Outdoor games for high school students in physical education. A collection of outdoor games for children of senior preschool and primary school age. Black and white

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outdoor games

older age

Homeless hare

Description of the game: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - the hares - draw circles for themselves - “their own house.” A homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare. If the hunter

catches, then switch roles.

Two frosts

Goal: to develop in children inhibition, observation, and the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in running

Description of the game: the players are located on two sides of the court, two drivers stand in the middle (Frost - Red Nose and Frost - Blue Nose) and say:

We are two young brothers,

Two frosts are removed:

I am frost - Red nose,

I am Frost - Blue Nose,

Which one of you will decide

Hit the road - set off on the path?

All players answer in chorus:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “frost,” all the players run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the frosts try to “freeze” them (touch them with their hands).

Gori, burn clearly!

Goal: to develop children's self-control and spatial orientation. Practice running fast.

Description of the game: players stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. The “catcher” stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out.

Look at the sky - Birds are flying,

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word “run,” the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right, trying to grab the hands in front of the catcher, who tries to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands. If the catcher succeeds to do, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the remaining one is the catcher.

Empty place

Goal: to develop spatial orientation in children. Exercise fast running

Description: The players stand in a circle with their hands on their belts, creating windows. The driver is selected. He walks behind the circle and says:

I walk around the house

And I look out the window,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the word I’ll knock, the driver stops, looks into the “window” opposite which he stopped, and says: “Knock, knock, knock.” The person standing in front asks: “Who has come? “The driver says his name. The person standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come?” “The driver answers: “We’re running in a race,” and both run around the players in different directions. An empty space remains in the circle of players. The one who reaches him first remains in the circle, the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Relay races with hoops

The players are divided into two equal groups and stand one after the other in two columns. The distance between the columns is 1.5 - 2 m. A line is drawn in front of the columns. At a distance of 5–6 m from it, hoops are placed, one against each column.

At the teacher’s signal “One, two, three - run,” the first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, crawl into the hoop, put it in place, run to their column, touch the hand of the child who became the first, and stand at the end of the column . Each subsequent child in the column does the same, and so on until the first child returns to his place.

The group of children who does this first wins.

Relay races in a circle

The players are divided into four groups. A circle is drawn on the site. Its size depends on the number of players, since the units are lined up along four radii.

Everyone stands with their backs to the center, the first one has a flag in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, children with flags run in a circle in one direction and, having reached their squad, pass the flag to the next player, who became the first, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. All players do the same.

When the squad finishes running and lines up in the original order, the child standing in front raises the flag up.

The squad that does this first wins.

"Ocean is shaking"

Goal: to develop children’s self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, forming in a circle and walking in a circle.

Description of the game: a driver is selected from among the players. The rest stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, and everyone draws a circle in their place. The leader walks around the players like a snake, and the children, who are told “The sea is rough,” stand behind him, gradually forming a chain. then suddenly the presenter says, “The sea is calm,” - everyone lets go of their hands and runs to take their places. The one who is left without a circle becomes the driver.

"Wolf in the Moat"

Goal: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jumps.

Description of the game: two parallel straight lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a “ditch”. A “goat house” is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one player as a “wolf”, the rest as “goats”. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf stands in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal “wolf in the ditch,” the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. Those caught are taken to the corner of the ditch.


Goal: to develop accuracy, eye. Practice throwing, catching and coordination of movements.

Description of the game: two children stand opposite each other at a short distance (2 - 3 m). One of them throws rings towards the other, and the latter catches them with a stick or hand. When all the rings have been thrown, a count is made, after which the children change roles.

"Ball Relay"

Goal: to develop children’s coordination of movements and the ability to act on a signal. Practice agility.

Description of the game: the players are divided into two columns. The first in the column is given a ball. At the teacher’s signal: “Up! “- the children raise their hands and the one standing first passes the ball over the head to the one standing behind, etc. The column that brings the ball first wins.

"Catching Monkeys"

Goal: to develop initiative, observation, memory, and dexterity in children. Practice climbing and running.

Description of the game: children pretending to be monkeys are placed on one side of the site, where there are climbing devices or benches. On the other side there are 4 - 6 people - these are monkey catchers. Monkeys imitate everything they see. The catchers agree on what movements they will make. As soon as the catchers reach the middle of the site, the monkeys climb onto the tower and watch from there. Having made the movements, the catchers leave, the monkeys approach the place where the catchers were and repeat their movements. At the signal "catchers" the catchers catch the monkeys

"Hide your hands behind your back"

Goal: to develop in children the speed of reaction to a signal. Practice running, catching, and strengthen correct posture.

Description of the game: choose a driver - “trap”, standing in the middle of the site. The rest stand in different places on the platform and hold their hands behind their backs. When the teacher says “start,” the players lower their hands and begin to run in any direction, but only within the boundaries of the area indicated by flags. The purpose of the trap is to catch one of the players, but you can only touch those whose hands are down. If the player managed to put his hands behind his back and say “I’m not afraid,” the trap cannot touch him. If the trap fails to catch anyone, another one is assigned.

Ball traps"

Goal: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. Practice throwing at a moving target and running while dodging.

Game description: the area is limited by lines. In the center of the court, the players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. One child becomes the center (leading). There are 2 small balls at his feet. The driver makes a series of movements, the players repeat. At the teacher’s signal: “Run from the circle,” the children run away, and the driver tries to hit one of the children with the ball. At the signal “one, two, three, run in a circle,” the children again form a circle. The driver changes.

“Find where it’s hidden?»

Goal: to develop endurance, observation, and parity in children.

Game description: children sit along the wall. The teacher shows the children a flag and says that he will hide it. Then the teacher invites the children to stand up and turn towards the wall. After making sure that none of the children are looking, the teacher hides the flag, after which he says “it’s time.” Children begin to look for the hidden flag. Whoever finds it first hides it.

