Which Pokemon are stronger than Grass Psychic. Elements of Pokemon. Benefits of playing Pokemon GO over other games

The Pokemon Go game appeared on the market quite recently - on July 6, 2016, but even during this period it has gained immense popularity. Many people of different races, social classes and religions are looking for Pokémon all over the world. How to get the most out of the game? Catch the right Pokémon! Pokémon rating compiled by Combat Power– from the minimum to the maximum value.

16. Type "Fabulous": the most powerful Pokémon - Mr. Mime

Max Combat Power (CP): 1494

The list of the most powerful Pokémon starts with Mister Mime - quite rare pokemon double (fabulous/psychic) ​​type. You can either catch it or grow it yourself from an egg. Mister Mime's potential is best revealed when protecting training halls.

15. Type "Fighting": the most powerful Pokemon - Hitmonchan

Max Combat Power (CP): 1516

Hitmonchan is named after Jackie Chan, a famous martial artist, actor and stuntman. A very strong Pokémon that unleashes a whirlwind on the enemy lightning strikes fists. It can either be caught or obtained from a ten-kilometer egg.

14. Type "Psychic": the most powerful Pokemon - Alakazam

Max Combat Power (CP): 1813

The brain of this creature is as large as its flimsy body. He can't even move normally and uses psychic power to do so.

13. Type "Steel": the most powerful Pokemon - Magneton

Maximum Combat Power (CP): 1879

Another dual-type Pokemon - electric and steel. It turns out by evolution from Magnemite, which are a dime a dozen in the game, and cheap enough to develop - only 50 candies.

12. Type "Ghost": the most powerful Pokemon - Gengar

Max Combat Power (CP): 2078

The final stage of development of the Gastly Pokémon is both creepy and charming Pokémon with a wide smile, reminiscent of the Catbus smirk from the anime My Neighbor Totoro.

11. Type "Insects": the most powerful Pokemon - Pinsir

Max Combat Power (CP): 2121

It can either be obtained from a ten-kilometer egg or caught in the wild. It is found where there is a lot of greenery - in parks, forests and fields.

10. Type "Electric": the most powerful Pokemon - Jolteon

Max Combat Power (CP): 2140

A fox with fur reared up from electric charges can be obtained from Eevee - either by the will of a great random house, or by using a special development method. In turn, Eevee hatch from ten-kilometer eggs.

9. Type "Ice": the most powerful Pokemon - Dewgong

Max Combat Power (CP): 2145

Another dual-type Pokémon is Water/Ice. Deugong evolves from Sil, a snow-white sea lion with a horn on its head that allows it to break through thick ice above the water. Forces are found in nature quite often, usually near water sources. In order for your Force to turn into Deugong, you need to spend 50 candies.

8. Type "Stone": the most powerful Pokemon - Aerodactyl

Max Combat Power (CP): 2165

Rock/Flying Pokémon traces its origins back to the dawn of time, from the age of dinosaurs, and scientists revived it by extracting its DNA from a piece of amber. Despite being weak to electric attacks, Aerodactyl has high stats and great speed. It is difficult to catch him, so you have to be patient and hatch ten-kilometer eggs.

7. Type "Earth": the most powerful Pokemon - Raydon

Max Combat Power (CP): 2243

Another dual-type Pokemon is rock/ground. With one blow, he is able to make the truck fly like a feather. Obtained by evolution (and 50 candies) from Rhyhorn, which can be found near railways, airports and beaches.

6. Type "Poisonous": the most powerful Pokemon - Victreebel

Max Combat Power (CP): 2530

A predatory plant that lures prey with a pleasant smell, and then swallows it whole. It takes a day at most to digest the victim with the peel and bones. Victribells are obtained from Vipinbells; To do this, you will have to spend 100 candies.

5. Type "Vegetable": the most powerful Pokemon - Executor

Max Combat Power (CP): 2955

The giant walking palm tree with three heads is a great defender of the training halls. It can be obtained by evolving from Executegut, a dual-type Pokémon (Vegetable/Psychic).

