Where is the mission of the volcano in warface. Special Operations Warface. We pass the "Volcano" on the pros. The perfect team to complete the "Volcano"

If you are a PvE lover and go through special operations as they appear, then the mission called "Volcano" in chronological order will be available after the "Dangerous Experiment". It should be noted right away that the task is absolutely different from the previous one - starting from the variety of opponents and ending with the reward received. The only thing that unites them is the same enemy in the face of the Blackwood terrorist group.

Description and features of the special operation "Volcano"

The Warface satellites have detected increased activity in sector H26 near the volcano. There is a huge medical complex in this place. According to the documentation, hot springs research is being carried out here, but hardly anyone would believe it. Ursula has visited the center three times in the past week. From here follows your task: to find out what experiments are actually being carried out in a medical complex located in the mouth of an active volcano.

Some features:

  • The special operation can be completed on four levels of difficulty - "Easy", "Difficult", "Pro" and "Hardcore".
  • You will have to fight both against ordinary opponents (security guards, attack aircraft, snipers, grenade launchers, etc.), and against automatic turrets (and there will also be several types of them).
  • The team consists of five players.
  • "Medical" complex "Volcano" is divided into 13 sectors (floors) and each of them you have to go along and across. Each level is a spacious room, divided into several zones using energy barriers.
  • After you find yourself in the elevator, all the dead members of your team respawn, ammunition, armor strength and HP points are restored.

Difficulty levels

As mentioned above, there are four levels of difficulty in total, with "Hardcore" appearing later than the others. With an increase in the level of difficulty, the number of ordinary enemies increases, somewhere instead of an attack aircraft, a sniper appears, an arrow - a special forces soldier, etc. Turrets become much more dangerous: their strength, outgoing damage, agility increase, the "dead zones" with which you can decrease use, for example, on an easy difficulty level.

Description of all difficulty levels:

  1. Easily. Like all other special operations, at the easy level, "Volcano" is completed by a team consisting of almost any player. Enemies with firearms hit "once out of four", and turrets are destroyed from one or two spent clips. Use this difficulty mode in order to study the number of turrets in a particular sector, their places and the sequence of their appearance.
  2. Hard. Enemies are becoming more powerful, and their number is increasing. We need a more organized and well-coordinated team.
  3. Pros. The complexity is increased by the same factors. Among other things, after you pass through the second checkpoint, you will not be able to exclude players from the team. This is typical for "Hardcore".
  4. Hardcore. Globally different from previous difficulty levels. This time, the opponents will not be highlighted in red, they will appear much faster. On the other hand, you can get a unique reward, which is not even on the "Pro". We are talking about sets of weapons and perpetual helmets from the Magma series. Unique achievements are introduced.


If on an easy level of difficulty the composition of a team can be arbitrary (even if it consists entirely of attack aircraft), then already when the parameter "Difficult" is selected, everything changes significantly. At a minimum, a team should have one or even two medics. Further, it is advisable to have two attack aircraft, and the fifth person is at your discretion. Stormtroopers are impact force... It is they who must destroy the turrets, while the medics will kill some of the soldiers and at the same time heal their squad.

It cannot be said with certainty that a group of two stormtroopers, two medics, and one sniper is better or worse than a group of four stormtroopers and one medic. Here you should already independently work out your tactics, based on individual preferences. But the sniper in the team comes in handy, since enemy shooters with long-range weapons can appear in almost the opposite part of the map.

The secret to destroying turrets (dead zones)

Several useful tips... If things are really bad, you are left alone (or together with a friend), there is no need to despair. Remember that at any difficulty level you can still find "blind spots" for turrets. And if we are talking about stationary (stationary) machine guns, then there is nothing to worry about at all. Stand behind one of the pedestals so as to hide from the turret (s) and at the same time have a viewing angle that allows you to observe the movement of opponents from both flanks. First kill the soldiers until they stop appearing.

