The plot of the game call of duty modern warfare

A Russian ultranationalist named Imran Zakhaev dreams of seizing power in Russia and annexing new territories to it. Zakhayev knows that the United States will never allow this to happen, so he finances a coup in the Middle East organized by his ally Khaled al-Assad to divert the world's attention from Russia. While the war is going on in the Middle East, Zakhaev begins civil war in Russia with the aim of seizing power. Nonetheless, US and British intelligence is revealing Zakhaev's plans and sending troops to both regions. The game begins in the town of Credenhill in the UK, where members of Captain Price's squad, joined by a newcomer, namely John "Sope" McTavish, are preparing for a landing operation.

The story is told on behalf of SAS operatives of the UK SAS Sergeant "Soup" McTavish and Captain (in two missions - Lieutenant) Price, an unnamed operator of the AC-130 Specter bomber and an unknown fighter OTG-141 (in the epilogue), US Marine Sergeant Paul Jackson and the President unnamed Middle Eastern state (judging by the map shown during loading, this is Saudi Arabia) Yasser al-Fulani.

Sope McTavish, as part of Captain Price's SAS squad, infiltrates a terrorist ship in the Bering Strait. The detachment takes the ship by storm. In the hold, one of the containers is found a box with unknown contents and documents in Arabic. However, it is not possible to find out what is in the box, since the ship is attacked by two fighters, presumably Russians. The ship begins to sink and the squad barely manages to leave it in a SAS helicopter. Further, Khaled al-Assad seizes power in the Middle East and assassinates President al-Fulani on the live broadcast of the central channel. Captain Price's detachment is sent to Russia to rescue from captivity an informant of the British special services, codenamed Nikolai, who works double agent among Russian ultranationalists. With the help of a detachment of Russian special forces under the command of Sergeant Komarov, they storm the terrorist camp and save Nikolai, then evacuate in an SAS helicopter.

The helicopter never manages to leave the territory under the control of the rebels, it is shot down by the rebel air defense systems. The survivors of the crash (including Nikolai, Gus, Soup and Price) manage to contact the base, and then have to make their way through enemy territory to the place of evacuation. After a while, the AC-130 sent by Western troops begins to accompany the heroes and help them, destroying the enemy troops. In the end, they manage to get to the place of evacuation and safely leave the territory of the enemy. Meanwhile, the US is launching a massive invasion of the Middle East to overthrow al-Assad's regime. The US Marine Corps is advancing rapidly across the region. In these battles, Sergeant Paul Jackson participates with his detachment of marines. Eventually, the US Army attacks the capital of an unnamed state in the region, however, it appears to be Saudi Arabia. Large-scale battles are taking place in the city. But the marines who have infiltrated the palace find nuclear weapons there. An explosion threat is declared, and American troops begin to rapidly leave the city. However, the AH-1 Cobra helicopter, accompanying the transport helicopter with Jackson's squad on board, is shot down, and the squad, realizing that they may not have time to leave the city before the explosion, makes a desperate attempt to save the surviving helicopter pilot (the co-pilot dies when falling). They manage to sit nearby, make their way to the crash site and save the pilot (Jackson carries him out). Then, in full force, the detachment again gets into the helicopter and it begins to rapidly leave the combat zone. A nuclear explosion occurs, and along with other American troops who did not have time to leave the city in time, they are covered with a blast wave. Jackson's squad is completely killed. Jackson himself manages to survive the crash, but after getting out of the remains of the helicopter, he dies from his wounds and, possibly, due to radiation, and the capital is almost completely destroyed by a nuclear explosion. Nevertheless, the war is won and the al-Assad regime is overthrown.

Captain Price's detachment leaves for Azerbaijan and takes by storm, with the support of a Russian Mi-28 helicopter, the village where al-Assad is supposedly hiding. They manage to destroy all terrorists and capture al-Assad. Price interrogates al-Assad. Suddenly al-Assad's cell phone rings and Price picks up the phone and recognizes the caller's voice. This is Zakhaev. Then Price kills al-Assad with a shot in the head. Then the action is postponed back 15 years. SAS operatives Lieutenant Price and Captain McMillan infiltrate Pripyat, bypassing terrorist patrols, and take up a position on the top floor of the Polesie Hotel (Polissya). The terrorists, with the support of corrupt officials, are planning to try to withdraw materials from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to create nuclear weapons. The task of the SAS fighters is to kill the leader of the terrorists, Imran Zakhaev, who will participate in the meeting of the terrorists in front of the hotel the next day. At the decisive moment, Price shoots at Zakhaev, but he fails to kill him, but he shoots off Zakhaev's hand with a shot. Having betrayed themselves, the SAS fighters have to flee, while the terrorists attack them and follow on their heels. In the end, the heroes are picked up by a SAS helicopter and they manage to leave Pripyat. Then the action returns back to the present. Price's squad maintains a position in the village where Khaled al-Assad was hiding, being attacked by overwhelming ultranationalist forces. But the American helicopter arrives in time and picks them up and the squad manages to escape. Further, American and British troops participate in battles in Russia and help the Russian army to fight the ultranationalists, they decide to catch the son of Imran Zakhaev, Viktor Zakhaev, so that he can lead them to his father. Price's squad ambushes Viktor Zakhaev, the leader of the ultranationalists in southern Russia. However, when his convoy is attacked by the SAS, Victor tries to hide. The SAS fighters chase him while suppressing the attacks of the militants. In the end, he is stumped on the roof of the house and is overtaken by Price's squad. However, in order not to be taken prisoner, Victor shoots himself and dies, having previously uttered the phrase: "You will soon die anyway" ...

