Ancient Russia Map of the 15th century. The former boundaries of our state. And what if you print the card and hang it on the wall

What do you show cards? EVERYTHING european maps in the world (except a few) to 1390 are so-called cards type T-odepicting only the Mediterranean adjacent to the territory to it and, in part, the Black Sea region. What was further than these territories, at that time was not known. And so, despite the fact that allegedly from the middle of the XIII century many travelers and servants of the Catholic Church of different ranks run between Europe and the capital of China Hanbalyc! Only from the beginning of the XV century on the maps there are lands of Eastern Caspian Sea.

I will be asked: what about, for example, the famous maps of the Pizigano brothers and the Catalan Atlas of 1375? However, that's what Leo Baghrov writes in his encyclopedic book "History of cartography" three cards Peace 1442-1453 Venice Giovanni Learddo: "Three available cards are similar to the outlines, but in later more geographical names, noticeable development and in other details. The latter is almost indistinguishable from a typical Catalan card, at least regarding the name of individual places. Total network of rivers, lakes, mountains, etc. Also borrowed from Catalan cards. For this reason, the map of Learddo years behind 80-100 lags behind their time and are treated together with Daruto cards, Pizigano, and Catalan Atlas 1375. " . I translate the foregoing in Russian: Cards Daluto, Pizigano and Catalan Atlas of 1375 are drawn in the technique and manner of the 20s - 50s of the XV century, but for some unknown reasons are dated 80-100 years earlier.

Figure 1. Catalan Atlas of the world 1375

On many maps there are no dates at all, and they are dated about. Here's another quote from Bagrova, this time about the map Albertina de Virga: "As follows from the signature on the map, its author was a native of Venice, but we don't know anything about it. The last figure of the [year of manufacture] is left only 141- ; It is believed that the lack of the figure is from 1 to 5, so that the card is dated 1411-1415, although the Easter dates table begins with 1301. If you compare this card with a world map in the Atlace of Medici, you can see their close similarity; There is a suggestion that the Atlas of Medici should be attributed to the beginning of the XV century, and not the date (1351), from which his calendar begins. "

Fig.2 Map de Virga.

That's how the cards date.

I also note that a well-dated Freducci D card "ANCONE 1497 Well, just a pouring copy of the Catalan Atlas. Seeing it for the first time, I generally confused them. You can unmistakably say that this card is not released by the same master, then 100% Made in one workshop after a short period of time. The only difference between it and the Catalan Atlas - on the Freducci map there are no territories to the east of the Caspian Sea, and the flags and contours of the main cities depicted on the maps and contours - others. That is quite natural. Passed a short time, the city went out (or They fell into decay) and changed belonging (or changed heraldry).

Yes, and the dating of the Catalan Atlas 1375, by and large, contradicts the traditional version of the story and common sense. Janibek Han is drawn in the atlas (with the appropriate inscription that it is). His reign time - 1342-1357 years. But if the Atlas appeared only 20 years after his death, then why not later? I would not be much surprised if the real date of the Catalan Atlas edition was 1475 (about this below).

Fig. 3 Janibek Khan

And one more remark.

Viewing the XV-XVI centuries maps allows you to make a unambiguous conclusion: at that time, the climate was significantly different from the current one. On the maps, we see things absolutely unthinkable from our point of view. Greenlandless Ice, there are many cities and settlements in it. But now without steam heating in Greenland, it is impossible to live. The whole Arabian peninsula is dressed in a thick network of rivers. Full-water rivers in Sahara. Many maps depicts the coastal trait of Antarctica (open in 1820 FF Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev), there are already Australia with settlements (open in the XVII century). On the famous ORONTEUS cards, the figure 1531 and 1532 shows in detail Antarctica without ice, with mountain ridges, is now hidden under the kilometer layer of ice. On the XV century cards in Siberia, we see the most densely populated at that time the city of the planet. Judging by the cards, in the period of the 60-80s of the XV century on Earth there was some event, as a result of which the Earth Lick has changed unrecognizable.

Fig. 4 map of Oronteus Fin

The famous map of Fra Mauro 1459, it seems, was the last one by the time card reflecting reality to these changes. It is on it that in central and northern Siberia are accurately depicted. big cities Of that time - the capital of Katya and the Great Khan city of Hanbalyk (supposedly now Beijing), the city of Quancu (Kansai among Marco Polo, Heavenly City) and others. However, this card is drawn as plansifer - peace-circle. And the farther from the center of this circle more distortionThe harder it is to determine where these cities actually were. And it is even quite possible that the Siberian rivers then had other channels (about this below). And yet, with complete confidence, it can be said that the capital of Katya was then located somewhere in the middle course of Ob. Possible location of the city - from Surgut to Biysk.

