Children's clothing images with name. Didactic games on lexical topics. Topic: “Clothing. Shoes. Didactic game “What parts do clothes consist of”

Tatiana Dedlovskaya

Didactic game “What parts do clothes consist of”

Target. Fix the name of the parts of clothing and shoes.

Material. Pictures depicting clothes, shoes.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist suggests looking at the pictures and naming parts of clothing and shoes.

Clothes - hood, belt, pocket, sleeve, frill, button, zipper...

Shoes - toe, heel, sole, heel, shaft, zipper, clasp, strap, lace...

Didactic game “We listen carefully, we think diligently”

Target. Encourage children to independently determine the principle of classification of objects and find an object that does not correspond to this principle. Fix the name of clothes and shoes. Develop attention and memory.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist names the words, asks the children to find the extra word in this group of words and explain their choice. Next, the children once again list the objects they have combined into a group.

Jacket, shirt, sweater, trousers.

Raincoat, coat, jacket, sundress.

Sundress, shorts, fur coat, T-shirt.

Dress, boots, shoes, slippers.

Fur coat, felt boots, scarf, shoes.

Boots, tights, boots, felt boots.

Teaching preschoolers is much more effective if a teacher or parent uses visual materials. Beautiful pictures of clothes for children, for example, allow you to:

  • conversation;
  • developing;
  • game.

Properly selected illustrations for children provide half the success of any speech therapy exercise, holding the child’s attention and giving him the necessary “tips.”

General principles of working with pictures

What rules should be followed when using pictures for activities with children? There are not many requirements, but all are important:

  • Select pictures of items on the topic of clothing that are well known to children. For classes on speech development, you should not use images of outdated things (mittens with elastic bands), folk costumes or headdresses (kokoshnik), or uniforms (tunic).
  • On cards for preschoolers, clothes should be drawn in as much detail as possible; details are important here. It’s good if the artist conveys the texture of the fabric (fluffy fur, rough drape, shiny satin). This will help children use more adjectives in their descriptions.
  • For one lesson, it is recommended to take no more than 10 subject pictures on a topic or one subject. This makes it possible to carefully examine the images, note all their features, and reflect this in speech.
  • Pictures must be good quality, dense. The background should be selected only white.
  • All images should be used by topic. For example, clothes for kindergarten or a summer wardrobe.

You can make an excellent demonstration material on the topic of clothing yourself if you print out the illustrations for this article and glue them to a thick base with tape.

How to use pictures correctly in classes and games

If you want to use clothing cards for lessons, it is important to let the children take a good look at them first.

It is useful to play several games (for attention or logic) with illustrations selected for speech practice, which can then be used in class. This gives children the opportunity to get acquainted with the drawings without haste and ask an adult questions about what they saw. The following techniques will be useful:

  1. If you are planning to have a conversation on the topic “Winter clothes”, then you should devote time to the games “Will I wear it in winter or in summer?” or “Find a pair” (with socks, mittens, hats, scarves, warm shoes).
  2. Read poetry or a short story about the process of dressing for the street in the cold season.
  3. Make an applique on the topic of clothing or ask the children to make a drawing. You can also take it for preparatory work cut-out pictures, puzzles with wardrobe elements, coloring books “Clothes and Shoes”, construction sets “Young Fashion Designer”.
  4. Offer your children thematic riddles about clothes that he already knows well.
  5. It is worth choosing appropriate clothes for the dolls and organizing games with them.

After such a preliminary “immersion in the topic”, participate in speech games ah, it will be much easier for the children.

Speech games with pictures

Here are some examples of speech games that you can do with children preschool age in speech therapy classes and at home.

  • "Let's go for a walk"

Invite your child to choose one card from the Children's Clothes series and talk about why he is wearing it, describing the properties (I will wear this long wool scarf. I will tie it on top of my overalls to keep me warm).

  • “Wow, what mittens!”

Each player, in turn, chooses any picture with an item of clothing. Then he names one of its qualities, properties. The card then goes to the other player. This continues until all characteristics are named. (Example: Mittens - warm, fluffy, knitted, colorful, soft, new, woolen, fashionable). The last one to say the word keeps the card. The winner is the one who collects more pictures for the entire game.

  • "Dressing the kids"

All cards with clothes are laid out in front of the players. Each of them, in turn, chooses the picture, the image in which he can affectionately name (Example: felt boots, scarf-scarf, fur coat).

  • "Let's put things in order"

Each player takes one “wardrobe” with symbols depicting lexical topics: Clothes and Shoes, as well as Hats. You can add several more groups: top, for home, by season. The presenter takes out one card at a time, then names what is shown on it. You need to “put this thing in the closet.” If its owner manages to quickly pick up the card, then it remains with him; if not, the presenter puts it aside. The winner is the one who is the first to “fill the closet” correctly.

