Full energy guide and energy points. Sharpening and improvement of equipment in Black Desert game Black Dessert How to Enhance Character Power

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Weight limit B. Black Desert. - This is a very important characteristic characteristic that affects how much cargo you can transfer in inventory. Let me remind you that in Black Desert everything has its own weight, even money. You can increase the weight limit in various ways, we will tell you about all of them in this guide.

1. Belt to raise weight limit

The best belts are the rutam belt and the elite belt of Ratam. Each of them increases the base limit of 60LT weight. When sharpening the limit increases by 10LT per level. When sharpening other belts, the weight limit does not increase.

2. Armor

In the game there is a set of Hercules, which for 2 things adds +150 weight limit, and the third thing adds another +50.

3. Pearl store

In the pearl store you can buy objects that increase weight limit by 50, 100 or 150LT. Each of them can be purchased only once for one character. To view products from a pearl store, press F3.

4. Shopping Paks and Power Power

To increase weight limit, you can use trading packs. This method takes a lot of time, but it is very effective and practically does not require investments. First of all, it is necessary to buy objects for trading from a merchant. Go to it, press the R key and select Trade.

You need to be purchased so that the weight of your nosha exceeds the existing limit. To do this, it is recommended to fill in the inventory with heavy objects. If you have not had time to ride the skill of trading, you can buy such items in Velia, Olvia or Haide. After that you will get the opportunity to pump the power parameter when running.

In one level of force, you can increase the limit of weight on 2LT per level. Thus, pumping force, you can increase weight limit on 60 lt.

Answheet (AFK-pumping)

The ability to create cyclic routes of auto budding was added to Korean servers with the last patch. If the reception does not work on your server, refer to the old method described below. In our example there is a horse, however, you can use any transport or move on foot. Open interactive map (M), click the alt key And tick the starting point by clicking the right mouse button. Holding alt, mark additional points Ways. In order to loosen the route, hover over the starting point. When the marks are painted in green color, Press Alt + PCM. Close the map (m) and click T.

If you use this method for pumping transport, remember that the horse can automatically eat carrots to fill the reserves. To do this, put a tick under the health and endurance horse.

Old way (maybe no longer working)

Some guides advise to buy a horse and ride it into the wall, but after the update, this reception does not work anymore. We found another way to pump strength, but for this you will need to change the assignment of hot keys. Change forward on Num8, left on Num4, and acceleration - on Num7 (see Screenshot). Click Apply and OK.

After that, go to your own home or friend's house. Click P to open the profile in advance, because Character will stop if you do it on the run.

Make sure that the numeric keypad works, and then turn it off, while holding the NUM8 key at the same time. Turn on the keyboard again, and then turn it off, while holding the NUM7 key at the same time. Repeat the same for the num4 key.

Remember that this method is not legal, and use it at your own risk.


If you paved the route outside the city, beware of the gangsters, which can wait for you on the roads. Bandits are indicated on the map of the following icon:

On the way from Hidel in Calfon, you can meet as many as two gangs, so we recommend missing AFC routes in secure regions.

Of course, all this takes a lot of time, but other ways to increase weight limit in the game are missing. Having finished pumping, remove objects from the inventory or sell another merchant to increase your trading skill. Remember that the maximum indicators of the strength and skill of trading are equal to 30.

5. Food for raising weight limit

In the game there are several types of food to increase weight limit, which can be created using cooking:

  • Seafood salad with mushrooms (+ 20LT for 30 min)
    Recipe: 1 Seafood + 2 Season + 2 Mushrooms
  • Pasta with meat (+ 40LT for 60 min)
    Recipe: 5 Meat + 2 Garlic + 3 Black Pepper + 4 Dough + 1 White Sauce
  • Honey cookies (+ 50lt, fishing speed +1 by 90 minutes)
    Recipe: 6 Wild Beehive + 4 Dough + 2 Eggs + 4 Milk

6. Premium Account

If you buy and activate the Premium Account, you will get a passive increase in portable weight

Hello everyone. In this guide, I will talk about a relatively easy way to raise the skill "Collection" to the level of "Professional 5". After receiving the level of "Professional 5", you can collect precious metals and stones (guide to collect these resources, see in the next topic). The speed of raising the skill depends on the amount of your energy. Ideally, it should be more than 200 units. (But if less, then nothing terrible). You will also need to pump the skill "Collection" at least to the "Newbie 9" level (otherwise you will not be able to take the necessary repetitive quests for the collection). To the level of "newcomer 9" to pump very easily, just a slam of the trees and picking pickpat, either performing guild quests for the collection. So, let's go.