After the death of his son, Zakhaev issues an ultimatum to the West. If Western troops do not immediately leave Russian territory, Zakhaev will strike at the United States with nuclear weapons. US troops and SAS find out that Imran Zakhaev is at a base in Altai, where nuclear warheads are also stored, which Zakhaev threatens. They decide to go to Altai and capture this base, taking control of nuclear missiles. During the landing in Altai, the parachute of an American soldier, Staff Sergeant Griggs, is carried away from the detachment and taken prisoner by the ultranationalists. Price and his squad free him and advance to the base, destroying all patrols in their path. But when the forces of Price and Griggs have already practically infiltrated the base, the ultranationalists are launching nuclear missiles at the United States. There is very little time until they reach America, besides, the trajectory of the missiles passes north of Europe, far from missile defense systems, and, in any case, there is no way to shoot them all down. SAS fighters and American soldiers attack the ultranationalist base. They manage to infiltrate the control center and enter codes that destroy missiles while still in the air. However, eager for revenge, Zakhaev throws all his remaining strength on the heroes. Troops of Price and Griggs hijack trucks and try to get away from a large detachment of ultranationalists pursuing them and get to the point of evacuation. But the bridge, over which the trucks were supposed to pass, is blown up by a helicopter, and it is no longer possible to cross it. The units of Price and Griggs are trapped. Almost all members of the detachments, including Griggs, die under the fire of ultranationalists. Soup and Captain Price manage to survive, but are seriously injured. Zakhaev himself appears, accompanied by two terrorists, walks across the bridge and finishes Gus and the wounded SAS fighters. Suddenly, helicopters of the Russian army fly up and distract the attention of Zakhaev and his people. They open fire on the helicopter. At this moment, Price, lying at a distance from McTavish, throws a pistol to his partner, and he kills Zakhaev and his guards. After that, the forces of the Russian army arrive in time, which save Soup and transport him to the hospital. The last thing Sope sees before losing consciousness is that Price lies motionless and the Russian medic tries unsuccessfully to make his heart beat again.

In the epilogue, the OTG-141 fighters, their identities are not specified, save an important person from the hands of terrorists on board the aircraft. One of the fighters straps the rescued hostage to himself and then they leave the plane by jumping with a parachute, while the plane, in which there was a bomb near the corpse of one of the dead passengers, explodes in the air.


Name The main character date A place Target
Rookie Soup McTavish June 20, 2011 Great Britain, Credenhill Take an initial training course.
Ship Soup McTavish June 21, 2011, 01:23 Bering Strait Storm the ship, find data.
Coup Yasir al-Fulani June 21, 2011 Near East Watch your own execution.
Step 1
Full eclipse Soup McTavish June 22, 2011, 01:23 , Caucasus Meet with Russian loyalists. Provide support to Russian soldiers. Find and save Nikolai.
Charlie don't surf Paul Jackson June 22, 2011, 13:45 Near East Find al-Assad.
Swamp Paul Jackson June 23, 2011, 05:00 Near East Make your way through the line of fire to find the stuck Abrams tank. Defend the tank from attacking militants, destroy the anti-aircraft gun, install a beacon for helicopters.
The pursuit Soup McTavish June 22, 2011, 03:02 Western Leave the shot down helicopter and get away from the patrols.
God's punishment Operator AC-130 June 22, 2011, 04:20 Western Provide cover for Captain Price and SAS squad from AC-130.
Boar Paul Jackson June 23, 2011, 16:30 Near East Accompany the Abrams tank.
Shock and Awe Paul Jackson June 23, 2011, 18:35 Near East Destroy the last troops of al-Assad in the capital and evacuate.
Effects Paul Jackson June 23, 2011 Near East Observe the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.
Step 2
Conspiratory apartment Soup McTavish June 24, 2011, 02:00 North Azerbaijan Find and kill Al-Assad.
All in camouflage Lieutenant Price Fall 1996, 16:45 Ukraine, Pripyat Get to Pripyat and take a sniper position on the top floor of the hotel.
One shot kill Lieutenant Price Fall 1996, 13:40 Ukraine, Pripyat Kill Zakhaev and evacuate from Pripyat.
Heat Soup McTavish June 24, 2011, 09:40 North Azerbaijan Defend while awaiting evacuation.
The sins of the fathers Soup McTavish June 25, 2011, 06:34 South Catch Zakhaev's son.
Step 3
Ultimatum Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 06:19 , Altai Find Staff Sergeant Griggs, interrupt the launcher's power.
Everything is in place Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 07:16 , Altai Get into the launch shaft.
At the command post Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 07:35 , Altai Find the control center, cancel the missile launch and escape in enemy vehicles.
The game is over Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 08:25 , Altai Survive, kill Zakhaev.
Above the clouds Soldier OTG-141 (possibly "Soup" McTavish) ??? Somewhere in the sky Rescue an important person (V.I.P.) and evacuate the plane, thereby destroying it.