Having done this, snuggle up to the curbstone (but not close) and little by little start peeking out from behind it. You need to make it so that you can aim at the weak spot of the turret. All turrets good armor and hitting lighter, outer areas will not cause them any damage. For example, if you take the Cobra turret, then you have to aim at the dark parts, which are both at the top and at the bottom. You should not rush headlong, at the same time fighting with turrets and soldiers. It is better to hide and kill ordinary opponents, after which take up the turrets.

Passage of the special operation "Volcano" (DIFFICULT)

You arrive at the scene by helicopter. As soon as the windows open, you can immediately shoot opponents. Basically, attack aircraft and a couple of snipers are waiting for you at the entrance to the complex. You still have to kill them after landing.

After killing everyone, go to the entrance. Inside, you will need to go along a winding corridor and kill several shooters, special forces soldiers and shield-bearers-shooters. Since these opponents are not new, we will not describe the tactics of battle with each separately. You will soon be taken to the elevator. This is your first checkpoint, where ammo, armor points and HP will be replenished. It is important that all surviving squad members get into the elevator. Even if you are killed, you will be reborn on the next control point provided that at least one soldier from your group reached it.

First sector

Approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 4 pieces.

Upon exiting the elevator, you will immediately see an energy barrier. Each sector will have two or three such barriers. Moreover, in some cases, barriers appear as one of your squad members approaches the elevator in the opposite part of the room.

Approach the bollards ahead as soon as the barrier disappears. Remaining in cover, shoot opponents until the first turret - "Cobra" appears in the center. You don't have to hide too much, since there are not many turrets on the level. Immediately, as soon as you see her, the whole group start shooting at the central area.

There are three more Cobras ahead of you - one in the center and two from different flanks. You will have to destroy them all at the same time. Look for such cover so that you have vision on one turret and at the same time you cannot be seen by the other two. As soon as you see a green sign in front with the inscription "Gathering", then you can move to the elevator (it is open). Remember that this inscription does not mean that there are no ordinary soldiers left at the location.

Second sector

Approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 1 piece, "Murena" - 14 pieces.

As soon as the doors open, immediately run to the shelter ahead. The barrier will disappear and a new turret will appear - "Murena". If "Cobra" is a machine gun, then "Murena" is a shotgun. Official sources indicate that you need to fire on the turret immediately from the moment it appears. And she appears really unexpectedly! After a moment, two turrets will appear on the sides. At the same time, do not forget about the guards and shooters.

See the groove ahead? The next "Murena" will appear exactly there. And again, after its destruction, you will be attacked by two more, from both flanks. Finally, in the same place there will be one "Murena" on the right and two - in the depression. In total, at this point you need to destroy six "Muren".

As you approach the next cover, expect a more serious attack. Two "Moray eels" will appear behind the shelters on the left and right. Do not rush to attack them until you deal with the influx of security personnel.

Further, "Cobra" will appear near the door of the next lift. This time, this machine gun turret will not only continuously attack visible targets, but also move from side to side. After its destruction, deal with three "Moray eels": two will appear on the flanks and one, at the very end - directly opposite the next elevator.

Third sector

The approximate number of turrets: "Hornet" - 1 piece, "Murena" - 12 pieces.

Immediately run to the center of cover. In addition to attack aircraft, you will need to deal with three "Moray eels". First, one will appear in the center, and then two - along the flanks. Move a little forward and destroy four more turrets. The first pair will attack you from the flanks, and the second pair of turrets will be on the left side, a meter apart.

After the barrier will disappear, and you can go forward. Do not overdrive, as a new type of turret called the Hornet will appear above the elevator door in front of you. The Hornet attacks with one shot with a pause of 2-3 seconds. One accurate shot The Hornet can kill you if you were previously wounded. As you can imagine, since the Hornet is constantly moving from side to side, it makes no sense to look for “dead zones”. It is worth noting the higher speed of movement compared to the mobile "Cobra".

