Where in the stalker is clean. Stalker: Clean sky: Tips and secrets. What to do to increase the maximum portable weight

Sit down somehow in a bar for a mug of beer, a ledge with a free ... Stalker joke ...

Before you directly start, I would like to make a little entry. First, regarding the technical part. Play always only with a patch itself latest version. If you have a two or more nuclear processor, and the game "still slows down", google the Cpucontrol program, run the game, roll it up, run Cpucontrol and assign the desired number of processors to start the XrenGine.exe process. Update drivers.

Secondly. Read more often. Not only quick, but also in a separate slot. This will help. Believe my experience.

Thirdly, and this is the most important thing, this passage is based on the game with MECENIY modification (Strelok) SOLYNKS V1.0.5. I recommend to pass on exactly this modification, or with its later option (on the extrusion, with any other modification, more or less global).

I categorically spell you from using "naked" original Game. Of course, "the taste and color of the bloodstream you do not comrade," but the taste in this case will be quite perverse, in my opinion.

Many fans of the Stalker game came across the problem of impossibility in game world carry a lot of weight: By default, the weight limit is 60 kilograms, which, of course, is not enough and delivers a bunch of inconvenience. After all, the player would like to dial so much a habar! Yes, here to take something in no way it turns out.

Of course, and 60 kilos - wear a lot, and even huge, and therefore the developers made an emphasis on realism, not allowing to carry a greater weight, except with the help of an exoskeleton. However, we are talking about gaming reality, and computer game That is, the game that you can always find a way to get away from realism, which means increase the maximum allowable weightwhich is allowed to transfer.

What to do to increase the maximum portable weight

First find the folder in which the game is installed; It has another embedding - the "GameData" folder. Open it. There you will find another folder - "Configs", open it and see the "Creatures" folder. Here in it, you will find the necessary file called "Actor.ltx". Your path to the necessary file will eventually look like this: the folder with Stalker Stalker \\ Gamedata \\ Configs \\ Creatures \\ Actor.LTX. A file having an extension. LTX (not only aster.ltx, which we need, but also other) you can open by an ordinary notepad, by default built into the Windows system.

When you open the file, you will find a string mAX_WALK_WEIGHT \u003d 60. The figure 60, as you already understood, means the maximum allowable weight, which, without any assistance, the protagonist can raise and transfer (if you use the "services" of the exoskeleton, this parameter increases significantly). Of course, you need to replace the value of 60 per any number you want. You can roll, for example, 100 or more. Then save the text file (click the Ctrl + S key combination) and close it. Hooray! The problem with weight is solved.

Now you need to take the correction of the critical mass, in which game Character It begins to dramatically and quickly lose force when jumping and other movements. Find a file on the next way: Gamedata \\ Configs \\ System.LTX. When you open a notepad System.LTX file, find the line mAX_WEIGHT \u003d 50.. It is 50 kilograms, by default, are critical weighing. Having him behind his back main character Begins to get out rapidly. You act in the same way: change the value of 50 to the number that you consider it appropriate for yourself, then the document is saved, closes - everything is ready for you.

Works in all versions of the game Stalker - Shadow Chernobyl, Call of Pripyat and Pure Sky!

Run the game and make sure that all your fixes work. It should be noted that the above manual is applicable to all options and series of the game "Stalker" - this Shadow Chernobyl, Clean sky, Call Pripyat. In addition, it is relevant for various mods, in each of which you can correctly adjust the parameters of the critical and maximum allowable weight. Now your capabilities increase significantly, that is, you can realize your needs and gain so much a habar as you want or how much you can get. The main thing is to calculate the parameters correctly and do not overdo it. Successes and good prey!


Broke an article on the chapters:

