Divinity: Original Sin. Passage of the game (2). Trial of all seasons Divinity original sin 2 dorothea luxurious

The Reaper's Coast looks much darker than the first Isle of Joy. No, of course, there are also cheerful glades here, bathed in the sun. But, fortunately, not that many. Literally a hundred meters from the shore, a cemetery begins - a blooper ...

There are many enemies on the coast of the Reaper - these are not only masters, but also gnomes, elves. A couple of trolls who are not at all friendly with each other, and such unusual creatures as scarecrows. So you help some, you kill others. In addition, there are many monsters - creatures of the void, crawlers, skeletons and others.

And in the sea, and on the shore, the fiends of the void are rampaging. Even sharks escape from them - they are thrown ashore and die there. The first task is to look around. It's not worth breaking into the city right away. You can chat with the boy Barrin Pruitt, who is lost. His mother locked herself in a house on the other side of the raised bridge. Later you will have to help the family reunite, while it's too early, just do not pull the mobs. Not far from the post of masters, someone is being hanged on the bridge. This character - Maester Siwa - should be saved at all costs. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight with corrupt masters (there are five of them after all), it is enough to bribe 300 coins. They disappear somewhere. However, if you want to shed blood, the rangers should first be placed on a nearby platform - they hit harder from a height.

Changes in the composition of the group. On the Reaper coast, you arrive at approximately level 9-10. The enemies that you will meet are from level 11, then 12, 14 and higher levels will go. It may be difficult to fight them at first. But if you wait out these difficult moments and get to about level 12 and, most importantly, get good clothes (the easiest way is through theft), then the detachment makes sense to remake. I mean, refuse the services of all four characters and walk exclusively together. Two are easier to dress, two are easier to control during combat. And you will be surprised how much a two-man squad (and, regardless of the level of difficulty) is stronger than a four-man squad. To do this, however, in the talents of at least one character it is worth taking "Lone Wolf" - it gives 2 action points and increases health, magical and physical armor by 30%. Who exactly to take into such a squad is at your discretion. On "tactics" I preferred "a necromancer with a wand and a shield (necromancy - 20, summoning - 15, the rest in defense - while trying to figure out which is better, evasion due to" leadership "or reflection due to" retribution ") and a fighter with one-handed and a shield (20 in military, 10 in one-handed, the rest in the art of killing for crit). The former is better for single target attacks, the latter for massive attacks. The first one is very much helped by the ability "Raise a bone widow", which deals huge physical damage, the second - a shield throw. By the current 13th level, the necromancer has 1.5k of magic armor and 800 physical, the lizard fighter has 1.5k of physical and 800 magic. Health 1.2k (not enough, of course, you need at least 1.5k) and 2k, respectively. A series of attacks from various enemies survives - see the multi-combat threading on tactics.

The fundamental difference between the Reaper's Coast and the Island of Joy is that here you can change the attributes of your characters as you like: it will not work with one set - you can try another. This change is useful not only during combat, but also in peacetime. Yes, some mobs are immune to certain elements - they even heal them, so you need to use others. It is easier for skeletons to pick locks with their bones, in battle they can pretend to be dead.

To some extent, the set of quests on the Coast depends on how you completed the previous chapter. If an important character has been killed, the quest chain associated with him will be unavailable. The main thing is not to tell anyone that you are a murderer and a sorcerer. The set of secondary tasks also depends on the composition of the group.

There are a decent number of merchants on Reaper's Coast. This means that the squad can be dressed like a needle in the most top-end. Where to get money? This means that you will not only have to collect any garbage in the vicinity and craft something worthwhile from it, but also steal. I preferred the latter. Gathered a gang of merchants and thieves, which rob the inhabitants of the glorious Coast to the skin ... In the city you can easily steal 25-30 thousand coins from merchants, in the arena - at least 20 thousand, from paladins - somewhere 15-20 thousand. 30 thousand at the sawmill. A thief of the sixth level is able to steal 6 thousand - in these locations there are 4 large merchants, plus even little things. Count yourself. How to steal - see the link.

Somewhere on the road you will meet scurrying chickens. The related quest deserves a mention, if only because at the very end one of the most bizarre and senseless battles will follow. When you, who have already reached the tenth level (or even more), are fighting with many chickens of the first level. Of course, they cannot do you any harm, of course, you kill them on the first hit. But there are a lot of these chickens, they also multiply and climb, climb on you ... So, for now, normal chickens will have to slip one of the distorted eggs, having previously beaten it off the fiends. A black chicken will hatch from it and follow you, like the cat in the first chapter. True, this time this beast will climb into the dredge. As soon as you get to the magic rooster (not far from the paladins' dwelling, across the bridge to the north), it will climb. And then - fiddling with aggressive chickens.

After - the city. It also has a lot of interesting things. And to help the dog, find lost objects (rings, etc.) which is tormented by some beggar, and talk to Raymond about the disappearing masters, and feed the guest of the inn with rotten soup, and get drunk as a lord, and even have sex - this work is best entrusted to Red the prince. The city also has an arena where you will have to defeat Murga, a tough gnome. In general, on this island, there is a very tense relationship between the human masters, elves and gnomes. The masters disappear - the dwarfs are to blame for this. So you have to take sides: help some, kill others. Outside, the elves will offer to deal with the bandits at the sawmill. Again, a choice is given.

Crime in the tavern and in the arena. The only town on the Reaper's Coast is just a bunch of criminals. Masters easily hang, fishing businessmen easily send poisoned fish to big cities... The bandits even arrange multiple moves - they rob the new arrivals in the brothel and force them to fight in the arena. The main character is also good or good. Immediately believed a very strange person in the tavern who offered her a magnificent night with her best lover. And in the morning she found that the gang had robbed her to the skin. And in a negligee put it on the city square. What to do? Revenge, of course. Having penetrated the arena - much larger than on the Island of Joy - the character again agrees to everything: to fight in bandages, in which long-range attacks are inaccessible. You have to go very close to the enemy in order to destroy him. And all this - both the first battle, and the battle with the tough gnome and the monster of the void - for the sake of the title of champion of the arena. Then you can arrange a massacre ...

After leaving the city, start moving deeper into the island, fighting off a variety of monsters. On the way through the forest, crazy gnomes will often attack. Somewhere the witch Alice is hanging out. By the way, if you come across a farm, talk to the animals there; they, it turns out, are enchanted people - by killing a witch, these cows and frogs can be bewitched.

You will certainly have to master one of the Source spells: Spirit Gaze. This is done in Siwa's basement. Quite a lot will have to be done in the mines. Paladins are also people, but quite noble to themselves, not like the masters, they suspect something and ask to investigate. It is imperative to complete the tasks of Tarkin (otherwise he will not return to the ship) - he needs an artifact from the crypt of the Surrey.

The ultimate goal of being on Reaper's Coast is to increase your Source Points from one to three, and in addition master ghost sight. One of the source points and ghostly sight, as already mentioned, is given in the basement of Siwa. You only need to visit the other world twice. The third point is earned different ways depending on which side you choose. For example, I saved a blind elf from the clutches of bandits from a sawmill, which I met in the first chapter on the Island of Joy. You can also help the lawyer on the island of the blood moon (and then kill him on the instructions of the sorcerer Jaan), or destroy the fiend boss in the area near the sawmill. How to get to the island - see the puzzle note.