Characters (edit)



Minor characters

  • Lieutenant Vaskez(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. Sgt. Jackson's platoon leader. Killed by a nuclear explosion. The Russian version is voiced by Denis Nekrasov.
  • Staff Sergeant Griggs(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. He was held captive by the ultranationalists. Shot in the head at the end of the game while trying to save an injured Sope.
  • Gus(†)? - Captain Price's right-hand man and friend of Sope McTavish. The very first character in the entire Modern Warfare that he sees the main character... He was the most playful in the Bravo 6 squad. At the end of the game he was seriously wounded in the back and killed by Zakhaev. However, Sope's diary (presented in the collector's edition) reveals that he is alive. The Russian version is voiced by Viktor Dobronravov.
  • Captain McMillan- sniper of the 22nd SAS regiment. In 1996, together with Lieutenant Price, he carried out the task of eliminating Imran Zakhaev in Pripyat. The task was considered completed, and McMillan received a serious leg injury while retreating, but Price dragged him into the evacuation zone on himself. It was believed that McMillan died, but his appearance in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 suggests that he was alive all this time. The Russian version is voiced by Oleg Shcherbinin.
  • Nikolay(codename) - British intelligence service informant in Russia. He was captured by the separatists and freed by the Bravo 6 squad. Later he participates in the events of the game and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Sergeant Komarov- Commander of the Russian special forces of loyalists. The Russian version is voiced by Dmitry Filimonov. Participated in the events of the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Lieutenant Volcker(†) - Crew member of the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter. Crew Commander. It flew out of it during the push from the wave of a nuclear explosion. Mentioned in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Captain Pelayo(†) - pilot of the downed AH-1 Cobra helicopter. After the fall of her helicopter, she was dragged by Jackson into his helicopter. She died after a nuclear explosion. Appears strangely in the Colony mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
  • Keating(†) - co-pilot of the AH-1 "Cobra" helicopter. Killed during his fall.
  • Senior Warrant Officer 4th Class Smith
  • Sergeant Scully- American sniper (mission "Ultimatum").
  • Private Roisevich(† - player dependent) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. At the discretion of the player, dies. Appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as Royce.
  • Private Massey(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. Dies in Charlie Can't Surf.
  • Private West(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. A US Marine Corps soldier on mission Swamp. Received the order to destroy enemy tanks with the Javelin, but was wounded. Jackson did it instead.
  • Poppy(†) Killed. Also appears sporadically in the first mission.
  • Sergeant Arem- SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Heat".
  • Sergeant Burton- SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Heat".
  • Private Lutz- SAS soldier. Works on a computer at the training ground.
  • Sergeant Walcroft- SAS serviceman (mission "Ship"). Participated in the events of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Private Griffin- SAS serviceman (mission "Ship"). He also participated in the events of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Sergeant Lovejoy- SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Recruit".
  • Private Paulson(†) - SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Pursuit". Killed.
  • Victor
  • Sasha(†) is an ultranationalist. Appears in the mission "Total Eclipse". Killed.
  • Basil(†) is an ultranationalist. Appears in the mission "Total Eclipse". Killed.
  • Farmer(† - depends on the player) - civilian. Appears in the mission "Pursuit". At the discretion of the player, dies.

Arcade mode

After completing the game, the "arcade mode" becomes available. The player is given a certain number of "lives", if they end, the game has to start over. Perhaps as full walkthrough games in "arcade mode", and selective (single missions) at the request of the player. For each successful hit to the enemy, points are awarded, the record (maximum) score scored by the player is shown in the menu.

Multiplayer game

Network modes

  • Free play (Free for all). Everyone plays for himself, getting points for killing opponents. For a frag, 5 points are awarded, for a frag using the "Last Shot" or "Martyr" perks - 10 points.
  • Team fight (Team Deathmatch). The task is to destroy the members of the other team. For a frag, 10 points are awarded, for wounding an enemy finished off by another team member - 2 points.
  • Championship (Domination). The task is to capture the flags placed on the map and hold them.
  • Headquarters (Headquarters). The task is to capture and hold (repulse from the enemy) headquarters that appear in different places on the map.

The above modes are played until either side reaches the points limit or until the time expires (in this case, the side with the most points wins).

  • Sabotage (Sabotage). It is necessary to place a bomb (one for two teams) on an enemy object and not let it be defused before the timer expires.
  • Find and destroy (Search & Destroy). The task of the attacking side is to plant a bomb on one of the two objects and prevent it from being defused before the timer expires. The task of the defending side is to prevent the installation of the bomb or to defuse it, if it is installed. Both sides can also win the round by eliminating all the players on the opposing team. Respawn in this mode, unlike all others, occurs only at the beginning of the round. The parties switch roles one or more times.

In these modes, the game continues until one of the teams wins the specified number of rounds.

Weapons and class system

Weapons in multiplayer mode are divided into primary and secondary. The main one includes five types and determines the character class (sets appearance and characteristics such as sprint range, overall mobility). The secondary ones include pistols, grenade launchers, explosives, mines and grenades.

Primary weapon

  • Assault rifles- M16A4, AK-47,,, G36C, M14, MP44 (the last two are only in multiplayer);
  • Submachine guns- MP5, Skorpion, Mini Uzi, AKS-74U, P-90;
  • Machine guns- M249, RPD, M60E4;
  • Sniper rifles- M40A3, M21, SVD, Remington 700, Barrett 0.50.

Additional weapon

  • Pistols-, USP 0.45, M1911, Desert Eagle;
  • Knife- melee weapons (present for each player).

Explosion engineering

  • Grenades- by default, the player carries one offensive fragmentation grenade and one of three "special" grenades - light, noise or smoke. Using perks, you can increase the number of fragmentation or special grenades to three, while all special grenades will be the same and cannot be smoke grenades;
  • Claymore- directional antipersonnel mine;
  • C4- plastic explosives with radio detonators;
  • RPG-7- Soviet reusable anti-tank grenade launcher;

Optional equipment

  • Night-vision device- are available for all players;
  • Sights- collimator, optical ACOG;
  • Underbarrel grenade launchers- M203, GP-25.