"Frogs and Heron"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to act on a signal, dexterity. Practice standing high jumps

Description of the game: a square is outlined - a “swamp” where “frogs” live. Pegs are driven in the corners or cubes are placed. Height 10 – 15 cm. A rope is stretched along the sides of the square. Outside the square is a “heron’s nest.” At the signal “heron”, she, raising her legs, heads towards the swamp and steps over the rope. Frogs jump out of the swamp by jumping over a rope, pushing off with both legs. Stepping over the rope, the heron catches the frogs.

"Fishermen and Fishes"

Goal: to develop in children dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to act on a signal. Practice running fast, dodging and catching.

Game description: playground – “pond”. A fisherman walks along the platform, and on the opposite side is his assistant. In the hands of the senior fisherman is a “net” (a rope with a bag of sand at the end. The senior fisherman says to the assistant: “Catch!” and throws him the end of the rope with a load, then the fishermen surround the fish with a rope that did not manage to swim to a deep place (outlined place on the site). At the signal “fish, swim,” the fish swim out of the deep place again.

"Who gets to the middle first"

Goal: to develop hand movements in children

Game description: take two short round sticks. A cord 8 - 10 m long is tied to them, the middle of it is marked with tape. The players pull the cord. At the teacher’s signal, they quickly begin to rotate the sticks with both hands and, winding the cord around the stick, move forward. The winner is the one who winds the cord to the tape first.

"Who's first through the hoop


Goal: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, dexterity and collectivism. Practice fast running and climbing.

Description of the game: flags (4 - 6) are placed on one side of the court at a distance of one meter from each other. There are hoops in the middle of the court. On the opposite side there are 4 – 6 columns. At the signal “1, 2, 3 – run” standing first they run to the flags, crawling through a hoop on the way, runs to the flag, picks it up and lifts it up, then puts it down and runs to the end of the column.

"Pass the ball"

Goal: to develop the ability to perform movements rhythmically, in accordance with words, as well as according to a signal. Practice passing the ball, turning the body to the right and left, and throwing at a moving target

Description of the game: players stand in a circle. The teacher gives one of the players a ball (D=6-8 cm). At the word “start,” the children pass the ball to each other in one direction. All players say: One, two, three! Get the ball quickly!

Four five six! Here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine! Who can throw it? I!

The one who has the ball for the word “I” goes out into the middle with it and says: “One, two, three - run.” After these words, all the children run away, and the one standing, without leaving his place, throws the ball at those running away. The one who was hit by the ball is out of the game. At the signal “one, two, three, run in a circle,” the children again form a circle.

"The Spider and the Flies"

Goal: to develop endurance and dexterity in children. Practice running and squatting.

Description of the game: the driver is chosen - a spider, the rest of the children are flies. The spider stands to the side, flies run all over the area. At the teacher’s signal, the flies freeze, the spider goes around the players, and whoever notices even the slightest movement, takes him to him.

"Don't stay on the floor"

Goal: to develop in children endurance, dexterity, the ability to act on a signal, and quickly navigate the environment. Exercise in running, long jumping, catching

Description of the game: objects 25–30 cm high are placed on the playground, which children must climb: ladders with steps, boards placed on a raised platform, low boxes, benches. A bandage is put on the catcher’s hand. Children walk, run, and jump to the beat of the tambourine. At the “catch” signal, all children climb onto objects. The trap catches those who did not have time to jump onto the dais. Those caught sit to the side.

"Throw and Catch"

Goal: to develop children’s coordination of movement and spatial orientation. Practice throwing and catching, running fast.

Description of the game: a rope is attached to two posts or jumping stands at the height of a child with a raised hand. Children throw the ball over a string, then run after it and catch it.

"Change the checkbox"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to cultivate a sense of teamwork. Practice running at speed and lining up in a column.

Description of the game: 4-5 circles with a diameter of 1 step are drawn on one side of the site; the distance between them is 1 step. on the opposite side there are 4 - 5 columns. Each first has a flag of the same color. A flag of a different color is placed in each circle. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” the players run to their circle, put down their flag and take another. Whoever raised the flag first is considered the winner.


Goal: to develop in children inhibition, observation, and the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise children in running.

Description of the game: at a distance of 80 - 100 cm, two straight lines are drawn - this is a “ditch”. At a distance of one or two steps from the border, the “goat’s house” is outlined. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf stands in the ditch. At the signal “wolf in the ditch,” the goats run to the opposite side, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf at this time catches the goats. Those caught are taken to the corner of the ditch.

"Migration of Birds"

Goal: to develop children's self-control and ability to move on cue. Exercise in running, climbing.

Description of the game: children stand scattered at one end of the site - “birds”. At the other end is a climbing tower or gymnastics wall with several spans. At the signal “birds fly away,” the birds fly with their wings spread. At the signal “storm,” the birds fly to the tower to hide from the storm. At the signal “the storm has stopped,” the birds fly.


Children playing stand in circles drawn on the playground. One of the drivers is selected. He approaches any of the players and asks: “Where are the keys? “He answers: “Go to Seryozha (says the name of one of the children) and knock.” During this conversation, the players try to change places. The driver must quickly occupy the circle that is free during the run.

If the driver fails to occupy the mugs for a long time, he may shout, “Found the keys!” ” - then all players must change places. At this time, the driver will easily take over someone’s circle. A child left without a place becomes a driver.

Who's quickest with the hoop to his flag?

A line is drawn on one side of the site. On the other side, 10 m from the line, flags are placed on stands. Children (4 – 5) with a hoop in their left hand

stand on the line with their left side to the flags, at a distance of 1 m from one another.

At the teacher’s signal, “Get ready!” ” children place the hoop on the ground towards the flags, holding it with their left hand; they hold their right hand ready to hit the hoop.

Then the teacher says: “One, two, three - roll! ” - hitting them with the right palm or stick. The children who roll the hoops first raise flags above their heads.

The first one to raise the flag wins

Who is more likely to take off the tape?