By the way, on the Reaper's Coast you can replenish the ship. The bow master Korben Day, the sorceress Almira with her lover Mikal joined. There will be someone to rob ...

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Complete Divinity Original Sin 2 Walkthrough: From Fresh Breeze and Fort Joy to Divinity and Finals. First part full passage The game includes all acts: Fresh Breeze, Fort Joy, Awakening, Mastering the Power of Source, Nameless Island, Divinity and Finals.
Divinity Original Sin 2 Complete Walkthrough: From Fresh Breeze and Fort Joy to Divinity and Finals, Divinity Warding Amulet original sin
Divinity Original Sin 2 Complete Walkthrough: From Fresh Breeze and Fort Joy to Divinity and Finals

Divinity Original Sin 2 Complete Walkthrough: From Fresh Breeze and Fort Joy to Divinity and Finals


With a gentle breeze

After character creation, you will awaken on the ship as a prisoner. You, like many other wizards, were sent to "heal" in the Fort of Joy due to the fact that you are dangerous to others and to yourself. A certain witch deliberately used the power of the Source in the city to be caught and imprisoned with you, and now the intrigue continues.

Master Williams

You will find yourself wearing a collar that blocks the power of Source. Talk to the overseer to find out about the murder that took place in one of the cabins. Next, go to the crime scene and talk to the master. It turns out that someone managed to throw off the collar, and then finished off a wizard from your brother.

After that, go further into the ship and talk with other NPCs. Some of them (specifically - five people, if you also play as a hero with a backstory) are the most interesting, since they can become your companions in the future.

Get to the opposite side of the lower deck to start a dialogue in which the witch from the prologue (it was she who managed to remove the collar and commit the murder) will summon a kraken-like creature, knock you out and disappear.

Lower deck on the ship

When you wake up, you will see that most of the masters have died. Inspect future companions who have fallen into unconsciousness, and then rise higher. On the new floor, visit the lower room, the key from which hangs to the right in the corner (hold down Alt to highlight items), and go inside. Agree with the local masters or kill them, and then leave the room. Finally, visit the small room in the corner where Fein is sitting.

This is one of the companions that you may have noticed earlier in the form of an elf. The undead will refuse to go with you, so make your way to the upper deck yourself.

Outside, you will see a summoned monster wrecking a ship. Kill the fiends, and then run to the opposite side, where the lifeboat is located. You can release it immediately, or tell them to wait and then return for potential companions. If you save them, you will improve your relationship with them (they will survive anyway).

After fighting the fiends, return to the boat. Alas, due to the delay, you will not have time to get out, but this will not affect anything, since the ship will sink anyway.

F ort Joy


After the shipwreck, you will wake up on the shore. Go forward and talk to baby Tom by the statue, which is the fast travel point. To use the teleporter, simply open the menu and select the altars.

You won't be able to teleport anywhere now, so keep going. Soon you will find the Red Prince - one of the possible companions whom you can take to your group. We did just that.

Fort Joy Coast Map

Next, you will stumble upon a black cat that will follow you. If you have the "Animal Friend" perk, then you can talk to him, but the cat will not tell you anything interesting and will follow you anyway. Make sure that he does not die if you want to receive the Summon Companion spell.

Climb up the broken bridge where you can pick up a shovel and a sleeping bag. The first will give the opportunity to dig holes (in the absence of a shovel, the lizard can do the same), the second - to restore health and armor outside of battle.

Go forward, keeping closer to the thickets, until you come across a cave. The entrance will be hidden by vegetation, so keep an eye out. Inside you will find yourself in the "Secret Alcove" area, where Fein will be waiting for you.

Recruit him if you want, and then make it to the end of this section, where the waterfall with the chest is. To pick up the latter, you need teleportation magic (put yourself a mark on the map near the chest so as not to forget about it and return here in the future). Here, on the beach, deal with three turtles.


There are a lot of tasks in the city itself. You can talk to all NPCs, but only a quarter can tell something interesting.

First turn right where you can hear the woman crying. Here you will receive the task " Horrible dream mother. " Farrah's woman cannot find her daughter Erma, and no one, they say, wants to help her. A person standing next to you will inform you that little Jet has died. Tell Farrah about this to complete the quest.

Fort Joy Ghetto Map

After that, go up the stairs and go to the mercenaries of Griff. Two gnomes playing cards will invite you to join - agree. If you fail, you may lose all things. True, you can also tell the cheaters that you have nothing, and then they will not touch you.

The task "Extortion" can be obtained to the left of the entrance. Resolve the conflict between the elf and the human, among whom is another possible companion: Ifan. Take him to the group or refuse services, and then follow the elf, if you decide to help her, or continue on your way.

Get to the city center where the kitchen is. Here the head of the mercenaries Griff will tell you about the loss of his goods and point out the thief who is sitting in the cage. The thief will be an innocent elf named Amiro, who will ask you to rescue him.

Below the fortress, you will stumble upon the fishermen's camp, where Stingtail sleeps. The lizard is a soothsayer that the Red Prince needs on his personal assignment, which you should already know about if you accepted him into the group and talked to him. Sibylla is also nearby - another potential partner, who, in turn, wants to finish off Stingtail.

If you accept both companions into the group, then you will have to decide which side to take. You can also talk to Stingtail in the presence of the Prince, and only then include Sibylla in the party and complete her task.

Burro against the moho-worm

Before killing the lizard with Sibylla, inspect the nearest crate, where the smell of oranges remains. Scold the lizard and demand to return the loss. Once you get your hands on the orange, decide the fate of Stingtail of your choice.

Open the orange through your inventory to get a narcotic plant. Return this good to Griff and then release Amiro. The elf will reveal to you the location of a secret path that will lead you out of the Fort of Joy, but it's too early to go there.

Not far from the Kitchen you can find a hatch that will lead you to the Arena. Here you will receive the task "Arena of Fort Joy", in which you need to defeat four opponents in one battle. Enemies will be of the third level, so in the early stages it is better not to meddle here.

After completing the quest, return outside and find the blacksmith Neboru nearby. Upon learning that you have become a champion, she agrees to remove the collar from you (but not from your companions). It is not worth using this offer yet, as all masters will become hostile to you.

Maze builder

The quest "Geist Killer" is taken on the city wall. Talk to Magister Arnica, who is trying to find a certain Migo. You will find the missing person below and to the right by the coast. It turns out that Migo was subjugated to the corruption, which turned him into an insane cannibal. Fighting with him is optional, on the contrary, you can ask him for a ring (you must have an Arnica flower), and then return the item to Arnica.

The girl will believe you that you have found her father, and then she will go to Mego. Visit them on the beach to complete the quest. By the way, the newly united family can simply be killed in order to take a good bib and ring.

The task "In Search of Emmy" is given by a dog named Druzhok. My friend, if you are affectionate with him, will show you the location of the key. Ask him about the key to find out about the missing Emmy - the dog that the masters took. You will find the dog later when you get to the Fort of Joy Prison.

South cave

Visit the cave where the elf invited you. Here, talk to Amiro, if you have already rescued him, as well as other inhabitants. The main elf, devoid of sight, is a soothsayer, and it is she who will tell you a lot of interesting things.

By the way, Amiro will ask you to tell other elves who live on the continent about them, but you will return to this task much later. Finally, Lois can interact with the soothsayer - another companion that you could find in the city by the tents with a bonfire.

