation in all territories. These are individual figures, and the production of each of them separately will cost quite a lot, ”Akulov says.

The first elements of their own production appeared at Hobby World back in 2010: the contractors did not provide the required quality of work, Akulov recalls. “At first we kept the assembly of the elements for ourselves, then we started doing more on our own. We print the entire million games ourselves; we order only individual elements from contractors, ”Akulov says. Over time, they began to independently produce more and more, and now the company organizes a full cycle of production of board games, not counting the production of cardboard and printing pictures, at a factory in Tver.

From the idea of ​​the game to the moment when the box with the finished board game appears on the store shelf, it can take from several months to a year, and the cost of developing one game can cost $ 10-15 thousand, Akulov says. At the same time, the profitability of successful games can go up to 100%, he says. For some games, profitability can reach 300%, says the founder of Mosigra Dmitry Kibkalo. “If we take the direct cost of paperwork, including royalties to the author, then it is 26% of the price on the shelf. But you need to understand that the goods have been produced - then they need to be stored, delivered, distributed, etc. The store has an average mark-up of 100%, and a huge part of it is lost in logistics. The total cost of the product is much higher, ”explains Kibkalo.

In addition to Hobby World, only two Russian publishers of board games - Mosigra and Zvezda - contain a full cycle of game production, including post-printing, cutting of cards, etc., says Kibkalo. “This is a specific type of production that must be loaded. The business is quite seasonal, and if there is no load outside the season, smaller publishers cannot afford it, ”he says. According to him, in 2015 Mosigra sold 525 million rubles worth of games at retail. According to Mikhail Akulov, the turnover of Hobby World in 2015 amounted to 1 billion rubles, including foreign sales (he does not disclose profit).


Initially, Akulov and partners sold their products through bookstores and small specialized board game stores and did not want to build their own network. “We developed as a publishing house and initially worked with small specialized stores that sold board games, because such stores develop the market the most,” Akulov recalls. As a result, the shareholders of Hobby World entered into a partnership agreement with the Hobby Games network (Lavka Miracles LLC), which will include 12 own stores (six in Moscow, two in St. Petersburg, the rest in Russian regions, as well as in Kiev and Minsk) and eight franchise ... The network is engaged in retail sales of games of the publisher, and also serves other retail projects, for example, a store merchandise for Wargaming and HobbyWorld.ru. According to SPARK, Hobby Games is 99.9% owned by Hobby World Limited.

“Initially, Hobby World was the only publishing house we worked with, but almost immediately we expanded to three or four more foreign publishing houses. Now more than 20 brands supply us with goods ”, - Andrey Kuleshov, Deputy Director of Hobby Games, told RBC. At the same time, the share of Hobby World products in the sales of the Hobby Games network is about 40%, says Kuleshov.

According to Kuleshov, Hobby Games buys goods from Hobby World with a 35-50% discount (discount varies for different types of games) and sells them at the publisher's recommended price. All Hobby Games stores, both proprietary and franchised, operate at the same rate. In addition to board games, they sell accessories for them, comics, fantasy literature related to the universes in which the games develop. According to Kuleshov, one store brings an average of 1 million rubles. revenue per month, and about 50 purchases per day are made in it with an average check of about 600 rubles. About 60% of sales are made online, however, most people come to pick up games on their own in order to have time to play them before buying, says Kuleshov. According to SPARK, the revenue of Lavka Miracles LLC in 2014 amounted to 76.5 million rubles, and the net profit - 1.5 million rubles.

Now about 20% of all Russian Hobby World products are sold through the Hobby Games network. The rest is sent to customers directly, to bookstores in Moscow, as well as to other chains, including Metro, Media Markt, O'Key, Respublika, Seven Spades, Growth Games, Correct IQ Toy and others. When working with small stores, Hobby World tries to accommodate and ship small consignments of goods for a minimum amount of 15 thousand rubles, says Mikhail Akulov. “We form individual orders for stores. If a store wants two Munchkins, one Carcassonne and three Soobrazarii, we place an order, ”he says. According to Andrey Kuleshov, this is a valuable quality when working with a publishing house: “If you take too many games, then we will be limited in quantity, and on our shelves next game may appear later than competitors in other stores. In addition, you cannot predict which of the purchased games will become a hit and which will remain on the shelves for a long time. "

In 2011, Hobby World launched a franchise program for stores wishing to operate under the Hobby Games trademark and opened the first franchise store in Kaliningrad. To expand the network, the founders of the company do not charge a lump-sum fee and royalties from the franchisee until the end of 2016 and expect to open two more own and 15 franchise stores during this time.


According to Discovery Research Group, the size of the board games market in Russia in 2015 amounted to about 7.5 billion rubles. - almost 30% more than in 2014. The crisis almost did not affect the demand for board games, largely because, although they are comparable in cost to going to a cafe or a movie, they can be played many times, Mikhail Akulov is sure. Prices for games from Hobby World range from 290 rubles. up to 9 thousand rubles. per box. True, sales of games in the upper price category still dropped by almost 50%. “Games with a lot of plastic components have become more difficult to sell because they are made in the West and their price has risen in line with the course. It became more difficult for the consumer to spend 9 thousand rubles. to the board game, despite the fact that it is replayable many times, ”Akulov says.