In addition to the Hornet, two more Moray eels will appear on the sides. Attack aircraft will now attack you not only from below, but also from bridges from above. And they do it at the most inopportune moment. Finally, get even closer and destroy three "Moray eels": left, right and in the middle. After destroying them, the elevator door will open, but you shouldn't rush. First, deal with the remaining security guards and stormtroopers. Even heavy infantry and special forces will be here.

Fourth sector

At the beginning of the location, there will be several shelters at once, and the energy barrier will disappear after Ursula's voice fades. Deal with three stationary "Cobras": two on the right and one on the left. Do not forget to kill ordinary soldiers at the same time.

Walk a little forward and defeat three more "Cobras", which this time will be mobile. Moreover, some turrets move in all four directions. By blowing them up, you can go to the elevator.

Fifth sector

Approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 6 pieces.

One of the most inconvenient sectors. The fact is that there are no hiding places in its first half. In the middle there is a small hole and an energy barrier. You should not rush to get there, because in just a few seconds, guns will appear behind the barrier. It is best to hide behind the pedestals in front of the pit. Two Cobras will appear at the side walls. These are movable turrets, be careful.

Go through the gate and deal with two more Cobras. Expect attacks from shield-bearers that were not present in the previous sectors (only in the initial corridor).

Before you enter the lift, you will need to destroy a couple of motionless "Cobras".

Sixth sector

The approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 1 piece, "Murena" - 1 piece, "Hornet" - 1 piece, "Porcupine" - 8 pieces.

Go to the location and wait. After the messages of your commander and Ursula, two huge pedestals with horizontal niches will emerge from the ground. Small round turrets called "Porcupine" move along these niches. They attack in a burst like machine guns. There are two options for destruction: to attack from a shelter with conventional weapons, or try to throw a grenade into the very niches along which the Porcupines move. One abandoned grenade is capable of instantly destroying this turret.

It is very important to negotiate with your squad members about the use of grenades. You need to make sure that only one grenade is thrown into the Porcupine's niche, since a total of eight such turrets are waiting for you at this location. And you need to throw a grenade not from a distance, but coming close to the turret.

Having dealt with them, go ahead and expect two more of the same turrets "in the closets". But do not lose your vigilance! Almost immediately after their destruction, the Hornet will appear at the top at the same point. Attack this weapon instantly.

The next two "Porcupines" will appear a little earlier than the stationary "Cobra", which will rise from the ground after the destruction of these.

There will be two more Porcupines at the fourth shooting range. After destroying them, "Murena" will appear in the middle. Having dealt with her, feel free to move into the elevator.

Seventh sector

Approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 3 pieces, "Porcupine" - 4 pieces.

The next sector will delight you with the same "Porcupines" mixed with the rest of the turrets. This time the Porcupines will appear from the side. After going to the location, deal with the moving "Cobra" in the center and with the "Porcupine" on the left. By the way, it is not necessary to throw a grenade directly into the niche. If you have dealt enough damage to the Porcupine turret with small arms, then just throw a grenade next to it.

Further on the left side there will be a stationary "Cobra" and two "Porcupines". After destroying them, do not rush to run to the elevator. In addition to the fact that you may notice another niche for the "Porcupine" on the left, at least one movable "Cobra" on the right will appear on the location. Snipers and special forces soldiers attack you from the bridges above, be careful.

Eighth sector

Approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 1 piece, "Murena" - 1 piece, "Hornet" - 4 pieces.

As soon as the door closes behind you, "Murena" will appear in the center in front of you. Above it will be "Hornet", and two more - move along the rail tracks to the right and left. Deal with the turrets first of all, and only after that kill ordinary soldiers.

"Cobra" and "Hornet" will appear right at the door of the next lift. In addition, you will see special forces, whose fighters are using experimental energy weapons. You will recognize this weapon by its characteristic blue (light blue) projectiles. One shot deals decent damage, but the reload time is longer for this weapon.

