Passage. Walkthrough Legend of Grimrock Walkthrough legend of

Receive Sword and Shield.

Exit Link's House, go down the stairs and talk to the girl named Saria. Stand with your back to the stairs, walk along the left wall and climb the slope to the meadow with fences. Follow the path through the fences to a small tunnel. Climb into the tunnel and crawl through it. Go along the passages, avoiding the rolling boulder, reach the large chest. Open it to get the Kokiri Sword. Return to the village, enter the Shop and buy a Deku Shield for 40 rupees.

Deku tree

Enter the Deku Tree

Turn your back on Link's House, follow the muddy path and turn right. Walk forward and cross the water to reach a large tunnel. After speaking with Mido, follow the path to reach the Big Deku Tree. Watch the video, then enter the open Deku Tree.

Get the Slingshot

After entering the Deku Tree, turn your back to the entrance and head through the cobwebs to the vines wall. Climb the vines to the ledge above. Follow the ledge to the door and enter it. Defeat the Deku Bush and talk to him to open the door. Enter the door, go to the end of the room and open the large chest to receive the Magic Slingshot.


After you get the Magic Slingshot, use it to shoot the stairs and exit the room. Go through the next door, turn right and go along the ledge to a large chest. Climb up the vines located behind the large chest, then turn left and jump onto the ledge. Continue left towards the first Big Spider blocking the hole in the web, kill it, then jump into the hole to land in the center of the giant web on the floor. The web will break and Link will land on floor B1.

Defeat the Three Deku Bushes

After breaking through the web and landing on floor B1, climb the ledge with the only unlit brazier and step on the adjacent switch to light it. Touch the brazier with the Deku Stick to light it, quickly cross the shallow water and use a flame to burn the cobwebs blocking the door. Enter the door and from the Slingshot, shoot the eye switch to open the next door. Enter the room with the spiked moving platform. Jump into the water, dive down and tap the underwater switch to temporarily lower the water level. Quickly return to the ground near the entrance, jump onto the moving platform and use it until you exit the room.

Grab a large rock and push it towards the other end of the indentation in the floor, then climb up to reach the ledge. Enter the door and use the Deku Stick to light the two unlit braziers in the room to unlock the next door. Enter the door and use the burning Deku Stick to burn the cobwebs on the opposite side of the room from the brazier.

Enter the small tunnel and crawl through it to the ledge. Grab a large rock and slide it into the water. Walk down and light the Deku Stick from the lower brazier, then climb back up the rock to climb the ledge. Roll the burning stick on the cobweb on the floor to burn it and fall to floor B2 where you will find three Deku Bushes.

Stun the Deku Bushes in the following order (facing the door) from left to right: 2, 3, 1. Talk to the far left of the Deku Bushes for a clue and open the door.

Defeat Gohma

After defeating the Deku Bushes, enter the next room and look at the ceiling to begin the fight against the Boss - Gohma. When Gohma falls to the floor, Z-Aim at her. Wait until her eye turns red, then shoot it with the Slingshot to stun the Boss. When he is stunned, hit him as soon as possible with the Kokiri Sword. Gohma will return to the ceiling and drop two or three regular Gohmas. Kill them with any weapon.

When the big Gohma returns to the floor, repeat the attack: stun her, then hit with the Kokiri Sword. Repeat this process until you are victorious. Bushes grow around the edges of the room, with which you can replenish Link's energy or get Deku Seeds for the Slingshot. After defeating Gohme, step into the blue light to escape the dungeon and receive the first Spirit Stone - the Kokiri Emerald.

Get a Strange Egg

After receiving the Kokiri Emerald, Link will automatically return to the Kokiri Forest. Go to the other end of the village and enter the large tunnel. After receiving the Magic Ocarina from Saria, follow the passage to the Hyrule Field. Follow the dark path and cross the drawbridge to enter the Market. Walk to the center of the Market Square and talk to Malone.

Continue to the opposite side of the Market until the road to the castle. Follow the path, along the right wall, climb the vines to the ledge. Follow the ledge and cross the stone arch for Link to be caught and thrown out of the gate. Find Malon near the vines. Talk to her to receive the Strange Egg.

Enter the Castle Courtyard

After you get the Strange Egg, climb the vines and go down the stairs in the stone wall. Exit the room, follow the road and climb to the left shoulder in front of the next pair of guards. Follow the flowers and cross the field, go to the only guard on the steps of the castle. Climb up the small, uneven wall to the left of the guard, cross the ledge and jump onto the path that surrounds the castle. Drop into the moat, swim to the right and exit the water at the corner.

Turn left and walk towards the sleeping man, Talon. When the night ends and the day comes, the Strange Egg will become the Rooster. Use the Rooster to wake Talon and talk to him, then he will leave. Push all the ox-headed boxes into the moat to cross it. Climb the crates and walk quickly across them to make Link automatically jump over the water to the ledge on the other side of the moat. Enter the small hole to find yourself in the Castle Courtyard.

Learn Zelda's Lullaby

After entering the Castle Courtyard, follow the path hidden behind the bushes to avoid the guards on duty until you reach Princess Zelda. Talk to Zelda, answer yes to all her questions. She will give you Zelda's Letter. When you leave, Zelda's guard, Impa, will teach you how to play Zelda's Lullaby on the Okarina.

Learn the Song of Sariah

After exploring Zelda's Lullaby, you will automatically exit the castle. Return to Kokiri Forest. As soon as you enter the forest, immediately turn left and climb the adjacent ledge. Walk up to the wall, turn right and continue forward, then climb the wall along the vines. Follow the ascending path to the Lost Forest entrance. Go into the forest and enter the right tunnel, then left, right, left, straight, left, then right tunnel to reach the Sacred Meadow. Defeat the Wolves to open the fence, then follow the one-way maze to the opposite side and climb two flights of stairs to reach Saria. Talk to Sariya to learn Sariin Okarine's Song.

Receive Goron's Bracelet

After studying the first two songs for Okarina, return to Hyrule Field. Cross the bridge to the right of the Hiryuli Castle drawbridge, climb the stairs in the rock to reach Kakariko Village. Walk along the left side and go up the steps. Turn right, go through the next flight and show the soldier Zelda's Letter to open the gate of the Mortal Mountain Trail.

Take the ascending path past the red flagpole, enter through the large doorway into Goron City, jump to the bottom of the city and stand in front of the doorway with the gray rug. Play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door and enter the room where the Goron King, Darunia, is. After speaking with him, play Saria's Song on the Okarin, and Darunia will give Link the Goron's Bracelet.

Dodongo cave

Enter Dodongo Cave

After obtaining the Goron Bracelet, leave the Goron City. Stand with your back to the entrance to the city and walk along the right wall to Goron, guarding the Bomb Flower. Take the Bomb, move a few steps away from the cliff, and then quickly run up to the cliff and throw the Bomb over the fence. Repeat until you detonate a large boulder blocking the cave entrance. Turn your back on Goron and walk to the T-intersection. Go right and continue down the trail. Enter the large hole to enter Dodongo Cave.

Create a Ladder

At the entrance to the Cave, take the Bomb and destroy the large stone door. Enter the door and continue forward to the end of the wooden bridge. At the end of the bridge, jump across the moving stone pillar to reach the central platform. Turn right and cross the next moving pillar, take the Bomb Flower and use it to destroy the right stone door. Enter the door and walk towards the two statues and the blue light switch in the floor.

Grab and move one of the statues to the blue switch to open the door. Go through two doors and defeat two Lizalfo to unlock the next door and enter it. Follow the path to appear in a blue cave with several Dodongos. Light the Deku Stick from the nearby brazier and quickly set the three unburning braziers on fire to unlock the door. Walk down the hallway and step on the switch to unlock the door on the opposite side of the room.

Cross the room, enter the door you unlocked, and continue forward towards the pillar surrounded by the Bomb Flowers. Go to the only door in the room, take the Bomb next to the door and place the bomb in the gap in the ring of bombs. If you place it correctly, the bombs around the wall, creating a chain reaction, will lower the large staircase.

Get a Bomb Bag

When you create the ladder, follow it up and enter the door at the top of the room. Move the statue blocking the staircase on the pillar in the center of the room and head up the stairs. Step on the switch in the floor to unlock the door, then enter the door between the two Bomb Flowers. Cross the wooden bridge and enter the next room. Walk to the opposite side of the room, avoiding the razors moving back and forth. Grab the gray rock under the stairs, pull it out and climb onto the rock to reach the stairs.

After climbing the stairs, turn around and jump onto the pillar with the chest and the Bomb Flower. Take the Bomb and throw it at the large stone door above the stairs to open it. Enter the hole you created and go to the pillar of fire. Use the Slingshot to shoot the eye-shaped switch above the door on the opposite side of the room to temporarily extinguish the fire. Jump quickly to another door and head down the hallway to the large door.

Enter the door and defeat the two Lizalfo to remove the grate from the next door. Enter the door and go up to two pillars of fire. Use the Slingshot to shoot the eye-shaped switch above the door on the opposite side of the room and jump onto the first pylon. Turn left and use the Slingshot to shoot the eye switch in the niche. Cross the room and follow the short corridor to the next room. Jump over the small gap, then turn right to find a large chest. Open it and get the Bomb Bag.

Find the Boss

After obtaining the Bomb Bag, enter the door next to the large chest and step on the switch in the floor. Enter the large cave, go right and step onto the wooden bridge. Drop a bomb into each of the holes in the bridge to illuminate both eyes of the large skull to open its mouth. Go down and enter the door in the mouth. Climb up to the opening on the right and head down the hallway to the next room.

Go down and follow the passage to several stones. Climb the rocks to reach the top of the stone wall, then head up, go down and enter the corridor. Follow it to the brown stone. Grab and push the stone into the room, then move it to the square hole in the middle of the room, revealing a large door. Enter the door and place the Bomb on the dark piece of floor to detonate it. Jump through the hole to reach the Boss, King Dodongo.

Defeat King Dodongo

First, throw the Bomb into King Dodongo's mouth to stun him. When he is stunned, hit him several times with the Kokiri Sword to wound him. When the Boss is rolling, curled up in a ball, run to the other end of the room to avoid him. When he turns around, stun him and keep wounding him until King Dodongo is defeated. After defeating the boss, enter the blue light in the center of the room that will teleport you out of the Dodongo Cave and receive the Spiritual Fire Stone: Goron Ruby.

Get a Spin Attack

After receiving the Rubin Goron as a child, walk up the path from the entrance to the Cave to the first turn. Climb the slope to several boulders. Use the Bombs to detonate the boulders and continue climbing the ledge (to detonate the boulder on the other side of the pit, timing your throw so that the Bomb detonates next to the boulder). Follow the path to reach the place where flaming rocks fall from the sky. Hiding from them with the Chilian Shield, walk to the high cliff. Climb up the cliff to the very top and use the Bomb near the far wall to make a hole. Enter the hole to reach the Big Fairy Fountain. Stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to gain the magic of Round Attack.

Receive the Silver Scale

Exit Kakariko Village to Hyrule Field. Go down the steps, turn left and walk along the wall to the river. Enter the river and swim along the left wall to swim into the Zora River. After talking with the owl, go to the first bend of the river and jump over it where there is no grass. At the top of the slope, turn left and cross the river, then continue forward down the slope. Turn left at the top of the slope and go up the ramp into the river. After crossing the river, walk along the left wall and turn right. Walk along the wall to the ledge, then go down from it and go up the river, keeping to the left of the river. Climb a small ledge, turn right, cross the river and climb another small ledge. Walk forward, turn left and cross the river again. Climb the slope and continue to the end of the trail. Go down the trail and walk to the waterfall. Stand on the gray square tile in the ground and play Zelda's Lullaby on Okarin to temporarily open the waterfall passage.

Walk quickly to the waterfall and dash across the river to the passageway to enter Zora's Retreat. Walk along the right wall and go up the slope to reach King Zor. Stand in front of King Zora, go to the tunnel to the left and talk to Zora at the edge to play the Diving Game. Collect the Rupees that Zora will throw into the water in 50 seconds or less, then return to Zora on the cliff to receive the Silver Scale.

Receive an Empty Bottle

After obtaining the Silver Scale, go down to the waterfall and swim away from it to swim out into deep water. Turn towards the tunnel, dive into the water and enter the hole under the water to teleport to Lake Chilia. Turn your back to the underwater tunnel and swim from it to the second pillar standing in the water. Dive down to retrieve the Empty Letter Bottle.

Womb of Lord Jabu-Jabu

Enter the Womb of Lord Jabu-Jabu

After finding the Bottle, return to Zora's Retreat and use the Bottle on the ledge in front of King Zora. He will take the Bottle and move to the side, revealing the entrance to the Zora Fountain. Follow the passage from King Zor's room down to the pool. Stand in shallow water next to a fish floating in the water, use the Bottle to catch the fish. Return to King Zor's room and follow the aisle behind him to reach the Fountain Zor. Go right and climb the stairs to the whale, Lord Jabu-Jab. Approach Jabu-Jabu's mouth and use the Fish Bottle to feed Lord Jabu-Jabu. Linka will pull Jabu-Jaba into the Lord's Womb.

Get Boomerang

Move away from Jabu-Jabu's mouth, walk forward, Z-aim at the white switch on the ceiling and shoot it with the Slingshot to open the door. Enter the door, turn left, walk along the left wall to the next door and enter it. Talk to Princess Ruto and she will fall through the hole in the floor. Go down through the same hole she will fall into and talk to her twice. After she sits down, grab her and enter the nearest door. Walk down the hallway and enter the next door to reach the water room. Jump into the water and throw Ruto onto the ledge on the other side, then step on the switch in the floor to raise the water level. Climb the ledge where Ruto is sitting, pick her up and enter the next door. Lower Ruto and use the Slingshot to fire the white switch on the ceiling to open the next door, then pick up Ruto and enter the door. Jump onto the moving stone, go upstairs and jump onto the ledge. Enter the door on the right, go to the opposite door and enter it. Walk along the right wall and step on the switch in the floor to open the door next to it. Enter the door, defeat the four Stings and open the large chest to receive the Boomerang.

Find Big Octo

Defeat Big Octo

Stand in one place until Big Octo appears nearby and stun him with the Boomerang. After he is stunned, he will either turn his back or continue to race towards Link. Continue stunning Big Octo until he looks away. When he looks away, stun him again and hit the green spot in his back with the sword. Repeat the sequence until you win.

Find the Boss

After defeating the Big Octo, go up to the platform in the center of the room and it will rise. At the top, enter the door and use the Boomerang to stun the red slimy platforms in the next room. When the platforms are stunned, jump on them and enter the next door. Walk quickly to the end of the platform to jump to the next platform, which will automatically drop down to the second dungeon room.