South cave

Chat politely with the raptor if you want him to show you his wares. Next, go deep into the cave, after removing or breaking the barricades behind which lies secret path... She will lead you to poisonous frogs - kill them.

The task "Jug of Withermoor Souls" will be given to you by a child. Agree to play with him twice and find him. After that, find a small hole in the wall to activate a new line: the child will inform you about a secret hatch that lies nearby. Go down the hatch.

You will find yourself in the Forgotten Tomb with a statue of Lord Withermoor. Pull the spear out of the chest of the statue and then talk to her. Withermoor will ask you to find his soul in Brack's phylactery, where you will get later through the dungeon.

Tomb of Lord Withermoor

You will receive the "Teleport" task from Gavin. The guy will call you for a private conversation - agree, if you want to get the gloves of teleportation. To do this, you will have to detach your portrait from the group and take the rest of the party away, and then talk to Gavin vis-a-vis.

On the second or third level, get to the beach on the upper left, where the crocodiles are. Kill them to get the above item. Next time Gavin will meet you at the exit above, where he will offer to leave the Fort. With the help of teleportation, you will make an escape, but soon Gavin will die. You can pick up a good robe from his body.

Fort Joy Prison

There are three ways to escape from the Fort, but each of them involves crossing the prison:

  1. The first option is associated with the already described Gavin, with whom you will get to the beach. You can leave from there only through the cave, which is the passage to the prison.

  2. The second option is to use the trapdoor to the right of the statue in the city center. Inside, activate the lever to enter the prison.

  3. The last method is connected with Amiro's hint, who will tell you about the location of the tunnel for help.

Fort Joy Prison

The third option is the most complete, so it's best to follow it. In the tunnel, you will find neutral fire slugs that were humans in the past. Their queen was once the wife of King Brakk, famous for his antics - it was he who turned the queen and her served slugs.

After the conversation, go upstairs to the cameras. In one of them, a lizard is imprisoned, but he will not report anything interesting. Punch through the door to go further. In one of the chambers, talk to Verdas - a dying elf. Examine the camera in the upper right and take the amulet from the body using the teleporter.

By the way, the outermost cell on the left, which cannot be opened, will become your home if you commit a crime and are captured.

Ultimately, you will reach the end of the corridor, where the masters want to eliminate the apostate. Kill them, take the key and go further. If you give Delorus a potion, he will tell you about the boat, which will help you to leave the fort.


Inside the prison, you will find a bunch of monks - mindless creatures that were once living lizards, humans, gnomes, etc. They will not attack you, so feel free to step forward.

In one of the rooms, find Emmy - the very dog ​​that your friend told you about. If you tell her about Druzhka, then she and other dogs will not attack you. You can also throw a ball to them if you managed to find it earlier.

Prison 2nd floor

On the other side of this zone is the boat mentioned by Delorus. Tell the Masters the password (Delorus told you this too) to avoid the battle. After that, talk to the boy Khan, who will offer you to leave the Fort. For now, it's best to refuse.

On the right side of the zone is a torture chamber run by an insane sadist. You will have a hard fight with the psychopath himself, as well as his monks.

Moreover, the golems in the cages will also oppose you, but first they will have to break the cages (it will take 3-4 moves).

After the battle, take the Lycerez from the corpse (it will be useful to Fane), and then talk to little Trice. Here you can also unblock the eastern tunnel, which will lead you out of the Fort in the same way.

Rat named Sliver

In the same area, to the left of the stairs upward, approach the small altar, near which your perception skill should work. On a success, you will discover a lever that will open a secret path to the Brakk phylactery.

Kill the skeletons inside and take all the jugs. One of the pitchers belongs to Withermoor, whose quest you already took. The rest of the jugs will come in handy too, so it makes sense to keep them. Before leaving, interact with the statue on the left (requires a perception above 14) to obtain the Tyrant's Leggings.

The stairs, as well as the left exit, will lead you to another part of the fort, where you will have to fight the masters.

Fort Joy Courtyard

In the courtyard, interrupt the masters and go upstairs. Examine the room and exit to the balcony, where you can activate the stairs that will lead you to the chambers of the masters.

If you leave the prison through the left entrance, you will find yourself in front of the gate. Go to the only possible turn, where there are even more masters. Kill them and save the paladin Cork. If you manage to save him, he will tell you that his order knew nothing about the atrocities of the masters. Otherwise, the elf in your group may eat part of his body to learn about a wizard named Archu.

Fort Joy courtyard

After that, visit the main hall inside the building, where the trial is taking place, led by Judge Orivand. Kill everyone.

Echoing swamps

After the destruction of all the masters in the fort, leave the territory by any means. Pass the swamps and climb the hill where Zaleskar, an undead merchant, stands.

Head upstairs, keeping to the shore, until you stumble upon the witch Vindego. It was she who destroyed the ship, so it's time for revenge! After killing her, take away the Reincarnation mask - a valuable artifact for Fein and any other undead.

Not far from here, find a ruined tower, inside which a storm is raging. Use teleportation on objects inside to move them down. In the bones of the corpse, you will find the most valuable thing called the Tyrant's Shoes.

You will get the "Cornered" quest higher from the broken bridge. Paladin Tarlin will inform you about the Screaming that hangs on the pillar. You cannot pass through this creature in the usual way, since it will instantly destroy you. It is necessary to kill the Screaming, using a wand with the "Purification" ability, or the Helmet of King Brakk, which has the same skill.

In the fiery ruins above, kill the group of masters, and then another one that is trying to defeat the paladin Gareth. It is in your best interest to keep him alive, as it depends on him whether you remove the collars or not. However, if he dies, there will be other ways.

Echoing swamps

You will receive the task "Armory" nearby by looking into the basement. You will be taken to the armory of Brakka, where the half-dead Master Sang is located. Corruption consumes him, so do him a favor and kill him. From him you can learn that the nearest lever is cursed, making it impossible to use it.

Use the Source skill "Blessing" to clear the lever and move on. Inside you will find Brakk's Helmet and an endless cistern with the Source.

Leave the dungeon and walk along the bridge. Search the skeleton at the dead end. Keep walking until you reach the road next to which is the blinded Magister Locke.

You don't have to kill him if you agree to surrender. This will be followed by an attack of enemies, during which Lock will be hostile to both you and the monsters. You can deliberately not hit him, after which, when the enemies die, the battle will stop, and Lock will let you go.

At the end of the road, talk to the bear cub who lost his mother. You will find her body a little further, but you cannot tell about this bear. Scare him or cheer him up.

Quest "Flaming Pigs": from the center of the map, step down until you reach a burned-down village with strange pigs. The poor animals are in flames that cannot be extinguished in the usual way, so you have to come up with something. With the help of the animal friend perk, you can find out that pigs are actually people, and Brakk is responsible for this curse.

To heal the pigs, you must learn the Blood Rain spell and cast it on them. When the surface around it is saturated with blood, use the power of the Source "Blessing" on it to create a sacred fire that will extinguish the damned.

When one pig is healed, you will find an undead raptor named Scapor. He is the kind of beholder who oversees the execution of the curse. You will have to fight with him.

Healing a pig

After that, you can stumble upon the last pig, which is located in the north at the entrance to Dragon Beach. To save her, advise her to visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and plunge into the local pond. When the deal is done, she will become one of the merchants and offer you interesting goods.