Fig.5 map of Fra Mauro 1459

So, Fra Mauro 1459 - last map.. After its appearance, the following metamorphosis occurs: Hanbalyk, apparently, disappears physically, and on the maps he gradually moves from the area of \u200b\u200bOb to the East. By the middle of the XVI century on the Mercator maps, this city is generally split, one remains on Obi, the other under a slightly modified name turns out to be in the Far East in approximately around the Okhotsk area. The names of the countries are splitting and the names: Kitai remains on Obi, and Cathay leaves in Yakutia and the Chukotka, Caucarum, is also transferred to the polar circle. And this despite the fact that Beijing on the maps is also there and, of course, is located at its current place. Obviously, cartographers have a kind of knowledge about the location of the disappeared capital somewhere in the Ob region, but as Siberia is conquered by Muscovy, with the promotion of it east, since everything "did not meet", and he seems to be, cartographers They were forced to draw him together with the river, on which he was located, everything is east and east, on the territories unexplored at that time. Until the very beginning of the XVII century, and the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying the legendary Katata, the country of the Great Khan, described by Marco Polo and other travelers, and Hanbalyk with Beijing, is not coming to anyone. On all maps until the middle of the XV century is different countriesseparated by many thousand kilometers.

Fig. 6 Athanasius Nikitin

By the way and Atanasius Nikitin wrote in his notes in the middle of the 15th century: "... And from the singer to Chini, yes to the mother's month, it is all that is walking. And from Chini to the priest, Itati dry 6 a month." Six months cavanged path! And so it was thought to 1607, when Benedict GOES comes from Kashmir to Western China. Then, apparently the Jesuits, actually managed by the rank, comes ingenious thought, I will not be afraid of this word, brazenly appropriate to the rank, by and large, wildly, even before the beginning of the 20th century, the country, history and achievement of the great state, which gradually disappeared from maps.

Notes Marco Polo, telling about, supposedly, the 90s of the XIII century, for the first time appear in Europe in German in 1477. They talk about Khan Hubila, the last Mongolian Khan in China. And this is the time of the appearance of notes (the 50-70s of the XV century) is likely to be a true time of Kubila's reign.

Fig. 7 Khubilay takes the gifts of Venetians. Illustration to the "book" Marco Polo. Master from Beadico. About 1412.

We read Ibn Fadlallah Al-Omari: "He says 20 days of ordinary walk. For akikul, he said [follow] Siberia and Ibir, then behind them the land of Chulman. When the traveler rides from Chulaman to the east, then he It comes to the city of Karakorum, and then in the land of the Hatae, in which the Great Kan. It [one] from the Land of Chinese. When the traveler, he said, goes to the West from him [Chulaman], then he comes to the land of the Russians, then to the country Franks and to the inhabitants of the Western Sea. Currently, I say, Kana-Khanbalyk location. Siberian and Chulamansky countries continued, they continue to the Bashkard ... The length of his [Kipchak] from the waters of Irtysh - he is more of the Nile of Egypt and flows for the most part of the lands Khatatai - to Istanbul, and this length comes down further to the country, called immediate. Country Nezhda, he said, lies in the middle between the lands of Russian and francs. The merchants of our countries, spoke Noman, do not climb on the city of Bulgar; the merchants Bulgarian They give to Chulman, and the merchants of Chulmansky ride to the Ugra Land, which are on the outskirts of the North. "

Let me remind you that Cuulman earlier in the Turkic language was called the Kama River from his origins to the white river in her. So everything is correct - the Karakorum is located east of the kama, and even to the east he is already located Katay.

In the Tatar folk epic "Idegay" there are words belonging to Janik, the wife of Tokhtamysh:

Four parts - Did you understand, my khan?

Irtysh, Yaik, Idilla, Chulman

Four parts will cut the edge.

It describes the boundaries of the land of Tokhtamysh at the time - the River Irtysh, Ural, Volga and Kama.

On the map N. Vitsen - S. Loputsky, 1674, China is called Ob Rivers and Yenisei, and the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kara Sea is named by the Chinese Sea. The striving of the British becomes clear in the XVI century to China through Ob: "... Swimming in China northeastern aisle is very convenient and easy ... for the island of Vaigach and New Earth is a big bay ... in which big rivers are poured , Koi should be irrigated by the whole of China ... You can penetrate the big courts in the country's deepests. " This statement belongs to the greatest cartographer Middle Ages Gerard Mercator.

