Music game Find your leaflet. Music-Didactic games. spent in the senior group

Larisa Butakova
Integrated in the footsteps of the fall for children middle group

Purpose. Help children see a delay Autumn, Learn to feel and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, poetry, painting, music.

We are going to a wonderful country, mysterious country, full secrets. We will go to look Fall.

This country does not go trains,

And the plane does not fly there,

How to call this country?

Country, to which hand to file!

We go to the country we are along the path where someone's legs were walking. Be careful. Listen to words and act following them.

Obught with us legs. And where are we going? Right, we go look fall. Every time of the year has its own signs. Now check if you know the signs autumn. Sit down and listen.

The game "Yes or no"

Trees bloom in the fall?

Mushrooms grow in the fall?

Close the sun closed?

Cold wind flies?

Fog in the fall sailing?

Well, the birds are norch?

And bugs arrive?

Castle mink closed?

Harvest everyone collects?

Bird flocks fly away?

Often, often pour rains?

Will we get boots?

The sun shines very hot?

Can you sunbathe?

Well, what should I do?

Jackets caps wear?

Now you know signs autumn can go further.

Small legs go along the path, top top top ...

And big legs run on the road.

Little feet jumps on the track.

And the big legs go on the road.

Guys, we hit the clearing, where are there many multicolored leaves, what?

Right, red, yellow. It means autumn somewhere near. To see it, you need to say very quickly.

« Autumn Lesoma passed,

His paints bloomed "

Children repeat. Included Fall(tutor)

Hello! Here I am!

How guys have grown,

Summerly tanned.

In Sadik in the fall came,

Songs sang.

What are sitting in silence?

So ne. interesting.

Give me a song.

So I love songs!

Song « Fall» Kishko

Expensive Fallguys learned poems for you

Children read poems

I walked on kindergarten and leaves collected:

Won how many different -

Yellow, brown, even red!

Scored a large bouquet -

Warm hi autumn!

Holiday autumn in the forest -

And light and fun.

Here are some decorations

Autumn burned here.

Each golden leaf -

Small sunny.

Colon in the basket I,

Put on the bottom.

Shore I leave ...

Autumn continues.

I have long at home

The holiday does not end.


Thank you, what are the well done!

And I also read the poem, listen carefully

Skilled autumn red female,

Golden leaves with kleov flew.

Slipped leaves Pier and dance.

Skorel on the puddles is the first thin ice.

Guys, what is this red-born blizzard?

Redhead - what are these?


Redhead as who? Fox.

Redhead, what? Carrot

Golden leaves are what?

Golden, what? Sun, dandelion.

Golden as who? Chick.

Motley - what is it?


Pencing, what?

Like a dress, like a fabric like a chicken.

Well done! Now collect multicolored leaves (two) And we dance with them.

Dance with leaves


Guys, put me in a basket on one piece of leaf, and leave the second. Now we will play in very interesting game . It is called "Find your leaflet"

Music game "Find your leaflet"

Children run to the music rushing around the hall. At the end of the sound of music, they are quickly becoming in a circle of the leaflets that they have in their hands.

Tired Fall. The wind flew off and mixed all the paints. Let's help autumn find their paints. We will now rise in group and draw autumn leaves.

Drawing paints


What bright colors! What wonderful leaves! What are you good artists! Thank you!

Publications on the topic:

"Siberian Cat" integrated occupation for children of the middle group. Nice cats with the hands of kids - sculpt, teach poems, talking The topic "Lajku plot according to the content of the poem of V. Shipunova" What dreams of a Siberian cat "Tasks: Teach children to create plastic.

Integrated Classes of Autumn Gift for the Children of the Senior Target Group: Consider the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits, consolidate an account within.

Integrated occupation for children of the middle group "shines Sun for all" "Sun shines for everyone." Purpose: develop the imagination and fantasy of children, the ability to hear the "music of nature", develop the ability to.

Integrated lesson for the children of the Middle Group based on Russian folk fairy tales "Traveling on fairy tales" Objective: consolidate and teach children's knowledge to Russian folk culture - folklore, fairy tales, traditions. Tasks: - develop creative.

Integrated wonderful transformation lesson for children of the middle group Objective integrable educational areas: socio-communicative Speech development Cognitive development Artistic and aesthetic.

comprehensive occupations

carried out in senior group

MBDOU Kindergarten №40

Educator Karpenko S. N.