Having dealt with the turrets and soldiers, run into the elevator.

Ninth sector

Estimated number of turrets: none, you are fighting exclusively against the guards.

This room will be filled with smoke, which will significantly impair visibility. As you can imagine, visibility is getting worse for you, not your opponents. After the doors close behind you, in a few seconds enemies will run at you. As you might have guessed, in such cramped passages between the pedestals, the developers have sent security officers at you, who are wielding batons.

When you see the inscription "Gathering" in front, then go to the opposite end of the room. But the elevator will be closed for now. Stand with your back to him and wait for the second attacking wave of security guards. If you are not playing on Hardcore difficulty, then this sector will seem to you like a normal shooting range with moving targets. You have the opportunity to throw a large number of headshots and increase the hit percentage.

Tenth sector

The approximate number of turrets: "Moray" - 2 pieces, "Hornet" - 4 pieces.

All enemies are located almost at the end of the sector. There are also several smoke grenades that impair visibility. Many Special Forces are equipped with experimental energy weapons, so be careful. When you kill the commandos, the "Murena" will appear in front of the barrier, and the "Hornet" will appear above it. Security officers will run at you from both sides. In addition, additional smoke grenades will fly.

Eleventh sector

Approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 4 pieces, "Murena" - 2 pieces, "Mammoth" - 2 pieces, "Porcupine" - 1 piece.

Arriving at the location, blow up two mobile "Cobras" located on opposite sides. Now be careful! A completely new turret - "Mammoth" will appear in the center. There are only two Mammoth turrets in the entire complex. You see one of them right now. It is almost impossible to pierce her armor, so it would be pointless to attack head-on.

Move along the right or left wall, quickly moving behind the curbstone that serves as a cover. Behind the "Mammoth" you will see red cylinders - this is the power source. Your squad members must be on both sides of the Mammoth in order to attack this energy source. For example, if you start attacking, the Mammoth will turn in your direction to return fire. But at the same time, he will settle down with his back to your partners, and you can hide behind the curbstone. Got the idea?

Next, you need to destroy two "Cobras" and two "Moray". On the left side you can see the "Porcupine", but these are all trifles compared to the fact that after a moment another "Mammoth" turret will appear. It is advisable to run straight to her. The members of your squad should position themselves around the turret so that at least one of you can conduct aimed fire at the power source, regardless of which direction the Mammoth's guns are turned. After destroying the second weapon of this type, head to the elevator.

Twelfth sector

The approximate number of turrets: "Cobra" - 3 pieces, "Moray" - 1 piece, "Hornet" - 2 pieces, "Porcupine" - 2 pieces.

Destroy the two moving Cobras in the middle. Do not forget to shoot back from the soldiers appearing both from below and from above. Below there will be "Murena", which you can destroy before she has time to open fire on you or your partners. Where the Murena was, there are two niches on the side for the Porcupine. You already know how to destroy this weapon.

Several Hornets and Cobras are waiting for you ahead. At least two Hornets move along the rails on the right and one Cobra in front. Beware of snipers!

When you hear the words that you have access to Blackwood's secret weapon, go through the doorway ahead. Kill common enemies and get close to the yellow weapon icon. Pick up the weapon and enter the elevator. All members of the squad must do this.

Thirteenth sector

Approximate Turrets: A huge machine that churns out an infinite number of Cobra Turrets.

And here she is the arena of battle with the final boss. You will see a huge colossus suspended from the ceiling. On the side there are several monitors with a picture of Ursula. Attack this device in this moment meaningless. Wait on the spot. Understand literally two or three "Cobras", after which you will see a green dot that appears with the inscription "Collect". Move the whole squad to the indicated safe place and turn around so that you can see a huge device.

Cobra-type turrets will now appear on the battlefield. You can destroy them with one hit from the previously picked up energy weapon (level "DIFFICULT").