Fig. 9 Map Vitsen

Bayei in his 23rd letter Wolter wrote: "Tatars say that once their ancestors floating on the lake Kytai, where the river bought his beginning, they saw the majestic buildings, partly flooded." According to the archaic tales of Khanty (in the past known as the Ostyakov) and Nenets (in the past of Samoyedov), in the places of their settlement on the shores of the middle flow of Ob and Irtysh in antiquity there were cities covered with copper dome-shaped roofs.

Fig. 10

In different languages, Hanbalyk was called differently: Canbaluk, Kabaleut, Gambalu, Canbalu, Cambalut, Garibalu, Kam-Bakluk, Cambaluk, Shambli. In Russian - Shambala. For several centuries, various mystics are unsuccessfully looking for this city in Tibet, rank and Mongolia.

They are looking for not where you can find. The Portuguese Missionary Jesuit Jacques Cabral in 1625 wrote: "Shambala is not China, but the fact that on our cards is noted as a big tartarium." Among the persistent seekers, Shambhala and the famous our traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888). He adhered to the northern version of the location of Shambhala, bringing it closer, first of all, with a polar country of happiness. "... A very interesting legend concerns Shambhala island, located on the edge of the North Sea," writing Przhevalsky. "There are a lot of gold, and wheat reaches an amazing height. In this country, poverty is unknown; indeed, milk and honey flow in this country."

On the cards of the first half of the XV century, Hanbalyk is in the lower reaches of a very large river, almost on the shore of the Northern Ocean. At the same time, other major cities are located in other rivers (and for the most part on the shores of the Ice Ocean). Fra Mauro Hanbalyk is also in the lower reaches of a very large river, and east of this river there is another very large river (or, more precisely, through one river - the smaller river is located between them) called Quiam - i.e. Hem, who or Ham. The ancient name of Yenisei is "by whom" or "Hem", "Big River" in translation. The origin of this word is erected to the ancient Indian "Kids" - water. Let me remind you that the origins and tributaries of the Yenisei are called Kyzyl-Hem names, Balyktyg-Hem, Ham Sarah, Himmer, Biyhem (Big Yenisei), Ka-Hem (Small Yenisei). Biyhem and Ka-Hem merge and form Ulug-Hem (literally large or great hem).

Fig. 11 Yenisei

On old cards, Katay-China is a territory starting almost from Central Asia and going to the Arctic Ocean. Let's look at the names of Siberian rivers: Katun, Kuyu, Heta (separately by itself, as well as big and small), Kat, Khatanga, Cotuan, Golden China. These hydronicims clearly have a common origin and allow you to unmistakably determine the true location of the legendary Kata-China - this is the territory located on the left and right from the imaginary line conducted from the sources of Ob to Taimyr. It is very and very possible that the peoples of the local ketov (this is self-talent, "ket" - a man; then China - a country of people, populated area?) - It is descendants of Katav-China.

Fig.12 Ket.

The language of this tiny people (about 1084 people according to the 1989 census) is the main mass of which lives in the middle of the Yenisei, and the most of the ketov in the Turukhan region is absolutely unique for these places. He has nothing to do with the languages \u200b\u200bof the surrounding peoples. Structurally and morphologically, it is close to the language of Tibetans, Burmesers, Georgians, Basque and North American Indians. The transport reindeerness of Ketami was borrowed from the Nenets, but part of the people (the group of the Zepers in the lower reaches of the Tunguska) so never perceived it. That is, the originally knights were not reindeer herds, and it seems because of the climate they must have had them to be like all the people around.

Fig. 13 Modern Kets

Remezov's curious message is: "Riding the Chinese embassy through the Siberian cities to Moscow, in which the Mungalian rock was tortured by the main ambassador, as it was in Yeniseisk, such a rumor was false: the ambassadors, as if they asked for governors to bow down in Krasnoyarsk bombing of their ancestors ... ". It turns out that these "mungals" of Yenisei-Krasnoyarsk origin?!

Christopher Columbus in his time sailed in Katay, to the Great Hanu. Andres Bernaldes, - Kapellan of the Great Inquisitor and Archbishop of Seville Diego Dee, the nearest adviser of Queen Isabella, - in his "History of the Catholic Kings" wrote:

"Thus, the admiral [Columbus], following the east and leaving the land of Juans on his right hand, moved into the way, suggesting to beat it, and then go on to see the subject of his desires, but he wanted to find the area and the city of Katay. He claimed that Katay is the possession of the Great Khan and that it is possible to find this country on the side, [where he headed].