Lesson 1.
THE HOUSE I LIVE IN. Drawing up story
From the experience in the plot picture "Family"

Views Child activity: Game, communicative, educational research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Goal: summarize, systematize knowledge of various types of human housing; develop speech, ability to compare, analyze; To form a desire for the knowledge of the surrounding world; expand knowledge on the topic "Family"; consolidate the concept of family relationships; help the child to realize yourself, its involvement in close, native people; Educating respect for the eldest.

Planned results: knows various types of human housing, home duties of family members; originally and consistently talks about your friendly family; Exhibits sustainable interest in the music game "Find your leaflet".

Materials and equipment: illustrations in which family members are depicted (grandparents, mom, dad, elder brother, younger sister), house, treat, family photos; Different houses.

Musical accompaniment: Latvian folk melody, arr. Freeda.

organized children's activities

1. Organizational moment.

Listen to the poem:

Bear lives in Berloga,

Fox, badger - in Nore,

Beaver built a hatch,

Protein lives in Duples,

Mole underground yuts -

There he is with his family all.

And where we live with you,

Who will tell me soon?

Responses of children.

We live in houses (apartments). Where does the dog live? (In the booth.)Where does the rooster live? (In the chicken coop.)Where does the cow live? (In Saraj, Corovnik.)Where does a person live?

2. Conversation about houses.

There are different homes and call them differently: wooden, brick, panel. How do you understand these names? (Wooden houses are houses built from wood, bricks - from bricks, panel - from blocks.)At home are sometimes called single-storey and multi-storey. And how do you understand these names: one-storey house, a multi-storey house? (The house consists of 1st floor, multi-storey means, consists of 2 or more floors.)What houses do you live in? What differ brick and wooden houses?

3. The story of the educator "This amazing world".

In very distant times, the house first of all had to save a person from the heat and cold, rain and wind, wild animals and militant neighbors. And it was possible to build only from the material that was at hand. It was a tree - from the tree, there were stones - from stones.

Stone houses in Africa. Unusual stone houses are built by residents of the African state Lesotho. Houses are coated with a straw roof. Such a house saves coolness well, it can be hidden from the hot African sun.

House caves.Some old houses of this village in Cappadocia (Turkey) are simply wounded in the rocks and resemble an anthill.

Huts from bamboo and cane. In Thailand, warm, its light huts are local residents and today are built from bamboo and cane.

Yurt.And if around the sandy Asian desert? Many peoples living there (for example, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz) from ancient times moved along with their herds from one pasture to another, without having a permanent residence. And now the worst student's cattle products are in the old man with themselves, as tourists are their tents. Such a tent is called "Yurt", it is round. War down nomads long stick-rods will connect them among themselves to the manner of cells, cover with all sides with felt (very dense woolen material, the boots are made from it) - and the house is ready for just a few hours.

Yaranga. On the distant north, where trees, if there is, very small (they are called - dwarf) to build, too, especially nothing. But it is impossible without a home - because in the north terrible frosts! The dwelling of the northerners - Chukchi - called "Yaranga". It looks like a yurt, but Ostrich, the walls in it - from deer skins. This dwelling could be easily disassembled, to transport, and then collect anew.

Wigwam On Yaranga, the Indian Vigvam looks like, and not surprisingly, these peoples have once had common ancestors for a long time. Indian houses - Wigwama - were built in the form of a dome from thin trunks of trees and covered in top of branches, bark, skins or multi-colored woven mats (mats).

Needle- House from snow. And Canadian Eskimos build from what falls from the sky itself! The needle is their snowy house, it protects against wind and bad weather, and from the inside for heat it is lined with animal skins. Here, probably, what masters built the palace Snow Queen! By the way, the concrete, from which the skyscrapers today are built, not such a young material. It was invented by ancient Romans who lived in the territory of modern Italy, more than two thousand years ago. And managed to build bridges, stadiums and even six-story houses! Humanity over the centuries seeks to create peace and comfort and continues to invent all new amenities. Who knows how the person's house will look like a hundred and two hundred years?

Now let's go back to our house. Why do you need a house, we found out. For life. What is still in the house? (Wardrobe, Bed, Tables, Chairs, Gas Plate, etc.)