Please note that in a certain moment a yellow exclamation mark icon will appear on the unit. At this moment, the door will open slightly, behind which you will see Ursula sitting inside. Attack this very madam while the door is open. You must demolish approximately 20% of your total health at a time (at the "DIFFICULT" level).

Run to a new location. Now, in addition to "Cobras", special forces fighters with the same energy weapons will appear on the location. Hide from shots behind the raised posts. Repeat the procedure until Ursula is completely destroyed. Throughout the battle, you will have to kill exclusively the Cobra turrets and special forces soldiers.

Warface: why is the special operation "Volcano" still relevant? The season of "Vulcan" has long passed, and people still often start and play this special operation. Let's try to figure out why she is better than others. The special operation "Volcano" represents 13 sectors similar to each other, in each of which the player will have to survive and destroy the turrets. Slowly but surely, absolutely everyone gets bored. Conclusion: "Volcano" is not interesting in terms of gameplay... In addition, nothing has changed on it for a long time, but players do not stop running rooms over and over again. So they are trying for the awards. And what is so special about Vulcan in terms of prizes for a victory?

Solid "jackpot"

600-2280 warbucks depending on the difficulty level. Even on the lightest, you get more than you get for the usual Pro missions. Thus, playing this special operation, you will be profitable even without the VIP-accelerator.


For completing the mission, you will receive a weapon with the Magma camouflage: Glock, Kukri-machete, ACR CQB, McMillan, Type97 or Six12. If the first two models do not differ in special characteristics from their warbucks counterparts, then the last four guns will delight everyone, because this is the same box don, only you don't have to pay any credits or warbucks (for repairs) for it.

Weapons are given only for completing Volcano on Difficulty and higher, for a period of 3 hours to 5 days. Certain levels have been set depending on the level of difficulty.

Imba helmet

And these awards are not a conclusion. In addition to everything, at all difficulty levels the player will receive an imbe helmet for a random class for a period from 1 hour to 6 days (or forever). When completing a special operation on the difficulties "Pro" and "Hardcore", you have a good chance of getting this outlandish thing forever.

Why imba? First, the helmet has better protection heads in the game. Secondly, it is repaired "for a penny" and often falls for a long time, which makes it generally free. Thirdly, it protects against glare. The fourth advantage is its ability to restore health after 2 seconds without taking damage (the highest response speed), although it only restores 2 points, this is quite enough. After all, the main damage falls on armor, so you can maintain full HP without a medic with this helmet. And the fifth indisputable advantage is the unique beautiful design.

Special operation "Volcano" now has some continuation. This time, the Warface administration decided to add a mini-game for bonuses. The game is made in the style of the 90s and will not leave anyone indifferent. You need to choose a team and class that will fight in further battles.

Every 6 hours, all players are given 5 attempts to complete the mini-game. Have chosen a team, have chosen game classes and then it remains to simply observe. If your fighters coped with all 5 rooms and came out as winners, then you will also receive a reward, which will be credited to the item basket.

That is, in the case of a successful completion of the mini-game, you can get either a weapon for soldiers in the mini-game or a weapon in the Warface game itself.

To increase the chances of a dropout and the passage of the mini-game itself, you need to play Warface. For every 10 minutes of playing time, your chances increase. Ideally, in order to receive the maximum bonus, you need

I can play for 40 minutes, then play a mini-game, and again in a warface.

Play Volcano 2D on a dedicated page - link

All players will also receive achievements in the form of patches and badges:

  • Icon "Weapon of Victory"- Successfully complete 100 Operations in Volcano Confrontation.
  • Token "Arcade Hero"- Play Volcano Confrontation.
  • Stripe "Hand of the Master"- collect all legendary weapon in "Volcano: Confrontation".

It's time for a new update, and the special operation with winter landscapes has been replaced with an equally colorful one under the codename "Volcano".
You are dropped off in front of the entrance to a genetic engineering laboratory disguised in a huge volcano. Blackwood is clearly planning something bad, and you have to find out.