Central ruins

On the way through the center of the location, you will stumble upon a group of fiends, whose bodies, after death, expel infected blood. Be careful with her, as she imposes a painful "debuff" for several turns.

Moloch of the Nether

Next, you have to fight the monster Moloch of the Void, who, together with other creatures, will decide to finish off the Red Prince, and at the same time you. Fighting can feel like a real challenge if you haven't found it yet. good outfit and have a low level.

Coast in the South

The eastern road through the forest will take you to the southern coast. There you will be attacked by two poisonous and one fiery salamanders. Again, the battle will be difficult if your level is below 5.

Not far from the site of the battle, you will find the Baharu lizard, which guards the approaches to the Sanctuary of Amadia. If you have already rescued Gareth or before that you have rescued the boy Khan (a boat in the prison), then she will give you a vine, along which you can climb.

The red prince, by the way, will ask for an opportunity to talk with Bahara, since she is a clairvoyant.

If you have already saved Gareth, then you will find him on the territory of the sanctuary. Talk to the locals as each one has interesting information and some are traders.

Nether Salamander

You will receive the task "Healing Touch" a little higher in the Sanctuary of Amadia, where a certain Simona is trying to heal the wounded soldiers. To complete the quest, use some healing spell on all fighters.

The quest "Eternal admirer" is given by the priestess Gratian, who guards the statue of Amadia. After talking with the priestess, you can talk directly to the face of Amadia in the form of a stone, and how your visit to this place ends depends on the lines you choose.

If you are rude, then a fatal battle will start, but if you answer with respect, then Amadia will call you the chosen one, and the pond around will be covered with a sacred flame.

Dark cave

In the quest "The Treasury of King Brakk" you must visit a cave, the entrance to which is located near the coast near the Sanctuary of Amadia. Inside you will meet a rude undead named Trickster, who will insult you and say that you cannot go further.

There are boxes next to the Trickster, each of which will simply freeze you if you activate them. At first glance, there is nowhere to go from here, but the solution is simple and lies in the illusion - just step on the abyss behind the boxes so that the invisible bridge manifests itself.

Behind the bridge, you will have your first battle with the Trickster, who will create two illusions to help himself. After the battle, you will find yourself in a hall with a statue in the center, as well as many doors that are traps.

Fighting the Trickster

Behind the next door, you will have another battle with the Trickster. This time there will be more opponents, but do not forget that the location, limited at first glance, is dotted with invisible bridges that you can use. After killing the Trickster, pick up the "Cursed Ring".

Advice: keep in mind that when you put on the ring, you will become cursed and get the corresponding hunched animation. Moreover, if you remove the ring, then your characteristics will drop and remain reduced until the item is put back on. To get rid of the curse, the ring must be transferred to one of the companions, but it is better not to use it at all.

At the end of the dungeon, you will find a real treasure with tons of great items, gold and phylacteria. Urns, mind you, can be swallowed or broken. The Trickster's Urn is associated with an enemy already known to you, who, as it turns out, did not really want to harm you, but Brakk's curse forces him to guard the treasury.

You can take the Urn of Gratiana to the priestess herself in the Sanctuary of Amadia to find out the truth about her. The last three urns are associated with the Necromancer Skeletons from the Gargoyle Labyrinth.

Dark Cave Map

The quest "Champion of the Gods" is activated at the end of the room using a statue. Using it, (only the main character) you will be transported to the "Halls of Echo" - the other world, where you have to talk face to face with your god (each race has its own deity). Here you will be taught the skill of the Source "Blessing" and will indicate the further goal.

East coast

Above from the beach with salamanders, walk along the rocks until you find vines. Along them you can climb the plateau leading to the east coast.

The quest "Gargoyle's Labyrinth" is located here. At a structure with many doors and traps, you will find a gargoyle that will offer you to go through a maze. If you put on the Ring of Brakk, then the statue will take you for the king himself and immediately transfer you to the end.

To complete the maze, you will have to split the group (disconnect the portraits on the left side of the screen from each other to break the chains). In the first room, stand on the slab so that a skull appears on the altar next to it - an item that allows you to open doors in the labyrinth.

Eternal admirer

After the first use, the skull disappears, so for each door you will have to look for a new one. Now open the door on the left and get to the hatch, which will throw you upstairs. Be careful as there are many traps around. With one character, stand on the stove to open the door, with the second go inside and stand on the stove, and with the third, take the skull from the altar.

Labyrinth Map

Unlock the doors on the right, which will lead you to the main building. This is where the gargoyle can immediately teleport you if you show her the ring. However, such a trick will still not save you from collecting valuables on your own in the maze.

Before entering the building, you can open other rooms as well. In the third, which is located next to the room where you opened the blue door, only teleportation will allow you to get.

In the fourth, the right door leads to the entrance to the labyrinth, where you will find a portal on a small ledge. To get there, use the teleport. Next, you will be transported to another platform with a portal, which will lead you to the "Kingdom of Orobas".

Inside this small location, you can use the teleporter again to collect valuable items.

Finally, in the center of the labyrinth are three burning skeletons and the cursed Historian. Kill the former and help the latter by removing the corruption from him using the method you already know: blood and blessing.

The task "Fate is worse than death" is activated inside the building in the maze. In the room on the right, you will stumble upon card-playing necromancer skeletons that you will have to fight. After the battle, if you have already got hold of the jugs from Brakk's Treasury, break the phylacteria of this undead, otherwise it will resurrect again (this will continue indefinitely).

After picking up the key from the body, go through the only door. Inside, activate the plate with the iron box from the adjacent room, as the usual ones will quickly burn out.

After that, you will find yourself in a spacious room with many rooms, each of which is worth exploring.

At the end, however, you will run into a magic shield, which can be unlocked both with the help of the power of the Source (answer option in the dialogue), and through Withermoor, which will come here if you helped him in the past.

Tower - cave

Collect all valuables outside the gate, including the Tyrant's Gloves. Before leaving, look into the closed recess on the right, where the well is. Throw 150 gold at him to get a nice item.

Dragon beach

The quest "Sourceless Dragon" is taken to the right of the plateau in the east. Here you will find frozen terrain, in the center of which is the Winter Dragon Slane. Break the chains that hold him down, and then chat.

From Slane you will learn about a certain witch who charmed him in the past, and then deceived him, fettered and began to use as a source of energy. Go in search of a witch who is in a cave nearby (the entrance looks like a huge skull).

Winter Dragon Slane

After passing the traps in the cave, you will soon reach the witch Radeki. If you start fighting her and refuse to deceive Slane, then in this case you will have to fight both Radek and the three beetles and the dead. It makes sense to place part of the group at the beginning, since the bugs will appear there and start attacking you from afar.

Radek herself uses necromancy spells, so get ready for charms and other tricks.

Pick up the wand from the body of the witch and return it to Slane. The dragon will thank you and say that he will come to the rescue when you will not wait for him. By the way, Slane can be killed, but, rest assured, the dragon will not surrender so easily to you.

Abandoned camp

The task "Call to Arms" you will receive from the druid Immit, who will inform you about the Screaming. You may have already met one of them, and you probably know that you can kill the Screaming only with the help of the "Purification" spell. A little further you will meet Gareth and his group, who are preparing to attack the Masters.