We present that the door opens, we enter the house - and all this we immediately see or not? (All of this we have in certain places - in our rooms.)

Guess the riddles, what rooms are we talking about:

In this room there is

More often our mother,

Sometimes running out here

From the porridge porridge.


What is the kitchen for? What are they doing there?

Clean my teeth, my hands,

In the evening bathe.

Every morning we do without boredom

Just wash.


What is the bathroom for?

Sweet Dreams

I dream at night

In this room always.

And in the morning

Sun beam

I will sometimes wake up.


In this room all together

Collect family,

Sometimes have fun

Sometimes play

View all TV


This room meets

All who comes to our house.


What house do you live in? Describe it. What is it built from? How many floors in it? How many rooms are in it?

4. Music game "Find your leaflet"(Latvian folk melody, arr. Frida).

5. Viewing photos.

Children view photos and tell those depicted.

I suggest to approach photos of my mother or dad and tell them affectionate words. (Children are suitable, take a photo in hand and say everything they want.)

So, in the family there is grandfather, grandmother, mom, dad, brother, sister. Like everyone in the family, they have their own duties. And we will talk about it.

Who has an older brother?

What is the elder brother doing?

How does he help dad?

Your relationship with the elder brother.

Who wants to tell about the younger sister?

What does she know how to do?

How do you help your sister?

Senior always help not only mom with dad, but also younger, care about them, teach them, play with them. And therefore, younger must respect the elders and also take care of them.

I suggest you play the game "Who lives in a house?"

The teacher shows the pictures of the house in the open window, and the children will find out who it is.

Good when the family is big and friendly and we are in children's garden We live big and friendly family.

6. Reflection.

What new did you find out about homes?

What are there at home?

What rooms are in the house?

Whose photos did we consider?

Signatures for slides:

Musical didactic games

"We love to play the orchestra" Purpose: Learn children to independently unite into the ensemble. Tasks: intensify the interest of children to various types Musical instruments Development of rhythmic hearing. Development of fantasies and musical memory of children to educate communicative skills in the game, friendly attitude to each other. Deliver joy to children from joint Game. Required Material: Music Center, Music Disks, Selection of Impact Tools (Triangles, Bubnes, Sticks, Bells)

The course of the game Pedagogue: "I give an invitation card to your concert to you. The concert is a bit unusual, for you he is also unusual. Come, feel free to health and surprise! " Children stand in a circle, in front of them are tools (triangles, tambourines, sticks, bells). Music sounds, children go in a circle. With the end of music, children take tools to whom did not get the tool, it goes to conduct. Pedagogue: Conductor appoint - and play the orchestra. Behind your hand, you follow, together the musical rhythm. Children retreat the rhythm on the show of the conductor.

"Cheerful rain" goal: fix in children a sense of rhythm challenge: develop rhythmic hearing. Development of fantasy and musical memory of children. Rail the communicative skills in the game, friendly attitude towards each other. Develop the ability to transmit your impressions in the picture. Required Material: Rain Sound Phonogram, Music - "Rain and Rainbow" S.Prokofiev, Flanhelegraf, Metallophone, Rain Cards and Tucci, Album for Drawing, Watercolor Paints.

The play of the game sounds the sound of the sound of the rain. Pedagogue: Cap-Cap, Cap-Cap - Rain Cheerful Pour. We want to catch it, and he is not given. Cap-cap-cap, cap-cap-cap- by umbrellas, on the roof rain is having fun of something stronger, then quieter

Stages of the game I Stage Children listen - the teacher strikes - quietly or loud - on the metalfone plate ("rain drops fall", "there is heavy rain"), show hands with loud music, hide them with quiet, clap your hands quiet or loud according to sound. Stage II Rhythmic pattern laid out on flannelhemph - Children reject the rhythmic pattern on the show (short sounds in the palm, long sound - by cranks)

Stages games III Stage Children alternately improvise the rhythmic drawing of the rain. The teacher proposes to calculate how many droplets dropped from Tuchka. The teacher offers to play a finger game. Fingering game How much do I know the rains? - Touch your fingers in turn to count as soon as possible: Great, starting with the index. Rain with the wind, - alternately bending the fingers of the rain mushroom, rain with a rainbow-arc, rain with the sun, rain with a hail, rain with a red leaf fall. Suggest children to decide on their own, what rain will draw. Music accompaniment - "Rain and Rainbow" S.Prokofiev

