Show geographic map of the world close up. Continents and oceans on the surface of the earth. Physical map of Eurasia

Here you can look at a physical map of Russia in Super Ultra HD quality and a huge resolution of 10350 by 5850 pixels (over 60 megapixels) - this is the largest map resolution that can be found on the Internet.

(the map can be enlarged in a new window for detailed consideration)

Attention, the attraction of unheard-of generosity is open! This map is free to download and print.

I know that many users are looking on the Internet for a physical map of Russia in full screen, maps of Russia in good quality close-up, cards in high definition etc. Here everyone will find what they expect to see and more.

The resolution of the card is huge, the quality is high. That is why the map is very, very, very detailed. Map scale: 1: 8,000,000 (1 cm - 80 km on the ground). All inscriptions on the map are in Russian.

If you look closely, then on this map of the Russian Federation you can also see Ukraine, part of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and other parts of the Eurasian continent.

This general geographic map conveys the external appearance of the territory and water area. The physical map shows in detail the relief and hydrography, as well as sands, glaciers, floating ice, reserves, mineral deposits. Thanks to high resolution on the map you can see cities, towns, villages and others settlements, routes of communication, borders, etc.

Hope the large Ultra HD maps and HD pictures will bring more benefits to travelers and ordinary people.

Something about resolving this map

Many people know what 4K and Ultra HD are. This physical map Russian Federation has 2.5 times the horizontal pixel resolution of 4K. The illustration below shows the comparative sizes of all HD formats (HD, full HD, 2K, 4K) and this physical map of Russia.

Even more beautiful photos - on my Instagram photographer

You can see even more different photos on my instagram -.

Subscribe, friends. There will be many interesting things.

Links to photo galleries of cities and reserves

For those who like to view photographs rather than maps, this site collects photographs of nature reserves, cities and their attractions. Many of the photos in the galleries below are shown in HD quality.

Let's start with a sensational statement: the first drawing of a person was a map... Yes, not a hunting scene, but a plan view of the area. Perhaps it was a drawing with a twig on the sand, explaining to fellow tribesmen how to get to the coveted backwater on the river or a place where there is a lot of game.

Since those ancient times, drawing maps has been one of the most demanded services that very rare masters could provide. They cost significant value in return, especially if they were accurate and reliable.

On this page, you can see a large map of the world with countries in Russian, expanding it to full screen, decide on the route of future travels, or awaken nostalgic memories of the past days of vacation. For their reliability we "give a grudge", because these are images from space and errors on them are excluded. If there is already a river, a forest, a beach, then they really exist.

The source of such cartographic wealth is the Internet resource Google map and service from Yandex... Enjoy satellite maps the world is very simple - they have two main management functions:

  • change of scale;
  • the way the relief is displayed.

If you want to get a general idea of ​​the area, then it is enough to open a "scheme" that will allow you to carry out "strategic planning" - to determine the position of cities and points that must be visited.

Much more opportunities to learn about the details of the relief are provided by “ satellite mode»Display that recognizes terrain elements 10-15 meters long:

  • roads;
  • glades;
  • area;
  • infrastructure;
  • separate rocks and peaks.

Political Map The world with large countries in Russian is also included in our list of useful tools in a static form, you can see it below.

[Service is temporarily unavailable]

Google maps

Service from Yandex

Political Map

Articles on the topic. Drive around the map on Russian Railways (availability of seats and ticket prices)

Good day to all! In this post, we will talk about the types geographic maps... I have previously written a short article about, but now we will talk about this in more detail.

Since ancient times, in order to display and transfer information about the Earth's surface to other people, people have created maps.

Today cards are a part of our daily life. We come across them in weather forecasts, in travel guides, when planning a trip and on the road.

Types of geographical maps.

Best known to us general geographic maps... Such maps show the main elements of the terrain (vegetation, relief, settlements). Thematic maps focus on specific elements such as temperature.

Maps are constantly updated in order to reflect constant changes, such as the emergence of new borders, demolition of old buildings, road construction ... In the 1990s. after the collapse of the USSR, cartographers had to revise the political maps of Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

Geographic atlases.

Geographic Atlas Is a systematic collection of maps. The main feature of a modern atlas is the internal unity of all the maps that are included in it.