Player Classes

The game has 5 standard classes and 5 custom ones (giving a choice of weapons, accessories and perks). Access to classes, the ability to edit them, as well as access to different types weapons, perks, etc. does not appear immediately, but gradually, as experience points are gained ( XP points).

The standard classes include:

  • Stormtrooper (Assault) - M16A4 assault rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher;
  • Saboteur (Spec Ops) - submachine gun MP5, explosives C-4;
  • Heavy (Machinegunner) - machine gun M249 SAW, 3 noise grenades;
  • Demoman (Demolisher) - Winchester 1200 shotgun, RPG-7;
  • Sniper (Sniper) - sniper rifle M40A3, 3 flash grenades.

Character development system and game statistics

A character for multiplayer mode is created on a computer connected to the Internet, but does not have a hard link to a GUID. There are five classes created by the developers and five options with variable weapons and equipment to choose from. The development system assumes advancement from the 1st to the 55th level. On the first, only the first three classes created by the developers are available. After receiving the first levels, two more standard classes are opened, and starting from the fourth level, it becomes possible to create your own class. When playing on a server with a professional game mod (for example, PAM4 or ProMod), there is no class system and character development. The player immediately has access to the entire arsenal of weapons (with the exception of samples that were removed by the creators of the mod).

System of awards and rewards

Character rewards and incentives are displayed in separate lists in several categories. Rewards are given for various actions on the battlefield; rewards are issued for participating in the game and winning the player's team in rounds and on the map and allow you to grow faster in ranks, gaining access to perks and new types of weapons. For the effective use of a specific weapon model, opportunities for its modernization are provided: for the total number of kills, "weapon modules" become available, and for a certain number of kills in the head, bonus types of camouflage paint are unlocked. Upon reaching the highest level of possession of any class of weapons, the player gains access to the "golden" weapon of the corresponding class.

Air support

An active role in the gameplay is the ability to use air support. So, making three kills in a row without your own death allows you to call an unmanned reconnaissance, which for 30 seconds displays the location of opponents on the radar, five kills in a row - "air strike", a series of seven kills - a helicopter. Only one air strike can be delivered at a time and only one helicopter can be on the map.


The system of perks, or personal characteristics, is no less influential on the gameplay. Access to perks opens gradually upon reaching the corresponding level-rank. All perks are divided into three groups - "blue", "red" and "green", when creating your own class, you can choose one perk from each group.

  • Blue group perks - are responsible for weapons. Not available when using some weapon modules.
  • Perks of the red group - modify the attacking or defensive abilities of the player.
  • Perks green group- change the physical capabilities of the fighter. The same group includes the "Last Shot" and "Martyr" perks, which make it possible to "reach" the enemy with a pistol or a grenade upon death.

When playing on a server with specialized "professional" mods (PAM4 or ProMod), along with other restrictions, the player is assigned by default the perks "Bandolier" and "Enhanced Shot", which cannot be removed, and the third perk (of the "green" group) is usually turns off.

Internet competitions

Rapidly gaining popularity with internet players, the game has attracted many teams to compete in semi-pro and pro cyber competitions. For the game, specialized mods are usually used, for example PAM4, ProMod, ProMod Live. RCGL and ClanBase host regular CoD4 competitions in several dozen nominations, the most popular formats being Search & Destroy duel, 2x2, 3x3 and 5x5. There are already many professional CoD4 teams competing in various world tournaments. Among the most popular are Swedish fnatic .MSI, Power Gaming, Team Dignitas. Among the most popular Russian teams are Team EMPIRE, ROX.KIS, as well as regular championships based on ProMod Live mods. Regular Russian PROCOD, EXPLOSIVE CUP, BEFIRST SERIES are popular in the CIS. In addition, CoD4 competitions are included in the ASUS Open.

Reviews and reviews

Foreign publications
Edition Grade
Eurogamer 9/10
Game Informer 10/10
GameSpot 9/10
GameTrailers 9.4/10
IGN 9.4/10
Official Xbox Magazine 10/10
Russian editions
Edition Grade
Absolute Games 78 %
gambling addiction 9.5 out of 10
Country of Games 8.5 out of 10
Rating based on multiple reviews
Aggregator Rating
Game rankings 94.1% Xbox 360
93.2% PC
Metacritic 94% Xbox 360, PS3
92% PC
GameCritics: Best Action Game
GameSpot: Better graphics, the best shooter, Best game on Xbox 360, best game on PlayStation 3
GameTrailers: Best graphics, best PS3 game
GamePro: Best Game of the Year
IGN: Best Xbox 360 Game best shooter 2007
GameSpy: Best PS3 Game the best game on Xbox 360, best PC game, game of the year
X-Play: Best shooter game Best Music Design
Spike Video Game Awards: Best shooter game best war game
Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences: action game of the year, console game of the year, Overall Game of the Year

Dynamic plot single player and developed multiplayer brought the game high popularity. So, representatives of several Russian Internet sites considered that the game promotes Russophobia and, in particular, they were going to send a petition to Activision with a request to release a patch that removes obscene language from the game in Russian. After the release of the game, videos appeared on the Internet, allegedly showing reviews of the game of Vladimir Putin and Fidel Castro, but there were no official responses to these "jokes".