You can start preparing for an attack yourself. To do this, after rescuing Gareth, visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and inform the local of the success. After that, the strange companion of the gnome will be able to remove the collars from all your companions, and then all the refugees of the Sanctuary will go to the side of the ship.

Abandoned camp

On the spot, the refugees will set up camp and await you. To pass them further, you must destroy the Screaming blocking the way using the appropriate wand or ability on Brakk's helmet. Finally, the dragon can also help you if you freed it earlier.

Annihilation of the Screaming

After that, the refugees led by Gareth will go to the side of the ship, but you will have to divert the attention of Bishop Alexander to yourself. Just head down to the pier to start the fight.

It is worth noting that the battle will be incredibly difficult (you have never encountered such difficulties on the territory of the island). In addition to the bishop himself, you will be confronted by Geist and four masters of different classes.

After two turns, a hostile side will join the battle, namely the Nether Worm - a huge creature with a lot of health, which will not leave you a 1 in 1 chance. The easiest way is to take your group away while the masters and the worm destroy each other, and then deal with the winner.

When the battle is over, you will meet the elf Ailment. Before going with her, make sure that you have completed all of your quests on the island, as you will not be able to return here.


Ship "Lady Vengeance"

On the ship you will face a new difficulty: it turns out that the ship is alive, as it was made of elven wood. You need to convince the ship to transport you.

First of all, explore the upper deck, and then go down to the next level.

Collect all your companions and continue down to the lower decks until you reach the cage with the surviving Bishop Alexander. He is unconscious, so you cannot talk to him. However, persuade the guard to let you in and then rip the necklace from Alexander's neck.

At the same level, you will find a mirror that allows you to change the appearance, characteristics and abilities of both the protagonist and named companions for free.

Ship Mistress Revenge

On the opposite side, you will run into doors. Before you open them, find a diary nearby, which contains the code word "Fortitude". Go back to the door, insert Alexander's necklace, and then say the password.

In Dallis's cabin, you will meet a certain Tarkin - a mysterious necromancer with ambiguous answers. Decide for yourself whether he helped Dallis on purpose or under duress, and then make the appropriate choice - kill or spare (for the mercy of Tarkin an achievement is awarded).

After that, explore the cabin. By the bed you will find a mechanism that will remove the wardrobe and open a mysterious button - it is she who will unlock the door from the treasury. Now pick up the pyramid near Tarkin and use it to move to the hidden room below.

You have to defeat two serious opponents - geists. When the battle is over, pick up the songbook and return to the upper deck. You just have to sing the text in front of the ship, and then he will agree to transport you. The sickness will say that your next target is the city of Driftwood, where Maester Siwa dwells.

Conversation with Illness

On the way, Dallis will attack you along with a mysterious wizard in a hood. You will have a difficult battle against bloodhounds, masters, geists, who cannot be defeated at high difficulty levels.

Moreover, the mission will not require a complete victory from you - you only need to hold out for five turns, protecting the Ailment, which will then take you to a safe place.

Local map

During the battle, immediately run to the Ailment, because the enemies will do the same. Protect her with healing spells, apply armor with a geomancer, restore magic shields, in general, do everything so that she does not die.

Especially watch out for geists and a warrior with a two-handed sword, as their blows can cut 250-300 health at a time (let us remind you that Hvori has only 700 plus armor).

The quest "Into the Halls of Echoes" is activated immediately after teleportation. This time you will see all the gods, but in a non-trivial position: they will all be suspended from the Tree of the Void.

Bless the Source of your god with magic, and then talk to him. It turns out that you are the last hope of the gods, moreover, you have to become the Chosen One and lead your race.

About possession of the power of the Source

Reaper's Coast

The quest "Sharp Awakening" is completed quickly. After the Illness brings you back, you will finally get to land and go ashore. A little higher, find a gnome who is fighting a giant insect. They will disappear right in front of you, and then the battle with the fiends will follow.

On the mission "The Plundered Caravan" you will discover the place of massacre, where the fiends attacked the caravan with people and gnomes. One dwarf will survive, so you can talk to her and find out what happened. Further, having received the necessary information, present them to the guards at the gate so that they let you into Driftwood.

Reaper's Coast Map

From the beginning of the location, you can turn right to the raised bridge, where the boy Barrin is standing. He will ask you to save his mother on the mission "They will not pass", which you can do both in the future and now, using teleportation.

If you want to complete the task now, then just go to the cliff and use teleportation to move the three companions by the wizard to the boat from below (the distance of the spell will be enough end-to-end).

On the way towards the city, you will stumble upon a chicken coop and hens, which, if you talk to them, will tell you about the stolen eggs. The task "When to Count Chicks" begins. Travel a little north of Big Margins, keeping to the shore to find the monster. Kill him and explore the area - one surviving egg will be found nearby, which must be taken to the chickens.

In the future, the quest will continue if you come back here again. The chicken will hatch and kill all the chickens, after which you can take it with you. It remains only to take Piskun to the bridge with paladins, behind which there is a magic rooster. Near the latter, your chicken will turn into a monster, so you will have to kill him.


The task "Law of the Order" is given in the city. Get to the main street with merchants, and from it turn towards the coast, to the piers. There, talk to Magister Raymond, who will find you suspicious. In a conversation, mention that you want to join the order, and then Raymond will leave you behind.

As a result, the master will present you with a certificate, thanks to which you will receive immunity: none of the guards will dare to touch you. When Raymond leaves, talk to Julian to find out about the disappeared masters. The quest will continue later.

Driftwood Map

The task "A man and his dog" is taken on the square. Just talk to the beggar next to whom the dog is sitting. Even without the "Animal Friend" perk, you can simply unscrew the dog's collar and find out that needles are sewn to the object, because of which the animal suffers. Rebuke the beggar by driving him out of town or robbing him.

If you are kind to her, you will find out that she is the mother of the same crazy master, from whom you had to kill in the prisons of Fort Joy.

After that, have a few words with Garvan, who will hand you the task "Losses in the ledger." The latter is in search of valuable cargo, which you will go for a little later.

Pimp trap

Then talk to Lovrik if you want to use intimate services. From him you can buy a night with a lizard - a master in alcove affairs, which is located on the third floor.

After a stormy night, you will find yourself in some trousers and under the crossbow. If the Red Prince seizes the opportunity, then the lizard will turn into the Red Princess and there will be no attack.

Tavern Black Bull

The quest "You Can't Fill Woe" is taken on the second floor of the same tavern. Chat with Captain Ableweather, who will tell you about the shipwreck. After that terrible night, she can neither sleep nor eat, as she is pursued by terrible sounds.

In another room, interact with the sleeping adventurer to find out some recipes from him. You can also hack into his chest and take valuable items.

In the basement of the tavern, you will find the entrance to the cave. The bully gnome will not let you pass just like that, so you have to fork out for fifty coins. Inside, you will find a separate tavern selling smoking blends.

Talk to the Ganges lizard first if you have a Red Prince in your party. Next, go to the teleportation statue, near which two pressure plates are hidden - stand on them to unlock a secret room on the side.

Lohar Gnome Headquarters

On the left you will find the headquarters of the head of the local dwarfs named Lohar. The latter is in conflict with the masters, which you will learn from him. Also, the gnome will ask you to help him with the disappeared dwarf Mordus, who has sunk into the water, and now no one can find him.