This is achieved by using comparable projections, symbols, scales, general principles of design, methods of representation, etc. It is believed that the ancient Greek scientist (2nd century AD) compiled the first geographical atlas.

Atlases include general geographic maps of the world and individual regions, as well as selected thematic(maps are climatic, population, economic, etc.)

Regional and national boundaries are displayed, as well as the names of administrative and political units, and other main settlements. Each state and each administrative-territorial unit is colored in different colors.

Irregularities on the surface of the Earth on modern physical (relief) maps, most often shown using a hypsometric color scale (shades of blue show the seabed, brown - mountains, green - lowlands).

The image of the relief is given additional plasticity and clarity by shading and shading. In some cases, a photo-relief is applied to the hypsometric image for the transfer of shadow plastics.

The position of individual peaks in relation to sea level is shown by elevation marks.

Topographic maps.

Topographic maps also refer to general geographic, since they depict not only elements of hydrography and relief, but also artificial structures, including communications and settlements, superimposed on the natural landscape.

For example, on rather detailed topographic maps of a scale of 1: 50,000 (1 cm 500 m), in addition to socio-economic and natural objects of the area with all their inherent quantitative and qualitative features and characteristics of placement using contour lines (usually brown lines that connect points with the same height) the relief is shown.

Of course there are maps and more. large scale, including city plans with individual buildings, private houses, gardens ...

In modern society general geographic maps(in particular, topographic) are increasingly used. For example, such maps are used in orienteering on the ground.

This sport originated in Scandinavia, and it requires the ability to recognize map elements on the ground, determine the direction (azimuth) of movement, etc. In sailing, navigation maps of the coastal zone are used.

Thematic maps.

Thematic maps contain information about the structure, about the location, about, about the weather, etc. Such cards are divided into several types.

On the contour maps different types of lines are widely used, which connect points with the same value of a certain element.

On synoptic and climatic maps, areas with equal pressure connected by isobars, with the same temperatures - isotherms, with the same precipitation - isohytes.

On many thematic maps to express quantitative characteristics, conditional coloring and designation are used.

For example, on population maps, the population size of the urban population is shown by small circles of different diameters and the degree of their concentration.

On cartograms, the use of different colors or different saturations of the same color for coloring individual areas directly corresponds to the quantitative indicator of a certain characteristic (crime rate, birth rate, population density).

The attention of users of such maps is focused on statistics - the main element of the cartogram.

Topological maps are very visual. On such maps, migration or trade flows are shown by arrows or lines, the width of which indicates the intensity of the process.

Very often, topological maps are drawn up without observing the scale of the image, in order to facilitate the perception of the main theme.

For example, for a passenger in the schemes transport routes the main thing is to quickly find the desired station and determine the route to follow.

Also, many maps display the results of scientific research. For example, geological maps show the structure of a certain area of ​​the earth's crust; geographers, geologists use such maps, and they are also used when laying iron and highways, in the construction of buildings.

On the geochemical maps shows the concentration of chemical elements in rocks, on soil maps- types . Areas of certain diseases are highlighted on epidemiological maps, this helps scientists to determine the causes of these diseases.

How to use the map.

The possibilities of maps are largely limited by their scale - the degree to which lines and distances on the map decrease in comparison with their actual dimensions on the ground.

The possibilities of the map are limited in many respects by its scale - the ratio of the size of the object shown on the map to its actual size.

To show a river or a road on a map on a scale, you would have to draw very thin lines, so thin that they could only be seen under a microscope.

On a map with a scale of 1:10 000, a two-millimeter line would correspond to 20 meters, and on a map with a scale of 1: 250,000 - 500 meters.

That is why cartographers very often simplify some elements and convey only their characteristic outlines (for example, without trying to accurately depict every bend and width of a river).

Accuracy and detail.

The limited volume of many parts is another drawback of many cards. So, for example, on topographic maps 1:50 000 wooded areas and buildings are plotted, but the sewer network and underground passages are missed.

However, many maps contain a large amount of a wide variety of information. Geological maps with legends and different colors give physical characteristics relief-forming rocks and show their structure.

Geologists, comparing the outlines of landforms with the boundaries of different geological layers, have the opportunity to determine the nature of occurrence and the place of their emergence to the surface.

Reading the map.

It is very important to be able to read the map, and also understand what the symbols on the map mean on the ground.