Notes (edit)

  1. Stephany nunneley Games on Demand gets CoD4, BF2, Battlestations: Midway. VG247 (May 25, 2010). Archived from the original on February 26, 2012. Retrieved May 25, 2010.
  2. There is also an extended version of this mission, but a truncated version was included in the final version of the game.
  3. In early versions of the game, it was sometimes possible to simultaneously call two airstrikes.
  4. ClanBase - CoD4 Search & Destroy rules
  5. List of CoD4 Competitions on Clanbase
  6. Call of Duty 4 Team
  7. Suspended Domain
  8. Reed, Kristan Call Of Duty 4 review. EuroGamer. Archived from the original on February 26, 2012. Retrieved July 27, 2009.
  9. Biessener, Adam... Game Informer. (unavailable link - history) Retrieved March 17, 2008.
  10. Moses, Travis Review: Call of Duty 4: The Best Shooter of 2007. GamePro (November 6, 2007). Archived
  11. Gerstmann, Jeff Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. GameSpot... CNET Networks, Inc (November 5, 2007). Archived from the original on February 26, 2012. Retrieved March 17, 2008.

(also known as Call of duty 4 or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare) is a multi-platform computer game, first-person shooter developed by the American company Infinity Ward and published by Activision. The game is fourth in Call series of Duty and the first in the Modern Warfare sub-series, the project was officially announced on May 26, 2007.

The game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was released on November 5, 2007 on three target platforms: PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and later on Mac, Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii platforms. On November 12, 2007, the game became available for purchase through the Steam Internet service.

It was this game that became a turning point in the legendary Call of Duty series. If the action of three previous parts happened during the Second World War, then ...

The plot of the game is connected with modern military operations, the single player campaign gives the player the opportunity to play for some fighters of the special services of the United States and Great Britain and regular units. The game takes place in Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and the Middle East.

In the first 24 hours of sales, about 600,000 copies of the game were sold. In total, over 10 million copies of the game have been sold around the world. The game has become one of the best in the Call of Duty series.

Also on May 25, 2010, the game became available for purchase in Xbox system Live, which allowed those interested in purchasing this game not to buy it on disk, but, having paid, download it to their console.


A Russian ultranationalist named Imran Zakhaev dreams of seizing power in Russia and annexing new territories to it. Zakhayev knows the US will never let this happen, so he is funding a coup in the Middle East orchestrated by his ally Khaled al-Assad to divert the world's attention from Russia. While the war is going on in the Middle East, Zakhaev starts a civil war in Russia with the aim of seizing power. Nonetheless, US and British intelligence is revealing Zakhaev's plans and sending troops to both regions. The game begins at the Credenhill military base in the UK, where the soldiers of Captain John Price's squad, joined by a newcomer, namely John "Sope" McTavish, are preparing for a landing operation.

The story is told on behalf of SAS operatives of the UK SAS Sergeant "Soup" McTavish and Captain (in two missions - Lieutenant) Price, an unnamed operator of the AC-130 Specter bomber and an unknown soldier OTG-141 (in the epilogue), US Marine Sergeant Paul Jackson and the President unnamed Middle Eastern state Yasser al-Fulani.

On November 12, 2007, the game became available for purchase through the Steam Internet service.

The plot of the game is connected with modern military operations, the single player campaign gives the player the opportunity to play for some soldiers of the special services of the United States and Great Britain and regular units. The game takes place in Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and the Middle East.

In the first 24 hours of sales, about 600,000 copies of the game were sold. In total, over 10 million copies of the game have been sold around the world.



Then the action is postponed 15 years back (winter 1996). SAS operatives Lieutenant Price and Captain McMillan infiltrate Pripyat, bypassing terrorist patrols, and take up a position on the top floor of the Polesye Hotel (Ukrainian Polissya). Terrorists, with the support of corrupt officials, are planning to remove fuel rods from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to create nuclear weapons. The task of the SAS fighters is to kill the leader of the terrorists, Imran Zakhaev, who will participate in the meeting of the terrorists near the hotel three days after the arrival of the operatives (can be counted in the loading video). At the decisive moment, Price fires a shot at Zakhaev, but the bullet, having changed direction, hits Zakhaev in the arm, tearing it off. The SAS fighters have to flee from pursuit, during which Price shoots down a helicopter, but the crashed helicopter wounds McMillan with its blades, and because of this, Price will drag the captain almost all the way to the Ferris wheel. In the end, the heroes are picked up by a SAS helicopter, and they manage to leave Pripyat.

Then the action returns again in 2011. Price's squad maintains a position in the village where Khaled al-Assad was hiding, being attacked by overwhelming ultranationalist forces. But a helicopter arrives in time and picks them up, and the squad manages to escape.

Now, when it became known that Zakhaev survived and was involved in the events taking place, Price's detachment is tasked with finding him and eliminating him. To do this, they must capture his son Viktor, the leader of the ultranationalists in southern Russia. However, when his convoy is attacked by the SAS with the support of the US Marine Corps and Loyalists, Victor tries to hide. SAS fighters and marines pursue him while suppressing the militant attacks. In the end, he ends up in a dead end on the roof of the house, and Price's squad overtakes him. However, in order not to be captured, Victor shoots himself in the head, having previously uttered the phrase: "You will soon die anyway ..."