According to Akulov, the potential Russian market for board games after the crisis could reach up to $ 100 million. “This is a potential that can be sold in Russia, and we want to occupy this entire market,” he is convinced.

The first mention of board games appeared over 5500 years ago. Senet - checkers game originally from Ancient Egypt - the oldest of the now known games. People of the 21st century consider board games a relic of the past, preferring computer or telephone battles to them. But no digital game beats the cardboard version!
  • At first, no artificially created situation computer game cannot be more interesting than the strategy and tactics of a real enemy;
  • Secondly, in board games, dozens of options for the development of events at one point or another;
  • Thirdly, hitting the computer keys or the phone screen is incomparable with the tactile sensations from real figures that players move around the playing field;
  • Well, fourthly, a chat window will never replace warm live communication, although it will create an illusion of it.
It is not necessary to know the preferences of each player in order to choose the game that everyone will enjoy. There are board games that both children and adults are delighted with! We made a selection 8 exciting games , which guarantee a gambling evening in a friendly company.

1. Carcassonne

The famous strategy game. Over 5,000,000 copies of this game have been sold worldwide! You can play with a company of 2-6 people over 8 years old.

Each player is given a figurine - meeple, in the center is a stack of cards - titles... With the help of the die, the order of the move is determined. The players build the playing field themselves from the titles that they take on their turn.

By creating cities and filling them with buildings, players earn points. The special beauty of the game is that the playing field will never be alike! For the basic version of the game, the creators have released many additional options with new buildings and settlements.

2. Monopoly

The game takes place on the playing field. Each player is given a starting capital, with which he can buy companies located on the field. The rest of the money is added to the general bank and is given to the player who has passed the next round as dividends from the activities of the company he bought. The goal of the game is to bankrupt all competitors and remain the only player who has increased the initial capital.

The creators of the game listen to the progress and have released several dozen add-ons to the classic game, including a terminal for paying for the company's purchase with a bank card.

3. Alias

Another name for this game is “Say otherwise”. Suitable for a company of 4-12 people from 7 years old.

The players are divided into teams, in their turn take cards from the playing field and in a minute try to explain to their team as many words as possible written on the card, without using the same root words. In advanced variations of the game, players use the pantomime, emotion, or action indicated on the card to explain. For example, they explain the words to their team, turning their backs to it or laughing theatrically. After a minute, the team advances on the playing field by the number of cells equal to the number of guessed words. The first team to finish is the winner.

4. Munchkin

This is a parody game of the classic card games and walker games. To play, you need a company of 3-6 people aged 10 years and older. The game offers to go on an amazing and full of dangers journey.

Each player (munchkin) is given cards indicating the class, race and things (clothes) that he carries in his hands. In addition, there are generic door and treasure cards. Players "peek" through doors, fight monsters, and discover treasures (or curses). Upon successful completion of all tasks, the player goes to the next level. The first to reach level 10 wins the munchkin. It may take some time to figure out the intricate rules, but this game is definitely worth it!

5. Jenga

A great game if you don't have the time and desire to deal with the rules. All you need to get started is a set of 54 wooden blocks and an unlimited number of players from the age of 6.

An 18-storey tower is being built from the bars. The players take turns taking out 1 block from any floor except the upper one and placing it on top of the tower. With each move, the structure becomes less stable. The zest of the game is added by the fact that during the turn the tower can be touched with only one hand (you can help yourself with both hands, but not at the same time).

The player, during whose turn the tower still fell, is considered a loser.

6. Scrabble

A crossword puzzle game for 2-4 scholars from 8 years old. The set includes a box of thick cardboard, 102 bones with letters and 2 pacifiers, 4 dies for bones and a bag.

The players are dealt 7 dice, which they put on the dice. Participants take turns placing letters on empty cells of the field, making words from them. The longer the word, the more points will be earned by the participant who placed the last letter. Missing letters can be replaced with dummies.

The winner is the one with the most points.

7. Uno

Card game for 2-10 people from 7 years old. The game involves 108 cards, divided by numbers from 0 to 9 and colors. There are also special cards that give the player the right on his turn to exchange cards with another participant, change the direction of the move and the color in the game. The goal of the game is to get rid of all cards before the other participants. In this case, you must not forget to shout "Uno!" When the last card remains in your hands.

8. Twister

This game can be safely called a floor game! It is suitable for 2-4 players from 5 years old.

The set includes a white mat with circles of four colors and a tape measure divided into 4 sectors with the name of a certain limb. Each of the sectors is divided into 4 color parts corresponding to the color of the circles on the field. The presenter spins the roulette wheel and announces to the player on what color circle to put this or that foot or hand. And if at the beginning of the game the moves are given to the participants quite simply, then after a few minutes of the game the laughter on the field does not stop. After all, it is not enough to find a free circle of the desired color, you also need to stay in this position until your next move, without touching the field with any other parts of the body, except for the arms and legs.

The most agile player comes to a well-deserved victory.

Board games are a great way to have fun, get close to family and friends, and spend a pleasant evening with your loved ones!