Quest №1 - [Collection 3] Stones Camellia (Farm Lodge)

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The first quest is taken at Camellia, the Farm Lodge Knot (west of Velia).

The purpose of the quest is to collect 50 coarse stones. Kirk in hand and forward, dig spar! Many spam is just to the west of the farm itself. Running around the district, you can easily collect 50 stones and get the necessary experience. And then the stones can then recycle into a black stone powder with a worker.

Quest №2 - [Collection 3] Emma Trees (Bartelli Farm)

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The second quest is taken from Emma, \u200b\u200bthe Bartelli Farm knot (south of knowledge).

The purpose of the quest is to collect 50 bric. Take the ax streaming and rubbing everything in a row! Trees around are available in excess, so the quest should not take a lot of time.

Quest №3 - [Collective 3] Pork with Delucci Farm (Balochos Forest)

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The third quest is taken from Daphne, the forest of Balohos (south-south-east of Velia).

The purpose of the quest is to collect 50 pieces of the boar meat.)) We take the cleaver more and begin to play a merry butcher, chasing the cables around the district. Babers are found in the forest in the south of the farm, the quest is performed quite quickly.

Quest №4 - [Collection 3] Council Martin (Pinto Plantation)

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The fourth quest is taken from Martina, Pinto Plantation Knot (east of Velia).

The purpose of the quest is to collect 50 units. Blood ferret. Armed with a syringe and run catching fervents. They live near the farm, in the bushes and at the gardens.

Quartz collection points (if you still have energy)

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So, if you still have the energy after quests, that is, two points where you can quickly raise the level of collection. The first point is the Cave of Siruto.

In the cave there is a lot of red quartz, which is well bursting the "Collection" parameter. However, this node is quite popular, so you often beat the situation when some quartz have already collected someone to you. In this case, or change the channel, or come to the night clock. What does quartz look like shown in the screenshot below. It is worth saying that different settings Quartz graphs are displayed differently (I have Max. Graphics). Well, in the cave there are several points of false quartz (when instead of a real point with quartz, the developments simply inserted scenery with crystals).

The second point of collection of quartz - camp Ratam.

You need to run up to the manager of this node. The manager is a high stone wall. Under this wall (as well as on it, on top of it) there are many points of green quartz. Quartz himself looks like this:

Performing all 4 quests and collecting quartz you very quickly raise the collection skill. Good luck!

Today we will reveal some secrets of the game BLACK DESERT ONLINE, namely, how can you increase your energy points. And it is possible to sell gold on the market currency exchange PAY2G.RU. Those who have already started studying amazing world NEWS-GAME will appreciate the GAJD, because energy points can be very profitable to use in the game, and no matter how much they were, there are always little ...

Excess the world of Black Desert - Get Energy Glasses!

Indeed to get additional energy points, it is necessary to pay the time to study gaming Mira Black desert. Especially since this is this you need for passage Quest and performing individual gaming Zadanie. The research system in the game is sufficiently developed. And it is not designed for a tick, but in order to fill virtual Mir real meaning and perfection. Now we will consider in detail how it works.

So, you already realized that there are special energy points in the game. They are needed to perform a number of game tasks:

In order to start a dialogue with the NPS and raise the level of reputation with it;

For cutting trees, gathering plants, stones;

To start a dialogue with Nipami in order to obtain additional knowledge and boughs;

To hire slaves, because each conversation with a mercenary requires 5 energy points.

Starting the game, you have only 10 points. Increasing them we will be with the help of gaining knowledge about the world. To find out all the knowledge we got (or can get), click N.And the information will appear in a new window.

All knowledge is distributed to large thematic categories:

1. Islands.

2. Locations.

4. Animals and monsters.

5. Knowledge.

6. Stories / stories.

The last two groups are not yet open to us, we hope that in the near future it will be done. Each category contains small subgroups, for example: residents in the fishing island, residents in the northeast, islands, the territory of Balenos, etc., their different amounts in each group. Let us give an example:

Now you can clearly see that not all the mugs are open for us. These are those locations, animals, nipples that are not yet investigated. The first knowledge you get at the first acquaintance with mob, animal, nipple and territory. Getting a certain knowledge, you will pop up this kind of signs:

So we approached the very essence of the question: if you learn all the knowledge in each group, then get an additional 2-4 energy points. Visually it will look something like this:

Here we give you for comparison two examples. On the first screen, all the NPS and the player received the promised 2 energy points. And in the second image, the category has not been studied, the mini-game should not be started. What to do to this (where to go and with whom will talk) is indicated in the task.