1 Artifacts
If the artifact is in the field of your vision, but you are not close enough to him so that it becomes visible, save and download the game - for a few seconds it will be visible to the edge of the artifact, which will greatly facilitate the search.
a) There is an unscrewing on the railway location by Agroprom. Near the tunnel, where at first settled. Between the tower and the wagons. (It seems so if not, then just walk along) I found bought from Sakharov (one thousand with something rubles) detector.
b) There are two artifact "Moonlight" in the building where before (in the shadows of Chernobyl) the cliffs were hidden. Now there are electric and psi-zone. From the first we save the attitudes of the body to the wall)) on the second floor they lie.
c) the artifact bolobok is also on the location by Agroprom. On the most swamps, where before the deserter was sitting. Not far a house (he is there one) towards the transition to amber, deep in Tresin and the reeds.
d) Even there at the only one on the location of the anomaly "" Lies "Night Star".
e) a landfill on the cemetery of radioactive technology, where there was no time the demon, there are artifacts "Fireball" and "Mamina Beads", and in the same location "dipped meat" in acid swamps.
e) When moving from Cordon to a landfill, without crossing the stamping, looking at the north, turn to the right. Stop on the anomalies - in one of them "Night Star".
ё) When the forester gives a task to bring him an artifact Compass, on the way to it (artifact) there is a ladder down. Please go there (before that, it is better to save), there will be many poltergeists. And there will be an anomaly.
g) artifact "battery" is in Dark valley On the territory of the base of freedom, there is still in the tunnel the frying flies there and here ... here, the current came across the "Night Star"
h) At the beginning on the swamp found 5 artifacts I will try to approximately describe where they are:
1) In the anomalies, how the current came out of the base to help knock off the monsters, if they did not know how to search or just ignored the tower to be in the West, go back and find it.
2) We go north there and select the chemical burn artifact.
3) Right in the burnt farm there is ruins with an anomaly there is an artifact of fire.
4) North from the mechanic yard of meters 50 there is anamalia fire.
5) If you go through the east of 200 electric anomaly, there is an artifact of the electric shock ... dying the truth.
Yes by the way how to use the card and where the north hope you know \u003d)
and) in red forest (where you are accompanied by stalkers) in a very large anomaly (in the form of such fingers) there are 2 art ... which I don't know if I could not get it.
y) on amber there is a very good art. Gives -6 to radioactive infection. Directly for the base of scientists there are some swirling puddles. There is still a permanent fog club. If you pour into the bolts, you can not pursue in anomaly, but the poison still chops.
K) In the Red Forest, on the way to the tank with teleport, meet a group of stalkers. You will be offered to bring them to a certain place and for it promise artifact. It is worth a lot (against the background of most arts). If you do not give to devour them to snarles, dogs and pseudogigant - get it. With snarles and dogs just enough - ahead of the band and throw them with grenatamy. But the giant is very thick. Run your back forward and shoot yourself. The main thing is not to run away too far, hold on to it quite close, otherwise it will switch to stalkers and shrew them to them.
P.S. Artifacts with a minimum discount buy Sidorovich and scientists.

2 money
Money can be earned infinitely. At each point that any grouping may occupy, there is a special box in which the supplies are stored. The larger the strength and resources of the grouping - the more things lies with the drawer. The contents of each such box are often updated, so you can simply walk on the captured by the non-evidential grouping points and collect cartridges, first aid kits and food.
a) An interesting way of additional earnings: on the location of the swamp, the main task is to capture and retain the main points. As soon as all the positions are captured by Chiology, we go to the main base and get several pieces of money and combs of the sky as a reward.
But periodically respected renegades and rods on the mechanical courtyard. We do not interfere, let him capture, and then beat back and, as soon as the detachment comes, we get the main task to capture all points again. And again we get money and combo
b) As soon as we go to the cardon, we didn't feel like a machine gun. Such treasures do not leave unpunished, immediately go to the warriors on the post block, and after, collecting trophies found in the barca box where there were a lot of different cartridges. Everything did not even charged to the sidora, everything folded there in the box, and when he returned, they appeared there again, I had to fight the second time, but the box was filled again !!!

3 weapons
a) the easiest way at the beginning of the game to receive SVD is to remove one of the debtivers on the agry.
b) PSO 1 can be found on the tiss on the swamps at the very top there is an open drawer inside the sight.
c) you can repair weapons for free !!! So .. in order. In the hands of a broken trunk. Repair under 10,000. Money is sorry. So you need to find benefactors, which will be subordinate to the gift. Who will do it. Bandits! We go to the parking lot of the Gopnik and look at the optics. We are interested in whether there are guys with pistols and the more, the better. If such are, we are going on to the parking lot and throw off the vintacesis. You need to throw in such a place where this crowd can be lured on it. Please note that the guys with pistols will not be able to ignore such a steep cannon. They are not only Hapnut, but also charge and repaired. And then the case of technology. Queue of your master and return your property. The state of the weapon from the mark "Full Tryndets" moved to a mark of 70-80%. With this state you can already use. Or to continue with a more qualified wizard. The cost of repair will fall to ~ 1500 re. Just look, so that you do not laugh with it
That's all .. The idea, by the way, was born immediately as soon as he seen the murdered cannon. Purposefully went to Bundyukov and checked. Everything is working. Strange that no one else wrote
D) The vintaces can be found in the car near the railway tunnel on the Agroprom.
e) in Limansk, in a building where the bandits fall out, "Bulldog" is lying with a bunch of charges to him! Charge his truth is a whole eternity. Another bulldog is in the cave, the base of the caper, in the Red Forest, it is there on the lower tier in the toilet.
e) in the patched version, on the swamps, on the farms that are controlled by Chiurebovtsy (not just captured, and where they have been standing for a long time), in homes in whims (in iron boxes) there are often different ammunition (5.45 for Kalash, 9.39 for the screw and Thunderstorms, 5.65 for NATO rifles) and first aid kits.
E) on army warehouses next to the main building is a tank, near the box, in the RPG box