  • "Funny riddles about clothes and shoes"

Distribute subject cards on the topic to everyone playing. Everyone must come up with riddles about the clothes whose images they received.

  • "Twins"

Select pairs of pictures with similar wardrobe items (hat, sundress, boots). Invite your child to talk about the similarities and differences. The one who comes up with the most signs wins.

Each parent wants his child to grow up smart and successful, so he tries to start studying with him as early as possible. The most convenient way to conduct classes is by showing the child educational cards. By showing your baby educational pictures for children, you help expand your baby’s vocabulary. These could be cards for children that depict animals, vegetables, fruits, furniture, pictures of clothes, cars, plants, and so on.

How to conduct lessons with your child using cards

When studying new pictures, you need to correctly name what is shown on the card, tell what it is, what it is used for. You can even play the game find the object. For example, collect some objects in the house, show them on a card, and then invite the child to find it in a pile of things. The child will really like this game, and you will spend your time usefully and happily.

Here are presented clothes for children from 36 items containing pictures.

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

Educational cards for children “Items of clothing”

How to make cards and pictures of clothes for children

The presented pictures of clothes need to be downloaded, printed, if you want to glue them to cardboard or other thick paper. Cut out the cards and game form demonstrate to the child.

You can play with one child or in a group of children. In this case, tasks for children may be different:

1) name the objects correctly;

2) tell what you can wear with what;

3) which of the items belong to men’s clothing and which to women’s;

4) what is worn in winter, spring, summer, autumn.

The most important thing in communicating with a child is, undoubtedly, the positive attitude of an adult, then learning will be easy and beneficial for the child.

Educational games for children are very different. Children playing educational games train their own thinking, ingenuity, imagination, and creativity.

You can also watch an educational video with your baby from channel UmachkaPresentations for children “Clothing”

Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Clothes, shoes, hats.”

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Description of work: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Clothes, shoes, hats.” This material will help educators, children and their parents consolidate children’s knowledge about clothes, shoes and hats in a playful way.

Didactic game: lotto “Clothes”.

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about the variety of clothes, the ability to distinguish and find the right clothes.
Didactic material: The playing field (4 pieces), divided into 6 squares with images of various clothes, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pieces).

Progress of the game: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or presenter names the clothes shown on the card. Whoever finds the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
Didactic game: lotto “Shoes and hats.”

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about the variety of shoes and hats, the ability to distinguish and find the right shoes and hats.
Didactic material: The playing field (4 pieces), divided into 6 squares with images of various shoes and hats, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pieces).

Progress of the game: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or presenter names the headdress or shoes shown on the card. Whoever finds the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures.
Didactic game “Dress Tanya and Vanya according to the season.”
Target: Formation of children’s ideas about clothing, hats and shoes, their connection with the season and weather.
Didactic material: Cards depicting clothes, shoes and hats, 30 pieces and four playing fields depicting Vanya, Tanya and the season.

Progress of the game: Arrange cards with images of clothes, shoes and hats in accordance with the season and gender (for the girl Tanya to the right of playing field, and for the boy Vanya on the left).
Didactic game “Guess the clothes, shoes or headdress”
Target: Developing the ability to describe clothes, hats or shoes and recognize them by description.
Didactic material: Cards depicting clothes, shoes and hats.
Progress of the game: The teacher gives the children cards with pictures of clothes, shoes and hats. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The teacher invites one child to describe what is shown in his picture, or to ask a riddle. The other children must guess what is in the picture.
For example: This is a headdress that girls wear in summer. It is made of straw. (Straw hat).
These are shoes that boys and girls wear in spring or autumn after rain. It is tall and made of rubber. (Rubber boots).
Didactic game “Collect a picture”
Target: Development of logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: Cards depicting clothes, shoes and hats, cut into several parts.
Progress of the game: Game for children from 3 years old. Children are given game cards cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (according to the age and abilities of the child). Having collected the picture, the child tells what he collected.
For example: A green dress is clothing.
Boots yellow color, rubber are shoes.
A gray earflap hat is a headdress.
Didactic game “The fifth odd one”
Target: Development of skills to classify clothes, shoes and hats according to essential characteristics.
Didactic material: Cards depicting 5 types of clothing, shoes and hats, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to another group.
Progress of the game: The children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is shown on them and determine which image is superfluous. Name the remaining images in one word.” Each participant eliminates the unnecessary image in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player to complete. For each correctly completed task they give a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.
For example: The card shows sandals, a raincoat, sneakers, flip flops and boots. The extra coat is because it is clothing and the rest is shoes.