Take one of the boxes nearby, then follow the ledge to the left and place the box on the switch in the floor to open the door. Enter the door and climb the vines to the platform in the center of the room. Z-Aim at the white switch on the ceiling and shoot it with the Boomerang to unlock another door. Go through the door to get to the Boss, Barinaid.

Defeat Barinade

Z-Aim at the tentacles hanging from the ceiling and use the Boomerang to destroy all three. Once they are destroyed, use the Boomerang to stun the Boss's body. You will know it is stunned when it turns blue. Z-aim again and use the Boomerang to destroy all the large jellyfish surrounding the blob. When all the jellyfish are destroyed, use the Boomerang to stun the body and then hit it with the Sword to wound it. Repeat stunning and damaging Barinade until she is destroyed. Enter the blue light to exit the Womb of Jabu-Jabu and receive the third Spirit Stone, Zorah Sapphire.

Become an Adult

After obtaining the third Spirit Stone, return to Hyrule Castle. When you get close to the drawbridge, the video will automatically start. When the video ends, dive into the water to get the Ocarina of Time. At this point, another video will begin and Link will learn the Song of Time. Go to Hyrule Castle, enter the Market, and follow the path next to the Happy Mask Shop. Go left and enter the Temple of Time. Go to the far end of the temple, stand on the red carpet next to the altar and play the Song of Time. Enter the passage in the back wall, go to the platform in the center of the room and take the Main Sword. After the automatic video, Link will be given the Medallion of Light and become an adult.

Get the Shooting Hook

As an adult, exit the Temple of Time and go to the Hyrule Field. Walk through Kakariko Village and go to the Cemetery. Walk to the first row of tombstones and turn left. Walk down the small slope to another row of tombstones, then go to the far left tombstone with small flowers growing in front of it and pull it. Jump into the pit and talk to Dampe (the hovering man) to start the race. At the end of the race, talk to Dampe so that a large chest appears. Open it to get the Shooting Hook. Enter the only one open door, play the Song of Time to remove the large rock and climb the stairs to enter the Windmill. Go down and go through the door to appear in Kakariko Village.

Temple of the Forest

Enter the Temple of the Forest

After obtaining the Shooting Hook, exit Kakariko Village and go to Kokiri Forest. Enter the Lost Forest and go right, left and then right to find yourself at the pond. Play Sariah's Song to get the person to move away from the passage and enter that passage. Then go straight, left and then right to find yourself on the Sacred Meadow. Follow the path to the stairs.

Climb the stairs and either kill the big knight or avoid the attack. Climb the next stairs to reach the entrance to the Temple of the Forest. Sheikh will teach Link to play Minuet of the Forest on Ocarin. Use the Shooting Hook and aim at the branch in the tree. This will take Link to a ledge that is too high to jump. Go through the opening to enter the Temple of the Forest.

As you explore the Temple of the Forest, you will need five Small Keys. If you came to a locked door while following the directions for the Boss Key and other items in the Temple, use this guide to determine which Small Keys you may have missed.

First Small Key - At the entrance to the Temple, climb up the vines on the right and climb onto the tree branch. Shoot the Shooting Hook at the chest to teleport to another tree to the chest. Open the chest to receive the Key.

Second Small Key - From the Temple entrance, go through two doors to enter the main room with unlit braziers. Cross the room and go up to the ledge. Climb the stairs, go through the next two doors and defeat the two Knights of Stalfos for a chest to appear. Open it to get the Key.

Third Small Key - From the Temple entrance, go through two doors to enter the main room with unlit braziers. Walk along the left wall to a large stone. Play the Song of Time to remove the stone and enter the door in the corner to enter the courtyard with water and vines. Walk along the right wall, climb the vines in the corner and enter the door. Go through the next door to find yourself on a balcony in another part of the courtyard.

Use the Shooting Hook to get to the adjacent balcony and step on the red switch in the floor to lower the water level in the well. Stand in front of the switch, climb onto the railing on the right and jump down into the water. Exit the water and go to the niche to the left of the only door to reach the well. Go down the stairs to the well. Walk to the other end of the ledge and open the small chest to get the Key.

Fourth Small Key - In the room where you found the Bow, go through the only door that doesn't have a picture of a whirlpool above it. Use the Bow to injure Sister Po Joell's ghost while she is in the painting. Destroy all the paintings to make Joelle appear, then defeat her to get the Key.

Fifth Small Key - Go to the room where you found the Boss Key and fall into the hole. Defeat two enemies and exit through the door. Go right, enter the first door and defeat Master Paul. Open the chest that appears to receive the Key.

Get the Bow

From the Temple entrance, go through two doors to enter the main room with unlit braziers. Walk along the left wall, climb onto the first ledge and climb the stairs. Enter the locked door and go through the next door. Go to the very right corner, take the two stairs and go into the archway. Follow the golden triangles painted on the floor, then go to the wall, turn left and follow the path to the large blue stone. Grab it and push it forward to the end of the corridor. Approach the left side of the stone and move it away from the archway to the wall.

Stand with your back to the stone and walk along the right wall to get to the other side of the stone. Move it to the right against the wall so that it goes into the corner. You will hear a sound when the stone is in the correct position. Stand in front of the stone, go right and enter the doorway on the right to return to the place where the stone was. Climb the stairs and take the first two right-hand aisles to reach a large brown stone. Pull it forward completely.

Go back down the stairs and follow the triangles painted on the floor to the blue stone. Climb to the top of the rock, turn right and head towards the wall to make Link jump to the next ledge. Go right and slide the large brown stone all the way forward. You will hear a sound again if the stone is in the correct position. Climb the brown rock and head to the wall to make Link jump to the next ledge.

Walk around the corner, go right, go up the stairs to the next room, where there is a locked door. Enter the locked door to find yourself in a twisted corridor. Go through it, enter the next room, jump onto the pillar and go through the locked door on the right. Go down the two stairs and enter the door. Defeat three of Stalfos' enemies to create a large chest, then open it to obtain the Magic Bow.

Get the Boss Key

After obtaining the Bow, go through the door, above which there is no image of the whirlpool. Climb the two flights of stairs and go to the door. Jump onto the pillar and follow the curved corridor to the next room. Shoot the switch above the door with the Bow to straighten the hallway, then enter the door. Walk down the normal hallway and open the large chest with the Boss Key.

Defeat the First Two Po Sisters

After receiving the Boss Key, head up the stairs and head through the corridor. Enter the door and shoot an arrow at the eye-shaped switch above the door to twist the corridor. Walk down the curved corridor, jump onto the pillar and enter the next door. At the top of each flight of stairs is a painting by Sister Po, three paintings in total. Use the Bow to shoot the painting when the ghost is visible. After destroying all the paintings, defeat Sister Poe Joell, who is flying at the bottom of the stairs to light the orange torch in the main room.

Enter the door at the bottom of the stairs to appear in the room where the Bow was found and go through the next door. Use the Bow again to shoot the three Sister Po paintings. After destroying all three paintings, Sister Po Bet will appear at the bottom of the stairs. Defeat the ghost to light the blue torch in the main room.

Defeat the Last Two Po Sisters

After defeating the first two Po Sisters, climb the two flights of stairs and enter the locked door. Go down to the floor of the next room and go up the stairs to the right, enter the corridor.

Go through the locked door and jump onto one of the rotating pillars in the center of the room. Shoot your Bow through the flames at the frozen switch to twist the hallway. Exit the room and walk down the curved hallway, then jump into the hole in the next room to land on the floor in the cage.

Walk slowly across the room to the wooden door until the ceiling falls. When the ceiling rises, run and step on the switch in the floor to open the door. After the ceiling falls, go forward, stand on the white square to the left of the small chest and wait. After the ceiling falls, enter the door. When you enter the next room, shoot a Bow at the painting on the left wall to drop a few blocks.

Grab and connect four of the five blocks into a complete picture before the timer reaches zero. Defeat Sister Po Amy to light the green torch. Exit through the door on the ledge and go through the next door to reappear in the main hall. Walk to the center of the room and defeat the last Poe Mag to light the purple torch and activate the elevator.

Find the Boss

After turning on the elevator in the main room, go down on it to the lower floor. Stand to the right of one of the stone ledges and push the wall counterclockwise. Enter the open door and step on the switch in the floor. Exit the room, grab it again and move the wall counterclockwise. Enter the open door and step on the switch in the floor. Exit the room and move the wall counterclockwise twice. Enter the open doorway and step on the last switch in the floor to open the gate. Enter the opposite door, go through the corridor and enter the door to reach the Boss, Phantom Ganon.

Defeat Phantom Ganon

Walk over the Triforce symbol in the center of the room and try to exit to start the battle. When Phantom Ganon enters one of the paintings, stand on one of the Triforce symbols on the outer perimeter with Bow at the ready. When Phantom Ganon emerges from the painting, hit him with an arrow. Repeat two more times to make Ganon dismount.

When Phantom Ganon throws a ball of lightning, use the Sweep Attack or simply swing the Sword to reflect the ball of lightning at Phantom Ganon and make him descend. When he is on the ground, attack him with the Sword. After a short time, Phantom Ganon will take off again. Repeat the process of hitting back with fireball and using the Sword until it is defeated. After Ganon's defeat, step into the blue light to exit and receive the Medallion of the Forest.

Receive Goron's Tunic, enter Mortal Mountain Crater

Exit the Lost Forest and walk through Kokiri Forest to Hyrule Field. Pass Kakariko Village and climb Mortal Mountain to the Goron City. After entering the Goron City, go down to the next ledge. Use a bomb to stop the little Goron who is rolling around. Talk to the little Goron, ask him about the fire dragon and then ask him about the Gorons. Then Goron will give Link the Goron Tunic and open the doors to the Shop and the King's room. Go down to the very bottom of the city and enter the door next to the store to find yourself in the King's room. Go to the center of the far wall, grab the stone statue and pull it out. Enter the passage behind the statue to reach Mortal Mountain Crater.

Fire temple

Enter the Fire Temple

After entering Mortal Mountain Crater, go left to the edge of the cliff and stand on the broken bridge. Use the Shooting Hook on the dangling end of the broken bridge on the other side to get there. Keep walking forward and the Sheikh will appear to teach you how to play Bolero of Fire on Ocarin. Go forward, turn left, go all the way and go down the stairs. Move away from the stairs to enter the Fire Temple.

Small Key Instruction

As you explore the Fire Temple, you will need eight Small Keys. If you came to a locked door while following the directions for the Boss Key and other items in the Temple, use this guide to determine which Small Keys you may have missed.

First Small Key - From the Temple entrance, go up the stairs and enter the door on the left. In the next room, jump over the pillars to the ledge on the left side of the room. Step on the switch in the floor to free Goron, then open the chest behind him to get the Key.

Second Small Key - From the Temple entrance, go up the stairs and enter the door on the right to appear in a room with a broken bridge. Walk across the bridge to the gap, jump onto the moving platform on the right, ride it and jump to the next platform. Jump quickly onto the ledge until the platform is lowered into the lava. Turn right, go to the ledge and place the Bomb next to the bricks to open the door. Enter the door, step on the floor switch to free Goron, and open the chest with the Key.

Third Small Key - Turn your back on the door that leads to the Second Small Key and walk along the left wall to the door. Standing in front of the door, turn right and walk across the wooden platform. Walk along the left wall to the niche. Enter the niche, go through the door and step on the switch in the floor to free Goron and open the chest with the Key.

Fourth Small Key - From the Temple entrance, walk to the room with the rolling stones, then turn right and walk along the left wall until you reach the switch in the floor. Step on the switch to free Goron and open the chest with the Key.

Fifth Small Key - From the Temple entrance, walk to the room with the rolling stones, then turn left and walk along the right wall to the alcove. Go to the niche and enter the door. Step on the switch to free Goron and open the chest with the Key.

Sixth Small Key - In a room with a slatted floor, turn your back to the locked door and walk left to the ledge. Jump onto the ledge and enter the door to be on the ledges above the rolling stones. Jump to the next ledge and use the Bomb to blow up the crack in the floor. Go downstairs, step on the switch to free Goron, and open the chest with the Key.

Seventh Small Key - In a room with a slatted floor, turn your back to the locked door and walk left to the ledge. Jump onto the ledge and enter the door to be on the ledges above the rolling stones. Jump to the next ledge and turn right. Go to the other end of the room, staying on the tops of the ledges. Step on the switch to free Goron and open the chest with the Key.

Eighth Small Key - From where you found the Megaton Hammer, return to the room entrance. Stand on the adjacent block and hit it with the Hammer to fall to floor 4F. Hammer both sections of the statue in the corner of the room to reveal the door and enter it. Walk around the room and go to a small hole. Use the Hammer to hit the raised post to make a ladder appear, then grab one of the small boxes and head down the stairs.

Place the small box on the blue light switch in the floor. Enter the door, stand on the large square block on the right and hit it with the Hammer to drop 3F. Climb the next ledge, use the Hammer to hit the rusted switch in the floor and enter the door. Play the Song of Time to move the blue stone, then jump across the gap and use the Hammer to hit the rusted switch in the floor to free Goron below. Go down to 2F and open the chest with the Key.

Block the Flame Geyser

From the entrance to the Temple, go up the stairs and enter the door on the left. In the next room, the Goron King will tell you to save all the Gorons imprisoned in the temple. With your back to the door you came from, jump over the posts to the ledge on the left side of the room and step on the switch in the floor to free Goron. Open the chest behind it to get the First Small Key. Go back up the pillars and go into the door through which you entered. Walk forward and enter the locked door. Go through the bridge at intervals and enter the locked door. Climb up the fence, go right and go down to the platform. When the pillar of flame temporarily lowers, grab and push the stone onto the geyser.

Find the Rolling Stones

When the rock is on the geyser, jump on it to go up to floor 2F. Enter the locked door and climb onto the first ledge, turn left, then climb up the next ledge. Turn right, climb up the next ledge, walk to the wall and turn right. Jump to the next ledge and push the rock off the ledge. When it falls, go down and push the stone until it stops.

Climb onto the rock, turn right and jump onto the ledge. Climb up the wall to the top, approach the wall and turn left to inspect the ledge. Drop the bomb next to the shock switch. When the Bomb detonates, the fire on the grate will temporarily go out. Climb up the grate to floor 3F and enter the door to find yourself in a room with rolling stones.

Get to Floor 4F

As soon as you enter the room with rolling stones, walk to the wall, turn left, walk along the wall, reach the locked door and enter it. Go to the next locked door and go to the end of the ledge. Jump to the trellised floor and quickly run towards the center of the room. Stand in front of the locked door on a high ledge and go to the slatted floor on the right. Stand in front of the pillar closest to the door and run to the ledge where the locked door is for Link to jump and catch on the ledge.