A line is drawn on the playground, beyond which children line up in several columns of 4 to 5 people each. At a distance of 10–15 steps, opposite the columns, a rope is stretched, the height of which is 10–15 cm higher than the children’s raised hands. A ribbon is placed on this rope against each column. At the teacher’s signal: “Run,” everyone standing first in the columns runs to their ribbon, jumps up and pulls it off the rope. The first person to remove the tape is considered the winner. The teacher hangs the ribbons on the rope again; those who were first in the column stand at the end of the column, and the rest move towards the line. Following the new signal, the following children run. The game ends when all the children take off the tapes. After this, winnings for each team are calculated.

IN further game You can make it more difficult by placing obstacles on the running path: stretch a rope at a height of 40–50 cm, under which you need to crawl without touching it, or draw two lines at a distance of 30–35 cm, over which you need to jump.

Hunter and hares

From among the players, a “hunter” is selected, the rest are “hares”. They sit in the “bushes” - behind slats, a cord, fixed at a height accessible for children to jump over.

At a distance of 3 - 4 m from the bushes a circle is drawn - “the hunter’s house”. He receives 2 - 3 balls with a diameter of 50 - 60 mm.

The game begins with the hares jumping out of the bushes and running and jumping freely.

At the signal “Hunter,” the hares run away, and the hunter “shoots” at them, that is, throws balls at one, the other, the third. ... Those whom the hunter hit with the ball retreat to the hunter’s house.


Goal: To develop children’s self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, forming in a circle and walking in a circle.

Description of the game: the players are divided into two unequal teams, the big one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest - mice. Words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone gnawed, everyone ate.

Beware of the cheat,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone now!

Then the children lower their hands down, and the “mice” remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases in size.

« Sly Fox»

Goal: to develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Description of the game: players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle is the “fox’s house”. The children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes a “sly fox.” Children open their eyes. The players ask three times in chorus, first quietly and then louder: “Sly fox, where are you? “The sly fox comes out to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I’m here!” “The children run away, but the “fox” catches them. If caught, go to the house.

"Fishing rod"

Goal: to develop inhibition in children and the ability to act on a signal. Practice running with dodging and catching.

Description of the game: players stand in a circle, at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The teacher is in the center. He rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a bag of sand (fishing rod) is attached. The players carefully watch the bag and, when it approaches, jump in place so that the bag does not touch their feet. The one who gets hit by the bag is out of the game.

"Firefighters in training"

Goal: to develop in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice climbing and forming a column.

Description of the game: children line up facing the gymnastics wall at a distance of 5–6 steps in 3–4 columns. A bell is suspended against each column at the same height. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” the children standing first run to the wall, climb in and ring the bell. Then they descend and stand at the end of their column.

We are funny guys

Children stand on one side of the playground or against the wall of the room. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the playground. On the side of the children, approximately halfway between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

The children recite the text in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word catch, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the catch catches up with those running. The one who is touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap.

The wand is a lifesaver

The players form a circle. Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He stands against the wall, closes his eyes and counts to 10 - 20 (by agreement). Near the driver lies a lifesaver. While the driver is counting, the rest of the players are hiding. Having finished counting, the driver knocks with his stick and says: “The stick came, but didn’t find anyone.” He puts down his wand and goes to look for the hidden ones. Having found someone, the driver runs to the wand, knocks it on the wall and shouts: “The wand is a lifesaver, I found Nina” (says the name of the child he saw).

Anyone hiding can choose a convenient moment to run out, take a wand and help out, that is, hit the wand and say: “The wand is a lifesaver, help me out.”

When everyone is found, the game is repeated with a new driver. The one who was found first drives.

"Guess what they did"

Goal: to develop children's self-control, initiative, and imagination.

Description of the game: choose one child who moves 8 to 10 steps away from the others and turns his back. Children agree on what action they will portray. At the word “it’s time,” the guesser turns, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!

Where have you been?

What did you see?

Children answer:

We won’t say what we saw,

And we’ll show you what they did.

All children depict some action (playing the harmonica, riding horses, etc.) The driver must guess this action.

Day and night

The game consists of one group of children catching another in turn. The participants of the game are divided into two teams: “Day” and “Night”. Their houses are located on opposite sides of the site, beyond the line. In the middle

one more line is drawn. At a distance of one step from it, teams line up on both sides with their backs to each other. The teacher says: “Get ready! ”, and then gives a signal to the team that must catch. If he said “Day,” then the children from the “Night” team run to their house, and the children from the “Day” team turn around and catch them, but only to the border of the house of those running away.

The number of those caught is counted, then everyone lines up again and waits for the next signal. The team that catches the most children wins.

Crucian carp and pike

Half of the players, standing 3 steps apart from each other, form a circle. This is a pond on the shore of which there are pebbles. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, portrays a pike; he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are crucians, they swim (run) inside the circle, in the pond. At the teacher’s “pike” signal, the pike quickly swims into the pond, trying to catch crucian carp. The crucian carp are in a hurry to hide behind one of the players standing in a circle and pretending to be pebbles. The pike catches those crucian carp that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of crucian carp caught by the pike is counted. Then another player is assigned to the role of the pike. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. When repeating the game, when a new pike is chosen, the children depicting crucian carp and pebbles change roles.

Three is too many, two is enough(3rdextra)

Children stand in pairs one after another, facing the center of the circle. Two people start the game, one of them is the driver, he stands 3 4 steps behind the one who is running away from him.

The person running away claps his hands three times, after the third clap he runs away from the driver. In order not to be insulted, he stands in front of some couple. Before getting up, he shouts as he runs: “Three are too many, two is enough.” The one who stands last in this game runs away from the driver.

If the driver manages to smear the runner, then they change roles.

1. During the game you cannot run through the circle.

2. The runner must not run more than two laps.

3. As soon as he runs into the circle, he must immediately stand in front of some pair. Anyone who breaks this rule becomes the driver.

Instructions for carrying out. If the driver managed to make fun of the runner and they switched roles, then the runner can stand in front of one of the pairs after a short run.