Objective: Teach children to determine the nature of music, perform movements in accordance with the music. Tasks: develop rhythmic hearing. Development of fantasy and musical memory of children. Develop Communicative Skills, Motoric Hands. Required Material: Musical disks with dance music and lullaby, Olya doll, flannelugaph, Card-palms of different sizes for lays out a rhythmic pattern, to determine the nature of the music card-palm yellow and green. "In the emery palms of our doll-crumbs"

The course of the teacher's teacher to occupation brings a doll. Pedagogue: Olya's doll came to us, having fun, clap, playing out oleloshki, Ole helping small crumbs. Stage I: The teacher lay out the rhythmic pattern from the palms - the children retreat in your hands. Pedagogue: Well, everything in the palms is clad, folding together, smoking together. Well, everything is in the palm, falling behind me clap, clap. Stage II: Cheerful Music Sounds - Children Raise Palm yellow color. Sounds a lullaby - the children raise the palms of green. Pedagogue: Our pens also dance, do not want to lag behind, together with us, babies, have become fun to play. III Stage: Merry music sounds - children clap fun in her palm. Lullaby sounds - palms are tired and relaxed. Pedagogue: Once or two! Once or two! That ended the game!

"Definite music. »Purpose: Creating conditions for a certain emotional response of children to the mood of the musical work of the problem: attract the attention of children to the wealth and beauty of the sounds of the surrounding nature. Develop an emotional responsiveness to instrumental classical music to cause joy from the guys from performing creative self-expression in the drawings. Required Material: Musical disks with works of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" "Autumn Song" and A.Vivaldi "Seasons" Concert "Autumn" 2 part, billet leaves of different shapes, watercolor paints.

"Stroke Game" Teacher: Guys, today we will talk about music. Music is always with us. She is inside us, she is around us. Without music, I will not live and the day, she is in me. She is around me. And in the bird's singing, and in the noise of cities, in silence of herbs and in the rainbow flowers, and in the glow of dawn over the ground ... She is everywhere and my eternal satellite. O. Gaggikasimov and today we have a trip to magical forest. He is full of secrets and amazing wonders! Suggest children to listen to the musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". "Autumn Song" and A. Vivaldi "Seasons" Concert "Autumn" 2nd part. Pedagogue: leaf whole ishers: on tracks, on the grass. We collect a bouquet of beautiful on the fun.

The "course of the game" the teacher offers children to choose and paint the leaves, freely improvising the color gamut and shades of the teacher: see what leaves are different, carved. Long thin brush we will color the leaves. In red, yellow, gold - how good you are, sheet color! At the end of the class teacher conducts art therapeutic technique of directional visualization. Pedagogue: Guys, you take each of your leaf, close your eyes and tell me what the desire to fulfill your leaflet. In order to the leaves, we are becoming two, three, four, five, - you need to slam everything in your hands, and then, then, then turn around all the circle! Each child tells about his magic leaflet.

"Musical gifts for Christmas tree" Purpose: Create play motivation. Tasks: develop fantasy, creativity in the process of creating a game image, encourage uniqueness. Exercise in the image of musical and game images with the help of facial expressions, gestures, intonation. Required Material: Disk with Music Works "Bear" MUZ. V.Rrevikova, "Lisa will steal" muses. E.Tileeva, "Zhenichikh" MUZ. E.Tileeva, a wonderful bag with toys Bear, bunny, chanterelle.

"Stroke Game" teacher: There would be a leg of the Christmas tree, she would run along the path. It would dope with us with us, it would be clamped. Would be spinning on Christmas tree toys - multicolored lanterns, flappers. Children view the Christmas tree. Now we will dress up with you. I offer you one interesting game. It will be necessary to guess and move the show whose music will sound! Children listen to the Pieces "Bear" Muses. V.Rrevikova, "Lisa will steal" muses. E.Tileeva, "Zhenichikh" MUZ. E.Tileeva. In accordance with the shaped sound of the plays, performing game movements, transmitting the image of a bear, bunny, chanterelles. After a faithful answer, the child from a wonderful bag takes the toy and hangs on the Christmas tree. Pedagogue: How good is a good musical tree, as she dressed up, look at! Dress at the Christmas tree of green silk, lights are bright on the branches! A friendly stand in the dance and stoney together. Let the children's laugh and songs sound here today. Horror around the Christmas tree.