Enter the locked door and go to the next door through the corridor. In the next room, go down to the ledge and go to the slatted floor. Turn left and go through the small maze of fiery walls to the locked door. Enter the door, go through the corridor and enter the next door to find yourself on the other side of the room with fiery obstacles. Holding the door to Link's left, walk forward to create a flame. Turn right and walk along the pillars until fire appears, then walk to the wall (past the fire-spewing pillar).

Turn left, walk forward for a flame to appear, and go around it on the left. Step on the floor switch to temporarily extinguish the large wall of fire. Stand with your back to the stone wall, walk between the first and second pillars on the left, turn right and quickly walk towards the ledge. Stand on the ledge and walk forward before the fire reappears. Enter the niche and use the Bomb to destroy the fake door. Enter the real door and defeat the Dancing Flash, then climb onto the platform in the center of the room that will take you to floor 4F.

Receive the Megaton Hammer

When you find yourself on floor 4F, enter the only door and you will notice an impact switch on the right. Go right, go around the corner and climb up the grate on the wall. Turn right, stand on the edge of the ledge and drop the bomb to activate the shock switch and temporarily extinguish the fire. Quickly climb up the wall where the fire was to reach floor 5F. Go through the only door, walk forward and climb the ledge. Step on the floor switch to temporarily extinguish the fire around the large chest, and quickly climb the narrow stairs around the large opening in the floor. At the top, open the large chest to receive the Megaton Hammer.

Get the Boss Key

From where you found the Megaton Hammer, return to the room entrance. Stand on the adjacent block and hit it with the Hammer to fall to floor 4F. Hammer both sections of the statue in the corner of the room to reveal the door and enter it. Walk around the room and go to a small hole. Use the Hammer to hit the raised post to make a ladder appear, then grab one of the small boxes and head down the stairs. Place the small box on the blue light switch in the floor. Enter the door, stand on the large square block on the right and hit it with the Hammer to drop 3F.

Climb the next ledge, use the Hammer to hit the rusted switch in the floor and enter the door. Play the Song of Time to move the blue stone, then jump across the gap and use the Hammer to hit the rusted switch in the floor to free Goron below. Go down to 2F and open the chest with the Key. Climb back to the ledge, go through the door and go forward to the next pillar. Stand on the center square and use the Hammer to knock it down to floor 1F. Exit through the door opposite the Boss Door, head down the stairs and use the Hammer to destroy the statue on the left. Enter the locked door that appears.

Defeat all enemies and enter the door. Use the Shield to protect Link from the flying tiles and enter the next door. Defeat Dancing Flash and enter the next door. Use the Hammer to hit the floor switch and open the large chest to get the Boss Key.

Find the Boss

From the entrance to the Temple, go up the stairs and enter the door on the left. Reach the Boss Door, enter it and walk across the platforms to locate the Boss, Volvagia.

Defeat Volvagia

Watch for holes in the floor until fire appears. When the fire shoots out of the hole, Volvagia will pop out of the same hole. When the Boss's head pops out of the hole, quickly Z-aim at Volvagia and hit her with the Hammer. Keep hitting the Boss with the Hammer until he disappears. Sometimes Volvagia will fly around the room, shoot fire from its mouth and throw burning stones from the ceiling. Move constantly to avoid damage from fire and stones. When Volvagia is defeated, enter the blue light to receive the Medallion of Fire.

Ice Cave

Enter the Ice Cave

Walk to the Zora River at the northeastern end of the Hyrule Field and walk up the river to the waterfall. Step on the gray square tile and play Zelda's Lullaby to temporarily open the waterfall passage. Enter the passage to find yourself in Zora's Retreat.

Once you are in the City of Zora, follow the path and go up the slope to reach the King's room. Walk along the right wall, go up the slope and enter the passage next to the King. Go through the corridor to find yourself in the Zora Fountain, then head up the stairs and reach the end of the ice slope. Jump off the slope onto the small iceberg and walk forward onto the large iceberg. Turn left and jump across the spinning icebergs to reach the ledge. Climb the ledge and enter the large passageway to reach the Ice Cave.

Get Iron Boots

From the Cave entrance, walk down the corridor and enter the next room. Defeat all Freezards and enter the opening that opens. Walk down the hallway to the next room, avoiding the falling ice. Walk along the right wall to the second door and enter it with five Silver Rupees. Walk down the hallway and enter the next room while avoiding the falling ice. Defeat the Freezards using the Bomb to kill the Freezard on the pillar. On the second pillar, use the empty Bottle to get some Blue Fire. Return through the hallway to the previous room.

Walk along the left wall to the second wall of red ice and use Blue Fire to melt it. Enter the new passage, follow the corridor and enter the next room. Move the large ice block around the room to collect all five Silver Rupees and reach the opening that opens. After entering the new door, walk down the hallway to the red ice and melt it with Blue Fire.

Walk all the way and enter the ice door in the center of the far wall (this door is very hard to see, so move slowly along the wall and look at the Action icon at the top of the screen. When Link is next to the door, the icon will say "Open"). Defeat the White Wolf and open the large chest to obtain the Iron Boots. The Sheikh will appear and teach you how to play a new song, Serenade of Water.

Receive Tunic Zora

Collect some Blue Fire from the Ice Cave and return to Zora City. Melt the red ice surrounding King Zor with Blue Fire to obtain the Tunic of Zor.

Temple of Water

Enter the Temple of Water

Play the Water Serenade to teleport to Lake Chilia, then head forward and jump off the ledge to land in deep water. Swim up and stop above the underwater door. Put on the Iron Boots to get down to the bottom, then use the Shooting Hook to hit the blue switch above the door. Enter the door to find yourself in the terrifying Temple of Water.

Small Key Instruction

As you explore the Temple of Water, you will need six Small Keys. If you came to a locked door while following the directions for the Boss Key and other items in the Temple, use this guide to determine which Small Keys you may have missed.

First Small Key - After finding the first Triforce symbol and completely lowering the water level, go down to the hole in the room. You will land in a room with two unlit braziers and one burning brazier (this is the same corridor where you spotted Ruto). Shoot your Bow through the flames to light up the other braziers, then go through the door and kill the three Carapace Blades enemies. Open the chest that appears to receive the Key.

Second Small Key - From the first Triforce symbol, go down to the bottom. Go through the corridor to return to the main room. Walk along the left wall to the second doorway and go down to the corridor to find a large stone. Push the rock all the way forward, jump into the water and put on the Iron Boots. Follow the corridor to the end, remove the Iron Boots and exit the water. Walk forward to the edge of the platform, hit the switch, and use the water column to reach the other side of the room.

Enter the door, jump into the water and put on the Iron Boots in the right corner of the room to descend into the gray ventilation shaft... Use the Shooting Hook on the switch in the mouth of the dragon statue to open the gate in the niche on the right. Use the Shooting Hook on the target in the alcove, quickly go to the other end of the alcove, then remove the Iron Boots and climb out to the ground. Open the chest with the Key.

Third Small Key - After raising the water to the middle level, exit the tower and put on the Iron Boots. Enter the lowest underwater corridor to the right of the entrance (corridor with two torches at the entrance). Go to the room at the end of the hallway, then stand in the center of the room, remove the Iron Boots and float to the surface. Blow up the broken wall, enter a new passage and open the chest with the Key.

Fourth Small Key - After raising the water to the middle level, put on the Iron Boots and go down to the first level of the tower. Go down the hole next to the door and fall to the bottom of the shaft. Walk down the aisle to a small room with a shock switch. Hit the switch to open the grate above it, then defeat the fallen enemies to open the second grate. Stand under the second aisle, remove the Iron Boots and swim to the surface. Exit the water and open the chest with the Key.

Fifth Small Key - In the room where you found the Long Shooting Hook, play the Song of Time to remove the blue stone and create a hole. Drop into the hole to land next to the river. Put on the Iron Boots and make your way downstream, avoiding the whirlpools. At the end, climb onto the last small ledge. Shoot the Bow at the eye-shaped switch on the wall, then use the Long Shooting Hook to pull towards the chest in the opening that opens. Open the chest to receive the Key.

Sixth Small Key - After obtaining the Long Shooting Hook, return to the main room. Walk along the left wall and enter the first corridor (the same one where you first saw Ruto). Climb to the surface and play Zelda's Lullaby at the Triforce symbol to completely lower the water level. Return to the main hall and enter the tower in the center. Use the Long Shooting Hook to get to the next floor and play Zelda's Lullaby at the Triforce symbol to raise the waters to the middle level. Exit the room and turn twice.

Fire a Bow at the yellow eye-shaped switch to temporarily open the gate to the hallway, and use the Long Shooting Hook to pull up to the target to enter the hallway. Go down the corridor to the stone and push it as far as possible. Walk to the end of the corridor, use the Long Shooting Hook to climb to the next floor and return to the main room. Jump into the water, climb the ledge, and go left to return to the yellow eye-shaped switch. Enter the corridor again and go to the stone. Move the stone to enter the room and open the chest with the Key.

Locate the First Symbol of the Triforce

From the entrance to the Temple, jump into the water and swim along the right wall to the ledge. Put on the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom and enter the underwater tunnel, in front of which there are two braziers. Walk to the end of the hallway to find Princess Ruto. After the video, follow her by removing the Iron Boots in the center of the room. Swim to the surface and out of the water, then stand next to the Triforce symbol on the wall and play Zelda's Lullaby to completely reduce the water level.

Locate the Second Symbol of the Triforce

After finding the first Triforce symbol and lowering the water level, lower yourself to the bottom. Walk down the hallway to return to the main room. Walk along the left wall to the second doorway, push the rock all the way forward and enter the passage to get the Small Key. Return to the main room and enter the locked door to enter the building in the center. Go to the far wall, face the door and look up to the right. Use the Shooting Hook to pull yourself onto the ledge, then stand next to the Triforce symbol on the wall and play Zelda's Lullaby to bring the water up to the middle level.

Locate the Third Symbol of the Triforce

After raising the water to the middle level, exit the central building through the door in the opposite wall. Turn your back to the door and turn right. Jump into the water, put on the Iron Boots and enter the tunnel between the two torches. Stop near the first brazier (the same place where Ruto was found), remove the Iron Boots and float to the surface. Blow up a crack in the wall and enter the room.

Open the chest with the Small Key, jump into the water, put on the Iron Boots and return to the main room. Remove the Iron Boots, surface and swim along the left wall. Enter the first locked door on the left and head left to a short water column. Go into the water column and shoot the bow at the shock switch. Climb the water column, enter the next door and stand next to the Triforce symbol on the wall. Play Zelda's Lullaby to get the water up to the highest level.

Find Link's Shadow

After the water rises to the highest level, jump into the water, swim along the left wall and enter the locked door. Jump onto the moving platform and, when it is in its lowest position, jump onto the stationary platform. Use the Shooting Hook to pull yourself onto the moving platforms and move up. Upstairs, enter the locked door. Hit the switch to raise the water level, then pull yourself up with the Shooting Hook to the nearest post. Hit the switch again to lower the water level, then go to the corner and use the Shooting Hook to pull up to the next ledge.

Step over the head of the statue, walk to the edge and hit the switch again to raise the water level. When the water level rises, pull up to the next post with the Shooting Hook and hit the switch again. When the water level drops, stand on the head of the statue and hit the switch one last time to rise. Enter the alcove, kill Like Like, then use the Shooting Hook to climb over the spikes. Enter the door and go to the other door. Walk across the room to the far door, then turn around to meet Shadow Link.

Defeat Link's Shadow, get Long Shooting Cru To

Link's Shadow copies many of Link's moves, so this is a very difficult fight. Hit him with Hammer without Z-aiming for a very effective attack. Other useful weapons are Spin Attack and Fire Din. Link will have to defeat several of Link's Shadows, so make sure you have one or two Fairies in the Bottle for extra energy. When Link's last Shadow is defeated, go through the door and open the large chest to get the Long Shooting Hook.

Reduce Water Level

In the room where you found the Long Shooting Hook, go behind the chest that contained the Hook and play the Song of Time to remove the blue stone and create a hole. Jump into the hole to land next to the river. Put on the Iron Boots and head downstream, avoiding the whirlpools. At the end, climb onto the last small ledge. Shoot your Bow at the eye-shaped switch and use the Long Shooting Hook to pull yourself up to the chest in the opening passage. Open the chest with the Small Key, then head to the end of the hall and jump into the pool. Exit the water, go through the door and use the Long Shooting Hook to reach the other side of the room.

Jump into the water and put on the Iron Boots, then make your way to the end of the underwater tunnel, remove the Iron Boots and make your way to the main room. Re-wear the Iron Boots, walk along any wall and enter the door between the two torches. Walk down the hallway to the room at the end, remove the Iron Boots and float to the surface. Climb to the ground, stand next to the Triforce symbol on the wall and play Zelda's Lullaby to completely reduce the water level.

Get the Boss Key

After the water level drops, go down again and follow the corridor to return to the main room. Walk along the right wall, enter the first passage and dive down into the next room. Make your way to dry land, use the long Shooting Hook to fly through the spikes and enter the locked door. Walk towards the water, then left to the middle of the second tile on the left. Jump into the water and swim across the room, avoiding eddies and boulders.

Get out to the ground on the other side and enter the door. Go down to the nearest ledge on the right and use the Bomb to blast the crack in the wall to create a hole. Swim to another platform in the room and blow up the colorless wall to create a second hole and enter it. Slide the large rock all the way forward, then exit the hallway and enter it through another hole. Push the stone as far as possible and enter the corridor from the opposite end.

Slide the rock into the gap and push the underwater switch to raise the water level, then swim to the niche and enter the door. Hit the switch, quickly cross the room along the three water pillars and enter the door. Avoiding the rolling stones, enter the deep water on the right and put on the Iron Boots. Walk to the end of the underwater corridor, remove the Iron Boots and enter the locked door. Open the large chest to receive the Boss Key.

Find the Boss

Exit the room where you found the Boss Key and return to the main room. Play Zelda's Lullaby near the second and third switches with the Triforce symbol to raise the water level to the end, then find the passage with the Shooting Hook Target inserted into the dragon statue and use the Long Shooting Hook to get to it. Enter the door, head up the slope avoiding the razors, and enter the door to find the Boss, Morph.

Defeat Morphu

Z-Aim at the small colored blob in the Morph and use the Long Shooting Hook to pull it out of the water. When the drop is on the ground, hit it with the Sword several times to wound. Repeat this process until you have destroyed Morph, then enter the blue light to receive the Medallion of Water.