Throughout the journey to the final boss, an annoying female voice will ask your squad to leave this private area, but when it stopped someone ... The mission is similar to the one you already know. "Elimination"... Here, too, you need to clear floor by floor, shoot down waves of opponents, but now new enemies have been added: various mechanical turrets that can appear even from under your feet.

Types of turrets and how to destroy them:

  • Automatic - high rate of fire, but low damage. It is better to shoot her during reloading in areas without armor.
  • Melee turrets - fire 3 shots and reload, at this moment you need to destroy it. They can appear from under the floor in the most unexpected places.
  • Sniper - at high difficulty they can kill with one shot. They have one weak spot - the green circle in the center. The sniper can deal with her with one well-aimed shot.
  • Built into the wall - an automatic turret with a fairly large supply of armor, but if you throw a grenade into the structure in which it moves, it will stop it.
  • Mammoth is an analogue of Juggernaut from regular missions. Large armored turret, completely impenetrable in the forehead. It has a fuel tank behind it, which can be detonated by blowing it up.

    With each new floor it will be more and more difficult for you to destroy opponents, and the picture outside the windows will become more and more gloomy. Various experiments by Blackwood scientists can also be seen behind the glass. Perhaps in them you will find a clue to past or future events in the game.

    Walkthrough guide:

    Light the difficulty level is passed by any team, it is intended to familiarize with the game. You can admire various interior details on the levels and explore the places where the turrets appear. You can leisurely walk the floors. After completing the mission, you will receive special rewards.

    Average the level for beginners will seem more difficult, but in fact, 1 good attack aircraft and 1 medic who will heal are enough. The rest are optional. It's pretty simple.

    Pros. This requires an experienced team and the right equipment. It is best to take 1 sniper, 2 attack aircraft, 1 medic and 1 engineer.

    And now in more detail:

    Sniper- buy a bulletproof vest with an increased stock of ammunition, and if there is no engineer in the team, then it is better to Combat or Armu (armor regeneration). A helmet with health regen (Combat or Magma), gloves, preferably with a quick recharge, and boots do not play a big role. From the weapon, although the so-called McMillan bolt is included in the set for the operation, it is better to take any semi-automatic rifle with 20 rounds in the store. The sniper's task is to destroy the Hornets. These are sniper turrets, opponents with laser targeting and grenade launchers. Well, and, if possible, help attack aircraft during their reloading.

    Stormtrooper- the main striking force. It is better to choose armor for maximum suppression of damage from enemy bullets. Helmet, again, for health regeneration, gloves for reload speed. Weapon - preferably any machine gun or assault rifles with maximum damage. This class does most of the work. Shoot anything that moves and replenish your allies' ammo supply as needed.

    Medic must first of all heal, and only then help in the destruction of opponents.
    So it is worth, if possible, to buy a better first-aid kit in the game store. Armagh or Battle armor. Helmet with increased protection... Weapons - any pump action or semi-automatic shotgun and precision pistol. If a medic decides to suddenly run forward to kill enemies and dies at the same time, we can assume that the game has already been lost. The task of the medic is to monitor the health of his squad and replenish it with the help of a first-aid kit if necessary, as well as to see if there are any enemies who have entered the rear.

    Per Engineer several options for the game. You can help attack aircraft by shooting enemies who get too close, or run forward to the nearest cover and from there fully fire at soldiers and turrets. A bulletproof vest must be taken with an increased supply of ammunition, and a helmet, of course, to restore hit points. Weapon with at least 30 rounds in the magazine and maximum damage.

    Destroy the turrets as quickly as possible. In this way, you will quickly get to the elevator and stop the multiple invasion of the guards. Stock up on frag and even stun grenades. They will come in handy for dealing with Porcupine type turrets. On the 9th floor it will be quite difficult. Enemies with clubs will come out in droves from all possible doors. There are 2 options: scatter in the corners and shoot enemies, covering each other, or take aim at the spawn points of opponents and don't let them go out, killing on the spot.