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Signatures for slides:

Lay out the melody. (Music - didactic game for senior preschool)

Software content: develop rhythmic hearing. Software tasks: I exercise in the perception of rhythmic pattern of the melody, correlate the melody with a graphic image, learning to distinguish the duration of sounds: short and long (for rumor), narrow and wide (using graphic elements) game material: to stakes, with two halves of the field ; Color cards illustrating the content of the song; Rectangles of different widths, for lad out graphic pattern of children's melody musical instruments: Metallophone, spoons. The number of playing: subgroup, not more than 8 people. Gaming rules: Listen familiar melodies, do not interfere and not suggest another. Gaming actions: Guess songs, stroll a rhythmic pattern, lay out a graphic image. Games: The teacher performs the familiar children with a different rhythmic pattern, offers his children.

stretch. Then it shows how to conditionally depict a rhythmic pattern using rectangles denoting long and short sounds. During the game, the teacher executes familiar to children and offers them to lay out their rhythmic pattern. And on the contrary, asks children to remember the song on the proposed teacher, the conditional image of the rhythmic pattern of the melody. Motivation: Queen of Noise - Cocafonia, did not want to live in the world of harmony and turned all the songs in various figures: wide and narrow (consider rectangles), she did not think that the songs can be saved if ...... further to propose to guess the familiar song on rhythmic drawing laid out graphically. In the game, you can apply various options: on the graphic figure to lose the song and learn on the rhythm; in the drawing, guess the song and lose its rhythm on the metal fond plate; Guess the song on the melody and post it rhythm; Share the rhythm of a given melody and turning the color picture, make sure the correctness of the playful song. Game goal: accurately lay out the rhythmic pattern of the melody. Literature: "Music and didactic games for preschool children" N.G. Kononov





Props, Equipment: Cardboard sheets 2 for each child for dance; Leaves for the game, cones, acorns, 2 baskets (yellow and red flowers), a multicolored umbrella for the game, CD discs, recording the sound rustling of leaves.

1 Slide. On the screen - photo of the autumn plot of kindergarten.


Yellow leaf on the palm was sometime he is green

We flew to the window. Why is he glad?

Who, friends, do not ask - say:

Autumn has come

Look at how the smartest was our site in kindergarten.

Sounds recording the sound rustling of leaves.

Leading: Children, what are these sounds?

That's right, it is a rustling leaves.

2 Slide. An image of falling autumn leaves appears on the screen.

Calm music sounds, the leading reads poems.


Look at how beautiful

Walks along the paths of autumn, slowly,

Do you hear the leaves around us rustle?

With the autumn leaves we will play.

With autumn leaves will dance

"Dance of autumn leaves", music. On a CD disk.


Leaves in the wind trembling.

The wind reanges, the leaves dropped

It came autumn

We will gather leaves

And we will take the basket.

Music game: "Collect the leaf in the basket."

(Children get to the place).

Lead : Music plays, the breeze sings,

Autumn Golden visit to us!

Waltz sounds, autumn is included.

Fall:I am autumn golden, with a bow for you came.

Merry ventures brought the guys.

(Takes 2 colored baskets)

I have two baskets,

I walked along the path.

Collected without clauses

Many cones, acorns.

I gathered a lot,

But the basket fell ... (scatters around the hall)

Everything looked around, see.

Children, you help me:

Bumps in red gather,

Acorn in yellow carry. (Puts baskets at a distance)

We start to play,

Attraction: "Collect the bumps and acorns into the baskets" (music for attractions).

Fall: All collected? Well done!

In the forest baskets, I will take the little animals.

Lead :

Thank you, autumn for the game,

How happy you are!

So let's praise autumn

Song, dance and game.

There will be joyful meetings.

Autumn, this holiday is yours.

1st child: Autumn, autumn, do not rush

And with rains wait.

Give us a summer

Sun and light.

2nd child:Leaf Fall, leaf fall!

Forest autumn cavos!

Sleeping powder,

Steel chips.

3rd child:Devoured a birdhouse

Birds flew away

Leaves on the trees

Also not sitting.

5th child:Trees all autumn day

Beautiful such.

Let's sing the Space

About the leaves are gold.

Song: "Autumn", music. N. Luconina, cl. L. Chadova.