Before leaving the tavern, talk to Dorothea the Luxurious to take on the Web of Fleshly Desires quest. The girl will offer you a kiss around the corner - agree if you want to redistribute your characteristics a little.

Before interacting, you will have to disconnect your companions and report to the meeting alone.

Dorothea will transform into a giant spider, after which you can either kill her or accept a kiss. In the latter case, you will be able to add two points to any stat, while losing a unit of constitution.

Web of fleshly desires

Finally, at the top of the location is the Driftwood Arena, where, like in Fort Joy, you have to defeat local champions. You will have to fight against five enemies, moreover, your eyes will be blindfolded, which will significantly affect accuracy and reduce the distance of abilities to a minimum.

Outside, to the right of the tavern, is Driftwood Prison. In it, you can talk with your boss to agree on a reward for finding the killer of the masters.

In the basement of the same building, talk to the bored magister who is sick of his work. Leave him or persuade him to leave the hated place.

The "Missing Masters" quest develops further. Visit the fish warehouse near the port where the inspection is taking place. The masters, as you will learn, suspect that the junk dealer is hiding the true killer.

But do not think that the masters are right, as the elf Stuart, sitting near the tavern, will inform you that the real criminal is among the visitors of the tavern.

In warehouses, talk to your boss who won't give you valuable information. After that, find the gnome Cannox and convince him that you need to find the suspect. Say that you managed to escape the Fort of Joy, and then the gnome will open to you. It turns out that the culprit is hiding in a barrel.

Brighton Barnes

Before that, you can look into the basements of the warehouse, where the masters cannot find the entrance. In one of the rooms, simply move the barrels aside and use the hatch. Below you will find a spacious basement with traps - go around them and get to the end of the room.

Open the barrels marked with a cross, from which the poison will flow. Ultimately, you will come across a barrel with a source weapon, and then the fiends will attack you.

You will conclude that in fact, behind the rotten fish in the barrels, there is a powerful weapon, as well as the fog of death, with the help of which the queen of the dwarfs wants to conquer the world.

In the right room near the coast, open the barrel to find Higba the junk dealer. Help him get out of the environment without getting caught by the masters. If you get caught, then you have to either fight, or surrender Higba with giblets. After a successful escape, the junk dealer will say his thanks and again dive into the barrel. He will also reveal to you that the cheeks of the killed masters got him from the cook Uyvlia.

Visit the cook and accuse her of murder. It turns out that she did cut out the guards and then chop them into soup. However, it will not work immediately to plant it, since there is no solid evidence.

Safa rushed

The quest "Lost and Found" is taken west of the building with the fish. At the shore, talk to Lagan, who has lost his wedding ring. Offer your help and find the ring by simply holding Alt. When you do this, fiends will attack you - kill them.

You can now continue with the "Abrupt Awakening" quest. Visit the house near the entrance to Driftwood, where a girl is playing on the porch. FROM her you learn that the masters took Siwa to the scaffold.

Maester Siwa

Leave the city the same way you entered, and then go a little higher to find the scaffold. Approach Siwa and free her, then kill all the masters. Then return to Siwa's house, talk to her and go down to the basement.

You have to perform a ceremony that will summon God. Do the following in the order described:

  1. Take root and blade.

  2. Take the bowl.

  3. Use the blade to bleed yourself.

  4. In the craft menu, cross the bowl, root, and blade.

  5. Place the brew created near the dragon figure, and then activate the wheel.

  6. Inhale the smoke and hold your breath.

After that, the god will appear, who will teach you a new ability of the Source called "Spirit Sight", which allows you to see ghosts. Go back and use the skill to see Master Harrick.

Then you can continue the "Missing Masters" quest. Visit the tavern again and use the learned skill. Talk to the first spirit to find out that the cook finished him off. Now the spirit cannot leave in peace, since here it is held by a ring.

With the help of the robber character, sneak into the left room while the maniac is in another. There, open the board in the floor and pull out the hand, on which the desired ring is located. If you take this evidence to the chief in prison, he will immediately send a subordinate to arrest the cook.

Alas, this master will face the same fate as everyone else. If you tell Stuart everything, then he can return to the ranks of the masters. Finally, by showing the ring to the assassin, you will provoke a battle. When she dies, pick up the sheet with the names of the victims and give it to your boss.

Battle on the bridge

Before leaving Driftwood, you can feed the cat a rotten fish, a tainted void. After such a meal, the animal will die, and a spirit will appear in its place. Talk to the ghost to get the achievement.

Shipbreaker Hills

Soon after leaving the city, you will be attacked by gnomes who have run out of reels. Interrupt them and move on. You will stumble upon a lonely statue, near which are constantly extinguishing torches. Igniting them separately will not work, so use the fire AOE spell.

Further on the shore you will find a lamp with a genie. If you have dexterity above 20, you can convince him to fulfill one of your wishes: to get rich (you will receive a stolen necklace that you need to sell as soon as possible without catching the eyes of the guards), ask that the enemies do not catch your eye (you will go blind forever) or ask for the power of the gods (you will be killed by lightning). Otherwise, you will have to fight the genie.

Shipbreaker Hills

Continue along the west bank until you find a skull-shaped cave.

Reaper's Cove

The quest "Shadow over Driftwood" takes place here. You have to fight with the crawlers of the void, of which there are incredibly many. The cave itself is large enough, so it will take a long time to wander. Moreover, it is dotted with minks (they allow you to quickly move around the location), one of which will lead you to four crawlers.

You can also just skip that hole and get to the very north of the cave, where the road leading to the abyss is located. You will be able to move your heroes across the abyss using teleportation in order to be immediately in the place where in the future the game would have thrown you with the help of the above-described four fiends, and give battle to the enemies with the whole team.

After exploring the entire cave, get to the center with the wreckage of the ship, where the dwarf Mordus is located (it was Lohar who asked to find him). Mordus will prove to be an undead necromancer, so prepare for a desperate battle.

If one of your heroes dies during the battle, then Mordus will immediately absorb his Source and turn into a huge fiend, which at the current levels cannot be overcome if you play on tactical difficulty or higher. To defeat Mordus, try to kill him first and as quickly as possible.

Reaper's Cove

After the battle, Mordus will remain alive and will ask you not to kill him. If you keep him alive, you can learn more about the magic of the Source. You can also find out information about the owner from him by threatening with murder. As soon as Mordus begins to speak, something will destroy him.

Before leaving, visit the room on the side, where the body of the gnome with a yellow stone is located. When you try to leave the room, a huge ship will break through the wall, which will contain neutral crabs and a hostile shark. Kill the shark, take the hand from it and feed it to the elf to learn about the dead boy Joe.

It was him that the children were looking for on the banks of Driftwood on an assignment from "Hide and Seek". Return to them if you want to complete the task.

After that, visit Driftwood again and look into the house of Mordus. You could have got here right after the date with Lohar, but in general there is no difference. If you visit the house of Mordus after his murder, then you will not have to make an extra circle.

Fight with Mordus

Inside the house, you will stumble upon a gnome - one of Lohar's workers. Tell her that you are working with her master to get inside, or just kill her. Explore the dungeon, release the imprisoned gnomes, and then go to the mysterious stone head, into which you need to insert a yellow stone (you will find or have already found it after the battle with Mordus).

The task "Taste of Freedom" will start immediately after the opened secret entrance. Inside you have to solve a puzzle, which is presented on a 4x4 board. Use the power of Source to enter the spirit world and see the right combination.