    Before the final boss you will be greeted by fighters with laser weapons and large ammunition. They need to be killed with an accurate hit from a sniper rifle to the head, otherwise you can lose the whole team in a couple of seconds. Deal with the final boss with the help of "gifts" from the arsenal from Blackwood.

    For the passage of Operation Vulcan, you will receive special equipment and weapons "Magma" for a while. There is a chance after passing on the "pro" difficulty to get a helmet from the set forever. It is similar in properties to the Combat Helmet, but starts health regeneration earlier and slower.

    Briefly about the rest:

    A new semi-automatic has been added to the in-game store. sniper rifle Remington R11 RSASS;
    - 14 new achievements for completing the special operation "Volcano";
    - Helmets from the "Magma" set for each class. Issued for completing a new special operation;
    - New "box of luck" with the ability to get weapons from the "Magma" collection forever;
    - For the M16A3 added an under-barrel grenade launcher and slightly increased the firing range;
    - Added 79th rank - Colonel General of the "Gods of War" squadron.

Our take on a new PvE mode for the popular multiplayer shooter that should please both veterans and newbies.


Any fan should be pleased with what has happened to the game in the past six months: during this time, it has probably received more updates than ever before. At the end of last year, Mail.ru presented the fans of this online shooter with several new modes in a set of updates " Hunting season”, And, barely had time to start the current year, another special operation was added to the game. She got the name " Volcano", Is PvE in nature, and anyone can try it for a very modest fee of one access token.

The plot, however, does not shine with originality: the evil scientists of the Blackwood corporation are again playing with fire and experimenting with unknown seismic technologies, simultaneously threatening the entire planet with a series of devastating earthquakes. The villains are based, with a proper degree of shocking, right in the mouth of a huge volcano. But there is no need to worry: five gallant fighters of the corporation are quite enough to sweep through the entire building in a destructive tornado and put an end to the outrageous plans of the insidious egghead scoundrels. As you might have guessed, it is this simple plan that players will have to implement in the course of a new special operation.

Anyone who more or less closely follows the updates will immediately see where the legs grow from " Volcano". The developers themselves did not hide this - they say, the players really liked "Elimination". AND new regime really looks like it great, but still boasts much more dynamism and a variety of decorations. It can be seen that the developers tried especially hard on the second point. All thirteen floors of the volcanic complex differ significantly from each other, as well as the general mood of what is happening on the screen changes: as you approach the volcano's throat, red colors begin to prevail more and more, while on the first floors the picture is dominated by nondescript and boring gray colors.

The further players move deeper into the labs, the higher the difficulty will become. There will be more opponents, over time they will change clubs for ranged weapons, then turrets will appear - at this moment it will become completely sad. There are, by the way, just an indecent number of types of turrets here: ordinary stationary, moving, armored, underground traveling, long-range ... Even the final boss is a huge turret, which even has its own name. More turrets for the turret god!

In general, for the passage of the special operation " Volcano"Five trained fighters will take no more than half an hour. This is the optimal time for such a regime: thanks to the constantly changing scenery and conditions of the battle, the shooting gallery does not stop being fun, but the run through the possessions of the turrets ends a moment before it starts to get boring. Even after several successful playthroughs " Volcano"The incentive to enter it again does not disappear anywhere: especially for this, fantastically beautiful" skins "for weapons in volcanic themes were introduced into the game, which are issued upon completion of a special operation. And Warbucks and experience certainly haven't bothered anyone yet, right?

It can be seen that the developers devoted much more time to Vulcan than to other modes. The decorations are painstakingly made, and the complexity is balanced in such a way as not to burden the player too much, but also not to let him relax too much. And the coloring for the guns turned out to be just wonderful!