This is the richest edge in the world, you can read about Juan de Mandeville and others who have seen this country; Gold and silver there are in the greatest abundance, as well as all metals and silk. But all - residents of Kata - Gentiles and Warlocks, the people of the subtle mind, knowledgeable in all their crafts, and knights. A lot of them are written about a lot of surprise, judging by the story of the noble English Cavaller Juan de Mandeville, who went there, saw the Great Khan and spent some time in his possessions. And who wishes to see all of this, let him read about that in his book, in 85, 87 and 88th chapters, and he will make sure that the city of Katay is very rich and famous and that the whole area is called the same way. And the city of Katata and the Kate region is part of Asia, which lies near the land of Presbyter of John Indian, on the side that prevails in the north and to the north facing. And that is why Admiral searched for her in the north.

So, it took a lot of time to find this country, because the Great Khan in antiquity was the Lord of the Tatar. And the Great Tataria is on the outskirts of Rushi and Bahia, and we can say that the Great Tataro starts from Hungary [Ugra], and that if you look from Andalusia, it will be located in the direction where the sun rises in a month with the longest days in year, and this way (east) usually go to that land the merchants. "

A little remark from me:
I have long worried about the obvious injustice, comprehended great country. We will not even really know her real name. "Great Tartarium" - the name taken from the British Encyclopedia and vintage cards, too echoes the mythical tartar and the small people of Tatars. How did the residents of the greatest country of the world called themselves? For us, this is all the more important, because everything seems to be our direct ancestors. And it's not by chance that in all cultures of all nations of the world, it is customary to read the ancestors and know their history. Our great-great-great-grandfathers, while in the world of Navi, and in modern one, in another dimension of space filled with energy hundreds of orders more than ours, can give our people power only if we know about them the truth and read them . That is, have a connection with them.
And we do not even know the self-calm of the Great Country, and even more so, the foundations of its culture, ideology, principles of life and social structure. This fact deprives our people of energy, the ability to unite, pride, fire in the shower, which helps to win.
A. Pushkarev approached the opening of self-discharge Great Tartaria. Most likely, they called their homeland - Ketai.. It is with the letter "E". Writing titles on the ancient maps will die with mistakes and inaccuracies. In addition, in the past it was common to reduce vowels, or write them differently. Apparently, Kets are the remnants of the mighty people, those who did not want to leave from their homeland, despite the terrible catastrophe, which destroyed the Great Country and the sharp deterioration in the climate. Goths and Gunns, and Scythians, and other numerous peoples. Only kats remained.
It happened not so long ago. Pay attention to the photo (I illustrated the article by Pushkareva) - Mongoloid features are already strong among modern kets. And on the first photo, the beginning of the 20th century, you might think that this is a Russian man. He is very similar to the Pomel or Old Believers, those who, hiding on Siberia's expanses, retained our ancient genetics. But only 60-70 years have passed. How quickly races are mixed!
We took the story, took the memory of the ancestors and even the name of the homeland. With the easy hand of Jesuita Ketai turned into rank, he jumped into 2 thousand km., Gave them his history and achievements. Everyone knows that the Chinese are not capable even for primitive inventions. They are excellent copies, very hardworking, but come up with something new - it is not possible for them. Where is the china, tassels, powder, silk, etc.? AND ancient history Ranks - also a solid fake, like their terracotta figures with the pyramids. I am sure if you rose in Chinese ancient sources, we would find the stories and about Ketai, and about who built the Great Chinese (Ketai) wall and why. But this is the topic for another big article, and even books.
Let's believe your eyes, read what is written, understand correctly, without Shore. And then we will open many truths. Why in Moscow there is China city, why in all languages \u200b\u200bChina - rank, but only we have China and so on.

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And what if you print the map and hang it on the wall?

Many of us in childhood on the wall hung huge wall cards, carefully hung on the stationery buttons. Many hours were spent on painstaking their study. Before the eyes, new countries and cities popped up the magic. Someone learned by heart the capital of the states, someone calculated the distance, and someone just looked for his hometown, trying to learn more about the world around. Now they are no less popular, and even buy wall cards is not a lot of work.

Whether you are going on vacation or want to find a place that you have seen in the news, you just have to go to the wall and find. Returning from vacation, you can with undisguised pleasure by driving a finger on the surface to trace the entire path done. And even carefully note with a pencil, a winding route so that with a chance of an accidental view on a wall-mounted card, unforgettable moments of relaxation flooded. Yes, and modern technologies allow you to make cards much more colorful and more.

Vintage cards

Current wall cards are not comparable to their dull and freter-and-free progenitors. Colorfulness, clarity pattern, extraordinary detail will make them a real treasure of your collection. The coming guests will definitely be delayed by her, and then with envy will be asked where you bought such a charming thing.