Such knowledge is given at the time when you chat with NPSS. It turns out that the study of the world is a fairly important component of the game. This is especially worthwhile to engage in avid crafts. Good luck in endeavors, and for those who want to speed up this process, we offer to buy Klyuchi ZBT Black Desert from the best partner game - site gzor.ru. We can also purchase and gaming currency at a good price.

Very often, in many games, jerks occur during gameplay. This is due to the fact that when you play, especially in moments, saturated with battles, you fall the number of frames per second (FPS). The reason for this is that the video card does not cope with the processing and display of the received information. Fix it, that is, increase the number of FPS, you can in two ways: configure the video card for greater performance and reduce some game settings.

Increase FPS video cards NVIDIA

Increased FPS video cards Radeon

  1. We update the drivers for your video card to the latest, stable version.
  2. Install the necessary for comfortable game The value of the paging file.
  3. Increase the performance of the video card. To do this, go to the AMD Catalyst Control Center to the "Games" tab and select the "3D Application Settings" item. Click on the Add button and find Black Desert.
  4. Configure the quality of filtering to performance, turn off the triple buffering. After all settings, click the Save button.

Video about setting the Radeon video card:

Increasing the FPS by lowering the graphics settings in the Black Desert game

  • Disconnect smoothing. This parameter is needed that the picture is not so sharp, without speed and selection of textures. The parameter itself is not very noticeable, but the growth of frames per second can be felt.

  • SSAO. - The parameter that is responsible for the additional volume. He adds some shadows that makes our textures more voluminous. It affects the FPS very strongly, so it should be turned off if you lack frames per second. In addition, for general quality graphics, the SSAO shutdown will not be tangible.

  • Tessellation - Drawing distant objects. There is practically no difference between the option included parameter and turned off, but you can add a pair of FPS.

  • Disconnection filter It will not give you a great increase in FPS, but if you do not want long objects to be blurred, you can turn it off.

  • Maximum settings - The most FPS addicted configuration that must be disabled if you lack additional frames per second. It greatly loads the system, and at the same time it does not greatly affect the picture.

  • Texture and graphics - Some of the most coordinated settings that can raise the FPS. Moreover, the graph parameter affects the textures, and when it is reduced, some other graphic functions are automatically disconnected and becomes unavailable.

  • The change screen resolution Also is a powerful tool to raise frames per second, only with a decrease in its picture becomes less pleasant for the eye and can stretch in width or height.
It is not all graphic settingswhich can be manipulated to increase the FPS, but they are the most basic and ensure the greatest effect.

Video Hyde By setting up graphics in Black Desert:

Hello everyone. On the air team GamebizKlub. The topic of our today's article - Equipment in Black Desert. Sharpening, inlay, reducing strength - with all this sooner or later, you have to face each player.

The system for improving equipment in the game can not be called simple. Here there are secrets and your pitfalls. And successful sharpening at the maximum of armor or weapons - the task is no less complicated than.

From this article you will learn:

Character gear

The equipment window in the game contains slots under the armor (here includes armor, gloves, shoes, helmet, main weapons and offhend) and in jewelry (two - under rings, two - under the earrings and one slot under the necklace and belt). There are even additional cells under the flashlight, various subjects And jewelry made of marks and working tools.

The game offers many classes in addition to wars and hunting for mobs, and for each it is necessary to fit the appropriate equipment. For example, for fishing you will need a fishing rod. But we will talk about it in a separate guide dedicated to fishing.


In Black Dessert Character, regardless of class, you can equip any armor. However, it will be different on representatives of different game "classes" on representatives of different game gaming.

Armor does not have a level, but all its elements have basic protection. This indicator is displayed in total in the center of the equipment window. Whatever you manage, you have the opportunity to choose between fabric, leather and brass armor. However, its weight should be taken into account. For example, the walled germ has an overestimated base indicators, but it also weighs a lot.

In addition to starting indicators, armor is endowed with special effects. They can spread both one thing and to the set. In the second case, it is necessary to assemble a complete set or part of the activation.

There are many ways to receive armor: buying from merchants, performing quests, drop from mobs, exchange for influence points. Also in the game there are all the possibilities for the crafting of armor. Weapons, armor, as well as various sharpening and collection tools are created in the blacksmith.


Unlike armor, the weapon has a class binding. So, it is necessary to arm onion and dagger, - with a sword and shield, - by a key chain and a blade, etc. This type of equipment has basic damage indicators to which additional effects are also plucked.

In addition, there are separate types of weapons required to pass the tasks. For example, the Bastio weapon is necessary to pass the quest for sharpening, and it is impossible to get rid of it before passing through the entire quest line.


Jewelry, like armor, does not have class binding. All its assortment in the game can be divided into three types:

  • with basic damage indicators;
  • with base indicators of Defa;
  • with the combined indicators of defi and damage.

Jewelry is enhanced only during sharpening. Moreover, it turns out differently than the rest of the equipment: for this, only a similar bijouterie is used. Useful decorations can be knocked out in Pve, get for the fulfillment of quests or exchange on glasses effect. Also in the game there is an opportunity to establish their production, but here it should be borne in mind that there will be no crafting jewelry.

Schmet strength and repair indicators

Each element of equipment, besides outfits from a premium shop and leased things, has its own margin of safety. If this indicator drops to zero, the subject ceases to give bonuses, and it cannot be reused. Strength is divided into two types:

  1. Not to recovery. In this case, it is gradually spent, and when the zero mark is reached, the subject must be replaced. To the equipment with a non-standard safety margin can be attributed, for example, a tool for collecting.
  2. Restable strength. She has armor and weapons. As a rule, the maximum indicator is 100 units. To repair the thing at which the entire resource is consumed, you can have a blacksmith or with your own anvil if it is available.

The strength of weapons and armor is reduced for several reasons. In PVP and PVE, your character gets damage and strikes enemies. As a result, the equipment is wears. In addition, the entire stock of the maximum possible strength objects are losing after unsuccessful sharpening. And to restore the equipment in such a situation, you will need an identical thing.

Sharpening equipment

Strengthening armor and weapons by sharpening with black stones is one of the main ways to increase protection and damage. The armor can safely be accurate to +5, and the weapon is +7. Further actions give a random result, and with an unsuccessful coincidence, you spend not only sharpening, but also the strength of the subject. About how to improve armor and weapons with a maximum chance of success, we will talk a little later. In the meantime, our main question is where to farm sharpening?

There are several options here. The longest and unprofitable are their production in the processing shop. Collecting all possible resources (wood, stone and others), you can get ordinary or pointed pieces of solid black crystal. The first are suitable for the groove of armor, the second - for weapons. To get a full sharpening, it is necessary to frish two identical pieces. But it is so unprofitable to use these resources. After all, they may be needed to create a black stone of reinforced (armor) and black stone Char (weapon).

The maximum shooting sharpening is +15. However, for spratched things, this threshold increases to +20. To donken weapons and armor above +15, the above items are required. You can get them, heating is two standard sharpening and one piece of the crystal of the corresponding form.

One of the most common options for obtaining sharpening - Drop from mobs and bosses. Buying them at auction is also not reborn, but the price is hardly pleased.

It will also be useful to acquire the stamps of travelers, with which your stock sharpening will be replenished daily. It can be replaced from certain NPS: the headmasters are great, the head of the city in Hidel and the warehouse in the calf.

Print lies in the inventory, and you can click once a day to get a task. After executing it, you contact the NPC to print you, and get the appropriate reward. Printing can be handed over to the owner and get influence points back. You can say you take it for rent at the required time.

Sharpening can also be extracted from the equipment that you no longer need. To do this, contact the gunsmith or blacksmith. When removing the selected armor or weapons will be destroyed. If the subject has been sharpened to a safe limit (+5 for armor and +7 for weapons), then as a result you will receive, respectively, 5 or 7 black stones. With unsafe sharpening acts by rand. You can never determine how many black stones you will receive as a result.

The higher the level of sharpening, the greater the likelihood of damaging the equipment during improvement. For a successful action, you must dial a certain number of failures (Files).

When you apply to the black spirit in order to sharpen one or another item, the indicators of the chance of a safe gain are displayed in the interface. To keep the strength of expensive equipment, it will most correctly fill Fayila on cheaper armor or weapons. This is the most effective way of successful sharpening, but it will have to spend a lot of black stones.

The cheaper option is to fill Faila on cheap jewelry. Since it does not provide a safe point for it, the average cost of unsuccessful improvement will be about four times lower than at the point of armor and weapons.

If you decide to engage the crafting of the equipment, you should remember another feature. Blue and gold things that can create your employees, it sacrines much more complicated green. But when you repaint green weapons or armor in blue or gold, sharpening does not fly. Thus, it is much more profitable to raise the workpiece to the required level, and only then remake it.

In general, it can be said that Kraft and an improvement in the equipment in Black Desert is a very exciting and multifaceted process. Someone will want to plunge into it with his head and explore all the nuances, it will be easier to buy ready-made armor or weapons at auction. And we can only wish you success in the battles and the favor of random. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news about your favorite games. See you soon. Bye Bye.