Sometimes the driver does not manage to catch up with the players running away from him for a long time, since they

stronger than him and run faster. In this case, you need to replace him, but not reproach him, but positively evaluate his efforts.


On one side of the site, a circle (about 1 m in diameter) is outlined for the driver. At a distance of 20-30 steps from the circle, at the opposite end of the court, a horse line is drawn, with the players standing behind it. The driver, standing with his back to the field, says loudly: “Walk quickly, make sure you don’t yawn... Stop!” When he says these words, the children quickly go to him, but at the word “Stop!” freeze in place. The driver quickly looks around and, noticing the one who did not have time to stop in time and did after the word “Stop!” movement, returns it behind the stake line. The driver turns his back again and says the words, and the children begin their movement from the place where the signal found them.

The game continues until one of the participants in the game stands with both feet in a circle before the driver says the word “Stop!” The one who did this becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.

1. The driver is not allowed to look back until the word “Stop!”

2. He can say the phrase: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn... Stop!” at any pace, but loudly.

3. The players begin to move simultaneously with the words of the driver. You are only allowed to move by walking.

Frogs in the swamp.

The banks are outlined on both sides, and there is a swamp in the middle. There is a crane on one of the banks (beyond the line). .frogs sit on hummocks (circles at a distance of 50 cm) and say:

Here from a wet rotten place

Frogs jump into the water.

They began to croak from the water:

Kwa-ke-ke, kwa-ke-ke

It will rain on the river.

With the end of the words, the frogs jump from the hummock into the swamp. The crane catches those frogs that are on the hummock. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is chosen from those who have never been caught. The game resumes.


Children choose the owner and two buyers, all other players choose paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers.

Keep high school students occupied with interesting and age-appropriate games and competitions. Have a great time!

Dances can be performed individually, in pairs or in groups. Couple dances are performed standing face to face and supporting each other by the arms, shoulders or waist. Also, at the same time, the man and woman look into each other’s eyes. What will happen if it becomes fashionable to perform couple dances while standing back to back? Try to see what comes of it. Dance “back of head to back of head” such famous dances as waltz, square dance, foxtrot, sambo, twist.

Game "Slowdown"

All movie lovers know what “slow motion” is. Directors and cameramen resort to slow motion when they want to dramatize the shooting or when they want to draw the audience’s attention to the subtlest shades of the hero’s facial expressions and plasticity. Most often, I show scenes of fights and falls in slow motion, and also - scenes of disasters. Try, without resorting to film and video, to depict some unconventional slow-motion scenes. In slow motion, show how a person sneezes, kills a mosquito, scratches under the shoulder blade, takes medicine, bites a nail.

A more complicated version of the game "Broken Phone"

Simple but very fun game, known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and vaguely whispers a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly says the word given to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds expectations. The game option is “Associations”, i.e. the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys the association with it, for example: winter - snow.


The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with a pre-prepared inscription is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be different: “Toilet”, “Shop”, “Institute”, etc. The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as: “Why do you go there?”, “How often?” and so on. The player must, without knowing what is written on the sign hanging on him, answer questions.

Outdoor game "Water Carriers"

Fill glasses with a teaspoon. Whoever completes the task faster gets the opportunity to drink the contents (juice).

This game will require bowling pins and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. The pins are placed in a “snake” pattern in front of each team. Teams holding hands and blindfolded try to go the distance without hitting the pins. The team whose team has the fewest pins knocked down will win the “trip.” The number of pins not knocked down equals the number of points.

Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group receives the task of writing a story on some topic in 10-15 minutes (“How I was getting ready for the camp”, “Our journey to the camp”, etc.). But at the same time, in the story, instead of adjective definitions, there should be left empty seats. Then the groups get together and take turns writing into their stories adjectives that are randomly spoken to them by representatives of other groups. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). The finished stories are read out and the funniest, most original work is determined. Game duration is 40-50 minutes.


And outside the Soviets were only those who lived by exploitation, deception and violence - capitalists, landowners and high officials.
And Seryozha and I, sitting in the gallery, spoke with admiration that, it would seem, after the defeat of the revolution of the fifth year, the tsarist government, with the help of its various hangers-on, bourgeois lackeys, did everything to erase, obscure and completely destroy the very memory of the Soviets workers' deputies. But, as soon as the autocracy collapsed, immediately all over the country, first in the capitals and workers' centers, and then in countless cities and towns and, finally, in villages and villages, these condensing revolutionary movements began to arise again from below, at the initiative of the popular masses. energy of the organization. It turned out that the political experience of the fifth year was not forgotten at all; the working people sacredly preserved the memory of the revolutionary institutions they created. And they rose, it would seem, from the Russian soil itself, with the same characteristics and tasks and with that similar to natural pattern with which the earth in a new spring gives birth to the same flowers that bloomed in its meadows and fields in the previous spring .
In all the cities of Russia, envoys elected by soldiers, that is, peasants in soldier's greatcoats, with rifles in their hands, began to join the Soviets of Workers' Deputies. Then Lenin arrived from abroad, looked with his eagle gaze and immediately determined that the Soviets of Workers' Deputies are the only possible form of revolutionary government! His insightful words that next to the Provisional Government, the government of the bourgeoisie, a still weak, embryonic, but still undoubtedly existing and growing government of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies had formed, instantly spread throughout all of Russia. These words aroused hatred among the bourgeoisie, confusion and rage among the compromisers, excited the minds and aroused hope for a better future among the workers and among everyone for whom socialism was not an empty and beautiful word.
Lenin, then still persecuted and persecuted by the bourgeoisie, predicted that the many-headed Soviet hulk, in the creation of which the whole of working Russia took part, had a great goal. “All power to the Soviets!” - he said, and the Bolsheviks, Lenin's followers, proclaimed this goal to all the people.
And I remember how at one of the first meetings of the Chelyabinsk City Council, the short, thin soldier Zwilling, a deputy of the weapons workshops, again came to the podium, tightly tied with a belt. In his harsh voice, reminiscent of a war horn, he clearly and clearly said that the working people should not allow themselves to be deceived that the Provisional Government consists of capitalists.
- No trust in Kaiitalist ministers! Down with the Provisional Government! All power to the Soviets!
And it was impossible not to recognize the truth of these words. It was impossible not to admit that the ministers of the Provisional Government - the Guchkovs and Lvovs, the Konovalovs and Tereshchenkos - were capitalists. But the people to whom Zwilling was addressing, workers and soldiers who were not experienced in politics, were still politically naive: after all, the autocracy had just collapsed, many parties calling themselves socialist and revolutionary entered the political arena, and they all swore devotion to the interests of the working people , and all of them demanded trust and support for the Provisional Government. And only one party of Lenin insisted on its own.
That's exactly what she said. I remember how the Bolsheviks, as if they had made it a rule, spoke at almost every meeting of the Council, spoke again and again about the same thing, varying only the content of their speeches, depending on the rapidly successive events of the current day of the revolution.
The question arose about the aggressive intentions of Foreign Minister Miliukov, and they started talking about the imperialist nature of the war, about the influence of banks, syndicates and trusts on the policies of bourgeois governments. Again and again about the division of the world between the imperialists. And now the Bolshevik Council was greeted with thunderous applause, and the representatives of the compromise majority still sitting on the presidium looked at each other uneasily, feeling that the chairs were shaking under them.
The building of the People's House stood on the most elevated place in the city, and now that it was occupied by the Council of Workers' Deputies, it seemed that it was no coincidence that it towered over the city. The continuous work of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies took place in this building.