For example, the absence of surface runoff in a rainy area can tell geographers that a limestone landscape is depicted on the map, which means that surface water goes into underground voids.

The emergence of sources that are located in one row to the surface indicates the presence of a boundary between the impermeable and aquiferous rock, which delays the flow of groundwater.

Innovations in cartography.

The method of space mapping has been widely used recently. The essence of this method is the compilation of thematic and topographic maps directly from the survey data from space.

This mapping method is highly economical. It is effective especially when updating and compiling maps of territories that are poorly studied, replenishing their content, showing those phenomena that are visible only from high altitudes (global faults, for example), compiling maps for a specific date (synoptic maps), mapping the dynamics of the phenomenon.

The use of geographic information systems (GIS) is the latest advance in cartography. GIS is a computer technology for the analysis and mapping of objects the real world, as well as the events taking place on our planet.

This technology combines traditional database operations, such as statistical analysis and query, with the full visualization of geographic analysis provided by a map.

All these capabilities distinguish GIS from other information systems, and also provide unique opportunities for its application in a wide range of tasks that are associated with the forecast and analysis of phenomena and events in the surrounding world, with the identification and understanding of the main causes and factors, as well as their possible consequences. with planning strategic decisions and the current consequences of the actions taken.

In almost all spheres of human activity, GIS is used - from the analysis of such global problems as the reduction of forest land, overpopulation, natural disasters, pollution of the territory, to solving particular problems, such as choosing the optimal location for a new office, finding the best route between points, laying a pipeline along locality, search for a house by address, a variety of municipal tasks.

Information services.

In cartography, not so long ago, they began to use the world coordinate system, which uses satellite signals. GPS, also known as Navstar (Navigation System with Time and Ranging), is designed to transmit navigation signals that can be received simultaneously in all regions of the world.

The first standard orbital constellation of the system was deployed from June 1989 to March 1994: 24 spacecraft were launched into orbit. In 1995, the final commissioning of GPS took place.

Maintenance and operation are carried out by the Ministry of Defense. All over the world, the system is used to solve both military navigation tasks and civilian ones.

GPS-receiver allows you to determine the speed of the object, the exact time and its (latitude and longitude).

The procedure for determining coordinates on the ground has become accessible and simple due to the advent of inexpensive GPS receivers, and this has also given impetus to the development of electronic cartography systems.

Nowadays, this system is used in air and sea navigation, in geodesy. The geographic information service makes it possible to plot the route of movement based on computer processing of geographic data in digital form.

Thus, we examined the types of geographical maps, which are constantly being improved and become more detailed and accurate, and this is very good for studying our Earth and for helping people to navigate. 😉

Some maps depict individual, relatively small territories, while others show entire continents or oceans. What is shown on a physical map of the hemispheres? What is its scale? And what information can be "fished out" from it? You will definitely find answers to all these questions in our article.

A few words about cards

Cartography began around the same time as writing. In ancient times, our ancestors drew primitive plans on the walls of caves and rocks, on which they marked important features of the area in which they lived. The first map of the world, according to scientists, was created in Babylon about 3 thousand years ago.

Cartography flourished in the so-called era of the great geographical discoveries. Numerous travelers and navigators have created hundreds of fairly detailed and interesting maps... All information obtained during wanderings to distant and unknown lands was applied to them.

Despite the passage of time, the map did not become archaism and has retained its meaning to this day. In modern science, there is even a special research method - cartographic. Today, geographical maps are used in various sectors of the national economy - urban planning, territorial planning, agriculture, transport, meteorology, tourism, etc.

Maps are different: physical, economic, recreational, climatic, synoptic, geological, political and many, many others. Physical maps depict continents and oceans. They also show hydrographic objects (rivers, seas, lakes), various forms and sometimes - the largest cities.

Back in 150 BC, the ancient Greek scientist Cratet Mullsky created the first three-dimensional model of the Earth - a globe. However, later it turned out that it is not so convenient to use this model in practice. You can't take it on a long hiking expedition, and it certainly won't fit in a travel backpack. Plus, when you look at a globe, you only see one half of it. This is also not always convenient.

Apparently, that is why maps of the Earth's hemispheres were invented. Of course, distortions are indispensable here. But on the other hand, such maps make it possible to contemplate the whole picture of the world at once, because they show two halves of our huge planet at once. If cut Earth along the equator, then we get a map of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. If you divide the planet along the Zero (Greenwich) meridian, you get, respectively, a map of the Western and Eastern hemispheres.