If you look at the door to the treasury, standing in front of the field, activate the plates from top to bottom and from left to right as follows: first row third plate, second row second and fourth plates, third row second plate, fourth row fourth plate.

Next, you will find undead chained to a table, as well as many vases. The undead will ask to release her by activating the levers opposite. You can also simply interact with one of the vases to start the battle.

A battle will follow in which the undead will help you. After that, talk to him and choose a reward. Keep in mind that the lich will offer you to increase one of the characteristics - agree right away and do not ask questions, otherwise he will hand you a random skill book and go home.

Puzzle Taste of Freedom

Now return to Lohar and tell us about Mordus. When you visited the dungeon of Mordus, you found (at least you should have) a letter from the queen of the dwarfs, which tells about her plans. If you first hand the letter to the Masters, then a battle ensues when you visit Lohar. The letter can be given to Lohar himself. One way or another, as a reward from both factions, you will receive a key to the chest.

The "Competitors" task takes place on the bridge on the left side of the location, which is guarded by the troll Grog. To get through, you will have to hand him five thousand gold, or eliminate his competitor.

Both trolls are distinguished by a large amount of health, and also have an ability that regenerates six thousand health in one turn (they will activate it only during the first turns).

Fire works well against Grog, while poison works against Marg. After killing one troll, the other will refuse to let you through, so you will have to fight twice.

Aggressive takeover

The "Aggressive Capture" quest is activated on the bridge with a troll. You will find the bodies of the dead and bloody footprints that will lead you to the area with the chest mentioned by Garvan (on the quest "Losses in the ledger." Use the Source spell to talk to the ghost of Liam.

It turns out that Garvan finished him off for self-interest and no such monsters attacked him. For the spirit to find peace, it is necessary to take revenge on the murderer.

It is quite difficult to kill Garvan, since he is in the city and never leaves it. If you don't want to become a criminal and go to jail, just find the poisoned food and feed it to her. To do this, visit the toilet behind the tavern, in one of which there is a suffering person. He will tell you the recipe for spoiled food: meat stew and void-poisoned mackerel.

The first can be purchased in a pub, while the second is in abundance in warehouses. Create food and give it to Garvan so that he can run to the toilet, where you can finish him off.

Go to the bridge in the north where the paladins are camped. Chat with Tom Hardwin, who will ask you to lead the white masters to clean water. Head to the mines to the east and follow the deeds of the masters.

On the assignment "Buried Past" you will stumble upon Gareth (if he survived in the first location), who grabbed and wants to kill Master Jonathan. If you wish, ask Gareth to spare this criminal.

The Ugly Duckling quest takes place in a nearby meadow. There you will find Ferno's sickly bird, which is actually a phoenix. Burn the bird to heal it. An egg will remain in place of the charred creature, which can be left in the inventory for the future or eaten on the spot.

Lugov Map

On the mission "Bestial Treatment", you will stumble upon talking cows, which are in fact bewitched people. Naturally, the cows will need your help in killing the evil sorceress.

Explore the witch's house (the key is in the thicket below), capturing her eye. For further developments, you need to finish off Alice Alisson, which you will be able to do a little later.

Finally, there are scarecrows in the meadows, each of which are opponents. As soon as you talk to one, all the others will come to life and pounce on you. The battle, keep in mind, is going to be difficult, as the scarecrows have a passive skill "Horror", which turns enemies into panic flight without the possibility of further control if the target has no magic protection.


Move south along the eastern bank until you reach the cemetery. The "Family Business" task is awarded by Tarkin (if he was spared on the ship). The necromancer will need you to go down to the Surrey crypt and get hold of the artifact there. Inside, you will have to solve a puzzle with levers using ghostly sight.

The three switches will only work when you step on the pressure plate in the very last room. Combination of numbers: 2-1-3.

The task "Stranger in a strange land" is issued in the north by the ghost of Vilnks Kriva. The lizard wants you to bury her according to her own customs, that is, cremate her. Remove the leg from the grave and then throw it into the flames of the dragon statues.

Pogost Map

Continue your journey.

Aggressive takeover is side quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. We found a trail of blood. Probably someone nearby died a painful death ...

Important NPCs
  • Garvan

This quest is related to the quest "Losses in the Ledger". It is recommended to run them at the same time.

On the road west of Driftwood, near the bridge, you can see a trail of blood (requires Perception).

Following these trails, you will find Garvan's supplies. From an ambush, you will be attacked by two fiendish beasts and a Void-touched beast master.

Kill them and explore this area. You will find a shallow grave in which Liam, Garvan's partner and mentor, is buried.

Use the Spiritism ability, then talk to Liam's spirit. He will tell the truth about his death. It turns out that he was not killed by fiends, but by Garvan himself. Agree to avenge Liam.

If you want to kill Garvan without attracting attention, then feed him a tainted stew made from meat stew (can be bought from Lovrik) and any fish touched by the Void (can be found in the fish store opposite the tavern). After such a treat, Garvan will go to the toilets behind the tavern. Attack and kill him. Or tell him that you know who killed Liam, and then the fight will also begin.

Pick up Garvan's head from the remains and take it to Liam. The spirit will mark the treasure on your map, because of which Garvan killed his mentor.

However, if you eat Garvan's head with an elf, you will receive a unique talent "Secrets of the Merchant", which gives +1 to barter. If you decide to do this, Liam will not tell you about his hidden treasure, although you can find the cache without it.

Job structure

We found a trail of blood. Probably someone nearby died a painful death ...

We followed the trail of blood to a shallow grave.

In the grave we found the remains of a merchant. Having tasted his flesh, we learned that he was betrayed and killed by someone close to him.

The ghost of the merchant Liam wants to take revenge on his killer Garvan. Maybe we can help the ghost.

We agreed to help Liam's ghost in revenge by killing Garvan and returning with proof of his death. Garvan is now either in Driftwood or on the road somewhere in the vicinity.

Garvan slain:

  • We killed Garvan. Now we need to find a way to prove it to Liam's spirit.

Kill Garvan and eat the remains:

  • One of us ate Garvan's head, and we learned that he killed his mentor Liam somewhere near the bridge.

Mission completion options:

  • Garvan - Liam's apprentice who killed his mentor - is dead, and the ghost of the merchant has found peace. Before leaving for the Halls of Echo, he told us about the place in the Monastery Forest, where he buried his belongings.
  • We informed Liam's spirit that Garvan's head had been eaten. Without proof that revenge has indeed taken place, Liam will not be able to find peace.
  • One of us was swallowed up by the ghost of the merchant Liam. Whatever happened to him before, now it doesn't matter.
  • We have left the Reaper's Coast. No matter how this case ends, we will not know about it.

Achievement "Death in a bowler hat" (eng. Death in the Pot) in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is unlocked after serving Poisoned Stew to Garvan. Garvan sits at a table across from the bar on the first floor of the Black Bull Tavern on the west side of Driftwood on Reaper's Coast (coordinates: X: 320, Y: 150). When you meet, the merchant will confuse the main character with the waiter and ask you to bring the branded stew. But he will quickly come to his senses when he sees that it is not a waiter who is standing in front of him, but a glorious hero - a tamer, etc. An annoying misunderstanding will quickly be forgotten and develop into a friendly conversation. The merchant will tell you about his teacher who died during the attack of the fiends of the Nether. At the end of the conversation, Garvan will offer a reward for the return of the missing valuable cargo and point out the place of the attack on the merchant caravan (task "Losses in the ledger").