1. Autumn, autumn, rain pours,

It does not give us a walk.

Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,

Leaves in the wind fly.

2. Cap-cap-cap, knocking up the window

Fidget rain.

We take with you to walk

Multicolored umbrella.

Fall: Thank you, friends, for the song. And I have a gift for you - a multicolored umbrella. If the rain goes, run everything to me under the big magic umbrella. He will use everyone from the rain.

Music game: Sun and Rain, Muses and Sl. M. Kartushina.

Ta-Ra-Ra, Ta-Ra, (go a step - walk)

Sun shines in the morning.

Ta-Ra-ra, Ta-Ra,

So it's time for us!

Cap, Cap, Cap, (I depict the rain on my palm)

Cap, Cap, Cap,

Tuchka appeared

Cap, Cap, Cap,

Cap, Cap, Cap,

Rained shed!

Spicy, children under the umbrella, rain autumn wait! (Get up under the umbrella).

Fall: Rain, rain, not shumi,

Our children are not urine!

And when we go to sleep,

Touch then again.

Fall: Guys, see: It is a terry teremok, it is not low. Let's come to the teremku and ask:

Who, who lives in Teremchka?

Who, who lives in low?

(Children with autumn fit to the house).

(Grandma looks out of the Teremka.)

Grandmother:This is me, grandmother Nadia! I want to have fun with you, play and riddles to guess!

Tell me guys how do you live?

Children:Like this! (thumb up)

Grandmother:And swim?

Children:Like this!

Grandmother:And how do you run?

Children:Like this! (run)


Children:Like this! (Sat, palms under the cheek)

Grandmother:How to take?

Children:Like this! (squeeze cams)

Grandmother:How to give?

Children:Like this! (Dismiss palms up)

Grandmother:How are Shawit?

Children:Inflate the brushes, hit them with cams.

Grandmother:How to threaten?

Children:Fresh finger.

Fall:Guys, let's show your grandmother how we can dance.

Well, show legs,

How do you know how to dance?

We sweep a little bit

Will be fun with us!

Dance "Dance of Kids". Music and words N. Goldina.

Grandmother:Ah yes kids, well done,

Draisted from the soul!

I always come out with empty hands. And today in my basket only a small part of the crop. I wonder, and you know what these vegetables and fruits are called.

(Shows, and children call them: carrots, cabbage, grapes, onions, potatoes, watermelon, eggplant, apple.)

Grandmother: Helps grandfather grandchildren

Collects with beds ... (onions)

We collect in lukshko

Very large ... (potatoes)

It was empty in the spring

Summer has grown ... (cabbage)

I am big like a football ball,

If ripe - all satisfied,

Wonderful taste

And call me? ... (watermelon)

Everyone will be very happy

Warming ripe ... (grapes)
-How ink he did not see
Violet suddenly became
And glans from praise
Very important…
- It happens, children, different -
Yellow, herbal and red.
Then he is burning, he is sweet,
We must know his habits.
And in the kitchen - head of spices!
Guess? It…
Red nose in the ground
And the green tail is not needed,
We need only a red nose.

Round, ruddy,
I'm a rastic on the branch.
Love me adults
And little kids.

Grandmother:Well done guys, all the riddles guess.

Happy holiday you congratulate you
Apple Magic treat!

(To the music host hides a grandmother for scroll).

Autumn and presenter distribute treats to all children.

Fall :

Fast time flew by

It is time to part.

Waiting for me more worries

Goodbye, Devora ...

Waltz's sounds Autumn leaves the hall.