Receive Fire Arrows

After obtaining the Medallion of Water, Link will be on the Triforce symbol in Lake Hilia. Turn right and stand in front of a pedestal in the ground, facing an island in the lake. When the sun rises, use the Bow to shoot the sun. Repeat until something hits the island. Swim to the island and touch the object to receive Fire Arrows.

Learn Nocturne of Shadows and Song of Storms

After receiving Fire Arrows, enter Kakariko Village from the Hyrule Field and you will find it on fire. After the automatic video, Sheikh will teach Link to play the Nocturne of Shadows. Then go to the Windmill, stand next to the man and show him Ocarina. He will teach you how to play the Song of Storms on the Ocarina.

Get the Lens of Truth

After studying the Song of Storms, play the Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of Time. Stand next to the support and insert the Main Sword into it to become a child again. Return to Kakariko Village and enter the Windmill, then play Song of Storms to lower the water level in the well. Go down the well and crawl into the small hole. Go down the stairs to enter the Bottom of the Well.

After you go to the bottom of the well, go to the far wall and go through it to the right of the skeleton. Walk on the water and go to the center of the far wall. Continue forward, go around the crossed wooden beams and head back through the center of the far wall. Stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to lower the water level. Turn around and head back through the center of the next two walls. Jump into the hole and enter the small hole. Walk forward, climb up the vines and enter the door to find an enemy named Dead Hand. Defeat the Dead Hand, then open the large chest to obtain the Lens of Truth.

Get Fire Ding

As a child, return to Hyrule Castle and cross the drawbridge to enter the Market. Walk to the opposite side of the Market to the path to the castle. Climb up the vines on the right wall, then go down the stairs in the stone wall. Exit the room, move away from the gate and use the Bomb to blow up the boulder at the end of the path. Enter the hole to find the Fairy Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby while standing on the Triforce symbol to summon the Fairy, who will give Link the Dean Fire.

Temple of Shadows

Enter the Temple of Shadows

As an adult, play the Nocturne of Shadows, which takes you to the ledge above the Cemetery in Kakariko Village. Enter the hole in the wall to find yourself in a room with many unlit braziers. Stand on the pedestal in the center of the room and use Fire Dean to light up all the braziers. Enter the opened doorway to find yourself in the Temple of Shadows.

Small Key Instruction

As you explore the Temple of Shadows, you will need five Small Keys. If you came to a locked door while following the directions for the Boss Key and other items in the Temple, use this guide to determine which Small Keys you may have missed.

First Small Key - Stand in front of the locked door and enter the fake stone door on the left. Collect all five Silver Rupees to open the alcove, then go to the alcove and open the chest with the Key.

Second Small Key - From the locked door, return to the ledge with the revolving razors and the Beamos statue. Collect four Silver Rupees and blow up the Beemos Statue for the fifth Silver Rupee. Enter the opened door and go through the corridor to find yourself in a room on floor B4. Use the Lens of Truth to find the stone in the wall on the right. Grab and pull the rock out of the wall, then drag it under the falling spikes. Drag the rock all the way until it stops, then climb to the top of the block and walk over the spikes. Go to the ledge on the right and step on the switch in the floor for a chest to appear. Go through the spikes to another ledge and open the chest with the Key.

Third Small Key - In the room with the locked door, use the Lens of Truth to see the thorns on the floor. Avoiding the thorns, use the Long Shooting Hook to collect three Silver Rupees. Go to the other door in the room, use the Lens of Truth at the wall above the Silver Rupee in the corner to see the target for the Shooting Hook. Use the Long Shooting Hook to climb the invisible ledge and take the Silver Rupee. Put on the Floating Boots and take the last Silver Rupee to open the door. Climb the ledges to the top and kill Keyes' enemies to open the door. Take one of the Bombs and throw it at the large skull to get the Key.

Fourth Small Key - With your back to the locked door, Bomb the brown pile in the left corner of the room with a Bomb to reveal a chest that can only be seen through the Lens of Truth. Open the chest to receive the Key.

Fifth Small Key - After leaving the ship, enter the only door to find yourself in a room with invisible walls. Using the Lens of Truth to see the walls, step away from the door and take the first left. Take the first left again, go to the wall, then turn right and go to the door. Enter the door, use the Lens of Truth to see Master Paul, and kill him for a chest to appear. Open it to get the Key.

Get Floating Boots

After entering the Temple of Shadows, use the Long Shooting Hook to cross the pit and enter the fake door to enter the room with the bird statue. Turn left, go to the wall and go through the fake door on the left. Enter the door and walk forward through the fake wall. Turn left, walk to the corner, then turn right and walk to the corner again.

Turn right, walk to the middle of the third section of the wall and go through it. Walk through the next fake wall, then turn right, walk to the corner and turn left. Walk forward to the end to go through the fake wall, then enter the door and destroy the Dead Hand so that a large chest appears. Open it to get Floating Boots.

Get to the Blowing Fans

After obtaining the Floating Shoes, return to the room with the bird statue. Use the Lens of Truth to see the real skull on the pillar, then grab and rotate the statue so that its beak is pointing towards the skull. Put on the Floating Shoes and enter the newly opened door. Head down the slope and use the Bomb to open the center stone door and enter the locked door (First Small Key). Walk down the slope to the end and down the ledge to floor B3.

Carefully walk past the blades falling from the ceiling to reach the large room. Put on the Floating Boots and cross the chasms, avoiding the blades, and get to the last platform. Turn to the moving platform and ride it to the top, then jump off the platform and go down to the ledge with the rotating razors. Turn right, follow the right edge and follow the narrow ledge to reach the blade.

Use the Lens of Truth to see the floating platform, then put on the Floating Shoes and carefully walk under the blade onto the floating platform. Follow it, then go left on the moving platform and go to a small ledge with a locked door. Look over the locked door to see the target for the Shooting Hook and use it to get to the locked door. Enter the door to find yourself in a corridor with blowing fans.

Ride the Ship

After reaching the blowing fans on floor B4, follow the corridor to the pit. When the fan is not blowing, go down the corridor to another pit. Aim the Long Shooting Hook at the wooden beam to cross the hole and go down into the next hole to land on the platform. Carefully walk along the platform to the other side to the door. Turn around, put on the Floating Boots and wait for the nearest fan to blow.

When the fan blows out, go into the air stream and walk to the fake wall on the opposite side of the fan. Enter the door and go through the locked door, then drag the large stone under the broken staircase. Climb up the stone and go up the stairs. Head left onto the ship and stand on the Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby to make the ship move and defeat the two enemies that appear, Stalfos.

Get the Boss Key

After the defeat of Stalfos, the ship will begin to sink. Jump out of the ship onto the ledge on the side of the ship (if you are facing the bow of the ship, then the ledge to the left). Enter the only door to find yourself in a room with invisible walls. Using the Lens of Truth to see the walls, walk away from the door and take the first left turn. Go through and take the first right bend, then walk forward to the wall and turn right. Go to the door and enter it. Use Fire Dean to destroy the wooden thorns and open the large chest with the Boss Key.

Find the Boss

After receiving the Boss Key, exit the room. Use the Lens of Truth to see the walls. Take the first left, turn left again and walk towards the wall. Turn right, walk forward and enter the door. Walk to the wall and turn right. Shoot the Bombs at the Flowers with a Bow from the other side of the chasm to create a bridge. Walk across the bridge and enter the locked door. Use the Lens of Truth to see the small platforms and go to the first platform. Turn left, jump onto the platform and turn right. Put on the Floating Shoes, enter the platform, turn right and walk to the edge of the platform. Turn left, then go to the platform with the Boss Door. Enter the door and jump through the hole to find the Boss, Bongo Bongo.

Defeat Bongo Bongo

Z-Aim at the hand and shoot it with a Bow to injure. Do the same with the other hand, then use the Lens of Truth to see the red eye. Use the Bow to stun him, then hit the eye with any Sword to injure him. Stick to this method until Bongo is defeated by Bongo, then step into the blue light to get out and get the Medallion of Shadows.

Fortress Gerudo

Enter the Gerudo Fortress

At Hyrule Field, stand in front of the entrance to Lon Loni Ranch and follow the right wall to reach the stone wall. Go down the hill to the only tree and follow the muddy path to the left. Take the first right-hand corner, climb the slope and go under the stone archway to reach Gerudo Valley. Use the Long Shooting Hook to cross the broken bridge and head forward to Gerudo Fortress.

Get a Gerudo Card

After reaching the Gerudo Fortress, walk around until Link is spotted and thrown into a room with no doors. Use the Shooting Hook to latch onto the wooden plank on the window to climb. Jump off the window, turn left and enter the door on the first floor. Talk to the carpenter and beat the Jail Guard Gerudo that appears to receive the Small Key. Use the Small Key to open the grate and free the carpenter. Face the grate and go through the right door to go outside. Go through the next door, take the first right bend and climb the ramp to go outside. After reaching the second floor, move away from the door and go around the corner.

Use the Bow to stun Gerudo, enter the door and head up the ramp. Talk to the carpenter and defeat Prison Guard Gerudo to receive the Small Key. Use the Small Key to free the carpenter, stand in front of the grate and go through the door on the left to find yourself on the third floor. Move away from the door, go down from the ledge and enter the door. Go down the ramp, talk to the carpenter and defeat Prison Guard Gerudo to get the Small Key. Use the Small Key to free the carpenter, stand in front of the grate and return through the door on the left to reappear on the second floor. Move away from the door, climb the green vines to the third floor and enter the first door. Go down the ramp and stop on a flat area of ​​the floor on the ramp.

Use the Bow to stun Gerudo, cross the room and climb the ramp to go outside. Stand in front of the door from which Link appeared, go down to the ledge on the left and enter the door. Once Link is inside, keep the Bow ready. Wait for one Gerudo to stun her with an arrow. Once she is stunned, take the first right turn and then the first left. Walk down the hallway to find a carpenter. Talk to the carpenter, defeat Gerudo to get the Small Key, and use it to free the carpenter. After freeing all four carpenters, Gerudo will automatically talk to you. You will be given a Gerudo Map with which you can freely walk around the Gerudo Fortress.

Learn the Requiem of the Spirit

Stand in front of the Gerudo Fortress and head left until you reach the large gate. Go up the stairs and talk to Gerudo upstairs to open the gate. Go through the gate and go to the sand to enter the Terrifying Desert. In the distance are two flagpoles and three boxes. Go to the nearest crate, put on the Floating Boots and aim the Long Shooting Hook at one of the crates to reach them. Walk from flagpole to flagpole until Link reaches a small stone house. Climb the ramp to the roof of the house and use the Lens of Truth to see the friendly ghost. Follow the ghost until Link reaches the Desert Colossus. Walk forward on a slight slope to see a large stone structure. Enter the door to enter the Temple of the Spirit. Exit the Temple of the Spirit to find the Sheikh and learn the Requiem of the Spirit.

Temple of the Spirit

Enter the Temple of the Spirit

After learning the Requiem of the Spirit, return to the Temple of Time and insert the Master Sword of the Owner back into the support to become a child. Play the Spirit's Requiem to teleport to the Desert Colossus, then enter the Spirit Temple.

Small Key Instruction

As you explore the Temple of the Spirit, you will need five Small Keys. If you came to a locked door while following the directions for the Boss Key and other items in the Temple, use this guide to determine which Small Keys you may have missed.

First Small Key - As a child, go through the small hole near the entrance and enter the left door. Defeat Stalfos and hit the switch on the other side of the pit with the Boomerang. Cross the leaning bridge and enter the next room. Defeat Anubis with Dean's Fire to unlock the doors, then enter the other door. Collect all five Silver Rupees to create a bridge to the other side of the room. Cross the bridge, light the two unlit braziers and open the chest that appears to receive the Key.

Second Small Key - From the locked door on Floor 3F, head back down the stairs to the previous room. Destroy all of the Beamos statues. Use the supports that the statues were on to climb the ledges in the room and collect all five Silver Rupees to light the brazier. Light all three unlit braziers with the burning Deku Stick to make a chest appear and open it to obtain the Key.

Third Small Key - After obtaining the Silver Gauntlets, become an adult and enter the Temple of the Spirit. Climb the stairs and go right, then move the large gray rock until it falls into the hole. Enter the new room with three doors. Hit the switch on the ceiling and enter the right door to find yourself in a room with rolling boulders. Collect five Silver Rupees to unlock the next door, then enter the door and open the chest with the Key.

4th Small Key - In the room with the large statue, stand in front of the statue, turn right and walk forward to the wall with the symbols. Turn right and look up at the target for the Shooting Hook. Attach to the target with the Long Shooting Hook, then head upstairs. Put on the Floating Boots and step off the ledge to land on the statue's left arm. Stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to make a chest appear on the other hand. Pull the Long Shooting Hook to the chest and open it to get the Key.

Fifth Small Key - After obtaining the Mirror Shield, return to the Spirit Temple and go through the next two doors. Stand in the sunlight, take the Mirror Shield and bounce the light onto the light switch. Enter the door next to the switch and open the chest with the Key.

Receive Silver Gauntlets

As a child, enter the Temple and go up the stairs, then head left to find Gerudo Nabura. Talk to Naburu and she will offer you three options. Tell Nabur that you have nothing to do and she will ask you to get the Silver Gauntlets. Agree to help and enter the small hole. Enter the next room with two doors and a small opening. Enter the small hole, go through the locked door and climb up the brick wall to reach Floor 2F.

Find a section of rocky wall where light is leaking through, then use a Bombcha or throw a Bomb to detonate that section of the wall and direct the stream of light to the light switch. Enter the opened door to find yourself in a room with a large statue. Grab the statue and slide it off the ledge so that it lands on the floor switch. Walk up the stairs, enter the door on the left and go through the next door. Go to the stones, grab the stone with the light switch and move it to the light to open the door.

Enter the unlocked door, then go up the stairs and enter the locked door. Go left and punch the enemy, the Iron Joint, to start the battle. Kill the enemy and enter the next door, then climb the ramp to find yourself outside and open the large chest with Silver Gauntlets.

Get Mirror Shield

After obtaining the Silver Gauntlets, become an adult and enter the Temple of the Spirit. Climb the stairs and go right, then grab and move the large gray rock until it falls into the hole. Enter the new room with three doors. Open the center door, then head to the other side of the room and climb up the brick wall to reach floor 2F. Turn the cobra statue by the side bar so that the light hits the light switch, the door will open.

Enter the door to find yourself in a room with a large statue. Climb up the stairs and enter the locked door, then go through the next door, defeat all the enemies in the room and enter the door near the switch in the floor. Hit the Armos statues to make them come to their senses, and draw one of them to the blue switch in the floor. When the statue is on the switch, enter the opened door. Climb the stairs and enter the door, then go right and defeat the Iron Joint enemy to open the next door. Enter the door, climb the ramp to be outside, and open the large chest with the Mirror Shield.