The body of a torn Liam lies in the Hills of the Shipbreakers, opposite the bridge with the troll Grog, west of Driftwood (coordinates: X: 200, Y: 160). With a high "Perception" score of 20 units, bloody footprints will appear on the ground, which will lead to a pool of blood and a shallow grave. When you try to dig a grave with a shovel, opponents will appear on the site: the king of beasts touched by the void, and two bears - Pasha and Tasha. After the battle, we examine the bodies, take away everything valuable. From the grave we take out the leg of the dead merchant and a few coins. If there is an elf in the squad, we feed the leg to him in order to learn about the last minutes of the victim's life. We turn on the "Ghost Sight", which appears after meeting with, and speak with the spirit of the merchant Liam, who will ask you to find and punish his apprentice Garvan (task "Aggressive capture").

How to Make Poisoned Stew and Poison Garvan in DOS2

We return back to Driftwood to the Black Bull tavern. If you do not poison Garvan with a soup and openly accuse him of killing Liam, then in a battle with a true killer, all the visitors of the tavern will turn against the detachment of the protagonist and will attack the aggressors. In this case, many innocent people will die and reputation will suffer. You can prepare poisoned stew for Garvan in Divinity: Original Sin 2 according to a special recipe that appears in the "Cookbook" after talking with a poisoned girl sitting on the "push".

We leave the tavern on the street, inspect the latrine at the northern wall of the building, approach the booth, from which a tense voice comes, we ask the girl about what happened. In response, we get Tainted Chowder recipe... For making poisonous stew, open the "Craft" section (key [G]), go to the "Recipes" tab, in the "Items" list, select the desired recipe with the cursor and press the "Combine" button. Inventory should contain Meat Stew and Void-Touched Fish (bream, sailfish, yellow pagra, scarlet bream, brown anglerfish, flounder, mackerel).

After cooking, a new answer will appear in the dialogue with Liam: "Offer him a bowl of tainted stew." But he will appear only if at the first meeting in the dialogue a phrase with an ordinary soup was not used. Having tasted the dish, the merchant will run to the toilets, where he can be safely killed. Meat soup sold by Cook Uyvlia and Innkeeper Prudence in the Black Bull, fish touched by emptiness found on the floor and tables in the two-story factory south of the tavern. A grenade, a book with new recipes "Blindness: an Engineering Approach", a Battered Key, gold and Garvan's Head remain on the body of the murdered Garvan.

How to deal with Garvan and Liam in DOS2

  1. If kill Garvan and bring the head to Liam, then the gnome will give some junk as a reward and mark the location of the buried cache with valuable things, because of which he was killed by his own student. The chest is buried near the Eitne camp, northwest of the place where the merchant was killed (the nearest fast travel altar is "Monastery Forest"). On the map, the cache is marked with a red flag (coordinates: X: 145, Y: 230). The chest contains: a large rune of mastery, a legendary item, a medium potion of strength and 1000+ coins.
  2. If not give Garvan's head to Liam and eat it by an elf from the squad, for example, Sebilla, then the eater will have a unique skill "Secrets of the merchant", and the "Exchange" indicators will increase by one. Liam's cache can be independently found and dug up before leaving the Reaper's Coast with the help of a shovel and pumped "Perception".

Quest " Forgotten and damned"can be obtained by talking to the Shiny Statue on the island Bloody Moon... After that, you have to activate 3 sculptures on the same island.

How do I activate sculptures?

In order to perform this action, you need to read the book " Taming the Sacred Fire"(" An Exquisite Hymn "or" Decorated Psalter "before deciphering). This book can be found in the House of Jaan, in the archives in the northeast of the island, picked up from the dead master of the Black Ring (near the Ancestor Tree).

How to decipher the book "The Taming of the Sacred Fire"?

To decrypt the book, you need a character with the Scientist tag. The reward will be 14450 exp.


Before heading to the first basement, take a look at the northern part of the island and find the Ancient Forge (317, 479). You need to make 2 silver levers (for 2 and 3 basements). Not far from the forge, find silver ingots (on the corpse of a member of the Black Ring in an unfinished crypt). Now go back to the forge and use it to make silver levers from silver bars.

In the south of the island, not far from the Demon Camp, there are 3 basements. With the help of the anthem, you can destroy the statues and go down to the basement.


In the archive you will find a green teleport pyramid and medical notes (the quests "Megalomania" and "Silent" will begin). Read the notes from which you will learn that people infected with demons are imprisoned in the basements. The poor fellows were locked underground with the healer.

First refuge

There is nothing interesting here, except for the silver rod. But, the study of this repository will be required to complete the assignment.

Second hideout - "Mania of the Greatness" quest

In this basement, you will use the first silver lever to unlock the door. When the lever does not help, use the skill that allows you to see the spirits. After seeing the spirit of Brother Robert, talk to him. After you pass the conviction check, he will open the door and ask you to kill the creature that lives there.

Do not use the pool of the Source, otherwise a dialogue with the lizard will begin, which will ask her to release. If you agree to this, then Rajarima will steal all your Source Points and break free. You have to fight with a pretty strong enemy.

If you refuse to help the lizard, then you will have to take the test. If it is successfully completed, then, one might say, there will be no battle. Just use your spells from afar to kill her from above. Don't forget about Robert for a well-deserved reward.

The third hideout - "Bound by Pain" Quest

This vault is linked to the "Bound by Pain" quest. Once inside (use the lever made earlier), use the "Ghostly Vision" and ask the spirit to open the door (if he refuses, then use the "Source of Vampirism").

Outside the door, you will encounter an obsessed gnome who will ask you to destroy the pillars. If you fall for his trick and do as he asks, the demon will be freed. Better not to. Attack the gnome until he falls (approximately 10% of HP). Then release it. You may need to heal the gnome, in this case the "Life on the brink" spell will suit you.

When the demon is free, attack it, but be careful. He can move into one of your party members who is within a radius of 8 cells. To get the demon out of your companion, deal damage that brings the companion almost to death.

In this situation, the gnome will share information about the treasure (coordinates 193, 379, near the three crosses).

If you just destroy the pillars and free the demon immediately, then the gnome will die. On the way out, talk to Calvin to receive your reward. If you didn't save the gnome, then most likely you won't find Calvin.

Fourth hideout - "Silent" quest

As before, in the vault, use the skill that allows you to see the dead. Brother Morgan will ask you to free the girl who is imprisoned in the basement. Agree to help (or lie), then he will open a passage for you.

Inside you have to take a speech test with the cat Buttons (you need the talent "Animal Friend"). If you fail the test, you will have to kill the Buttons. After that, destroy the chains of the Source that fetters the girl and talk to her.

Be careful. If you do not pass the speech test, the girl will not be able to wake up from sleep. Having established all four characters, you will have to leave the quest uncompleted.

If the check is successfully passed, then as a reward you will receive 14450 experience points and teleport the girl to "Lady Revenge". A little later you can start treating her. The quest "Silent" will be completed. Talk to Brother Morgan to collect your reward.

Now that all four vaults have been explored, the "Forgotten and Damned" quest will be completed, and the journal will contain the entry "We have found and cleared all four vaults on Blood Moon Island."