Outdoor game "Sly Fox"

Goal: To develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Description: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The fox's house is outlined outside the circle. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and says, “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look to see which of them is the sly fox, and whether she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. The sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.

Rules: The fox begins to catch children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says “I’m here!”

If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.

A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

Options: 2 foxes are selected.

Outdoor game “Pass - stand up”

Goal: To foster a sense of camaraderie in children, develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.

Description: The players line up in two columns, two steps apart from each other. In each they stand at arm's length from each other. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the “sit down” signal, everyone sits down with their legs crossed. At the signal “pass,” the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads to those sitting behind them, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The person who receives the ball passes it back over his head, then stands up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passed the ball correctly and did not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over your head and while sitting. Stand up only after passing the ball to the person sitting behind you. The one who fails to receive the ball runs after it, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left, turning the body.

Outdoor game "Find the ball"

Goal: To develop children's observation and dexterity.

Description: All players stand in a circle close together, facing the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball in his hands. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying “hands.” The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who has the ball or who dropped it stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Rules: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to the neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

Options: Put two balls into play. Increase the number of drivers. Give the person who has the ball a task: jump, dance, etc.

Outdoor game “Two Frosts”

Goal: To develop inhibition in children, the ability to act on a signal (by a word). Practice running while dodging while catching. Promote speech development.

Description: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers, who stand in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. At the teacher’s signal “Begin,” both Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are daring. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which one of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. The frozen ones stop where they were caught in the frost and stand like that until everyone else has finished running. The frozen ones are counted, and then they join the players.

Rules: Players can run out of the house only after the word “frost”. Whoever runs out first and whoever stays in the house is considered frozen. The one touched by Frost immediately stops. You can only run forward, but not backward or outside the area.

Options: Behind one line are the children of Blue Frost, behind the other are the children of Red Frost. At the signal “blue”, the blue ones run, and Red Frost catches and vice versa. Who will catch the most?

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Goal: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Practice running, walking in a circle and forming a circle.

Description: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. The children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say the poem: “Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousel started spinning. And then around, around, all running, running, running.” In accordance with the text of the poem, the children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. While running, the teacher says: “It’s okay.” Children run in a circle 2 times, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: “Turn.” The players turn in a circle, quickly grabbing the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: “Hush, hush, don’t write it off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, the game is over!” The movements of the carousel are becoming slower and slower. At the words “the game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse.

Rules: You can take a place on the carousel only by calling. Those who do not manage to take a place before the third bell do not take part in the skating. You must make movements according to the text, observing the rhythm.

Options: Everyone must take their place. Place the cord on the floor, running in a circle behind it.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Goal: To develop children’s self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Practice running and squatting, lining up in a circle and walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Description: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mouse trap”, the rest of the “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you. We’ll set mousetraps for you and catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher: “clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.

Rules: Lower your clasped hands at the word “clap.” After the mousetrap has slammed shut, you must not crawl under your arms.

Options: If there are many children in the group, then you can organize two mousetraps and the children will run around in two.

Outdoor game “Guess who got caught”

Goal: To develop observation, activity, initiative. Practice running and jumping.

Description: Children sit on chairs, the teacher suggests going for a walk in the forest or clearing. There you can see birds, bugs, bees, frogs, grasshoppers, a bunny, and a hedgehog. They can be caught and brought to the living area. The players follow the teacher, and then scatter in different directions and pretend to catch it in the air or crouching on the ground. “It’s time to go home,” says the teacher, and all the children, holding the living creatures in their hands, run home and take each of their chairs. The teacher names one of the children and offers to show whom he caught in the forest. The child imitates the movements of a captured animal. Children guess who was caught. Afterwards they go for a walk in the forest again.

Rules: Return at the signal “It’s time to go home.”

Options: Train ride (sit on chairs, imitate the movements and sound of wheels with their hands and feet).

Outdoor game “We are funny guys”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a verbal signal. Practice running in a certain direction while dodging. Promote speech development.

Description: Children stand on one side of the playground. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side. On the side of the children, in the middle, between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher. The children say in unison: “We are cheerful guys, we love to run and jump, well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three, catch!” After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the catch catches up with those running. The one who is touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are recounted and a new trap is selected. Rules: You can only cross to the other side after the word “catch”. The one touched by the trap moves aside. The one who crossed to the other side, beyond the line, cannot be caught. Options: Introduce a second trap. On the way of those escaping there is an obstacle - running between objects.