4. Type "Water": the most powerful Pokemon - Lapras

Max Combat Power (CP): 2980

Fourth place in the top of the most powerful Pokemon is a beautiful Pokemon with a sad story. People almost exterminated his family, and since then he has been singing plaintively, trying to attract the attention of his disappeared tribesmen. Therefore, under natural conditions, Lapras is very rare, and a noteworthy individual with a good SR can be found from level 25. It can also be obtained from a ten-kilometer egg.

3. Type "Fire": the most powerful Pokemon - Arcanine

Max Combat Power (CP): 2983

If Growlith is fed fifty candies, he will grow a lush mane and turn into Arcanine - one of the best Pokemon Go Pokemon, powerful, fast and at the same time very cute.

2. Type "Normal": The strongest Pokemon - Snorlax

Max Combat Power (CP): 3112

The second place in the Pokemon ranking in terms of strength goes to a funny, always sleepy blue-and-white fat man - the best candidate for the position of the defender of the Halls. However, in order to add this rare animal to the collection, you will have to work hard - after all, this Pokemon can be seen extremely rarely in nature. Another way is an incubator, but you can only get Snorlax from ten-kilometer eggs.

1. Type "Flying and Dragons": the most powerful Pokemon - Dragonite

Max Combat Power (CP): 3500

The strongest Pokémon in Pokemon Go is Dragonite. This is not only a powerful, but also a good Pokemon, helping ships on the high seas not to go astray, and in the event of a shipwreck, rescuing drowning sailors. How to catch him and get him out of a ten-kilometer egg is a very big success. In the wild, they can be found near water.

Users who have joined the world famous and mega popular game this summer, Pokemon GO, having understood its principles and features, begin to develop a special strategy. These Trainers no longer just catch pocket monsters on the street, but prefer a certain type of Pokémon. And this makes sense: after all, in order to win battles at the Stadium and subsequently control the conquered location and receive game coins for this, you need to leave in the Gym from different types of Pokemon with good combat characteristics that can repel any attack. Experienced Pokemon players believe that it is better to have weak wards of different types than powerful, but monotonous characters.

In this regard, let's look at what types of Pokemon exist in the Pokemon Go game and where which Pokemon are found.

Pokémon types

So, in nature there is 17 kinds of Pokemon and they all differ in their skills and superpowers. Accordingly, depending on, they all live in different areas. Someone prefers warm places, someone lives near the water, and some like dark nooks and crannies and these animals come out only at night.

Pokémon are divided into the following types:

  • Ordinary
  • Aquatic
  • earthen
  • flying
  • Stone
  • Steel
  • fiery
  • herbal
  • Ice
  • Electrical
  • Mental
  • Poisonous
  • Combat
  • Insects
  • ghostly
  • dragon-like
  • Dark

There are also species that belong to different categories at the same time: for example, there are dragon-like fire Pokémon, or ice flying monsters, and so on.

Where to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO

regular pokemon

They are everywhere. It is not difficult to find these animals, while they are also found among them. Quite often, this type of cyber monster is born from eggs.

Locations to catch regular Pokémon: cities, residential areas, educational institutions, car parks, crowded places.

There are 22 simple Pokémon in Pokemon GO that you can catch: Pidgey, Pidgeoto, Pidgeot, Ratata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Jigglypuff, Wiglituff, Mewt, Persian, Farfetch, Doduo, Dodrio, Liktung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Evie, Porygon and Snorlax.

Water-type Pokémon

Often they should be sought near water bodies, both natural and artificial. If there are no seas and oceans in your habitat, a pond in a city park, or an artificial waterfall, or even a fountain, will do. There are also known cases of catching water monsters in water parks.

Most often, water Pokémon live in canals and lakes, port harbors, on beaches near the sea coast, on the banks of rivers and swamps, and reservoirs.

If there are no listed objects in your area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence, and you really need the character you need to fight at the Stadium, then in extreme cases, you can leave the water Pokemon from the egg in the Incubator.

Second option: produce the desired monster by . For example, you can get from Eevee by metamorphosis.