Games for the autumn holidays Junior preschool age "Gather Mushrooms" Children collect mushrooms and fold them in a basket to the tutor. On the game in the tambourine - run away under the umbrella - hiding from the rain. At this time, another adult imperceptibly scatters mushrooms, and the teacher invites children again into the forest for mushrooms: "The rain ran out." So repeats twice. When children will go to the forest for the mushrooms for the third time, they will find a big mushroom, whose leg is hidden. "Game with leaves" Children after dance or dance with leaves, stay in a circle. Autumn offers to put leaflets to the floor and pay, and when the music is over, quickly take leaves and hide behind the back so that the autumn could not pick it up. After the game, the autumn blows on the "leaves" (children), they fly away to their seats. The game "Tucci-wrappers" (O.Syvukhina) children are rebuilt into two circles - boys and girls. Mom is invited to each circle, she plays the role of Mom Tuchka, children - droplets. Educator. That's what mom's mums, and you are baby fellow! Tuchci went through the sky, the red sun cattle. (moving in a circle) And we catch up with the sun, and we are red - catch! (go to a handing step) Sunshine hid, and they rolled themselves: Cap-Cap! (They squatted, knocking their fingers on the floor) droplets, droplets, rain, run along the paths, on the roofs, in the blades ... (sinking the swarming) And now: once, two, three! Tuchka-mom Find! (Children should find their mother-faucet, to be built in the circle) Game with Mama "Two Umbrellas" Moms with umbrellas of different colors move along with the children of the gossip. With the end of Mom's music, girls and boys are going to the circles under different umbrellas: Girls - under Pink, boys - under blue. One two Three! Mom-umbrella you find! The game "The breeze and janitor" sounds music, (wind noise) All children run around the hall. The music of the janitor sounds. There is a janitor with a broom and says words: janitor: Oh, it became a lot of work: how many leaves opaque! Sweese soon, I am in order forever! (sweeping) I met, met, met, leaves in a bunch of collect. To the music of swears, the children are flying into a bunch. Janitor: All the tracks I drove. Oh, I'm tired, I went to sleep. The janitor leaves. The breeze runs out (child) Wind: I am a cheerful breeze, my way is not close, not far away. I flush in the light, all the leaflets blow. Wind noise. Listening runs up to children-leaves and blows on them, they scatter and appear again. Janitor: Disorder, in fact, all leaflets scattered. I will take the leaves again the leaves. I met, met, met, leaves in a bunch of collect. The music of the janitor (broomstorm in the middle of the hall), the leaves fly into a bunch. Janitor: All the tracks I drove. Oh, I'm tired, I went to sleep. The janitor leaves. The breeze runs out (child) Wind: I am a cheerful breeze, my way is not close, not far away. I flush in the light, all the leaflets blow. Wind noise. The breeze runs up to children-ledge and blowing on them, they scatter and again sit down. Enters the janitor. Janitor: Ah, you are naughty leaves, bright yes painted! So as not to dare to fly, I must catch you all! Music janitor. The janitor catches the children, they run away and hide the leaves under the chairs. Janitor: I fed, tired, but the leaved did not catch up. On the tracks only puddles, more janitor is not needed here. Leading: You're right, janitor. Rain pours every day, it does not give us a walk. And we rain are not afraid, we will have fun together! (Song about the rain) game - the attraction "Collect the leaves" on the floor scattered leaves of yellow, red and green flowers. 3 children are invited. Everyone must assemble the leaves of a certain color. By the signal: "1,2,3, collect!" Children collect leaves. Who collected first - that winner. Game - Attraction "Collect the harvest" at the central wall there are 2 trucks, and closer to the audience scattered in hoops - "Circots" of vegetables. Two players at the signal are carrying trucks for the ropes to beds, collect vegetables in the body. Having gathered vegetables, harvest is taken to the previous place. Who collected and brought the first - he won. Senior Preschool Age Game - Attraction "Three Legs" At the central wall cost two - four playing. Medium legs are associated with a cord. As a result, two legs. The task of playing: reach the chips, to rest on it and return to the previous place. The game is the attraction "Extending Rack" near the spectators at a great distance from each other on the floor lie 2 recks (there can be children sitting on the chairs, on the head - Reline Cap). The central wall is standing in 2 columns playing: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. On the signal, the grandfather run to the Rudki sprinkle and, having sneaked it, everyone returned to his column. They take a grandmother's hand, rip off, return. Grandmas take the hand of granddaughter, etc. When all the characters disaggregate their rep. They pull it out. Whose link will pull the park first. "Not watched legs" Option1: Children are moving "swamp", shifting three boards. Option 2: jump over the "puddles" - sheets of cut-out cardboard on the floor. The game with the leaves of attention is-two or three! This sheet take! -One two Three! Red leaf take! -One two Three! Maple Leaf! -One two Three! Two sheets take! -One two Three! The same as I have a leaf of Take! -One two Three! Do not take anything! The game "Autumn treats" on the overall tray lie together vegetables and fruits. Children need to quickly explore them to one, cook soup, and other compote. "Running in galosh" leading or hero: Who lost to Golosh, children? (shows) someone has danced and lost. (He beats, trying to try anyone). Well, let's see ... yes, please admire one more. And also, it seems, with the right leg ... There is no pair, well, and what, run in one galoshes. (Trying to run in one galoshes) Well, who, answer, brothers, also want to run? "Mushroomnik" Children shall be divided into trees and mushrooms, choose the mushroom. Trees get up in a circle. For them "hide" mushrooms. Gribnik walks in the center, reads: Mushroomnik: I went to the forest to the forest, but I did not find mushrooms there. Where did they hide? Under the trees? Ile under the stump? Mushrooms: And here we are! Only you collect us! 1,2,3! Run! Mushrooms run away. Mushroom picked them. "Transfer potatoes in a spoon" game-relay Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: transfer one potato in a spoon from the hoop (girling-hole) in a bucket. Whose team will harvest faster. "Whoever falls into the bucket" game-relay children are divided into 2 teams. Task: get potatoes in a bucket. Whose team is faster and more accurately gather the harvest. Auction: "Name dishes from potatoes" Game "Collect Wreath" 1 Option: Leaves from the basket are poured on the floor. Children take from a bunch of one sheet and lay on the floor wreaths: birch, maple, oak. 2 Option: Then the host offers to lay out wreaths from those leaves that are in children in pockets on chairs. To the music of Waltz, children move around the hall, dancing. At the end of music - get up in the circles, each piece of leafle in your own. "Find out a vegetable taste" closed eyes. "Children are trying with a vegetable and call it. "Autumn leaves" - Phanti leading: We will now take autumn leaves and play with them. (Leading gives children autumn leaves). Leading: Ta-Ra! Ta-ra ray, the game begins! (everyone says chorus). Leading: Osinki leaves make three heads from a junk. (Children who hold the leaves of Osin in the hands are task). Leading: Who has a maple leaf, that artist is an equilibrist. Maybe to perform in the circus, hold the stick on the hand. (Children with maple leaves come out, perform tasks - walk along the cord stretched on the floor, holding a stick in the hand - to the music). Leading: Oak leaf will tell the poem or autumn will say signs, or without words it will show us items. .. (Children come out who have oak leaves, and perform the task). Leading: Who has a birch leaf, that mimic artist - nothing says, everything shows it all depicting ... (sour lemon, barr, gunku, etc.) (children come out with birch leaves and perform a task). Leading: Who has a row leaf - say without a knock: Karl and Clara stole corals. (Children who have rowan leaves come out and perform a task). Games with apples 1) game-relay. 2 teams participate. It is necessary to quickly transfer apples from one basket to another. 2) In a cup with water there is 1 apple. The participant is necessary without the help of hands to get it. 3) 2 planes are placed in the center of the hall, apples hang them, children need quickly blindfolded to collect apples to themselves in the basket. Respiratory exercise "Autumn leaves" Playful breeze in the lasticy flew: Sh-sh-sh! Quietly-quietly twigs he sang a song: Sh-sh-sh! Strong wind in our lasticy also flew: Sh-sh-sh! Loudly loudly twig he sang: sh-sh-sh! The breeze in turn of the songs of the songs sang: That quiet: sh-sh-sh! That is loud: sh-sh-sh! That quiet: sh-sh-sh! That is loud: sh-sh-sh! And after - flew away! The attraction game "PrIDI BOLOTO" Children in two participate in the competition. 12 "Kochki" places are placed on the hall with cardboard, uneven shapes and painted in gray brown. For each participant, six kopes were prepared at a short distance from each other: you can only step on the "bumps" and the same way back. Wins the one who will do it faster. The game "Harvest" Children are divided into two teams - "breeze" and "droplet". For the game you need 6 wrap, 2 children's watering can, 2 buckets, 8 potatoes. According to the signal, "tractor drivers", "snake," move the "snake", are moving and running to the initial position. Go girls with buckets, put 1 potatoes in each hoop. Then the "irrigasters" run, rubbing every hoop. The latter run with buckets, harvest. The game "Kochka-Korachers" choose several parents - they are "bazers", children - "leaves". Turning in turn says the words "numors", "Kochangchiki". Parents or children begin to move to music. As soon as the leading says: "Kochangchiki" - children must quickly run up to any "narry" in the circle, as close as possible.