Outdoor game “The Herd and the Wolf”

Goal: To develop the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice walking and running quickly.

Description: Circles and squares are outlined on one side of the site. These are buildings: a calf barn, a stable. The rest is occupied by “meadow”. In one of the corners on the opposite side there is a “wolf’s lair” (in a circle). The teacher appoints one of the players as a “shepherd”, the other as a “wolf”, who is in the den. The rest of the children depict horses and calves, which are in the barnyard, in the appropriate rooms. At a sign from the teacher, the “shepherd” takes turns approaching the “doors” of the calf barn and stables and, as it were, opens them. Playing the pipe, he leads the whole herd out into the meadow. He himself walks behind. The players, imitating domestic animals, nibble grass, run, move from one place to another, approaching the wolf’s lair. “Wolf,” says the teacher, everyone runs to the shepherd and stands behind him. Those who did not manage to reach the shepherd are caught by the wolf and taken to the lair. The shepherd takes the flock to the barnyard, where everyone is placed in their places.

Rules: The wolf runs out of the lair only after the word “wolf”. At the same time as the wolf runs out, all players must run to the shepherd. Those who do not have time to stand behind the shepherd are taken away by the wolf.

Options: Include a “watering hole” in the game, bend over and seem to drink water.

Outdoor game "Geese - Swans"

Goal: To develop children's self-control and the ability to perform movements when given a signal. Practice running while dodging. Promote speech development.

Description: At one end of the site there is a “house” line where the geese are located, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is the “wolf’s lair.” The rest of the place is “meadow”. The teacher appoints one as a shepherd, another as a wolf, the rest pretend to be geese. The shepherd drives the geese out to graze in the meadow. Geese walk and fly across the meadow. The shepherd calls them “Geese, geese.” The geese answer: “Ga-ga-ha.” “Do you want to eat?” "Yes Yes Yes". “So fly.” "We are not allowed. The gray wolf is under the mountain and won’t let us go home.” “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings.” The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf runs out, blocks their path, trying to catch as many geese as possible (touch with hand). The wolf takes the caught geese home. After 3-4 runs, the number of those caught is counted, then a new wolf and shepherd are appointed.

Rules: Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after the words “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings.” The wolf can catch geese in the meadow up to the border of the house.

Options: Increase distance. Introduce the second wolf. There are obstacles on the wolf's path that you need to jump over.

Outdoor game “Who can take off the tape the fastest”

Goal: To develop self-control in children and the ability to act on a signal. Children practice fast running and jumping.

Description: A line is drawn on the playground, beyond which children line up in several columns of 4-5 people. At a distance of 10-15 steps, opposite the columns, a rope is stretched, the height is 15 cm above the children’s raised hands. A ribbon is placed on this rope against each column. At the signal “run,” everyone standing first in the columns runs to their ribbon, jumps up and pulls it off the rope. The first person to remove the tape is considered the winner. The ribbons are hung up again, those who were first in the column stand at the end, and the rest move towards the line. At the signal, the next children run. Etc. The winnings in each column are counted.Rules: You can only run after the word “run”. Pull the tape only in front of your column. Options: Place obstacles in the path of the run. Stretch the rope at a distance of 40 cm, under which you need to crawl without touching it. Draw two lines at a distance of 30 cm, over which you need to jump.

Outdoor game “Fast to places”

Goal: To develop orientation in space, the ability to perform movements according to a signal. Practice fast running, walking, jumping.

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length, each person's place is marked with an object. At the word “run”, children leave the circle, walk, run or jump across the entire playground. The teacher removes one item. After the words “take your seats,” all children run in a circle and take empty seats. To the one who remained, the children said in unison, “Vanya, Vanya, don’t yawn, quickly take your place!”

Rules: A place in the circle can only be taken after the words “Take your places.” You can’t stay still after the word “run.”

Options: At the beginning of the game, do not hide the cube so that no one is left without a place. Remove 2 or 3 cubes. In winter, flags are stuck in the snow.

Outdoor game “Trap, take the tape”

Goal: To develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running with dodging, catching and lining up in a circle.

Description: The players line up in a circle, each receives a ribbon, which he places in the back of his belt or behind his collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal “run”, the children run away, and the trap tries to pull out a ribbon from someone. The one who has lost his ribbon moves aside. At the signal “One, two, three, quickly run into a circle,” the children line up in a circle. The catcher counts the number of ribbons and returns them to the children. The game starts with a new trap.

Rules: The catcher must take only the tape, without delaying the player. The player who has lost his ribbon steps aside.

Options: Choose two traps. You cannot take a ribbon from a crouched player. The players run along the “path”, “bridge”, jumping over “bumps”.

Outdoor game “Hunters and Hares”

Goal: Improve the skills of jumping and throwing at a target on both legs. Develop agility, speed and spatial orientation.

Equipment: ball.

Separation of roles: Choose one or two “hunters” who stand on one side of the site, the rest of the children are “hares”.

Progress of the game.

The hares sit in their “burrows” located on the opposite side of the site. The “hunters” walk around the area and pretend to be looking for “hares”, then go to their places and hide behind the “trees” (chairs, bench).

In the words of the teacher:

Bunny jump and jump. jumping gallop

Into the green forest

The “hares” go out onto the platform and jump. To the word “Hunter!” The “hares” run to their “minks”, one of the “hunters” aims the ball at their feet and whoever it hits takes with them. The “hares” go out into the forest again and the “hunter” hunts them again, but throws the ball with his second hand. When the game is repeated, new “hunters” are chosen.

Instructions for the game. Make sure that the “hunter” throws the ball with both his right and left hands. "Hunters" throw the ball only at the feet of the "hares". The one who threw the ball picks it up.

Outdoor game "Bear and Bees"

Goal: To teach children to get off and onto the gymnastics wall. develop agility and speed.