To be honest, then from aesthetic point of view, Kati win competition with many designer solutions. Whatever apotheosis has proved to you that such a picture or vase will look good, I assure you, there is nothing more mysterious and interesting than a wall map.

Much in life is changing. There are ups and downs, but that stability, the symbol of which is a wall map always remains deep in the shower. It is worth only once to hang on the wall of the card and you have a whole world in the house, not invented, but real. Our world with you, where today there is an incredibly extensive Russia, drowning in the heat of Africa, expiring Europe's politician, the romantic Caribbean Islands. Yes, you never know on earth of beautiful places, which will easily fit on your wall.

Many centuries have passed since people began to celebrate the symbols on the subjects who could surround report their location. The most simple landmarks are trees, paths, rivers, while everyone was applied to primitive cards. Today is the problem on the usual globe to find your city if its population is less than five hundred thousand people. Cards created by our ancestors lie in museums and talk about the history of the development of cartography. But vintage drawings can tell a lot interesting facts And give the opportunity to solve the secrets of the past.

I doubt that now you can find a model traveler with a handwritten card with the designations that would identify the country's population or people living there. When creating a map today prefers the accuracy and clarity of the boundaries of states, while losing aesthetics.

But along with the fact that the vintage cards are invented, uncomfortable in operation, they are the work of art. Many artists around the world are amazed and inspired by ancient cards and with great pleasure and admiration studying them. In our computerized and internet era, you can find many diverse cards. It is very convenient and fast. Collecting many years of cartographic material, we can provide you today more than two hundred cards, you can download them or print directly from the site in excellent quality and high resolution. This can do anyone, be it edited, historian, treasure detector or just a curious person.

Most people use maps for targeted searches for old objects of our ancestors. Those who believe in the secrets of treasures and treasures can take advantage of ancient cards, and maybe luck will smile. But you need to not forget that the old card can be a beautiful decor in your home. Your guests will certainly be surprised and passionate about such a wall design, thanks to which you can learn a lot about your edge and about the whole world as a whole.

You can also make a gift and tie it with an old map. For example, China's amateur can be given an ancient Chinese map that was copied with the stone colon in 1137. The birthday officer will certainly be delighted and remember a gift for a long time. On our site you will find all the cards you are interested in. Get a lot of pleasure from learning them and experience the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions.

A large renewed selection of vintage high-resolution cards.

I was looking for maps of Russia of the XVII century and the XVIII century. I was so interested the former boundaries of our state that I decided to find the maps of Russia of other centuries. Although, of course, all this was held on history in school, but now, after years, it is perceived somewhat differently. I offer you a slight journey in the borders of the Russian states.

The boundaries of the ancient Russian state in the IX - XI centuries. Ancient Russian state was formed in 862.

The map of ancient Russia in the period of feudal fragmentation in the XII early XIII century, when the ancient Russian lands were tormented on one side of the crossbursions between the princes, and on the other hand, the scape of nomads. They appeared their borders from each principal.

Map of Russia XIV century during the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke, when part of the lands of Northeastern Russia united around the Moscow principality, and part of Western Russian lands entered the Lithuanian principality. But each principality, who joined Moscow, remain their borders.

In the XV-XVI centuries, a single border of the Russian state was again formed.

At the end of the XVI century, the border of the Russian state is moving towards the Caspian Sea and for. In the XVII century, the Pacific Ocean reaches, and in the West Russia returns the land of Kiev Rus.

In the XVIII - XIX centuries, the Russian Empire owns the largest territory in its history. Her borders reached America, the Alaska peninsula was opened by the Russian expedition in 1732 and was the Russian territory until its sale of the United States in 1867 expanded the territory of Russia and south to Central Asia, the Caucasus and Crimea. Also, the border moved to the west to the limits of the ancient Russian state. And on northwespada Russian Empire Finland entered.

On the map of the Russian Empire of the beginning of the 20th century, borders on the islands of the Far East are changing. From 1855 Island, Sakhalin is officially owned by Russia and Japan. In 1875, under the Treaty, Russia handed over Japan Kuril Islands instead of the undivided ownership of Sakhalin Island. And after Russia's defeat in the Russian-Japanese war (1904 - 1905), the southern part of Sakhalin has departed Japan.

XX century, the borders of the USSR, which includes 15 Union republics: RSFSR, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. After World War II, the entire territory of the USSR was included in the USSR. Sakhalin and all the Kuril Islands.

Map of modern Russia. The end of the XX is the beginning of the XXI centuries after the collapse of the USSR every republic itself, all 15 republics became sovereign states with their borders.

So for many centuries changed the boundaries of our state .

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