The scale of the physical map of the hemispheres

Scale is a purely mathematical concept. This is the ratio of the length of a segment on a geographic map or plan to the real length of the same segment on the ground. For example, in front of us lies topographic map with the following scale: 1: 2000. This means that one centimeter on it corresponds to two thousand centimeters (or twenty meters) on the ground.

Physical maps of the hemispheres are of an overview nature and are used for educational purposes (usually in the wall version). Therefore, they tend to be small-scale. The scale of physical maps of the hemispheres most often varies from 1: 15,000,000 to 1: 80,000,000. That is, the distance between Kiev and Moscow on them does not exceed 3-4 centimeters.

What is shown on the physical map of the hemispheres

On a physical map of any scale, various natural objects are primarily displayed. Which ones? What is shown on the physical map of the Earth's hemispheres specifically? Let's list all these objects.

  • Forms of relief of hills, plateaus, mountain ranges).
  • Coastline elements (islands, peninsulas, bays, straits, bays, capes).
  • Objects of hydrography (seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, canals, large reservoirs, glaciers).
  • Elements of underwater relief (hollows, oceanic ridges, troughs).
  • Capitals and major cities.

The map of the Earth shows three continents (North and South America, Antarctica) and three oceans (Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic), on the map of the Eastern Hemisphere - four continents (Eurasia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica) and four oceans (Arctic, Atlantic , Quiet and Indian).

How to read a physical map

Any geographic map has its own specific language. Knowing this language, you can learn to read it correctly. First of all, you should pay attention to the scale of the map. Most often it is placed in the upper left corner of the sheet. The scale is indicated not only numerically, but also linearly, so that the process of determining the distances on the map is as convenient as possible.

There are not too many symbols on the physical map of the hemispheres (as a rule, no more than two dozen). So, rivers are marked with dark blue lines, lakes and reservoirs - spots blue... Land ice and permanent snow are shown with parallel rows of blue dots. Most of Antarctica and Greenland are covered with this "pattern".

Some others can be found on physical maps. conventional signs(see photo below). The relief on them is displayed using different shades. This is worth discussing in more detail below.

Displaying relief on a physical map

A so-called scale of heights and depths with numerical marks in meters is necessarily placed under each physical map. Forms the earth's surface denoted in different colors, depending on the absolute height of the terrain. So, the lowlands are shown in green, hills - yellow, mountain systems and ridges - orange or dark brown.

It's the same with the depths. The shallow waters of the ocean floor are indicated by a light blue tint. The deeper areas are shown in more saturated blue. Here the principle is as follows: the deeper - the darker the color.

The absolute heights of individual points on the land surface are shown in black, and the depths of the seas and oceans are shown in blue.

The whole world can fit on one sheet of the map, with all the oceans, continents, mountains and plains, countries, cities, minerals, animals and birds. You just need to be able to read the map correctly. In this lesson, we will learn what maps were in antiquity, and what types of maps are now, what are the advantages of a map over a globe, what is the scale, the legend of the map. We will learn to use the scale of depths and heights, determine the coordinates of terrestrial objects.

Topic: The planet we live on

People started drawing maps even before they thought about whether the earth was round or flat. Scientists have discovered in Kamchatka a drawing on a bone depicting a path to a place rich in booty. This is probably one of the oldest maps. Maps were drawn on pieces of bark, carved on wooden planks, which were convenient to take on the road. Some peoples scratched maps with a sharp object on damp clay tiles, which, after drying, became durable, with a clear image.

This world map, in the center of which the city of Babylon is located, more than 3 thousand years.

Rice. 1. World map of Ancient Babylon ()

Rock carvings of the area were also found in caves where people lived thousands of years ago.

Rice. 2. Rock painting of the area ()

With the invention of paper, cards began to be drawn on it. All information obtained by scientists and travelers during their wanderings in different lands was applied to the maps.

Rice. 3. Ancient Map world on paper ()

The production of the map was a lengthy process, as all the details were drawn by hand, so the maps were very expensive.

For a long period of time, only four were present on the maps: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America. Many years passed before sailors discovered Australia and Antarctica.

When you look for a country on the globe, you see only one hemisphere. And to see something else, the globe must be rotated.