The beehive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side is a bear's den. No more than 12-15 people participate in the game at the same time. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in a hive. The bears are in the den. At a given signal, the bees fly out of the hive (get off the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. As soon as they fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb onto the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the “bears” signal, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. Those who do not have time to hide are stung by the bees (touched with their hands). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game.

Directions. After two repetitions, the children change roles. The teacher makes sure that the children do not jump, but climb down the stairs; if necessary, provide assistance.

Outdoor game “Free space”

Goal: Develop agility, speed; the ability not to collide.

The players sit on the floor in a circle, legs crossed. The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They get up and stand around the circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, reach their place and sit down. The players mark who was the first to take an empty seat. The teacher calls two other children. Game continues.

Directions. You can also call children sitting in different places of the circle to run.

Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat"

Goal: Teach children to jump, develop dexterity.

A ditch is marked across the site (hall) by two parallel lines at a distance of about 100 cm from one another. There is a driver in it - a wolf. The rest of the children are goats. They live in the house (they stand outside the line along the border of the hall). On the opposite side of the hall, a line separates the field. To the words “Goats in the field, wolf in the ditch!” children run from the house into the field and jump over the ditch along the road. The wolf runs in the ditch, trying to mop up the jumping goats. The greasy one walks to the side. The teacher says: “Goats, go home!” The goats run home, jumping over the ditch along the way. After 2-3 dashes, another driver is selected or assigned.

Directions. A goat is considered caught if the wolf touches it at the moment when it jumps over the ditch, or if it hits the ditch with its foot. To complicate the game, you can choose 2 wolves.

Outdoor game "Frogs and Herons"

Goal: To develop dexterity and speed in children. Learn to jump back and forth over an object.

The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where the frogs live are marked with cubes (20 cm on a side), between which ropes are stretched. There are sandbags at the ends of the ropes. At a distance is a heron's nest. Frogs jump and frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in his nest. At the teacher’s signal, she, raising her legs high, heads to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches frogs. The frogs escape from the heron - they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the caught frogs to her house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 games, a new heron is selected.

Directions. Ropes are placed on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched while jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. The players (frogs) should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the swamp. There may be 2 herons in the game.

Udmurd outdoor game “Water”

Purpose: to educate friendly relations between children.

The driver sits in a circle with eyes closed. The players move in a circle saying:

Grandfather Vodyanoy,

Why are you sitting under water?

Look out for a little bit

For one minute.

The circle stops. The merman gets up and with his eyes closed approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. The merman can touch the player standing in front of him, but he cannot open his eyes. If Vodyanoy guesses the player’s name, then they change roles and the game continues.

Outdoor game "Cosmonauts"

Goal: To develop children's attention, dexterity, and imagination. Practice quick orientation in space.

The contours of the missiles are drawn along the edges of the site. The total number of seats in the rockets should be less than the number of children playing. In the middle of the platform, the astronauts, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying:

Fast rockets are waiting for us. Let's fly to this one!

For walks on the planets. But there is one secret in the game:

Whatever we want, there is no room for latecomers.

With the last words, the children let go of their hands and run to take their places in the rocket. Those who did not have enough space in the rockets remain at the cosmodrome, and those who are sitting in the rockets take turns telling where they are flying and what they see. After that, everyone stands in a circle again and the game repeats. During the flight, instead of talking about what they saw, children are asked to perform various exercises, tasks related to going into space, etc.

Outdoor game "Falcon and Pigeons"

Purpose: to train children in running and dodging.

On opposite sides of the site, lines indicate pigeon houses. Between the houses there is a falcon (leading). All children are pigeons. They stand behind the line on one side of the court. The falcon shouts: “Pigeons, fly!” pigeons fly (run across) from one house to another, trying not to get caught by the falcon. The one whom the falcon touched with his hand moves aside. When 3 pigeons are caught, another falcon is chosen.

Outdoor game “Birds and Cages”

Goal: increasing motivation to play activity, exercise running - in a half-sitting position with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement.

Children are divided into two groups. One forms a circle in the center of the playground (children walk in a circle holding hands) - this is a cage. Another subgroup is birds. The teacher says: “Open the cage!” Children forming a cage raise their hands. The birds fly into the cage (in a circle) and immediately fly out of it. The teacher says: “Close the cage!” the children give up. Birds remaining in the cage are considered caught. They stand in a circle. The square increases and the game continues until there are 1-3 birds left. Then the children change roles.

Outdoor game "Planes"

Goals: teach children to run slowly, keep their back and head straight while running, maintain distance between each other, develop spatial orientation.

I option: children run around the playground pretending to be airplanes (with their arms out to the sides). Airplanes should not collide and break wings. The accident victims approach the teacher. After repairs, they take off again. The game lasts 2-3 minutes.

II option: Children are placed around the teacher in one corner of the playground and squat down. These are planes at the airfield. At the teacher’s signal, the planes take off one after another and fly (slowly) in any direction, trying not to touch each other with their wings (arms extended to the sides). At the signal, the planes come in to land and take their place at the airfield. At the end of the game, the best ones who flew without accidents are celebrated. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Who has the ball”

Goals: learn to keep your back straight, strengthen your back muscles, practice passing the ball.

Children form a circle. They choose a driver (he stands in the center of the circle), the rest move tightly towards each other. Children pass the ball in a circle behind their back. The driver tries to guess who has the ball, he says “Hands!” and the one being addressed must show both hands, palms up. If the driver guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle.

Outdoor game "Owl"

Goals: development of attention, response to verbal commands and voluntary regulation of behavior.

An owl's nest is marked on the site. The rest are mice, bugs, butterflies. At the signal “Day!” - everyone is walking and running. After a while the signal “Night!” sounds. and everyone freezes, remaining in the position in which the team found them. The owl wakes up, flies out of the nest and takes the one who moves to its nest.

Outdoor game “Homeless Hare”

Goals: exercise of short-term fast running and running with dodging, development of a reaction to quick decision-making.

From among the players, a “hunter” and a “stray hare” are selected. The rest of the children - hares - are located in houses (circles drawn on the ground). A homeless hare runs away from a hunter. A hare can escape by running into someone’s house, but then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare and must run away immediately. After 2-3 minutes, the teacher changes the hunter.

Collection of outdoor games

for younger children school age.

This collection includes outdoor games that can be used during sports activities and while walking in the kindergarten, in physical education lessons in primary school, as well as when drawing up various scenarios sports holidays in the form of competitions and relay races. In the list of games you can find games of any type, both for the hall and for the sports field. Many games can be included in calendar-thematic planning.

Hunters and ducks

Fishing rod

Swan geese

Crucian carp and pike


Rules of the game: The game ends when all the pairs have run.
From the playing children, two are chosen: one is the “shuttle”, the other is the “weaver”. The rest of the children stand in pairs, facing each other, forming a semicircle. The distance between pairs is 1-1.5 m. Each pair takes hands and raises them up, forming a “gate”.
Before the start of the game, the “weaver” stands with the first pair, and the “shuttle” with the second, etc. At the teacher’s signal (clap, whistle) or at his command, the “shuttle” begins to run like a “snake”, without missing a single gate, and the “weaver”, following his path, tries to catch up with him.
If the “shuttle” manages to reach the last pair of the semicircle and is not caught, then he and the “weaver” become the last pair, and the first pair begins the game, distributing the roles of the “shuttle” and “weaver”.
If the “weaver” catches up with the “shuttle” and manages to “spot” it before it reaches the last pair, then he himself becomes a “shuttle”, and the player who was the “shuttle” goes to the first pair and chooses a pair for himself from the two. He forms a pair with this player at the end of the semicircle, and the one left without a pair becomes the “weaver”.

Rules of the game: The game continues until there are three or four uncaught players left.

On the playground, two lines are drawn at a distance of 10-15 m. Between them, in the middle, to the side, a circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is drawn.
A driver (“tag”) is selected from among the players, but he is called “grandfather-horn.” He takes his place in the circle. The rest of the players are divided into two teams and stand in their houses behind both lines.
The driver asks loudly: “Who is afraid of me?”
The playing children answer him in chorus: “Nobody!”
Immediately after these words, they run from one house to another across the playing field, saying:
Eat a pie with peas!
Eat a pie with peas!”
The driver runs out of his house and tries to “stain” (touch with his hand) the running players. The one whom the driver “taints” goes with him to his home-circle.
When the children run from house to house and take their places, the game resumes, but there are already two drivers.

Rules of the game: After two or three runs of children from line to line, the number of caught players is counted, and then a new trap is selected.
During the game, it is advisable to determine the best trap.
In terms of purpose and character, it is a variation of the game “Trap”.
There are two lines on the playground, behind which are the “houses” of the players. The distance between the lines is approximately 6-10 m. A “trap” (driver) is selected from among the players, who takes a place between the two lines.
The rest of the players stand at the line and say the rhyme in unison:
We are funny guys
We love to run and play.
Well, try to catch up with us.
One, two, three - catch it!..
After saying the word “catch”, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the catcher tries to catch up with the running ones and “touch” them (touch them with his hand). The player who was touched by the trap before he crossed the line is considered caught and moves aside and sits down near the “trap”.

Who is faster?

Slam the mosquito

Rules of the game: children must make jumps on two legs or pushing off with one leg, which depends on the conditions of the game. The child should not leave his place in the circle in pursuit of a mosquito. If the child managed to swat the “mosquito”, then the movement of the “mosquito” stops until the child lets go. The teacher notes the most dexterous ones who managed to “swatt the mosquito.”
Purpose of the game: training in basic types of movement (jumping), development of movement coordination and dexterity, eye training.
On the playground, children form a circle with a diameter of 4-5 m, stand at arm's length from each other. The teacher stands in the center of the circle. He has a rod in his hand, the length of which should be equal to the radius of the circle. A bright ribbon or handkerchief (“mosquito”) is tied to the end of the rod on a string up to 0.5 m long. The teacher holds the rod so that the “mosquito” is 5-10 cm above the child’s outstretched arms, and, smoothly moving the rod in a circle, makes the “mosquito” fly.
The children's task is to jump in place and be able to “swatt away a mosquito” with two palms.

Day and night

Rules of the game: The “hungry ones” move to the opposing team.
Purpose of the game: development of strength endurance, reaction speed.
On the playing court, two lines are drawn at some distance from each other. Boys line up on one line, girls line up on the other. The leader is between them. The boys team is “night”, the girls team is “day”. At the command “Night!” boys catch girls, on the command “Day!” girls catch boys.

In purpose and nature, it is a variation of the game “Trap”, but instead of a “trap”, the playing children are caught by a “tag”.
Boundaries are marked on the playground (lines are drawn or flags are placed), beyond which children playing are not allowed to go. Of all the playing children, one is chosen - “tag”. He stands in the center playground, and the rest of the children scatter around the playground.
At the teacher’s signal: “Catch!..” (clap your hands, whistle, etc.), the game begins. Children run around the playground, and the “tag” tries to catch up with someone and touch them with their hand (“spot”). The child who has been “tainted” leaves the playground. After the “tag” manages to “stain” 3-6 playing children, the teacher can stop the game and replace it with a new “tag”.
Game option: The very first child whom the “tag” managed to “stain” becomes the “tag”, and the “tag” takes his place.

White bears

Snake (Swipe the ball)

Ball relay

Don't drop the ball

Hares in the garden

Cat and mice

Hunter and hares

Free place
Purpose of the game: development of speed qualities, dexterity, attention.
The driver is selected from among the players. The rest of the children stand in a circle, also drawing a small circle (40 cm in diameter) around their feet. The driver runs up to one of those standing and touches him with his hand. After this, the driver runs in one direction, and the player runs in the other. Each of them strives to run around the circle faster and take the vacant seat. The one left without a seat becomes the driver, and the game continues.