After the death of his son, Zakhaev issues an ultimatum to the West. If Western troops do not immediately leave Russian territory, Zakhaev will strike at the United States with nuclear weapons. US troops and SAS find out that Imran Zakhayev is at a base in Altai, where nuclear warheads are also stored, which the leader of the separatists threatens. They decide to go to Altai and capture this base, taking control of nuclear missiles. During the landing in Altai, the parachute of the American soldier, Staff Sergeant Griggs, is carried away from the detachment and taken prisoner by the militants. Price and the squad free him and advance to the base, destroying all patrols in their path. But, when the detachments have already practically penetrated the base, the ultranationalists are launching nuclear missiles towards the United States. The time until they reach America is very short, besides, the flight path of the missiles passes north of Europe, far from missile defense systems, and, in any case, there is no way to shoot them down. SAS fighters and American soldiers attack the ultranationalist base. When the Americans manage to infiltrate the control center, Price tells Soup: Sope enter the codes, we will delay their reinforcements. Sope, having entered the cancel codes, destroys missiles in the air. Seeking revenge on the Americans and British for the death of his son, Imran Zakhaev throws all the remaining soldiers into the attack on the Americans and British. The detachments seize UAZ vehicles and try to get away from the Russian ultranationalist detachment pursuing them and get to the point of evacuation. But the bridge over which the UAZs were supposed to pass is blown up by a Mi-24 helicopter, and there is no longer any possibility to cross it.

The detachments of Price and Griggs are trapped: on the crumbling bridge, they are trying to hide from the attacking troops behind the fallen cars. At this moment, a damaged fuel tanker explodes next to them. Soup regains consciousness and sees that most of the soldiers of his squad are dead, and Griggs, firing back, tries to drag McTavish away from the burning cars, but dies from a head wound. At this moment, Zakhaev himself appears, accompanied by two terrorists. They enter the bridge and kill the surviving SAS fighters and marines, while Zakhaev himself finishes Gus with a shot in the head. Suddenly, the Mi-28N helicopters of Komarov's loyalists fly up and save Price and Soup from death, distracting the attention of Zakhaev and his people, who open fire on the helicopters. At this moment, Price, lying at a distance from Soup McTavish, throws his pistol at McTavish, and McTavish kills Zakhaev and his guards. Komarov rescues Soup and a helicopter takes him to the hospital. The last thing Sope sees before losing consciousness is that Price lies motionless, and a loyalist medic gives him an indirect cardiac massage. After several taps on the chest, the soldier swings Price several times with his fist in the chest, which looks rather strange. However, this technique belongs to first aid in cardiac arrest (see precordial stroke), although it is not highly reliable.

In the epilogue (after the credits), SAS fighters, whose identities are not specified, save an important person from the hands of terrorists on board the plane. One of them straps the rescued hostage to himself, and then they leave the plane, jumping with parachutes, while the plane, in which there was a bomb near the corpse of one of the dead passengers, explodes in the air.


Name The main character date A place Target
Rookie Soup McTavish June 20, 2011 Great Britain, Credenhill Take an initial training course.
Ship Soup McTavish June 21, 2011, 01:23 Bering Strait Storm the ship and find a nuclear bomb
Coup Yasir al-Fulani June 21, 2011 Saudi Arabia Observe the progress of the coup in the country.
Act I
Full eclipse Soup McTavish June 22, 2011, 01:31 Russia, Caucasus Meet with Russian loyalists. Provide support to Russian soldiers. Find and save Nikolai.
Charlie don't surf Paul Jackson June 22, 2011, 13:45 Saudi Arabia Find al-Assad.
Swamp Paul Jackson June 23, 2011, 05:00 Saudi Arabia Make your way through the line of fire to find the Abrams tank stuck in the swamp. Defend the tank from attacking militants, destroy the anti-aircraft gun, install a beacon for helicopters.
The pursuit Soup McTavish June 22, 2011, 03:02 Western Russia Leave the shot down helicopter and get away from the patrols.
God's punishment Operator AC-130 June 22, 2011, 04:20 Western Russia Provide cover for Captain Price and SAS unit with AC-130.
Boar Paul Jackson June 23, 2011, 16:30 Saudi Arabia Accompany the Abrams tank.
Shock and Awe Paul Jackson June 23, 2011, 18:00 Iraq Destroy the last troops of al-Assad in the capital and evacuate.
Effects Paul Jackson June 23, 2011 Iraq Observe the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.
Act II
Conspiratory apartment Soup McTavish June 24, 2011, 02:00 North Azerbaijan Find and kill al-Assad.
All in camouflage Lieutenant Price Winter 1996, 16:45 Ukraine, Pripyat Get to Pripyat and take a sniper position on the top floor of the hotel.
One shot kill Lieutenant Price Winter 1996, 13:40 Ukraine, Pripyat Kill Zakhaev and evacuate from Pripyat.
Heat Soup McTavish June 24, 2011, 09:40 North Azerbaijan Defend while awaiting evacuation.
The sins of the fathers Soup McTavish June 25, 2011, 06:34 Southern Russia Catch Zakhaev's son.
Ultimatum Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 06:19 Russia, Altai Find Staff Sergeant Griggs, interrupt the launcher's power.
Everything is in place Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 07:16 Russia, Altai Get into the launch shaft.
At the command post Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 07:35 Russia, Altai Find the control center, cancel the missile launch and escape in enemy vehicles.
The game is over Soup McTavish June 26, 2011, 08:25 Russia, Altai Survive, kill Zakhaev.
Above the clouds SAS fighter June 29, 2011, 16:55 Passenger plane Rescue an important person (V.I.P.) and evacuate the plane, thereby destroying it.