A complete list of water Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 32 of them: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Golduck, Polywag, Polywhirl, Polivrat, Tentacruel, Tentacruel, Slowbro, Seal, Dugong, Shelder, Clouster, Krabby, Kingler, Horsey, Sidra, Omanite, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Goldin, Seaking, Junk, Starmy, Magikarp, Giarad, Lapras and Vaporeon.

fire-type pokemon

Logically, we can immediately conclude that these creatures are the exact opposite of the above water Pokemon. It is easiest to find them in dry, hot climates, although, in principle, occasionally this type of Pokemon can be found everywhere.

Where to find Fire Pokémon: arid cities, beaches, parks, places with a warm climate. There are cases when such creatures were caught in car parks and gas stations, although this has not been officially confirmed by the developer.

How to catch fire Pokemon in Pokemon GO:

You can get a fiery one in your collection, for example, from the same . He is able to evolve, as you already understood, into both a water and a fiery character. In addition, Flareon is a fairly powerful animal.

The most powerful fire pokemon -. There is a high probability of catching such a character in city squares or stadiums. One of these was caught in New York's Central Park, for example.

A complete list of fire Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 12 of them: Charmander and the fruits of its evolution: Charmeleon and Charizard, Woolpix, Ninetails, Growlight, Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash, Majmar, Flareon and Moltres, not found in the wild.

Grass-type Pokémon

These creatures can be caught anywhere, or rather, wherever there are green spaces.

Where to find Grass Pokémon: kitchen gardens, squares, fields, forest belts, orchards, national reserves, football stadiums.

The full list of Grass Pokémon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: and descended from it Ivysaur and Venusaur, Odish, Glum, Vileplam, Belsprout, Vipinbel, Viktribel, Executor, Executor, Tangela, Paras and Parasekt.

Electric Type Pokémon

Such creatures are more common to Trainers in industrial areas and close to educational institutions.

Where to find Electric Pokémon: schools and institutes, libraries, railway stations, commercial enterprises, business centers.

A complete list of electric Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 9 of them: Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Jolteon and powerful Zapdos.

Rock-type Pokémon

These comrades live, as the name implies, where there are mountains and rocks, various stone reliefs and structures.

Where to find stone pokemon: quarries, agricultural land, mountains, nature reserves. Sometimes such monsters can be found in multi-storey shopping and entertainment complexes.

A complete list of stone Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 11 of them: Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Rayhorn, Raydon, Omanite, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl.

Psychic-type Pokémon

Often these characters in the game Pokemon GO appear under the cover of night. Also, according to game statistics, they can be found near medical institutions.

Where to find Psychic Pokémon: residential corners of large, densely populated cities at night, hospitals and clinics. Rarely do these creatures wander into libraries, or appear on the coast.

The full list of Psychic Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Drozy, Hypno, Executor, Executor, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Jinx, Starmie, Mr. Mine, Mew and Mewtwo. True, the last two cannot be found in the wild.

Bug-type Pokémon

You can guess that these animals live not far from their herbal counterparts - in meadows and fields. By the way, the most ideal place for hunting monster insects is city parks.

Where to find them: forests and plantations, gardens, meadows and fields, protected areas.

A complete list of insect-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 12 of them: Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Bidril, Paras, Parasekt, Venonat, Venomot, Skyther and Pinzir.

Ground-type Pokémon

Most likely they can be found next to the stone ones. Basically, there are characters on agricultural objects and lands.

Where to find ground pokemon: agricultural land, gardens and fields, squares and parks, quarries.

A complete list of ground Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: Sandshrew, Sanslash, Diglet, Dugtrio, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Cubone, Marowak, Ryhorn, Raido, Nidoquin and Nidoking.

Poison-type Pokémon

There is a chance to find such a character in your own in areas where there are swamps and swamps. Much less often, these species appear in the industrial zones of cities. However, it is worth considering that often poisonous Pokémon simultaneously belong to another, adjacent species, so they can be easily found in locations based on the first type. For example, there are flying poison creatures, or grass poison monsters.

Where to find Poison Pokémon: wetlands, reservoirs, industrial zones.