Get the Boss Key

After obtaining the Mirror Shield, return to the Spirit Temple and go through the next two doors. Go through the door on the left and enter the locked door. Aim the Long Shooting Hook at the highest section of bricks to reach the top of the wall, then enter the door, stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door. Enter the door and blow up the fake door to the left of the fire to reveal an eye-shaped switch. Use the Bow to activate the switch that will reveal a floating block. Pull with the Long Shooting Hook to the target to climb the block and step on the switch in the floor. The fire around the large chest will be temporarily extinguished, allowing you to obtain the Boss Key.

Find the Boss

Exit the room where the Boss Key was found, go right and enter the door. Hit the switch and enter the next door, then go into the passage on the left and stand in front of the cobra statue. Bomb the wall on the left to create a passage. Grab one of the bars on the cobra statue and turn it to the left so that the light hits the new passage. Enter the new room with another cobra statue. Move the second statue of the cobra so that the light goes through the grate.

Go around the grate and go down into the pit. Stand in the light and use the Mirror Shield to bounce the light onto the light switch, and a section of the floor will drop down into the room with the large statue. While staying in the light, use the Mirror Shield to reflect the light onto the face of the statue. Shine on the face until it falls apart until a passage appears. Use the Long Shooting Hook to grasp the grate in the passage. Enter the Boss Door, then defeat the Iron Joint and enter the next door. Go through the next door and climb up the bricks to the platform to fight the Boss, Twinrova.

Defeat Twinrow

Z-Aim at one of the witches with your shield at the ready and wait for the other witch to attack. When the witch attacks, the energy will be reflected from the Mirror Shield to the witch that Link has aimed at. When the witches connect, keep the Mirror Shield ready and, after repelling three identical attacks in a row, quickly Z-aim. Mirror Shield will automatically grant absorbed attacks. If it hits the united witch, the Boss will be stunned. When Twinrova is stunned, hit her with any Sword. Keep stunning and attacking Twinrova until she is defeated, then step into the blue light to receive the Spirit Medallion.

Receive an Arrow of Light. Enter Ganon's Castle

After the defeat of Twinrova, return to the Temple of Time to receive an Arrow of Light. Exit the Temple and head towards Ganon's Castle. Follow the left side of the path to find the steps, then go to the edge of the pit and the Sages will create a bridge to Ganon's Castle. Cross the bridge and enter the Castle.

Ganon's castle

Receive the Golden Gauntlets

From the Castle entrance, go down the stairs and enter the door to find yourself in the main room. From the entrance to the main room, go right, down the stairs and up the next steps. Enter the purple door and light the unlit brazier with Fire Arrow to create some temporary floating blocks. Quickly run over the blocks to the second platform. If necessary, light the brazier again, go down the floating blocks to the right, and step on the switch in the floor for a large chest to appear. Use the Long Shooting Hook to reach the large chest on the platform and open it to obtain the Golden Gauntlets.

Destroy the Barrier of Shadows

After obtaining the Golden Gauntlets, use the Lens of Truth to see the bridge and cross the bridge to a small ledge with a rusted switch in the floor. Hit the switch in the floor with the Hammer and walk across the invisible bridge to the door. Enter the door and use the Arrow of Light to destroy the Shadow Barrier (object in purple light). The link will automatically return to the main room.

Destroy the Forest Barrier

From the Castle entrance, go down the stairs and enter the door to find yourself in the main room. Walk along the right wall and enter the green door. Using Fire Dean and Fire Arrows, light up all the braziers in the room, including the brazier above the door, and enter the door. Collect all five Silver Rupees and enter the next door. Use the Arrow of Light to destroy the Forest Barrier (object in green light). Link will automatically return to the main room.

Destroy the Spirit Barrier

From the Castle entrance, go down the stairs and enter the door to find yourself in the main room. From the main room entrance, walk along the left wall and enter the orange door. Collect five Silver Rupees and enter the next door. Use the Bombcha to activate the long-range percussion strike switch on the other side of the grate. Enter the open door and follow the archway to the next room. Use the Fire Arrow to burn the cobwebs on the ceiling, then use the Mirror Shield to reflect the light onto the light switch to the right of the locked door. Enter the door and use the Arrow of Light to destroy the Spirit Barrier (object in orange light). Link will automatically return to the main room.

Destroy the Water Barrier

From the Castle entrance, go down the stairs and enter the door to find yourself in the main room. From the entrance to the main room, walk along the right wall, walk past the green door and go down the stairs. Enter the blue door and defeat the Freezards. Use the Bottle to grab some Blue Fire from the center of the room and melt the red ice. Take some more Blue Fire and enter the doorway. Move the blocks so that Link can climb the red ice ledge and melt the ice with Blue Fire. To do this, move the second block to the hole, then use the first block to get to the red ice ledge. Use the Hammer to hit the floor switch and enter the next door. Use the Arrow of Light to destroy the Water Barrier (object in blue light). Link will automatically return to the main room.

Destroy the Fire Barrier

From the Castle entrance, go down the stairs and enter the door to find yourself in the main room. From the entrance to the main room, walk along the right wall around the room to the red door. Enter the door and collect all five Silver Rupees to open the next door. Use the Long Shooting Hook to reach the next door and enter it. Use the Arrow of Light to destroy the Fire Barrier (object in red light). Link will automatically return to the main room.

Destroy the Barrier of Light

From the Castle entrance, go down the stairs and enter the door to find yourself in the main room. From the entrance to the main room, go left, go down the stairs and remove the large gray pillar. Enter the yellow door, use the Lens of Truth and kill all enemies. Open the chest that appears to receive the Small Key and enter the locked door. Stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby for a chest to appear. Open the chest to receive the Small Key and enter the locked door. Collect all five Silver Rupees and enter the next door. Use the Lens of Truth to see the door, go through it and use the Arrow of Light to destroy the Barrier of Light (object in yellow light). Link will automatically return to the main room.

Find the Boss

When all six barriers are destroyed, return to the main room entrance, cross the small bridge and enter the central tower. Climb the stairs and enter the door. Defeat Dinalfo's enemies and enter the next door. Climb the stairs, enter the door and defeat the enemies of Stalfos. Open the large chest with the Boss Key and enter the door. Climb the stairs, enter the door and defeat the two Knights of the Iron Joints. Enter the door, go up the stairs and enter the Boss Door. Go right, enter the door and go up the stairs, then enter the next door to find the Boss, Ganondorf.

Defeat Ganondorf

Use any sword to deflect the fireball at Ganondorf. Stay close to the walls of the room to avoid being hit by Ganondorf. If Ganondorf reflects ball lightning at you, deflect it with his sword again. When Ganondorf is struck by his own fireball, shoot a Bolt of Light at him to stun him. When he is stunned by a Bolt of Light, attack him with the Sword. Repeat this process until he is defeated.

The rescue

After defeating Ganondorf, quickly exit the castle, following Zelda. When Zelda is on fire, defeat the two enemies of Stalfos to free her. When you leave the castle, it will turn into ruins.

Defeat Ganon

After Ganon's Castle collapses, go to the ruins to start a battle with Ganon. Z-Aim at Ganon's tail or head and attack with Deku Nuts, Bombs, Bow (regular arrows) or Biggon's Sword to injure. To avoid his sword, run clockwise around Genon. When Ganon falls, take the Main Sword and hit him in the tail. You can also stun Ganon by shooting an Arrow of Light at his head. Keep attacking to defeat Ganon and save Hyrule!

A massive Japanese RPG game that will be released very soon on the Nintendo Switch. Before its release, the company decided to release a small themed quest for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which will reward players with a new free set of armor.

After downloading the fresh patch for the Breath of versions the wild for Wii U and Nintendo Switch in the Quest Log new quest called Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It has three parts. Your goal is to find three red stars that can trace the path in the sky to the coveted reward, new armor. The location of the stars can be discovered by completing three simple puzzle conditions.

  • Take a look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge;
  • Look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull;
  • Take a look at the sky to the southeast from the summit of the tallest snow mountain.

In addition to finding the correct location, you must also observe the time frame. You can only see red stars at night between 22:00 and 04:00 game time. If you are in the right place, you will hear a characteristic noise, and a red star will appear in the sky. She will have to fall nearby. The treasured chest will await you in the crater found, with a piece of Xenoblade 2 armor in it. A full set will give you a big bonus to swimming speed, which is extremely useful in some parts of Hyrule.

First red star: look at the sky in the south from the middle of the largest bridge

The simplest riddle. There is only one really huge bridge in the game that crosses Lake Hailia. It may be known to players by Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. In Breath of the Wild, the bridge you need is located south of Hyrule's Field. It's hard not to notice him given the nearby teleporter tower. Take a look at the location on the map:

Use the teleport to the Lake Tower or Ya Naga Temple, which are shown in the screenshot above. When you get to the middle of the bridge, you will be greeted by a bunch of enemies. After a little battle, wait for the right time and look south. When the star falls, you will only have to pick up the chest with the first piece of armor.

Second red star: look at the sky in the east from the left "eye" of the skull

The solution to the next puzzle should lead you to Skull Lake, located far in the northeastern region of Hyrule. Just take a look at the rights from the Death Caldera. The lake you need, as the name suggests, looks like a skull. Take a look at the location on the map:

Getting to this place is pretty easy. If you have already opened the Zuna-Kai shrine, then simply teleport to it. Stand at the entrance to the temple and look east. Again you hear the sound of a shooting star. Another piece of armor is yours.

Third Star: Gaze at the sky in the southeast from the summit of the tallest snow mountain

It's time to finish what we started. The final meeting place with the red star is the hardest to find. When you think of a snowy mountain, you are most likely thinking of Mount Girula to the east. But this is the wrong place! You will need Mount Gebra, in the northwest of Hyrule. Take a look at the map screenshot if you want to know the exact location. If you do not want to die of cold on the highest mountain of the game, then do not forget to bring warm clothes with you.

As seen on the map, the Shrine of Goma Asaah is the closest teleporter. However, after moving up the mountain, you still have to spend time climbing. Once you reach the top of the mountain, look at the main castle of Hyrule to the southeast.

After a short introductory cutscene, go to the blue control panel, which is located in the same room where Link woke up. A dialogue will begin near the panel, during which the young hero will receive the "Shiik Stone". After that, the door in front will open, so it's time to get out. There will be chests with the first equipment in the corridor, so look in them and get the following things: "Old Pants" and "Old Shirt". Get dressed, walk to the next panel a little further ahead, wait for the end of the screensaver and go out into the fresh air.

: When you crouch down, you move more slowly, but it will be much more difficult to notice you that way.

Well now the main character ended up on the territory of the "Great Plateau". What to do? First of all, carefully look around, because there is a branch nearby that needs to be lifted so that there is at least something to defend against enemies. In any case, turn to the right and go downstairs to the unknown character, who was presented in a small cutscene. You can also collect various items along the way.

: On the way down, Link will come across a red-orange mushroom called "Khayrulovik", so I recommend picking such mushrooms, as they are quite edible and will regenerate half a heart at a time. In addition, such mushrooms grow, as a rule, near trees.

When you come closer to the unknown old man, pick apples and talk to him. After the conversation, be sure to take the torch (you can light it from the fire, but if you put it in the bag, the fire will go out), which is located behind it.

Quest: "On the road with the Shyika Stone"

When you move a little forward from the old man, the voice of an unknown girl will again turn to Link, who will order him to go to the key point on the map. However, first of all, turn your attention to the stump - a lumberjack's ax will be stuck into it. Although the weapon will be slow and ineffective, but it will still be much better than a wooden stick, so take it and go to the marked point on the map.

Along the way, Link encounters Bokoblin for the first time. The first battle will be easy, so after the kill, collect all the dropped items and move on. On the way, you can also see on the left side of the road two huge stones that can be pushed onto two bokoblin. After the murder, you can collect all sorts of ingredients and weapons called "Bokopalitsa", which may come in handy in further adventures.

: Keep an eye on the strength of the protagonist, because if he gets tired, he will not be able not only to run, but also to swim, climb and perform many other actions.

: Right next to key point there will be other bokoblin. However, now it will be possible to get "Bokoluk" from them, which at first will play the role of a bow, and from a lonely standing bokoblin it will be possible to take away "Camping sword" and "Bokoschit". Moreover, all this equipment will come in handy at the initial stages of the game.

In general, there will be many more bokoblin in the area, so when you get to the desired place, go to a small gorge between the hills. So you will find the panel into which you will need to insert the Shiika Stone. After that the splash screen will start.

Quest: "Abandoned Plateau"

“As soon as I came down from the tower, an old man appeared. He revealed that Hyrule was destroyed by the Calamity Ganon a hundred years ago. To get to the castle, where the voice came from, I need to descend from the plateau, and for this I need a glider, like an old man's. He agrees to give it up in exchange for some kind of treasure ... "

So, at the request of the Old Man, you will have to go in search of the treasure. The desired place with the treasure is called the "Sanctuary of Oman-Au" and the white-bearded grandpa will show you where this place is, so go there. On arrival at the control panel, use the Shyik Stone. As a result, not only the doors will open, but also the first point of movement. In any case, go inside and go downstairs. The download will start.

: Not sure how to extinguish a burning shield? In fact, everything is quite simple, because if a shield or even a weapon caught fire, then it is enough to put the equipment in the bag and the fire will go out.

Sanctuary "Oman-Au"- Test: "Magnetism"

Well, inside the sanctuary, first of all, as usual, go to the control panel (which will have orange ornaments) to get unique abilities for the Shiik Link Stone. As a result, the main character will receive a skill / ability (as it is more convenient) called "Magnesis", which will allow moving metal objects: having caught a metal object in a magnetic field, you can pick it up and move it freely.

Now it's time to use Magnesis, but first of all, pay attention to the large two slabs that lie on the floor in the center of the hall - they are metal, so they can be lifted and removed to the side, thereby opening your way further. After that, jump down and go along the linear corridor, where at the end go up the stairs. Now Link is blocked by a wall of metal cubes, so remove one of them, then use it to move the rest of the cubes, or build a kind of staircase or even disassemble the passage completely - it's up to you to decide what to do.

In any case, a battle with an ancient mechanism awaits on the other side of the hero, but nothing complicated: a couple of accurate blows with a sword or ax will quickly disable him. By the way, the robot can even be killed with a metal cube. Pick up the dropped items and move on. When you find yourself near a small abyss, then take a huge iron plate from behind and move it to another place in front. As a result, a kind of bridge will turn out. Now open the metal gate and go to the pedestal with the statue. After a short final speech, Link will receive a unique award called Spirit Orb. After receiving the reward, a cutscene will begin, during which the hero will be outside. A dialogue with the Old Man will begin.