Characters (edit)



Minor characters

  • Yasir al-Fulani(†) - President of an unnamed Arab country. Executed by Khaled al-Assad.
  • Lieutenant Vaskez(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. Sgt. Jackson's platoon leader. Killed by a nuclear explosion.
  • Staff Sergeant Griggs(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. He was held captive by the ultranationalists. Killed late in the game while protecting an injured Sope.
  • Gus(†?) - Captain Price's right-hand man and friend of Sope McTavish. The very first character in the entire Modern Warfare that the protagonist sees. He was the most playful in the Bravo 6 detachment. At the end of the game, he was killed by Zakhaev with a pistol shot. Although Sope's diary states that Gus survived and was treated in a Russian hospital, just like Sope. After reading these notes, the fate of Gus remains unknown, but it is possible that Gus managed to dodge and received a non-fatal wound to the head.
  • Captain McMillan- sniper of the 22nd SAS regiment. In 1996, together with Lieutenant Price, he carried out the task of eliminating Imran Zakhaev in Pripyat. The task was considered completed, and McMillan received a serious leg injury while retreating, but Price dragged him into the evacuation zone on himself. It was believed that McMillan died, but his appearance in Modern warfare 3 says that he was alive all this time and worked in an office position.
  • Nikolay(codename) - British intelligence service informant in Russia. He was captured by Russian separatists and freed by the Bravo 6 squad. He also participates in the events of the plot Modern warfare 2 and Modern warfare 3.
  • Sergeant Komarov- Commander of the Russian special forces of loyalists. Participates also in the events of the plot of the events of the game Modern warfare 3.
  • Lieutenant Volcker(†) - Crew member of the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter. Crew Commander. He flew out of it during the push from the wave of a nuclear explosion, and died.
  • Captain Pelayo(†) - the first pilot of the downed AH-1 Cobra helicopter. After the fall of her helicopter, she was dragged by Jackson into his helicopter. She died after a nuclear explosion.
  • Keating(†) - co-pilot of the AH-1 "Cobra" helicopter. Killed during his fall.
  • Senior Warrant Officer 4th Class Smith
  • Sergeant Scully- American sniper (mission "Ultimatum").
  • Private Roisevich(† - player dependent) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. At the discretion of the player, dies.
  • Private Massey(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. Dies in Charlie Can't Surf.
  • Private West(†) - 1st US Marine Corps Force Recon Company. A US Marine Corps soldier on mission Swamp. Received the order to destroy enemy tanks with the Javelin, but was wounded and killed.
  • Overlord is the codename for US Central Command. Was a spotter for the US Marine Corps during the invasion of the Middle East. Participates also in the events of the plot Modern warfare 2 and Modern warfare 3.
  • Poppy(†) Killed by mortar explosion, also appears sporadically in the first mission.
  • Sergeant Arem- SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Heat".
  • Sergeant Burton- SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Heat".
  • Private Lutz- SAS soldier. Works on a computer at the training ground.
  • Sergeant Walcroft Modern warfare 3.
  • Private Griffin- SAS serviceman (mission "Ship"). Participates also in the events of the plot Modern warfare 3.
  • Sergeant Lovejoy- SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Recruit".
  • Private Paulsen(†) - SAS soldier. Appears in the mission "Pursuit". Killed.
  • Victor(†) is an ultranationalist. Appears in the mission "Total Eclipse". Killed.
  • Sasha(†) is an ultranationalist. Appears in the mission "Total Eclipse". Killed
  • Yura(†) is an ultranationalist. Appears in the Ultimatum mission. Killed.
  • Farmer(† - depends on the player) - civilian. Appears in the mission "Pursuit". At the discretion of the player, dies.

Arcade mode

After completing the game, the "arcade mode" becomes available. The player is given a certain number of "lives" after losing last game ends. It is possible as a complete passage of the game in "arcade mode", and selective (single missions) at the request of the player. For each successful hit to the enemy, points are awarded, the record (maximum) score scored by the player is shown in the menu.

Multiplayer game

Network modes

  • Free play (Free for all). Everyone plays for himself, getting points for killing opponents. For a frag, 5 points are awarded, for a frag using the "Last Shot" or "Martyr" perks - 10 points.
  • Team fight (Team Deathmatch). The task is to destroy the members of the other team. For a frag, 10 points are awarded, for wounding an enemy finished off by another team member - 2 points.
  • Championship (Domination). The task is to capture the flags placed on the map and hold them.
  • Headquarters (Headquarters). The task is to capture and hold (repelling from the enemy) headquarters that appear in different places on the map.

The game in the above modes continues until either side reaches the points limit or until the time expires (in this case, the side with the most points wins).

  • Sabotage (Sabotage). It is necessary to place a bomb (one for two teams) on an enemy object and not let it be defused before the timer expires.
  • Find and destroy (Search & Destroy). The task of the attacking side is to plant a bomb on one of the two objects and prevent it from being defused before the timer expires. The task of the defending side is to prevent the installation of the bomb or to defuse it, if it is installed. Both sides can also win the round by eliminating all the players on the opposing team. Respawn in this mode, unlike all others, occurs only at the beginning of the round. The parties switch roles one or more times.

In these modes, the game continues until one of the teams wins the specified number of rounds.

Weapons and class system

Weapons in multiplayer mode are divided into primary and secondary. The main one includes five types and determines the class of the character (sets the appearance and characteristics such as sprint range, general mobility). The secondary ones include pistols, grenade launchers, explosives, mines and grenades.

Player Classes

The game has 5 standard classes and 5 custom ones (giving a choice of weapons, accessories and perks). Access to classes, the ability to edit them, as well as access to various types of weapons, perks, etc. does not appear immediately, but gradually, as you gain experience points ( XP points).