The full list of poisonous Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 33 of them: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Odish, Glum, Vileplum, Weedle, Kakuna, Bidril, Venonat, Venomot, Belsprout, Vipinbel, Viktribel, Ekans, Arbok, Nidoran (m) and Nidoran (w), Nidorina, Nidokuin, Nikdoking, Zubat, Golbat, Grimer, Mook, Kofing, Weezing, Tentakul, Tentakruel, Gastly, Hunter and Gengar.

Dragon-type Pokémon

It's easier than ever to get such a powerful fighter in your collection - through evolution. For example, you can capture a Protozoa and upgrade it to Dragonair and then to Dragonite. Usually these creatures are located near large-scale business cards of cities - such as iconic monuments, architectural structures, etc.

Where to find dragon-like Pokemon: monuments, steles, memorials, major tourist sites and attractions.

A complete list of dragon-like Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 3 of them: Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.

Fairy-type Pokémon

Experienced gamers have noticed that these creatures are often found near memorable, iconic places in cities. They were also noticed in cemeteries and in religious temples.

Where to find magical Pokemon: temples, graveyards, sights.

A complete list of magical Pokemon in Pokemon GO, there are 5 of them: Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wiglituff and Mister Mine.

Fighting-type Pokémon

They live where they can hone their combat skills and improve their performance in training.

Where to find fighting Pokémon: sports clubs and halls, stadiums and fitness centers.

A complete list of fighting Pokemon in Pokemon GO, there are 8 of them: Munky, Primemap, Machop, Machok, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Polivrat.

ghost pokemon

Since ghosts are difficult to see, they can be found anywhere they want.

Where to find Ghost Pokémon: anywhere, especially at night. A number of Pokémon claim to have encountered ghostly monsters in graveyards.

There are 3 Ghost Pokémon that can be found in the game are: Gastly, Hunter and Gengar.

Ice-type Pokémon

Often this type of pocket monster is born from an egg in an Incubator. By the logic of the name, we can also conclude that this type of game creatures lives in cold places and loves a frosty and snowy climate.

Where to find Ice Pokémon: skating rink, glacier, ski resort, countries with a cold climate, north. In normal regions, you can meet these characters in winter.

A complete list of ice Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 5 of them: Jinx, Dewgong, Clouster, Lapras and Articuno, which is unrealistic to find in the wild.

Rare Pokémon

It is immediately worth noting that Pokemon Go rarity- the concept is very unstable. Judging by the above types of Pokémon and their habitats, we can conclude that for your region a certain Pokémon will be rare, but residents of other areas will consider it simple and even common.

Pokemon types table

pokemon type Strong against Weak against
normal type Strong Against: Not Weak Against: Combat
Insects Strong against: Herbal, psychic, ghosts Weak against: Flying, fiery, stone
Poison type Strong against: herbal, magical Weak against: Earthy, psychic
herbal type Strong against: Water, Earth, Stone Weak against: Flying, Poisonous, Fiery, Ice
water type Strong against: Fiery, Earthy, Stone Weak against: Electric, Herbal
fire type Strong Against: Steel, Insects, Ice, Grass Weak against: Earth, Stone, Water
earth type Strong Against: Fiery, Electric, Poisonous, Stone, Steel Weak against: Watery, Herbal, Ice
combat type Strong against: Normal Weak against: Flying, Magical
stone type Strong against: Fiery, Ice, Flying, Insects Weak against: Water, Grass, Combat, Earth, Steel
magic type Strong against: Combat, Dragons, Ghosts Weak against: Poisonous, Steel
Electric type Strong against: Aquatic, Flying Weak Against: Grass, Steel, Dragons
Psychic type Strong against: Combat, Poison Weak against: Insects, Ghosts
ghost type Strong Against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak against: ghosts
dragons Strong against: dragons Weak against: Icy, Magical
ice type Strong against: Herbal, Earthy, Flying, Dragons Weak Against: Fiery, Earthy, Steel
flying type Strong against: Herbal, Combat, Insects Weak Against: Electric, Dedyanoy, Earthy
ghost type Strong Against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak Against: Combat, Magic
metal type Strong Against: Magical, Icy, Earthy Weak Against: Combat, Fiery, Earthy

The strongest Pokémon in Pokemon GO

Type Most strong pokemon
Normal Snorlax Wigglytuff Clefable
Insects Pinsir Scyther Venomoth
Poisonous Venusaur Vileplume Muk
herbal Exeggutor Venusaur Victreebel
Water Lapras Vaporeon Gyarados
fiery Arcanine Charizard Flareon
earthen Nidoking Rhydon Nidoqueen
Combat Machamp Poliwrath Primeape
Stone Rhydon Omastar Golem
Electric Jolteon Electabuzz Raichu
Mental Slowbro Exeggutor Hypno
flying Dragonite Gyarados Charizard

10/06/2018 – article updated

Basic information about the “Psychic Event” in Pokémon GO

Pokémon such as Abra, Ralts, Baltoy, and Drowzee will be found more frequently in the wild (as will other Psychic-type Pokémon).

At the same time, additional field quests dedicated to Psychic-type Pokémon will be available.

Also in the game should appear

New clothes in Pokemon GO

New clothes available for free in the Pokemon GO store (T-shirt and baseball cap)

Anones everywhere

Unown spawns have been significantly increased in several places on the planet. Unfortunately, Russia is not included in this list:

  • New York Comic Con convention in New York
  • Italian “Games Week” in Milan
  • Mag Convention in Erfurt, Germany

Increased Unown spawns usually go away with the end of the event.

Hint of Halloween in Pokemon GO

Niantic is increasingly hinting at upcoming events in their newsletters. So this time he hinted at the imminent Halloween in Pokemon GO (apparently):

“Coaches, an exciting event! Professor Willow reports that some mysterious events are coming. Could this be the work of Ghost Pokémon? Stay in touch and you'll find out soon!

Have an interesting event, coaches!

The article will be updated as new information becomes available.


───── ─────

You must have read my Journal. So I really liked the idea with the top. Yes, and probably you too. In short, I decided to make the same top, but only about the weakest ones.

I wanted it to be a secret weapon. But don't care, we're behind the Collapses.

But I wanted to do it according to the theme, and our theme is Space. As I said in the magazine, similar type to Cosmos it is Psychic. I don’t know if the Curators or Leaders will accept this as a topic. But if not, I won't be offended. Yet there is no Type Cosmos

And also this is the first part, the places here are from 10 to 6 place.

Okay enough talking, let's go see who's the weakest.


Beldum and Medicham

No, these two are strong on their own. Just because the top is long, here you have to be strong on par with Alakazam or Espeons. I like these two especially Mega Medici. Both are equal in parameters, 19 points


Espur and Wobafet

Wobafet is better known as Team R's STRONGEST Pokémon. Not really. In the 18th movie, it was he who saved the Team from the cannon (if my memory serves me) Giratina, reflecting this blow. And Espur is just a cutie. 18 points both.


Kirlia, Chingling and Unone

8th place is shared by three Pokémon at once. Kirlia is known for her role in the movie The Green Ballerina. Chingling is just two bells....... Aaaaaa, caught you my puns. And Unone. Fuck who is he? Or is she? Or is it? Is he a fucking Nota? In general, they are here with 17 points


Drowzy, Exekute, Natu, Smoochum, Elgiem and Wubat

Bitch 6 Pokemon. Let me tell you briefly about each. Drowsy, like I said, he pisses me off. Eksekut - eggs ..... Here again, you are caught by the vulgarity of you Pokemon. Natu - I don't know why he doesn't have Pink hair and he's not a fire type. Smucham - so to speak Lips-Bazookas. Elgiem - I figured out who he is. Wubat is a Chinese copy of Zubat. 16 points.


Abra, Slowpoke, Spoink, Gofita and Baltoy

5 pokemon. ##*#*#*#. Again - BRIEFLY. Abra is a sleeping alien. Slowpoke is a creature that needs a Snickers Kamaz. Spoink is Spoink. Gofita - so to speak African duplicate of Lip-Bazooka. Baltoy - phhhhhhhhhhhhh. 15 points.


Wait for the second part

Well, I will come up with jokes for future posts.

In the first days of July, the latest development of the gaming computer industry appeared - the Pokemon GO game. Fans all over the world took to the streets in search of Pokémon. They spend a lot of money on virtual tricks to catch and train computer monsters (that's how the word Pokemon is translated).

Who are Pokémon?

Pocket monsters (unusual animals) were originally the heroes of games-prestavki, and then an endless animated series. Pokemon has been developed by Japanese game designer Satoshi Tajiri for six years. He practically translated into virtual world their childhood fantasies and a collection of beetles. But now Pokémon can be difficult to collect, but to train, arrange competitions.

Pokemon, thanks to their trainer, begin to grow, develop, turning into real fighters - true monsters. Each Pokemon has not only an original appearance, but also a special character. Some features clearly resemble the player himself, and some of someone you know. There are more than 700 Pokémon in total, and the development of the game is still ongoing. They can be forest, earth, water, fire, electric, etc. To command monsters is to have power over great power. Pokémon have become a cultural phenomenon.

The game was developed by Niantic. Within a few weeks of its existence, the game brought in billions of dollars to both Niantic, the developer of the game, and Nintendo, the owner of the Pokémon brand.

The essence of the game Pokemon GO

So Pokemon GO role-playing multiplayer game created by latest technology augmented reality. The essence of the game is to find Pokemon, catch them in your collection, make real fighters out of them through lengthy training, arrange battles, join groups of other trainers and join forces. It is possible that all this will remind you of the usual computer game, but the developers bypassed their competitors by using augmented reality technology, the essence of which is that all the actions of Pokemon take place in the real world.

Pokémon hide, live, frolic, learn and fight alongside us: at home, in the office, school, playground, public place. The game combines reality, the pictures of which it receives with the help of cameras of smartphones and tablets, and virtuality, a product of the game developers.

In the squeaks of Pokemon, people start moving. They come to the most unexpected places where they start catching or training monsters. The game is made in such a way that every time you have to stop at an important interesting place. Naturally, a person does not want to lose the achievements of his game.

You should not assume that the developers gave the world such an interesting activity completely disinterestedly. At certain stages, the player begins to face a lot of obstacles, which become almost impossible to overcome. In this case, a variety of virtual tricks, helper items, baits, which can be purchased for real money, come to the rescue.

Of course, you can not acquire, but at the time of this need, the human consciousness is deeply immersed in the game. Although in this case, it is more accurate to say that the game penetrates deeply into the human mind. There is a burning desire to explore each new place through the prism of the game (tablet screen) in order to discover a new rare Pokémon and replenish your collection. By this period, a person is already ready to spend money on his virtual reality.

Benefits of playing Pokemon GO over other games

  1. Feeling of reality: the action takes place in the real world around.
  2. The opportunity is not easy to be strong, but to command someone else's power. Power versus force.
  3. Accessibility of the game: the ability to play anywhere, away from the computer desk.
  4. Ease of use: the developers have tried to make the game as accessible as possible even for small children, in addition, it does not require high technical parameters.

Pokemon GO Danger

The developers of the game stated about the very positive impact of the game on people:

  • people move as actively as possible;
  • comical situations with heroes evoke positive emotions.

However, a detailed analysis of the game reveals whole line features that have a negative impact on the psyche. No wonder psychologists have already begun to sound the alarm.

Danger of the game:

  • The superimposition of two realities on top of each other causes a violation of a person's perception of reality. At first glance, it may seem that it is absolutely controllable. But in the future, it becomes obvious that the general picture of the environment is formed not through the psyche, but through computer program. We perceive what the computer dictates to us. And this is fraught with mentality.
  • The game is dangerous to human health and life. Without noticing the real happening, the player follows the path set by the game, bumping into objects and getting injured. It's scary to think what will happen if the game leads to a busy road or dangerous terrain.
  • Pokémon require constant attention. Any distraction from the game brings change and loss of points and bonuses, and possibly even leads to the death of the Pokémon. This is how addiction to the game is formed.
  • Pokemon in the early stages are very cute creatures, but who can guarantee that this will be the case all the time. Ahead of the player are terrible battles, which means a surge