Where to get a Klondike. Tips and secrets of the Klondike - the missing expedition. Collection of online games - A unique selection of the best projects of all time

Household - Tricks

  • Do not sell large gold nuggets from storage. They will be needed for the quest, and getting them is not so easy!

  • Not enough emeralds to buy a building? Take your time, wait for discounts. The store often has discounts on popular products.

  • Leaving the station for several hours does not make sense to leave sawmills and quarries running, because after 7-45 minutes they will stop anyway, and the hired workers will spend their time idly. It is much better to provide them with a long-term assignment in a forge, furniture factory or pottery. Make them make tables, beds, chains, slates, things that take a long time to make! And rest easy knowing that your money was well spent on hiring.

  • Do you need living space to hire workers? Don't build too many shacks and tents! This is not a way out. They are extremely expensive to hire! It is much better to accumulate resources and then build more expensive housing, but renting it is much cheaper.

  • If you need to break a stone faster, place only 1 stone in one quarry.

  • If you have a lot of friends, log into the game more often to accept free gifts from them, since there is a limit on them - 300 gifts, then the previous gift is replaced by the next one. this way you simply lose free gifts.

  • Take care of the limit. If possible, purchase windows, nails, tiles and other materials in collections. They don't take up your limit.

  • If you need baskets or packages of eggs, it is better to put not ready-made baskets, but the eggs themselves. You'll collect it faster! Firstly, neighbors will find two or three extra eggs much more often, and secondly, eggs, unlike baskets, do not take up a limit in the barn, which is important if you only have one barn.

  • It is very beneficial to use fertilizers when growing crops in greenhouses. Using 4 fertilizers, you get 8 harvests. Collection time depends on the fertilizer. By applying 50% fertilizer in greenhouses, ripening time is reduced by 75%.

  • Don't be lazy to dig! 100 free shovels are extra experience and collection items.

  • It is more convenient to search for gold veins with the help of a dog.

  • Have you acquired a merchant? Check with your neighbors to see who is selling what and for what. Don’t forget to put an ad in the Exchange indicating the goods in the store.

  • Use the exchange! You now have a shortage of material, and someone doesn’t know where to put it! Look for convenient exchange options.

  • Feel free to visit our website. This will allow you to save time and resources. Knowing what items you need to build buildings and complete quests, you can avoid unnecessary waste of energy. For example, in one of the quests you will be asked to grow cabbage, you must admit it’s a shame if you plant a lot of this cabbage before the quest, and it doesn’t count for you, you’ll have to plant it again. Or you will rivet extra stools when you are given them as a reward for one of the quests.

  • Stock up on resources such as coal, grass, wind. The higher the level, the more you will need these materials.

  • If the store has new decor, don’t be stingy and spend some coins to purchase it. All the advantages of purchasing decor.

  • A very useful thing is a fake. If you don't have one yet, think about getting one.

  • Take advantage of discounts! Quite often, discounts appear in the game on this or that product, and you have the opportunity to purchase something you couldn’t before, save emeralds, or buy 2 things instead of one.

  • As soon as your level allows, buy cherry and pear seedlings. Even if you are not going to make porridge, shovels from the fruits, or breed livestock on the Wind Song, then by selling the crops, you can earn a tidy sum of coins. The payback for one tree is about a week, then the trees are net profit. In addition to everything, Pears are a source of worms that are very valuable in the game, and gold nuggets or antiques fall out of the golden tree statue. Cherry brings items from the ladies' collection, and when disassembling statues - items from the holidays! However, it is very profitable!

  • Visit first of all those friends who are already employed by you. If they discover a gold mine, they will not have to be hired additionally.

  • When hiring workers, try not to fill the sleeping places to capacity unless absolutely necessary; leave a couple of places for those neighbors who will need to be hired when you dig up a gold mine from them.

  • If you need to quickly pluck a goose or simply collect more eggs, you need to be online, since offline birds do not eat or lay eggs.

  • When you enter the game, first of all, harvest the crops and sow the seeds, and only then go collect products from factories. By the time you walk around everything, the harvest of strawberries, rye or beans may already be ripe. Yes, and several units of energy will have time to be restored.

  • Not enough space to grow crops on the station, and Indigo and Windsong are already filled with animals? It is enough to transport vegetable complexes or vegetable super-complexes to Almaznoye or to Arnika (closer to the station), and calmly grow crops there. You can also take a wigwam there, it will help harvest the crop. Do not forget that the seeds must be brought in a sleigh for the first planting. and then just make sure that there is no overload during harvesting. Naturally, you need to go to harvest, having previously accumulated more energy, or take energy drinks with you on the sleigh.