: Before you go to the statue and get the "Orb of the Spirit", you can also get a chest, inside of which there will be a "Camping Bow". This chest is located on the left side in front of the gate that leads to the talking statue. To get this chest, you need to go as close as possible to the edge of the road and use a magnet, with which you can pull the chest to you and open it.

“When I left the sanctuary, the old man appeared again. He said that there are three more shrines on the plateau and he will give a glider only if I get a Spirit Orb in each of them. He also advised to move to the tower with the help of the Shyik Stone and look for shrines from there. "

The quest continues and now you have to get three more orbs, so move to the tower using fast travel (teleportation). At the top, use the visor to mark the next three temples. One temple will be located in the southern part of the map with mountains in the background. The second is located on the left side of the cathedral. And the last sanctuary will be located on the left side of the tower in ruins.

: Remember that each weapon has its own safety margin. Therefore, in order not to lose an important weapon, always try to monitor its condition.

First of all, I propose to go to the Sanctuary called "Jah-Baizh", which is located on the left side of the tower in ruins. However, be aware that there are dangerous machines in the ruins that can quickly deal with the young hero without any problems, so to get to the sanctuary, you should bypass them.

Sanctuary "Ja-Baizh"- Test: "Explosive Power"

As usual, approach the control panel with an orange ornament, after which the splash screen will begin. So now Link has got the Telebomb. With this skill, you can create an explosion at a distance. The explosion will destroy objects and deal a lot of damage to monsters. In addition, bombs can be either cubic or round - the choice should be based on the situation.

I must say right away that as soon as you start the game, you must definitely decide on the level of difficulty, then open the tab with the level of difficulty and be sure to check the boxes on items such as "Old School" and "Character Creation". It is worth noting that the passage of the Legend of Grimrock game you will begin with watching a welcome video.

In the dark

Now you should only move forward, not turning anywhere. Once near the torch attached to the wall, click on it. Thus, it will be in your hands and all the time will shed light on the path you are treading. After you pass into the first open lattice, go immediately into the second one, having previously found and pulled the chain located next to it. Then you can move further until you see a room on your left. Go inside and pick up your clothes. Now you will need to dress one of your four charges. And this is done in the following way: clothes are simply pulled over the portrait of one of the heroes. And in the same way, you can replace weapons and other attributes.

After passing a little more, you will find yourself in front of a niche. Search it and pick up the ax, so you can go to the third grate and pull the chain that hangs near it. Then continue the passage of the first chapter in Legend of Grimrock, moving forward until you see a cobblestone under your feet. Be sure to take it with you, because it will definitely come in handy. Having handed the found stone to one of their wards, go on and carefully look at your feet, because soon you should see the button. When you find yourself near it, put the cobblestone on top so that the next grate rises.

After going a little further, you will see a turn leading to the right side. Having rolled up, go to the very end of the small corridor and there you will find the key suspended on the wall. As soon as he is in your hands, you can safely return and go to that part of the dungeon that you have not yet been to. Before you will be a closed door, which can be opened using the found key. Continue to move without turning anywhere until you notice a grate on your right. Stop and take a good look around, because on the right side there is a keyhole, into which you need to insert the found key in order to go further.

Walk to the left and move until it turns out that you are at a dead end. Stop and go to the wall adjacent to the wall with the torch hanging. Look closely and find a chipped boulder that you need to click on. It is worth noting that this chipped stone is a kind of hidden button, which you will find a lot on your way through Legend of Grimrock. You can move to the secret room and there you can find another key to open the grate with the keyhole.

Go ahead, carefully looking at your feet and looking around, because soon you will come across a snail on your way, which must be quickly destroyed. Then you can pick up items. After making money, move to the opposite part of the dungeon and pass to the lever that is located on the right. This is how you can open the lattice that you run into, going a little further. Continue forward and do not turn anywhere. Soon you will come to the niche where you can pick up the blade. Then you have to deal with several snails and move to the right side, to the door.

Once in a small room, examine everything carefully and collect the necessary things and food. Then you can return to the previous door and start your way back from it. First, turn left and move along the corridor. Walk along it and look carefully to the left, because you will soon see a grate there. Walk up to it and try to open it with a chain hanging near it.

After making your way through the grate, move towards the abyss. As you approach, you will see a button in the floor. Take out a cobblestone or knife and try to hit it. This is how you can activate the stove, which is located above the abyss. Then continue the passage of the Legend of Grimrock and go forward on the slab that appears to pick up the key with which you can open the locked door. After the key is at your disposal, go to the door and use it.

Once in a small room, look around, and then go to the head carved out of stone. When you get close to it, you can see that the eyes of this sculpture are very similar to slots. It is worth noting that blue crystals will need to be inserted into these recesses. Now you need to move to the left and go to the lever. Approaching him closely, pull to set in motion the slab, which will be over the abyss. Then be careful as snails don't sleep. As soon as you eliminate them, go forward until you come across a grate, near which there is a button in the floor. You should stand on it to open this grate. Then continue the passage of the Legend of Grimrock game and continue on your way, without turning anywhere, simultaneously dealing with opponents. Now carefully examine the territory and take the first of the blue crystals for yourself.

Together with him, you need to return along the path that you came here. It is only worth noting that if you cannot get past the grate, then just stick your hand and put a stone or other object on the button in the floor to open the passage. After the first blue crystal is inserted into the head slot, go to the right side.

Now you need to be extremely careful, because the enemies are attacking again. As soon as you repel their attack, immediately move to the grate. Approaching it, examine everything carefully and find the camera, and behind it the next required crystal. To pick it up, you need to open the grate. So head to the wall on the right and find a lever on it that needs to be lowered. After he changes his position, the passage will be open. As soon as you have the next needed crystal in your hands, go back and insert it into the stone head. Then continue the passage of the Legend of Grimrock and leave the room through the door, which will now not be locked. Just first try to neutralize the skeleton that attacked you. Walk until a door appears in front of you, on which a huge gear is placed.

Look around and go to the nearest niche, because from there you can pick up the scroll. Then turn to the left and move to the wall in front of you. Approaching it closely, find the next button, which is hidden in the form of a chipped cobblestone. Thus, you will open the passage to the secret room. In it you need to pick up a staff and a scroll.

After living, move to the left side until your eye catches the crystal. It is worth noting that with its help you can bring the dead heroes back to life. Now you can go forward along the corridor until you reach two niches. Stop and find the stairs leading down.

Old tunnels

From the start of this level, you will only need to move forward. After passing a little, look to the left and find a grate there. Come closer to her and activate by clicking on the lever located next to her. Then be careful when passing Legend of Grimrock, moving through the tunnel, because there will be a snail in front. After you kill her, you can take the headband that she leaves behind. Then move to the end of the corridor and find a chain there. Pulling it, a passage will open, which you need to enter. After passing a little, you will see a door in front of you, located on the left side. But I do not advise you to go into it yet.

Having passed it, you will soon run into another door, entering into which opponents will attack you. As soon as they all stop breathing, you can explore the room and go to the left side. It is in this part that you will find a compass and a key. After picking up the finds, you can go back to the door through which you entered this room, and open it using the key.

Then, in the passage of this level in Legend game of Grimrock you need to get close to the wall on which the inscription will be. With your back to her, turn to the left and walk until you see a torch stand. Walk up to it and try to insert a torch into it. This is how you can get into the cache. As soon as you find yourself inside, immediately find a helmet in the twilight. Having picked up the find, get out of this secret room and tilt the lever down behind you. Be extremely careful now, because ahead you will stumble upon a snail. After you eliminate this creature, move to the room, which is on the left side of you.

Once inside, look for a shirt there and rummage in your pockets to get a key with which you can open a passage closed by a grate. Go to the end of the tunnel and do it. Now you definitely need to take a good look at the door that is slightly ahead of you. Getting close to it, you can see two buttons exposed in the floor. Go to this place and stand on these buttons, so the door will open and you can get into an unknown room.

Now take a good look around and find a stone there. Leave the room with him. Approach the wall on the right side and find the chipped boulder to click on it and open a passage that leads to a secret room. It is there that you can replenish your arsenal with everything you need. Having properly stocked up, you can get out of the cache through that door, about two buttons in the floor. As soon as you approach it, put a stone on one of the buttons, and clamp the other with a not particularly necessary thing.

After you exit the cache, continue playing Legend of Grimrock and walk forward. Then you will bump into a turn leading to the right side, but I do not advise you to turn there for now, because there is an enemy that you first need to neutralize. Having rolled up, go to the wall on which something is written. Approaching close, read the sentence, which refers to an unarmed person.

Then move to the niche and put one of the weapons you don't really need there to activate the grate. After the passage is open, you can climb into a room in which there are enough opponents. Just kill them carefully so that you don't get hooked. Then you can continue the passage of the Legend of Grimrock and climb into the room in which the enemies will also be waiting. After you eliminate them, examine the area and find the key there. You can also collect the necessary things. Approach the walls of the room and examine them carefully, because there is a cache somewhere that can be opened using a button.

After the introductory video, you will find yourself in the forest, near the village of Seles, which was attacked by unknown forces. Dart will hear horsemen galloping through the forest. Two of them will stop in front of the main character and ask who he is. A very unfriendly conversation will be unexpectedly interrupted by a green dragon. After a few hits from the monster, Dart will choose to run away. The dragon will follow him. When you are once again attacked, a girl in blue clothes will appear, which will help you avoid certain death. After the dragon leaves, she will inform you that your home village has been destroyed. Dart will run to Seles.

Once in the village, jump over the fence. You will see how two soldiers are trying to kill the old man. Dart will join the battle with them. After defeating an enemy squad, you will receive two Healing Potions. The wounded old man will have time to tell you that the truce with the Sandora empire was over and the war began ... Take Bum Out from the chest and save (first approaching the unusual glow). Head to the next part of the village. The Mayor of Seles will inform Darfy that his childhood friend Shana was taken prisoner by the Sandor "y troops, but he does not know where she might be. At the end of the conversation with the mayor, two Sandor" bi knights and their commander will appear, from whom you will learn that Shana is being held in Helena Prison. Next comes the battle.

Boss # 1: Commander
When fighting, use a special blow of Dart, which is activated when attacking the enemy by pressing a button in a certain moment(in the future, you have to fully master all special attacks in order to more effectively fight enemies). If you are dealt a lot of damage, then use the Guard command (restore 10% of maximum health) or use Healing Potion (restore 50% of maximum health).

Winning the battle will give you two more Healing Potions and Bum Out, as well as a new special hit - Volcano. Run to the village cemetery. Two people are talking about him. One of them is Master Tasman, who will help you understand the combat system in the game. After a lot of training and getting basic knowledge, go to one of the tombstones and take the first Stardust. Leave the village and head through the forest to Helena Prison (you can upgrade the hero a little along the way).


Once near the prison, run after the merchant's carriage. They will stop her at the gate. To avoid being detected, click on the button when the exclamation mark lights up above the hero. After making your way into the prison, jump off the cart and save. Go to the upper left room: inside it you can take a Bum Out from the chest. Come back. Approach the merchant who stands in the aisle on the left. As soon as he sees you, he will immediately call the guard. Having dealt with the guard, approach the merchant again. This time he will offer you his goods. Having bought everything you need, run into the left passage. Two soldiers are walking in this room. You can run past them unnoticed, but I advise you to attack them in order to gain additional experience points (in the future, you should also attack all the patrols encountered). After defeating all enemies, go to the right and go up the stairs. Kill one more guard and go to the next room. Save.

Enter the room behind Savepoint "oM. You will find yourself in the barracks. Kill all the soldiers, then take all useful items from the chests. Exit the barracks. Get into the lift and go upstairs. Run to the prison tower. Inside it you will meet the Basil knights and their Commander Lavitfa fighting the guards Help Lavitz "y deal with the enemies. After the battle, he will join your squad. Go through all the chambers: inside them you can find a lot of useful things. Then find the room where the lift goes and go outside. A guard will attack you. Having defeated him, get into the lift and go upstairs. To your right there will be a tower, which you need to get into, but it is locked and you have to find the key.

Run to the left. Entering the room, which is simply packed with guards, go upstairs on the platform and take the key lying on the box. Return to the tower. Use the found key on the door. Once in the tower, search the rooms without guards, you can find money in them. After collecting all the coins, go to the three overseers. After a little dialogue, they will attack you. Having dealt with the enemies, you can get into the cell, which contains Shana. Having freed her, deal with the guard who came running and head to the exit from the prison (along the way, you can purchase additional Healing Potions from a merchant friend). At the bottom of the stable you will encounter Fruegel, the warden.

Boss # 2: Fruegel
Despite its size, Fruegel is not a very strong opponent, and it will not be difficult to defeat him. First, get rid of the annoying bodyguards, and then get down to destroying the boss himself. In order not to suffer with him for a long time, use special blows Darfa and Lavitz "a, and let Shana attack with Burn Out" th.

Defeating Fruegel "a will leave Helena Prison. Go to Prairie.


Run straight down the road. Hiding from the soldiers in the bushes, wait until they leave, and then go down to the left. Go to a small forest house, Shana will give Lavitz first aid. After Dart tells a sad story about his childhood, leave the house (if your heroes are badly battered, you can sit on a chair and rest). Climb the small stone ladder You will come out to the waterfall, next to which there is a felled tree. Return back to the house and take the ax. Use the ax to cut the tree. Now go to the place where you were hiding from the soldiers. Move up the left path. You will find yourself at the foot waterfall and you will see the same log that was cut down by the unfortunate lumberjack Dart. Cross it to the other side of the river and exit this screen. Open the chest: it contains Angel "s Prayer. Talk to the civilians and get out of the prairie. Move to Limestone Cave.


Take Detonate Rock from the chest and run downstairs. Use the water slopes to get to the chests. One of them contains money, and the other contains Bastard Sword. After picking up all the items, continue to move deeper into the cave. Climb over bumps across the underground lake (on both sides of which there are chests). On the next screen, go right and take 100 coins from the chest. Approaching the yellow glow and pressing the (x) button, you can restore the health of the entire squad (by the way, this is a pretty convenient place for pumping heroes). Open two more chests: one on the right, and the second at the top (you can reach it by the cliffs). After collecting all the good, head to the next part of the cave. After going upstairs, go straight. At this point you need to catch a frog. After you do this, she leaves behind a Poison Guard. Return to the previous cave and go to the right passage, opening another chest on the way. After reaching Savepoint "a, save and head towards the glowing passage.

Boss # 3: Urubolus
A very unpleasant-looking snake that lives in caves. Killing her, in principle, is not difficult, the same tactics will do as when fighting Fruegel. The main thing is not to forget to restore health. After killing the snake and watching a short video clip, get out to the surface. Follow the Indels Castie Capital Bale.