4 Miscellaneous
a) "Fall with minimal damage", fall from the tenth floor it will not work, but from the first second - quite. Focus is that the main character Gets less damage, if before you fall from the roof, he ruled. For example, a clean sky base, the beginning of the game - you can simply jump into the minimum damage will be obtained, but you can click on the "sprint" and slip off the roof - no damage.
b) At the landfill in the plot, you need to go down in a small basement for the PDA of the fang, the stretching and pair of bundyukov will take away all the things of the GH. This partially can be avoided as follows: Before the descent, we just throw all your things to the ground, and after just pick up. True, money will not be able to save, so they are better prudently spending on the basis of freedom, for example, for a new comb
d) Even a completely killed booking is better not to throw out, he always remains some protection against bullets.
e) the contents of metal boxes now when breaking can not only fall into the floor below, but also fly through the wall into the neighboring room, or on the top floor. Or maybe in parts in all directions.
e) Now it's easy to kill raven from any small weapons
E) guitar can be found on the basis of freedom. Second floor, on the way from the bartender to the mechanic. still impossible to choose
g) Before the blocks of gangsters, throw out gear, food and pharmacies somewhere nearby, and you will lose money from the flambe.
h) On the Chernobyl, it is not necessary to run after the shooter, you can fill it out without going off the place: when Gaus is given, go through a couple of meters to the piece of harden, sway for it, so as not to shoot from Lev, shooting in it and it will run down, then appears on Earth With the right as on the palm.
And) But just fun. There is a stalker, where before Cardon Petruch stood, also looking into binoculars, but sometimes it forgets to take it and it turns out comical
Do not waste loot! For 19 tyr. Sakharov on Yantar can buy a suit "Seva" (10 tyr. Give the dolly on the Agraproy before that, and the rest can be scored in SUSEKAM - throw off all the left weapons on the basis of freedom - there it is ... Opoy you eat - and the required amount will be thrown out). Sakharov also has advanced devices to search for artifacts. Controller in the dungeon of the agriculture in the traditional way (he hidden behind the corner, waited and the bullet in the head) does not turn out. Here I had only one way - you run on it closely (but so that I did not tear the claws) and you cover the straight entry to the tank. The only way. From weapons, nothing more decent M-16 with optics has not found. Unless they took them 2 and one modernized under the cartridges from Kalash. This is more comfortable. Armored cartridges solve many problems without hedgehogs. By advice, so far everything.

Good luck to you stalkers in the study of the zone !!!

The second part of the series of exciting "Stalker" shooters. If you have already passed the plot of the first part of the series, then surely I remembered that its main character is a stalker named Scar. You can download the game Stalker Clean sky for free and find out how it turned out to be this hero in the forbidden zone. The development of the plot begins in 2011. The scar acts as a conductor for a group of scientists and is trying to conduct them to the center of the forbidden zone.

As a result of energy emission, the entire expedition dies, and the Scar itself comes to itself on the basis of the "Clean Sky" grouping. Next, the hero is waiting for a whole chain of exciting events. He has to solve a lot of secrets, perform a variety of quests, but the most important task will be the destruction of the arrow. Whether it will be possible to execute it or does only depends on you. First you need a stalker pure sky to download torrent for free. With this game you do not borrow. You can not even doubt it.

Screenshots of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Video Overview Stalker Clean Sky

As in the first game of the Stalker series, the developers left a pretty poor list of codes for the game Stalker Clean sky. Initially, the game developers did not plan to change the parameters and characteristics of the game with the help of codes, but it was left the ability to change the game complementing it with various modifications. However, the desire of players to change and configure the game for themselves remains to this day, creating questions how to get immortality, how to make endless money, etc.

Having said that there are no codes to the stalker to the stalker, rather will not be quite honest, several codes are still there, but to attach them to cheat codes or not, here you will have to solve themselves. One of these codes is the code when entering which the protagonist is not vulnerable, but in some versions of the game it will work as a code for health restoration. To activate it, you need to open the game console and enter the following value: sv_dmgblockindicator 1.

There is another pretty interesting code that makes it possible to make the playing location. This in some cases can help you see the location of the enemy on game MapThereby letting the ability to navigate and evaluate their capabilities. Many, especially who for example is engaged in recording game video, various gaming reviews Modifications on the game Stalker Clear skyThis code will be indispensable to the assistant, in creating interesting video. To activate the code, you must open the console and enter the value: demo_record 1.

Despite this, the question of how to get in the game Immortality, unlimited quantity Money, weapons, armored vehicles, quest items, in other words, to become "God" in the game remains open. Solve this problem will help a small mod, which will provide the opportunity to realize all your wishes, limiting out only with your fantasy and can easily tire codes on the stalker pure sky. The mod has convenient as cheat and spawn menu and will allow you to change the game in a few clicks to your taste without leaving the game and without picking up in the files of the game, which is a big plus, especially for newbies.

After you install the Lord Zones Gold. 5, it will remain to activate, pressing the "ESC" key during the game, hitting the F1 key to the main menu. Read more familiar with its functionality, installation instructions and download codes for stalker Clean sky You can on this page: