Educational game program on traffic. Game program on traffic rules for primary school. Scenario of a game program on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren. Game program on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren “Merry Crossroads”



Game participants: two teams (grades 1-4).

Game plan:

1.Warm up

2. Quiz “Green sign”

6. Game “Draw the signs”

8.Game “Collect signs”

9. Game “Funny traffic light”

10.Game “Cyclist”

11. Summing up




1. Warm up

2. Quiz “Green Light”


Where can you cross the street?

How should you walk on the sidewalk?

3.GameThree traffic lights

1. There are traffic signals,

Submit to them without argument.

The pavement is seething with movement -

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for a pedestrian?

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed.

Wait for the signal to move.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is on?

Wait for the signal to move.

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for pedestrians?

The boys can cross.


6.Draw the signs

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and race on it.

Just drive better.


What a miracle this house is!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Shoes worn from rubber

And it runs on gasoline.


Rushes and shoots

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz -
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.

To help you, my friend,
The path is dangerous
Lights burn day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
(Traffic light)

What kind of horse plows the ground?
Doesn't he eat hay?

For harvesting

I go to the fields

And for a few cars

I work there alone.


Four brothers are running -
They won't catch up with each other.

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
On your way...

(Road sign).

What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is...



(On the stove)




(Into the carriage)

Baba-Yaga's personal transport?

8. Game “Make a sign”

9. Game “Funny traffic light”

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night

And I help cars,

And I want to help you.

Traffic light.

Green - 1 point;

Yellow - 2 points;

Red - 3 points.


Question options:


11. Summing up


Game program according to the rules traffic(traffic rules)

“Me, walking down the street” for grades 1-4

Goals: strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules; deepen students' knowledge of traffic rules; to form the ideas of younger schoolchildren about traffic safety when moving along streets and roads; to develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior of students on the street and road, in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

Equipment: road signs, traffic lights, pictures.

Game participants: two teams (grades 1-4).

Game plan:

1.Warm up

2. Quiz “Green sign”

3.Game “Three traffic lights”

4. Game “Allowed - prohibited”

5. Competition - captains “Drivers Relay”

6. Game “Draw the signs”

7.Game with the audience “Crossroads of Mysteries”

8.Game “Collect signs”

9. Game “Funny traffic light”

10.Game “Cyclist”

11. Summing up



Leading: Guys, today we are gathered here to remember the rules of the road. The law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. But this law is at the same time very good: it saves people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only excellent knowledge of the rules allows us to confidently cross the street. Today we will show how we know these rules.
And so that none of you gets tired, we will conduct our lesson in the form of a game. To do this, you need to divide into two teams, come up with a name and choose a team captain. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. For violation of discipline, one token is removed. Whoever has the most tokens left will win.

1. Warm up

Now I will check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No)
- What do you want - say, red light - no passage? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No)
- Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No)
- Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes)
- Say what you want, we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No)
- What do you want - say, there is a person drawn on the sign “no passage here”? (No)
- What do you want - say, on round signs the red color means “it’s prohibited here”? (Yes)

2. Quiz “Green Light”

- What is the name of the pedestrian path?

What do red, yellow, green traffic lights mean?

What should you do before you start crossing the street?

Where can you cross the street?

Is it possible to play on the pavement?

How should you walk on the sidewalk?

Why is it prohibited to hitch onto trucks and their trailers?

Where should a pedestrian stop if he or she does not have time to complete the crossing?

Where can you ride a bike?

Show traffic signs that allow and prohibit cycling.

3.GameThree traffic lights

The teams are given homemade traffic lights.

Do you know how to follow traffic light commands? Let's check this now. I will read you poems from “The ABCs of Safety” by Oleg Bedarev, and you show the right light with your traffic lights.

1. There are traffic signals,

Submit to them without argument.

The pavement is seething with movement -

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for a pedestrian?

Right! The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed.

2. Special light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is on?

Right! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

3. Go ahead! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for pedestrians?

Right! The green light opened the way:

The boys can cross.

4. Game “Allowed - prohibited”

Play on the pavement...(prohibited)

Crossing streets when the traffic light is green...(allowed)

Crossing the street in front of nearby vehicles...(prohibited)

Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...(allowed)

Crossing the street using an underground passage...(allowed)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow...(prohibited)

Helping old men and women cross the street...(allowed)

Cyclists clinging to passing cars...(prohibited)

Walking around vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front...(prohibited)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left...(prohibited)

Running onto the roadway...(prohibited)

Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars...(prohibited)

Chatting and laughing loudly in public transport...(prohibited)

Respect traffic rules...(allowed)

5. Competition - captains “Relay Race Drivers”

Team captains must overcome obstacles (pins placed on the floor) while driving a children's car on a string.

Condition: who will reach the finish line faster and without accidents?

6.Draw the signs

The players are asked to draw traffic signs within a certain time.

The winner is the team that not only draws the signs correctly within a certain time, but also explains them.

7.Game with spectators (fans) “Crossroads of Mysteries”

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and race on it.

Just drive better.


What a miracle this house is!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Shoes worn from rubber

And it runs on gasoline.


Rushes and shoots

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz -
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.

To help you, my friend,
The path is dangerous
Lights burn day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
(Traffic light)

What kind of horse plows the ground?
Doesn't he eat hay?

He runs into the distance without bothering him, he makes friends with his legs.

For harvesting

I go to the fields

And for a few cars

I work there alone.


Four brothers are running -
They won't catch up with each other.

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
On your way...

(Road sign).

What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is...



Questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace?

(On the stove)

Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport?


How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?


What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin?


What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella?

(Into the carriage)

What did old Hottabych fly on? (On the airplane carpet)

Baba-Yaga's personal transport?

What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on?

What did Baron Munchausen fly on?

What was Kai riding? (Sledging)

Spectators (fans) can give the tokens they earn to the team they support.

8. Game “Make a sign”

Very often traffic violators damage road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and name it correctly.

9. Game “Funny traffic light”

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night

And I help cars,

And I want to help you.

Traffic light.

The playing teams are located one behind the other. Children approach the line one by one (5 steps), pick up the ball and try to get into one of the traffic light eyes. A successful throw, if the ball hits the center of any circle, is scored as follows:

Green - 1 point;

Yellow - 2 points;

Red - 3 points.

The team with the most points wins.


Two teams are participating. Each team has a 3 x 3 playing field, divided into 9 numbered sectors. Teams take turns choosing a sector and receive questions from the facilitator regarding the rules of cycling. If the correct answer is given, then the sector is turned over, and a cyclist is drawn on the reverse side of the field (i.e., if the answer is correct, part of the picture appears). The winner is the team that gets the cyclist onto the playing field the fastest.

Question options:

At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road? (from 14 years old)

What should you check first on your bike before riding your bike?


How far from the curb can you ride a bicycle on the roadway?

Players are shown a “Bike Path” sign, they must name the sign and explain what it means.

Can you carry a passenger on a bicycle? (Small children only, if equipped with a special booster seat).

What sign prohibits the movement of bicycles?

Should a cyclist stop at a “No Passing Without Stopping” sign? (Yes)

How should a cyclist be warned when making a right turn? (With your right arm extended or your left arm bent at the elbow)

Should a cyclist stop at an intersection when the light is red? Vehicle, and it does not create an emergency situation? (Yes)

Is a bicycle classified as a horse-drawn vehicle? (No)

Why can you ride a bicycle at night without a light on? (Trick question, you can’t ride in the dark without a flashlight, even on a bicycle).

11. Summing up


Game scenario educational program"Journey to the Land of Road Safety."

Nepso Elena Igorevna, teacher-organizer of the Children's Creativity Center, Uralsky village, Nytvensky district, Perm region.
Description of material: the material can be used by class teachers or organizers of school holidays, for children aged 7 - 9 years.

Target: improving work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries among school-age children.
-intensifying work among children to promote a safe lifestyle in the field of road traffic;
- improving the content, forms and methods of work to prevent children's road traffic injuries;
- promoting the development of creative activity of teachers to ensure the safety of children on the roads;

Equipment: traffic police baton, telephone, road signs, dummy traffic light.

Progress of the event

Cheerful music sounds and the presenter comes on stage.
Good afternoon and good hour,
I greet you all.
I'm called a stewardess
I’ll decide to invite you on a trip.
You and I will fly on the plane,
With the best and true friends.
Through mountains and seas, fabulous cities,
We are flying to the country of Road Safety now,
The journey begins for you.
Interesting adventures await us,
Unknown to any of you,
Are you ready, gentlemen?
Then it's time for us to go.
The commander of the airship "Security" welcomes you on board. He asks me to fasten my seat belts. Attention, we are taking off!
Soundtrack: Airplane takeoff
While we are flying to our destination, please listen to the rules of conduct on board the aircraft and in the country Road Safety.
1. During the flight, you cannot get up from your seats and shout without the permission of the flight attendant.
2. In order for our journey to be interesting and educational, we need to be very active. Follow all the rules and participate in games.
3. In the country of Road Safety, you cannot offend heroes, damage property, or run away from the group.
These simple rules, I think you remember. Now pay attention, we are about to land.
Phonogram: the sound of an airplane engine landing.
A song about a traffic light sounds and Svetofora Svetoforovna, the ruler of the country of Road Safety, comes on stage, dressed in a red scarf, a yellow jacket, a green skirt, in her hand a baton and a whistle.
Svetofora Svetoforovna
Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
You came to my country for a reason.
I will teach you various sciences,
I'll tell you about a lot of interesting things.
I serve as the ruler here.
And the rules of the road
I ask everyone to learn.
Svetofora Svetoforovna's name is me,
I always stand guard over order.
And who forgets the rules in the country,
Leaves her forever.
Hello, dear Svetofora Svetoforovna. The guys and I are happy to welcome you.
Svetofora Svetoforovna:
I am glad to see you too! But in our country there are rules. Every resident and guest must know the traffic rules and follow them. Without this knowledge, staying in our city is prohibited.
The boys and I know the rules of the road.
Svetofora Svetoforovna:
(Grumpy) Everyone says so, but in reality they know nothing. Now we will check what you know. Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leading.
The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another way.
An animal came from Africa to the city.
The beast was completely stunned with fright.
She lies as if she fell asleep, wake her up, don’t wake her up,
Either drive on it or walk on it.
Pedestrian crossing - zebra crossing

Look, what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck.

The part must spin all its life,
She must work for us.
The car needs this circle.
Now it’s a shame not to remember, friend.

This device reveals
Those who exceed the speed limit.
Strict locator says:
- Violator on the road!
Radar 1. How do the letters DD stand for in the abbreviation GIBDD?

A. Yard roads B. Long-distance roads
B. Traffic G. Blow on

2. What is the name of the striped tool of a traffic police inspector?

A. Rod V. Scepter
B. Baton G. Pointer

3. What is a marked pedestrian crossing called in wider public circles?
A. “Vest” B. “Tiger”
B. "Zebra" G. "Stop car."

4. What are subtle bumps on the road called to reduce the speed of a car at pedestrian crossings?

A. Obstacle course B. Blind guard.
B. Speed ​​bump D. Uneven roads

5. At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the road?
A. From 12 years old B. From 16 years old
B. From the age of 14. G. From 18 years old
6.Are cyclists allowed to ride on sidewalks?

A. Allowed
B. Permitted with the consent of pedestrians
B. Permitted in the absence of pedestrians
D. Prohibited

7. At what age can a child sit alone in the first seat of a car, next to the driver?

A. From five years old B. From ten years old
B. From the age of twelve G. From the age of fourteen

Svetofora Svetoforovna:
Yes, you really know the rules of the road and you are not mistaken. I am glad that you will be safe while traveling in my country. Phone ring. Svetofora Svetoforovna picks up the phone.
I'm listening to you. Of course I will arrive, just wait. He hangs up. Dear guys, it’s time for me to hurry, in a few minutes the road exams at school begin where I, as the ruler of the country, am obliged to attend. Goodbye, see you again.
- We were allowed to travel around the country and I suggest you take a little walk, look around and play a fun game musical game"Forward four steps." Repeat the movements after me.
Forward four steps, back four steps,
Our round dance is spinning and spinning.
Let's stomp our feet, clap our hands,
We move our shoulders and then jump.
The game is played several times with increasing tempo.

Cat Matroskin comes out and talks to himself.
Cat Matroskin: After all, I told Sharik, we don’t need this bike, but he resisted, like my cow Murka. So we bought it. Whose fault is it that he broke, at least his paws and tail remained intact. I won’t talk to him and that’s that.
Hello, Matroskin the cat, we recognize you. Why aren't you happy? What has happened with you?
Cat Matroskin: That's what happened! Sharik and I bought a bicycle so that we could transport the milk of my cow Murka for sale to the market. I was lucky today, I was driving along a pedestrian crossing, and a car came towards me, but I forgot which traffic light to go to, so I moved towards it. We almost collided, I turned into a ditch in time, otherwise I would have been in trouble. And then the noise and commotion began, Svetofora Svetoforovna with her guards arrived and fined me, forced me to learn the rules of the road. Now I know that you can only cross the road when the light is green. Do you know what light is safe for pedestrians?

Stewardess: Of course we know, on green. We recently passed the Svetofor Svetoforovna exam.
Cat Matroskin: But I doubt it. That boy over there doesn't know for sure. Let's check. Here I have a traffic light, you must take turns throwing the ball at the traffic light window. Now we find out who knows the rules and who doesn't.
The game is underway. Children throw a ball at a fake traffic light. Cat Matroskin:
Well, you've learned the rules. Well done. Well, I wish you a successful journey.
Cheerful music sounds and Mr. Road Sign appears on stage.
Mister Road Sign.
I'm Mr. Road Sign
And I'm glad to see you.
In our wonderful country
Greet the guys.
It's always light and clear here.
All residents are not bored,
The road signs are the same.
Do you know the road signs?
Guys' answer: Yes!
Well then, don't yawn,
Repeat the rules again.
The guys are divided into three teams. Mr. Road Sign hands out road signs cut into several pieces to the teams. Participants must collect them within a certain amount of time.
Mister Road Sign: Well done guys, you completed the task. Apparently they taught the Rules of the Road. Well, now you will learn something interesting and educational. Listen carefully.
1. There are no cars in the Italian city of Venice. Instead of streets, there are canals along which gondolas and boats float.
2. The automobile museum in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, was created as a warning to irresponsible drivers. All of its exhibits are cars that have been in an accident.
3. A monument to drivers who drive while drunk has been erected in Moscow.
4. Deputies of the Moscow City Duma demanded in the summer of 1899 to ban cars because they frightened pedestrians. The issue was resolved in favor of the deputies, since the cars could not withstand the quality of the city pavements and broke down on their own.
Stewardess: The time has come for us to say goodbye and get ready for the journey.
Sit in your seats, fasten your seat belts, we're taking off.
Phonogram: airplane takeoff.
We gained the required altitude. While we are flying home, I suggest you play a little, sing and dance while sitting.
The cat sat on the window
The cat sat on the window
And she began to wash her ears with her paw.
After watching her a little,
We can repeat her movements.
One, two, three - come on, repeat!
Three, four, five - repeat again!
Three four, five - repeat again! Very good!

A snake crawls along a forest path,
Like a ribbon sliding along the ground.
And we are such a movement
We can draw it for you with our hands.

A monkey came down from a branch to us,
The monkey must be respected
After all, monkeys are our ancestors,
And our ancestors, children, must be imitated.

The heron stands in the swamp all day,
And he catches frogs with his beak.
It's not hard to stand like that
For us, for the trained guys.

There are a lot of people living in the world
Monkeys, cats, birds and snakes,
But, man, you are a friend of nature,
And he must know the habits of all animals.
During the first verse, the presenter imitates the movements of a cat washing its whiskers and ears. In the second verse, he shows zigzag movements with his hands. In the third, placing his thumbs to his temples and spreading the rest, he depicts the habits of monkeys. In the fourth verse, he shifts from foot to foot, raising his knees high. In the fifth verse, he claps his hands above his head and repeats all the previous movements.
Our journey has come to an end. Today we visited the country of Road Safety, repeated the rules, learned a lot of new and interesting things.
Now it's time to say goodbye,
My speech will be short
I say goodbye to you
See you happy, new meetings.

Irina Valerievna Kashina
Scenario of an entertainment and game program based on traffic rules “Road Adventures”

Integration of areas: physical development, social and communicative development.

Age group: middle group

Target: Deliver to children positive emotions and a good mood from the event.

Tasks: 1. Activate and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights, road signs, and traffic rules;

2. Improve children's motor activity, develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation.

3. Foster a sense of camaraderie and a desire to interact among peers.

Material and equipment: traffic light blanks (black rectangle, three circles - red, green, yellow, black semicircle and strip for the leg of the traffic light, a white sheet of paper on which the traffic light will be glued, suits for the truck and traffic light, circles - red, yellow, green, steering wheels number of children, road signs, musical accompaniment.

Leading: Once upon a time there lived a truck

He is neither small nor great.

I didn't want to go to school

And learn the rules of the road.

I told everyone and everywhere: I won’t study! I'm having fun anyway!

I have more fun in freedom, freedom, freedom than at school!

The music sounds and the truck is leaving.

Truck: I can walk all the streets and paths in half an hour.

My four legs are four wheels.

Runs into the presenter.

Leading: Ay, yay, yay... Be careful! Truck, you need to watch where you're going! You almost ran me over...

Truck: You need to watch where you stand! You're standing right on the road! That’s why it happened that I almost ran over you...

Leading: That's right, I'm standing on the road, but this part of the road is called a “pedestrian island.” Now, if you went to school, you would know that this part of the road is just for pedestrians, and there is no place for cars here.

Truck: School again... I don't want to study!

Leading: Truck, you still need to study, because knowledge has not yet harmed anyone. And the guys and I are ready to help you learn the rules of the road. Really, guys.

Children: Is it true.

Truck: Okay, we convinced you. Let's teach me.

Leading: Helps for a long time

Children, our friend is a TRAFFIC LIGHT.

Explains without stress

Traffic rules for children.

A traffic light will help you too, Truck, to move along the road, but first you need to learn its signals.

Listen and remember

And always follow them.

The RED light came on -

Stop, baby, there's no way through.

YELLOW light, look, it's on -

Get ready says.

And the light turned on GREEN -

Come in, my scientist friend.

Competition “Assemble a traffic light”

On the tables there are traffic light blanks (a black rectangle, three circles - red, green, yellow, a black semicircle and a strip for the leg of the traffic light, a white sheet of paper on which the traffic light will be glued). To the music, children must assemble and glue a traffic light onto a piece of paper.

Truck: What a great fellow you are!

Leading: Now let's see how you learned and play the game "Traffic Light"

Outdoor game "Traffic Light"

A child in a traffic light costume shows the traffic lights one by one to music. Children perform appropriate movements. Red - stand still, yellow - walk in place, green - “roll” around the hall.

Leading: Well done, Truck, I see you remembered all the traffic lights.

Truck: Indeed, you need to study. It turns out that learning is also fun!

Leading: Fun, fun. But then, as they say, “let’s move on”?

Truck: Yes, yes, let's go!

Leading: On the road, in addition to the traffic light, there are also assistants.

Truck: Yes? And who is it?

Leading: These are road signs. Now the guys and I will introduce you to them.

Competition "Road Signs"

Various road signs hang on easels. The presenter reads riddles about road signs, and the children, guessing them, find the answer on the easel.

He will tell the driver everything,

It will indicate the correct speed.

By the road, like a beacon,

Good friend... (Road sign)

Where the steps lead down

Come down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrians must know:

Here... (Underpass)

Under this sign, oddly enough,

Everyone is constantly waiting for something.

Some sitting, some standing...

What kind of place is this? (Place of transport stop)

You can find a sign like this

On the highway,

Where is the big hole?

And it's dangerous to walk straight,

Where the area is being built,

School, home or stadium. (No Pedestrians)

In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

They know everything in the world

be careful

On the road... (Children)

Leading: Do you remember the road signs, Truck?

Truck: I remember, I remember. Now. When I drive along city roads, I will definitely pay attention to road signs.

Leading: Well done, Truck. Then, let's play some more.

Truck: Of course, let's do it, I love playing.

"Collect a road sign"

There are cut-out road signs on the children's tables. To the music, children must collect road signs and name them.

Leading: Well done! Oh, did you like it, Truck?

Truck: Certainly! It's so much fun, and now I know the road signs.

Leading: Well done to all of you!

Truck: While I was studying, time flew by quickly and it was time for me to go home.

Leading: Sure, sure, but before you go home, the boys want to play with you.

Truck: Okay, let's play.

Outdoor game “Colored Cars”

Children sit along the wall, they are cars. Each person is given a flag of some color. The teacher stands facing the players, in the center. In your hand there are 3 colored flags, according to the colors of the traffic light. Raises a flag, children who have a flag of this color run around the playground in any direction, they honk their horn as they go, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop, and at the signal “The cars are coming back!” - they walk towards their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, but can raise 2 or all 3 flags together, then all the cars leave the garage.

Truck: Wow, how fun!

Leading: But now it’s time for you, Truck, to go home. Dad Truck is already waiting for you in the garage.

Truck: thank you guys! Now I will go to school and teach traffic rules. Goodbye!

Leading: Goodbye, Truck! Remember the rules of movement like the multiplication table!

Publications on the topic:

The script of the thematic game program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day “Across the seas, along the waves” Prepared by teacher Kalina S.V. Muzykalny.

Scenario of a story-game program for older preschoolers “New Year’s Adventures of Puss in Boots” Branch of MBDOU No. 28 “Teremok” x. Shevchenko Nomination: “Best scenario development of a plot-game program for senior and preparatory students.

On the eve of the celebration of February 23 in our kindergarten An entertainment and game program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day was held. Let's start.

Goal: to develop children's experience of safe behavior in various situations in nature. Objectives: to introduce children.

Game program on traffic rules for children preschool age“Red light – you can’t play, yellow – let’s get ready friends, green – start playing”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: This scenario will be of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road. The scenario can be used as a final event on the topic of safety, or as a leisure activity.

Target: Reinforcing traffic rules in practice.
Systematize children's knowledge about traffic rules.
Develop intellectual functions: thinking, memory, spatial orientation when performing tasks.
Cultivate children's interest in accumulating knowledge of traffic rules.
Preliminary work: conversations, memorizing poems, reading stories, games on traffic rules.

Educator: Guys, to understand what we are going to talk about today, I suggest you watch the cartoon. Attention to the screen.

Uncle Styopa: Hello girls, hello boys,
And hello to the teachers.
We'll show you some fun
About traffic rules.
Guys, do you know the rules, don’t you break them?
Uncle Styopa: They say you know
Road rules.
I'm starting to check
I invite you to play.
First, try to guess my riddle:
- This light tells us:
“The path here is closed for you now!”
And it's dangerous to go now,
The traffic light is on.....
- And this light tells us,
Wait a little,
How the green one will tan,
You can cross the road!
- If this light is on,
So the way is open for us!
Uncle Styopa: Well done, you solved the riddles. And now I invite you to play, we all stand up like a train, I give commands - loudly, clearly, understandably, and you must listen to them and follow them. Let's remember once again what we do at a red light?
Uncle Styopa: To yellow? To green?
Children answer.
Uncle Styopa: And now we are going on a journey according to the rules of the road. Ready?
Uncle Styopa: The green light is on, what do we do?
Children They answer, “We’re going...”, and they set off like a train, following each other in a circle.
Uncle Styopa: Red light - children stop.
They play like this for 3-5 minutes.

Uncle Styopa: And now I invite the kids to play. Let's split into two teams. You need to collect the colors that are on the traffic light. There are balls of different colors in front of you, you need to choose only those colors of balls that are on the traffic light sign. First, take a ball of the same color and begin passing the ball along the chain to the end of the team. The last player receives the ball, holds it tightly, he no longer plays, but waits for all the colors to be collected. Then the first player on the team takes the ball of the second traffic light color and also passes it along the chain (roll the ball between the legs). We do the same thing with the third ball and assemble our traffic light from balls. Whoever completes the task faster, that team wins.
Game: “Assemble a traffic light.”

Educator: Guys, we completed the task and it turned out to be a wonderful traffic light. Now take a minute of rest and a little quiz, remember the rules and answer the questions.
- Can I play next to the roadway? (no)
- Are cars moving at a red traffic light? (no)
- What is the name of the place where we are waiting for the bus? (bus stop)
- The road along which you go to kindergarten in the morning? (sidewalk)
- These stripes are painted on the roadway with white paint so that we can cross the road safely. What are these stripes? (zebra)
- Is it possible to travel to public place without a ticket, without paying for travel? (no)
Uncle Styopa: They answered correctly, you can play. For this game we need 2 children from senior group and 2 kids. There are cars in front of you, the kids from the older group must drive the kids on the car between the pins, the main thing is not to drop anyone and follow the traffic rules. There is a traffic light on your way, I will give commands, you listen and look carefully at the traffic light. Babies are your cargo, you need to deliver them to their destination safe and sound, not to lose them or drop them anywhere.
One, two, three “Carry the cargo.”

Educator: Guys, what if an accident happens, where should we go?
Educator: So our drivers got into an accident, we send them to the hospital.

Educator: I suggest a little warm-up. And we invite Uncle Styopa too.
The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place).
He waves to people: Don't go!
(Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
Here the cars drive straight (Hands in front of you)
Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the side)
Look: smiled (Hands on belt, smile)
Invites us to go (We walk in place)
You machines, don't rush (Hand clapping)
Let the pedestrian pass! (Jumping in place)
Uncle Styopa: I’m already tired, I need to rest a little.
Educator: Rest Uncle Styopa and listen to the poems that our guys have prepared.
- Child senior group:
At any crossroads
We are greeted by a traffic light,
And it starts very easily,
Conversation with a pedestrian.
Green light - come on in
Yellow better wait.
If the light turns red -
This means it’s dangerous to move!
- Child junior group:
You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions:
Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection.
- Child senior group:
To live without knowing grief,
To run, swim and fly,
You must follow the traffic rules,
Always and everywhere comply.
Be careful on the street, children!
Remember these rules firmly.
Always remember these rules
So that no trouble happens to you!
Educator: Our kids give you Uncle Styopa another minute to rest and sing a song for you.
- If you are kind...
If the pedestrian walked correctly,
And he stomped along the passage.
So this is all very good,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
The traffic light is burning brightly on the way,
Each eye looks strictly,
Listening to him is good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
Listening to him is good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
Rules are always, very necessary for everyone,
Even a little one remembers.
If you know them, that's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
If you know them, that's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
Educator: Well, Uncle Styopa, did you rest?
Uncle Styopa: While I was resting, I prepared something new for you and interesting task. I have small fragments in my hands, they are all different: there are yellow, green and red. I just can’t understand what this is? Something familiar, maybe you can help me and put these fragments together into a whole picture.
Children assemble a traffic light from cut-out pictures.

Uncle Styopa: Guys, tell me, are all the signs the same or are they different?
Uncle Styopa: How are they different?
Answers: by color, shape.
Uncle Styopa: That's right, there are cards on the tables in front of you, I will now read the lines, and you must find a card with this sign and lift it up. I think that we will entrust this task to the children of the senior group to complete.
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Pedestrians, let them pass!
- "No Pedestrians"
In rain and in clear weather
There are no pedestrians here
The sign tells them one thing:
You are prohibited from walking!
- "Crosswalk"
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
Underground, above ground,
Know that only a transition
It will save you from cars!
"Passenger transport stopping place"
In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.
- "Hospital"
If you need treatment,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One hundred serious doctors
There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”
Uncle Styopa: Now that the event has come to an end, I invite the kids to color the “Traffic Light” coloring pages, and the older kids will draw road signs from memory on easels.
Educator: Now we’ll rest a little and check how attentive you are.
Answer my questions: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”
Which one of you always goes
Only where the transition is?

Who always hurries forward
Not noticing the traffic light?
Answer: silence.
Who knows all the rules
And does he strictly follow them?
Answers: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
Who knows that red light -
Does this mean "No move"?
Answers: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
Who's on public transport?
Gives place to elders?
Answers: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
Who plays with the ball?
Near the roadway.
Answer: silence.
Uncle Styopa: You guys are great! You know the traffic rules very well and I am sure that you follow them!
Gives gifts to children. Goodbye. And finally, I suggest you watch a cartoon about me. Until next time.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: to develop in younger schoolchildren the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Progress of the game

Presenter I:

On the street of our car, car,
cars are small, cars are big.
Cars hurry, trucks snort.
They are in a hurry, rushing, as if they were alive.
Every car has things to do and worries,
Cars leave for work in the morning.

Hello, dear pedestrians and passengers! I think such an appeal to you is not surprising. After all, everyone knows that when we walk down the street, we are called “pedestrians,” and when we travel in public transport, we are passengers!

Presenter II: Today we invite all of you – pedestrians and passengers – to take part in the “ABC of Roads” game. You will solve riddles, complete tasks, and participate in competitions.

Presenter I: First, let's play a game where you have to complete a sentence.

1. The pedestrian walks boldly along the black and white stripes,
Hey, car, quiet movement - pedestrian... (transition).

2. When going outside, prepare in advance,
Politeness and restraint, and most importantly... (attention).

3. You are walking down the street, look, don’t yawn,
To the left is a bus, to the right... (tram).

4. Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal for... (movements).

5. The red light tells us:
Stop! Dangerous! Path... (closed).

6. Advice: don’t trust skill
Get on the tram at... (stop).

7. Exam of importance
Keep it by the rules... (movements).

8. To always be healthy,
To be ready for work,
This alphabet, friends,
You need to know from A to... (I).

Presenter II: And here, guys, is another riddle for you:

He has three eyes, but does not look with them at once,
On the road it has been flashing for us for a long time... (traffic light).

Let's play the game "Traffic Light". Green – stomp our feet; yellow - clap your hands; red - we freeze.

Presenter I:

So that your hands are intact,
So that your legs are intact,
You need to know these signs!
We must respect the signs!

Guys, do you know what road signs are for?

Let's test your knowledge. There are road signs in front of you, go to the road signs you know and name them.

  1. Service marks......
  2. Special warning signs......
  3. Information signs.......
  4. Prohibition signs......
  5. Priority signs......
  6. Warning signs......

Have you heard of such a profession as a road builder? Workers from these organizations monitor the condition of the roads. Now we offer you to work as road builders, you will restore road signs. Your task is to assemble a road sign. (Puzzles.)

Presenter II: Who likes to solve riddles? (For the correct answer, a driver’s vest is worn.)

We invite you to solve riddles about transport.

1. Since you are rarely in the city
Don't waste time in the morning
I have a checkered car
If you want to play chess. (Taxi.)

2. Car with a red cross
To help the sick
She started running.
This car has a special color:
It’s as if he’s wearing a snow-white robe. (Ambulance, 03.)

3. Next is the car - a seasoned soldier,
Her guns are ready.
He enters into a decisive battle with the fire.
What are guns loaded with? (With water, 01.)

4. Along the avenue to the store
The car is driving slowly
How careful
She's bringing cakes. (Grocery machine.)

5. I'm rushing, holding on to the wires
I will never get lost. (Trolleybus.)

6. The house is walking down the street,
It takes everyone to work.
Not on thin chicken legs
And in rubber boots. (Bus.)

7. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street
And the beetle's eyes are burning,
Two shiny lights. (Car.)

Presenter II:

For everyone who likes to take a walk.
To everyone without exception -
You need to remember, you need to know -
Traffic rules.

Now we will play the game “Traffic Controller” (children are divided into pedestrians and drivers).

Presenter I: So our meeting has come to an end. In conclusion, we again invite you to answer questions about the rules of the road: “bad” or “good.”

If the pedestrian walked correctly,
And he stomped along the passage.
So this is all... good (angry)
The traffic light is burning brightly on the way,
Every eye looks stern,
Listening to him is... good,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s... bad.
Everyone always needs rules
Even if the baby remembers,
If you know them, that's... good,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s... bad.

And now for participation in our game “ABC of Roads” we will give a pedestrian reminder.


  1. Sakhnovskaya E.G. Teaching children traffic rules. GOU DOD CDOD “Palace of Youth”, Yekaterinburg, 2003.
  2. Tomilova Z.I. Organization of work on traffic safety. Association "Palace of Youth", - Yekaterinburg, 1999.
  3. Perekateva O.V. school holiday scenarios. Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2001.
  4. Trushina L.I. “Have a nice journey” // Out-of-school student, 2008. No. 3 pp. 52-55.