Arriving in the hometown of Lavitz "a, go to the very first house. Approach the girl-artist - she will draw a portrait of Lavitz" a and give it to you. Take 50 coins from the box and go out into the street. Go down the stairs. In the aisle under the fountain there is a drunk who wants to drink. Remember this place, later you will come back here again. Visit the hotel (building marked with yellow cursor). Save and go to the bar.

Buy a drink from the bartender and leave the hotel. Cross the bridge on the left to the next part of the city. Go to the gun store. Walk up to the peaks and take the Stardust. If you want, you can buy yourself new weapons and armor. Now head towards the castle (passage to the left of the gun store). After entering the castle, take the Sparkle Arrow from the chest in the stable. Here, on the first floor, in the fireplace you can find another Stardust. Go up to the second floor. There will be a staircase on the left, going down which you will find yourself in the basement. Turn the steering wheel on the wall to open the passage to the boat. Climb back to the second floor. In the leftmost room in the chest, take 50 coins. Go up to the third floor. In the room to the right, pocket 100 coins. At the top left (where the woman is walking), take the Stardust by the window. After going outside through the room on the left, go to the room on the right. Go down the stairs. After searching the box, you will find an Active Ring in it.

Return to the room where you found the last Stardust and climb the arched staircase to the reception room of King Alberta. After talking with the king, follow Shan "oft. After a long conversation, return to the reception room and go through the door to the right of the king. Entering the adjacent tower, slide down the chute. Exit the castle and head to the Lavitz" house (passage to the right of the hotel ). Before entering the house, take the Stardust from the well first. Once at Lavitz's house, you will meet his very hospitable mother. After a long conversation, go to LavitzV and ask him to show you the house (Show me around your house). Go up to the second floor and go to the library. Lavitz will move the stairs away from the closet and will move it to the window. After a little sitting on the roof, you will go downstairs and find yourself in the kitchen. Behind Lavitz's mother, Stardust is in the closet. Taking it, go to the library and climb out the window.

After walking along the roof, jump into the stable. Walk forward along the beam, maintaining balance with the button At the end of the path, you can take the Healing Breeze. Jump down and run to the drunk who stands under the fountain. Give him the bottle you bought earlier at the hotel, and then you can go through. Go up the spiral staircase. Run straight. After running to the underground river, go up the stairs and take 20 coins from the box. Then go downstairs and board the boat. After circling the city a little on it, you will sail to one of the houses, inside which you will find Stardust. Now you can leave this city and, by order of King Alberta, go to Fort Hoax.


Entering the city, the first thing to do is visit the hotel. There you can rest and find Angel "s Prayer. Exit the hotel. Go up the small stairs (on the right) upstairs and enter the house. Go down to the basement: there, in the fireplace, lies Stardust. Get out on the roof and run to the rightmost house ( it can only be accessed through the attic.) Take 20 coins from the inconspicuous box on the right. After talking with the old man on the rocking chair, go outside. Go down the stairs and go into the room under the palisade. Open the chest: it contains the Healing Potion. all useful items, head to the building to the right of the hotel (two soldiers are standing next to it). Go to Kaiser and talk to him. After the conversation, take the Stardust from the box, and then go out into the street. After a little walk around the city, return to Kaiser "and answer his question with the phrase:" We are fine now. "Once on the street, climb the stairs and go to the sentinel. Change him. At night, after talking with Lavitz" oh, go downstairs. The city will be attacked by Sandor's troops, and you have to defend it. Having dealt with the first unit of the enemy, run upstairs to fight Sandora Bite.

Boss # 4: Sandora Elite
Unlike previous bosses, Sandora Elite is really dangerous. He owns the techniques hand-to-hand combat, as well as quite strong offensive magic. In addition, at the end of the fight, Sandora Elite will start using a spell that creates two of its counterparts. Attack him with special attacks and do not forget to heal the heroes in time - that's the whole tactic.

Killing Sandora Elite will reward you with the Healing Breeze. Not having time to move away from the last battle, your squad again gets involved in the battle.

Boss # 5: Kongol
Kongol is an unremarkable overgrowth. He is practically not dangerous in the first half of the battle when wielding his ax. But as soon as he removes it (rather strange), he immediately turns into a very formidable opponent who can intercept your attacks and attack two heroes at once. For fighting the boss, things like Bum Out, which hit from a distance, are best suited.

Having dealt with the giant, you will see a cutscene where Dart first turns into a Dragoon. After a long conversation with Rose (a stranger in blue clothes who saved Dart's life at the beginning of the game) and the rest of the squad, head out of the city.If you want, ask Rose to teach you how to fight in the form of a Dragoon, and then follow to Marshland.


Run straight. On the next screen, follow the rocks across the stream. You will see a small forest fort and the battling knights Basil and Sandora. Attack Sandor's soldiers (always use an exclamation mark when attacking rank-and-file units). After defeating Sandor's troops, take Sun Rhapsody from the chest by the tree. Go to the fort. Approach the wounded soldier. Before dying, he will give you Wargorfs Amulet. Collect all the useful items from the chests and remove the Stardust from the furnace. Head back to where you entered Marettand. Go left along the roots of the trees. When you reach the river, get on the boat. Using the control commands, swim to the boxes. After collecting all the treasures, return to the shore. Run forward. Shan "e will get sick and Daft will put her on his shoulders. Go to Volcano Wude.


Move forward. A volcanic eruption will begin and Firebird will appear. After hiding from the fiery bird in the cave, take Spear Frost from the chest and head to the next screen. Pick up the Mind Purifier and head right. Once you've refilled your Panic Guard inventory, return to the previous screen and run left. Jump over the chasm and save. Follow along. After crossing the lava with the help of the islets, run after Shan "oops.

Boss # 6: Virage
A very serious boss. This is the first enemy in the game that can be hit in different areas: Body (body), Head (head), Arm (hand). First you need to reincarnate Darfa and Rose into dragoons. Then, using magic, attack the head of the monster (don't waste your strength on your hand: while it is gone, Virage will use magic that takes away a lot of energy). When the heroes turn back into people, use special techniques.

After sending Virage into the bowels of the volcano, run to the right. Help the merchant hanging on the cliff to climb up. The merchant's name is Dabas, he will thank you for saving and give you a Sapphire Pine. After soaking a few gags, Dabas will run away. Follow him into the passage.

Boss # 7: Firebird
The boss is the same bird that you met at the entrance to the volcano. Not a very strong opponent, but tough. Darta magic practically does not work on Firebird, so you will have to use only Rose. You can do significant damage to the bird with Spear Frost, which you found earlier.

After completing a hot (literally) battle, exit the cave. On the way out, open the chest and take 50 coins. Go to Dabas, from whom you can buy some items. After making the necessary purchases, stomp into the Nest of Dragon.


Run straight. On the next screen, when the squad stops, Shana confesses that she is poisoned ... After the conversation, go right. Find a place near the giant cobweb where you can cross the river on the rocks in order to go back and take the Chain Mail lying in the box. Return to the web and step on it. The heroes will fall underground. You will find yourself at an underground lake, which has healing properties (it is very good to earn experience here). Having treated your heroes, if necessary, go upstairs. Further, it will be rather difficult to explain how to get out of the underground labyrinth (it is not difficult to do this), so I will give you some tips. The maze is divided into two parts: lower and upper. In the upper part, the passages to the next tunnels are blocked by plants. To get rid of them, you need to go to other plants (like an umbrella) and press the (x) button. Then the plants will disappear, and you can safely walk to the exit. Save at the exit - a difficult battle awaits you ahead.

Boss # 8: Greham & Feyrbrand
Yes, a truly sweet couple: the dragon and its master. Both are good at magic, and therefore, to cope with them, you will need to make every effort. For starters, reincarnate as dragoons. Use Explosion (Dart) and Death Dimension (Rose) to attack Greham "a and Feyrtrand" a at the same time. Then turn back into humans, completely turn your attention to the dragon. When he is defeated, deal with his master.

After the death of Greham "a Lavitz will be able to transform into a dragoon. Climb up and head to the city of Lohan.

Upon arrival at Lohan, Dart will take Shan "y to the doctor, who will say that only Dragoni Plant can save her. Leaving Shan" y in the clinic, go outside. If you need to rest, go to the hotel (the topmost door, marked with a yellow cursor). Run through the green door to the left of the hotel. Go up the stairs. Go to the bookshelf and click on the button (x). The shelf will slide open and you can go into a secret niche. Go down to the room where the man in green clothes is standing and take the Stardust from the furnace. Exit the building and go to the next screen. At the top left is the gun store. It sells the most best helmet in the game Legend Casque, which costs 10,000 coins. If you decide to buy it, then go outside the city and start killing monsters. Don't forget to also visit your old friend Dabas "a's shop (purple door on the right). Inside you can find another Stardust, which is in knight's armor. After talking with Dabas" oM, go to the market at the entrance to the city. A street vendor will become attached to you, who will offer you to buy a bottle from him for 100,000,000 coins ... What a businessman wants to slip us a bottle for that kind of money, which actually costs 100 coins! Therefore, we bargain until the merchant sells you the product for its real value.

After purchasing a bottle, follow the right from the merchant. Once at the building with a large sign, take the Stardust from the basket and head towards the exit from the city. At the exit, after searching a small pot, you will find the last one in this city, Stardust. Go back to the Nest of Dragon.


Go down to the underground source and collect water from it into a bottle. Go upstairs. Jump over the river and run to the next screen. Turn right. You will see a cocoon-like tree. Walk up to him and use the Life Water from the ezer. The plant will wither and you can exit the Nest of Dragon. Follow to Shrine of Shirley.


Run straight all the time until you hit a room with rails. You go into the left passage. Go to the wheel on the wall and turn it. A secret door will open (behind it there is a clue to one of the puzzles). Return to the previous room and head up the stairs. Stopping in front of the puzzle, dial the code: 352. Climb into the opened passage. There will be another puzzle next. You need to block the ladder to prevent it from folding. To do this, go to the statues. Select Forward from the golden statue menu and Left from the silver one. Now calmly go upstairs.

Boss # 9: Drake
The keeper of the shrine was not very happy about your arrival, and therefore will have to fight with him. Drake, although not very strong in magic, is a pretty good warrior. Darta and Rose magic should be used against him, and Lavitz should be used only as a warrior.

When Drake is defeated, Shirley herself will appear.

Boss # 10: Shirley

You don't need to fight Shirley (use the Guard command), you just need to correctly answer her questions. Then she herself will give you the Dragon Spirit to save Shan "s. She will ask Darfy (as Shan" s) and Lavitz "at (as Alberta). First Darf" a. First: That pursue the Black Monster, second: Of course, get revenge, third: Shana, fourth: No matter what, I will go. Now Lavitz answers "a. First: That" s not like you, second: Shana needs me, third: Mother.

After receiving the Dragon Spirit, go to the temple and collect all the treasures there, and then return back to Lohan.

Head to the clinic. Give Shan "e Dragon Spirit. After she wakes up, run to the local entertainment center (large building to the right of the market). Once inside, go right. Approach the person sitting at the counter and register in the tournament (I" ll participate ). Go down the stairs. Dart will meet his old friend Haschel "a. Who is also participating in the tournament. After all the fighters have dispersed, go to the man in the aisle and tell her that you are ready to fight. Five fights will follow. The first four you will win without problems, and in the fifth you will lose (according to the plot) to a fighter named Lloyd, who is much faster and stronger than Dart "a. After taking the honorable second place, leave the arena and find your friends. After talking with them and getting three tickets for the attractions, you can play mini-games with Shan "oh. After playing enough, sit down at Lavitz". After talking with him, go with the whole squad to the exit from the city. At the exit you will meet the wounded knight Basil, who will report that King Albert has been kidnapped and placed in Helena Prison. Lavitz will lose his temper and rush to save the king, but Haschel will stop him in time with a good slap in the face. After Lavitz wakes up in the clinic, the heroes decide to head to Helena Prison, and Haschel agrees to join your squad.


Having penetrated into the prison, run to the left. Get on the lift and ride all the way to the top. Take the Healing Potion from the chest and go to the next screen. The prison guards will take you prisoner. In the dungeon, go to Shan "e. She will say that there is a gap in the wall. Press the (x) button near the wall. Dart will find a passage, but you will not have time to use it ...

Boss # 11: Jiango
Use the magic of all the heroes, and you can easily fill this image.

Go forward, destroying the guards along the way. Having reached the room in which you were captured, interrupt the guards and go into the left door. After running a little further (do not forget to save along the way), you will find yourself in the place where Albeit is located and Fruegel guarding it ...

Boss # 12: Fruegel
Yes, it seems that Fruegel "y seemed a little of our last meeting, and he wants to take revenge. This one, not some poor guards, but two monsters act as his bodyguards. If all the heroes transform into dragoons, then Fruegel's assistants can be killed in two turns. Having lost the bodyguards, the enemy will be significantly weakened, and it will not be difficult to finish him off.

At the end of the battle, Lloyd will appear, who will take the Moon Gem from the King and kill Lavttz "a ... After Albert is released, he will join your squad and will have the same stats and special attacks as Lavitz" a.

Returning to Seles and having thought out a plan of further actions, go to Black Castle.


Enter the building on the right. Talk to the fat man and answer his question with "Yeah." Get 100 coins from the soldier and go up to the second floor. Find Stardust in the rubbish heap and take the Attack Ball from the chest. Go outside. Go to the left door. Stardust is in the barrels to the right. After taking it, head to the hotel. After resting, run up the street. Visit the gun store (a blue cursor is lit above it). Inside, you will meet a mysterious adventurer who seems to have already found them on his head. After the poor fellow is taken somewhere by Sandor's soldiers, buy all the equipment you need and take Stardust to the left of the counter. Follow north to a small settlement near the castle. Go to the very first house and take Stardust from the bookshelf. Next, go to the store. (house with yellow cursor): there, in the barrels, you can find two Stardust "a.

After leaving the store, follow the hut on the left. Answer the boy's questions in the following order: 3, 3, 2. If you did everything right, he will say that his name is Roro and will lead you to his house. There he will tell you that there is a secret passage to the castle. When your new friend will run away, save and follow him. Jump into the passage. Climbing a little along the underground passage, you will find yourself behind the castle gates. Go forward, killing the guards along the way. After getting out of the dungeon, kill the guards and run to the gate. Enter the castle.