It is impossible to indicate a large number on the globe geographic sites without increasing its size. A large globe is inconvenient for travel use.

Scale is the ratio of the length of the lines on a map or drawing to the actual length. The scale of the physical map of Russia tells us that each centimeter of the map corresponds to 200 km on the ground.

Rice. 7. Physical map Russia ()

On the map, you can show two halves of the Earth at once. If you divide the globe along the equator, you get map of the northern and southern hemispheres,

Rice. 5. Northern and Southern Hemisphere

and if along the line of the prime meridian - Western and Eastern Hemispheres.

Rice. 6. Western and Eastern Hemispheres

On the minerals map Places of mineral deposits are marked with special icons.

Rice. 9. Mineral resources map ()

On the animal habitat maps habitats indicated different types birds and animals.

Rice. 10. Map of habitats of birds and animals ()

On the contour maps no color coding and depicted, but not signed, all kinds of geographic objects. They are convenient for planning routes.

Rice. 11. Contour map

On the political map the world shows countries and their borders.

Rice. 12. Political map of Eurasia ()

On the synoptic charts conditional icons show observations of the weather.

Rice. 13. Synoptic map ()

Different cards combine in atlases.

Rice. 14. Geographic Atlas ()

Maps depict different territories. There are maps of districts, cities, regions, states, continents, oceans, maps of hemispheres and world maps.

Symbols on the map are the same as on the globe. They're called legend and are usually placed at the bottom of the card.

Let's find the West Siberian Plain on the physical map of Russia.

Rice. 16. West Siberian Plain ()

Small horizontal lines covering a large part of its territory mean swamps.

Here are some of the most big world swamps - Vasyugan. Lines represent rivers, borders and roads, circles represent cities.

Rice. 17. Vasyugan swamps

The seas and mountains have real outlines and are painted in different colors. Blue and light blue - reservoirs, yellow - hills, green - lowlands, brown - mountains.

At the bottom of the map, a scale of depths and heights is placed, with the help of which you can see what height or depth means a particular shade of color on the map.

The deeper the ocean, the darker the color. On the map of the Arctic Ocean, the darkest shade of blue in the Greenland Sea, where the depth reaches 5 thousand 527 meters; the lightest shade of pale blue, where the sea is 200 meters deep.

Rice. 18. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

The higher the mountains, the darker the color with which they are designated. Thus, the Ural Mountains, which are considered relatively low (the highest peaks are from 1000 to 2000 m above sea level), are colored light brown on the map.

Rice. 19. Ural mountains

Himalayas - the highest mountains in the world (10 peaks with a height of more than 8 km) are marked in dark brown.

Rice. 20. Himalayan mountains

In the Himalayas, Chomolungma (Everest) is located - the highest peak in the world (8848 m).

Using the scale of heights, it is easy to determine the height of the Caucasus Mountains.

Rice. 23. Caucasus Mountains

Their brown color indicates that the height of the mountains is over 5 thousand meters. The most famous peaks - Mount Elbrus (5642 m) and Mount Kazbek (5033 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers.

Using a map, you can determine the exact location of an object. To do this, you need to know him coordinates: latitude and longitude, which are determined by the degree grid formed by parallels and meridians.

Rice. 26. Degree grid

The equator serves as the origin - on it the latitude is 0⁰. Latitude is measured from 0⁰ to 90⁰ on either side of the equator and is called north or south. For example, latitude 60⁰ north means that this point lies in the Northern Hemisphere and is at 60⁰ to the equator.

Rice. 27. Geographic latitude

Longitude is measured from 0⁰ to 180⁰ on either side of the Greenwich meridian and is called west or east.

Rice. 28. Geographic longitude

Coordinates Saint Petersburg - 60⁰ N, 30⁰ E

The coordinates of Moscow are 55⁰ N, 37⁰ E.

Rice. 29. Political map of Russia ()

  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world 3. M .: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. M .: Publishing house "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The surrounding world 3. M .: Enlightenment.
  1. Academician ().
  2. Survival ().
  1. Find the Pacific Ocean on the physical map of the world. Determine its deepest place, indicate its name and depth. Describe how you defined this location.
  2. Make a short quiz (4 questions with 3 possible answers) on the topic "Maps".
  3. Prepare a memo with the rules for working with cards.