  • Do you prefer to fly by plane? Then there is no point in putting equipment in the sled. You simply won't need it. But it is very possible and necessary to increase the load capacity with the help of folding backrests or amplifiers. Place the maximum possible number of harnesses, which increases the carrying capacity, because the plane is not afraid of distances.

  • Re-read this page from time to time. Worldly wisdom does not come immediately. During the game, we study our mistakes and share with you our experience and tricks. The page is constantly replenished and updated.
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    Vizor Interactive

    In the game Klondike Lost Expedition, secrets are found at every step, you just need to know and remember them. Knowing the secrets of the Klondike, you can quickly earn money and enrich yourself with resources. We will try in this article to give practical advice and reveal the secrets of the Klondike game to make the game easier and simpler for you.

    One of the secrets of the Klondike game, which many people forget, is that it is better to mine coal in the game yourself using energy: stonemasons are not very suitable for this purpose. In addition, in a similar way you can purchase additional experience(on average, one hit gives from 4 to 54 units of experience), as well as discover collection elements.

    The main task of stonemasons is to break stones, so it is better to send them to crush large boulders into small pieces that they can finish off main character. A similar Klondike secret works with woodcutters: the larger the forest area they cut down, the less experience and chances of finding something useful for themselves. If you cut down yourself, the chance increases.

    Three workers can work in the quarry and sawmill at the same time, performing various works by production.

    At the station, the player has two free workers available - Eskimos. The rest of the workers will have to be hired for a fee, if necessary, from among friends. The hiring price can vary quite a bit between each friend. Hiring at a minimum cost is most likely among friends who log into the game once every 2 days. Hired workers will require housing. Therefore, you will have to build a tent, shack, apartment or a whole house with an attic. The quality of housing affects the cost of an employee’s services: the better the housing, the less the employee takes for his work and the longer he can work without a rest break.

    Next Klondike secret- While the Eskimo woodcutters are doing their job, break up pyrite, coal, ore and clay. For mining you can not only get a lot of experience, but also coins and energy. It is better to finish off the last unit of stone or wood yourself, since this gives an increased amount of experience, and also often drops items from collections and gold. During the last hit of energy on pyrite, gold almost always falls out, which can be sold to buy something more necessary. If you resort to the help of stonemasons when mining, you will not be able to get anything other than ordinary stone. If you need a certain type of resource, you can try digging from a friend underneath it: very often during this process several units of the mined mineral will fall out.

    Try to collect as much product as possible, which will later be useful in constructing buildings and completing tasks, from animals (common cows and sheep). Regularly inspect your stations and your friends' stations for bird nests. In order to take over a nest belonging to a friend, he must be recruited to work. It is worth considering that, having fulfilled its production limit, the animal dies.

    Limits for different types animals are as follows:

    • birds – 25 nests,
    • sheep - 25 wool,
    • ordinary cows – 50 milk,
    • purebred sheep - 125 wool,
    • purebred cows – 200 milk,
    • rabbits – after eating 26 units of grass.

    A little Klondike secret: after death, the animal turns into a golden statue, which opens by clicking the mouse. Only the owner of the animal can do this. The Golden Monument is a source of elements of collections, which often include quite rare ones, coins, experience and products from this animal.

    Despite the fact that the grass contains food for birds (worms) and mammals (grass), it is not necessary to completely remove it: otherwise this may result in additional costs (you will have to buy hay for animals, and prepare feeders for birds, since without them they will not be able to rush).

    Well, the main tip for the game is to constantly dig up your neighbors using the 100 free shovels available daily (5 for each friend). The limit on free shovels is updated at midnight Moscow time and at 23-00 Minsk and Kyiv time.

    Another secret of the Klondike is that with the help of shovels you can pick up eggs from nests from neighbors if they are covered with decorations or plants. To do this, you must first click on the object covering the nest, and then on the nest itself. In this case, the character will dig up the object and then take the eggs if other neighbors have not yet taken them.

    Every time you dig under a new building or a friend's decoration, you can stumble upon a Gold Mine, the location of which changes every week. And if you dig where none of your neighbors have yet started excavations, the likelihood of stumbling upon a treasure in which you can find gold and experience increases.

    At each friend’s station, 20 veins are randomly buried weekly, which can be located anywhere: under buildings, stones, decorations, and even grass. The less a friend has at the station various items, the higher the chance of stumbling upon a vein. Finding Gold Veins is a great way to improve your well-being, however, in order to dig a Gold Veins from a friend, you must first hire him. More information about Gold Veins can be found in the "Other" section at the top of the Klondike game menu.

    More neighbors in the Klondike provide more opportunities for exchange and gifts. Therefore, one of the tasks of a player who wants to succeed in the game is to send out offers to his friends with a request to join the gameplay. You can send free gifts: the sooner after the update you start doing this and the more you send, the more of them will be returned in return. Friends will be happy to receive something they need as a gift: you can find out about their needs and needs if you check the box next to “Show who is looking” when sending gifts.

    Important advice for playing Klondike: do not get rid of the products in the warehouse: the need for them will definitely arise along the way further game. After cutting down resources, you can find coins in caches. You can also get hold of them when selling collections, but it’s better not to sell everything at once: they may be needed when completing quests. Gold and egg trays created in the barn are also available for sale. In this case, it is better to sell a little of each product, rather than just one resource. In case of a sudden need for coins, they can be dug up under some of the buildings and decorations. The most profitable way to earn money is to grow cucumbers and cabbage, as well as rabbits, which reproduce after each feeding.
    When deciding to exchange a collection, you should think carefully: the fact is that many collections will be needed in further adventures. Collections can be obtained by digging at your station and friends' stations, as well as by discovering Gold Veins. Rare collections are found inside animal monuments.

    The character's energy grows rather slowly. It increases after completing adventure tasks. At the beginning of the game, the energy limit is 15. After reaching the third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels, one more unit is added to the energy limit. Thus, after reaching level 20, the energy limit will be 20.
    A little secret of the Klondike game - the limit can be increased, but for a limited period of time. To do this, with the energy limit filled to the brim, you need to break as many resources, stones and trees as possible to the last unit. Then at one time you need to finish off all the resources that have only one unit. A lot of energy will fall out of the caches hidden under these resources. It can also be collected from bread dropped from golden monuments, as well as using rabbits and pastries prepared in the Bakery

    Klondike free game VKontakte and others in social networks. In the story, your hero goes in search of the gold miner's father. To do this, you have to follow the steps of your father and overcome obstacles and explore the entire northern region. In addition to the main mission, you need to survive in harsh lands, build a hut and develop a farm so that you have something to eat. Do farming, raise animals and plants and earn money for it. Although the game is free, there are purchases in the game to speed up the process. Gold coins and emeralds will be needed to make purchases and unlock items. But all this costs money, players often try to download cheats Klondike to get money for free. But breaking the rules of the game can lead to loss account. To avoid this, you need to use the play store. Using bonus codes you can get a lot of money in the game for free and enjoy the game without restrictions. Show your achievements to your friends and surprise them with your high level.

    Klondike codes for free:

    • 500 emeralds – lcz#t5s1ugq
    • 1,111 emeralds – ljz#8o52tf1
    • 600,000 coins - thl#ez5nzig
    • 2,700,000 coins – bx4#zdgjxho
    • Restore energy - zdh#3sn7sdh

    Money is needed for the expedition. Using secrets, you can quickly unlock all items in the game, buildings and animals. Accelerate your experience gains and level up quickly. Using Klondai emeralds The player instantly loses energy units. There are codes for their instant recovery. This allows you to quickly advance in the game and complete tasks. Speed ​​up the construction processes and buy the things you need.

    This is a browser game with nice graphics that you can play on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and mail.ru. The main mission of the game is expeditions in search of the father, but we will spend most of the time on the farm. After all, we have very little money and in order to develop in the game we need to buy resources for emeralds, or spend all our free time on the game. From the very beginning we have to learn all the basics of agriculture, how to manage the farm and build key buildings.

    The economic part of the game limits the speed of completion. To get significant success there are not enough coins and emeralds. When performing actions, construction, or harvesting, a unit of energy is taken away from us. This prevents you from quickly gaining experience, which is required to unlock buildings and animals. The Shop and Warehouse are key places in the game where the player can purchase new items. To unlock the most interesting of them you need emeralds, or hack Klondike. This allows you to buy animals and premium buildings and receive more varied items in the Warehouse. In the latter, you can sell things and make money from it.

    Klondike game: The Lost Expedition has been available to you for a very long time. We all already know a little about the game, but we have a couple of tips to help you become the best. The tips will mainly be useful for beginners, but will also help experienced players.


    Coal is best mined manually, for this you will also receive additional experience, and perhaps you will find a collection item. As for the stonemasons, only break large stones with them, and when the main character can break them, break them with them. This also applies to woodcutters.

    If you decide to hire friends in a sawmill or quarry, hire those who have few friends and who rarely log into the game. This will do you good.


    If you are completing tasks, you should collect as much as possible more products from animals. After fulfilling its limit, the animal dies and turns into a golden statue, which only the owner can open. The statue may drop collection items and much more. You shouldn’t mow all the grass on the farm, because the animals will have nowhere to graze and will have to buy hay.

    Friends and neighbors

    Like any other game, it will be more interesting to play with friends and, of course, more productive. Make new friends, give them gifts and maybe they will do the same to you.

    Gold veins

    As you know, a gold mine changes its location once a week, so you should dig under new buildings each time. And as we know, you can find a lot of useful things in a gold mine.


    You should not sell products from a warehouse in order to make money; you will definitely need them. If you’re going to sell, it’s better to do it little by little, because we don’t know when we’ll need this or that resource; do the same with collections. However, read on and you will learn how to deal with collections.


    Finding collections is not very easy, so when exchanging or selling, think carefully about whether it’s worth it? Perhaps it will come in handy any minute. By the way, the most interesting collections come from golden animal monuments.

    We hope our tips help you. Well, if you were looking for cheats for the game Klondike: The Lost Expedition, we will disappoint you, they are not there. We'll have to play fair.

    Sometimes you catch yourself thinking that you would like to play something light, relaxing, with graphics that are pleasing to the eye and a plot that carries meaning. And you know, such a project was found. Game Klondike Lost Expedition This is something that you don’t mind spending another hour on, and sometimes even more. I like that Play Klondike Lost Expedition You can take your time, thoughtfully and thoroughly approach each episode. Wonderful cartoon graphics will only enhance your impression of the game, and everything you need to play Klondike for free, it's easy to register.

    Review Klondike Lost Expedition

    Klondike Lost Expedition website

    You find yourself on the modestly decorated site of the Klondike Lost Expedition. Without any frills or pretensions to a major gaming portal. Yes, actually the game Klondike Lost Expedition does not need this. Its mission is to provide good and high-quality entertainment, and not to dump mountains of unnecessary information on the heads of players, as is often the case with more famous projects. Playing Klondike The Lost Expedition will be possible after lightning-fast registration using any of the social networks. networks or entering your mailbox and password. And that's it, you are in the project. Happy start!

    Game Features

    Simply wonderful graphics that set a positive mood;
    Thanks to the project, you will learn a lot of new things about the morals and customs of the northern peoples;
    You won’t be able to relax particularly during the time you play Klondike The Lost Expedition. Research, housekeeping and other equally important matters require increased attention;
    To meet and communicate with other project participants there is a perfectly executed chat;
    The well-known “Farm” can be called the progenitor of this game, only the child surpassed his parent in all respects.

    Plot and training

    This story began a long time ago. When the Hero was a child, his father went on an expedition to the North, where he disappeared. The boy grew up and went in search of his missing parent. It is from this moment that you will start playing Klondike for free. The first on the hero's path will be the local aborigines. Friendly and peaceful, but still on their own. It is with their help that you will complete the training course. In this regard, the game undoubtedly pleased me. The training takes place in such a non-intrusive manner that it is practically unnoticeable. And at the same time, he introduces you to the process, leaving no blind spots or misunderstandings.

    Collection of online games - A unique selection of the best projects of all time

    The list of locations open to visit is huge. Playing Klondike Lost Expedition means constantly being on the move, because it is not only a good addition to your budget, but also a very exciting activity. Locations are divided into two categories:

    1. – places that are available to you throughout gameplay. Basic ones, so to speak. It is on their territory that you will spend the bulk of your time and lay the foundation for your well-being.

    2. – they appear on the eve of any events or holidays. A visit to them will bring you quite a few pleasant surprises. Unfortunately, some of them close after a certain time.

    Before going to a particular location, you can get detailed information about the place of visit. They will tell you the most convenient way to get there, what items will be most in demand in this area and whether there are additional tasks there.

    Walkthrough of the game Klondike Lost Expedition

    Actually, the Klondike Lost Expedition game itself is built like a “Farm”, but farming is not a fundamental factor. This is just one way to somehow feed yourself and make your existence in the game more comfortable. But adventures and all the circumstances arising from them are the gaming foundation of the project. So let's see what you need to do for a successful passage:

    Look for treasures and hiding places; they can be found in the most unexpected places. The search process is both exciting and very profitable;
    Use cheap hired force; local residents will be happy to act as it. They are not whimsical and very efficient. So shift all the dirty and hard work onto them;
    Equip your expeditions; if you play Klondike for free and don’t take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, then consider your time wasted. People are always attracted by the unknown, so go for it, get a good dog sled and hit the road;
    And of course, don’t miss the opportunity to play mini-games; to be honest, it’s hard to count them. Moreover, they are all incredibly interesting and based on databases most popular games, for example "Zuma".

    Klondike Lost Expedition - Our impressions

    If you doubt that you will like playing Klondike Lost Expedition, then you are absolutely in vain. The project has everything to captivate, and most importantly, spend time easily, without thinking about pressing problems. The game Klondike Lost Expedition is a bright representative of good projects that carry only positive emotions. And it’s not least important that you will play Klondike for free, after only a very short registration.