The standard classes include:

  • Stormtrooper (Assault) - M16A4 assault rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher, M-9 pistol, frag grenade, noise grenade;
  • Saboteur (Spec Ops) - MP5 submachine gun, USP 0.45 pistol with a silencer, explosives, frag grenade, flash grenade;
  • Heavy (Machinegunner) - M249 SAW machine gun, USP 0.45 pistol, fragmentation grenade, 3 noise grenades;
  • Demoman (Demolisher) - Winchester 1200 shotgun, M-9 pistol, RPG-7, fragmentation grenade, smoke grenade;
  • Sniper (Sniper) - M40A3 sniper rifle, M-9 pistol with a silencer, fragmentation grenade, 3 flash grenades.

Character development system and game statistics

A character for multiplayer mode is created on a computer connected to the Internet, but does not have a hard link to a GUID. There are five classes created by the developers and five options with variable weapons and equipment to choose from. The development system assumes advancement from the 1st to the 55th level. On the first, only the first three classes created by the developers are available. After receiving the first levels, two more standard classes are opened, and starting from the fourth level, it becomes possible to create your own class. When playing on a server with a professional game mod (for example, PAM4 or ProMod), there is no class system and character development. The player immediately has access to the entire arsenal of weapons (with the exception of samples that were removed by the creators of the mod).

System of awards and rewards

Character rewards and incentives are displayed in separate lists in several categories. Rewards are given for various actions on the battlefield; rewards are issued for participating in the game and winning the player's team in rounds and on the map and allow you to grow faster in ranks, gaining access to perks and new types of weapons. For the effective use of a specific weapon model, opportunities for its modernization are provided: for the total number of kills, "weapon modules" become available, and for a certain number of kills in the head, bonus types of camouflage paint are unlocked. Upon reaching the highest level of possession of any class of weapons, the player gains access to the "golden" weapon of the corresponding class.

Air support

The ability to use aviation support plays an active role in the gameplay. So, making three kills in a row without your own death allows you to call an unmanned reconnaissance, which for 30 seconds displays the location of opponents on the radar, five kills in a row - "air strike", a series of seven kills - a helicopter. Only one air strike can be delivered at a time and only one helicopter can be on the map. The ability to call aviation remains even after death.


The system of perks, or personal characteristics, is no less influential on the gameplay. Access to perks opens gradually upon reaching the corresponding level-rank. All perks are divided into three groups - "blue", "red" and "green", when creating your own class, you can choose one perk from each group.

  • Blue group perks - are responsible for weapons. Not available when using some weapon modules.
  • Perks of the red group - modify the attacking or defensive abilities of the player.
  • Green group perks - change the physical capabilities of the fighter. The same group includes the "Last Shot" and "Martyr" perks, which make it possible to "reach" the enemy with a pistol or a grenade upon death.

When playing on a server with specialized "professional" mods (PAM4 or ProMod), along with other restrictions, the player is assigned by default the perks "Bandolier" and "Enhanced Shot", which cannot be removed, and the third perk (of the "green" group) is usually turns off.

Internet competitions

Rapidly gaining popularity with internet players, the game has attracted many teams to compete in semi-pro and pro cyber competitions. For the game, specialized mods are usually used, for example PAM4, ProMod, ProMod Live. RCGL and ClanBase host regular CoD4 competitions in several dozen nominations, the most popular formats being Search & Destroy duel, 2x2, 3x3 and 5x5. There are already many professional CoD4 teams competing in various world tournaments. Among the most popular are Swedish fnatic .MSI, Power Gaming, Team Dignitas. Among the most popular Russian teams are Team EMPIRE, ROX.KIS, as well as regular championships based on ProMod Live mods. Regular Russian PROCOD,, BEFIRST SERIES are popular in the CIS. In addition, CoD4 competitions are included in the ASUS Open.

Development of

Call of duty 4 was developed by a team of one hundred people over the course of two years. After Call of duty 2 the Infinity Ward team decided to move away from the WW2 setting used in previous games in the series. This led to three game concepts, eventually embodied in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and its subsequent sequels: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

When writing the plot, the developers tried to avoid references to the wars that actually took place (including in the modern period), keeping within the framework of the general theme of confrontation between two equal sides. To provide a more realistic tone for the game, the developers attended an exercise at the Tuentine Palms military base; the effects of being near the Abrams tank when firing the latter were reproduced in the game based on these visits. Also, the developers communicated with the combatants from among the Marines in order to convey the sensations and emotions on the battlefield as closely as possible within the game reality. Veterans were also invited to record mockups and develop AI.


Music to Modern warfare mostly written by a British composer Stephen Barton previously collaborated with Harry Gregson-Williams; the latter was the author of the main musical theme of the game. Several tracks from the game are available on the website "7 days Modern warfare"(Eng. 7 Days of Modern Warfare) created by Infinity Ward; some of the tracks are available for listening on Barton's personal site. The closing composition, played during the credits of the game, is accompanied by a recitative performed by the lead animator of the game, Mark Grigsby.

Reviews and reviews

Rating based on multiple reviews
GameRankings94.1% Xbox 360
93.2% PC
Metacritic94% Xbox 360, PS3
92% PC
Foreign language editions
Game Informer10/10
Russian editions
Absolute Games78%
gambling addiction9.5 out of 10
Country of Games8.5 out of 10
GameCritics: Best Action Game
GameSpot: Best graphics, best shooter, the best game on Xbox 360, best game on PlayStation 3
GameTrailers: Best graphics, best PS3 game
GamePro: Best Game of the Year
IGN: Best Xbox 360 Game best shooter 2007
GameSpy: Best PS3 Game the best game on Xbox 360, best PC game, game of the year
X-Play: Best shooter game Best Music Design
Spike Video Game Awards: Best shooter game best war game
Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences: action game of the year, console game of the year,