Head to the only open door. You will meet two scientists who, after talking, will give you Magic Oil. Light the purple lamp (this must be done to start the lifting mechanism) and get into the elevator. After arriving on the next floor, go to another elevator. After exiting the elevator, go down the stairs and take the items from the boxes. Cross the bridge on which the boulders fall (you need to do this so that the scavenger does not notice you). Take the Red Stone from the chest. Go back and go upstairs (to the room to the scientists who gave you the oil). Upon arrival, go to the left door. Light the lamp and go upstairs. Kill the soldier with the dog and go to the next room. Go down to the scientist, who after a while will turn himself into an adorable dog. Take the Blue Gem from the chest. Exit the laboratory.

Deal with the two guards and ride the elevator they were guarding. Run to the right. If you need Healing Pobon "s or other items, buy them from the merchant. Go into the small room and get the Beast Fang out of the chest. On the next screen, go upstairs. Kill the guards and get into the elevator. Upstairs you will meet the Great Commander" a from the opening screen. ... After talking, he will give you a Yellow Stone. Climb down and follow to the right. Attack the guard who is guarding the stairs. After killing him, climb up the stairs and run straight all the time until you reach a stone lift. After driving on it, collect all the items. Now return to the place where you fought with the three guards. Take the left elevator and go upstairs. Talk to the priest and save the game. Approach the stone with a triangle and three holes embossed on it. Insert the three stones that you found earlier into it. The door to the statue will open and you can go inside. Climb up and run straight.

Boss # 13: Kongol
An old acquaintance of ours who led the attack on the city of Hoax. The bastard has matured. Now you can't defeat him so easily. Kongol uses a protective barrier against magic. Therefore, it is useless to beat him with magic. It is better to use the special blows of the dragoons (he will intercept the usual ones) and heal in time.

After being seriously injured, Kongol will surrender. Run through the next door.

Boss # 14: Emperor Doel
This time the Emperor Doel himself will act as the boss, who will appear before you in two characters. The first Doel "a is quite easy to kill, but the second will have to tinker with, and pretty much. It is difficult to give any advice on its destruction, we can only say one thing: use everything you can !!!

After death, Doel will leave Dragon Spirit, which will go to Haschel. This is the end of the first chapter of the game. Save and Insert Disk 2.



Once in the beautiful city of Retz "e, run across the small bridge and climb the stairs. Take from the box at the end of the aisle Stardust and go outside. To the right of the stairs is a hotel where you can recuperate. After resting, cross back over the bridge. there is a small house with a river. On its roof you can find a second Stardust. Visit the local gun store. Inside it, in a crate on the left, there is another Stardust. After purchasing equipment, exit the store and head north. Enter the first house on the left. You will be taken to Jewelry Store Dig into the pile of gems in the lower left corner to get the Stardust Walk forward on the street for a scene with Princess Emille.

Follow to the second store on the left. Looking through a wooden telescope, you will find the last one in the city, Stardust. Having bought some items from the seller, head to the bar (the building behind the bridge where you climbed the stairs). There you will meet a person named Kaffi who will share information (for this you need to talk to him several times). When you finish the conversation, evening will come and patrols will appear on the street, which will never let you out of the city. Knock on the house to the left of the hotel. The door will be opened by Fester, who will let you in and tell the story of the Black Monster. Having finished his story, Fester will leave. Run into the house to the left of the city entrance. Having met the hospitable hostess Nello, the heroes will go to bed. In the morning, before leaving the city, go to the bar. After talking with Magier, you will receive an item. Exit town and head to Barrens. First go right and grab the Warrior Dress from the chest. Then head north. In the gorge you will be attacked by Mappi and two thieves.

Boss # 15: Mappi & two Crafty Thief "s
These are not bosses, but a real free experience. The gang of thieves is so weak that you don't even have to use magic to deal with them.

After the battle, a very unpleasant surprise will await you. Mappi, having contrived, will steal the Dragon Crystal from Darfa ... Unfortunately, the thief cannot be caught, and Dart will be deprived of the ability to transform into a dragoon. Head to the city of Donau, having previously collected all the things that are in the chests.


Upon entering, after talking with the little girl, you will see how Uoyd rescues a young woman from the robbers. Very strange ... Go to the hotel. Take a break and save your game. On the street, go to the fountain, and get the Stardust out of it. Climb up the stairs. Go down to the gun shop and buy the Shan "e and Rose armor. If any hero suffers from poisoning, he can be healed in the hospital for 20 coins. Run to the house to the right of the entrance to the city. Inside, talk to the mayor's daughter Kate. She will give you a message and asks to take it to your father. Go to the left of the main square of the city to the mayor's house. Go upstairs and go through the door. Approach the servant and give him the message. After reading it, he will take you to the mayor.

The mayor will ask you to save his son, and you naturally cannot refuse. Go to the sink in the upper left corner. Take Stardust out of it. Leaving the house, you will see a girl who beats up three suspicious types. Her name is Meru. After talking with you, she will join the squad. Exit the city and head to Twin Castle in Fletz.


Run to the castle gates. The guard will not let you inside, so you will have to look for a workaround. By the way, Fester once said that he was the princess's teacher. Perhaps he can help get into the castle. Fester "a can be found in a store that sells a giant telescope. After talking, he will leave the store. Follow him north and talk again. Fester will take you to his house. After a little chat, go to the castle. After visiting the king's reception room, You will receive a pass to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. Search the statue to the right of the turn - it contains Stardust. When you are about to leave the castle, you will be stopped by Princess Lisa's maid, who will inform you that the princess wants to see you. After a long conversation with the princess, leave the room. Find the maid and tell her that you are ready (Yes, we are ready) Once at dinner with the king and his family, get to know Princess Emille, and then go to bed. When you wake up, leave the guest room and go down the spiral staircase Take the Stardust in the tower on the right and go to Valley of Corrupted Gravity.


Go to the guard and show him your pass. When the gate opens, run forward. On the next screen, after the scene with Meru, go downstairs and take the Speed ​​Up from the box. At the top left there is a yellow glow, which replenishes the health of the heroes indefinitely, so here it is recommended to pump up the heroes a little. Get the Sachet from the box at the top and go into the passage. Jumping over the cobblestones, cross the abyss and move forward. After overcoming a few more obstacles (no need to ask me how to do this !!!), you will find yourself at Savepoint "a. Save and go to the giant structure.

Boss # 16: Virage
Virage again. This time with legs and the size of a high-rise building ... The first step is to cut off the hands of the boss, otherwise he will grab your hero and immediately take away all HP from him. First neutral
lick your left hand and then your right, then start attacking your head. Use all available spells.

After scoring Virage, talk to the heroes. Exit Valley of Corrupted Gravity and head towards Note of Giganto.


As soon as you get to the Home of Giganto, arrows will fly at you from all directions. Quickly run into the room to the left. Steal 20 coins from the chest and go to the glowing object at the top of the screen. Click on the plate, this will block the mechanism with arrows. Go outside and take the Fake Knight Shield from the box between the stones. Climb up the stairs. After going a little forward, you will be attacked by bandits. Dodge the robbers' shots until their leader appears. After a short conversation, the battle will begin. Having scattered a gang of rather frail thieves and having asked the gangster about his ability to fight, follow the opened gates. A small scene will follow. If necessary, heal using the yellow glow located in the building to the right. Take Angels Prayer from the box and run after Haschel. After reaching Savepoints, save and proceed inside the large structure.

Boss # 17: Gehrich & Mappi
Well, it's time to deal with the bandit leader (former student of Haschel "a) and his henchman Mappi, who kidnapped the Dragon Crystal from Darta. First, deal with Gehrich using special attacks and hero magic, and then get down to Mappi. Without his master, he will become practically helpless.

At the end of the battle, Haschel uses a special technique on Gehrich "e. And he will break the statue that held the roof of the building with his body ... Kongol will save the heroes from inevitable death ... After another plot insert, Gehrich will have time to inform his teacher before death that Princess Emille , which is in the castle, not real. Take from the candlestick on the right Stardust and go down into the opened passage. In the dungeon you will find Lynn. After freeing him, pick up the Red-Eyed Dragon Crystal in the lower left corner of the room. Now Dart can turn into a dragoon. Return to room with the throne Kongol will join your party Leave the city of giants and head to Donau.

Walk up to the people in the square and talk to them. When the bride and groom come out, press the button (X) for Shana to catch the bouquet of flowers and you will receive the Kate's Bouquet. After speaking with the mayor, head to Lohan.

Remember the merchant who sold you the bottle? Go to him. He has a Dragon Crystal. First, he will want to sell it to you for 100 coins, and then, after seeing the crystal shine in Kongola's hands, he will raise the price to 1000. After purchasing the Dragon Crystal, go to Fletz.

Arriving in the city, you will hear the roar of cannonade. This means that the coronation of Princess Emille is about to begin. Visit the bar and grab Martel Wargod's Sash (you must have 30 Stardust to do this). Exit the bar and run into the castle. This time it is not guarded and you will be able to go inside without hindrance. Save and head to the throne room. Two guards will not let you into it. Go down the right spiral staircase. Now you need to sneak unnoticed into the right tower. Talk to Princess Lis "oh. After telling her that Emille is not real, go with her to the left tower (still hiding from the guards). Having penetrated into Emille's room, go to her portrait. You will be transported to the underground prison of the castle, which is engulfed in a magical field. You will have a talk with the heroes, then go to the magical bunch of energy and press the button (X). A bridge forms between the platform you are on and the platform where the real Emille sits. After passing through it, free the princess and run to the throne room (not forgetting to save on the way). Upon entering the room, you will see the king giving the Moon Dagger to the fake Emille. When she gets a dagger in her hands, she will turn into a monster.

Boss # 18: Lenus
In order to defeat her, your heroes must be at least level 20. It is better if Albert does not participate in this battle, since his attack magic is based on the water element, just like Lenus. I advise you to replace it with Haschel "a. Also you need to have enough Healing Breeze and Angel" s Prayer to heal and restore heroes. If you don't have all this, then start with Save "a and buy everything you need in the city. Attack Lenus with special dragoon strikes (preferably with Perfect"). That, in fact, is the whole tactic.

After losing the battle, Lenus will fly away with the moon dagger. After speaking with the king, travel to Donau town.

Go to the port (north of the mayor's house). The ship "Queen Fury" of King Ziorb is moored there. Talk to Kayla, the mate, and board the ship.


After gaining control of Ban "oh, save and go down to the lower deck. Go to Kongol" y and ask him if he saw Dart "a. After talking, take the Stardust from the box below. Go upstairs and go to the cabin. Take it out of the chest. second Stardust and go to the door next to the stairs. Talk to Albert. Exit the cabin and head into the passage on the left. Wake up Meru and run upstairs to the captain's bridge. There you will finally find Dart "a" and start playing for him. Climb the mast and talk to Rose. After gaining control of her, go to Haschel "y. After seeing the next plot insert, go down to Kongol "y. Follow to Albert" y. Find Meru as him. Move to the captain's bridge. After talking with Dart, climb the mast. A ghost ship will collide with the Queen Fury ... The ship's engine will be damaged and your journey will be temporarily suspended. Haschel will come running and report that Shana is missing.


When the heroes get on the ship Mille Seseau, they will see Shan "y and the ghosts that protected her from the skeletons. Return to your ship and save. Having decided to examine the ghost ship, go to the captain's cabin, and then go down. You will see the ghost, which attacked Shan "y. Run after him. Open the chest. A ghost will fly out of it and set three skeletons on you. Leave the room and move to the next cabin. Open another chest. A ghost will fly out of him again, but this time he will attack himself. Return back to the corridor. Take 50 coins from the box and run to the next screen. Walk up to the shiny object. Four sailors will appear, who will tell you a certain combination of numbers. Remember it. Take 20 coins from one chest, and ghosts will again appear from the other, this time in the amount of three pieces. When you defeat the monsters, the spirit of the captain will appear, who will ask you to go to his cabin. Once in the cabin, talk to the captain and pick up the Key of Phantom Ship from the floor. Come out onto the deck. Run into the opened room and take the Bravery Amulet from the chest. Approach the door on the left. Five knights will attack you.

Boss # 19: Ghost Knight & Ghost Commander
These knights are not much different from ordinary enemies. The only difference is that they do pretty decent damage to heroes and are restored every time. First attack the commander using special attacks. As soon as his energy scale turns red, transform into dragoons and use magic that simultaneously deals damage to all opponents.

You go into the opened door. Take the Dancing Dagger from the chest and go to the crib. After talking with the ghost, the ship will start to sink. Run out of the room. All the heroes, except for Dart "a, safely jumped onto their ship, and he fell into the sea.


In the morning you will be woken up by the dog and his owner Pete. He will take you to his home. Pete will tell you that his mother is seriously ill and needs to get to the hospital in Fueno. After discussing the plan of further actions, leave the hut and get into the boat. Swim to the pier. Climb up the stairs to the roof of the large house and go down through the attic. Take Stardust and head outside. Run east. When you exit, you will be stopped by Pete, who will ask you to accompany his mother to the hospital. Together with two fellow travelers, follow the Undersea Cavern (there you can earn a couple of levels) to the city of Fueno.

Once you arrive in town, Pete and his mom will detach from the squad and head to the hospital. And you go north to the port to look for your friends. Go through the tower. You will meet Kayla. After learning that the rest of the heroes are in the hotel, move to the city center. On the next screen, you will face Megi. Run after her to the hotel. After talking with everyone, go upstairs. Go to the lower room: inside you will find Shan "y. After spending the night in the hotel, assign the heroes and take the Stardust from the barrels. Follow to the hospital. Approaching the painting by the stairs, you will find the last Stardust on this disc. Return to the port and talk to the captain Leave the city and go to Uderia.


Get into the boat and swim to the three men who are playing cards. Talk to the mayor, he will open the gate. Head towards Pete's house. Enter the cave. Collect all the useful items in the chests and turn the steering wheel. Follow to Undersea Cavern.


Move deeper into the cave, collecting valuable items from the chests along the way. After reaching Savepointa, save and go upstairs. After running a little forward, you will see Uoyd "a and Lenus, who gives him a moon dagger.

Boss # 20: Lenus & Regole
It's not very difficult to defeat Lenus this time, but here's her dragon ... So focus your attacks on Regole first. The magic Dart "a will be very useful, which takes away from the dragon over 1500 HP (of course, if you made a Special). A couple of attacks - and the dragon is gone. Now proceed to destroy Lenus. There will be no problems with it at all."

After the fight, Dragoon Spirit from Lenus will go to Mega. Head to Fueno. Get on the ship and sail to Donau, and from there move to Fletz.

Run straight to the castle. In the square, you will see Princess Emille, who will speak to the people. After looking at the insert, go to the king. Further, there will be no battles and puzzles, there will be only plot conversations and funny inserts, so there is no need to write the passage of this section. Insert disk 3.

Official PlayStation Magazine: Russia, 2000.